#Passion Rush (Aikatsu Friends)
I was thinking of next gen Friends and realized i had Maru with a pink phone case when i intended her image color to be red. I was just gonna write it off but... maybe she switches colors.
Pink might have been the one she thought she should pick, rather than the color she actually likes. Maybe she did some time as a cute idol before switching to pop. Could be the remnants of her cute days, or trying to play up what she should be as an idol.
Then in comes Sadako who is an orange cool type who is really only cool on stage. Sadako who pushes against her as much as she pushes on her. It might be her partner who asks about the pink thing and why she uses it if she didn't like it.
Changing to red is a sign that Maru herself might be changing away from that sugary image to being more like herself. It's bold, you can't ignore it, and you can't ignore her. It's a sign she's about to become a little more honest, thanks in part to a Friend she never saw coming.
Hooray for little mistakes becoming character development.
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Writober 22 - 17 (Rats)
Summary: It’s time for Sadako to breech enemy territory and enter into the domain of idols. Far from the sparkling world it portrays, she gets the feeling she walked into a den of rats, led by the queen herself. Hopefully, she’ll make it out alive. It’s going to be a very long month...
Maru: Don’t forget to meet me after school at the front gate!
Well… one of them certainly had forgotten about the meeting, and it wasn’t her.
Sadako felt her eyebrow twitch as she stared from her position at the front gate of her friend’s school. She had been there for ten minutes, waiting and watching as the students streamed out, heading to wherever they went after school. Most of them paid her no mind, but a few whispered as they passed.
Almost all of them she knew from seeing them on TV, or in magazines, or from hearing their songs blasted from shops on their way home. It made sense – Maru went to a school for idols. It wasn’t Star Harmony, but it was still pretty highly ranked among the institutions that existed to train idols for a hopefully successful future. It was only natural that her classmates were popular singers, actors, or some combo of entertainer.
She just wished they weren’t looking at her like she had two heads.
” Do you think she’s here for an autograph?”
A voice drew her attention. She spotted a girl with a different colored ribbon speaking to her friend. They were looking in her direction with a less than friendly gaze, indicating just what they thought of her. That only made Sadako’s eye twitch harder, and the urge to tell them off was strong.
“Who are you guys talking about?”
That voice she knew. It belonged to Maru, who was walking away from the building with her overly decorated bag slung over one shoulder. Both girls blanched, and they were definitely sweating a little.
“M-Maru-senpai!” Ah, they were first years. She should have known. “We, uh… we found a girl waiting and thought she might be lost!”
For a performer, she was a bad liar. The industry was going to eat her alive.
Maru made a thoughtful noise as she glanced over in Sadako’s direction. “Nope, she’s waiting here for me. Sadako’s my new partner!”
Temporary partner – Maru only had her for a month. Still, Sadako wasn’t about to argue for the moment as she approached the small group of idols. The first years couldn’t look her in the eye, and she could read the embarrassment all over them as they shuffled away.
Well, at least they’d learned a lesson out of this: if you want to be rude, do it where your senpai can’t hear you.
“Sorry for making you wait, Sa-chan.” Maru missed the eyebrow twitch as she turned to direct her temporary partner into the school. “I had to finish up something in my design class. Our producer can’t wait to meet you!”
Stepping over the line felt like Sadako was breeching the border between two worlds. On the other side, everything felt a little more… sparkly, she supposed. There were people in tracksuits running in the distance, she could hear various songs coming from open windows, and glancing showed plenty of people hard a work perfecting their routines for their next performance.
At a normal school, this would be club time… did idol schools even have those?
Maru read the silence at the least as they walked. “I guess this is a little different from what you’re used to, huh?”
“Weird seeing people I see on TV just walking around getting snacks from the vending machine.” At least idol schools had those, but she had no doubt they weren’t exactly full of candy and energy drinks like her favorites. “Your producer knows this is just a temporary thing, right? I don’t want them to get their hopes up about a permanent new member.”
The idol nodded her head as she kept walking. “Yeah, she knows. Sakamoto-san is still willing to work with you, though, so don’t worry about that!”
She grinned, turning back. “She’s a weird one, so I guess that works out for you.”
Couldn’t have been any weirder than Maru… but Sadako kept that off her lips as she followed behind.
After a few more minutes of walking, they entered a building that looked like any other middle school entrance area. They had lockers and places to put their shoes and umbrellas, nothing out of the ordinary there. The only thing that reminded her things were different were the names – she knew them.
“Maru-chan, is that your new partner?”
A high-pitched voice made Sadako’s head ache, but she resisted the urge to wince. A girl sprinted over, pigtails flying in the self-made breeze. She skidded to a stop a few inches away, the teddy bear attached to her back coming along for the ride.
She knew this girl – she was popular among her homeroom classmates. What was her name again…
“Ema-chan, good to see you!” Maru beamed as she all but dragged Sadako over. “Yep, this is her!”
Her partner turned to face her. “This is my classmate, Ema-chan. We’re in the same design and dance classes.”
She then turned to her classmate. “And this is Sadako-chan. She’s working with me this month!”
Ema gave her a bright smile, but it never met her sparkly eyes. Instead, Sadako got the sense she was being x-rayed by the cheery girl for structural weaknesses. She may have looked cute, but there was steel in that gaze.
Maybe it was a good thing she was an idol – turn that focus to something else and she’d be downright dangerous.
“You look kinda familiar, Sadako-chan.” She tapped a lacquered fingertip to her cheek, then smacked her hand gently into her palm. “Oh, are you related to Star Harmony’s Haruka-san? You have the same eyes!”
Sadako resisted the urge to let it show on her face. She shouldn’t have been surprised idols could pick out the similarities between herself and her sister. After all, everyone knew Haruka – Cherry Blossom was the top idol unit and had been for quite some time. Her face was all over town and plastered on every area of the internet. Anyone with sense could’ve figured it out.
But damn if she had hoped she wouldn’t have to admit it immediately.
“Yeah, she’s my sister.”
Ema nodded her head so hard that Sadako was worried it might come off. “I knew it! You both look a lot alike. I’m not surprised you want to be an idol too, it must run in the family!”
She then turned on her heel, glancing over her shoulder. “Nice meeting you, Sadako-chan. I can’t wait to see you on stage with Maru-chan!”
Then she was gone, sprinting off to who knows where. Just the short interaction had worn Sadako out, and her shoulders sagged as she sighed in relief. She wasn’t the only one – next to her, Maru relaxed as well as they kept walking.
“You handled that well.”
Sadako cocked her eyebrow as they climbed a flight of stairs. “Handled what well?”
Maru gave her a weird smile that didn’t quite reach her entire face as they stopped at the landing. “Ema’s a giant gossip. No doubt she’s texting the whole school about you now. And, since she’s a giant liar, none of it will be very nice. Consider it your first brush with the paparazzi.”
Though she was smiling, there was nothing kind in her tone. As a matter of fact, Sadako got the feeling she couldn’t exactly stand the other girl. Given what she had seen before… she had a feeling Ema felt the same.
Was everyone at this school a two-faced rat, or was it just the pop idols?
“I’ll keep that in mind if I run into her again.” Sadako shook her head as they kept walking. “Hope you’re not expecting me to pull that nice girl routine like you did. It’s not exactly my style.”
Maru chuckled, but it wasn’t a friendly one as they made it to the next floor. “Oh, you’ll learn in time. That, or the internet will eat you alive. Your choice, honestly.”
Something about that brought a shiver down Sadako’s spine, but she chose to remain mute on the matter. They were walking down another hallway now, this one quieter than the floor below. There were signs and numbers above the door, and she counted as they walked.
Eventually, they stopped at Production Room 7. Maru motioned for Sadako to stop, and then slid the door open. A few moments later, her head popped out and she gave her temporary partner a big grin that was definitely fake.
“Sakamoto-san says come on in!”
Sadako was soon on the inside of the room, which was a bit more open than she had expected. There was a board on the side of the room with event details scribbled down and color-coded by each idol’s image shade. Maru, if she could read it right, was pretty busy that month. In fact, she was probably the busiest one there. No wonder her picture was up on the windowsill, next to the other idols.
“So, you’re the one Maru found? I wasn’t expecting for her to pick a non-idol. You must be special.”
A voice drew her attention. A woman was seated at the desk at the heart of the room, suit neatly pressed and eyes focused and sharp. Here was a producer – she knew that look from seeing her parents wear it for years when it came to the idols they managed. She had a presence unlike anyone else she had read – control, confidence. It was different from idols, but still just as strong.
Sadako bowed her head briefly as she tried to find her words. “We kind of… smacked into each other I guess.”
“That sounds like Maru.” Sakamoto smiled as she moved forward. As it turns out, she was in a wheelchair. No wonder the room was so open – she wouldn’t be able to get around it otherwise. Things fell into place as she approached. “Nice to meet you, Sadako.”
She paused, giving her newest temporary idol a once-over. “Strange you’re not asking your parents to manage you, though. Your mother is Enjoji Tamaki, yes?”
Here was the sticking point that had driven her nuts in elementary school. There was no way to deny it:  her mother was the famed manager of Cherry Blossom, Pure Palette, and Honey Cat. It was exactly why Sadako didn’t want to ever work with her, besides her previous position of hating idols.
Well, after seeing Ema… she still didn’t like them. Did that make her self-hating? Nah… this was temporary.
She rubbed the back of her neck before she spoke. “I don’t go to Star Harmony, so I don’t think I can work with her…”
“Even if you wanted to?” Sakamoto smiled as her idol gaped. “You’re not very good at hiding your feelings, Sadako. I saw it all over your face when I brought your mother up. People are going to pick up on that when you’re on stage, so I advise you either be honest with yourself or learn to conceal things better.”
Maru chuckled at Sadako’s shocked expression before she added, “Sakamoto-san is great at reading people, it’s why she’s such a good producer.”
Well, that would have been great to know before she walked face first into a freaking ambush…
Still, Sadako nodded as she took the info in. “I guess I’ll work on that.”
“Good to see you take critique well, that’ll get you far in the industry.” Sakamoto rolled towards her board and grabbed a box of markers. “I color-code by image color. Since you haven’t picked one yet, I’m just going to use black for you.”
And so she wrote Sadako’s name on the board, right under Maru’s and linked them with a dark line to indicate their temporary alliance. For the moment, it was official: Sadako was part of production room 7.
It was weird, seeing her name among famous people. Didn’t exactly feel right…
“Now, if you could come over here I can give you your gear and Maru can show you around.”
Sakamoto motioned her to the desk, so Sadako found her way over. Once she was there, the producer dug into her desk and pulled out a few idols. She recognized all of them from her sister and her parents – the sparkly pass that would allow her to access Aikatsu, the shiny cards that made up the outfit she had worn with Maru, and the binder she could keep her cards in after scanning them into the app.
Oh no… the app.
Seeing her face, Maru cut in. “Don’t worry, we have a code so you can download the Aikatsu app.”
“I was about to tell her about that, but it looks like you both got ahead of me.” Sakamoto held out her hand. “Mind if I see your phone for a second?”
Sadako at least remembered to unlock it as she slid it over. Her temporary producer gave it a once over, especially to the bright orange cover she kept on it, before flipping it over to download the app. Soon, the beeping noise of installation filled the room.
Maru stood by her side to watch. “Is orange your favorite color, Sa-chan?”
“Oh, yeah…”
The idol giggled. “Maybe that can be your image color. We don’t have an orange in production room 7.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever seen a cool type with orange, but I could see it working.” Sakamoto handed back her phone – there was a new icon on the home screen. “Unless you don’t want to keep down the cool path? Honestly, I can’t see you as a pop or elegant type… and no offense, but you’re definitely not a cute type.”
Right… type. She remembered that from her parents. Idols were grouped by type – cute, cool, the renamed elegant, and pop. Maru was a pop type, her sister was a cute type… and apparently she was hitting the markers for cool type.
Well… she doubted she could be energetic enough for a pop type, and their cords were way too busy for her. Elegant was a hell no, and she would rather stab herself than share a type with her sister…
“Cool’s fine by me.” She checked the app, booting it up. Within seconds, the app’s mascot Coco was on screen, waving to her. “Coco’s working, so I think the download went ok.”
When she had been younger, she had talked to her sister’s Coco when Haruka had gotten home from work. Now she had her own, at least for the month. It set oddly in her stomach, like none of this was real. But she had a pass with her name on it, cards of her own, and a binder just waiting to be decorated.
So… yeah. She was an idol. At least for the moment. She should probably just accept that.
“Well, that’s all I had for you both.” Sakamoto smiled at her. “Tomorrow I’ll show you your training schedule and give you a keycard to get into the building. I would have had it ready today but getting access for a non-student is proving difficult.”
Maru grabbed Sadako by the arm as she waved. “That means I’ll take her to see the school! Thanks again, Sakamoto-san! You’ve been a great help!”
Then they were out the door, and over her shoulder Sadako watched as Sakamoto approached the board, wiping off her name in black. Just before she disappeared from view, she saw an orange marker appearing from the box.
Then it was back down the steps, towards where the sounds were coming from. Maru was in high spirits – meanwhile, Sadako’s head was spinning. It was still a lot to take in, even as she go dragged along.
She was eventually going to need to tell her kendo team… it be bad if they saw her perform without a warning.
“I think she likes you, Sa-chan.” Maru’s voice was surprisingly straightforward as they stopped in the hallway. “When we talked about you after the Fresh Live, she said she had a good feeling about you. She doesn’t say that a lot.”
She smiled. “I think you’re going to make a great idol. You already have the cool vibe down pat!”
Sadako doubted they had spoken about her – she was learning fast that Maru said what she thought people wanted to hear. There was no reason for the producer to have any sort of feeling about her yet, even secondhand. She knew enough about producers thanks to her parents to understand that much.
That was the thing she needed to remember: Maru lied. It was wise to not take anything she said at face value.
“Well, I’ll do my best for the month.” She stowed her phone in her pocket and put the binder and her cards in her bag. Her pass went into pocket at the front of her bag, zipped tightly so it didn’t fall out. “So, you have to show me some places?”
And so she was being pulled again, towards what she didn’t know. What she did know was that this was not a place she could let her guard down. Idols might look nice and pretend to be friendly, but this was a den of rats. If she kept that in mind, she’d make it through the month with her sanity intact.
She just had to make sure the head rat herself didn’t realize she was on to her… now that was going to be tough. Oh well, she’d consider it training for controlling her opponent for kendo. After all, anything could be a training opportunity.
Damn, it was going to be a long month, though…
0 notes
precure-stuff · 4 years
Aikatsu On Parade Rewrite Part 5
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Raki acquires the Constellation PR by studying Amahane’s design method with Sena.
Magic Blood performs Ragtime of The Moonlit Night is performed
Reflect Moon perform in their Jeweling Dresses
Aoi, Shion and Ako act together·      
Raki and Sora are good friends(Designers)·      
The Christmas live is Hello Winter Love (Raki. Hinaki. Lily. Juri. Maika. Ichigo)
Mirai, Kaede and Hibiki are in a unit called Dynamo
Raki works on the Jeweling PR for a week before getting Alicia’s approval
Seira and Rola tie in a rock contest
Hime and Mizuki perform Start Line in episode 20
Episode 21- Lucky Arrival
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After the duo stage the popularity of 4 Star and Starlight shoots up. Despite the fact that Mizuki and Hime aren’t in school anymore, people wanted to see the idol schools they went to. This leads to the two schools receiving an influx of applications. Madoka invites Raki to help her give the tour as Rin overslept and Raki rushes to Starlight. When she arrives, Madoka is nowhere to be found. Instead, Raki finds Nono and Risa. Raki goes up to them and says she can sense they’re great idols but she can’t recognize them. They smile and claim that they’ll introduce themselves the only way they know how.
Nono and Risa perform Promise Carat. Nono wears the Black Denim Dolly Coord and Risa wears the Romantic Bijoux Coord. The live gathers a small crowd who clap. Risa blushes and hides behind Nono who poses. Raki asks them why she’s never seen them and they mention that they live in Hokkaido and went back there for a while. “There’s actually another pair of idols we’re waiting for.” Cut to a gazebo with two figures sitting in it.
“The entire world revolves around…” Kokone rushes out of the gazebo to meet Nono and Risa. Miyabi stands gracefully and lets Raki know who they are. “When we heard about Starlight being famous we remembered we were students here too!” Raki says she’s never seen an idol like Miyabi before. Kokone spots group of girls on tour and rushes toward them.
“Kokone, wait!” Miyabi ran after her, “We were supposed to look for Sakura together. Kokone has the girls do her catchphrase and performs Love Like Caramelize. Nono, Risa and Raki find her at the end of her performance. Raki rushes up to Kokone and she takes her along to the next group of girls. Raki stops her and says that Miyabi needs her. Kokone apologizes and rushes back. Miyabi sighs and goes to the Starlight Queen Palace. They find Akari decorating it in preparation for that part of the tour. Akari greets them all and offers them cake which Kokone and Raki happily indulge in. Miyabi asks where they can find Sakura and is told to look at the track field.
Miyabi, Kokone and Raki walk toward the tracks and find Sakura meditating there. “I’ve been waiting for this.” She says as she stands up.  Miyabi walks to face her and the two pull out their cards as if they are about to duel. “Wait!” Raki cries. She asks if she can perform with them and Miyabi and Sakura ask if she’ll be able to keep up. Raki shows them her Red dress design (the one in her sketch not the promotional cards. See the image below for reference) The three perform Light Pink Day Tripper but only Sakura and Miyabi do the appeal. One the song is over, Sakura and Miyabi face each other with a smile but Raki seems sullen. Kokone asks her what’s wrong but Raki forces a smile. The episode ends with a shot of the clover in Raki’s sketchbook.
Episode 22- Going Our Way
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4Star’s tour is underway and starts with all the aspiring applicants and fans watching an interview with the old S4 (Hime, Yozora, Yuzu, Tsubasa) This brings back the purple cloud mascot that interviewed them in Aistars season 1. Backstage, Yume, Rola, Koharu, Mahiru and Ako are sitting in a dressing room. They’re in a circle holding hands with their eyes closed as the music in the background fades out. The opening plays.
After the S4 interview we get a shot of the crowd where we spot Saya, Natsuna and Sumomo. Natsuna is in a bad mood and Saya and Sumomo brought her to see Rola but she hasn’t appeared yet. The crowd disperses and Natsuna runs up on stage toward Tsubasa. Tsubasa panics and pushes Natsuna away but Hime catches her. Yuzu reassures her with a smile and Yozora asks, “Are you lost?” She looks at Natsuna’s jacket and notices a Spice Chord accessory. Tsubasa walks up to her and squats.
“If you like Spice Chord then-” Tsubasa is cut short by Saya and Sumomo’s arrival.
They explain things to Tsubasa and she sighs, “I see, Rola is currently occupied but I promise you’ll meet her today. I’ll give you three a personal tour for now.” Tsubasa takes the girls around and stops once they get to the balcony. Natsuna hasn’t said a word and Tsubasa asks to be left alone with her. After a few seconds of silence, Natsuna says that she’s been chasing after Rola for the past year.
“I’ve never really seen idols like me but Rola was. She wore clothes like I did and sang songs I wanted to sing too,” Natsuna whispers. Tsubasa smiles and stares at the sky.
“When I was younger, I wanted to be the top of Song Class. When Akari was younger, she wanted to be just like Ichigo. Being inspired by others is a beautiful thing, but you should remember that you’re a star on your own. Even my Spice Chord and hers are different. So will yours.” Natsuna seems unconvinced. Tsubasa shows her the Girl’s Flag Coord. Natsuna’s eyes light up. She sashays off and beckons Natsuna to follow her. We get to see Dancing Days.
Natsuna finally understands and tells Tsubasa that she can take her back to Sumomo and Saya. Tsubasa takes her to the dressing room just as Yume and Rola walk out. Saya and Sumomo as Rola walks toward her. Natsuna stands shyly behind Tsubasa.
“Do you love Spice Chord?” Rola asks. Natsuna’s eyes meet hers. She nods shyly.
“Rola, we’re up on stage.” Yume reminds her.
“Just a minute Yume.” Rola rushes back into the dressing room and brings out her bag. She hugs Natsuna and gives her the Black Shadow Coord and rushes onto stage. Natsuna blushes as she holds the cards and Saya and Natsuna take her back to the crowd to watch the stage. The five Stars girls stand in the Dressing Room and make a star shape with their fingers before appearing on stage to perform We Are Stars in the event coords above
Episode 23- A Girl like Me
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 This episode starts in Tamaki’s office. Tamaki is watching footage of one of Raki’s recent concerts. As Raki sings ‘Your Entrance’ when suddenly her aura disappears. Tamaki’s eyes widen as she watches Raki finish the performance. She turns to Sora and Koharu across the desk. “Is this the first time this has happened?”
“No, I’m afraid not,” Koharu says, “Recently, Raki hasn’t been herself.”
“Yes,” Sora adds, “She lost her way somehow and isn’t designing as she usually does.”
Tamaki places her head on her hands and sighs. “This is something much deeper than dresses. Whatever is going on is something Raki feels about herself.”
*Opening plays*
We cut to Raki’s room as she stares at a blank page of her sketchbook. Madoka and Rin sit outside with PP and Wakaba. Akari, Ichigo and Yume arrive in a car and join them at Star Harmony. Koharu lays out the situation for all of them. “We need to cheer Raki up. Whatever made her want to design clothes seems to have stopped and she can’t perform. She isn’t the same as she used to be.” Wakaba suggests that they show her their Aikatsu Cards as the rest remain silent. Yume and Akari turn to Ichigo who has a stern look on her face. Koharu follows Yume’s eyes to Ichigo as well.
“She needs to find her rice scoop.” Ichigo remarks, “Whatever made her an idol…she knows it herself.”
“In that case,” Koharu says, “We’re all going to help her remember that.” Rin and Madoka head off to Starlight looking for Juri. If anyone knew passion, it would be her. Koharu and Yume went to Venus Ark and Wakaba went to Raki’s room. Ichigo and Akari left last and no one knew where they went.
At Venus Ark, Yume and Koharu begged Elza to come see Raki. Yume stepped forward and clasped her hands “You inspired her very first PR. You let me surpass my own limits! Elza please!” Elza’s gaze remained cold and she stood up to face the sea.
“If she can’t get over a simple rut then she should reconsider being an idol.” Elza said.
Koharu huffed and straightened her shoulders, “If I hadn’t helped you as a designer would you be where you are now?” Elza turns in disgust. Koharu doesn’t flinch and pulls out her own sketchbooks. She lays it on Elza’s desk and flips through the designs she had for Perfect Queen. “Elza, even you needed help. Right now Raki needs you and you should be there.” The scene ends
Wakaba and Raki are sitting on her bed talking about their families. Wakaba mentions that she misses them as she’s been so busy as an idol but knows they understand. Raki smiles lightly as Juri bursts in with Rin and Madoka. Raki is shocked as Juri showers her with roses. “I’m told someone here is feeling down” (I’m not including the Spanish because I don’t speak it so I can’t do it well) Rin tells her to calm down. Madoka offers Raki a candy pop. She stares at it for a while and curls up. “You’re all such good idols and I’m glad I met you but-I’m not sure I can be that.”
We see a flashback of Raki and her sister. Raki first tried to dress like her sister and emulate her style. We see a small Raki in her sister’s labcoat. As Raki grows older she starts to dress more like herself and gets the idea for Maple Ribbon. Her sister supports this and we see Raki receiving her Aikatsu Pass. As this memory plays in Raki’s head we see her eyes light up a little.
In the Starlight Palace Akari nods as she chairs a Starlight Queen meeting. Otome, Sakura and Mizuki are in a circle as Ichigo watches. Mizuki stands. “I may not know her well but I can’t stand by and watch an idol lose her way.”
“Do you think we’re doing too much?” Ichigo asks, “I don’t want us to smother Raki.” Otome shakes her head furiously but Sakura stops her.
“Raki’s been this way for a while,” Sakura starts, “Ever since her stage with me and Miyabi…she wanted to see all sorts of idols but I’m not sure she knows what she wants to be herself. She’s shifted between all sorts of looks and has done a little of everything.”
“She can be whatever idol she needs to be. We just need to remind her.” Mizuki says and Akari decides to end the meeting.
Madoka receives a text message and asks Raki to go to the stage in Star Harmony. The message says that Raki should go alone and she does. Wakaba looks worried. As she enters the empty seats, she notices Ichigo standing in the spotlight. “Raki,” she says, “We know that something’s wrong but we don’t know what. We want you to know whatever idol you’ll be we’ll all support you.” Four more lights appear. “And so prepare to see four idols who came into their own just like you will.”
Sweet Sweet Girls Talk starts playing. The stage is a garden with a gazebo and tea cups. It’s very flowery and elegant. The Starlight Queens appear. Otome wears the Cotton Color Coord, Akari wears the Rose Party Coord, Mizuki wears the Moon French Coord and Sakura wears the Noble Coord.
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As the stage ends, Ichigo invites Raki on stage. She takes the mic (It’s the same one from the Ichigo movie) “I’m grateful you all did this for me.” The other girls walk in, revealing they were listening to the performance, “I started designing to make clothes I wanted to wear. I want Maple Ribbon to be something girls like me can wear.” She takes a pause and looks around the room. “But I’m a girl who wants to wear whatever she likes. All sorts of clothes exist in my brand. Thank you for reminding me I don’t have to be anything to make it.”
The episode cuts to black but lights up as we get Idol Activity(All Stars Version) in the Shining Line Coords. During the performance we cut to scenes of Raki interacting with the other protagonists.
Episode 24- Lucky Time
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The episode starts with Honey Cat decorating Star Harmony. We see Reflect Moon giving readings to the Star Harmony students. In a dressing room Raki and Wakaba are having their hair done by Sora and Mahiru. There’s an event going on named Lucky Time. Crowds begin to gather and Hariu checks the tickets. As the crowd comes on stage, we see that Pure Palette are the MCs. They thank the audience for coming and mention that Honey Cat will start the event.
You X I plays. They perform in their first Friends Dresses with their Miracle Aura. After that Maika and Ema mention that they’re here today to help two girls to form their own Friends. Wakaba and Raki walk on stage and the crowd begins to cheer. Raki and Wakaba reveal that their Friends unit is Clover Ring. Mirai blushes as she and Karen hold hands in the crowd. Raki gives a short speech about how far she’s come. She thanks Wakaba for being there for her and they run backstage to the Dressing Rooms. Raki wears the Pastel Purple Line Coord and Wakaba wears the Cherry Link Coord.  They sing Aikatsu Friends. The rest of the episode has Raki and Wakaba climb a mountain and sit together at the top as they watch the sunset together
Episode 25- Venus Dream
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 The episode starts on Venus Ark. Aria and Carol Alice stand watching the sea as Rey walks out to meet them. “Elza wants to speak to you,” They walk into Elza’s office as Alice adjusts her bonnet.
“Alice! I placed my trust in you once and you failed me. Right now Venus Ark needs you more than ever. We must catch up to the other schools so all Venus Ark students simply must debut.” She pushes a letter forward. Alice picks it up and smiles. “Isn’t that the brand you admire?” Alice nods. “Very well. Aria, take her to the muse.” Rey sees them out of the room. The opening plays (This would be Twilight Etranger with scenes of everyone)
Aria rows the mini-boat Elza gave them but they’re making no progress. Carol admits she’s never rowed a boat and Aria said she did so with Hime as a child. Carol swirls her hand in the water. They drift vaguely along the sea as Aria places flowers in the water. “This way we won’t get lost.” Aria says. Carol sighs as the sun continues to burn intensely. Aria lets her hair down and starts humming her song. Carol joins her and they hum together to lighten the mood. As they sing and drift at sea, a third voice joins them. They turn in horror only to see Mirai in a floating tube. She waves at them and swims over. Karen stands over her own ship at the dock and has them brought in.
Alice and Aria sit by a white table in a small room with wide windows letting the sunlight in. After being refreshed Karen asks them why they were drifting at sea. Aria mentions that they were on their way to the ship. Mirai tells them it was a strange way to get there. Carol covers her face and stands before Karen.
“I- I’d like to wear… Classical Ange.” She stammers.
“Hmmm,” Karen holds her chin. “So this is what Raki’s Pass has brought about,” She steps forward and uncovers Carol Alice’s face. “You’re clearly a beautiful girl Alice. A graceful lady who should wear fitting clothes.” Karen takes her hand and rushes over to the desk. Aria smiles as well. Karen gives Alice the cards for the Mermaid Blue Coord. Carol takes the cards and places to them on her chest.
“Thank you, for believing in me.” Alice says. Karen takes them back to Star Harmony and announces that she will be sharing her brand with a Venus Ark student. News spreads back to Elza who is furious.
“Why couldn’t she bring her here? Rey, we can’t let ourselves be left behind.” Elza storms out and makes her way to Star Harmony.  Rey makes sure to alert the press that royalty was on the move. Elza steals the show and has her staff spread Venus Ark banners over the halls she walks through. Raki and Wakaba see this and mention that they’re not surprised. After walking around a bit, Elza demands that Alice be brought to her. In the meantime, she sits on a makeshift throne with Rey standing guard.
Alice walks towards Elza and meets her eyes. Elza is taken aback. Alice had never done that. She had a certain poise in her walk. Rey blushes and comments that it seems as though she’s gliding. Alice tells Elza that she wants to show her a performance worth seeing. Elza nods as she tries to hide how proud she is of her.
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Aria and Alice rush to the Dressing Room. Aria wears the Nadeshiko New Year Coord and Alice wears the Mermaid Blue Coord(pictured on the left). Pirouette of the Forest Light starts playing as Aria sings the first line. Alice joins in and as the tune plays her aura appears. Six blue candles rotate around her with gold stands. Blue jewels and purple lilies float around her. The appeals are Angel Garden and Star Heartful World. As the show ends Elza congratulates Alice and gives her a hug. The episode ends
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photokatsu · 8 years
A Vivid Training Camp♪ Event Scenario Ep 7-11
Episode 7
Interviewer: Today we'll be working with Akari Ozora, Sumire Hikami, and…
Juri: I'm Juri Kurebayashi. Nice to meet you!
Interviewer: The units Luminas and Passionate Jalapeno, which Hinaki-chan is in.
Hinaki: Yes, we have a shoot with everyone here today.
[Scene Transition]
Cameraman: We're ready! Please go first, Hinaki-chan.
Hinaki: Yes, coming~! Okay, see you later, guys!
Akari: Yeah, do your best~! Huh? Are you not going, Mr. Interviewer?
Interviewer: Yes, this is a rare opportunity, so I thought I'd ask everyone here a few questions.
Sumire: Us…?
Interviewer: Yes...From your point of view, what kind of person is Hinaki-chan?
Juri: I see, so it's a question that you can't ask in front of her! Well, first of all, she's my partner!
Sumire: Yeah, Juri-chan and Hinaki-chan truly feel like partners!
Akari: It's like they can read each others minds. Only they can pull that off!
Sumire: She's also really considerate. She just naturally supports you in many ways…
Akari: Yep, yep. She always looks at her surroundings and helps us.
Sumire: She's always working straight towards her goal of being the idol she wants to be.
Juri: Also,  she's actually super competitive! She actually has as passionate of a heart as me hidden underneath…
Akari: Yeah, I totally get what you mean! That gap…
Hinaki: Hmmm…?
Akari&Juri&Sumire: …!
Hinaki: And, and?
Juri: …..Huh, Hinaki?
Akari: H-Hinaki-chan? Y-You already finished your shoot…?
Hinaki: Yeah, I feel bad making you guys wait so I did my best...And rushed back as fast as I could, and what do you know...You guys...How...How dare you guys say such embarrassing things~!?
Akar&Juri&Sumire: Eeeeek~!!
[Scene Transition]
Hinaki: Ahaha! Those guys…
Interviewer: You sure are good friends.
Hinaki: Yes! They're always helping me out! There's a bunch of things I overcame because they were there...Oh no! It's getting late! I gotta water the miracle flower!
Interviewer: Let's hurry! Hinaki-chan!
Hinaki: Yes! Sorry for the rush!
Episode 8
Kayoko: Okay! Tomorrow's finally the day of the party! Since all three of us are here, let's just have a training camp like this!
Mikuru: Sounds great! It's almost time to water the miracle flower for the last time, so let's all do it together!
Hinaki: Yes! It'll be so exciting to see how it blooms with the three of us finishing it up!
Kayoko: Then let's have a meeting and eat until it's time!
[Scene Transition]
Mikuru: Kayokocchi was so funny when we were watering the flower~!
Hinaki: Ahaha! She was praying that it'll bloom beautifully the whole time.
Mikuru: Ah~ But to think today's the last day. It sure went by fast~
Hinaki: Yes~ I still can't really believe that tomorrow's the actual party.
Mikuru: There was a ton of stuff to do everyday, so~ Daily Aikatsu!, taking care of flowers, plus you also had preparations for your live tomorrow.
Hinaki: That's what I had fun doing, though.
Mikuru: Oh right, you also had the closeup coverage, huh.
Hinaki: Th-that's…
Mikuru: Ahaha♪ Did you get used to having the camera beside you all the time?
Hinaki: Ahahahaha...I decided to not worry about it anymore.
Mikuru: Yeah, that's probably a good idea♪ ...So, did you find it? The answer to what you were worrying about.
Hinaki: ...Remember what you said to me before? That the more care you put into flowers, the more beautiful they'll bloom. And that what's important is if you can put your all into something so you won't regret.
Mikuru: Yeah~ We were talking with just the two of us like now.
Hinaki: So, I was thinking. It’s like  the smiles of all our fans. The harder we try, the more beautifully they'll bloom.
Mikuru: Yeah, it's the same as Aikatsu!
Hinaki: If it's a live, they're right in front of you...Even for modeling, I can feel my fans smiling through the approval of the cameraman, but…
Mikuru: So that's why you were worried. They don't just give you approval when you're doing a closeup coverage.
Hinaki: Yes...But, I finally realized. The camera for the closeup coverage isn't connected to the present, but the future...In front of the TV in the future, I'm sure all my fans will be smiling. So I thought I just have to do my best like I always do.
Mikuru: Hehe, right! Yeah, I'm sure that's the case♪ But the flowers you'll be blooming tomorrow are the ones right in front of you! I'll do it with the miracle flower, and you…
Hinaki: Yes! With the stage.
Mikuru: Let's make them at full bloom tomorrow!
Hinaki: Yes♪
Episode 9
Hinaki: Haah, haaah…! Mikuru-san!
Mikuru: Oh, Hinaki…
Hinaki: Um, I heard from the staff that the miracle flower didn't bloom...Kayoko-san's occupied because the party's starting soon…
Mikuru: Thanks for coming even though your live is soon, too. This isn't good...Really, I wonder what's wrong? The bud is so big and the leaves are this healthy, too...But...Why isn't it blooming…?
Audience: Wow~!!
Mikuru: Oh, the party started...I'm over the time limit...I gotta apologize to Kayokocchi…
Hinaki: Mikuru-san...Not yet! There's still time! The more care you put into flowers, the more beautifully they'll bloom, right!?
Mikuru: Yeah, that's right, but…
Hinaki: I know for a fact! About how much work you put into taking care of it! So there's no way it won't bloom beautifully!
Mikuru: Hinaki…!
Hinaki: I'm sure it'll bloom soon! It's probably just a bit of a sleepyhead. So I'll wake it up!
Mikuru: Wake it up!? How!?
Staff: Hinaki-chan! Please get on stage!
Hinaki: Yes! Coming!
Mikuru: I see! So you're gonna wake it up with your live!
Hinaki: Mikuru-san! I'll make a miracle happen!
Mikuru: ...Huh?
Hinaki: Please watch Hinaki's miracle!
Mikuru: ! That's my line...Ahaha♪ Yeah! I'm counting on you! Can you wake up this sleepyhead with your super morning call?
Hinaki: Yes! Please leave it to me! Okay then, off I go!
Episode 10
Mikuru: It's over now…
Hinaki: Yes...It is…
Mikuru: I was watching the flowers you bloomed. The audience's smiles at full bloom. Plus...A large wreath of the miracle flower...Shining gold...Like a miracle.
Hinaki: You were the one who made it bloom.
Mikuru: No, it's you. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to wake up that sleepyhead by myself.
Hinaki: Sleepyhead, huh...I wonder if that's why it grew so big?
Mikuru: Like that old saying that kids who sleep up grow big? Ahaha, maybe?
Kayoko: Geez, you two, you were the BEST! Thanks~!
Hinaki: Woah, Kayoko-san!
Kayoko: Gosh, the party was a huge success! This is like, totally thanks to you guys? Hinaki-chan's stage was like, the best, too! And Mikuru-chan's miracle flower, too! What was that!? That super cool flower that's all big and gold like the sun! Isn't that a first?
Mikuru: That flower bloomed thanks to Hinaki's miracle…
Hinaki: Like I said, it's Mikuru-sans'~…
Kayoko: Ahaha, I get it, I get it. Then it's thanks to both of your strengths combined!
Hinaki: Yes! If it wasn't for Mikuru-san, I would still be worrying! It's thanks to Mikuru-san teaching me so much!
Mikuru: ...Hinaki...Okay. Then that's settled.
Kayoko: Yeah, yeah! This flower's miracle wouldn't have happened if either one of you were missing!
Mikuru: Hmmm~...Kayokocchi, I don't think it's two.
Hinaki: Yes! Kayoko-san's needed, too!
Kayoko: Really? So it's like, a miracle from the three of us?
Hinaki: Yes, like, a miracle♪
Mikuru: Then let's make these miracles keep going from now on, too…!
Kayoko: Then, shall we do that?
Hinaki: Let's~!
Mikuru: One, two, three!
Kayoko&Mikuru&Hinaki: Let's show our miracle~!
Episode 11
TV: Hinaki Shinjo Documentary ~Fin~
Mizuki: Hehe, we really need to keep our eyes peeled for Shinjo now.
Mikuru: I know~ Hinaki's so cool~…
Mizuki: Why are you so down? It's cool Shinjo's closeup documentary.
Mikuru: I mean..Ugh~...I was supposed to be the teacher, too~
Mizuki: Teacher? Ooh, right, you were teaching her gardening.
Mikuru: But I was the one who ended up getting help. I'm a failure of a teacher~
Mizuki: Really? I don't think so.
Mikuru: No, I guess teaching is really hard after all~...But you're really amazing at it. You're always teaching and pulling everyone along.
Mizuki: Even I'm always desperately searching for something I can do. And...Don't you think you were a big help to Shinjo?
Mikuru: You say that, but if you ask if can be confident about it…
Mizuki: You're fine. I mean…
[Scene Transition]
Hinaki: Yes...Yes...A model job...Huh, at Paris!? Um, if the schedule's...Yes, I got it!
Akari: Wow, that's so cool~ Hinaki-chan.
Sumire: It's like the whole world is has its attention on her.
Madoka: That closeup documentary was so amazing.
Rin: It was full of Hinaki-senpai's charm.
Hinaki: No...That wasn't just me. It's all because of Kayoko-san, Mikuru-san, and you guys supporting me! Thank you so much!
Juri: Gracias! In other words, that's our line! I'm happy if I'm able to support you.
Hinaki: Right! Thanks, Juri♪ No matter the job, it's all Aikatsu! If I just work hard as I usually do, I'm sure beautiful flowers of smiles will bloom to match!
Akari: Yeah! You're right!
Madoka: It'd be so wonderful if you can bloom the hall full of flowers of smiles~!
Rin: Yeah! It'd be the best if you could see that view every time!
Sumire: We should do our best so we can see it every time…!
Akari: We still have so much to do! Aikatsu is so exciting!
Juri: ¡Divertido! We can show that we can overcome anything!
Hinaki: Alright~! I'll keep painting the world Hinaki-colour from now on, too~♪
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precure-stuff · 4 years
Aiparade Rewrite Episode 30
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Dynamo’s Trials
The episode starts during a Dream Academy general assembly. All the students are in an auditorium as Tiara walks on stage. “Good morning students. As we’ve all been reminded, the world of Aikatsu is rapidly expanding. Shuffle Units have been brought to a new level. Outside the novelty of idols from different schools, Twinkle’s triple appeal has raised the bar significantly. Throughout the month, we will be encouraging you to form your own units. If any of you would like to register, please fill the forms given out after this.” Once her address is over, Tiara walks off and dabs her forehead with a handkerchief. She checks for recent news on her phone. Mizuki, Mahiru and Nono’s live continues to garner views. There’s a mention of Checkmate and not much much else. As she gets to her office, she feels a tug on her blouse. She turns to meet Noelle and the opening plays (Twilight Etranger)
In Star Harmony, Raki and Wakaba are rewatching the live with PP in a special training room. “I’ve never been so impressed.” Wakaba says. Aine’s eyes seem glued to the screen as Mio watches intently while twirling her hair. Raki is drawing their outfits from various images. She compares this to her other designs in glee.
“Are you guys done yet?” Mirai asks. She ruffles “Wakaba! Raki! Today you’ll be training with Dynamo. Don’t forget we’re a shuffle unit too.” Wakaba pulls Raki away from her sketchbook.
In a training room, Kaede and Hibiki are practicing their appeal jumps in perfect sync. Mirai flawlessly joins them and asks Clover Ring to jump as well. Raki rushes onto the trampoline while Wakaba does a few warm up stretches. Their jumps are out of time with each other. As they try to sync Dynamo exchange disappointed glances. Kaede sighs and asks them to stop.
“You two can’t even sync with each other?” Clover Ring get off the trampolines. “In that cars,” We see a spark in her eyes as she suggests they take their training outside. Mirai and Hibiki follow her. They take Clover Ring to one of Karen’s properties for hang gliding. “If you two do this, it might help.” Wakaba and Raki cower at the cliff as Kaede smiles.
“Excellent! If you trust in each other this should be no problem.” Hibiki says. She throws off her tracksuit revealing she was dressed to hang glide underneath. “ Mirai, let’s go.” In mere seconds, they take off as Kaede nods approvingly (Be Star plays in the background) They seem free in the air and Raki is reminded of their landing in the field. Wakaba straightens her back and slowly advances.
“Raki!” She takes her hand, “We can do this.” Raki gulps and turns to Kaede. Kaede brings them a hang glider and straps them in. Raki braces herself and they take off. They both scream once they’re off the cliff and Kaede cheers. She recalls her first time hang gliding with Yurika who did the same.
Kaede pulls out her own parachute and makes sure to stay near Clover Ring as a precaution. The three land safely. Raki and Wakaba laugh it off and Mirai congratulates them over their bravery.
“What’s next?” Raki asks.
“Isn’t it obvious?” A familiar voice says. Clover Ring turns to meet Pure Palette.
“Seeing as Pure Palette train new Friends, we thought they might be of help,” Mirai says.
Mio points toward the top of the cliff and the girls race toward it. As Hibiki watches them race, she remarks that their passion is brighter than the sun. Raki and Wakaba press on despite the heat but they can’t catch up to Pure Palette. They chant ‘Aikatsu’ as they climb to the top. Dynamo remains where they stood watching from afar. “Girls. It’s about time.” Hibiki commands. Kaede’s expression gets serious as the three walk into a tent with an Aikatsu machine in it.
On the cliff, PP and Clover Ring heave as they stare down at the plain below. A stage materializes as Mio smiles.
“So they’re really trying it.” Mio says.
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On stage, Kaede pops out of a hat in the Pony Land Coord. Hibiki wears the Playing Trump Coord and Mirai wears the Deco Wrapping Coord. Magic Smile starts to play and Kaede solos with the other girls as back up. Wakaba gets lost in the performance but Raki notices their coords don’t really match and there’s also some tension in the air as Pure Palette isn’t smiling. The first appeal Triple Trick Toy Box goes well and the song goes on. Dynamo exchange glances as they continue to perform and Mio steps back saying she’s seen enough. Aine stops her just as the second appeal, Triple Milky Bomb is performed. The music goes on but the girls’ stamina runs out. Wakaba stops cheering and notices them step out of sync. They start their third appeal, Dynamo Flight starts but they stop mid-air and the stage fades away. The girls sigh as they watch Dynamo get up. Hibiki stares at the setting sun with a look of despair. Their third appeal was not to be. Clover Ring,PP and Dynamo all walk away in silence.
The next day, we see that Twinkle has performed again pushing their popularity even further. We get a shot of Johnny on a beach training an unidentified trio. Elsewhere, Checkmate is having tea in the Solvette Castle. Finally, we get to Star Harmony where Clover Ring is running in the field. They stop for a break when a silhouetted figure approaches them. Raki and Wakaba turn to look at them and smile. The episode ends
Author’s notes: 
I think this rewrite has made it clear I like Mizuki’s character more than I’ll admit
I wanted the protags to stay out of the Shuffle Units and train them instead
There’s not enough Appeals to keep it interesting so when I say ‘Triple(existing appeal )’ use your imagination
Wakaba is a fangirl for Mirai here so she has something other than her Friends ‘personality’
Really glad there’s three coords in this with clear pics instead of  screencapping the cards
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