#Pete is…oh fuck…..RENESMEE????? fucks sake
yeetlegay · 2 years
Mind-reader!Kinn AU thoughts
I just randomly remembered this convo I had with @clandestinegardenias like two months ago (back when I was working on my little vampire!Kinn oneshot) about how Kinnporsche is basically a Twilight AU, which then led into us losing our minds over the idea of the cast having those random special abilities like the Twilight vampires. Since Kinn is obvs Edward, that would make his superpower MIND-READING of all things.
And that’s so !!!!! Because can you imagine Kinn as a mind reader, running this mafia empire with the added ability (which only a handful of people know about) to read the minds of everyone in meetings, to find out who’s planning to cross him, who’s working with his enemies, the second he hears their thoughts. He’d be unstoppable, even more badass, and probably even more of an asshole. (Vegas aka Jacob obv would HATE it bc his special ability is like…growing fur or whatever)
Since Kinn is Edward, that makes Porsche Bella, right? And her special power is this mind shield thing where nobody can get inside her head, including Edward. She’s the only person whose thoughts he can’t read. So imagine how frustrated and intrigued Kinn would be, stumbling across this hot bartender, being so confused that he can’t read Porsche’s thoughts when it’s never happened before. He’s leaned on his telepathy for his whole life to the point that he has even fewer communication skills than in canon, so he’s absolute shit at reading Porsche’s expressions and body language and gauging his feelings, even as he starts falling for him.
But on the flip side, to sprinkle in some agony, Kinn being a mind reader means he can also feel all the fear and anger and horror and sadness constantly surrounding him and thanks to his dad he's been forced to just LIVE with that. He's gotten so used to sitting calm and nonchalant while watching people get beaten up, tortured, killed, etc in front of him, all the while feeling everything they're feeling, knowing their last thoughts. And every time he kills someone, it's like experiencing the death himself. He lives his whole life that way, not even realizing how massively fucked up and traumatized it's made him until here comes this person, this ONE person, who's totally immune to his ability. For once when he looks at him, all he feels is blessed SILENCE, and it's such a relief on the one hand, but terrifying on the other, bc how can he trust Porsche without knowing his thoughts and feelings? How can he possibly love the one person who could betray him, lie to him, leave him, without Kinn ever seeing it coming?
And maybe Tawan just made that fear and mistrust even worse because Kinn could read his mind and still didn’t realize he was being played, because he was naive enough to tell Tawan about his ability early on and so Tawan learned how to hide his thoughts (prob with Vegas’s help). Kinn would never trust anyone after that, but especially not himself, and the idea of putting his heart in the hands of someone like Porsche without even the imperfect protection of reading his mind would be utterly terrifying.
But he chooses to love Porsche anyway, knowing it could ruin him, knowing it’s like Achilles baring his heel for the arrow, knowing it could end in a Judas kiss. He loves Porsche enough to take a gambit, even if it breaks his heart.
So anyway I feel very fine and normal about all of that actually
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