#Paralian fanart
kathiemnq · 4 years
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Here's another fanart that I made: Paralian, Falling Falling by @exoticarmy127 💜
Might do more for her whole Spring Day Series 🌸
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worldwidebt7 · 4 years
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Pirate!Jungkook commission for @kpopfanfictrash ~ So when Shanna described what she wanted for Jungkook, I knew I was going to love drawing this because I LOVE 2019 Seoul Muster Jungkook. I’m pretty sure he gave everyone a heart attack. The HAIR *dies.* He isn’t flashy in the story-- no crazy clothes or obscene jewelry-- so I spend more time on his hair and face to make sure that was perfect! 
Here’s an excerpt describing Jungkook:
“Jungkook sits in the rowboat alone. It is tiny, room enough for only one, or two people. The oars rest on his legs and he stares at the ocean. He faces the bay’s entrance, as though expecting someone to come from the sea. You hide a smile before realizing he may not be expecting you to come at all. He is dressed in a plain tunic and trousers; no crown on his head. Dark strands of hair are made wavy by sea salt, tousled and kissed by the wind.”
Read “PARALIAN” Here
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paralianprince · 4 years
8 people I’d like to know better
Rules: fill this up and then tagged 8 people you’d like to know better!  
one / ( alias / name ):  vanden, or vaz i suppose if you’ve been around long enough! 
two / ( date of birth ):  dec 21
three / ( zodiac sign ):  sagi - why is this a separate question from two
four / ( height ):  5′5″
five / ( hobbies ):  videogames, especially glacier-pace RPGs or turn based strategy, and also animal crossing.  i draw sometimes but not nearly enough!!  i also really really love cooking 
six / ( favorite color ):  turquoise and amaranth (which is like crimson but a bit pinker?)  god im pretentious wow 
seven / (favourite books ):  the golden and grey series possesses my favorite writing voice of all time that i have EVER encountered since i was like... twelve.  (actually, i talked about this AT LENGTH-- as i am wont to do-- here!!) 
eight / ( last song listened to ):  soft museum from the NiGHTS ost! 
nine / ( last film or show watched ):  fruits basket !!
ten / ( story behind url ):  paralian is a ~fancie~ word for ‘a person who lives by the sea’, and sealand is a principality, so, it’s actually pretty straightforward!  
most of my rp blogs follow a url convention of being two alliterative words, with one being kind of obscure 
eleven / ( inspiration for muse ):  have you ever had the experience of looking through fanart of a character, one who you dont even necessarily care about or like that much, but something about those arts just… hit to key for reasons you can’t even really articulate?  they just give off a certain vibe or aesthetic or something idk, aura of the character, and in a rush of inspiration you suddenly adore & completely understand their entire Concept in a way that’s hard to explain, but like, you Feel It Though? 
that’s exactly how it happened.  i was just looking at fanart minding my own business and suddenly i must contend with the reality that sealand has somehow become my son and shining star without me even noticing 
tagged by:  @bates--boy, @the-misfit-eight, @strekkingur and @aphalleos  oh my goodness 
TAGGING:  UHHH @gebrochener-adler and @ofanglia if you havent got it yet !!
also @serenesecession DO IT ANYWAY 
uhhh tags my wife 5 more times.  alright sick that’s 8 total.  cheers 
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
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Reviews for After All and Paralian (Spring Day series) by @googie1013
If you guys have reviews/long comments/fanarts for my stories on other social media sites (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram), please tag me so I can share them here as well and add them to my Blog Love and Reviews thread. :) 
Thank you so much!!
- Kaye Allen 
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worldwidebt7 · 4 years
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Mer!Yoongi for @kpopfanfictrash ~ I was insanely excited when Shanna approached me for commissions, and then I nearly lost my sh*t when she told me she wanted Yoongi and Jungkook from her fanfic “Paralian” done! I’ve read the two-part fic multiple times and it is just *chef kiss*.
Here’s an excerpt describing Yoongi:
“The sea witch’s son’s skin is pale, like cold moonlight on the ocean. It glows with an otherworldly quality, as though he has spent too long inside and is unaccustomed to sunlight. Ebony hair drifts over his face, moving despite the lack of current before him. Tattoos of violet and gold snake his neck, spanning his stomach towards the bronze of his tail. Despite this, it is his eyes which hold your attention. There are entirely gold, with only a slight darkness at the center to indicate where his pupils are.”
Read “PARALIAN” Here
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