#Phil Beckman
nohuelii · 11 months
Clone Wars characters as things i've said to my crush taken out of context. Part III
Dooku: they only allow investigators in here? Well... why the fuck do they think i'm here if not for an investigation? To fucking sing?
Anakin: oh... i'll be a little late, like an hour late... or maybe three... Point is i'll be needing you to call my dad cause i fell asleep on the bus and now the only thing i see is trees and it's getting dark.
Padme: i feel exposed... like that scene in Hercules where Pegasus and Phil find him about to kiss Meg...
Wolffe: you'll never guess what! I just won a dead tree... well, it's just a stick.
Tech: oh... thanks, it's great to know that i, a scientist, look more like a rat than like a scientist...
Hunter: it's the lack of a bright green coat, that's why you don't look like Beckman.
Bonus 2:
Ventress: remember when i told you that at first i hated him and then we became the bestest friends ever? Well... turns out we kissed when we were drunk and now we're kinda dating
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Ice cold. A Hip-Hop Jewelry History
Vikki Tobak 
Text by Slick Rick, ASAP Ferg, LL COOL J, Kevin”Coach K”Lee, Pierre “P” Thomas
Taschen, Cologne 2022 ,388 pages, Hardcover, English edition with German and French translation as download, 25 x 34 cm, ISBN  9783836584975
euro 80,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
“Ice Cold: A Hip-Hop jewelry history" presents the bling culture of rappers and their jewelry. Using 40 years of iconic imagery and compelling stories, this visual history shines a light on the world of hip-hop, where mega stars from Run-DMC to Tupac and Jay-Z to Migos and Cardi B flash brilliant custom pieces to show status and personal style.  Ice Cold is a treasure trove of dazzling, inspirational style, featuring the work of leading photographers, including Wolfgang Tillmans, Janette Beckman, Jamel Shabazz, Timothy White, Gillian Laub, David LaChapelle, Danny Clinch, Chris Buck, Mike Miller, Phil Knott, Raven B. Varona, Al Pereira, Albert Watson and many more.
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treatnow · 8 months
Bad Trip: Expert says VA studies psychedelics but ignores proven Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy!
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Eye on Veterans   This week we’re talking with Dr. Robert Beckman, Executive Director of Treat Now dot org. He’s one of the premiere experts in the treatment of brain wounds with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Although this technology is FDA approved for things like burns and diabetic foot ulcers, Beckman says the VA ignores proof that it's effective for treating brain wounds, TBI’s, concussions and depression which has fueled the suicide epidemic in America. While ending suicide remains a top priority for VA , DoD, Beckman slams their decision to pump millions of mental health dollars into psychedelic research to merely treat symptoms. He offers several real-world examples of HBOT effectively treating the root cause and thus eliminating symptoms in ways current VA strategies do not. In one powerful segment he shares how over the years the VA has amputated hundreds of thousands of feet, due to diabetic foot ulcers. Beckman claims most of which could have been avoided if HBOT was introduced earlier in their care. He also shares vivid examples; NFL players treating concussions, combat veterans' fighting effects of toxic exposures and many clinics who are currently embracing HBOT therapy for treatment of brain wounds, PTSD and MS. For more on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy including powerful research data and published studies, see TreatNow.org's website: https://treatnow.org/ Read the latest newsletter "VA Continues to Avoid Treating and Healing Brain Wounds" here: https://treatnow.org/va-continues-to-avoid-treating-and-healing-brain-wounds/ VIDEO: MSG Scott Rossler's HBOT testimony https://youtu.be/N-CkR5shqEM?si=UmUhF_jKxPHjjzkq VIDEO: NFL great Joe Namath shares how HBOT changed his life: https://youtu.be/s7nxU3QadIA To reach CBS Eye on Veterans, Host, Phil Briggs [email protected] Follow on X @philbriggsVet @EyeOnVeterans Read the full article
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
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Ben Mendelsohn as Phil Beckman, Knowing (2009)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thor (Movies), Ghostbusters (2016), Men in Black (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Phil Coulson, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Nick Fury Additional Tags: Crossover Series: Part 14 of Ridiculous Crossovers Nobody Asked For Summary:
Kevin has disappeared from the Ghostbusters.
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memendelsohn · 8 years
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"Okay, it's spooky, all right? I'll grant you. It's more than spooky."
ben mendelsohn as phil beckman in knowing (2009, dir. alex proyas)
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eevachu · 7 years
Poorly describing Ghostbusters characters to a coworker who worked on the film with me:
Erin Gilbert: the awkward one with bangs and bad tweed suits
Jillian Holtzmann: the weird blonde one with the goggles
Abby Yates: the angry one with glasses and a ponytail
Patty Tolan: our lady and saviour Leslie Jones
...oh my god, the not white one. Go watch SNL, you heathen.
Kevin Beckman: not Chris Pine, the other Chris, no, the OTHER Chris… yes, Thor Chris.
Phil Hudson: the gross guy we saw in early footage that we threw out
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ao3feed-holtzbert · 5 years
by kingcaroling
Ficlets, one-shots and sometimes just fun random scenarios between the dorky physicist and the weird engineer, Erin Gilbert and Jillian Holtzmann.
Words: 198, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ghostbusters (2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Erin Gilbert, Jillian Holtzmann, Patty Tolan, Abby Yates, Kevin Beckman, Phil Hudson
Relationships: Erin Gilbert/Jillian Holtzmann, Erin Gilbert & Jillian Holtzmann
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Light Angst, Fluff and Humor, Light-Hearted, some will be AU and some wont, some will be short and some wont, yet they must be cute and funny to each other in all of them.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Q2pbTu
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seanhowe · 5 years
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EVO Masthead, 1965 Walter H. Bowart Managing Editor Allan Katzman Editor Jay Shaw Business Manager Alonson Buzick Associate Editor Steven Cannon Ishmael Reed Assistant Editors Walter Bredel Staff Photographer Joint College of Patarealism, Associates and Contributers Bevacqua, Arthur Beckman, William Burrough, Phil Giunta, Aldo Gretchfield, Walter Henderson, David Hernton, Calvin Keyes, John Kirilov, Alexi Xzavier Needham, Paula S. Randall, Laura
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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St. Bernadette’s Testament of Gratitude
As we read in Luke 17:12-19,
As he entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” When he saw them, he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were made clean. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.
In the above parable the Lord connects faith, healing and gratitude together. St. Bernadette Soubirous, the famed visionary of Lourdes, France helped me to understand the intertwining of faith that heals and produces the fruit of gratitude. She greatly influenced my spiritual life in 1992 during a pilgrimage to the miraculous shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.
When I beheld the miraculous shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes for the first time it took my breath away. I marveled at the sublime beauty of the shrine, architecture, and surrounding landscape. The tangible presence of Mary envelops the area. I was overwhelmed by thousands of international pilgrims during nighttime candlelit processions punctuated with Marian hymns. I was moved to tears observing the faith of the sick people from the nearby hospital wheeled out on gurneys to attend holy Mass and healing services led by priests. Their attendees seemed somewhat angelic. I stared at the countless number of crutches, wheelchairs, canes and other mementos of gratitude hanging on the side of the mountainous shrine as testaments to numerous miraculous healings. My faith, hope and love grew in leaps and bounds there. I never made it into the miraculous bathes with healing waters due to the crowds of people but I realized the urgency of so many sick people. I still received interior healing and strengthening of my vocation as wife, mother and servant daughter of the Church as I prayed in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or sat on the banks of the River Gave praying the rosary for many intentions carried in my heart.
We were given a tour of the residence of the Soubirous family—a place of abject poverty. By the time of the events at the grotto, her family’s financial and social status had declined to the point where they lived in a one-room basement, formerly used as a jail, called “the dungeon,” where they were housed for free by her mother’s cousin.
In Nevers I was able to view the body of St. Bernadette and was shocked to find the saint encased in a stately glass coffin on display looking as if she was sleeping. For the first time I learned about the grace of incorrupt bodies of saints. It is reported that Bishop Gauthey of Nevers and the Church exhumed the body of Bernadette Soubirous on 22 September 1909, in the presence of representatives appointed by the postulators of the cause, two doctors and a sister of the community. They claimed that although the crucifix in her hand and her rosary had both oxidized, her body appeared incorrupt — preserved from decomposition. This was cited as one of the miracles to support her canonization, which took place on 8 December 1933 by Pope Pius XI.
One would think that a young girl favored by God to receive apparitions of The Immaculate Conception would have a blessed life. Her blessings included severe physical suffering, widespread persecutions from her many detractors including some family members, priests and religious sisters in the convent that she entered. She eventually died of her long-term illness at the age of 35 on 16 April 1879.
Only a person who has faith is able to be grateful for everything. This gratitude will be visible on our face as joy for everything may be changed into good. “For the ones who love God, all things work for good, even sin” (cf. Rom 8, 28). Therefore, even a fall into sin which is a great misfortune, and at the same time hurts Jesus, can be an opportunity within which is hidden some kind of talent given to you in that situation from which you can profit. You only need your faith or conversion towards such faith that will enable you to look through the eyes of Jesus. He, looking at your life that may be filled with failures, problems, conflicts, unfulfilled plans, everyday difficulties, is never sad. He is joyful because He expects all those things to bear fruit and that you will take advantage of them.
St. Bernadette looked at her life in simple thanksgiving for everything. Her testament is an exceptional statement of gratitude. In her words:
1. For the poverty in which my mother and father lived, for the failure of the mill, all the hard times, for the awful sheep, for constant tiredness, thank you, my God! 2. For lips, which I was feeding too much, for the dirty noses of the children, for the guarded sheep, I thank you! 3. Thank you, my God, for the prosecutor and the police commissioner, for the policemen, and for the harsh words of Father Peyramale! 4. For the days in which you came, Mary, for the ones in which you did not come, I will never be able to thank you…only in Paradise. 5. For the slap in the face, for the ridicule, the insults, and for those who suspected me for wanting to gain something from it, thank you, my Lady. 6. For my spelling, which I never learned, for the memory that I never had, for my ignorance and for my stupidity, thank you. 7. For the fact that my mother died so far away, for the pain I felt when my father instead of hugging his little Bernadette called me, “Sister Marie-Bernard”, I thank you, Jesus. 8. I thank you for the heart you gave me, so delicate and sensitive, which you filled with bitterness. 9. For the fact that Mother Josephine proclaimed that I was good for nothing, thank you. For the sarcasm of the Mother Superior: her harsh voice, her injustices, her irony and for the bread of humiliation, thank you. 10. Thank you that I was the privileged one when it came to be reprimanded, so that my sisters said, “How lucky it is not to be Bernadette.” 11. Thank you for the fact that it is me, who was the Bernadette threatened with imprisonment because she had seen you, Holy Virgin; regarded by people as a rare animal; that Bernadette so wretched, that upon seeing her, it was said, “Is that it?” 12. For this miserable body which you gave me, for this burning and suffocating illness, for my decaying tissues, for my de-calcified bones, for my sweats, for my fever, for my dullness and for my acute pains, thank you, my God. 13. And for this soul which you have given me, for the desert of inner dryness, for your night and the lightening, for your silences and your thunders, for everything. 14. For you-when you were present and when you were not—thank you, Jesus. (Saint Bernadette, Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Abbe Francois Trochu) 15. No matter how wonderful or difficult your present situation may be it will pass as all things do. In all circumstances you owe God a debt of gratitude for He is always faithful to complete the good work begun in you (Phil. 1:6).
This Thanksgiving let us thank the Lord with our personal testament of gratitude. In turn He will whisper to us, “your faith has made you well.”
St. Bernadette, pray for us.
From: https://www.pamphletstoinspire.com/
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tawneybel · 6 years
Male Characters Who Get Possessed
Note: Or infested. Be free to suggest more characters. Female list. 
Vector from Alita: Battle Angel 
prison guard from American Horror Story: 1984 (“Episode 100″)
Jed Potter from American Horror Story: Asylum (“Tricks and Treats”)
Otho from Beetlejuice (Added 1/4/2024.)
Brian from Brain Damage 
Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“I Only Have Eyes for You”)
fighting boy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“I Only Have Eyes for You”) 
George from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“I Only Have Eyes for You”) 
Rupert Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“Bad Eggs”) 
Kyle DuFours from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“The Pack”) 
Xander Harris from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“The Pack”) 
Tor Hauer from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“The Pack”) 
Dr. Harvey from Casper 
Isaac Chroner from Children of the Corn 
Gabriel from Children of the 666: Isaac’s Return 
Micah from Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice
Arnie Cunningham from Christine 
Demon Nick from No Touching (Crypt TV)
Lincoln from Demonic Toys 
Jeremy Baines from Doctor Who (“Human Nature”/“The Family of Blood”)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (“New Earth”)
Toby Zed from Doctor Who (“The Impossible Planet”)
various from Dominant Species 
Fisher Kent from Drive Thru 
Evan Jennings from EverymanHYBRID
Eric from Evil Dead 
Danny from Evil Dead Rise
Mr. Fonda from Evil Dead Rise 
Gabriel from Evil Dead Rise 
Father Damien Karras from The Exorcist
Edward Furlong from The Faculty 
Stan Rosado from The Faculty 
Joe Willis from The Faculty 
Charles’s killer from Fallen
executioner from Fallen 
Jonesy Jones from Fallen 
Lou from Fallen 
Mike from Fallen 
Charles Olom from Fallen 
Edgar Reese from Fallen 
Jay Reynolds from Fallen 
school teacher from Fallen 
society man from Fallen 
various from Fallen 
Isaac Milton from Fear Street: Part One - 1994
Harry Rooker from Fear Street: Part One - 1994 
Ryan Torres from Fear Street: Part One - 1994 
Cyrus Miller from Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 
Thomas Slater from Fear Street: Part Two - 1978
Louis Tully from Ghostbusters
Kevin Beckman from Ghostbusters: Answer the Call 
Lee Cunningham from Ghost in the Shell (Added 4/29/2024.) 
Joe Allen from Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (“The Autopsy”) 
Walter Gilman from Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (“The Dreams in the Witch House”) 
Carl Winters from Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (“The Autopsy”) 
Quirinus Quirrell from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Philip Channard from Hellbound: Hellraiser II 
Peter Graham from Hereditary 
Henry from Incarnate 
Brackish Okun from Independence Day 
Josh Lambert from Insidious 
Dalton Lambert from Insidious: The Red Door 
Stone from Jack Frost
Robert Campbell from Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
Josh from Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
Phil from Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
various in Venom (Kamikaze)
Jack Peruci from Medusa 
Tom Hanniger from My Bloody Valentine 3D 
Alex Dunkelman from My Soul to Take
Abel Plenkov from My Soul to Take
Owen Parchin from The Night House 
Brad from Night of the Creeps 
janitor from Night of the Creeps
Johnny from Night of the Creeps 
various from Night of the Creeps 
Jay from Night of the Demons 
Max from Night of the Demons
Sal from Night of the Demons 
Stooge from Night of the Demons
Colin Levy from Night of the Demons 2009 
Louis from Night of the Demons 2009 
Jason Rogers from Night of the Demons 2009 
Dex Thrilby from Night of the Demons 2009 
Jesse Walsh from A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge 
Clark from The Outer Limits (“From within”) 
Evan from The Outer Limits (“From within”) 
Jake Hart from The Outer Limits (“From within”) 
Sheriff Lewis from The Outer Limits (“From within”) 
Clyde Brenek from The Possession
Michael King from The Possession of Michael King
Jarrod from Power Rangers Jungle Fury 
beach guy from Scooby-Doo 
Brad from Scooby-Doo 
Coast Guard #2 from Scooby-Doo
Dead Mike’s bartender from Scooby-Doo 
Fitzgibbon from Scooby-Doo 
Melvin Doo from Scooby-Doo 
Stan Frazier from Scooby-Doo
guy who hung onto bike from Scooby-Doo 
DJ Homicide from Scooby-Doo
Fred Jones from Scooby-Doo
Murphy Karges from Scooby-Doo
Mark McGrath from Scooby-Doo
Rodney Sheppard from Scooby-Doo
soul guy from Scooby-Doo (As spookiestoflads said, “he has a body[,] right?”)
Spooky Hotel’s bartender from Scooby-Doo 
Training Video Guy #1 from Scooby-Doo 
Training Video Guy #2 from Scooby-Doo 
travelers from Scooby-Doo 
various dancers from Scooby-Doo 
Velma’s friend from Scooby-Doo 
Grant Grant from Slither
Mr. Strutemyer from Slither 
Wally from Slither
Charles Barkley from Space Jam 
Moggey Bogues from Space Jam 
Shawn Bradley from Space Jam 
Larry Johnson from Space Jam 
Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things 3
Tom Holloway from Stranger Things 3
Bruce Lowe from Stranger Things 3
Charlie Hobbs from The Stuff 
Jason’s father from The Stuff 
businessman from Suicide Squad 
Esteban Ramírez from The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (“The Ghost of Suite 613″)
Sam Winchester from Supernatural (“Born under a Bad Sign”) 
Duane Tanner from Supernatural (“Croatan”) 
hospital employee from Supernatural (“In My Time of Dying”)
co-pilot from Supernatural (“Phantom Traveler”)
Chuck Lambert from Supernatural (“Phantom Traveler”)
George Phelps from Supernatural (“Phantom Traveler”)
John Winchester from Supernatural (“Salvation”)
kumicho from Teen Wolf 
Jordan Parrish from Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf (season 3, part 2)
Jonah Hill from This Is the End
Hang Chang from Truth or Dare 
Tyson Curran from Truth or Dare 
Lucas Moreno from Truth or Dare
Ronnie Wakowski from Truth or Dare
Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks
Phillip Gerard from Twin Peaks
Leland Palmer from Twin Peaks
Eddie Brock from Venom
Carlton Drake from Venom
J.J. Jameson from Venom
Cletus Kasady from Venom: Let There Be Carnage 
To watch list: 
The Astronaut’s Wife
The Brain from Planet Arous
The Mummy 2017
Shadows of the Dead
Stephen King’s Desperation
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herbstsalonpfp · 3 years
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Storie del Colore e della Luce - (dalla Superficie alla Forma) 1. Phil Sims 2. Allan Graham 3. Ford Beckman 4. David Simpsons 5. Stuart Arends 6. Max Cole #giornatefai #fondoambienteitaliano #villapanza #collezionepanzadibiumo #contenporaryart #minimalism #americanpainting #artcollector (hier: FAI - Villa Panza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbqQOl5sqSq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Just Another Thing - Phil Beckman x Reader (Knowing)
This Kiss
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GIF Credit: X
Author’s Note: “HOLD ON!!” I hear you splutter “SHE FINALLY WROTE THAT SEQUEL TO THIS KISS SHE PROMISED US BACK WHEN SHE WROTE IT IN JUNE!?” Yes. Yes I did! 😏 What can I say. I missed this man.
Also I watched it the other day, and therefore have thrown MIT in as liberally as possible-!  Disclaimer: Knowing Characters not mine / lyrics not mine / gifs not mine - see credit. It’s about the only set on this website 😉
Premise: As expected, you’re unable to concentrate in your lecture. And Phil is justly rewarded for his curiosity. But your affair has bigger things to worry about than that right now, and make no mistake, Phil Beckman wont stand for it... 
Words: 4404
Warnings: May-December Romance / Student/Teacher Relationship  / swearing / sexual connotations & pre-amble
____ I ought to know better but you know that never stopped me before Yeah, my wheels just have a way of spinning, always ending back at your door So add your name to the list Of all the things I can't seem to kick Just like smoking, just like drinking, I'm a fool for ever thinking I'm done Yeah, I always break that promise, if I'm honest it ain't ever just one Or two, when I'm running into you I'm right back on that road, pushing that first domino Yeah you're just another kiss, another Friday night I shouldn't be wasting Just another "what you doing later on?" I shouldn't be saying I got my excuses, no I don't know why I do it You're just another, just another thing I shouldn't be doing --- At least you were correct on one thing. You couldn’t successfully sit through two hours of John Koestler without getting distracted, or clock watching. All you could think of was the way Phil had pulled back from you curiously with his hands under your dress wanting to know what you were wearing. He was less than two hours away from finding out at all points of this lecture. But you didn’t think one had ever gone so slowly. John was always interesting, and you were mostly attentive of what he said because he had a habit of giving his tutees pop quizzes any time they went to 1:1s or had questions, just to make sure you’d been paying attention to at least the rest of his lecture. You knew you were likely to fail the next one. Maybe you could get Phil to bail you out of that-! Even your friends all knew you were distracted, but would never have guessed the reason in a million years. Sometimes you’d heard your friends talk about how stunning lecturers were – or some of the lab technicians – and Phil was, on occasion, the hot topic. But you never took any bait offered to you. Besides, they were right, he was hot and deserved to be the only one you ever talked about, and you had all the facts. But, you instead opted to spend your college time as far from single as you could get. It not like you were ever meant to get involved with Phil, after all. Your problem was, what had started off as a good romance – perhaps even something promising, was now a break-up-make-up-break-up nightmare. And you weren’t sure who was keeping who and for what reason. Probably good cover for any time you’d been with Phil and had to walk into a classroom right afterwards looking flushed with a bruise in a risqué place. So long as they think that’s what was distracting you, you weren’t going to say otherwise. None of them were going to assume it was John, and you’d for sure set them straight on that one immediately. The bell wasn’t even merciful on you, observing that your note page was practically blank as you collected your things and slung your bag back over your shoulder - Yeah, there was no way you were remembering a minute of this class. You exited with your friends, itching to spring across the campus into Phil’s office and subsequently his arms. However, Ethan was waiting for you outside the building. Oh… shit… You sighed softly, the girls nudging you with giggles. He was tall and conventionally attractive. On the football team – but not the quarterback, which was fine with you. “Hey-!” He dipped his frame to kiss your cheek, surveying what you were wearing with as much interest as any other boy on campus was. You nearly huffed; still not for you! “Girls-!” He gave your friends a soft wink as they left you to it. “Hi!” “How was your day?” “It’s gone pretty good yeah-!” If he’d let you get on it’d be better, “Yours?” “Better now.” He gave a grin, “Hey, babe, I was thinking we could go out and grab dinner… movie at my place?” “Oh.” This was where problems always started – nothing he’d suggested was bad, if it was a usual night. But not right now… “I have a 1:1 now, and then I was gonna study.” “We can study together?” He immediately suggested, and then pressed; “Who is your 1:1 with? I can wait.” “Well it’s not like I know how long it’s gonna be…” “Who is it with?” Ethan demanded; eyes narrowed. “Phil Beckman.” You were a little uneasy about that, why was he interested? “Oh. He’s your favourite, right?” And jealous. And right now made you wish you’d never mentioned Phil at all, once, ever. “He’s a good teacher…” “Skip it – say you forgot-!” “What!? No, I need to go ask him about this it’s important--!” Please don’t make this hard… “Just send him an email-! How hard is that-!?” “Ethan.” You sighed, “Please. I need to see him.” “Why?!” Well you weren’t gonna give him a straight answer, “This work is due. Tomorrow, babe, I promise.” “Fine.” But it was obvious he wasn’t happy. “Fine-!” He therefore didn’t say goodbye and turned to walk back to his car, kicking leaves and stones as he went. You raised an eyebrow and rolled your eyes; this is exactly why you spent your relationship efforts on a man. There was no way in hell you’d ever think Phil would behave like this. You brushed it off and turned back in the direction you wanted to head – you had way more important things to worry about now. *** Phil opened his office door with a smirk, leaning against the door frame with his arm up – like for a second he wasn’t about to let you in. But the way he looked at you made your mood instantly brighten. He took a half step forward, twisting his body to see if anyone else was around. You both knew how to keep it quiet if people were in the offices either side of his, but if no one was at least you could be a little more vocal. He stepped in to let you past, and you noticed his blinds were already all closed – that allowed you to bite your lip a little harder. “How was the lecture?” “Terrible...” “Oh! Really?! John’s lectures are supposed to be riveting!” You let him round you, so that your back was now to his wall, covered with an intricate array of star charts and planetary information. And other pieces he was working on for papers. You’d asked him about nearly all of them and at this point could probably recite them, or do his research, yourself; but heck – you’d been in here enough. “Well yeah, but I wasn’t really listening. I was thinking about you...” “Oh?” Phil took the step forward that made you concede one, pressing your back up against the wall. “Oh? Mr.Beckman, don’t pretend you don’t know that…” “Mr.Beckman?” He questioned with a playful smile, “Good think I’ve been sitting thinking about you this past 30 minutes…” Phil’s smirk was as equally delicious as he was, “…You are quite the distraction…” You bit your lip again, this time far more seductively, “Speak for yourself.” He placed his hands above your head, pulling in his forearms and also pressing them to the wall – his lips touched yours – and your hands were on him before he could do anything about it. You wanted that overshirt off, you wanted his shirt off, you wanted him to hoist you up against this wall and you wanted your dress on the floor… you wanted marks all over you. You needed him to make you his once more. His lips moved from your mouth to your neck, following the trail of your pulse – your nails raking up his back and through his hair. The day was over; Phil would let you mess it up now. You found yourself staring at the ceiling for a few blissful moments and almost giggled – Phil had once spent a great deal of time sticking stars up there in constellation forms; because once you’d make the mistake of telling him that climaxing with him was like shooting to the stars. He’d laughed, considering his profession, and the next thing you knew he’d stuck the plastic shapes to the ceiling and declared ‘Now you can be with them. Among them-!’ He pulled away with a slight growl to his voice. Your heart leapt – you always wanted to hear that. Phil with that tone thrilled you, it always happened when he was turned on. “Your dresses drive me insane. Stop wearing them in class. It’s not going to end well and I’m going to get suspended, is that what you want?” His lips grazed yours again as he brought his hands down to your hips. You sighed – wanting them under your dress again. No, of course you didn’t want him to get suspended… But Phil knew you wore them for him – and you were fairly certain he didn’t really want you to stop. The dress didn’t really matter, all it was doing was hiding everything else; what he actually deserved. “It’s not even the dress...” You breathed, watching his gorgeous blue eyes darken further by the second “…What I want most is it on the floor…” He tipped his head; bringing his hands to the buttons – remembering the feeling of lace under his fingertips. This had to be good. Phil’s fingers worked quickly through them as his kisses became rougher – but his choices of where to place them, almost with pinpoint precision, was where he knew would make you moan the loudest. Phil responded to that by grinding his hips into yours, and this time you moaned his name. It wasn’t fair that this man felt so right. That it could feel quite this good to be with him. He pushed the unbuttoned dress over your shoulders and it felt to the floor. Phil took a step back, biting his lip a little at the marks he knew were going to be left along your collarbone. Hardly caring, because not only would you be unconcerned, but he’d probably end up with his own collection before he left this evening. But ever since this had started, you liked buying different lingerie, literally for the sole purpose of him taking it off. You always noted styles, colours and fabrics that Phil liked best. Lace being one of them. Phil was classic – he liked black, red and pink lace and satin… and eccentric patterns. But also anything he deemed unusual – you’d worn lime green once as a joke and he’d been pretty impressed. Phil growled again, this time a little louder; “…Black Lace…?” He ran his fingertips under your panties and you gasped again, “…For me?” He chuckled, sliding them down your legs as he kissed you once more; “Oh, darling, you needn’t have…” ***  Every so often you’d go a week or so without being lectured by him – either because his classes had labs conducted by someone else, or because you had home study time rather than having to attend class. You saw him around but you both knew better than to see too much of each other. Whatever illusion you were trying to keep up. But every time you caught a glimpse of him whilst heading to another tutorial, or passing in corridors in lectures and you got to smile and say ‘Hi!’ was certainly the highlight of your day. You also both got to laugh privately at the outfits you wore when you didn’t have to see each other. Of course, you were still in summer dresses but they were a little more modest, or you wore leggings under them, and he rarely wore his black jacket; opting instead for ringer-tees and looser fitting clothing, occasionally with slogans on. And you hated to tell him that he probably didn’t look as cool as he thought he did. Which reminded you that you still hadn’t told him how hot he looked in that black number. Phil was at least glad that it gave both of you the opportunity to work – or focus on work. But that didn’t mean he didn’t think about you, and often. And it wasn’t like he didn’t look up your class schedule and make sure that wherever he was walking might coincide with your exit from lectures. Today however, he was walking across the MIT grounds with John – talking about each other current set of research papers – he was sipping good coffee and so absorbed in the science of everything that even though he missed you, you were the furthest thing from his mind. Even when John started to make jokes about Phil getting a girlfriend. “Nah-! Man. Nah-! That’s not… I’m good!” He laughed, “I’m perfectly fine-!” As they kept walking, they realised that many of the students were weaving out of the way of something going down in the middle of the campus. And as they approached, they realised that shouting was quickly turning to screaming. They both stopped dead. Your friends were standing over to one side looking like they might rather be anywhere else, the other students were dispersing and heading to their own classes as quickly as possible; except from those curious enough to slow their walks down to watch the entertainment. Of course, the ‘entertainment’ was you and Ethan. Having a fall out in the middle of campus was not an ideal situation, but this shouldn’t have surprised you. And this argument was just about as vicious as usual – both of you throwing words you’d end up pretending you didn’t mean. Phil’s eyebrows furrowed; he didn’t like this for obvious reasons. But he wasn’t sure he could get involved either. John just shook his head; “AH, yeah. I can understand why you wouldn’t…” “Shit, we surly can’t allow them to scream at each other in the middle of campus-?” “I dunno. Twenty somethings…? You ever seen these two go at it before? It happens all the time. They’ll just make up in a few hours.” Phil narrowed his eyes, disliking that even more; “You think smart girls wouldn’t get involved in something like that!” John raised an eyebrow at his friend; “Oh, the whiles of being young!” Phil scoffed, running a hand through his hair – “I still think we should stop this.” He ground his teeth together nearly full on glaring at Ethan. Justified, because then it started getting physical – and the second Ethan put his hands on you Phil wasn’t looking for John’s permission. You pulled away but he grabbed you again – and this kept happening; Ethan continued to drag you back as you pulled away from him, and with both of you still yelling at each other this wasn’t about to end well at all. “HEY!” He pushed his coffee into John’s chest and started across the grass. Not my girl! “Phil-! Hey- Phil-!” John’s protests were ignored “HEY-! HEY-! LET HER GO!” As Ethan’s grip only seemed to tighten on you Phil was seeing red; How fucking dare he!! Funnily enough that looked to be near enough what you were saying – and you didn’t even notice Phil until he was practically next to you. “MAN! I SAID LET HER GO!” “She’s my girlfriend-! I’ll do what I like.” Phil almost did a double-take. Ethan! You are walking a thin line! Then took a deep breath and pushed between the two of you. You reeled, rubbing your wrist, but also hardly believing this was about to happen. “She’s not YOURS!!!” Phil’s arm was out, and you knew he was essentially protecting you. He was shorter than Ethan but older; and right now, fierce. But that rung in your ears ‘she’s not yours!’ Oh…Phil… He seemed to realise what he’d said too; “Y/N is NOT a possession!” He took a breath, and stilled his anger – this boy was still a student after all “…No girl is.” His eyes flicked back to see if you were alright, but you were nearly in a world of your own. Did he… did he feel the same thing for you as you did for him? What was he thinking? That was dangerous…! Ethan scoffed, “Yeah, whatever man.” “Ethan.” Phil tipped his head, “I know I might not lecture you, but I know the people who do. And more importantly, I know the coach. You really think he’s gonna wanna hear about this?” Phil turned again, seeing the marks on your arm – and suddenly having a pretty good idea that the bruises on you weren’t always from him. “…Or see pretty hard evidence…” His swivel back was measured, if Ethan wasn’t careful Phil was going to deck him. Luckily, Phil had got a pretty good handle of the situation, and Ethan swallowed hard – stepping back. His body was still between you and him, but Ethan had to take one last jab; “Now you need some teacher defending you-!? You’re just fucking lucky-!” He shouldered his bag and stalked off, leaving Phil to yell after him again. “COOL IT-!” Once Ethan was across the other end of the field, he turned back to you voice immediately alarmed; “You alright-!?” “Yeah…” You straightened your dress of choice today and neatened your hair – “It happens often, I’m used to it.” “And you’re still with the guy-!?” “Phil.” You sighed gently, “It’s… this isn’t the place or time…” you bit your lip, “Please…” “Don’t ask me not to make a scene after that-! Are you sure you’ll be okay!?” You nodded up to your friends still standing awkwardly off to one side “…Yeah…” He followed your eyeline and had to concede that. “Okay. Just take care... Be careful.” You couldn’t help your smile at the concern filling his eyes, and extending to the rest of his features, he was leaned in, his back bent to get closer to you. Still fairly protective.  If you were alone you knew you’d have reached out to hold him, to kiss him in thanks. Heck – it was hard to not to do so right now. “I will. I promise…” You took a few steps back; “Thank you…” “You’re welcome.” Then he grinned, “Anytime.” And you knew he meant it. Phil watched you nod, then turn to go back to your friends, who were all ready to welcome you with open arms. “Y/N!” he couldn’t resist making you look back at him; he missed you this close. “If it happens again – my door is always open. I’ll follow through. I promise.” You almost blushed; “Thank you… Mr.Beckman… I’ll keep that in mind.” ***  Phil didn’t really think he needed to worry about you – you didn’t come and see him, and you didn’t email him either. Things hadn’t quite graduated to having each other’s numbers, although if you ever asked him, he knew he’d give it up in a heartbeat. You were grown up yourself now, a young adult, you didn’t need him to hover around you like a parent – which would have obviously been completely the wrong word. You could take care of yourself, Phil knew that too. He’d rather you come to him if you really needed him. Today he was immersing himself in some practical work with the other scientists and thoroughly enjoying not having to deal with students for once. He didn’t have papers to mark and – away from his desk – no emails to answer from people who clearly hadn’t been listening in lectures. Sometimes he rolled his eyes and thought about sending them over to you, but never did. If only they had her intuition-! Also, Phil was sometimes selfish with his time and wanted to give it to those who wanted to excel to the next level – he had plenty of final years wanting to do their PHDs and Doctorates, go into the field, and lecture themselves – or those that were genuinely struggling despite doing everything they could. Which caused him to sarcastically respond to some of the other students on Saturday nights when he got takeout and had nothing better to do. Today was also when you turned up again. It was a few minutes before he spotted you, immersed in measurements and brainstorming around machines and the gigantic telescope that MIT had installed here. But when he did spot you, Phil immediately became worried – you were crying. And that wasn’t what he wanted to see. He gently touched his colleague on the shoulder to excuse himself, to which she gave him a gentle smile – and ran across the lab to you. “Y/N-!” His voice was filled with the concern etched across his face, “Oh, sweetheart what’s wrong?” “I- He--- He--” I fucking warned him! - Phil had to be careful with the way he touched you here, “Oh…Oh God! Okay. Okay, sweetheart, come on… come on, lets go to my office… It’s gonna be okay, It’ll be okay…” By now the scientists Phil was working with had turned to see where he was running to and he held his hand up to excuse himself. But they thankfully seemed to understand, most were female, and he thought they’d probably appreciate where you were coming from. But maybe not why you’d go to him. At least he could explain the fight in the grounds, although he was sure that’d got around the campus by now. Phil led you up to his office, hand moving from hovering over your shoulder to your lower back, slamming the door shut – in anger at Ethan – he locked it. “What did he fucking do to you-!?” “No… No, Phil it’s… it’s not like that… he didn’t…” This was strange for you, this was a side to Phil Beckman you’d never even glimpsed before now – seeing you and Ethan fighting had really shaken him up, like suddenly it was a reality that you were technically ‘with’ someone else. And Phil didn’t like it one bit. “Don’t lie to me. Sweetheart, don’t lie to me. I promise, I will make him regret it – and if he comes for you again, he’s gonna wish he never fucking touched you.” He rubbed your arms, soothingly, forehead to yours; “Darling, what happened?” “You saw what he did to me when we were outside on campus. You think he’s any better when we’re together? He’s not exactly your biggest fan…” “Well that was obvious. Don’t tell me he took me out on you-!?” “He takes everything out on me.” You sighed, “And now especially you.” Phil narrowed his eyes; “He’s not good enough for you. You know that right?” “Phil-” “He’s certainly no good for you, and he doesn’t deserve you.” “Phil, please don’t-” “He’s hurting you. I don’t know if it’s because you think you need him so desperately as cover for this, but…” Phil shook his head, and you thought he was about to start welling up “I can’t watch him hurt you…” He pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead and then your lips, “Do you need to stay here a while, I’ll stay with you you know that…” His left hand moved to yours, as his right moved to your side, pulling you protectively to him. But you winced, and checking the position of his hands, Phil knew there was no way that Ethan was leaving bruises on you like that just pushing you around… And suddenly his cheeks were burning, and you could read that expression as well as anything. Phil was jealous - you could think of many reasons why. Ethan could show you off, could be with you outside and off and on campus. Ethan was your age. And then the one that was more obvious, your intimacy. You let his hand go and took his face in your hands, “Phil… Phil – I’m not. We didn’t…” You shook your head, “I’m here. I’m here with you. I’m not having sex with him.” You pressed your lips to his, hard, as if that would prove it. “…How can a man like you be jealous of someone like that?” He sighed; “Because of everything he gets to be with you…” But he returned your kisses, slow and loving. “How can someone like you be with a man like him?” “Maybe I’m not as smart as you think I am…” You ran your hands up his chest, and he didn’t stop you, gripping onto his overshirt. “Bullshit.” “You think I don’t get jealous too?” For a minute Phil wasn’t sure how to answer that, but then he chuckled, and very nearly smirked. If you cared enough to get jealous too. He didn’t have a girlfriend, that much was true – but he did have a lot of female colleagues. And you knew he was an all-around nice guy - Phil had a certain charm – and you were sure that you weren’t the only woman in the University enamoured with it. “It’s kinda cute when you’re jealous – that I would have to admit…” You gripped him tighter with a small pout, not exactly liking that, as he thought. Then Phil threw your phrasing right back at you; “It’s not like I’m having sex with them though, is it?” He wasn’t sure that sex was the right word; that made it neither here nor there. But Phil wasn’t sure which one it was – and he was afraid to call it either way. You let his overshirt go, running your hands beneath it; allowing your fingertips to splay over his heart – before leaning forward, pushing your forehead to his. He closed his eyes, allowing you to have that moment of calm to yourself. Before you moved to brush your lips to his – a sweeter kiss than usual – and he pulled you closer, holding you tighter. You ran your hands into his hair, and only tentatively pulled away. “Y/N…” He breathed your name, sending shivers over your skin – gorgeous blue eyes reopening – “As your lecturer I can only advise you on your work here, perhaps your career. I can perhaps implore you – if you came to me with something more personal. Off the record advice…” Phil took a breath, and he sounded hurt; possibly more because of his feelings for you than anything else, “…But as whatever we are. I would beg you to leave him, I would beg you so I don’t have to worry about you being hurt. You don’t deserve to have someone you love hurt you.” You blinked multiple times, hardly daring to believe the words coming out of his mouth. Not because of what was said, but because of the choice it presented you. One you weren’t sure you could afford to pass up. You looked between his eyes, hands gathering in the middle of his chest, you took a deep breath and swallowed - looking away, just to look back into his eyes with renewed confidence; “I don’t love him.” The silence was momentary – the urgency to reply was great, but in reading what you were really telling him you both needed that moment of gravitas. Phil found himself saying the words before he knew he was saying them. But upon doing so knew he’d desperately wanted to say them for a long time; “I love you too.”
Thank You For Reading! 😘
@menndelsohn​ @3134045126​​ @happyskywhale​ @wltz-bby​ #MendoTagSquad
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pbcreativeonline · 5 years
Move It! by Phil Beckman
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artwalktv · 3 years
A story about love, life and letting go STARRING Simbiatu Ajikawo as SAGE Sonia Ajuwa as YOUNG SAGE Shaniqua Okwok as ANNIE C.J. Beckford as OMAR DIRECTED BY Sam Pilling STORY BY Simbiatu Ajikawo WRITTEN BY Caroline Adeyemi PRODUCERS Rik Green & Harri Kamalanathan EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS James Sorton, Davud Karbassioun, Bianca Bhagat, Holly Fraser, Tiffany Yu, Phil van der Krogt & Simbiatu Ajikawo DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Mattias Rudh @LUX PRODUCTION DESIGNER Beck Rainford CASTING DIRECTOR Kharmel Cochrane COSTUME George Buxton SPECIAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR Mark Meddings EDITED BY Ellie Johnson @Tenthree Editing COLOURIST James Bamford @Rascal VISUAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR Carl Norton @The Mill SOUND ENGINEER Sam Ashwell @750mph TITLE DESIGN All Purpose Studio LINE PRODUCER Sophie Ede 1st ADs Yasmin Godo & Ty Hack 2nd AD Susan King STEADICAM Robert Beck PRODUCTION MANAGER Jens Klit Nielsen PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Maddy Corner 1st ACs Rupert Hornstein & Eve Carreño 2nd ACs Ali Cihan & Bernat Bonaventura VT OPs Edward Melbourne & Tim Woodcock VT ASSISTANT Nick Benavidez TRAINEE (PROCAM) Toby Matthews TRAINEES Nevzet Altinisik & Agnieszka Kocinska CRANE Alpha Grip CRANE TECH Paul Kolthammer GRIPS David J Bremner, Malcolm Huse, Elliot Sebestyen-Regan GAFFERS Esteban Gimpetewicz & Johnjoe Besagni SPARKS Alan Mills, Eliot Morris, Rob Gifford, Anna Brooks-Beckman, Dan Holloway, Jasper Clarkson, Peter Garajszki, Peter Tomasikiewicz GENNY OPs Cieran Nash & Christian Bishop RIGGERS John Sexton & Charles Barnham CHERRY PICKER OPs Ionut Eugen Gaiu & Colin Arthur Sutcliffe SFX COORDINATOR Ellie O'Rourke SFX ASSISTANTS Eddy Popplewell, Jon James Smith, Alex Bastin, Thomas Grover, Kim Senior, Nick Smith ART DIRECTOR Ruth De Courcy Shepherd ART BUYER Grace Bailey ART ASSISTANTs Ella Thumin, Kit Snack, Jack Hanson & Alfie Snowden PROPS David Dickinson & Matt Allsop SOUND RECORDISTS Rowan October & Matt Price MAKE-UP ARTIST Nibras Alwasiti HAIR Chantelle Fuller & Diana Francis COSTUME ASSISTANTS Connie Rosenthal & Amiee Blowers ADDITIONAL WARDROBE Carhartt RUNNERS Joshua Shea, Henry Richmond, Rowan Hutchings, Owen Edmonds, Zara Trott, Iona Milliken-long, Henry Stanimeros & Adam Hatch-Berry UNIT DRIVERS: Petr Esposito, Jack Young & Chris Wilkins PRODUCTION VEHICLES ETM Cars Ashford, 777 RV’s, Wagon Wheels & Skelton Plant Hire LOCATION SERVICES CHILLHAM CASTLE Marina Dunlop, Gregory Park, Lalu Arjuna & Chiron Gilbert MEDICS Movie Medics BTS PHOTOGRAPHY Tamiym CAMERA RENTAL Procam LIGHT RENTAL SHL STOCK Kodak CATERING Seasons Wild & Free & Sabel OFFLINE - TENTHREE OFFLINE PRODUCER Rachel Goodger ASSISTANT EDITOR Elyse Raphael GRADE AND VFX - THE MILL 2D SUPERVISORS John Thornton, Gary Driver, Jay Bandlish 3D SUPERVISOR Alan Williamson 3D LEAD ANIMATION ARTISTS Sriker Balakrishnan & Mahesh Ms 3D ARTIST Gopinath Mani FINISHING ARTIST David Wishart & Richard Payne EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Clare Melia PRODUCER Jasmine Lewis-Humphrey COLOUR ASSISTs Rory Leighton & Cristina Giribets SOUND - 750mph SOUND PRODUCER Olivia Ray MIX ENGINEERS Sam Ashwell and Ellis McGourlay SOUND DESIGNER Ellis McGourlay DIALOGUE EDITOR Gurdeep Singh MUSIC “Space 4” “Space 5” “Space 6” Written & performed by Nala Sinephro Courtesy of Warp Records “Red Lights” Written by Cover & Nikolic Performed by SAULT Courtesy of Forever Living Originals "I See You" Written by Simbiatu Ajikawo, Dean Josiah Cover, Nathan Allen, Miles James Performed by Little Simz with additional vocals by Cleo Sol Courtesy of Age 101 Music c/o AWAL Recordings “Peace of Mind” Written by Simbiatu Ajikao, Loner, Muaka, St Francis Hotel & Miraa May Written & performed by Miraa May Courtesy of Age 101 Music, AWAL THANKS TO Oskar Pimlott, Bruce Usher, The Mill, Tenthree, 750mph, Chilham Castle, Frank Gardner
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wolfliving · 6 years
“A Thing About Machines”
*The “Black Mirror” of its day.
"A Thing About Machines"Season Two, Episode 40
Original Air Date: October 28, 1960
Cast:Bartlett Finchley: Richard Haydn
Edith (the secretary): Barbara Stuart
TV Repairman: Barney Phillips
Intern: Jay Overholts
Policeman: Henry Beckman
Girl on TV: Margarita Cordova 
Writer: Rod Serling (original teleplay)
Director: David Orrick McDearmon
Producer: Buck Houghton Associate Producer: Del Reisman Production Manager: Sidney S. Van Keuren
Director of Photography: George T. Clemens Art Direction: George W. Davis and Phil Barber Set Decoration: Henry Grace and H. Web Arrowsmith Assistant Direction: Darrell Hallenbeck Casting: Ethel Winant Editor: Leon Barsha Sound: Franklin Milton and Charles ScheidMusic: Stock
And Now, Mr. Serling:"These are familiar items, I'm sure. Television set, electric razor, clock, typewriter, the normal, everyday accouterment that are part and parcel of twentieth century progress. But next week you'll see them under different circumstances and in a totally dissimilar guise. They'll be machines, but they'll also be monsters. Our story is called 'A Thing About Machines' and it'll be here waiting for you in The Twilight Zone." 
Rod Serling's Opening Narration:"This is Mr. Bartlett Finchley, age forty-eight, a practicing sophisticate who writes very special and very precious things for gourmet magazines and the like. He's a bachelor and a recluse with few friends, only devotees and adherents to the cause of tart sophistry. He has no interests save whatever current annoyances he can put his mind to. He has no purpose to his life except the formulation of day-to-day opportunities to vent his wrath on mechanical contrivances of an age he abhors. In short, Mr. Bartlett Finchley is a malcontent, born either too late or too early in the century and who in just a moment will enter a realm where muscles and the will to fight back are not limited to human beings. Next stop for Mr. Bartlett Finchley. . . The Twilight Zone." 
           The opening scene immediately establishes what the remainder of the episode repeatedly hammers home: Bartlett Finchley, a wealthy, reclusive bachelor whose occupation involves some sort of regular commentary on high culture, is an unmitigated and unrepentant snob prone to sudden and outrageous bursts of violent anger. Finchley exchanges barbed witticisms with the television repairman, a familiar figure in the large, solitary home as Finchley repeatedly assaults his television when it does not work according to the standards which he has set forth for the electrical and mechanical appliances and contraptions in his home. After the television repairman has left his home, Finchley smashes a tolling clock with a fireplace poker to drive the point home.            
 Finchley's next vicious human encounter, this time with his personal secretary, who promptly quits on him after suffering one too many insults from his tongue, reveals Finchley's true dilemma. Not only has Finchley had a lifelong inability to properly use machines, he now believes that the machines have gained sentient life and are conspiring not only to malfunction and frustrate him but to cause him bodily harm. After an angry outburst when she suggest Finchley see a doctor, the secretary storms off angrily but not before telling Finchley that he is mentally sick and that his paranoid fears about machines are all in his head. We quickly learn that the secretary is indeed wrong and the machines are out to get Finchley.           
 Then the fun begins. Finchley's typewriter writes on its own: GET OUT OF HERE FINCHLEY, over and over. His television turns itself on and displayed on the screen is a strange dancing woman alone on a stage who looks straight out at him and utters the same threatening message. In a panic, and not wanting to be alone, Finchley attempts to call old friends from his little black book. None, however, have time for the old curmudgeon. Blaming the telephone itself for this embarrassment, Finchley tears it from the wall. That does not, however, stop the phone from working. It screams at him to get out, over and over. 
The sound of police sirens outside calls Finchley to the end of his driveway where a policeman and a crowd have gathered because Finchley's car has rolled itself out into the street, almost hitting passersby. It seems Finchley's car, too, has been causing trouble as only a few days before the car's steering wheel turned itself in Finchley's hands as he was pulling the vehicle into the driveway and a headlight was broken as a result. It hit Finchley where it hurts most, his wallet. After resolving the issue of the car, while spewing insults and threats to the people gathered near his home, Finchley decides the only logical thing to do is to drink himself into a stupor.          
  He awakens hours later. Rising groggily and going upstairs to his bedroom, Finchley is greeting with a frightening adversary, his electric razor gained life of its own and attacking him. The razor chases Finchley downstairs and out of the house where the car takes its turn tormenting the man, chasing him up and down the street and through backyards where it eventually knocks Finchley into a swimming pool and drowns him. When the ambulance and the police finally arrive to retrieve the dead man, they wonder why Finchley's body stayed on the bottom of the pool instead of floating up. It seems as though something were holding him down.
Rod Serling's Closing Narration:"Yes, it could be. It could just be that Mr. Bartlett Finchley succumbed from a heart attack and a set of delusions. It could just be that he was tormented by an imagination as sharp as his wit and as pointed as his dislikes. But as perceived by those attending, this is one explanation that has left the premises with the deceased. Look for it filed under M for machines, in the Twilight Zone." (...)
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