#Peggy Siegal
wttnblog · 1 year
From Person to Publicist: The Evolution of Celebrity and Image
The layperson’s first brush with everyday perfection came in the ’90s when the daughters of New York City’s richest power players decided to make their life consumable to the average person. Rather than hiding inside of mansions like the millionaires of yore, these women—such as Paris Hilton, Casey Johnson, and Olivia Palermo—were seen both at red carpet events and blackout drunk at nightclubs.…
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back-of-the-bus · 5 years
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kzk101ntwrk · 5 years
Power Publicist Peggy Siegal Compares Epstein Backlash to Living in ‘Nazi Germany’
Power Publicist Peggy Siegal Compares Epstein Backlash to Living in ‘Nazi Germany’
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Peggy Siegal made a name for herself doing what few others in the public relations industry could do what she did as well as she did. An engineer of buzz, a ruthless and clever deployer of rumors, and a hostess to the A-list, the “Uber-publicist” herded countless actors, producers, and directors to Oscars fame.
But the behind-the-scenes media maven has lately been caught in the news spotlight…
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Comment on a Cdan post today: "No comment from the Clooney camp about his Maxwell association? Many of his films were promoted by Peggy Siegal, longtime Epstein pal. Owes his career to Moonves & Weinstein...."
Oh my! Doesn’t sound good for GC these days!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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daily-front-row · 5 years
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Siren PR Shuts Down, Peggy Siegal Blames Sexism and Anti-Semitism for Fallout Over Jeffrey Epstein https://chicdfr.co/37ebrvj
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Epstein Was a Sex Offender. The Rich and Powerful Still Welcomed Him. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/13/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-new-york-elite.html
“I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender,’ Mr. Epstein told The New York Post in 2011. “It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.” LIAR 🤥 #LockHimUp
Jeffrey Epstein Was a Sex Offender. The Powerful Welcomed Him Anyway.
By Jodi Kantor, Mike McIntire and Vanessa Friedman | Published July 13, 2019 | New York Times | Posted July 13, 2019 |
A strange thing happened when Jeffrey Epstein came back to New York City after being branded a sex offender: His reputation appeared to rise.
In 2010, the year after he got out of a Florida prison, Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos dined at his Manhattan mansion with a British royal. The next year, Mr. Epstein was photographed at a “billionaire’s dinner” attended by tech titans like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. A page popped up on Harvard University’s website lauding his accomplishments, and superlative-filled news releases described his lofty ambitions as he dedicated $10 million to charitable causes.
Powerful female friends served as social guarantors: Peggy Siegal, a gatekeeper for A-list events, included him in movie screenings, and Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, a champion of women’s health, maintained a friendship that some felt gave him credibility. Mr. Epstein put up a website showing Stephen Hawking and other luminaries at a science gathering he had organized.
“If you looked up Jeffrey Epstein online in 2012, you would see what we all saw,” Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, said in an interview. He seemed “like an ex-con who had done well on Wall Street,” who was close to the Clintons and gave money to academic pursuits, Dr. Botstein said. That was why, he noted, Bard accepted an unsolicited $50,000 in 2011 for its high schools, followed later that year and in 2012 by another $75,000 in donations.
Over a decade ago, when Mr. Epstein was very publicly accused of sexually abusing girls as young as 14, he minimized the legal consequences with high-powered lawyers, monetary settlements that silenced complaints, and a plea deal that short-circuited an F.B.I. investigation and led to the resignation announcement on Friday of a Trump cabinet official who had overseen the case as a prosecutor. Socially, Mr. Epstein carried out a parallel effort, trying to preserve his reputation as a financier, philanthropist and thinker.
Some of the respect Mr. Epstein, 66, drew on was manufactured, the accomplishments recycled. The gathering with Dr. Hawking had taken place back in 2006. The positive online notices appeared to have been paid for by Mr. Epstein: A writer employed by his foundation churned out the news releases, and Drew Hendricks, the supposed author of a Forbes storycalling Mr. Epstein “one of the largest backers of cutting edge science,” conceded in an interview that he was given $600 to post the pre-written article under his own name. (Forbes removed the piece after The New York Times published its article.)
Though some institutions and prominent people, including Donald J. Trump, said they shunned him, Mr. Epstein’s tactics largely worked. Over the past week, as the scope of his alleged offenses, involving dozens of victims in the early 2000s, became clearer after a new indictment in New York, the story of Mr. Epstein and his social circles shows how some people were willing to welcome back — or at least give a pass to — a handsome rich man who had been convicted of a crime involving a minor.
Mr. Epstein’s social strategy proceeded from his legal one. The lenient agreement he reached with prosecutors — his plea involved one girl, a 17-year-old, and the crime was prostitution, which made it look like the teenager was in part to blame — gave others a reason to dismiss his wrongdoing, decide he had already paid his penalty or not question what had happened.
At the top of New York society, plenty of people have “weird chitchat attached to their name,” said Candace Bushnell, the “Sex and the City” writer. She said in an interview that she looked into rumors about Mr. Epstein for The New York Observer in 1994 but stopped reporting after she was thrown out of his townhouse and threatened.
For years to come, people brushed such stories aside. “You’d think, ‘It couldn’t possibly be true,’” she said.
A Renaissance Man
In March 2006, a year after allegations of sexual misconduct were first reported to the police in Palm Beach, Fla., Mr. Epstein underwrote the kind of elite event he prized.
It was a five-day gathering in the Caribbean of some of the world’s top scientists, including Dr. Hawking, to share ideas about gravity and cosmology, with scuba and catamaran excursions on the side. One evening, the participants had dinner on the beach at Mr. Epstein’s private island.
Some of the scientists noticed that Mr. Epstein “was always followed by a group of something like three or four young women,” as Alan Guth, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, put it in an email to The Times, but they did not probe further.
Over a decade later, after Mr. Epstein was released from the Palm Beach County jail, he employed a similar strategy. He surrounded himself with prestige and counted on others to look past what he had done.
“I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender,’ Mr. Epstein told The New York Post in 2011. “It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.”
Ms. Siegal recalled, “He said he’d served his time and assured me that he changed his ways.”
For someone purported to have vast resources at his disposal, Mr. Epstein’s early endeavors to improve his image were oddly unpolished. In 2010 he created the first of at least a half-dozen websites, with names like JeffreyEpsteinScience.com and JeffreyEpsteinEducation.com, dedicated to extolling his philanthropy and fashioning himself a patron of technology and medicine.
The websites looked amateurish, the photos of him meeting with top scientists dated to years before his time in prison, and the name of the Harvard professor who led a research center Mr. Epstein had funded, Martin A. Nowak, was often misspelled.
At the same time, Mr. Epstein launched a public-relations campaign composed of a blizzard of news releases, along with canned write-ups designed to resemble news stories. For the most part, the announcements, which circulated from 2012 to 2014, were recycled accounts of donations he had made in the early 2000s and did not reflect new charitable giving. The earliest releases listed Mr. Epstein’s personal contact information, though later ones had the name of a media consultant. Some of the ersatz news stories found their way onto sites like Forbes and The Huffington Post.
Of all the names Mr. Epstein dropped, perhaps the most frequent was Harvard’s.
Though Mr. Epstein never attended Harvard or even got a college degree, the university has been a recurring theme in his self-styled image as a Renaissance man of finance and science. He found Harvard’s doors open to him once he opened his wallet, with donations starting in the early 1990s that eventually totaled at least $7.5 million.
He took to wearing Harvard sweatshirts, gravitated to mingling with celebrity scientists like Stephen Jay Gould and Steven Pinker, and developed friendships with the former Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers and the law professor Alan Dershowitz, who later helped defend him. (In civil suits, Mr. Dershowitz has been accused of having sex with two of Mr. Epstein’s accusers; he has denied the allegations and accused their lawyers of malfeasance.) Mr. Epstein, a former math teacher, even popped up for lunchtime discussions among scientists at a Harvard cafeteria, Dr. Pinker said in an interview, adding, “He weighted his own opinions as much as scholarly literature.”
By 2014, a page appeared on the website for Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, the initiative Mr. Epstein had financed 11 years earlier with a $6.5 million donation (and a pledge of $23.5 million more that never came), featuring a studio portrait, his résumé and links to his websites.
“He is one of the largest supporters of individual scientists, including theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, Marvin Minsky, Seth Lloyd and Nobel Laureates Gerard ’t Hooft, David Gross and Frank Wilczek,” the Harvard bio said, in what appears to be an exaggerated claim.
A Harvard spokesman said he did not know who was responsible for the page, which has since been removed.
That same year, Mr. Epstein resurfaced at a prestigious science conference. Dr. Pinker, who sat at the same table as Mr. Epstein, said he was treated as an important donor to be wooed.
A Brand-New Start of It
Although he was often described as a billionaire, Mr. Epstein did not come close in his philanthropy to other superrich people. His charitable foundations rarely gave away more than $1 million a year during the 2000s, according to tax records, and much of it was money others had given him.
In 2015, a new foundation Mr. Epstein created, Gratitude America, received a $10 million infusion and started making donations. The source of the money is something of a mystery. Like his earlier giving, which was financed largely by $21 million in donations to his foundation from a close friend and business associate, the retail magnate Leslie H. Wexner, the 2015 money did not appear to have come from Mr. Epstein.
Tax records show the $10 million donation came from a limited liability company located at a 22-story building on Park Avenue in Manhattan that also houses the family foundation of Leon Black, a billionaire investor and chairman of the Museum of Modern Art. He has known Mr. Epstein for years. In 1999, Mr. Black gave $166,000 to another of Mr. Epstein’s charities, and Mr. Epstein once served on the board of Mr. Black’s own foundation. The two men also appear in photos at a 2007 meeting with scientists at Harvard.
It could not be determined whether Mr. Black was responsible for the $10 million donation. His representatives did not respond to requests for comment.
Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, founder of the Dubin Breast Center at Mount Sinai, gave Mr. Epstein another form of currency.
The physician, who served for many years as an in-house doctor of NBC, is a breast cancer survivor who used her experience as inspiration for a holistic treatment approach. A former model and Miss Sweden, she is the wife of Glenn Dubin, a founder of Highbridge Capital Management who is No. 1168 on the Forbes billionaires list. The two are known for their philanthropy, and in 2006 they bought Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’s former apartment at 1040 Fifth Avenue, a symbol of their standing in the city.
Dr. Andersson-Dubin also has a long history with Mr. Epstein, and has remained loyal to him since the 1980s.
At that time, she was putting herself through medical school. She became his girlfriend and, with his encouragement, put modeling aside to focus on her studies. They remained close after she married in 1994. After Mr. Epstein’s release from jail, she continued to socialize with him; those in her circle were aware of their continued friendship.
Despite longstanding news reports about Mr. Epstein’s behavior, Dr. Andersson-Dubin said through a spokeswoman that she was shocked by the recent news. “She’s a very loyal friend and didn’t abandon him after 2008, but the frequency of their contact was less,” the spokeswoman said. The new allegations “are completely counter to the person she is familiar with.”
Their relationship went a long way toward dispersing the cloud around him, according to some observers. If Mr. Epstein had Dr. Andersson-Dubin’s friendship, it suggested to others that perhaps he should be given the benefit of the doubt.
Ms. Siegal, perhaps the city’s most prominent professional hostess, took a more active role, using her gate-keeping powers to usher Mr. Epstein, a friend, into screenings and events.
In an interview, she said that her relationship with Mr. Epstein was not a paid one: They had developed a rapport over the years, with him often quizzing her about films and other topics. “I was a kind of plugged-in girl around town who knew a lot of people,” she said. “And I think that’s what he wanted from me, a kind of social goings-on about New York.”
After he left prison, she had no trouble continuing the friendship. She knew other people who had served time and then resurrected their lives, she said. “The culture before #MeToo was — ‘You’ve done your time, now you’re forgiven.’”
At screenings, Mr. Epstein would shuffle in at the last minute, sit in the back, speak to no one and leave before the party, Ms. Siegal said. He had no ambitions for New York’s party circuit, she and others said, and preferred to entertain people in his own space.
But her invitations helped. In 2010, just after Mr. Epstein left prison, he attended a screening of “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.” Soon a flattering blind item appeared in The New York Post about how he was “greeted warmly by guests.”
“It was the first time he has been out in two years, but nobody blinked he was there,” an anonymous source told the newspaper.
A few months later, Ms. Siegal threw the dinner party at Mr. Epstein’s Upper East Side mansion for Prince Andrew, giving Ms. Couric, Mr. Stephanopoulos, Chelsea Handler and others a chance to speak to a member of the royal family a few months before the much-anticipated wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
“It was just one of those strange nights,” Ms. Handler said in an interview. Ms. Siegal had not emphasized who was hosting, several guests recalled. “The invitation was positioned as, ‘Do you want to have dinner with Prince Andrew?’” Ms. Siegal said. Mr. Epstein did not speak much. Dr. Andersson-Dubin was there, but others said they barely knew who Mr. Epstein was or what he had been convicted of.
Two of the other guests have also been accused of sexual misconduct, then or since: the television host Charlie Rose and Woody Allen, who attended along with his wife, Soon-Yi Previn. (“So how did the two of you meet?” Ms. Handler recalled asking the couple.) Soon after, outraged headlines appeared about Prince Andrew’s associating with Mr. Epstein, a sex offender.
In a recent email, Mr. Stephanopoulos said he regretted attending. “That dinner was the first and last time I’ve seen him,” he said, referring to Mr. Epstein. “I should have done more due diligence. It was a mistake to go.”
After the #MeToo era dawned in 2017, others were starting to feel less comfortable with Mr. Epstein. The Miami Herald published an  investigation that spurred new interest in the case. Ms. Siegal began to distance herself. It was obvious that he was going to face renewed scrutiny, she said, but “he was in complete denial.”
Others echoed that description. Just three months ago, as federal prosecutors were closing in with new charges, Mr. Epstein had a conversation with R. Couri Hay, a publicist, about continuing to improve his reputation. Mr. Epstein asserted that what he was convicted of did not constitute pedophilia, said Mr. Hay, who declined to represent him.
The girls he had sex with were “tweens and teens,” Mr. Epstein told him.
Reporting was contributed by Jacob Bernstein, Dennis Overbye, Sarah Maslin Nir and Megan Twohey.
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usanewstoday-blog · 8 years
Golden Globes Party Scene with ‘Stranger Things,’ ‘Westworld’ and Oprah (Photos)
Golden Globes Party Scene with ‘Stranger Things,’ ‘Westworld’ and Oprah (Photos)
Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Netflix/AP Images Oprah Winfrey and Ted Sarandos   The cultural deity and the Netflix chief linked up at Norman Lear’s house on Saturday night for a celebration of Ava DuVernay’s Oscar short-listed doc “13th.” Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Netflix/AP Images Sarandos, DuVernay, Norman Lear and Netflix’s Lisa Nishimura   Norman and Lyn Lear’s living room is known as an…
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anothermag · 7 years
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Film Publicist Peggy Siegal on Gallerist Larry Gagosian
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msgates · 5 years
Peggy Siegal was on a yacht off the coast of Capri Click here for articles January 21, 2020 at 09:56PM
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nomorephonetag · 5 years
Hollywood Studios, Networks Cut Ties With Peggy Siegal Over Jeffrey Epstein Scandal (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety https://t.co/aKwBz8PkS5
Hollywood Studios, Networks Cut Ties With Peggy Siegal Over Jeffrey Epstein Scandal (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety https://t.co/aKwBz8PkS5
— nomorephonetag (@nomorephonetag1) July 28, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/nomorephonetag1 July 28, 2019 at 06:50AM http://twitter.com/nomorephonetag1/status/1155521011141550080
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dlosadar · 4 years
El arresto de Ghislaine Maxwell envía una onda expansiva a través del círculo de celebridades de Epstein con Clinton, Trump y las "élites" en el centro de atención
El arresto de Ghislaine Maxwell envió ondas de choque a través del círculo íntimo de Jeffrey Epstein.
La alta sociedad británica ha sido denunciada por "nombrar nombres" después de ser llevada ante un juez por cargos impactantes de abuso sexual infantil.
Ghislaine Maxwell de pie con Bill Clinton en la puerta del avión & # 39; Lolita Express & # 39; de EpsteinCrédito: La Mega Agencia
Donald Trump fue fotografiado previamente con Epstein y Maxwell en una fiesta del 2000 en el complejo Mar-a-Lago de Trump en FloridaCrédito: Getty – Colaborador
Según los informes, Maxwell "cooperará plenamente" con el FBI en su investigación sobre el mundo secreto del magnate financiero vergonzoso.
Y eso podría ser una mala noticia para aquellos que han pasado años alejándose de la vergonzosa Epstein, incluidos Bill Clinton y Donald Trump.
El coautor de & # 39; A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein & # 39; dijo que algunos se aterrorizarían después del arresto de Maxwell
"Creo que muchos de los amigos de Jeffrey Epstein que se sintieron muy aliviados después de su muerte probablemente estén bastante aterrorizados en este momento", dijo Alana Goodman.
"Epstein está muerto … ella (Maxwell) realmente no tiene que preocuparse por protegerlo ni nada más en este momento".
El ex administrador de fondos de cobertura mantuvo en secreto su lista de clientes, pero a menudo se jactaba de su círculo social de élite que incluía estrellas de cine, presidentes y al menos dos miembros de la familia real.
Epstein visto aquí en conversación con el profesor Alan Dershowitz Créditos: Corbis – Getty
Jean-Luc había sido acusado de ser el "reparador" de Jeffrey EpsteinCrédito: Matrix Pictures
"Invierto en personas, ya sea política o ciencia", dijo Epstein, según la revista New York. "Esto es lo que hago."
Entre los que están en la "lista" del círculo íntimo se encuentra el ex presidente de los Estados Unidos, Bill Clinton, a quien se le acusó de tener una aventura con Maxwell.
También vinculado a Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, un abogado que representó al presidente Trump durante su juicio político en enero pasado.
Previamente representó a Epstein, también voló en su avión y se dice que recibió al menos un masaje en la casa de Epstein.
Negó cualquier falta.
Wexner, CEO de L Brands, propietario de Victoria’s Secret, también formó parte del círculo de amigos de Epstein.
Tuvo una relación cercana con Epstein, pero terminó su relación en 2007 después de que se hicieron acusaciones contra el asesor financiero derrocado.
Wexner dijo en 2019: "No habría seguido trabajando con alguien capaz de un comportamiento tan atroz y desagradable como el que se informó sobre él".
El presidente Trump se distanció de EpsteinCréditos: Getty Images – Getty
Elon Musk dice que Ghislaine Maxwell lo « fotografió '' & # 39; & # 39; en esta fotoCrédito: Getty Images
El agente modelo francés Jean-Luc Brunel, de 74 años, "desapareció" tras la muerte de Epstein luego de ser acusado de ser el "reparador" y "proxeneta" de la financiero.
En una entrevista esta semana, la víctima de abuso Virginia Roberts le dijo a The Daily Beast: "Pensé que después del arresto de Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell y Jean-Luc Brunel serían los siguientes".
Brunel no respondió a las solicitudes de comentarios.
El actor Kevin Spacey y el comediante Chris Tucker han viajado previamente con Epstein.
Epstein, Bill Clinton, Spacey y Tucker pasaron una semana en 2002 visitando sitios para proyectos de SIDA en África, según la revista New York.
La publicista de cine Peggy Siegal planeó una cena repleta de estrellas para Epstein y el Príncipe Andrew en Epstein Mansion en Nueva York en 2010.
Siegal, conocido por organizar eventos para promocionar películas, incluido "The Revenant", invitó a Epstein a las proyecciones después de su salida de prisión en 2010, según el New York Times.
Luego dijo: "Yo era una chica moderna en la ciudad que conocía a mucha gente. Y creo que eso era lo que él quería de mí, una especie de vida social sobre de Nueva York."
Epstein también afirmó que a menudo hablaba con el príncipe heredero saudita Mohammed bin Salman.
Epstein dijo que el real había visitado la mansión de Epstein varias veces y tenía una foto enmarcada de él colgada en la pared, según los informes.
En una entrevista con el New York Times, Epstein afirmó una vez que Elon Musk le había pedido asesoramiento comercial.
Ghislaine Maxwell, rodeada, en la boda de la hija de Bill Clinton, Chelsea
Ghislaine Maxwell vista con el príncipe Andrew y Epstein Virginia Roberts esclava sexualCrédito: Características de Rex
El magnate de Tesla negó haber conocido a Ghislaine Maxwell hoy después de que una foto apareciera en la misma fiesta.
El genio de la tecnología dijo que Maxwell lo había « fotobombado '' en la fiesta de Vanity Fair.
El multimillonario Bill Gates se reunió con Epstein al menos una vez en Nueva York en 2013 y voló en uno de sus aviones privados, informó Business Insider.
"Cometí un error de juicio al pensar que estas discusiones conducirían literalmente a miles de millones de dólares para la salud global", dijo más tarde.
"Resultó ser un mal juicio.
Según los informes, Bill Clinton, que tuvo relaciones sexuales infames con la pasante de la Casa Blanca Mónica Lewinsky durante su presidencia, rompió con Maxwell durante los viajes al extranjero en el avión Epstein.
El ex presidente también visitó a Maxwell varias veces en su casa de Manhattan, según un nuevo libro.
Clinton negó firmemente las sorprendentes afirmaciones de Maxwell.
Pero una fuente fue citada en "A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein" como diciendo: "(Bill) y Ghislaine se llevaron bien. Por eso estaba con Epstein, para estar con ella. "
Ghislaine Maxwell arrestada el jueves por el FBI por abuso sexual infantilCrédito: Reuters
Ghislaine está acusada de atraer a menores de edad para que Jeffrey Epstein pueda abusar sexualmente de ellas.Créditos: Getty Images – Getty
"No se podía pasar tiempo con ella sin estar con él. Clinton lo usó como todo lo demás".
Se cree que la relación entre Clinton y Maxwell tuvo lugar mientras viajaba al extranjero, cuando volaron en el avión personal Boeing 727 del depredador sexual Epstein, apodado el "Lolita Express".
También continuó en la antigua casa de Maxwell Upper East Side, según el libro.
En julio de 2010, Maxwell, ahora de 58 años, fue uno de los pocos invitados a asistir a la boda de Chelsea Clinton en Nueva York.
Clinton admitió haber realizado cuatro viajes en el avión de Epstein, pero anteriormente dijo que desconocía por completo los "crímenes terribles" cometidos por el financiero, que 39 se suicidaron el año pasado.
En un viaje a África en 2002, Clinton fue vista posando con Maxwell en la puerta del avión.
El portavoz de Clinton, Angel Urena, dijo sobre su asunto de Maxwell: "Es una mentira total hoy, es una mentira total mañana, y será una mentira total en años ".
Bill Gates dijo que cometió un error al encontrarse con Epstein
Según los informes, Kevin Spacey visitó sitios de proyectos de SIDA en África con Epstein en 2002
Anteriormente se informó que el antiguo mentor de Epstein afirmó que algunas de las personas más poderosas del mundo, incluido el Príncipe Andrew, pueden estar "muy preocupadas" como resultado de la arrestar.
Steven Hoffenberg, quien también estaba cerca de la familia Maxwell, dijo que su arresto fue supuestamente organizado por el FBI, que sabía exactamente dónde se estaba escondiendo.
"Andrew lo manejó mal, muy mal, debería haber hablado con ellos a través de sus abogados y haberles dado consejos", dijo.
"Ella va a cooperar y será muy importante. Andrew puede estar muy preocupado, y hay muchas personas muy preocupadas, se ha nombrado a muchas personas poderosas (en el escándalo), y ella lo sabe todo".
Clinton no fue el único presidente estadounidense que avergonzó a Epstein.
Donald Trump fue fotografiado previamente con él y Maxwell en una fiesta en 2000 en el complejo Mar-a-Lago del presidente en Florida.
“Conozco a Jeff desde hace 15 años. Un gran tipo ", dijo Trump para un perfil de la revista Epstein en 2002.
Los Wexner dijeron que estaban avergonzados por sus viejos lazos con el deshonrado financiero Jeffrey Epstein.Crédito: AP: Associated Press
Bill Clinton negó firmemente tener una aventura con MaxwellCrédito: AFP o licenciantes
Después del arresto de Epstein, Trump cambió su tono al decir que "lo conocía como todos en Palm Beach lo conocían".
"Tuve una discusión con él. No he hablado con ella en 15 años. No era fanático de él, puedo decirte ", agregó.
Maxwell, quien se convirtió en un confidente de Jeffrey Epstein, ha sido acusado de ser el "chulo" de Epstein.
Fue arrestada en Bedford, New Hampshire, acusada de conspirar con Epstein para abusar sexualmente de menores.
Maxwell apareció brevemente del video de la prisión durante una audiencia en la corte federal de New Hampshire, donde un juez le ordenó enfrentar cargos criminales en Nueva York.
Ella habló brevemente, respondiendo "sí" a la pregunta de si conocía sus derechos. Su abogado, Larry Vogelman, declinó hacer más comentarios en su nombre.
Los fiscales dijeron que ella presentaba un riesgo de fuga y solicitó que fuera detenida sin derecho a fianza. Dijeron que enfrenta hasta 35 años de prisión.
Está acusada de cuatro cargos de reclutamiento y transporte de menores por actos sexuales ilegales y dos por dar falso testimonio, según la acusación de los fiscales federales de Nueva York.
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España cierra un área con 400,000 personas, mientras que los británicos se van de vacaciones
Hombre de 20 años asesinado a tiros por un ciclomotor junto al parque infantil a plena luz del día
Mujer de 32 años muere de otoño en parque temático francés
Una mujer aterrorizada regresa a casa para descubrir que las papas mutantes han invadido su cocina
Conozca a los "colapsólogos" que viven del suelo en caso de que la sociedad se derrumbe
"Maxwell estaba entre los asociados más cercanos de Epstein y lo ayudó a explotar a niñas de tan solo 14 años", dijo Audrey Strauss, abogada interina de Manhattan en los Estados Unidos.
"Maxwell contribuyó decisivamente a ayudar a Epstein a identificar, hacerse amigo y cuidar a las víctimas menores de abuso. En algunos casos, la propia Maxwell participó en el abuso. "
Epstein en espera de juicio por cargos federales de trata de niños entre 2002 y 2005 cuando fue encontrado ahorcado en aparente suicidio mientras estaba en la cárcel de Nueva York en agosto a la edad de 66 años de edad.
El fiscal llama al príncipe Andrew para hablar con ellos después de la acusación de la ex novia de Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell
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political-fluffle · 5 years
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Fuck, this is gonna me go to DailyFail... 
Jeffrey Epstein partied with Trump's closest advisers including Wilbur Ross, Rudy Giuliani, and Steve Mnunchin at dinner hosted by David Koch just TWO MONTHS after his release from prison
Jeffrey Epstein, 66, attended a screening and dinner party back in August 2010 for the film Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps in Southampton 
The dinner was at the home of David and Julia Koch, and Epstein can be seen in photos chatting with attendees after Peggy Siegal put him on the guest list
'He was chatting to Jonathan Farklas, Leon Black and Wilbur Ross. He was sitting right near Rudy Giuliani,' wrote Page Six at the time
Steve Mnuchin was also present, as were designers Tory Burch and Tamara Mellon and billionaires Steven Schwarzman and Henry Kravis
Epstein should have been registered as a sex offender in New York at the time but it is unclear if he was as his hearing was not until 2011 
Jeffrey Epstein hobnobbed with high-profile guests from the worlds of politics, banking, Hollywood and philanthropy at a Hamptons party just two months after his release by the state of Florida for soliciting a minor.  
Photos from a 2010 dinner party at the home of David and Julia Koch obtained by DailyMail.com show Epstein as he chats with guests after a screening of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.   
Among those guests were two men who currently serve in President Trump's cabinet and his most trusted legal adviser.
Steve Mnuchin and his then-wife Heather, Rudy Giuliani and his then-wife Judith and Wilbur Ross all attended the screening and dinner that followed at the Koch's.
The Wall Street Journal wrote about those who attended the event a few days later, and in the piece noted that Giuliani 'walked out of the theater around the same time as Jeffrey Epstein, leading one observer to remark on the "beautifully done meeting of the prosecutor and the felon."' (...)
The Journal story asked guests about the criminal elements of the Wall Street sequel at the party, prompting one individual to note: 'You know, you have to be a little careful what you say and ask here, because there are a lot of guys in the room who spent some time in prison, too.'
Not too careful though, since days later an item ran in Page Six about the party noting that Epstein was 'greeted warmly by guests' at the event.
'It was the first time he has been out in two years, but nobody blinked he was there,' said a person described by the paper as a 'witness.' 
'He was chatting to Jonathan Farklas, Leon Black and Wilbur Ross. He was sitting right near Rudy Giuliani.' (...)
The MOB had a big party to celebrate a movie about white collar criminals funded with stolen and laundered money from the Malaysian people. And they invited a convicted predator! Cute
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nomorephonetag · 5 years
Hollywood Studios, Networks Cut Ties With Peggy Siegal Over Jeffrey Epstein Scandal (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety https://t.co/aKwBz8PkS5
Hollywood Studios, Networks Cut Ties With Peggy Siegal Over Jeffrey Epstein Scandal (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety https://t.co/aKwBz8PkS5
— nomorephonetag (@nomorephonetag1) July 28, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/nomorephonetag1 July 27, 2019 at 05:23PM http://twitter.com/nomorephonetag1/status/1155317733183184897
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oddepia · 5 years
Meet Peggy Siegal, the NYC publicist who got Jeffrey Epstein into A-list events and has been called the 'best way' to make sure your movie wins an Oscar
Meet Peggy Siegal, the NYC publicist who got Jeffrey Epstein into A-list events and has been called the 'best way' to make sure your movie wins an Oscar
Business Insider– Peggy Siegal is a prominent New York publicist who has organized promotional screenings for films including "The Big Short," "Argo," and "The Revenant." Siegal invited registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein to her screenings after Epstein was released from jail in 2010, The New York Times reported. Siegal told The New York Times that she ended her relationship with Epstein at…
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Including CNN's Chris Cuomos Daddy
http://documents.gawker.com/jeffrey-epstein-s-little-black-book-1681447470 http://archive.is/qcJEO Don't forget the CDs in Epstein's safe in his Manhattan townhouse. Those were labeled "Young [name] + [name]." You can bet that those second "[names]" are more than a little worried. Then there is the ranch in New Mexico where the NM attorney general is cooperating with the FBI. There is a lot more to this than just Pedo Island. Dustin Hoffman?!?! OH NO NO NO no no no no!!!!! Hook was a pirate that kidnapped children. Please tell me it wasn't a real story. At least let me believe that Robin Williams was trying to save them. It will be hard but they will make a blind eye to most evidence. Remember, Epstein has everyone by their balls, so like in 2008, either those high profile people start working on getting him an excelent deal, or someone is getting doxed.... Epstein will NEVER have more than 5 years jail, and probably at home or in almost private comfy prison It seems like they've got two types they use in this blackmail operation. The first type is rich, powerful, influential, and easily bought with the second type, young, naive, easily swayed with lies. Both of them are the blackmail targets and both of them get used. The powerful ones get placed into positions where their influence can be leveraged whenever and however it is needed. The young ones get supported and raised into media personalities, anchors, actresses, authors, musicians, whatever they want so long as it serves the desired social ends. If you consider that such an operation could have been ongoing for more than one generation, then the implications get a whole lot weirder than they already were. They basically breed with each other and select each other's most attractive offspring to molest and groom for future generations of the cult. In fact, this would go a long way towards explaining why the cult seems to be too stupid to succeed at controlling the world anymore: too much in-breeding. I have been SAYING ALL ALONG that we will one day find that its not just powerful men who are pedos and rapists, but that all powerful people become warped by easy access to every common hedonistic pleasure. As a result, the truly perverse becomes the final frontier of hedonism and indulgence: pedophilia. Satanism rendered art. Or outright claiming intimate and full ownership over another human. And, look, here we are! Barbara fucking Walters and a host of other up-and-up women right next to their disgusting, guilty male counterparts. Hang them all. Alec Baldwin - Page 6 Sir Anthony Bamford - Page 6 Lord & Lady Baumont - Page 10 Tony Blair - Page 11 David Blaine - Page 11 Mike Bloomberg - Page 11 Richard Branson - Page 12 Jimmy Buffet - Page 13 Prince Pierre d'Arengberg - Page 18 Duchess of York - Page 21 Duke of York - Page 21 Ambassador & Lady Fairweather - Page 23 Princess of Firyal of Jordan - Page 24 Lord & Lady Giliford. - Page 27 Lord & Lady Hanson - Page 28 Elizabeth Hurley (as "Liz Hurley") - Page 32 Michael Jackson - Page 33 Mick Jagger - Page 33 Ted Kennedy Jr - Page 35 Senator Ed Kennedy - Page 35 Christoper Lambert - Page 36 Dr. Henry Kissinger - Page 36 Courtney Love (circled) - Page 38 Cheryl Mills - Page 43 Rupert Murdoch - Page 44 Joan Rivers - Page 51 Jessica Rothchild - Page 52 Hannah Rothchild - Page 52 Duke and Duchess Rutland - Page 53 Edouard de Rothschild - Page 53 Evelyn de Rothschild.- Page 53 Saudi Crown Prince Solman - Page 54 Kevin Spacy - Page 56 Peter Soros - Page 56 Baroness Francesca Theilmann - Page 58 Ivanka Trump - Page 59 Donald Trump - Page 60 Chris Tucker - Page 60 Barbara Walters - Page 61 Lord Weldenfield - Page 62 Serena Williams - Page 63 Prince Michael of Yugoslavia - Page 64 Don't just look up the famous people, some of the non house hold names return very interesting data. Lots and lots of businessmen from London and Israel are in here. It seems London, New York and Israel are the sex trafficking capitals of the world My suggest is not to go through the big names. A lot of the non household names are powerful people and those connections reveal more. Every single person in this document has a Wikipedia page, only a select ultra old rich people don't have much of a trace except foundations and events Nobody cares.  Kids are killed at Disney World/Land due to negligence, people still go. Everyone knows there are pedophiles in hollywood, people still pay to see movies. Everyone knows there is something suspicious about how many Nickelodeon girls turn out to be messed up junkies, people still let their kids watch it. Nobody cares. 1000 British girls were raped by shitskins and there were no lynchings. Why do you think it would happen here? http://documents.gawker.com/jeffrey-epstein-s-little-black-book-1681447470 What is bunk1-5? Also anyone got a txt document that is searchable? someone must have done it by now I'll get a round to it. Bronfman was the ones in on NXIVM. Honorable Charles Pearson >Honorable https://ift.tt/2jM0nSY >Charles Pearson is a Director of The Dickinson Trust Ltd, The Cowdray Estate Trust Ltd and the Cabardunn Development Company Ltd. He is the principal partner in the Dunecht Home Farms Partnership, a farming business operating over 3,000 acres (12 km2) in Aberdeenshire. Enterprises on the farm include cereals, oilseed rape, beef cattle and sheep. Charles Pearson and his immediate family are owners of Dunecht Estates, a diverse rural property based in Aberdeenshire and Kincardenshire. Dunecht Estates extends to 53,000 acres (210 km2) and comprises seven estates - Dunecht Estate, Ramoir and Campfield Estate, Dunnottar Castle, Forest of Birse, Edinglassie Estate, West Durris Estate and Bucharn Estate. Interests on the Estates include farming, forestry, field sports, minerals, let houses, commercial property, tourism and development land. Dunecht House, the Category A listed building that is the centre piece of the Dunecht estate, was sold to the Scottish business entrepreneur Jamie Oag in 2012.[1] BTW, Epstein isn't Trump's only link to pedophile networks. Look into Trump's connection to CIA pedophile ringleader, Roy Cohn.
Anyone have any thoughts on the power outage in NYC being connected to this?
Servers "wiped"?
Accounts "wiped"?
Destruction of documents?
Someone here has to have some better ideas than me.
Jeffery Sachs. Jeffrey David Sachs (/sæks/; born November 5, 1954) is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst and former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor, the highest rank Columbia bestows on its faculty. He is known as one of the world's leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty.
Sachs is the Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs and a professor of health policy and management at Columbia's School of Public Health. As of 2017, he serves as special adviser to the United Nations (UN)
I’d say NXVIM and Podesta are the two biggest connections these people will have. we know NXVIM is way way way bigger than we’ve discovered so far since it involves the Bronfman daughter. And Podesta/Alefantis have fallen off the map. we also have it confirmed now that Epstein paid women to bring other kids to him which is what the Smallville girl did in NXVIM. HOT SHIT DONTCHA Podesta probably psych-tortures the kids. NXVIM used to recruit recruiters. Shit is all connected.
Peggy Siegal. 
>The publicist and hostess isn’t just a fixture of New York’s Oscar circuit; she’s the engine that drives the whole thing, organizing lunches and dinners and receptions and screenings that introduce Academy members to the year’s Oscar hopefuls and drive the conversation about every single film in contention. The best way to win an Oscar is to make a great film, but the best way to guarantee it is to get Peggy to shine a light on it.
She is the one you go to, if you want to win an Oscar
Peter Soros, needs no introduction
PETER SOROS lives between London and New York and has managed his family’s investment office since 1998. Their investment activities have been concentrated in a relatively small number of venture capital, private equity and hedge funds, and a broader range of direct investments in the energy, technology, telecom, consumer and financial services sectors. Prior to that period he worked as an investment banker and managed a hedge fund
Leonard Stern
Another (((Philanthropist))) and investment broker.
>Leonard Norman Stern (born March 28, 1938)[2] is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist.
He is the chairman and CEO of the privately owned Hartz Group based in New York City. The company's real estate portfolio was owned and operated under its Hartz Mountain Industries subsidiary company, of which he is also chairman and CEO
>Stern was born to a Jewish family,[4][5] the son of Hilda (née Lowenthal) and Max Stern.[5] Max Stern was the German-born vice-chairman of the board of trustees of Yeshiva University for whom its Stern College for Women was named. He had emigrated from Weimar Germany to the U.S. in the 1920s after his textile business proved unprofitable, bringing along 2,100 canaries from Germany to sell on the U.S. market. By selling caged birds, bird cages and other pet bird supplies to U.S. pet owners through Woolworth's stores over the next thirty years, Stern's father built up the family business: Hartz Mountain Corporation (HMC), also headquartered in Secaucus, NJ. HMC later grew to become the flagship subsidiary of The Hartz Group. The business was named after the Harz Mountains of Germany. Though Canaries originally come from the Canary Islands the Canaries in trade are the result of selective breeding by farms located at Harz.
I was digging on day one when the emails dropped, from comet to the tunnels to Pegasus to worldcorp to Epstein’s temple to brocks parties...we’ve been blue ballsed with dead ends so many fucking times that it’s hard to get excited but this looks like it could finally be the big one worth digging into and Pandora’s box has only just been cracked open
i published the world corp videos to my bitchute channel CIA CLOWN 
Francesca von Habsburg
Francesca von Habsburg-Lothringen (born 7 June 1958) is an art collector and the estranged wife of Karl von Habsburg, current head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. 
The amount of women in on this shit, blows my fucking mind! Me fucking too...me fucking too baka
I hear that fren.. pizzagate fucked me up for a while, I had to take a break cause I couldn’t get a decent nights sleep or stop thinking about the horrors going on and how all these people are involved and covering it up and then the useful idiots on the left helping them cover it up with their TDS and all the border invasion with no one even mentioning the child trafficking going on which is fucking weird why isn’t that every trump and conservative response to AOC and any other leftie crying over child separation. Just drop the child rape sex slavery trafficking stats relentlessly and they’ll shut up fast. But I guess the general public isn’t ready to hear it and have the reality of what’s going on shoved in their faces yet
Governor Charles Turnbull. Governor of the Virgin Islands where Epstein lives at little st james island
If you saw her instagram, you would think she 
was a 22 yearold instagram 'model'. She posts bikini pictures literally all day everyday like shes 20.
I mean she looks great, but its inexplicable to behave that way at her age. its attention whoring of the lowest order.
>pic sorta related
the type of girls she competes for likes with
>The amount of women in on this shit
“Women are wonderful” effect. no one wants to think women, the nurturing motherly caregivers of our children, are capable of the horrors they can commit when they’re emotionally convinced it’s justifed. ask yourself how it’s possible that with modern medical technology and knowledge SIDS is just a totally unexplainable random thing that looks a whole lot like a baby being suffocated in its crib in its sleep in the middle of the night by a frustrated emotional mother. Never find a kid dead from SIDS in the middle of a grocery store at 2 in the afternoon with witnesses around, funny that.
Daisy’s destruction had a female participant that was just as sadistic as the man. Smallville actress was bringing in children for sex slavery. Female child abusers are some of the most sadistic. But nobody ever holds them accountable everyone assumes the man involved forced them to do the things they do
Robert "Bob" Weinstein. Creator or Miramax and Dimension films. Ran Harvey Weinsteins shit
>2 years ago this looked like insane conspiracy by wackos
It’s hard to remember how innocent things felt before the 2016 election....when AJ was just a funny conspiracy nutjob and stuff like this just wasn’t realistic. Even just the alefantis Podesta stuff was like what the fuck. Like AJ sneaking into the bohemian grove and you’re just like oh okay that’s a thing. That’s a thing that actually happens. Eyes wide shut is a thing and everything conspiracy theory around Kubrick and his death and the actors involved in his movies is now a thing and what the fuck rabbit hole is this
Steve Wynn, he runs NUMEROUS casinos in Vegas
Prince Michael of Yugoslavia
The Hillary timeline is a dark one fren. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Everything would be censored and shut down. You would have Dem rule forever as she floods the borders with 3rd world illegals while sending legal citizen males off to die in Russia and letting ISIS run wild to kill off the ones that don’t go to war while they all rape and breed the women and all Hillary’s debts to these elite sickos would get fulfilled as the pedo circles expand and get more blatant about it knowing they can’t be stopped
Police, Sergent Robert Goldberg...
All about Israel and the Island Massage parlor
Well hello David Rockefeller!!
just waiting for the connections to most powerful sub-par pizza joint operator in DC.
selling pizza to politicians is evidently enormous business in Washington
jimmy "hit the kids like a comet till they vomit" alefantis
james "enslave the kids in my pizza parlor" alefantis
ole' jimbo "my pizza sauce is made out of ground kids" alefantis
james "scott tenorman is a true story" alefantis
jimmy "dungeons, chains, leather & shipping container human trafficking " alefantis
jimbob "monroe in the front door, never leave, in to the museum behind my house" alefantis
james "live in DC, my museum is the pedo embassy" alefantis
big jim "drop 'em off at my house, chop 'em up in my museum" alefantis
james "just dont talk about my museum" alefantis
jimbo "what pedophile network?" alefantis
james "we don't even have a basement" alefantis
ayyy it's old jimmy "bloodthirsty rage upon the vulnerable" alefantis!!
jimbo "dont eat the hotdogs" alefantis
jimmy "dont even get me started on the punch" alefantis
james "the water in my museum" alefantis
jimmy "somebody poisoned the waterhole" alefantis
jimbo "most of my friends are homosexual pedos" alefantis
jim "after it was discovered my websites contained hidden downloadable content, a criminal destroyed my computers harddrive" alefantis
jimbob "i can help you burn down your island" alefantis
Ohhhhh hoe hoe tay! 
Ask Caroline Orr...how she like living in VA. Sampson Rd, Dahlgren, VA 22448 amirite???
Ask Tommy Christopher how he likes living on Newton Ave, Oaklyn, NJ 08107 and how 
Ellen T Thomas 69 1947
Kathleen J Thomas 39 1978
Matthew J Thomas 45 1971
Megan E Thomas 34 1983
Robert J Thomas 74 1942
Robert S Thomas 53 1964
Ryan R Thomas 34 1983
Dana M Thomas 52 1965
Ethel Thomas 97 1920
Jack C Thomas Jr 54 1963
Jeffery S Thomas 43 1974
Kelly L Thomas 44 1973
Kimberly A Thomas 49 1967
Margaret R Thomas 76 1941
Clara P Thomas 74 1943
John F Thomas 46 1971
Are all doing...tell them hiya from me...will ya 
Ask Oliver A Willis' fat ass how southern MD is. Sweetwood Pl, Waldorf, MD 20602 right? Wait...I ALREADY KNOW HOW IT IS! But, ask him how 
A Wills 46 1971
Ann Wills 48 1969
Beverly L Wills 40 1977
Cheryl D Willis 49 1968
Cheryl M Wills 57 1960
Christopher N Wills 38 1978
Frank Crosson 46 1971
Jane T Thomas 54 1963
Karen A Wills 64 1953
Oliver A Wills 65 1951
Seth T Sahid 37 1980
Sheila Sanders 61 1956
Ricky B Wills 57 1960
Tina L Wills 46 1971
Are all doing XDDDD tell them, suuuuuuuuuuup XD
Wait wait wait...here's his mammy and daddy
Mom and Dad 
Karen And Oliver Willis(Sr.)
Montezuma Dr, Fort Washington, MD 20744 is a shithole XDD
His sister Tina Sahid, Arbory Way, Laurel, MD 20707 Laurel huh??? My ex is from Laurel...blow them a kiss from me, k? 5/10
And don't forget you little bitch...you wanted this
https://thedevilman666.blogspot.com/https://www.facebook.com/groups/qanonreports https://twitter.com/CIACLOWN1 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ciaclown16661/
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12septemberus · 5 years
Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction | Hollywood Reporter
Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction | Hollywood Reporter
“The surprised looks were aimed at Jeffrey Epstein, who was being introduced to guests by New York society doyenne Peggy Siegal. When a Warners executive was asked at the time how a highly recognizable level-three registered sex offender landed the hottest ticket in town, the executive offered no comment.”
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