#Pants messing
filthbimbo · 6 months
Causal messing without addressing has become more hot to me. Having a conversation and filling my panties? Not mentioning it and carrying on with the conversation — there’s something hot about that …
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abdlfemlo · 2 months
Can’t Sleep without a Thick Soggy Diaper between my legs >///<
Sub to my JFF 🤎
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notso-pottytrained · 4 months
i sit listening to my weekly webinar. my mic is muted and my camera is off, but there's still an hour left. i can't miss any of this information. i'm going to be tested on it, so i dilligently record it in my notes. i feel my stomach shift downwards again and squirm in my chair. i was supposed to go to the bathroom before i started my webinar, a rule i made after almost wetting myself in regular underwear in my desk chair a few weeks earlier, but i got caught up in making lunch and completely forgot. an empty mug that used to have coffee in it sits beside my desktop, just next to a plate with a banana peel and a few crumbs from an earlier avocado toast and a nearly empty water bottle. i am always trying to ward off the severe constipation i get. it's what damaged my nerves and got me here in the first place- but sometimes...
i feel muscles in my abdomen contract, but despite my best efforts to squeeze my ass shut, i tighten in all the wrong places. my load starts making its way out of me, held in only by my chair. i swallow and do my best to focus on the webinar and my note-taking, all the while trying to suck the log back in and fighting my body's urge to let loose and feel it coiling softly and slowly into my waiting padding. i listen to the low bassy notes of the presenter's voice, instead of the faint, earthy smell starting to fill the air, and the pain as my body tries to find room to push everything out of me. i'm not going to make it. i didn't make it. when the reality of my accident sets in, i lift my ass a few inches off my chair in defeat. without me pressing my asshole against the chair as hard as i can to keep everything in, i immediately heavily fill my diaper with thick, dense, slightly soft shit, feeling nothing but my sticky mess finding places to rest against my skin and touching the outermost ring of my ass on its way out, and the pumping sensation of my muscles as my body pushes against my will, unable to feel much else. it feels like it goes on for ages, but at the same time, it all happens so quickly that i barely have time to contemplate the fact that i'm pooping my pants, while technically at work, again. the load is huge, i can see it in the office mirror, its made itself apparent despite my thin medical diapers and thick sweats. i spend the rest of the hour sitting leaning on my side, so i don't have to sit directly in my shame.
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bull-stink · 6 months
We need more odd-genre scenarios in this scene.
Imagine a cybernetic computer engineer in a cyberpunk future world, spending a long day cracking into a system, not realizing that they'd gotten a virus while inside, and now a hacker has control of all their body functions and the cameras in their house. They start feeling hungry, craving anything rich and heavy, but just chalk it up to a long day at work as they eat and eat, belching contentedly as their belly fills. Soon their body starts feeling bloated, and the hacker watches from afar as their stomach gurgles and they try to figure out why they're so much more bloated than they normally get. With the push of a button, the poor engineer lets out a massive, uncontrollable fart that seems to come from nowhere, and no matter how hard they try, they can't stop it. They try to waddle to the bathroom but are brought to their knees by another completely uncontrollable fart and an unexplained wave of arousal at the same time. They don't have time to even try and get up before the next one hits, but this time, it doesn't stop. With no hope of stopping it, fart after fart blasts out from their smelly ass, and with every one that same wave of relief and arousal, until they can't help but give in and start rubbing at themselves as the hacker watches. They whimper and moan on the ground, but before they can finish, the hacker grins, presses another button, and suddenly it isn't just gas being forced out. The poor victim just can't stop, cumming hard as they completely fill their pants with wet, sloppy shit.
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l1ttle-m0use · 1 month
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aftermath of my accident video earlier!
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ransackedpotato2 · 1 month
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The girl and her date were sitting on the raised pavement, speaking about their favorite artists. She sat with jeans tight at the hips, she went commando, no panties, as she did frequently. taking sips at her vanilla protein drink every few seconds.
They had just left chipotle an hour earlier, she ordered the spiciest things she could! They were having a great time too, and they would continue, at least … the girl hoped so.
Extra protein always seemed like a great idea, she wanted to grow her leg muscles, a protein shake seemed like a good idea at the time. She was unknowing on the effects of it though, she had never had a protein shake before, and didn’t know the… nasty side effects.
“Boy, Carti is ass” she said as she laughed jokingly. The laughter was cut short when a loud gurgle erupted from her stomach. Her hands moved to her stomach as the dull annoying pain of a stomachache hit her suddenly.
She tried to make her pain less obvious by maintaining eye contact, but her shuffles and twitches were sure to garner attention from her date.
Suddenly, her anus threatened to let loose on her, she let a faint hum out as a sharp pain was felt on her asshole, a behemoth was trying to make its way out. She focused every inch of her energy on holding the massive snake in, so much so that she completely forgot to remain in the conversation. She just stared at her dare, maintaining eye contact, faintly shaking. Her face was turning a little red as she strained.
The lack of response with the maintenance of eye contact, along with a completely straight face with a little grin gave her date the completely wrong idea. He stopped speaking and leaned in for a kiss. He closed his eyes and inches closer to her, while the girl was too busy clenching her cheeks with all the energy she could muster.
She snapped back to reality when she finally felt like she was regaining control, but as she perceived her date leaning in for a kiss, she instinctively tried to move away.
In the process of scooting away, she press her hands to the pavement she was seated on to lift herself up. It turns out, her sitting on the hard pavement was what prevented her from shitting on herself, not the might of her anus, as she was slowly lifting her butt up, a gargantuan log of shit began making its way out her asshole, stopping her in her tracks.
Her clenching had sharpened the log of shit to be thin at the end and become thicker as it progressed, the first inch of the log was thin enough to break off in her jeans, but the next inch was as thick as an arm. A fist sized log of shit tented out her jeans, enough for the backside of her jeans waistband to reveal her asscheaks, and give the outside of the massive log nearly ripping her asshole apart. She kept her face as normal as possible, breaking her eye contact as the titanic log made a crackling sound in her jeans. The log stopped midway, keeping her asshole stretched, as she stopped moving herself upwards, and kept herself still.
The sound made the date open his eyes, noticing the breaking of eye contact, but not noticing the jeans tenting outwards below her. “You okay?” He said to her, to which he got no reply. He noticed she was looking straight in front of them, at seemingly nothing, so he did the same. Thinking of it in a romantic way.
Then she grunted, with a hard ugh sound. Despite her efforts to contain the massive log, her body was impulsively pushing the shit out. The emerging poo smashed harder into her jeans, tenting them out far enough for the resistance of the denim to stop its movement, even lifting her further from the pavement in doing so. The log did not bend or break, it was solid and straight, her belly kept pushing out, but the resistance of the jeans did not let it move, it was stuck and it hurt like hell. She couldn’t move a muscle, nor could she stop the pushing.
In an attempt to find another solution, she let go of the pavement and let her body weight push the poo back in, it worked somewhat, the massive shit slid almost all she way back in, but she was still turtle heading, with the now flat tip of the massive poo, her asshole was stretched the same length as it was before, but the advance of the log was stopped by the pavement she was sitting on instead of the resistance of her jeans.
The sliding back hurt like hell, she tried to resist her instinctive jolt of pain but failed, she lifted her ass from the pavement enough for her date to notice and the massive log shot out to the same length, but twice as fast.
She made a really painful sound as she and her shit maintained the position for a few seconds, she couldn’t stand the pain any longer. her knees locked as her hands met them, then she pushed with all her might.
She started grunting as she pushed with all her might helping the enormous log of poop fight the resistance of her jeans, with a last painful grunt, she bent herself forward swiftly, breaking the log in half, and making letting it rest below as another log emerged.
the next log was just as wide and asshole stretching, but it was much softer, soft enough to advance out and squish against the denim jeans, but still firm enough to stay up and form a ball in her jeans.
As she was violently shitting in her jeans, a bulge- less of a bulge, and more of an opening formed in her jeans, from the top of the back of her waistband, right to the growing ball of shit in her jeans, giving the outside a perfect view of the chaos ensuing in her pants.
Her date watched with wide eyes as she grunted and shuffled aggressively, shitting herself, still unclear on what was going on. “Hey, you good? What the hell?” He said in confusion.
After half a minute of straining and painful grunting, she finally stopped. She was almost blue, she took heavy breaths as her hands left her knees, but she remained bent forward to not shuffle the shit behind in her jeans behind her. The massive ball of shit had grown to the size of a baseball. She could still feel the first log, it was the hardest of them all, and was lodged between her thighs, feeling like an extremely warm rock.
Her ass was still gaping slightly, and the pain in her stomach and asshole was still sharp. Her eyes teared up. Her date had no clue what to do at this point.
“H-hey, should I walk you to the bathroom?” He asked, “do you want me to?” Unaware that he wasn’t making any sense. She just nodded as she looked at the ground in shame.
They slowly walked to the bathroom,she remained bent forward through the whole hundred step journey to the park bathroom.
As they arrived her stomach gurgled again… the hard firm wide logs were the spicy chipotle she ate, and the cause of the next wave, was the protein shake. She held her stomach as wet diarrhea splurged out of her asshole.
The sloppy diarrhea made a distinct sound, overlapped with bubble farts and sharts. The wet shit, barely finding a way around the massive wall of shit blocking her asshole, blasted from her anus at high pressure at two points. Half of the sloppy shit went above the firm poo, showering over it, and glazing it like a donut ball, even flying out of her jeans from the opening above, splattering all over her back, and on the floor behind her. Another stream of wet slime like poo went below, towards the first log, blasting into the front of her inner thighs, and her pussy. She felt every bit of it, her senses overwhelmed her.
She began sobbing, squatting down as she shit herself more, the wet shit streamed out of her jeans as she squat, squishing the firm ball against her ass.
Her date at this point was speechless, he had no idea what to do in this situation. A puddle of brown diarrhea started forming under her, her jeans stained with poo and her face with tears.
They stood motionless for what felt like an eternity, “a-are you done?” He asked. He didn’t mean to sound rude, that’s just the first thing he could think of saying. She stood up slowly, her hands extruding outwards from the grossness of the shit she felt in her backside and waddled into the bathroom, not saying a word.
“Should i stay here with you?” He asked, with no response.
And then a few years passed and they got married! :)
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mmmm I really wanna try messing myself. maybe it'll start with some terrible gas, but then it starts to get wetter and wetter until I feel that pressure in my butt. I'm too lazy to get up now so I just let loose, feeling that warm load against my ass as I play with my pretty cunt 🥵🤭
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helpmypantsarebrown · 3 months
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bens-messy-diaperblog · 4 months
boyfriend pooped himself at the supermarket today 😵‍💫🤤😖🥵
we went to the local grocery store today, i was pamped up, he wasn't wearing a diaper, and as we were getting our shopping done, he doubles over and begins pushing some poop into his undies, he was very embarrassed and asked if we could get done with our shopping quicker and get out so i could get him changed out of his poopy underwear and into a nice and fresh diaper. we continued our shopping, he occasionally let out another turd into his pants. when we were done shopping i grabbed the changing supplies and changed his poopy pants and put him into a fresh diaper
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filthbimbo · 8 months
It has been a very messy week, I don't think I have pooped in the toilet once ... Which made for two genuine accidents, two unplanned but not total accidents and one mess that I am holding back right now. I also wet myself a few times throughout throughout week! One of my most active weeks yet.
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psconley · 1 month
In college I dated this girl named Renae. I was her secret, she had a boyfriend. One day I told her how badly I wanted to watch a girl poop in her panties so a day or two later she texted me over lunch and said I needed to skip my next class to watch her poop. I came in and she was in just yellow panties and her tits were so perky. She said “I need to take a dump, come here.” I put my hand under her butt and kissed her thighs and placed my index finger in her asshole but outside of her panties. I told her to push for daddy and she gave a cute little grunt and a huge hard mound of poop started poking into my finger and filling slowly into my palm. She arched her neck up as she pushed harder and my palm and her panties were both warm and heavy from her big load. She was a small girl but the load was so surprisingly big. I said “let’s fuck” and spread her panties aside in the front and fucked her as she told me how naughty she felt sitting in her poop and how the room smelled. We came and collapsed into each other. Then cleaned up and grabbed ice cream.
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wet-and-wedgied · 8 months
Spencer’s Spicy Salad
Spencer rolled up from underneath the customer’s truck as the clock struck the time for lunch. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, leaving behind a bit of grease and jumped up to his feet. Spencer was a tall young mechanic who had been left in charge of his boss’s shop for the day. A fit man college student with short curly brown hair, strong arms and defined chest he cut an figure even in his simple mechanic’s get up: a tight white shirt and a pair of well worn grey overalls.
He grabbed a rag and wiped off the excess grease off his hands as he popped into the break room, a tiny little alcove with a water cooler and mini-fridge, putting out the salad he had grabbed earlier before work. It was some kind of spicy Mexican salad he had seen on his feed at some local place and had decided to try it out. It was supposed to be really good for the digestive track and a delicious meal for those looking to stay fit.
Spencer propped his leg up and chowed down. It was way spicer than he had thought, the kale in it practically soaked in some creamy dressing that while delicious kept burning his tongue. Spencer kept refilling his water bottle and chugging the whole thing in order to cool off. Still it was delicious. And filling too. Spencer patted his full stomach satisfied as he tossed the bowl and finished up his lunch and went back to working in the truck.
Spencer was finishing tightened the last bolts in place underneath the truck and he felt his stomach flip. Still on the board on his back, he lifted a leg and ripped a hot fat fart.
Spencer laughed, patting his stomach as some pressure was lessened, and blew out two more farts
Spencer slid out from underneath the truck and was greeted with the rancid smell of his own ass. “Damn, I reck. But I really needed that!”
“Well I hope you got it all out of your system then,” said Spencer’s boss. Spencer looked up to see his boss, a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair, holding his nose and fanning the air.
“sir!” Spencer flushed, scrambling to his feet. “My bad. Sorry, I thought you said you’d be gone today.”
“I am, I am, just checking in is all. Making sure you haven’t burned down the place.”
“no sir—” PPfffpppertRRT!
Spencer covered his rear as another fart ripped out him. His stomachgurgled and flipped again. His boss increased his fanning. “Geez. Light a match in here and you just might. What did you eat, son?”
Spencer opened his mouth to respond but was waved off.
“Nevermind, is the truck ready, they should be coming to pick it up soon. I want to make sure you got this on your own, eh.” His boss smirk and tapped Spencer in the stomach and Spencer tense feeling his guts bubble and gurgle protest.
“no problem sir,” Spencer said.
“perfect, Ah look here they come now.”
Spencer turned to see a handsome man a few years older than Spencer with a bright smile and two twin teen boys glued to their phones coming in. “Hey, everything ready? We’re looking forward to going camping!” The truck owner said with high optimism. The two boys each rolled their eyes.
“You’re excited Uncle Daniel,” one of the boys groaned.
“Like a dork,” said the other. “You like being alone in the woods cause it doesn’t sound as bad as being alone in the real world.” The twins high-fived, neither looking up from their phones.
The truck owner— Daniel’s smile flattened but he push onward. “You two really don’t let up, huh. Sorry, is the truck ready? Then we’ll get out of your hair.”
“No worries,” Spencer’s boss said, “Spencer here will take care of you.”
“Right!” Spencer said offering a hand to Daniel. “Spencer. Sorry, you already know that. Um, yes, your truck is ready.”
“Wonderful that is great news.” Daniel took Spencer’s hand, giving it a firm handshake as their eyes.
“I really like camping,” Spencer blurted out. Daniel’s lips curled into a smooth grin.
“really? We’ll maybe we—“
“Ew, Uncle Daniel stop flirting with the mechanic dude,” whined one of the teens.
Spencer felt a flush on his cheeks— only for it to be replaced with a far more intense feeling in his stomach. Any butterflies he felt seemed to be carrying megaton warheads, dropping them in his intestines. An ominous gurgle went through him and Spencer clutched his abdomen. The pressure on his guts was intense. Fuuuck… he needed to shit.
“you okay?” Asked Daniel.
“yeah, yeah,” Spencer said hastily. “I just need you sign some paperwork and I’ll go grab your keys. Spencer hurried out of the garage and into the office, a series of small hot farts squeaking out of him as he went. He hurried over to the papers and
Spencer gasped as a massive fart erupted out of him as he bent to grab the clipboard sign the paperwork on it. He held his stomach. Fuck that spicy salad was messing with his guts. His stomach broiled like an Icelandic mud volcano. Spencer clinched his cheeks. Ahhh. Don’t think about mud volcanoes. He looked to the board where they hung the keys and then to down the hall where the bathroom was. He desperately wanted ti make a mad dash to the bathroom and absolutely destroy the toilet. But his boss and that hit uncle were waiting for him. He groaned. Shit. He could hold it for a few minutes. He grabbed the keys and speed walked back the garage. As he step through the door the water cookie gurgled and suddenly the pressure seemed to shift from. His rear, the pressure subsiding on his packed colon, but only to fall squarely onto his bladder. Spencer tensed as he paused in the garage, pressing his legs together as a lake of hot piss sloshed in his bladder, all those bottles of water lapping against the dam inside him. A dam that desperately wanted to burst.
“Spencer, you okay?”
Spencer looked up to see his boss and Daniel both looking at him. He gave them both a nervous smile.
“I-I’m fine.” Spencer said, and straightened. He forced his legs apart and focused on not pissing himself. He could hold it. He could hold it. He could hold it. Spencer repeated the thought in his head as he half walked half shuffle over to Daniel. “Here you go— Ahh!” A leak squirted out of Spencer, dribbles of hot piss splashing into his soft boxers. Spencer bent, his knees pressed together. He held back a whimper as he bounced from foot to foot, his bladder aching. Oh man he didn’t have drunk so much water.
“Are you sure you are okay dude?” Daniel asked.
“He looks like he is doing the pee dance,” snickered one of Daniel’s nephews.
Another leak squirted out of Spencer at the sound of the word ‘pee’. “Ahh!” Spencer cried out as he gave in and wedged his hand between his crotch, desperately holding onto his crotch. Spencer bit his lip and held the truck key’s for Daniel to take, but he was frozen in place.
Spencer gasped as he farted, hot and stenching. His stomach gurgled and he temporarily lost his control on his bladder. Hot piss sprayed out of his cock and into his boxers.
“nNoooOO—Ahh!” Spencer cried out and moaned as he tried and failed to regain control. The dam gates had opened and now the flood came bursting through! Spencer stood frozen as his body let go and he began soaking his boxers, peeing his pants, a dark wet patch blooming at the crotch of his overalls and then spread fast as rivulets of urine ran down his legs and soaked through the fabric. Spencer’s eyes fluttered as he pee, flooding his overalls, sending hot push gushing through the material and over his hand, still desperately gripping his leaking crotch even as Spencer formed a puddle beneath him.
“oh man! The mechanic is pissing his pants!” Said on the of nephews.
“Dude is soaking them too!” Said the other, holding up his phone to record.
Spencer was helpless as his bladder emptied itself in his boxers and overalls. But that wasn’t the worse part. As his bladder gushed out, his stomach gurgle and shit that had filled him slammed against his rear. His guys bubbled and Spencer knew he wasn’t able to keep control over his bowels.
Spencer bent as he was hit with a series of wet “oh no!” Spencer dropped the keys in Daniel’s hand and turned trying the run back inside, but only made it a few steps before a massive cramp bent him over.
“Come on, no, no, no,” Spencer said panicking as he fumbled with the clasp on his overalls. If he could at least get out of them, but the clasp was stuck and then it was too late. “No-AaggAAAHHH!”
Spencer moaned as he lost complete control of his bowels, a torrent of hot diarrhea exploding into his already soaked boxers and overalls. It was a volcanic mudslide, thick and soft as it blasted out of him. A massive bugle was instantly forming in his overalls, staining the back as he had the front.
“oh my god!” Spencer’s boss cover his nose as Spencer relentless farted as wave after wave of hot recking shit erupted out of him . The liquid shit overflowed his boxers as he emptied his bowls, diarrhea slide down his legs and splattering against the garage floor. Spencer was helpless as he evacuated the hot muddy brown sewage.
Spencer, defeated as another wave hit him, feel to his knees, landing in puddle of his own piss as more diarrhea filled his overalls. The foul stench filled the entirety of the garage, as Spencer could only sit in his disgrace.
“oh man,” snicker one of the twins. “This is going to get a shitload of views!”
Spencer groaned as a final fart marked the end of him shitting and soiling himself. He was never trying spicy salad again
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steddieomo · 11 months
I’m such a slut for lazy pants pooping 😵‍💫
Imagine Eddie laying on his couch, Watching tv and drinking a beer. He’s had to shit all day, just doesn’t wanna get up and go. His farts have been getting shorter and grosser, and once he feels himself start to turtlehead, he just spreads his legs a bit and pushes it out. He hears it crackling out and cups his hand on his ass to feel the growing bulge. When he’s finished he just sits in his mess and keeps watching tv.
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ransackedpotato2 · 22 days
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Today, Lady had visited her friends, 3 of them planned a visit to the mall! They sat all took the same car on the way, lady sat in the backseat while her two friends sat in the front
“Can we drive faster? I gotta take a shit” Lady mentioned in a joking matter, but she was serious. The mall was a half hour from then so it would be a long painful ride for her.
Only a few minutes of the hour long drive passed by when she started turtle heading. She shuffled and shivered in her seat, but her friends were playing music loud enough for them to not hear a thing. For once she was happy to be the one left out in the trio.
She grabbed her stomach and bent forward holding the load in with all her might, but she wasn’t strong enough. As soon as the first pebble of shit came loose into her Jean shorts, she rested her anus completely.
She was completely still, not moving or flexing a muscle, but a chaotic storm was ensuing in her pants, she was violently shitting herself, with a mixture of firm and sloppy mud flowing out of her asshole.
The shitting didn’t stop, lifting her slightly in her seat, moving between her thighs, and eventually peeking through her leg holes.
Don’t feel like finishing
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diaperppotties · 3 months
My obsession with potties(I guess that's just all I think of now) continues but slightly different. REMEMBER THIS IS ALL ABDL
A Care Giver telling their little to sit on the toilet/potty.
A little with a penis who needs to pee super badly being told to kneel Infront of the potty to aim or being told they're wayy to little to stand to pee.
A little being made to sit on the potty while their CG runs them a bath.
A little and their CG being on a road trip and the little has to poop in their travel potty because there isn't a toilet nearby.
A little who always wakes up desperate having a potty right next to their bed, they might even use it while big sometimes.
A little who's sick having a messy accident and gets told they have to sit on the potty for longer than usual incase they didn't finish pooping.
I'm just really obsessed and horny
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k1ttyzstuff · 4 months
Srry I’ve been a little dead I abandoned this acc 😭 I’m back though!!
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