#Pars Carnagia (Headcanons);
kharrneth · 3 months
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A more Physical graph of khornate aspects and associations. Primarily intended to be used for Character Creation, since Khornate Characters can be pretty one-note despite having a pretty broad (and even contradictory) range of aspects that produce interesting combinations of characters. Hopefully, with this graph, some variety can be made.
The first ring of course of are common Khornate themes that almost all followers share.
The second are not as readily associated with Khorne as the first, but there is a case to be made for their inclusion.
And the third ring is for more tertiary traits, not seen readily and more case by case than the broad rules.
Might use this to create characters! + This.
Ring 1 ( d15) x 4
Ring 2 (d22) x 3
Ring 3 (d15) x 1 + Free Pick
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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Below the Eight Hosts of Murder are the Sixteen Hosts of Slaughter. These are Blood Hosts led by Bloodthirsters who, much like the 7th Host of Murder, are forged, molded, or elevated with the intention of doing war with Tzeentch and Nurgle. It is no accident that these Slaughter-Hosts are ranked beneath the Eighth, as it is a symbolic snub from the Blood God that his brothers (excluding Slaanesh) are not worth his best warriors and soldiers.
Eight of these Hosts are dedicated to the Destruction of Nurgle and his forces. They are known as the Akhamshy’y’Nurgh or “Slayers of Decay”. These Hosts also have a great deal of enmity towards Skaven, particularly the more pestilential ones. The Bloodthirster Balkhaarn is the Prime Gore Captain of these Eight Hosts, though all Bloodthirster’s within the Slayers of Decay honor Mardagg as the chiefest and greatest Nurgh killer.
The other Eight are referred to as the Akhamshy’y’Tzeen or “Slayers of Change”. All Khornate daemons are abjurative in nature, but the Slayers of Change are another level of anti-magic and abhorrence. They are also called the Iakkhar’Khaos or “Bane of Wizards” and feared by magic-users the world over.  The Bloodthirster Hish’Khar’tzin is the Prime Gore Captain of these Eight Hosts. Kha’xanzyr, Architect of Slaughter, was it’s previous Gore Captain before battling his way to the Eight Hosts of Murder.
Funnily enough, these two hosts are rivals just as much as their respective prey items are and while they seldom directly fight between themselves, always is there competition for who can pile the most and worthiest of their enemy’s skulls at Khorne’s feet.
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kharrneth · 2 months
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The Blood God's realm is vast-- ever expanding, growing endlessly with his might. Thusly, there are countless sub-territories within the Kingdom of Skulls owned by territorial daemons or daemon-beasts. Underground, the land is spoken for, with Blood Hosts warring beneath the dry, cracked, skull-choked plains of Khorne. Even the Blood Oceans are rife with ships of sinew, brass and bone, skull-fleets of daemons battling for naval supremacy...
The most grand of these territories are those held by the Bloodthirsters. A newly manifested Fist of Khorne must face many trials before he is taken seriously by his fellow Greater Daemons and of these trials is the ownership of a lair. Lairs can be founded or seized and are often built from the remains of the many massive beasts that lurk Khorne's realm, (though may be constructed purely from raw materials). These are called the Khala'thysk ("Castle Beast" in Dark Tongue) and each of them is big enough to comfortably fit several Bloodthirster in it's mouth, thus making them first basis for a Fortress.
A Castle Beasts skull is the one skull in a Greater Daemon's career that it will keep for itself. It becomes it's lair and the basis for any additions to the fortress, be that more skeletons or actual brick and mortar. Typically, the fortress is built into the body of the beast and particularly large fortresses may be made of several beasts. The Bloodthirster, naturally, makes it's quarters in the Skull and leaves the neck, ribs, belly, and tail to it's subordinates.
A lair is by no means a strictly terrestrial affair: Some are built on top of the various floating shards of stone littered about the skies of the Realm of Blood. Others are hidden underground, where they are hard to find and assail by overground Blood Daemons unaccompanied by a scenting Flesh Hounds. Cohabitation is tricky for Daemons of Khorne, as their patron demands endless slaughter and does not care where it comes from. However, a Host has no shortage of enemies, especially newly established Daemon Lords. Neighboring daemons will send war parties to probe for weaknesses and test the mettle of newcomers. Packs of bloodthirsty beast are not shy about attacking a Lair either. Enemy Daemons from other gods offer challenge from time to time and always, roving bands of daemons and champions of Khorne look for blood and skulls-- this endless gamut of enemies, and the sheer presence of a Bloodthirster, ensures all aggressions are turned outward, not inwards.
Not all Bloodthirsters have lairs. Some are strictly nomadic. Some do not have hosts-- living along in whatever fortress they've stolen or constructed. Only the Bloodthirsters from the Eight Hosts of Murder are afforded anything like Luxury, for they live within the very Halls of the Skull Throne, nearest to their god in his barracks.
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kharrneth · 7 months
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Mannerisms Moodboard: 𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄
Khorne is the most bestial of the gods and unique among them; he was already formed and aware before he was truly sapient. This is because bloodshed, hatred, anger, and rage are not the province of intelligent beings alone. Even when he gained personhood, he remains beastlike relative to the other Powers and even his own Greater Daemons. The Blood God's proportions are such that he can comfortably move on four limbs just as well as two. There are two beings Khorne's rage lessens for: his Queen, Valkia, and his favorite hound Karanak.
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kharrneth · 6 months
So how do you think Khorne gets skulls on the pile from the mortal realm? Are they directly transported or is one placed there for every skull taken?
I don't actually remember if it says anywhere!
I would say both manual an arcane means, largely because I tend to picture armies of Khornate Daemons taking their bounty to the skull throne like a bunch of little fire ants bringing food home to the nest.
There's an event in Warhammer III of a Bloodletter using a wheelbarrow to gather Ogre skulls.
Skulltaker has a sack that he puts the skulls in that he intends to give to Khorne.
Valkia killed her daughter after becoming a Daemon Prince and personally put her skull at the topmost part of the throne to honor her for a good battle.
There are probably multiple means. Khornate daemons came through the realm of Chaos to collect Valkia's body for Khorne; I could see them coming through to collect skulls piled at Khornate Monoliths for the same reason.
Alternatively, I like the idea of Khornate furies being sent to fetch skulls. We can actually see furies flying around the Brass Citadel and since we know that 1) Khorne has little use for them since they're cowardly 2) Khornate daemons actively kill them and find them disgusting for the same reason, it stands the reason the ones there probably have a special function i.e mass skull collection. I could see them scrounging them from battlefields after a battle is over and done.
Of course, roving Flesh Hounds return to the throne room with skulls after they eat the bodies.
The lore is surprisingly lacking for HOW the skulls actually get to the throne lmaooo. Even in 40k, I don't think it's explained, but I like to imagine it's kind of like Thor Ragnarok where they're on Sycar or whatever and there are just portals opened up with daemons sending skulls and other things through.
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kharrneth · 7 months
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Lore often explicitly maintains that the only emotions Khorne is capable of is a constant state of rage. However, this is inconsistent with what we actually see and it would be accurate to say (and has been said) that Khorne spends most of his time in some kind of discontent or negative affect. Khorne is fully capable of complex emotions; these are just often consumed by anger. Then of course there are his daemons, namely his greater ones; as avatars of Khorne, they too offer insight into Khorne's emotional range.
List of Emotions Khorne has canonically felt:
Several sources recount a secret terror felt by all Chaos Gods towards Slaanesh, due to his aspect being truly never ending.
Khorne is described as feeling a satisfaction that nearly overcoming his all-consuming rage after the acquisition of his weapon, the Ebon Blade. He won Nurgle to his side, then vanquished Tzeentch and Slaanesh to acquire this weapon, which is his preferred armament. I like to think it's a source of pride, maybe even comfort.
Affection / Passion
Khorne is flatly stated to feel nothing for the vast majority of his followers, however lore suggest that not only does he feel affection for Valkia but that this affection is passionate in nature. Even when she was human, Khorne was said to feel something like fondness for her. The only other being he was angered to the degree he was when Valkia was killed over was his dog, Karanak, slain by one of Slaanesh's daemons. This suggest a similar affection for his Flesh Hound.
Khorne's attention is never far from Valkia, even when she's not killing, which says a lot for a god who's whole thing is ceaseless murder forever.
Khorne is commonly described as delighted, pleased, and favouring of the bloodiest of his soldiers. The only time his pleasure isn't battle-related is when it's surrounding Valkia, his wife (and even then-- she's usually fighting and/or leading his armies, so yeah).
(Grim) Amusement
Khorne laughs at Skarbrand and Skarbrand's offering after the Ursun plot...then maintains his eternal exile. Definitely some Schadenfreude / Sadism going on there.
The Masque is noted among Slaaneshi daemons as the perform so flawlessly as to enthrall the very gods themselves-- this includes Khorne. The fact is also includes Slaanesh seems to suggest there isn't supernatural influence at work.
Here's a fun one. The lore never denies Khorne's ability to feel aroused, only stating that he feels it's a waste of time. In fact, he feels it towards Slaanesh, like all the gods do. It's worth noting that these are emotions Slaanesh induces in his brother gods and so they might not be endogenic to Khorne....however, "Blood Raven" features a very sensuous Valkia and Valkia is often described as "Khorne's desire made flesh" (literally; he remade her and she is largely unchanged from her human form, which was beautiful enough to make Locephax act stupid). Do with all this what you will.
Khorne is described in several sources as "broody". Interestingly enough, brooding isn't really a sub-category of aggression (though there is some overlap between this and being irritated). This is likely his lowest "setting" as far as his rage.
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kharrneth · 1 year
Valkia is a daemon prince and has a proper daemon prince form like any other daemon prince.
However. When she comes to the mortal world, she uses her mortal adjacent form to interact with men, elves, and dwarves. This is calculated and there are several instances, pre and post ascension, of Valkia using her femininity as a weapon, best seen in Blood Raven.
Khornates are just like other daemons: They use promises of power and other things to tempt mortals into Khorne's worship ("You are a creature of blood as much as I am...You already walk the scarlet path, little angel, we both know it. Come witness Khorne's glory, embrace what lies within you. You could be so exalted, little champion."); Valkia's methods are bit different.
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Slaaneshi Adjacent. Khorne is looking the other way and given his...proclivities so far I can't help but wonder if her being female might have something to do with it. It's implied in the book though that this is an effect Valkia has on Khornates specifically. Not daemon-worshippers do not see her this way:
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Context: Bothvar is one of Valkia's champions, Eldgrim is a dwarf from a hold they're attacking.
Anyway, if my adhd isn't acting up, I may draw Valkia in her "full" damon prince form. The "half-daemon prince" is just what she shows the world.
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kharrneth · 4 months
Got a comment about Khorne being a Facultative Quadruped (or, a creature that moves comfortably on two legs but may switch to four in certain situations) and I wanted to go into it a bit more.
I've occassionally mused on the Khornates and their resemblance to apes, despite the fact the lore only ever compares them to dogs or bulls. Khorne is bipedal, but not in the manner of a man. His physique is more ape-like.
Compare: Kong Titans vs. Real Gorillas. THIS is also a really good ref of his proportions.
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While Slaanesh has more human proportions, Khorne is more archaic. Primitive. Even Nurgle would be more human-like if it weren't for his gut putting him in a permanent squat.
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kharrneth · 1 month
Flesh Hounds as Emotional Support Animals
Though many northmen and no few southlings would laugh at notions such as "emotional support" anything, the truth of the matter is that a Chaos Warriors life is one of battle and bloodshed, particularly if they follow Khorne. Near-gone are earthly comforts that can be found around the hearthsflame, mead, or in the arms of a woman. Though he trades his humanity for a suit of chaos armor and a taste of immortality, the man that he once was remains within, screaming and screaming, raging at what he has become. This is in part what fuels his slaughter.
However, Flesh Hounds serve as implacable animal companions granted by the Lord of Murder to servants. They are bound to their masters on a level no mortal beast can be to their owners and whatever measure of his earthly affinities remain are put into the Flesh Hounds.
Khornate Houndmasters commonly name their Flesh Hounds, etching this moniker on their brass collars, and are seldom found apart from their gift. If a Hound dies in battle, it's owner is known to be particularly distraught by the death-- something noteworthy among Khornates, who often do not care if their fellows die and are often enough to cause of those same deaths, as Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it does.
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kharrneth · 2 months
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Flesh Hounds are some of the only creatures of Khorne that can openly show affection. This is because they do not have the social pressures sentient Khornates do, their bestial minds care little about being perceived a certain way by others.
To the mortal ear, it sounds like the exact same kind of growl a Flesh Hound would make right before it begins ripping you to pieces. To those with an affinity for Flesh Hounds, the Hound "rumble" and Hound "growl" easily distinguished. The lack of flashing fangs is a pretty obvious tell-- like Khorne himself, there are few subtleties with these beasts.
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kharrneth · 3 months
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A lesser known aspect of Khorne is that of Khorgar the Virile, also called Khorgar the Bullish, the Vital, and the Eight-Horned. While other aspects are decidedly canid in their appearance, Khorgar is bovine; a bullish god with eight gnarled horns. It is a name many beastmen know Khorne by, namely the minotaurs, who are the most likely to fall into his sole worship.
Opposite Slaanesh, who is praised as a fertility god and sometimes associated with cows, Khorgar represents virility and is associated with bulls. He represents health, strength of body, vigor, and the fathering of children. In the latter sense, Khorgar differs from Slaanesh in that children conceived by Mighty warriors under his creed are specifically created with the purpose that they will grow and take up the sword to shed blood -- either their own or the foes -- in order to satisfy the thirsting Blood God. Slaaneshi fertility revolves more around the act of coupling itself; children are simply the product of such experiences, but not the purpose.
Though the name originates from Beast-Tongue, it has found a home among the languages of men and marries well with the Norscan propensity to venerate all things masculine. When Norscan men desire strong sons to carry on their name, they call upon Khorgar. When women desire the strength to push a child into the world and survive the experience, they too may call upon Khorgar, asking for a healthy child (again, sons are preferred) in return for the bloody process of birth and the promise that the child will ensure that there is endless war, as Khorne desires.
Despite being imagined as a bull, the animals are not necessarily sacred to Khornates, even those who worship his aspect as Khorgar. Bulls, namely young, untamed and virile ones, are butchered in a variety of rites. Those who claim communion with the divine may use the entrails of the animal to tell futures and see omens-- and they are accurate enough to be readily believed by the rest of a given tribe.
Khorgar is commonly invoked by mortals, but not so much by daemons. By the time a man has become a Chaos Warrior of Khorne or a Beastmen chosen of the Blood God, any notions such as breeding warriors into the world to kill for Khorne are usually drowned out by the desire to spill blood directly. Khornates are not much for planning, especially not so far ahead, however some Daemon Princes, such as Urlf Daemonkin, recover or retain their personhood and sanity and cultivate their bloodlines and mortal descendants after they obtain Daemonhood.
Khorgar is likely the origin of such sayings as "brass balls" in reference to Khorne, who is otherwise explicitly divorced from, and denigrating of, any kind of sexuality. Alternatively a man of noted courage may be said to have brass balls, an indication of brazenness.
There are some who take umbrage with this aspect of Khorne, claiming it is a facade of Hashut, the bullish Forge-God or worse: Slaanesh himself. They claim it is an attempt by that god and his followers to edge in on the rightful claim of Kharneth.
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kharrneth · 3 months
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Flesh Hounds are best known as the grotesquely canine creatures of Khorne that stalk in his land in ravenous packs ranging from eight to hundreds of individuals. Rather than referring to any one species, the name "Flesh Hound" is a catch-all term for any one of many variations of these canid monsters, some wrought by purposeful breeding and others shaped by the brutality of Khorne's realm.
Blood Stalkers are a sub-type of Flesh Hound and unlike the pack-oriented standard, these Daemon Beasts are more versatile. They can be found in pairs and packs just as often as they can be found alone. Blood Stalkers are smaller and slighter than the Flesh Hound, but still plenty powerful enough to kill a man. Flesh Hounds actively prey on them; they in turn, actively avoid Flesh Hounds but will fight fiercely if caught or cornered. They favor coordination and even deceitful tactics; many lesser daemons consider them undesirable. Opportunistic, if they find a larger Flesh Hound alone and have a numbers advantage, they will savage and consume the bigger predator.
Bonechewers are a sub-type of Flesh Hound, less numerous than the standard or Blood Stalker. Rather than a frill, these hounds have a mane of long quills that run the length of the neck. They are taller, heavier, and possess blunter teeth than the former two types. However, their jaw strength is legendary and more than one Bloodletter has engaged a Bonechewer only to have their Hellblades bitten clean into. Bonechewers are so named because they save and bury the bones of their prey in the blood-soaked soil of the realm in a series of underground tunnels. They are know to war with Flesh Hounds for the best tunnelling locations.
Gorge Hounds are the result of selective breeding by Houndmaster Daemons. They are massive beasts able to bear a fully-armoured chaos warrior into battle just as a destrier might. Unlike a warhorse though, Gorge Hounds maintain a measure of the agility of their smaller cousins. Wild Gorge Hounds are rare, but when they find themselves in a pack they almost invariably end up becoming the leaders. On occasion they are born with two heads, leading some to claim their pedigrees run back to Karanak himself.
Plains Slayers are the most unusual of the Flesh Hounds. While all others are identifiably canine in appearance, the Slayer affects more of a felid look; it is sleek and lean and prefers solitude to hunting in a pack. Plains Slayers are said to be the purest embodiment of Khorne's hunting aspect; they are silent and methodical hunters, hiding themselves in the twisted trees of the Blood God's realm. When they spot prey, they leap down and slam long brass fangs into the victim's skull. Rarest of the Flesh Hounds, it is quite unusual for one of these to bond to daemon or mortal and even when they do, they remain aloof and somewhat willful. They are coveted by the Slaaneshi for their pelt patterns.
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kharrneth · 6 months
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Khorne has a BIG fucking sword. End Of All Things is a sword that conjures other absurdly huge blades like Guts' Dragonslayer, Cloud's Buster Sword, Sephiroth's Masamune, or Kenpachi's Nozarashi. It's long, wide, and the Blood God can wield it effortlessly with one hand. According to lore, End Of All Things is large enough to carve continents into pieces like a cake.
The Sixth Host of Murder emulates Khorne in this and they too weild grotesquely oversized weapons that other Bloodthirsters would struggle to lift.
End Of All Things is made from daemon-brass harvested over eons from Khorne's own body. It is lined in enchantments drawn with Kharneth's own Ichor and was quenched in the blood of defeated gods. Khorne's sister, Ininwi, rages without end within the prison of brass, lending godly fire to the blade's edge.
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kharrneth · 4 months
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Khornates, who are the most regimented of the armies of the gods, fall broadly into five Categories.
The vast majority of Khornates are warriors, simple as a consequences of worshipping the god of warriors. For some, it is an addition to other parts of their profession and for others it is the only thing they offer the Blood God: their bodies and blades. Vanishingly few followers of Khorne do not claim to warriors in some capacity.
Hunting is a less aspect of the Blood God, as he is primarily known as a God of Warriors, War, and Battle. But before man made the first axe and wielded it against his fellow man, the most common reason blood was spilled was in the hunting of beasts. Khorne is called the Hunter of Souls and stalks the heavens with his wolves Garmr and Gormr. Hunters personify this aspect of him; they track and defeat worthy foes among beasts and mortals. Of the legions, they keep and breed Daemonic and Chaotic Hounds more commonly and with more finesse than others, strategically crossing Bloodlines. Hounds are not the only thing they breed; Khorne's Hunters are responsible for the creation of the Gorebeasts.
Duelists are those Champions of Khorne who specialize in the hunting and killing of other champions and lords, be they Southerners or fellow worshippers of Chaos. They do not trouble themselves with the masses and are interested only in the skulls of the elite warriors of a given host, namely the host leader. They are set apart from the typical warrior in that they retain a finesse and coherency about them.
Ritualists are relatively rare in a Khornate Legion. The average Khorne worshipper is a battle-hungry, blood crazed berserker or else a brutal warrior looking for the next glorious fight and skill to the tithe to the King of Skulls. The Ritualists has other priorities and is tasked with all matters of spirit and ceremony. These are the cultists of Khorne who stalk southern cities just as much as the northern frostlands and wastelands. These are the men and women who are learned in the fell rites of the Blood God, who can call forth daemons from the Otherworld into reality itself for myriad foul purposes. Many are former wizards and sorcerers, sworn off magic forever, and choosing to commune with the Bloody God instead. They keep the written sagas and rituals of whatever tribe or clan they are aligned with.
More than any other type of Khornate, Ritualists are particularly at risks for Slaaneshi predations.
In Khornate society, armour and weapons are sacred and the tools of the holy crucible of war. A mortal or daemon may win Khorne's favor in battle, but they may also win it through supreme craftsmanship. These are the Khornates who furnish the legions with plate, shields and weapons, who bind daemon souls into blades. These Warsmiths reside in Forge-Tempters and Armory-Lairs, which are sacred places to the legions of Khorne. Only the Chaos Dwarfs, children of the Forge-God Hashut, rival them for level of craft.
The Smiths do not only make weapons and armor: many legendary artefacts of Khorne are made at their talons. Considered secondarily holy by their fellows, Warsmiths too are at risk for Slaaneshi predations as it is in the nature of the Pleasure spawn to defile anything considered sacred, especially their enemies.
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kharrneth · 4 months
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Don't feel like writing much today, so I'm gonna goof off with Tropes for my Khorne instead. We'll see what happens later, but for right now, my brain is soup orz
Manly Men Can Hunt
The Patriarch
The Big Guy 
Stout Strength
Complete Monster
Asskicking Leads to Leadership
We Have Reserves
God of Evil
Jerkass Gods
Omnicidal Maniac
Personality Powers ( Psycho Electro, Playing With Fire )
Burning with Anger
My Blood Runs Hot
Unstoppable Rage
Big Brother Bully
The Berserker
No Indoor Voice
Cain and Abel
Invincible Villain (Not So Invincible After All)
A Boy and His X
Battle Couple
Roaring Rampage of Revenge
Happily Married (Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?)
Maligned Mixed Marriage
Interspecies Romance
Abusive Parents
Archnemesis Dad
Kill The God
Immortal Breaker 
Multi-Melee Master
A Form You Are Comfortable With
God of Chaos
Ancient Evil
Immortals Fear Death
Undying Warrior
Cape Wings
Hot Wings
Cosmic Entity
Flaming Hair (Flaming Skulls)
Wreathed in Flames
Male Might, Female Finesse
Big Red Devil
Instant Armor ( Elemental Armor )
Winged Humanoid
Horned Humanoid
The Heartless
Curb-Stomp Battle
Monstrous Humanoid
Violence Really Is the Answer
Sour Prudes
Straight Edge Evil
Facial Horror
Made of Iron
The Tooth Hurts
Wound That Will Not Heal
Blood Knight
Four-Fingered Hands
Anthropomorphic Zigzag
Fur Is Skin
Beast Man
Carpet of Virility
Hate Plague
The Power of Hate
Practically Different Generations
Sibling Rivalry
Siblings in Crime
Black Sheep
Large and in Charge 
Adipose Rex
Always Chaotic Evil
Frontline General
Orcus On His Throne
Throne Made of X
Unequal Pairing
The Conqueror
The Warlord
Glasgow Grin
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kharrneth · 1 year
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The Chaos Power are interchangeably referred to as One Pantheon and as each god being it’s own pantheon (Liber Chaotica Series). I’m more partial to the second one, as it distinguishes them from further from the “earthly” gods like Khaine, Ursun, Sigmar, Ulric, ect ect.
Each Power is the “Zeus” or “Odinn” or “Ra” of their respective Pantheons. Imagine if the Greek Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon, and Norse Pantheon all existed and were rivals as opposed to being within one pantheon. That’s sort of how I view them.
They do have proper gods under them, such as Hashut apparently sharing territory and a few domains with Khorne. The Machina Daemonium is powered by Hashut’s breath, implying Hashut himself is present. Hashut is represented by a bull, an animal that appears in Khorne’s iconography in the form of his Greater Daemons and a few other places. Khorne himself seems to favor bull-like Beastmen (Taurox [Warhammer 3 did confirm that Khorne blessed Taurox], Ograx the Great, Minotaurs of Khorne) over any other type. They share domains of fire and hatred, though Hashut has a focus on Fire and Khorne has a focus on Hatred.
Hashut does not appear to have been a creation of the Chaos Dwarves in the same way the Horned Rat is due to the beliefs of the Skaven. It’s likely Hashut existed beforehand, and simple took it upon himself to wrangle the Chaos Dwarves into his service. I’ve played with the idea of Hashut actually being Khorne’s spawn...
This raises the question of the other Pantheons having “lesser gods” beneath them. 🤔🤔🤔
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