#Patient Centered Care
When it comes to personalized care services in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we stand out as a trusted provider dedicated to meeting the unique needs of every individual. We understand the importance of tailored care plans that address specific health requirements while promoting independence and quality of life.
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sunnygattan · 5 months
Sunny Gattan: Nurse Practitioners Bridging Care & Humanity
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Explore the pivotal role of nurse practitioners, as illuminated by Sunny Gattan, in connecting the dots between healthcare and human compassion. With a blend of clinical expertise and empathetic care, nurse practitioners stand at the forefront, bridging the gap between medical treatment and the individual behind the illness. Discover how Sunny Gattan champions their efforts to foster holistic healing and patient-centered care in today's healthcare landscape.
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pjoshi12 · 5 months
Revolutionize Healthcare With Spatial Computing
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Spatial computing, encompassing AR, VR, and MR, is revolutionizing healthcare by merging digital and physical realms. It enhances patient centered care, boosts surgical precision, and transforms medical education. As this technology integrates into healthcare, understanding its potential is crucial for professionals navigating a digitally augmented future.
The Foundations of Spatial Computing in Healthcare
Spatial computing blends physical and digital worlds through AR, VR, and MR, revolutionizing healthcare enhancements.
Augmented Reality (AR)
AR overlays digital info onto the real world, aiding surgeries and diagnostics by providing real-time data. It has reduced surgical errors and improved efficiency by up to 35% in studies.
Virtual Reality (VR)
VR immerses users in virtual environments, facilitating training and simulation for medical procedures. VR-trained surgeons perform 29% faster and are 6 times less likely to make errors compared to traditionally trained counterparts.
Mixed Reality (MR)
MR combines AR and VR, enabling real-world interaction with virtual objects, enhancing collaborative medical settings. It facilitates surgical planning and improves educational outcomes through engaged learning experiences.
Spatial computing integrates into healthcare IT systems, supported by devices like Apple Vision Pro and platforms from Microsoft and Google, enhancing user experiences. Understanding its capabilities is crucial for healthcare professionals to optimize patient care and operational efficiency as its applications become more widespread.
Enhancing Surgical Precision and Safety
Spatial computing revolutionizes surgical practices, enhancing precision, safety, and patient outcomes through AR and VR integration.
Augmented Reality in Surgical Procedures
AR enhances surgical precision by overlaying real-time, 3D images of patient anatomy, reducing invasive exploratory procedures. AR-guided surgeries decrease operation duration by up to 20% and improve surgical precision, minimizing postoperative complications.
Virtual Reality for Surgical Training
VR simulations offer hands-on training without live procedure risks, especially beneficial for neurosurgery and orthopedics. VR-trained surgeons perform procedures approximately 30% faster and have error rates reduced by up to 40% compared to traditional methods.
Mixed Reality for Collaborative Surgery
MR fosters collaboration by combining VR and AR benefits, allowing real and digital elements to coexist. It aids in complex surgeries, potentially reducing operation times and enhancing outcomes through improved teamwork and planning.
Case Study: Implementing AR in Orthopedic Surgery
AR technology in orthopedic surgery achieves 98% accuracy in implant alignment, surpassing traditional methods by 8%.
The Future of Surgical Precision
Advancements like AI-enhanced spatial computing and lighter AR glasses will refine surgical precision. Integration of spatial computing promises safer procedures, improved outcomes, and enhanced healthcare delivery.
Revolutionizing Medical Education and Training
Spatial computing, notably through VR and AR, revolutionizes medical education by offering immersive, interactive simulations, enhancing learning and retention.
Virtual Reality in Medical Training
VR offers immersive, risk-free practice for medical students, leading to a 230% improvement in surgical technique performance.
According to AxiomQ, VR significantly enhances skill acquisition in medical training.
Augmented Reality for Enhanced Learning
AR overlays digital info onto real-world objects, improving retention rates by up to 90% for complex subjects like anatomy.
Studies indicate higher satisfaction and engagement with AR training compared to traditional methods.
Mixed Reality for Collaborative Learning
MR combines VR and AR for interactive group training, enhancing collaboration efficiency by up to 50%.
Participants in cardiology training with MR applications demonstrated a 40% faster learning curve and 25% fewer errors than those using traditional methods.
Broadening Horizons in Patient Care
Spatial computing, encompassing AR, VR, and MR, revolutionizes patient care by enhancing diagnostics, patient education, and therapies. It improves outcomes through immersive experiences, supported by statistics and real-life examples.
Enhanced Diagnostic Procedures
AR enhances diagnostic accuracy by overlaying digital info onto patient scans, leading to a 10% higher tumor detection rate. This accelerates diagnoses and improves treatment outcomes significantly.
Patient Education Through Virtual Reality
VR transforms patient education with immersive experiences, increasing understanding of health conditions by 30%. VR simulations illustrate disease effects comprehensibly to non-medical individuals.
Mixed Reality for Enhanced Therapeutic Interventions
MR customizes interactive environments for physical rehabilitation and mental health treatments, improving motor function recovery by 20% in stroke rehabilitation. Task-specific games and exercises in MR accelerate recovery rates.
Real-Life Example: Improving Chronic Pain Management
VR programs reduce chronic pain levels by 40% during sessions, decreasing reliance on pain medication. Immersive environments distract patients from pain, offering non-pharmacological pain management strategies.
The Future of Patient Care with Spatial Computing
AI advancements enable real-time adjustments to therapeutic programs, enhancing treatment effectiveness. Widespread spatial computing adoption supports remote patient monitoring and home-based care, expanding healthcare impact.
Transformative Diagnostic and Imaging Techniques
Spatial computing, encompassing AR, VR, and MR, revolutionizes diagnostic and imaging techniques in healthcare. These technologies offer unprecedented precision and interactivity, enhancing radiological imaging, detailed analysis, and real-time surgical navigation. For instance, AR improves accuracy in visualizing tumors, VR aids in preoperative planning, and MR reduces the need for secondary surgeries.
Future advancements will integrate spatial computing with AI for automated diagnostics, while lighter AR and VR hardware will facilitate broader adoption in clinical settings. This transformative approach sets a new standard in healthcare, advancing toward more personalized and effective patient care, with enhanced accuracy and reduced procedural times.
Operational Efficiencies and Future Prospects
Spatial computing, including AR, VR, and MR, significantly enhances operational efficiencies in healthcare. Integration into clinical workflows streamlines decision-making by providing real-time data and visual aids, reducing errors and speeding up routine tasks. Hospitals adopting AR for data integration report a 20% reduction in time spent on tasks like routine checks and data entry.
MR applications improve resource management by tracking equipment in real time, reducing idle time by up to 30% and boosting operational efficiency. Looking ahead, the integration of AI with spatial computing holds promise for even greater efficiencies, predicting patient flows and optimizing resource allocation. Virtual command centers utilizing VR and AR exemplify this potential, leading to a 40% improvement in response times to critical patient incidents.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Addressing the challenges of spatial computing in healthcare involves overcoming technical hurdles such as graphics fidelity and data accuracy, along with ensuring privacy and security compliance, particularly concerning patient data protection under regulations like HIPAA.
Ethical considerations surrounding patient consent and the psychological impacts of immersive treatments must be navigated carefully. Collaboration among technology developers, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies is essential to establish standards and best practices, fostering responsible adoption. Education and training for healthcare providers on the ethical and practical aspects of spatial computing will be crucial for its successful integration, ensuring transformative benefits without compromising patient privacy or well-being.
Concluding Thoughts: Envisioning the Future of Spatial Computing in Healthcare
Spatial computing is reshaping healthcare, improving surgical precision, medical training, and patient care. Despite its transformative potential, challenges such as technical limitations and ethical concerns need careful navigation for responsible integration of digital healthcare solutions.
Collaborative efforts are essential to address these challenges and unlock the full benefits of spatial computing. Advancements in AI integration, development of standards, and accessibility to underserved regions are key areas that require ongoing innovation and adaptation in the healthcare sector.
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blissdpc · 7 months
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hamdun888 · 1 year
Patient centered care fails to deliver any consistent improvement in health outcomes
Professor Alison Pilnick, a Nottingham academic, in her new book “Reconsidering Patient Centred Care: Between Autonomy and Abandonment” … … brilliantly outlines issues surrounding patient-centered care (PCC). From the research: “The adoption of PCC in healthcare settings fails to deliver any consistent improvement in health outcomes, raising questions surrounding the assumed need for more…
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Compliance for Success: How MRA Regulations Impact Your Healthcare Practice
Compliance is crucial in the healthcare industry, and failure to comply with regulations can result in serious consequences, including fines, legal action, and damage to your reputation. One area of compliance that is particularly important for healthcare practices is Medicare Risk Adjustment (MRA) regulations. Here's what you need to know about MRA regulations and how they impact your practice:
What are MRA regulations?
MRA regulations are guidelines that govern how Medicare calculates payments to Medicare Advantage plans. Medicare Advantage plans are a type of health insurance offered by private companies that contract with Medicare to provide healthcare coverage to beneficiaries.
MRA regulations require healthcare practices to document and report the health status of their patients to Medicare in order to determine the appropriate level of payment for the Medicare Advantage plan.
How do MRA regulations impact your practice?
Compliance with MRA regulations is critical for healthcare practices that treat patients who are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans. Failure to properly document and report patient health status can result in underpayment or overpayment, both of which can have significant financial consequences.
In addition, non-compliance with MRA regulations can result in audits, fines, and other legal action, as well as damage to your reputation and loss of patients.
How can you ensure compliance with MRA regulations?
To ensure compliance with MRA regulations, healthcare practices should implement processes and systems to accurately document and report patient health status. This may include:
Identifying patients who are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans and ensuring that their health status is properly documented.
Implementing coding practices that accurately reflect patient health status.
Training staff on MRA regulations and coding practices.
Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance.
Working with Medicare Advantage plans to understand their documentation and reporting requirements.
Seeking guidance from experts in MRA regulations and compliance.
In conclusion, compliance with MRA regulations is critical for healthcare practices that treat patients enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans. Failure to comply can result in serious consequences, including financial penalties and legal action. By implementing processes and systems to ensure compliance, healthcare practices can help protect their patients, their reputation, and their bottom line.
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thevasularcenter · 2 years
he Vascular Center is a group of experienced vein doctors located in different cities across India. They offer a comprehensive range of services for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of venous disorders. Their personalized approach to care focuses on the unique needs of each patient. Contact them for compassionate, patient-centered care.
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astralscrivener · 6 months
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outislovescomics · 7 months
As far as Beast moments go, the implication that Hank just booked it directly to L.A like some sort of Simon Williams-based homing missile. has gotta be up there
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easykorean · 1 month
Easy to Learn Korean 1757 - End of life care (part one).
Continue reading Easy to Learn Korean 1757 – End of life care (part one).
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
thinking about. saffron henry. does he realize how badly he fucked up? what would the boys' reactions be if he reappeared? does jem know about him? also, is he like. healing his own trauma from charlie n everything or is he just. melting
also. unrelated. does mike ever feel like he should be less fucked up because evan's trauma is just so extreme that he compares it? does evan ever feel like others shouldn't be so traumatized bc of his frame of reference?
(Answered the first half of this ask here)
These are awesome awesome questions about the extent of and response to the trauma Ev and Mike went thru, thank you for asking!
does mike ever feel like he should be less fucked up because evan's trauma is just so extreme that he compares it?
Yes. Mike has a lot of guilt over the fact that HE was able to escape and form a life of his own when Evan so clearly wasn't.
This is probably a problem Mike had even before finding out what happened to Evan, actually. Mike has spent some time listening to other runaways stories, hearing how bad other people had it, and he would have compared himself to their stories and found the abuse he faced 'lacking' because Mike is just. Deep down, he's just a kid who wants to be loved, and he wants to be loved by his father, so even though he knows he's been abused by William, a part of him still can't help but think "maybe it wasn't actually that bad" "maybe i just did stupid stuff to make him angry and if i just stopped, things would get better" "maybe I'm just weak and shouldn't be hurt by the stuff he did".
And this tendency to like. Downplay everything he went through affects his reaction to what Evan went through. Not in that he downplays what Ev went through (he doesn't), but it makes Mike downplay his own trauma.
There's a lot of nights when Mike roams listlessly through the house, hating himself for not being able to sleep. Because what problems does he REALLY have?? Yeah William hurt him sometimes and shitty things happened to him after he ran away, but some voice in his head snaps that at least he got out! Usually when Mike can't sleep, he goes on drives in his VW bus to calm his nerves, but in this case, he refuses to let himself do that as punishment for "being so freaked out over nothing". He probably does this refusing-to-let-himself-be-comforted and pushing-himself-past-his-limits thing because he thinks what he went through "wasn't that bad" a lot. It's something he has to work on in therapy.
It also doesn't help that Mike feels obligated to be Put Together for Evan’s sake; it def makes Mike's downplaying/hiding/refusing to acknowledge what he went through thing worse. But that's the good thing about Evan's arc where he realizes Mike is his own person who went through a lot of trauma of his own; it makes Mike acknowledge some of the shit he went through and actually WORK through it, too. It is it's own kind of validation and relief for someone close to you to look at what you went through and admit "it's shitty that that happened to you, and I wish it hadn't."
does evan ever feel like others shouldn't be so traumatized bc of his frame of reference?
mmmm, kinda?
Evan's sense of empathy is complicated, especially when he's put in Mike’s custody; he's still mad at Mike for everything that happened between them. He still thinks of Mike as this big, scary, untouchable monster. Of course an invincible monster like that couldn't ever be hurt by anything.
Then, Mike keeps trying to treat Ev with kindness and sympathy instead of being cruel and monstrous. At this point, the times when Ev sees Mike flinch away from touch or flinching from Ev yelling at him or from the smell of cigarette smoke on Ev's clothes, or the times when Mike gets sent into a panic attack, are all met with confusion and a level of self-satisfaction. He doesn't know why these things are having such an impact on Michael, but it's satisfying to see that the monster that hurt him so bad can be made hurt and vulnerable after all-- especially since Evan takes this as proof that William chose Evan over Mike as his successor because he believed Evan was Stronger. Evan starts to understand that Mike can be hurt, but does not empathize with Mike over this understanding just yet.
But I don't think Evan would have the thought "why should Mike be traumatized over xyz thing when I had to deal with abc" because Evan hasn't been thinking about what William did to him as something traumatic. That doesn't come until later. He thought what William was doing was normal & good. The time Evan has spent in psychiatric facilities has taught him that the murder/using violence to make yourself feel better thing isn't normal, but Evan hasn't gotten over the barrier of thinking that it made him Stronger-- that it was a good thing even if it wasn't Normal.
It's not until Ev realizes that William was using him, didn't care, and wasn't trying to help Ev that that particular barrier finally comes crashing down for Evan.
It's not long after that that Evan has his "oh, Mike is a real person with his own trauma" revelation.
During the time between Ev realizing that William was so horrifically abusive and having his realization about Mike’s trauma, I think it's possible that Ev would lash out in ways that come across as "why should you be traumatized by xyz thing", because Ev has so much pain and confusion around the idea that Mike just left him there with William. YOU got out and I didn't, I was the one stuck there because YOU left me there, so what exactly do you have to freak out over? You chose the new life you ran away for.
But I think this fades once Ev has his Realization about Mike’s past. Because the Realization makes him understand that Mike didn't choose any of this, either.
so, this brings me to how your question applies to Evan when he's actually had a chance to start healing.
Evan’s definitely had his sense of empathy stunted and repressed as a result of his trauma, so it's hard for him to understand what other people are thinking or feeling. But I don't think this translates to him thinking other people SHOULDN'T be traumatized (as much sense as that as a trauma response would make for someone who has been thru what Evan has) so much as Evan not understanding that someone IS traumatized by something, and later, WHY they would be traumatized by it.
But Evan is a naturally empathetic person, and a naturally curious kid. So i think his response to finally understanding that the reason someone is acting weird is because they're upset by something, it would manifest as curiosity since his empathy has been so fried. He doesn't understand other people's trauma, but I think he'd be curious to understand the why's and how's of other people’s trauma. Why are you upset. What about this specific scenario is sparking this reaction. What specifically does it make you feel. Why aren't you acting like you normally do. How do i stop this from happening again.
His attempts to Understand come across as... maybe not clinical, exactly, but definitely as insensitive.
Like, when Evan learns that Jeremy is still fucked up about their (singular) little sister dying when they were younger, Evan’s brain is like. MY sister went missing (he knows how Liz died but repressed it) and my brother used her disappearance as an excuse to torture me. In Evan’s mind, what he went through is Worse than what Jeremy went through, but he's not being judgemental as is implied in the question "why should you be traumatized", he's just genuinely Trying To Understand "why was that so upsetting for you when it could have been worse?" Once he finally realizes that someone is upset about something, he struggles to understand WHY, and he accidentally comes across as insensitive.
I don't think it's emotional so much as physical pain that would elicit that kind of "why should you be upset when xyz traumatic thing could have happened instead?" response. Evan has been trained to be less responsive to physical pain by this point, as in is less responsive to being in pain himself and seeing others in pain. If he were to see someone get visibly upset from stubbing a toe or scraping a knee or getting cut/scratched, he'd just look on in utter confusion. Evan has seen people--kids-- be physically ripped apart. William and younger Mike both did things to him that could low key be classified as torture. I think the part of his brain repsonsible for registering physical pain is always gonna be a little fucked up.
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bunnihearted · 1 year
#anyway so yeah im so sick of hating myself. of missing out on things and being too scared to go after things i want when i have the chance#so sick of almost being 25 and having spent almost 6 years alone in my room missing out on life#and my mom and sister might be moving in the not too distant future#so i have to try to get my life together for real now!!! or homelessness will be awaiting me :D#what i will try to do.. is start going to the gym (w my mom so i dont have to deal w the anxiety of an unknown place by myself sksk)#i'll workout 3-5 times a week. every week. i like going to the gym so if i just get started i dont have a doubt i'll not be able to do it#i'll focus on finishing my english class. hopefully in december even if i have the possibility to get it extended a few months#then i'll start my other 4 classes in january#i'll be patient and wait for my ultrasound and get the gallstone situation fixed (latest in january if i need surgery)#(and i have to try to make sure i eat properly so i dont wind up with b12 deficiency... i cant eat anything without pain but i have to..)#also i have an appt at the psychiatric in mid october. and im still waiting on what my healthcare center says. hopefully i can get cbt#if possible i will really really try to apply for jobs as a personal assistant sometime between january-may#if i have a job instead of being on wellfare i will 1) have way more money 2) not feel constabtly anxious abt being rejected and homeless#i'll stop caring abt me being 'old' and a late bloomer. the planet is dying. who cares if im 28 and start university????#i'll take my time to finish high school. and the thing is i really should get a job before starting higher vocational education#bc the program i want to start i HAVE to have a laptop. and theres no way i can afford that now. cant even save up to it#also need to find and put myself up on waiting lists for student housing/apartments so i can actually move#i hate this city and i need to get the fuck out of here!!!!#but the world is crazy rn and it's super hard to find places to live and find jobs but it's not impossible so i need to try#i cant live like this & i have no idea how tf i'll manage to be a normal person and have a life but i need to try bc what else am i gnna do?
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ivygorgon · 5 months
Say NO to Loony-Bins: Immediate Action Required for Inpatient Psychiatric Care
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The current model of inpatient psychiatric care, which primarily focuses on safety and crisis stabilization, falls short in promoting sustained recovery. The prevalent emphasis on ultrashort lengths of stay often overlooks the need for comprehensive treatment plans.
A proposed model of care advocates for rapid diagnosis, goal-setting, and treatment modalities before initiating treatment, organized into three distinct phases: assessment, implementation, and resolution. This approach emphasizes individualized treatment and active patient involvement in treatment planning, addressing critical psychosocial aspects that are frequently neglected.
As we strive to reform the mental health care system, it's imperative to prioritize effective, recovery-oriented treatment strategies. This includes ensuring patient comfort and preferences are accommodated within reason. Considering patient preferences, like comfort items (such as safe stuffed animals; Share-Bears, if you will) and rescue medications (like melatonin,) is essential to upholding rigorous standards of care and safety.
Let's advocate for reforms that enhance patient-centered practices while adhering to established treatment guidelines and advancing recovery-oriented care.
Say no to “loony-bins;” those archaic relics that should be relegated to the distant past.
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hamdun888 · 1 year
Need to move away from Revenue-Centered Care
Recent real-world healthcare discussion … diagnosis Payer: We are rolling out a new initiative to improve care for patients. Quality Improvement Organization (QIO): The initiative’s approach is not supported by the evidence. Payer: We have committed to this initiative this fiscal year and have a deliverable by X date. QIO: Here is additional research supporting an evidence-based…
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onlinesolutionsrx · 2 years
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sanctuaryclinics · 2 years
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