#Pawnbrokers London
calamity-calliope · 1 month
Johnathan Morholt Certsey casually strolling through the unimaginable horrors of the Coil with his stick and his glasses whilst whistling a jaunty lil Irish tune (his faith is strong and he knows the Dawn will protect him)
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viric-dreams · 3 months
I'm going to be making a more expansive timeline for these guys eventually, but a quick recap of what Roberts and Nite have been up to since coming to London:
Roberts arrives in London, ready to slowly infiltrate the revolutionaries and work his way into a cell of liberationists, lead by January.
Shortly after arriving, he's kidnapped and experimented on by a group of scientist working out of Benthic College, trying to cure people who have been dawnpilled.
He manages to escape with some documents he'd grabbed but wakes up confused with only his alias, Nite, as his identification. Nite takes on the role of a revolutionary, unaware that it's not his identity, slowly climbing his way through their ranks.
Roberts, meanwhile, does not remember why he's in London. He busies himself with picking up some of the ties between Zelo's Town and London that have atrophied over the years and soon falls in with Beverley, trying to rebuild/searching for the missing dawnlight bomb.
Nite, meanwhile, has slowly become notorious in revolutionary circles and gained the attention of, and entrance to the liberationist circle, led by January. He learns of their plans for Liberation of Night and is caught up in their vision. In fact, he seems to have some ideas of his own, and they just might work. He just needs to do some research. It's around this point that he meets and begins a relationship with Jones. Jones never seems to mention what it is that he does for a living, and Nite feels in turn that it's not the time to mention his involvement in the Liberation of Night.
Whilst Roberts and Beverley seem to be initially working well together, Roberts' constant disappearances and inconsistency leave a dent in their relationship. Moreover, rumours of a man of a similar description making waves with the revs triggers Beverley's suspicions. Nonetheless, Beverley does eventually come to Roberts with rumours he's heard of a Benthic laboratory conducting experiments with dawnlight and the potential dangerous consequences for the New Sequence. Roberts investigates, and eventually decides to send the Pawnbroker to eliminate the researchers (entirely unaware of his own personal connection to any of this). Beverley, who had hoped for the okay to test out a new explosive, was not happy with this decision. The Pawnbroker proceeds with the assassinations, setting fire to the laboratory and destroying their work for good measure.
Nite continues his research in how to develop a more effective set of bombs to kick start the LoN. In pursuit of this, he befriends Myfanwy, a researcher specialising in the Correspondence. Shortly into their acquaintance, she comes to him, distraught. A laboratory at the college appears to have been burnt, and several of her colleagues were dead. The official university line is that it was an accident involving the Correspondence, but she knows from a cursory glance that this doesn't add up. She asks Nite to accompany her to the lab at night as backup, so she can do some investigating for herself. Whilst sifting through the burnt rubble, he discovers some documents that enable him to make the connection between himself and the group's last subject. This is information that he chooses not to reveal to Myfanwy.
Nite does go to Jones, however. He reveals to Jones his memory problems, missing time, flashes of memories that feel as if they belong to someone else or maybe a past life, and that he may have been under the Dawn Machine's influence. He's not even certain that Nite is his real name. Jones is unfazed by all of this, and simply draws him in closer, comforting him. They will find a way to sort through this together.
Having been passed up for the job and a chance to test his inventions, Beverley attempts to blackmail Roberts with the knowledge of his degrading mental health, in an effort to be allowed to test his bombs. This fails, leading to Beverley’s temporary death via blunt force object. Before Roberts could ensure his permanent death via cement fluke-baited shoes, however, Nite regains consciousness and flees the scene, abandoning Beverley's corpse. Beverley later bombs Roberts' lodgings in retaliation, leading to them both being presumed MIA.
Work with January has not been going well. She seems to be keeping Nite at a distance, playing him off of two other revolutionaries in her inner circle. He doubles down on his work to try to progress their goals. Meanwhile, he's actively aware of the time he's missing, and that there may be someone running around with his face doing lord knows what. He needs to learn more about his alter ego. He goes to Jones with a plan--Jones should try to find him in his missing time and try to pick him up, just as he had the first time. Jones could get information out of him and what he's up to.
Roberts is not doing well. He's exhausted, his lodgings were blown up, Beverley is in the wind. His latest reports to the Commodore have gone unanswered. The missing time has been getting worse, and he's been getting flashes of strange memories and emotions. He needs a break. Some form of stress relief. Time to haunt some of the local nightlife.
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ive been designing stuff for my oc and since shes a detective i originally gave her a more tan cloak thing but got jumpscared by a london bobby in the pawnbrokers when i was playing today and went "hey wait she'd probably have one of those cloaks" and here we are
(by the way i take art requests i love drawing stuff for people)
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October is a month when Blossomforth goes to look at ghost signs!
Ghost signs (or ghost adverts) are old signs, often hand painted, on buildings. The products they are advertising often don’t exist any more.
This pawnbroker advert is in Walthamstow, in London, England.
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jabbage · 2 years
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webuydiamonduk · 3 months
Best Place to Sell Loose Diamonds for Most Cash London, UK
We are a trusted loose diamond buyer in Hatton Garden, Central London, UK. Sell your loose diamonds for best price. Get your valuation today. Visit Now!
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Selling loose diamonds for the best price can be a daunting process, as it requires finding a professional who can offer the most accurate market value. Offering your diamonds to pawnbrokers or independent jewellery retailers often results in significant losses, as they may not fully understand the genuine value of the stones in the secondary diamond market. As the best place to sell loose diamonds, We Buy Diamond offers you the most attractive price quickly and reliably. With us, you can receive instant offers on GIA-certified diamonds, ensuring a fast and trustworthy transaction.
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torturingpeople · 3 months
Sinking Ship
Wordcount: 1.9k words Featuring: Edison Hollingsworth, Lionel L. Sotheby Other info: do they like or hate each other, there is Drama, little hints at what their relationship is actually like, set in Lionel’s string instrument store (because I need to make his luthier title relevant LOL)
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LL Sotheby & Co.’s is always rather quiet. After all, it is no Nikolas Pawnbrokers or Dauncey’s. But Edison does not stand for silence and Lionel stands just about as much for his antics.
There was a high-pitched ding, followed by a few more subtle rings, fading into silence once Edison pushed the door open fully. The bell stilled, and the luthier behind the desk lifted his head from polishing a violin, beginning his customary greeting. Once Edison let the door go, the bell jingled again, mixing in with the door slam.
‘Welcome to LL Sotheby & Co., London’s finest lu—’
‘It is just me, Lionel, no need to commit to your store-clerk spiel,’ Edison waved his hand dismissively in the man’s direction, sauntering into the store with clicking steps.
Upon taking the man in properly, Lionel raised an eyebrow, then both, and eventually his expression settled into something erring on the side of concern. ‘It is… The choice you have made to come here is not… ideal, on account of my current reputation, but… it is no matter.’ He gave a disgruntled hum, and the volume of his speech lowered in turn. ‘I should pay a visit to the tomb-colonies, or the church, sooner or later, anyway. Whichever comes first.’ Lionel began to sheathe his violin into a plush, velvet case, drawing a cloth over its smooth, amber wood before closing the case and exchanging it for a viola to clean. ‘What can I do for you?’
‘I told you, I am not a client.’ Edison placed his hands firmly on each hip, his countenance unimpressed. 
Lionel did not lift his eyes from the viola, unbothered. ‘You are in a store; I am at work; ergo, you are a customer. I do not wish to behave unprofessionally at my workplace, if that is what you are implying, Mr. Hollingsworth.’
‘Can I not be in your company now, without it being inexplicably tied to — oh — the scandal, the humanity, the horror of being anywhere near me?’ Edison’s expression, for a fraction of a second, softened with disappointment, but did not hesitate to crystallise with bristling irritation. ‘Truly, is it so awful that I am in your presence?’
‘No, prince — if anything, it is pleasant — but I am merely experiencing a recent bout of scandal, and if we consider scandal to be… a boat, let us say,’ he flicked his gaze up, ‘you could capsize me by blinking, dear.’ Lionel clarified, shaking his head as he withdrew a block of rosin, drawing it gently over the bow hairs. He smiled calmly at the tiny hums they let off, taking caution in caring for the instrument meticulously.
Giving a small huff at the evidently misdirected, Edison began to wander around the small store, dipping into rooms and observing each string instrument curiously. Some were hung on hooks bolted to the teal green walls, whereas others were gently organised on stands. The most ornate and intricate instruments sat on display in the bay-windows, to hopefully entrance any passers-by into entering the store or purchasing one. Edison didn’t even want to think about the obscene prices they might harbour, instead returning to the front of the store and perching himself on the counter, a hooked finger tempting a pull of the bow strings.
Lionel did not hesitate to slap him away, giving him a stern look while pointing a finger at his chest. ‘No. Do not touch the instruments.’
‘Pay some mind to me, and perhaps I will keep my hands to myself,’ Edison retorted in  a stroppy huff.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Lionel leaned against the counter. ‘Are you three years old?’
‘Thirty-three, as a matter of fact.’ 
‘You act instead as if you have just left primary school.’ 
‘You cannot even meet my eye,’ Edison’s tone shifted from annoyance to desperation. There was something unsaid lingering on his tongue, threatening to leap off, but he swallowed it down and kept his gaze somewhere to the floor. ‘Fine. If I depart now, will you at least leave me a kiss upon my lips?’
There was a long pause. Lionel placed down the wad of rosin, closed his eyes to breathe deeply, and pressed his forehead into his now empty palm. Frustration. Then processing time. He weighed up his options carefully — risk exile, or risk Edison traipsing off to God knows where to get his fill. The sensible choice became obvious rather quickly. ‘You can stay, but do not be a nuisance. I am working and we are in public. Heaven forfend anyone sees you in here… you are lucky Thursday tends to be quiet.’
Edison rolled his eyes, leaning over the desk and making gestures to the empty rooms inside of the store, and the empty street outside of the store. ‘Yes, because I am sure you are the Neath’s busiest shop to ever be in business. Just look at how many people are in here. There is a queue outside waiting for you already.’ 
Lionel almost gave into the urge to look up but caught onto Edison’s deadpan tone, instead giving a low, disgruntled hum. He pulled out a stool from under the desk, placed it opposite, then gestured toward it in an offering manner, for the man at his side. ‘Here. Sit.’ His voice hardened. ‘And stop acting like a three-year-old boy.’
Sauntering over to the stool, Edison placed himself onto it, swinging his legs around its legs and carefully leaning forward. There was a long and taut silence, only broken by the imperceptible hum of rosin being drawn along strings, the soft and discordant harmonies overshadowed by even the lightest chatter outside. And everything was rather calm in the store — almost like a sanctuary of sorts, despite the light, noxious hint of tension thickening the atmosphere with its subtle poison. Neither Lionel nor Edison were choking on it. Yet.
‘‘You have a nice store here,’ he mumbled, gazing around the mint walls furnished with lutes and harps and violins and the like. ‘Perhaps I will write a poem about it… “rows upon rows of violins and cellos”... what do you think, dear?’
‘Very nice, my prince,’ murmured Lionel in response, his attention more honed in on tending to the strings of the violin.
Raising an eyebrow, Edison folded his arms. ‘What was the line?’ He forced his inflection to rise with fabricated curiosity.
‘Have you forgotten already?’ Lionel even had the audacity to return the question in a sarcastic tone. However, upon actually looking up and seeing the man’s frankly rather deadpan stare, his eyes widened in a caught fashion. He began to twirl a strand of hair around his finger with a palpable guilt. ‘Ah.’ 
Edison’s arms looped around each other tighter. ‘It seems it is you who has forgotten already.’
‘Well, forgive me for being at work. Next time I shall schedule myself to conform to your exact whim and desire.’ Lionel riposted with a wry smile. He then placed the block of rosin in its container.
And then there was another long, witless pause. Neither gentleman spoke a word but the silence was by no means comfortable. They both had something resting on their lips, on their tongues, in their throats, waiting to come out. Something lovely or vile; something raw. But, chained to standard and politeness neither spoke. But the air was becoming more and more suffocating.
Edison suffered in the quiet. He had never been a man able to deal with long pauses. He had half a mind to speak into existence whatever was roaming on his tongue, desperate for some kind of mental stimulation, positive attention, negative attention, literally anything that might signify Lionel felt more than just annoyance. That was all he wanted. To be something other than annoying. So he was willing to be silent if it made him bearable to be around. 
Lionel, however, was not willing to asphyxiate any longer. ‘Why are you acting like this?’
With a twitch of his eyebrows, Edison gave a huff. So much for staying quiet. If anything, he shouldn’t have gratified the question with a response. ‘Even when I am deathly silent, you—’
‘You know what I speak in reference to.’
Edison felt his face become hot beneath its surface. A pink tint was most definitely weaving itself into the peachier tones. His words, laying dormant in his cheeks, began to bundle up with the urge to come out, with no regard to coherence. But most of all, he felt caught. ‘Is it a crime that I want your attention?’
‘I am working.’ The word came out of Lionel’s mouth like a freshly-sharpened poniard. ‘You are bothering me while I am at work. I am trying to finish a task. And, as per usual,’ he gave a loose gesture to Edison, ‘you are being a nuisance.’
‘As per usual?’ Edison scoffed, holding himself in offence. ‘So that is all I am to you? A nuisance? A bother?’
‘It appears you can hear perfectly.’ Lionel dug around in the pocket of his waistcoat, pulling out a few rings and a pendant, dropping them onto the counter between them. ‘If I give you these, will you — for lack of a better description — get lost?’
Blinking in genuine and utter shock, Edison nearly reached forward for the jewels and gold, his hand clenching between himself and the desk. ‘Every time, I glean the inkling you may care about me.’
‘Then you are a fool.’ Lionel responded quickly.
‘No, Lord Sotheby, it is you who plays the fool. Because you cannot understand love, when it comes to visit you, or when it holds your hand, or when it asks you to dinner. All you do is shut me down, when all I want is to—’ 
‘I understand love perfectly well, Mr. Hollingsworth.’ Lionel interrupted and stood from the counter, placing the fresh violin into the rack, like a puzzle-piece settling to form a full image. He tilted his head back, a ripple in his deep black hair following. ‘Hence why you are the fool; I am not in love with you.’
‘How — how can you say that, when—’
‘These gifts mean nothing to me, if that is what you wish to be your evidence,’ Lionel returned to the counter, his finger pointing to the jewels still upon it. ‘It would do you well to take them. Pawn them off and spruce up the… hovel you live in.’ As if he had not just deeply wounded Edison, he gave a falsely sweet smile.
Edison took the jewellery, finally, in a tight grip. ‘Of course. You give me your stolen shit, as usual, because I am not worth anything more to you than pickpocketed goods.’
Lionel raised an eyebrow. ‘Precisely.’
A dejected shock washed over Edison. He might have been half-convinced Lionel was lying to get on his nerves. ‘You do not deserve my heart.’
‘By all means,’ Lionel managed a laugh, ‘take it out of my open hand, Mr. Hollingsworth. You dropped it into my palm and expected me to want it. That is not how love works — that is reckless desperation.’ He leaned over the counter, nearing Edison with something dangerous playing on his words. Something so painfully alluring, like the thorn of a rose. ‘So, remind me, who is the fool again?’
 Edison shook his head and tried to form words as his jewellery-clutching hand slipped into his pocket, loosening the goods into it. He then thought, instead of answering his questions, about how many times Lionel had tried to shoo him off. And perhaps it was better for him to just leave, anyway. The jingle of the bell above the door signified his leave.
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i am yet to find an accurate description for their relationship. maybe situationship? maybe odd threeway polyrelationship with the mc? just straight up Weird? we will never know. it’s too nuanced for me to not write 20 paragraphs about
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markfisherimages · 4 months
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Pawnbrokers Exchange Matches Phase
• American Photographer Mark Fisher •
Promotional Match Pack Cinderella
A Company That Used An Item For Advertising.
A Tool Employed To Bring More Traffic,
In The 1940's Period. Common Place at The Time.
This Process Of Awareness Continues, Today.
Over And Out
Captured Under Existing Light.
Modified For Web Presentation.
The Details Were Switched
Around For Production
Slice And Dice Method Used
To Put This Final Direction Together.
Changing The Appearance,   
Of The Original Display Image.
With Adjustments Of The
Key Values.
Mastered For Sizing And Shaping.
To Fit The Platform.
Working The Approach Of The Design.
Pushing The Core Plain,
Using Developed Creative Techniques,
Controlling The Placement
And Linear Arrangement.
Completing The Essay Form
While Placing The Assets In Order,
Worked Incidental Detail Processing
To Construct The Lay Out.
Through Photo Graphic Engineering.
Assembling The Structured Appearance
Within The Cell Frame Field.
Maneuvering The Created Elements,
To Complete The Visual Result.
During Post Lab In New York City.
Just Be Creative™
No Second Usage Without Permission
• All Rights Reserved • 
Talent Used In The Web Post All Have Management. 
Removal Of The Image, 
Scripting Implant, 
Or Tampering With Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.
Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 
A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 
In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 
New York City 
Based Image And Filmmaker
Has A Worldwide Following. 
Is A Member Of The Press. 
There Is Fan Page On Facebook.
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For More Info Contact 
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Thank You  
Veteran Of The United States Army. 
Trained And Educated In Medicine.
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/10/i-pawned-my-wedding-rings-for-200-to-pay-my-bills
'I pawned my wedding rings for £200 to pay my bills'
By Charlotte McDonald
Business reporter, BBC News
“These are my precious possessions that I’ve had to pawn because there’s no help, there’s no support.”
Clare Adams is one of a rising number of people taking out loans against things they own to pay the bills.
Over the last year there has been a 25% increase in the number of new loans from pawnbrokers, according to figures from the Financial Conduct Authority.
Debt Charity StepChange said the data “speaks to the scale of the cost-of-living crisis as people get desperate”.
Pawnbroking will “likely only worsen, rather than alleviate, peoples’ financial position in the long run,” warned the charity’s director of external affairs, Richard Lane.
But since a government clampdown on payday lenders, pawnbrokers are the only route for some people to get the money they need fast.
‘This is the only way I can survive’
We met Mrs Adams at Pickwick Jewellers & Pawnbrokers in South East London where she told us she felt she had no choice but to pawn her wedding, eternity and engagement rings which “mean the world” to her.
“They’ve offered me £200 so I can pay for my gas and electric and my food shopping,” she said.
She told the BBC she had previously pawned two chains and two bracelets due to rising prices.
“The cost of living is the main thing,” she said. “I can’t afford to get food, some days I don’t have anything in the house whatsoever, it’s getting really, really tough.”
‘We use pawnbrokers to be able to pay for food’
Mrs Adams described pawnbrokers as her “lifeline”. She said they provided a quick and easy way to get the money she needed. “If I got a loan out I’d be further and further in debt and I’d be back to square one again,” she said.
Nathan Finch, managing director of the pawnbroker we visited, said he had seen an uplift in business due to the cost of living crisis and inflation. “It’s interesting that it’s something that’s not affecting one class, we are seeing it from people who are very rich to less so,” he said.
New figures from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) showed £440m was loaned out to customers pawning goods in the year to June, compared with £351m the previous year.
A spokesperson said: “As people continue to face financial challenges due to the ongoing cost of living squeeze, pawnbroking may be a useful product for some to turn to.”
But they added that the FCA was working to “raise standards in the high cost credit industry, including in pawnbroking, and we’re holding firms to account for meeting them.”
How does pawnbroking work?
Customer “pledges” an item, such as a gold ring for a set period of time, usually six months
Pawnbroker gives 50% to 60% of the item’s value as a cash loan
Customer pays 7% to 8% interest every month
An item can be redeemed during the loan period by paying back the original loan and any interest up to that point
If the customer cannot repay the loan at the end of the deal the pawnbroker sells the item and returns any surplus to the customer
More information is available from the National Pawnbrokers Association. Consumer advice on pawnbroking is available from Citizens Advice and the Money and Pensions Service.
A 2022 report suggested more than 350,000 people turned to pawnbrokers for money each year.
The National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) said it was the only option for some people who could not get a bank loan – other than loan sharks.
But critics have said the high interest rates and low prices offered for goods mean they’re not the best option.
‘I’m left with £20 for four weeks’
Geoffrey Simmons began pawning his items six years ago “just to fill the freezer”.
Since then he has turned in around 40 items ranging from £12 to £900. He said he has had to pawn “nearly everything” to be financially stable.
Mr Simmons, who is on state pension, says after paying his bills he is left with just £20 to last him four weeks and describes pawnbrokers as a “godsend” for people his age.
Despite consistently retrieving his items before the cancellation date, he is hesitant to pursue another credit card application after previously being denied.
“I know full well I’ve got jewellery indoors that if I need to pawn, these people will help me out.”
Additional reporting by Jemma Dempsey.
Related Topics
Personal finance
Cost of living
More on this story
‘My tears over pawned jewellery’
17 September 2019
‘We use pawnbrokers to be able to pay for food’
14 May 2022
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neathnights · 2 years
A disgraceful spectacle
A gentleman proceeds along the street: he is soberly dressed in all respects except one. A constellation of shining stones orbits his hat! Whatever intemperate mountebankery this might be, it is plain that Londoners are not impressed. Women in crinolines cross the street, mouths set. A clergyman growls and averts his eyes. Only an enterprising Fisher-King dangles a fishing rod from a tobacconist's roof, attempting to snare a lone stone which circles teasingly high.
→ Ask the man: what are they? You've seen nothing like these stones, at least in waking life.
An enigmatic response "The question is nuncupatory!" he declares. (Is that the accent of the New World?) "Ask rather, why are they?"
→ Ask why he is thus adorned What might a gentleman hope to gain from this garish display?
→ Snatch a stone Who cares why? This will fetch a pretty penny at Nikolas the Pawnbroker.
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calamity-calliope · 1 month
(jumping on this bandwagon just because) [Thanks @zeebreezin ]
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Middle image by @feivelynart. Seriously, go check them out!
Name: Johnathan Morholt Certsey
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Honestly who even knows
☘ Propaganda for:
He is a pawnbroker
Accomplished calliopist - loves playing with and for others
Very lively fellow, and you can count on that day or night.
Just generally spirited and joyful, hardly seen without a smile or a positive attitude
Catfish-shaped <3
Calls you "deary"
Knows many a good zee-ztory, as has no objections to telling them
excellent cook!
Lives and breathes the zee, loves a good adventure on-board with 90-foot flash schooner Calamity!
Fun uncle energy all day every day
Protective of his friends (he would kick ass for you)
Made to cuddle. Loves to give warm hugs.
Whistles jaunty little tunes when he's busy, and you bet he loves to dance
Likes holding hands (his hands are warm)
Embraces eccentricity, and likewise embraces fellow eccentrics
WILL share his big coat you if you are cold
Wouldn't be caught dead being unfaithful in a relationship and works with his other to keep it healthy and meaningful - respecting boundaries when needed.
🤔 ??? propaganda:
Bataireacht practitioner, and he carries his shillelagh with him everywhere. It's his version of a bedside spear.
Sometimes irritatingly curious. If you have antiques and/or a unique, expect that he'll ask about them
He snores 💀
Notable for inadvertently getting himself into troublesome situations. He is generally good at escaping these, but it's a bad habit.
Whatever the Victorian England equivalent of that one family member who disappears into a Yankee Candle and emerges four hours later with $150 worth of candles is.
Sweet-looking for sure but he has one hell of a sailor mouth.
🧨 Propaganda against:
He is a pawnbroker
Has a communication issue - and not in the relational sense. New English speaker who has spoken Gaeilge (Irish) his entire life and you would probably have an easier time reading Finnegan's Wake. To fix this he's learning German!!
Has never been in a full-commitment romantic relationship before
For all of his cheerfulness, he's undeniably suspicious
It's the sun-cult stuff
Carries about him all the faux innocence of a man who has killed, and is bound to kill again
Often out on unspecified business. Several of his clients happen to be located at various places across the zee. It's no whaling journey, but expect him to be gone for months at a time
Not a quick problem solver- the bigger the problem, the more time he needs to think on it, during which the issue tends to worsen.
Sometimes the nightmares get to him.
Very minor but he smells a tad bit like bilgewater
Postage enthusiast, but in an accidentally creepy way. Known for sending vaguely threatening packages to strangers.
Very serious about his religion. Sometimes becomes lost in the bliss of it, and you wonder if this is the same man you knew before.
Straight-up serial killer vibes sometimes
Tagging those willing who haven't done it yet :)
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sellyourdiamond · 3 years
What is the Best Way to Sell a Diamond?
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Selling your precious diamond should be safe, legal, and conscious. Proper guidance from a professional Pawnshop or Pawnbrokers can give you the secure result in selling diamond safely.
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5 Luxury Jewellery Trends Worth Embracing In 2022
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What is the best part about jewellery? For some, it is the way a single statement piece can elevate your whole look, and for others, it represents their status and success. Oh! We missed the third group who consider jewellery as an asset. However, for most, jewellery is a treasure they can easily pawn to get instant money. Well, that’s true because numerous jewellery pawnshops indeed offer a handsome loan against jewellery.
But that’s not what we are here for. The world of jewellery is comforted by the ebbs and flows of trends. While some trends reign for a long time, others are new. But one thing that continues to prevail is the desire in people to wear jewellery for various events.
Today, we’ll discuss the finest jewellery trends to embrace this season.
Top 5 jewellery trends that will never fade:
1. Contemporary Chain
Designers are finding out new ways to design gold chains and necklaces. Bold and contemporary chains have become a go-to for the youthful generation. Surprisingly, gold is returning in an all-new form and quickly becoming a wardrobe staple.
Jewellers love the bold gold trend and design exquisite jewellery pieces to suit the wearer’s style and personality. For instance, Tiffany & Co HardWear is an elegant yet contemporary 18ct yellow gold chain that highlights the spirit of the women in New York.
2. Colourful Earrings
Two attributes differentiate one piece of jewellery from the other. One is colour and the second design. Women love to throw a mix of colours with almost any outfit. Moreover, going with the current trend, this is the season for bold and bright colours. Pick any colour of your choice from the palette and flaunt it with your outfit.
‘Folie des Prés’ earrings from Van Cleef & Arpels look lively and vibrant, adorned with various colourful gemstones, including white gold, sapphires and diamonds.
Also Read: Deal with the Leading Watch Shop in London to Buy, Sell & Pawn Luxury Watches
3. Statement Rings
Rings are the biggest trend this year. You can see most people wearing a chic or statement ring with their outfits. It can either be a sleek design or a big diamond set design. There are cocktail rings featuring large coloured gemstones or the ones surrounded by diamonds. Rings are a no-brainer accessory that you can wear anytime of the day and with anything.
Cartier’s Love Rings are highly popular for their elegant design and meaningful history. While many like to wear them as a symbol of love, you can celebrate self-love with the beautiful 18ct yellow gold Cartier Love Ring.
4. Beautiful Bracelet
Accessorising the right way is a crucial task. You can easily pair a series of different styles for bangles and bracelets to create an attractive look. You can mix and match the bracelets and bangles of various designs and sizes to see what works.
The Van Cleef & Arpels Lucky Alhambra bracelet with colourful motifs is a fun way to throw in some quick colour. We have another suggestion here. The Cartier Love Bangle is widely popular for its chic style. Throw in a pair, and you’re good to go!
5.Pearly Affair
Pearl doesn’t always have to look traditional. Many famous jewellery brands are taking a fresh take on pearls and doing their best to create fine pieces of pearly jewellery. Whether it’s a choker or a necklace, earrings or pendant earrings, Tiffany & Co offers a stunning selection of pearls.
Necklace of Akoya is a beautiful piece of pearl jewellery with an 18ct white gold clasp. You can wear it with a nice dress for evening wear.
Style has evolved, and so have the jewellery trends and designs. It’s no longer for adorning your body. Every piece of jewellery holds a different meaning. Each piece reflects your personality, whether it is a bold necklace or a statement ring. When you think it’s enough, add a little more.
Timeless jewellery pieces are a wardrobe must-have as you know that you can always pawn your jewellery to meet any immediate financial need. After all, jewellery has always been the resource to secure your wealth, isn’t it? So, without putting much thought, grab on the latest trend already!
Also Read: 5 Pieces Of Jewellery That Deserve Your Investment
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the-luxury-hut · 3 years
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danielfernandezus · 4 years
Look no further than Unbolted for a reliable diamond pawn shop!
Searching high and low for a premium diamond pawn shop in London? Unbolted checks all your requirement boxes! We offer hassle-free pawn loans at low interest rates and high loan-to-value.
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Proper Mechanism for Sell Gold Item At Pawnshop
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Pawnshops in London were here since the beginning of time. And they’ve always been in London to serve a necessary purpose, helping the needy get cash when times get uneven. But let’s be truthful, we’ve all required some quick money at least once in our lives. But one query remains. Why do people utilize pawnshops in London? You may be asking yourself why these people carry on coming back to a pawnshop when they could get a credit from a bank or loan office. It’s bewildering, isn’t it? What is so fascinating about a pawnshop? Going to the London pawnshop may not be as bad as you think and may even be a lifesaver when you’re in too deep anywhere else. As you know, pawnshops have been around for thousands of years. Ever since the starting, there has been a high need for quick cash. Pawnshops were created for the purpose of getting loans in exchange for something called security. Security can be something of value traded for cash. In order to sell gold item to pawnbroker every must undergoes specific ideal procedure otherwise it would be terrible deal.
  Majority of people would go into a pawn shop with a traditional or valuable ring and receive some money according to the worth of the item. Most of these precious items had meaning and weren’t items that owners required to give up, so instead, they would get the cash they required now and pay interest on the item until they had the cash to get their expensive item back later. Below we will go over the numerous different reasons that someone would go to a pawnbrokers in London.
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