#Percy has a loving and devoted parent and that's Sally Jackson
kiapet2 · 5 months
I do feel the need to point out re: discussions of godly parenting that Percy is actively saving Poseidon's ass right now. Like I've seen people comparing Poseidon favorably to other gods like Athena, and while the framing of the show does invite that comparison it can't be ignored that it's absolutely, 100% in Poseidon's self-interest to help and save Percy wherever he can here, his "impertinence" notwithstanding. Whether or not Poseidon's been watching Percy all these years, the fact is he only got in contact when he needed something from him, something that involved Percy being in mortal danger no less. He may not be the worst offender but he is still very much an example of the conditional love of the gods, a fact of which Percy seems well-aware.
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animaniacs16 · 5 months
I was a bit iffy about episodes six and seven of the Percy Jackson series, but episode eight is truly phenomenal!!
It makes Percy’s fight for the gods more believable, and makes Poseidon so much better of a father than he was in the books!
Read below for more detailed thoughts on it:
To start, I do think the Ares fight was a bit too short and didn’t show Percy’s power enough, but maybe they’re saving it for future seasons. I was expecting a hurricane, rather than just one tidal wave. I did, however, like how they showed a little bit more of the gods as Gods rather than just adults, such as Ares turning into his godly form, and Zeus’ bolt and Poseidon saving Percy.
That whole scene with Percy, Poseidon, and Zeus was absolutely incredible. It’s such a terrible shame that we’ve lost Lance Reddick, because he was a phenomenally terrifying Zeus. Toby Stephens, like literally everyone else in the show, is perfectly cast, and even though looks aren’t a facet in this series you can see the family resemblance- it really looks like he and Sally are Percy’s parents. Poseidon has so much more pathos than he does in the original series and he does truly care for his kid- that conversation started STRAIGHT OUT of the books, and the added dialogue was heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. Poor Percy :( Poseidon, unlike the books, seems to truly go to bat for his son and stand behind him rather than vaguely supporting him.
That contrast really strengthens the scene where Percy figures out that Luke is working with Kronos- I like that Luke still trying to convince Percy to join him. However, Percy has seen that, although yes, the gods are petty and mean and treat humans like insects, they can also truly be kind and caring. Sidenote, the fireworks were absolutely PERFECT as a backdrop to that whole scene, and I love that they had Annabeth eavesdropping because it had to hit her hard. Also Backbiter being able to make portals is a good way to explain how Luke is everywhere in the books lol
I also really like this episode was so Percy centered, although I love love love the trio it was great to see Percy’s story, because after all, it’s his journey. He’s stubborn, he’s loyal to a fault, he’s courageous, he’s smart, he loves his mother, and he always does what he believes is right, and THAT is Percy Jackson.
And after all of it, it comes back to Percy and Sally. Percy has always been devoted to his mother, and I’m so glad that we got those scenes of them at the end. Sally is awesome- although she didn’t end up committing murder like she did in the original season and yet Gabe still ended up as a statue lol
I find it interesting how they’re going with Annabeth and this sheltered angle in the show- in the books she had seen movies before- she had seen “Roman Holiday” and I’m sure she knew what a theme park was so for her to not know what Disneyland is was interesting. However, one of my previous complaints was that the trio couldn’t just be kids in the Lotus Casino episode, so when Percy told Annabeth to just focus on being a kid, that made me happy because that’s what I wanted for them in the first place cause these are only 12-year-olds. Also, the searchers’ license being a flower was awesome.
I also selfishly do wish we got a little bit more between Percy fighting Luke and the end of the summer- did Percy just avoid Clarisse? It probably isn’t like him to apologize (Altho he did apologize after swiping Luke who was trying to KILL HIM to be fair). I also don’t really agree with Percy passing the deadlinex because I think it would’ve been just as impactful if they were still gathering forces for the war before the deadline and it still happens like it did, however, it was interesting to see Mount Olympus, deserted, except for Zeus, because everyone was preparing for war.
I can’t believe this book series that I’ve adored since I was a kid is finally being brought to life in such a wonderful manner! While not perfect, this is a phenomenal adaptation and I’m so happy that so many kids and people get to experience this wonderful series for the first time. It is fundamentally different from the book, but the underlying message and morals are still the same and that’s what really matters. Thank you to the whole cast and crew for this amazing show!
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 5 months
PJO rant
The show is for me is just reinforcing how Poseidon and Sally would never be endgame. And it has nothing to do with Sally but everything to do with Poseidon not being enough.
Sally would accept everything about Poseidon, his wild storm, his temperamental earth, and rushing waves. She would accept with open arms and a soft heart. All of his good and bad.
Poseidon however would only accept parts of Sally. He would accept her kindness, her fierce loyalty and unrelenting devotion to those she loved. I don’t think he would accept her flaws, her single minded focus to do what she believed was best for her child even if the best was Gabe. Her unrelenting will not to bend to his. Poseidon would love Sally at her best and at her worst however, he would not love her flaws.
That’s why every time I plot a Percy Jackson fanfic Sally and Poseidon don’t last. Because there are only two gods that would last with their mortal loves. Apollon and Hades. Hades/Persephone/Maria forever.
Paul is endgame for Sally because he might not have been her epic love but he was he true and last love. They are the couple you see walking down the street and want. They’re stable and soft and accepting. They grow together and by the end of their lives together they will be completely different people but all the more stronger for it.
Paul is the man who looked at Percy and said is anyone going to parent that it didn’t bother waiting for a reply. He said that’s my son now not step just son. And just went with it. Every surprise he took with an open mind and steady heart.
Paul and Sally are endgame and Sally and Poseidon are not.
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vechter · 15 days
for the “top 5” ask game! -> top 5 characters/relationships, top 5 books or quotes, top 5 songs, and top 5 smells :)
omg this is gonna be soooo difficult ily for asking me soooo many <3
1) dick grayson my absolute fav boy ever. his brand of mental illness and neurotic control-freakism captured my heart n soul unfortunately and i have been unable to be normal about him since (in that, i, too, am like bruce wayne). he learned to walk on sawdust, his first word was rube! he was never going to be a normal, well-adjusted, white picket fence guy. he's a performer, and even those closest to him fall prey to his act. he had the worst imaginable thing happen to him as a kid and one man saved him from that grief eating him alive (could u be normal about ur pseudo-father/brother/mentor figure if he did that for u?) and he will spend the rest of his life making sure the same doesn't happen to anyone else. 2) roy harper my fav dad ever. his daughter saved him from the worst of his impulses. when ollie was dead, he liked to pretend ollie was off on another road trip and then just got mad that ollie left him behind. as usual. his aim is true and so is his heart. he doesn't miss. everything is a weapon in his hand. he loves lian more than anything in the world. he will do right by her. he can't help but love the mother of his child bc where would he be without her? 3) dick grayson and bruce wayne you've seen my web weaves i am not normal about their relationship. they're both changed irretrievably for knowing each other. it isn't always for the better. sometimes, nightwing is the only thing i think i did right. you make a vow to a man like a god when you're a grieving, orphaned kid and you devote yourself to it to a degree it's debilitating. you will never recover from that kind of devotion. dick used to make him laugh. after the fight. you look at your robin, forever your boy, your son and you miss the times when you were the dynamic duo. it's hard to be around each other for that. your father has never let go of anything without leaving claw marks. i could go on and on sadly 4) dick grayson and donna troy you've loved each other your whole lives. you think you were born knowing each other. no one can hurt you or love you the way they seem to. losing donna broke something fundamental in dick. he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day. he loves her in each and every universe because she's donna. platonic, co-dependent, insane. truly the dynamic of all time. 5) cassandra cain. you are your father's daughter. but you are also your mother's daughter. you would choose being perfect for a year over a life-time of being mediocre. you killed a man when you were a child and you will never forgive yourself for it. you will save anyone, even if they don't deserve to be saved. especially, then. some people can't tell where it hurts. they can't stop howling. character of all time truly i stuck to dc for this but honourable mentions to those in other fandoms: shiv roy, succession- she is her father's daughter and it's the worst and best thing to happen to her. her entire world of a father.
clarke griffin, the 100- sometimes there are no bad guys, just good people making bad choices. you save your people, over and over. it's a thankless job. but you do it anyway. you are a doctor and a killer. you know which one you don't want to be.
elena gilbert, the vampire diaries. what price are you willing to pay for those you love? is there a price that is too high? would you even know it? you are a girl monster doppelgänger. your story was always going to end this way.
percy jackson. i imprinted on him as a teenager and he will always have a soft spot in my heart. angry boy with a heart of gold. the sea takes.
sally draper and betty draper, mad men. when sally said "i am so many people" i fear she changed my brain chemistry irrevocably. i will never be normal about her or her dynamic with either of her parents. i'm going to do quotes bc i truly don't think i could pick 5 books. i wouldn't even know where to start but here are some quotes in no particular order:
"Sometimes I see the real God, in a wide-hemmed butcher’s apron, wiping his hands and trembling. It’s your cut, he says. Fry it, eat it raw. I don’t care. My line is too long for these kinds of games. Look behind you. All of those people know what they want.”
— mike young, none of it grace
Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them.
— richard siken
the worst thing about love is i remember it. i walk around all day thinking: i’m going to die in the universe you loved me in. i get so jealous of euthanized dogs.
— june gehringer, i love you, it looks like rain
I am always moving toward you. On my bad days, I say to myself: “then you.” Sure, this now. But then you.
— trista mateer, “laugh lines” in the dogs i have kissed 
So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
— robert frost, nothing gold can stay
phew. that was way more difficult than i anticipated. there are so many that I think about way too often. top 5 songs is unfortunately impossible for me to do. i avg 150,000 min listening to music on spotify for my wrapped. i spend way too much time listening to music, and even if you asked me to pick based on specific categories like top 5 rap songs, top 5 songs that give you immense nostalgia, top 5 songs with phenomenal lyrics, etc, i would be stunned into immediate mental paralysis i just can't sorry ily
top 5 smells, in no particular order:
the smell of petrol (i knooow but something about how sharp and overpowering it is. it just hits right somewhere), clean sheets (u know when u can smell how crisp and fresh they are? even without a strong-smelling detergent), emblem by mont blanc, daisy by marc jacobs (i am forever lamenting they changed the scent slightly) and the smell of the first rain (i live in a mostly desert-y, arid city now so the way the ground feels and smells after the relief of rain, it's amazing, show-stopping even)
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mvndrvke-archive · 5 years
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( aka how i change shit up from canon and ruin all of rick’s hard work )
annabeth has a lot of significant relationships in her life. from friends to family, parents to parental figures, annabeth takes each relationship she has and builds it carefully into who she is as a person. i’ve split this section up into two chunks-- annabeth’s biological family, and then annabeth’s friends/other important figures in her life. 
this for sure was supposed to be all the ways she diverges from canon, but it’s so fuckin long, i decided that’s going to be a separate post altogether. jesus christ, luna. 
☆.���₀:*゚✲゚*: FAMILY
annabeth’s relationship to her family members is incredibly complicated, both because she ran away at such a young age and because it’s wildly inconsistent. what we see of the chase family especially is extremely different from what we hear annabeth say about them, so it’s hard to tell if annabeth was exaggerating or if things have just changed since she was little. when we see annabeth’s family officially for the first time, it’s been two or three years since they’ve seen annabeth. she ran away from home at seven, and didn’t see her father or stepfamily for three years until she returned home for a couple of weeks, then returned abruptly back to camp. she didn’t see them for another two or three years after that. her relationship with them is, at least in my interpretation, a mix of things. the damage to her relationship with especially her dad and her stepmom was done so early, repairing that was always set up for failure. i’m going to go through her family members one-by-one, so here we go-- 
*:·゚✧ ATHENA ( mother ) 
annabeth was always one of athena’s favorite. while a lot of halfbloods aren’t close to their godly parents, my version of annabeth is one of the special exceptions that gets a fair amount of attention from athena. she’s clever, she works hard, she’s a strong leader and a protective sibling. she’s always strived to give athena no reason to doubt her or dislike her. however, their relationship’s grown and changed as she’s gotten older-- it’s gotten more complicated, and annabeth started to struggle. she wants to make her proud, but for the first time, they start butting heads, and annabeth really ultimately has to accept that she’s never going to be the perfect daughter, and that’s okay.
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S CHILDHOOD ( birth - age 7 )
annabeth had no official contact with athena when she was younger. i believe athena kept an eye on her daughter, though she didn’t interfere in annabeth’s struggles at all.
when annabeth ran away from home, it was athena that guided her to luke and thalia. though she didn’t interfere after that, athena still awaited annabeth’s arrival at camp halfblood. when annabeth finally did arrive, she was claimed almost immediately by athena. at first, annabeth didn’t actually believe that athena was her mother-- or, more specifically, that she had a parent that wanted to claim her, and was proud to do so-- and her idolization of her mother was almost immediate. 
annabeth became her mother’s most devoted child-- she prayed to her, she left gifts for her at her altar, she took care of her siblings, and eventually became the counselor of athena’s cabin. athena showed her favor towards annabeth, and annabeth really did her best to imitate athena in every possible way she could. 
               “i’ve been here since i was a kid,                 i did everything they ever asked.                 yeah, i did. and for what?”
annabeth’s relationship was strong until she started to get close to percy, and everything sorta went to hell when annabeth started dating percy. poseidon and athena’s rivalry wasn’t a surprise to anyone, and was something that in the beginning in canon we can see that it really bothers annabeth that percy is the son of poseidon. but annabeth gets over it and starts dating percy anyway. 
it’s then that her relationship with athena really suffers. angry with her daughter, athena really pushes her daughter away, and cuts her off almost completely. annabeth is devastated by this, but decides not to break up with percy just to please her mother ( though in some verses where percabeth isn’t a thing, this fear/response from athena prevents annabeth from dating percy, and she eventually gets over her feelings for him ). this puts annabeth in an incredible precarious position-- luke’s left at this point, and it would’ve been INCREDIBLY easy for annabeth to take her resentment towards athena rejecting her because of her relationship with percy and channel it into the cause she’s fighting for. i sincerely think that if luke hadn’t left at that point yet, annabeth would’ve come with him when he did. 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S PROMOTION TO ARCHITECT ( age 16 - present )
annabeth’s efforts in the titan war and her promotion to architect of olympus are what finally start to repair her relationship with athena. the two of them decide to make a pact that they will not discuss percy with each other, and with their differences at least ignored if not resolved, their close relationship is on its way to returning once again. while they’re nowhere near as close as they were before, athena makes more of an effort to be supportive of her daughter, even if it’s hard for her. 
even though athena is no longer actively disapproving of percy, athena’s dislike of percy still puts a strain on annabeth’s relationship with percy. she’s made a lot of executive decisions based on this that stand in the way of her relationship-- most notably, when it comes to marriage. obviously percy and annabeth are way too young still in the books, but for my version of annabeth, she knows that if percy ever asked her ( and i believe he does, eventually ), she would say no. not because she doesn’t love him, or doesn’t want to marry him, but more because she’s worried that would push her relationship with athena into jeopardy again, and she doesn’t believe she would ever approve. 
*:·゚✧ FREDERICK CHASE ( father ) 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S CHILDHOOD ( birth - age 7 )
               “i  never  see  you   anymore.                 come      out      the      door.                 it’s  like  you’ve  gone  away.”
honestly, frederick was just never really an attentive father in annabeth’s early years. we know from canon that he was very focused on his work and his career, and that this was incredibly difficult on annabeth. she took her father’s lack of involvement in her life as him blaming her for all of the monster attacks, and resenting being her father, which contributed greatly to her decision to run away, especially when they fought regularly about monsters putting the family at risk. 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S TIME AWAY FROM HOME ( age 7 - 13 )
               “where were you when everything was falling apart?                 all my days spent by the telephone that never rang                 when all i needed was a call that never came...”
nothing was more of a wakeup call to the chase family as annabeth running away. frederick wasn’t exactly the most attentive dad in the world, and annabeth disappearing is something that just rattles him out of his intense obsession with his work/career. he knew annabeth was having trouble-- monsters were attacking on the regular, how could he not be aware of it?-- but he didn’t really think or do much about it until it was too late. 
frederick’s remorse about this is immediate. he attempts to get into contact with annabeth, and is ignored for a LONG time. he’s just about lost all hope when she finally decides to write back to him, and after a large amount of coaxing, annabeth agrees to come home and visit. so, when she’s ten, back she comes to virginia. 
it lasts about two seconds. they hit all the same problems they did before, arguing about the danger annabeth’s presence puts the family in-- some of which is projected onto frederick by annabeth, who deals with her guilt by resenting the people she thinks will blame her, or that do blame her. she stays for about a week before she calls chiron and heads back to camp. 
after she leaves, in an attempt to apologize, frederick sends annabeth his class ring, which she wears on her necklace from camp. she lets him know that she got back to camp safely, and doesn’t talk to him for another few years. 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S TEENAGE YEARS ( age 13 - present )
frederick and annabeth eventually start talking to each other again. annabeth can’t really repair her relationship with her dad, nor does she want to, but they agree to try and meet every couple of months and spend a day together. annabeth introduces him to percy officially ( he’s met percy before this, but this is the Official Meet The Parents meeting ), and introduces him to sally jackson as well in the hopes that sally will be able to show frederick how to handle and support your demigod children. it doesn’t really work, but she still makes an effort. 
frederick invites annabeth home for holidays after a while. she never agrees, but she appreciates the invitation and sends presents home for him and her half brothers. 
*:·゚✧ HELENE CHASE ( stepmother ) 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S CHILDHOOD ( age 5 - 7 )
               “i didn’t wanna’ cause trouble, trouble.                 i’m less the player and more the played.”
annabeth’s relationship with helene is so wildly complicated honestly it’s hard to find somewhere to begin. helene got married to frederick when annabeth was five years old, and annabeth was initially thrilled about the idea of having a mom. we know a wide variety of conflicting things about her from canon that make it difficult to figure out their relationship.  annabeth remembers helene as being hostile towards her, which was deeply upsetting to her and incredibly frustrating. part of annabeth’s fear of spiders was agitated by helene not believing her, and getting upset with her for scaring her half brothers because she kept screaming. helene also got in between frederick and annabeth, trying to let frederick focus on his work instead of his children. it was from a desire to see him succeed, but to a kid as young as annabeth, it was helene being the bad guy and keeping her from her dad. 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S TIME AWAY FROM HOME ( age 7 - 13 )
so how did we get from there to helene asking percy to remind annabeth that she’s always got a family there? the answer-- time. annabeth went from being a nuisance and a danger in the house to being gone completely. while helene might’ve not been thrilled with annabeth’s behavior / the danger she brought back with her, i don’t think she ever really thought of the consequences of her treatment of annabeth. it’s not like anyone expected her to run away, so when she did, it was a bit of a wakeup call that she feels really guilty about. 
she takes a step back and doesn’t interfere with annabeth’s relationship with frederick after that. she makes an effort to be kinder and more considerate when it comes to annabeth, but at that point, it’s kinda too late. annabeth’s brief return home when she was ten did nothing for their relationship, even though she made more of an effort to get along with annabeth. in a lot of ways, helene feels responsible for annabeth leaving. she also has to keep her two sons with frederick safe, though, and monsters running around trying to kill their half sister isn’t really helping with that. still, the whole family tries to get annabeth to come back, which is where we have in the titan’s curse talking to percy-- 
                     “Tell her she has a home here, will you? Remind her of that.”                              - The Titan’s Curse
clearly at this point, she’s doing everything she can to mend that relationship. at this point, though, annabeth just refuses to get along with her, or see her. 
*:·゚ ANNABETH’S TEENAGE YEARS ( 13 - present day )
annabeth and helene never see eye-to-eye. annabeth goes home occasionally, but there was a long time after she got back into contact with frederick where she refused to go to the house, and only wanted to see him. this is partly because her relationship with her stepfamily is bad, and partly because she feels guilty about the monsters that have made their lives harder. when annabeth eventually starts seeing the whole family again, though, she only does for short amount of time. she and helene never get close, even though helene makes more of an effort. it’s just not enough and at this point, they’re both aware of the fact that they’re never going to get along. 
*:·゚✧ MATTHEW & BOBBY CHASE ( half brothers )  
there’s really not much to be said about annabeth’s relationship with matthew and bobby at all. they’re nice and normal kids, and part of her resents them for it, and they resent her a little bit too for being such a problem when they were really little ( they don’t remember it much since they were two when she ran away ), but being a constant sore spot in the family. she also never attended things like their graduations, etc., for fear of monsters attacking. they don’t have much of a relationship with each other at all, and the three of them are all okay with that. 
annabeth has a lot of connections it’s a nightmare. these are her friends, mentors, romantic connections, and then rachel. 
*:·゚✧ CHIRON ( mentor )
chiron’s like annabeth’s unofficial dad. he took her in after she ran away from home, and was her mentor at camp that she really latched onto as her pseudo father. annabeth holds a great amount of respect for chiron, which is the same respect she has for him in canon. 
the only place i really go off on their canon relationship is when it comes to how much annabeth is aware of.while she’s incredibly young, it’s shown very clearly that she’s one of the unofficial leaders of camp, even in the lightning thief. chiron trusts annabeth with a lot of knowledge, and i fully believe that if something was to ever happen to chiron, it would be up to annabeth to lead the camp alongside mr. d. 
*:·゚✧ LUKE CASTELLAN ( friend turned enemy ) 
               “what do you do when it’s up to you to choose--                 has something ended or begun? stay or go : pick one.”
of all the people in her life, luke was the one that shaped annabeth’s life the most. i think canon did their relationship a disservice by focusing more on percy’s response to luke’s initial betrayal ( which is because he’s the main character and annabeth isn’t, but fight me ). luke and annabeth have a lot of history together. year and years of it. luke’s known annabeth since she was seven years old, she’s known him since he was twelve. they were kids that bonded in the most difficult circumstances, and as a result, annabeth is wildly dependent on luke. 
his betrayal hits her deep, and she’s incredibly conflicted as to why. simple answer: annabeth loved luke. as well as their strong platonic bond, she canonically has a crush on him ( not officially stated, but she’s blushing like a schoolgirl and flustered whenever he talks to her ), and while she says in the last olympian that she never had feelings for him like that, she did. she’s deeply wounded by his betrayal, but for mixed reasons. part of her is mad that he betrayed them, obviously, but part of her-- a part that she resents and hates-- is mad at him for not asking her to come with him. this, i believe, is the reason why annabeth denies her feelings at the last minute when she’s talking to luke. 
along with thalia, annabeth considers luke to be her first love. there was never a romantic aspect to their dynamic, it was purely platonic, but i don’t think her love for luke should disqualify him from being her first love just because it’s platonic. it’s 2019, people, platonic love is just as if not more important than romantic love. 
*:·゚✧ THALIA GRACE ( friend ) 
               “and  maybe   if   i’d   been   a   little   bit  braver.                 maybe    if     i     stayed      behind     to      fight.                  but maybe doesn’t let me go back and save her.                 maybe        doesn’t        make        it        alright.”
like luke, thalia was also annabeth’s first love. they traveled together for a long time, and grew incredibly close. while annabeth doesn’t have as long of a history with thalia as she does with luke, thalia is instrumental to who annabeth became. thalia was the definition of what a true hero looked like, and her sacrifice hit annabeth hard. i don’t really divert from canon a lot here, but i will just say that when thalia joined the hunters, annabeth was pissed. she’d just lost luke, her whole world had been turned upside down, and the ONE PERSON she thought could really understand her, the one that had traveled with her and luke, the one that had the best chance of helping her bring luke back to the right side, and she peaced out to join artemis’ hunters instead. annabeth never really gets over this, and while she’s always glad to see thalia, part of her will always be mad at thalia for leaving, even if she understands why. 
*:·゚✧ RACHEL ELIZABETH DARE ( oracle / pseudo-rival )
not much to say here, i just need to emphasize that annabeth’s initial dislike of rachel is NOT jealousy because she’s worried she might snatch percy away from her. i hate that, it’s catty, it’s immature, and it implies that annabeth doesn’t trust percy, which she absolutely does. annabeth is upset because rachel comes without a lot of baggage that she does, and she knows realistically that rachel would probably be a better match for percy. rachel doesn’t have a mom that despises percy because of who he is, she doesn’t have deep connections to the person that’s betrayed them to help kronos, she’s creative and pretty and smart in ways that annabeth simply isn’t. it hurts her feelings and her ego, and she’s mean to rachel because she can see in her what percy is missing because he’s with her. i’m not saying it’s mature or justified, that’s just how she approaches rachel and what makes her hostile towards her. 
*:·゚✧ PERCY JACKSON ( friend / boyfriend )  
               “ in search of silver linings,                  we       found       gold . . .”
not a whole ton has really changed about annabeth’s relationship with percy from canon, but i’m going to very quickly say a couple of things about how i see it, and then establish the non-percabeth arc of annabeth’s story, since it’s not the same in all versions and i know some people don’t ship percabeth. in any verse, however, annabeth trusts percy with her life, and would do anything it took to protect him. their relationships, both platonic and romantic, are founded on trust, honesty, and loyalty to each other, and i will never ever EVER support a cheating plot with them. if percy ever cheated on annabeth, she would drop him so fast he got whiplash, and she would never cheat on percy. please don’t approach me with a bad breakup plot with them based around someone cheating, i stg. okay. let’s go. 
in the verse where they ARE together, i’ll just say that annabeth sacrifices a lot for percy. i touched on this a lot before, so i won’t harp on it, but annabeth’s relationship with percy fucks up her relationship with athena, so it’s not something she takes lightly. her feelings for percy are strong and profound. i touched on this before too but it’s important to note that while percy is annabeth’s first longterm relationship/boyfriend, he is not her first love. 
beyond this, just a couple of small things that hold true for the most part with their purely platonic verse/relationship as well-- annabeth blames herself for a lot of the pain and suffering percy goes through. she blames herself for percy going missing in the heroes of olympus series. she will never, EVER forgive herself for him coming into tartarus with her. BUT in all the situations they’ve been together in, she’s never regretted being by his side and supporting him-- she trusts him, she believes in him, and she’s sure of herself and him enough to risk a lot to be by his side. 
in the verse where they are NOT together, aka platonic-only with percy, annabeth still had feelings for percy briefly, but ultimately decided it was not worth alienating herself from her mother just to risk being in a relationship that didn’t work out. she’s well aware of the animosity between athena and frederick, and she doesn’t want to risk it all for something to end like that. additionally, annabeth is still reeling from luke’s betrayal ( again, so important to her growth, cannot be stated enough ), and her mind really isn’t on dating at the time or romantic pursuits, only on getting luke back and stopping kronos. 
i see annabeth and percy as being incredibly close and supportive of each other regardless of their romantic/platonic dynamics, so unless otherwise plotted, this is the version of her i will be focusing on. while annabeth is incredibly joking and a little outwardly flirty in her own respects, i will never force ship percabeth. unless we’ve agreed they’re dating / percy says they’re dating first, i will play her as being platonically close to him, and that’s it. this holds true for all her ships, but since percy’s her main love interest, i’m putting this out there. 
sally and paul’s dynamics with annabeth are centered around percy and annabeth’s relationship, but this, i believe, can also be read as being percy introducing annabeth as his best/close friend and not his girlfriend. this is how i’ll be approaching each dynamic here unless we’ve plotted otherwise, so. choose your own adventure. 
*:·゚✧ SALLY JACKSON ( percy’s mother )
pure and simple, annabeth loves sally. she always wanted a parent like sally, and if helene had been more like sally, she never would’ve run away. annabeth embraces any time spent with sally as a break from the madness, and she’s relieved that she has a little pseudo family outside of camp that she can go to and not feel guilty for all the potential trouble she brings with her. she’s spent a few holidays at home with percy and his family, and she treasures those times and memories far more than any memories she shares with her own family. 
i will just say that while percy is missing, annabeth doesn’t know how to talk to sally. she’s overwhelmed and feels guilty and doesn’t want to scare sally, so she ignores her for a bit before being honest with her about things. she thinks that sally will blame her when anything negative happens to percy, and it’s always a shock when she doesn’t. 
their relationship sticks pretty close to canon overall, it just needed to be addressed. 
*:·゚✧ PAUL BLOFIS ( percy’s stepdad )
my version of annabeth is incredibly close to paul. he’s smart, he’s fun, he’s good to sally, and is just all around a nice guy. annabeth is more than a little bit envious that percy has such great ( mortal ) parents-- she adores sally, and paul is the stepparent she always wanted. percy and sally have their own special bond, and annabeth’s relationship with percy puts her on the same level as paul, with both of them being both outsiders and insiders in the jackson family. annabeth talks to paul more often than she talks to her own family members, and the two of them exchange books and stuff. 
annabeth also asks paul for advice when she needs some parental guidance that athena’s either too busy for or uninterested in. athena and annabeth made a deal not to discuss percy or anything to do with him after annabeth’s relationship with him alienated her from her mother for a long time. so, since she doesn’t have a parent she really trusts to both understand her life and support her as a person, paul is the one she ends up turning to. my version of annabeth will hang out with paul independently of spending time with percy’s whole family, and since annabeth hasn’t really gone to public school since she was seven, paul helps her out and gets her through getting her GED and taking the SATs. they’re little things in the grand scheme of things, but for annabeth, it means everything. 
paul is one of the first people annabeth talked to about her time in tartarus. i seriously cannot express how important paul is to annabeth, he adopts her just like he adopts percy and she values and cherishes him as a person, a mentor, and just a friend. 
you made it to the end! have this gif of annabeth smiling as your prize
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kbrown78 · 5 years
Top 5 Wednesday
Topic: Favorite Mothers
Man, this was not an easy topic. There's an overwhelming trend in books, especially YA for some reason, that parents are usually dead or absent from the narrative. This can be applied to both mother's and fathers, but it seems to be worse with mothers. I had to go through all of my books individually almost all of them where irrelevant to the story or protagonist (like Darrow's mom in Red Rising) were dead and irrelevant (like Maya's mother in The Star Touched Queen) or ended up having a more negative impact in the protagonists life, dead or alive (like Meira's mother in Snow Like Ashes). Needless to say I tried to avoid mother's who fall in these categories and that unfortunately only applied to small percentage of books I've read. What I was really looking for is mother's who are a positive influence on their children and show clear devotion to them while maintaining a good, if not complicated at times, relationship, and many of them even feel like their own individual characters (albeit minor ones). Also while I did try to pick mothers who are actually alive through the entire narrative (so far), there is an exception but that's only because they fit all my other criteria of being a good mother. Finally there will be no Harry Potter mothers on this list, since they are all awesome and we already know that.
La Contessa from the Swords and Fire series: This character is one of the many reasons why I love this series so much. While still only a minor character, she is still an active part of Amalia's life. At the beginning I was worried she would just be another snobby noble who looks down on her daughter, but that isn't what happens. Instead she encourages her daughter to grow and take a more active role in politics, which Amalia does. She's always looking out for her daughter from the shadows, like making sure her daughter has an ample supply of the elixir she needs to live and sending along her faithful handmaid/ spy Ciardha if she's ever seriously concerned about Amalia's safety. You don't see much of the relationship between Amalia and La Contessa, which is to be expected since Amalia's a young adult, but despite that Amalia and her mother still have a good relationship and Amalia looks to her mother for advice at times. It's the epitome me of a mother/ daughter relationship I want to see more of in fiction.  
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2. Maggie Walker from The Year I Turned 16: While there isn't any specific reason I like this one, this mom manages to defy so many parental tropes in YA. She's a single mom that is struggling to raise 4 daughters as they grow through their teenage years and running low on funds. Despite losing her husband and the struggles she has, she still maintains a positive persona, a good relationship with her daughters, starts a successful catering business and even manages to find love again. She works well not just as mother but as a character too.  
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3. O-Shizuru and Burquila Alshara from The Tiger's Daughter: Much like my top entry, these mother are minor characters who remain a part of their daughters lives, even when removed from the plot. They both stand out as strong women and have a close relationship similar to that of their daughters, despite their different backgrounds. They both have a strong influence on their daughters, to the point where their children work to emulate their mothers. It's also clear that these mothers care very much for their children and will go to great lengths to protect them but also alert their daughters to the harsh realities of their world.  
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4. Sally Jackson from The Percy Jackson series: Now this is a book series that I don't think gets enough love despite how reminiscent it is to Harry Potter (I blame the movies). I haven't read this series in years, but I remember Sally being a pretty decent mother. She's not in the series much but she's still a positive figure in Percy's life and stays alive for the entire series.
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5. Essun from The Fifth Season: While motherhood is a major theme of this series, I've only read the first book and have only seen glimpses of Essun's maternal side, which is why she's at the bottom. I liked seeing her at different stages of being a mother as well as the grief and trauma she goes through, but it just wasn't enough for me. I still really wish that there had been a growing maternal relationship with her and Hoa, but that didn't happen. I have faith that Essun as a mother will become more of a focus in the next books but there just wasn't enough in this book.
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Thank You Everyone 
Keep Calm and Keep Reading
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noditchablepromdate · 7 years
Percy Jackson fandom? :D
send me a fandom and i’ll list my five favorite characters
Oh man this is really difficult because so many of the characters are amazing… I’m going to stick to the first series for this, as there are so many awesome characters in the second and third series and the connected Egyptian and Norse series that I’d be here forever.
1. Percy himself! For one thing, the kid’s stream-of-consciousness is like 70% sass and snark, which is a sure-fire way to get me to love a character. But beyond that, he’s resilient, courageous, and steps up to defend his home, friends, and family repeatedly right from the start, even when he knows doing so can and usually will get him into trouble from authority figures. And he isn’t afraid to speak up and tell people what he thinks when he sees some kind of injustice going on.
2. Annabeth. While I admit she has her flaws (among them, being a lot rougher and meaner to Percy than he is to her), she’s clever and studious and proud of it, and won’t even try to pretend otherwise. She’s also not shy about throwing herself into a fight to protect her friends. I like her because she’s definitely not a “perfect” girl, but she comes across as very realistic given the seriously traumatic life she’s gone through.
3. Grover. He’s nobody’s idea of the typical hero; he’s young for a satyr, timid, anxious, very emotional, and not much of a fighter. But he is loyal - he’ll do pretty much anything for Percy, and is devoted to his personal quest of finding the lost god Pan - and he has great courage; despite his terror of Cyclopes and being underground, he faces both repeatedly for the sake of his friends and his quest and eventually gets recognised for his efforts.
4. Sally Jackson. She’s been through so much - losing her parents, having to give up her studies, falling for a god, raising Percy (given the trouble that boy can attract simply sitting still), living with an abusive husband for years just to protect her son… yeah, the fact she can handle the danger Percy constantly gets into and still be so kind and accepting of the strange people he meets is wonderful.
5. Poseidon. Absent father though he is, he comes across as one of the kindest of the gods, at least as far as his children are concerned. Where many of the others are harsh or critical of their kids, he treats Percy (and Tyson) with genuine affection and concern for their well-being and apologises for the fact that being his children puts them in danger. The one time we see him actually get angry at Percy (for breaking a rule usually punishable by death), he still listens, accepts the explanation, and forgives him.
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