sloahne · 3 months
Revelations: Submitting to the Darkness Part 28
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Written with @Lassiter_SASBDB.
Lassiter: *Well slap my ass and call me pappy, that explains a lot. To have that marker in her blood she had to have been the child of both a Chosen and a Brother. The SV had kept a pretty tight rein on her Chosen and they HAD been indoctrinated in their duty to the species, but if a Brother bonded with one of her priestesses in the course of their duties then they were allowed to leave her service. From that moment on, he was responsible for her safety and for producing young which continued the main purpose of producing strong bloodlines for the protection of the species. That's not to say some females hadn't had their own hopes and dreams, but until Wrath son of Wrath @LordOfTheManse had started making legal changes to give females equal rights in vampiric society, those hopes and dreams had pretty much been the life Sloahne's mother had chosen – mating with a Brother and raising a family on this plane. As Primale, Phury @PegLegPhury had embraced Wrath’s @LordOfTheManse changes. He had no desire to have sex with a bunch of different females even if that was the traditional role. Instead, he and his mate, the Chosen Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB, had decided to act as kind den parents to the young females, encouraging them to find their own paths with their protection and guidance. But, how the hell am I going to convince her of that? My burgeoning irritation is replaced with sympathy for what this female has gone through. Not just with that fucker, Drake, though that was by far the worst, but her whole life. Her mother had left the SV’s service but never escaped the old world societal expectations of Chosen females and she'd imprinted that expectation on her daughter’s rebellious brain. Sloahne had been raised in fear of it, with making a glymera marriage her only out. A marriage in which she would either be a prisoner or a princess, but even as the latter, her life wouldn’t have been her own. I'd have run, too. Hell. I kind of did.
Reaching out, I take her hand in mine. A frisson of electricity runs up my arm and straight to my dick at the touch. What the fuck was that?!! I’d touched Sloahne casually a hundred times before and never felt THAT. Vampires had fed from angels infrequently in the past, but it had been done, and I’d never heard that THAT was a side effect. Down boy, we have work to do. Clearing my throat, I mentally stomp my suddenly awakened libido into the ground. Focus here, boy, you’ve got work to do.* 
So your mahmen mated a Brother and left Sanctuary to be on this plane with him, but she just traded one set of rigid rules for another. And she passed it onto you that your basic function in life was to be property, either for a Glymyra asshole or the Brotherhood, with no say-so over anything, I got that right? *Shaking my head.* Sweetheart, a lot of things have changed. Some of it you have to be aware of, like the changes in the laws, but some of it only the Brotherhood really knows.
Sloahne: <Lassister takes my hand into his and suddenly I feel a spark that was never been there before. My heart is beating faster, my body seems to be reacting strangely to his touch. Heat floods my entire body and I feel the goosebumps that appear on my arm. Trying not to figure out why touching him so so different I listen to his words and wonder how so much has changed. I raise my brow in question.> 
Are you trying to convince me that the foundation of the vampire race over the past however many centuries has suddenly changed? That the Scribe Virgin who created our race whose female vampires who had been bred specifically to serve the Scribe Virgin and to meet the needs of the members of the Brotherhood, as well as Brothers in whatever fashion the male see fits? You’re trying to tell me centuries and centuries of this tradition is shot to Dhund?
<He can’t be serious.>
Lassiter: Well … *Sheesh, how do I explain this without blowing my cover? The Brotherhood knows, and a few others, but it’s kind of agreed that keeping my status on the down low is best for the species. People need traditions and all that.*  
In a word, yes. See, the new Primale refused to go along with how things had always been done. He’s mated with one Chosen and he’s faithful to her. He has a place on this side that he and his mate set up to allow Chosen who wanted to seek their own paths a kind of transition from Sanctuary. And the Queen is half-human. She kinda had a cow when she found out females had no choices over their lives, so that got the King involved. And then …. *Heaving a dramatic sigh.* Other stuff changed. The SV stepped down as deity. She’s not in charge anymore. 
Sloahne: Wait, what? The Scribe Virgin isn’t in charge? What happened to her? Is she ok? <I start to panic. It’s not like any of us normal people have ever met the Scribe Virgin, but she’s the mother of the race, someone you look up to. So hearing that she has stepped down, who is going to watch over us now?>
Lassiter: *Hands go up in an attempt to calm her sudden panic. If this was Sloahne’s reaction, then Wrath @LordOfTheManse was on the money keeping the majority of the species in the dark about the transition.* Whoa, whoa, take a chill pill! It's ok. She’s fine and she’s around, but she felt like the species had reached a point where they needed a more hands-on approach, something she's not comfortable with. She chose a successor who WOULD be comfortable with it - *More like insistent on it.* - And the Creator approved her reasons and her choice. 
*Although I’m still trying to figure out just WHY He approved, but I can't tell her that.*
So she’s cool, He’s cool with it, and the new deity is learning the job.
Sloahne: Oh. Weird. Ok. <Seriously … what else could I say? The powers that be had a shift change apparently. Didn't know that was even possible. Huh. Well. Wow.>
Ok, so someone new is in charge and so things have changed? The Chosen are not being used as basic slaves to the Brotherhood any longer? I mean, you know what I mean. I grew up knowing that the Chosen were meant to breed with the Brotherhood to create the warrior caste, almost a breed apart from normal vampires who have been at the spearhead of the war with the Omega. So all of that has changed? The bloodlines have to remain pure so that all sons are Brothers and all daughters are Chosen. It has been this way for centuries. 
Lassiter: *Lowering myself to sit beside her on the edge of the hospital bed, I forget and take her hand again, trying to give her something to hold onto as I shake her worldview, and son-of-bitch, that electric current jumps up my arm again and my dick starts complaining at the tight restrictions of my leathers. Damn it, angels are supposed to have better control and I'd have thought a deity should be immune! My teeth grit as I will my body back into submission. Focus, boy, focus!*
I'm really sorry your mahmen had that view of being a Chosen and that she passed it on to you, but I know it wasn't the way most of them felt at the time. Most of them viewed themselves as high priestesses performing essential functions for the race. But the very fact that your mahmen felt like that is one of the reasons the SV stepped back. The world was changing. Her people were changing and she didn't think she could change with them. At least not fast enough. 
The fact is that once Phury @PegLegPhury became Primale, he refused to continue with the tradition of sexual submission by the Chosen. He loves Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB too much and he’s got a faithful heart. He's a Brother who had spent his life taking care of someone who no longer needed it and he needed a new mission. Bonding with Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB, then accepting the role of Primale, gave him that. He looked at the traditional role of the Chosen and said “no more”. It was world shaking, but it was time.
The Chosen who choose to will still provide blood to the Brotherhood when needed. More than one would have died recently in the war without it, including Wrath @LordOfTheManse, but it's a choice each one has, not a mandate. The sexual aspect is off the table. If a Chosen wants to hook up with a Brother, that's up to both of them, and I’ll be honest, because of the history of the Chosen the only reason I can think of for why one of today’s Brother’s would do it is if the female was going into her needing and wanted a child by him. It would be him serving her, not the other way around. 
As for creating warriors for the race, pure bloodlines, etc … Phury @PegLegPhury freeing the Chosen forced Wrath @LordOfTheManse to start thinking outside the box. Soldiers are being recruited from the population. Males AND females. The training program is rigorous, but after Bloody Sunday when Lessers massacred so many of your race, we have more applicants than slots, and the entrance “exam” is tough. Most don't make it, but the best that do and finish the program are respected by the Brothers. One of the soldiers from the program has already been inducted into the Brotherhood. No bloodline requirement, just pure heart and ability. And there will be more.
You don't have to hide anymore if you don't want to, Sloahne. You're free.
Sloahne: <I could not contain my astonishment as I listened to the angel. I guess the rumors were true. With the King’s ascension came a new era indeed. I had no idea the Primal was a Brother. I suppose that would explain all the changes and the fact nobody knows about them. The Brotherhood has always been secretive in the past for the safety of the King and their families. But as the Audience House has been created, most have seen the many pherasome Brothers guarding the King in the last few years. It’s been an incredible eye-opening experience for many seeing them in person and up close. 
Could all this be really true? All these years I’ve been trying to hide my secret, I finally felt a huge burden off my shoulders. I finally could take a deep breath and really felt lighter all of a sudden.>
The Chosen are truly free to live their lives? They live out in the world among us? They can do whatever they want? They’re normal just vampires … out there at the bars and clubs? Seriously?
Lassiter: *And … time to hedge just a little …*
They will be able to if they want to. Eventually. They’ve lived very, very sheltered lives, and most don’t have an interest in going to clubs and bars yet. Phury @PegLegPhury is like an overprotective first-time father right now, proud of them and encouraging but still trying to keep them all safe as he helps them overcome the culture shock and learn how to take the appropriate precautions. Some of the Chosen are just getting used to being here. Others have started college classes and are looking into careers and it was going pretty good until … *Heaving a sigh as I run my thumb soothingly along the top of her hand.* Until young females started going missing. You weren’t the only one and we think the other missing are related to the war. And Phury @PegLegPhury, well he’s reacting like any father would, trying to close ranks. He’s asked the ones taking classes to go to online courses until the Brotherhood finds and ends whoever is behind it. He’s mentioned having the Chosen go back to the #OtherSide until then but if he does he’ll have a full-scale rebellion on his hands. *Smiling a little.* They like it here and they like learning to spread their wings. I think even his mate Cormia @Cormia_SASBDB would fight it. 
When it comes down to it, the Brothers have a double dose of testosterone and it comes out in being overprotective of people they think need protection. It's a good trait in warriors, but it does get them their heads handed to them by their females from time to time. 
Sloahne: *I listen in disbelief as Lass talks about Chosen being out in the normal world. Going to college classes!! That has been unheard of! At least it was not known in the vampire world, especially in the Old Country, where I left my family. 
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Chosen given a choice to live out in the world but he didn’t say they had complete freedom with the mention of The Primale. Since apparently they would be forced to back to the #OtherSide. An all-white world that my own mahmen spent her first few hundred years of life. A world she drilled into me with so many expectations if I kept choosing not to be mated in the arrangement she chose.
Then there were the Brothers. He hadn’t gotten to the part of explaining what “duties” were still expected.*
Hmmm … ok so they live out in the Earth realm but what about their duties and … expectations expected of them as tradition? It’s been this way for over a  millennia. Surely … the Scribe Virgin’s tradition of her breeding program that produces the Brotherhood? Selective breeding was deliberate, to beget strength from strength. *My anxiety caused me to speak faster and more agitated … and I wondered briefly if I was having a panic attack again.*
Lassiter: *Her anxiety levels shot up like a living thing in the room as she mentioned “duties”.* 
Hey, hey … *Squeezing her fingers lightly then gently cupping her face with my free hand.* Take a breath. 
*Fucking hells, the impulse to kiss her almost overwhelms me. Abruptly dropping my hand from her face, I discreetly shift to mask my raging hard-on. Just what in Dhund is going on? Note to self - no more feeding vampires. It results in major distractions. And find out just what the hell is going on the first chance I get. Duties. Think. That was when her blood pressure spiked.*
Sloahne … *Shaking my head.* There are no more “duties”. Hear what I’m saying. There are no more ehros’. Blood is donated only by the willing to those who are in need. There are no required duties anymore. Everyone is too busy learning how to just be normal over here. There is no one left in Sanctuary. Everyone - Ehros’, Watchers, Scribes - they all chose to come here to check out their options when Phury changed the rules, and they did so with the new deity’s and Wrath’s blessings. There is NO BREEDING PROGRAM. Not anymore. It’s not needed. We learned that strength, courage, and nobility don’t come from the bloodline. They come from the heart and soul of the race. If it came from the bloodlines then the Glymera wouldn’t be rampant with assholes and the history of your species would be a lot different. When the Scribe Virgin put these things, these “traditions”, into place it was a different world. The realization that the world doesn’t exist anymore and that some of those traditions have caused more harm than good is a big part of the reason she stepped back. 
Look … *Sighing.* I get that this is a lot to take in, that it goes against everything you’ve ever been taught. But no one is going to force you to do anything. And no one is going to out you to the King. I’ll take care of the Doc. I’ll pull his Hippocratic Oath on him, to first do no harm, and if he spills the beans on this it would definitely do harm to your mental health because YOU believe it would cause you harm. If I have to, I’ll mind wipe him and disappear your blood test results, but I don’t think I’ll have to. He takes that Hippocratic Oath business seriously. You trust me, right? Well, I’m asking you to trust me on this. This is your secret to tell when you’re ready to tell it and I’ll protect you until you’re ready. *Not damn hard since I’m already feeling protective and frigging possessive. I’ve GOT to get a grip on this.*
Sloahne: <I listened to the Angel and tried to take it all in and believe the words he was saying to me. But it was difficult. I spent centuries believing my mahmen and the stories told about her previous life before she was mated. I spent centuries hiding myself among the race and no one ever knew except the symphaths and moors … and then “he who shall not be named”. 
I contemplated his words over in my muddled mind and my erratic breath slowed down to a steady beat and I felt more calm than before. I laid back on the hospital bed and wondered how my life had arrived at that moment. Inside the Brotherhood Compound, at least that’s where I thought I was, running from a psychopath and meeting an actual Brother. Someone my father could have fought side by side with, someone who could have been close to him and knew many stories that I was not privy to. I missed my father … my fist circled and rubbed my chest in front of my heart as I felt the ache whenever I thought about my father. 
I shook my head at the past and tried to stay in the present. As I did, I felt the electricity running through my fingers and up my arm and wondered briefly what that was I figured I was still probably not well from my ordeal and needed rest and whatever was feeding into my veins from the bags of IV hooked up to me. I laid back on the gurney and tried to relax and sink into the weariness that my bones were feeling from the weight of centuries of running and hiding and wondered where my life goes from here.>
Oh … wow.
Lassiter: “Wow”? What’s that mean? *Females. I can read minds but I try not to. Privacy and all. Plus none of them would ever really trust me if they knew I could but it goes with the gig.* 
So you’ll let me handle the Doc? And you'll stay put, at least until the dirtbag is dealt with?
*I want to touch her again, to reach out, hold her, comfort her. I can tell she’s confused. Everything she thought she knew just collapsed around her. It’s what I should do, what I would have done before just touching her started shooting lightning through my veins. I don't regret juicing her, but I don't dare too much physical contact until whatever this is fades. Instead, I release her hand and lift her chin with one finger, locking eyes with her.* 
After that, we can figure out what's next.
Sloahne: <I start feeling the adrenaline start up again from playing cat and mouse with “he who shall not be named” starts to take over my body.> Just … wow. This has all been a lot of tea and no one even knows about it, right? I mean outside the Brotherhood that is. The race would be in an uproar, #Glymera specifically. They’re all about being Old School and traditional. I mean it’s been centuries. It’s still hard to imagine. You know?
I mean I’ve been hiding for so long. But yeah, I can stay … wait … you mean to stay here in this room? For how long? I mean I need to work, and I have rent to pay and bills. I mean I can’t afford to pay whatever hospital bill the Brotherhood’s personal physician would charge me … I mean … yeah… what about “he who shall not be named” … are you sure he can’t find me here. I mean he’s found me twice now … <I start to panic again and look around. It’s so ridiculous. I was so confused … I wanted to feel what I felt when he had me under his spell but then he just went over the line and the pain … so much pain … then blood, blood everywhere. My blood just everywhere …>
Lassiter: Hey, come on, take a breath here … you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff. If the asshole hasn’t been dealt with by the time the Doc releases you, then I’ll get you cleared for the manse. Wrath @LordOfTheManse isn’t going to let one of his people be put in harm’s way and you def would be out where Drake could sense you again. We’ll figure it out. 
*Fuck, she’s starting to hyperventilate again. Too much, too fast. She’s getting shocky.* 
How about we take a little nap here, huh? Get your pulse rate back into a normal range. You need to get your strength back before you tackle all this stuff.
*She’s already halfway to trying to get out of bed. I scoot in closer and loosely wrap my left arm around her, not to restrain her, but to catch her when she goes down for the count. Touching two fingers to the center of her forehead …* 
Sleep … 
*She sags against me, her breathing leveling out. I can sense her pulse slowing, steadying to a normal pace. Her fever is gone, so juicing her worked. She just needs some rest and my, ummm, “suggestion” should have her out for a solid 8 hours. Gently, I lean her back and then rise. I gotta go talk to the Doc, and make sure he remembers his oath requires patient confidentiality. Sloahne’s not a young and she’s able to make her own medical decisions now, so he’s got no reason to breach that by squealing to Wrath @LordOfTheManse about her blood work. Hmmm … I think I’ll make that documentation disappear anyway while I’m at it. If she ever wants it, she can have it done again voluntarily. With a last look, to be sure she’s settled, I go invisi to hunt down the Doc. He’s a tough cookie, but the element of surprise is always on my side.*
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 4 months
Echoes of Obsidian the Abyss Comes Calling: Pound of Flesh Part 4 CROSSOVER Submitting to the Darkness Part 27
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Written by @SinsSecondComin.
Rehvenge stood at the threshold of his newly acquired cabin, nestled deep within the serene embrace of the Adirondack Mountain range. The crisp mountain air enveloped him like a cloak, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth, a welcome respite from the suffocating confines of city life. the crisp mountain air biting at his skin as he surveyed the tranquil surroundings. The Adirondack wilderness stretched out behind him, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within his own soul. The cabin itself, a pioneer-style log home, stood as a testament to his newfound solitude — a sanctuary far removed from the prying eyes of the glymera and the shadows that lurked within his own mind. Inside, the cabin was a study in contrasts — a seamless blend of rustic charm and modern luxury. High ceilings soared overhead, adorned with exposed beams that spoke of a simpler time, while granite countertops gleamed in the soft glow of ambient lighting. The massive stone fireplace, the heart of the cabin, cast a warm, flickering light that danced across the walls like playful shadows. But despite the comfort and beauty of his surroundings, Rehvenge could not shake the weight of his own guilt. The thought of returning to his old cabin, surrounded by the pure-hearted Chosen, was a prospect he could not bear. The memory of his mother, her honor tarnished by his own sins, loomed like a specter in the depths of his mind, a constant reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume him.The flickering flames of the massive stone fireplace cast eerie shadows across the room, illuminating the scene before him with a haunting glow.
A bottle of sleeping pills lay discarded like a fallen soldier on the coffee table, remnants of his most recent sin—a desperate attempt to conceal the truth of his captive from prying eyes. With a heavy sigh, Rehvenge poured himself a glass of cognac, the amber liquid glinting in the firelight as he nursed it in his trembling hands. The female lay sprawled upon the bear rug before the fireplace, her naked form a testament to Rehvenge's own depravity. He had partook of all she had to offer him carnally and in the way of sustenance, and now she lay unconscious, a mere pawn in his twisted game. As he watched her slumber, a wave of guilt washed over him, threatening to consume him whole. For a moment, he teetered on the edge of darkness, the siren song of the dopamine, and the lifesaver it offered in this tumultuous sea of darkness he was in; calling out to him like a lover's embrace. He resisted its pull, tossing the vial into the flames with a reckless abandon. The glass shattered with a satisfying crash, the liquid within evaporating in a hiss of steam. But even as he wrestled with his own demons, Rehvenge could not escape the relentless barrage of missed calls and texts that danced across the table. His cell phone, a lifeline to the outside world, lay silent and untouched, the messages piling up like ghosts of the past. With each unanswered call, he could feel the weight of his mother's disappointment pressing down upon him, a constant reminder of the shame he had brought upon her name.
Kneeling before the fire, sweeping up the naked glymera female who slumbered upon a bear rug before the fireplace, Rehvenge felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him. Guilt, shame, and a glimmer of hope — all intertwined in a tumultuous dance that threatened to tear him apart from the inside out. Rehvenge set about his grim task. Using her as a vessel to keep Drake alive — a desperate gambit born of necessity and desperation. But even as he tended to his captive, he felt the tendrils of his own inner demons tightening their grip, threatening to drag him down into the abyss. He had brought Drake to his new cabin and the safe room he had installed with Drake in mind, he couldn't keep him in the club much longer without drawing so much attention and potential risk it posed to his plans and newly founded addiction.
Withdrawing from the safe room he deposited the female within one of the many rooms inside the cabin to sleep off her drug induced slumber, licking her puncture wounds closed from Drake’s own small feast. Rehvenge made his way back to the main living area of the cabin, with a hand he swiped the pill bottle into a garbage basket. Rehvenge sank into the nearest chair, his gaze fixed upon the flickering flames of the fire. The cabin, with its high ceilings and granite countertops, offered a semblance of comfort amidst the chaos of his own mind. But even in this sanctuary, he could not escape the truth of his own sins — the darkness that lurked within him, waiting to be unleashed once more. As he sat there, bathed in the warm glow of the fire, he knew that the battle was far from over — a war waged not with weapons, but with his own inner demons, addiction, and the all-consuming shadow that threatened to consume him whole.
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sloahne · 2 years
Truth Finally Revealed: Submitting to the Darkness Part 25
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Written with @Lassiter_SASBDB.
Lassiter: *As the fire alarms went off the doc came out of his office. I’d counted on them getting his attention and it had worked. Staying ghost, I followed the doc into the young Chosen Talia’s room and watched him start to restitch the wound she’d torn open in her jailbreak attempt. When it was obvious she was totally out of it and wasn’t going to get back up and try to make another run for it, I left him to play doctor as I went to watch over Sloahne. Both females had made some damned bad choices and were paying for them now, but I could understand Talia’s. She’d hit her rebellious stage and had even more restrictions and expectations placed on her than a glymera debutante. But Sloahne … man, I just don’t get it. She’d always been secretive, but this? To hook up in some dungeon with a random male was /not/ in character. And to top it off I’d had to take a back seat in finding her. It was frustrating. I’d had more freedom as an angel to nudge and help than I did as a deity. Yeah, yeah … "With great power comes great responsibility." Spiderman can bite me.
Still invisi, I take her hand and whisper into her ear.* Girlfriend, you and I are going to talk when you wake up. You have a future and Ima’ gonna see you make it to it.
*The door creaks as Manny comes in. Still invisi, I step back and lean back against the wall, letting him tend to her. Nobody’s better than the doc, but still, if a little deity-level healing was required to keep her stable, I was in. My eyes narrow as he fills several vials with her blood. She hadn’t wanted him to take any before. Come to think of it, she’d always been weird about the idea of having bloodwork done. Now might be the time to find out why.*
*The doc fussed with her a little more, vitals and crap, and then tucked a sheet over her before heading for the door. With a quick look at Sloahne to be sure she was still sleeping, I followed him out. He shut the damned lab door in my face without realizing it, but pffff, what’s a door? When I’m hiding in plain sight I really am nearly a ghost. I walked through the wall in time to see him set up his tests. It took a little time, and I popped in on Sloahne a few times to be sure she was still ok, but I was still there when the computer finally spit out the results. Manny’s brow furrowed as he looked at the labs, and the look on his face was not one of a doctor who saw what he expected to. That can’t be good. Leaning over his shoulder, still invisible, I looked over the test results. I was no doc, but I’d done my due diligence on the species when I was assigned to Tohr so I could monitor his recovery.
My eyes narrow as I look at the report in the doc’s hand. The red cell count, while elevated by human standards, was within vampire norms. The white cell count was high, but that was to be expected with the fever she was running. But what the hell ...? She had all the normal enzymes a female vamp should have but what was THAT one? My brain worked furiously to ID the extra one that she /shouldn’t have/ and then it hit me. Straightening back up, I demat back to Sloahne’s room immediately. Motherfucker. Now I know what she’s been hiding. Standing beside her, I take her hand and whisper.*
Oh, sweetheart, we gotta talk. And we gotta do it before the doc spills the beans.
*My head jerks up as the door squeaks. The doc walks as I wink out and move my invisible self to the corner. Being covert is the norm for angels and I’d had a lot of practice. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for Manny to know I was there, but somehow, I think maybe it’s best he doesn’t. I might have to do something drastic and I don’t wanna do a mind wipe on him.*
*I watch as the doc works on Sloahne and I can’t help but wince as he inserts the needle in her arm. I hate fucking needles … but I’ve watched him do it enough to know it’s no big to him. It’s the medical SOP for an unconscious patient. He’s just not ever getting to put one in ME. The bigger concern was the variety of meds he was injecting into the line and the worry radiating off of him. I mean, I try not to read their minds. I do. It’s just bad manners unless it’s in the line of duty, but he’s practically shouting it. And that's not all. He’s thinking about going to Wrath with what the tests revealed. Isn’t that against HIPPA laws? The human Hippocratic Oath? Something. But the guy’s in a bad spot. She’s got no next of kin and the King would have jurisdiction to give permission for procedures and from what I’m reading from him, the infection is damn near out of control. I could heal her. I mean, I’m a deity, and I’ve got the juice, and she’s important to me but … I’m pretty sure doing it to the extent needed would violate the Creator’s mandate about mortal free will and the consequences of it. Damn it, what’s the point of being a deity if you can’t help the people you care about? With great restraint, I manage not to punch the fucking wall and freak out Dr. M, but it's a near thing. There’s gotta be something I can do … wait … I’m a deity but I’m also still an angel, and angel blood is powerful. What runs through my veins isn’t just blood, as humans and vamps think of blood. It’s my essence, my grace. It’s what powers me instead of a soul. He’d thought feeding from any male would help but feeding from this male? It would supercharge her immune system and technically it’s not performing a healing so no issues with the Big Kahuna. I move from the corner to the edge of the bed and materialize with a thought.*
She needs to feed from me.
*The doc’s not the kind to be easily spooked, but I guess seeing an angel just suddenly appear in front of you would cause anybody to jump a little. Still, he gets his professional balance back fast.*
“Your blood might not be compatible with her. Human blood doesn’t provide much of a boost to vampires. I don’t know if it’s just a species difference or if we’re lower on the evolutionary scale, but we don’t have what it takes. I get you’re not human, but you’re not a vampire either.
*Cocking an eyebrow at Dr. M’s skepticism over my “qualifications” as a blood donor.*
I’m an angel, doc. *Deity, but we won’t quibble about details.* It’s not just blood. It’s grace. It’s what makes an angel an angel. And it will supercharge her mortal immune system and speed up her healing.
Sloahne: <My body feels as heavy as a damn SUV sitting on my chest. What the fuck was going on with me? The last thing I remember is Lassiter catching me and the girl in the garage thwarting our escape. Damn the Angel. I hear soft footsteps around me and some beeping from a machine. Taking a deep breath I smell antiseptic, a little bitter, with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners. Fuck, I’m back inside the hospital room. I slowly try and open my eyes but they feel so damn heavy with fatigue as if I was asleep for days. How long have I been out?
As the light finally filters into my view, a figure in a white coat moves back and forth monitoring the machines and starting to touch me and check my vitals.> Hey doctor … what happened?
Lassiter: Sloahne….
*Doc M steps in between us, giving me “the look” as he takes her hand.*  
“Making a run for it wasn’t your best idea. You passed out. Your wounds are infected. You’re running a high fever and your white count is nearly off the charts. I’m worried about septic shock setting in. It could be fatal. I’ve got meds we can try to get the infection under control, but,” the doc shakes his head, “this is new territory for me. Vampires aren’t prone to severe infections, in my experience. I consulted with #Havers after I did the bloodwork and he tells me human antibiotics run from minimally effective to useless. The most common treatment is to have you feed, but against infection, it may or may not work, even with the antibiotics.”
*Impatiently I interrupt and grab the doc by the shoulder, making space for myself at Sloahne’s bedside. Warningly, I glance at him.*
She needs to feed. From me. Now.
*Focusing on Sloahne, I kneel my 6’ 9” self down beside the bed.*
What I’ve got is high octane and it’ll stay with you.  
*Fangs I’d not used in an eon descend and I score my wrist, blue-tinged silver grace flowing like blood from the cuts. The liquid welling from the fang punctures drips and leaves a bluish cast on the sheets.*
C’mon, sweetheart, *coaxingly.* Take your medicine like a good little female. Drink. You’ll feel better after you do. You've been through a lot but trust me, everything will be alright. *Lifting my wrist to her lips.* But drink now.
Sloahne: <Feeling the warm elixir of blood hit my tongue, my body decided it was time to feed. I feel my canines lower as they pierced the skin of the male offering me his blood. At my first swallow, I felt a rush of adrenaline like no other I have ever experienced. It was like what I think humans feel when humans take a hit of cocaine. I instantly opened my eyes to the bright lights above my hospital bed. I could feel my wounds heal immediately and the soreness and aches disappear instantaneously. It felt amazing and yet so surreal.
I never realized how much pain I was carrying all this time … not just from my capture and imprisonment but just how much I was carrying on my shoulders in life. My body felt so free and lightweight as if all my troubles were gone forever.
Before long, however, I felt gentle fingers tapping my face as if an indication that I had enough. Which I’m sure I have, but this blood was so addicting it was very difficult. I forced myself to stop knowing my wounds were healed and I didn’t need anymore.>
Lassiter: *As she fed, bruises disappeared, going through the normal transition of colors in seconds. The odor that always accompanies infection, no matter how hard a medic works at keeping it at bay, vanishes. I can’t see beneath the bandages without invoking deity power but I can feel her pain dissipate. I’ve never seen Dr. M’s jaw drop before but it does now. The heart beep on the monitor starts to speed up abruptly and he looks alarmed. He puts his hand on me and tries to pull me back, but he might as well try to move a mountain with his bare hands.*
“You have to stop! Her heart can’t sustain this.”
*My eyes never leave Sloahne as I answer,*
It’s normal. My blood is spurring rapid healing but it’s not magick, at least not as humans think of magick. Her body still has to do some of the work, so it’s going to respond like an adrenaline burst. Her BP is up a little, but not enough to stroke out and her heart rate is no higher than if she was running a race. *Or having an orgasm, but we won’t go there.* It won’t last beyond the time it takes her to feed.
*Her gentle feeding has become more aggressive now. She’s got the rush from it. If she needed it I’d let her continue a little longer, but she doesn’t. Her body’s healed and her brain is experiencing the euphoria that accompanies the rush. I lightly tap my fingers on her cheek to get her attention.*
It’s enough, babe. Let go.  
*I can feel her now, feel her reluctance to stop, and the effort of will it takes from her as she does. She’s part of me now. Feeding from a vampire male would enable her to be able to find that male for some months afterward, but it doesn’t work like that with angel blood. Yeah, she’ll be able to find me if she needs me but it will last her lifetime and it’s a two-way street with angel blood. And I’ll always know where she is and what she’s feeling. What I gave her forged a lifetime connection to her. It’s going to take some work for me to be able to block her off, but I’ll get it done. It would be an invasion of her privacy not to. And, to be honest, mine as well. As she releases my wrist, she looks up at me. There’s a sparkle in the depths of those dark brown eyes that has nothing to do with mortal mischievousness. It’s the reflection of my grace running through her. Over time it will tone down but there will always be flashes of it now. I lift my wrist and lick the wounds shut myself. She’s still too high to think of it and I expected that.*
Angel blood does more than rev up the healing process. It affects the pleasure centers in a vampire’s brain to the point we can become an addiction. *Glancing over at the doc.* So the fact I can do this doesn’t leave this room. I can’t do it for the Brothers, they’d need a female angel, and I won’t do it for anything less than life and death. It creates a lifelong connection between me and the patient. One that could be dangerous. So the benefit of doing it has to outweigh the cost. It did today.  Now I need you to give us the room. *He looks at me stubbornly.*
“I want a blood sample. Maybe I can analyze it and isolate the healing properties. If I can negate the sex differentiation and void the connection aspect I might come up with something that I can use for extreme injuries.”
*I shake my head.*
Not happening. It’s not just blood, doc, it's GRACE. It’s what makes an angel an angel. The equipment you’d need to even analyze it doesn’t exist and you don’t have the words for what you’d see if it did. Now. The room. Please.
*He grumbles as he shuts off the monitors and turns to go but I ignore that.* And Doctor Manolo?
*The formal address is cold, colder than I’ve ever been with any of them since I came to the manse. It stops him in his tracks but I want him to know I’m invoking his professional ethics and that I’m not just that goofy, annoying angel that’s always hanging around. I’m a being of power. The power I’ll use if I have to.*
What you saw on that blood work report? That stays in this room, too. Sloahne’s awake and perfectly capable of making her own decisions. Wrath doesn’t need to become involved unless SHE wants him to be. Got it?  
*His eyes narrow. He’s a male that doesn’t intimidate easily, if at all, but he got the message. He nods and leaves, shutting the door a little harder than necessary. I turn my attention back to Sloahne and drag a chair over to the bedside. Touching the bed controls to raise the head so we can be pretty much eye-to-eye, I begin.*
Okay, little one. We need to talk.
Sloahne: <I’ve never felt better in my entire life as I did at the moment with the Angel’s blood running through me but my elation comes to an abrupt halt as I finally tune into Lassiter’s conversation with the human doctor.
Fuck!!??!! He took my blood? He knows! That I also run with Chosen blood as well as the blood of a Brother which makes me cattle. Goddammit. As the humans say. I’m defining FUBAR now. But then I hear the deadly tone of the Angel’s warning. Is he evoking the doctor’s Hippocratic oath on him? Hope rises as I hope he remembered his ethical standards.
But as the doctor leaves and leaves me alone with my savior … I realize that means the Angel knows too. Damn it.>
About what?
<I’m going to try and deflect this whole thing, I’m not really to admit that I belong to the Scribe Virgin her league prison of breeders and slaves. My mind searching for different escape routes while I stall.>
Lassiter: *My eyes narrow and my mouth becomes a grim line*
Ok, so if you want to play it that way, then we will. I saw the blood work report and I’m capable of understanding it. I know your secret. The question isn’t are you going to tell me? I already know. The question is do you trust me?
*I’m getting pissed now. Sloahne is someone I care about. She’s like family, if I actually had one, and she’s treating me like the enemy. *
I just saved your fucking life and NOT because of what I saw on that report. I did it because I care about you. I did it because my allegiance isn’t just to Wrath. It’s to the species both as a whole and as individuals, which means you. And I did it because I’m more than you think I am. So, do you trust me enough to talk to me? And don’t think about bailing on me. I know you are, but there’s no place I can’t find you now. That little infusion of grace you just took in makes everything a whole new ballgame. We need to talk about that, too.
Sloahne: <I bit my lip as I was properly chastised. I knew he was right. But it’s been hundreds of years of hiding and keeping my secret that it was difficult after all this time lying to him. Granted I didn’t lie exactly … but there had been lots of omitting the truth.>
I … um … <Sighs deeply.> I’ve been hiding something sorta important, I guess. I’m the child of a Brother and … a Chosen.
<I slowly and painfully admitted.>
I left the Old Country and immigrated to the New World when my mahmen attempted to arrange for me to marry an aristocrat from the glymera, Some sexist, privileged male who believed females should be kept at home. Before entering the Fade, my papa always taught me that a woman is worth more than just being the head of her household. Unfortunately, the Scribe Virgin's ways were still used to guide my mahmen, a Chosen to the core. We never saw eye to eye.
<So here I am in a hospital bed knowing my past has finally caught up with me and I’ll end up serving the Scribe Virgin to be receptacles for The Brotherhood … to be a Chosen, whose only existence was to be fed, bred, and fucked. Fuck me. What am I going to do now?>
To be continued ...
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 4 months
Gilded Cage: Submitting to the Darkness Part 5
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Originally Posted October 2016
Sloahne: <I felt groggy as I tried to force my senses to get back online with my body, I tried opening my eyes and they felt swollen and dry like sandpaper. My whole body felt raw and tender as I tried to move from the fetal position I found myself in ... I could feel the burn on my upper back, ass and thighs as the cool air drafting against my skin. I felt so weak, dizzy, dehydrated and just drained of all energy that I could barely pull myself in a halfway sitting position. What the fuck? Vampires didn’t get food poisoning or dehydration like humans, but the symptoms sounded similar to my predicament. 
I can feel satin sheet beneath my hands as I attempt to find purchase in getting myself upright. Satin?? As I pry my eyes open, searching for illumination and seeing a ray of light towards the right of me, I hear a jangle and look at my wrists to find lambskin leather cuffs surrounded by very thin lead chains. Fuuuuuck … what the hell is going on?
My head is spinning as I tried to remember the last place I was or what I was doing. Then, I remembered the rejection, the walk down memory lane, the #Dungeon and then the scene. I stopped contemplating the chains and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a huge poster bed where the chains connected to the headboard, the chains were long as I gingerly tried to find some coverings since unfortunately I found myself naked in a strange room. @@IAmAGildedCage
Drake: Considering how depleted my new pet was, I wasn’t surprised with her sleep. Being thrown into subspace, then fed on, would undoubtedly drag her to the brink of exhaustion, or worse, collapse. I had no concerns with keeping the beauty weakened, but I was not about to endanger her into collapse. One did not tarnish the diamond of their collection.
As the sensor chimed to let me know she was indeed awake, I rose from laptop, closing the program that had allowed me to sneak in and delete all security footage surrounding the #Dungeon … for several miles. Government monitoring was all well and good, for humans, but I didn’t consider myself worthy enough for their screen time, and I certainly didn’t want any trace footage of my car with the precious cargo I’d transported in the trunk.
Yes, I had felt a little guilty about the trunk, but I soothed myself with the fact she’d never remember.
Collecting the tray of food brought by Elan, my doggen, I made my way to the lead bolted door and calmly entered the safety code before sliding the lock aside. A check of the monitoring screen in the wall, to ensure she was still on the bed, and then I slipped inside, shutting it firmly behind me. The safety bolt shot home, a default trigger that could only be unlocked by myself, with a code that changed as soon as I left the room.
If you’re wondering … yes. I have been doing this a while. 
To be fair, the room itself was larger than many in my home I gave to the usual guests. A king bed, a dresser, bathroom and shower. Every luxury … bar freedom. Because they all belonged to me once they were here. And I couldn’t bear for them to leave …
“Good morning, Leelan,” I murmured, watching her on the bed, eyeing the chains that slinked and chinked against her. They were a precaution, for now. The sooner she accepted, the sooner the chains would be removed. The elegant lead bracelets I’d arranged for her would replace them, so she would have greater movement in and around the room … then perhaps the house. “I’ve brought you something to eat,” I muse, stepping closer, “and someone to drink.” I spread one arm wide, indicating myself. 
A few mouthfuls would be enough to keep her from the collapse I feared … but not enough to afford her the strength she might need to resist me. 
Sloahne: <I was startled when I heard an actual bolt being open as I brought up the satin sheet and brought my feet to the floor to find my bare feet meeting very plush carpet, expensive. I was even more surprised to recognize the new comer as the Dom I had played a scene with last night. Leelan?! What the fuck happened last night?>
Where am I? Why am I here? <I could scarcely recognize my own voice, as it came out as a hoarse whisper. Not that it mattered, he would be able to hear me clearly enough. I knotted the sheet around me to cover myself and tried to stand so I could meet him head on, face to face, eye to eye. My sudden adrenaline rush was enough to get me to my feet but the months of not feeding and my lacerations and bruises did make my movements cumbersome that I almost collapsed back on the bed.
I could clearly tell he wasn’t expecting my defiance as I drew in all my training and I quickly scanned the area for any weapon I could use because certainly he had nefarious plans for me considering the chains I found myself in and the dead bolt. Dearest Scribe, what have I gotten myself into?> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: I let her use the sheet as some meager cover, but after last night there was really no part of her I was unfamiliar with. At least physically. She was yet to explore me however, but I’d give her time for that. Her blood tasted Chosen, but I was beginning to suspect she had not had all that much training as far as those pure females went. All the better for me. I’d much rather a female with fight and spark that tasted divine.
Giving her the time to assess the room, I hid my bemused smile and waited patiently, letting her reach the inevitable point of exhaustion and frustration. There was no mocking, no goading. I wasn’t about to torture her. Not unless she asked.
“Are you done, my dear?” I murmured, taking one small step closer. 
I could feign shock at her reaction, at her fierceness, easily enough, but in truth I’d suspected as much. It was why I’d bothered with the chains at all. Subs were one thing, but I now knew this female to be a Switch, meaning she had defiance, ferocity, personality. She was a female Chosen alone in the human world, by all accounts, and would have to be strong to endure it. All this I’d gleaned simply from observation and suspicion, though I hoped she’d fill in the last of the empty spots once she’d calmed and had something to eat. Better to be prepared for all scenarios.
“As you can see, you are no more harmed than what you wanted of me this past eve,” I continued, taking another small step, letting her have the time and space to accept my approach. “However, I must confess to my own break in protocol. I sampled your blood last night, Leelan. In the heat of the moment …”
I trailed off, a small shudder running down my spine before I fixed her with a steady look.
“You were ambrosia. I knew without a doubt what you were the moment you hit my tongue. Chosen.” And how could I let a Chosen go? “But in doing so I weakened you further, and I wish to offer you some of my own blood in return, if you wish. To stabilise you.” [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <Dearest Virgin Scribe! He knew! He damn well took blood from me without my knowledge. F. M. L. It took every fiber of my being to not panic and focus my thoughts on how I could escape. There had to be a way.
I was so royally screwed … no one knew where I was. No one even knew that I visited the #Dungeon early this morning. How long was I out? It felt like days around going by how much my body was depleted … just looking at the tray of food and seeing the faint blue lines of his veins had my fangs descending, making my mouth water.
It had been well so long since I last fed properly. Human blood only staved my hunger and I couldn’t control my reactions. Only undermining my growing need to try to appear strong and in control. The marks he had given me the night before were still branded on my skin giving me another disadvantage to my weakening state when I would have recovered otherwise had I been feeding properly.
I could not believe what a fool I've been. In my my near craziness to forget, all my guards were down thinking I was safe at the club. How the fuck did he smuggle me out of the #Dungeon. There had to be video footage, monitors, something … someone must have noticed. I just need to buy some time.
I felt another bout of dizziness as I was forced to fall down on the bed grabbing my throbbing forehead in pain. I didn't want any part of this male inside me much less being indebted to him in some way. Besides, I also had no idea what was in the food. He could be lacing the meal with narcotics to keep me compliant.>
Never. <I whispered vehemently as I gave myself over to the darkness and blacked out again.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: “Blast…”
Watching as the female crumpled back to the bed, I took a deep breath to calm the instinctive need to reach for her, cradle her. Instead I carried the tray to her bedside and set it down gently, careful not to disturb the contents incase she was inclined to have them when she woke. Perhaps she needed a tester before she’d trust it … hm, food for thought.
Mindful not to remove the sheet she’d inelegantly wrapped around that stunning form, I shifted her until she was once again lying across the bed, coddled by comforters and pillows. Looking at her now, I could see the toll, the effect my feeding coupled with this shock had done. She was too pale, the first blooms of dark shadows starting under her eyes. When was the last time this glorious female had fed? And from whom?
The idea of another male servicing her had my fangs punching down for a second, a growl threatening to rise in my throat until I choked it back. Shaking my head, I raked a hand through my hair and moved away from the bed.
I had two options. Allow her to come to again, try to coerce her into feeding enough to not border constantly on collapse, or force feed her. The latter was definitely a tempting option when she was already unconscious. A slice of the wrist, a mouthful or two fed into her, and then I’d have a little colour back in those cheeks.
And yet… I suspected force would only further cement me as the monster in her eyes. They’d all looked at me like that at first… but with patience and practice I had won them over. I could do it with her too.
So with a concentrated effort I moved away from the bed, taking the seat furthest from her but in her field of vision for when she woke. And I watched. And I waited. Hoping she wasn’t too far gone enough to return to me. [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <I took in peripheral senses before opening my eyes and knew that the vampire was present in the room I seemed to have been trapped in. I slowly opened my eyes and viewed the ceiling above me. Beautiful canopy … such an odd thing for me to observe. 
My body was so weak … I slowly turned my head to my captor. He sat elegantly clothed on a chair in the corner of the room watching me intently as I peered into his ice blue eyes. Why was he doing this to me? Surely, if he was able to ascertain that I was a Chosen, he also knew he risked the wrath of the Brotherhood if they had knowledge of my whereabouts. The King would have his head … 1) for capturing a Chosen against her will 2) and using her as a blood slave which had to be his intentions. A law that the King had abolished years ago as a gift to one of this Brothers it was rumored. Either cases … he risked himself and the fate of his family. He clearly came from a noble family considering the state of the room I awoken in. Money, power, esteem … I turned my eyes away back to the ceiling … no longer able to comprehend my predicament.
I had a choice to make … I could just lie here and die slowly and quite painfully in the next few days or feed from this male and try to find someway to escape this seemingly gilded imprisonment. Tear droplets slowly ran down my the sides of my face as I thought about my father. He would be horrified to see me this way after so many years of teaching me self defense to be strong and confident. When now, all I felt is feeble, inadequate and ashamed. I was so steadfast in my desire to forget … that I truly neglected all my training from my own father as well as #Trez and #Xhex. Crap … they must be so worried and more than likely pissed off. That made me smile a little. But they knew not where I was. I could only rely on myself to get out of this plight of enslavement.
I silently laid on the bed taking deep breaths as I waited for my captor to issue his edicts … I’m sure he had some … while I strategized my way out of here.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: I knew when she came to again; heard the faint rustle of the sheets and the breathy cadence as she drew in a deep inhale. She was weak, too weak to rise again, and I felt something inside me give a visceral twist of alarm and frustration. Tamping down the impulse to storm my ass over and thrust a vein at her, I took a breath of my own and rose slowly. A few steps and I was closer, close enough to take in the lines of that graceful form still hidden beneath the sheet I’d left wrapped around her. She was breathtaking, even when weakened. She would be unimaginable when strong …
“I would offer my vein again, my dear,” I murmured, not coming any closer, not without her permission. “I beg of you to take it. You are terribly weak, and I fear I would not be able to find another male to come here in time enough to keep you from falling further ill.”
Looking into her eyes, so full of woe and distrust, anger and misery, I tried to let her see my own sincerity. All I truly wanted, right now, was for her to feed enough to heal. I wanted her well. I wanted her happy. I wanted her resplendent and smiling and sliding those elegant fingers across my skin. But I wanted her to ‘want’ it …
“Please … please let me help you.” [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <I could only discern the cold around me as I sensed my life slowly draining from me. The satin sheets below my head were wet with my tears as I breathed in and out slowly to stay conscious. My chest ached as I took my breaths and as the male neared me, I felt my fangs knick my bottom lip and I was aware of my choice as I closed my eyes.> Ok.
<For whatever reason, the male seemed to be relieved at my acquiesce. As he brought his wrist towards my mouth, I tried to lift my head to bite and realized that I could not. He realized my failed attempt and quickly scored his own wrist and brought it back down to my lips. Soon after, the life sustenance was wetting the back of my throat as I quickly swallowed gaining more strength to begin sucking at his wrist as a babe would. The room felt warmer as I was able to perceive my surroundings. The taste of his skin, the soft cotton of his shirt … and the blood was taken away very soon after.
I gradually opened my eyes and into his eyes as I tried to focus. My stupor began to dissipate as I move my limbs to touch the bed and sheets as I made an effort to sit up and felt his arm around me assisting me up into a sitting position while maintaining my covering. He kept surprising me with his contradicting actions and manners in his duplicity. It was just confusing.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: Just a few mouthfuls and the female was looking better, her breathing settling, her eyes darting back and forth beneath those delicate lids. The feel of her lips on my skin was heavenly, and I had to make a concentrated effort not to let my own fangs slide down in longing.
When I thought she’d had enough, or just enough rather, I withdrew my wrist, slipping an arm around her to help her sit up, ensuring her covering was staying in place. Drawing pillows over from the pile, I gently placed them behind her, to help keep her upright without needing my presence. As much as I wanted to be there. When she was comfortable, I calmly withdrew, stepping away and toward the wardrobe tucked off to the side. It held simple luxuries; nightgowns, dresses, even slacks and blouses. Those I pictured her in when she was striding around the manor, giving orders to the doggen. It was a pleasant thought.
“Your attire from the #Dungeon was lost in transit, I’m afraid,” I murmured, sounding as contrite as I felt. It /was/ a lovely little outfit. “I was uncertain what you would like to be dressed in and thus thought you would like to make the choice.” I gestured toward the smaller style wardrobe. In this locked room, it was small. Upstairs had a much greater selection. “Please select whatever you like. If you like, I would be happy to assist you in eating as well, until you feel more yourself.”
Scribe, please let me feed you. Please … [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <I remained silent as he walked towards a closet apparently filled with clothes for me, specifically for me? WTF. How long was he planning on keeping me here? I started to panic slightly and I forced myself to breath normally so he wouldn’t notice my anxiety. I need to get away from him and escape this place.
Assist in feeding me? Feeding the opposite sex by hand is an intensely intimate gesture between the two persons. When a male offers to feed a female from his hand, it is a way of showing respect. Respect and affection. I could use this to my advantage … clearly he has some thought about this /relationship/ he has created in his head. Normally, I play the Dominant role as a Domme where I control a situation, as a sub that would not come into play since he clearly wanted to be in control. But topping from bottom may be key in my survival and hopefully freedom. He would expect some resistance from me … yet as a Dom, he would only tolerate so much. It was a fine line that I was walking. I would have to tread these waters very lightly.>
I’m ok. If you could just help me with the tray I can manage. [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: It wasn’t what I wanted - far from it - but she was ready to accept some aid, and I was ready to be patient and wait for more. Good things come to those who wait, right?
Fetching the tray, I placed it near her on the bed then assisted until she was seated comfortably. Putting the tray in her lap, I then retreated to a respectable distance and tilted my head, watching her curiously.
“There is a shower through this door,” I murmur, gesturing off to the side, “and again, I am ready to be of assistance if needed. Nothing untoward.” 
The bathroom was equipped with the basics for sanitary needs… and absolutely nothing else that could be used as a weapon. I had a sneaking suspicion that would be the first thing she investigated in this room, but in truth there was very little if anything she could turn against me. [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <I nodded my acknowledgement of the location and request.> Ok.
<I thought he would leave at that point, but to my disappointment, he remained waiting for something perhaps? I have no clue. To be observed so closely and attentively was unnerving to say the least. As well as unexpected. Most males wouldn't want a long drawn out conversation … they mostly rather just deal with a little small talk, and a suck and fuck. Done. Not this one apparently. 
I tried to pretend he wasn't in the room as I ate my meal slowly. I still felt immensely tired and drained and could barely use the utensils to cut the chicken and sides that were prepared for me. I was too famished to consider any use of narcotics to keep me passive. I needed some energy to fight and survive my time here so I forced myself to eat what he had provided and remained quiet and I waited for him to fill the space.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: The calm, reserved silence as she ate was yet another testament to her strength of character. A will that would most definitely be hard to break. She was strong, independent, and I suspected had never much relied on anyone but herself. How exhausting …
“Is the food to your liking?” I murmur, eyeing the plate. “If there is something you’d prefer I would be more than happy to provide it. I care not about the expense or how rare,” I add with a small, tentative smile, looking to her hopefully. “And anything you wish to drink.”
The hopeful, almost doleful expression wasn’t over done; if you pushed too much they were too suspicious, but when you were cautious, like them, they settled. Mirrors were soothing when people thought they saw themselves. [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <My own preferences? I’m a captive in his home for some unknown reason and yet I get a choice in food and drink? None of this is making any sense to me. I raised an eyebrow at this comment and considered my next few words as I decide we need to put all the cards on the table.> 
Hmmm, anything I want? I would prefer to be able to leave. <Watching his facial expression, I knew the answer to that, so I added.> Why am I even here? We had one scene, if you wished to see me again, you only had to ask. Are you looking for a ransom? Because I hate to tell you … I’m no one of value. <I almost felt my lip quiver slightly at how much that hurt for me to admit. I’ve kept to myself for so long in order to hide my secret that I only had a smaller than a handful of people who knew that I even existed. I quickly charged forward and changed the subject, the food was fortifying my cheeky behavior and asked.> What is the need to imprison me? You must realize that blood slaves are forbidden now. [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: I tilted my head at her first ‘preference’, and judging by the light in my eyes she probably already knew the answer to that one, so I let her continue. As she wondered about a ransom, I felt the tide of her emotions swell, as if she was thinking of either how little she had, or how few people there might be to miss her.
“Maybe I don’t see it as imprisonment?” I offer after a moment, voice quiet and contemplative as I watch her. “Maybe I see it as protection?”
Leaning forward ever so slightly, enough that the light caught my eyes and turned the blue into the sweep of colour that ran just off the shoreline in the ocean, right before dropping to darker water, I spoke honestly.
“I would not ransom you, for there is no price one could pay. You are priceless,” I murmur gently, aching to take the weight off her shoulders so that for just a while, she didn’t have to be so strong. “You have such strength in you, but I cannot fathom how exhausting it must be to bare the burden alone. It is not my intention to bleed you like a slave,” I add, my nose wrinkling in disgust as I shook my head. “I will not take again unless it is freely offered, and that I have done so already I truly apologize for. My only reasoning is that I was undone in the #Dungeon, and lost myself in you.”
And I was sorry for that. Had I realized this exquisite female was so depleted I would never have dared touch her vein, even after the pleasurable high. Looking into her eyes, I kept my voice calm, level. So very matter of fact, as if the whole world was aware.
“Do you not see how beautiful you are? How exquisite?” [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <”Protection”? What? Like he was the #Primale? That’s why I was hiding in the first place, to avoid the #Primale. I took every effort to not roll my eyes in anger and ultimately in irony. But then as he continued with his explanation and I watched emotions reflected in his eyes as he was solely focused on me. 
It was difficult to keep a clear head as his words washed over me like a soothing balm to my recently unsettled ego. My past and the present anguish mixing together in the last 24 hours causing this cocktail of a clusterfuck that has led me here in the first place.
I knew that whatever he was saying was a ploy to earn my trust but at the same time … for some reason … they made my chest ache wanting the words to be true. It must be my weakening state that had all my emotions in a turmoil. From the rejection from the club to recollection of my childhood to the loneliness that has been plaguing me for years … my psychological walls have finally fallen. Gathering as much fortitude as I could muster, I replied quietly.> 
Again, I’m no one. <What I needed to remember that this isn’t real. This male had no idea who I was or what I’m really like. It was essential that I play this game he was orchestrating for as long as I can so I can escape this luxury jail cell. I finished all I could and place the utensils back on the tray and pushed it away signaling my completion.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: There was the bite of attitude in her eyes at my words; a disbelief and cynicism toward the world that was too deeply ingrained for me to wash it away with a few sweet words in one sitting. No, that I could not combat, at least not right now. But every hopeless romantic had to start somewhere to convince the girl she was the one.
Yet the longer I spoke, the more my words sank in, I could see they meant something to her, some of that tension seeping away as she looked away from me, avoided my gaze. How could no one see her value? How could no one look upon her and not feel beholden? It was astonishing to me, and were I to ever meet the male or males that had made her look so withdrawn, think herself as ‘no one’, then I would gladly rip their spines out and garrotte them to death with them. 
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person … you might be the world,” I murmured gently, reaching out slowly and taking the tray, carrying it to the door and setting it down. “Would you like to shower?” I offer, gesturing toward the door. “I would not presume to accompany you unless you would like assistance … but I would very much like to stay in this room should you need help or call. I would hate for you to fall in there,” I add honestly, the thought of her slender, curvaceous form hitting the marble making my gut twist. [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <The world, hmmmm? I quickly shook my head slightly to rid myself of the pretty words I’m sure he has spoken to others to gain their affections. How I could I trust a male who has kidnapped me and holding me against my will?
The thought of a warm shower would be extraordinary … but then I remember my cuts in my back from the previous night. I lifted my torso slightly, keeping the sheet over my chest as I peered at my back using the beautiful cheval mirror in the corner of the room near the bed, I winced slightly at the pull of the muscles. With my earlier feeding, they had closed but were still raw and puckered red, so the shower would be ok.>
I’ll be fine. <I gradually made it to the bathroom, covering myself with the sheet, but my strength waned a bit and I had to instead grip the marble counter and it pooled on the ground around my feet. I could hear him coming closer and held my hand up.> I’m fine … 
<I took my last bit of strength to close the door and slowly collapse to the floor to rest a bit before crawling to the shower to turn it on. I sat against the wall allowing the cold tile to cool my back as I waited for the water to warm and quietly cried. I have never felt so defeated before. I was so physically exhausted … I undoubtedly waited too long to feed combined with the lashing I received last night and the very little blood he gave me to just recover enough … was frankly not enough to get me back to normal at all. It was his plan, no doubt … to keep me pliant and amenable. Submissive. It has been almost a century since I last cried … it was so unlike me. Scribe, it was infuriating. My rising frustration resulting in tears. Once the room began to fog, I crawled into the shower allowing the water to cleanse my body of the sweat, dirt, but the shame remained all the same.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: To my credit, or perhaps will power, I didn’t move to collect her, or even put a hand to her back to assist her as she made her painful way across the room. When the sheet fell I couldn’t help but take a step, yet her hand rose, holding me back with such a simple gesture.
As the door shut, I let out a breath and ghosted closer, leaning against the wall silently and listening for sounds of distress. When the muffled murmur of her tears reached me, I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath and hardening myself to keep from venturing in. Mine was not the comfort she wanted now, yet mine was all she had. Oh, how the waiting game became so much harder when they meant that much more. All that beauty and strength and none yet who had appreciated it? Was I the only male left with eyes?
Leaning properly against the wall, I faced into the room and waited, fists clenched at my sides as I tried to breathe through the impulse to step in and scoop her up, give the aftercare to the wounds we’d revelled in the night before, and hold her as she succumbed to an exhausted sleep. For now that was a dream, but so often my dreams became reality … [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <My tears ran down the drain along with the water as I laid there pondering what I needed to do to escape this place. The whole scene in the bedroom running through my head attempting to clear it of the mind games he was playing with me and distinguishing fact from fallacy. 
Time passed as I sat in the shower, pruning up and I wanted to wash my hair but as I reached for the bottles provided above me, they fell on top of me bouncing back from the tile and hitting my back. The wounds peeled open easily due to sitting in the water for so long and as the hard plastic struck my back it forced me to unintentionally cry out as I gasped in pain.> [@IAmAGildedCage]
Drake: The cry of pain ruined my resolve to stay out and give her space, too concerned for her welfare to let her pride hinder me now. Opening the door I darted inside, brow furrowing as I took in her bowed form, crumpled in the shower. Blood was running fresh from the marks down her back, and as I took in the bottles of product littering the floor I realized she’d reached for them from her weakened position and brought them unintentionally crashing down on her.
Without hesitating I strode forward, my long sleeved shirt sticking to my arm as I reached into the shower and flipped off the water. Reaching for the dense, fluffy towel hanging from the rack, I knelt beside her and ignored the tense set of her shoulders, the uncertainty, the faintest tinge of fear. It was fair to be afraid; in a strange place, with a strange man, naked and vulnerable, many women would cower. Yet her fear seemed so much less than so many others before her. 
She was incredible.
Tenderly wrapping her in the soft material, avoiding skin on skin contact as much as possible and pointedly not staring at the perfection that was her body, lest she think me beyond redemption, I then carefully slid my arms beneath her and lifted. She was all slender curves and muscle, her weight hardly noticeable as I tucked her against my chest and carried her from the bathroom back to the bed.
Setting her gently on the mattress, I darted back to the bathroom and returned with another towel, calmly lifting the wet ropes of her hair to pat and press dry. They weren’t washed from what I could tell, but I certainly didn’t want her resting with wet hair, and there’d be time for that later. When the masses felt damp rather than sodden I tossed the towel aside, kneeling at the edge of the bed. 
Without thinking I lifted my hand, baring my fangs and scoring my wrist. The burst of pain was fleeting, and yet it helped me see her that much more clearly as I brought my wrist to her mouth and offered her more. A few more mouthfuls and her wounds would heal, she would stand under her own power without flinching, and she would sleep that much more peacefully. I could deal with that, I realized numbly. I needed her to be okay more than I needed her to be compliant. Interesting … 
“Please drink, Leelan. Take more. I cannot bare to see you in this much pain,” I whisper honestly. Let me give you the aftercare you deserve, I thought desperately, the ache in my chest something visceral. [@Sloahne_BDB]
Sloahne: <I knew it was too much to consider that he was still in the vicinity to hear my exclamation. I heard his crashing entrance into the bathroom and felt him hovering over me from above as he turned off the water and gathered me in a soft towel and brought me back to the bed. 
I sank into the bed with extreme fatigue and could not fight him as he dried my hair and body of wetness. His gentleness was so contradictory from the situation, it was perplexing. The feelings of inadequacies for some reason faded as he cared for me so reverently that I had to squeeze my eyes shut to remind myself of the precarious situation that I was in … rather than some dream life I would never have imagined for myself … a male to take care of my needs after years and years of being alone and taking care of myself.
He surprise me when he scored his wrist once more to feed me. I had no choice, I needed to heal and feed. As I drank his nutriment, I knew he would be able to find me anywhere. That was the disadvantage of feeding from someone. You can feel the echo of yourself inside of someone for a period of time. I would have to hide for months on end until it faded from my system. 
I flinched slightly as he called me Leelan again. A term of endearment in the old language, loosely translated as "dearest one". I finished drinking once I felt my skin start to knit together and my hunger diminished. A passing thought cause me to hesitate, but decidedly I licked his wound to seal it closed. 
I could feel my eyes closing from my enervation as my consciousness was shutting down to allow my body to recuperate.> Only use my name. <I quickly murmured to his foreseeable question before my world went black once again.> Sloahne … [@IAmAGildedCage]
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 4 months
Down the Rabbit Hole We Go: Pound of Flesh Part 3 CROSSOVER Submitting to the Darkness Part 26
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Written by @SinsSecondComin.
The night draped over Caldwell like a heavy cloak, suffused with the primal scents of decay and desperation. Rehvenge prowled the labyrinthine streets, a ghost in the darkness, his movements fluid and silent as he navigated the city's underbelly. The neon lights of ZeroSum pulsed like a beacon in the night, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated the damp pavement below, drawing in the lost and the forsaken with its siren call. 
As he approached the club's entrance, the thumping bassline reverberated through his bones, a visceral reminder of the raw energy that thrummed within its walls. The bouncers, mere sentinels in the realm of chaos, nodded in recognition, parting the crowd to allow him passage into the heart of the storm. Inside, the air was thick with a heady mixture of sweat, arousal, and something darker—an unspoken tension that crackled in the atmosphere like electricity. Rehvenge's eyes, twin pools of amethyst flame, swept over the crowd with predatory intent as he wove his way through the throng of bodies. Each patron was a pawn in his game, their desires and motives laid bare before him like pieces on a chessboard. He could feel the tension building, a palpable sense of anticipation that hung heavy in the air like a storm on the horizon. 
Ascending to his office in the upper echelons of ZeroSum, Rehvenge's mind churned with the twisted fantasies that awaited him in the hidden chamber below. In the depths of his depravity, he relished the thought of what was to come, a dark hunger gnawing at the edges of his sanity. For once, he was grateful for Xhex's absence, her absence sparing him the prying eyes of his own security detail. He craved the solitude of his sins, the intimacy of his darkest desires laid bare. 
An addiction had taken hold of him from the moment he laid eyes on Drake, a man destined to pay for sins he had yet to commit. Unlike Slohane, Drake would not have the luxury of salvation at the hands of Rehvenge's allies. No, Drake would face the full wrath of his vengeance, alone and unrepentant.
As Rehvenge approached the hidden safe room within his office, he could feel the anticipation building like a crescendo in his veins. Drake lay bound and helpless upon the cold steel table, a symbol of everything Rehvenge despised. And in that moment, surrounded by the echoes of his own darkness, he knew that there would be no mercy—only the cold embrace of retribution, and the sweet release of his own twisted desires fulfilled.
As Rehvenge stood over Drake, his heart pounding in time with the sickening rhythm of his victim's screams, he felt a surge of raw power course through his veins. The safe room, a chamber of horrors hidden beneath the polished veneer of his office, seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy—a twisted sanctuary where the boundaries of morality blurred and the darkness within him reigned supreme.
The air was heavy with the scent of blood and fear, a metallic tang that clung to the walls like a miasma of despair. Every sound, every whimper and cry, echoed off the soundproof barriers with a chilling clarity, bouncing back to envelop them in a cocoon of torment.
Rehvenge's fingers danced with a macabre grace as he wielded the tools of his trade, each strip of flesh peeled away with a precision that bordered on obsession. Drake's screams, once sharp and piercing, had become a symphony of agony—a cacophony of pain that fueled the fire burning within Rehvenge's soul.
His eyes, once the cool hue of amethyst, blazed with a fiery crimson as he reveled in the exquisite torture of his victim. With each agonized cry, he felt a perverse sense of satisfaction wash over him—a primal urge that drove him ever deeper into the abyss of his own depravity.
But beneath the facade of control, there lurked a darkness that threatened to consume him whole—a gnawing hunger that could never be sated, no matter how deep he delved into the shadows. And as he stood amidst the carnage, bathed in the sickly glow of crimson light, he knew that he had become something more than what his kith and kin saw him as.—something monstrous, something beautiful in its own twisted way. 
As Rehvenge stepped into the scalding embrace of the shower, the hot water cascading over his skin like a cleansing baptism, he felt the weight of his sins bearing down upon him. The echoes of Drake's screams still reverberated in his mind, haunting him like a ghost that refused to be exorcized.
The steam filled the bathroom, swirling around him in a haze of heat and humidity, a veil to shield him from the harsh realities of the world outside. With each drop of water that fell, he could feel the tension in his muscles slowly begin to unravel, the adrenaline-fueled high of his actions giving way to a bone-deep weariness.
Leaning against the tiled wall, he closed his eyes and let out a ragged breath, the events of the night playing out in vivid detail behind his eyelids. The sensation of flesh yielding beneath his touch, the symphony of pain and anguish that had filled the air—it was a tableau of horror that threatened to consume him whole.
But amidst the darkness, there lingered a glimmer of something else—a flicker of doubt, of remorse, that refused to be silenced. For all his power and influence, Rehvenge was still a man haunted by his own demons, tormented by the choices he had made and the lives he had destroyed. As the water continued to cascade down his body, washing away the stains of blood and sin, he couldn't help but wonder what awaited him on the other side of this cleansing ritual. Would he emerge from this baptism reborn, purified of his sins? Or would he remain forever shackled to the darkness that lurked within his soul? 
With a heavy sigh, he reached for the soap, lathering his skin with a mechanical precision that belied the turmoil raging within him. The scent of sandalwood and musk filled the air, mingling with the steam to create a heady cocktail that enveloped him in its embrace. But even as he scrubbed away the physical remnants of his sins, he knew that the scars they left behind would never truly fade. For Rehvenge, the path to redemption was a treacherous one, fraught with pitfalls and perils at every turn. And as he stood beneath the torrential downpour of the shower, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find his way back to the light; or if he even wanted too.
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 3 years
I’m Sorry Did You Want a Safeword: Pound of Flesh Part 2 CROSSOVER Submitting to the Darkness Part 24
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Written by @SinsSecondComin.
*Rehv sat in the shadows of the panic room that he had Drake detained in, watching the male slumber. The fool actually seemed like he wasn’t worried about his fate or worse what his captor was capable of. That would change, and in the most wicked of ways. Rehv stood up stalking towards the slumbering male, gently running a long elegant finger down the rusted chain links that bound Drake’s wrists and ankles to a stainless steel platform with drainage holes in it for blood to flow into a tub system below. If things got too carried away Rehv would use the accumulated blood to infuse the male to keep him alive as long as he wanted. Rhev would position a portable shower head system over the table and turn it on to freezing cold water, letting the water hit Drake’s naked body in a mist, he would then take a tazer out as the male begin to slowly stir at the cold water hitting his body, pressing the taser to the male’s balls he lit the fucker up like a Christmas tree.
Oh how sweet the screams of pain were that shot from his lips, if you were someone who relished the pain and anguish of others the sound was akin to the bells of Notre Dame to the people of Paris. The heavy breathing that followed and the pained filled panicked eyes of the male bulging, bloodshot and showing more unfocused white sclera then coloured iris. Rhev walked around to the male’s side giving him a clearer view of his captor; before slowly and softly speaking to the male as if he were a child or even a lover.*
“Good morning sleeping beauty, I hope you got some rest. I have a full day and evening of festivities for us to partake in. We shall learn new things about each other, we shall push boundaries and limitations; by the end of it all we shall be a little more intimately known to one another. Why don’t we get started with a little science and biology lesson ...”
*Rehv would walk over to a cupboard and counter, reaching in the cupboard he pulled out a galvanized steel pail, and upon the counter he reached into a small cage pulling out a massive rat. He wasn't done gathering supplies. On the floor beside the steel platform lay a blow torch, and a heavy leather glove the kind used in blacksmithing. Holding the rat and the steel bucket up for Drake to see, Rehv allowed a small smile to slither upon his lips before explaining the science behind their little experiment to come.*
“Here is the basis of this little science experiment, The rat goes into the pail, the pail goes upon your chest with the opening squarely placed on your chest so the rat is in the bucket but also upon your chest. We then start to slowly heat the bottom of the pail, as the pail heats up the rat will start to become frantic, looking for a way out, anyway out. Eventually the rat has no choice but to burrow through the flesh of your chest to escape certain death it faces from the heated bucket. That is where things become really interesting, Because while all this is happening you will be fully aware of every movement, every scratch, every nibble. This science experiment was the best way to start the day in my opinion, don't you agree?”
*As the hours faded away and the screams filled the room, Rehv tossed the bucket aside, taking the frantic rat back in the cage it came from. Returning to Drake’s side, Rehv admired the scratches and bites that riddled the males flesh, bloody pockets worn as a badge of Rhev’s twisted mind. The next game was afoot, reaching into a pocket of one of his sable dusters; he pulled out a large needle and a canister of liquid nitrogen.*
“I think you’ll enjoy what’s coming next, Especially since you were so heavily involved in the BDSM scene. This will be a perfect way to end our night together, a little nipple play if you will. We will start by applying some of this lovely medical grade liquid nitrogen to your nipples and surrounding area. The cherry on top will be when I take this needle and pierce the frozen flesh of your nipples.”
*The screams and trashing of Drake were pleasing Rehv to no end, as the night drew on he could tell drake was fading quickly; stopping his fun for the night, rehv grabbed his duster that he had tossed to a side somewhere through the night events. As he reached the door and went to flick the light off he turned back to Drake with a sinister smirk, he muttered a couple words to Drake before leaving with a dark chuckle wafting upon the air.*
“I’m sorry. Did you want a safe word? I forgot that those are common practice in the bdsm scene aren't they … maybe we will figure one out for next time.
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 3 years
Trust Issues: Submitting to the Darkness Part 23
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Written by @Vishous_SASBDB and @LilWarriorGal 
V: *I walk into the penthouse and look at all the toys hanging from my hooks. I wonder how the leather straps would look on her skin. I can’t get the picture out of my head. It keeps flashing in my mind.*
How? *I yell to no one, to my empty room of sex things on my wall, knowing they can’t answer me back. I ask them.* How can I get her to see me? The real me? *I look at the straps and the cat o’ nine tails. They don't say anything back and it pisses me off.
I can't get past her mistrust of the brotherhood. Why does she not trust us? Of all the vampires of our race why not trust the ones who protect them? What happened to her before we met? Who did this to her, for her not to trust us? I know we all have pasts. What is her past for her not to trust her protectors?
I walk past my toys that hang on my wall, things I would love to see Sloahne in, and some I would use on her.
I focus on the memory of her, her long dark hair and eyes I can see looking at me in fear. I throw my fists to my temple and groan so loud the glasses on my bar rattle and the glass in my doors strain, wanting to crack.
I pull out my cell and the first one I can think of with trust issues is my twin. She's the one who can help me understand her issues. Two rings and she answers.*
 “Hey sister mine, can you meet me at the pit? I have some things I need to talk to you about.”
Payne: Rehvenge was up at the sympath community, so I was at the gym working out.  I found I could escape everything there or fantasize that the punching bag was who I was upset with.  Either way I always felt better after I was done.  This time was no different.  
I had just finished up and was sitting on the floor drinking a bottle of water when my phone vibrated.  "Hello", mine twin's voice greeted mine ear.  He wanted to talk to me. I got up, headed to the shower in the locker room and then I'd go to the pit.  
Going through the tunnels I made my way to the pit.  The moment I saw him, I knew something was bothering him and I started running through my last patrol in my head.  Vishous tended to be overprotective at times, but nothing had really happened.  
"What do you wish to speak me about, mine twin?"
V: Sister mine. *I drop my head in my hands, rubbing my face. Then going to my hair pulling some locks through my fingers.* I need help with Sloahne, I see her everywhere. She’s all I think about, I see her in my dreams, in my visions nothing, but she does not trust anyone. I don’t know why I need help figuring out how I can get her to trust me? *I stand up pacing back and forth. I get a hand rolled out of my pocket. I pat my pockets.* Damnit where is my bic. *I found it in my leather pocket. Light my hand rolled and take a long drag and blow it out. I look at my sister rubbing my brow with a look of question and shake my head back and forth.* 
It seems Rehvenge and Lass seem to be the ones that she trusts but we helped free her. Why is she so afraid of me?  
Payne: My diamond eyes never left mine twin as I watched him pace the floor and light his hand roll.  What he pondered was a question only Sloahne could actually answer, but I had some ideas on how to start building that trust.  I let him finish and grinned just a bit.  All along I knew V had a softer side.  
"You may have rescued her, but she sees little difference between you and any other male.  That is what you need to change.  Start with something small."  I bit my lower lip for a moment.  "Maybe I could invite her to go with me somewhere we'd need an escort.  You could be the escort.  I could stay, how do you males say it, out of the way." 
V: That all sounds like a good idea sister mine, but she is still in recovery. And unconscious she needs to heal first then then we can dig deeper *I grabbed my hair and looked at my hand roll.* I don’t know what is going on in my head with this female. I can't stop thinking about her. This female is doing something to me. I just don’t know what it is. Then it seems that both our lives were in the BDSM lifestyle but that maybe gone too with her kidnapping and what that Drake piece of shit did to her. *I go over to the couch and pretty much drop myself down by my twin. I drop my head in my hands and just sit there.*
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sloahne · 4 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 21 Wide Awake Nightmare
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Written by @Vishous_SASBDB.
*I’m sitting in front of all the Toys watching my family go about their day’s routines, Beth and Wrath with LW, Rhage and Mary having a movie date. Watching the doggen go around dancing as they clean, so happy to do anything around the manse for us. Anything to serve our needs. I sit here waiting for the time to go by, I know she is here as I am feeling her. I know she’s close by in the training facilities medical ward. I know she’s safe. Why, then, am I feeling like she is far away? 
I scan the monitors. I hit the one for the training facility. I see her walking in the halls. I want to go to her, help her in any way I can, but I know she is afraid that he’s coming back. Drake. I should have taken him out when I could. I should have killed him and let the sun have him. As I watch her, I long to go to her. I need to contain myself. I see her going up and down the halls, Then I see her go into another room.* What is she up too? *I murmur as I continue to watch. I see two females come out and straight to the exit.* NO! No, no, no, no. Fuck me, what the hell are you thinking female! You cannot leave, you can’t leave the mhis. He can find you if you leave this property. *As I see both females going, I jump up and start to head down to the med center. I have to stop them, one is still hurt pretty bad and Drake cannot find her here. I start to fly down the halls, running like I’ve never run before, trying to get where I need to be to stop them and help them. 
Then everything goes black. With a shocked feeling my body starts to shake, then when I open my eyes I can see him. I see Drake and he has Sloahne. Her skin light, her dark hair.
She’s tied up against a bedpost with her back to him. I see the cat-o-nine tails ... he’s whipping her, red streaks going down her back with each lash her body shakes and tightens. It isn’t for foreplay, it’s for punishment. For her escape. Her blood starts to leak out and slowly runs down her back. As I look closer I see her tattoo ... I cannot tell if it’s not real or not, but I know Sloahne has one. I know she was just here, she still has to be here. As I concentrate harder on looking, I can see her as she writhes in pain. I strain and look harder, I can see her now, I see her through his eyes. He takes the punishing deeper,  taking  the handcuffs and pulling them up over her head and making her tiptoe, and if she rests her feet, the metal cuts into her skin and leaves red rings while she screams in pain. When she goes down again this time it cuts into her hands.
She had blood running slowly down her arms and down her back. She slowly turns her head to plead for mercy and as she looks I can see her eyes are an emerald green. It’s not her! Sloahne’s eyes are chocolate brown. She is still here, safe at the Brotherhood manse. My head jerks back and starts to pound. No, this needs to stop before she leaves. I run down to the medical center, racing as I make my way through the halls. Passing through doors as they slam shut behind me, I make my way to the parking garage, Looking everywhere I come to a quick stop and grab my head while it throbs.
I turn around and shake my head as I hear voices, I look and see Lass talking to them, Whew, they are heading back to the med center. They should be fine now. I need to talk to her, let her know what he will do to her if she leaves. She needs to stay. I have to talk to her and let her know his plans for her if she leaves. She. Has. To. Stay.
And for the future plans for the male. I need to bring this to someone’s attention that he needs to be stopped before any other females get hurt or killed by his sick addiction and his retribution.*
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sloahne · 4 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 20 The Great Escape ... NOT
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Written with @ChosenTalia and @Lassiter_SASBDB.
Sloahne: <I was still running on adrenaline when I heard the human bust out of his office like a bat out of hell. I wonder what happened. I didn’t have to wait long. Less than an hour later I hear a gurney being wheeled down the hall and into the room next to mine. I heard lots of anxious and angry male voices out in the hall. I tried to catch what they were saying …>
“She’s getting out of control …”
“She’s stable for now but it was touch and go …”
“What the hell was she doing in the alley ...?”
“All the Chosen need to go back to the Sanctuary, for their own good …”
<Well fuck me … another damn reason to keep my secret hidden and another reason to escape this place. What the hell has Xhex and Trez got me into? Trust them? I’m on the verge of being committed to a damn nunnery of the Sanctuary.> @ChosenTalia
Talia: Beep, beep, beep.
Fuck I was alive and in a hospital. My eyes were too heavy to open, but when I heard the words and who they were from I felt broken all over again. I was going to be sent away. I wasn’t wanted here, just as I have thought the entire time. Everything hurt. 
I tried to remember what happened. I remembered a lot of pain and a lot of blood. My feet hurt bad. I was hoping I would die in the alley. I struggled against the sedation and opened my eyes. 
I was met with anxious looks from the doctor and Brothers alike. I didn’t speak. I couldn’t. What would I say? Hi? Yeah, not going to work well.
When they tried to get me to speak I just couldn’t respond. If I opened my mouth I would either cry or rage. Select mutism was the best option. I tried to roll to my side, but the pain and the tubes and drains held me mostly still. 
Then I heard the doctor say something, catatonic. 
Sloahne: <I tried to listen intently to their conversion but between the doors and the machines beeping I was able to catch a few words here and there and they seem to be acting considerate by lowering their voices all of a sudden. Ugh … I need to get the hell out of here. 
I waited a while when I finally could hear heavy boots down the hall sounding farther and farther away. I wondered if the doctor forgot about me or just had better things to do. It was a break so I slipped off the hospital bed and quietly stepped up to the door of the room and looked out the window and saw no one in the hallway. 
Good time as any to escape this new prison of mine. Ugh, why did Symphaths and Shadows try to convince me otherwise? Clearing I heard the males talk about sending the Chosen to the Sanctuary “for their own good”. Fuck them. They have no idea what is good for me. I didn’t want to be a damn blood slave to the Brotherhood. Blood and sex. Fuck that. 
I quietly opened the door.>
Talia: When they finally left me alone I came undone. Sobbing. Nothing could make it better. Yes I had problems, and yes I brought all of this on myself, but why couldn’t they see I was in pain constantly? I didn’t even want to see any of them, yet I needed them. It made no sense to me. 
I rolled to look at the white wall. I better get used to it. I was going to be sent back to the Sanctuary. Maybe I deserved it. Maybe I needed to go. It would be for the best. It was that or become a fallen chosen and truly free them from my presence and their responsibility. 
With any luck, something would go wrong in my transition and I would just die. As I laid there I wondered if it would hurt, or if the light would claim me first. I don’t even notice the doors opening and closing nearby. 
Sloahne: <There was no one down the long hallway and as I passed the door next to me, I heard sobbing. I kept going, but my heartstrings tugged as the sobbing continued.> Shit. <Maybe they needed to escape too. From what I could eavesdrop on earlier, the males of the household were concerned about her. From my experience, they never understood … our society is patriarchal, where the male rules the household. I remember a few years ago, during the lesser raids the Glymera tried to resurrect the practice of mandatory sehclusion for all unmated females of the aristocracy such that the bloodlines of the race may be preserved and they had the audacity to have this sehclusion practice extended to all unmated females regardless of class levels. INSANE. Surprisingly, the motion didn’t pass. Apparently the vote has to unanimous. I remember the night Rehv came into the club smiling about how it happened. 
Regardless, I grew up with glymera before I came over from the Old Country to know that the males did NOT know what’s best. Perhaps that was the case here, maybe she needed help. I leaned against the wall for a moment as I quickly weighed the pros and cons of helping this female. I remember all those months in my gilded cage and would not wish that on anyone. Decision made, I backtracked to the door and lightly knocked and peeked my head inside.
Talia: I jumped when the knock came to the door. Despite the pain in my throat, “come in” I look down at my hands. I’m not sure how much damage is still visible. 
I see it’s not anyone I’ve met. The brunette was stunning. I frowned, never would I be that elegant. Maybe I would never be.
I hated myself and the state I was in. There was a look in her eyes. I had never seen her before but I knew what she was doing. “You’re leaving,” I whispered. Did she know the way out? 
“I’m Talia. Can I leave with you? I can’t go back there.” My voice broke at the last, knowing I welcome death over the thought of being sent back to the Sanctuary. I didn’t belong. 
Sloahne: <When I peeked in, I see a beautiful female with light cafe skin sniffling and wanting to leave and not going back to the Sanctuary.> Fuck yes, let’s go girl.
<I came over and gingerly helped her up, I knew she would slow me down with her healing from her injury. Looks like we both needed to feed soon to recover from our injuries. I could still smell fresh blood. I hope this was a good idea … I didn’t know how extensive her injury was and if she still needed medical attention.>
Do you know the way out? <I asked to pass the time as we tried to get out of medical place, we were down a hallway with multiple doors.> So what happened to you?
Talia: Damn me being a pretrans and damn me even more for having been injured. I had nothing I could hide from the other female as we went down the halls. Passing offices and training rooms as we went. “I do know the way … I think we need a car. I can’t walk that far.” I could feel the blood leaking from a wound I opened while getting up it colored the bandages red. I sighed as we moved closer to freedom. 
“I uhmmm. I got addicted to drugs thanks to my own actions and an ex trainee. He hurt me. Phury kicked him out though. I have a lot of issues so I went back to Rhett and he traded me to a drug dealer. They injected me with a lot of heroin and tried to turn me out and sell my virginity. There was a fight I got stabbed,” lifting my shirt to show all the wounds, “I ran and stepped on glass. Sadly they found me and brought me back.” 
I give a deep sigh as we reach the exit. I open the door and peek around. “All the cars are tracked. Can you drive? I can’t. We have to ditch the car as soon as we can.” 
Sloahne: <We walked slowly as I help transfer most of her weight to me. I still felt weak myself so the whole endeavor may get us caught if we’re not fast enough before someone caught us. Listening to her story, she sounded like any typical teenager. I wondered how a Chosen was able to get a hold of drugs? She was able to leave and go outside into the world and get heroin? Odd.
They must have totally flushed her system since she seems pretty lucid but perhaps it was the adrenaline. The same adrenaline that I’m surviving on right now. We eventually came up to some double doors and when I carefully opened them to see if any alarm will go off. Nothing happened. Looking out it was an underground garage, it had a type pf school bus with blackout windows, a few SUVs … I may be able to hotwire one of those.> 
You sound like you have been through the wringer. Let’s get to one of those SUVs and see if we can get out of here. @Lassiter_SASBDB
Lassiter: It’d been too long since I pranked anybody in this place. All this deity crap was fucking with my head. I couldn’t help but think this job oughta’ come with some perks. Like being able fucking FIND somebody when they were lost. Seems to me if the Creator was gonna’ dump this kind of crap on an underqualified, overly snarky asshole like me it ought to come with enough perks that I could actually HELP. But, as it had been so patiently explained to me, free fucking will was a thing and I couldn’t just pop my wings out and swoop in. Whateves. This place needed a little lightening up and I was slipping. Or maybe they were just getting used to Kardashian marathons. But this latest oughta’ up my game.  I’d gotten inspired from a combination of CMT and Children’s PBS and I knew just where to poke the beast with it. Literally in at least one case, although I was gonna make sure I was invisible when Rhage started his car.
Programming the stereo system in V’s SUV sounds easy, and if all I was gonna do was blast Katy Perry at him when he turned on the car it would have been. But fixing it so all it would play was Taylor Swift’s early days was inspired. Snickering to myself, I had to wonder just how often he could listen to “Love Story” before he ripped the stereo out of the dash.
But the REAL challenge had been rigging a glitter bomb in Rhage’s GTO. Ever try to wedge a 6’8” angel built like a tank under the dash of a car built for a midget? How the Hell did Rhage even fit in that thing? But I’d managed and the next time he started that toy his driver-side airbag was gonna pop and explode in enough glitter to coat the Eiffel Tower.  I had to snicker at the image. I wasn’t gonna be the only thing that sparkled around here.
As I shut the door on the GTO, I heard another one shove open. Free-will may be a thing, but so is self-preservation and immediately I go ghost. No need for a brother to see me in the garage and later put two and two together. Even though they couldn’t do me any real damage these days, they didn’t need to find that out. But the frantic female whispers set my mind to rest on one score and set off an entire symphony of panic on another. WTF? V had managed to get Sloahne here but she was making a break for it and she wasn’t alone. Although I didn’t have much to do with Phury’s Chosen, I recognized the pre-trans he thought of as a daughter sneaking out with Sloahne. The brothers had been looking for her for days. They must have found her but she looked like she was about to fall on her face. In fact, they both looked shaky as hell. When I hear the words “hot-wire an SUV” the ‘lighthearted asshole’ in me totally got trampled by the emerging ‘worried male godling’ and I materialize in a white blaze of light, leaning against a pillar with my arms crossed…
“Evening ladies. Going somewhere?”
Talia: Just as we reach one of the cars. The sudden appearance of Lass causes me to scream and punch him in the chest. It was weak, even for my standards. 
“Wh.what are you doing here?” I ask shakily after realizing who I just punched.
Shit, shit, shit. It was Lassiter. Looking up for just a brief moment before looking back down, feeling shame that we were caught. 
“I can’t go back to the Sanctuary,” I whispered broken-hearted. 
Sloahne: <Hearing Lassiter’s voice and then Talia’s scream ricocheted my nerves higher. Fuck me. My adrenaline was waning and I didn’t know if I even had the energy to drive but imagining being discovered and then trapped at the Sanctuary was not something I could easily ignore and I knew I had enough conviction to get us both out of here.> Angel! What the hell are you doing here?
<I did not expect Lass to appear but then again I forgot he was buddy buddy with the Brotherhood. I’d forgotten that fact after spending so much time with him before my abduction. Damn it. Even after working out together, watching movies and even cooking for him … I’m not sure if his loyalties would lie with me or the Brotherhood. He stayed some nights with me and I could only assume the rest of the time he was with the Brotherhood … though we didn’t talk about his time with them much … which was fine with me. He didn’t know my secret but he knew I had one.>
Look, we both need to get out of here before we’re sent to new prisons and I for one … don’t need another one, thank you very much. I’m about to hotwire this SUV and hightail it out of this place. Wherever we are. You helping us out or going to rat us out?
<I didn’t want to look him in the eyes and fall under his charms so I kept up with finding the correct wires to get this damn car started.>
Lassiter: As I catch Talia’s fist in one hand, I capture Sloahne’s questing hands in the other and pull them away from the wiring. Pulling both of them with me away from the car, I let go of their hands and stand between them and the vehicles.
“What makes you two think you’re going to a “prison”? Nobody wants that and I’m not going to let it happen even if they did. And fuck me Sloahne, but you should KNOW that by now. I’ve never been anything but on your side and I’ve been going nuts trying to find you for the past month. And you wanna’ go back out there? Where HE can find you? Because this Drake guy will. A psycho that would kidnap you and keep you for his personal BDSM toy isn’t gonna give up easy. He fed from you so he’ll find you anywhere in the world. Except here. V’s security is impenetrable and once you’re inside, no one can sense you, let alone get to you.”
Something niggles at my brain when I mention V. As I look at Sloahne I can see her soul white at its core with a soft gold radiating out but it’s smudged with the grays of despair, the dark blues of fear and I know if I let this moment pass the gray and blue will overwhelm the rest and darken her soul permanently. As I mention V I can see his soul as blindingly silver at its core as his soul merges with hers, cleansing away the dark colors and blending with hers. It’s a foreseeing, a prompting. Well ain’t that peachy. The Creator might not have given me the tools to FIND her but now he’s giving me one to be able to help fix the damage. She needs to stay here. They need each other. And I kind of owe the silver-eyed fucker anyway. With a heavy sigh, I look at Talia.
“Talia, the whole reason Phury is letting the Chosen come to this side and live at Rhev’s camp is to let them find themselves, figure out what they want to do, find mates or careers or whatever. YOU have restrictions because you’re acting out like a rebellious 15-year-old. Don’t give me that look,” eyes narrowing as she sputters, “ I know you’re human legal, but you’re pre-trans and you’re acting like a kid so I call ’em as I see ‘em. Phury and Cormia love you like you’re their own young which means they want you protected. If you want freedom, fine, you and every other teenage girl, but do it right. Talk to them about it and let them help you find it safely. Because sister, from the look of you, you haven’t been doing it safely and I can smell the onset of withdrawal on you. Right now you’re right where you need to be, where a doctor can help you through it. If you think you feel bad now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. You can die in withdrawal. After it’s over you can figure out your next steps. And by that I mean figure out what the fuck you want out of life, not what you DON’T. Do that and Phury will bend over backward to help you make it happen.”
In exasperation I run my hands through my hair, pushing it back.
“Look, I PROMISE, I’ll be your personal protectors while you’re here. Nothing will happen to you that you don’t approve of first. And yeah,” catching their skeptical looks” I’ve got the cojones to pull that off even if I have to go against the brotherhood. They just don’t know that and they don’t need to. You need to believe in me.” Because I’m your fucking deity now even if I can’t let you know that. “I got you both on this.” Holding my right hand up. “My word. Now can we get you two back into your beds before you hit the floor?” 
Talia: His words for the female companion stop my attempts at escaping. Her life had been so rough and she was now being hunted by a psychotic asshole. Instinctively I reached for her hand. I didn’t have many friends but I wanted Sloahne to be my friend. I wanted to show her I had her back in this now failed endeavor. 
When Lass paused he was contemplative. It gave me a moment to observe him. He was a beautiful specimen and his energy was usually fun, at least when I was sober and not bleeding from an open wound I enjoyed his company and the fact that he could role the Brothers up with a swish of his wrist. 
Finally speaking again. “Phury said he is sending me back to the Sanctuary. He doesn’t want me here. Does that sound like a father to you?” The pain from his comments obviously stung hard and deep. 
Withdrawal huh? That would explain the itch, the uncomfortable feeling in my own skin but for now, I had to ignore it. I ended up in a bad way but didn’t one have to make mistakes to find themselves. Yes, but not these severe of one’s dumbass. Fuck my self-talk was ornery today. 
I wanted to rage about doing things on my own to find myself, but part of me believed he was right. I looked at the ground to collect my thoughts. I had his word to protect me, us, from the fury that laid ahead of us. I closed my eyes and nodded. When I opened them back up I caught sight of the red bandage, shit I was going to feel that later. The doctor was going to be pissed I tore it open. 
“Lassiter. Please don’t let them think Sloahne caused this attempt at sneaking out. Blame me.” Not sure he would tell them of the failed attempt. I just knew I didn’t want her to be in trouble, and if I was grounded for the next century, what’s another couple years? I looked him dead in the eyes hoping he takes pity on me and agrees, the bruises may soften him a little toward my plight.
Sloahne: <Smelling more blood, I knew Talia broke her stitches with our romp down the hallway into the garage. I didn’t have enough medical knowledge to help her and it could lead to her death since I had no idea what kind of wound she had and from what the Angel was saying she was in withdrawals so it would only get worse and I wouldn’t be able to control her while driving. 
We were at a crossroads. Leave her to the Angel and take my chances out into the world knowing what Lass said was true. Drake could still sense me practically anywhere in the world right now. Or I can take his advice and stay put here where apparently the Brother V has some high tech security system. We were underground for sure so maybe this whole building was encased in steel. 
Anyways, the female needed medical attention asap and I wasn’t feeling too great either, I was getting really tired. My back felt like fire so I knew I needed to rest and maybe even try to feed properly to get healthier to plan my next move.
Ugh, the Angel was right.> FINE.
Lassiter: Well if we don’t get caught in the hallway nobody needs to know that either one of you tried to make a break for it. I won’t tell if you won’t. *Putting my hand out to steady Sloahne, because she’s lookin’ pretty wobbly now, and offering my other one to Talia. I could smell the blood and I needed her off her feet PDQ as well.* And hell’s yes that sounds like any father who ever loved a young. He’s not pissed at you so much as scared to death for you because you’re being a wild child. Right now all he can think about is protecting you, which is what fathers DO. But he’s never been a dad before so he’s learning as he goes and acting on instinct. You gotta meet him halfway. And running away again? Hells no, it only confirms that you’re a kid who needs looking out for. TALK to him, ok? Do a little thinking about what you want, not what you don’t want and then put it to him. If you need a mediator, I’m your guy, but I honestly think if you just sit down and talk to the guy you’ll both feel better. He’s actually the most reasonable Brother around here. Probably why he can deal with females all day. Now let’s go.
Talia: I hissed ar the pain in my stomach. Don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall. I tried to motivate myself. Talk to Phury? Yeah right… he was planning to ship me off as soon as the damn stitches healed. 
“I’ll try.” I whisper to the Angel. 
I limped along looking at Sloahne, she was getting more and more pale each step we took. I was fucked, but she looked worse. What had she been through out there?
Maybe it was as dangerous as it seemed. Should I cut Phury more slack? The thought plagued me until something else caught my attention, I looked at her.
“Sloahne!” I yelled just a moment too late. 
Lassiter: *Swearing silently to myself … ok, not so silently … as Sloahne starts to take a nosedive for the floor.*
 Fucking hells …
*If I let go of Talia she’s gonna run and probably bleed out if the withdrawal doesn’t kill her, and if I don’t catch Sloahne she’s gonna break something else when she hits the floor and she’s already beaten up enough it might push her over the edge ... looking up briefly I make an executive decision and my version of prayer slips out.* 
DON’T motherfucking slap me down for this …
*Instead of letting go of Talia to catch Sloahne, I grab a girl in each arm and pull them each against aside. Holding them tightly, I let my wings manifest in all their sparkly glory and wrap them around the girls as I go invisi and sweep them through the door and down the hall. The doors to their rooms don’t pose a problem when I’m running on angel power. Hell, steel walls don’t pose a problem. And this is happening so fast that Talia won’t get what’s happening, and Sloahne is unconscious, so just maybe some of my secrets are safe. Reaching Talia’s room, I shimmer in and unwrap my wing from her to deposit her on the edge of the bed.* 
Get back on that bed. Somebody will be here to change those bandages in a couple of minutes, and …*Looking at her sternly, well as sternly as pincushion can look.* DON’T run. I meant it when I said I’d be your mouthpiece with Phury if you want me to but you gotta get well first.
*I unwrap my wing from Sloahne far enough to lift her into my arms then fold both wings over her again and shimmer out and down the hall to her room. Doc must have thought she was stable enough not to be hooked up to all the damned monitors but I beg to differ. Unwrapping my wings, I gently lay her down. Pausing for a moment, I brush her hair back from her face, murmuring.*
Girl, what is it with you? What are you so afraid of here?
*With a sigh, I fold my wings back up and demat them. If I’m going to keep their escape attempt a secret I’ve gotta find a way to get some attention at this end of the hall without letting anyone know I was here. Hmmm … time to do what I do best. Looking up at the sprinklers system I set them off, sort of. The fire alarms go off, but glitter spews from the sprinkler heads instead of water. They’ll figure it was me because even V couldn’t put glitter in the water lines, but they’ll never prove it. With a satisfied smile, I go ghost to watch over the hallway until help arrives but then a thought hits me.*
Dammit. Now Rhage is gonna know who fucked with his airbag.
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sloahne · 4 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 19 Leap of Faith
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Co-written with @Vishous_SASBDB, @MedicinaeMedic & @ShadowsTwin
Sloahne: <Vishous drove like a bat out of hell down the streets of Caldwell. Driving up the roads of the mountains minutes later, we come up to a rickety fence in the headlights was the kind of thing you’d see out on a farm—that had been long deserted. Barely hanging on, half of it was hanging at an angle, the decrypted boards hung by rusted wires.
Some distance later we came to another barrier. This one was less flimsy, and taller, too, made of chain links that were still rusty like the last ones. This happened at regular intervals a number of times. We kept driving and the gating systems became ever newer and more imposing until they came up to something that looked like it belonged in a military. Huge concrete pillars as big as the ones under Caldwell’s bridges anchored a solid metal panel. And in either direction? A twenty-foot-tall wall that had barbed wire up top and warnings to trespassers every ten feet like in the movie Jurassic Park.
Then there was an underground tunnel with its fluorescent lighting and yellow line down the middle, and the descent tilted the SUV forward at an aggressive angle that eventually let to some kind of underground parking lot where there were two small buses, like the kind you took around an airport.
I opened my door and waited for Vishous to lead the way. We came through a pair of thick metal doors that opened into a maze of fluorescent-lit corridors that branched off in all directions with no rational plan as if the place had been designed to get people lost. Except for every ten yards there were surveillance cameras, there was a pod set into the ceiling so someone was watching you. You have seen them in malls and hospitals.
We passed by an endless number of rooms, classrooms? An office that was empty … something that looked like an interrogation room. Vishous watching me every step of the way, probably to see fall on the floor and curl into myself. I need to keep my wits about me so I can run and dematerialize if I need to.
He brought me to a far too bright tiled room filled with stainless-steel and glass cabinetry. Great … a hospital type room. @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Watching her look around and seeing everything that includes a hospital, I notice her face is almost in shock. I need to know that she’s ok and I need to find out just why she’s been hiding. It seems the symphaths are the only ones that know the truth and they’re supposed to keep the Brotherhood in the know. We need to know what all that is happening in and around Caldwell. The King needs to know.* 
Don’t worry I just want to make sure you’re ok. Our doc will check you out and I need to make a few phone calls. I need some answers to what is going on and Drake needs to be handled. *I watch her reaction. I can tell that she’s not pleased that I want to know who she is and about what happened.* Sloahne, you know I'm apart of the Brotherhood. I don’t know why your running but that has to stop. I can protect you, I’ve already shown that I can keep you safe. @MedicinaeMedic
Manny: {I was in the office when I had gotten a text from Vishous, telling me that he is bringing in a female who was hurt but I had to be extremely gentle with her. I told him in the text that I will and would be waiting for them once they walk in. Once they both stepped foot, I stood back letting the female take the room in and that I was here.}
Evening Vishous and miss? When you are ready for me to check you out let me know I will be over here. No rush Vishous that is for sure. {I stood in the same spot waiting for this female whenever she is ready. From what I saw I knew she was hurt but couldn’t tell how badly till she let me closer to her. I waited for whatever move she made next.} @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <My mind was still running a mile an hour as I freaked about being anywhere with a Brother. I had no idea where I was … it just looked like some kind of government compound where they take people who never to be seen from again.
Then I remembered Xhex and Rehv telling me it was safe. Nothing would be safer than here apparently. Wherever “here” was.
Turning back around, I noticed another male … wait … a human in the room. Huh? That’s strange but as I thought about it … it made sense. Havers couldn’t be in two places at once and he’s pretty much the race’s only physician … it would make sense for the Brotherhood to have their own. Practical. Better security. Expensive. The room was equipped with all the high tech gear and technology. 
By the time I fully looked around at everything … I noticed both mal … errrr guys looking at me. I must have missed something they said to me.>
Um … sorry. Did you say something? @MedicinaeMedic
Manny: {Looking over first to Vishous then back to the female in the room, the one who was hurt. I needed her to trust me somehow.} Yes, I did say something, you can trust me, I won’t hurt you but I do need to check on your injuries before they could get worse. 
{Turns to Vishous.} Has she been fed and how long ago was it? {I slowly moved but not near the female. I went over to the chair to sit down while I waited for someone to move or say anything.} @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Looking over at Manny and straight back to Sloahne.* She fed on me just a little over 2 hours, Doc, but not much. I’ve been trying to keep a close eye on her, I’ve checked over her visible injuries but if she has any that are internal then I’m not sure. I just know she has been through Dhund and back. So whatever needs to be done just let me know, Doc. *Eyes on Sloahne and narrowed.* We will do them all, won’t we? @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <I narrowed my eyes back at the Brother. Who the hell was he? Ugh. This was the exact reason why I have stayed hidden all these years. Chauvinistic, pretentious, high handed males who think they know everything.> I just need to stay in the place until I’m back on my feet and then I’m out of here. I don’t need your help. Just stay away from me. 
<I backed away from him towards the wall behind me. I could feel myself getting more agitated and my body bracing itself to escape again. My body ached from pain as the adrenaline from earlier had worn off but it was also becoming evident that I needed to feed and heal but I didn’t care. I needed to get the fuck out of this place. I should have never come here. The Brotherhood. What the fuck was I thinking? I don’t give a damn what Rehv and Xhex said. The males would never change. I needed to get myself the hell out of here before I needed up a mindless Chosen chained to fulfill the whims of the barbaric idiots of this Compound.> @MedicinaeMedic
Manny: {Watching the female slam herself against the wall as if to protect herself from all of us here. I raised my hands up to surrender.} 
I will be leaving you both to talk this over, call me when you think it is safe for me to check you over to make sure you are healing. Vishous, I will be in the other room and you know how to reach me. 
{I slowly moved out of the room as not to scare the female any more than she already is. I went out of the room to let them figure things out. I went to work on some papers that needed my attention.} @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Looking at Sloahne, watching her back up like she was terrified out of her mind as if she’d been abused before by this male.* Sloahne, I need you to talk to me. Xhex wouldn’t let something happen to you. She knows you are safe with me. You are safe here. It’s just a clinic to make sure you are well. Then we can leave and go somewhere else. We don’t have to stay here. *I don't know what else to tell her to put her at ease.* I found you. *Tapping my temple.* I saw YOU. @ShadowTwins
Trez:  {I had finished doing paperwork for the new club when I received a text from Xhex about Sloahne being in the manse and was hurt. I thought of where the manse is located and I demated over there. Once I was outside, I walked up the steps and waited to be let in by Fritz. 
When I was let in I went to the hidden door under the grand staircase and went into the tunnels. Making my way to the med suit, I slowly walked in and saw Sloahne.}
Hey Sloahne and Vishous. How is it going? @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <I was just puzzled at the Brother named Vishous about why he thought he supposedly “saw” me. 
Trez?! What are you going here? <I was happy to see my friend but I had a feeling he was breaking me out and helping me escape but I thought I take a chance.>
Please tell me you’re here to get me out of this place. I don’t want to be here. <I can’t be in a place with a Brother and a doctor … he is bound to figure out when he takes my blood who I really am. Which meant my freedom … my life is over.  @ShadowsTwins
Trez: I would do that but you need to be checked first, Sloahne. Can you do that for me? Then once you are checked out I will take you anywhere you want just let the doctor see you. {I was trying to keep her here and from the look in her eyes I knew that was not what she needed.} @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Looking over at Sloahne, listening to Trez and trusting him makes me seethe.* Sloahne, please, I don’t know why you're scared. You're safe here, it doesn’t matter who or what you are, you are safe here.
*Looking over at Trez, needing her to trust me.* Once Manny checks over you I can take you wherever you want to go. *I sigh and drop my head, not wanting anyone else to hear but not know how to get through to this female.* Sloahne, I know it’s hard to understand. I have visions, I’ve seen you. I don’t know why but I have. @ShadowsTwins
Trez: {I stood by as Vishous talked to you and I saw that you needed to trust us in staying here.}
Sloahne you know me and I have not lied to you ever, trust me this is the safest place to be and Vishous is the best male that I know that will be able to keep you safe from anyone including that bastard. Manny here is the best doctor in the world, so please let him check you over to make sure your wounds are healing well. Trust me, please? @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <Ugh. I hated this so much. My anxiety mounted as I sat on this hospital bed considering all my options. I couldn't go back to the #Commodore or #ZeroSum. Drake still had my blood in his system and I had no idea how much he took over the time he held me. Which meant he could track me anywhere. I didn’t even know where I was!
Knowing the kind of security system Drake had made me realize that the male had money, power, and had the means to find me. I didn’t even have a fighting chance until my blood was diluted from his system. Then, I can make a game plan to leave Caldwell.
Rehv, Xhex and now Trez is telling me I’m safe with this Brother Vishous. Apparently, he has had visions of me. Why? And what did it mean? Did he know? He hasn’t said anything yet about my background.>
Fine. Whatever. @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *As I sit and watch this female fidget, looking around like she’s a caged tiger. In a low and very calm voice which is not me, but this female brings feelings and emotions to the surface.* Sloahne, I know you're scared but this place has the best security I’ve made, it’s what I do. The mhis surrounding this place  ... there is no human or vampire of any race that can find you here. True?
*My visions are cloudy but her face was perfectly clear, I saw her.* @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <The Brother V signaled back for the human doctor to come back into the room and he began to check my injuries that were superficial that would soon heal if I fed more. But whatever. The doctor wanted to take a sample of my blood. Oh hell no.>
I’m fine. Once I’ve had some time to rest, I’ll be fine. Besides the worse has already been healing. You can ask Rehv or Lassiter. <I shudder as I remember the marks, I haven’t been near any salt so they should heal like normal … though I think the internal scars will be worse …> 
Can everyone just leave me alone so I can get some rest?
<Hopefully a good day’s rest will help. I’ve been on high alert for so many weeks that I’ve never been able to rest … unless I was passed out. Again … memories I don’t need to remember. Shaking my head and waving my hand.>
Just get out.
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sloahne · 5 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 18 Game of Hide and Seek
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Co-written with @Vishous_SASBDB and @UnbreakableXhex
Sloahne: <I reformed outside the backdoor. As I stand there ringing the bell, I belatedly realized I was still in only a bedsheet. Fucking hell. I hope to Scribe, they could hear the bell and let me in so I wouldn’t have to make my way to the front of the club in only a damn bloody sheet.
Finally, Big Rob opened the door with a look of concern with a 9mm in his hand and ushered me in as he took a step outside looking for what caused my state. I quickly went into Rehv’s office and sat in on me of his chairs as my energy waned. Though I fed from the Brother Vishous … it had only been a few ounces before Drake had arrived. 
Fuck. He could find me anywhere with my blood in his system. I could feel myself panicking. What was I going to do? I came here, hoping Rehv or Xhex could give me some ideas.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *With my hands on the wheel knowing she was going straight to Rehv’s club, I turn and head right over, I pull my phone out and dialed his office number and it rings off. Then I hit a couple buttons and bring up his camera. I know his security detail since I designed it. And the first thing I see is an empty chair behind the desk. Then just off-camera, I could see that she was on his couch, I could see her legs just in the corner. As I turn it, I see her still in the bed sheet sitting on the couch with it pulled around her tightly. I can see the terror in her eyes, I close out the camera and hit the gas harder and go straight there.* @Sloahne_SASBDB
Sloahne: <I could hear Big Rob talking over the earpiece and letting @UnbreakableXhex know that I was here. Apparently, she had stopped by the #IronMask to see #Trez and would be back soon. He asked if I needed anything and I just shook my head, he nodded and did say anything more and closed the door and locked it.
I was left alone. I knew @SinsSecondComin had his office lined with lead so no one could dematerialize in or out. So … I felt relatively safe for the moment. I could get dressed, gather my thoughts and come up with some sort of game plan. I couldn’t go back home. Drake knew where I was now I needed to get out of town. But as vampires … he would still be able to track me. Fuck. It would take weeks, even months, to fully get my blood out of his system depending on how much he consumed. Those weeks were blurry and fuzzy, I was never at my full strength … not with all my injuries. My mind whirled with possibilities and scenarios to keep me from being imprisoned again.> @UnbreakableXhex
Xhex: *Pulling up to Rehv’s Club, my eyes scanning the line for any trouble. I hated coming in the front doors, but there has been some trouble lately. Other drug dealers being bold selling their shit. Pimps thinking they could steal Rehv’s girls. Fucking stupid humans don’t seem to know what’s good for them. Climbing off my bike, pushing my hair back from my eyes a sneer going across my features. Walking slowly towards the door, every human male stepping back from me. Smirking I step inside knowing I did my part, walking through the club to the office. Opening the door slowly sensing someone was in the room. Tilting my head to the side, letting out a low growl.* What in the fuck are you doing here, Sloahne? You go missing for months and you suddenly show up? @Sloahne_SASBDB
Sloahne: <Fuck. I thought maybe @SinSecondComin would have told her about my stitch or was she pissed I didn’t come to her sooner. It could either reasons or another one altogether.>
Hey, Xhex. I’ll explain what I can but do you think I can get some clothes?
<Her eyes narrowed as she belatedly noticed my un-attire and then strolled to @SinSecondComin’s desk and did something where a wall suddenly moved away from one side of the office revealing a hidden bedroom with huge massive bed with fur upon fur laid on the top. There was a closet with a line of suites but also a small section of leathers and tanks that @UnbreakableXhex wears daily. She pulled out some leather pants and a blue-grey tank top and handed them to me. I took them and quickly got dressed.> @UnbreakableXhex
Xhex: Now that you are all dressed I’m going to repeat myself. What in the fuck happened to you, Sloahne? *Baring my fangs my eyes, going a bright red wanting whoever hurt her to be 10 feet under and killed by my own fucking hands. Walking back and forth in the small room, my hands clenching and unclenching as I walked needing no wanting blood on my hands someone anyone would do at that moment. Taking a deep breath trying to calm myself, forcing my eyes to go back to normal not wanting to scare Sloahne.* Please talk to me … *My voice going quiet.* @Sloahne_SASBDB
Sloahne: <FML. I really didn’t want to talk about it … I had thought Rehv would have clued her into my situation by now, I sat on the couch and tried not to fidget while I briefly explained my trip to the #TheDungeon, the involuntary feeding, the kidnapping, and the rescue within a few sentences. 
I avoided all the obvious topics I’m sure she wanted to discuss when I heard her hiss at the healing wounds on my body. When I looked down, my wounds had fully sealed and just left some pink scars that would soon fade … I think it was the multitude of them that was unexpected that made the air around the room plummet. She was pissed.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *As I pull up and park in my normal spot, I jump out and go straight to the doors, the bouncer knew better he just let me go straight in and through the back. I knew Drake wouldn’t be far behind. I could feel her. So I know he could after feeding off her for so long. I know the blood echo would be easy to track.
I make my way to the door and opening it not caring who’s inside with her. Her scent was strong. As I look around the room searching for Drake, I see Sloahne on the couch with Xhex in front of her.* Sloahne you cannot do this … I cannot keep you safe here. Drake will follow your scent and your blood. You need to come with me, I can keep you safe … just not here. *Looking up at Xhex, hoping she can see the look in my eyes as I am being sincere about her safety.* Tell her Xhex, she’s not safe unless she comes with me. Rhev knows ... as does Lassiter. @Sloahne_SASBDB
Sloahne: <Dearest Scribe … how did he find me? Ugh, his blood was inside me … of course he could find me. FML. Even as little as I drank … he would be able to follow the echo of himself for a while. I shook my head at the idiocy of the whole situation and look towards Xhex. She was mated to a Brother and she’s been keeping me a secret for a long time from her hellren and the Brotherhood. My mind was a fog of confusion and anxiety. I didn’t know where to go. I knew the #Commodore was no longer an option. None of Rehv’s or The Shadow’s businesses were a go either … where could I go? I refuse to back to the Old Country … back to mahmen. That was definitely not an option. I stayed quiet as Xhex and V spoke trying to comprehend that I was going to need to run.> @UnbreakableXhex
Xhex: *Seeing the look on Sloahne’s face, shaking my head growling softly.* No, you are not running. We will protect you! *Pacing back and forth the small room rubbing my hair roughly.* You cannot hide from someone that has drunk your blood. They will find you and it’s better to be with your family than alone. *Eyeing Sloahne, hoping my words are hitting home.* @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Listening to Xhex tell her to come with me so that I can protect her.  We need to go to the manse the mhis surrounding it would protect her as it has for the Brotherhood. There was no way he would never find her. He’s done, no more hurting females especially this female. The words that hit me where she said “your family,” I look at Sloahne.* Come with me. *Looking at Xhex.* I’ll take her to the manse no one can get to her there and you know it. Sloahne, I will not let him hurt you again. *I reach my hand out waiting for her to take it.* @Sloahne_SASBD
Xhex: *Eyes V, rubbing my suddenly aching head* Yes, I know nobody will get to Sloahne at the manse… for the short term. But what about the long term, V? We need to deal with the situation by eliminating the problem. *A cold grin crosses my face.* You know it would be my pleasure hunting down the bastard. I have faced down worst. *getting my walking back and forth the small office, my cold anger filling the room old memories filling my mind.* It’s up to you Sloahne, whatever you want to do. I just want you safe and maybe with time happy. @Sloahne_SASBD
Sloahne: <Jesus … was this really my only option? To go with the one person that represented the group I’ve been avoiding for so long. I was still feeling weak and tired and I could barely focus. I looked up at Xhex.>
You, Rehv and the Shadows have always been my family. Are you sure? <Emphasizing the fact that she knew damn well why I was apprehensive about going with a male I didn’t know. But before she could answer. I could feel Drake nearby.> He’s here.
<I felt so foolish fearing some damn male. Xhex had more than taught me lessons on dealing with the opposite sex. It was why I became a Domme … to be in control of everything. But my damn emotions and the need to escape got the best of me and now I’m running scared. Ugh, how in Dhund was this my life now? That and running towards the Brotherhood. I could barely think anymore … the adrenaline coursing rapidly in my veins. 
Looking into Xhex’s eyes once more and seeing her steel-gray eyes become red … I knew she was beyond anger if her cilices that help control her symphath side were no longer working. She wanted to exact revenge as only a symphath could. I wonder how Rehv would feel. I don’t remember too much about the night I was rescued but I do recall hearing him and Lassiter talking about the next steps. I just really didn’t want to deal with any of this anymore. My emotions are still raw and I could barely battle my own demons so as much as I loathed avoiding my problems and hiding … I took Vishous’s hand and braced myself for my worst nightmare.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *As Sloahne takes my hand hearing that Drake was here I feel the growl start to rise up through my chest. But, feeling her hand in mine I feel the electric buzz between our touch.* Xhex I left my ride out front, keys!! *She picks the keys of the desk and tosses me Rehv’s SUV in the back, I pull Sloahne with me as we head to the back just as we start to close the door we see Drake come in, he has a crazy look in his eyes I can feel her tense in my hand I move in front of her line of sight.* Don’t look at him, go! I’ll get you to a safe place where he cannot find you. *I say to her in an almost growl. As we go down the alley to the back parking lot to the SUV. I get it started and unlocked before we even get to the car I go to the passenger side open the door and almost throw her in. I climb in and speed out in the night streets.
As we go down the highway I hear her deep breaths. We turn down the hidden drive and everything becomes a blur as the mhis covering our path. I look over at her face I can see she is still scared and she keeps looking back to see if we are being followed.* You’re safe now, he can’t find us now. I won’t let him near you anymore.
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sloahne · 6 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 17 Discovering the Vision
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Co-written with @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Walking in the Penthouse waiting for the Angel to hold up his end of the deal. If he doesn’t show soon I’m going to wear a hole in this floor. He better show soon or I will send him to the fade with my gloved hand.* @FallenAngelLass
Lassiter: Tonight was the night that I had to bring V to Sloahne, I hadn't told her what was happening. One, since the conversation from the night before V wanted to get to her as soon as possible and two, I hadn't had the time to warn Sloahne what was happening. Even though I had my own problems … seeing V caged up like this was torture, mainly for me. If nothing went his way it was I who got the tongue lashing or a fist to my face. Materializing onto the balcony of V’s Penthouse I wrapped on the glass with my knuckles. @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Hearing a rap on my glass door sent me reeling I hadn’t noticed how much time had gone by, I was so wrapped into my thoughts of what I would do to this male that had placed hands on this female I didn’t know. And I still don’t understand the visions of her. I look over and I see the Angel has kept his word. I open the door and he walks in like he the place.* How’s It Angel? What do we need to do to get this show on the road. I need to see her and make sure she’s ok. @FallenAngelLass
Lassiter: Walking into the Penthouse seeing V’s toys. Fuck me, I hope he wasn't going to use these on Sloahne. She’d have my nuts as a new pair of earrings. I turn towards V. “I've dropped everything for you now, let's get this over with. When I dematerialize, I'll leave a light trail for you to follow. Don't think you want my blood in you.” Smirking at V like a Cheshire cat. Heading towards the balcony I dematerialize off into the night air, leaving the light trail I promised V all the way to the condo where Sloahne and I have been staying. @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Looking at the Angel as he steps out leaving a light trail for me she was a floor away all this time, I knew I felt her close. She better be ok or someone else is going to get hurt. I just hope I can control myself when I see her the first time. As I step out and dematerialize I follow his trail keeping myself in control. As I reform on the terrace and look in, I am so anxious to just to see her I walk in and look for the Angel. @FallenAngelLass
Lassiter: Walking into the apartment seeing V's face of surprise that Sloahne wasn't that far from him. “She had me swear I wouldn't tell anyone where she was, but with your threat, I had no choice but to bring you here. Wait here while I go get her, don't want to scare her with your face.” I felt V’s stare bore into the back of my head as I walk towards Sloahne’s room, knocking gently on the door before going in. “Hey, Sloahne. How's it going?” @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <With my back towards the floor length mirror, I was checking on my bandages when I hear a knock on my door. Lassiter. I cover myself again with the sheet so he wouldn’t ask questions. He’s been oblivious the night before … though he did seem off since I’ve been back.
I wondered the last time if something had happened while I was gone. He didn’t seem nearly as easy going as before, he was more somber. But then again … perhaps I was mistaken. I had my own demons to deal with since resurfacing that maybe I was projecting my own feeling onto the Angel.>
Come in. What’s doing Lass? @FallenAngelLass
Lassiter: Entering Sloahne's room, she was covered with a sheet, I knew she was covering her wounds up so I wouldn't scorch that fucker’s ass but V can do that now he's here. “Sloahne don't get mad but someone is here to meet you. I’ll introduce you two then I’ll go. I have some things I need to take care of.” I didn't want to worry Sloahne that my wings have been taken, ripped … not like before, but that's another story. Looking back over my shoulder nodding for V to come into the room. “V this is Sloahne. Sloahne this is V. I’ll leave you both to it.” I left them both, dematerializing out of the apartment to go in search of that missing piece. @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Walking in I finally see her in full length and live not just my spotty visions.* Sloahne are you alright? *I stood back as not to frighten her.* I am Vishous from the Black Dagger Brotherhood I’ve seen you so many times. *Tapping my temple as if she would understand. Please don’t be frightened. *I see her recoil back away from me.* I’m not here to hurt you or to take you away like you ‘re in trouble. I want to take you to the medical wing to help you heal. I’ve been looking for you. @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <I could just feel my jaw drop as Lassiter steps aside to reveal a Brother … a fucking Brother. That traitor. After all the meals I cooked, after how many damn movies I let him pick to watch … he backstabs me. Fucker.
I recoil back and accidentally hit the mirror which hits and rips at my back, I could feel the blood dripping. Rehv had fed me his blood, but as half vampire … I didn’t heal as quickly. I needed to get out of here. I took a deep breath and tried to dematerialize. Only to fail because I was too weak. I start to panic and tried to find another way out.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Watching her back up right into the mirror and hurt herself, I can see blood.* Sloahne!  Stop! *I see her jump as I call her name, I put my hands up and slowly walk to her showing her I’m not going to hurt her. I walk over and open my vein and offer her. With being a half a Deity I know she will heal quickly.* I’m not here to turn you in or hurt you. I’ve seen you in my visions. Please let me help you. @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: Forget it. <I said as he approached me.>
You feed me just so you can track me. I’m already dealing with someone who can track me as it is … I don’t need another. <Drake, fuck … he could track me here. I needed to get out of here. Out of Caldwell until I’m back to normal. I shake my head as I tried to get around him to my bathroom to get some clothes. I was standing there in only a sheet. My cuts where everywhere and Rehv hadn’t wanted to have my clothes pull at my semi-healing cuts.>
Leave me alone. I’m fine. Really. F-f-fine. J-j-just f-f-fine. <I started to stutter from the cold and agitation that began to rise. I can’t go from one cage to another. If this … V … discovers I’m a Chosen … if he hasn’t already … would be disastrous. FUBAR.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *I need to figure out a way to make her know I’m not here to turn her in or hurt her. Fuck if I’m going to use my blood to track her who the fuck does she think is after her, I would never put her in a cage as her thoughts were broadcasting loud with fear.
This is killing me seeing her back away like I’m going to hurt her. I slow my words and speak softly but move out of the way so she doesn’t hurt herself even more.*
Sloahne, I’m not here to take you away or hurt you, Lass let me know you were her. I’ve seen you. *I point to my temple.* I knew you were hurt. He knows I can help you. Please take my vein so you can heal from what he did, my blood is pure and you will heal quickly.
*I slowly take a few steps lower my head and hold out my wrist.*
Rehv and Lassister wouldn’t have told me about you if they didn’t trust me. I can call and have Rev let you know you can trust me. *Pull my cell and call so he can reassure her.* @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <I backed myself back to my bed as he made the call. I mean Lassiter introduced me before disappearing. Damn Angel. I mean that has to mean something. He looked upset on my behalf … for whatever reason. And Rehv told him? I was so confused.
The call only took a moment before he handed me the phone.>
Rehv, why did you do this to me? <I asked quietly.>
“You can trust the Brother Vishous. If anything happens to you, I’ll kill them all starting with V and Butch. I’ll fuck their prophecy in the ass.” <He sneered.> “You trust me don’t you?” <He asked more gently.>
Yea. <I replied hanging up the phone.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Looking at her face, while she’s on the phone talking and listening to him tell her I’m ok to be trusted. Her face so pale from the lack of blood I look at my wrist and it had already sealed so I slowly walk up and score my wrist and offer her my blood once again.* I would never harm or track you and with my pure blood you will heal much faster and feel better.
*Hoping she takes my blood her face may be pale, but oh scribe she is beautiful.* @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <I hung up with Rehv and looked up at the Brother. The Brother Vishous. I’d seen him at the club several times, he choice of poison was Grey Goose. He always came in with another huge guy with a slightly crooked nose and Boston accent whose choice was Lagavulin.
I always kept far away from the Brothers when they came in. Every since that night a few months ago with the Z and uh … his favor … I had hoped I wouldn’t ever have to deal with them again. But here I am, in my own damn house with very little choice. I knew I needed blood, my wounds were not healing.
I closed my eyes and hoped I wouldn’t regret this decision and my fangs descended as I struck his vein and with the first pull of blood … the taste of thick wine coating my throat coating my insides … I could feel my skin start to knit together. His blood was very pure.> @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *Looking at her fight with the decision to use me and take my blood. I’ve never shared my blood with anyone. I never felt the need to share my blood and soul with anyone else. Only Sloahne, she is the only female I can see. Scribe, she’s beautiful I cannot take my eyes off her.
Watching her fangs descend and going into my vein was the most erotic thing I have ever seen and the first pull made me rock hard.* That’s good, take all you need I am here to help you heal. *As her hair fell over and covered her face, I could not fight the urge to move it aside so I could see her face. As I used my gloves hand, I gathered her hair and put it back over her shoulder. My arm brushed her shoulder and there was such electricity a shock that I felt between us. I was sure she felt it too.* @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <I felt shivers run through me as his leather hand touched me but I was fully engrossed in my first real feeding to take much notice. The blood was so rich, I was almost getting drunk and I could feel his blood in my veins making me stronger.
I opened my eyes, and they were clear and focused and not blurred with exhaustion. My limbs felt stronger as the weariness subsided I looked down at my own hands gripping his arm and could see my coloring returning. But as all my faculties were returning to normal strength, a small beating within my core made itself known. Drake.
He had come for me.>  @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *I sensed her getting stronger, feeling her hands getting tighter on my arm. I could smell her scent now ... it’s more potent than when I first got here. She’s swaying like she’s getting a high from my blood.* I can feel your strength coming back. You’ve taken almost enough to fully heal sweetheart. *Still holding her hair that way I can see the features of her face change from content to drunk, then I see a shocked look of fear come over her face. Then I smell the scent of another male.
I stop her from feeding seal my wrist and put her behind me. A male dematerialize through the open balcony doors. The look of hatred on his face and the scent he's putting off … was like he’d bonded with Sloahne and that had me seeing red.*
She’s not yours and if you don’t fuck off right now. It’ll be the worst decision you ever made. *I stepped up before he could respond and all it took was one blow to his head and he’s out for the count. I knew I couldn’t put him out of his misery … this one belongs to Rehv. I turn and look and she was shaking like a leaf, I place my hands on her shoulders and calmed her.*
You don’t have to be afraid anymore I will protect you with everything I am. I am going to take you to the safest place you’ll ever be. *I placed her in my arms and carry her out down to the E and placed her in the passenger seat and as I buckled her seatbelt my skin brushes across her and the electricity between our skin is so noticeable. Having her in my arms, felt so right and fit perfectly against me. I get myself settled in the driver seat with her next to me where I know she belongs and I head straight to the compound.* Get ready your going to the safest place Leelan. @Sloahne_BDB
Sloahne: <Fucking hell … all hell has broken loose and Drake found me. I could never go back to my condo now. He followed the echo of my blood just how all vampires can track whom they allow to feed. The echo would diminish over time … time I didn’t have. I needed to get out here.
Vishous had no idea who I was and I wanted to keep it that way. As part of the Brotherhood, he would have no choice but to inform the King and the Primale. And then I would be shipped off to the legendary Sanctuary. I took slow breaths to calm my nerves from seeing Drake and concentrated. I needed to dematerialize out of this vehicle.
I focused on the dashboard in front of me … barely hearing his deep resonating voice that was calming me and I pictured Rehv’s office and finally gained enough strength from Vishous’s blood and escaped from the SUV into the night towards #ZeroSum.>  @Vishous_SASBDB
Vishous: *As we make our way through the darkness on the old highway, I look over as I watch her dematerialize out the E. I slowed and pulled over to the side of the highway and dropped my head. I couldn’t stop her and I couldn’t follow her ... I promised I wouldn’t. I pull out my cell and texted the Cop, I need a drink … hell I needed several. [Meet me at the table. I need to blow off some steam and crack a few balls around.]
I know she’s gone to Rehv so I texted him too. [She’s gone man, probably to Sum, take care of her. Text me updates.] And then typed the hardest word I’ve ever used to that symphath …  [Please].
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sloahne · 6 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 14 Reality Bites
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Sloahne: <What seems like months later, I woke up naked in my bedroom looking at my familiar ceiling. I attempted to wade through my foggy memories as I took stock of my body of all the cuts and bruises. I noticed that the cuts had closed and scabbed over which meant I was still blood deprived since as transitioned vampires normally skip scabbing as they heal so quickly. The appearance of scabs meant that the white blood cells were taking a long time to repair and the damaged blood vessels were slower to be fixed. As for many pre-trans, this is normal … as a transitioned vampire … not so much. My wrists and ankles were colored in blue, green and yellow from the unforgiving ropes.
I sat up slowly, placing my feet on the rug and took my time trying to stand on steady feet. At a snail’s pace, I made my way to my bathroom, only almost falling a few times. I examined my visage in the mirror and noticed my hollow cheeks and pale coloring. I did notice that those deep cuts on my back and thighs were neatly stitched up as I examined my back in the mirror. I wondered belatedly who did them. @UnbreakableXhex? @SinsSecondComin? Maybe even @FallenAngelLass … if he was home. Fuck if I knew. My memories were a blur towards the end.
The shower was turned to hot as I gingerly got in and sat down on the tile floor huddled in the corner. After twenty minutes or so, I finally got warm and took a hand cloth and started lathering and scrubbing everywhere. I was unclean. I was dirty, sullied, defiled …
I had no idea how much time had past when hands suddenly stopped my movements and threw the cloth away from me. I looked up in confusion, finding Rehv blocking the bathroom lights ... I could not make out his expression but could feel the anger radiating from him as he knelt down with a clean towel and started dabbing my skin while holding both my hands in one hand stopping any movements … the towel came away with red stains.>
Rehv: -Rehv grabbed a hold of the female giving her a quick shake of frustration, taking the towel away from her; taking both her hands in one of his he begins to tend to her now raw wounds.
He was furious with her, with her helplessness, the fact that she was a victim; he was furious with the one who victimized her …
Normally if he’d found himself in a shower with a naked female he’d not have wasted any time and just got down to his usual sinful business of bringing the female pleasure.
This case, however, he just readjusted himself in his pants and continued to tend to the naked Sloahne and her fragile body and spirit.-
“What the hell were you thinking female … I didn’t spend the last month searching for you so you can go rip your wounds back open …”
Sloahne: I … I’m … I’m sorry. <I said feebly.> W- what are y-y-you d-doing here? <All I felt was the cold all of a sudden, belatedly realizing that I had been in the shower so long that the water had run cold. He covered me in towels and gathered me up in his arms and put me back into my bed and covered me in blankets trying to warm me up. He said nothing but I could feel his anger and felt chastised instantly. He had come to save me after all.
I tried to get out of my own head and back into reality so I could deal with my current predicament and handle Rehv. I could contemplate my own damn issues when I was alone again.>
Wait … a month? Damn … was I gone that long?
Rehv: -Wrapping her in her robe and carrying Sloahne back to her bed, tossing the now wet and bloody towel to the floor by the door. I open the first aid kit I snagged from the bathroom before I carried Sloahne out of the shower.
Taking some alcohol pads I wipe clean the abrasions on her, before taking some gauze pads and wrapping and taping them into place. Looking up as I hear Lassiter coming into the bedroom.-
Lassiter: I had vacated our place to make the trip to get ice cream. Always felt better after ice cream. And a movie. Didn't want something to scary or bloody, so the “Saw” films were out.
Heading to the store I went straight to the frozen dessert aisle. Ice cream, ice cream, there it was. Opening the freezer I retrieved several tubs of cookie dough, maple syrup, and strawberry cheesecake ice cream.
Next was for the movie, I headed over to the entertainment section for some DVDs. “Star Wars Last Jedi”, that was for me to watch later. Scanning over the titles, I was about to give up till I found the perfect movie.
Taking my purchases to the till the operator scanned each item while I bagged them. Paid for the items and exited the store.
Returning to Commodore, I went down the hall to her room. Opening the door I saw Rehv helping her back into bed with a first aid kit in his hand. “I can take over if you need to head back or take a vein yourself.” Rehv handed me the first aid kit, excused himself and left.
Looking across the room to Sloahne “Get comfy girl, I've got ice cream and a movie for us to watch.”
Rehv: -Standing up as Lassiter approaches the bed, I stand up handing him the first aid kit. Trez and iAm had been blowing my shit up all night; there was no real reason why both Lassiter and I were needed to tend to Sloahne.
Lassiter wasn’t wrong when it came to needing to feed either, I hadn’t taken the time to feed since the night Sloahne went missing and I had fed her at least three times. I was weak and moody at best, so it truly was perfect timing on Lassiter’s part.-
“I have a few things I need to tend to, so if you need me to call me …”
Lassiter: Waving Rehv off as he handed me the first aid kit. I looked at it and threw it over my shoulder. Taking the DVD out of its case and put it into the machine “Despicable Me”. You need to laugh girl.” Grabbing two spoons, giving one to Sloahne, grabbing the ice cream and sat next to her. Opening the ice cream letting her take the first scoop.
Sloahne: <I was pretty surprised that Lassiter didn’t ask Rehv what had happened in the shower and why he had a first aid kit opened. Or did he pry into my head to get any information about /him/ and what exactly happened when I was missing?
I covered as much of my skin as I could in the robe and blankets around me. I didn’t want to upset the happiness the angel was bringing along with him. I’m sure I would heal soon enough … Rehv’s blood had helped some.
It was comforting in some ways to concentrate on trying to smile and eat some ice cream then to think about my emotions and issues. Surely, hanging with the angel will help my cause. Right?>
Thanks Lassiter. <I scooped a spoonful of cookie dough and savored the sweet taste and stared blankly at the television and watch the Minions and their antics trying to close off everything else in my head.>
Lassiter: “You know what. This is like déjà vu. I was in the clinic of the manse with a Chosen named Mhonroe. Did you know she had been taken over eighty years ago? Anyway, I planned her get away from her captors by using the Brothers.”
I scooped some cookie dough ice cream onto my spoon and popped it into my mouth. The taste was heavenly. Anyway back to the speech.
“She was a nervous wreck, so I did my good deed and helped her out. We watched “Cars” and munched on popcorn. Before long she was munching on my neck.”
Laughing at the thought, I then just smiled at that thought of Mhonroe being close to me.
“I think she can do with a friend right now and so do you. Think you two should get together and help each other to get through your demons.”
I went back to shoveling the ice cream into my mouth.
Sloahne: <Half-way through the movie … Lassiter changed the status quo and brought up my kidnapping along with another Chosen’s. Oh, my God. Another??? Eighty years??? Would I had even survived for another month much less eighty years. I shuddered. Had Drake kept another of us? I tried to search my foggy brain to see if I saw someone else but then I remembered Lassiter mentioning the Brothers finding her. So … not Drake. Relief flooded me.
I looked up at Lassiter and did notice he was healing from a bite … it must have been before he came to see me as the sun was hadn’t risen yet. Angels healed differently, he just needed the sun’s direct rays to heal himself.>
Eighty years is a long time, Lass. If you think I can help her, sure bring her over. You know I can’t go there. <The Brothers … The Primale … didn’t know about me. They couldn’t. I didn’t want to go from one cage to another. It made me wonder if Lass could even bring her over.> It would be easier to focus on someone’s problems … then deal with your own they say.
Lassiter: “I'd have to get you and Mhonroe together somehow. If you're willing to come to the Brotherhood and meet her. Mhonroe is too fragile to be moved here, she's been through a lot, as well as you, but I don't want her moved again. I don't want her not to be felt that nobody wants her. I care for her too much. You understand?”
I settled next to Sloahne to watch the movie. My mind was never on the movie, my mind was on Mhonroe, after all these years I had something to live for.
Sloahne: <My fear instantly infused my being at the thoughts of coming to the Brotherhood. Of them finding out that I existed outside the Sanctuary. How could he ask that of me? He knew that … oh, wait … well, actually he didn’t know the specifics as to why I didn’t want the Brothers to know about me. We never did have that conversation. It was just implied knowledge. I inwardly cringed … I needed to tell him why maybe he would understand my reluctance. I wanted to help the other Chosen if I could but I didn’t know if I could even help myself.
Watching the images on the screen, paying very little attention, I tried to reconcile my thoughts back to the fact that I probably was not the first victim of /his/ and I needed to report him to the King. There were all sorts of bounds being crossed and who knows if he had kidnapped human women as well and going by the setup there must have been more. But my admission would put me on their radar and raise questions I don’t want to answer.
Yet I knew it was my fault, my inner demons drove me to ignore all the warning signs that night at the club. My instincts failed me and my insecurities won. #Trez and @UnbreakableXhex were probably livid knowing that their training was a waste of their time. I sat in silence as the movie continues to play and wondered if my secret was finally going to be unveiled.
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 7 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 13 Mine
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Written by @IAmAGildedCage.
A growl reverberated through the parked BMW, loud enough to rattle the windows and startle the birds above in their perches. I wasn’t at all surprised it was mine. Anger coursed through my veins at a much faster rate than blood, lighting up every nerve ending until my fingers tingled with the need to close into a fist and hit something. Anything.
Shoving open the door, I exploded from the car back into the night, snarling. The phone in my hand became the first victim to my rage, crushed into bits and pieces of plastic, screen and battery, before I hurled it away. More birds taking flight, more animals startled by the monster among them.
“Those fucking /bastards/.”
How dare they take what’s mine. How dare they come into my home and steal from me. The Chosen is /mine/, yet they think they can take her for themselves? They never knew the treasure they had beforehand, yet the second someone else realises and seeks to keep it, protect it, they want it back? Are they fucking kidding me?
Lifting both hands I dragged them back through my hair, the rage making me shake and sending a shudder down my spine. My eyes were invariably drawn back toward the dense set of trees and forest, and knowing that there was no Chosen waiting for me at the house brought home the fact my last ‘guest’ was laying out there, a pale, pretty corpse ready to be devoured by the sun. No one ever found them out here - no one ever looked. And come sunrise they were naught but a memory of good times and high pitched screams.
Though the body didn’t know it, she wasn’t alone out there. In that small circle of trees were numerous shallow holes, each filled with the items of every girl that had come before her. Hers was right beside her body, and within it was the last dress she’d ever worn, the necklace I’d found her in, and a bracelet. It wouldn’t do to keep those things at the house, where my new love could find them. Or worse, intruding, lecherous mongrels intent to steal.
No, better they be out here, safe within the little grove of trees, where every lifeless body met the sun and got to shine one last time…
That would not be Sloahne’s fate though. She was /special/. Finally, she was to be the one I kept, forever. Her blood was so potent, her spirit so fierce as to survive me, and she was beautiful within and out. She was to be my one, my only, and now she was taken. I would have gone home and fed her, let her take from my vein and brought her into the house to make herself comfortable in the space that was to be hers. But strangers had broken in, ripped apart our life together and dragged her away.
My screaming roar rent the night apart, and I was glad for the distance from civilisation, lest someone hear my pain. Then again, were any unlucky fucks brave enough to investigate I would finally have something upon which to vent this rage.
Just thinking that those males would have held her, carried her, or even /fed/ her made me sick, my fangs punching down as I turned and laid waste to the side of the car, windows shattering, the doors stoved in, the quarter panels looking like a semi had driven through them. Stepping back from the mess and breathing hard, I stalked away from the car and began to pace.
I had to get her back. There was no question, no other possible course of action. With my last guest about to meet the sun, I /needed/ Sloahne back in my life. They couldn’t keep her, and they certainly couldn’t hide her. Not from me. We’d sampled each other’s blood. That first magical night in #TheDungeon had left me with a taste, and the echo of her within me.
No, what I needed now was an ally that understood my desire and would support it. That cared nothing for the males that had broken into my home and desecrated it, taking what was mine. I needed someone that stood nothing to lose and everything to gain from helping me, and that saw the merits in having a partner with my wealth and knowledge.
I needed @Son_OfThe_Omega…
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sloahne · 7 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 12 Freedom
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Lassiter: I was beginning to worry. And not in my usual, I can-brush-it-off-and-ignore-it-by-being-positive kind of way. With this much time passing, I was starting to consider the awful idea we might not find Sloahne at all; that this miserable fuck was going to keep her for decades, or centuries, and make my few days with Lash seem a pleasant dream. Just the thought made my stomach churn, tasting bile on the back of my tongue as I looked to Rehvenge.
“Maybe it’s time we consider some outside help.”
Funnily enough, I heard that come from my own mouth, but I didn’t hesitate, instead pushing on as I drew the idea out completely. Trez shifted on the other side of the table, his head tilting in just the right way that let me know he was curious who on earth I could be mentioning if it wasn’t the Brothers. But even they would be no help right now. Wasn’t like they were in good with the Glymera.
“I think we need someone who is … just shy of being glymera. I know you have your ins and outs, Rehv, but it’s looking more and more like Fuckwit (new codename for Drake, super secretive) has been playing on the fringes. So we need someone else who’s existed there, right? Other than some scary ass symphath that makes most normal vamps shit themselves on the best of days.” I arched a brow at them as if to say ‘see, I do make some sense’. And because even Rehv had to accept he was a scary ass motherfucker.
“I got a buddy who can help. Yes, I said buddy. Yes, I’m pretty sure he thinks the same. Name is Rhoar, and he’s been on the edge of the glymera and the dark side of the race for a while. Chances are he could know of Drake and some of these places. Point us in the right direction? And if not, then we have another set of eyes helping us out.”
Cause damn if I wasn’t at the point where a little extra help might go a long fucking way. It also helped that Rhoar was one of the few fuckers I’d trust at my back, and given how jumpy I was of late, that would be real helpful.
Rehv: -Nodding as I listened to the Angel speak, at this point I couldn't refuse help; hell I was a step away from calling up the damn Brothers for aide. So this idea of a little help from another shady fuck, didn't quite wedge the panties up one’s ass quite as far as help from Wrath and his band of merry fangers in tights.
So if the Angel thought this Rhoar could help, then it was time to get my return on my investment in the Angel, so far our asses have been going in circles; made a badass male feel like he was a dog chasing his tale, when he'd rather be chasing a bitch in heat.-
“You had me at Mother Fucker, let's reach out to this male; we need to gain some kind of foothold here. Or our girl is as good as lost to us, she might as well be in the Bermuda Triangle at the rate we are going now.”
Lassiter: Boom, I had permission. With a curt nod and a sidestep toward the corner of the room, I whipped out my phone and selected ‘R’ from the caller IDs. And in case anyone is wondering, you can find Rhage under ‘Beastie Boy’. I was tempted to put ‘Dragon Asshat’ but the last thing I need is to give the Dragon another reason to take a bite outta my ass the next time he makes an appearance.
Listening to the ring, I closed my eyes for a second and pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling the beginnings of a fuck off headache coming on. The stress was getting to us, I knew, and as determined and resourceful as we were, Rehv and I were still slamming into walls at full speed. Talk about ‘ow’.
“C’mon Rhoar …” I murmured, trusting my faith in the male. “Pick up.”
Rhoar: My cell buzzed impatiently as I exited the pool; the only reason I’d realised it was ringing at all was because my healthy mix of rock and r’n’b had been interrupted, the music replaced with a near oppressive silence that seemed like it echoed in the cavernous room. Could a silence echo? Apparently it could, at least in my mind.
I snatched up a towel and dragged it across my face as I cast my gaze across the cell’s surface, the name that flashed across the screen causing me to arch a brow as I tossed the now partially sodden towel aside: Lassiter. The Angel seldom called without an interesting reason, so as I scooped the cellphone out of its docking cradle, I fought the urge to smile. “What’s up, my man?”
Lassiter: Relief flooded through me.
“Rhoar, shit man, s’good to hear your voice cause fuck, I need your help.”
Why beat around the bushes? I needed him and pronto. No point bothering with a long winded introduction. Cause if the male didn’t know I was always happy to see him then I was doin’ somethin’ wrong.
“Friend of mine has been kidnapped by a male. She’s my roomie, basically, and she’s been missin’ for a while now. Her boss, male by the name o’ Rehv, n’ myself have been trying to track her down but we’ve hit the biggest motherfuckin wall. M’ hoping you can help. The male’s name is Drake Romera. He’s half in the glymera. N’ m’ worried he’s gonna do to her worse than’s been done to me,” I whispered, closing my eyes for a second.
I’d never conveyed a word of my apocalyptic shitstorm to Rhoar; but the male wasn’t stupid, and he knew shit had gone down for me.
Rhoar: Whatever smile had been fighting to the surface died off as I listened to the male relay his message, noting the distress and urgency in his tone. Striding from the pool, I kept the phone pressed to my ear as I made my way through the house to the master bedroom, the doggen making themselves scarce when they saw the stern cut of my jaw.
The name ‘Rehv’ rang a few bells, the ‘Leahdyre of the Princeps’ being the loudest. If that male was part of the hunt for a missing female then shit had to be especially complicated. And damn if I wasn’t curious as to whether the Brotherhood was getting a phone call like this one. Judging from the Angel’s tone, I had to doubt it.
As he mentioned his own torment I felt my teeth grind together, my knuckles white as I clenched the phone. I didn’t need details to know someone had wounded the male deeply, and I’d rip their heart out myself if given half the chance. Short of doing that, I could try and help find a missing female.
“Romera is a fringe dweller for a reason,” I replied curtly, thinking of the male and his dark reserve. “On the surface he’s everything he’s meant to be; the right amount of social and rich for the Glymera to tolerate his watered down bloodline. He has a scattering of legit properties I’m guessing you’ve already checked?”
Lassiter: Glancing to Rehv, I felt a surge of relief when Rhoar didn’t bother with the chit-chat ‘hi how are ya’s’. The male got right to the point, his voice terse and direct. That he knew of Romera was a good start, my hopes starting to rekindle as I nodded my head along with his words.
“Yeah, we’ve looked at the few he has in town but came up with nada. They’re all either empty or seasonal spots for the fuck. What’s your relationship like with him? Not about to go off trying to gut a friend am I?”
Rhoar: I snorted, shaking my head even though the Angel couldn’t see it.
“There is no relationship other than a few invites to his more private soirées. If you need to see his guts to find this female, I’m certainly not going to stand in your way.”
Pausing, Lassiter’s comment replayed in my head, a frown curving my lips.
“Wait, you said ‘a few’ properties in town. He has more than a few. The ones in town are to appease the Glymera,” I murmured, not at all surprised at the vampire's actions. Some things could be made better with money and pretty words; I was not so fortunate in this world. “There’s at least one property on the outskirts that would not be listed under his name.”
Lassiter: I gripped the phone too tightly, almost cracking the damn thing as I whirled to face Rehv again. I could feel a little glow coming back into my eyes as the adrenaline got a boost and set off at a run through my system.
“Why not? How do you know it’s there?”
Rhoar: “Because I’ve been there,” I said calmly. “Romera invited me and a few others that are … less favourable in the Glymera’s eyes to a private party. It would make sense,” I reasoned, thinking of the locale, the attendees. It had still been elegant, opulent enough that those who were scorned by the richer of the race could feel wanted. Appreciated.
Clever bastard.
“I’ll take you there.”
It was less an offer and more a statement of fact. I wasn’t going to voice my concerns and puncture the Angel’s small bubble of hope, but if Romera had the female hidden away, there was every chance she’d be unable to dematerialize if Lassiter and the Leahdyre came to her rescue. Considering the stories I’d heard of Romera’s … appetite … a secondary exit strategy seemed prudent.
Lassiter: Indeed it would, I thought darkly, jaw clenching. If the shady fucker was trying to stay in everyone’s good books, of course he wouldn’t advertise a place where he hosted parties that weren’t for the rich and ratshit. Had it been possible, I would’ve reached through the phone n’ laid a big ol’ wet one on Rhoar’s pretty puss.
“You will?”
Stepping closer to Rehv, I jerked my head toward the door, letting him know we had a game plan and to move his sin eating ass out.
“Tell us where n’ we’ll meet you.”
Rhoar: “I’ll swing through town in ten minutes. We can be there in thirty. Much as I’d like to have your back and follow you in there, I know you can handle yourself,” I added quietly, reassuring myself as much as the Angel that he was up to par. “So I’ll play getaway driver.”
Raking a hand through my damp hair, I fixed my gaze out the window. The sky was a velvet darkness, the odd star still shining despite the city lights. We had a few hours left until dawn, and if the female couldn’t demat we’d need every one of them.
Lassiter: I felt a pang go off in my chest, some weird mix of affection and appreciation for the male that threatened to steal my voice. Clearing my throat, I gave myself the once over pat down, feeling the weapons I’d added to the all black ensemble earlier in the day.
“Bet Vin Diesel has nothin’ on you hot stuff. See you soon.”
Clicking off the phone, I looked to Rehv and managed a dark smile.
“We got ourselves a new place to check. N’ a driver, if shit hits the fan. N’ knowing our fucking luck, if shit does hit it won’t be distributed evenly,” I added dryly. “C’mon, he’ll be here in ten.”
Rehv: -All the while the Angel was chatting up his contact, Rehv had been doing a little gearing up himself; not with typical toys of a warrior male either. Sure he had himself a gun, but let's face it he really wasn't one for shooting; it ended things to quickly and his dark side hated being robbed of such glorious fun moments in life as they were few and far in between.
After hiding his toys within one of his infamous dusters, he sends a text off to the shadows and Xhex; letting them know to stand by for word from him. Especially if this game of cat and mouse was to break into the early hours of dawn. One way or another it was time to end this game-
“Luck is for the suckers in the back room at Sal’s, let's face it we been hoping Lady Luck would flash us some tits and ass; the facts are the facts, we need to walk up and grab that shit like we own it already.
I'm ready when you are, let's go grab some fucking balls to put in a vice already…”
Rhoar: Two minutes to suit up, arm up and choose a vehicle and I was out the door. The black Merc wasn’t quite as ostentatious as Vin Diesel’s 1969 Dodge Charger, but it would certainly get the job done in this situation. Blackened windows, leather seats and a V8 engine made for a private, and speedy, getaway, assuming that was what we needed. If not, the trunk also had ample cargo space.
It wasn’t just Boy Scouts that went prepared.
Pulling up beside the club, I wasn’t surprised by the Angel’s more military themed outfit, though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss something in zebra print. Thankfully that wasn’t a question that was likely to come up considering today’s adventure, so I’d never have to admit to that particular thought.
Looking to Rehv as he approached the car, I inclined my head respectfully, glancing into the rearview mirror as he slid into the backseat. The second the doors were shut I hit the accelerator, the engine purring as it surged forward into traffic.
“Evening, gentlemen,” I offered into the quiet, curling my fingers around the steering wheel as I shifted gears. “Shame we have to meet in such circumstances.”
Lassiter: Swivelling in the seat to look to Rehv in the back, I tried giving the equivalent of the ‘be nice’ look. Though considering Rhoar was doing us the solid, and providing the wheels, that was kind of a given. With Rehv’s position as Leahdyre though, and my male Rhoar being on the outs with the Glymera, I was somewhat hopeful the pair would get along. After all, it wasn’t like Rehv held any particular fondness for the arrogant fucks and their finery anyway.
“Thanks for doing this, Rhoar,” I murmured, facing front again and glaring at the cars daring to get in our way. “I owe you one man. We were starting to think …”
Yeah, let’s not go there. No guarantees this place was gonna be any better than the last few we’d checked, but shit, at least we were still trying.
Rehv: “Most would consider it a shame to meet me under any circumstance, rest assured Drake Romera will learn this feeling first hand … my parties usually last till dawn, but for him I shall make this party last for centuries …”
-Rehv’s eye were crimson, having stopped his regular dopamine injection roughly five years earlier. The dopamine had a lasting effect that left his eyes the usual dormant amethyst colour, or would most days if his darkside stayed slumbering like a hibernating bear; these past few weeks was not one of those times.
The devil was here to collect his due, and he would not go without; even if he had to call upon the demons he ruled over and an army of shadows with an addiction to making gumbo from assholes like Drake.-
Lassiter: The majority of the drive passed in silence, and I think we were all a little glad. Rescues and possible torture fests didn’t exactly turn me into a Chatty Kathy. I could certainly think of better ways to pass the time.
With Rhoar behind the wheel though we made good time, the male breezing through traffic and executing a number of undoubtedly illegal moves that I probably couldn’t pull off with wings ‘or’ a stick shift. When we left the edge of the city behind I leant forward in the seat, anxiety creeping into my shoulders that I worked hard to push back down.
When the car finally started to slow, it was approaching a relatively modest estate when compared to others of the Glymera. Sure, the place probably had half a dozen rooms, a wine cellar and a dining room to host all the parties, but it still lacked the oomph that came from assholes with too much money trying to show everyone how big their wallet was.
But I’d give Romera props for trying. I’d beat him to death with said props, but props all the same.
“This is it?”
Rhoar gave a curt nod, the tense line of his jaw letting me know I wasn’t the only one feeling the strain right about now.
“Okay, then you stick with the car man. Rehv n’ I are going in,” I instructed, popping the door the second the vehicle cruised to a stop. My heart gave an almost painful thu-thump as I swallowed back the nausea, the memories pressing up against reality and trying to fuck my shit up. Rehv was right on my heels though, giving me zero time to have a nervous breakdown. I was going to have to thank the guy some day.
“I’ll get the door,” I muttered, taking a breath as I let myself start to ghost, then hesitated. “Fuck it. I’m ringing the doorbell. Not like he knows what we look like.” Glancing sideways at Rehv, I arched a brow, ignoring the pounding of my heart. “If no one’s home, we sweep the place bottom to top.”
Reaching the door, I hit the buzzer and waited. I knew Rehv was armed and ready at my side, but I didn’t bother reaching for my own piece. My body blocked his, hiding the weapon, and I was okay with that. So long as the motherfucker didn’t shoot ‘me’ in trying to pop Romera.
Just when I thought the place was empty the door opened. A doggen stood on the threshold, his expression a perfectly crafted mask of civility.
“May I help you?”
Rather than bother with the gentle approach, I sidestepped, giving Rehv free reign with his scary symphath shit and his weapon.
Rehv: “No need to take our coats, or inform your master of our presence. He's expecting us in a manner of speaking, we are just here to collect something that belongs to me …”
-He pegs the doggen with his crimson gaze, the fear and confusion began to waft off him in waves that was almost nauseating. Pushing past the doggen, Rehv started to tap into the grids of everyone upon the property, sifting through them. Why not have a little fun and start implanting conflicting stories of what went down this night.
Drake Romera was going to feel a new kind of pain, one that was the calling card from the devil; just letting him know he was not an untouchable after all.-
“Our girl is definitely here … but still no sign of that bastard yet ...”
Lassiter: “If he’s not here then we focus on her,” I managed quietly, not sparing the doggen another glance even as I pushed past him into the house. “Where is she?”
At Rehv’s indication up, I made for the stairs, bypassing another startled doggen and casting my own senses wide. I rarely liked to do it anymore; the second I tuned into the angel-vibes I felt the faint presence of my wings, tugging at the scar down my back, and I avoided that feeling like it was the plague and I was immune compromised. Finding Sloahne was more important than my issues though, and within seconds I zeroed in on the room, finally drawing my gun at the sight of the locks on the door.
A little angel power, a bullet and a kick, and the door sprang inward, revealing a large room, a grand bed, and a female motionless in the middle. My heart paused for one terribly long second; I could smell her blood on the air, almost taste it, and it wasn’t the only scent. There was a myriad of scents, all of them making my stomach lurch and threatening to wrench me into memories I couldn’t afford to deal with right now.
Holstering the weapon and signalling Rehv, I moved to the bed and leant over Sloahne, checking her vitals first (breathing, thank fuck), but noting a weak ass pulse.
“She’s weak. Too weak,” I muttered, anger a new simmering emotion beneath the surface that I latched on to. Drawing the angelic grace to my hands, I ran them lightly over the female, trying my hardest to give her a boost. “I think she needs blood, Rehv. Get your vein over here.”
Rehv: -Sauntering over to the bed I scoop Sloahne up into my arms as I sit upon the hard bed, easing her down gently in my lap; rolling up a sleeve I knick my wrist lowering to her mouth.
Supporting her head with one arm I urge her to drink from my vein, at first I had to let it drip into her mouth and tilt her head back to force her to swallow; eventually she came around just enough to do some of the work herself.-
“That’s it baby girl, take what you need. Consider this the one and only drug I offer free and clear; and in large abundances.”
-Looking to Lassiter I shake my head, we both knew the situation was dire. Our girl needed to drink up, and get medical help asap or it was going to be a case of “stage left … exit right” it was time for the curtain call.-
“Finish a sweep of the house Lassiter, once she's had her fill I'll bring her down to the car; we can take her to the Compound to see Jane and Manny…”
Sloahne: <I slowly came back to consciousness realizing that blood was being fed to me but it tasted different. I opened my eyes and tried to focus on the amazing amethyst eyes and realized Rehv finally found me. But instead of relief … I just felt empty inside and stopped swallowing. My body was weak, my mind was desolate and … my soul was lost.>
Leave me. <I whispered hoarsely.> She’ll grant me entrance. <I just wanted to go into the Fade. There was nothing keep me here and slip back into blissful unconsciousness.>
Lassiter: I stalled out at the order, and Sloahne’s words as she came back to consciousness. We had multiple problems right now, and fuck me if I didn’t want to deal with /any/ of them. My own turbulent clusterfuck of a past knocked on the mental door and I barked an order to fuck off and come back later.
“That’s not happening Sugar,” I said instead, dropping down beside her so my eyes were level with hers. “You’re not the first vamp I’ve had ask to meet the Fade prematurely, and you probably won’t be the last. But guess what? Not fucking one of them has gotten to do it under my care, aight? N’ I’m not starting a trend for you.”
Looking to Rehv, I shook my head.
“She can’t go to the Docs. She never wanted the Brothers to know she was out in the world. She’s afraid of the Brotherhood. We take her from here to there and she’ll feel like we’re trading her from one prison to another. We gotta take her back to her place at the Commodore. I live with her. I can watch her,” I offer, trying to ignore the faint screaming of a protest in the back of my head.
The last thing I needed was to be caring for someone who’s injuries and pain so mirrored my own, not when I was trying to deal and get over it, but right now, this wasn’t about me. It was about Sloahne.
“Sugar, you feed from Rehv here or we get a drip going, but either way, you’re getting blood.”
Glancing down at my own vein, I hesitated for a second before shrugging off the fear, the uncertainty, and gave myself a nick. According to Qhuinn and Crhis, my blood was more like a drug. An angelic high. Qhuinn had seen color after drinking from me, if only for a while. Sloahne needed that boost, and I didn’t hesitate in pressing my wrist over her mouth. A mouthful from me, and she could switch back to Rehv. I didn’t need to over work her system.
Rehv: -After Sloahne had taken her fill from both Lass and himself, Rehv would pick her up in his arms and start the long trek to the front door. Sloahne’s colour had picked up some, but she still looked so fragile; the fucking shit really tugged at the fraying heart strings within his chest.
Rehv could be very cruel, one had but to ask any of his victims; but this level of cruelty to a good female was baffling. Sure he'd have shrugged it off in a heartbeat if it had been several years ago and the princess in Sloahne's position.
Alas it wasn't, this was Sloahne his Sloahne. This moment in time would forever be etched into his sinister mind, he wouldn't doubt that it could very well give even his twisted mind a day terror/nightmare.
Rehv could only imagine how the angel was coping with this shit on top of all his other shit. It wasn't going to be an easy journey back to the land of the sane for Sloahne or Lassiter.-
Lassiter: Glad when the sin eater didn’t argue with me over where the female was going, I sent a silent prayer to Him that I was making the right call. My senses did a quick scan of the place once more, making sure I hadn’t missed anything or anyone, like, the fuckstick that had started this whole mess. The property contained only confused doggen though, and after a moment I nodded to Rehv and led the way out as he carried our girl.
Hitting the pavement outside, I looked to Rhoar and motioned to get the door. The male obliged, his eyes darting quickly to the female and assessing her. Something feral and utterly murderous passed through his gaze, the kind of thing that made me wholly fucking glad the guy was on /my/ side, and then he was all icy composure, helping Rehv get her into the back seat as I retook my spot in the front.
“Take us to the Commodore, Rhoar,” I muttered, looking into the backseat at the female and feeling my heart do another great impersonation of maracas in the hands of a mariachi band. On crack.
Inclining his head, the male swung his proverbial noble steed around and put it back on the road, us three white knights riding off with the damsel. There were other perks to the Commodore, I thought to myself. With Rehv’s apartment upstairs, he could look in on us both, bring us whatever shit we needed or send the Shadows.
Glancing back one last time, I couldn’t help but rake my eyes over the female, wondering what hell she’d endured and if I, too, had looked like that when someone carried me out of the fiery inferno. As my stomach gave a sickening lurch, I focused on the highway, realising I actually didn’t want to know …
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sloahne · 7 years
Submitting to the Darkness Part 11 The Cracks Begin to Show
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Co-written by @Sloahne_BDB and @IAmAGildedCage
Drake: The smell of her blood was so terribly sweet in the air, mingling with the scent of our sex. A fine shudder ran through her slender frame, and I couldn’t help my gaze roaming over her, taking in the budding bruises, the sleek cuts and bites of the whip.
Perhaps I’d been too rough on her this time, my precious Chosen, and yet she had handled it all with the usual strength and grace, her fierce spirit enduring as she reached climax after climax under my guidance. Without thinking I bent my head over her shoulder, breathing hard after the exertions of the past hour or so, and ran my tongue across one fine slice. Her blood was ambrosia as I groaned softly, withdrawing from her body before my own could further register the taste and roar back to life to go for another round. Sadly, I didn’t have time to further pleasure her, not if I wanted to give her the aftercare she deserved before my departure.
Releasing her wrists from their velvet soft bonds, I swept her body into my arms and carried her across the room, placing her gently on the bed. She was still lost in the haze of subspace, eyes glazed with it, and it afforded me a better chance to look her over and see I had been far rougher than I intended. My lips thinned into a frown as I examined every bruise more carefully, every fine red line and suckling bite that had grazed her with my fangs.
I was slipping …
It was the only explanation that came to mind as I stared down at her beautiful, marred flesh, the faint lick of guilt running through me as I hastily collected warm water, a damp cloth and began to tend her in every way I could, nuzzling into her throat gently as she came back to the world.
Of course I was slipping, I realised numbly, thinking of the last weak creature that had decorated my bed. The poor thing bore no resemblance to my proud Chosen, and had thus waned and perished. But had I purged this place of her? No … I hadn’t. Too lost in the past and a need for the companionship she’d brought I’d kept her … but that had to change. Sloahne was my future, and that poor thing had to be put to rest so I could focus on what was right in front of me.
“Sloahne,” I murmured, coaxing her back as I tenderly swabbed at her shoulder, her arm. “You were incredible.”
Sloahne: <I've been so in my head for so long that finding myself in his playroom once more didn’t register until the pain started … at that point I just let all of the anxiety and despair dissipate with each strike of the long tailed whip. The crack rang through the air right before the landed on my back. However this time the thwacks were harsher after the first set of twenty five that I lost track. The pain soon dwarfed into pleasure as I warmed from the inside out. I had no choice but to capitulate to his talented hands, fingers and mouth teased and caress for what seemed like hours until he finally allowed me to cum and brought the most immense pleasure when he ultimately fucked me into a vigorous climax. I screamed and wailed as he brought to that pinnacle over an over. It was never ending as he found ways to make me cum easily once the dam had broken. I succumbed to the ascent into subspace easily that the smell of blood and pain did not penetrate the haze.
I wanted to stay in the fog he provided and not fall from subspace. I felt euphoric and happy. I heard the low murmur of Drake’s voice against my face, his breath warm against my cheek. I struggled to decipher what he was saying … I didn’t really understand the words ... what he was saying. I didn’t care. I turned my head so I could avoid answering Drake and bask in the ignorance that subspace provided.>
Drake: The urgency that flared to life in my chest was a pulse to match my heart rate, an incessant thing that demanded I get up and leave right now, to deal with the problem. I could not, however, just leave her contained herein. No, if I was to leave for some time, then I was going to return her to her room and ensure the doggen were there to tend her wounds and supply her with sustenance. And upon my return, she would drink of my vein and know her strength again. She would be mine.
Utilising the sheet, I carefully wrapped her slender frame then swept her up into my arms, unconcerned with my own nude state. Striding from the play room, I made a beeline for her quarters, not stopping until I was through the door and lowering her onto her mattress, the feather soft pillow top cushioning her exhausted body.
Bending down, I placed a tender kiss to her forehead and stroked her hair back from her face, the temptation to let her have a mouthful of me now almost overwhelming. She was too pale, her skin lit only by the flush of sex and crimson blood. Were she to worsen in my absence … I could lose her yet. The idea was unfathomable.
Crouching down beside the bed, I slid my wrist across the short distance, my pulse a thunder. “Would you like to drink, Sloahne?” Even now, I ached to call her leelan, but that was yet a permission she’d granted me. “To tide you over … I must step out for a short time. I won’t be gone long but … I would prefer to know you sustained until my return.”
Sloahne: <The bed barely registered, as Drake set me down. I struggled to open my eyes and comprehend my surroundings. I felt his kiss, a soft flutter on my overheated forehead, my eyelids felt leaden as I tried but failed to open them.
Though I could not hear the distinct words as the thunder of the beating of my six chamber heart muffled his voice. But as my brain unhurriedly came back online when I heard his request to feed. I was still in subspace and had yet answered the call of Drake’s voice as he gradually try to gently bring me back down. He was providing aftercare as I felt the gentle swab of towels and squeezes to get the circulation back into my hands and arms from being suspended from the ceiling for such a long period of time. Hours it seemed.
I now understood why some of my male subs preferred to be bottoms and why I had ventured this direction eventually. It was not due, in most part for me to play a submissive. But it was an opportunity to trust someone else to your well being and take you to subspace. The feeling was sublime. It was addicting.The carefree lightness that the endorphins provided gave pure unadulterated happiness. So I didn’t answer his question and instead concentrated on my high and hummed quietly. Ignorant of my injuries and lack of energy and depletion of sustenance, I basked in the glow of the aftermath of our session.
And I could not wake up from my bliss. I didn’t want to.>
Drake: The lack of reaction or response concerned me briefly, wondering if perhaps I had to stay, to wait out her high. For that was where she was right now, lost in the bliss of endorphins and the aftermath of orgasms. I could leave now, while she relished in the subspace and lost herself to the euphoria, and she would not notice my absence until much later. Sleep, rest, and when she woke to the aching calls of her body she would finally wonder at where I was.
I could not leave her to all these injuries though. At least not completely. Lifting my wrist I scored my own flesh with my fangs, dropping it back to her mouth and gently tilting her head to allow a few mouthfuls to run over her tongue. In her utterly passive state it didn’t take much to coax her to swallow, and I was glad for it. The hit of my blood, however small, would lessen the pain and begin the healing process. When I returned from ridding my life of the last wretch to warm my bed, I could feed Sloahne properly, until she was sated and full.
“Rest my dear Sloahne,” I murmured, carefully resting her head on the pillow and stroking back her hair. “I shall return soon. I will not be gone long, I swear.”
Rising slowly, I watched her for a moment, lost in the bliss, before turning and striding from the room. The door closed and locked behind me, and then I was moving with purpose. After tonight, the only female of my life, my future, would be Sloahne.
Sloahne: <At a snail’s pace, I attempted to open my eyes and after a few minutes the ceiling slowly came into view above me. It was déjà vu all over again as my body screamed in protest as I attempted to move my arms and legs. But my limbs would not respond to me … I felt my wrists raw from the cuffs chaffing against the sheets as I assessed my injuries one by one in my mind. My arms felt heavy protesting against my internal commands to move.
But I could feel it now. The agony … I felt every open wound, deep slashes on my back and thighs, the ragged edges throbbing in pain, still wet with my blood. The flogs didn’t even register because the endorphins had my flying into subspace. This was worse than that first session all those weeks before. The session that led me here to Drake’s estate where I was being held. My arms felt the ache of being suspended for hours. I felt that I might have been asleep for some time as the room was stale and stuffy. The feebleness of my body was disconcerting as I came to realize the session was twenty times worse than that first night. My wounds were not healing immediately … making me wonder how long I have been here. I somewhat remembered that I swallowed a few mouthfuls of blood … was that today? Or was I remembering the my first night here? My wounds were still stinging raw as I struggle to sit up so perhaps it /was/ the first night since I fed since my wounds were not knitting together very quickly.
My head felt groggy like I've been drugged or something. It felt heavy and painful as I tried to move around. The silence was deafening. I realized in that moment I had expected Drake to come and help me. He had been with me non-stop for days, bringing me things, talking to me, touching me, taking care of me. I felt safe … safe enough to go back to his playroom … protected enough to know he be there when I fell. But as I finally looked around it became apparent that I had been alone a while. The blood had dried on the sheets beneath me … making them sticky and cling to my wounds pulling the skin from the raw edges like a thin blade. Painful.
The fall after subspace can be brutal if the Dom isn’t there to provide aftercare … something drilled in all of us at #TheDungeon … a huge faux pas in basic BDSM etiquette. One where Drake had clearly failed as my Dom. But … there was a small tiny voice in the back in my head whispering that it was all a facade, a fallacy … he wasn’t really my Dom … but I didn't want to face it … not right now. Maybe I just lost track of time and he’s coming right back to me as soon as he finishes cleaning up. I listed over and collapse on the edge of the bed as the last of my strength drained from my body. I was sure he be back for me … he had to come back. I didn’t want to be alone anymore. Then darkness took over.*
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