#pants soiling
wet-and-wedgied · 1 year
Spencer’s Spicy Salad
Spencer rolled up from underneath the customer’s truck as the clock struck the time for lunch. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, leaving behind a bit of grease and jumped up to his feet. Spencer was a tall young mechanic who had been left in charge of his boss’s shop for the day. A fit man college student with short curly brown hair, strong arms and defined chest he cut an figure even in his simple mechanic’s get up: a tight white shirt and a pair of well worn grey overalls.
He grabbed a rag and wiped off the excess grease off his hands as he popped into the break room, a tiny little alcove with a water cooler and mini-fridge, putting out the salad he had grabbed earlier before work. It was some kind of spicy Mexican salad he had seen on his feed at some local place and had decided to try it out. It was supposed to be really good for the digestive track and a delicious meal for those looking to stay fit.
Spencer propped his leg up and chowed down. It was way spicer than he had thought, the kale in it practically soaked in some creamy dressing that while delicious kept burning his tongue. Spencer kept refilling his water bottle and chugging the whole thing in order to cool off. Still it was delicious. And filling too. Spencer patted his full stomach satisfied as he tossed the bowl and finished up his lunch and went back to working in the truck.
Spencer was finishing tightened the last bolts in place underneath the truck and he felt his stomach flip. Still on the board on his back, he lifted a leg and ripped a hot fat fart.
Spencer laughed, patting his stomach as some pressure was lessened, and blew out two more farts
Spencer slid out from underneath the truck and was greeted with the rancid smell of his own ass. “Damn, I reck. But I really needed that!”
“Well I hope you got it all out of your system then,” said Spencer’s boss. Spencer looked up to see his boss, a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair, holding his nose and fanning the air.
“sir!” Spencer flushed, scrambling to his feet. “My bad. Sorry, I thought you said you’d be gone today.”
“I am, I am, just checking in is all. Making sure you haven’t burned down the place.”
“no sir—” PPfffpppertRRT!
Spencer covered his rear as another fart ripped out him. His stomachgurgled and flipped again. His boss increased his fanning. “Geez. Light a match in here and you just might. What did you eat, son?”
Spencer opened his mouth to respond but was waved off.
“Nevermind, is the truck ready, they should be coming to pick it up soon. I want to make sure you got this on your own, eh.” His boss smirk and tapped Spencer in the stomach and Spencer tense feeling his guts bubble and gurgle protest.
“no problem sir,” Spencer said.
“perfect, Ah look here they come now.”
Spencer turned to see a handsome man a few years older than Spencer with a bright smile and two twin teen boys glued to their phones coming in. “Hey, everything ready? We’re looking forward to going camping!” The truck owner said with high optimism. The two boys each rolled their eyes.
“You’re excited Uncle Daniel,” one of the boys groaned.
“Like a dork,” said the other. “You like being alone in the woods cause it doesn’t sound as bad as being alone in the real world.” The twins high-fived, neither looking up from their phones.
The truck owner— Daniel’s smile flattened but he push onward. “You two really don’t let up, huh. Sorry, is the truck ready? Then we’ll get out of your hair.”
“No worries,” Spencer’s boss said, “Spencer here will take care of you.”
“Right!” Spencer said offering a hand to Daniel. “Spencer. Sorry, you already know that. Um, yes, your truck is ready.”
“Wonderful that is great news.” Daniel took Spencer’s hand, giving it a firm handshake as their eyes.
“I really like camping,” Spencer blurted out. Daniel’s lips curled into a smooth grin.
“really? We’ll maybe we—“
“Ew, Uncle Daniel stop flirting with the mechanic dude,” whined one of the teens.
Spencer felt a flush on his cheeks— only for it to be replaced with a far more intense feeling in his stomach. Any butterflies he felt seemed to be carrying megaton warheads, dropping them in his intestines. An ominous gurgle went through him and Spencer clutched his abdomen. The pressure on his guts was intense. Fuuuck… he needed to shit.
“you okay?” Asked Daniel.
“yeah, yeah,” Spencer said hastily. “I just need you sign some paperwork and I’ll go grab your keys. Spencer hurried out of the garage and into the office, a series of small hot farts squeaking out of him as he went. He hurried over to the papers and
Spencer gasped as a massive fart erupted out of him as he bent to grab the clipboard sign the paperwork on it. He held his stomach. Fuck that spicy salad was messing with his guts. His stomach broiled like an Icelandic mud volcano. Spencer clinched his cheeks. Ahhh. Don’t think about mud volcanoes. He looked to the board where they hung the keys and then to down the hall where the bathroom was. He desperately wanted ti make a mad dash to the bathroom and absolutely destroy the toilet. But his boss and that hit uncle were waiting for him. He groaned. Shit. He could hold it for a few minutes. He grabbed the keys and speed walked back the garage. As he step through the door the water cookie gurgled and suddenly the pressure seemed to shift from. His rear, the pressure subsiding on his packed colon, but only to fall squarely onto his bladder. Spencer tensed as he paused in the garage, pressing his legs together as a lake of hot piss sloshed in his bladder, all those bottles of water lapping against the dam inside him. A dam that desperately wanted to burst.
“Spencer, you okay?”
Spencer looked up to see his boss and Daniel both looking at him. He gave them both a nervous smile.
“I-I’m fine.” Spencer said, and straightened. He forced his legs apart and focused on not pissing himself. He could hold it. He could hold it. He could hold it. Spencer repeated the thought in his head as he half walked half shuffle over to Daniel. “Here you go— Ahh!” A leak squirted out of Spencer, dribbles of hot piss splashing into his soft boxers. Spencer bent, his knees pressed together. He held back a whimper as he bounced from foot to foot, his bladder aching. Oh man he didn’t have drunk so much water.
“Are you sure you are okay dude?” Daniel asked.
“He looks like he is doing the pee dance,” snickered one of Daniel’s nephews.
Another leak squirted out of Spencer at the sound of the word ‘pee’. “Ahh!” Spencer cried out as he gave in and wedged his hand between his crotch, desperately holding onto his crotch. Spencer bit his lip and held the truck key’s for Daniel to take, but he was frozen in place.
Spencer gasped as he farted, hot and stenching. His stomach gurgled and he temporarily lost his control on his bladder. Hot piss sprayed out of his cock and into his boxers.
“nNoooOO—Ahh!” Spencer cried out and moaned as he tried and failed to regain control. The dam gates had opened and now the flood came bursting through! Spencer stood frozen as his body let go and he began soaking his boxers, peeing his pants, a dark wet patch blooming at the crotch of his overalls and then spread fast as rivulets of urine ran down his legs and soaked through the fabric. Spencer’s eyes fluttered as he pee, flooding his overalls, sending hot push gushing through the material and over his hand, still desperately gripping his leaking crotch even as Spencer formed a puddle beneath him.
“oh man! The mechanic is pissing his pants!” Said on the of nephews.
“Dude is soaking them too!” Said the other, holding up his phone to record.
Spencer was helpless as his bladder emptied itself in his boxers and overalls. But that wasn’t the worse part. As his bladder gushed out, his stomach gurgle and shit that had filled him slammed against his rear. His guys bubbled and Spencer knew he wasn’t able to keep control over his bowels.
Spencer bent as he was hit with a series of wet “oh no!” Spencer dropped the keys in Daniel’s hand and turned trying the run back inside, but only made it a few steps before a massive cramp bent him over.
“Come on, no, no, no,” Spencer said panicking as he fumbled with the clasp on his overalls. If he could at least get out of them, but the clasp was stuck and then it was too late. “No-AaggAAAHHH!”
Spencer moaned as he lost complete control of his bowels, a torrent of hot diarrhea exploding into his already soaked boxers and overalls. It was a volcanic mudslide, thick and soft as it blasted out of him. A massive bugle was instantly forming in his overalls, staining the back as he had the front.
“oh my god!” Spencer’s boss cover his nose as Spencer relentless farted as wave after wave of hot recking shit erupted out of him . The liquid shit overflowed his boxers as he emptied his bowls, diarrhea slide down his legs and splattering against the garage floor. Spencer was helpless as he evacuated the hot muddy brown sewage.
Spencer, defeated as another wave hit him, feel to his knees, landing in puddle of his own piss as more diarrhea filled his overalls. The foul stench filled the entirety of the garage, as Spencer could only sit in his disgrace.
“oh man,” snicker one of the twins. “This is going to get a shitload of views!”
Spencer groaned as a final fart marked the end of him shitting and soiling himself. He was never trying spicy salad again
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alien-aroma · 3 months
Just imagine ...
You're just heading out onto your break at work when someone stops you. It's a cute coworker, someone you get along with well. They're eagerly talking to you, completely blind to your desperation. As they're telling you about their weekend plans, you're meekly replying, trying to look normal while your stomach flips. You were putting off your break trying to finish one last thing for far too long and you don't dare move your legs.
Realising you're not as excited as you are they resign themselves to letting you leave. But not before giving you a friendly smack on the shoulder and broad smile.
"See you later! Take care'!"
The shock of the impact ripples through your body as your ass gives out. Hot mush starts filling the seat of your pants, your coworker still holding onto your shoulder as the sound and smell fills the air.
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throwtheboxaway · 3 months
sleeping in my mess for the first time
like 2 hours ago I had to go really bad and I wanted to just chill in soiled boxers so I pushed out a small turd followed by a bunch of mushy shit into my pants, all contained by the boxers and the sweatpants I wore over, which were thick enough that I can sit or lay anywhere in my mess without a towel. can't sleep because of how turned on I am. life's good.
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lovetowee · 8 months
By: MrMister
It was a hot day in the summer. I didn’t have to be at work, and College was finished until the Fall. The day was mine. So I picked up my phone and gave my friend a call. She picked up on the third ring.
“Hey Jack,” she answered, her voice was cute and she always sounded happy and bubbly. “Isn’t it a bit early to be calling?” she continued with a yawn.
“Last I checked, 8am is regular people time,” I said with a chuckle. “It’s Friday and I have nothing to do.”
“So,” she said.
“So,” I responded, “the day is wasting. Come over and play some video games. We can game all day.” There was silence as I could almost hear her thinking: stay in bed, or get dressed?
“I’ll make tacos for dinner?” I offered.
“Well why didn’t you lead with that,” she said, finally deciding. She was a taco fiend. “Alright I’ll be there in an hour. I’m going to shower then I’ll hop on a bus.”
“Alright, Kristen,” I answered smiling, “see you then.” I hung up the phone and headed to the kitchen to make some sort of breakfast.
Kristen has been my best friend since I could remember. We had grown up together in the same small neighborhood. I was twenty-four and she was twenty-one. I had moved away to College about three years ago. I had found an apartment and had begun renting in the city. I was quite happy to be away from my small town. Kristen followed me to the same College, when she finished High School. The only difference is I was studying Psychology, and she was studying to be a Civil Engineer. It was nice living so close to her, at least she was a familiar face.
I opened my freezer and grabber the opened box of waffles. I opened the packaging and took two waffles out, popping them into the toaster. I placed the box back in the freezer shutting the door firmly. Kristen was only half an hour away by bus, so we spent a lot of our free time together. We usually hung out at my apartment because it was bigger, and she lived on Campus and had roommates. She was my best friend, and I secretly had a crush on her. Our simple friendship, over the last few years had grown into something more – at least for me. I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship, so I never had the courage to take the next step. And of late it was getting harder to resist the urge. I was beginning to notice things about her that I never really cared for before: her smell, how she dressed, her hair in the sunlight; my heart started to race whenever we hung out.
The toaster popped snapping me out of my deep thoughts. I took them out and put them on a plate. I spread some butter, and drizzled some syrup and sat down to eat. What a great, healthy breakfast, I thought to myself as my mind drifted back to Kristen. What made things even harder was that we didn’t have many boundaries in our relationship. We had been together since we were younger, since before the difference between boys and girls had been apparent. There wasn’t much we hadn’t seen, or kept hidden from each other. Things like after showering she would walk around naked. She would burp and fart around me, which she never did around her other girlfriends. It was getting harder to hide my feelings, and to hide… other things… when she was being herself around me. It was like we were already dating. So, I wasn’t sure why I was afraid to try advancing our relationship to the next level.
I finished my crunchy waffles in silence enjoying how the morning sunlight shone through my kitchen window. I put the plate in the sink, and headed to the washroom to take a shower. I turned on the faucet and let the water heat up. I remembered the last time Kristen had been here, we were in a hurry to catch a movie together so we decided to hop in the shower at the same time. It’s not like it was the first time I had seen her naked… but in the warm, her skin glistening she was gorgeous. I remember smelling her as I helped wash her back. As I had turned and she washed my back I wasn’t sure how I kept my boner hidden, but if she saw she had not reacted. Just seeing her skin all wet as it went down to the ultimate smoothness between her legs…
I caught myself and looked down, erect again. I could hear the shower roaring as my mind cleared and reality set in. I just looked down at my throbbing nakedness, as my mind kept trying to drift back to Kristen.
“Ah Fuck it!” I said aloud. Might as well jerk off now, maybe it would keep my mind on the right path when Kristen arrived. I wrapped my hand around the shaft of my penis. I allowed my mind to return to the shower scene, as my hand moved back and forth.
We were wet in the shower, and she turned to face me. One hand was raised to her small wet breasts, teasing them. The other hand slowly arrived at the smooth, wet lips between her legs. She played with herself, a soft moan escaping her lips.
I stroked harder, and harder.
Her body got into the motion, thrusting, thirty for her eager fingers. She was whimpering now as her fingers were deep inside her.
My hand was moving with a mind of its own.
Her body was trembling as she was practically screaming. Her hands were so deep inside that…
Explosions! I came in my hand, panting like an animal. Oh my God, I thought, that felt amazing. Once the pleasure started to leave my body I stepped into the shower, dumping my semen on the shower floor to wash away.
My shower was uneventful now that my mind was clear. It was a double-edged sword being a guy. I could be revving my engine at 110, like before the shower. As soon as I cum, the desire flies out the window. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about being horny when she arrived. We could just play our games, and have some tacos later. We knew everything about each other. Well almost everything. There was something Kristen didn’t know about me. I kind of wanted her to find out, I just wasn’t sure if she would look at me the same afterwards.
Suddenly the door buzzer went off, jarring me from my thoughts. I quickly finished getting dressed, then headed to the front door. I already knew who it was. I didn’t have many local friends besides Kristen.
“It is so hot already,” she whined, wiping sweat from her forehead. “It’s barely after nine o’clock. By noon it’s going it be a sauna.” She was amazing standing there in the golden sunlight. Little droplets of sweat glistened, giving her skin a beautiful sheen. She was only 5’5”, so she was fairly tiny. Her body was small, even though she was twenty-one going on twenty-two, she appeared younger. Her tiny little breasts made themselves known under a sweat dampened white tank top. I could just make out the pinkness of her bra underneath. She wore a pair of black Lulu Lemons that were skin tight. I could just make out the mound of her vagina standing out against the skinniness of her legs. Her hair was short-cropped, almost boyish, and she had the bluest eyes.
“Can I come in, Mr. Door Guard?” she pushed past me. “Give me some of that AC. Oh God, yes!”I closed the door as she fiddles with the thermostat, further lowering the temperature. I noticed that her pants did a really good job of showing off her cute little butt cheeks. “I’m so excited, come on,” she said hopping up and down, “the day is wasting like you said.”
“Alright, alright, settle down. We’ll get to it.”
“I can feel it. Today we’re going to make some good progress.” She was referring to the game we had started together one of the last times she was over. The game was, ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’. We were both huge Zelda fans, and when this game came out I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to explore it with her.
She walked over to the TV and started turning everything on that we needed. When that was all done she made her way over to the couch. I moved and sat down beside her. She offered me the controller when the game was loaded. Press A, flashed in front of me.
“No, you can start,” I said. She eagerly pressed start and loaded up our file. As I watched her play I noticed how nice she smelled. It wasn’t a strong female smell. She wasn’t mature enough for perfume yet. Instead, it was a nice girl smell: freshly showered, with a light lavender deodorant after thought. She was so cute, smiling like a goof playing the game. My heart was mush in my chest.
The morning went as casual as it always did. We took turns back and forth, exploring anything new we came across. If she was stuck on anything I helped her out. She clearly enjoyed the game more than me, but I seemed to be more skilled. It was around 11:30 that I decided it was time to get our responsibilities out of the way.
“Hey, we should pop down to the store soon if you want tacos,” I explained. “I have to pick up a few ingredients I’m missing. Plus we can pick something out to have for lunch together, I don’t have much here.” As if on cue her stomach grumbled, “and it sounds like you could eat,” I laughed.
“Shut up,” she said, her cheeks coloring in slight embarrassment, “I didn’t have breakfast. Are you sure I cannot just stay here in the AC?”
“No,” I responded, “you need to work for your food. It’s only ten minutes away, it won’t take that long. Come keep me company.”
“Please, can’t I stay?” she begged her eyes all big and wet, her lips in a theatrical pout.
“It won’t be so bad! Plus you can pick what we have for lunch.”
“Okay,” she said in mock sadness. She paused the game and stood up, stretching her arms to the ceiling. Her cute little tummy bulged as she arched her back. “I’m going to run to the washroom, want to grab me a water bottle for the walk?”
“Of course,” I winked as she headed away. The bathroom was fairly close to the kitchen, I followed her heading to the fridge as she closed the door to the bathroom. I closed the fridge door after grabbing a water from the back. Through the bathroom door I could hear the sound of Kristen peeing. The spray, splashing sound that girl’s made as they went. My mind drifted to her sweet vagina lips, dripping with that warm golden piss…
I shook my head disrupting my sick thoughts before I could pitch a tent down below. Still, my mind wandered, I bet from a girl as cute as Kristen, her pee tasted sweet. Quickly, I moved out of the kitchen and waited by the front door, hoping to keep my mind out of the gutter. She was peeing, liquid waste, why was it exciting me?
The toilet flushed, hands were washed, and then the door flew open. As she came out the kitchen I threw the water bottle at her, gently. She caught it awkwardly with a, “Hey!” I laughed and put my shoes on. She came over and slipped on her flip-slops.
“Come on, Kiddo,” I held the door for her and soon we were both off, sweating in the hot July weather. “You were absolutely right, it is too hot out today.”
“I told you, that’s why I wanted to stay in the AC!”
“Well we can head back if you’d like,” I joked, “just there will be no tacos then.”
She grabbed my hand and started to swing it back and forth dramatically. “In Mexico it is always this hot. And they eat tacos all the time. If they can do it, so can we,” she explained. The heat made the ten minute walk feel so much longer than it was. But soon we arrived at the air conditioned grocery store. We went around and I grabbed the things I was missing in order to make tacos: salsa, lettuce, and tortillas. Now it was time to solve the problem of lunch.
“So Kristen, what should we do for lunch? Pick anything you want.”
“Anything?” she asked, her eyes shining brightly.
“Yes, whatever you want. Go grab it.” Off she went. I stood by the checkout line waiting for her to return. Soon she returned holding a little blue box.
“KD, for real?” she nodded her head eagerly. “You can have anything for lunch and you choose Kraft Dinner?” She was such a child some times. But I shrugged and took it from her. She clapped happily as we entered the checkout line. I paid for everything then we made our way back through the head to my refreshing apartment. As soon as I got the door open we both rushed in and collapsed on the couch, deeply breathing in the cool air.
“Now that we’ve cooled off why don’t you resume the game,” I suggested, “and I will start making lunch?” She nodded in agreement and we did just that. I got the water boiling. I then added the noodles once the water was sufficiently heated. I could hear Kristen yelling at the TV from the other room, she must be stuck on a hard enemy, I thought. “You okay in there?” I asked, stirring the noodles.
“Yeah I just have to –” I didn’t catch the end of what she said, but she was having fun and that’s all that mattered. I finished off lunch and spooned it into two spate bowls of equal size. “Ketchup?”I yelled to the other room.
“Yes!” Which I knew was coming. She always had some ketchup on her Kraft Dinner. I squirted some onto her bowl with a loud ketchup fart, and then returned the bottle to the fridge. I picked up the bowls and walked over to her, handing her the one with red on top.
“Thank you,” she said mixing her KD happily. She paused the game and set the controller on the floor. “Want to watch something while we eat?”
“Yes, that sounds nice,” I grabbed the remote and changed the input.
Netflix came up on the screen. I put on a random show that we both enjoyed and we ate in silence, enjoying the cartoons. She moaned after her first bite, “Jack, KD is the best. But it’s even better when you make it.” She spooned more into her waiting mouth.
“I just follow the instructions,” I explained, “I don’t do anything special.”
“Well whatever you do, just make KD for me forever.” We continued to watch TV chatting lightly back and forth. About halfway I got up and grabbed us each something to drink. Lunch was fairly uneventful, and now that I had let Kristen play for most of the morning, it was my turn and I really wanted to sink my teeth into it.
Kristen liked watching as much as she liked playing. So we explored and had fun discovering new things. As I played more and more, she was becoming quieter which was weird. Kristen was always energetic, and easily excitable. I didn’t put too much thought into it though, maybe she was just lost in the game, I know I was. Then I started to notice a light smell of eggs. As I continued to play I kept noticing the smell, stronger. “Kristen, did you fart?” I asked playfully, we didn’t hide anything from each other.
Her cheeks burned a little red, she responded a little strained, “Yes I’m sorry, my tummy really hurts. I’m not sure the KD is agreeing with me.”
“No worries, I was just curious. Didn’t mean to pry,” and I focused back on the bright graphics of the game. I offered her the controller in the hopes that maybe it would take her mind off her upset stomach. But while playing her hand kept drifting to her midsection, and I could smell the stink of her farts. Soon she stopped playing all together and was groaning a bit.
“You okay, Kristen?”
“Yeah,” she said looking at me. “It just doesn’t feel great.”
“Do you maybe have to use the washroom?”
“No, I don’t feel like it would come out yet. Plus,” she looked longingly at the TV, “I want to keep playing, we’re almost at the next dungeon.”
“But you’re in pain, I feel bad.”
“Maybe it will pass,” she let out another stinky little fart.
I don’t know why my brain went where it did, but I took a chance. A chance I didn’t know I even wanted to take. It just sort of came out. “Why don’t you just sit here and keep playing?”
“That’s what I’m going to do,” she responded, rubbing her tummy again.
“No, no,” I started, she didn’t understand my meaning. I’m not even sure I knew what I wanted, but I continued, “You’re in pain and you need relief. So just sit here and keep playing the game and keep… trying to go,” I trailed off a bit at the end, my face felt hot.
She paused the game and looked at me her cheeks a hot scarlet. “You want me to,” she stumbled on her words a bit, “go, in my pants?” I nodded, doing my best to keep looking her in the eyes, although I just wanted to hide in shame. “I’m twenty-one I haven’t had an accident since I was a baby.”
“I just meant that you’re enjoying the game and if your stomach won’t let you go, why wait around and play Toilet Tag?” She sat quiet for a bit. I bet she was going to tell me how absolutely disgusting I was.
Truth be told, I had always had these fantasies. Fantasies that when it came to Kristen I desired even more than I knew I needed. I had imagined her peeing in front of me, or pooping in her pants; or even persuading her to let me put her cute little body into a pair of Pampers. I just wanted to change her. I wanted to take care of her, love her, and quite frankly: fill her with my cum.
So the silence dragged for a bit as I waited for her to tell me off. All she asked, breaking the silence, was, “What about my clothes, and what about the… cleanup?” I was shocked she seemed to be considering it.
“Leave it all to me. I can wash your clothes,” I assured her, my hopes desperate. “I will clean up any mess you make. I’ll take care of you. I just want you to be okay.”
“So if I,” she swallowed nervously, “if I crap myself, you will clean me up?” She looked me in the eyes and looked more vulnerable than I’ve ever seen her.
“Of course,” I said touching her arm reassuringly. “I just want you to be happy. I think this would be kind of fun.” She turned away and unpaused the game.
“I’m not saying I’m going, but we’ll see how I feel,” she sounded more like her normal self as our video game adventure resumed its normal course. I was okay with a maybe. At least we had talked about it and she didn’t seem too turned off. I tried to focus on the game and not on my erection pressing painfully against the material of my shorts. Recent events and the smells of her occasional farts were turning me on and making it hard to concentrate.
For a bit we just focused on the game. We took more frequent turns so she could relax her stomach. I started to notice her body language out of the corner of my eye. She seemed to be pushing and straining more actively. I was getting super excited, the possibilities inching their way a little more towards becoming real. I tried to give her the controller as often as I could. This allowed me to watch her a little more carefully. She was really trying to go in her pants, I was shocked! I thought I had no chance. I could tell though she was still trying to hide the fact that she was trying to poop her pants, like she didn’t want me to know. Who knows, maybe once she got up the urge to go she would change her mind and just head to the washroom like an adult. The smell of farts had died down, and her hands didn’t touch her belly all that much. I was worried, but relieved, that maybe the cramps had passed her. But despite all this her straining was getting more obvious like she wasn’t trying to hide it as much.
“You doing okay?” I risked asking.
“Yeah,” she mumbled, “feeling a little better.” And I left it at that. She seemed to get quiet and lost in the game. She gave a little push, this time I could hear a loud fart erupt from between her butt cheeks. She quickly handed the controller to me and her hands went to her stomach. “Your turn,” she said. I played not focused on the game, I just watched her out of the corner of my eye.
She pushed again and moaned, “Oh no.” I heard her stomach gurgle a bit. She closed her eyes and gave another little push. “Oh!” she exclaimed her eyes opening, still pushing. “I’m going in my pants,” she mumbled. I could hear wet noises coming from her butt. She stopped for a bit as I began to smell the aroma of her mess. “I just pooped in my pants a bit. I just crapped myself,” she laughed nervously and brushed her hair behind her ears.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, “I just have to go more.” She closed her eyes and started to push more. More came out of her as she moaned in relief, her but making bubbly farting sound as she sat beside me filling her pants. As she finished up she lifted her butt slightly off the couch to allow the last of the mess to slide in. She let out a breath and said, “I cannot believe I just shit myself like a toddler.”
“It wasn’t so bad, right?”
“No, it wasn’t,” said while pausing the game. She put the controller down. “And I feel a lot better. How much of a mess did I make?” She stood up and showed me her behind. Her once tight pants now had a noticeable bulge in the back. I really wanted to touch it.
“You did a real good job,” I laughed.
“It feels a little gross and the smell…”
“I don’t mind,” I said quickly. “It’s kind of hot. My little stinker.”
“You like this smell?”
“Well,” I explained, still staring at the bulge in her pants. “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just kind of sexy. It does stink, but it’s also an exciting stink.”
“I feel relieved. My tummy was really hurting.”
“You you really had to go.”
“I would like to play a little more before you change me,” she said mischievously. She turned to look me in the eyes. “I also kind of have to pee, can I…?”
“Yeah!” I said eagerly. “You want to pee your pants too? Let me just get a towel quick.” She nodded and I headed to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and quickly headed back.
“You enjoy this, I see,” she said with a giggle. She was pointing at my very obvious erection as I re-entered the room. Now it was my turn for my cheeks to flush red. I said nothing and laid the towel at her feet. She stepped on it and I stood back and waited.
“You’re going to just stand there and watch me, you Perv,” she said closing her eyes. She was trying to concentrate, I guessed.
“It’s just not every day I get to witness something so… hot,” I stammered. Kristen had me all flustered; my mind was going a mile a minute. We stood in silence for a bit, the hum of the TV the only sound. I just watched and listened, not wanting to miss a moment.
Then the show started slowly. It was hard to make out the wet spot as it started to form since her pants were black. I could hear a light noise like a hiss coming from her legs. Then as the dark spot started being more noticeable the sound became louder and more obvious. As her adult bladder emptied itself the wetness trickled down her slender legs into the towel below. She moaned softly in relief as the hissing sound slowly died down. Her hand subconsciously drifted to her damp crotch and started to gently massage.
“Feel better?”
“Have you always like this sort of thing?” she asked ignoring my question.
“Yes, it is a very big turn on for me,” I responded my cheeks burning.
“All these years I’ve known you and you never wanted to tell me?”
“I thought you’d find me gross. Or that you’d tell someone and I’d get in trouble..”
“That’s too bad,” she responded smiling. “Peeing myself really turns me on too. Maybe we could have had a little fun over the years.” She moved over to the couch and gingerly sat down. She gasped slightly as she sat on her poopy bum. “It feels so nice and warm,” she giggled wiggling slightly back and forth, moving her mess around. “Let’s continue gaming for a bit my tummy is starting to feel upset again. That is,” she turned to look at me, “if you don’t mind me make more of a mess in my pants?”
I smiled and rubbed her head, sitting on the couch beside her. “When you’re finished going potty, I will clean you all up.” She smiled and unpaused the game. We were back on our adventure like nothing had even happened. And you wouldn’t even be able to tell with her dark pants. The only thing that gave away what she had done was the lingering smell.
She continued to play for about fifteen minutes before finally handing the controller over to me. She started to let out little farts again. They sounded wet as they bubbled their way up through the mess already in her panties.
“It’s so nice not having to get up and use the toilet,” she said. “I want to do this more often.” She let out another little fart. I was so absolutely in love with this girl. Everything about her was cute and sexy.
I got into a fight with a large boss enemy. This was a huge relief to my throbbing boner. I was happy to have my mind distracted from the cute girl filling her pants beside me. Around halfway in the fight I hear her mumble, “Oh, here comes some more.” She crossed her arms over her stomach and started to push. My mind left the game far behind and all my attention was on Kristen. She groaned as wet noises came from her behind.
“It is so wet this time. I feel like I’m peeing from my bum.” She kept making cute little grunts as she soiled herself further. “Oh God!” she leapt off the couch. “I think some just shot up my back. And it’s definitely running down my legs.” She turned a little and sure enough the bottom of her tank top was stained a light brown. She gave a final push and heard the last of her mess enter her pants.
“That felt so good, what a relief,” she moaned. She stood their bow-legged trying her best to keep the wet mess in her panties. But it wasn’t working. I could see streaks of mess running down her legs. The smell was worse, but I still loved every second of it. I took a deep breath and just enjoyed the fact that this cute little girl had just filled her pants with hot shit for me.
“Okay, now I need to be changed,” she laughed. “I’m covered in poop from front to back. I’m pretty sure my vagina is covered too.” That was such a thought hot: her shit covered vagina. I couldn’t believe that after that show I would also get to change her and see her naked.
“How did all that fit inside you, you’re so tiny,” I teased. “You had quite the blowout, Little One.” Her cheeks were beet red as she turned to head to the bathroom.
“Okay come clean me up. It’s starting to get cold.” She looked like such a toddler waddling to the washroom with a full diaper.
“I’ll quickly grab you a change of clothes,” I said. I grabbed her a t-shirt, pair of shorts, and a smaller pair of boxers I had outgrown. I made my way to the washroom where she waited a huge smile on her face, checking out the damage in the mirror.
“I love you,” I said. She looks at me and grins. “Could we…?” I trailed off afraid to ask my next question. But she had just pooped her pants for me, I could ask. “Do you think we could have sex?” She just looked at me. “After I clean you up first,” I added hastily.
“I thought you’d never ask,” she said casually. “Now clean my pussy up I don’t want to get an infection. Nothing would please me more, I thought to myself. I grabbed some wet wipes from under the sink. I also laid a dark towel on the floor in case of any mess. The whole washroom smelled of her mess and old piss. I loved it. I knelt in front of her and grabbed the tops of her waistband.
“First I’m going to remove your pants,” she nodded her agreement. I pulled them down slowly. Her face was red and her hands covered her face slightly in embarrassment. I peeled off her pants slowly they were slick with poop. I lowered them to the ground and she stepped out of them. I set them off to the side, they could be salvaged I would wash them.
I took her in for a second and enjoyed the view. She stood in front of me – my head at crotch height – her long slender legs had streaks of brown where her mess had trickled down. She wore no socks so her cute little toes wiggled awkwardly. She had the cutest pair of panties. They were – originally – a light baby blue with kiddy cartoons on them. Now the mound of her vagina was a dark blue and everything was stained a yellowish brown.
“I was going to wash your pants and shirt, I think they can be saved,” I explained. “But I don’t think these undies can be saved.” She giggled and turned to show me the back. They were no longer blue. The space in between her butt cheeks was packed with poop. The top of her waistband was overflowing, and same with the leg holes.
“Go ahead just thrown them out,” she said casually.
“I still don’t know how that much could be inside you.” She just laughed as her cheeks flushed. My hand reached out and touched the wet mound of her vagina; it felt hot. Without a second thought my head moved forward.
“Hey!” My face was buried between her legs, my nose in her vagina. I took a deep breath and smelled her. She actually pushed my head in deeper her hips arching slightly forward. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned. I could smell it all, I wanted her so bad. I could smell the stink of her poop mingled and mixed with the sweet smell of piss. Underneath it all I could smell her female smell. I just wanted to be inside her. I was at peace my face buried between her legs.
“Alright,” she cooed, “you’ll have plenty of time with it after.” She was right, I needed to clean her up first. I grabbed the sides of her underwear and started to pull them down. They were stuck to her bum but I gently pulled and they slowly slid down. I tried to keep the mess from touching her legs as I lowered her panties to the floor. They were surprisingly heavy with the poop. Stepped out of one leg first, then the second leg. I started at the ruined panties in my hand before quickly throwing them out.
In front of me was the most beautiful sight: a tiny, petite female stood in front of me, her knees cocked inward as if trying to cover up her nakedness. She quickly took her shirt off and threw them on top of her pants to be washed. She tried to keep her hands at her sides while I looked but she kept fidgeting. It was strange she was never nervous around me naked.
Her body was beautiful. She had beautiful smooth skin. She had two little mounds that were her breasts; cute little things. I kept looking down past her smooth stomach down into the pelvic region. Her vagina was as cute as she was, shaved and perfect. The bottom half of it was sticky with poop. She was perfect. Her vagina lips glistened wetly either from her pee earlier, or her arousal.
“Turn around,” I said, “I want to see your dirty bum.” She giggled as she twirled. Her once tight white butt cheeks were caked in poop. She stank, but it was so intoxicating.
“God, you’re beautiful,” I said. She turned back around.
“Even after I just shit myself?”
“Especially because of that.” I smiled. I’m glad she was enjoying this. “Alright lay down on this towel.” She did so slowly trying not to dirty the towel with her poop. Soon she was laying in front of me like a baby on a changing table. I grabbed some wipes and took her legs in one hand. And I started to clean my best friends butt and vagina. It was hard resisting the urge to just plunge my fingers between her legs. When I was sure she was spotless I threw out all the cleaning material I had used. “There, all done.”
“Thank you,” she said. “Now you’ve been patient,” she spread her legs more revealing the pinkness of her inner vagina, “time for you to play a new game.” Her vagina looked so wet and my dick was so hard. I quickly whipped my pants and underwear off. I hovered just before entering, her vagina scents filling my nose.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” I asked.
“Just hurry,” she moaned, “before I have to finger myself. I cannot wait.” She squirmed on the towel. I couldn’t wait any more. I shoved myself inside her. Her vagina was warm and moist, and it squeezed my penis just right.
“Oh God,” I moaned, “I’m sorry after everything today I’m…. I’m not going to last long.” I was panting, but I couldn’t stop moving in and out. “Your vagina just feels too good.”
“Just shut up and come,” she growled. I was so close too. I could feel the telltale signs of an orgasm building. My brain took over and my hand moved between her legs. While I was thrusting I pushed my index finger into her butthole. Her anus was still a little slick with poop so it slid in easily. Kristen let out the cutest little scream. I fucked her ass as I fucked her pussy. I could feel my dick moving back and forth with my finger. Just as my climax arrived I pulled my finger out of her bum and inhaled the smell of her butthole. God, I loved that smell. Then I just filled her little body up with cum. I couldn’t stop, it just kept pumping into her. I thought I would tear right through her. I just sat there motionless with my dick pulsating inside her. Waves of pleasure rocked my brain.
“That. Was. Amazing,” she said.
“Yeah,” I managed to get out between breaths.
“But we’re not done yet. Almost,” and before I could think she pushed me backwards and got on top of me with my dick still in her. She started to slowly ride me while playing with her little nipples. She went up and down slowly. I could feel my semen leaking out of her onto me. We just laid there for a bit her going up and down. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pleasure. Soon she slowed down to a complete stop and was just sitting on me. Soon, I felt warmth spread all over me and I heard the hiss of urine. I opened my eyes and she was playing with one breast she whimpered as she finished her business on me.
Finally, after she finished peeing she got off of me. “Sorry,” she said, “I really had to pee again.” I stood up and kissed her; I mean really kissed her.
“I’ve been in love with you for so long,” I said.
“I know,” she winked. “I cannot believe it took you so long. Today was fun.”
“Yes,” I said happily. “Maybe you’d like to try diapers in the future?” Her eyes lit up.
“That sounds like something fun to try. Although doing it in my pants felt really naughty.”
“Well,” I said, “Let’s play some more Zelda. I’ll make some tacos later and who knows maybe your tummy will act up again.”
“We’ll see,” she laughed. She let out a cute little fart. “Oops, ‘scuse me.”
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trazon · 10 months
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An immogression escape room.
The trick here is to not overthink the puzzle, unfortunately these four couldn't process that Even when they weren't being dumbed down.
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tboyblogger · 3 months
they put the urge to shit yourself in every vietnamese dish if you dont shit yourself after eating viet cuisine its not authentic
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golden--doodler · 8 months
They should make a ride for Bob’s Burgers that’s like The Simpsons ride at Universal, with Grover as the main villain except for Sideshow Bob. I’ve just been thinking about The Simpsons ride a lot since I went on it again recently (it’s so fun, omg), but just imagine how fun something like this would be, except with the Belchers?
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lactosegremlin · 8 months
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turned out MUCH better
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hotnhowling · 2 years
Ardyn not only knows how to please you in bed but exactly how to charm you to his bed in the first place
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Oh yes ~ Suppose I am simply that Charming🌹
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friend-crow · 2 years
I have a choice of a couple of feats now, but I have to choose between the ability to speak to animals and the ability to soil my teammates' pants...
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wet-and-wedgied · 1 year
Rhys’ Diarrhea Disaster
(This is a fictional desperation story)
Rhys was a performer at the local Renaissance Fair and this year they gone all out, managing to book it on a vast estate of some wealthy history buff who’d recreated a medieval castle, complete with a most and a garden maze. Rhys, a good-looking young man in his twenties with green eyes and blond hair had been tasked with acting as a noble seneschal, greeting guests and introducing other performers. It was easy enough and fun, and he got to wear a cool recreation of a 16th century outfit, old fashion shoes complete with white tights, short black and gold pantaloons and a tight fitting matching doublet with puffy sleeves and a feathered cape. The clothing was tight and hard to get in, and even harder to get out of, but not particularly uncomfortable.
Rhys, thus toon his break in his get-up, slipping into the back of one of the vendors and grabbed for himself a turkey leg. He joined a few other guys in chowing down, before it was time for him to back work.
“Greetings lords and ladies,” said Rhys with bravado as the latest wave of guests arrived. It was the afternoon and the sun was beating down on him, but it was one of the popular times. “Prepare thyself for feats most great and glorious, as ye King’s tournament draw near,” Rhys said, much to the delight of a family as he point to a mom where to find the jousting field. He was directing another guest to the exhibit on dungeon equipment when suddenly Rhys felt a low grumble in his stomach. He wrinkled his nose, confused. He had just eaten, he couldn’t be hungry. In fact he felt really full. Then he stiffened as a cramp struck him.
Rhys let out a low moan as he held his stomach, bending over. BBBRRBBPT! A short hot fart blasted out of Rhys. A guy walking by dressed like a jester laughed at him. Rhys’ face went red. His stomach growled again. He didn’t need to eat, he needed—PPPBRTRRT!—Uh— to expel something. A lot of something. Rhys groaned as his guts twisted and churned beneath the tight fabric of the doublet. God, he needed to take a dump, right this minute!
BBBRRRT! Rhys cradled his stomach, doubling over as another hot fart escaped him. This was loud, booming a it came out. People started to notice the costumed nobleman wasn’t looking quite so noble. But Rhys had just finished his break and he knew his boss would blow a gasket if he took another. BBBRRTNBBBPPPRTT! Oh that was a big one. He should think about anything having to blow! PPrRRT! Not to mention he was suppose to be staying in character
“Greetings lords and—“ Rhys grabbed his stomach again as another cramp struck him like a hammer. It felt like a battering ram of shot had just slammed into his asshole and he wasn’t sure how long he could hold it back. His knees felt wobbly as he bent at the middle, more farts attacks hitting him, each growing louder and louder.
“eEEEW!” Yelled a boy covering his nose and pointing at Rhys. “He’s stinky!”
Rhys shifted uncomfortably. His stomach roiled he felt bloated and gassy against the tight fit of his doublet, and refusing to budge it press’s into his bubbling guys forcing out a series of farts.
“Oh man,” Rhys muttered, “that turkey leg really isn’t agreeing with me.” He pressed his legs together, but it was no use. He was going to shit, and it was up to him on if that was in a toilet or his pants. “Screw it!” He gasped, and made a mad dash into the fair, bee-lining for the outhouses— Port-A-Potties decorated to look medieval— but was greeted a long line of other desperate fair goers. A line of other men who had eaten the turkey legs were clamoring for a spot, the sound of wet explosions disgustingly loud and clear to Rhys.
Rhys whimpered as he held his stomach, shifting again and again in the line. Next to him another man let out a short gasp of relief and began pissing himself right then and there. The sight of the ever growing wet stain on the man’s shorts seem to have a reactionary effect on Rhys’ bladder which suddenly felt twice full.
Rhys grabbed his ass through the short pantaloons as another fart burst out of him, turning alarming wet at the end. He clenched his cheeks. “Oh God, there is no way I’m gonna make it!” Rhys groaned as he looked at the outhouses. He need somewhere else to go. He turned, desperately scanning for anything. His eyes focused on the maze. It looked most empty.
Rhys, one hand planted on his round ass and the other pressed between his legs and gripping his crotch ran across the commons and into the maze, stumbling through the many twist and turns, farting with each step. He finally came to a stop in a secluded corner as another cramp hit him and he doubled over.
“fuck it!” Rhys gasped as he resolved to pop a squat in the maze. He looked down at the pantaloons and began to work on the laces that went up the front against the bulge of his pulsing crotch. He moved as fast as he could, but there were so many, and the laces were done so tight. Panic started to set in as he tried to move faster. But the laces wouldn’t budge and the battering ram of hot loose shit was ready to breathe through.
“No! No, no, no, come on!” Rhys begged as he tried in vain to tug down the pantaloons of the white tights as his stomach chained like an angry volcano. “Please— please don’t make me shit myself!” He shook and squirmed, but it was no use as the battering ram of shit slammed against his hole and broke through.
“Aahhh… can’t hold it! AaaaAAHH!” Rhys moaned as a a thick wet turd the size of a soft ball burst through his hole and into his white tights. He gasped as the tights were instantly stained a muddy brown, the stench so thick it made him gag. And it was only the begging. He left out another moan as, the gates broken through, a tidal wave of soft diarrhea poured out of him in an uncontrollable burst into his pantaloons. It quickly filled them, Rhys left doubled over as he lost complete control of his bowls, soiling his costume. As he continued shitting himself , Rhys’ bladder too gave in. His eyes fluttered as he began peeing his pants, flooding the front as a golden waterfall fell over his fingers, frozen where they were still on his laces, streaming down his thigh and legs, mixing with the mudslide going down the back of his tights.
Rhys whimpered as his pantaloons were filled, till his ass was swimming in the tidal wave of diarrhea, which came out in explosive blasts that Rhys helpless. The smell was toxic, the raw sewage his body was producing horribly rip as it started to mush up his back and onto his doublet as his guts bubbled and forced out more rancid fart into the growing mess. Rhys fell to his hands and knees, landing the massive puddle of his own shit and piss.
He breathed heavily as the diarrhea pouring out of him slowed. His entire outfit was ruined. His tights soaked, his shoes flooded with still hit urine sewage. He let out a small sob at his embarrassment, though despite it all a part of him was happy to have the release, though his gut still felt funny.
Rhys was finally able to strip out of his soiled clothes, wiping himself off as best he could. He was left entirely in the nude expect for his hat, which he held over his privates as he made his way through the maze. He figured everyone would be watching for the joust, so he could make a quick dash to the employee’s tent and grab his civilian cloths and book it. And he might have made it too.
But just as Rhys was reaching the maze entrance, not a soul in sight, he was hit with a second wave of explosive diarrhea. He let out a sharp, embarrassed gasp as he felt his bowels loose and he froze. Instinctively he grabbed the hat he’d been using to cover himself and placed it beneath him as he squatted. “Oh god, not an Again — UUaghhhAaaAAHH!”
Rhys moaned loudly, his cheeks red as his ass erupted like a poop volcano beneath him into his hat. He gasped and groaned as wave after wave of explosive diarrhea blasted out of him hot as lava and disgustingly thick, filling the poor unfortunately hat till it was overflowing.
It was in the middle of this, Rhys shitting uncontrollably, emptying his bowels into his own hat when the joust ended and everyone came flooding back into the the commons. Suddenly all eyes were set squarely on Rhys and his diarrhea disaster.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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arkhavens · 2 years
you can definitely shit someones pants with prestidigitation
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artcallednaturalviews · 5 months
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Or over more moreover
Add sounds to weeding mowing & blowing
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evermoreal · 28 days
thinking abt some kind of outlaw!au where the 141 walk away from a raid with a lot more than they bargained for.
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a few weeks back they’d received word of a nobleman and his wife who’d be leaving for their honeymoon, valuables aboard the carriage. after a bit of lurking and bribing, they’d narrowed down just which road was desolate and wild enough to get away with the raid.
concealed by the bordering forests, they’d waited. an embarrassingly opulent carriage came dawdling down the road (polished wood, velvet curtains, ostentatious engravings) & they pounced.
the drivers & guards, they’d expected. the gunshots, the shouting. what took them by surprise, though, was the wife, who did not fight as gaz wrestled her into his arms. who watched a little too closely when ghost dragged his blade across her husband’s chest, demanding the location of their funds.
“where’s’a money?” price questioned, moving towards the woman when her husband’s pride weighed heavier than his cowardice. his broad palm gripped her jaw as gaz held her arms behind her back. “hm, lovey? y’speak english? y’better tell me, or your sweetheart ‘ere ‘ll be gutted before tha night’s over.”
she watched her husband writhe for a long moment, before meeting price’s gaze. her voice was flat, steady. “kill him.”
soap barked a laugh. ghost cocked his head.
price, though, was intrigued.
“kill ‘im?” he echoed. then, he lifted her hand, yanking the diamond ring off her finger and pinching it between his fingers. “wha’ bout this? just a rock, is it? ‘till death do us part’ mean nothin’ to ya?”
“words don’t mean much when you’re forced to say them, sir.”
“forced?” price questions, narrowed eyes flicking across your features. he looks to your husband, then, who’s soiled his pants. “tha fuck is this muppet forcin’?”
price is quiet for a while, watching your husband as he wriggles in ghost’s grip. when he meets your gaze, there’s a small, barely-there curve to his chapped lips. “you really want ‘im dead?” there’s an amusement to his tone, a disbelief.
you steel your gaze. “yes.”
the curve of his lips bends into a grin, and you’ve barely exhaled before he’s lifting his pistol, aiming it at your husband’s head, and shooting.
limp, he falls to the ground.
you don’t flinch. in fact your voice is steady when you state, “the money’s in the chest, beneath the seats.”
once again, price approaches you. grips your jaw, tilts your face this way and that. he taps your cheek twice, and says, “you heard the woman. soap, get the money. gaz, tie ‘er up, she’s with me.”
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orange-pheels · 7 months
I should probably invest more in hornyposting especially during midsem season because. Today, i gave a great exam, came back happy, and spent atleast 2-3 hours slowly edging myself and masturbating in all my favourite ways and positions, slept so well after i came like five times, and then woke up to get good food, and now I'm about to have one more small session before getting 8hrs of sleep. This is too good for one day.
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