#Pastor Rick Warren
lumafiiks · 1 month
"Su propósito en mí"
Cuando Dios utiliza una crisis para llamar tu atención, a menudo no la resuelve inmediatamente.
Cuando le dices a Dios: “Tengo que tener tu propósito y tu sueño para mí. No voy a soltarte hasta que me bendigas”, ahí es cuando Dios dice: “De acuerdo, ahora estamos hablando”.
“No nos cansemos de hacer el bien, porque a su debido tiempo cosecharemos si no nos damos por vencidos”. Gálatas 6:9
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walkswithmyfather · 5 months
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“This will continue until we are . . . mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him.” —Ephesians 4:13 (CEV)
“Spiritual Growth Is a Lifelong Journey” —By Rick Warren:
“Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth. Spiritual maturity is neither instant nor automatic. It’s gradual and progressive. Paul said, “This will continue until we are… mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him” (Ephesians 4:13 CEV).
You are a work in progress. Your spiritual transformation —developing the character of Jesus—will take the rest of your life. And even then it won’t be completed here on Earth. It will only be finished when you get to heaven or when Jesus returns. At that point, any unfinished work on your character will be wrapped up.
The Bible says that when you’re finally able to see Jesus perfectly, you will become perfectly like him: “We are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is” (1 John 3:2 NLT).
Many Christians become confused because they ignore this simple truth: God is far more interested in building your character than he is in anything else.
People worry when God seems silent on specific issues, such as “What career should I choose?” The truth is, there are many different careers that could be in God’s will for your life. What God cares about most is that whatever you do, you do in a Christlike manner.
God is far more interested in who you are than in what you do. We are human beings, not human doings. God is much more concerned about your character than your career—because you will take your character into eternity, not your career.
God’s purpose is to make you like him before he takes you to heaven. Becoming like Jesus is your greatest privilege, your immediate responsibility, and your ultimate destiny.
Talk It Over:
How have you seen God shaping your character to be more like Jesus?
God is more interested in who you are than in what you do. How does knowing this change the things you’re praying about or worrying about?
Your spiritual transformation will take your whole life—and not be completed until you see Jesus face to face. How does that knowledge affect how you live each day?”
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tetha1950 · 2 years
Cinco Maneras en que Jesús te Protege y te Dirige...
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“El propósito del ladrón es robar y matar y destruir; mi propósito es darles una vida plena y abundante. Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da su vida en sacrificio por las ovejas”. Juan 10:10-11 (NTV)
Las ovejas por naturaleza son animales indefensos, por eso es que un pastor utiliza algunas herramientas para cuidar y proteger a sus ovejas. Él usa una vara para proteger y un cayado con un pequeño gancho para rescatar a las ovejas.
Somos como ovejas perdidas, así que Jesús vino a la Tierra para ser nuestro Buen Pastor. Así como un pastor usa las herramientas físicas de la vara y el cayado para dirección y protección, Dios quiere protegerte y dirigirte. Aquí hay cinco maneras en como lo hace:
1. Si le traes tus heridas, Jesús es compasivo.
Jesús tiene compasión de nosotros, porque sabe que estamos indefensos sin Él (Mateo 9:36). Él no te deja; Él te levanta. Él no te irrita; Él te sana.
“El Hijo del hombre no vino para que le sirvan, sino para servir y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos” Mateo 20:28 (NVI).
2. Si lo sigues, Jesús te lleva en la dirección correcta.
El Pastor va primero. Él conduce desde el frente y te llama hacia adelante. Jesús no te va a empujar por la vida. Él va a decir: “Mira cómo lo hago. Mira a dónde voy”.
“Una vez reunido su propio rebaño, camina delante de las ovejas, y ellas lo siguen porque conocen su voz” Juan 10:4 (NTV). 
3. Si te confundes o te alejas, Jesús te encontrará y te traerá de vuelta.
Cuando Dios te trae de vuelta después que te alejaste de Él, no te castigará, pero puede disciplinarte. Si un pastor tiene una oveja que es propensa a vagar, a menudo amarra la pata de esa oveja para que no pueda moverse. De la misma manera, a veces Dios nos da una cojera para evitar que vaguemos.
“Si un hombre tiene cien ovejas y una de ellas se extravía, ¿qué hará? ¿No dejará las otras noventa y nueve en las colinas y saldrá a buscar la perdida?” Mateo 18:12 (NTV).
4. Si fracasas o caes, Jesús te rescata y te pone en el camino de la recuperación.
Como todas las ovejas, no solo vagamos, sino que también tropezamos. Cuando vivimos confiados en que Dios nos restaurará y nos rescatará cuando fracasemos, correremos fielmente hacia Él cada vez que cometamos un error.
“Si alguno de ustedes tiene una oveja y en sábado se le cae en un hoyo, ¿no la agarra y la saca? ¡Cuánto más vale un hombre que una oveja!” Mateo 12:11-12 (NVI).
5. Si confías en Él para tu salvación, Jesús mantendrá su promesa de hacer precisamente eso.
No es tu trabajo salvarte. Tu trabajo es simplemente poner tu mano en la de Dios y decir: “Dios, soy todo tuyo, lo bueno, lo malo, lo feo”. Dios te ama demasiado como para dejarte ir.
“porque mi Padre me las ha dado [las ovejas], y él es más poderoso que todos. Nadie puede quitarlas de la mano del Padre” Juan 10:29 (NTV).
La bondad de Dios significa que Él te guiará, te cuidará, te protegerá, te dirigirá y te salvará. Nadie más puede ofrecerte estos cinco beneficios. Solo vienen de Jesús, nuestro Buen Pastor.
Reflexiona sobre esto:
¿En qué dirección te está guiando Jesús en este momento? ¿En tu trabajo? ¿Tu familia? ¿Tu comunidad? ¿Tu iglesia? ¿Tus relaciones?
¿Qué has aprendido de la disciplina de Dios?
¿Confías en Dios y sus promesas de nunca dejarte y de siempre rescatarte? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?
(Ps. Rick Warren).
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thechristiancrusader · 10 months
Read my Article on Why Women Can’t Be Pastors @OnLocals become a Supporter to see the Expanded Edition with scripture links and a personal story on the subject: https://thechristiancrusaders.locals.com/post/4254602/the-reason-why-women-cant-be-pastors
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tcrobinson · 11 months
The Shameful Priorities of the Southern Baptist Convention
Once a year, local Southern Baptist Churches, in good standing, come together to form the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and address intramural business and so on. A good thing one would say. Well, this year, all anyone could talk about is the SBC’s priorities are to purge the convention of local churches with female pastors and restore male-only pastorship, and the media-focused rejection…
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hypatiawilde · 11 months
SBC: Is Rick Warren Right About Female Pastors?
Rick Warren cherry-picks and bends verses to support his assertions that there can be female pastors. The SBC hardly has firmer ground to stand on. What a joyous mess to watch from outside the confines of southern baptist dogmas.
Did you know the Southern Baptist denomination was founded to protect the institution of slavery? In 1845, Baptists in the northern United States decided that Baptist slaveowners could not function as missionaries. Baptists in the South took that as an affront and a threat to their livelihoods – dependent upon owning other human beings – and so broke from American Baptist Churches USA. You’ll see…
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Watch "Really? Do These 3 Bible Verses Endorse Female Pastors?" on YouTube
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pugzman3 · 8 months
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Steven Furtick is just onenof many "pastors" that has come out of the Emerging Church. Emerging church was started by globalist Rick Warren, (the same Rick Warren that has been given stage time at the World Economic Forums, has been working with Pope Francis to unite the churches, and is an admitted member of the Council on Foreign Relations). Furticks church has an estimated 27,000 people in attendance each week, he and his church have millions of followers on social media, and millions more on youtube. That's millions of people hearing this garbage. That means millions of people deceived because they are wanting a savior that fits into what they expect him to be. Millions that are going to learn a hard and eternal lesson. And this is only going to grow and get worse as the days get worse.
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by Denny Burk | Rick Warren and Saddleback have done us the service of showing their hand. They want to persuade us to abandon what the Bible teaches and follow them in another direction. How will we respond in New Orleans?   The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) announced earlier this year that Saddleback church had been removed from the...
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4 NIV).
“God’s Presence: Your Anchor through Any Storm” By Rick Warren:
“No one gets to live a life without setbacks. All of us will face storms from time to time.
The real issue is how we respond. What happens next? Do setbacks dominate you? Do you stop trying and give up?
If we’re not careful, setbacks will lead us toward unhelpful decisions:
Drifting from our goals. We hear the little voice inside that asks, “What’s the use of trying?” Then we stop striving for what God has clearly called us to do.
Discarding what we value. Sometimes, after a period of intense pain, our priorities change—we let go of what once mattered greatly to us.
Despairing about our future. We figure we’re doomed, we’re finished, and it’s all over.
As a pastor now for more than 40 years, I’ve watched many people react to crises in one of those three ways. I’ve discovered that the true test of faith is not how high you jump when you’re singing praises to God, but how straight you walk when you’re going through the valley of the shadow of death.
You’ll always drift in a storm without the right anchor. And only one anchor will really do.
One of the Bible’s most famous passages says it like this: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4 NIV).
God’s presence is the greatest anchor in any situation.
When you’re feeling hopeless, remember that God hasn’t left you. Make him your rock-solid anchor. No matter how dark your valley, you’ve never been closer to God than you are at this exact moment.
When I make that statement to people as they’re going through setbacks, they often tell me: “Well, I don’t feel his presence.”
But it really has nothing to do with how you feel. The Bible says God is there in your darkest valley. That’s reality—whether you believe it or not.
The Bible tells us, “I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us” (Romans 8:38-39 The Message).
No matter what you’re going through, God and his love are right there with you.
That truth offers stability in any storm.
Talk it over:
What setbacks in your life have made you doubt God’s presence?
When you look at the three ways setbacks can lead us to losing our way, which have you experienced? How did the loss impact you?
How does recognizing God’s presence in the midst of setbacks help you get through those difficult times?”
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noreligionisgood · 11 months
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crecimiento-espiritual · 11 months
EFESIOS 1:18-23
La confiada expectativa de la esperanza
Me alegro mucho de que hayas decidido unirte a nosotros, apartando este tiempo en tu agenda para buscar la presencia de Dios. Recuerda que ningún tiempo con Dios es tiempo perdido.
Esta semana hemos explorado la belleza de la esperanza y hoy analizaremos el centro de la esperanza cristiana: nuestra expectativa cierta de que se cumplan las promesas de Dios.
La esperanza cristiana es radicalmente diferente del optimismo o de las ilusiones, porque no se basa en sueños o deseos, sino en las promesas de Dios. O, como dice el pastor Rick Warren: "La verdadera esperanza se basa en la palabra de Dios, no en mis deseos".
No depende de lo que yo sienta, sino de lo que Dios ha dicho. No se basa en mi emoción, sino en lo que él ha declarado. No procede de mi imaginación, sino de lo que Dios ha dicho que hará.
En el pasaje de hoy, Pablo ruega por nosotros para que nuestro corazón se ilumine y podamos conocer la esperanza a la que Dios nos ha llamado. ¿Cómo podemos conocer esa esperanza y experimentar su poder en nosotros?
La Biblia contiene más de siete mil promesas. Si queremos conocer y llenarnos de esperanza, lo único que debemos hacer es creer en las promesas de Dios y atesorarlas en nuestro corazón. Veamos algunas promesas de esperanza para ti hoy:
“Porque yo sé muy bien los planes que tengo para ustedes —afirma el Señor—, planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, a fin de darles un futuro y una esperanza” (Jeremías 29:11).
“Él nos ungió, nos selló como propiedad suya y puso su Espíritu en nuestro corazón como garantía de sus promesas” (2 Corintios 1:21-22).
“...no se entristezcan como esos otros que no tienen esperanza. ¿Acaso no creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó? Así también Dios resucitará con Jesús a los que han muerto en unión con él” (1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-14).
“...él nos salvó, no por nuestras propias obras de justicia, sino por su misericordia... Así lo hizo para que, justificados por su gracia, llegáramos a ser herederos que abrigan la esperanza de recibir la vida eterna” (Tito 3:5-7).
La esperanza cristiana significa que gozamos de una identidad renovada, un propósito restaurado y un destino eterno. Esta es la herencia de la que habla Pablo en el pasaje de hoy. Pero no es una herencia que exista solamente para mañana; las promesas de Dios son revolucionarias y activas, y nos transforman hoy. La certeza sobre el futuro transforma el presente.
El teólogo Jürgen Moltmann nos recuerda que "la razón última de nuestra esperanza no se encuentra en absoluto en lo que queremos, deseamos y esperamos; la razón última consiste en que somos queridos, deseados y esperados". Eres profundamente amado y deseado por Dios. Al meditar en las promesas que Dios te ha hecho, espero que hoy conozcas la esperanza en toda su plenitud.
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azspot · 1 year
There are other models besides magazines, sure. Instead of a rich patron, why not Patreon? If you look at the top media people on Patreon, something interesting pops out: Jordan Peterson is a writer and lecturer; the Chapo Traphouse gang make podcasts, but Peterson and Team Chapo don’t have an audience so much as they have a community. They’re not in the media business at all; they’re pastors. This is not a bad business, it’s just a different business. There are about as many clergy working in the US as journalists, and they’re a bit better-paid. If you add in secular pseudo-clergy, you get a bigger but harder-to-estimate number. And the secular flocks really matter. Who has a bigger day-to-day influence on more people? Tim Ferriss or Rick Warren? I’d bet on the former. While there are some professional clerics who are also good writers, there are a lot more people who ostensibly work as writers (or podcasters, or vloggers), but who are really in the business of building a community and helping people solve their personal problems.
Writing: Good Career Move, Terrible Career
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divinum-pacis · 1 year
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pugzman3 · 1 year
More on Asbury Revival. Getting more suspect. Earlier I posted a video showing this may have been planned and connected to a couple of NAR preachers Rick Warren and Francis Chan. We'll guess who is a buddy of theirs, Greg Laurie. Now...just sooooo happens that Greg Laurie has a new movie coming out in two days. The movie is about him, and he was a writer on it , and it happens to be about the "revival" that he helped start in Southern Cali back in the hippie days. Check it out.
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Now if THAT wasn't enough. "Pastor" Greg Locke ALSO has a movie coming out in a couple of weeks.
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Take a guess who ran to Asbury as fast as he could. If you guessed Greg Locke...you would be correct.
It seems like a play from the liberals, like Sharpton running to a funeral with camera crews in tow.
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