#Persephone has grown and is popping corn while watching this clusterfuck
Image a spiderman meme moment of Meg and Thanatos(doing reverse hades runs trying to break into the house), Asterius and Theseus(he got bored of being ignored and wanted to find his foe[read second only friend] Zagregus and dragged Asterius along so he wouldn’t die), and Melinoe, who is on a vengeful and important quest, all breaking into the House of Hades at the same time.
Hades is chained up and unnoticed in the background, just watching and begging someone to kill him cause why are these idiots here and who let them in his house.
Zag broke out 3 mins ago and is due back any moment now, being dragged back by grandpa who is done with this feral child who he doesn’t have an official excuse to eat but is getting damn close
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