greyhson-bdb · 2 years
Stygian - New Drug on the Block: Deliverance Part 24
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Omega: *Running my hand along the top of the cages, the females inside pulling as far back as they can. Their scared eyes watching me, their thin and frail bodies a testament to how long I have kept them here. The old welts and bruises like my calling card and all over every inch of their flesh, their time was almost up, and yes like Dorothy they would be able to click their heels and go home. But unlike Dorothy they wouldn’t be happy to get there! Sending Mr. C my orders into his mind at the top of the basement stairs guarding the door like a good soldier. ‘Bring me down some stygian in any form, wait bring me down whichever acts the fastest!’ Leaning my back against the last cage, the whimper from within sends a shiver down my spine. Pain, even from a woman, was just so tantalising. My eyes locked on the back of the female vampire still tied to the chair in the middle of the basement, the floor around her a mess from our last session together. The smell now a mix normal bodily fluids and actions, plus the older blood pools I had left her sitting in. Mr. C had done as I asked, not let her eat but he did make her drink. Holding out my hand as I hear Mr. C descend the stairs, taking the bag of black pills, sending him back upstairs to keep watch. Over the last few days I had turned all the human boys hanging out here into Lessers, so Mr. C was only watching out for vampires. For my sister's army, the Brotherhood! Shaking the bag of pills, my voice low, almost seductive.* Wakey wakey, time to get back to Kansas Dorothy. *Pushes away from the cages stepping up to the back of the chair.* You can even bring all your little friends here, hell I insist. @Greyhson_BDB    
Greyson: *I suddenly felt like I was falling as I heard a loud voice waking me awake. I could barely open my eyes as I realized I was still in the chair. My head felt heavy as I tried to raise my face toward the voice. My heart is thundering in my chest. My arms and legs ached from lack of circulation, and I could see bruises changing from shades of blue to dark purples and black. The smells around me were shocking knowing that most of it was my blood congealing on the floor beneath me. I was going to die here. I knew that … but how was what I was terrified of.
I could see the other females in the cages in front of me from my peripheral vision. They were all cowering in fear in the corners of their prisons. I’m still wondering what the Omega was going to do with us. Only human males can be turned into his lessening army created by the Omega to serve him and eradicate the vampire race. As Chosen, we never really ever had to experience the lessers being protected at the Sanctuary. We would see through our seeing bowls the devastation of their determination to wipe out the Scribe Virgin’s creations.
Then I heard the loud voice again. What or who was Kansas Dorthy?*
Omega: *It was a gift, but the moment the female woke I sensed it, it was the slight raise in her heart beat. The turn of her head, her fear heavy in the air of the basement. Turning away from her towards the cages, calling down some more Lessers, handing over the bag of black tablets. It may have once been ecstasy but it was now my drug, it was Stygian and the vampire race were about to get a good look at it tonight. Sending the Lessers into the cages to make the female vampires swallow them, coming back to the female tired to the chair. Crouching down in front of her my smile is a truly evil one, holding out my hand showing her the two black tablets then grinding them to a fine powder between my fingers* So your time with me is coming to an end, but before we say our goodbyes I have a gift for you. I am hoping you fight me on this, I really really hope you fight me on it. But one way or the hard way you will swallow them. *Leans in close breathing in her smell of fear, my lips by her ear.* And just so you know, from my test subjects you won’t die. But you will go insane and wish you were dead. You will also go mad, you and all these females here. *Biting hard on the females ear lobe drawing blood, spitting it out onto the floor adding it to the rest* Now open up! *Trying to force the powder into the female’s mouth, but the screams coming from the cages as my Lessers fed them was starting to annoy me. Pulling away from the female in front of me my annoyance getting the better of me*       
Greyson: *The smell of his breath was nauseating and foul. His nearness brought fear and pain all at the same time. He commanded orders to his Lessening Army and I was helpless to help any of the other prisoners as the undead began feeding them some kind of drug. He presented the drug and it was some sort of black powder. The screams all around me penetrated my thoughts that I could barely hear the Omega over all the chaos from the cells. I felt excruciating pain on my ear but tried to turn my head and avoid the black substance.
I almost broke my neck trying to avoid his hard grasp on my head and then heard more yelling as the effects of the drugs were swift and instant. I don’t think the Omega anticipated the same prisoner's insanity and the fact that he just initiated the whole pandemic of the drug all at the same time without the lessers figuring out a game plan. There was a frenzy of yells, screams, and lessers trying to push all the prisoners up the stairs and what I assume out the door. The Omega cursed and started using his powers to corral them so they would stop fighting his army.
I was left forgotten …*
Omega: *Glaring at the females and how they were all acting like animals, they didn’t even seem afraid of my Lessers anymore. Mixing ecstasy with my essence was working out very powerful, and fast! Turning myself into black smoke and pushing all Lessers and Females up the stairs and out of the house, returning to my body a phone pinging in an annoying high tone. Looking at my Lessers only to realise that the noise was coming from my own pocket, pulling the accursed device free and looking at it. It was a middle level Lesser, answering as I can feel his fear through our link. Was it a full moon or something! A middle level Lesser shouldn’t be contacting me. Not even remembering his assigned name as they were, just answering with a low grunt* What! *Watching as the females get pulled and pushed away to spread mayhem and pain throughout the night, the Brotherhood won’t know what has hit them. Tuning back into the Lesser on the phone, his words at last sinking in* WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BROTHERHOOD HAVE SOME OF MY DRUGS! *Just hanging up and putting the phone away, the Brotherhood having my new drug was never part of the plan! Just flashing away all thoughts of the female still chained to the chair in the basement forgotten.*
Greyson: *I could hear the roar of anger coming from the floor above. Apparently, the Brotherhood had discovered the drugs and the Omega had not expected that. Pretty sure I probably wasn’t supposed to hear that but I could hardly blame myself, the Omega sounded infuriated that he forgot all about me. Thank the Scribe.
I tried again fruitlessly at my binds. No way of getting myself out. I tried to instead move the chair to see if I could make my way up the stairs and see if I could try and yell for help.*
To be continued ...
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 3 years
I’m Sorry Did You Want a Safeword: Pound of Flesh Part 2 CROSSOVER Submitting to the Darkness Part 24
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Written by @SinsSecondComin.
*Rehv sat in the shadows of the panic room that he had Drake detained in, watching the male slumber. The fool actually seemed like he wasn’t worried about his fate or worse what his captor was capable of. That would change, and in the most wicked of ways. Rehv stood up stalking towards the slumbering male, gently running a long elegant finger down the rusted chain links that bound Drake’s wrists and ankles to a stainless steel platform with drainage holes in it for blood to flow into a tub system below. If things got too carried away Rehv would use the accumulated blood to infuse the male to keep him alive as long as he wanted. Rhev would position a portable shower head system over the table and turn it on to freezing cold water, letting the water hit Drake’s naked body in a mist, he would then take a tazer out as the male begin to slowly stir at the cold water hitting his body, pressing the taser to the male’s balls he lit the fucker up like a Christmas tree.
Oh how sweet the screams of pain were that shot from his lips, if you were someone who relished the pain and anguish of others the sound was akin to the bells of Notre Dame to the people of Paris. The heavy breathing that followed and the pained filled panicked eyes of the male bulging, bloodshot and showing more unfocused white sclera then coloured iris. Rhev walked around to the male’s side giving him a clearer view of his captor; before slowly and softly speaking to the male as if he were a child or even a lover.*
“Good morning sleeping beauty, I hope you got some rest. I have a full day and evening of festivities for us to partake in. We shall learn new things about each other, we shall push boundaries and limitations; by the end of it all we shall be a little more intimately known to one another. Why don’t we get started with a little science and biology lesson ...”
*Rehv would walk over to a cupboard and counter, reaching in the cupboard he pulled out a galvanized steel pail, and upon the counter he reached into a small cage pulling out a massive rat. He wasn't done gathering supplies. On the floor beside the steel platform lay a blow torch, and a heavy leather glove the kind used in blacksmithing. Holding the rat and the steel bucket up for Drake to see, Rehv allowed a small smile to slither upon his lips before explaining the science behind their little experiment to come.*
“Here is the basis of this little science experiment, The rat goes into the pail, the pail goes upon your chest with the opening squarely placed on your chest so the rat is in the bucket but also upon your chest. We then start to slowly heat the bottom of the pail, as the pail heats up the rat will start to become frantic, looking for a way out, anyway out. Eventually the rat has no choice but to burrow through the flesh of your chest to escape certain death it faces from the heated bucket. That is where things become really interesting, Because while all this is happening you will be fully aware of every movement, every scratch, every nibble. This science experiment was the best way to start the day in my opinion, don't you agree?”
*As the hours faded away and the screams filled the room, Rehv tossed the bucket aside, taking the frantic rat back in the cage it came from. Returning to Drake’s side, Rehv admired the scratches and bites that riddled the males flesh, bloody pockets worn as a badge of Rhev’s twisted mind. The next game was afoot, reaching into a pocket of one of his sable dusters; he pulled out a large needle and a canister of liquid nitrogen.*
“I think you’ll enjoy what’s coming next, Especially since you were so heavily involved in the BDSM scene. This will be a perfect way to end our night together, a little nipple play if you will. We will start by applying some of this lovely medical grade liquid nitrogen to your nipples and surrounding area. The cherry on top will be when I take this needle and pierce the frozen flesh of your nipples.”
*The screams and trashing of Drake were pleasing Rehv to no end, as the night drew on he could tell drake was fading quickly; stopping his fun for the night, rehv grabbed his duster that he had tossed to a side somewhere through the night events. As he reached the door and went to flick the light off he turned back to Drake with a sinister smirk, he muttered a couple words to Drake before leaving with a dark chuckle wafting upon the air.*
“I’m sorry. Did you want a safe word? I forgot that those are common practice in the bdsm scene aren't they … maybe we will figure one out for next time.
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