#Phil Beckman x Reader
smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Just Another Thing - Phil Beckman x Reader (Knowing)
This Kiss
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GIF Credit: X
Author’s Note: “HOLD ON!!” I hear you splutter “SHE FINALLY WROTE THAT SEQUEL TO THIS KISS SHE PROMISED US BACK WHEN SHE WROTE IT IN JUNE!?” Yes. Yes I did! 😏 What can I say. I missed this man.
Also I watched it the other day, and therefore have thrown MIT in as liberally as possible-!  Disclaimer: Knowing Characters not mine / lyrics not mine / gifs not mine - see credit. It’s about the only set on this website 😉
Premise: As expected, you’re unable to concentrate in your lecture. And Phil is justly rewarded for his curiosity. But your affair has bigger things to worry about than that right now, and make no mistake, Phil Beckman wont stand for it... 
Words: 4404
Warnings: May-December Romance / Student/Teacher Relationship  / swearing / sexual connotations & pre-amble
____ I ought to know better but you know that never stopped me before Yeah, my wheels just have a way of spinning, always ending back at your door So add your name to the list Of all the things I can't seem to kick Just like smoking, just like drinking, I'm a fool for ever thinking I'm done Yeah, I always break that promise, if I'm honest it ain't ever just one Or two, when I'm running into you I'm right back on that road, pushing that first domino Yeah you're just another kiss, another Friday night I shouldn't be wasting Just another "what you doing later on?" I shouldn't be saying I got my excuses, no I don't know why I do it You're just another, just another thing I shouldn't be doing --- At least you were correct on one thing. You couldn’t successfully sit through two hours of John Koestler without getting distracted, or clock watching. All you could think of was the way Phil had pulled back from you curiously with his hands under your dress wanting to know what you were wearing. He was less than two hours away from finding out at all points of this lecture. But you didn’t think one had ever gone so slowly. John was always interesting, and you were mostly attentive of what he said because he had a habit of giving his tutees pop quizzes any time they went to 1:1s or had questions, just to make sure you’d been paying attention to at least the rest of his lecture. You knew you were likely to fail the next one. Maybe you could get Phil to bail you out of that-! Even your friends all knew you were distracted, but would never have guessed the reason in a million years. Sometimes you’d heard your friends talk about how stunning lecturers were – or some of the lab technicians – and Phil was, on occasion, the hot topic. But you never took any bait offered to you. Besides, they were right, he was hot and deserved to be the only one you ever talked about, and you had all the facts. But, you instead opted to spend your college time as far from single as you could get. It not like you were ever meant to get involved with Phil, after all. Your problem was, what had started off as a good romance – perhaps even something promising, was now a break-up-make-up-break-up nightmare. And you weren’t sure who was keeping who and for what reason. Probably good cover for any time you’d been with Phil and had to walk into a classroom right afterwards looking flushed with a bruise in a risqué place. So long as they think that’s what was distracting you, you weren’t going to say otherwise. None of them were going to assume it was John, and you’d for sure set them straight on that one immediately. The bell wasn’t even merciful on you, observing that your note page was practically blank as you collected your things and slung your bag back over your shoulder - Yeah, there was no way you were remembering a minute of this class. You exited with your friends, itching to spring across the campus into Phil’s office and subsequently his arms. However, Ethan was waiting for you outside the building. Oh… shit… You sighed softly, the girls nudging you with giggles. He was tall and conventionally attractive. On the football team – but not the quarterback, which was fine with you. “Hey-!” He dipped his frame to kiss your cheek, surveying what you were wearing with as much interest as any other boy on campus was. You nearly huffed; still not for you! “Girls-!” He gave your friends a soft wink as they left you to it. “Hi!” “How was your day?” “It’s gone pretty good yeah-!” If he’d let you get on it’d be better, “Yours?” “Better now.” He gave a grin, “Hey, babe, I was thinking we could go out and grab dinner… movie at my place?” “Oh.” This was where problems always started – nothing he’d suggested was bad, if it was a usual night. But not right now… “I have a 1:1 now, and then I was gonna study.” “We can study together?” He immediately suggested, and then pressed; “Who is your 1:1 with? I can wait.” “Well it’s not like I know how long it’s gonna be…” “Who is it with?” Ethan demanded; eyes narrowed. “Phil Beckman.” You were a little uneasy about that, why was he interested? “Oh. He’s your favourite, right?” And jealous. And right now made you wish you’d never mentioned Phil at all, once, ever. “He’s a good teacher…” “Skip it – say you forgot-!” “What!? No, I need to go ask him about this it’s important--!” Please don’t make this hard… “Just send him an email-! How hard is that-!?” “Ethan.” You sighed, “Please. I need to see him.” “Why?!” Well you weren’t gonna give him a straight answer, “This work is due. Tomorrow, babe, I promise.” “Fine.” But it was obvious he wasn’t happy. “Fine-!” He therefore didn’t say goodbye and turned to walk back to his car, kicking leaves and stones as he went. You raised an eyebrow and rolled your eyes; this is exactly why you spent your relationship efforts on a man. There was no way in hell you’d ever think Phil would behave like this. You brushed it off and turned back in the direction you wanted to head – you had way more important things to worry about now. *** Phil opened his office door with a smirk, leaning against the door frame with his arm up – like for a second he wasn’t about to let you in. But the way he looked at you made your mood instantly brighten. He took a half step forward, twisting his body to see if anyone else was around. You both knew how to keep it quiet if people were in the offices either side of his, but if no one was at least you could be a little more vocal. He stepped in to let you past, and you noticed his blinds were already all closed – that allowed you to bite your lip a little harder. “How was the lecture?” “Terrible...” “Oh! Really?! John’s lectures are supposed to be riveting!” You let him round you, so that your back was now to his wall, covered with an intricate array of star charts and planetary information. And other pieces he was working on for papers. You’d asked him about nearly all of them and at this point could probably recite them, or do his research, yourself; but heck – you’d been in here enough. “Well yeah, but I wasn’t really listening. I was thinking about you...” “Oh?” Phil took the step forward that made you concede one, pressing your back up against the wall. “Oh? Mr.Beckman, don’t pretend you don’t know that…” “Mr.Beckman?” He questioned with a playful smile, “Good think I’ve been sitting thinking about you this past 30 minutes…” Phil’s smirk was as equally delicious as he was, “…You are quite the distraction…” You bit your lip again, this time far more seductively, “Speak for yourself.” He placed his hands above your head, pulling in his forearms and also pressing them to the wall – his lips touched yours – and your hands were on him before he could do anything about it. You wanted that overshirt off, you wanted his shirt off, you wanted him to hoist you up against this wall and you wanted your dress on the floor… you wanted marks all over you. You needed him to make you his once more. His lips moved from your mouth to your neck, following the trail of your pulse – your nails raking up his back and through his hair. The day was over; Phil would let you mess it up now. You found yourself staring at the ceiling for a few blissful moments and almost giggled – Phil had once spent a great deal of time sticking stars up there in constellation forms; because once you’d make the mistake of telling him that climaxing with him was like shooting to the stars. He’d laughed, considering his profession, and the next thing you knew he’d stuck the plastic shapes to the ceiling and declared ‘Now you can be with them. Among them-!’ He pulled away with a slight growl to his voice. Your heart leapt – you always wanted to hear that. Phil with that tone thrilled you, it always happened when he was turned on. “Your dresses drive me insane. Stop wearing them in class. It’s not going to end well and I’m going to get suspended, is that what you want?” His lips grazed yours again as he brought his hands down to your hips. You sighed – wanting them under your dress again. No, of course you didn’t want him to get suspended… But Phil knew you wore them for him – and you were fairly certain he didn’t really want you to stop. The dress didn’t really matter, all it was doing was hiding everything else; what he actually deserved. “It’s not even the dress...” You breathed, watching his gorgeous blue eyes darken further by the second “…What I want most is it on the floor…” He tipped his head; bringing his hands to the buttons – remembering the feeling of lace under his fingertips. This had to be good. Phil’s fingers worked quickly through them as his kisses became rougher – but his choices of where to place them, almost with pinpoint precision, was where he knew would make you moan the loudest. Phil responded to that by grinding his hips into yours, and this time you moaned his name. It wasn’t fair that this man felt so right. That it could feel quite this good to be with him. He pushed the unbuttoned dress over your shoulders and it felt to the floor. Phil took a step back, biting his lip a little at the marks he knew were going to be left along your collarbone. Hardly caring, because not only would you be unconcerned, but he’d probably end up with his own collection before he left this evening. But ever since this had started, you liked buying different lingerie, literally for the sole purpose of him taking it off. You always noted styles, colours and fabrics that Phil liked best. Lace being one of them. Phil was classic – he liked black, red and pink lace and satin… and eccentric patterns. But also anything he deemed unusual – you’d worn lime green once as a joke and he’d been pretty impressed. Phil growled again, this time a little louder; “…Black Lace…?” He ran his fingertips under your panties and you gasped again, “…For me?” He chuckled, sliding them down your legs as he kissed you once more; “Oh, darling, you needn’t have…” ***  Every so often you’d go a week or so without being lectured by him – either because his classes had labs conducted by someone else, or because you had home study time rather than having to attend class. You saw him around but you both knew better than to see too much of each other. Whatever illusion you were trying to keep up. But every time you caught a glimpse of him whilst heading to another tutorial, or passing in corridors in lectures and you got to smile and say ‘Hi!’ was certainly the highlight of your day. You also both got to laugh privately at the outfits you wore when you didn’t have to see each other. Of course, you were still in summer dresses but they were a little more modest, or you wore leggings under them, and he rarely wore his black jacket; opting instead for ringer-tees and looser fitting clothing, occasionally with slogans on. And you hated to tell him that he probably didn’t look as cool as he thought he did. Which reminded you that you still hadn’t told him how hot he looked in that black number. Phil was at least glad that it gave both of you the opportunity to work – or focus on work. But that didn’t mean he didn’t think about you, and often. And it wasn’t like he didn’t look up your class schedule and make sure that wherever he was walking might coincide with your exit from lectures. Today however, he was walking across the MIT grounds with John – talking about each other current set of research papers – he was sipping good coffee and so absorbed in the science of everything that even though he missed you, you were the furthest thing from his mind. Even when John started to make jokes about Phil getting a girlfriend. “Nah-! Man. Nah-! That’s not… I’m good!” He laughed, “I’m perfectly fine-!” As they kept walking, they realised that many of the students were weaving out of the way of something going down in the middle of the campus. And as they approached, they realised that shouting was quickly turning to screaming. They both stopped dead. Your friends were standing over to one side looking like they might rather be anywhere else, the other students were dispersing and heading to their own classes as quickly as possible; except from those curious enough to slow their walks down to watch the entertainment. Of course, the ‘entertainment’ was you and Ethan. Having a fall out in the middle of campus was not an ideal situation, but this shouldn’t have surprised you. And this argument was just about as vicious as usual – both of you throwing words you’d end up pretending you didn’t mean. Phil’s eyebrows furrowed; he didn’t like this for obvious reasons. But he wasn’t sure he could get involved either. John just shook his head; “AH, yeah. I can understand why you wouldn’t…” “Shit, we surly can’t allow them to scream at each other in the middle of campus-?” “I dunno. Twenty somethings…? You ever seen these two go at it before? It happens all the time. They’ll just make up in a few hours.” Phil narrowed his eyes, disliking that even more; “You think smart girls wouldn’t get involved in something like that!” John raised an eyebrow at his friend; “Oh, the whiles of being young!” Phil scoffed, running a hand through his hair – “I still think we should stop this.” He ground his teeth together nearly full on glaring at Ethan. Justified, because then it started getting physical – and the second Ethan put his hands on you Phil wasn’t looking for John’s permission. You pulled away but he grabbed you again – and this kept happening; Ethan continued to drag you back as you pulled away from him, and with both of you still yelling at each other this wasn’t about to end well at all. “HEY!” He pushed his coffee into John’s chest and started across the grass. Not my girl! “Phil-! Hey- Phil-!” John’s protests were ignored “HEY-! HEY-! LET HER GO!” As Ethan’s grip only seemed to tighten on you Phil was seeing red; How fucking dare he!! Funnily enough that looked to be near enough what you were saying – and you didn’t even notice Phil until he was practically next to you. “MAN! I SAID LET HER GO!” “She’s my girlfriend-! I’ll do what I like.” Phil almost did a double-take. Ethan! You are walking a thin line! Then took a deep breath and pushed between the two of you. You reeled, rubbing your wrist, but also hardly believing this was about to happen. “She’s not YOURS!!!” Phil’s arm was out, and you knew he was essentially protecting you. He was shorter than Ethan but older; and right now, fierce. But that rung in your ears ‘she’s not yours!’ Oh…Phil… He seemed to realise what he’d said too; “Y/N is NOT a possession!” He took a breath, and stilled his anger – this boy was still a student after all “…No girl is.” His eyes flicked back to see if you were alright, but you were nearly in a world of your own. Did he… did he feel the same thing for you as you did for him? What was he thinking? That was dangerous…! Ethan scoffed, “Yeah, whatever man.” “Ethan.” Phil tipped his head, “I know I might not lecture you, but I know the people who do. And more importantly, I know the coach. You really think he’s gonna wanna hear about this?” Phil turned again, seeing the marks on your arm – and suddenly having a pretty good idea that the bruises on you weren’t always from him. “…Or see pretty hard evidence…” His swivel back was measured, if Ethan wasn’t careful Phil was going to deck him. Luckily, Phil had got a pretty good handle of the situation, and Ethan swallowed hard – stepping back. His body was still between you and him, but Ethan had to take one last jab; “Now you need some teacher defending you-!? You’re just fucking lucky-!” He shouldered his bag and stalked off, leaving Phil to yell after him again. “COOL IT-!” Once Ethan was across the other end of the field, he turned back to you voice immediately alarmed; “You alright-!?” “Yeah…” You straightened your dress of choice today and neatened your hair – “It happens often, I’m used to it.” “And you’re still with the guy-!?” “Phil.” You sighed gently, “It’s… this isn’t the place or time…” you bit your lip, “Please…” “Don’t ask me not to make a scene after that-! Are you sure you’ll be okay!?” You nodded up to your friends still standing awkwardly off to one side “…Yeah…” He followed your eyeline and had to concede that. “Okay. Just take care... Be careful.” You couldn’t help your smile at the concern filling his eyes, and extending to the rest of his features, he was leaned in, his back bent to get closer to you. Still fairly protective.  If you were alone you knew you’d have reached out to hold him, to kiss him in thanks. Heck – it was hard to not to do so right now. “I will. I promise…” You took a few steps back; “Thank you…” “You’re welcome.” Then he grinned, “Anytime.” And you knew he meant it. Phil watched you nod, then turn to go back to your friends, who were all ready to welcome you with open arms. “Y/N!” he couldn’t resist making you look back at him; he missed you this close. “If it happens again – my door is always open. I’ll follow through. I promise.” You almost blushed; “Thank you… Mr.Beckman… I’ll keep that in mind.” ***  Phil didn’t really think he needed to worry about you – you didn’t come and see him, and you didn’t email him either. Things hadn’t quite graduated to having each other’s numbers, although if you ever asked him, he knew he’d give it up in a heartbeat. You were grown up yourself now, a young adult, you didn’t need him to hover around you like a parent – which would have obviously been completely the wrong word. You could take care of yourself, Phil knew that too. He’d rather you come to him if you really needed him. Today he was immersing himself in some practical work with the other scientists and thoroughly enjoying not having to deal with students for once. He didn’t have papers to mark and – away from his desk – no emails to answer from people who clearly hadn’t been listening in lectures. Sometimes he rolled his eyes and thought about sending them over to you, but never did. If only they had her intuition-! Also, Phil was sometimes selfish with his time and wanted to give it to those who wanted to excel to the next level – he had plenty of final years wanting to do their PHDs and Doctorates, go into the field, and lecture themselves – or those that were genuinely struggling despite doing everything they could. Which caused him to sarcastically respond to some of the other students on Saturday nights when he got takeout and had nothing better to do. Today was also when you turned up again. It was a few minutes before he spotted you, immersed in measurements and brainstorming around machines and the gigantic telescope that MIT had installed here. But when he did spot you, Phil immediately became worried – you were crying. And that wasn’t what he wanted to see. He gently touched his colleague on the shoulder to excuse himself, to which she gave him a gentle smile – and ran across the lab to you. “Y/N-!” His voice was filled with the concern etched across his face, “Oh, sweetheart what’s wrong?” “I- He--- He--” I fucking warned him! - Phil had to be careful with the way he touched you here, “Oh…Oh God! Okay. Okay, sweetheart, come on… come on, lets go to my office… It’s gonna be okay, It’ll be okay…” By now the scientists Phil was working with had turned to see where he was running to and he held his hand up to excuse himself. But they thankfully seemed to understand, most were female, and he thought they’d probably appreciate where you were coming from. But maybe not why you’d go to him. At least he could explain the fight in the grounds, although he was sure that’d got around the campus by now. Phil led you up to his office, hand moving from hovering over your shoulder to your lower back, slamming the door shut – in anger at Ethan – he locked it. “What did he fucking do to you-!?” “No… No, Phil it’s… it’s not like that… he didn’t…” This was strange for you, this was a side to Phil Beckman you’d never even glimpsed before now – seeing you and Ethan fighting had really shaken him up, like suddenly it was a reality that you were technically ‘with’ someone else. And Phil didn’t like it one bit. “Don’t lie to me. Sweetheart, don’t lie to me. I promise, I will make him regret it – and if he comes for you again, he’s gonna wish he never fucking touched you.” He rubbed your arms, soothingly, forehead to yours; “Darling, what happened?” “You saw what he did to me when we were outside on campus. You think he’s any better when we’re together? He’s not exactly your biggest fan…” “Well that was obvious. Don’t tell me he took me out on you-!?” “He takes everything out on me.” You sighed, “And now especially you.” Phil narrowed his eyes; “He’s not good enough for you. You know that right?” “Phil-” “He’s certainly no good for you, and he doesn’t deserve you.” “Phil, please don’t-” “He’s hurting you. I don’t know if it’s because you think you need him so desperately as cover for this, but…” Phil shook his head, and you thought he was about to start welling up “I can’t watch him hurt you…” He pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead and then your lips, “Do you need to stay here a while, I’ll stay with you you know that…” His left hand moved to yours, as his right moved to your side, pulling you protectively to him. But you winced, and checking the position of his hands, Phil knew there was no way that Ethan was leaving bruises on you like that just pushing you around… And suddenly his cheeks were burning, and you could read that expression as well as anything. Phil was jealous - you could think of many reasons why. Ethan could show you off, could be with you outside and off and on campus. Ethan was your age. And then the one that was more obvious, your intimacy. You let his hand go and took his face in your hands, “Phil… Phil – I’m not. We didn’t…” You shook your head, “I’m here. I’m here with you. I’m not having sex with him.” You pressed your lips to his, hard, as if that would prove it. “…How can a man like you be jealous of someone like that?” He sighed; “Because of everything he gets to be with you…” But he returned your kisses, slow and loving. “How can someone like you be with a man like him?” “Maybe I’m not as smart as you think I am…” You ran your hands up his chest, and he didn’t stop you, gripping onto his overshirt. “Bullshit.” “You think I don’t get jealous too?” For a minute Phil wasn’t sure how to answer that, but then he chuckled, and very nearly smirked. If you cared enough to get jealous too. He didn’t have a girlfriend, that much was true – but he did have a lot of female colleagues. And you knew he was an all-around nice guy - Phil had a certain charm – and you were sure that you weren’t the only woman in the University enamoured with it. “It’s kinda cute when you’re jealous – that I would have to admit…” You gripped him tighter with a small pout, not exactly liking that, as he thought. Then Phil threw your phrasing right back at you; “It’s not like I’m having sex with them though, is it?” He wasn’t sure that sex was the right word; that made it neither here nor there. But Phil wasn’t sure which one it was – and he was afraid to call it either way. You let his overshirt go, running your hands beneath it; allowing your fingertips to splay over his heart – before leaning forward, pushing your forehead to his. He closed his eyes, allowing you to have that moment of calm to yourself. Before you moved to brush your lips to his – a sweeter kiss than usual – and he pulled you closer, holding you tighter. You ran your hands into his hair, and only tentatively pulled away. “Y/N…” He breathed your name, sending shivers over your skin – gorgeous blue eyes reopening – “As your lecturer I can only advise you on your work here, perhaps your career. I can perhaps implore you – if you came to me with something more personal. Off the record advice…” Phil took a breath, and he sounded hurt; possibly more because of his feelings for you than anything else, “…But as whatever we are. I would beg you to leave him, I would beg you so I don’t have to worry about you being hurt. You don’t deserve to have someone you love hurt you.” You blinked multiple times, hardly daring to believe the words coming out of his mouth. Not because of what was said, but because of the choice it presented you. One you weren’t sure you could afford to pass up. You looked between his eyes, hands gathering in the middle of his chest, you took a deep breath and swallowed - looking away, just to look back into his eyes with renewed confidence; “I don’t love him.” The silence was momentary – the urgency to reply was great, but in reading what you were really telling him you both needed that moment of gravitas. Phil found himself saying the words before he knew he was saying them. But upon doing so knew he’d desperately wanted to say them for a long time; “I love you too.”
Thank You For Reading! 😘
@menndelsohn​ @3134045126​​ @happyskywhale​ @wltz-bby​ #MendoTagSquad
10 notes · View notes
smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
End of the World - Phil Beckman x Reader Drabble (Knowing)
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GIF CREDIT: X @memendelsohn
Author’s Note: Appropriately named cute song? Check!  Idea I wrote in 20 minutes but has been in my head since before I watched the movie?! - Check! SPOILERS FOR THE END OF KNOWING! End of the World - Kelsea Ballerini Disclaimer: Characters not mine! AU. Obviously. Seen as he’s married. Screw that though! Premise: It’s the end of the world now... Baby... Words: 897               Super short. But so worth my time.
Warnings: None! ...Okay, maybe it’s sad/angsty but SO sweet.
The sky kept fallin', but we danced in it I was done with love, but second chance in it You cleared the smoke and picked up the wreckage Gotta go through hell to get to heaven
I thought it was the end of the world, but It kept spinning round round round And then the sun came up again And I stopped lookin' down down down I thought the stars in the sky and in my eyes Had lost their shine But just like a lifeline right on time I met you at the end of the world, the world, the world I thought the cold would last forever I didn't know that there was something better Waitin' at the end of the world...
--- John finished his explanation to a room of stunned silence.
Phil sat back in his chair unable to look away from the screen, every urge to deny what was happening etched onto his face but, science didn't lie... "Be with the people you love tonight..." John said it quietly. You couldn't believe what you were hearing for different reasons. You'd finally found something SO good. You'd had a crush on Phil ever since you'd started working here. He had boundless enthusiasm for space, just like you did. And you could sit and talk about your projects for hours. He made you feel welcome right away, and always took time to walk past your office and see how you were doing. But, you weren't even really dating yet... And now.... Everything was going to be taken away from you? John took his leave, leaving you both still sitting there in silence. Was there anything you could even say…? What about all the things you couldn’t say? What about all the things you wish you could say… That it was far too early to say!? Phil swiveled his chair to you, and opened his mouth. But nothing, there was nothing in this world that he could say that would make anything about the situation better. His eyes dropped from yours, sorrowful and he turned back to the computer. You decided not talking was wasting time you no longer had; "Is there anywhere we can even go?" He shook his head at the simulation "Trying would be too desperate. We're talking at least 1 miles’ worth of penetration... I don't think there's anywhere on Earth, conceivably, we can get to AND survive in. This is our extinction event..." He pressed his hands together in front of his lips and shook his head again as you approached him. "So... We have 24 hours?" He turned to you as he stood slowly; "We’ll be lucky if we have that... " Phil sighed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. It was weird, when you thought about how long you now had left, that something that small was now the most significant thing he could possibly do - "So the question is... What would you like to do with the time we have left? Where would you go? Who would you want to be with..." He twisted back to his computer, trying to figure out where he could drive to in those amount of hours. If he could see his family one last time. If he could Introduce them to you... The prospect of a shot-gun wedding even sounded tempting. You took a deep breath, taking his hand in yours "I want to be right here. With you." He looked to you again, eyebrow raised "You want to spend your last few hours working!!” "It's not just work! It's our life's work! We will be recording something no-one else ever has or ever will! Surely, someone out there needs to witness, to record exactly what's going to happen." "... You're crazy." You shook your head "I want to be with you. In the place I met you."  ** The sunshine was too bright, too hot. And you were in this room together alone, away from the chaos outside. The screen distorted, once, twice, then fizzed out and back to life. You both knew, time was near. You stared at the numbers again. Horrific though it might have been this was the most fascinating thing. But you were scared. Would you feel anything? Would you feel nothing? What happened afterwards??  You must have looked scared because Phil took your face in his hands and turned you towards him. "No more. Ignore it. Our work is done. It's over. It's complete..." "But Phil I..." "I’ll be damned if the last thing I ever do is look at numbers on a screen, and not your face." Your eyes widened in the shock of his honesty. You bit your lip, and then closed the gap. The kiss was beautifully bittersweet, and he wrapped his arms around you and held you as close as he possibly could. Everything was almost blindingly bright white when it was over. He pushed his forehead to yours; "I love you." It was the first and last time he was ever going to get to say it to you; "I should have told you sooner." "I love you too." you wound your arms around him "... We didn't know it would end this way..." He placed a hand to the back of your head as everything started to get hazy pushing your face protectively into his chest. Taking your other hand in his he entwined his fingers with yours and placed your hands between you, so you could feel each other’s heartbeat. "Close your eyes..." Phil’s voice was on the edge of breaking. But you did as he asked. He buried his face in your shoulder and you knew instantly, the warmth you were feeling was from him. Somehow as your body and your brain accepted this was your fate it tuned everything out that wasn't Phil, his heart, the way he felt holding you. He closed his eyes too, and all at once he knew this couldn't be the end, his voice now a whisper; "I will find you, Y/N... Whatever happens after this. I promise... I will find you."
19 notes · View notes
smolbeandrabbles · 3 years
A Masterlist Excerpt
What you might call a ‘Capsule Collection’ of my fics. My favourites of the bunch.
Bloodline Danny Rayburn: Sway (Complete) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Animal Kingdom Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody: Sirens / Everybody Gonna Talk / Be Kind (Request) / Ready For It? - x OC
Australia Emmett Dutton: When She Says Baby / Living Proof
Beautiful Kate Ned Kendall: Somewhere On A Beach / Play It Again / Come What May (Holiday Fic + Soulmate!AU)
Black Sea Fraser: Quit Breaking Up With Me / Keep The Girl / Makin’ Waves / Hurry Baby / We Were Like Captain Marvel Talos / Director Keller: Science & Faith 1 - x OC
Director Keller: Still - x OC
The King Henry IV: Hail To The King (Platonic)
Knowing Phil Beckman: End of the World The Land of Steady Habits Anders Harris: Paper Rings
Lost River Dave: Speechless / Undisclosed Desires / Getaway Driver / Le Bien Qui Fait Mal (Request)
Mississippi Grind Gerry: Moderation
The Outsider Ralph Anderson: Sure Be Cool If You Did / Bienvenue From Hell, Mon Amour / Cold Night / My Last Name / Trouble - Platonic (Request) Halfway Home / Control / How Not To - Shifter!Reader (Complete)
Prime Mover Johnnie: End Up With You / My Oh My
Ready Player One Nolan Sorrento: Sugar  / Spice [by @mandy23bwrites]
Loser Like Me (Intern!Sorrento) / Video Games / Nolan Baby (Holiday Fic)
Robin Hood (2018) Sheriff of Nottingham: Selfish (Note: Unfinished) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Young God Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Director Krennic: My Eyes / Champagne - x OC
Next Contestant / Cross Me / I Do Now / Grace, Too (Requests) I Think He Knows / Hero / Protector / I Know Places (Request Series - Complete)
Secret Men’s Business Doug Peterson: Good Goodbyes
Spies in Disguise Killian / Tristan McFord: Mine / Blank Space / Feel Somethin’ / Glitter Makes People Happy / Fresh Start Fever /  The Scientist - x OC / Penguin, James Penguin (Holiday Fic)
Dangerous Kind Tangle Vince Kovac: Love The Way You Love Me  - x OC
Untogether Martin: I’ll Name The Dogs (Request)
— Full List —
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
OG Masterlist
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All Reader Insert Unless Stated
Bloodline Danny Rayburn: Sway (Complete) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Kiss Me Slowly / Sweet Spot
Glow / All I Want For Christmas (Holiday Fics)
--- Adore Harold: Cruel Summer / Magnets / The Next Best Australian Record / Illicit Affairs
Animal Kingdom Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody: Sirens / Fall Here / Flaws / Last Habit / Everybody Gonna Talk / Violet Skies / One Thing Right / 4 In The Morning / Trade Off / Innocence Begin Again (Request) ...Ready For It? - x OC Jealous Andrew / What Kind Of Boyfriend..? / How He Gets The Girl (Headcanons) Australia Emmett Dutton: When She Says Baby / Starlight / Living Proof / Hanging On DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love (Modern!AU)
Baby It’s Cold Outside (Holiday Fic) Babyteeth Henry Finlay: You / Whisper Beautiful Kate Ned Kendall: Somewhere On A Beach / Play It Again
Come What May (Soulmate!AU) Black Sea Fraser: Quit Breaking Up With Me / Keep The Girl / Makin’ Waves / Hurry Baby / We Were Like Captain Marvel Talos / Director Keller: Science & Faith (Complete) - x OC Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / What I Never Knew I Always Wanted
Director Keller: Out Of Nowhere Girl (Discontinued) - x OC Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Still Don’t Let Me Forget / Breakfast in the Afternoon / When The Lights Go Out
364 Days To Go (Holiday Fic)
The Dark Knight Rises John Daggett: If I Didn’t Know Better / Nothing On But The Stars / Hungover in a Hotel Room  Dress
Jay Arr
Darkest Hour George VI: How Did You Love (See sentence challenge below) (Platonic) Idiot Box Kev: Sober Saturday Night The King Henry IV: Hail To The King (Platonic) / Castle 
Knowing Phil Beckman: End of the World This Kiss / Just Another Thing The Land of Steady Habits Anders Harris: Kiss You  Paper Rings / Somebody to You
Marshmallow World (Holiday Fic) Lost River Dave: Speechless / Undisclosed Desires / Getaway Driver Mississippi Grind Gerry: Win Life /  Double Rainbow 
Somethin’ I’m Good At / You Kissed Me First Needle Detective Meares: Cheers To That / Don’t Call Me Angel The Outsider Ralph Anderson: Sure Be Cool If You Did /  Bienvenue From Hell, Mon Amour / Made in the USA / Cold Night / I Could Not Ask For More / Thank you Muppets, No More Questions! / My Last Name Hold Me (In Your Arms)  The Edges (request) Halfway Home / Control / How Not To - Shifter!Reader (Complete) Under The Weather (Holiday Fic)
Almost Maybes - x Jeannie (Book Canon)
The Place Beyond The Pines Robin Van Der Hook: Diamonds or Twine      Part 1
Meet Up In The Middle Prime Mover Johnnie: End Up With You / My Oh My
Driving Home For Christmas (Holiday Fic)
Ready Player One Nolan Sorrento: Gioco Finito (Discontinued) - x OC Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 Loser Like Me (Intern!Sorrento)
When The Wine Wears Off
Billion$ / The Other Side / Video Games / Money,Honey / Kiss Me Quiet (Requests)
Nolan Baby (Holiday Fic) Robin Hood (2018) Sheriff of Nottingham: Selfish (9/?) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Young God Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Director Krennic: The First Time / The Hands I Hold
My Eyes / Champagne - x OC
Grace, Too (Request) I Think He Knows / Hero / Protector / I Know Places (Request Series - Complete) 
Common Threads: Part 1 (StopMakingSensePodcast Collab AU) Secret Men’s Business  Doug Peterson: Good Goodbyes
Slow West Payne: Nothing I’ve Ever Known Houston, We Got A Problem (Modern!AU) Spies in Disguise Killian / Tristan McFord: Mine / Blank Space / Feel Somethin’ / Glitter Makes People Happy / Fresh Start Fever
Penguin, James Penguin (Holiday Fic... kinda)
Dangerous Kind The Scientist - x OC Tangle Vince Kovac: The Honey / Back on Love / One Heart to Another / Chaser / Want to Want Me / Middle Distance Runner Love The Way You Love Me  - x OC
Trespass Elias: Veritas / Spera Untogether Martin: Home Alone Tonight / Rumor (Track 1) Like You Say You Do / Get Even / Lover (Track 2)
I’ll Name The Dogs / Music (Track 3: Request Series) I’m a Girl  (Request) Last Christmas (Holiday Fic) Vertical Limit Malcolm Bench: Yellin’ From The Rooftop / The Outdoor Type
Winter Night (Holiday Fic)
200 Follower Thank You! Multi-Mendo Preference - How They Propose
Request Challenges
7 Deadly Sins / 7 Heavenly Virtues (Complete)
Lust: Good Woman - Danny Rayburn x Reader Gluttony: Sugar - Nolan Sorrento x Reader Greed: Going ‘Round - Talos x Reader Sloth: Time Well Wasted - Anders Harris x Reader Wrath: Next Contestant - Director Krennic x Reader Envy: I Drive Your Truck - Robin Van Der Hook x Reader Pride: Favourite Scar - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader
Chastity: All To Myself - Payne x Reader Temperance: Hide The Wine - Sheriff of Nottingham x Reader Charity: Most People Are Good - Captain Emmett Dutton x Reader Diligence: Moderation - Gerry x Reader Patience: Cross Me - Director Krennic x Reader Gratitude: This Is The First Thing / I Do Now - Director Krennic x Reader Humility: Almost Easy/Power & Control - Dave x Reader 
100 Sentence Prompts Challenge (Complete) 2 & 94. Wide Awake - Orson Krennic x Reader 5, 18 & 31. How Did You Love - George VI & Reader (Platonic) 6. Stay Here Tonight - Gerry x Reader 15. Black Coffee - Nolan Sorrento x Reader  21. Faster Gun - Payne x Reader 27. Le Bien Qui Fait Mal - Dave x Reader 29. This Is What You Came For - Nolan Sorrento x Reader 42 & 84. Dare Ya - Gerry x Reader  43. Flatliner - Orson Krennic x Reader 47. Beat This Summer - Nolan Sorrento x Reader 65. Be Kind - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader 72. When I See You Smile - Danny Rayburn x Reader 80. Trouble - Ralph Anderson & Reader (Platonic) 87. I Don’t Wanna Go To Bed - Director Keller x Reader 91. How Deep Is Your Love - Danny Rayburn x Reader 95. Try it On, Take it Off - Orson Krennic x Reader
Thank you for your Readership!
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
This Kiss - Phil Beckman x Reader (Knowing)
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GIF CREDIT: X @memendelsohn 
Author’s Note: So. This... has potential to come under Full Fic Mendo territory, I’m not 100% on that yet... We’ll see how Phil goes. But I love the whole idea...!
Disclaimer: Knowing characters not mine. I’ve also never been to an American University/College so... What I know is limited and drawn from American friends!
Premise: This relationship was dangerous... You couldn’t give a damn about that... All you cared about was having his lips on yours... If only for 5 minutes... 
Words: 1890
Warnings: Student/Teacher Affair / Obvious sexual connotations.
________________ I went out last night I'm going out tonight again Anything to capture your attention...
And you, I always know where you are And you always know where I am We're taking it way too far But I don't want it to end This kiss is something I can't resist Your lips are undeniable This kiss is something I can't risk Your heart is unreliable Something so sentimental You make so detrimental And I wish it didn't feel like this 'Cause I don't wanna miss this kiss I don't wanna miss this kiss You know you're just my type And your eyes are lock and key, to my heart Tempting my confession (my confession) And you're a real hot thing... So can you feel the tension? But if you ask me to I couldn't, I couldn't, I You're leaning closer and I shouldn't, I shouldn't, I... I don't wanna miss this kiss
--- It was nearing summer again, which meant your dresses were beginning to get shorter. He obviously didn’t mind that one bit. But that also meant there would be at least one (likely new) professor who would pull you up in a corridor and lecture you about appropriate clothing around boys. Phil would rescue you as ever, with a righteous monologue about not telling girls what to wear and what should distract boys or not, steering you away with a glare. Even if he thought you might be doing it purposefully for that reason, it wasn’t the boys you were aiming to distract.
Because Phil was a man. A real man. Not some teen-turning-20-something that had no idea what he was doing. He watched the way you told your friends to leave. “I just have a question for Mr.Beckman.” He couldn’t help but smile down at his paperwork. Oh, he BET you would have a question for him… Phil waited for you to approach his desk, still smirking to himself “...You have a question for me?” You folded your arms across your chest at the way he expectantly delivered the question; “One day I won’t and you’ll be disappointed.” He sat back in his chair, still not looking at you “Will I now?” Phil steepled his hands and pressed his fingers to his lips before grinning “How can I help you today Miss.L/N?” You sat on the edge of his desk and the already short dress climbed a little higher on your thighs. He knew you were doing it on purpose but he couldn’t help his smirk. “Well. Mr.Beckman it would be the same question I always ask you...” If his smirk could get any bigger it probably did, and finally his eyes flicked to yours “Then I would ask you...” Phil stood; one movement, but slow. He was tall enough to force you to look up at him from where you sat “if you’re going to bother locking the door this time.” You raised an eyebrow “Mr.Beckman no one is going to come asking you questions in the ten minute lecture break. They’ll go to your office, not a tutorial room. Now, we both know that....”   He placed his hands on either side of you and leant forward. His proximity left heat in your cheeks; “One day it’s going to happen. Someone will forget something... or someone will remember something... and then what will you do?” “I’m not the one who should be worried about things like that, Sir...” but you gave him a wicked smile “But if my favourite professor is going to get suspended, I guess I will simply have to leave the University in order to be with him.” He laughed; “You would do that... for me?” “Yes...” He didn’t ask it like he thought you were kidding. But he smirked again, “Ms. L/N, shouldn’t you be following your friends to your next lecture...? Won’t they be waiting? One day they are going to walk in and demand to know what’s taking you so long... and why you always seem to have questions for me...” He lowered his voice to a husky whisper and you didn’t think you could take that tone of voice for very long. “They wish this was them, they are too scared to ask you anything.” “Oh, do they now?” He sounded at least a little curious. Which made you give him a jealous pout. But Phil chuckled; “Too bad you’re my favourite student. I hope I don’t make that too obvious...” “I don’t know Sir. I think you do a pretty good job.” His lean into you was making you tilt back, but before long you couldn’t deny him his lips on yours. Your hands ran his shirt. Tight, black and showing off his more defined muscles. He groaned gently into the kiss at the feel of your hands upon him and gathered your body closer to his. As he slid you forward across the desk the dress you were wearing revealed even more of your exquisite skin to him and he growled into the kiss. Hands moving from your back and running down. His touch wasn’t forceful but it was strong. And his growl only made you sigh in delight, turning into a moan as his fingers travelled your thighs and under what remained of your dress covering your legs. He released your lips and went for your neck. You arched yourself to give him as much access to you as possible as your hands went to remove his overshirt; “MMm MMn” He hummed a warning into your neck – not now, not here – he still had lessons to teach. Well, you still had class to get to, so you half hoped he wouldn’t leave marks. Only half hoped; you liked smirking to yourself when your friend enquired as to which boy it was this time. For this was a sinful secret you could keep to yourself. His hands grabbed for as much of you as possible; and upon reaching for handfuls of your ass, he was greeted by lace. That made Phil pull away from your neck and bite his lip; looking between your eyes and your lips – his a considerably darker blue. “What are you wearing?” You gave an innocent little shrug “Guess you’re going to have to find out after class…” His eyes flicked to the cut of your dress and you knew exactly what he was thinking. He shook his head and traced his eyes back to yours; pulling you into his hips you couldn’t help but gasp at the friction; “You’re gonna regret that.” “…Not likely…” You couldn’t help but grin at him, and he went for your neck again – you ran your hands back from his chest up his neck and through his hair – relentless in the way you were sighing; “…Oh-! Phil-!”  You liked using his name, you heard other students call him Phil instead of Mr.Beckman all the time, but there was something about you saying it. Instead of calling him the way you would call every other teacher here. “Sir-! Please-!” He almost chuckled into your neck at that, and bit into your shoulder gently for good measure. So you elicited another gasp to a husky whisper of “Good girl.” He pulled his fingers into your hair and pressed his lips to yours again; allowing you to wrap your arms around his shoulders and dig your nails into his shirt. Your favourite time and place to do this would be in his office; preferably just before you had a lecture or tutorial with him – so you could attack his neck yourself and listen to him try to control himself. So when you got into the period he would stand at the front with his collar popped; or in extreme cases with his jacket on. And you would smirk knowingly from the back of the room; offering a wink if ever his eyes happened to catch yours. He looked good like that. Hell, he always looked good. You may dress up for him on the days you were attending his classes. But it hadn’t escaped you that any time you happened to mention a shirt you liked, or that the particular set of layers he was wearing today looked incredibly sexy he would wear them again if he was lecturing you that day. And that sexy AF black jacket had become a particular favourite of yours. The bell rang for the 5 minute warning and Phil pulled away from you slightly breathless. You whined and attempted to steal one last kiss. He pressed a finger to your lips. “Shhh… Darling.” He shook his head “If we start again I don’t think I’ll be able to stop…” His voice was still husky and it was turning you on. That was a threat and a promise… How were you supposed to make it through your lecture now? He stepped back from the desk and pulled his shirt to brush out the creases, running his hands through his hair to make himself look presentable. You did the same and hopping from the desk you regarded him for a minute. Had you told him that tight black shirt looked incredible? If not, you would. “Do you have a free period now?” “Yeah, only for half an hour. Office hours. I’ll get a coffee… Then I’ve got a 1:1 – with a he, if you must know, I would hate for you to be jealous. – Then I have an hour where people can drop by but. By that time…” His eyes flicked up and down your body “…I think I’m going to be distracted by other… things…” You felt the groan rise in your chest but pushed it back – there was no way you could sit through two hours of John Koestler now. “So…” Phil collected his papers from the desk and escorted you from the room; “As ever. You ask excellent questions.” “Shame you’re not my actual personal tutor really isn’t it?” “John’s not a bad guy!” “John’s not a bad guy.” You almost laughed “He’s not you…” “Well, I can tutor you on all my lectures. You’ve always known that.” You raised an eyebrow; “…Of course I do.” “And you know if John isn’t…” “Stop calling him John!” “He’s my best friend!” “Oh I know that-! I get you thrown at me every time I have a 1:1!” “…As far as I’m concerned you’re not at all bothered by that notion.” “Mr.Beckman!” You folded your arms and pretended to be shocked “What? Where are you headed anyway? I do hope I haven’t made you late…” Even though you hadn’t told him anything, he stopped in the corridor and started looking for signs to any possible destination you’d be going to. “It’s only Mr.Koestler in Theatre B and he always starts a little late... he’s not going to mind. Especially if I tell him YOU made me late...” you winked “As I’m sure he will love it when I tell him you said its only Mr.Koestler. He’ll be very upset.” “Why?” Phil laughed “I’m not idiot enough to think that you’re only brilliant in my class for me... though… I do like the idea of it...” He was really too close to you to be out here in the open but… He didn’t care and neither did you… His eyes flicked to your lips again before he blinked and cleared his throat, turning, he pointed his folder ahead of him “…So, you’re going off that way…. And I’m…” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder “…Back to my office. BUT. I will see you later. Unless you would like me to escort you and explain to Mr.Koestler why you might be late?” “You don’t need to do that Sir.” But you thought it was sweet that he would offer. Phil nodded, that was probably the sensible choice; “Okay. Ms. Y/N… Until later. Enjoy your lecture.” “Oh. I won’t.” He smirked turning to go, but he turned back and caught your bag strap, leaning in close; “Try not to think of me too much…” His tone sent a shiver up your spine and you bit your lip. Well he’d really done it now. “…Yes, Sir.” He gave you a wink, and brushed his fingers dangerously across your arm “…Good girl.”
@dennismitchell @krnncsbtch @happyskywhale #MendoTagSquad. 
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
7 Deadly Sins / 7 Heavenly Virtues: REQUESTS OPEN!
I know. It’s been at least 3 weeks since I first suggested I might be opening requests. Well, friends. We are finally at that point!
7 Deadly Sins: Lust / Gluttony / Greed / Sloth / Wrath / Envy / Pride
7 Heavenly Virtues: Chastity / Temperance / Charity / Diligence / Patience / Gratitude / Humility
As this is my first ever request opening I’m only going to do one fic for each. Please read the rules, if I get a request that does not follow the rules I’m simply going to send you back here...!!
1. Sins/Virtues are done on a first come first served basis. However, as I anticipate some to be asked for more than once I will keep ideas to fic at another point in time.  2. If you want Smut...  Tell me what you want, I’ll do what I do... If I just can’t do it, please understand...
3. x Reader requests only. Sorry..! 4.  Because I'm going to do this first come first serve you're probably gonna need to give me at least 2 sins/virtues... (you don’t have to!) As long as you got an idea you go for it! Give them to me in preference order... 5. I’m flexible. It is your choice how you decide to send me sins/virtues. You can send me the plot / a line / a lyric...
Be as (un) specific as you like but I can’t promise my own ideas aren’t going to be poured in there. Request how you want - Message Me / Ask Me... Whatever! 6. 1 request per Sin/Virtue, making 14 total. I will write for any of the listed Mendo characters more than once. It’s all up to you guys to be creative!!!
7. Just cuz its a sin doesn’t mean it needs to be a sin... just because its a virtue doesn’t mean it has to be... virtuous... 😏 
Up to you guys. I like the prospect of writing you 7 Sinful Mendos vs 7 Soft Mendos
Acceptable Mendo’s:
Talos (Captain Marvel) / Director Keller (Captain Marvel) Sheriff of Nottingham (Robin Hood) Nolan Sorrento (Ready Player One) Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody (Animal Kingdom) Robin Van Der Hook (The Place Beyond The Pines) Kyle Sullivan (Guns For Hire) Martin (Untogether) John Daggett (The Dark Knight Rises) Gerry (Mississippi Grind) Dave (Lost River) Phil Beckman (Knowing) Kev Madden (Idiot Box) Anders Harris (The Land of Steady Habits) Emmett Dutton (Australia) Malcolm Bench (Vertical Limit) Fraser (Black Sea) Ned (Beautiful Kate) Daniel “Danny” Clark (The Big Steal) Orson Krennic (Rogue One)  Danny Rayburn (Bloodline)
@3134045126 @stcphstrange @beany-ben @mfolcore @sufferthesea @alotofrandomfangirling @p-and-pen @shantellorraine @waytoplantann @happyskywhale
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