#Park daniel
anticapitalistclown · 4 months
I find so funny how Jake and Daniel see Jinyoung (like I don't blame Daniel AT ALL, he's a victim of this crazed man)
but for Jake is: my sweet uncle who gave me candy when I was a kid
and for Daniel is: how can a trash like him be my maternal uncle
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shroomshark · 8 months
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God, he's such a loser Daniel flyin' solo Who you think that you know Daniel in the bathroom by himself All by himself
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jjstrv · 2 months
Spoil lookism 513
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Do you think UI daniel will go for james or charles ?
Also , the chapter confirm that james is not charles snd body 🙏
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mysblog · 11 months
Taejun's really out there thinking that these scenes were a good idea
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lookismfanfics · 2 years
Jay x Daniel Older sister (they are about 10 mins apart)
So when Daniel and the reader transfer to the school, Jay takes notice to both of them. Jay and Daniel become best friends and he slowly sees himself falling in love with his best friends sister. Daniel is slightly overprotective of the reader since he had such a deep relationship with her but realizes Jay is genuinely nice and allows him to date his sister.
Can you please write so people with colored-skin can apply to it as well? So just mainly no blushing? Thank you! Love your writing by the way ❤️
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞...?
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
Warnings: Jealousy, mentions of bullying, sibling-ness. Also… the POV switches from 3rd to 2nd POV.
Jay Hong x Fem!Reader (who is also Daniel Park’s twin~)
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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯 ❦ It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Daniel Park was different.
❦ Good-looking, charming… even a little secretive.
❦ From the moment we walked into the room all eyes were on him… ranging from the cautious, steely eyes of the jocks; to the love-stuck, infatuated gazes of the girls.
❦ Jay was one of the people to notice Daniel. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of him.
❦ Daniel was handsome. He seemed like to guy to have resources at his disposal, like Jay. And yet he was kind to everyone… protective of girls and outcasts… a very confusing person.
❦ And maybe Jay had noticed his clothes were a little rough… but when it was really pointed out and suddenly Daniel’s dignity was on the line, Jay affirmed he would do something about it.
❦ Of course he was interested in this new transfer student.
❦ …Of course he was fascinated by his selflessness and seemingly endless kindness.
❦ So that day when Jay decided he would make a move— show Daniel that he wanted to be friends, he was surprised.
❦ The street glowed orange and yellow, the sun’s rays gently warming Jay’s numb hands that clasped around the duffel bag.
❦ He sees Daniel walking down the pavement, his impressive form highlighted by the sunset’s colors. Even if he hardly knows him, Jay wants Daniel to have a decent birthday. He’s not certain why… but he needs this to work out.
❦ And Daniel perks up, eyes widening with recognition. He smiles, and calls out in a voice that Jay senses will become a source of comfort:
(aYo why is this turning into Daniel x Jay…?)
❦ “Oh… Jay! You live around here too…?”
❦ Jay doesn’t say anything, just tosses the bag on the ground and smiles.
❦ And there’s the real birthday surprise…
❦ “Daniel?”
❦ A girl’s voice.
❦ “Who’s this?”
❦ Daniel is crouched on the ground, rummaging through the bag and exclaiming surprised comments. And as much as Jay wants reply to him- he’s all of a sudden distracted.
❦ “O-Oh… (Y/N)! This is Jay, from my class.”
❦ Jay feels his stomach drop. Who’s (Y/N)?
❦ She stands behind Daniel, glancing down dubiously at the duffel bag before glancing up at Jay. She’s pretty.
❦ “What’s this for…?” She asks quietly, staring at the back of Daniel’s head.
❦ “Jay, you knew it was our birthday…?”
❦ “…”
❦ Jay is panicking-
❦ 🚨 🚨 🚨
❦ “Our” birthday? What does he mean…? Jay can feel his lips parting, his mouth intaking the warm air as he tries to steady his breathing.
❦ “…” “Huh? Oh! You didn’t know I had a sister? Ah- she’s in a different class… beauty department.”
❦ Beauty department… it suits her.
❦ “Oh, you think so?” Daniel laughs. Beside him, still eyeing Jay with suspicion, is (Y/N).
❦ “I’m a little hurt you didn’t mention me… but anyway. I’m sorry Jay, but we really can’t accept this…”
❦ Jay nods his head rapidly.
❦ Her previous look of confusion is slowly molded into one of tentative understanding. Glossy lips tilting upwards into a soft smile.
❦ “You were throwing them out…?”
❦ Daniel starts translating then… all to which Jay nods.
❦ And as much as he wishes he could say something else… or watch him try on the clothes… or genuinely ask if they could be friends…
❦ Jay can’t stay. Suddenly he feels a drop of guilt in his stomach.
❦ No birthday gift for (Y/N)…
❦ No birthday gift for Daniel’s twin…
𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯
❦ After that… Jay caught himself staring during lunch breaks.
❦ He was getting close with Daniel… really close actually. There was a warm weight in his chest knowing that he had a friend.
❦ And although Daniel was great, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed in himself for not knowing about you.
❦ I mean… really? How was he supposed to know?
❦ He hadn’t noticed that you two walked together after school, or exchanged hushed whispers in the hall. Why would he…?
❦ But now that he was aware, Jay couldn’t make eye contact. Honestly— he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not even when you called him out on it.
❦ You found Jay endearing… he was a nice boy. Now you didn’t see any harm in him being Danny’s friend.
❦ He started hanging around more often… tagging along on your walk homewards. Studying with your idiot of a brother, who blatantly refused your help. (You’re still siblings after all.)
❦ Jay found himself in the middle of several sibling banters. You would most commonly get on him for sleeping in class… telling him how irresponsible and unfair it was. Whatever that meant.
❦ Even if he never said anything, you found Jay’s company to be very enjoyable. By the day you were beginning to understand what he was trying to say more and more.
❦ Deciphering his mannerisms and translating them into words hadn’t come to you as easily as it had to Danny.
❦ But you and your brother were used to exchanging silent words.
❦ You had done it before… back home with Eomma. Whenever your brother wanted to hide something… or didn’t want your mother to worry.
❦ Silent words were exchanged, looks that said “are you sure?” and “please don’t tell.”
❦ You had told Daniel how guilty you were for not doing anything… and for not standing up for him. But Daniel, as imperfect as he was, never wanted to drag you into his messes.
❦ He never, ever, wanted you to get hurt.
❦ Maybe it was a twin thing… “telepathy” or whatever. You could understand Danny’s silent sentences, and he could understand yours.
❦ So it was natural that you began to pick up onto Jay’s own wordless language.
❦ As previously stated… Daniel doesn’t want his sister to get hurt.
❦ He was the man of the house (sort of) and he should be the one to take the bullets for her.
❦ Especially now that he had two bodies, and his twin was the only person he could confide in.
❦ You disagree… “Danny, I’m older. I can handle myself.”
❦ You smirk to yourself, shouldering your backpack and walking forward with more confidence.
❦ Daniel watches as your curls bounce in rhythm with your step. He tries to control his smile by forming it into a frown.
❦ “That’s not a fair excuse. And I’m serious… I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
❦ Your pace slows and matches up with your little hyeongje.
❦ “Fine…” some silence lapses between the two of you. “Are you and Jay still hanging out?”
❦ It feels weird for you to look up at your brother… seeing as he’s now a six-foot monster. To be fair, you know he’s still growing in his alter ego, but it feels odd nonetheless.
❦ Daniel casts you a weird side-eye, feeling a drop to his stomach. “Yeah, we are. Why wouldn’t we be?”
❦ You shrug your shoulders and keep waking forward, “You just never invite him over. It’s weird… aren’t pretty-boys supposed to hang out at the mall or each others houses?”
❦ Danny shrugs his shoulders, staring down at the pavement.
❦ “I wouldn’t know…” he trails off as you walk ahead into the house. And then as he’s kicking off his shoes, it dawns on him.
❦ Did… his sister… just call Jay… his new best friend… a pretty boy…?
❦ 👺👺
❦ “Hey (Y/N)—” “Shut it imposter-boy.”
❦ You shake his original body’s shoulders, paying little attention to his new body that slumps sleepily to the floor.
❦ Little Danny blinks up at you, and you hand him his glasses, “There’s my little brother.”
❦ Daniel cares about you too much to let you go without a fight. After all, it’s his twin sister. The only person he can be open with. One of the only people he feels obligated to protect.
❦ Jay also cares too much about you to let you get hurt. After all, you are his best friend’s twin sister. One of the only people who understands him. One of the only people he wants to let in to his secrets.
❦ He can’t pin the moment when he began viewing you differently. At first you were just Daniel’s sister. And then you were his friend, too.
❦ After a while, he caught himself thinking of you. You specifically.
❦ Shyness accompanied these random daydreams of hanging out with you. And the slowly shyness dissolved into realization that he just really cared for you.
❦ Caring turned into attraction; Jay was attracted to you. How…? When…? Why…? He wasn’t sure.
❦ He caught himself falling deep slowly, surely; almost subconsciously…
❦ “Hey Jay!” Daniel greets, sliding into his seat beside him in the cafeteria.
❦ The afternoon sun and luminescent lights still manage to hone in on Daniels “natural” beauty. He still receives stares from other classes… much to Jay’s distaste.
❦ He doesn’t say anything, just smiling in slight embarrassment and turning back to his already-empty food tray.
❦ “…?”
❦ “Where’s (Y/N)?” Jay watches as Daniel’s eyes scan over the cafeteria, flickering between the different girls at the beauty table.
❦ “Ah~ I’m not sure. She must be in the bathrooms or something.”
❦ Daniel turns back to his food, but his apparent unconcern only spurs on the faux-blonde’s worries.
❦ Daniel picks up on Jay’s hyperactive urges to make sure you’re in eyesight. Of course he’s aware that Jay is protective of him… but it’s different when he’s looking around the room frantically for you.
❦ Daniel feels a warmth in his chest- a slight pain in his forehead like his eyebrows are subtly being forced together.
❦ He almost feels annoyed, although he’s never caught himself feeling irritated with Jay. You’re probably the only person who could provoke him at random.
❦ It’s different than just plain annoyance or anger. He almost feels jealous of Jay for being so worried about you. Especially when you walk in, completely unharmed, just like Daniel knew you’d be. Daniel feels hot in his face and body when he catches Jay releasing a tiny sigh, lips curving upwards into a smile.
❦ Daniel asks for time to sort out his new-found overprotectiveness. And you give him time.
❦ To be honest… you need time to sort out your own feelings.
❦ You weren’t always on-board with your brothers new friend.
❦ Why would you be?
❦ You had both transferred from your old school for the sake of protecting Daniel. You had taken on the task of monitoring your twin for the sake of your Eomma.
❦ There was no way you were letting anyone bully your brother. Not even in his new body. (Of course you knew he felt the same way about you.)
❦ So you were a bit skeptical of the apparently mute, rich, and secretive boy who extended his friendship towards your Danny.
❦ A dark undercut bleached blonde, aristocratic features and perfectly molded pink-lips; expensive brands and a flawless grade sheet. Jay Hong had it all. What could he possibly want from your brother?
❦ You searched for an alternative motive…
❦ Regarding Jay with upmost suspicion during your encounters… calculating what he could gain from his every action.
❦ Your searches came up empty… you couldn’t find anything “dirty” about Jay.
❦ The only thing you gained from watching his every move and translating his silent words… was admiration.
❦ You admired Jay’s selflessness that mirrored your brothers. Kindness that mimicked your Eomma. Protectiveness… that probably reflected someone you knew (yourself and your twin).
❦ He was charming. He was thoughtful. Sweet. Endearing.
❦ Jay’s hand brushes against yours, and a booming swarm of butterflies erupt in your stomach. Happiness chokes in your throat; you’re forced to bashfully avoid eye-contact and pull your hand away from his.
❦ Jay smiles at you from across the hall, and suddenly you’re fighting back a grin. You conform that grin you want to let out into a tiny smile and an acknowledging nod, even though your head feels light your stomach feels empty.
❦ You come to realize what these feelings are… the fatigue you feel after encountering that boy; the way your heart lurches towards him whenever he’s in the room.
❦ It stopped being plain hormones a long time ago. It’s developing into more than a crush…
❦ You’d do anything to keep Danny safe. And now… you feel your protective circle broadening to let Jay in.
❦ Meanwhile Daniel’s protective grip on you seemed to be tightening.
❦ He was starting to regard the potential of you having a partner with hostility.
❦ He wouldn’t let you get hurt. He wouldn’t let himself be the one to introduce you to that sort of pain.
❦ If Jay was a really… really… really good guy… then maybe…
❦ As for Jay; he felt himself growing warm at the thought of you. That damn smile of yours.
❦ He smiles pleasurably as he relaxes into his bed, running his hand down his face.
❦ His guilt of not getting you a birthday gift is soon to be repelled. He glances over at the bag that rests on his desk.
❦ A hue of red taints his cheeks.
❦ Jay has done his own personal-sorting.
❦ After he watched Daniel; chiseled physique, radiating personality, magnetic charisma, reserved introversion; he decided he wanted to get to know him. And then he wanted to be friends.
❦ Then he met Daniel’s twin. His sister. He was enchanted by your aloof disregard for him, a facade of rudeness that soon gave way to your warm interior. He wanted to be greeted by your smile the way you beamed at your brother. He wanted to feel the touch the way you clasped your hands with Daniels. Hell… he wouldn’t mind if you dragged him by the collar the way you did with your twin.
❦ Jay felt his face heating up even more as he thought over his new revelation.
❦ He wanted to be more than just friends with (Y/N) Park.
❦ His gaze on the gift bag only intensified.
❦ “Will she like it…? I hope so. (Y/N) isn’t the type of girl to be picky about these sorts of things anyway… right?”
❦ “Will she want to stay friends? Probably. I mean- she’s nice to everybody. Me and her are nothing special…”
❦ Jay’s smile faded into a frown. Even if she did reject him, he always had to fall back onto his personal resolve. He was going to do this.
❦ A flustered mess. Jay Hong was a flustered mess.
❦ (Jay: 😰😰😰)
❦ “…!”
❦ “Like it? Of course I’ll like it Jay, you don’t need to be so nervous about it…”
❦ Daniel walks in to this rom-com of a scene.
❦ You sit there, smiling warmly at the boy in front of you. Jay slouches in front of you as though he’s trying to make himself smaller, pursing his lips tightly, his cheeks flushing a peachy pink.
❦ Daniel just stands there, staring into the empty classroom, save for his best friend and his twin sister, watching wordlessly as your hands pull out the tissue paper stuffed in the gift bag.
❦ You pull out an article of clothing… a jacket. Daniel can tell by the looks of it that it’s expensive. How much money was Jay willing to spend on you?
❦ “I love it Jay…” you smile, “but you already know I can’t accept this.”
❦ Jay frowns, nervousness still radiating from his demeanor. “…”
(So you don’t like it?)
❦ Daniel picks up on what it means, but he watches as his sister’s face morphs into understanding.
❦ “No I do— but it’s too much Jay. Huh…? If I’m happy with it then I can keep— no Jay that’s not how it works, I’m serious.”
❦ Daniel can see something. A warm spark that kindles as you hold each other’s gaze. You smile, even as Jay’s lips mold into a pout. Your eyes gloss in reflection with the sunlight; your gaze looks softer than Danny has ever seen it.
❦ He feels the heated pit in his chest extinguishing… his own gaze softening.
❦ Jay just wanted you to be happy…?
❦ “…”
❦ “Okay I’ll try it on… but only for size. I’m telling you I’m not accepting this gift— because friends don’t give each other expensive gifts like this! And you can’t tell me these are old clothes… because there is no way your sister would ever let you.”
❦ Jay is smiling broadly, helping you into the jacket (even though you can clearly manage on your own).
❦ Daniel coughs, walking through the doorway. “(Y/N) we better get home… or other Daniel will start to worry.”
❦ You conclude: you like Jay. He concludes: He likes you.
❦ Daniel concludes: Jay is a nice guy. He won’t hurt his beloved twin sister.
❦ Later on… Daniel sits beside Jay outside of the school building. He rubs the back of his neck nervously, releasing a shaky sigh.
❦ “Ah… Jay? Can I ask you a serious question?”
❦ Jay nods rapidly, an easygoing smile adorning his features.
❦ “Do you like my sister?”
❦ “…”
❦ This time Jay nods with less eagerness, like he’s guiltily admitting defeat. Daniel huffs turning away from Jay with a conflicted expression.
❦ “Well… if you want to I guess… you could ask her out. I mean- I’m not against it…”
❦ Jay: 😳
❦ “….”
❦ Translation: Thanks.
❦ A week later. You and Jay are going on your first date.
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Fluff 😩 ❤️
I hope this was good :)
It for sure was the longest thing I’ve published on this blog. Requests are open! So keep giving me ideas! <3
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escapisminacan · 2 years
Jay hong haters are annoying, what's more annoying is erasing his romantic feelings that were confirmed. And like extremely obvious. No one is saying you gotta ship him and Daniel, but saying "it's just friendship" or "don't make it gay" is so fucking rude, he's the only good mlm representation in the webtoon (ahem Darius), so don't denounce his feelings for Daniel, IT AIN'T HARD!!!
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anonymayonize · 11 months
Ptj verse style: (though only lookism is mentioned here)
Point of view on some complaints :
Not many female actions
Female anatomy
I don't wish to start any war and i apologise if I have missed out on any point. I don't know if these topics have been already been said before. Criticisms and opinions are all welcome! Don't know if I'm late. It's be good if you also read "Lookismstuff" who has many good analysis points on PTJ lookism
-> Firstly, Not having many female action scenes:
Well, perhaps it's just a boys boys game ? It's not that PTJ deems women weak, or he won't have characters like Mary, Crystal (2nd body), Sophia, etc. Now, there have been many novels, comics, Webtoons solely based on strong females and that too, it's not limited to just action genre and in many of 'em the story mostly revolves around all the females of the story and barely any men, now please do not take this the wrong way
It's just like a theme? Or like just boys things that have nothing to do with gender roles. Especially considering the fact that many women don't join thugs and illegal gangs to get their life together, or love being involved in a thousand fights. Many women prefer a peaceful life, they can fight if they want to, but they like the liberation.
-> Secondly, female anatomy:
Even I was really disheartened with the style. But in the end, women aren't the only one being objectifyed here, men are too. The typical- buff, charming, flawless and handsome faces and some do seem over the top. That is usually overlooked by many of us. It's like a typical teenage-youth fantasy world with handsome men and women. Besides, PTJ has other anatomy styles as well like - Duke, old little Daniel, Crystal, stalker girl, Sophia, etc. So, I don't really seem to want to criticize the women anatomy here either
I'm not well versed in these things, but I hope my message has been conveyed. I don't know if it will come across many. You can criticize as much.
Thank you
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clblvd · 2 years
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bathroom confrontations
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anticapitalistclown · 4 months
Jake (about Jinyoung): he was the best guy around
Daniel: what about the people he tortured?
Jake: what tortureeee?
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shroomshark · 2 years
The trio we never expected to have
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Honestly Johan bald is something else💀💀
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jjstrv · 22 days
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mysblog · 2 years
Same amount of unused braincells
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lookismfanfics · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬
Moments that Altered their brain chemistry
Warnings: Implied angst, implied sex (not explicit), implied death, mentions of injury/gore. Spoilers!
Eli • Gun • Daniel • Warren
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☁︎︎ Seeing Yenna for the first time
☁︎︎ Having to smile even when he didn’t want to
☁︎︎ The first time you held Yenna like she was yours
☁︎︎ When he got sick, but you took care of him
☁︎︎ Falling in love again
☁︎︎ Being intimate with you
☁︎︎ Watching your graduation ceremony
☁︎︎ Watching Yenna grow up
☁︎︎ Fearing you would disappear when he got you pregnant
☁︎︎ Getting married before he was thirty…
☁︎︎ Watching you slowly fade away much too young
☁︎︎ Sleeping in an empty bed once again.
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߷ Realizing he actually is in love and not just obsessed
߷ Realizing his lifestyle and yours clash and he can’t have both
߷ When he saw you after a year, and for some reason his heart still pounded like it used to
߷ The moment when your eyes met and he instantly knew you were disappointed in him
߷ Hearing you curse at him for the first time~
߷ Hearing you saying “yes” and “I do” in context
߷ Seeing and holding your child for the first time
߷ Holding your hand while you rock the baby to sleep
߷ Coming home late at night and still receiving your love and affection
߷ When he gained like, twenty pounds and suddenly asked stupid and oddly blunt questions about whether he should diet or not, and then proceeded to get into a squabble with Goo just to burn off some “fat” when in reality you insisted that he was just gaining more muscle, yet he insisted that he was already maxed out and he’d have to—
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✪ Seeing his new body for the first time~
✪ When he realized he had friends in both of his bodies, who liked him either way
✪ The moment he realized he was just as protective over you as he was over his mom… and wondering what it meant
✪ When you saw him naked in the shower-
✪ Going out on his first date
✪ Freaking himself out when he felt his heart lurch towards you
✪ Learning how to kiss with you
✪ When he realized that you’d break his heart eventually…
✪ Absorbing in his first heartbreak
✪ When you reappeared in his life again, and the feelings were still there
✪ When he got down on one knee, and punctured his skin with a piece of glass because he was trying to propose in a gaddamn alley
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𑗎 When he realized Sally didn’t return his feelings (middle school)
𑗎 When he realized Sally returned his feelings (Not middle school)
𑗎 Learning the truth about the whole Hostel sham
𑗎 When he met Like-What and Hilarious
𑗎 When Amy and Natalie brought you home
𑗎 The dream he had about you~
𑗎 When he punched Max, not recognizing him and thinking he was hitting on you, and realizing his feelings might be changing
𑗎 The first time he was intimate
𑗎 Feeling safe and like he was being protected by someone else for the first time in…years
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yessvlo · 2 years
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that versus
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the way daniel thought he was being fr 😭
(his transformation though dang)
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euph0synee · 2 years
okay here's an opinion/rant no one asked for but wtv.
In lookism there are three girls (currently) that are the love interests for daniel—Crystal, Zoe and Joy.
obviously most probably Crystal would end up with daniel bc um plot ig?? but here's the thing i absolutely don't want Crystal and Daniel to end up together.
Like for me, maybe I'm biased but Zoe is literally the most perfect person for Daniel to end up with. Like that girl literally went through a major character development and actually started liking the little daniel for who he is. Yk how in the beginning she was shown as a girl who'd fawn upon any hot guy and was always stuck to big Daniel bc he's the hottest guy in the school but slowly she started changing, startes becoming more of a kind hearted person, becoming more mature, caring for ppl around her and started appreciating her friendships and most of all became someone who no longer biased someone for their appearance and actually started like Little daniel for who he is and stopped fawning over big daniel just bc he was hot.
For joy, honestly i don't have much opinion on her bc she and daniel don't have much interaction, just a few chapters so yeah.
But now coming to Crystal, literally the only character trait that girl has is that she's has two bodies like Daniel and She hates good looking ppl ??? what????
This girl always says how she hates good looking ppl bc they judge others on the basis of their appearance BUT ISN'T SHE DOING THE SAME????
she herself is judging others based on their appearance like ??? isn't that so hypocritical???
She hates big Daniel bc he is a good looking guy and she thinks he also looks down on other ppl but isn't she herself judging Daniel based on his appearance??
For me Crystal is really just a big hypocrite who doesn't realizes that she herself is becoming the kind of person she loathes.
honestly i just didn't like her character much at all, all bc of this mindset of hers. however, I do hope she has her own character development in future too.
anyways i srsly hope Zoe ends up with Daniel bc I'm Zoe biased but it doesn't seem quite possible cuz obviously Crystal has two bodies and not Zoe. i think Crystal having the same experience as Daniel gave away the fact that she indeed is the main love interest.
obviously feel free to disagree with my opinion/rant wtv this is. I am always up for seeing things from others perspective and hearing their opinions too.
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heongiu · 1 year
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