#Daniel Park’s twin
lookismfanfics · 2 years
Jay x Daniel Older sister (they are about 10 mins apart)
So when Daniel and the reader transfer to the school, Jay takes notice to both of them. Jay and Daniel become best friends and he slowly sees himself falling in love with his best friends sister. Daniel is slightly overprotective of the reader since he had such a deep relationship with her but realizes Jay is genuinely nice and allows him to date his sister.
Can you please write so people with colored-skin can apply to it as well? So just mainly no blushing? Thank you! Love your writing by the way ❤️
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞...?
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
Warnings: Jealousy, mentions of bullying, sibling-ness. Also… the POV switches from 3rd to 2nd POV.
Jay Hong x Fem!Reader (who is also Daniel Park’s twin~)
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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯 ❦ It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Daniel Park was different.
❦ Good-looking, charming… even a little secretive.
❦ From the moment we walked into the room all eyes were on him… ranging from the cautious, steely eyes of the jocks; to the love-stuck, infatuated gazes of the girls.
❦ Jay was one of the people to notice Daniel. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of him.
❦ Daniel was handsome. He seemed like to guy to have resources at his disposal, like Jay. And yet he was kind to everyone… protective of girls and outcasts… a very confusing person.
❦ And maybe Jay had noticed his clothes were a little rough… but when it was really pointed out and suddenly Daniel’s dignity was on the line, Jay affirmed he would do something about it.
❦ Of course he was interested in this new transfer student.
❦ …Of course he was fascinated by his selflessness and seemingly endless kindness.
❦ So that day when Jay decided he would make a move— show Daniel that he wanted to be friends, he was surprised.
❦ The street glowed orange and yellow, the sun’s rays gently warming Jay’s numb hands that clasped around the duffel bag.
❦ He sees Daniel walking down the pavement, his impressive form highlighted by the sunset’s colors. Even if he hardly knows him, Jay wants Daniel to have a decent birthday. He’s not certain why… but he needs this to work out.
❦ And Daniel perks up, eyes widening with recognition. He smiles, and calls out in a voice that Jay senses will become a source of comfort:
(aYo why is this turning into Daniel x Jay…?)
❦ “Oh… Jay! You live around here too…?”
❦ Jay doesn’t say anything, just tosses the bag on the ground and smiles.
❦ And there’s the real birthday surprise…
❦ “Daniel?”
❦ A girl’s voice.
❦ “Who’s this?”
❦ Daniel is crouched on the ground, rummaging through the bag and exclaiming surprised comments. And as much as Jay wants reply to him- he’s all of a sudden distracted.
❦ “O-Oh… (Y/N)! This is Jay, from my class.”
❦ Jay feels his stomach drop. Who’s (Y/N)?
❦ She stands behind Daniel, glancing down dubiously at the duffel bag before glancing up at Jay. She’s pretty.
❦ “What’s this for…?” She asks quietly, staring at the back of Daniel’s head.
❦ “Jay, you knew it was our birthday…?”
❦ “…”
❦ Jay is panicking-
❦ 🚨 🚨 🚨
❦ “Our” birthday? What does he mean…? Jay can feel his lips parting, his mouth intaking the warm air as he tries to steady his breathing.
❦ “…” “Huh? Oh! You didn’t know I had a sister? Ah- she’s in a different class… beauty department.”
❦ Beauty department… it suits her.
❦ “Oh, you think so?” Daniel laughs. Beside him, still eyeing Jay with suspicion, is (Y/N).
❦ “I’m a little hurt you didn’t mention me… but anyway. I’m sorry Jay, but we really can’t accept this…”
❦ Jay nods his head rapidly.
❦ Her previous look of confusion is slowly molded into one of tentative understanding. Glossy lips tilting upwards into a soft smile.
❦ “You were throwing them out…?”
❦ Daniel starts translating then… all to which Jay nods.
❦ And as much as he wishes he could say something else… or watch him try on the clothes… or genuinely ask if they could be friends…
❦ Jay can’t stay. Suddenly he feels a drop of guilt in his stomach.
❦ No birthday gift for (Y/N)…
❦ No birthday gift for Daniel’s twin…
𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯
❦ After that… Jay caught himself staring during lunch breaks.
❦ He was getting close with Daniel… really close actually. There was a warm weight in his chest knowing that he had a friend.
❦ And although Daniel was great, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed in himself for not knowing about you.
❦ I mean… really? How was he supposed to know?
❦ He hadn’t noticed that you two walked together after school, or exchanged hushed whispers in the hall. Why would he…?
❦ But now that he was aware, Jay couldn’t make eye contact. Honestly— he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not even when you called him out on it.
❦ You found Jay endearing… he was a nice boy. Now you didn’t see any harm in him being Danny’s friend.
❦ He started hanging around more often… tagging along on your walk homewards. Studying with your idiot of a brother, who blatantly refused your help. (You’re still siblings after all.)
❦ Jay found himself in the middle of several sibling banters. You would most commonly get on him for sleeping in class… telling him how irresponsible and unfair it was. Whatever that meant.
❦ Even if he never said anything, you found Jay’s company to be very enjoyable. By the day you were beginning to understand what he was trying to say more and more.
❦ Deciphering his mannerisms and translating them into words hadn’t come to you as easily as it had to Danny.
❦ But you and your brother were used to exchanging silent words.
❦ You had done it before… back home with Eomma. Whenever your brother wanted to hide something… or didn’t want your mother to worry.
❦ Silent words were exchanged, looks that said “are you sure?” and “please don’t tell.”
❦ You had told Daniel how guilty you were for not doing anything… and for not standing up for him. But Daniel, as imperfect as he was, never wanted to drag you into his messes.
❦ He never, ever, wanted you to get hurt.
❦ Maybe it was a twin thing… “telepathy” or whatever. You could understand Danny’s silent sentences, and he could understand yours.
❦ So it was natural that you began to pick up onto Jay’s own wordless language.
❦ As previously stated… Daniel doesn’t want his sister to get hurt.
❦ He was the man of the house (sort of) and he should be the one to take the bullets for her.
❦ Especially now that he had two bodies, and his twin was the only person he could confide in.
❦ You disagree… “Danny, I’m older. I can handle myself.”
❦ You smirk to yourself, shouldering your backpack and walking forward with more confidence.
❦ Daniel watches as your curls bounce in rhythm with your step. He tries to control his smile by forming it into a frown.
❦ “That’s not a fair excuse. And I’m serious… I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
❦ Your pace slows and matches up with your little hyeongje.
❦ “Fine…” some silence lapses between the two of you. “Are you and Jay still hanging out?”
❦ It feels weird for you to look up at your brother… seeing as he’s now a six-foot monster. To be fair, you know he’s still growing in his alter ego, but it feels odd nonetheless.
❦ Daniel casts you a weird side-eye, feeling a drop to his stomach. “Yeah, we are. Why wouldn’t we be?”
❦ You shrug your shoulders and keep waking forward, “You just never invite him over. It’s weird… aren’t pretty-boys supposed to hang out at the mall or each others houses?”
❦ Danny shrugs his shoulders, staring down at the pavement.
❦ “I wouldn’t know…” he trails off as you walk ahead into the house. And then as he’s kicking off his shoes, it dawns on him.
❦ Did… his sister… just call Jay… his new best friend… a pretty boy…?
❦ 👺👺
❦ “Hey (Y/N)—” “Shut it imposter-boy.”
❦ You shake his original body’s shoulders, paying little attention to his new body that slumps sleepily to the floor.
❦ Little Danny blinks up at you, and you hand him his glasses, “There’s my little brother.”
❦ Daniel cares about you too much to let you go without a fight. After all, it’s his twin sister. The only person he can be open with. One of the only people he feels obligated to protect.
❦ Jay also cares too much about you to let you get hurt. After all, you are his best friend’s twin sister. One of the only people who understands him. One of the only people he wants to let in to his secrets.
❦ He can’t pin the moment when he began viewing you differently. At first you were just Daniel’s sister. And then you were his friend, too.
❦ After a while, he caught himself thinking of you. You specifically.
❦ Shyness accompanied these random daydreams of hanging out with you. And the slowly shyness dissolved into realization that he just really cared for you.
❦ Caring turned into attraction; Jay was attracted to you. How…? When…? Why…? He wasn’t sure.
❦ He caught himself falling deep slowly, surely; almost subconsciously…
❦ “Hey Jay!” Daniel greets, sliding into his seat beside him in the cafeteria.
❦ The afternoon sun and luminescent lights still manage to hone in on Daniels “natural” beauty. He still receives stares from other classes… much to Jay’s distaste.
❦ He doesn’t say anything, just smiling in slight embarrassment and turning back to his already-empty food tray.
❦ “…?”
❦ “Where’s (Y/N)?” Jay watches as Daniel’s eyes scan over the cafeteria, flickering between the different girls at the beauty table.
❦ “Ah~ I’m not sure. She must be in the bathrooms or something.”
❦ Daniel turns back to his food, but his apparent unconcern only spurs on the faux-blonde’s worries.
❦ Daniel picks up on Jay’s hyperactive urges to make sure you’re in eyesight. Of course he’s aware that Jay is protective of him… but it’s different when he’s looking around the room frantically for you.
❦ Daniel feels a warmth in his chest- a slight pain in his forehead like his eyebrows are subtly being forced together.
❦ He almost feels annoyed, although he’s never caught himself feeling irritated with Jay. You’re probably the only person who could provoke him at random.
❦ It’s different than just plain annoyance or anger. He almost feels jealous of Jay for being so worried about you. Especially when you walk in, completely unharmed, just like Daniel knew you’d be. Daniel feels hot in his face and body when he catches Jay releasing a tiny sigh, lips curving upwards into a smile.
❦ Daniel asks for time to sort out his new-found overprotectiveness. And you give him time.
❦ To be honest… you need time to sort out your own feelings.
❦ You weren’t always on-board with your brothers new friend.
❦ Why would you be?
❦ You had both transferred from your old school for the sake of protecting Daniel. You had taken on the task of monitoring your twin for the sake of your Eomma.
❦ There was no way you were letting anyone bully your brother. Not even in his new body. (Of course you knew he felt the same way about you.)
❦ So you were a bit skeptical of the apparently mute, rich, and secretive boy who extended his friendship towards your Danny.
❦ A dark undercut bleached blonde, aristocratic features and perfectly molded pink-lips; expensive brands and a flawless grade sheet. Jay Hong had it all. What could he possibly want from your brother?
❦ You searched for an alternative motive…
❦ Regarding Jay with upmost suspicion during your encounters… calculating what he could gain from his every action.
❦ Your searches came up empty… you couldn’t find anything “dirty” about Jay.
❦ The only thing you gained from watching his every move and translating his silent words… was admiration.
❦ You admired Jay’s selflessness that mirrored your brothers. Kindness that mimicked your Eomma. Protectiveness… that probably reflected someone you knew (yourself and your twin).
❦ He was charming. He was thoughtful. Sweet. Endearing.
❦ Jay’s hand brushes against yours, and a booming swarm of butterflies erupt in your stomach. Happiness chokes in your throat; you’re forced to bashfully avoid eye-contact and pull your hand away from his.
❦ Jay smiles at you from across the hall, and suddenly you’re fighting back a grin. You conform that grin you want to let out into a tiny smile and an acknowledging nod, even though your head feels light your stomach feels empty.
❦ You come to realize what these feelings are… the fatigue you feel after encountering that boy; the way your heart lurches towards him whenever he’s in the room.
❦ It stopped being plain hormones a long time ago. It’s developing into more than a crush…
❦ You’d do anything to keep Danny safe. And now… you feel your protective circle broadening to let Jay in.
❦ Meanwhile Daniel’s protective grip on you seemed to be tightening.
❦ He was starting to regard the potential of you having a partner with hostility.
❦ He wouldn’t let you get hurt. He wouldn’t let himself be the one to introduce you to that sort of pain.
❦ If Jay was a really… really… really good guy… then maybe…
❦ As for Jay; he felt himself growing warm at the thought of you. That damn smile of yours.
❦ He smiles pleasurably as he relaxes into his bed, running his hand down his face.
❦ His guilt of not getting you a birthday gift is soon to be repelled. He glances over at the bag that rests on his desk.
❦ A hue of red taints his cheeks.
❦ Jay has done his own personal-sorting.
❦ After he watched Daniel; chiseled physique, radiating personality, magnetic charisma, reserved introversion; he decided he wanted to get to know him. And then he wanted to be friends.
❦ Then he met Daniel’s twin. His sister. He was enchanted by your aloof disregard for him, a facade of rudeness that soon gave way to your warm interior. He wanted to be greeted by your smile the way you beamed at your brother. He wanted to feel the touch the way you clasped your hands with Daniels. Hell… he wouldn’t mind if you dragged him by the collar the way you did with your twin.
❦ Jay felt his face heating up even more as he thought over his new revelation.
❦ He wanted to be more than just friends with (Y/N) Park.
❦ His gaze on the gift bag only intensified.
❦ “Will she like it…? I hope so. (Y/N) isn’t the type of girl to be picky about these sorts of things anyway… right?”
❦ “Will she want to stay friends? Probably. I mean- she’s nice to everybody. Me and her are nothing special…”
❦ Jay’s smile faded into a frown. Even if she did reject him, he always had to fall back onto his personal resolve. He was going to do this.
❦ A flustered mess. Jay Hong was a flustered mess.
❦ (Jay: 😰😰😰)
❦ “…!”
❦ “Like it? Of course I’ll like it Jay, you don’t need to be so nervous about it…”
❦ Daniel walks in to this rom-com of a scene.
❦ You sit there, smiling warmly at the boy in front of you. Jay slouches in front of you as though he’s trying to make himself smaller, pursing his lips tightly, his cheeks flushing a peachy pink.
❦ Daniel just stands there, staring into the empty classroom, save for his best friend and his twin sister, watching wordlessly as your hands pull out the tissue paper stuffed in the gift bag.
❦ You pull out an article of clothing… a jacket. Daniel can tell by the looks of it that it’s expensive. How much money was Jay willing to spend on you?
❦ “I love it Jay…” you smile, “but you already know I can’t accept this.”
❦ Jay frowns, nervousness still radiating from his demeanor. “…”
(So you don’t like it?)
❦ Daniel picks up on what it means, but he watches as his sister’s face morphs into understanding.
❦ “No I do— but it’s too much Jay. Huh…? If I’m happy with it then I can keep— no Jay that’s not how it works, I’m serious.”
❦ Daniel can see something. A warm spark that kindles as you hold each other’s gaze. You smile, even as Jay’s lips mold into a pout. Your eyes gloss in reflection with the sunlight; your gaze looks softer than Danny has ever seen it.
❦ He feels the heated pit in his chest extinguishing… his own gaze softening.
❦ Jay just wanted you to be happy…?
❦ “…”
❦ “Okay I’ll try it on… but only for size. I’m telling you I’m not accepting this gift— because friends don’t give each other expensive gifts like this! And you can’t tell me these are old clothes… because there is no way your sister would ever let you.”
❦ Jay is smiling broadly, helping you into the jacket (even though you can clearly manage on your own).
❦ Daniel coughs, walking through the doorway. “(Y/N) we better get home… or other Daniel will start to worry.”
❦ You conclude: you like Jay. He concludes: He likes you.
❦ Daniel concludes: Jay is a nice guy. He won’t hurt his beloved twin sister.
❦ Later on… Daniel sits beside Jay outside of the school building. He rubs the back of his neck nervously, releasing a shaky sigh.
❦ “Ah… Jay? Can I ask you a serious question?”
❦ Jay nods rapidly, an easygoing smile adorning his features.
❦ “Do you like my sister?”
❦ “…”
❦ This time Jay nods with less eagerness, like he’s guiltily admitting defeat. Daniel huffs turning away from Jay with a conflicted expression.
❦ “Well… if you want to I guess… you could ask her out. I mean- I’m not against it…”
❦ Jay: 😳
❦ “….”
❦ Translation: Thanks.
❦ A week later. You and Jay are going on your first date.
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Fluff 😩 ❤️
I hope this was good :)
It for sure was the longest thing I’ve published on this blog. Requests are open! So keep giving me ideas! <3
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orion-kenobi · 2 months
Can’t believe Jonas is gone :( :( :(
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mrsoliverreed · 1 year
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some of my view from sea hear now in asbury park, nj
shoutout to the security guard who definitely knew the entire time that I had hopped the barricade and never told his boss
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Demon Twins AU but Damian meets Ellie first
So! We have the classic Demon Twins AU, where Danny is the Twin brother of Damian. He was left for dead after a mission gone wrong in a snowy wasteland, with lethal wounds that would kill him within an hour. Damian rightfully assumed that he was dead.
Then one day, at a Gala his father was hosting, he seems somebody who looks exactly like Danyal. They have the same eyes, bone structure, many of the same Mannerisms, and all signs point to this being Danyal. He even takes some DNA and runs a test on it after the Gala. It comes up as a 50% Match to his own, the perfect percentage for a Fraternal Twin (which Danny was, they weren't identical)
He realizes that Danyal must have somehow survived his injuries and found his way to a new family, as improbableas it sounds. But there is one small deviation from the Danyal he knew.
The person at the Gala was a Girl.
In Public Record, she is listed as Danielle "Ellie" Masters, the daughter of reclusive Millionare Vladimir Masters. Which was confusing since Vlad claimed to have had a Son before her first Public appearance.
So he comes to the conclusion that Danyal must be Trans, and went through a Transition. He fully supports his new sister, but he does kind of need to contact her to see if she is safe from the League.
Unbeknownst to him, Ellie is a Clone of Danny made by Vlad back during his whole "Supervillain Phase". After he chilled out and became a good guy, she finally accepted him as a parent and let him claim her as a daughter. (They went to a frankly absurd amount of family therapy to reconcile)
Danny is just living his best life back in Amity Park, when Vlad tells him that some Heroes have been sniffing around his Estate and looking into Ellie's past. He just hopes the Fake Identity he made for her will hold up to scrutiny, it's been years since he made one.
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alwaysonthemend · 8 months
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Author’s Note: Hi guys! Can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. Hope you guys enjoy this one! As always, if you see any typos... no you didn't
Warnings: Fem!reader, drunk Jake (alcohol), unprotected p in v sex, cock warming, fingering, hand jobs, doing things we shouldn't in a public place, cussing, partying. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI
Word Count: 5k
Late has already bled into early by the time you manage to spot Jake in the crowd again. His back is to you as he speaks excitedly to someone you’ve never seen before – though there’s a definite chance that Jake hasn’t either (he’s a chatty drunk no matter how well he knows the person). 
Tonight is a celebration of sorts. A celebration of what is to come and what they've already done. With tour on break for the holidays, the Kiszka-Wagner clan had been taking some much needed R&R after such a long and grueling schedule of shows before they have to leave again. The first few days had seen Jake lounging at home, perfectly content to spend his days entirely wrapped up with you. You had binge watched some shows that he’d missed while gone, ordered take out from all the places that he’d been craving, and over all spent almost every minute of the day within each other’s company. 
But Jake is a man who likes action – regardless of how much he enjoys spending time at home with you. After a few weeks of nothing, you can tell that he’s itching to be doing something again. First there had been simple dinner gatherings with your immediate friends and family, then jam sessions with the rest of his brothers that had lasted well into the night, and then finally he’d begged to go to this party tonight. Josh is hosting (no doubt he’s experiencing the very same restlessness that his twin is) and a party hosted by Josh is always a sure fire promise of a fun night. 
So you’d happily agreed and given Jake the go ahead to let loose tonight – party as hard as he wanted for however long he wanted and you would be there to drive him home. His eyes had lit up at your offer before he’d given you a sweet kiss and a murmured thank you before scampering upstairs to call Josh and let him know that you two would be coming. 
But as excited as Jake had been to go out tonight, he’d still periodically found his way back to you, begging you to come join him where the music is the loudest. You’d politely declined him each time, wanting to give him time to spend with his friends and brothers after giving so much of his time to you. You know that his offer is genuine. Jake wants you by his side at all times (he’s a clingy motherfucker even when he’s sober) but you had simply told him you would prefer him to go spend time with everyone else instead. He’d begrudgingly agreed and you’d since been spending your time watching him go from sober to tipsy and finally to actually drunk within the span of the last few hours. You liked watching him like this – smiling and carefree amongst the people that he loves (along with a number of people that you’re pretty sure Josh only invited because he likes a full house). 
But the crowd has dwindled as the early hours of morning approach. It’s nearing 3AM now and only some 15 people remain. You’d been parked in a far corner for the past hour or so but you’re pulled from your spot by Jake calling your name. He, along with Josh, Daniel, and Sam, have made their ways over to the couches and chairs in Josh’s living room and consequently collapsed into them. The core group you like to call them, finding each other to close the night out amongst themselves. There are others still left elsewhere – some faces vaguely familiar and some completely foreign to you, but they’re all far too wrapped up in their own conversations and drunken storytelling to notice that the host and family has moved somewhere else. 
Josh sits in one of the loveseats, one arm lazily thrown around the shoulders of his partner – also suitably drunk, who’s nuzzled into his side. Sam sits in another chair, cheeks flushed and hair a complete mess as he pours himself another drink. You know already that he’d say he’s earned it since he’s spent the night “slaving away” as the party DJ. That leaves Daniel and Jake left to find their seats, Daniel finding his place on one end of the sofa and Jake on the other. You make your way to them – each of the boys exclaiming excitedly at your approach. 
“Y/n!” Josh booms, the sheer loudness of him drowning out the others and startling his poor partner, “Gracing is with her presence at last!” 
You giggle as you make your way to the sofa, eyeing the spot between Jake and Daniel. 
“Now that you all seem to have settled down a bit I thought I would join you.” 
As you make to sit down, Jake’s hands find your hips and guide you instead to sit down on his lap. He sighs contentedly as you surrender to him without a fight, easing down on the tops of his thighs and settling your back into his chest. 
“Hi.” You tell him, twisting as much as you can in his lap to turn and see his face. His cheeks are flushed and a yummy sheen of sweat adorns his neck and temples. Eyes dark and lips looking particularly plump, you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. 
“Hi there.” He answers back. “Missed you.” 
He smells like alcohol and weed – a combination that seems to have left him feeling particularly touchy as his hands settle themselves possessively on your waist. He’s warm against you, the feeling of his chest rising and falling against your back lulling you into a relaxed state as he falls effortlessly back into the conversation with the rest of the boys. His words rumble in his chest and you take the opportunity to lean your head back into the space between his neck and shoulder. The smell and heat of him sets off some carnal, feral part of your brain and you find heat of your own pooling between your thighs. You ignore the feeling, opting instead to try and focus your mind on the conversation at hand. 
“-and so I told him that he would either have to sleep there or find someone else to take him home because I wasn’t doing it.” Sam’s voice wafts through the air. You’ve got no idea what he’s talking about but you have a sneaking suspicion that he probably isn’t all that sure of what he’s saying either. 
“You��ve always been a little punk ass.” Josh interjects, giggling a little bit at his own words. “Since you came out of the womb.” 
Sam meets him with a scowl. 
“I just learned from the best, actually.” He snarks back, though there’s no real heat behind his words. 
“Don’t talk about Danny like that.” Jake’s rumbling voice interrupts and though you can’t see him, you can hear the grin as he speaks. “He’s a wonderful influence, Samuel.”
Danny laughs heartily, tossing his head back as he does so. Josh smiles like he’s just won a prize and Sam only meets Jake with an eyeroll. 
“I was talking about you two.” He says, pointing between the twins. 
They continue on with their bickering and you do your best to keep up with them. The few remaining guests filter their way out one by one, giving thanks to Josh on their way out. The boy’s conversations weave in and out, jumping from topic to topic as they often do. It's hard to keep up, especially as your focus strays from the conversation to the uncomfortable kink in your back from sitting in this position against Jake’s chest. You shift a little bit, settling down further in his lap to ease the feeling. As you shift, a hiss escapes him and his hands tighten on your hips. 
“Angel.” He whispers, tilting his head down to press his lips closer to your ear. “Careful.” 
You can’t help the way your eyes widen and your core pulses at his tone. His words are rough and ever so slightly slurred. His fingertips dig into the meat of your thighs in a way that makes you dizzy with a sudden want for him to take you right here in front of everyone. 
“Something wrong?” You answer him back, turning your head and capturing his lips with yours. Alcohol and weed and Jake hit your tastebuds and you shift once again in his lap. 
“Something’s hard.” He murmurs against your lips. 
And he is. 
You can feel him now, hot and solid against your ass. It sends your blood boiling and your cunt clenching around nothing. 
You exhale shakily, willing your voice to remain passive and unbothered. 
“Poor baby.” You say, turning back away from him and earning yourself a growl from deep in his chest. 
“Jake stick you with being DD for the night, Y/n?” Daniel asks, causing everyone’s eyes to shift towards you and Jake. You can feel him tense behind you. He’s still rock hard against you and everyone’s eyes on him only serve to make him more excited as he tries to play it cool. 
“I offered.” You answer Danny, dropping your hand onto Jake’s thigh. “Plus, he’s a handful to deal with even when I’m sober.” You squeeze his thigh. “So I figured I’d lay off the alcohol tonight.”
“Oh he’s something alright.” Josh supplies, grinning ear to ear at his brother. You worry suddenly that he knows somehow. Freaky twin thing and all that, especially given the Cheshire smile he shoots your way. But he looks away and back to the others quickly and you dismiss the idea. Freaking twins.
Conversation divulges again and the attention falls from you and Jake. But he’s worked up now and there’s no way he’s letting you off the hook that easily. Sober Jake is a horndog… drunk Jake is damn near insatiable. 
“Play nice.” Jake warns you, his voice just barely loud enough that you can hear it. “Don’t wanna have to punish you.” 
That finally makes your breath stutter and halt in your chest. Jake can feel you still against him and he chuckles. 
So the game begins. 
Wordlessly, you shift your weight and slide your ass across his crotch. Jake bites his lip and his eyes blaze as he watches you settle your rear onto the sofa next to him with an innocent smile. With your legs draped across his hips (still keeping his hard on from being seen by everyone in the room) you’re free now to settle into his side. You’re playing a dangerous game messing with him like this but the new position allows for you to press your calf into the growing bulge beneath his dark jeans and for your hands to settle on his midsection. Deceivingly innocent to others but filled with possibilities to tease him. Jake knows this though, and those dark eyes of his are pinned to you, lust-blown and dangerous as his breathing picks up. 
You look away and do your best to turn your attention back to the group. Jake does the same, but the feeling of his hard dick against your calf is proof enough that he’s still more than distracted. 
As the conversation carries on, you do your best to interject every now and then to at least pretend to be interested. But you’re more interested in taking Jake home and devouring him. But you suppose the waiting will only make the reward sweeter in the end. Jake, for his part, seems to be feeling the very same. His eyes dart to your face periodically, heavy lidded and carrying the weight of how much he wants you right now. But even with the lust coursing through the both of you, he still looks at you whenever he makes a joke (making sure he’s succeeded in making you laugh) and his fingertips absentmindedly drum songs and beats onto your shin. As worked up as he is, his sweetness still seems to outweigh the alcohol in his system. It just makes you want him more. 
Bored with waiting and ready for him to say it’s time to go, you delicately trace your fingers across his midsection. You press your fingertips into the soft flesh of his sides as you keep your eyes trained anywhere but him. Jake cocks his head to look at you, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip as you shift your leg and rub your calf across him. Half-hard still, his body tenses. His hand finds yours on his belly and he stills it, grip tightening in warning. 
Not satisfied with his reaction, you press your leg down again and this time his spine goes ramrod straight as his hips buck up on their own to meet the feeling. 
That’s one point for you. 
“Why are you trying to start shit?” He murmurs, taking a sip from the glass that he’d just refilled. 
“Because I can.” 
“Because you’re desperate.” The last word comes out as an almost growl. 
You shake your head. 
“I’m not anything.” 
“You think I can’t tell?” He asks you, his head tilted down and gaze trained solely on you. You scan the rest of the group, afraid that they’ll hear whatever filth is about to spill from between his plump lips. Thankfully, they’re all far too engaged with their own conversation to notice what’s going on between you and Jake. “Your cheeks are flushed all pink like they get when you’re horny.” He starts, fingers trailing up from your calf to your thigh. “And you're breathing fast. Like you do when you’re wet.” His fingers go higher still and your thighs clench despite yourself. 
He wins the point this time and you can’t help the little sigh that escapes you. 
“Maybe I’m just tired of waiting.” It’s all you can think to say – the lust fogging your brain and making it impossible for you to come up with a witty retort. You want him. Now. 
“You’re going to have to wait a while longer.” 
“Why?” The question is reminiscent of a young child. Whiny and full of demanding petulance at his refusal to take you home and fuck you this instant. 
“Because someone,” he shifts his hips slightly, “made me rock fucking hard. And I can’t get up like this right now. Not with all them” his eyes dart to the group, “sitting right there.” 
You huff a breath. 
He hums and places his glass on the table next to you. His own control is cracking under the weight of your heavy gaze (and calf that's teasing his dick relentlessly) and you realize with glee that you've gotten what you wanted. 
“Gentlemen,” he starts, clapping his hands down on your legs and interrupting one of Josh’s long-winded stories. “I think we’re going to call it a night. The missus is getting tired.” He grins at you and you flush even more. 
“Leaving without helping clean up?” Josh demands, extracting himself from his partner’s grip and rising to his feet.
“Oh, always.” Jake answers him, words still slightly slurred. “But you’ve got these fine young gentlemen here to help you.” He gestures to Sam and Danny who both groan but stand up with Josh anyway. 
As they begin busying themselves with picking up glasses and paper plates, you raise your legs from Jake’s lap and stand. He follows you – though he teeters dangerously once he’s on his feet. 
“Easy.” You warn, wrapping an arm around his waist and helping him balance. 
“I’m fine.” He laughs, but his steps remind you of a baby deer trying to walk. 
As the two of you make your way outside, you both hiss as the cold of the night hits you. You press yourself further into Jake’s side. As you reach the car – parked all the way by the road, you make to open the passenger door for Jake but he pulls you into a kiss first. 
His tongue plunges into your mouth and he groans as you grant him easy access. Despite the cold, your body thrums with the heat of your arousal. Jake’s hands are sloppy as they caress every inch of you he can get – your sides, your tits, your ass, everything. As you reach up to tangle your hands in his hair he leans his full body weight against you, pressing you into the side of the car and caging you there. You can't quite tell if it's just so he can keep you where he wants you or because he can't stand upright any longer. Either way, wetness floods your panties at the feeling of his body pressing into you. Solid is the only word you can think of to describe him. 
“Jake.” You moan as his lips trail down to your neck, the heat of his mouth a delicious juxtaposition to the frigid wind. He’s relentless, drunkenly nipping and biting at your skin in all the ways he knows you like. “Jake, quit.” You tell him, even though it’s the last thing you want him to do. 
“Why?” The question is muffled by your skin, his lips never leaving your throat. 
“Get in the car. It’s cold as fuck.” 
He pouts but he straightens up and removes himself from you and you ignore the ache in your belly at the loss of contact. Jake’s fingers wrap themselves around the handle of the door but not of the passenger seat. Instead, he opens the door to the back and raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Y/n.” His tone matches yours mockingly, his eyes glittering. 
“It’s freezing.” 
“So let’s warm up then.” 
You try to fight it. You know you should. You’re out here where any one of the neighbors could look outside to see what’s happening if they look hard enough. If Josh looks outside and sees your car still here there’s no doubt that he’ll know what’s happening. Sam and Daniel are spending the night and are probably drunk enough that they’re already passed out but who knows if one of them might happen to look out a window. 
But the ache between your legs has grown nearly unbearable and you don’t want to wait any more than Jake does. And as you watch him clumsily climb into the back seat and lean himself back against the opposite door you know that any shred of resistance you had is gone. 
“You’re drunk.” You scold, unwilling to admit defeat even as you climb into the car with him and shut the door behind you. It’s freezing in the car and your teeth chatter slightly as you settle in. 
“Quit fussing.” He tells you, spreading his legs and pulling you in to settle between his thighs. “Don’t wanna have to wait.”
At that – at the pleading, whiny way he says the words, you cave and crash your lips back to his. His hands find your sides again, squeezing possessively. Your own hands find his shoulders as you attack his mouth with yours. The kiss has no real finesse, all teeth and tongue, but it’s perfect. Jake is moaning beneath you with every pass of your tongue and you realize with no small amount of excitement that the alcohol in his system has taken away any ability he had to hold all those noises in. He’s always vocal. But this? This is like Heaven to your ears. 
His hand drops to the waistband of your pants and his fingers dance along the skin there before slipping beneath. His fingers are cold as they graze over your clit through the fabric of your panties. His middle finger presses in, applying just the right amount of pressure as he begins to rub in little circles. You moan loudly into the kiss and his answering groan tells you all that you need to know about how into this he is. 
“You’re soaked.” 
You nod, head falling back and mouth dropping open as he pushes your panties aside and circles your swollen clit even faster. 
“Take these off.” 
You obey, sitting backwards and toeing your shoes off before sliding your pants off your legs. It’s cramped and clunky in the confined area of the car but Jake watches you like it’s still the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. Your shirt is next, discarded carelessly into the floorboard as you paw at his own shirt, desperate to see more of him. Jake lifts his arms and pulls his short off, the fabric joining your clothes as well. 
No matter how many times you see him like this, you still can’t help but be amazed. He’s glorious before you, all milky skin and soft curves that make you want to bite him. His arms flex as he pushes his jeans down, the strength of his biceps and forearms the perfect balance to the rest of him. Without pausing long enough to think about it, you drop low and sink your teeth into the supple flesh of his side. 
He cries out in answer, arching his back and head falling back with a thud against the window. 
“Y/n. Fuck.” He whines and you take his moment of surprise to palm him through his boxers. He hadn’t been lying earlier when he said he was hard as a rock. Even through the fabric you can feel the heavy heat of him. 
You trail your mouth down to the waistband, licking along the skin there before grabbing it with your teeth and pulling them down, allowing his cock to spring free. You sink lower still, intent on enveloping him in the warmth of your mouth but he stops you with a hand in your hair. 
“Wait.” He sighs out breathlessly, causing your eyes to flick to his questioningly. “Not gonna last if you do that.” He grins sheepishly and you laugh. 
“Who’s desperate now?’’ You ask him, echoing back to his taunt from earlier. 
“It’s your fault.” 
With that, he sits up and surges forward, slamming his lips to yours again and pushing you backwards. He settles on top of you, his cock resting against your ass cheek. The movement had taken much effort, his drunken limbs just a little too clumsy for finesse and grace and you both laugh a little as you settle. Finally, he pulls your panties all the way down and you whine as the cool air hits your wet center. 
“Jesus.” He murmurs, those dark eyes of his devouring the sight of you beneath him. “Been waiting for this all night.” 
He sits upwards, gripping his cock in his fist as you spread your legs for him. The car is small, your back shoved into the corner and your head cocked at an odd angle. But none of it matters as he finally slides himself into you. You cry out, hands reaching out to grip his shoulders. His groan is deep and rough as he bottoms out and pauses, allowing you a moment to adjust to the familiar stretch of him. 
“Move.” You beg him, hooking your legs around his hips and using your heels to dig into his ass and pull him closer. 
He plants both hands on either side of you, fingers digging into the leather of the seats as he starts to rock his hips. His brows tip upwards and his eyes fall closed as you clench around him helplessly. 
“So fucking tight.” He slurs, hips snapping into yours deliciously. The air between the two of you is thick – humid and warm enough that the windows have begun to fog up completely. 
“Harder.” You whine and his body trembles and shakes as he tries to follow your command. 
His mouth drops open and a loud moan escapes him as he picks up his pace slightly. His arms tremble where they fight to keep himself up in this position and you giggle softly at him. 
“Switch with me before you fall over.” You urge him before tossing your head back with a moan as his cock brushes against that special spot inside of you. Even drunk off his ass he can still find it with ease. 
“Fine.” He huffs, pulling out of you and settling back into his earlier position with his back against the door. “Sorry.” He mumbles, giving you a drunken little grin. 
“S’okay.” You tell him, climbing over his thighs to straddle him. “Can watch you better this way anyway.” 
He preens a little at that, cheeks flushing a dark red as you grip is cock in your hand and guide the head to your entrance. You sink down and whine as this position allows him to slip even deeper into you than it had before.
You roll your hips and moans punch out of both of you. He always feels so fucking good – but having to wait so long for it tonight has only made it even more rewarding now. His hands grip your ass, kneading into the flesh and guiding your pace. His eyes are half lidden as he watches you and sweat begins to bead at his hairline. The look he’s giving you – hair a mess and mouth dropped open, is a familiar one. It’s one you’ve seen on his face countless times; both as he’s fucked you and as he plays his guitar on stage. It’s enough to have the coil in your belly begin to tighten already. 
“So fuck’n beautiful.” He moans lowly, his eyes pinned to where your tits bounce with each roll of your hips. 
You whine and lean downwards, kissing him roughly as his hips begin to thrust upwards to meet yours. You can tell that he’s losing it beneath you – his focus torn between trying to kiss you and trying to match the rhythm you’ve set. He’s pussy drunk and actually drunk and the thin bit of control he has left is starting to break. 
He uses his grip on your ass to guide you upwards, pressing your breasts into his face. His lips lock around one hard nipple as one hand comes up to palm the other one. He moans louder still, the sound muffled against your tit. The feel of him… he’s everywhere in this cramped car and all of your senses have been completely overtaken with just Jake. 
“Please.” He whines, detaching his mouth from your nipple with a wet pop. “Wanna feel you cum on my cock.” 
His teeth dig into his bottom lip, his face contorting in pleasured agony as he holds himself back, waiting for you to finish first. You toss your head back and cry out, his cock hitting your sweet spot as you ride him into oblivion. The noises falling from him are barely human – rough and broken in a way that lets you know that he's completely overtaken with the pleasure of it all. Your orgasm finally hits you, seeming to start at your toes and work its way all the way through you. Your body shakes as you ride it out, walls fluttering and clenching around his cock. Your moans are only interrupted by cries of his name as he fucks you through it before finally your brain manages to come back to reality to take in the sight below you. 
Jake – drunk and fucked out with his eyes pleading up at you. 
“Gonna fucking cum, Y/n.” He thrusts up once, twice, three more times before he’s losing it. His head thrashes and curses fall from his lips like prayers. It goes on forever, his body tensed up and legs shaking on either side of you as he spills his release into you.
Finally, his body relaxes and stills. And his beautiful eyes blink open to look at you. A dopey and satiated smile spreads across his lips. You can feel his cock where it’s still inside you softening, but neither of you really want to move yet. 
“You’re so pretty.” He says with an alcohol-drenched smile. 
“And you’re still very drunk.” You giggle, kissing him softly. 
“I don’t have to be drunk to be able to see that you’re pretty.” He answers with a slight pout. Even inebriated he’s not going to let you run from a compliment. His ability to still recognize those little insecurities that you still have, no matter how much he’s had to drink, makes you smile softly down at him. 
“You’re pretty too.” 
He flushes and opens his mouth to retort but it’s cut off with a hiss as you pull off him. You reach down to grab your phone where it’s been discarded on the floorboard with yours and his clothes and the screen lights up enough to make you squint your eyes.
Two notifications await you. 
Josh 4:27AM
you guys okay? 
Josh 4:34AM
in my driveway?? :( 
You can’t help but laugh at the message before clicking your phone off. The windows have completely fogged up now so there's no denying your guilt to Josh.
As you turn back to face Jake, his eyes have closed and he looks almost asleep. 
“Hey.” You smack his chest and he startles, making you laugh even harder. “Get dressed so we can go home.” 
He groans and sits up, eyes looking glassy but still wearing a satisfied smirk.
“Round two once we get home?”
“If you can stay awake that long.”
“Challenge accepted.” 
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fukcnoplease · 3 months
Thanks to a certain krosrios on instagram ive been thinking up a new dpxdc fanfic
Cause listen having Danny leave his town cause of angst or college is cool. Having Danielle leave the town out of angst or just because is grand.
But hear me out
Dan going to Gotham because he has bonded enough with Team Phantom that they trust him to not destroy the world. He has gotten attached to Dani and reattached to Jazz and though he wont admit it is maybe a little too attached to purposefully destroy what they love.
Maybe he is following Jazz to keep her safe. Maybe he is just getting out of dodge for personal reasons and someone (cough cough) nudged him in the direction of Gotham.
But like imagine
Some angry kid settles down in crime alley of all places and quickly becomes talk of the town bc for how agressive he is he is also well known for helping when he can, in a perhaps too agressive way (not unlike a certain red hooded individual).
I imagine he is probably in his twenties and while lanky in his human form built like a tank in his ghost form. He works at a bouncer at a local bar or club and makes some side cash fixing appliances for people.
Some kids start whispering about him maybe being red hood or being related to red hood which obviously catches the vigilantes attention. Especially when some young street kid pulls a “well you would help me wouldnt you…. DAN??” *stares hard to see his reaction*
When Hood doesnt find anything he reluctantly flags it to Tim who only manages to find the name Daniel Fenton but that cant be right. His phone is actively pinging him in a small town in illinois. Unless its a twin of some kind? Or a clone, time jokes, but that cant be it bc thats just some kid. Nobody would have a reason to clone him.
Regardless some random unidentified man who can clearly fight and for whatever reason sets Jason off is a pretty big red flag. And while neither Tim nor Jason particularly wanna tell the Bat since they dont have anything concrete it is pretty concerning.
Maybe they end up breaking into a tired Dan’s apartment and questioning him.
Maybe Duke is walking through town and sees a kind old lady lecturing a fucking ghost?? God??? Guy??? And shoving food into his hands even tho he looks like he could kill her.
Maybe Barbara is spooked by a guy appearing beside her in a bookshop and reaching around her to grab a pretty in depth psychology book.
Maybe Tim finds him later with a young girl who looks just like him playing in the park.
Who knows!! I just think there is a lot to work with and his personality would be just wonderful to add into the batfamily boilin pot.
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skylersprompts · 1 year
DC x DP Prompt *7*
Robin was staring at the screen of the Bat-Computer, while his mind was trapped in the past.
Damian could still clearly remember growing up in the League. And he remembers that he never questioned Grandfather or Mother, except once.
He had been seven, almost eight, when he was training his stealth. And what would be better practice then to follow his mother around till she spots him.
But this day his mother seemed distracted, something that never happened. He followed her to Grandfathers study and listened.
"The boy is nothing but a hindrance to Damian. He fails to kill and has sympathy that's unbecoming for an al Ghul. If Danyal won't complete his next mission, you will dispose of him", Grandfather sounded annoyed, as if he didn't just spoke about killing his twin, about how their mother would have to kill her own flesh and blood.
He didn't wait for his mothers response, knowing that she wouldn't oppose the demon head. As fast as he could he searched for his other half, they needed an plan.
On their next mission Danyal died. It was tragic, but he had sacrificed himself to save the heir of the al Ghuls. At least that is what Damian reported to the League.
Danyal was on the run and for the next 19 month he was forbidden to leave any clues about his whereabouts for Damian.
At some point he would be able to find him again.
He had searched for Danyal, ever since he stared to life with father. But the little voice in the back of his head kept whispering about how Danyal probably died because of his injuries years ago and that father would see it as his fault that he lost another son.
But know he found one of his clues. An online post from someone with the username 'ghostboi', about a constellation and the story that he himself spun around it. A story only the two of them knew. Well... and a few hundred strangers now, but he would have to talk later with Danyal about that.
Now it was time to tell father about yet another son that mother kept secret from him, oh joy.
The talk had been going as good as anyone could expect, which meant that he and father now sat in a private jet, only two hours after they found out about Danyals whereabouts and three hours since Bruce Wayne knows about his second blood son.
They where going as Civilians, since it would probably go smoother. And because the Brucie Wayne persona seemed to gift his father the ability to talk a little bit easier about emotions. Except for right now, because he was angry at Damian for keeping his twin a secret. Still, Damian couldn't see how he could have handled this better and also stayed silent.
Quietly he goes over the things he found out about his brother.
He now goes by the name Daniel James Fenton
He lives in Amity Park, Illinois
He was adopted at the age of nine by the Fentons
He goes to the local high school
He has an older sister, Jasmine Fenton, who is in college for psychology
His parents are ecto-scientist
He has two friend with the names of Tucker Foley and Samantha Manson
It wasn't a lot, but he didn't have much time and also not the patience to wait any longer. It had been almost nine years since he last seen his other half and even if he was nervous, he just couldn't bear to wait any longer.
After they landed in an airport in the city nearest to Amity Park, the two immediately got into the back of a car and their journey continues.
For a long time it was silent in the car, till Damian couldn't bear his father's brooding anymore.
"I didn't know if he had survived and I deemed it better for everyone involved if I'm the only one with this particular uncertainty and possible grief", even if his own voice was levelled and his father just responded with a grunt, the air in the car seemed now easier to breathe.
Yes, Bruce had been livid and heartbroken when Damian had told him about his youngest, but he could understand to some degree where the boy was coming from. And if the situation wouldn't be so heartbreaking, then he could be able to call it sweet of his son. He just didn't want him to hurt, but even so... now it was to late to think about the what if's, in a few minutes he would have Daniel in his sight.
They stopped in front of a house that was a clear violation of every OSHA law he could think of. But the big "FENTON WORK' sign, told him that they were right.
Bruce put on a light smile, before he knocked on the door, Damian on his left side. From inside he heard a little bit of shuffling and a carbon copy of Damian opened the door. Everything except for the eyes were the same.
But before Bruce could say anything, the twins were already in each other's arms. He could hear quiet sniffling.
"You found me, your safe", the words came like a mantra out of Daniels mouth.
"Ahbak, Danyal", was the whispered answer from Damian.
And Bruce felt like an intruder in this moment. He had never seen his son so openly affectionate and it was like a weight had lifted of Damians shoulders.
It took a few minutes till the two brothers let go of each other. Except for their hands, that stayed clasps with each other.
"Hello Daniel, I'm Bruce Wayne. I'm yours and Damians father", he introduced himself with a smile, even though the boy seemed to shrink a little bit into himself.
"Please call me Danny Mr. Wayne. Just Fruitloops call me Daniel", his son gave him a crooked smile and Bruce nodded.
"Of course, but call me Bruce", he answered easygoing.
"Is there a place where we can talk Danyal?", Damian got the attention of his twin with a little tuck on his hand.
"You can come inside. Mom and Dad are out of town to get a few supplies for a new project", his answer was sheepish, as he lead them inside.
It seemed like he had adjusted well to a civilian life. How he wished he could have seen his growth.
They sit down in the living room and start to talk a bit about Danny's life with the Fentons. It's apparent for both him and Damian, that Danny is hiding something from them, but they don't press. Maybe he'll tells Damian, when they have a moment alone.
"Should I help you to pack your possessions now? I'm sure the Fentons won't need to long to come back, so that you can say goodbye", as Damian was speaking, he stood up and looked at a bewildered Danny. But Bruce wasn't really better. As much as he would love to bring Danny home with them, they couldn't just rip him out of his life. And Danny seems to see it just like him.
"Dami... I'm not leaving. I love my parents and my friends, I can't just go and leave them", Danny also stood up and clasped his hands on Damians shoulders.
"Tt... so you choose them over me?", his voice was barely over a whisper.
"No! I-... it's just... give me time? I'm almost done with high school and I want to go Gotham U, so... just wait a bit? Please?", his tone was pleading, as he searched his brothers eyes, whom just answered with a defeated sight.
"Danny is right Damian. We can't just uproot him like that. As much as I want us all together, we found him now, the rest can wait", Damian deflated a little more at his words. And so Bruce couldn't just let the opportunity pass to comfort his children for once.
He closed the small distance between them and hugged both of the boys lightly to himself.
"You know that I always wanted to raise you myself and now that I see you both like that, I wish for it even more", he sighted with a woeful smile, while Damian grumbled about the proximity. But Danny's little smile shifted to a horrified look.
"Your wish is my command~", the feminine voice came out of thin air, but Bruce had no time to think about it. Because just a second later, there were two little Babies in his arms. Two little, screaming Babies.
Bruce never regretted it so much in his life, that he hadn't brought Alfred along.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 5 months
That's not my Neighbor Characters Informations
Floor 1 :
Roman Stilnsky :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 483924059684
Apartment : F01-01
Apartment Phone # : 1152
Occupation : Public Accountant
Relations : Lois Stilnsky {Wife}
Age : 42
Birthday : May 24th 1913
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 6'3" (190 cm)
Weight : 194 lbs (88 kg)
Blood Type : O-
Origin : Russia
"Anthem" : Breaking The Habit by Linkin Park
Appearance :
Big Nose
Scar on Right Chin
Long Face
One Eyebrow
Wears a Hat
Black Short Curly Hair
Light Green Eyes
Grey Suit and Hat
White Shirt
Red Necktie
Lois Stilnsky :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 894569723651
Apartment : F01-01
Apartment Phone # : 1152
Occupation : Housewife
Relations : Roman Stilnsky {Husband}
Age : 38
Birthday : February 11th 1917
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 5'2" (157 cm)
Weight : 198 lbs (90 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : Bielorussia
"Anthem" : Trustfall by P!NK
Appearance :
Big Lips
Mole on Left Cheek
Round Face
Short Hair
Purplish "Violine" Hair Covering her Eyes
Pink Dress and Hat
Round Silver Earrings and Necklace
Robertsky Peachman :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 114652289730
Apartment : F01-02
Apartment Phone # : 2668
Occupation : Shoemaker
Relations : Albertsky Peachman {Older Brother}
Age : 36
Birthday : January 11th 1919
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn
Height : 6'7" (200cm)
Weight : 165 lbs (75 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Peaches by Justin Bieber ft. Daniel Caesar & Giveon
Appearance :
Long Neck
No Eyebrows
Big Nose
Has a Goatee
Ginger Curly Hair
Yellow Coat
Blue Scarf
Albertsky Peachman :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 146512986354
Apartment : F01-02
Apartment Phone # : 2668
Occupation : Shoemaker
Relations : Robertsky Peachman {Younger Brother}
Age : 44
Birthday : April 14th 1911
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight : 183 lbs (83 kg)
Blood Type : AB-
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : My Name Is Stain by Shaka Ponk
Appearance :
Has a Moustache
Prominent Chin
Big Nose
Big Eyebrows
Ginger Hair
Blue and White Shirt
Angus Ciprianni :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 565003698845
Apartment : F01-03
Apartment Phone # : 5513
Occupation : Businessman
Relations : Unknown
Age : 33
Birthday : February 3rd 1922
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight : 146 lbs (66 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : Italy
"Anthem" : Risky Business by Jorge Blanco
Appearance :
Long Neck
Wears a Hat
Has a Moustache
Small Eyes
Short Brown Hair
Purple Suit and Hat
White Shirt Collar
Red Necktie
Elenois Sverchzt :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 845323014956
Apartment : F01-04
Apartment Phone # : 6996
Occupation : Model
Relations : Selenne Sverchzt {Twin Sister}
Age : 22
Birthday : March 1st 1933
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight : 106 lbs (48 kg)
Blood Type : B+
Origin : Germany
"Anthem" : Fancy by Iggy Azalea
Appearance :
Mole on Left Cheek
Small Pointed Nose
Long Neck
Short Curly Hazel Hair
Yellow Dress, Orange Stripes
Ahoge Curl to the Right
Triangle Golden Earrings
Selenne Sverchzt :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 785613269514
Apartment : F01-04
Apartment Phone # : 6996
Occupation : Model
Relations : Elenois Sverchzt {Twin Sister}
Age : 22
Birthday : March 1st 1933
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight : 106 lbs (48 kg)
Blood Type : B+
Origin : Germany
"Anthem" : FASHION by Britney Manson
Appearance :
Mole on Right Cheek
Small Pointed Nose
Long Neck
Short Curly Hazel Hair
Orange Dress, Red Stripes
Ahoge Curl to the Left
Square Golden Earrings
Floor 2 :
Arnold Schmicht :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 778566219322
Apartment : F02-01
Apartment Phone # : 5123
Occupation : Writer
Relations : Gloria Schmicht {Wife}
Age : 49
Birthday : October 21st 1906
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5'0" (152 cm)
Weight : 179 lbs (81 kg)
Blood Type : A-
Origin : Germany / Afro-American
"Anthem" : À La Faveur De L'Automne by Tété ft. Jérémy Frérot
Appearance :
Big Eyebrows
Prominent Mustache
Wears a Hat
Round Face
Short Curly Dark Brown Hair
Green Suit and Hat
White Shirt
Red Necktie
Gloria Schmicht :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 698522341150
Apartment : F02-01
Apartment Phone # : 5123
Occupation : Banker
Relations : Arnold Schmicht {Husband}
Age : 40
Birthday : August 22nd 1915
Zodiac Sign : Leo
Height : 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight : 218 lbs (99 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : Hungary / Afro-American
"Anthem" : Money, Money, Money by ABBA
Appearance :
Round Face
Mole on Right Cheek
Short Hair
Round Nose
Short Curly Dark Brown Hair
Yellow Eyes
Round Yellow Earrings
Purple Scarf
Izaack Gauss :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 456985512369
Apartment : F02-02
Apartment Phone # : 7332
Occupation : Reporter
Relations : Unknown
Age : 39
Birthday : July 23rd 1916
Zodiac Sign : Leo
Height : 6'5" (196cm)
Weight : 209 lbs (95 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : Germany / United States
"Anthem" : American Idiot by Green Day
Appearance :
Big Eyebrows
Big Smile
Prominent Chin
Big Nose
Short Black Hair
Blue Eyes
Dark Grey Suit
White Shirt
Dull Blue Necktie
Margarette Bubbles :
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ID Number : 103268014590
Apartment : F02-03
Apartment Phone # : 6431
Occupation : Seamstress
Relations : Unknown
Age : 56
Birthday : July 10th 1899
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Height : 5'11" (180 cm)
Weight : 225 lbs (102 kg)
Blood Type : AB-
Origin : United States (Wisconsin)
"Anthem" : Bubbly by Colbie Caillat
Appearance :
Curly Hazel Hair
Deviated Left Eye
Round Nose
Big Smile
Pearl Necklace
Yellow Dress, Orange Dots
Round Yellow Earrings
Nacha Mikaelys :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 789653665413
Apartment : F02-04
Apartment Phone # : 1346
Occupation : Chef
Relations : Anastacha Mikaelys {Daughter}
Francis Mosses {Implied Ex}
Age : 29
Birthday : November 13th 1926
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight : 121 lbs (55 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Careless by Neffex
Appearance :
Right Eye Blue
Left Eye Green
Curly Brown Hair
She has Freckles
Round Face
Purple Hair Tie and Shirt with White Collar
Anastacha Mikaelys :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 132698534462
Apartment : F02-04
Apartment Phone # : 1346
Occupation : Student
Relations : Nacha Mikaelys {Mother}
Francis Mosses {Implied Father}
Age : 13
Birthday : May 26th 1942
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 4'11" (150 cm)
Weight : 99 lbs (45 kg)
Blood Type : A-
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Ma Chérie by Stéphane
Appearance :
Tired Eyes
Two Ponytails
Brown Hair
Small Nose
Round Face
Purple and White School Uniform
Purple Hair Ties
Pink School Bag
Floor 3 :
Mia Stone :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 789564525115
Apartment : F03-01
Apartment Phone # : 1425
Occupation : Teacher
Relations : Dr. W. Afton {Fiancé)
Age : 27
Birthday : September 15th 1928
Zodiac Sign : Virgo
Height : 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight : 132 lbs (60 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : England
"Anthem" : Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande
Appearance :
Long Blonde Hair
Small Round Nose
She has Freckles
Oval Face
Thin Eyebrows
Pearl Necklace
Round Silver Earrings
Pink Eye Make-Up
Red Shirt
Dr. W. Afton :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 250489656214
Apartment : F03-01
Apartment Phone # : 1425
Occupation : Physicist
Relations : Mia Stone {Fiancée}
Age : 31
Birthday : June 25th 1926
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Height : 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight : 150 lbs (68 kg)
Blood Type : A-
Origin : United States
"Anthem" : Valentine by Maneskin
Appearance :
Robust Eyebrows
Wears Grey Glasses
Short Blue Hair
Round Nose
Square Head
Green Shirt with Many Pockets
White Shirt Collar
Red Necktie
Francis Mosses :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 235569418995
Apartment : F03-02
Apartment Phone # : 4122
Occupation : Milkman
Relations : Nacha Mikaelys {Implied Ex}
Anastacha Mikaelys {Implied Daughter}
Age : 30
Birthday : April 23rd 1925
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Height : 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : United States (Pennsylvania)
"Anthem" : Strangers by Lewis Capaldi
Appearance :
Long Nose
Thin Chin
Tired Eyes
Short Brown Hair
Wears a White Hat
White Shirt
Black Bowtie
Steven Rudboys :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 565845455965
Apartment : F03-03
Apartment Phone # : 4242
Occupation : Pilot
Relations : Mclooy Rudboys {Father}
Age : 28
Birthday : November 24th 1927
Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Height : 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight : 205 lbs (93 kg)
Blood Type : B+
Origin : United States (Texas)
"Anthem" : Children Of The Sky by Imagine Dragons
Appearance :
Big Nose
Wears Grey Sunglasses
Short Brown Mohawk-Like Hair
Small Head
Green Pilot Jacket with Badges
White Shirt
Military Necklace
Mclooy Rudboys :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 964516184611
Apartment : F03-03
Apartment Phone # : 4242
Occupation : Retired
Relations : Steven Rudboys {Son}
Age : 71
Birthday : May 16th 1884
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Height : 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight : 190 lbs (86 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Origin : United States (Texas)
"Anthem" : Shotgun by George Ezra
Appearance :
Has a Grey Moustache
Big Nose
Has a Grey Goatee
ALWAYS Wears a Hat
Grey Short Hair
Light Grey Shirt, White Sleeves
White Hat
Red Scarf
Alf Cappuccin :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 120548096347
Apartment : F03-04
Apartment Phone # : 4258
Occupation : Lawyer
Relations : Rafttellyn Cappuccin {Wife}
Age : 64
Birthday : October 12th 1891
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 4'7" (140 cm)
Weight : 161 lbs (73 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : United States (New Jersey)
"Anthem" : Where The Streets Have No Name by U2
Appearance :
Big Nose
Prominent Grey Moustache
Use a Golden Monocle
Wears a Black Hat
Round Face
Grey Sideburns Hairstyle
Black Suit with White Shirt Underneath
Red Bowtie
Rafttellyn Cappuccin :
Tumblr media
ID Number : 568554596329
Apartment : F03-04
Apartment Phone # : 4258
Occupation : Housewife
Relations : Alf Cappuccin {Husband}
Age : 46
Birthday : September 29th 1909
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight : 154 lbs (70 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Origin : Italy / United States
"Anthem" : Would I Lie To You by Texas
Appearance :
Long Face
Big Nose
Straight Bluish Purple Hair
Wears a Light Pink Headband
Small Yellow Earrings
Pearl Necklace
Red and Green Dress with Flower Motif
Brown Leather Handbag
227 notes · View notes
latriii · 1 year
GIRLNEXTDOOR 태산 ・ 박성훈 p.sunghoon h.taesan
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SYNOPSIS. Having to move to a new area was already tough enough but being in a relationship with the biggest player known in your new school after being warned was even worse. Once you finally seperated from Sunghoon, you try to move on with no other than his twin brother, Taesan. The thing was that it was accidental, which led to things getting complicated between you and your two neighbors. You became the notorious Girl Next Door that they both desired.
IN WHICH. You and Sunghoon develop deep feelings until you caught him cheating on you, this led you to go boy crazy. You end up getting closer to Taesan until you develop a relationship with him. Who do you end up with?
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GENRE. love triangle, teenage love, highschool au, angst, fluff, STRANGERS to LOVERS,  ACQUAINTANCES to LOVERS
PARING(s). Park Sunghoon x f!reader, Han Taesan x f!reader
WARNINGS. heartbreaks, mentions of cheating, alcohol, fighting, violence
WORD COUNT. 3k ( 3,949 )
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Oh, how the sounds of cheering rang throughout your ears. You stood in front of hundreds of students as a group of your boyfriends' teammates each held up a sign with letters spelling out ‘HOCO?’
You were exhausted, minutes before— you were thrown into the air, cheering as loudly as you possibly could, while also trying to support number two on the field. That didn’t stop you from jumping into your boyfriend’s arms though. You were slowly starting to catch your breath as you let go of the skintight hug you shared with your boyfriend. He had just won the first home game of the season and oh boy, was he happy. You felt his breath hovering as he panted in and out above your messily tied-up hair while the tips of his fingers caressed your waist.
Many people knew Sunghoon as a complete douchebag. So, maybe it was the delusions or maybe it was the attachment you developed for him, but you never saw him as a ‘douchebag.’ Although you would be lying if you’ve never heard people say he tends to lead girls on, you’d also be lying if your friends didn’t tell you so. You knew what you were getting yourself into the moment you stepped into your new apartment and locked eyes with him.
But Park Sunghoon arose something inside of you that you just couldn’t understand. He was so different from the guys back in your old hometown. He caused you to go boy crazy over him. He would drive you to and from school every day, he would walk you to class, and on top of that, he introduced you to his whole family, but that was a given since you two were new neighbors.
“So?” His raspy worn-out voice silently echoed in your ears as his grip tightened around your waist. “Will you go to homecoming with me, my sweet girlfriend?”
Did you say yes? Of course, you did. However, things didn’t go as planned.
Your friends were right about everything. You felt humiliated and that very feeling was eating you up inside. You were played by the notorious pretty looking douchebag everyone warned you about. Thinking back, you wondered why you were so set on him— sure, he was a sweetheart to you, but you knew he wasn’t the best person to others; you helplessly ignored those negative traits for him. You were addicted to him and it wasn’t a good feeling knowing that.
“(Name), Stop stalking his social media.” Danielle’s soft tone snaps you back into your wandering head, she was sitting close to you, smoothly taking your phone out of your grip.
“I know, sorry— I can’t help it.” You attempt to grab your phone back but miserably fail. “Danielle, you know fast he moved on? We dated for five months for fucks sake.”
Danielle sympathizes with you, she knows how hard a heartbreak can affect a person, so she just hums in response as she returns your phone. “You know, checking his socials isn’t going to make you feel any better.”
You pressed your lips together, she was right. Why couldn’t you get over him? You've never been so stuck on a boy especially one you only dated for five months. It was draining you.
“Still crying over Sunghoon?” You instantly recognize who spoke those words and your head naturally turns towards the voice. Your eyes met with Jaehyun as he squeezed his way in between you and Danielle like he normally does. “Actually yes, you should tell your bestie I was crying over his brother again.” You say.
“I am so not telling Taesan that, but you could. You’re still neighbors with the both of them anyway.” Jaehyun teased as he stuffed his sandwich into his mouth. You shove him with your shoulder as you take in what he says while Danielle silently chuckles with Jaehyun.
To say that you were beginning to dread going to football events was an understatement. You despised going to them, it was just a reminder of your past relationship that didn’t end that long ago. You couldn’t skip these stupid events anyway, you were a cheerleader and a very good one at that. They needed you and you needed them if you didn’t want to fall apart due to your heartbreak. Cheerleading was your only escape but now that it was tied with memories of you and Sunghoon, you didn’t know how to feel. You couldn’t even process your thoughts.
“Keep it together (Name), what’s going on with you?” You were starting to feel your body heat up as your coach lectures you in front of everyone. God, this day couldn’t get any worse.
“Sorry, Mrs. Lee.” You reply. You start to feel sweat dripping down your face as you quickly bow. “Sorry isn’t going to cut it. Get it together.”
You straightened your back as you continuously nodded at Mrs. Lee. She kept complaining until she finally ended practice early because she was disappointed in the team, but everyone knew it was because of you. Nonetheless, you begin to pack up, it was starting to get chilly outside so you quickly wrap yourself in the hoodie you received from Sunghoon.
Everything reminded you of him, sometimes you brought it upon yourself but right now, this was just the god's way of punishing you for whatever reason. You notice Sunghoon and his friends walking up to where your team usually practices.
He looked so good, he was drenched in sweat, which led to his long black hair sticking to his forehead, while he held onto his helmet on the side of his hip. You couldn’t help but stare and it was a bad habit, and the thing was that he always noticed your stares but this time it was different, he was distracted. He was walking up to Ning Yizhou, the captain of your team. You could feel your heart crack for the millionth time.
Upon their arrival, Ning gave him a warm hug that you once used to give him when practice ended. You used to always wonder if he even missed you at all— but he didn’t, not even a little.
“Hey (Name), long time no see.”
Huh? You were so stuck in your thoughts you didn’t realize Jungwon had walked up to you. “Oh Jungwon, what's up.”
Jungwon raised his thick brows, noticing how down your tone had sounded. To be honest, everyone knew why you were always so down and sometimes they would feel bad, including Jungwon himself but at the same time, Jungwon had no say, Sunghoon was his best friend after all.
“Just wanted to check up on you.” You chuckle at his words, how kind of him even though his best friend threw your heart on the ground and stomped on it. Okay, dramatic, but still, you were hurt.
“I gotta go Jungwon.” You say as you grab your bag and make your way back into the school building to change.
Making your way into the building alone wasn't a big deal, it felt normal, almost like a routine that was injected into your blood system. You would quickly change and leave and that's what you did. As you walked out of the school building, you began to scroll through Instagram unknowingly searching up ‘hoon_.2.’
“(Name)?” You quickly shut off your phone and glanced up, it was Taesan. You could tell he just changed from his basketball clothes back into his uniform, his hair was still stuck to his forehead and his lips were a pretty pink shade that you’d only see while he played on the court. It was kind of weird.
Even though Taesan was Sunghoon’s twin brother, they were so distinguishable from one another. They would think differently, dress differently, have different hobbies, and even talk differently. Taesan was such a soft-toned, shy boy while Sunghoon was loud and strongly opinionated, it had always appalled you because of how they were so different.
“Taesan.” You chirped, hoping he didn’t catch a glimpse of you stalking his twin brother. Taesan gazed at you, it was obvious that he was observing you. The thing was that you were hoping he hadn’t seen what you were doing on your phone, but you couldn’t even read his face, he was staring pretty intensely so you had an unknown sensation of how to feel.
But Taesan was just admiring you, he always found you appealing.
“Do you need a ride home? We’re going the same place anyway.” He silently asks without breaking his eye contact with you.
“Sure.” You smile as you begin to make jokes with him. It was the least you could do since he was driving you home.
Sunghoon had seen you walk out with his brother, it was funny. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that seeing you laughing with his twin brother rubbed him the wrong way. To be fair, this feeling was foreign to Sunghoon.
“You can’t be mad,” Jungwon says as he watches Sunghoon’s eyes follow you out the door. “Who said I was mad.” Sunghoon sternly says, as his grip tightens around his bag.
“It’s so obvious.” Jay barges in, walking next to the angered boy. “But yeah you can’t be mad.” The dimpled boy continued as he twirled his car keys around his finger.
Sunghoon scoffs, “Not saying I'm mad but why can’t I be?” The audacity Sunghoon had pushed Jay to stop in his tracks while Jungwon’s eyes widened so big that he thought his own eyes would dry out. “Are you really asking that?” Jay genuinely asks.
“Look, all I'm saying is that you can’t be upset when you cheated and left her during homecoming.” Jungwon raises both his hands up as he nonchalantly walks away.
“Okay? That was like last month.” Sunghoon defends as he catches up to Jungwon, walking side by side with him while Jay follows behind. “Still. Plus, I wouldn’t worry too much, I doubt Taesan would date her.” Jungwon shrugs leaving Sunghoon to think to himself.
Taesan would never go for someone like you. Right?
Sunghoon had called you late that night, you took a few seconds to process the contact that was appearing on your phone. ‘Hoonie <3’ it read. Oh boy, the flashbacks with this contact that showed up every night for five months.
You let the call ring for a few more seconds before picking up. “Hello?” You quietly say as your cold phone lays against your ear. “(Name),” You could hear in his voice that he hadn’t slept.
“What do you want Hoon.” You look out the window, staring at the lit moon that fit perfectly in the night sky.
“I saw you with Taesan.” He sternly says, you can hear him shifting in his bed. “So what?” you question. It was strange, you’ve spoken to Taesan before, why is it a problem now? If anything, it shouldn’t even concern him.
“What's your relationship with my brother?” Sunghoon let out a silent chuckle after asking that, he felt stupid, why was he asking you what your relationship status if he willingly left you?
You found this absurd. It was around three o'clock in the morning and he was asking you a dumb question that he shouldn’t care about. “Good night hoon,” you say before ending the call.
It had been a while since someone had called him Hoon with so much emotion. No one called him Hoon with that much feeling until you.
Sunghoon just brushes off this foreign feeling once again and ends the night with that before he starts to think too hard.
On the other hand, you were staring at your white popcorn ceiling, it was blurry and dark, and it almost reminded you of the day of homecoming. Closing your eyes, you start to recall that day; you found Sunghoon kissing Ning in his car. You remember how intoxicated you were that night and how desperately you were searching for him after you guys argued over something so small and dumb. It was so dumb you wish you never started that argument, because maybe, just maybe he wouldn’t have cheated on you, and maybe you guys would’ve been happier than ever still in a relationship. He was your home, he was everything to you.
If only you didn’t start that argument. But that’s just the manipulation getting to you, and you know it.
It might’ve been the nosy side of Taesan but he couldn’t help but listen to everything you guys were talking about over the phone. It was short, yes, but It had Taesan thinking. Taesan’s room was right next to Sunghoons and the walls were fairly thin, anyone could hear anything by just staying silent. But he always knew you were too good for his brother and the thing was that he still loved Sunghoon no matter what, but Taesan couldn't wrap his head around his brother's actions. It doesn’t make sense and taesans confident a lot of people would agree with him.
This kind of sucks though, Sunghoon wanting to know what's going on between you two— drove Taesan to yearn to talk to you even more.
Even if it were wrong for him to.
And here you were, gradually massaging your eyes as you gaped blankly at your buzzing, bright screen, ‘taesan’ it read. Why was everyone summoning you tonight? You peek over at your alarm clock, it was four in the morning. You’ve got to be kidding. You still picked up though, you had no reason not to. “Taesan?”
“(Name), did I wake you?” His voice was low and sweet, you shift in bed as you hum silently. “No,” you lie, sitting up against your bed frame, “did you need something?”
You could hear him silently chuckling, an extremly attractive chuckle, it kind of put you in a daze, but then again, you were beyond tired at this point and you had school in a couple hours. “I just wanted to talk to you, but it's late.” He pauses. “Goodnight (Name).” He hung up.
Oh? That was shorter than you thought, but you felt his words in your bones, he was so quick and brief with his words. You shake off this feeling, sliding right back into your blankets before knocking out again. This was not how you planned your night to go.
“It was so strange,” you exclaimed as you sipped your Starbucks chai, elbows resting on the table as your back straightened, your thoughts were all over the place. “Like, both of them called me last night and they were meaningless calls.”
Jaehyun’s eyes shifted to your confounded expression, he found this entertaining to hear from you. “So, you’re telling me Taesan called you,” he pauses to let out a giggle, “at four in the morning to say goodnight?”
You nod, taking in every word Jaehyun says as he continues laughing at his best friend's actions toward you. It was shocking to say the very least, taesan has never been that bold and he always knew he found you attractive, it was no surprise— you were all the students spoke about when you first transferred anyway.
Across the room were eyes watching you ranting to Jaehyun. Honestly, he didn't make it that obvious that he was goggling at you, but his friends noticed. “Why are you staring at her so intensely?” Jungwon waved his hand in front of his face, quickly catching Sunghoon's attention.
“I’m not,” Sunghoon defends, orbs still attached to the movements of your body. “Oh yeah because it sure doesn’t look like you're about to eat up (Name) with your eyes.” Jungwon hummed, sinking back into the couch.
“I called her last night,” Sunghoon says, “And what did you say?” Jungwon’s attention was fully on his best friend. “I asked what her relationship with my brother was.” He replies, also sinking into the couch, shifting his eyes to Jaehyun who kept making you laugh.
“Now that's low, even for you Sunghoon.”
“It’s not, I'm just curious,” Sunghoon lied, he knew it was low, it was incredibly low. He hadn’t thought about you in a while though, sure, he’d stalk your Instagram a couple of times but that's only because you would post pictures of yourself going out and you’d always look good. You weren’t called the pretty new transfer for no reason.
And that’s why Sunghoon got with you right away, there were already rumors of a pretty girl coming into your school but finding out that you were neighbors the next day by locking eyes the first moment you’d meet was just another thing. To you, it felt like destiny, clearly it didn’t work out but still, you’d always talk about it when you cuddled in bed with Sunghoon; he heard it a lot.
“He’s staring at you by the way,” Danielle says as she arrives at your table, “He’s been staring since I got here and that was ten minutes ago.” She continued, as she settled in next to you.
“He’s so weird, you saw my texts right?” You say, receiving a nod from Danielle.
Taesan sat at his desk, debating whether or not to text you. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been thinking about you all night and day and he felt guilty, he didn’t want to betray his brother but to be fair, things didn’t go well due to Sunghoon so, it's not too bad, right?
He groaned silently to himself as his eyes gazed upon the texts he sent you, ‘Want to grab ice cream after school?’ How cheesy, but honestly, Taesan couldn't care less about that. He wanted your response.
You received this text and it brought a smile to your face, you quickly replied with a yes! You needed an ice cream break.
“Thanks for the ice cream,” you smile while taking in the flavors of the vanilla bar he’d bought you. “No problem, I wanted to see you anyway,” He replies as his arm slightly brushed against yours, you were living for these moments and he was too.
“Taesan,” you stop in your tracks, and so did he once he felt air instead of your presents beside him, he glanced back at you and hummed. “Why did you call me last night?”
“Because I like you, kinda, maybe. It’s complicated.” He answers, before turning and proceeding with his walk back to your apartments.
“What?” You catch up to Taesan and tug on his uniform sleeve, resulting in him looking down at you before veering around his eyes back to the sidewalk. “You heard me.”
You remained silent for the rest of the walk, the sounds of you and Taesan dragging your feet filled your ears, and you knew Taesan was too deep in his head to realize how loud he was dragging his feet.
“We’re here,” you say, pressing the numbers that led you into your home, “(Name), you don't have to think about what I said earlier, I just kind of blurted it out.” Taesan walked into his house without glancing back, leaving you alone in the halls of your apartment.
“(Name), why are you frozen outside your house,” you hear a familiar voice speak as you shift your orbs to no other than your ex-boyfriend. “Why can’t I stand outside my house?” You argue back.
“Just asking,” Sunghoon cheeses at your defensiveness, he finds it cute, “But you’re also in my house area so.”
“Fuck off, I’m literally not.” You protest, quickly walking into your house, leaving Sunghoon alone in the halls. Why were you so angry? Sunghoon just shrugged and stepped into his house as well.
Days had gone by and all you’d done was hang out with Taesan since the day he confessed to you. You found him very comforting, you’d meet up with him before and after class and would walk together everywhere. This didn’t go unnoticed of course, everyone figured out how close you two had gotten, but Sunghoon had noticed the most and he was the one who spoke about it the most.
“Why are they suddenly so close, they look like a couple.” Sunghoon rants, gazing into the locker room mirror as he paints his cheeks in black for the football game. “Who knows, maybe they naturally became close.” Jungwon shrugs as he tapes his legs, preparing for the game.
Sunghoon felt his whole body heat up when he saw you on your tippy toes leaning over the fence to kiss his brother, you two were official. This didn’t hold Sunghoon back, he’d get into a fight during the game over something minor and had to be benched for the rest of the game.
“What the fuck Sunghoon? We lost because of you!” Gyuvin provoked, jabbing his fingers into Sunghoon's chest. “The fuck is wrong with you?” He continued.
Kim Gyuvin was the captain of the football team, he was always harsh with his words, and usually, Sunghoon could handle them since he barely got a lecture, but something just snapped in him, he threw a punch at Gyuvin in front of everyone, earning gasps from the student section.
You watched this whole interaction happened, you were also on the field cheering like crazy to hype up the student section, but seeing your ex-boyfriend in a fight made you feel different emotions. You ran up to them, trying to stop them, you held onto Sunghoon's waist trying to hold him back, but you miserably failed as expected.
“Stop Sunghoon! You’re going to get suspended!” You yell out as your grip around his waist tightens. Sunghoon listened to your voice, abruptly stopping while Gyuvin was dragged away by Matthew and Jungwon. Sunghoon pulled you off him.
“Get the fuck off me (Name),”
You step back as you stare Sunghoon in the eyes, he is beyond angry, he’s never spoken to you like that and you were caught off guard. “What?”
Sunghoon ignores you and walks into the school, students scanning his every move as others glance back at you standing in the field alone. You felt humiliated but you also were curious about why he was angry because no one had ever seen Sunghoon so upset to the point where he gets physical with someone he called a friend. It was all confusing even for Sunghoon himself, why was he so worked up?
“Are you okay?” you hear Taesan approaching you with Jaehyun beside him, his face showing full concern and this warms you up. You pull him into a hug as you two walk back to the school.
“That was kind of crazy, the way you ran and tugged onto Sunghoon felt like it was straight out of a movie,” Jaehyun exclaimed as his expressions varied between each word he spoke. “It was,” Taesan added, holding onto your waist.
It was true you and Taesan shared deep feelings for one another but you guys weren’t officially together yet, you would sneak around with him here and there but you guys had made it clear that you were just close friends that kiss sometimes. Inside this wrecked Taesan, he wanted to be more than friends but he knew you weren’t ready and this whole situation just confirms it.
Was it Taesan or Sunghoon who you truly had feelings for?
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lookismfanfics · 11 months
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mr-thundercloud · 1 month
Demon twins au (Pt 2/5-6?)
(Link to the Pt.1)
-------------------------Same Pov as last time--------------------------
Compartmentalizing had always been my way. I learned early on that emotions could be a liability, an impediment to my mission. But as I sped toward Wayne Manor, my heartbeat drummed an erratic rhythm in my chest, each pulse a reminder that I had just discovered I had a son, a son who was in danger.
Traffic was nonexistent, and I hit every green light, but I felt as if the very air in my lungs was suffocating me. Each second is impossibly long. Images flashed through my mind: a boy with dark hair and an impish grin that mirrored my own. The worst-case scenarios clawed at my thoughts, but I shoved them aside. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—let grief overtake me. Not now.
When I entered the Cave, Damian was already working furiously at the Batcomputer, analyzing the video where Danny appeared, a fleeting shadow caught against a window. There was uncertainty in the frame, but we knew it was enough to find him.
I suited up quickly, the familiar weight of the cowl settling over my face, my heart steadying as I did so. All the world faded away, save for my son’s fragile existence hanging in the balance and my singular focus: save Danny.
Damian and I wasted no time. Through the crack in the window of that grainy footage, we could see an expanse—an unmarked yard with only a distant sign that read RK, ILLINOIS, a three-digit population number I could not decipher yet. Discussions turned into lists and plans. The mundane rattled in stark contrast to the urgency in the air.
With the locations narrowed down to six, I could sense my pulse quickening again—not from haste but from fear. What if we were too late? Mental checks and balances slipped as the thought danced across my mind, but I suppressed it. Running Danny’s image through facial recognition, I felt a flicker of hope.
“Daniel Fenton, Amity Park,” I read aloud, the name heavy with implications. I could hear my heart thumping as both excitement and dread coursed through me. I was a man on a mission, but now, more than ever, I was a father.
We took flight in the Batplane, the roar of the engines drowning out the frantic pounding in my chest. Damian was on the lookout for any sign of movement on the streets, relaying any potential clues. The silence between us weighed like steel, rich with unspoken truths.
I broke the stillness, drawn to my son’s story. “Why didn’t you tell me?” The question hung in the air, sharp and biting.
Damian’s voice was steady but tinged with something more resounding. “When an assassin is killed, they are erased,” he replied, and I felt an ache for the son I didn’t know, an ache that twisted and coiled. “He was forgotten…until now.”
“What’s he like?” I dared to ask, urgency blending with curiosity.
“Danny is older than me,” he began, a tremor of pride creeping into his tone. “He prefers gardens, avoids unnecessary violence… He defied our grandfather’s wishes quietly. He’s more than what they made him to be." Laying bare my son’s defiance and individuality pierced through the armor I wore like an extra skin. I was building a picture of a boy who was both mine and not mine—a spirit living in the shadow of my world.
As we zoomed into Madison, the van’s trail flickering across Damian’s tablet drew my focus. “They have government identification,” he reported, an alarming new detail. It reminded us both that this was bigger than just family—this was a battle.
When the white van vanished from the screen, leaving nothing but question marks, we powered down the Batplane miles from the town. Each sharp breath echoed the growing weight of responsibility. We used our bikes to scout the area, adrenaline thrumming.
The cottage stood in sharp contrast to the looming castle registered under the mayor’s name. It begged investigation, hushed whispers felt like echoes of the past. Two buildings, two purposes—a question to unravel.
“Let’s check the cottage first,” I declared, and as we approached that weathered façade, my heart sank with the looming reality. The world shrunk to one singular thought: I was going to save my son. No more compartmentalizing; this was personal now.
I would find Danny. I had to. Before the darkness could claim him, I would wield my fears as a shield. I had only just found him; I wasn’t about to lose him again.
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d4yd4iry · 1 year
Pairings: Danielle Marsh x fem!reader
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Synopsis : Under peer pressure, Danielle Marsh agreed to go to prom with her secret lover's twin brother
Genre: High school au, secret lovers…
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Danielle Marsh had always known that she liked girls more than boys.
Her feelings for you started to appear in 3rd grade. Danielle thought that you were the prettiest girl she’d ever laid eyes on.
“Dani, let’s play family!” You exclaimed before pulling the Australian to the playground. “Okay Ynnie!” She found herself agreeing with whatever you want her to do.
“Hmm, I want to be the mom!” You claimed your role being looking at the five other girls. “And Hyeinnie, you can be the baby because you’re the youngest!”
“If Hyein is the baby then I want to be the rich auntie!” Hanni was next to claim her role, grabbing the youngest by her shoulders before ruffling her hair. “Stop it unnie!” Hyein slapped her hands away.
“I want to be the other auntie! Haerin, you can be my cat!” Minji smiled widely and pulled Haerin to her side before the younger one could protest. “I’m not a cat tho…” Haerin whined softly.
“Dani, what do you want to be?” You asked her softly, awaiting for her answer.
Danielle pondered for a moment, before looking back at you with a bright smile that could rival the sun. “I want to be your wife!”
Back in the days, everyone was carefree. No one cared if a little girl wanted to play a married couple with another girl.
But before and now is very different. Danielle had told a classmate that she likes girls back in 8th grade and they looked at her weird.
She felt upset, but quickly said that it was a joke when it wasn’t. That was when she started to pretend that she doesn’t like girls like that.
[Senior Year Of High School]
Danielle was getting ready for school when she heard a sound coming from outside of her window. She looked outside of her window and into yours.
There you were, as beautiful as ever. Danielle could describe you as someone with a pretty face that matches your pretty personality, with pretty lips that she kisses behind closed doors when no one’s looking.
“Dani! Do you want a ride? My older brother agreed to lend me his motorcycle!” You shouted from your window.
Your houses were next to each other since your parents are best friends and wanted to be neighbors too.
She nodded excitedly before shouting back. “Yes, I do! I’ll be over in a bit, just let me get ready first!” You gave her a thumbs up before disappearing from her point of view.
She left her house before walking to face you. Her breath hitched at the sight of you wearing a leather jacket, with your body leaning on the motorcycle.
You looked mesmerizing.
“About time you’re done princesses.” You teased her before handing her an extra helmet. “Here you go.”
“Thanks!” She looked around to see if anyone was looking before giving you a kiss to the cheek. After that, Danielle went on the motorcycle and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Alright, hold onto me or you’ll fly away!” You joked before turning on the engine and speeding away.
The ride with you felt like freedom, free from all the pressure that her parents have been putting on her to be the top student of the school.
“Isn’t it beautiful?!” You shouted as you were on a speedy highway, the wind blowing your hair to the back. Danielle placed her chin on top of your shoulder to admire the view in front. “Yeah it is, but not as beautiful as you though!”
You giggled. “Danielle Marsh, you are such a flirt!” before speeding past the cars around you.
“I should convince my brother to lend me this baby more often.” You say as the two of you arrived at the parking lot.
“Yeah! It was fun if we ignore the part when you nearly crushed into a car.” That time, you were trying to look back at Danielle, luckily she notice just in time or else you’ll both be in the hospital by now.
“Come on, princess! That car came out of no where!” You protested but Danielle could only laugh, though her stomach flutters at the use of the nickname you’ve given her since the first time you two had a thing going on. “Yeah sure, whatever you say.”
“You’re mean!” Danielle felt a soft punch on her shoulder, she placed her hands on that exact place, looking offended. “How dare you! Come back here, Park Yn!”
Danielle chased after you non stop, well until she reached the hallways where she got stopped by someone.
“Hey, Danielle!” Park Jihyun, the school’s best basketball player approached her, also the guy she have been rejecting for 2 years straight. “Uh, Hi?” She was a bit annoyed by the interruption as she still wanted to chase after you.
“I really like you, would you like to go on a date sometimes?” The poor guy looked so confident, she almost felt bad.
“Sorry, Jihyun but I’m not looking for anything right now.” She replied awkwardly but it was true, she wasn’t looking for anything but she was looking for someone, you.
“Uh it’s fine, I know I’ll get you to change your mind one day!” His face and voice still filled with confidence.
“Ahem!” Comes a voice besides her, it was you.
“Hey, little brother you’re not asking my best friend out, are you?” You gave Jihyun a teasing smile as you placed your arm around his shoulder, before looking back at Danielle.
She felt a little bitter when you called her your best friend, girlfriend is what she should’ve been called.
“We’re the same age you know? I’m like only an hour younger!” Park Jihyun exclaimed and turned to leave but not before winking at Danielle. “You’ll say yes one day!”
“He’s so annoying, I should’ve ate him when we were still in my mom’s stomach!” Danielle laughed at your antics before intertwining her hands with yours. “Let’s go to class before Ms.Lee actually eats us alive.”
“Danielle! I heard that Jihyun is going to ask you to be his partner for prom!” Hanni who sat right next to her informed. “Will you say yes?”
“I was hoping he won’t! And no way, not in a million years.” Danielle replied before closing the book that she have been reading.
“Come on Danielle, you too would look so good together!” Said by of her classmates who sat in front of her.
She shook her head in denial. There’s no way that she’ll accept him, ever!
“We all know you like him back! Stop playing hard to get!” One of the most annoying gossiper teased her.
Okay, who is we? Because Danielle would like to have a word with them.
Everything they said started to get on her nerves, but of course you came in to save her day, as always.
“Why would Dani want to go with my idiot playboy brother, he doesn’t deserve her.” You chuckled before placing your palm on her shoulder. “Right, Dani?” She nodded, earning a satisfying look on your face.
He doesn’t deserve me, but you do.
This was not how she planned the day to be. Danielle was preparing her books to put in her lockers, when she was interrupted by an annoying voice she grew to hate.
There he was, Park Jihyun in all his glory. He asked her to go to prom with him.
Nearly all of the students in the school was watching them and chanting for her to accept his proposal. You were there.
Everything was overwhelming and she said yes due to peer pressure. An action she regretted immediately after seeing your hurt face.
Everything started to get rocky after that day. You wouldn’t look her in the face and would only give her short relies.
She could hope that prom comes faster so it could all be over. She missed the kisses that you two shared in secret.
“Do I really have to go?” Danielle whined as he mom was helping her zip up her dress. “Of course you have to Danielle! Jihyun is a nice boy, I’m glad you said yes to him!”
Yeah, because everyone was shouting at me to say yes, is what she wanted to say but instead, Danielle kept her mouth shut.
Her eyes lingers to the view of your bedroom, your lights was turned on and she could see that you were doing something on your computer.
If only she hadn’t say yes. Danielle felt horrible, but she couldn’t just not go after agreeing to go with Jihyun.
“Danielle, Jihyun’s here!” Her dad announced. Well there’s no turning back now.
It was like any typical Friday night, well except for the fact that there’s a prom party going on at your school that you aren’t going to.
You have been really upset with Danielle lately, often going as far as to ignore her when she tried to talk to you.
You knew it was childish, but how could you not be jealous when the girl you had a thing going on with, decides to go to prom with your twin brother.
Sure, you guys weren’t girlfriends but you weren’t friends either. What friends kiss each other on the lips.
The ongoing bitterness of the situation and the fact that it was raining outside made it perfect for blasting sad songs to cry to, no one was home and you could do whatever you wanted.
“Stupid Jihyun.” You muttered bitterly as you scrolled upon your brother’s instagram post. You could see Danielle in the background, mdancing with Minji and Hanni.
She looked so pretty, too pretty that you through your phone away in frustration.
But when you were about to go and pick it up, a rock flew into your window. “What the…” you were startled but then you heard a familiar voice.
It was Danielle’s.
“Yn!!!” She screamed out for you, her whole body trenched in the rain but she still looked jaw dropping.
“Oh my god Danielle! What the hell are you doing here!?”
“Just come down!”
You rushed down the stairs, almost flying due to how fast you were going.
Opening the door, you faced Danielle who looked like she have been standing in the rain for far too long.
“Are you crazy!?” You were extremely worried at the sight of her shivering due to the coldness. You quickly pulled her into the house and led her to your bedroom without giving her a chance to talk.
Danielle giggled as you were running around your room trying to find something comfortable for her to wear. Soon after, she was wrapped with 4 blankets.
“Explain.” You looked at her seriously as you sat on the chair in front of Danielle.
“Yn, I’m really sorry for agreeing to go to prom with Jihyun. I swear it wasn’t because I wanted to, but because everyone was screaming at me to agree and I really do regret it!” She rambled on without missing a beat.
“And I felt even worse when you ignored me. Prom is only without you with me. I’m sorry for everything! And I miss you, I miss us!”
You couldn’t help but stare at her lips as she rambled on about how sorry she was. “Can I kiss you?”
“What?” Danielle froze for a second, obviously not expecting to hear the words that are coming out of your mouth.
“I said, can I kiss you?” You cupped her face with your hands, looking at her intensively. Danielle was lost in your eyes as she muttered a quiet yes.
Her heart races as you softly pressed your lips onto hers, she wraps her arms around your shoulders.
Your lips moved in harmony, it was sweet and loving. Danielle found herself wanting more when you pulled away.
“I’m sorry for being so immature, and not letting you explain yourself.” You felt extremely bad after all your bitterness have been washed away by the kiss.
“Yn…” she smiled at you warmly. “Give me another kiss.”
In the end, the two of you laid on your bed, arms armed around each other tightly as you were both in deep slumber, not a care in the world.
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Twins to Trio? (Dani mistakes Damian as Danny, and Damian learns his twin might not be dead)
Twins Danny and Damian but Damian only finds out his twin is alive due to Dani! (Or Elle, depends on what she wants to called)
Like imagine during one of Dani world trips she's in Gotham and runs into Damian, and mistakes him for Danny for a moment. Damian is taken aback by a younger looking female version of his dead twin (and himself), she even has Danyal's nearly hidden freckles that only Damian and his mother knew of. And add the fact she had called him Danny (she actually called him Daniel first as a joke), so close to a version of his dead twins name that Damian, being the paranoid and headstrong person he is, fixated on it. And he will uncover the truth (he never truly wanted to believe his twin was gone for good, and from such a simple death, he's was an al Ghul they were good at defying death)
Dani has a feeling she might had caused something, especially after telling Damian he looks like her 'cousin' Danny and jokinly asks if hes a clone.
Meanwhile in Amity Park. Danny shivers for the first time in years since gaining his ice core and feels dread for some reason.
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zaiisaii · 1 year
⋆ — twt links w/ .ᐟ ﹙various﹚ .
warning:: gender neu. , dom reader , & nsfw .
characters:: daniel park, goo kim, hudson ahn, zack lee, jake kim & yuseong.
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(one). Cute little danny gets so weak when you lock him up. he feels so dirty knowing he isn't suppose to come, yet he's so turned on by your touch. everytime your hands play with his locked up cock he's crying out, thighs shaking uncontrollably, or when you spank him just for the fun of it.
(two). "Just a few more." you taunt him by rubbing at the red marks left by your whip. he chokes on his moans, hips bucking away from your hands, sobbing out for you to be more gentle.
(one). It's no surprise on how whiney he is. especially when he gets horny, even being out in public.
"touch me, (name)."
he has no shame.
of course, he always regrets doing this when he's tied up and helpless. always moaning out apologies he doesn't mean. always sobbing when you deny his pleasure, always being so whiney, it gets on your nerves.
(one). To have such a strong man begging for you with every single once of strength left in his abused body is a true confidence boost.
to just sit around and watch him crumble is so satisfying. until he's crying and shaking, and trying to fight the urge to come. his teary eyes rolling up and his hair tousled and messy. not like his usual self.
(one). "You know I don't like bad boys, zack." you cup his face, gently kissing his forehead — quite the contrary of what you're doing to him. his throat feels sore from the amount of times he's screamed at your slaps. he shook away your hands, crying out loud when you slap his cock once again.
(two). "Wanna say something to me?" he nods rapidly, you hum as a sign to allow him to speak. you hear a gulp from him and watch his adam apple move as he tries to push out his voice.
"...s-sorry!" zack squeaks out, practically panting out his words. "m'sorry! m'very sorryy!!"
(one). With the amount of times jake has teased you, only a few ended up with him actually having a punishment. and boy, was he excited but now, he's getting a tinge of regret.
you can be so cruel when you want to be.
your thighs tighten around his head when he stopped moving his tongue, you giggle and quickly lift your hips to let him gulp down as much air as he can before planting yourself down on his face.
he pulls at the restraints on his wrist.
he tries to please you as you simultaneously grind down on his tongue and slap his cock. his body jolts with each smack, groans getting louder than before.
you're so, so very cruel.
(one). A lot of people may be surprised with how much of a baby really is. he wants you to hold him when you're touching him, giving him all the praise in the world, even when you torture the stronger twin. his cries ring in your ears, drool slipping past his lips as you toy his his sensitive hole.
"what a good boy." you coo at him, causing him to mewl softly, his face turning a darker shade of pink everytime.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Forgotten Demon Twin 7/?
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“So, does that mean you can get us that sweet, sweet new Wayne tech,” Tucker asked.
Sam hit him in the back of his head.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“No problem,” she said.
“Betrayal from my only two friends!”
The three teens were in Sam’s basement/entertainment room. Danny had just finished giving them an unabridged version of his family’s history. Barring a few things. Like the fact that Bruce Wayne was Batman and his kids were the other Gotham heroes.
“So, what now,” Sam asked. She still couldn’t believe it. Danny was raised by assassins! She wanted to be disgusted; she couldn’t condone any life-taking, but she was also aware enough that it wasn’t Danny’s fault.
Besides, he has stopped, and he was a hero now.
“Now, I tell my parents the whole truth about Phantom.”
Sam and Tucker stared at each other.
“Are you sure, dude,” Tucker asked.
“Yeah, what if they don’t accept it and attack you?”
Danny shrugged, “They took it just fine when they found out during the whole reality gauntlet fiasco.”
“Yeah, but that was then; this is now. Danny, you just told them a cult raised you. There’s only so much you can dump on people before they break. Especially parents. Why can’t you accept me for who I am, mom?”
Sam was breathing hard at the end of her little rant.
“Okay,” Danny drawled, “Your parents aren’t my parents, Sam. I would have to tell them eventually. I might as well get it over with.”
“Are you going to tell them about the Ghost King thing, too,” Tucker asked.
“I’m not the Ghost King yet,” Danny said. Tucker rolled his eyes, “Fine, crowned prince.”
“Yeah, I am,” Danny said. For it to work, he had to be fully honest with his parents about Phantom and everything it entailed.
Sam and Tucker looked at each other.
“If you’re sure,” Sam said, “Just know we will always be here for you.”
“Yeah, dude, the three of us are a team.”
“Thanks guys.”
The three friends sat in silence for a while.
“So, are you really not going to ask for that sweet new Wayne tech?”
“Seriously, Tucker?”
“Boo,” a pillow hit Tucker in the face.
“Hey! A guy should be allowed to ask.”
Vlad Masters sat in his office listening in to the three friends.
He was glad he had the foresight to bug more than the Fenton’s home. (Daniel always found the bugs, anyway.) What he had just learned had him reeling. Daniel wasn’t Maddie and Jack’s biological son. Not only that but that buffoon Bruce Wayne was Daniel’s father.
What’s more, Daniel had been raised by assassins.
This changed things. He got up and looked out the window.
Daniel was a valuable asset just for being a half-ghost like him. But now, he was not only the crowned prince of the Infinite Realms, but he was also the biological son of Bruce Wayne. If he could get Daniel on his side, Vlad would have more power than he could have thought possible. Daniel would be his son, and Maddie would be his.
It was time to scheme.
Damian got out of the car and left as soon as they got to the hotel room. Bruce was glad he had called Dick to meet them in front. His eldest followed Damian, even if it was from a distance.
Bruce sighed. He had no idea what to do. How do you deal with a long-lost child forgotten by his mother and brother? A child who had been abandoned by the only family he had ever known? A child who Bruce had no knowledge of?
“God, I wish you were here, Alfred.”
As he exited the car, he could’ve sworn he heard the older man speak, “I’m still here, Master Bruce. Always.”
He turned and saw an empty car.
The city must be getting to him.
Tim had not slept since he got to Amity Park. Now that the firewalls were gone, he had done research.
What he found disturbed him.
“Duke, come here for a moment,” the newest member of the family walked up.
“Tim, you should really sleep.”
Tim took a gulp of his energy drink, “Read this.”
Noticing her brothers’ tense posture, Cass came up to read whatever had caught their attention.
“That can’t be right,” she said, “that violates the Protection Meta Act.”
“Well, it’s there and it exists.”
The Anti-Ecto Act laws were laws that carried out government-approved genocide. They allowed ecto-entities to be hunted down, studied, and exterminated without prejudice. Not only that, but the way the laws were written allowed for any ectocontaminated human to be classified as an ectoentity and stripped of all rights.
How had the Justice League missed this?
“Bruce is going to be pissed,” Duke said.
“Our new baby brother is in danger,” Cass stated.
Tim kept the tab on the Anti-Ecto Act open and took notes to present to Bruce. He was also able to find fights between Phantom and other ghosts. The kid mostly fought in the air.
Tim took more notes of every power Phantom showed. The list was extensive. He whistled when the kid gave a well-placed kick to a vampire-looking ghost. Tim could easily see the League training. It was easy to notice when you knew what to look for.
He found blogs of teenagers praising the teenager and articles claiming that he was as big a menace as the ghosts he fought. Over the years, though, it seemed that the perspective had shifted on Phantom.
He cataloged the shift after Amity Park had been sucked into an alternate dimension and Phantom had helped save the city.
There were more articles.
Phantom Saves the City from an Eternal Sleep.
Phantom Stop Giant Plant Ghost from Eating Amity Parkers.
The more he read, the more Tim learned. The more he worried for his new brother. He was different from Damian. There were no articles of decapitated people or people stabbed by a sword. Danny didn’t seem to be as violent as Damian had been.
It made sense. Talia and the League didn’t truly raise him. He had had a chance of a semi-normal life.
Tim also looked into the other hero, the Red Huntress.
She seemed more like a ghost hunter than a hero to Time. She shot any and all ghosts. There was an interview of her saying that all ghosts deserved to be exterminated. Yikes.
There was a knock on the door. It was the secret knock Bruce had taught them. Cass opened the door.
“Hey, Bruce,” Tim looked up and saw the weariness on Bruce’s shoulders. The guy must really be going through it. It made Tim feel a bit bad for what he was about to show Bruce, but the man deserved, no, he needed to know what was going on in Amity Park.
“Tim. Found anything?”
“Oh, I found plenty. You might as well get comfortable. This is going to be long.”
So, I'm better from Covid, which means I'll start working again. I won't update as often as I did the past few days but I'll try to update at least once a week.
I hope you liked this chapter.
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elizabethemerald · 2 years
Protective Instincts: Part 1
Based off my “Mistaken Identity AU” wherein Danny momentarily mistakes Bruce as his father and is eventually adopted into the family. Full serious of Protective instincts stories will be up on AO3 when they are all written. 
“Alright Danny! Courtesy of our new best friend Oracle, I have your brand new ID hot off the press.” Tucker called into the room as he entered. 
Danny and Sam were in their shared bedroom in Wayne Manor. Danny was finishing painting Sam’s nails with her customary black. His own were painted a dark purple. Now that they were all finally safe and reconnected it was time to get back to feeling like themselves again. It was well past time they had fun and colorful (or black in Sam’s case) nails. Tucker would get his turn as soon as Sam’s were dry. 
Of course there were more than enough rooms in Wayne Manor for them all to have separate rooms, but after a chaotic first night wherein every member of the trio had their own nightmares then panicked when they couldn’t find each other. Even Jazz, usually the most emotionally steady and mentally healthy member of their group didn’t sleep at all that first night as she kept checking on Danny, Sam and Tucker. 
So it was decided that the trio would share a bedroom. The bedrooms were definitely large enough for the three of them to sleep side by side by side, and considering they had all crammed themselves into Danny’s tiny twin at the Fenton’s household, they slept comfortably. Plus it made it easier for Jazz to anxiously check on them if they were all in the same bed. Alfred and the Waynes didn’t say anything about them rooming together, though the trio did get a few raised eyebrows when they left their room together. 
“Daniel Edward Nightingale.” Tucker said as he handed over the ID with a flourish. 
“I can’t believe you picked Edward as your middle name.” Sam said with a sigh as she started to blow on her nails to get them to dry. 
“Well Jazz wanted her last name to be Nightingale, you two wanted to share a last name.” Tucker said as he sat down and started looking through the nail polishes that Cassandra and Stephanie had loaned them. Sam’s collection was still in Amity Park. “There are so many puns I can come up with, with those letters.” 
Left unsaid was that any middle name that started with an A was completely off the table. Danny didn’t need anymore reminders of Dan. Danny looked over his new paperwork as he spoke. 
“Yeah and we’ve already established I’m terrible at naming things. That’s apparently something I inherited from Jazz.” 
None of them mentioned Jack and Maddie’s terrible names they gave things. There were a lot of things that were being left unsaid between the three of them. 
“Actually, speaking of my sister, have either of you seen her?” Danny asked, standing and stretching. 
“Yeah, I handed her ID to her first. She immediately grabbed her purse and left the Manor. Apparently she’s desperate to start the job search so she’s not indebted to Bruce.” 
“Did she leave alone?” Danny asked, his voice rising and he knew his eyes were flashing green. 
“No, don’t worry. Jason was standing around in the kitchen and he got voluntold to be her escort. He’s got his guns, and Jazz has her creep stick. They’ll be safe.” 
“Oh well, that’s good.” 
“You don’t sound thrilled. I know you’re worried about her, but she’ll be ok.” Sam said as she started layering a neon blue polish onto Tucker’s nails. 
“Yeah, I trust her.” Even if his voice was a little hesitant. “It’s just now that we have real IDs and everything, I was hoping she would help me get my prescription set up, it’s been like a month since I had my last T shot.” 
Tucker whipped out his PDA and started typing one handed while Sam glared at him to stop moving so much lest she mess up his nails. 
“I’ve got the closest respectable pharmacy, and I’ve already sent in your prescription. I’ve even rearranged their queue and marked your order as a priority fill. It should be ready to pick up in a few minutes.” 
Danny gave him a wide smile, then looked nervous again. 
“Uh, I was also hoping Jazz could help me administer the shot. Maybe one of you could…?”
He trailed off as both of them looked uncomfortable. Sam capped the polish she was working with and put her hand on Danny’s arm. 
“Danny, we love you. But I don’t think either of us are going to be able to stick you with a needle any time soon.” She said. Tucker gave him an anxious smile and a small nod. 
“Oh. Well I guess I could do it myself. No problem right!” Even in his own ears the words sounded like false bravado. 
“Hey, maybe one of the Waynes would be able to help you out?” 
“What can the Waynes help you with? 
Before Danny could reply a voice from the hallway made him whip around. Tucker had left the door open in his excitement and standing there, not entering their space but still leaning casually on the doorframe was Dick Grayson. 
“Sorry to butt in. And for eavesdropping but I couldn’t help but overhear.” Dick said with a small smile, trying to put them at ease. 
Danny consciously forced himself to relax. When he had been startled he had whirled so he was in front of Sam and Tucker his fists raised and his gleaming with a green light. He let out a slow breath and relaxed his clenched and ready muscles. Dick wasn’t a threat. Sam and Tucker were safe. He was safe. He breathed slowly in then out again before he shot a smile back at Dick. He already told the Waynes his biggest secret, what was one more secret? Better to know now if there was going to be a problem before they all got comfortable. 
“I was hoping for some help administering my T shot.” He was still tense, but when Dick’s face only changed to a wider smile he relaxed more. 
“Oh, I can help you. I’ve helped Wally with his plenty of times. There’s just something about having to stick yourself with a needle that is so much worse. May I come in? Or would you prefer to do it in one of the restrooms?”
Danny relaxed further, almost back to how he was when it was just him, Sam and Tucker in the room. He glanced at them and they both gave him a nod so he nodded ot Dick. 
“I don’t have the prescription yet. I was just going to go pick it up.” 
Dick entered and glanced curiously around, but quickly refocused. Danny was sure the room was a little messy, with two teenaged boys living there, and all three of them still living out of their suitcases in case they had to leave quickly. However Danny didn’t feel like Dick was judging them at all. 
“If you’d like I can swipe the keys to one of Bruce’s cars and drive you to the pharmacy. There’s no worries there.”
Danny hesitated again for just a moment before he nodded. He had been planning on going ghost and flying to the pharmacy then just taking the package with his name on it and disappearing, but maybe it would be better to do this as a human. 
“Bye, Danny. Love you!”
“We’ll be here when you get back. Be safe out there. Love you!” 
“I love you both too.” 
Dick gave him another small smile at their farewells but didn’t say anything. Tucker and Sam had been doing that a lot more recently. He didn’t mind, his core always purred and hummed when they did and he certainly loved them, but he wasn’t sure why or where that had come from. 
While he was caught up in his thoughts on his friends Dick had grabbed a set of keys and escorted him into the very full garage. Despite the number of luxury and sports cars that filled the space, Dick led him to one of the more normal looking cars. Still fancy, and still nice, but common enough that it wouldn’t be obvious that a Wayne was on the roads. Dick waited until they had pulled out the front gate and were on the road before he spoke again. 
“You don’t have to worry about anyone in the family giving you a hard time.” He said, with his voice soft, comforting. “Half the family is queer and we all have friends or associates who are part of the community.”
“Thanks. That’s good to know.” Danny said. His parents… no. Jack and Maddie had been accepting of his gender identity, but had hated his ghost half. He had been afraid that the Waynes might have been the opposite, ok with his ghost half and bigoted against his gender identity. Though maybe he needn’t have worried, Dick after all, had the most Bisexual energy Danny had ever seen outside of a mirror. 
The trip to the pharmacy was quick and efficient. With Dick standing guard and fully willing to stare down or call out anyone who even looked at him funny when he asked the pharmacist for his prescription, Danny was able to get in and out without a problem. Honestly with Dick towering over him at 6 foot, Danny felt as safe as he did when his sister was with him. Though she was even taller at 6’3”. They were pretty sure she was going to end up even taller with the ectoplasm running through her veins. 
Once they were back in the Mansion and Danny could relax a little more (he still didn’t relax fully in the mansion, unless he had Tucker, Sam and Jazz around him. That was the only time he felt fully safe) Dick escorted Danny to one of the restrooms on the ground floor. 
“You needed help with the injection, is that correct?” Dick asked. 
“Yeah, usually Jazz helps me out.” Danny gave a half laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s weird I’m totally fine with stitching myself up, and giving myself injections of Ecto-dejecto, but I can’t handle the much smaller needle of a T shot.” 
For a moment Danny could feel rage radiating off of Dick even though the older man kept his face mostly calm. Though that should have been its own hint at Dick’s emotions. He was almost never serious, always ready with a joke  or a pun. 
“It’s ok, Danny. We’re here to help. You don’t have to do everything yourself anymore.” 
Danny wasn’t 100% certain that Dick was talking about the testosterone injection at all anymore, but he just nodded and let Dick help him with the injection. He had to look away from the needle and couldn’t help a small flinch as the needle reminded him of all the needles his parents had stuck him with while he was in their care. They wanted to test how ghosts reacted to different chemicals. He had experienced everything from human blood (Jack’s donation) to bleach flowing through his veins. 
He didn’t realize he had tensed until he felt strong arms wrap gently around his body. Danny untensed his muscles with difficulty and took a breath, the silent reminder that at least part of him was still alive, even if he didn’t need to breathe anymore. As he repeated the breathing exercises Jazz had taught him, he slowly became aware that Dick was slowly and softly repeating calming phrases to him as he hugged him. 
“It’s ok, little ghost. It’s Danny. You’re not alone anymore. You’re safe. Your family is safe. You’re part of our family now. We’re going to keep you safe. You’re ok, Danny.” 
More tension bled from his shoulders as he sighed into Dick’s arms. Maybe this is what a family was supposed to feel like.
Final Author Note: I have a couple of these planned, I’ll post them all on tumblr seperately, then on AO3 all together once they are all finished. My Momma Selina story will be updated next. Then I have an idea for Papa Red Hood story that I’ll do next. Also! I have a zine coming out at the end of the week, keep an eye out for it!
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