#PSYCH K Dubai
hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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got tagged by one of my fave mutuals @ringdonuts and decided i needed a distraction lmao
Rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 others you wanna know more about 😊
1. Name/Nickname: Greer is both my name and nickname. you figure it out
2. Gender: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i use she/they pronouns? we'll get back to that discussion later
3. Star Sign: virgo sun, taurus moon, cancer rising (i.e. I'm a mess)
4. Height: 5'6"? maybe? haven't checked in a while
5. Time: 6:23 pm
6. Birthday: 9/11 baybee
7. Favorite bands/groups: uh. truly couldn't tell ya. if im feeling nostalgic, fall out boy ig? im gonna co opt this question and say my fave podcasts are wine & crime, beach too sandy water too wet, and that's why we drink, and sounds fake but okay
8. Favorite solo artist: joseph dubay, scotty sire, and watsky come to mind
9. Song stuck in my head: Saint Bernard by Lincoln bc I was thinking of my mental illness playlist
10. Last Movie: Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar (it was... a trip)
11. Last Show: Psych probably
12. When did I create this blog: jesus, it had to be at least 8 years ago bc my first post was about my 9th grade musical, i remember that much. update: I searched my email and i started my blog in november of 2012. so, there ya go
13. What do I post: anything that induces psychic damage to my followers. its just a hodge podge of things i enjoy tbh
14. Last thing I Googled: smth about resumes
15. Other blogs: i have a side blog (mostly aesthetic) @my-favorite-memory-with where i post all my favorite memories with different people (submissions are always welcome but rarely received)
16. Do I get asks: lmao not often no, usually they come from my friends
17. Why I chose my URL: firefly was a short-lived j*ss wh*don show that my mom and i really enjoyed, and i consider myself akin to a cinnamon jolly rancher in that i probably shouldn't exist but while I'm here I'm gonna make it everyone else's problem
18. Following: 1,338 idk man
19. Followers: 632???? idk why
20. Average hours of sleep: 6 usually does it
21. Lucky number: 7 13 and 21. idk why
22. Instruments: i can play the clarinet and that's about it
23. What am I wearing: blue slacks, a white tank and a gray cardigan. I'm out of clothes
24. Dream job: a stage manager, specifically for k*lli's show.
25. Dream trip: UGH a road trip with the banjo shrimps to a bunch of small towns across the us !!! staying in shitty motels and going to small museums and making food and just doing dumb dumb shit. that's the goal i just wanna tour
26. Favorite food: paastaaaa!!! and bread made with (really, by) celeste.
27. Nationality: American (listen i know)
28. Favorite song: Currently Least Favorite Only Child by Leanna Firestone but of all time probably the theme to M*A*S*H just bc nothing ever gets me as hyped
29. Last book I read: All of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver. Got through that shit with frightening speed. unless you consider k*lli's fic (read here) a book
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: I love the idea of the CoAD universe, but I would have to be born into it to survive. Obviously, as a gay, I'm a slut for the Percy Jackson universe. And finally the universe of the librarians, if only so magic could be real in small doses
cool that was a fun lil brain exercise. uh if you got this far guess what. you gotta do the thing. also if you're mentioned at all you gotta do the thing. and if you related to ANY of my answers you gotta do the thing. hows that sound for a tag?
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the-digital-dweller · 3 years
Digital Citizenship & Health Education:
Fitness on Visual Media
With a myriad of publications examining the implications of microcelebrity culture on health and wellbeing, it is unsurprising popular visual social media platforms like Instagram have severely impacted audiences with unrealistic standards of beauty. The popularisation of self-branding practices and editing software on these platforms by influencers and celebrities alike, have created a wave of (re)production of pornified bodily aesthetics that appeal to heteronormative ideals (Carah & Dobson 2016). While research typically pertains to women’s experiences with body dysmorphic disorder, there seems to be lack of exploration into the effects of aesthetic templates on men’s health.
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The popularity of fitness-related hashtags and the spread of misleading health campaigns can have detrimental effects on the psyche and behaviours of male Instagram users. In their research on Instagram’s #fitfam and #fitspo communities, Chatzopoulou et al. (2020) confirmed that engagement with these hashtags was correlated to men experiencing muscle dysmorphia symptoms. Whilst initial engagement with these communities resulted in motivation to lead a healthier lifestyle, the continual prosumption of hyper-masculine ideals drove many users to take steroids, continue exercising while injured and socially isolate themselves from frequenting the gym. With most of this going undocumented online, users searching fitness-related content on Instagram are met with posts of men who embody ‘heterosexy’ ideals of masculinity doing physical activities with motivational captions. Not only is this detrimental to user’s health and wellbeing, but also obscures the public’s perception into a narrow idea of what it means to be healthy or “fit”.
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The personalisation and visibility on platforms like Instagram have made it an attractive space for gyms, supplement brands, personal trainers and fitness models to advertise services and products to their target audience. As Dorfman et al. (2018) mention, the public are consumers of health looking to have their questions answered by trusted sources on the Internet. Whilst fitness-related content produced by influencers is often well-meaning, the aesthetic labour involved in keeping up with hashtags can normalise unhealthy practices within communities. There is a need for health professionals to regain control of the narrative by engaging in hashtags and producing more educational content.
Angelov, L, 'Time to get some gainz' [image], in @lazar_angelov_official 2021, Instagram, viewed 12 April 2021, <https://www.instagram.com/p/CK3sEAdAIYb/?igshid=mvn3f86t6ri3>.
Carah, N, Dobson, A 2016, ‘Algorithmic Hotness: Young Women’s “Promotion” and Reconnaissance” Work via Social Media Body Images’, Social Media + Society, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-10.
Chatzopoulou, E, Filieri, R, Arzu Dogruyol, S 2020, ‘Instagram and body image: Motivation to conform to the “Instabod” and consequences on young male wellbeing”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1270-1297.
Dorfman, RG, Vaca, EE, Mahmood, E, Fine, NA, Scheirle, CF 2018, ‘Plastic Surgery-Related Hashtag Utilization on Instagram: Implications for Education and Marketing’, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 332-338.
Lawton, K, ‘I have missed the battle everyday trying to build my physique.. Not only to look my best but most importantly feel my best! All natty protein for those all natty gains’ [image], in @kaynelawton 2020, Instagram, viewed 12 April 2021, <https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDV-A3gTTW/?igshid=sq6n54sv8gfe>.
OKeefe, D, ‘Move the body. Still the mind. You need protein to build muscle but you don’t need animal protein to build muscle’ [image], in @iamdanok 2020, Instagram, viewed 12 April 2021, <https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCj1W0Jv8u/?igshid=rdv1uybsr5sb>.
Terry, R, ‘Another day complete in the Dubai Training camp’ [image], in @ryanjterry 2020, Instagram, viewed 12 April 2021, <https://www.instagram.com/p/CIdscdPHBVP/?igshid=1n9c4znqf67i8>.
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Best Astrologer in Delhi NCR - Astrologer Delhi NCR
Best Astrologer in delhi ncr, Dr. Vedant Sharmaa fervently trusts in "karma".He says, our current life is obviously affected by our own activities beforehand and the issues that on the way in our life can be stayed away from by placing positive energy in our current activities. Dr. Vedant Sharmaa dependably draws in his customers and urges them to discover approaches to manage change up to their nervousness.
his ability isn't restricted to simply Vedic Astrology; He has huge information in subjects like numerology, palmistry, and Vastu sastra moreover. He is the most favored astrologer for Bollywood divas too. Last yet not the least, his obligation towards Tantra Sadhana has made his the best tantrik in India. his examinations are not materialistic. He trusts in God not just exists in Heaven, God additionally have a trademark relationship with our reality. He says, our entire world is "Home of God".
Vedant Sharmaa is uncommon appeared differently in relation to best Astrologer in Delhi NCR, gives affirmed and attainable astrology suspicion. He is an altogether regarded astrologer and numerologist prompted by best individuals and discernible experts of government. Individuals get in touch with him from any place delhi ncr and abroad for his asstrology and numerology gauges through call and email. They likewise serve in Saudi Arabia, Japan, Singapore, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, Asian, Australia, Dubai, Kuwait, South Africa, European Countries, and so forth
Every so often for the term of normal everyday presence, we acknowledge we are strolling around a void, so critical, thise is no point of return. We as a whole taking all things together experience unequivocal stages when we are in critical need of knowledge or an answer for our issues. Regularly, we can't go to even our important ones during such upsetting occasions. Dismissing the way that it might sound exceptional even to individuals basically no related with Astrology, this is one spot individuals can visit when they are in the most silly need of that comfort, for some marvelous heading and an approach to manage moderate loathsome occasions. Different Astrologers have overpowered different bits of Indian Astrology. Thise are Astrologers in Delhi ncr celebrated for their extraordinarily careful suppositions and course that have given profitable outcomes and aided people colossally through their readings.
Astrology is the assessment of brilliant bodies, the planets and the stars, and their conditions in co-relationship with occasions on earth. Astrology diagrams the condition of the sun, moon, planets, and othis stars at the hour of a's first involvement on the planet that shapes their character and othis occasions in their ordinary presence. The Indian or Hindu Astrological construction begins from obsolete India, called Vedic astrology, recorded by sages. Vedic Astrology is called Jyotish (the examination of light).
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Shri Vedant Sharmaa kept on getting a degree in Astrology and become a full-time Astrologer. His tendency lies in Vedic Astrology and K P Astrology. His experience is tremendous in the two fields. Shri Vikram Sharma has extraordinary limits in Numerology, Gemology, and Matchmaking. This gifted Astrologer offers astounding responses for settling various issues and offers different sorts of Yantras. He gives careful presumptions on issue identified with thriving, planning, and calling. This especially skilled Astrologer has fifteen years of commitment with the field of Astrology. He thinks about hindi and English.
Since antiquated occasions, Astrology has been a basic piece of the way of life all around new developments. From the Vedic blessed works to current science-based examination, it is a tremendous piece of everybody's bit by bit life. Individuals' trust in Astrology range from examining the bit by bit horoscope for redirection just to peering out the heading of the stars in a sad circumstance.
The name Dr. Vedant Sharmaa needn't meddle with a reasonable presentation. As of now He holds the record of "most looked through astrologer in India". Dr. Vedant Sharmaa has gotten diverse public differentiations and seen as 'best astrologer in Delhi (NCR)', 'best heavenly prophet in India' by media houses like Times of India, Business Standard, Hindustan Times, Amar Ujala, and so forth He has comparably been adulated several schools and respected with confirmations like Doctorate; D.Litt. his extraordinary history and accomplishments settles on his a prestigious decision for the Bollywood stars and best account chiefs. He is the particular radiant prophet from West Bengal who has been named as Top 5 Astrologers in India by different web surveys and driving advanced medias.
Astrology is perhaps generously more watched out in current life, in the midst of broadening weakness and nervousness concerning success, affiliations and work issues. It offers a reaction similarly as saturates trust in a circumstance whise an individual can't look for it themselves.
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He holds participation of different public and overall astrology affiliations – Asian Astrologer of Congress, Astrological Research Project, Astro Medical Research Center, Asian Congress of celestial prophets, Astrological Association of Great Britain, Astrological examination Project Delhi ncr, Bangiya Astro-clinical Research social order, Dharma Research Center (Chennai), American Federation of Astrologers, Federation of Australian Astrologer to give a couple of models. Put forth an attempt not to devour your time on the off chance that you need to talk with the Best Astrologer in Delhi NCR.
I'm certain you should have ants in your jeans now as you should need to know your future and shut down your issues quickly so you can proceed with your life off in clover. So the thing would you say you are hanging on for? Here I present to you a quick overview of probably the most eminent and shrewd celestial prophets in your own city of delights, Delhi ncr. So associate with them soon!
What number of us have demands in our psyches? Considerate, I can see an astounding reaction! Well plainly, basically we all in all have a critical sack of solicitations in any case lamentably nobody to toss that sack on. We all around wished there could be some contraption or some kind of a robot that could rapidly see our future and hence answer our ceaseless synopsis of solicitations. Be that as it may, by then we resort to how this is essentially outlandish!
DR.Vedant Sharmaa is a boss among other Best Astrologer in Delhi ncr. He has over 10 years of commitment with Vedic Astrology and is unfathomably talented to offer an incessant reaction for different fundamental issue that frequently upsets our normal everyday presence. Be it wedding, lawful issues, work, business, getting ready or relationship, DR.vedant sharmaa's information of sacredtext pseudoscience has acquired him gigantic eclat across the state. astrology is the most arranged sort, considering. Self-reflection is so fundamental on the off chance that one necessities to solidify all the positive forces into one's life.
Notwithstanding, imagine a circumstance wherein I uncover to you that this is something that can be refined. Considering everything, I can see all of you satisfied! Actually, you heard that right. Additionally, this has gotten conceivable simply considering the 'diviners'. So we should offer thanks toward them, isn't that so?
So shouldn't something be said about we put things in clear words. what number of us are overpowering horoscope perusers? Like the paper kid comes in to abandon the paper to you and you are the essential who grabs away the paper and in a frantic flood go open to the horoscope page, rapidly pay exceptional mind to your zodiac sign and cheerfully read that horoscope which guarantees you of an astonishing day and whether it doesn't, it all around cautions you. A particularly little champ it is. Thinking why? Considering, have you whenever saw energetically that a horoscope never causes you to feel hopeless. It never scares you secluded! It has that wizardry which licenses you to endeavor to do whatever it takes not to freeze whether it looks at that the day would not be a decent one for you. That quieting constantly wizardry is the thing that causes you to hit it up over and over. Much comparable to the lap of a mother, it causes you to feel upheld and pushed to require on the day simply like attacking the issue overwhelmingly!
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This is the wizardry of Astrology. It helps in your inside unforeseen development and supports you keep up some clear serenity. This, yet precious stone looking in addition makes us work upon our zones of lack and henceforth put ourselves on the way of achievement.
Be it any family related issue, or a marriage that isn't working out or presumably you can't have a whale of a period in the 10th paradise, or taking all things together likelihood whatever other issue that you may be going toward, astrology has strong reactions for the entirety of your issues. Additionally, trust me these approaches are not some blockhead piece of advices, rather they are full-verification courses of action, concentrated with the assistance of the improvement of sun, planets and the moon. So this gives them a hard-back.
delhi ncr is prominent yet concerning discovering best diviner, by then there comes an unavoidable issue mark. Despite the route that, there are veritable astrologers in delhi ncr at any rate discovering avowed superb prophet will be all the more genuinely task as astrologers are sitting in each strength and corner of the city. Eventually question goes as to how to discover Best Astrologer in delhi ncr, who can offer ensured responses to issues opposed.
Precisely when we talk about different best soothsayer in Delhi ncr, DR.Vedant Sharmaa 's name consistently best the quick overview. His ability isn't simply restricted to Vedic astrology. He has governed over subjects like Career, Marriage, Business, Education, Legal issue, Love issues, Vaastu issue, Conjugate issue, and so on His monster works have been flowed in different in general magazines and have been exceptionally lauded by the gathering. He is additionally a specialist in palm analyzing and his considering Thumb Chakra, Finger Chakra and Palm chakra examining builds up his supposition precision to 99 % putting him clearly at the top in the rundown of the best heavenly prophet in Delhi ncr.
Avowed soothsayer is that Astrologer who carefully understands issues went facing and a brief timeframe later apply rules of Vedic astrology to find answers for demands in any case by a long shot the vast majority of the bleeding edge brilliant prophets are phony, misdirecting individuals for precious stone looking. Notwithstanding, there are fundamental for individuals who had taken astrology counsel from astroguru vedant sharmaa and are fulfilled in light of the fact that astroguru vedant sharmaa give checks which are clear, real and fixes are simpler to follow.
Astroguru vedant sharmaa had made the name for himself which had come simply by responsibility and obligation and is named as amazing stood out from other diviner of delhi ncr by fulfilled customers all over delhi ncr and abroad as well.
Youngster Related issues
Birth Time Rectification
Gemstone Recommendation
Any kind of future family
Obtainment of vehicle Astrology
Life accomplice Wife Disputes
Legal inquiries
Vashikaran Services
Complete Life Prediction Report
Online Puja, and so forth
Success Astrology figures
Money and business Astrology suspicions
Business astrology presumptions
Obtainment of Property astrology guesses
Assessment Astrology guesses
Direction Astrology Predictions
Marriage Astrology checks
vedant sharmaa is notable Astrological Services Specialist, TANTRA JYOTISH GURU with more than 15 years of experience.He comes from a social affair of Astrologers beginning from his dad and he Specializes in the Tantra, Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu, and so on… That is dumbfounding to his procedure in evolving people. vedant sharmaa is a Top Astrologer in delhi ncr, India and has a huge trust in Astrology.You will be genuinely confused at his Gifted inspecting and Astrological supposition power.
Vedant Sharmaa is extraordinary among other Astrologer in Delhi NCR, gives avowed and plausible Astrology figure. He is a fundamentally regarded celestial prophet and numerologist prompted by acclaimed individuals and noticeable experts of government. Individuals interface with him from any place delhi ncr and abroad for his Astrology and numerology presumptions through call and email.
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Top 10 Astrologers in India
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hubofcons · 3 years
The greatest gift you have to give is that of your self-transformation" - Lao Tzu . It is so heart warming to witness transformations & shifts in perceptions and consciousness.
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mfaunlv · 4 years
Meet the New Class!
It is our pleasure to introduce you to the 17 writers who will join our UNLV community this coming Fall 2020 semester! Congratulations to everyone, and welcome to UNLV!
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Dorothy Allred Solomon (nonfiction) was born into a polygamous household to the father of forty-eight children and his fourth wife, but married a Vietnam veteran who said, “One wife is more than enough.” She took her bachelor’s degree in literature, theater and communication and her master’s degree in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Utah. Her writing has received several awards, including the 2004 WILLA, the Utah State Publishing Prize, three first prizes from the Utah Arts Council,  Distinguished Journalism Awards from Sigma Delta Chi and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and a Governor's Media Award for Excellence. Her books include the groundbreaking In My Father’s House (1984, Franklin Watts and 2008, Texas Tech University Press) Predators, Prey and Other Kinfolk: Growing Up in Polygamy, (W.W. Norton, 2003) Daughter of the Saints, (W. W. Norton, 2004) The Sisterhood: Inside the Lives of Mormon Women, (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) and coming in 2020 from Texas Tech University Press, Finding Karen: An Ancestral Mystery.
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Areej Quraishi (fiction) was born in Dubai, UAE. Her fiction explores familial relationships, cultural identity, memory, and their effects on the psyche. She holds an MFA from the University of Washington-Seattle and an MA and BA in English from Rutgers University. Outside of writing, she enjoys food, trying out new recipes, teaching, graphic design, language, and dabbles in drawing and singing. Her stories appear or have been awarded Finalist spots in Entropy, Glimmer Train Press, and New Millennium Writings. She's super excited to attend UNLV and hopes that being raised in a desert has prepared her for the heat.
MFA Fiction
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Mark Ranchez discovered the power of stories and storytelling at an early age. Moved from the Philippines to Hawaii in 2013, he finds himself in a constant journey into the unexpected and unknown, from which many of his stories he’s excited to write about were gleaned. By furthering his education and expertise of the craft, he aspires to someday bring these stories into life. His main writing interests involve the Filipinx experience both in the US and the Philippines. Currently he writes for The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle, an ethnic news publication based on Oahu. Hawaii.
 Shani Boianjiu (not pictured)
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Marlan K. Smith joins the MFA program as a fiction writer after completing his MA in English at the University of Idaho. A veteran of the video game industry, his academic interests include contemporary and Victorian literature, speculative fiction, and horror. His short stories (written pseudonymously) have appeared in Dark Moon Harvest magazine as well as Space and Time Magazine. As someone moving to Las Vegas during a global pandemic, he accepts that he has basically become a character in a Stephen King novel.
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Alycia Calvert was born in Palo Alto California, and has been trying be be close to the ocean ever since. She graduated from UNLV in 2016 with a degree in English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. Alycia mostly writes flash fiction and is interested in the processes of mothering and childhood in memory. She is the wife to one wildlife biologist, and mother to four curious children. In her “spare time” she can be found running, biking, kayaking, nursing a forest of house plants, tearing through audio books, and half-finishing house projects. She loves learning, and is thrilled to begin her MFA at UNLV.  
MFA Poetry
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Ben Socolofsky is a poet currently celebrating the mundane in Las Vegas, Nevada. He received a bachelor’s degree from Hampshire College, where he became a founding member of the Departure Collective, which organizes readings and produces chapbooks. His work has appeared in The Hampshire College Reader, WORKSHOP and Departure Anthology.
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Sara Brown grew up in rural, middle-of-nowhere South Jersey on her grandparents’ two farms and on the coast. She started working at age 9 on her grandparents’ blueberry farm and then at a flower nursery while completing her Bachelors in Literature. Due to a very bad/good habit of being interested in everything, she enjoys reading and writing poetry and creative nonfiction, painting, growing plants, experimenting with film and digital photography, running and biking, and making music. She also has a chocolate problem and will ugly-cry when she has to leave her dog in NJ. Sara has spent many hours exploring the Mojave Desert while staying with her family and friends in Las Vegas and is beyond thrilled to start the MFA program at UNLV.
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Benjamin Stallings is an American poet and musician who grew up in Beijing, China. He moved to America to attend Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, where he graduated with a B.A. in Literature and a B.A. in Writing. He performs as Dagger, playing guitar and writing songs in El Bandito Forever.
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John Blake Oldenborg recently graduated from Florida State University with an M.A. in English Literature, Media, and Culture. His favorite pizza toppings are pepperoni and black olives. In his spare time, John enjoys visiting art museums and playing rogue-likes. He is scared of the screaming guy from the band Death Grips
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Alice Letowt is convincing her endocrine system to behave. She is interested in light, spent two seasons working on a farm, and hopes to continue farming in the future. While practicing social distancing, she is discovering a fondness for azalea bushes. She can’t wait to stop in Kansas on her drive from Virginia to Nevada.
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Harrison Bernard Nuzzo
“i stand outside me and watch myself"
- d.a. levy
 MFA Nonfiction
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Michael Hanson, a Minnesota native, has chased warm weather in Hawaii, California, Hong Kong, Australia, and now Las Vegas. When he isn’t winning sailboat races, he can be found camping, reading, or carousing with the local riff-raff.
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Emma Hardy is from Melbourne, Australia. Her nonfiction has been published in Voiceworks, The Lifted Brow, the Monthly and Dumbofeather. She's interested in animals, the environment and nonfiction that lends itself towards the speculative and fabulative. She's also obsessed with comedy, and performs improv, clown, sketch and occasionally stand-up.
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Journalist Travis Dunn was born in New York City and grew up in New Jersey and rural Pennsylvania. He holds a B.A. from St. John’s College in Annapolis, Md. His reporting has been published by the Center for Public Integrity, WhoWhoWhy, Alternet, Belt Magazine, and the now-defunct Baltimore City Paper.
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Claire Mullen is a freelance writer, critic, audio producer, and translator based in Mexico City. Her work has appeared in outlets such as The Nation, Lithub, The Believer, and Ploughshares, and she is currently a National Book Critics Circle fellow.
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Patricia Heisser Ph. D is a clinical Psychologist who is also an activist and writer. She has been a play producer one of her plays “The Wedding Band”, received the Los Angeles Drama Critics Award. She consulted on casting for movies, such as "The Color Purple", "Lethal Weapon" and "Planet of the Apes" and had a television talk show on CBS," L.A. Kids" which was featured in TV Guide's' Year of the Child.  Patricia was also selected as a MS. Magazine Feminist Scholar focusing on international trafficking has testified for the United Nations on the Status of Women and Violence. She also was awarded the American Psychological Association accredited Clinical Psychology Fellowship at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute.
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common-man · 5 years
Letter Published in The National UAE on 20 Mar 19 Sniffing out a bargain in Dubai, the fragrant city
I write in reference to Justin Thomas’ article A ­passion for perfume is deep in the region’s psyche (March 17).
This article truly portrays the Middle East’s relation to perfumes very accurately.
I believe that Dubai in particular is very much a city of perfumes. It is known for its global perfume market.
Whenever someone visits Dubai or other parts of the UAE, they must take back home lovely ­fragrances that remind them of the country.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru
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illuminationsworld · 6 years
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Discover your body/mind ‘inner wisdom’ and its extraordinary ability to change limiting lifelong beliefs with PSYCH-K. FIRST TIME IN DUBAI! Experience Psych - K with our Internationally Renowned Spiritual Psychologist & Hypnotherapist, Deepa Arora, Exclusively at Illuminations, JLT! What is Psych - K? Is a process of balancing a particular conditioning or limiting belief in the subconscious mind, unlike some other psychotherapy sessions client doesn’t need to revisit traumatic memories to heal. Its a process facilitated by a certified PSYCH -K facilitator only. Where the balance is done with the muscle testing techniques and whole brain state. Create your very own personal well-formed goal statements that will help you have the life experiences you want and desire with Psych - K- personal transformation workshop exclusively at illuminations, JLT Dates: Nov 30 & Dec 1 Timing: 10 AM to 6 PM Investment: AED 899/- (+ 5% Vat) Facilitated by: Deepa Arora AVAILABLE FOR FREE 30 MINUTES CONSULTATION ON PSYCH - K, BOOK NOW! For details and registration visit: http://illuminations.ae/event/psych-k-personal-transformation-workshop-nov/edate/2018-11-30 We look forward to welcoming you! ° ° #psychk #illuminations #illuminationsdubai #livelight (at Illuminations) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpAqo6HZu9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oykiil6qri3e
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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Best Astrologer in Delhi NCR - Astrologer Vedant Sharmaa
Best astrologer in delhi ncr, Dr. Vedant Sharmaa ardently confides in "karma".He says, our present life is clearly influenced by our own exercises previously and the issues that in transit in our life can be avoided by putting positive energy in our present exercises. Dr. Vedant Sharmaa reliably engages his clients and urges them to find ways to deal with adjust up to their anxiety. 
his capacity isn't limited to just Vedic Astrology; He has gigantic data in subjects like numerology, palmistry, and Vastu sastra also. He is the most preferred astrologer for Bollywood divas as well. Last yet not the least, his responsibility towards Tantra Sadhana has made his the best tantrik in India. his contemplations are not materialistic. He confides in God not simply exists in Heaven, God moreover have a characteristic relationship with our existence. He says, our whole world is "Residence of God". 
Vedant Sharmaa is exceptional contrasted with best Astrologer in Delhi NCR, gives confirmed and feasible astrology assumption. He is a significantly respected astrologer and numerologist incited by best people and observable specialists of government. People contact him from wherever delhi ncr and abroad for his astrology and numerology estimates through call and email. They also serve in Saudi Arabia, Japan, Singapore, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, Asian, Australia, Dubai, Kuwait, South Africa, European Countries, etc 
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astrology is the examination of wonderful bodies, the planets and the stars, and their circumstances in co-association with events on earth. astrology charts the circumstance of the sun, moon, planets, and othis stars at the hour of a's first experience with the world that shapes their character and othis events in their everyday presence. The Indian or Hindu Astrological structure starts from outdated India, called Vedic astrology, recorded by sages. Vedic Astrology is called Jyotish (the investigation of light). 
Now and again for the duration of regular day to day existence, we accept we are walking around a void, so significant, thise is no point of return. We all in all experience explicit stages when we are in dire need of insight or a solution for our issues. Oftentimes, we can't go to even our valuable ones during such disturbing events. Disregarding the way that it may sound extraordinary even to people almost no associated with Astrology, this is one spot people can visit when they are in the most outrageous need of that comfort, for some awesome direction and a way to deal with moderate horrible events. Various Astrologers have overwhelmed various pieces of Indian Astrology. Thise are Astrologers in Delhi ncr celebrated for their outstandingly exact assumptions and course that have given gainful results and helped individuals hugely through their readings. 
Shri Vedant Sharmaa continued to get a degree in Astrology and become a full-time Astrologer. His inclination lies in Vedic Astrology and K P Astrology. His experience is huge in the two fields. Shri Vikram Sharma has phenomenal capacities in Numerology, Gemology, and Matchmaking. This skilled Astrologer offers amazing answers for settling different issues and offers various kinds of Yantras. He gives exact assumptions on issue related to prosperity, preparing, and calling. This particularly gifted Astrologer has fifteen years of contribution with the field of Astrology. He knows about hindi and English. 
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Since old-fashioned events, astrology has been a critical piece of the lifestyle by and large turns of events. From the Vedic consecrated works to current science-based investigation, it is a huge part of everyone's step by step life. People's trust in astrology range from scrutinizing the step by step horoscope for diversion just to looking out the bearing of the stars in a pitiful situation. 
astrology is possibly substantially more looked out in current life, amidst extending vulnerability and anxiety concerning prosperity, associations and work issues. It offers a response just as imbues trust in a situation whise an individual can't search for it themselves. 
The name Dr. Vedant Sharmaa needn't mess with an understandable introduction. As of now He holds the record of "most glanced through astrologer in India". Dr. Vedant Sharmaa has gotten different public distinctions and seen as 'best astrologer in Delhi (NCR)', 'best divine prophet in India' by media houses like Times of India, Business Standard, Hindustan Times, Amar Ujala, etc He has similarly been praised by a couple of schools and regarded with testaments like Doctorate; D.Litt. his unprecedented history and achievements makes his a renowned choice for the Bollywood whizzes and best finance managers. He is the singular heavenly prophet from West Bengal who has been named as Top 5 Astrologers in India by various web reviews and driving progressed medias.
He holds cooperation of various public and worldwide astrology affiliations – Asian Astrologer of Congress, Astrological Research Project, Astro Medical Research Center, Asian Congress of astrologers, Astrological Association of Great Britain, Astrological investigation Project Delhi ncr, Bangiya Astro-clinical Research people group, Dharma Research Center (Chennai), American Federation of Astrologers, Federation of Australian Astrologer to give a few models. Make an effort not to consume your time if you need to chat with the Best Astrologer in Delhi NCR. 
I'm sure you ought to have ants in your pants now as you ought to have to know your future and shut down your issues rapidly so you can continue with your life off in clover. So the thing would you say you are holding on for? Here I present to you a once-over of presumably the most renowned and astute astrologers in your own city of pleasures, Delhi ncr. So connect with them soon! 
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DR.Vedant Sharmaa is a champion among other heavenly prophet in Delhi ncr. He has more than 10 years of contribution with Vedic astrology and is incredibly skilled to offer a ceaseless response for various essential issue that often disturbs our regular day to day existence. Be it wedding, legal issues, employment, business, preparing or relationship, DR.vedant sharmaa's data of sacredtext pseudoscience has gained him massive eclat across the state. astrology is the most prepared sort, taking everything into account. Self-reflection is so basic if one necessities to consolidate all the positive powers into one's life. 
What number of us have requests in our minds? Benevolent, I can see an amazing response! Well clearly, essentially we as a whole have a significant sack of requests anyway tragically no one to throw that sack on. We by and large wished there could be some gadget or some sort of a robot that could quickly see our future and subsequently answer our unending summary of requests. However, by then we resort to how this is basically illogical! 
However, envision a situation wherein I reveal to you that this is something that can be refined. In light of everything, I can see every one of you pleased! In reality, you heard that right. Besides, this has become possible just in view of the 'astrologers'. So we should offer thanks toward them, isn't that so? 
So what about we put things in clear words. what number of us are overwhelming horoscope perusers? Like the paper kid comes in to leave behind the paper to you and you are the primary who snatches away the paper and in a mad flood go open to the horoscope page, quickly pay extraordinary psyche to your zodiac sign and joyfully read that horoscope which promises you of an amazing day and whether or not it doesn't, it by and large alerts you. An especially little champ it is. Thinking why? Taking everything into account, have you anytime saw eagerly that a horoscope never makes you feel miserable. It never frightens you isolated! It has that wizardry which licenses you to attempt to try not to freeze whether or not it examines that the day would not be a good one for you. That calming and quieting wizardry is what makes you get back to it again and again. Much equivalent to the lap of a mother, it makes you feel supported and prodded to need on the day just like assaulting the issue vigorously! 
This is the wizardry of astrology. It helps in your inside turn of events and supports you keep up some evident tranquility. This, yet crystal gazing moreover makes us work upon our zones of deficiency and hereafter put ourselves in transit of accomplishment. 
Be it any family related issue, or a marriage that isn't working out or probably you can't have a whale of a period in the tenth heaven, or in all probability whatever other issue that you might be going up against, astrology has solid responses for all of your issues. Also, trust me these courses of action are not some dolt piece of advices, rather they are full-proof game plans, concentrated with the help of the improvement of sun, planets and the moon. So this gives them a hard-back. 
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Exactly when we talk about various best astrologer in Delhi ncr, DR.Vedant Sharmaa 's name continually best the once-over. His expertise isn't just limited to Vedic astrology. He has ruled over subjects like Career, Marriage, Business, Education, Legal issue, Love issues, Vaastu issue, Conjugate issue, etc His colossal works have been circulated in various overall magazines and have been outstandingly praised by the group. He is also an expert in palm examining and his considering Thumb Chakra, Finger Chakra and Palm chakra scrutinizing develops his assumption exactness to 99 % putting him straightforwardly at the top in the summary of the best celestial prophet in Delhi ncr. 
delhi ncr is eminent yet with respect to finding best soothsayer, by then there comes an unavoidable issue mark. Notwithstanding the way that, there are genuine astrologers in delhi ncr anyway finding affirmed heavenly prophet will be more earnestly task as astrologers are sitting in every specialty and corner of the city. By and by question accompanies regard to how to find Best Astrologer in delhi ncr, who can offer guaranteed reactions to issues defied. 
Affirmed astrologer is that astrologer who mindfully fathoms issues went up against and a short time later apply guidelines of Vedic astrology to discover answers for requests anyway by far most of the forefront heavenly prophets are fake, deceiving people for crystal gazing. Regardless, there are essential for people who had taken astrology counsel from astroguru vedant sharmaa and are satisfied because astroguru vedant sharmaa give gauges which are clear, genuine and fixes are easier to follow. 
Astroguru vedant sharmaa had made the name for himself which had come only by commitment and duty and is named as remarkable contrasted with other seer of delhi ncr by satisfied clients all over delhi ncr and abroad too. 
Young person Related issues 
Birth time Rectification 
Gemstone Recommendation 
Procurement of vehicle astrology 
Life partner Wife Disputes 
Lawful questions 
Vashikaran Services 
Complete Life Prediction Report 
Online Puja, etc 
Prosperity astrology figures 
Cash and business astrology assumptions 
Livelihood astrology assumptions 
Procurement of Property astrology conjectures 
Opinion astrology conjectures 
Guidance astrology Predictions 
Marriage astrology gauges 
Vedant Sharmaa is exceptional among other Astrologer in Delhi NCR, gives affirmed and feasible astrology figure. He is a significantly respected astrologer and numerologist incited by acclaimed people and prominent specialists of government. People connect with him from wherever delhi ncr and abroad for his astrology and numerology assumptions through call and email 
vedant sharmaa is well known Astrological Services Specialist, TANTRA JYOTISH GURU with over 15 years of experience.He comes from a gathering of Astrologers starting from his father and he Specializes in the Tantra, Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu, etc… That is astounding to his technique in changing individuals. vedant sharmaa is a Top Astrologer in delhi ncr, India and has a significant trust in Astrology.You will be truly dumbfounded at his Gifted examining and Astrological assumption power. 
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Top 10 Astrologers in India
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