sloahne · 3 months
Revelations: Submitting to the Darkness Part 28
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Written with @Lassiter_SASBDB.
Lassiter: *Well slap my ass and call me pappy, that explains a lot. To have that marker in her blood she had to have been the child of both a Chosen and a Brother. The SV had kept a pretty tight rein on her Chosen and they HAD been indoctrinated in their duty to the species, but if a Brother bonded with one of her priestesses in the course of their duties then they were allowed to leave her service. From that moment on, he was responsible for her safety and for producing young which continued the main purpose of producing strong bloodlines for the protection of the species. That's not to say some females hadn't had their own hopes and dreams, but until Wrath son of Wrath @LordOfTheManse had started making legal changes to give females equal rights in vampiric society, those hopes and dreams had pretty much been the life Sloahne's mother had chosen – mating with a Brother and raising a family on this plane. As Primale, Phury @PegLegPhury had embraced Wrath’s @LordOfTheManse changes. He had no desire to have sex with a bunch of different females even if that was the traditional role. Instead, he and his mate, the Chosen Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB, had decided to act as kind den parents to the young females, encouraging them to find their own paths with their protection and guidance. But, how the hell am I going to convince her of that? My burgeoning irritation is replaced with sympathy for what this female has gone through. Not just with that fucker, Drake, though that was by far the worst, but her whole life. Her mother had left the SV’s service but never escaped the old world societal expectations of Chosen females and she'd imprinted that expectation on her daughter’s rebellious brain. Sloahne had been raised in fear of it, with making a glymera marriage her only out. A marriage in which she would either be a prisoner or a princess, but even as the latter, her life wouldn’t have been her own. I'd have run, too. Hell. I kind of did.
Reaching out, I take her hand in mine. A frisson of electricity runs up my arm and straight to my dick at the touch. What the fuck was that?!! I’d touched Sloahne casually a hundred times before and never felt THAT. Vampires had fed from angels infrequently in the past, but it had been done, and I’d never heard that THAT was a side effect. Down boy, we have work to do. Clearing my throat, I mentally stomp my suddenly awakened libido into the ground. Focus here, boy, you’ve got work to do.* 
So your mahmen mated a Brother and left Sanctuary to be on this plane with him, but she just traded one set of rigid rules for another. And she passed it onto you that your basic function in life was to be property, either for a Glymyra asshole or the Brotherhood, with no say-so over anything, I got that right? *Shaking my head.* Sweetheart, a lot of things have changed. Some of it you have to be aware of, like the changes in the laws, but some of it only the Brotherhood really knows.
Sloahne: <Lassister takes my hand into his and suddenly I feel a spark that was never been there before. My heart is beating faster, my body seems to be reacting strangely to his touch. Heat floods my entire body and I feel the goosebumps that appear on my arm. Trying not to figure out why touching him so so different I listen to his words and wonder how so much has changed. I raise my brow in question.> 
Are you trying to convince me that the foundation of the vampire race over the past however many centuries has suddenly changed? That the Scribe Virgin who created our race whose female vampires who had been bred specifically to serve the Scribe Virgin and to meet the needs of the members of the Brotherhood, as well as Brothers in whatever fashion the male see fits? You’re trying to tell me centuries and centuries of this tradition is shot to Dhund?
<He can’t be serious.>
Lassiter: Well … *Sheesh, how do I explain this without blowing my cover? The Brotherhood knows, and a few others, but it’s kind of agreed that keeping my status on the down low is best for the species. People need traditions and all that.*  
In a word, yes. See, the new Primale refused to go along with how things had always been done. He’s mated with one Chosen and he’s faithful to her. He has a place on this side that he and his mate set up to allow Chosen who wanted to seek their own paths a kind of transition from Sanctuary. And the Queen is half-human. She kinda had a cow when she found out females had no choices over their lives, so that got the King involved. And then …. *Heaving a dramatic sigh.* Other stuff changed. The SV stepped down as deity. She’s not in charge anymore. 
Sloahne: Wait, what? The Scribe Virgin isn’t in charge? What happened to her? Is she ok? <I start to panic. It’s not like any of us normal people have ever met the Scribe Virgin, but she’s the mother of the race, someone you look up to. So hearing that she has stepped down, who is going to watch over us now?>
Lassiter: *Hands go up in an attempt to calm her sudden panic. If this was Sloahne’s reaction, then Wrath @LordOfTheManse was on the money keeping the majority of the species in the dark about the transition.* Whoa, whoa, take a chill pill! It's ok. She’s fine and she’s around, but she felt like the species had reached a point where they needed a more hands-on approach, something she's not comfortable with. She chose a successor who WOULD be comfortable with it - *More like insistent on it.* - And the Creator approved her reasons and her choice. 
*Although I’m still trying to figure out just WHY He approved, but I can't tell her that.*
So she’s cool, He’s cool with it, and the new deity is learning the job.
Sloahne: Oh. Weird. Ok. <Seriously … what else could I say? The powers that be had a shift change apparently. Didn't know that was even possible. Huh. Well. Wow.>
Ok, so someone new is in charge and so things have changed? The Chosen are not being used as basic slaves to the Brotherhood any longer? I mean, you know what I mean. I grew up knowing that the Chosen were meant to breed with the Brotherhood to create the warrior caste, almost a breed apart from normal vampires who have been at the spearhead of the war with the Omega. So all of that has changed? The bloodlines have to remain pure so that all sons are Brothers and all daughters are Chosen. It has been this way for centuries. 
Lassiter: *Lowering myself to sit beside her on the edge of the hospital bed, I forget and take her hand again, trying to give her something to hold onto as I shake her worldview, and son-of-bitch, that electric current jumps up my arm again and my dick starts complaining at the tight restrictions of my leathers. Damn it, angels are supposed to have better control and I'd have thought a deity should be immune! My teeth grit as I will my body back into submission. Focus, boy, focus!*
I'm really sorry your mahmen had that view of being a Chosen and that she passed it on to you, but I know it wasn't the way most of them felt at the time. Most of them viewed themselves as high priestesses performing essential functions for the race. But the very fact that your mahmen felt like that is one of the reasons the SV stepped back. The world was changing. Her people were changing and she didn't think she could change with them. At least not fast enough. 
The fact is that once Phury @PegLegPhury became Primale, he refused to continue with the tradition of sexual submission by the Chosen. He loves Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB too much and he’s got a faithful heart. He's a Brother who had spent his life taking care of someone who no longer needed it and he needed a new mission. Bonding with Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB, then accepting the role of Primale, gave him that. He looked at the traditional role of the Chosen and said “no more”. It was world shaking, but it was time.
The Chosen who choose to will still provide blood to the Brotherhood when needed. More than one would have died recently in the war without it, including Wrath @LordOfTheManse, but it's a choice each one has, not a mandate. The sexual aspect is off the table. If a Chosen wants to hook up with a Brother, that's up to both of them, and I’ll be honest, because of the history of the Chosen the only reason I can think of for why one of today’s Brother’s would do it is if the female was going into her needing and wanted a child by him. It would be him serving her, not the other way around. 
As for creating warriors for the race, pure bloodlines, etc … Phury @PegLegPhury freeing the Chosen forced Wrath @LordOfTheManse to start thinking outside the box. Soldiers are being recruited from the population. Males AND females. The training program is rigorous, but after Bloody Sunday when Lessers massacred so many of your race, we have more applicants than slots, and the entrance “exam” is tough. Most don't make it, but the best that do and finish the program are respected by the Brothers. One of the soldiers from the program has already been inducted into the Brotherhood. No bloodline requirement, just pure heart and ability. And there will be more.
You don't have to hide anymore if you don't want to, Sloahne. You're free.
Sloahne: <I could not contain my astonishment as I listened to the angel. I guess the rumors were true. With the King’s ascension came a new era indeed. I had no idea the Primal was a Brother. I suppose that would explain all the changes and the fact nobody knows about them. The Brotherhood has always been secretive in the past for the safety of the King and their families. But as the Audience House has been created, most have seen the many pherasome Brothers guarding the King in the last few years. It’s been an incredible eye-opening experience for many seeing them in person and up close. 
Could all this be really true? All these years I’ve been trying to hide my secret, I finally felt a huge burden off my shoulders. I finally could take a deep breath and really felt lighter all of a sudden.>
The Chosen are truly free to live their lives? They live out in the world among us? They can do whatever they want? They’re normal just vampires … out there at the bars and clubs? Seriously?
Lassiter: *And … time to hedge just a little …*
They will be able to if they want to. Eventually. They’ve lived very, very sheltered lives, and most don’t have an interest in going to clubs and bars yet. Phury @PegLegPhury is like an overprotective first-time father right now, proud of them and encouraging but still trying to keep them all safe as he helps them overcome the culture shock and learn how to take the appropriate precautions. Some of the Chosen are just getting used to being here. Others have started college classes and are looking into careers and it was going pretty good until … *Heaving a sigh as I run my thumb soothingly along the top of her hand.* Until young females started going missing. You weren’t the only one and we think the other missing are related to the war. And Phury @PegLegPhury, well he’s reacting like any father would, trying to close ranks. He’s asked the ones taking classes to go to online courses until the Brotherhood finds and ends whoever is behind it. He’s mentioned having the Chosen go back to the #OtherSide until then but if he does he’ll have a full-scale rebellion on his hands. *Smiling a little.* They like it here and they like learning to spread their wings. I think even his mate Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB would fight it. 
When it comes down to it, the Brothers have a double dose of testosterone and it comes out in being overprotective of people they think need protection. It's a good trait in warriors, but it does get them their heads handed to them by their females from time to time. 
Sloahne: *I listen in disbelief as Lass talks about Chosen being out in the normal world. Going to college classes!! That has been unheard of! At least it was not known in the vampire world, especially in the Old Country, where I left my family. 
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Chosen given a choice to live out in the world but he didn’t say they had complete freedom with the mention of The Primale. Since apparently they would be forced to back to the #OtherSide. An all-white world that my own mahmen spent her first few hundred years of life. A world she drilled into me with so many expectations if I kept choosing not to be mated in the arrangement she chose.
Then there were the Brothers. He hadn’t gotten to the part of explaining what “duties” were still expected.*
Hmmm … ok so they live out in the Earth realm but what about their duties and … expectations expected of them as tradition? It’s been this way for over a  millennia. Surely … the Scribe Virgin’s tradition of her breeding program that produces the Brotherhood? Selective breeding was deliberate, to beget strength from strength. *My anxiety caused me to speak faster and more agitated … and I wondered briefly if I was having a panic attack again.*
Lassiter: *Her anxiety levels shot up like a living thing in the room as she mentioned “duties”.* 
Hey, hey … *Squeezing her fingers lightly then gently cupping her face with my free hand.* Take a breath. 
*Fucking hells, the impulse to kiss her almost overwhelms me. Abruptly dropping my hand from her face, I discreetly shift to mask my raging hard-on. Just what in Dhund is going on? Note to self - no more feeding vampires. It results in major distractions. And find out just what the hell is going on the first chance I get. Duties. Think. That was when her blood pressure spiked.*
Sloahne … *Shaking my head.* There are no more “duties”. Hear what I’m saying. There are no more ehros’. Blood is donated only by the willing to those who are in need. There are no required duties anymore. Everyone is too busy learning how to just be normal over here. There is no one left in Sanctuary. Everyone - Ehros’, Watchers, Scribes - they all chose to come here to check out their options when Phury changed the rules, and they did so with the new deity’s and Wrath’s blessings. There is NO BREEDING PROGRAM. Not anymore. It’s not needed. We learned that strength, courage, and nobility don’t come from the bloodline. They come from the heart and soul of the race. If it came from the bloodlines then the Glymera wouldn’t be rampant with assholes and the history of your species would be a lot different. When the Scribe Virgin put these things, these “traditions”, into place it was a different world. The realization that the world doesn’t exist anymore and that some of those traditions have caused more harm than good is a big part of the reason she stepped back. 
Look … *Sighing.* I get that this is a lot to take in, that it goes against everything you’ve ever been taught. But no one is going to force you to do anything. And no one is going to out you to the King. I’ll take care of the Doc. I’ll pull his Hippocratic Oath on him, to first do no harm, and if he spills the beans on this it would definitely do harm to your mental health because YOU believe it would cause you harm. If I have to, I’ll mind wipe him and disappear your blood test results, but I don’t think I’ll have to. He takes that Hippocratic Oath business seriously. You trust me, right? Well, I’m asking you to trust me on this. This is your secret to tell when you’re ready to tell it and I’ll protect you until you’re ready. *Not damn hard since I’m already feeling protective and frigging possessive. I’ve GOT to get a grip on this.*
Sloahne: <I listened to the Angel and tried to take it all in and believe the words he was saying to me. But it was difficult. I spent centuries believing my mahmen and the stories told about her previous life before she was mated. I spent centuries hiding myself among the race and no one ever knew except the symphaths and moors … and then “he who shall not be named”. 
I contemplated his words over in my muddled mind and my erratic breath slowed down to a steady beat and I felt more calm than before. I laid back on the hospital bed and wondered how my life had arrived at that moment. Inside the Brotherhood Compound, at least that’s where I thought I was, running from a psychopath and meeting an actual Brother. Someone my father could have fought side by side with, someone who could have been close to him and knew many stories that I was not privy to. I missed my father … my fist circled and rubbed my chest in front of my heart as I felt the ache whenever I thought about my father. 
I shook my head at the past and tried to stay in the present. As I did, I felt the electricity running through my fingers and up my arm and wondered briefly what that was I figured I was still probably not well from my ordeal and needed rest and whatever was feeding into my veins from the bags of IV hooked up to me. I laid back on the gurney and tried to relax and sink into the weariness that my bones were feeling from the weight of centuries of running and hiding and wondered where my life goes from here.>
Oh … wow.
Lassiter: “Wow”? What’s that mean? *Females. I can read minds but I try not to. Privacy and all. Plus none of them would ever really trust me if they knew I could but it goes with the gig.* 
So you’ll let me handle the Doc? And you'll stay put, at least until the dirtbag is dealt with?
*I want to touch her again, to reach out, hold her, comfort her. I can tell she’s confused. Everything she thought she knew just collapsed around her. It’s what I should do, what I would have done before just touching her started shooting lightning through my veins. I don't regret juicing her, but I don't dare too much physical contact until whatever this is fades. Instead, I release her hand and lift her chin with one finger, locking eyes with her.* 
After that, we can figure out what's next.
Sloahne: <I start feeling the adrenaline start up again from playing cat and mouse with “he who shall not be named” starts to take over my body.> Just … wow. This has all been a lot of tea and no one even knows about it, right? I mean outside the Brotherhood that is. The race would be in an uproar, #Glymera specifically. They’re all about being Old School and traditional. I mean it’s been centuries. It’s still hard to imagine. You know?
I mean I’ve been hiding for so long. But yeah, I can stay … wait … you mean to stay here in this room? For how long? I mean I need to work, and I have rent to pay and bills. I mean I can’t afford to pay whatever hospital bill the Brotherhood’s personal physician would charge me … I mean … yeah… what about “he who shall not be named” … are you sure he can’t find me here. I mean he’s found me twice now … <I start to panic again and look around. It’s so ridiculous. I was so confused … I wanted to feel what I felt when he had me under his spell but then he just went over the line and the pain … so much pain … then blood, blood everywhere. My blood just everywhere …>
Lassiter: Hey, come on, take a breath here … you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff. If the asshole hasn’t been dealt with by the time the Doc releases you, then I’ll get you cleared for the manse. Wrath @LordOfTheManse isn’t going to let one of his people be put in harm’s way and you def would be out where Drake could sense you again. We’ll figure it out. 
*Fuck, she’s starting to hyperventilate again. Too much, too fast. She’s getting shocky.* 
How about we take a little nap here, huh? Get your pulse rate back into a normal range. You need to get your strength back before you tackle all this stuff.
*She’s already halfway to trying to get out of bed. I scoot in closer and loosely wrap my left arm around her, not to restrain her, but to catch her when she goes down for the count. Touching two fingers to the center of her forehead …* 
Sleep … 
*She sags against me, her breathing leveling out. I can sense her pulse slowing, steadying to a normal pace. Her fever is gone, so juicing her worked. She just needs some rest and my, ummm, “suggestion” should have her out for a solid 8 hours. Gently, I lean her back and then rise. I gotta go talk to the Doc, and make sure he remembers his oath requires patient confidentiality. Sloahne’s not a young and she’s able to make her own medical decisions now, so he’s got no reason to breach that by squealing to Wrath @LordOfTheManse about her blood work. Hmmm … I think I’ll make that documentation disappear anyway while I’m at it. If she ever wants it, she can have it done again voluntarily. With a last look, to be sure she’s settled, I go invisi to hunt down the Doc. He’s a tough cookie, but the element of surprise is always on my side.*
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mary-luce · 3 months
TL Fun - Date Night
Rhage: I am looking for that someone that can take care of me.
Mary: *Looks around ...* Oh? Is that so? Has that /someone/ come forward yet?
Rhage: *Looks you up and down with a sly smile.* Oh, My Mary yes, you have.
Mary: *Points to myself.* Me??? Ohhhh, I thought you were looking for /someone/ ELSE.
Rhage: You are my other someone. *Wraps my arm around you.*
Mary: *Smiles* Oh I see. I thought maybe I wasn't enough for you and you were looking for someone "new".
Rhage: Oh, no sweetheart. You are my everything. *Leans over and takes a long whiff of your gorgeous hair.” I’ve missed you.
Mary: I've missed you too. You have been on rotation too long. *I move in closer and rest my head against your chest.*
Rhage: *Wraps my arms around you and holds your head against my chest. Kisses you on top of your head.* I’m ready for some well-deserved time off. And some time to take care of My Mary so I can treat you right.
Mary: Oh? What do you have in mind, my Beast?
Rhage: Some dinner. Maybe a movie and mint choc chip ice cream. To top it off a little Die Hard
Mary: *Giggles* Dinner, of course. That's a given. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is also a given and of course, Die Hard. Sure, honey. Whatever you want.
Rhage: What would you like to do? *Looking down at my beautiful Mary.*
Mary: Let's do your idea. I don't mind. I just want to be with you and hang out.
Rhage” *Pulls you close and holds you.* You are the best shellen around. A great female of worth. I love you.
Mary: *Blushes* Love you too. Let's get something to eat. I'm actually quite hungry.
Rhage: Ok, I made the plans. *Grins* You choose the place.
Mary: *Ponders for a moment.* Perhaps we can get #Fritz to make some burgers and fries for us and then, in addition for you, ... steak, tacos, spaghetti and meatballs. He can bring it to our room ... I'm not feeling being out in the world right now.
Rhage: *Nuzzles your neck.* It’s like you can read my mind shellen. *Kisses your neck.* Maybe after I have a Mary appetizer then work on some other food. Then ice cream and a movie. While I hold you more.
Mary: *My body starts to warm under your touch and I shiver slightly forgetting the food all together.* Mary appetizer, huh? Mmmmm ... yes please ...
Rhage: *Plop on the couch in the den of the mase and bring you down with me.* Unless you want to start here. *I take your face in my hands and rub your nose with mine.* What do you think?
Mary: *My mind goes blank for a moment as I feel my hellren's body underneath me, feeling his nose against mine.* Hmmmm ... uh ...
Rhage: *Kisses you tenderly.* What do you think Mary? *Kisses your neck breathing you in.* Breathe My Mary.
Mary: *The sensitivity in my neck strikes nerves that are connected all the way down my body to my lower regions as I feel myself getting wetter.* Huh? *My mind finally hears his command and I take a deep breath of air.*
Rhage: Do you want to start here or go to our room and wait for #Fritz to bring dinner? After I have my Mary appetizer. *I grin and I feel the warmth of the beast start to stir as I start to smell the wet aroma of my shellen. My eyes start glow.* We have missed you Mary.
Mary: *I can barely breathe much less think and decipher the words my hellren is saying. I try to clear my head but my body just continues to rub up and down his hard abs gaining friction where I need it most.* Hmmm ... mmm ... *Then a glow makes my eyes open.* Oh ... hello ...
Rhage: We need you to decide Mary. *I shake my head, letting myself get carried way.* I got a little carried away, I’ll make the choice for us then I will carry you to our room, I call #Fritz dinner please upstairs in one hour. *I kiss your forehead and scoop you up.*
Mary: Uh ... huh ... *I say breathlessly as his body heat warms me from the inside out as I continuously grind against him searching for relief. It's been so long ...*
Rhage: Breathe my Mary. *I take the stairs two at a time and straight to our suite. I lay you on the bed and take my daggers off as they make a thump on the floor and unload my guns and pull my shirt off. Layover you and start on my Mary appetizer.* Don’t forget to breathe.
Mary: *My mind clears as my body registers cold air and my back against the mattress in our room. I look up and see my beautiful male above me. I reach for his t-shirt to take off and remember to breath.* Uh huh ... ok. Take this off baby ...
Rhage: *As you help me take off my shirt I lean over and kiss on your neck I unbutton your shirt and open it up and unclasp your bra, and start to work my way around. I slide up your skirt. Then I work on unfastening my leathers and drop them down to the floor. Climb back on.* You good?
Mary: *My nipples go hard at the cold air of the room as I feel my skirt bunch up on my stomach. I watch with heavy eyes and nod as his leathers hit the floor w/ a fascinating thud and as always my Rhage has gone commando, his phearsom cock springs up and still amazes me every time.*
Rhage: *Looking over my beautiful Mary, my eyes glowing again.* Our Mary, are you ok? *I take my hands and spread your shirt wide open looking at the beautiful body that lays in front of me.* Mary, we ache for you we both have missed you so much. *I lean back over and start at her ear.*
Mary: *The room glows from his eyes and I know I'm with his beastly dragon. We are well acquainted ... this is going to be so good. I feel his warm tongue lick my ear and down my neck ... all the nerves are electrified going straight down making me more and more wet.* Mmmmm ... yes.
Rhage: *I lay over top and working my way down, I lick down to her navel and make my way between her legs, taking her all in as I taste her I feel a jolt of energy and move back up I slide in and completely fill her my first thought … HOME.* Oh Mary, our Mary.
Mary: *My back arches from the bed as he reaches my apex and with a brief taste and then quickly he easily slides through my wetness and my body tightens around his member.* Oh, sooo good. Please ... *I beg for him to move. I'm already so close.*
Rhage: *Kissing your neck as I move in and out feeling your body tight around me bringing me to the brink.* There you go my beautiful Mary come for us. *I can feel her start to shake.* Take what you need. *I feel her hands on my back and my dragon stirs as he feels her too.*
Mary: *My body starts to spin and shudder as he moves and fills me to the brim. He is so big that I feel every ridge of his cock rub the inside of me and brings me closer to cumming. My nails dig into his skin and I can feel his dragon on his back moving as well.* So close ... *I pant.*
Rhage: *I work on the spot right behind her ear as I move in and out my breathing harder feeling her nails dig in, my eyes so bright I am pushed over the edge. I couldn’t believe I came hard. I look down and Mary and make sure she’s ok.* Oh my Mary are you ok? *I feel my dragon calm down.*
Mary: *When Rhage nibbles behind my sensitive ear, I cum violently as he fills me with his essence. As I come down from my high I hear his concern.* Mmmm hmmm ... *I start to tilt my pelvis up and down as I rub our fluids together between us where we are connected.*
Rhage: *I kiss her on the top of her nose.* I say you must have enjoyed that. *I feel her move and surprisily I’m still hard.* I will love you till I go to the fade. *I take her in my arms and hold her till I hear a knock on the door.* He does have perfect timing.
Mary: *Moans and I complain.* Tell him to come back in a bit ... *I lean up and bite his neck where I've seen the other couples kiss their mates hoping for more from my male. I lick up his neck and bite him again.*
Rhage: *I chuckle.* No ma’am I need to feed my female. *I stand pull my leathers on and smack her on the ass. I open the door looking at the best butler ever.* Ah, thanks man, you’re the best. *I take the cart with the buffet on it of just about anything anyone can want.* Dinner honey.
Mary: *I quickly cover my body with the duvet as Rhage opens the door to bring in the food. I could smell the food and my tummy does start to rumble.* Yay.
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 4 months
Echoes of Obsidian the Abyss Comes Calling: Pound of Flesh Part 4 CROSSOVER Submitting to the Darkness Part 27
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Written by @SinsSecondComin.
Rehvenge stood at the threshold of his newly acquired cabin, nestled deep within the serene embrace of the Adirondack Mountain range. The crisp mountain air enveloped him like a cloak, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth, a welcome respite from the suffocating confines of city life. the crisp mountain air biting at his skin as he surveyed the tranquil surroundings. The Adirondack wilderness stretched out behind him, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within his own soul. The cabin itself, a pioneer-style log home, stood as a testament to his newfound solitude — a sanctuary far removed from the prying eyes of the glymera and the shadows that lurked within his own mind. Inside, the cabin was a study in contrasts — a seamless blend of rustic charm and modern luxury. High ceilings soared overhead, adorned with exposed beams that spoke of a simpler time, while granite countertops gleamed in the soft glow of ambient lighting. The massive stone fireplace, the heart of the cabin, cast a warm, flickering light that danced across the walls like playful shadows. But despite the comfort and beauty of his surroundings, Rehvenge could not shake the weight of his own guilt. The thought of returning to his old cabin, surrounded by the pure-hearted Chosen, was a prospect he could not bear. The memory of his mother, her honor tarnished by his own sins, loomed like a specter in the depths of his mind, a constant reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume him.The flickering flames of the massive stone fireplace cast eerie shadows across the room, illuminating the scene before him with a haunting glow.
A bottle of sleeping pills lay discarded like a fallen soldier on the coffee table, remnants of his most recent sin—a desperate attempt to conceal the truth of his captive from prying eyes. With a heavy sigh, Rehvenge poured himself a glass of cognac, the amber liquid glinting in the firelight as he nursed it in his trembling hands. The female lay sprawled upon the bear rug before the fireplace, her naked form a testament to Rehvenge's own depravity. He had partook of all she had to offer him carnally and in the way of sustenance, and now she lay unconscious, a mere pawn in his twisted game. As he watched her slumber, a wave of guilt washed over him, threatening to consume him whole. For a moment, he teetered on the edge of darkness, the siren song of the dopamine, and the lifesaver it offered in this tumultuous sea of darkness he was in; calling out to him like a lover's embrace. He resisted its pull, tossing the vial into the flames with a reckless abandon. The glass shattered with a satisfying crash, the liquid within evaporating in a hiss of steam. But even as he wrestled with his own demons, Rehvenge could not escape the relentless barrage of missed calls and texts that danced across the table. His cell phone, a lifeline to the outside world, lay silent and untouched, the messages piling up like ghosts of the past. With each unanswered call, he could feel the weight of his mother's disappointment pressing down upon him, a constant reminder of the shame he had brought upon her name.
Kneeling before the fire, sweeping up the naked glymera female who slumbered upon a bear rug before the fireplace, Rehvenge felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him. Guilt, shame, and a glimmer of hope — all intertwined in a tumultuous dance that threatened to tear him apart from the inside out. Rehvenge set about his grim task. Using her as a vessel to keep Drake alive — a desperate gambit born of necessity and desperation. But even as he tended to his captive, he felt the tendrils of his own inner demons tightening their grip, threatening to drag him down into the abyss. He had brought Drake to his new cabin and the safe room he had installed with Drake in mind, he couldn't keep him in the club much longer without drawing so much attention and potential risk it posed to his plans and newly founded addiction.
Withdrawing from the safe room he deposited the female within one of the many rooms inside the cabin to sleep off her drug induced slumber, licking her puncture wounds closed from Drake’s own small feast. Rehvenge made his way back to the main living area of the cabin, with a hand he swiped the pill bottle into a garbage basket. Rehvenge sank into the nearest chair, his gaze fixed upon the flickering flames of the fire. The cabin, with its high ceilings and granite countertops, offered a semblance of comfort amidst the chaos of his own mind. But even in this sanctuary, he could not escape the truth of his own sins — the darkness that lurked within him, waiting to be unleashed once more. As he sat there, bathed in the warm glow of the fire, he knew that the battle was far from over — a war waged not with weapons, but with his own inner demons, addiction, and the all-consuming shadow that threatened to consume him whole.
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greyhson-bdb · 2 years
Stygian - New Drug on the Block: Deliverance Part 24
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Omega: *Running my hand along the top of the cages, the females inside pulling as far back as they can. Their scared eyes watching me, their thin and frail bodies a testament to how long I have kept them here. The old welts and bruises like my calling card and all over every inch of their flesh, their time was almost up, and yes like Dorothy they would be able to click their heels and go home. But unlike Dorothy they wouldn’t be happy to get there! Sending Mr. C my orders into his mind at the top of the basement stairs guarding the door like a good soldier. ‘Bring me down some stygian in any form, wait bring me down whichever acts the fastest!’ Leaning my back against the last cage, the whimper from within sends a shiver down my spine. Pain, even from a woman, was just so tantalising. My eyes locked on the back of the female vampire still tied to the chair in the middle of the basement, the floor around her a mess from our last session together. The smell now a mix normal bodily fluids and actions, plus the older blood pools I had left her sitting in. Mr. C had done as I asked, not let her eat but he did make her drink. Holding out my hand as I hear Mr. C descend the stairs, taking the bag of black pills, sending him back upstairs to keep watch. Over the last few days I had turned all the human boys hanging out here into Lessers, so Mr. C was only watching out for vampires. For my sister's army, the Brotherhood! Shaking the bag of pills, my voice low, almost seductive.* Wakey wakey, time to get back to Kansas Dorothy. *Pushes away from the cages stepping up to the back of the chair.* You can even bring all your little friends here, hell I insist. @Greyhson_BDB    
Greyson: *I suddenly felt like I was falling as I heard a loud voice waking me awake. I could barely open my eyes as I realized I was still in the chair. My head felt heavy as I tried to raise my face toward the voice. My heart is thundering in my chest. My arms and legs ached from lack of circulation, and I could see bruises changing from shades of blue to dark purples and black. The smells around me were shocking knowing that most of it was my blood congealing on the floor beneath me. I was going to die here. I knew that … but how was what I was terrified of.
I could see the other females in the cages in front of me from my peripheral vision. They were all cowering in fear in the corners of their prisons. I’m still wondering what the Omega was going to do with us. Only human males can be turned into his lessening army created by the Omega to serve him and eradicate the vampire race. As Chosen, we never really ever had to experience the lessers being protected at the Sanctuary. We would see through our seeing bowls the devastation of their determination to wipe out the Scribe Virgin’s creations.
Then I heard the loud voice again. What or who was Kansas Dorthy?*
Omega: *It was a gift, but the moment the female woke I sensed it, it was the slight raise in her heart beat. The turn of her head, her fear heavy in the air of the basement. Turning away from her towards the cages, calling down some more Lessers, handing over the bag of black tablets. It may have once been ecstasy but it was now my drug, it was Stygian and the vampire race were about to get a good look at it tonight. Sending the Lessers into the cages to make the female vampires swallow them, coming back to the female tired to the chair. Crouching down in front of her my smile is a truly evil one, holding out my hand showing her the two black tablets then grinding them to a fine powder between my fingers* So your time with me is coming to an end, but before we say our goodbyes I have a gift for you. I am hoping you fight me on this, I really really hope you fight me on it. But one way or the hard way you will swallow them. *Leans in close breathing in her smell of fear, my lips by her ear.* And just so you know, from my test subjects you won’t die. But you will go insane and wish you were dead. You will also go mad, you and all these females here. *Biting hard on the females ear lobe drawing blood, spitting it out onto the floor adding it to the rest* Now open up! *Trying to force the powder into the female’s mouth, but the screams coming from the cages as my Lessers fed them was starting to annoy me. Pulling away from the female in front of me my annoyance getting the better of me*       
Greyson: *The smell of his breath was nauseating and foul. His nearness brought fear and pain all at the same time. He commanded orders to his Lessening Army and I was helpless to help any of the other prisoners as the undead began feeding them some kind of drug. He presented the drug and it was some sort of black powder. The screams all around me penetrated my thoughts that I could barely hear the Omega over all the chaos from the cells. I felt excruciating pain on my ear but tried to turn my head and avoid the black substance.
I almost broke my neck trying to avoid his hard grasp on my head and then heard more yelling as the effects of the drugs were swift and instant. I don’t think the Omega anticipated the same prisoner's insanity and the fact that he just initiated the whole pandemic of the drug all at the same time without the lessers figuring out a game plan. There was a frenzy of yells, screams, and lessers trying to push all the prisoners up the stairs and what I assume out the door. The Omega cursed and started using his powers to corral them so they would stop fighting his army.
I was left forgotten …*
Omega: *Glaring at the females and how they were all acting like animals, they didn’t even seem afraid of my Lessers anymore. Mixing ecstasy with my essence was working out very powerful, and fast! Turning myself into black smoke and pushing all Lessers and Females up the stairs and out of the house, returning to my body a phone pinging in an annoying high tone. Looking at my Lessers only to realise that the noise was coming from my own pocket, pulling the accursed device free and looking at it. It was a middle level Lesser, answering as I can feel his fear through our link. Was it a full moon or something! A middle level Lesser shouldn’t be contacting me. Not even remembering his assigned name as they were, just answering with a low grunt* What! *Watching as the females get pulled and pushed away to spread mayhem and pain throughout the night, the Brotherhood won’t know what has hit them. Tuning back into the Lesser on the phone, his words at last sinking in* WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BROTHERHOOD HAVE SOME OF MY DRUGS! *Just hanging up and putting the phone away, the Brotherhood having my new drug was never part of the plan! Just flashing away all thoughts of the female still chained to the chair in the basement forgotten.*
Greyson: *I could hear the roar of anger coming from the floor above. Apparently, the Brotherhood had discovered the drugs and the Omega had not expected that. Pretty sure I probably wasn’t supposed to hear that but I could hardly blame myself, the Omega sounded infuriated that he forgot all about me. Thank the Scribe.
I tried again fruitlessly at my binds. No way of getting myself out. I tried to instead move the chair to see if I could make my way up the stairs and see if I could try and yell for help.*
To be continued ...
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payne-bloodletter · 4 months
Change in the Air: Deliverance Part 25
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*We were on rotation on the south side of Calwell and I was teamed with Tohr @TohrSASRP, @Qhuinn_SASBDB and Axel @WoodWorkersSon working our way to #ZeroSum. It has been quiet the past few hours. It was almost midnight and we have only run into the human scum roaming through the streets with their drugs and problems. I was getting restless as time went on. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the night with no action or just with my life in general. 
I got another text from Vishous @Sox_Goose_Tech. He has never been comfortable with me being on the regular rotation with the Brotherhood. I was training the Brotherhood trainees and even the females of the manse. I was recently training @BellaRAhgony in self-defense to help with her confidence and comfort. Though I had a feeling Zsadist @IfOnly4MyNallas would be paying me a visit soon. I smiled to myself, I was looking forward to it. I have only ever sparred with Wrath @LordOfTheManse and Vishous @Sox_Goose_Tech. I wanted a go and test my skills with the others. But with the ongoing war, the Brothers were busy training the new recruits and trying to get ahead in the war. Lately though, something was going on with Vishous @Sox_Goose_Tech since @Sloahne_BDB was in the clinic so I hoped it was the distraction he needed to stop micromanaging my life. Ever since I came over from the #FarSide where my dear mahmen kept me in suspended animation for hundreds of years. 
He was the brother I /thought/ I always wanted as I watched him grow up all these centuries and realized that it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be to really have him present in my life afterall. He constantly hovered over me and tried to pull rank when and where he could as he was the eldest male in our family. It was lucky that I sparred with Wrath @LordOfTheManse for several months before he knew I was V’s twin that he pulled the King card by giving my dear brother the middle finger of his right hand, which of course held the massive black diamond when V tried to protest against me going on regular rotation. I learned later why all the Brothers were stifling laughter at the hand gesture. Apparently, it meant something I wasn’t aware of. I have been taking a crash course on the idiosyncrasies of everyone in the manse as well as just learning how different this world was from the Sanctuary for the past few years. Regardless with Wrath’s @LordOfTheManse approval, it didn’t help that V would sometimes show up on my rotation when he had some free time and tagged along.
Tonight, we were all on edge a bit. Tohr @TohrSASRP briefed us before we started the night about what he learned from @Leethall_SASBDB and the fact that @Greyhson_BDB was taken by a lesser … so we were now on high alert. We were searching for lessers to question about the whereabouts of the missing females. It’s been a Dhund of a few days since learning that females were going missing and now one of the Chosen under Phury’s @PegLegPhury protection. 
We were coming up to #ZeroSum’s doors when I heard a sound coming from the alley near the back door and I smelled a faint whiff of baby powder. Yes, I grinned … this night was getting better already …*
# #Deliverance #PartTwentyFive #SaintsNSinners #BDB #SASBDB #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #BDBRPG
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📚Lazy Saturday Morning Activities I decide to take some time this morning to listen to my audiobook while drinking some coffee and organizing my diamond painting supplies! These are the types of days I live for! I am currently listening to Lover Avenged by JR Ward! It is a goal this year to try and catch up with these series as I love it so much and don’t know why I’ve waited so long! #loveravenged #jrward #currentlyreading #currentlylistening #lazymorning #saturdayvibes #downthebookhole #saturdayactivities #reading #blackdaggerbrotherhood #audiobooklove https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHwvqWr33R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evayhne · 2 years
Blood of Life
Written with @My_Own_Male.
Assail: *Six months had passed since Marisol’s body left me, but her soul, her spirit had come to me this day. I had heard her, seen her, felt her touch as a gentle whisper of wind. And I would count myself mad from grief and starvation, but for the blood red teardrop ruby pendant I still clutch in my hand. The pendant I had buried her with and that she had left behind with me this day.*
Marisol…. *I open my hand to see the jewel lying in my palm, a reassurance that what I was about to do had her blessing. ‘Do this for me,’ she had said. ‘Feed.’ And though the thought fills me with such sickness of heart, soul, and body that I can barely stand to exist, there is nothing I would deny her. Not in life. Not in death.  And she had been right, I thought as I catch a glimpse of myself in the same mirror I had seen her in. I see myself through her eyes, through those of my cousins’ and Markcus. I am a weak, wasted creature. Nearly skeletal. Even Markcus had not been in such shape when we rescued him. Nothing remains of the muscular, robust male I had been. All had been urging me to feed, and now, though death would be preferable, I must. I have one task left to complete in this life, the death of Tony Silva, and though the trap is laid and the prey moving into it, I have not the strength left to spring it if I do not do this one, detestable thing.*
*My hand closes over the ruby and I turn slowly at the sound of Evahle’s rough voice and raise an eyebrow.*
“Ehric called. He is returning with the female we approached. She is known to you.”
*A thread of anxiety runs in the undertones of his voice. I can surmise he fears I will reject a female I do not know, though in truth, it no longer matters. I /must/ do this. Curtly, I nod at him.*
Bring her into the study when they arrive.
*He nods back at me and then steps away, leaving the door ajar. He fears for me. It is a clinical observation. I can no longer muster the bonds of family feelings. But he needn’t. I will have my vehngance and to have it I must do this. I promised Marisol I would do this. Those are the only two things that matter. Turning, I go to the window. From here I can see the moonlight dance on the water. It was a view Marisol had loved. I recall the nights we’d sat on the veranda sipping wine and watching the river flow. Her grandmother had liked to serve midnight meals there for all of us, directing Ehric and Evale to set the patio table and carry the food as Markcus trailed her like a queen’s retainer, willingly seeing to her every need. She’d treated us all as sons and, in truth, we had all become closer because of it.  Marisol had made me a better male, but Mrs. Carvalho had made us a family. The memories send a stab of anguish for the dear old lady through my heart. I hope she made it, I thought. I hope she rests in that heaven she was so certain of.*
*A flicker of light catches my eye. Headlights approaching the meandering driveway. I watch as they turn in and know that Ehric is home with this female who “is known to me,” but I do not move. I simply watch through the window as the car disappears into the garage and the descending door blocks out the light, leaving the night once again pristine.* @Evayhne_BDB
Evayhne: *I was surprised by the unexpectant call from #Ehric, it had been a while since the last time I called them for a feed and maybe some extracurricular activities if he and/or his brother #Evale were available. They rarely called on me as I assumed they had other sources. Their dangerous looks could get them any female or woman for their needs. I could keep a normal feeding schedule with the help of #Rehv, #Xhex or #Trez and the other employees at #IronMask.
The twins picked me up in a blacked-out Range Rover and started driving to a beautiful estate on the outskirts of Caldwell. The house came into close focus and I could make out the garage doors and back door. There were full floor-to-ceiling glass windows running down the rear flank and around the corner that turned to the Hudson River’s shoreline. Three stories up. Lots of glass and lots of security cameras. It seemed like overkill, but I knew very little about Assail except for a few occasions years back. It's been a long time and we only met at the club though I had visited his private condo when I fed from the twins. It’s where we met to meet my blood needs a few times. They always helped me in a pinch so I felt compelled to agree to their request to assist Assail. It was not a hardship. He was a very handsome male. After #Ehric parked the SUV, #Evale opened my door and led me into the garage door into a mudroom and into the kitchen.*
Assail: *The door from the garage opens and shuts. Though my body is wasted, my hearing is still acute. The sound of the security system accepting the code and resetting, assures me that we will be safe during this time. Feeding makes both parties vulnerable and I will require both Ehric and Evale to remain with us, both as chaperone and as insurance that once I begin, I do not become so ravenous as to lose control and take more than this female can spare. As unwelcome as this task is to me, the need for blood is instinctive and I have denied it for too long. Losing control is a very real possibility. Marisol would not want that, even though my need is great.*
In here.
*I speak calmly, giving no voice to my inner turmoil. Though I am not loud, I know my cousins will hear me. They always hear me. It's as though they have attuned their minds, always so close to one another, to mine as well the last few months. Frequently they anticipate my needs and often simply appear before me, unasked but knowing when I should not be alone. I hear Evale murmur to them to follow him and I wait.*
Evayhne: *The kitchen was a cook’s dream, with beautiful cabinets and high-end appliances. A gorgeous island with plenty of space for entertaining. I wanted to look around but the boys softly nudged me along into the living space. Breathtaking in its vastness as well as its furniture and decor. Again, I was ushered down the hallway to what seemed to be an office.
A male sat in a chair. I gasped internally as I realized it was Assail. Gaunt with clear starvation. No more the muscular and darkly handsome male only a handful of years that I saw him last. Though time was different for vampires than humans. It was more like 5 months ago rather than 5 years ago.
I had been working for him in a small capacity, being a sort of informant. He must have known I only gave him information that The Reverend would have already known or whom I already told. I was loyal to my employers since they took care of me like many of the females including humans they had employed.
But I had a relationship with this male, albeit brief, but his cousins were my friends. I quickly came to his side.*
Assail …
Assail: *I had sunk into a chair facing the door as I waited. Now, as she enters, I gesture for her to sit on the settee across from me. “A female who was known to me” Evahle had said. I should have known it would be Evayhne. Though we had not had direct contact in some years, she had continued to funnel information to me through the twins from time-to-time and they had maintained a blood and – if their demeanor after seeing her was to be any scale of judgment – occasionally physical relationship.*
Please, take a seat Evayhne. It has been some time since we’ve met. Would you care for some refreshments?
*I just want this over before I lose my resolve but to be discourteous to a female doing me a great service would be unseemly. Even though the social niceties feel like sandpaper running across an open wound, I would not disgrace Marisol and her grandmother by failing to observe them.*
Evayhne: *This once very strong man seemed broken. What had happened to him? He seemed so formidable when we first met, I had even mistaken him for a Brother. Knowing the ones that frequented the club always sitting in the corner booth near the exit. I had never met them personally … but the rumors and the chatter that came in their wake every time they visited was hard to ignore.
I sat down as requested but shook my head and politely declined any refreshments. The twins were always formal and courteous, I knew something was wrong when they ushered me straight into, which I assume is Assail’s office l, after bypassing the kitchen and living space. They would have taken the time for common courtesy. Assail was in urgent need.
Assail seemed very sad and clearly reluctant to feed. I wondered if he was too far gone for the wrist … but I offered nonetheless.>
Please, take what you need …
Assail: *She offers me life, and yet I cannot bring myself to rise from the chair to take it from her. This is a need so basic and yet so long foregone that I should be overwhelmed with blood lust, but all I find within myself is sadness.*
I do not think I can.
Evayhne: *I watch as different emotions pass across his face. He seemed so broken. I score my wrist and lean up towards his mouth hoping the smell will entice his fangs to descend and the biology would take it over from there.
He unquestionably needed to feed but there was such reluctance. I wasn't aware of his situation but I hoped that I could help him.*
Assail:  *The scent of iron fills the air as her blood begins to slowly flow. My fangs descend of their own accord, and still I hesitate.*
Thank you for this. It is a great gift.
*I kneel before her and take her wrist in my hands, holding it as delicately as fine, aged china, and then lift it to my lips.*
Evayhne: *I watched quietly as he struggles with himself and the thoughts that must cloud his mind with so much conflict and watched several different emotions cross his face.
I wondered once again what has led us to this moment so dire that the twins had to reach out to me. Clearly, he needed to feed based on his gaunt appearance and just as evident in his reluctance.
His mate. It must be because of her.
As he finally decided something he came toward me and thanked me for my service and I could feel my own heart break a little just hearing the anguish and something else I could not name.
I just replied, “you’re welcome. Please take my vein and replenish yourself.”
I briefly felt a sharp bite of his fangs and the gentle pulls of life’s sustenance helping another.*
Assail: *For a moment my eyes meet Evayne’s and grief wells up within me again, a knot of bitter bile in my throat, and then I feel the cool, ephemeral touch of my love on the back of my neck, gently urging me to take from this female. My fangs sink into the soft flesh of Evayne’s wrist, and in spite of myself I begin to draw from her. At first I am delicate, but as I feel the strength flow through me my instinct’s take over and I drink deeply. And all the while, I feel Marisol’s gentle touch ruffling through my hair, caressing the back of my neck. Her love bathes my broken heart in light, her tenderness enables my mind to focus on her presence instead of the female in front of me.*
Evayhne: *At first, I thought he was going to stop before he even had enough but slowly time seemed to change his mood slowly and he drank as his body was surely demanding of him. I hoped whatever turmoil he was going through would pass. But before my thoughts could really form onto what I could do, I felt faint …*
Assail: *Even as I feed, I can feel muscles filling in, skin stretching taut over them again. My long abstinence broken, my body demands more and more. I am no longer thinking, only feeding, the beast within me coming alive. Though Evayhne’s arm had been relaxed and steady in my hands as I took from her wrist, it began to tremble, and still I feed. Until Marisol’s voice breaks through my bloodlust even as Ehric’s hand rests atop her otherworldly one on my shoulder and his voice echoes hers.*
‘Stop, Assail. You have to stop.”
“Boss, it’s enough. Pull back.”
*Their tandem voices pull me back to the now. My mind is sharper than it has been in months and I realize that I have very nearly taken Evayne to the point of no return, but I cannot return to her the gift she has given me. I had allowed no one to feed from me since Marisol entered my life. As a human she had not required it for life, and I had not required it to desire her. To feed a female … it is a bridge too far, even now. Quickly, I lick Evayne’s wrist, sealing the bite wounds and look to Evale. He had moved with Ehric and had knelt beside her to assist if I had been so locked in bloodlust that they would have had to physically separate us.*
Evale, give her your wrist before she faints.
*I shake off Ehric’s hand and rise, once more myself, a male in his prime with the physique of a Brother, if not the sense of duty. Marisol’s touch fades but I can still feel her presence. Gently lifting Evayhne's chin with two fingers as she sits, clearly weakened but with courage that would put many a male to shame, I meet Evayhne’s eyes.*
I allowed myself to over-indulge. I ask your pardon. I know my cousins will be anxious to see to your needs. I will give you the room while I attend to some business. Cousins. *Both look at me with expectation in their eyes.* See her home when she has been restored.
*With a nod to Evale, I rise and leave the room, though I do not go far, just to the kitchen where I stand looking out the window at the woods that surround all but the front of the house. Ehric had seen to packing the SUV while Evale had gone to get Evayne. There was little for me to do now but wait. If a low, frustrated growl escapes me, well, it is to be expected when I have worked six long months to get to this point and am now only hours from the end. A soft laugh, almost inaudible, comes from behind me. I turn to see Marisol’s … ghost? Soul? I don’t know what to call it, except … Marisol. I turn to see her translucent form seated on the center island.*
You can laugh?
‘You always were impatient. You would never have made a thief or an assassin.”
That is well because I never wanted to be either.  Well, perhaps that is not /quite/ true. I have been an assassin now and again. In a good cause. But it did not require extensive waiting on my part. I’m more of an opportunist in such matters. I simply put my quarry where I want them and take advantage of it.
‘Whereas I could lay in a snowbank with a pair of long range binoculars for hours.’
*I cannot help but smile.*
I remember. And still, I caught you. *The smile fades, quickly.*
‘Don’t.’ *She is somehow off the island and in front of me, her fingers a whisper caress on my jaw, her voice firm and unwavering.*
‘I can see you regretting it now. Don’t.’
If I had let you be, ignored your presence, you would still be alive.
‘And you would be dead instead, Ehric and Evale forced to pull the plug on you in the Brotherhood’s clinic. You would have died trying to overcome your addiction and we would never have had our time. I would have never known what it was like to love and be loved so completely. It was a gift, Assail. One I will take with me into eternity. I regret nothing and if you do then you insult what we had.’
*I blink at this. This is my Marisol. This is the female that took no shit and told no lies. That had to have been a drawback in her line of work, but, smiling to myself, it was what I loved most about her. I, on the other hand, had no problem with lies. I force a smile, unwilling to allow her to see what is in my thoughts.*
You are correct, my love. You were a gift, one I did not deserve. I won’t tarnish it with regret.
‘Then get on with dispensing vampire justice so you can move on.’
*She fades from my grasp, and it is just as well, because if she had seen my eyes she would have known there would be no ‘moving on’ for me. I inhale deeply and focus my thoughts, going to stand in the doorway to my office to be sure that Evayhne recovers completely.*
Evayhne: *I was still seated in the comfy chair and felt wetness on my lips and a low sexy voice in my ear.*
“Drink Evayhne.”
*My fangs descended naturally at the scent and I carefully bit down on a wrist that was provided and drank slowly as my senses came back online. Assail was as starved as he looked as he has taken more than normal that I became faint. I saw from my peripheral and he seemed much more the powerful male I remember. I hope he would take care of himself. His cousins seemed really concerned when they picked me up. It was none of my business, but I did care for the family. Hopefully, everything will work out.
I took more normal pulls of sustenance into me as I drank Evale’s vein as Ehric watched attentively. I felt better minutes later and licked my bite marks.*
Thank you.
Assail: *As the female’s lips rise from Evale’s wrist I see a glint of devilment in his eye. One I had not seen in a long while. He is looking at Ehric, who had seated himself beside Evayhne, his arm still around her shoulders in support. Ehric’s eyes mirror Evale’s. It is good to see. They are fond of this female, and when this is over, perhaps they will be able to seek her out and find some semblance of “normal”. Ehric, as is their norm, speaks for both.*
“It’s we who should thank you, Evayhne. He has fought us over the issue of feeding since the death of his mate. When he finally agreed, you were the only one we trusted to bring to him. You could have refused once you saw his condition. You had to know once he began to feed he might not be able to stop himself. Yet,” he took her hand and kissed her knuckles in gratitude, “you had the courage to think of him instead of yourself. We owe you.”
Yes. *Speaking loud enough they would hear me easily.* We do. And it is a debt that shall be repaid. But for now, we have an appointment. *Looking at Ehric and Evale.* Do not dally over long. We leave here in an hour.
Evayhne: *Finding my footing, once I felt better after feeding, I got to my feet and looked at the males surrounding me.*
I can demat home from here and you can make your appointment. I don’t want to keep you.
*I ran my hands down my clothes smoothing them unconsciously in nervousness. My heart ached for Assail and the loss of his mate. It explained a great deal his refusal to feed. It can be an intimate act which is why unmated young females were often chaperone by the male of the household. I understood now why he was hesitant and hoped that he would continue to feed regularly, I know the cousins were clearly concerned and cared deeply for their family. To be part of such a family. Shaking my head at such thoughts.*
Please, you don’t owe me anything. Please take care of yourself Assail. The twins care a great deal for you. I can feel it here. *Placing my palm on my heart.* I can take my leave now. Please keep your appointment.
Assail: It is not possible to dematerialize from within the house. Come. We will walk you out.
*Taking her elbow, I gently guide her to the front door of my home, my cousins following in our wake. As I open the door, I catch sight of the river. It is breathtaking tonight, the full moon glinting on the waters. I pause a moment on the front steps and my hand goes to my heart as I bow to this selfless female as deeply as I would have to any Glymera debutante in the Old Country.*
Fare thee well, fair Evayhne.
*She dematerializes, sending her molecules racing across the city to her home, and my face grows impassive as I address my cousins.*
Arm yourselves and meet me in the garage. Tonight it ends.
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pinkysgallery · 1 year
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❤Yes❤🍷 #bdb #BDB #blackdaggerbrotherhood #blackdaggerbrotherhoodbooks #wrath #wrathsonofwrath #theblindking #TheKing #theking #wraththeblindking #darklover #gabriel #gabrielbelmont #wattpad #gabrielbelmontdracula #dracula #dracul #Castlevania #castlevanialordofshadow #castlevanialos #castlevanialordofshadow2 #princeofdarkness #fanfic #BloodBounded #BloodBoundedFanfic #draculaxmarie #gabrielxmarie #gabrielxmariebelmont
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terrorbirb · 11 months
I do have and get followers, somehow, but I have side blogs that I post on regularly to collect posts and NONE have followers.
Also @blackdaggerbrotherhood fandom: follow my side blog, that somewhat makes fun of your books. You need to accept that the straight men you talk about are Tom of Finland drawings if you're illustrating them as described.
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verawintersautrice · 4 years
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Questo è quello che resta di una #fanfiction che ho scritto anni fa sulla #confraternitadelpugnalenero Non scrivo più ff, anche se voglio ultimare prima o poi la Stucky che ho in sospeso su #Wattpad , però non rinnego che alcune mi abbiano dato parecchie emozioni e soddisfazioni, e questa è una di quelle. Il mio amore per #vishous si sente tutto 🤣🧡 #blackdaggerbrotherhood #bdb #jrward #vampiri #vampires #vampirestory #wattpadders #originalacharacter #lovestory #dichiarazionidamore #romance #romanticvibes #romanticismo #ff #scrittoridiinstagram #scrittoridiwattpad #amore #amorepuro #amorepersempre #coppia #sisterhood #lettera #letter https://www.instagram.com/p/CDL1rHtncSe/?igshid=1jukqa96jzl7l
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sloahne · 2 years
Truth Finally Revealed: Submitting to the Darkness Part 25
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Written with @Lassiter_SASBDB.
Lassiter: *As the fire alarms went off the doc came out of his office. I’d counted on them getting his attention and it had worked. Staying ghost, I followed the doc into the young Chosen Talia’s room and watched him start to restitch the wound she’d torn open in her jailbreak attempt. When it was obvious she was totally out of it and wasn’t going to get back up and try to make another run for it, I left him to play doctor as I went to watch over Sloahne. Both females had made some damned bad choices and were paying for them now, but I could understand Talia’s. She’d hit her rebellious stage and had even more restrictions and expectations placed on her than a glymera debutante. But Sloahne … man, I just don’t get it. She’d always been secretive, but this? To hook up in some dungeon with a random male was /not/ in character. And to top it off I’d had to take a back seat in finding her. It was frustrating. I’d had more freedom as an angel to nudge and help than I did as a deity. Yeah, yeah … "With great power comes great responsibility." Spiderman can bite me.
Still invisi, I take her hand and whisper into her ear.* Girlfriend, you and I are going to talk when you wake up. You have a future and Ima’ gonna see you make it to it.
*The door creaks as Manny comes in. Still invisi, I step back and lean back against the wall, letting him tend to her. Nobody’s better than the doc, but still, if a little deity-level healing was required to keep her stable, I was in. My eyes narrow as he fills several vials with her blood. She hadn’t wanted him to take any before. Come to think of it, she’d always been weird about the idea of having bloodwork done. Now might be the time to find out why.*
*The doc fussed with her a little more, vitals and crap, and then tucked a sheet over her before heading for the door. With a quick look at Sloahne to be sure she was still sleeping, I followed him out. He shut the damned lab door in my face without realizing it, but pffff, what’s a door? When I’m hiding in plain sight I really am nearly a ghost. I walked through the wall in time to see him set up his tests. It took a little time, and I popped in on Sloahne a few times to be sure she was still ok, but I was still there when the computer finally spit out the results. Manny’s brow furrowed as he looked at the labs, and the look on his face was not one of a doctor who saw what he expected to. That can’t be good. Leaning over his shoulder, still invisible, I looked over the test results. I was no doc, but I’d done my due diligence on the species when I was assigned to Tohr so I could monitor his recovery.
My eyes narrow as I look at the report in the doc’s hand. The red cell count, while elevated by human standards, was within vampire norms. The white cell count was high, but that was to be expected with the fever she was running. But what the hell ...? She had all the normal enzymes a female vamp should have but what was THAT one? My brain worked furiously to ID the extra one that she /shouldn’t have/ and then it hit me. Straightening back up, I demat back to Sloahne’s room immediately. Motherfucker. Now I know what she’s been hiding. Standing beside her, I take her hand and whisper.*
Oh, sweetheart, we gotta talk. And we gotta do it before the doc spills the beans.
*My head jerks up as the door squeaks. The doc walks as I wink out and move my invisible self to the corner. Being covert is the norm for angels and I’d had a lot of practice. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for Manny to know I was there, but somehow, I think maybe it’s best he doesn’t. I might have to do something drastic and I don’t wanna do a mind wipe on him.*
*I watch as the doc works on Sloahne and I can’t help but wince as he inserts the needle in her arm. I hate fucking needles … but I’ve watched him do it enough to know it’s no big to him. It’s the medical SOP for an unconscious patient. He’s just not ever getting to put one in ME. The bigger concern was the variety of meds he was injecting into the line and the worry radiating off of him. I mean, I try not to read their minds. I do. It’s just bad manners unless it’s in the line of duty, but he’s practically shouting it. And that's not all. He’s thinking about going to Wrath with what the tests revealed. Isn’t that against HIPPA laws? The human Hippocratic Oath? Something. But the guy’s in a bad spot. She’s got no next of kin and the King would have jurisdiction to give permission for procedures and from what I’m reading from him, the infection is damn near out of control. I could heal her. I mean, I’m a deity, and I’ve got the juice, and she’s important to me but … I’m pretty sure doing it to the extent needed would violate the Creator’s mandate about mortal free will and the consequences of it. Damn it, what’s the point of being a deity if you can’t help the people you care about? With great restraint, I manage not to punch the fucking wall and freak out Dr. M, but it's a near thing. There’s gotta be something I can do … wait … I’m a deity but I’m also still an angel, and angel blood is powerful. What runs through my veins isn’t just blood, as humans and vamps think of blood. It’s my essence, my grace. It’s what powers me instead of a soul. He’d thought feeding from any male would help but feeding from this male? It would supercharge her immune system and technically it’s not performing a healing so no issues with the Big Kahuna. I move from the corner to the edge of the bed and materialize with a thought.*
She needs to feed from me.
*The doc’s not the kind to be easily spooked, but I guess seeing an angel just suddenly appear in front of you would cause anybody to jump a little. Still, he gets his professional balance back fast.*
“Your blood might not be compatible with her. Human blood doesn’t provide much of a boost to vampires. I don’t know if it’s just a species difference or if we’re lower on the evolutionary scale, but we don’t have what it takes. I get you’re not human, but you’re not a vampire either.
*Cocking an eyebrow at Dr. M’s skepticism over my “qualifications” as a blood donor.*
I’m an angel, doc. *Deity, but we won’t quibble about details.* It’s not just blood. It’s grace. It’s what makes an angel an angel. And it will supercharge her mortal immune system and speed up her healing.
Sloahne: <My body feels as heavy as a damn SUV sitting on my chest. What the fuck was going on with me? The last thing I remember is Lassiter catching me and the girl in the garage thwarting our escape. Damn the Angel. I hear soft footsteps around me and some beeping from a machine. Taking a deep breath I smell antiseptic, a little bitter, with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners. Fuck, I’m back inside the hospital room. I slowly try and open my eyes but they feel so damn heavy with fatigue as if I was asleep for days. How long have I been out?
As the light finally filters into my view, a figure in a white coat moves back and forth monitoring the machines and starting to touch me and check my vitals.> Hey doctor … what happened?
Lassiter: Sloahne….
*Doc M steps in between us, giving me “the look” as he takes her hand.*  
“Making a run for it wasn’t your best idea. You passed out. Your wounds are infected. You’re running a high fever and your white count is nearly off the charts. I’m worried about septic shock setting in. It could be fatal. I’ve got meds we can try to get the infection under control, but,” the doc shakes his head, “this is new territory for me. Vampires aren’t prone to severe infections, in my experience. I consulted with #Havers after I did the bloodwork and he tells me human antibiotics run from minimally effective to useless. The most common treatment is to have you feed, but against infection, it may or may not work, even with the antibiotics.”
*Impatiently I interrupt and grab the doc by the shoulder, making space for myself at Sloahne’s bedside. Warningly, I glance at him.*
She needs to feed. From me. Now.
*Focusing on Sloahne, I kneel my 6’ 9” self down beside the bed.*
What I’ve got is high octane and it’ll stay with you.  
*Fangs I’d not used in an eon descend and I score my wrist, blue-tinged silver grace flowing like blood from the cuts. The liquid welling from the fang punctures drips and leaves a bluish cast on the sheets.*
C’mon, sweetheart, *coaxingly.* Take your medicine like a good little female. Drink. You’ll feel better after you do. You've been through a lot but trust me, everything will be alright. *Lifting my wrist to her lips.* But drink now.
Sloahne: <Feeling the warm elixir of blood hit my tongue, my body decided it was time to feed. I feel my canines lower as they pierced the skin of the male offering me his blood. At my first swallow, I felt a rush of adrenaline like no other I have ever experienced. It was like what I think humans feel when humans take a hit of cocaine. I instantly opened my eyes to the bright lights above my hospital bed. I could feel my wounds heal immediately and the soreness and aches disappear instantaneously. It felt amazing and yet so surreal.
I never realized how much pain I was carrying all this time … not just from my capture and imprisonment but just how much I was carrying on my shoulders in life. My body felt so free and lightweight as if all my troubles were gone forever.
Before long, however, I felt gentle fingers tapping my face as if an indication that I had enough. Which I’m sure I have, but this blood was so addicting it was very difficult. I forced myself to stop knowing my wounds were healed and I didn’t need anymore.>
Lassiter: *As she fed, bruises disappeared, going through the normal transition of colors in seconds. The odor that always accompanies infection, no matter how hard a medic works at keeping it at bay, vanishes. I can’t see beneath the bandages without invoking deity power but I can feel her pain dissipate. I’ve never seen Dr. M’s jaw drop before but it does now. The heart beep on the monitor starts to speed up abruptly and he looks alarmed. He puts his hand on me and tries to pull me back, but he might as well try to move a mountain with his bare hands.*
“You have to stop! Her heart can’t sustain this.”
*My eyes never leave Sloahne as I answer,*
It’s normal. My blood is spurring rapid healing but it’s not magick, at least not as humans think of magick. Her body still has to do some of the work, so it’s going to respond like an adrenaline burst. Her BP is up a little, but not enough to stroke out and her heart rate is no higher than if she was running a race. *Or having an orgasm, but we won’t go there.* It won’t last beyond the time it takes her to feed.
*Her gentle feeding has become more aggressive now. She’s got the rush from it. If she needed it I’d let her continue a little longer, but she doesn’t. Her body’s healed and her brain is experiencing the euphoria that accompanies the rush. I lightly tap my fingers on her cheek to get her attention.*
It’s enough, babe. Let go.  
*I can feel her now, feel her reluctance to stop, and the effort of will it takes from her as she does. She’s part of me now. Feeding from a vampire male would enable her to be able to find that male for some months afterward, but it doesn’t work like that with angel blood. Yeah, she’ll be able to find me if she needs me but it will last her lifetime and it’s a two-way street with angel blood. And I’ll always know where she is and what she’s feeling. What I gave her forged a lifetime connection to her. It’s going to take some work for me to be able to block her off, but I’ll get it done. It would be an invasion of her privacy not to. And, to be honest, mine as well. As she releases my wrist, she looks up at me. There’s a sparkle in the depths of those dark brown eyes that has nothing to do with mortal mischievousness. It’s the reflection of my grace running through her. Over time it will tone down but there will always be flashes of it now. I lift my wrist and lick the wounds shut myself. She’s still too high to think of it and I expected that.*
Angel blood does more than rev up the healing process. It affects the pleasure centers in a vampire’s brain to the point we can become an addiction. *Glancing over at the doc.* So the fact I can do this doesn’t leave this room. I can’t do it for the Brothers, they’d need a female angel, and I won’t do it for anything less than life and death. It creates a lifelong connection between me and the patient. One that could be dangerous. So the benefit of doing it has to outweigh the cost. It did today.  Now I need you to give us the room. *He looks at me stubbornly.*
“I want a blood sample. Maybe I can analyze it and isolate the healing properties. If I can negate the sex differentiation and void the connection aspect I might come up with something that I can use for extreme injuries.”
*I shake my head.*
Not happening. It’s not just blood, doc, it's GRACE. It’s what makes an angel an angel. The equipment you’d need to even analyze it doesn’t exist and you don’t have the words for what you’d see if it did. Now. The room. Please.
*He grumbles as he shuts off the monitors and turns to go but I ignore that.* And Doctor Manolo?
*The formal address is cold, colder than I’ve ever been with any of them since I came to the manse. It stops him in his tracks but I want him to know I’m invoking his professional ethics and that I’m not just that goofy, annoying angel that’s always hanging around. I’m a being of power. The power I’ll use if I have to.*
What you saw on that blood work report? That stays in this room, too. Sloahne’s awake and perfectly capable of making her own decisions. Wrath doesn’t need to become involved unless SHE wants him to be. Got it?  
*His eyes narrow. He’s a male that doesn’t intimidate easily, if at all, but he got the message. He nods and leaves, shutting the door a little harder than necessary. I turn my attention back to Sloahne and drag a chair over to the bedside. Touching the bed controls to raise the head so we can be pretty much eye-to-eye, I begin.*
Okay, little one. We need to talk.
Sloahne: <I’ve never felt better in my entire life as I did at the moment with the Angel’s blood running through me but my elation comes to an abrupt halt as I finally tune into Lassiter’s conversation with the human doctor.
Fuck!!??!! He took my blood? He knows! That I also run with Chosen blood as well as the blood of a Brother which makes me cattle. Goddammit. As the humans say. I’m defining FUBAR now. But then I hear the deadly tone of the Angel’s warning. Is he evoking the doctor’s Hippocratic oath on him? Hope rises as I hope he remembered his ethical standards.
But as the doctor leaves and leaves me alone with my savior … I realize that means the Angel knows too. Damn it.>
About what?
<I’m going to try and deflect this whole thing, I’m not really to admit that I belong to the Scribe Virgin her league prison of breeders and slaves. My mind searching for different escape routes while I stall.>
Lassiter: *My eyes narrow and my mouth becomes a grim line*
Ok, so if you want to play it that way, then we will. I saw the blood work report and I’m capable of understanding it. I know your secret. The question isn’t are you going to tell me? I already know. The question is do you trust me?
*I’m getting pissed now. Sloahne is someone I care about. She’s like family, if I actually had one, and she’s treating me like the enemy. *
I just saved your fucking life and NOT because of what I saw on that report. I did it because I care about you. I did it because my allegiance isn’t just to Wrath. It’s to the species both as a whole and as individuals, which means you. And I did it because I’m more than you think I am. So, do you trust me enough to talk to me? And don’t think about bailing on me. I know you are, but there’s no place I can’t find you now. That little infusion of grace you just took in makes everything a whole new ballgame. We need to talk about that, too.
Sloahne: <I bit my lip as I was properly chastised. I knew he was right. But it’s been hundreds of years of hiding and keeping my secret that it was difficult after all this time lying to him. Granted I didn’t lie exactly … but there had been lots of omitting the truth.>
I … um … <Sighs deeply.> I’ve been hiding something sorta important, I guess. I’m the child of a Brother and … a Chosen.
<I slowly and painfully admitted.>
I left the Old Country and immigrated to the New World when my mahmen attempted to arrange for me to marry an aristocrat from the glymera, Some sexist, privileged male who believed females should be kept at home. Before entering the Fade, my papa always taught me that a woman is worth more than just being the head of her household. Unfortunately, the Scribe Virgin's ways were still used to guide my mahmen, a Chosen to the core. We never saw eye to eye.
<So here I am in a hospital bed knowing my past has finally caught up with me and I’ll end up serving the Scribe Virgin to be receptacles for The Brotherhood … to be a Chosen, whose only existence was to be fed, bred, and fucked. Fuck me. What am I going to do now?>
To be continued ...
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soulchan91 · 5 years
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Suite des personnages de la Confrérie ^^’
Dispo dans la Gallerie :)
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 2 years
Blood of Life: Blood Oath Part 5
Written by @My-Own_Male and guest @Evayhne_BDB
Assail: *Six months had passed since Marisol’s body left me, but her soul, her spirit had come to me this day. I had heard her, seen her, felt her touch as a gentle whisper of wind. And I would count myself mad from grief and starvation, but for the blood red teardrop ruby pendant I still clutch in my hand. The pendant I had buried her with and that she had left behind with me this day.*
Marisol … *I open my hand to see the jewel lying in my palm, a reassurance that what I was about to do had her blessing. ‘Do this for me,’ she had said. ‘Feed.’ And though the thought fills me with such sickness of heart, soul, and body that I can barely stand to exist, there is nothing I would deny her. Not in life. Not in death.  And she had been right, I thought as I catch a glimpse of myself in the same mirror I had seen her in. I see myself through her eyes, through those of my cousins’ and Markcus. I am a weak, wasted creature. Nearly skeletal. Even Markcus had not been in such shape when we rescued him. Nothing remains of the muscular, robust male I had been. All had been urging me to feed, and now, though death would be preferable, I must. I have one task left to complete in this life, the death of Tony Silva, and though the trap is laid and the prey moving into it, I have not the strength left to spring it if I do not do this one, detestable thing.*
*My hand closes over the ruby and I turn slowly at the sound of Evahle’s rough voice and raise an eyebrow.*
“Ehric called. He is returning with the female we approached. She is known to you.”
*A thread of anxiety runs in the undertones of his voice. I can surmise he fears I will reject a female I do not know, though in truth, it no longer matters. I /must/ do this. Curtly, I nod at him.*
Bring her into the study when they arrive.
*He nods back at me and then steps away, leaving the door ajar. He fears for me. It is a clinical observation. I can no longer muster the bonds of family feelings. But he needn’t. I will have my vehngance and to have it I must do this. I promised Marisol I would do this. Those are the only two things that matter. Turning, I go to the window. From here I can see the moonlight dance on the water. It was a view Marisol had loved. I recall the nights we’d sat on the veranda sipping wine and watching the river flow. Her grandmother had liked to serve midnight meals there for all of us, directing Ehric and Evale to set the patio table and carry the food as Markcus trailed her like a queen’s retainer, willingly seeing to her every need. She’d treated us all as sons and, in truth, we had all become closer because of it.  Marisol had made me a better male, but Mrs. Carvalho had made us a family. The memories send a stab of anguish for the dear old lady through my heart. I hope she made it, I thought. I hope she rests in that heaven she was so certain of.*
*A flicker of light catches my eye. Headlights approaching the meandering driveway. I watch as they turn in and know that Ehric is home with this female who “is known to me,” but I do not move. I simply watch through the window as the car disappears into the garage and the descending door blocks out the light, leaving the night once again pristine.* @Evayhne_BDB
Evayhne: *I was surprised by the unexpectant call from #Ehric, it had been a while since the last time I called them for a feed and maybe some extracurricular activities if he and/or his brother #Evale were available. They rarely called on me as I assumed they had other sources. Their dangerous looks could get them any female or woman for their needs. I could keep a normal feeding schedule with the help of #Rehv, #Xhex or #Trez and the other employees at #IronMask.
The twins picked me up in a blacked-out Range Rover and started driving to a beautiful estate on the outskirts of Caldwell. The house came into close focus and I could make out the garage doors and back door. There were full floor-to-ceiling glass windows running down the rear flank and around the corner that turned to the Hudson River’s shoreline. Three stories up. Lots of glass and lots of security cameras. It seemed like overkill, but I knew very little about Assail except for a few occasions years back. It's been a long time and we only met at the club though I had visited his private condo when I fed from the twins. It’s where we met to meet my blood needs a few times. They always helped me in a pinch so I felt compelled to agree to their request to assist Assail. It was not a hardship. He was a very handsome male. After #Ehric parked the SUV, #Evale opened my door and led me into the garage door into a mudroom and into the kitchen.*
Assail: *The door from the garage opens and shuts. Though my body is wasted, my hearing is still acute. The sound of the security system accepting the code and resetting, assures me that we will be safe during this time. Feeding makes both parties vulnerable and I will require both Ehric and Evale to remain with us, both as chaperone and as insurance that once I begin, I do not become so ravenous as to lose control and take more than this female can spare. As unwelcome as this task is to me, the need for blood is instinctive and I have denied it for too long. Losing control is a very real possibility. Marisol would not want that, even though my need is great.*
In here.
*I speak calmly, giving no voice to my inner turmoil. Though I am not loud, I know my cousins will hear me. They always hear me. It's as though they have attuned their minds, always so close to one another, to mine as well the last few months. Frequently they anticipate my needs and often simply appear before me, unasked but knowing when I should not be alone. I hear Evale murmur to them to follow him and I wait.*
Evayhne: *The kitchen was a cook’s dream, with beautiful cabinets and high-end appliances. A gorgeous island with plenty of space for entertaining. I wanted to look around but the boys softly nudged me along into the living space. Breathtaking in its vastness as well as its furniture and decor. Again, I was ushered down the hallway to what seemed to be an office.
A male sat in a chair. I gasped internally as I realized it was Assail. Gaunt with clear starvation. No more the muscular and darkly handsome male only a handful of years that I saw him last. Though time was different for vampires than humans. It was more like 5 months ago rather than 5 years ago.
I had been working for him in a small capacity, being a sort of informant. He must have known I only gave him information that The Reverend would have already known or whom I already told. I was loyal to my employers since they took care of me like many of the females including humans they had employed.
But I had a relationship with this male, albeit brief, but his cousins were my friends. I quickly came to his side.*
Assail …
Assail: *I had sunk into a chair facing the door as I waited. Now, as she enters, I gesture for her to sit on the settee across from me. “A female who was known to me” Evahle had said. I should have known it would be Evayhne. Though we had not had direct contact in some years, she had continued to funnel information to me through the twins from time-to-time and they had maintained a blood and – if their demeanor after seeing her was to be any scale of judgment – occasionally physical relationship.*
Please, take a seat Evayhne. It has been some time since we’ve met. Would you care for some refreshments?
*I just want this over before I lose my resolve but to be discourteous to a female doing me a great service would be unseemly. Even though the social niceties feel like sandpaper running across an open wound, I would not disgrace Marisol and her grandmother by failing to observe them.*
Evayhne: *This once very strong man seemed broken. What had happened to him? He seemed so formidable when we first met, I had even mistaken him for a Brother. Knowing the ones that frequented the club always sitting in the corner booth near the exit. I had never met them personally … but the rumors and the chatter that came in their wake every time they visited was hard to ignore.
I sat down as requested but shook my head and politely declined any refreshments. The twins were always formal and courteous, I knew something was wrong when they ushered me straight into, which I assume is Assail’s office l, after bypassing the kitchen and living space. They would have taken the time for common courtesy. Assail was in urgent need.
Assail seemed very sad and clearly reluctant to feed. I wondered if he was too far gone for the wrist … but I offered nonetheless.>
Please, take what you need …
Assail: *She offers me life, and yet I cannot bring myself to rise from the chair to take it from her. This is a need so basic and yet so long foregone that I should be overwhelmed with blood lust, but all I find within myself is sadness.*
I do not think I can.
Evayhne: *I watch as different emotions pass across his face. He seemed so broken. I score my wrist and lean up towards his mouth hoping the smell will entice his fangs to descend and the biology would take it over from there.
He unquestionably needed to feed but there was such reluctance. I wasn't aware of his situation but I hoped that I could help him.*
Assail:  *The scent of iron fills the air as her blood begins to slowly flow. My fangs descend of their own accord, and still I hesitate.*
Thank you for this. It is a great gift.
*I kneel before her and take her wrist in my hands, holding it as delicately as fine, aged china, and then lift it to my lips.*
Evayhne: *I watched quietly as he struggles with himself and the thoughts that must cloud his mind with so much conflict and watched several different emotions cross his face.
I wondered once again what has led us to this moment so dire that the twins had to reach out to me. Clearly, he needed to feed based on his gaunt appearance and just as evident in his reluctance.
His mate. It must be because of her.
As he finally decided something he came toward me and thanked me for my service and I could feel my own heart break a little just hearing the anguish and something else I could not name.
I just replied, “you’re welcome. Please take my vein and replenish yourself.”
I briefly felt a sharp bite of his fangs and the gentle pulls of life’s sustenance helping another.*
Assail: *For a moment my eyes meet Evayne’s and grief wells up within me again, a knot of bitter bile in my throat, and then I feel the cool, ephemeral touch of my love on the back of my neck, gently urging me to take from this female. My fangs sink into the soft flesh of Evayne’s wrist, and in spite of myself I begin to draw from her. At first I am delicate, but as I feel the strength flow through me my instinct’s take over and I drink deeply. And all the while, I feel Marisol’s gentle touch ruffling through my hair, caressing the back of my neck. Her love bathes my broken heart in light, her tenderness enables my mind to focus on her presence instead of the female in front of me.*
Evayhne: *At first, I thought he was going to stop before he even had enough but slowly time seemed to change his mood slowly and he drank as his body was surely demanding of him. I hoped whatever turmoil he was going through would pass. But before my thoughts could really form onto what I could do, I felt faint …*
Assail: *Even as I feed, I can feel muscles filling in, skin stretching taut over them again. My long abstinence broken, my body demands more and more. I am no longer thinking, only feeding, the beast within me coming alive. Though Evayhne’s arm had been relaxed and steady in my hands as I took from her wrist, it began to tremble, and still I feed. Until Marisol’s voice breaks through my bloodlust even as Ehric’s hand rests atop her otherworldly one on my shoulder and his voice echoes hers.*
‘Stop, Assail. You have to stop.”
“Boss, it’s enough. Pull back.”
*Their tandem voices pull me back to the now. My mind is sharper than it has been in months and I realize that I have very nearly taken Evayne to the point of no return, but I cannot return to her the gift she has given me. I had allowed no one to feed from me since Marisol entered my life. As a human she had not required it for life, and I had not required it to desire her. To feed a female … it is a bridge too far, even now. Quickly, I lick Evayne’s wrist, sealing the bite wounds and look to Evale. He had moved with Ehric and had knelt beside her to assist if I had been so locked in bloodlust that they would have had to physically separate us.*
Evale, give her your wrist before she faints.
*I shake off Ehric’s hand and rise, once more myself, a male in his prime with the physique of a Brother, if not the sense of duty. Marisol’s touch fades but I can still feel her presence. Gently lifting Evayhne's chin with two fingers as she sits, clearly weakened but with courage that would put many a male to shame, I meet Evayhne’s eyes.*
I allowed myself to over-indulge. I ask your pardon. I know my cousins will be anxious to see to your needs. I will give you the room while I attend to some business. Cousins. *Both look at me with expectation in their eyes.* See her home when she has been restored.
*With a nod to Evale, I rise and leave the room, though I do not go far, just to the kitchen where I stand looking out the window at the woods that surround all but the front of the house. Ehric had seen to packing the SUV while Evale had gone to get Evayne. There was little for me to do now but wait. If a low, frustrated growl escapes me, well, it is to be expected when I have worked six long months to get to this point and am now only hours from the end. A soft laugh, almost inaudible, comes from behind me. I turn to see Marisol’s … ghost? Soul? I don’t know what to call it, except … Marisol. I turn to see her translucent form seated on the center island.*
You can laugh?
‘You always were impatient. You would never have made a thief or an assassin.”
That is well because I never wanted to be either.  Well, perhaps that is not /quite/ true. I have been an assassin now and again. In a good cause. But it did not require extensive waiting on my part. I’m more of an opportunist in such matters. I simply put my quarry where I want them and take advantage of it.
‘Whereas I could lay in a snowbank with a pair of long range binoculars for hours.’
*I cannot help but smile.*
I remember. And still, I caught you. *The smile fades, quickly.*
‘Don’t.’ *She is somehow off the island and in front of me, her fingers a whisper caress on my jaw, her voice firm and unwavering.*
‘I can see you regretting it now. Don’t.’
If I had let you be, ignored your presence, you would still be alive.
‘And you would be dead instead, Ehric and Evale forced to pull the plug on you in the Brotherhood’s clinic. You would have died trying to overcome your addiction and we would never have had our time. I would have never known what it was like to love and be loved so completely. It was a gift, Assail. One I will take with me into eternity. I regret nothing and if you do then you insult what we had.’
*I blink at this. This is my Marisol. This is the female that took no shit and told no lies. That had to have been a drawback in her line of work, but, smiling to myself, it was what I loved most about her. I, on the other hand, had no problem with lies. I force a smile, unwilling to allow her to see what is in my thoughts.*
You are correct, my love. You were a gift, one I did not deserve. I won’t tarnish it with regret.
‘Then get on with dispensing vampire justice so you can move on.’
*She fades from my grasp, and it is just as well, because if she had seen my eyes she would have known there would be no ‘moving on’ for me. I inhale deeply and focus my thoughts, going to stand in the doorway to my office to be sure that Evayhne recovers completely.*
Evayhne: *I was still seated in the comfy chair and felt wetness on my lips and a low sexy voice in my ear.*
“Drink Evayhne.”
*My fangs descended naturally at the scent and I carefully bit down on a wrist that was provided and drank slowly as my senses came back online. Assail was as starved as he looked as he has taken more than normal that I became faint. I saw from my peripheral and he seemed much more the powerful male I remember. I hope he would take care of himself. His cousins seemed really concerned when they picked me up. It was none of my business, but I did care for the family. Hopefully, everything will work out.
I took more normal pulls of sustenance into me as I drank Evale’s vein as Ehric watched attentively. I felt better minutes later and licked my bite marks.*
Thank you.
Assail: *As the female’s lips rise from Evale’s wrist I see a glint of devilment in his eye. One I had not seen in a long while. He is looking at Ehric, who had seated himself beside Evayhne, his arm still around her shoulders in support. Ehric’s eyes mirror Evale’s. It is good to see. They are fond of this female, and when this is over, perhaps they will be able to seek her out and find some semblance of “normal”. Ehric, as is their norm, speaks for both.*
“It’s we who should thank you, Evayhne. He has fought us over the issue of feeding since the death of his mate. When he finally agreed, you were the only one we trusted to bring to him. You could have refused once you saw his condition. You had to know once he began to feed he might not be able to stop himself. Yet,” he took her hand and kissed her knuckles in gratitude, “you had the courage to think of him instead of yourself. We owe you.”
Yes. *Speaking loud enough they would hear me easily.* We do. And it is a debt that shall be repaid. But for now, we have an appointment. *Looking at Ehric and Evale.* Do not dally over long. We leave here in an hour.
Evayhne: *Finding my footing, once I felt better after feeding, I got to my feet and looked at the males surrounding me.*
I can demat home from here and you can make your appointment. I don’t want to keep you.
*I ran my hands down my clothes smoothing them unconsciously in nervousness. My heart ached for Assail and the loss of his mate. It explained a great deal his refusal to feed. It can be an intimate act which is why unmated young females were often chaperone by the male of the household. I understood now why he was hesitant and hoped that he would continue to feed regularly, I know the cousins were clearly concerned and cared deeply for their family. To be part of such a family. Shaking my head at such thoughts.*
Please, you don’t owe me anything. Please take care of yourself Assail. The twins care a great deal for you. I can feel it here. *Placing my palm on my heart.* I can take my leave now. Please keep your appointment.
Assail: It is not possible to dematerialize from within the house. Come. We will walk you out.
*Taking her elbow, I gently guide her to the front door of my home, my cousins following in our wake. As I open the door, I catch sight of the river. It is breathtaking tonight, the full moon glinting on the waters. I pause a moment on the front steps and my hand goes to my heart as I bow to this selfless female as deeply as I would have to any Glymera debutante in the Old Country.*
Fare thee well, fair Evayhne.
*She dematerializes, sending her molecules racing across the city to her home, and my face grows impassive as I address my cousins.*
Arm yourselves and meet me in the garage. Tonight it ends.
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greyhson-bdb · 3 years
Trial by Pain: Deliverance Part 20
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Written with @Omega_SASBDB.
Omega: *Roars throwing the human away from me, cocking my head to the side watching as the body hits the wall and then slides down to slump on the floor. Steps slow, kicking the trash out of my way as I walk over. Crouching down, fisting my hand in the boy's hair pulling his head up. His groan music to my ears, turning to look over my shoulder at the Lesser standing in the corner.* Why did you bring me this filth! He isn’t worth my time or effort. *Turning back to the human then using both my hands to snap his neck, breathing hard standing up straight.* What word on the female? Is she still alive? *Dusting off my hands the grim of the human sticking to my hands, walking out towards the front of the run down house. My eyes falling on the rest of the humans, each drugged up to their eyeballs on me. Well stygian, but as it is my essence made into the all new designer drug fast becoming the drug of choice, I feel like I am inside each and every one of them. It isn’t like my Lesser connection. But I like it and the money it is pulling in, stopping my voice showing my annoyance.* I am waiting for an answer! 
Greyhson: *When I came to later, I was still in the chair they originally tied me to. The iron chains were still wrapped around my arms and legs so I could not dematerialize, though I was also weak so it would have been difficult anyway. My eyes felt like cement trying to open them to look at my surroundings. As I tried, I listen to any movements around me. I could hear several breathing low around me and then suddenly I heard a crash above me and a roar, instantly opening my eyes.
The atmosphere was suddenly colder and hauntingly fearful as I became more aware. The females and humans around me crouched into their cells into corners as they seemed familiar with what was happening. A wave of malice burned into my skin as I listened to a nasty laughter, like a disembodied ghost haunting a house. Finding the stairs ahead of me, I could see black smoke billowing down the steps similar to an apparition of a ghost I just imagined. 
I could feel my eyes widen as I realized that the figure coming for me gave me the exact opposite feeling the Scribe Virgin once provided. It was her brother, the Omega.* 
Omega: *Kicking a few bodies out of my way, steps sure heading towards the basement.* “The female is tied and in a weakened state, we have kept the humans away from her in case she tried to feed from them.” *Stopping at the top of the stairs.* Did I tell you to do that C? Do I need you to exercise your brain? *Letting loose a roar, my fists tight at my side, taking in a deep breath one foot stepping onto the top step.* Gather the troops, I want you to take the money we just collected and buy something that will kill some of my sister’s chosen species. I want you to get me something that will rip them apart, let them suffer for her arrogance. Let her memory cry as I kill the race she created, the race she tried so hard to protect, her precious vampires. *Letting my essence fill the air around me, my steps pushing my black smoke down into the basement. Hearing the speeding beat of the female’s heart, stepping out of my essence clasping my hands behind my back. The whimpers of the humans in the cages music to my ears. One boy catching my eye, sending a thought to one of my Lessers upstairs. Letting him know I want the boy ready for me, for later tonight. At last looking down at the female tied to the chair in the middle of the basement, her fear like a fine wine.* So now I have you, what to do with you? *Ghosting a finger down the side of her face, then cupping her chin in my hand hard. Forcing her to look up into my face.* Do you wish to live female?  
Greyhson: *The Omega was clearly still active and coordinating his lessers to kill our race. Though the Brotherhood had been out every night protecting us, his minions kept multiplying. They hunt the civilians down to try and get closer to the Brotherhood. I have never had to experience it when mine sisters and I lived at the Sanctuary. But since the Primale Phury freed us we were experiencing all different new things. I was so excited about the prospects and never realizing until this moment how many things I was protected from while being at the Sanctuary.
I felt the chill of his hand on my face, it felt like my blood was solidifying inside my cheek. I tried to flinch but his strength was too strong for me. The grip was hurting me as I tried to get free. The malevolence was pouring off of him in waves. I had a strong reaction to flee but I couldn’t. The chains cutting my arms from my efforts were causing my skin to bleed.
As I continued to struggle, all I could hear was hollow evil laughter as he persisted with hurting me. My heart was racing inside my chest and I could hardly breath or speak.*
Omega: Tut, tut, tut female. *Pressing my fingers harder into her flesh, my nails breaking through the skin of her chin and cheek. Watching as the slow but steady drip of her blood leaves a tail down her neck towards her clothes.* I want your words, but I will take your screams. *Keeping my hand and eyes in their human form but letting the rest of my body explode into my black smoke. Sending my essence into the female’s body, my eyes wide locking on hers. Feeling my essence heat up her blood to a point that even a vampire would die, then bringing it back down as I use her heated blood to attack her organs. The grip of her chin getting tighter, her blood now almost steaming like boiling water from the cuts my nails were making. Time passes as I watch my mind split between the boy I was planning on turning tonight and the pain of the female before me. At last pulling my essence out of her body and reforming my human body, using my mind to get one of my Lessers to bring me a mop and bucket. At last letting go of her chin stepping back as the Lesser bangs down the stairs with the cleaning equipment.* Clean this up, her blood makes my skin itch. *Placing a foot on the bottom step but turning before I leave, my smile pure evil as I look at the female her screams still ringing in my ears.* Do not fret pet, I will be back.      
Greyhson: *Pain exploded as I felt his nails cut into my skin, I couldn't help but scream from  the agony. His voice was like nails down a chalkboard. But the thought soon disappeared as the torment continued. I felt like I was coming out of my own skin fighting against his essence inside me. My blood felt like scalding water through my veins, my body shrieking with pain from the inside out. My heart felt like it was galloping like horses through my chest and trying to get out. 
I could physically feel my lungs filling with fluid as I tried to fight to keep breathing. Was this what it felt like to drown? I could feel the blood oozing out of  my injuries burning my skin like burning oil.
I was gasping for breath as blood came pouring out of my mouth. My eyes were closed shut from the agony I was feeling. I could not see, I could not breath, the torment was nothing I have ever felt … then there was nothing.*
Omega: *Walking into what was once a bedroom, the smells of decay and rot over powdering the scent of the boy’s fear. Keeping my steps slow and relaxed watching the human, his face pretty for a boy. Young, so young. Licking my lips with the thoughts of what was to come, the female in the basement had passed out from pain too soon to let me fully enjoy her. Not that I liked females much, their pain threshold too low for my liking. My eyes fell on the old cookie tin box, damn what was the world coming too. Back in the good old days in the Old Country my new Lessers would turn up with a more appropriate container to hold their hearts. But not any more, pushing aside memories of my glorious past, stepping up to the boy.* Are you ready? *Not waiting for an answer, my body deforming into black smoke and shredding his clothes. My essence slicing into his skin and pushing into his bloodstream, his screams music to soothe my soul. Taking my time as hours fly by, the boy’s voice breaks about three hours out. His body emptying out sometime ago, that smell of human waste now added to that of his blood, decay and rot inside the room. Knowing I had to stop, the boy was nearing his limit and I didn’t want to lose a new soldier for my army. Pulling my essence out of his body, through the lesions covering him almost ninety percent of his body. Reforming my body the boys withered heart in my hands, dropping it into the cookie tin looking at it’s new colour of back. Standing naked covered in the last of the human boy’s blood, watching him breath with difficulty his new black blood weeping from all the damage I had left. The black stain now on his chest above where his heart once was, giving him a kick as I crouch down pushing a finger into one of the cuts.* Get up, I'm finished with you for now. *Hanging my head to the side as he tries and fails to scream, letting loose a dark laugh standing up. Calling out to C who I could feel hovering in the hallway.* I have changed my mind, bring me more boys. I will change them now, let the female stew for a few days! Make sure you let her drink, but not eat.     
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motiveandthemeans · 5 years
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Remember the time when John beat up Lash and so Wrath got so pissed he tormented John by screaming Tohrment's name in John's head till he broke down
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