#Persona User Tamaki M!A
ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
She was once again in the room of white and black tile, with no walls, only a swirling void, and a man in white wearing a butterfly mask.  Philemon, he has said his name was.  He gestured towards her, beckoning for her to come closer, and it was as if she were a puppet on strings as she lifted herself off the ground and moved towards him.  “Young Persona User, who are you?” She doesn’t feel like she could answer. She knew she had a name, knew it was somewhere within her, but there were other voices, other hers, all saying different things. None felt like the truth.  “I don’t...I don’t know.” It was troubling to say, and it was only the overwhelmingly soothing effect of this place keeping her from panic.  The man wearing the mask looked sad, but understanding.  “Then that is the Will of the Universe.” He responds cryptically, reaching for her. She wants to jerk away, because he’s not human and things that aren’t human shouldn’t touch her- But her does, and his touch feels like a butterfly kiss, and she’s as warm as she’s ever been, not hot but in a perfect bliss.  “You were not made for this fate, Devil Summoner, but you will aid those who are. May your path be clear and even.” “Wait!” She needs to know more, and finally, finally, she can speak- “Goodbye, Child of Eve.” And it all goes dark from that. -0-
Tamaki wakes, rising from the bed with a gasp so great that her lungs feel like they’re an overfilled balloon. There was a dream, a dream so strange that she should remember it, that she should be able to recount and return to with the closing of her eyes, but there’s nothing but the memory of having one in the first place. She feels as if something, some part of her, is missing now, but without knowing what is gone, Tamaki simply moves on with her life. 
What a strange dream that must’ve been. 
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
Do you ever worry all your issues will become a Shadow you’ll have to fight?
My WHAT?! Excuse me, what the heck is a Shadow??? My issues??? Fighting my issues??? Nooooooo thank you, nope, no way, where do I back out of this Persona offer? I am not fighting anything, especially not my problems.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
If your persona's a queen, would that make you royalty too?
Oh, no, I don't think so! Lakshmibai was a queen when she was alive and real, but this Lakshmibai is more...me, than she was. I mean, yes, she's all regal and a queen in history and all that, but I think my persona is just me. And I'm not royalty, just Tamaki. It would be cool to think about if I was royalty though. Cool food, nice dresses, but definitely too many rules. And I wouldn't get to do sports! What's the fun in that?
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
M!A Again!: Tamaki is a Persona User for 10 whole asks!
Persona-sama, Persona-sama...
There was a game going around school. Kids claiming that if you chanted this strange, Bloody Mary-esque rhyme, you would meet a God and be told your future...
Please come to me...
Tamaki didn't believe in it. Or so she said. In truth, it was just an excuse to avoid the game if it turned out to be something more than fiction.
But even then, she couldn't escape fate. She couldn't escape the cruel game the Gods had laid out for her. Three of the people in the fencing club, Tomohiko, Nanami, and Arataki, waited for her when practice was over. Asked her to join in their game because no one else was left. Eriko had decided to leave early to speak with her friends, and the only person left behind was her.
Tamaki couldn't say no. Not without sounding weird. Not without bringing up more questions.
So she stood in place, the last person in the square, and walked forward when her time came, softly saying the words that she was given.
Then there was a flash of lightning, and Tamaki's body hit the ground with an all-too-familiar thump.
"Welcome, it's a pleasure to meet you, young Devil Summoner."
Tamaki shot up with a gasp, hands instantly reaching for her chest. She wasn't at the River Styx, and that voice wasn't the familiar, tauntingly deep voice of Charon. Instead, below her was a tiled floor made out of perfectly cut black and white stone, and before her, a man in white wearing a mask.
"Wh-what are you?" She'd almost said who, but that was a dangerous question to ask some demons. Those too proud would take it as an insult, and then she really would be on Charon's banks once again.
The man let out a soft hum. "I am Philemon, the dweller between consciousness and unconsciousness. It is truly a great honor to meet you. But first, before we talk further, you must pass a simple test."
"What test?"
The masked man, Philemon, knelt down to the floor and looked into her eyes from behind the dark holes in the butterfly mask.
"What is your name?"
Her name? That was it? No crushing rocks with her bare hands, or putting on improv shows to spare her life? "Tamaki Uchida. My name is Tamaki." Philemon stood with a nod. "Splendid. There aren't many who can remember their identity when they enter this domain, but then again, you aren't part of those many anymore. You are unique, Devil Summoner. Congratulations on passing that test."
"Thank you?" She was at a loss for words, staring up at the enigmatic man with an awed expression. His presence was unlike anything she'd ever experienced, ethereal in a way that not even gods and demons could replicate.
"Tell me this, Devil Summoner. Are you aware of the other selves you harbor within you? Those that are not composed of demonkind, but your own mind and matter? Those capable of divine love and demonic cruelty?"
Tamaki shook her head. She thought she'd ridden herself of Guardians when she left Hazama's realm, but maybe, she had not?
"People live by wearing masks. Your current self, the one who stands before me, is only one of those innumerable masks. Yet, it was not foretold that would would ever be aware of these masks, or this power. You arrived on my doorstep unaware and unannounced, but I shall not turn you away. The world has taken too much from you already, and will only continue to do so."
Her gut twisted at the thought. What else could it take? It had already stolen her life and her friends, her innocence and her childhood. What next could it rip from her arms?
"As such, I grant you this power as a blessing. Protect it and use it well, as it will not last forever. This is your Persona."
"Now, return to your proper time and place. This realm was not made to harbor a soul such as your own..." "Wait!"
Tamaki realized that she'd been so caught up in Philemon's presence she'd never asked a single question, but before she could remedy this mistake, the world faded to black once again. "Goodbye, child of Eve."
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
Hey Tamaki, are you going to help with Kandori now? Maki got kidnapped and Naoya’s group would LOVE more help!
Maki...Sonomura? I remember hearing some of my classmates talk about her, but all I know is that she was in the hospital for some reason. What does her being kidnapped have to do with Kandori? And why won't Naoya just call the police? Getting involved in this sort of stuff instead of just letting the adults handle it...it's just gonna end in disaster. So then why do I feel like I should jump in anyways? I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. Charlie and Reiko and Yumi would all kill me. I'd kill me. Ugh. Fine. Tell me where to go and what to do. Even if I don't know her, I have a feeling something weirder than just a normal kidnapping is going on.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
What's your thoughts on tarot?
It's...weird. I don't know any of the meetings, and usually, I just have to talk to demons to get them. The cards are old and worn, and faded to just colored smudges on paper. But Igor likes them, and the demons seem to view it as fair payment. I guess I'd have to say that it's not unpleasant, but not welcome either. I never wanted to see any demons again, but here I am, chatting to an angel while walking to school. No one can see her, and once again, I find myself with only acquaintances, no friends. But they're nice now, relaxed even. They chat of simple things, and recognize me not as an enemy, but as a friend of their kin. It's not the worst, I'd have to say.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
What’s your arcana, Tamaki?
"The Arcana, by which all is revealed..."
I didn't know what that word meant, not until recently.
There's a strange man named Igor in a blue room at the mall that didn't exist before. The room has a woman in operatic music singing a haunting aria, and a blinded man plays a tune on the piano that looks into your very soul. The room feels off; it feels as if time doesn't pass here, like the Expanse.
I was taken into a place called the Velvet Room, and told of Tarot cards. Of demons living amongst humans, but peacefully, without blood on their claws and flesh in their teeth. I was told of a task: a journey my classmates would take into a world unseen, emerging with only parts of their former selves intact. And I was told that I would not get to join them.
That my time was later.
The relief was undeniable. The feeling of repressing these horrible feelings of wanting to leave the call to action behind. The feeling of wanting to leave it all behind.
And then?
He told me I was like one of the Tarot cards within his deck. He pulled free a card labeled with the words,
"XVI. The Tower"
(OoC: I believe the Tower fits for various reasons, even if the classic Persona series archetype of the Tower being arrogant assholes doesn't quite fit. The Tower, both upright and reversed, represents Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening, personal transformation, fear of change, and averting disaster :D)
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
A shadow's a clone of yourself, but filled with the parts of you that you don't want to acknowledge. They have eyes that glow and smiles too wide and voice that echo in an awful cacophony that splits your train of thought into bits of nothingness. How would you deal with one of those?
A voice sings in the back of her head, saccharine and childish and bone-chilling. It echoes in the recesses of her mind, beckoning for her to close her eyes and remember all the blood her body has had to endure, both losing and spilling. The sounds of cracking bones and dying screams and tearful whimpers as lives are ended, by her hands or by the demon's. There's no distinguishing human from demon, not really, when all of them commit the same crimes. She shudders, drawing the blanket in her bed tighter and tighter around her until its all but a cocoon, and still, all she feels are chills. The voice grows louder, scratching and clawing its way forward, but it won't emerge. It can't. It's the real world, and she's safe. There's no way such a terrible beast can exist in a world like this. But it wants to, terribly, and it sings with the voices of a thousand dead girls, all broken and bloodied from their attempt to crawl through Hazama's world. All abandoned corpses, with no soul to fuel them but memories of the girl they all once were. They sing, and laugh, and scream to be let out, to be remembered, to be mourned. They yell for a multitude of things; home, parents, safety, love, but are never satisfied. Tamaki Uchida doesn't sleep well at night already. But with a Persona, with her own demon living within her, she doesn't sleep at all.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
Tag Masterpost Two
Aha, so you’ve made it here looking for a specific tag! Well, you’ve come to the right place! Revelations Tamaki - Posts where the Tamaki(Tammy Underwood) responding is from the Revelations: Persona universe. Persona 5 Tamaki: Tamaki from when Persona 5 takes place! SoT Tamaki - Posts where the Tamaki is from an RP I was in called Sands of Time! Tamaki Breaks the 4th Wall - Posts where Tamaki acknowledges the timeline differences, being a reference to Yuki Uchida, and more! Nobu Akiyama M!A: Event where Nobu hijacked the blog for 10 posts! Persona User Tamaki M!A: Event where Tamaki got the Persona Lakshmi Bai and was assigned the Tower Arcana! 3 Follower Special - Posts from when I had 3(actually 4, whoops) followers and decided to have a party because of it.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
M!A extension, asks will end whenever the mun says so and normal questions can return if wanted!
OoC: Awh, thank you! But I think this is a fun one, so I'll stick with it. I just haven't gotten many asks yet, but I know I'll reach 10 eventually :D Also, just a general reminder to all my followers and whoever sees this to drink water, know I love you, and to go to sleep if its late. Self care is important, and we can't have you be living zombies like Tamaki was <3
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
Hey Tamaki, who’s your Persona? Have you tried to summon them yet?
I art thou...thou art I...
I have! It was by accident, really, but I was trying to talk to her, like I used to talk to my guardians. By accident, I summoned her instead.
I am the Queen Lakshmi Bai, and I shall guide you to freedom...
She's very nice and kind, and listens to me whenever I have a question before answering thoroughly. I don't really understand what makes her different from a guardian though...
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