#Pest do be slaying tho
illuminoodi · 6 months
Fuck it, Pest dancing to Charmer by Stray Kids
I'm holding them at gunpoint
© to me 👍🏻
Game is called RH Dance Studio
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imber-rose · 7 months
GtWAC prompt day ten: shuffle your playlist and write a quick scene
I tried my best, I didn’t fully proofread tho so I apologize if there are any grammatical mistakes
Song inspiration: Heroes by Emmy Curie
“Careful what you wish for” the dragon hissed. The young hero squirmed under her grasp and she dug her claws into the earth around him. He was clearly a fool, an inexperienced glory seeker, just like so many before.
Bunch of wannabes the dragon thought to herself bitterly. All she wanted was some rest. To hunt. To fly. To find a nice cave to call her own, but she never got more than a week of peace before some knight came galloping up to slay her.
and this one was no exception, his armor gleamed, new from the looks of it. Never used. He had moved clumsily in it, wielding a sword far too big for himself. Arrogance. “Didn't anyone tell you” she snarled as she lowered her head towards him, mouth parting, teeth gleaming with drool. “Heroes don’t get happy endings” the heat rose in her throat, ready to burn the idiot to a pile of ash.
his heart was thrumming under her palm, and she relished in the fear she’d inflict during his last moment. Then, he spoke, and her blood ran cold.
“Please” he whimpered. “I’m sorry” he stuttered. Normally she wouldn’t care. Normally she ignored the begging. But this was not the voice of a hero, nor a knight. Not a voice full of pride and arrogance but one filled with inexperience.
She calmed her flame, loosened her grasp only slightly to allow him more breath and then continued to lean down towards him. He yelped, screamed really, as her teeth came down around him. She gently pulled the helmet from his head. And staring up at her, blue eyes wide and wet with tears, was a child.
A man perhaps by human standards… but a young one even for them. “They would send a child to kill me” she hissed, flames once again warming her throat “Do they think of me as some lowly lizard, some easily dispatched pest” she was roaring now. The young man flinched and she reared back lifting him into the air so they could be eye level. She stared expectantly, she wanted an answer.
“O…of course not. They’ve put a bounty on your head. A huge one! Half the king's treasury even” he spouted.
The dragon clicked her tongue disapprovingly “and you seek to claim such a bounty”?
“Yes,” he whispered.
“So are you a fool, or do you have a deathwish”?
“I’m” he paused, considering his words “I’m desperate. I thought if I could complete this bounty, perhaps life would be different for me”.
“Well, life certainly is different when you're dead” she hissed, making him flinch. Her gaze softened, she lowered her claws and released him. He fell in a heap upon the ground, breathing heavily. “Perhaps consider that before you take any more risks, hmmm”?
He looked up at her, obviously surprised she was letting him go “I… I will”.
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twosomeofcuteness · 11 months
Doyle she's literally not interested leave her alone
Rupert (the cat) has come to watch with me again
Oh no Doyle got kidnapped I'm so disappointed... /s
Poor cordy really feel her there (never had roaches but pests? Yup)
Oh nvm Doyle got away I guess I wasn't paying that much attention
Doyle she's not interested take a hint
Angel how do you afford that place
Loved the burned diploma, nice touch
Pretty sunny out there to have those curtains open...
Ah yes of course a haunted apartment
Doyle stop
🎶you always hurt the one you love🎶 great, now im thinking about fear street again. (I'd rather watch that tbh)
Yeah I don't think her new place is all that great
Yeah! She's from Sunnydale!!
We love a possession story :/
Cordelia is literally so relatable idc if there's a poltergeist trying to kill me, if it's rent controlled I'm in 100%
Cordy </3
Kate!! Slay
What a bitch ghost
It's gonna be okay cordy
You can do it Cordelia, you're from sunnydale!
Ya know the haunted house isn't the best space for debt collection/murder
Stop torturing my cordelia
Yeah! Welcome back Cordelia!!
"Cry-buffy" lol
"The bitch is back" slayyyy
Poor Dennis
We love a handy woman tho. I wish I could build walls like that. I only know how to patch them
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