deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Frauen, die chemische Haarglättungsprodukte verwenden, haben ein höheres Risiko für Gebärmutterkrebs Laut einer neuen Studie der National Institutes of Health hatten Frauen, die chemische Haarglättungsprodukte verwendeten, ein höheres Risiko für Gebärmutterkrebs als Frauen, die diese Produkte nicht angaben. Die Forscher fanden keinen Zusammenhang mit Gebärmutterkrebs bei anderen Haarprodukten, die die Frauen angaben, zu verwenden, darunter Haarfärbemittel, Bleichmittel, Strähnchen oder Dauerwellen. Die Studiendaten umfassen 33.497 US-amerikanische Frauen im Alter von ... #Brustkrebs #Chemikalien #Eierstockkrebs #Epidemiologie #Formaldehyd #Forschung #Gebärmutterkrebs #Gesundheitliche_disparitäten #Gesundheits_und_Sozialdienste #Haar #Hormon #Krebs #Medizinische_Forschung #Parabene #pH_Wert
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mindblowingscience · 16 days
The researchers found that chemicals called phenols and parabens may increase risk of hypertension and high blood pressure during pregnancy and pose a risk to the long-term health of mothers and their babies. These chemicals are commonly used as UV filters in body lotions, hand soaps, shampoos, and sunscreens, as well as to prevent the growth bacteria and mold in makeup and other cosmetics.
Continue Reading.
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cherryblogss · 2 months
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pensando aki💭 ele sendo aquele cara fofinho (muito) mais velho que vc conhece na praça e flertar por brincadeira achando que não vai dar em nada, até que☝🏻 quando chega no outro dia para o seu novo emprego quem está lá? O batman de calcinha😱 mentira, é só o senhor ceo enzo vogrincic do parque, e assim manas, o comportamento dele é totalmente diferente, no trabalho ele não chega a ser uma pessoa ruim, mas não deixa passar nada além de perfeição e é mt rígido. E como vc é mt competente🥰😇 ele sempre faz questão de te elogiar até que um dia na festa anual da empresa, vc encontra ele no escritório enquanto ta todo mundo se divertindo, então fica tentando chamar ele pra festa, mas sabe🫦 se ele quiser ficar sozinho contigo que fique! Nisso, enzo de alguma forma (observem a minha preguiça) vai chegando perto de ti com aquela voz grossa dizendo como sabia que por baixo de tudo aquilo, vc deixa ser uma safada e vc fica tipo😱🤨 kd o cara gentil com o cachorrinho mds, mas que delícia tbm. Enfim, ele fode a sua boquinha até vc chorar com o pau grosso alargando seus lábios e garganta e depois te come deitada em cima da mesa dele, te fazendo chamar ele de papi🥰
Depois disso, felizes para sempre e mts cachorros 🐕 (eu prefiro gato mas quem liga fml)
pensei tbm - nao diga maria cherryzinha😧 - Enzo médico! fui🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️
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danielalanusse · 7 months
Meu mozão ,
Neste dia tão especial, quero te desejar o aniversário mais incrível mesmo estando distantes. A distância que nos separa não diminui em nada o amor que sinto por você, meu mozão. Embora estejamos separados por quilômetros, meu coração bate ao ritmo da sua felicidade.
Hoje, celebro não apenas o dia em que você chegou a este mundo, mas também a alegria de tê-lo na minha vida, mesmo através da tela e a milhares de quilômetros de distância. A cada dia que passa, meu amor por você cresce, desafiando qualquer fronteira geográfica.
Embora a distância possa ser um desafio, ela também é um lembrete constante da força do nosso vínculo. As fronteiras não podem limitar o que sinto por você nem a intensidade dos momentos compartilhados, seja através de mensagens, chamadas ou videochamadas.
Neste dia especial, quero que sinta meu abraço virtual atravessando oceanos e continentes, levando todo o carinho que tenho para te oferecer, meu amor. Que este novo ano de vida esteja repleto de alegrias, sucessos e momentos que te façam sorrir, e que em breve possamos comemorar juntos pessoalmente.
Feliz aniversário, meu amor. Mesmo estando fisicamente distantes, nosso amor continua unindo nossos corações de uma maneira única.
Com todo o meu amor,
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impulsionarias · 1 month
Hoje é meu aniversário e TUDO o que eu peço é a impermanência em lugares e vidas que não mereço estar, que não me cabe, que me limita. Eu mereço amor e todas as paradas que eu sonhei. Nesse novo ciclo, onde houver amor, eu estarei. E por fim e começo: GRATIDÃO. 🎂🎈🙏
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flopllery · 2 days
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rhiezus · 22 days
❝  it’s late,  you might as well just stay here.  ❞ // devi x usik
there was something incredibly special by the way u-sik's figure completed his room. it wasn't as if she had been there that many times yet to have it memorized, but not much changes every time she does visit. he is a man living alone with barely time to enjoy his own space, she could tell by the way the furniture itself was simple like he didn't make any changes when deciding to move in. he also wasn't one of the guys who at least tried to make his place more organized because there was barely much to organize too, there were a few clothes on the floor and the sheets were always messy because obviously he couldn't care less about tiding up a bed that he was gonna use for the same purpose later. the first time she brought her back to his place though, everything as spotless, even the bed was made but she was smarter than to use it, actually she didn't made it pass the living room and caught a glimpse of the bedroom when she excused herself to use the bathroom just so she could snoop around a bit. and it was like he knew she was gonna do it, leaving no flaw behind. but now almost two months later, they weren't about to have dates in public places and meeting only at social events didn't open the possibility to spend actual quality time together. so being back at his place was inevitable and privacy was something they were getting used to.
so yeah, his bed was unmade because she knew he got up from a nap just minute before picking her up for their date. most girls would think this meant running away because if he was not romantic enough to plan ahead to meet you and greet you with flowers and dinner then he was not worth it, but devi was never one of those girls. specially when she knows that his efforts go focused on his football career, on his practice — even on week days like today — and making his dream worth. she wish she could relate to that instead she admires it. which makes him even more impressive before her eyes. an unattainable man that makes time for her despite his busy and hectic life, stealing her away is a privilege which makes him eligible under this circumstances. and after getting a glimpse of such first-class man, she could cozy up by his unmade bed anytime. much like today, after three or four beers while they watched some boring football match between two big teams that she couldn't even recall the name of because she was too entertained by the way his jawline moved when his mouth went on and on about it for forty minutes or so. her group-mates would quickly jump on the gun to say devi was clearly the one with the least sense of respect for herself however she was the only one dating a star player and having fun so who were they to know. her head dizzy with the perfume he used pairing in the air and the blood pumping a little bit of alcohol in her veins, she buried herself between his messy sheets marking her territory with her own scent.
out with that spectacular view of u-sik watching her by the door with amusement, thankfully she didn't saw the wicked expression on his face when he said that she could stay over because she might had way more than butterflies dancing on the bottom of her stomach right now. still, she could feel his presence closer and when she looked up he was crawling on the bed towering over her with a devilish grin. god, his eyes were sparkling too, weren't they? it was just because they acted as flashing lights since the room was poorly lit. now the butterflies had flew from her stomach to another place below which made devi move her leg up just a little bit causing the distance between their bodies to become even smaller. "i don't know if i should." she teased while her fingertips grazed his muscular arm up until his neck then to his jaw and finally coming softly at his lips. the eye contact didn't last over three seconds but devi left feeling like her insides were exploding out of her body in a gruesome scene so involuntarily she put both her hands up her face and covered her growing blush. "stop! don't look at me like that." and of course, she knew a thing or two about acting naive and flirty when she needed to being right now one of those but still sometimes she was just naive and flirty like any girl in her age and position would be. u-sik fought her way through it every time and each time when she thought she went too far with it, it was like he found it amusing and kept doing this type of things over and over which kept them both at their toes and the reason behind why they were always up each other all the time too.
the teasing finally came to an end when he used his strong hand and in a movement made her uncover her face and instead of trying to argue his way around, he just passionately kissed her. devi thought that he was granting her wish because he wasn't looking at her but that was much, much worse than that look. however she couldn't bring herself to stop it either and immediately she was kissing him back. this lowered his debt for making her seem interested in football for over an hour, the hands going up her thigh and pushing her skirt up completely erased it but she didn't gave him the satisfaction of knowing in words because only a muffled sound came from her mouth that was still very busy on his lips. gosh, she was so glad she choose a pretty lingerie for this and she guessed just right when no plans were made ahead. he wasn't a man of making his lines blurry treating her with chocolates and flowers before fucking her, u-sik was the type of man that fucked her and then, probably, way ahead of line did those other cheesy things. and this was the kind of man she was wet for right now, no other would bring her to the edge without even touching her yet. shameless woman or woman of needs? either and both, completely compelled to accept his offer and spend the night doing what nights between a hotshot player and a popular singer should do.
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fuckindiva · 2 years
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MEU PRESIDENTE 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷❤❤❤❤❤
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fotografareupreciso · 8 months
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yelow-heart · 2 months
Cara, eu tô muito triste. Volta o tempo aí Deus, ignora o pé frio do Bruninho e usa o pé quente da Fadinha.
Eu não aceito isso não cara. Brasil merecia muito essa final. Minhas meninas mereciam muito. Esse time é tão incrível.
Deixa elas fazerem esse tie-break de novo q eu sei q elas ganham.
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Studie untersucht Zusammenhänge zwischen potenziell endokrin wirkenden Chemikalien und weiblicher Fruchtbarkeit Etwa jede sechste Frau im gebärfähigen Alter hat Schwierigkeiten, eine Schwangerschaft zu zeugen oder auszutragen. Obwohl der Einsatz von assistierten Reproduktionstechnologien (ARTs) weltweit zugenommen hat, ist die Erfolgsrate von Lebendgeburten nahezu gleich geblieben. Lernen: Assoziation zwischen Chemikalienmischungen und weiblicher Fruchtbarkeit bei Frauen, die sich einer assistierten Reproduktion in Schweden und Estland unterziehen. Bildnachweis: ADragan / Shutterstock... #Biomarker #Chemikalien #Eierstöcke #Embryo #endokrine #Forschung #Fruchtbarkeit #Hormon #Metabolit #Metaboliten #Parabene #Phthalate #Schwangerschaft #Unfruchtbarkeit #Weibliche_Unfruchtbarkeit
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Meu amor,
Eu te amo!  Parabéns pelo seu dia, que venham anos repletos de bênçãos, que consiga conquistar, vencer, crescer, surpreender-se... Torço por ti, por suas vitórias e sucesso. Tua presença em nossas vidas é um presente, que continue sendo essa pessoa boa, carinhosa, protetora, cuidadosa, fofa, verdadeira, sincera, sensata, corajosa, persistente, forte, entre outras mil coisas. Existem pessoas que não sabem a dimensão de seu tamanho, de sua importância, de sua grandeza e existem pessoas que desperdiçaram uma vida repleta de felicidade e amor, sem perceber. Sou grata, por ter a oportunidade de viver isso ao seu lado, por te proporcionar o mesmo, por receber e perceber todos os dias o real sentimento de amor verdadeiro, sem máscaras, sem medo, sem dúvidas, sim, não há dúvidas de que é você. Que viva todos os próximos anos, intensamente, livremente, sem nenhum peso em sua mente. Que eu possa estar presente para lhe fortalecer a cada obstáculo encontrado, mesmo que não precise disso por possuir a força que possui. Eu vou estar aqui, então, tenha ótimos dias, viva, respire, se entregue, seja você, não mude, você é uma ótima pessoa e um* excelente profissional. Que Deus lhe dê de presente todo reconhecimento que merece, muito sucesso em sua carreira e paz. Feliz vida! Eu amo você, muito!
Da saga de textos já enviados para ti.
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szonllee · 3 months
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Parabéns pra você Nesta data querida Muitas felicidades Muitos anos de vida
Ê festa legal, hein, Espirro!? É isso aí, Atchim, vamo aproveitar, pessoal Parabéns pra você! Viva, iuhuu!
Todo mundo batendo palma, vamo lá! Vamo animar essa festa, pessoal Vamo lá Parabéns pra vocês Todo mundo cantando agora, hein? Olha o coral
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nessasilva123 · 7 months
Parabéns para mim🎂 ,quando eu olho para trás eu só tenho a agradecer a Deus por ter permitido viver tanta coisa linda, amadureci bastante e vou aprender muito ainda, tenho muito orgulho da pessoa que estou me tornando, a cada circulo me sinto uma nova pessoa mais forte, madura, feliz, grata, realizada não é fácil por isso peço a Deus força e sabedoria para enfrentar todos os obstáculos, muita saúde o resto a gente corre atrás 🍀
Aproveitando cada segundo desse dia incrível, gratidão pela vida que esse nova fase seja repleta de realizações ✨
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born-in-hell · 7 months
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[translation: happy birthday, happy birthday, health, happiness/ that you reap every day/ peace and happiness in the field of friendship]
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mineiro7jc · 7 months
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