#Personally I'm intrigued by the concept of Dick and Jason managing to reconnect as siblings even while still disparaging each others'
fauxxghost · 3 years
I'm always, always, always thinking about that moment in The New Teen Titans annual 2 where Dick covered for a man who killed someone (as revenge for the fact that the guy had ordered a hit on him that resulted in his family dying) by pretty much said he didn't know what happened even though there had to have been no question in his mind about who killed the guy.
I feel like people always talk about how Dick killed the Joker, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about this moment, which is, in my opinion, more important because I like to see it as an event that made Dick realize that while he may not condone it, he has enough sympathy/compassion for well-earned acts of revenge that he won't drag someone down for it if they end up following through. And from there it seems like this must have been the catalyst for the conclusion he came to in The New Teen Titans #37 when he told Bruce he can't work professionally with him anymore (and Dick has other reasons for not wanting to work with Bruce, but these 2 moments happen close enough together that I like to read Dick's decision to let Adrian Chase off the hook as a sort of 'final straw' in a decision that was a long time coming).
Now, will Dick still try to talk people out of revenge murders? Absolutely. Like I said, I don't think he condones it, I just think he understands and has some level of compassion for the reasons why people may pursue that course of action. And I just think that this is such a fascinating piece of characterization. I wish it got more acknowledgment, especially because when it comes to that example of Dick killing the Joker, I think it's important to remember that afterwards he had a crisis about the fact that he did it, so I don't think it's actually the best example to show Dick's stance on revenge murders (though I do think it holds relevance to discussion on where his values fall when it comes to his loved ones vs his morals and how he can be pushed to break those morals, but it really adds nothing to the discussion of his stance on revenge murders in general other than reconfirming the fact that he doesn't condone them), whereas this example from The New Teen Titans annual 2 just... It has some interesting potential for analysis on that front.
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