#Peach Blossom Debt
unforth · 4 months
Also I have now read a media where the mc doesn't need to ask the ml "would you love me if I was a worm cockroach?" because the affirmatic answer is literally canon. 🤣
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dontaskchaosandco · 7 months
drawing poll: danmei edition
Disclaimer: I have never read any danmei or fanfic thereof, so your fave will probably be bastardized.
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bellaroles · 7 months
Finish Peach Blossom Debt. Such a cute little story. It's way too short! Also there's not even a single extra story at the end. I still wanna see Song Yao and Heng Wen together more. The joy whenever they're together is so palpable through the pages. I also like this type of story where the mc is like a side character of another story and they have to facilitate the plot by doing this and that while unknowingly becoming the main character themself in another story of their own.
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miaoyincourt · 4 months
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wantmangojuice · 2 months
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god of literature decides to find out what humanity's most popular works are, is surprised and delighted by what he finds.
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toeydbootzandcatz · 7 months
~November TBR pile~
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Some are re-reads, some are novels, and some are manga haha it’s good to have a mix I suppose.
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danmeiarchive · 9 months
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My very first danmei one-shots from Peach Flower House 😍 They are so beautiful, I'm so excited!!
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anqelbean · 3 months
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Someone's jealous~~~~
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fortune-maiden · 6 months
Finally finished Peach Blossom Debt
I didn’t like it as much as Imperial Uncle, but it was still very enjoyable! Hengwen is adorable <3
I think the twist about Song Yao came a bit out of nowhere though.
Also the extra felt a little pointless but it was hilarious! rip Living Immortal
The real takeaway though is that these immortals have way too much time on their hands xD
And I’m pretty sure they left behind a HUGE MESS in the mortal realm from those love trials xD
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darknessisafriend · 5 months
In one afternoon I have fucked up Astarion, finished Season 2 of Heaven officials blessing (my heart 😭) and my ship in Peach blossom debt book got ripped apart WELP
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unforth · 4 months
I just finished Peach Blossom Debt and oh, my heart.
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fallloverfic · 9 months
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Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom:  桃花债 - 大风刮过 | Peach Blossom Debt - Dà Fēng Guā Guò
Relationships: Song Yao | Guangxu Yuanjun/Hengwen Qingjun
Tags: Post-Canon, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Bondage, Body Worship, Boys in love, Boys kissing, POV First Person, Song Yao POV, Gags, Blow Jobs, Established Relationship, Angst With a Happy Ending, Anxiety, Service Top Song Yao, Bottom Hengwen Qingjun, Fluff and Angst
Summary: Now that Song Yao and Hengwen Qingjun are living together in peace on their island, Hengwen wants to try some things in the bedroom, and Song Yao is worried, but always happy to oblige.
Worship, Chapter 1: For Me
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bellaroles · 7 months
So afraid I will get duped along the way but I'm only a few pages in I can see that this guy's life sucks already. I can't help but side with him lol.
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wantmangojuice · 2 months
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Peach Blossom Debt - finished - 26ch + 1 extra
Premise: Soft-hearted, romantic, destined-to-be-perpetually-single accidental-immortal MC is tasked by Heaven to play the villain in the love tribulations of two other immortals. He...does his gosh-darned best. But, also, what about MC's hopes for romance, huh, heaven? What if he wants to fall in love happily, too???
I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did (I only bought it on a whim because I wanted to finish a relatively-shorter danmei novel) but I really did!
MC Song Yao is such an endearing character. He's immortal but definitely still has the heart and sentiments of a mortal, he cares so so much, his narration is quite funny, and every other chapter I just wanna give him a hug.
I was really really rooting for Hengwen to be the ML almost from the beginning -- and I was right! Ha!
Related to the above bullet point, yes, the ML is not immediately apparent from the get-go (the sheer number of "Oh please be the ML" comments I had in my ebook copy whenever Hengwen shows up is hilarious) which I think adds to the fun/suspense. (I admit I caved halfway through and looked it up, though, 'cause I knew if it wasn't him I needed to brace myself for the disappointment hahaha.)
And on that note, regardless of whether they're the endgame pairing or not, I really enjoyed the twist and turns and reveals and feels that the Song Yao-Hengwen relationship had. I think one of the reasons they endeared themselves to me was that according to the book, they've been friends for over a thousand years, and their interactions certainly sold me on that. Everytime they're in a scene together there's an air of familiarity and comfort between them that I appreciated so much. Like, sure, there are complications, like how Song Yao has been pining for Hengwen for so long, and how Hengwen's nature as a never-been-mortal immortal makes it sometimes difficult for him to understand certain things about Song Yao-- but the bedrock of their relationship is that they're friends who can rely on each other first and foremost, and I enjoyed that.
The main couple getting their HE by the skin of their teeth arrrgh I love them.
Loved the interesting interplay of debt and "being fated" and how much of that really matters in the end (especially since it's revealed in the end that Song Yao's "destined to be perpetually alone" thing was actually all just hogwash).
What does it even mean when your fate is tied to someone else's, anyway? Question: If various karmic debts mean that you're soulmates with someone you don't love, and the person you love is not your soulmate, what do you do? Answer: You love the person you love anyway, even if you have to go to extreme impossible lengths shuffling those debts and those karmic ties around.
Honestly, the more I think about how things were resolved at the end of the book, the more I like it. Song Yao & Hengwen really found a way to make each other their soulmates: Song Yao by breaking all their other soulmate bonds, and Hengwen by everything he did afterwards that resulted in the two of them forming a karmic bond. They essentially became soulmates by choice, which is such a neat way to wrap things up.
(Interestingly, this is the second book I've read which plays with the "the person you fall in love with is not your soulmate and your soulmate is not the person you love" thing, the first one being Qi Ye, and even then Qi Ye was kind of a borderline case because there's some hints that WuXi was, in fact, Jing Beiyuan's soulmate after all. Just... something about the whole concept of "No matter what the bonds of destiny says, you are the one my heart has chosen" kind of gets me right in the kokoro.)
Probably gonna be jumping into the sequel of this book soon out of desperate hope to read more of these characters hahahahaha.
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danmeiarchive · 9 months
Peach Blossom Debt by Da Feng Gua Guo -- my thoughts
Novel length: 74 chapters + 4 extras
This is not a full review, these are merely some thoughts I have and why I do not include this novel on my recommendation list.
I really liked the concept behind this novel and really wanted to like it. However, I found myself struggling to continue reading several times.
I will say that I read a fan translation and it changed translators a few times so I had some problems here and there following along which may be partially due to that. I cannot attest to the translation published by Peach Flower House but if anyone has read that version I would love to hear your thoughts!
This is a novel where characters have several names and titles and I really should have kept some notes because with the way that the story kept jumping around between present day and flashbacks I could barely keep up.
What I remember of the plot is as follows; there's two gods in heaven who were gay and in a relationship with each other. They are sent to the human realm and reborn as humans without their memories and are forced to suffer in this lifetime as penance. Along with them is our main character who is a god tasked with arranging some of their suffering. When the plan dictated by heaven starts to go awry another god joins the main character to help-- he's the love interest. There's other characters that show up and add more chaos, flashbacks to when the MC and ML were in heaven and met for the first time, etc.
It all gets to be a big mess because the MC doesn't want to harm the two gods he's supposed to make suffer. And from his perspective the reason they must suffer is because they're gay and aren't supposed to be in a relationship. The main character also puts himself down a lot, talking about how boring, uninteresting, or untalented he is. You finally get to find out about the MC's past that even he has forgotten about in the EXTRAS of the novel which is used to tie up some of the plot. It really didn't feel like they were extras to me. It just felt like the next few chapters of the novel. In my opinion, if you stop reading at the end of the main text you wouldn't have all of the context this novel.
I got especially frustrated because at the end of the novel it seemed as if the reason why the two gods were being punished in the first place was NOT that they were in a gay relationship with each other. But for other unrelated reasons. So all the internalized panic that the MC feels at his feelings for the ML suddenly felt pointless. He'd been keeping his feelings to himself for so long because he felt he was unworthy of the ML and then during the mission whenever he got jealous of others flirting with the ML or when he wanted to act on his own feelings he would start to spiral into despair because if he did so he and the ML would end up like the two gods they're tasked with terrorizing now. And he didn't want to put the ML through that suffering. But it turns out all of that repeated spiraling was based solely on his understanding of the situation which was wildly uniformed.
I dunno, like perhaps that is a compelling story to some folks but to me I've had enough of dealing with homophobia in my daily life and I don't want to spend more time angsting about it -- especially when it turns out not to be the reason for the punishment to begin with. But even that I'm not 100% certain of due to how it was written.
I've also read that this author's work (including this novel) was taken and plagiarized by another author who ended up quite successful (even getting a drama made out of their version). So if you want to support this novel solely on the fact that their work was plagiarized I fully support that. These are just my opinions on the story itself. I really feel like it had a lot of potential to be a story that I loved but ended up just missing the mark.
If you have read this novel what are your thoughts? Tell me what you liked and disliked about it, I would love to hear it.
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