#Paulette Williams
hollywoodlady · 1 year
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Actress + Lipstick
Jean Harlow, Audrey Hepburn, Rita Hayworth, Lucille Ball, Ann Sheridan, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Esther Williams, Paulette Goddard and Claudia Cardinale.
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familyabolisher · 11 days
tennessee williams' interest in the use of women as procurers for relationships between men and how incestuous undertones can be eked out of that kind of a setup ... he literally would have loved querelle (1982)
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browsethestacks · 2 years
Myriad Masks
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Milicent Patrick with Son And Son's Friends
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Luke Skywalker Halloween Costume (Ben Cooper)
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Jean Cocteau In Bed With A Mask
Paris (1927)
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Official Star Trek Masks
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Halloween (c.1970s)
Photography by Jeff Atteberry
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Free Hallowe'en Cut-Out Masks by Kelloggs
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Bat And Insect Masks by Fernand Aubry (1950)
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Deluxe Character Masks
Johnson Smith’s Fun Catalog (1979)
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Yvonne Chevalier (1935)
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Paulette Goddard with Mask
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autumncottageattic · 11 days
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An Ideal Husband, also known as Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband, is a 1947 British comedy film adaptation of the 1895 play by Oscar Wilde.
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue March 15, 1963
An unidentified model wears a dress-coat by Jean Dessès, in shades of color, material: skillfully cut. Orange lace wool, here, worn under a rough turquoise and orange crossed tweed, turtleneck. Set of Nattier fabrics (wool coat, mohair, nylon). Chapka Paulette in natural Panama. (Excerpt from the book: William Klein - In and Out of Fashion)
Un modèle non identifié porte une robe-manteau par Jean Dessès, dans des tonalités de couleur, de matière de matière : savamment taillés. Laine dentelle orange, ici, portée sous un tweed rugueux turquoise et orange croisé, col roulé. Ensemble de tissus Nattier (manteau de laine, mohair, nylon). Chapka Paulette en Panama naturel. (Extrait du livre : William Klein - In and Out of Fashion )
Photo William Klein vogue archive
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djpaulette · 8 months
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mobox87 · 1 year
¿Cuándo hará headcanons de Renata?🥹
(Pd: me alegra que esté bien)
Of course Of course!
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Renanta graduated from Nursing with honors.
Thanks to this, for a short period of time she came to work at freddys in the nursing area.
Paulette's animatronic is specifically designed as a gift for her ex-husband, William.
Many of the robots that William has created as female have been based on her, but some others, based on hers, his children.
When Renata met William, she was exercising to compete in the Olympics, unfortunately Will, in a fit of nervousness decided to ruin this, because he wanted Renata to be just for him, so he caused an Accident, causing her to break the leg, but he kept that by taking care of her to make their love blossom.
Renata had an affair at the time when she had separated for a time from William, resulting in Brandy.
Renata is for more, the only member of the Afton family who feels compassion for others, to the point of forgiving William, but accepting not wanting to see him again in her life.
Her also being the only one that she still receives her son Michael with love in her arms, even treating him like a scared child.
Renata met William again in Fazbear Fright at the age of 89. They both recognized each other, and even William/Springtrap gave her the idea of living forever as a robot, which Renata flatly refused.
There is a Springlocks suit that was built especially for her, but once William tried to get her in, she escaped from it, the suit is still in the aftons basement.
After Kenny, Renata couldn't have any more children.
Even if she hates William with all her heart, she still feels quite sorry that she can't do anything to change him.
Her father was the Capo of a mafia, which disappeared over the years when her father was no longer seen.
She knows ballet and it is one of her favorite activities, besides sewing.
William injected her with remnant, so Renata is now unable to even die.
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fibula-rasa · 5 months
Lost, but Not Forgotten: What Price Beauty? (1925)
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Direction: Thomas Buckingham
Scenario & Story: Natacha Rambova
Titles: Malcolm Stuart Boylan
Production Manager: S. George Ullman
Camera: J. D. Jennings
Art Direction: Natacha Rambova 
Production Design: William Cameron Menzies
Costume Design: Adrian
Studio: Circle Films (Production) & Pathé Exchange (Distribution)
Performers: Nita Naldi, Pierre Gendron, Virginia Pearson, Dolores Johnson, Myrna Loy, Sally Winters, La Supervia, Marilyn Newkirk, Victor Potel, Spike Rankin, Rosalind Byrne, Templar Saxe, Leo White Maybe: John Steppling, Paulette Duval, Dorothy Dwan, and Sally Long
Premiere: None, general release: January 22, 1928
Status: Presumed entirely lost.
Length: Variously reported as 5000 and 4000 feet (more commonly listed as 4000) or 5 reels
Synopsis (synthesized from magazine summaries of the plot):
Mary, a.k.a. “Miss Simplicity” (Dolores Johnson) is a starry-eyed, country-to-city transplant. She works at a beauty shop operated by a glamorous matron (Virginia Pearson) and owned by the young and handsome Clay (Pierre Gendron). 
Mary is in love with Clay, but doesn’t have the nerve or feminine wiles to woo him. The uber-sophisticated Rita (Nita Naldi), however, is chock full of nerves and wile. Rita’s fancy clothes and perfumes and advanced flirting skills leave Mary feeling destined to fail at winning Clay’s amorous attention. 
These feelings sublimate into an expressionistic dream for Mary, where she finds herself transformed into a sophisticate like Rita. Her boss is seen as a magnificent wizard, converting her clients into archetypes of glamour: exotic types, flappers, and sirens. Her competition, Rita, is seen as a bewitching spider.
In the end, surprising Mary, it turns out that her fresh-faced, unassuming charm is more appealing to Clay than Rita’s more practiced charm.
Additional sequence(s) featured in the film (but I’m not sure where they fit in the continuity):
Scene of the trials and tribulations of a fat woman trying to “reduce”
Points of Interest:
Only one quarter of Nita Naldi’s Hollywood films have survived (7 extant titles/21 lost or mostly lost titles).
——— ——— ———
What Price Beauty? was the first and only film produced under Natacha Rambova’s own company. Coordinating production for the film was the business manager for Rambova and her husband Rudolph Valentino, S. George Ullman. The couple met Ullman when he was working for Mineralava beauty products, the sponsor of their 1922-3 dancing tour. 
When Rudolph Valentino entered into a contract with United Artists, said contract reportedly stipulated that Valentino-Rambova were not a package deal. Therefore, Rambova could not collaborate with Valentino on his productions for United. Possibly as consolation, Ullman funded a production for Rambova while Valentino worked on The Eagle (1925, extant).
For Rambova, What Price Beauty? was meant to be a proving ground for her idea that an artistic film could be made on a modest budget. She also wished to remind people that she was a skilled artist in her own right.
In an interview in Picture Play Magazine from August 1925, Rambova asserts:
“…I do not want the production in any sense to be referred to as high-brow or ‘arty’. My reputation for being ‘arty’ is one of the things that I have to live down, and I hope by this picture, which is a comedy—even to the extent of gags and hokum—to overcome that idea. “A woman who marries a celebrity is bound to find herself in a more or less equivocal position, it seems, and her difficulties are only increased when she happens to have had some artistic ambitions of her own before her marriage. I am afraid that those who have accused me of meddling in my husband’s affairs forget that I enjoyed a certain reputation and a very good remuneration for my work as well before I became Mrs. Valentino.”
“What I desire personally is simply to be known for the work which I have always done, and that has brought me a reputation entirely independent of my marriage.”
There isn’t a vast amount of information on what exactly prevented WPB from gaining release in a timely fashion. If the film was truly nothing more than a ploy to separate Rambova from Valentino, that would be an absurd waste of time, money (~$80,000 in 1925 USD), and talent—Rambova employed soon-to-be famous designer Adrian for costumes and William Cameron Menzies for set decoration. Not to mention that, in front of the camera, Nita Naldi was still a popular star and the Rambova discovery, Myrna Loy, made her quickly hyped debut. 
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When Pathé finally purchased WPB for distribution in 1928, they did very little to promote the film. Naldi had moved on from the film industry—as had Rambova. And, while Loy hadn’t become the huge star we know today by January of 1928, Warner Brothers had already given her top billing in a number of films. Pathé barely mentions Loy’s role in the little promotion they did do.
To put WPB’s release in the context of Rambova’s personal/professional biography (which you can read more about here):
June/July 1925 – WPB is completed, Rambova and Valentino separate (in July according to Rambova’s mother as quoted in Rambova’s book Rudy)
August 1925 – Rambova leaves Hollywood for New York City, reportedly to negotiate distribution for WPB. She and Valentino would see each other in person for the last time. Rambova leaves NYC for Europe.
September 1925 – Valentino draws up a new will disinheriting Rambova
November 1925 – Rambova returns to the US to act in a film, When Love Grows Cold (1926, presumed lost), a title which Rambova objected to
December 1925 – Rambova files for divorce
August 1926 – Valentino dies 
January 1928 – WPB is finally released with no fanfare by Pathé
In my research for my Rambova cosplay, the suspicious production/release history for this film stood out to me. I hoped that I might find some reliable evidence of whether WPB was a consolation prize and/or a scheme to keep Rambova and Valentino apart. Honestly and unfortunately, circumstantial evidence does support it!
After poring over what few contemporary sources cover WPB, there seemed to be no plan in place for distribution as the film was in production. United Artists, at whose lot the film was shot, claimed to have nothing to do with its release. Ullman had a news item placed about negotiating the distribution rights in the East. However, in Ullman’s own memoir, he admits that when he travelled to New York with Rambova, it was in a personal, not professional capacity—navigating the couple’s separation. (Ullman’s book contains many disprovable claims and misrepresentations, so anything cited from it should be taken with a grain of salt.) That said, Ullman’s failure to secure even a modest distribution deal for WPB in a reasonable timeframe speaks to how ill-founded Valentino’s and Rambova’s trust in his business acumen was.
WPB cost $80,000 to produce, which converts to $1.4 million in 2023 USD. While that wasn’t an outrageous budget for a Hollywood feature film at the time, especially one with such advanced production value, it’s certainly an absurd cost if the goal was only to separate a bankable star from his wife and collaborator.
A close friend and employee of Valentino and Rambova, Lou Mahoney, recalled in Michael Morris’ Madam Valentino:
“The picture was previewed at a theater on the east side of Pasadena, and Mahoney remembered the audience reaction as positive, but, thereafter, What Price Beauty? was consigned to oblivion. Mahoney knew why: ‘No help came from anyone, no thoughts of trying to get this picture properly released. No help came from Ullman, Schenck, or anybody else. Their whole thought was that if the picture were a success, Mrs. Valentino would be a success. She would then start producing under the Rudolph Valentino Production Company. But this nobody wanted—except herself, and Mr. Valentino.’”
——— ——— ———
The few reviews from 1928 that I was able to find are not very complimentary of WPB. The critics seem thrown by the film’s tone or genre—reading it as a drama. (Part of that is Pathé’s fault as they listed it as one.) But, according to sources contemporary to WPB’s production, it was intended to be a farcical satire of the beauty industry and social expectations of feminine beauty. Given the simple story, the intentional typage of characters (“The Sport,” “The Sissy,” and “Miss Simplicity”), and the over-the-top-but-on-a-budget art design of WPB, all signs point to high camp. In 1925 as well as 1928, the stodgier side of the critical spectrum would likely fail to see its appeal.
It’s a true shame we can’t find out for ourselves how good, bad, or campy WPB was as of yet, but here’s hoping the film resurfaces!
More about Rambova
GIFs of some of her design work on film
☕Appreciate my work? Buy me a coffee! ☕
Transcribed Sources & Annotations over on the WMM Blog!
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cleolinda · 7 months
Weekend links
My posts
1) From earlier this week: “My ~longform posts are going somewhere else. Dreamwidth? Definitely previewed on Patreon and backed up there. Here’s an unlocked post about it. tl;dr: I know tech bros already scraped everything, but if you tell me you’re going to do it, I’m not gonna hand it to you. Maybe it’s a token effort, but there it is.” Of course I’ll still post links to new writing here. 
2) Some people have March Madness. I now have the Hot & Vintage Movie Women tournament. 
One of the best parts of the tournament (you may remember that Toshiro Mifune won the male matchup) is people reblogging and submitting pictures, further bio information, and personal anecdotes--that sense of the Tumblr collective scrapping for the pure love of their blorbos. I love Edwige Fenech’s eyes and her iconic eyeliner, and I had to step in when she went up against powerhouse Julie Andrews with only one small picture. No, I’m not letting Edwige go out like that. She won’t win, but the people must make their choice knowingly. 
I also posted some pictures for Lady Tsen Mei, because I’d actually never heard of her and was curious. Also, because she’s going up against Musidora and that’s not an easy row to hoe, either. If you see matchups like that, where hotvintagepoll didn’t receive much to post about an actress--appealing to the people with a good picspam in the reblogs is where the fun comes in. 
Bear in mind that running the tournament is an INCREDIBLE amount of work; this was Friday alone. Like, I don’t know the person who’s running this, but it couldn’t be me. They’re working with what they were sent, and here’s how we can be the propaganda we want to see in the world. I will jump in as necessary when Ava Gardner, Gene Tierney, Norma Shearer, Paulette Goddard, and (on my mom’s behalf) Julie Christie show up. But there’s 512 contenders, and it’s going to be a hard fight. 
(I am now reblogging the polls at only one an hour, and when I fall behind, that just means that people who missed them can catch up. Each poll lasts a week, after all.)
Reblogs of interest
You are invited to the assassination of Julius Caesar! If you joined Tumblr during the various internet shakeups last year, you may not be aware that the Ides of March is a major Tumblr holiday. You need to be. 
People have always been people: an immensely long collection that may make you cry. 
Respect for the Welsh language
The “Fool in a Field” theory of life in the universe
A helpful guide to some common birds here in the western US
The Forbidden Colors
“You get to drive away”: A Tale
I was not ready for this development in the Fairy vs Walrus debate
(Did William Butler Yeats believe in fairies? An anecdote from my grad school days)
(”While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a slapping”)
“Recently I’ve been interested in what I’d like to call the historical lesbian wardrobe”
“This is the snake I’ve been looking for my entire life”
Angry kitten scolds water, slaps it for good measure
Cat plays theremin
A speedy boi who doesn’t need a bike to jump
The most relaxed tiger
The sacred texts
Yes, THAT Stinky Bastard Man
Personal tags of the week
I want to be clear that AI has incredible scientific uses and could be used voluntarily by writers and artists for their own experimental projects. That is... not what this AI tag is about. 
Speaking of AI: truly, the Willy Wonka Experience debacle has been a DashCon for the 2020s. 
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citizenscreen · 6 months
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Paulette Goddard and Jean-Pierre Aumont for William Castle’s CHARGE OF THE LANCERS (1954)
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stitched-mouth · 1 year
List of Every Brandon Rogers Characters Ever
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I don’t know why I did this. It took 4 hours. I haven’t seen ever Brandon Rogers video (shocking, I know) so some are missing. I purposely didn’t add any parody characters (the Kardashians, Annabell, M3GAN etc), but if you notice any BRCU characters missing, please comment so I can add them.
And obviously the characters not credited are played by Brandon Rogers.
David July is credited as David Burton on this list. I’m not sure when they changed their name, as they are credited as both on Brandon’s videos.
I can’t remember who Debbie and Doyle are but I must of put them on this list for a reason
Main Characters
Bryce Tankthrust
Bobby Worst
Blame/Sebastian/ Grandpa
Helen Brownstein
Stuff & Sam
Donna Phitts (Paulette Jones)
Damien (Onision)
Ms Cunney (Monique Parent)
Blame the Hero
Young Donna Phitts (Alariza Nevarez)
Duke Tuggler (Anthony Padilla)
Coach Best (Jack Plotnick)
Skinny Bitch (Kornbread Jeté)
Dill Flippo (Jonathan Hinman)
Family Doctor Office
Dr Gupta
Nurse Kavi (Nandini Minocha)
Lipschtiz the Clown (Paulette Jones)
Surgeon Miller (Jude B. Lanston)
Nurse Hole (Georgina Leahy)
Patient (Adam Neylan)
Another Patient (Jonathan Hinman)
Daniel (Jess Weaver)
Daniel’s Mother (Christine Sydelko)
Mad tea party
Mad Hatter
Cheshire Cat (Bazil)
White Rabbit (Benjamin Alexander Hall)
The Jabberwocky (Natalie Hawkins)
Flower (Jordan)
No one was credited in this video and most were personal friends of Brandon’s and not content creators so are nearly impossible to find. I had to stalk Brandon’s Insta to find these people.
BTW, Bazil (who plays Cheshire Cat) is a trans man who goes by he/him. Just letting people know because people are misgendering him and I assume it’s because they don’t know his pronouns.
Theatre Class
Alex Rimmer
Mason Lucas (Salim Razawi)
Oliver Hamilton (Stephen Weighill)
Linda Starford (Janet McCarroll)
Karen Shou (Karen Fokes)
Jamie (Adam Neylan)
Marlena Lewton (Rachael Ferris)
Dean Shaft (Tony Rogers)
Trump’s Emotions
Anger (Stephen James)
Disgust, Fear and Sadness were not credited in this skit and I can’t guess with all the makeup or find them.
Jurgen Klausvonschwitz
Damien Ditsin (Logan Bubar)
Gretchen (Paulette Jones)
Sookilah (Judyth Brooke)
Dolorio (Devyne Carr)
Cheap Skate
Lost Boy (Adam Neylan)
Chick Flick (the first Brandon Roger’s Video I ever watched)
Ashley’s Best Friend (Vincent Marcus)
Ashley’s Crush / Cop (Jon Cozart)
Ashley’s Mom (Christine Sykdelko)
Teacher (Jude B. Lanston)
Doctor (Jonathan Hinman)
The Real Patient/ Dick’s Owner (Skye Williams)
The Real Patient’s Wife (Adam Neylan)
5 Year Old (Paulette Jones)
Since this video is now restricted on YouTube, I did this one from memory. I can’t believe I remember all these characters and actors. Thank God I rewatched it like a billion times when I first found it.
Mad funhouse
Mr Marbles/ Arlo
Dave (Jess Weaver)
Cliff (TJ Smith)
Sacha (Elise Christian)
Jimmy (Alex Diehl)
Manjusha (Nandini Minocha)
Mr Chronis (Jude Lanston)
Nuclear family
Daniel/ Echo Noir
Unnamed Daughter
Devontay (?) (Devyne Carr)
The Office
Dorian Ditsin
James Shaft (Stephen Rezza)
Vishalam Rangan (Natalie Hawkins)
Jimmy Rustler (Benjamin Hall)
Craig Dildon (Stephen James)
Ernie (Seth Munson)
Diesel (David Burton)
Kevin (Davis Benz)
Regina (Georgina Leahy)
British Family/ The Mingeworthys
Lord Mingeworthy
Lady Mingeworthy (Georgina Leahy)
Cockwaddle (David Burton)
James (Davis Benz)
Blood & Makeup
Blah Blah the Clown
Whoopsie Wendy (Elise Christian)
Dumb Bitch Linda (Kornbread Jeté)
Blonde Bitch (David Burton)
Percy the Pervert (Adam Neylan)
Christmas Family/ The Hendersons
Patty Henderson
Paul Henderson (Stephen James)
Shelby Henderson (Caleb Shorey)
Unnamed Daughter (Elise Christian)
Spike (Logan Bubar)
The Devil (Paulette Jones)
Uncle Frank (Gabriel Gonzalez)
Notice how often Brandon forgets to name the daughter in his skits 👀?
Silly Cat
Lenny/ Daddy (Jon Cozart)
Dr Williams (Sky Williams)
Wild West
Lucius Cowpussy
Vivian Delonprix (Georgina Leahy)
Map Maker Milton (Logan Bubar)
Kathleen (Adam Neylan)
Power (David Burton)
Rock (Georgina Leahy)
Damien (?) (Logan Bubar)
Unnamed Husband
Sleep Paralysis Demons
Iris (Paulette Jones)
Chad (Gary Nohealii Neil)
The Laundromat
Clyde Can
Bart (Joel Haver)
Debra (Mitsy Sanderson)
Barbara Ditliminor (?) (Adam Neylan)
The North Pole (included this group for fun)
Santa Clause
Mrs Clause (Christine Sydelko)
Gingerbread Man (Jude B. Lanston)
Female Elf (Georgina Leahy)
Male Elf (David Burton)
Head Elf (Kornbread Jeté)
Jesus (Jess Weaver)
Rudolph (Paulette Jones)
Tiny Tim (Jack Plotnick)
Characters I Didn’t Know Where To Put
Suck (Dominiq Badiyo)
Swallow (David Burton)
Beatrice Brownstein (Paulette Jones)
Judey Patoody (Jude B. Lanson)
Gloria Goopty (Kornbread Jeté)
Courtney (Liam Krug)
Ryder (Kassius Marcil-Green)
Barbara Worst (Katie Johnson)
American boyfriend (Ben Furney)
Ignaolo (Gabriel Gonzalez)
Debbie (Trevor Wallace)
Doyle (Trevor Wallace)
Carol Cox
Japanese Girlfriend
Flint Dicker
Delmar Lysol
Humanoid Simulation XL-57692/ Simian
Double Licker Leroy
Hole Bros
Rafał Sanchez Dimelo
Bryce is my favourite
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toofunktastic · 5 months
Some more gifts of stuff from last year and previous years!
Hadestown - First US National Tour February 19, 2022 - madeapactwithsatan MatinéeCast: Nicholas Barasch (Orpheus), Morgan Siobhan Green (Eurydice), Kevyn Morrow (Hades), Kimberly Marable (Persephone), Levi Kreis (Hermes), Belén Moyano (Fate), Bex Odorisio (Fate), Shea Renne (Fate), Lindsey Hailes (Worker), Chibueze Ihuoma (Worker), Will Mann (Worker), Sydney Parra (Worker), Jamari Johnson Williams (Worker)Notes: Do not post any part of this on any social media. https://mega.nz/folder/n01CjaLR#ysg3zH6-Raf3cKDKYtE-cg
Company - Second US National Tour December 2, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Cast: Britney Coleman (Bobbie), Judy McLane (Joanne), Kathryn Allison (Sarah), Will Blum (t/r David), Ali Louis Bourzgui (Paul), Derrick Davis (Larry), Javier Ignacio (Peter), James Earl Jones II (Harry), Marina Kondo (Susan), Matt Rodin (Jamie), Emma Stratton (Jenny), Jacob Dickey (Andy), Tyler Hardwick (PJ), David Socolar (Theo)
Notes: Very fun seeing a completely new show to me! I cough occasionally in act 2, but not too often. Never to be posted on any form of social media. https://mega.nz/folder/vlMwVAIC#9bbhH3YJ2pqi8V52f5dPqg
Legally Blonde - Fourth US National Tour (Non-Equity) April 30, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Matinée
Cast: Hannah Bonnett (Elle Woods), Woody White (Emmett Forrest), James Oblak (Warner Huntington III), Ashley Morton (Paulette), Lea Sevola (Vivienne Kensington), Kaelee Albritton (Brooke Wyndham), Chris Carsten (Professor Callahan), Jesse Lynn Hart (Margot), Taylor Lloyd (Serena), Rory Furey-King (Pilar), Matthew Dean Hollis (Kyle/Grandmaster Chad/Dewey), Harley Barton (Veronica/Enid), Alexis Loiselle (Kate), Emma Wilcox (Chutney), Pablo Pernia (Padamadan/Nikos), Brandon Moreno (Carlos/Lowell), Gill Vaughn-Spencer (Pforzheimer), Jack Gimpel (Aaron)
Notes: Do not post any part of this on any social media.
Little Shop of Horrors - Off-Broadway Revival February 25, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Audio | Matinée
Cast: Matt Doyle (Seymour Krelborn), Maude Apatow (Audrey Fulquard), Bryce Pinkham (Orin Scrivello/Others), Brad Oscar (Mr. Mushnik), Aaron Arnell Harrington (Voice of Audrey II), D'Kaylah Unique Whitley (Ronnette), Tiffany Renee Thompson (Crystal), Khadija Sankoh (Chiffon), Teddy Yudain (Derelict/Audrey II Manipulation), Chelsea Turbin (Audrey II Manipulation), Weston Chandler Long (Audrey II Manipulation), Camryn Hampton (Ensemble), Jeff Sears (s/w Ensemble)
Notes: Do not post any part of this on social media. https://mega.nz/folder/XltjUYZY#gcOM9nfkDOvCm1ReER8W4g
Wicked - Second US National Tour (Munchkinland) November 3, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Audio
Cast: Olivia Valli (Elphaba), Celia Hottenstein (Glinda), Brett Stoelker (u/s Fiyero), Timothy Shew (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Tara Kostmayer (Nessarose), Kyle McArthur (Boq), Boise Holmes (Doctor Dillamond)
Notes: Beyond general annoying audience things (talking/singing/wrappers/ice), there are a couple of times phones go off and a walkie goes off in act one. Otherwise a very receptive audience with lots of cheering and applauding. Never to be posted on any form of social media.
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lizzisimss · 1 year
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Sweet Country Home CC List:
CC used (list below) 3 Cobblebottom Street in Henford-on-Bagley 20 x 20 2 bed, 2 bath $146,100
Aira – https://www.patreon.com/airacc
Artist clock
Artist frame
Artist paint bucket
Artist tools
Bunny pot
Star pouffe
Vanilla flower candle
Wooden dog stand
Wooden framed pictures 2
Wood framed pictures 4
Wooden holder
Woodenland bear organizer
ATS4 – https://www.patreon.com/aroundthesims
Kitchenrack mitts
Beans Builds – https://www.patreon.com/beansbuilds
Artsy paintings
Paulette rugs
September art
September rugs
Brazenlotus - https://www.patreon.com/BrazenLotus
The trouble with plants
Whatever you want
Clean sweep
charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
Maple & S Constructions part 3 merged
The Lighthouse Collection merged
Diaper days
Lavish Merged
Miscellanea Merged
Modish Merged
Smol merged
Soak merged
Faded-springs – https://www.patreon.com/fadedsprings
Country living pattern add on pack pt 1
Vintage botanica framed flower carsd
William morris-ish prints
William morris-ish wallpaper
Sabina fenn canvas prints
Felixandre – https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
Fayun part 2
Gothic revival interior
Gladlypants - https://www.tumblr.com/gladlypants/tagged/my%20cc%20dl
Terrain paint collection
Cute sea frames prints white frame
Simple pattern rugs
house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
Baysic Bafroom Merged
Baysic Merged
Harluxe Merged
Livin’Rum Merged
The Kichen
Tiny Twavellers Merged
harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
Coastal part 1, 2, 4 and 5 merged
Octave part 1 merged
Shop the look
Joyceisfox – https://www.patreon.com/Joyceisfox
Simple Live
Summer Garden
Kasakokos – https://kasakokos.tumblr.com/tagged/ts4%20download
Floral wallpaper w trim 2
Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
KKB – https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15789815
Citrus Room
JOMO Laundry
My Heimish Hall
Retro Korea
leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
2202 Magnolia Bathroom
Calliope Bathroom
Devon Kitchen
Eloise Living
Heirloom Kitchen
Ivy Hallway
Little Ceramics
Old Hat
Rory Bedroom
Starlight Crystals
Sunbeam Study
Sunny Corner
Vintage Crockery
Lilis-palace – https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
Folklore set off the grid
Littlecakes – https://litttlecakes.tumblr.com/downloadspage
Record Player
littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
Deligracy merged cottage living update
Lumen-Niveus –
Millennia Merged
Lustrousims – https://www.patreon.com/lustrousims
Oil paintings
Runner hallway table
Photo ladder
Machaa – https://www.patreon.com/machaasims
SMEG Fridge
MadameRia – https://www.patreon.com/MadameRia
Basic Luxe Add ons
Lucky Man Folded Shirts Override
Lucky Man Folded Shirts RC standalone
Madlen – https://www.patreon.com/madlen
Kei Plushie
Gothic Window (tall 2)
Nuri Rug
Numi backpack
max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
Master bedroom
Mechtasims - https://www.patreon.com/mechtasims
Back to School Calendar
Bathroom set
Essential Clutter
Mlys – https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/cc-catalog
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
Garden stories
The art room
Zephyr office
Dawn living
Herbalist kitchen
Simmify part 2
Thrifted tv
Networksims - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/networksims
Tragedy wooden floor
ONI – https://www.patreon.com/oni28
Artist’s old workroom
Cottage kitchen
peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
Atwood Living
Essa kitchen
Hamptons retreat
Hudson bathroom
Kingston dining
Mid-century eclectic
Vara office
Violette seating
pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
Calderone bedroom
MCM part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5 merged
Oakhouse part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 merged
The office mini kit
Tidying up
Auntie vera bathroom merged
Coldbrew coffeeshop
David apartment part 1, part 3 merged
Domaine du clos part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 merged
Teeny weeny merged
Winter garden part 2
Pralinesims – https://www.patreon.com/pralinesims
Pavement terrain 5
Renorasims – https://www.patreon.com/renorasims
RVSN – https://ravasheen.com/downloads/
S-imagination – https://www.patreon.com/simagination
Nota living room merged
Simkoos – https://www.patreon.com/simkoos
Clutter dumo pt2
simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
Bedroom painting gold
Botanical framed art
Sims4Luxury – https://www.patreon.com/Sims4Luxury
Set 7 Wallpaper 4
sixamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
Breeze of Greece
Oak&Concrete Kit merged
Charming chalet
Small Spaces
Teen Room
SurelySims – https://www.patreon.com/surelysims
Fallout Baby
SYB – https://www.patreon.com/Syboubou
Painter Studio
TaurusDesign – https://www.patreon.com/taurusdesign
Cassandra Bathroom
Eliza Walk In Closet
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
Busy bee 2
Busy bee
Dandy Diary Bathroom
Dandy Diary part ii
TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
Beam Parte2 v01 merged
Cross merged
Wave merged
Awingedllama – https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
Apartment therapy inspired stuff v2 merged
Tray files are available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lizzisimss
Please consider supporting if you wish :)
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harajrnl · 2 months
Tumblr media
I wish I could ask Paulette Williams; When you found your name...how did you know it was right? Was it how it felt in the mouth? Or in the spirit? Ntozake Shange your words saved me. Your words saved so many of us moving toward our own rainbows.
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sporadiceagleheart · 3 months
Emeline Grier Miller, Kimber Hibbs, Adrianna Hutto, Jayden-Jay Silvester, Emily Vitoria Tavares DaSilva, Mystique Genuine Pairama, Josie Burleson, Faithlynn Blankenship, Leena Arredondo, Sally Ann Chesebro, Paige Marie Nilson, Christine L.Ketchum, Andrea Lee Anna Castilla, Shirley Temple and baby Leroy, Ava Jordan Wood, Samantha and Tessara Crespi, Gabby Petito, Mei Leung, Dayle Okazaki, Joan of Arc, Mary Katherine Moore, Arthur Boyd Moore, Brianna Mariah Lopez, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Lucy Morgan, Star Hobson, Emilie Alice Parker, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrice, Louis XVII, Lois Janes, Sharon Lee Gallegos, Maite Rodriguez, Eliahna Torres, Jackie Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Maranda Gail Mathis, Caroline Previdi, Charlotte Bacon, Olivia Engel, Olivia Dahl, Laila Marie Daniel, Paulette Gebara Farah, Barbara Tinning, Baby Abby Jennings, Olivia-Leigh Picton, Aisha and Lailani Ford, Caroline and Madison Rae king, Gillian and Jennifer Pollock, Madison Weeks, Violet Beckett, Kasi Sanders, Heather O'Rourke and Judith Barsi, Heather White, Jaclyn Dowaliby, Betty Jean Bartlett, Brianna Lynn Walker, Judy Garland, Darla Jean Hood, Frank Sutton, Jim Nabors, Eva Heyman, Lily Elsie, Nannie Tyler, Dicy Loud Ream, Emma Ochsner, Emma Ochsner Mundhenke, Little Darcy-May Elm, Mia Julianne Nicole Serrato, Sarah Shulze, Veronica Moser-Sullivan, Moa Leontine Björk, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, Rika Oudgenoeg, Makenna Grace Adcock, MaKenna Rae Fraaza, Mariah Lynn Sisco, Lesley Ann Downey, Sienna Maloney, Avery Nicole King, Angel Hope Herrera, Gerb Johansson, Th Princess Louise and Queen Victoria, Megan Rochelle Jenkins, Jennifer Sue Delgado, Soren Chilson, Joanna Pollock, Jacqueline Theresa Pollock, Robert Towne, Leona Gertrude Loud, Sirita Jimmina “BooBoo” Sotelo, Lee Williams rest in peace
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Yasmine Lum
Damien's Fourth Princess Yasmine Lum (2020)
Tumblr media
The third daughter of Damian and Nicole, the near-sighted Yasmine. She's book-smart and shy, preferring to stay at home and away from most people.
"Please don't touch my books."
Full Legal Name: Yasmine Lilith Lum
First Name: Yasmine
Meaning: Variant of 'Yasmin', meaning 'Jasmine' in Arabic and Hebrew, derived from Persian 'Yasamin'
Pronunciation: YAZ-min
Origin: Arabic, French, English
Middle Name: Lilith
Meaning: Derived from Akkadian 'Lilitu' meaning 'Of the night'.
Pronunciation: LIL-ith
Origin: Semetic Mythology, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Surname: Lum
Meaning: From Old English 'Lum' meaning 'Pool'.
Pronunciation: LUH-mb
Origin: English
Alias: N/A
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Yaz, Lily
Titles: Miss
Age: 23
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: February 19th 1997
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, French
Relationship Status: Dating
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Theme Song (Ringtone on Damian & Vi's Phones): Damian: 'Nicotine' - Panic At The Disco Vi: 'Wrong Side of Heaven' - Five Finger Death Punch
Voice Actor: Maisie Adam
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bodmin, Cornwall, England
Current Location: Bodmin, Cornwall, England
Hometown: Bodmin, Cornwall, England
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Clean
Illnesses/Disorders: Near-Sighted/Poor Sight
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Xanthia Winter, Seren Mathieson, Ida Scott
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: William Abney
Mentor: Nicole Lum
Significant Other: William Abney (24, Boyfriend)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Damian Lum (61, Father), Nicole Lum (62, Mother, Née Yap)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Viola Nye (41, Half-Sister, Née Lum), Ulysses May (38, Half-Brother), Wanda Ott (35, Sister, Née Lum), Tristan Lum (32, Brother), Xavia Lum (29, Sister), Sullivan Lum (26, Brother), Roger (20, Brother), Zella Lum (17, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Quentin Nye (42, Viola's Husband), Kestrel May (39, Ulysses' Wife, Née Coy), Heath Ott (36, Wanda's Husband), Gardenia Lum (33, Tristan's Wife, Née Day)
Nieces & Nephews: Adam Nye (21, Nephew), Paulette Nye (18, Niece), Benjamin Nye (15, Nephew), Olivia Nye (12, Niece), Charles Nye (9, Nephew), Earl May (18, Nephew), Jane May (15, Niece), Flint May (12, Nephew), Imogen May (9, Niece), Magnolia Ott (15, Niece), Laurence Ott (12, Nephew), Naomi Ott (9, Niece), Daisy Lum (12, Niece), Vance Lum (9, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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