#Peachtiiime || Sundog
fireteam-silent · 1 year
peachtiiime - 🫂 (for Khalom!)
When Sundog opened their arms, Khalom threw herself at them in a running hug. "Yessss!" She cackled as she latched on, arms around their neck, feet off the ground. "Titan hugs are the best! Thanks Sunny~"
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
@peachtiiime asked: peachtiiime ― for clovis! normally they didn't interfere with such things when it came to considerably terrible people, but... maybe this was going on a little too long. perhaps the fun had been had. the young wolf raises a hand gently, but doesn't touch him. ❝ here, let me help you remove those. ❞ they offer.
“Come to mock me? Berate me, like the rest of the Guardians intent on making a fool of me?” The Exo snaps, “You could’ve had a place by my side, you know. However I will reserve that position for one of you who has more respect for--”
Clovis’ tirade comes to a pause as he watches Sundog. Has he heard correctly? They want to help him out of this? His reaction to duck away from the hand is immediate, “Do not touch me.”
Red optics blaze in a piercing stare for a few moments afterwards, but they eventually dim, and although the frame doesn’t relax, Clovis does take a step back towards the Guardian. ...Perhaps this one really does mean to help. With a huff, he very slowly lowers his head to give better access to the ridiculous ears.
“I am uncertain of how they are attached, whether it’s something easily removable or not. As you can see I haven’t had much time to myself,” he comments, an especially bitter tinge seeping into the latter statement.
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lxghtbound · 1 year
beep! // accepting!
@peachtiiime asked: peachtiiime ― beeps @ pebbles :3
3. A scared text
FP: I do not normally do this. FP: However, I am far too incapacitated to do much else but type, never mind retrieve someone else physically.
[Typing...] ...
FP: I do not wish for you to see me as I die in person. But I would appreciate company. Do not fret. The cycle has occurred many times before, and will persist for much longer, but I would appreciate the distraction.
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mantleoflight · 1 year
𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗶𝗶𝗶𝗺𝗲 ― ✔!
My muse(s): Misraaks, Yyventriz, Echo-17, possibly Ravah
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other (all!)
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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solarkell · 1 year
Starter for @peachtiiime ;; Sundog
Must other Guardians be so pesky?
Skolas exhales sharply as he looks down at his fellow Titan, and his eyes- turned orange by the burning ether that courses through him- narrow in something between distrust and anger. He is beyond his territory, here, where the trees have thinned and the sun beats down on his shoulders.
But he supposes Guardians will simply patrol wherever they see fit. That must be what this is, surely?
He realizes, now, that if the other does not speak Eliksni, he will need Widow to help him. How frustrating, those language barriers, but the terran tongue feels foul and difficult in his mouth, and it is difficult for even himself to understand. Learning it has been a long, slow process.
So he speaks, in that low, deep growl. And as he does, his Ghost, from wherever it hides, speaks in Terran just in case; her voice much meeker and softer than that of the Kell of Kells.
"What brings you here?"
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nothingswarden · 1 year
peachtiiime - hurting this old man :sinister: /j crumple!! //
             ❝ whoa- hey, it's alright. I got you. ❞ sundog loops themself beneath variks's side arms so that he could properly lean against them. they may not be the tallest guardian in the pack, but it didn't stop them from reaching out regardless. they worry about him constantly, even if they know he's far, far from being a child.
             ❝ you alright, Variks...? ❞
@peachtiiime ;; Sundog
"Variks is fine," he tries to assure, shaking his head. It was just a stumble, he tells himself. Just a mis-step, it happens all the time.
He knows that isn't the case. Eliksni live a long time, and the years have been hard on him, and he has seen many, many years. Outright collapsing was not as common as simple stumbles, but it happened nonetheless. Variks knows, others near his age have remained fit longer, have kept better fed and rested, have remained strong in their years. Those that haven't... cut down, but still far better off in health than Variks had...
Ever been, really. He wasn't always this sickly, this frail, but he had been one of the sorts to rely on wit where he had always lacked strength.
He's embarrassed, to say the least, that someone has had to catch him before he hit the floor. Frustrated, too, but Variks knows to mind his tone to avoid revealing as such. It is not the Guardian's fault he fell, and he has a responsibility to remain amicable.
"Variks thanks you, Guardian... Variks must assure you, this comes as a surprise to him." He warbles, and punctuates the sentence with a series of low clicks. "Some rest, and Variks will be alright."
It's a lie, but the Guardian has no reason to know that. Anything, to save at least a little face.
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lepiidopterophobia · 1 year
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@peachtiiime - "so..." sundog leans against the marbled wall, their hair covering their eyes to avert making proper visual contact. "you... never said your sister had a nice voice. surprised she ain't doin' the battlesingin' out there." they coughed awkwardly. jesus christ.
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no one in over a thousand years has managed to catch savathûn, the witch queen, god of cunning and lies, the sister of shapes off guard— and yet somehow, in this moment, a single guardian has succeeded where thousands before have failed.
the god pulls back, startling just a little, at the comment. her left eye blinks, followed by the middle, and finally the right. slow, steady succession. her mouth parts, as though to answer, before closing once more.
"please do not attempt to seduce my sister."
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rhulks-legs · 1 year
𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗶𝗶𝗶𝗺𝗲 ― 🎵 for nezarec n sun. let's get fucky with it.
Nezarec had been disgraced a while ago, given a new body, allowed board in the Sunken Pyramid. It was true, he now had to put up with small pests like Rhulk's pet and his Ghost, but it was better than rotting away in a Light-made corpse on an abandoned vessel. He had no idea there were going to be other visitors, though. His eyes lit up in delight as he saw one approaching. Time to make conversation.
"If someone were to, like, push you into a meat grinder," He gestures to Sundog with the bottle in his hand, "and the only thing that comes out, that's left of you, is your eyeball, you're probably dead!"
He then takes note of the horrified look on Sundog's face.
"I'm not gonna put you into a meat grinder!" He cackles.
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thvndersnow · 1 year
@peachtiiime ( x ) ;;
               Theo’s presence is distant at first despite the fact he’s settled right next to them, in fact his voice is nearly drowned out by the sound of their throbbing in their ribcage like a bird that took terribly to being caged. the bird’s frantic calls escape their throat out as hushed sounds through the waves of their breath. their ghost, recognizing this behavior instantly, materializes and quickly settles himself into their lap. a low, gentle and sweet sound begins to hum from his shell, the sensation slowly beginning to soothe them. a shaking hand reaches up to carefully rest upon his shell, Theo’s shared presence becomes prominent and gradually more comforting. their breath begins to settle from the storm, the bird begins to accommodate to its surroundings.
❝ everything's gonna be okay.❞
               Sundog hears the other titan properly now, concentrating on the now is getting easier, as is the ability to breathe right. the tension begins to ebb away slowly with the loosening grip of the attack. they swallow thickly and look into his eyes, letting themself be calmed by how it was like looking into the fullest moons on a clear, serene night. their ghost, despite normally being an incredibly chatty fellow, keeps mostly quiet outside of the quiet encouragement of ❛ there you go, Sunny…❜ so that he could continue to drone against their strong frame. he knows conversation will not come easy to them, so he is patient.
               despite this, Sundog reaches with their other hand to rest thankfully on Theo’s arm. their thumb strokes clumsily against their armor, and with a more calm swallow, they breathe, ❝ th-thank you… I’m… m'sorry you have to see me like this. ❞ their gaze draws away. the brave champion of sol's seemingly endless wars could not even look their fellow guardian in the eyes. they didn't see themself as weak for the panic attack, they only worried about putting him in danger from any other threats by being a distraction. that... and, well, perhaps it's not the best introduction.
theo knows panic. if there’s anything he knows, it’s that; the cold grip of fear in his chest was a long-time companion, a feeling he’d held as close as his ghost from the moment he’d been rezzed. so when he sees the other titan across the field and recognizes the situation, as much as he worries about overstepping his bounds, he cannot help but move to help. it would be wrong to leave them without support.
the icecracker titan sits down beside his fellow, talks gently to them until they respond. when their hand rests on his arm, he gives them a gentle, fanged smile, the light of the moons that make up his irises brightening just so. he rests his hand over theirs, pushes through it a pulse of cooling light.
“hey, no, it’s… it’s okay. promise.” the awoken’s ear twitches, and he reaches up with his free hand, brushing a curl from his eyes. “believe me, i’ve… i’ve been there. and i’m sorry if i overstepped.”
theo tips his head to one side, twitches his ear again – the piercings clink at the movement. white eyebrows furrow. “...is everything okay? if that’s okay to ask?”
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lxghtbound · 2 years
@peachtiiime from here!
Pebbles tenses for a moment upon feeling their arms around his waist, though it’s more the surprise of it than anything else. “Nothing too special. Categorising, as there is nothing interesting that I have found recently. Unless you find tasteless romance novels particularly fascinating; there is a surprising amount of them in comparison to everything else.”
Something that he will never read himself. How people could stand them, he will never know, but that does not concern him. It takes him a few moments of thought, but eventually, he leans back into them subtly.
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lxghtbound · 1 year
beep! // accepting!
@peachtiiime asked: peach beeps at pebbles AGAIN >:3 
26. A hyper text
FP: I have recently uncovered an old set of poetry from before the Golden Age. FP: Would you like to delve through these pages with me?
[sent in very quick succession]
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lxghtbound · 1 year
send me ∞ and my muse will tell you… // accepting!
@peachtiiime asked: peachtiiime -  ∞ for pebbles? ;u; 
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning bold is what hed actually say, italicised is what he thinks but would not say aloud
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! like with gale this is once again mostly his own thoughts. which i will elaborate on another time in future
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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lxghtbound · 1 year
incorrect quotes // accepting!
@peachtiiime asked: ✏️ for sundog and pebbles, but! ✏️ also one for sundog and scout -w- 
Pebbles: I could kill you if I wanted. Sundog: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special. 
Pebbles: You are an absolute fucking dork. Sundog, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork! Pebbles: *sighs* Yeah, you're my dork. 
Sundog: I can’t tell if you’re a genius or just incredibly arrogant. Pebbles: Well, on a good day, I’m both. 
Sundog: What are you doing here? Scout: I could ask you the same question. Sundog: I live here. This is my house. Scout: I should probably ask you a different question.
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lxghtbound · 2 years
suggest a muse for mine to kiss or compare // accepting!
Anon asked: Hey, Pebbles. You should go kiss Peach. Like give 'em a little bump with your mouth or face plate or somethin'. 
Pebbles does not give an answer. His optics dart to the ground for a few moments, then back up to the Anon, “And why should I do that?” The more he contemplates the option, the more appealing it seems, even if just to repay them in a way for their kiss. That wasn’t the right wording, but the Exo’s brain is too busy procession the simple decision of yes or no.
And so he walks up to Peach, and words fail him, so he gives them a small tap on their shoulder to ensure they know he’s here, before leaning in to press a little kiss as best he can by bumping his faceplate to their cheek, as instructed. Pebbles’ cheekplating is warm, although if asked, he would once again affirm that it is nothing but his Solar
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lxghtbound · 2 years
draw/write something on my muse // accepting!
@peachtiiime asked: marker meme (for pebbles!) // they gently take the warlock's forearm and turn it over, using the non-permanent marker to carefully doodle a small, precious stack of slogs going up his wrist. there's at least three of them! they finish off the doodles with a few star-shapes surrounding the nessus creatures. with a pop, the cap is put back on, and they grin at him.
❝ hehe, you just got toad-schooled. ❞
whatever that means.
He watches as intently as every other time someone has drawn on him, though this time he’s more confused than anything else, but at least it’s nothing bad.
“What...does that mean?” Pebbles tilts his head ever so slightly to the side, antennae twitching further up.
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mantleoflight · 1 year
is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
which one of your muses has the most ships?
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
1 - //Well, Echo is the main muse of this blog so most everyone else fits that category. Misraaks has been getting a bit more attention on Discord but I really wish people would take up thread musings with Darius. He's such a cool character and I really have so much I want to share about him. Kesivik doesn't get a whole lot of love either, but I understand why - I mean, I haven't been able to give him a whole lot of love -- him or Yyventriz, both of which I still need to finish writing up their profile and timeline stuff! (They have such neat timeline verses, especially Darius and Yyventriz -- they have such rich histories for their long lives!! )
2 - //At this point I think Ashven or Yyventriz. Ashven because he really is more like a background villain character whose badguy effects ripple down through the ages even if you don't know it's him. He's a Setting character not an easily RP'd character. Yyventriz has been, well, difficult in rping too since I've been revamping her. I know that character-children ocs aren't really looked highly upon so I've been kinda trying to separate her from Eramis. (Who, I will tell you, does canonically have kids somewhere in the galaxy with her wife, Athrys. But again, canon-child oc stigma. )
3 - //Well, for this blog, I'd say Echo. She's the guardian that started it all on this blog. Though my oldest active muse is actually a tie between Baribus ( @leerofthevinegaroons) and my boy Bonely ( @pawnshopsouls). But yeah, on this blog Echo-17 is my oldest bab!
4 - //Echo. Echo has the most ships. Namely with @raifer-vayne and @legacyfirst. She had another one but that one ended after some bad drama earlier this year. The only other muses with ships on this blog are Yyventriz & Jorvek ( @aurea-fide ), and a discord ship with Misraaks and Sundog ( @peachtiiime ) which we are still exploring.
5 - //Hhhh I actually don't have an otp for Echo bc she is so open to relationships. My otp for Yyventriz so far has been her and Jor (tho for a while I thought her and Misraaks would be a neat pairing buuut Jor and Yyv were fun). I haven't really thought of notps for them since they haven't had a chance to experience more relationships.
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