#Phil Collins is my homeboy
admiralgiggles · 11 months
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j0hn-deacons-perm · 4 years
I’ve been reading Is This the Real Life: the Untold Story of Queen and some things in this...
-Brian and Roger got into it after a show one time and Roger just went in with hairspray in Bri’s face
-Freddie met with a group of people in tight satin pants and couldn’t sit down so he looked around and tried to not attract attention to himself while undoing them
-Freddie was also so exhausted during their US tour at one point he just completely passed out, face in his breakfast
-Roger chose the shirt Fred wanted to wear for their first Rainbow show so he stormed off during soundcheck and brian begged for him to come back
-Also during their first US tour, Brian got himself a love affair in New Orleans and had to be rushed back to the UK after waking up in New York with full blown hepatitis due to a vaccine he received earlier in the year.. Freddie got herpes apparently? Icons.
-Freddie kept up with visiting Brian in the hospital while they worked on Sheer Heart Attack since homeboy had an operation after he was cleared for his hepatitis bed rest then had an ulcer shortly after.
-Roger didn’t like his hair in the cover photo for Sheer Heart Attack so they added extensions in the final photo. 
-Years after them leaving Trident, John was met with a former employee who recognized him at an airport and just completely shut him down. We love a king who knows his worth.
Edit #1 since I’ve read a bit more...
-Brian would somewhat irritate the person making coffee and tea. “...and then I’d ask Brian what he wanted. Then there’d be this pause and then he’d ask ‘How many teas are you making? How many coffees?...Two?...Three? Is it easier for you to make another coffee or another tea?’ You could spend 10 minutes just doing this. He was trying to make it easier for me, but in the end I’d be like, ‘Brian! Just tell me what you want!’”
-Bri thought Death on Two Legs was too mean and felt bad singing it.
-Freddie shutting down homophobes in the audience by shining the spot light on them and asking them to repeat what they said.
-Freddie didn’t believe the gold disc for a Night at the Opera was the album so he broke it open to play it and it was indeed their album. He was suspicious of EMI after everything at Trident which, I mean, valid.
-Mary out here recognizing her and Fred’s relationship was crumbling, accepted it and hugged him when he came out. We love a good support system.
-When in Australia, they had to go on foot to their venue due to a festival taking place. No cars could pass. But Freddie being extra, he was driven through in a limo while drinking champagne.
Edit #2
-Fred was being driven to the studio and they crashed so he went to a nearby house to use their phone...in a silk kimono with Queen written on the back...almost dressed in full stage attire. They let him in, made him tea and chatted.
-During their show at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Brian’s amp exploded and he ran over to tell Freddie but it was in his mic pretty much so everyone heard him panicing. Fred waved Bri away saying “Oh, just jump around a bit and the silly bastards won’t know the difference!”
-If Fred walked somewhere, a car would follow him with the door open in case he got tired. This boy is so extra I swear to god....
-I ALMOST FORGOT!! They had clocks as promo items for News of the World and they sounded kind of fancy so I looked it up and.....
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Bitch...I low-key want one.
Edit #3
-That feeling when Roger could not confirm but didn’t doubt there being dwarves with cocaine at the Jazz debut party.
-In Munich recording the Game, the boys would split off to do their own thing after recording for the day. Freddie would explore the gay club scene while the others got drinks, dinner and a club then would meet back up with Freddie at the hotel. Taylor’s suite (not sure if it’s Roger or Crystal tbh) was the HH....the hetero hangout and Freddie’s was the PPP...the Presidential Pouff Parlour.
-John was nicknamed Ostrich because ‘He’s was like a bird who stays quiet until it finally lays a perfect egg.’ Kinda wish there was more about John in this book tbh
-the author really out here typing Deakey....unbelievable. Either Deacy or Deaky, binch. Come on.
-According to Crystal, Roger had his drum case be a close up of his face in case he had amnesia and needed to know what he looked like but we all know the truth, Rog 👀
-During a late night drinking sesh, one of the crew put on the Flash Gordon soundtrack and John, shit faced, asked who it was.
Edit #4
-Apprently Cool Cat was the first song written for/on Hot Space and Brian wasn’t a huge fan of it or Back Chat because it wasn’t heavy enough. Adding onto that, Staying Power and Body Language were thought to be too gay and Bri wanted things to be for everyone of different persuasions. Brian....let the gays have something.
-With the Works and Hot Space being my top two Queen albums...I was disappointed how much was just blown over with the recording process tbh.
-Paul Prenter was a massive cunt but everyone knows that.
-John was busted after a Phil Collins concert because he was drunk driving. He was driving his new Porsche but then got his license suspended for a year. Brian was a guest DJ for a radio show where he played Stevie Wonder’s Don’t Drive Drunk and dedicated the song to “John, whom some of you may know has had a little problem with his car recently.’
-Freddie’s pick up line for Jim was ‘how big is your dick’....I mean, in a way, it worked??? Iconic.
-Roger owned up to having their sound guy set false sound limits for the groups before them during Live Aid so when Queen went on, they were the loudest.
Edit #5, the last one since I finished the book
-Paul Prenter should have had someone kick him in the shins tbh fuck that guy
-Brian met Anita through a Eastenders event and he was gushing about how much he loved the show since Chrissie had him watch it then invited her to Wembley which she turned him down.
-Also fast forward to the later half of the 90′s, Anita helped Brian get into therapy for his depression and other emotional matters. We love a supportive queen.
-When the book finally talks more about John and it’s him saying the We Will Rock You musical sucked and he having an affair with a 25 year old erotic dancer like come on my dude....why couldn’t I be her??? But for real, I looked into it and found an article and wowza. When sd!Deaky be an actual thing????
-The press’ harassment of Freddie and his inner circle during his last years is absolutely horrendous to read about tbh. I think it was Roger (feel free to correct me on that if I’m wrong) who crashed his car because the camera flashes temporarily blinded him when he was trying to visit Freddie.
-Also Freddie was able to see the Bohemian Rhapsody clip from Wanye’s World since Mike Myers sent him a tape. Bri and Fred watched it and according to Brian, Freddie loved it and sent his seal of approval.
There’s the things I found interesting reading this biography. If you’ve read it or have any other fun facts, add them on my dudes!
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johnwettons · 6 years
If you had to choose between Tony Banks or Phil Collins, who would you choose?
uhhhh Phil my homeboy
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airoasis · 5 years
"Rock a Hula Ted" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 7 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/rock-a-hula-ted-father-ted-series-2-episode-7-dead-parrot/
"Rock a Hula Ted" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 7 | Dead Parrot
I am society from ancient India have been ruled via women fairly my guys weren’t allowed around females with out license and have been put in the car and told off for being sexist anyway you are going to do a track from you to me new album for us now God what an agent she’s under no circumstances completely happy until she’s complaining about something oh you are correct there take I believe this new song is in regards to the Catholic Church oh here she goes it is about how the church in eire ordinarily had plenty of potatoes in the course of the famine they usually hit the pendulum the pill and that i fell to my storage as expertise fare holes closed down a variety of the factories that were making the potatoes and turned them into prison for children God on my cheek without doubt this existed was anything sinister certainly I mean wow the main issue with she appears to be taking the entire Catholic King somewhat severely Ted sure I imply it is just a bit of amusing stop talking and it’s simply whole radical feminism lack to quite get my purpose what this proposal that the Catholic Church is a few sort of bad perspective to women k she’s doing a tune Candace what you smash air hole cramps or you love them what what you’re making of all these items you failed to come to the church is somewhat sexist Oh God no father I’ve invariably known the church very aware of my views I imply I don’t forget one time I was having horrible troubles at house and the church manner aid then i do know a different we wish to roam the church down however I acquired a load of house owners extra more lon thanks for asking father but no no I haven’t any complaints at all yeah Oh No sorry goes mad if i’m a 2nd days with this drink drink you know you will have to rather get a haircut he’s constantly got too some distance down that Bob Geldof position oh that is a nasty avenue it is indeed Google i would like you have got long gone down as there isn’t a coming again as Bob himself or Kenya what did you pay for the cabinets Ted Dada i don’t rather take into account him these is not going to last you look at that she might speak that into comment down well there is plenty of first-rate on to know provide us a name Oh God okay i will be able to suppose it we did it kid ah appear at that picture it is falling apart have a bit cup of tea Liam reasonable ample so am what you want to talk to me about oh sure now you were planning i’m going to d’lovely garyun competition this 12 months we’re mature oh yes I I by no means missed the lovely girls that is my absolute favorite time of year well I was once this lovely lady 1995 doing Aragog Ted we had a stripper of her title Oh God why we discovered she’s been in a movie called stallion Sam I heard us was a bit impolite anyway i’m chairman of the organizing committee this yr and i used to be questioning in case you wanted to judge it shudders what cuddly would now not too hot and there’s the dinner afterwards in there oh sure sure you’ve gotten the dignity of taking the winner out for me and that i consider who pays for it is not me did I hear that somewhere oh you suck alternative we introduced that in a couple of years in the past you’ve the glory of taking her off for me and she had been on roti how much fuck stereo this sort of backtest about 100 kilos I would have obtained your grace and probably after carefully anyway you were pronouncing oh sure now whilst you take the lovely lady out to dinner could you ever persuade her to put on considered one of my Mami’s dresses she could use the publicity right how’s the industry going oh satisfactory she bought one last week what number of is that purpose this yr that might be one you see and sincerely factor we inspiration is be a little bit of an ass getting a priest to evaluate it this yr additionally it eliminates any sexual part to the red or and that i mistaken friend i’m hoping you is not going to be tempted through all those beautiful women or there isn’t any danger of that toilet considering we have now had problems with that sort of thing before you no no no Ted we quite have a challenge of that possibility all correct you do not have to worry there limb correct at the off due with the aid of limb how much duplex the door Ted i don’t understand it came with the condo oh hi there they are a bunch of homeboys prime god there she is again now not everywhere the place lift power what does that imply don’t know I knew a father Clint energy penis is having a go at him what is the interview like I failed to quite read so much of its head she’s gone around the nation on the second I feel she needs to purchase a house on an island and reside in it and she had their eye on some godforsaken position off the west coast really did it point out what island she had a Ryan Clady Island in position for me I see it as being a dependable haven for individuals who desire to flee their party on the mainland so god I want to create a world free and affection and devout intolerance no no no no no that terrible information correct sincerely we simply have to stand our ground if she’s on the island and bound upon Peter I simply inform her the people of crayons will not stand ahead freed from sexual and religious intolerance no manner Jose correct whether the room will have to be ok now I who had been the upstairs and i did the Attic prime to backside i have oh yes sure and i washed your car additionally I consider to look at green hearse beside the carriage that we are free today Oh mrs.Toys have any risk of preserve your two favorite trees it’s handiest a letter how do you do no I need to get away early to the beautiful ghosts competition for DES Moine going myself but i do not consider i do not want to say to a beautiful lady god doogal there is no end of things you would speak about you could ask them what their father does for a dwelling you probably have a boyfriend clothes and to do with clothes and fragrance essentially closes simplest for the reason that men have been close however we do not put on perfume get additional larger except for the biggie anyway should you ever meet a lady i’m definite you’ll be able to maintain us simply be yourself viable be yourself make them suppose secure and the golden rule constantly need to have that approach it’s simpler ultimately anyway I higher be off it only keep these beautiful ladies waiting be your self is it cool if I you can be their father oh we get me later bald eagles oh we do not get into any mischief oh you know the spanner I do and that’s the drawback not on impersonations of all opposes all those different line made individuals think Peter Gabriel and Queen and the other bands that went on prior within the day and what about Phil Collins flying all of the solution to Boston Sagi workmanship that’s what it is okay for proper now so will you quit this the camera for stead lovely forever you know sorry college actress judgement song whats up lovely Gyarados and any individual at the door mrs.Doing mrs. Doyle good day there good Imelda you are a beautiful lady even though I hear you had a bit of unhealthy luck dicy your dog was once knocked down with the aid of a auto and killed no no that is that is my father it says here that your 22 19 correct and also you were born in could oh that is a beautiful a part of the sector ten doc and it says right here that you’re a black belt in karate now so so what would you do if I got here I let you know what as you seem to my notes and discontinue on any style of expertise that’s simply genuine Sam instructed me your name yet father in theatres well there doodle McGuire very well this can be a great residence I rather love the crude religious imagery yeah y’all right there hold your breath breath your breath is it comfy if you have a breath it can be no longer too tight is it however that you could loosen it if you need take it off bathe go on Brasilia come T normally i will make the tea and you’re taking your brow oh is not that bob geldof yeah yeah you are aware of it so beautiful bit whoa clearly the last university mullion that quite very thing i am not certain whether it is Bobby sufficient cling on there a 2nd excuse me are you a job all correct now going for walks oh seem at them they are very very have a beautiful Park careful they’re headed that myself into ghettos find it irresistible of path they all have it on absolutely and mrs.Doyle is the one who makes the tea and he or she goes here simply make the tea what mrs. Doyle makes turkey anyway I better just inform you the purpose i’m here i am watching for a house around the discipline and that i fairly particularly like this one your sandwich exceeds the desired six entries and wit and that suggests it’s between a different and Mary in the beautiful lass tiebreak nor right here you’re nothing off i will have to let you know a shaggy dog story so right here we go this is my Robin Williams impression ok right here we go that is the funny story now okay secretary Sir the Invisible Man is in reception that bus tell him I can not see him rapidly I ought to say a Mendes lap is nicer i am sorry Mary that implies Amanda is the winner certificate of loveliness and of direction you have been going to dinner the next day to come in craggy Islands top secret rest on the Thai cottage and who will you be inviting to dinner I do convey my mom just have a different for such one more I can be inviting you quality yeah anything anything show up so thanks the winner of our beautiful girls 1996 it’s a letter there you’re up it how does it on full of life competitors come brilliantly good and as is the tradition I get a free dinner the next day to come night high-quality it’s a quitter oh god yeah Wow you particularly not Michael Hutchence unconscious welcome anyway some thing happened while I was once away no cannot suppose of something anyway oh you are one Nev Connolly known as Nev Connolly what did you say to her do not worry Ted it was pleasant I simply took your recommendation about speaking to garrison of his floor she’s upstairs now she’s still here yeah actually I suppose she’s in the toilet oh good day again and that i was once simply telling Ted you have been in the toilet hiya there father Ted Crilley you ought to be leave out Connelly well feel that sexist be aware of to name a young woman omit i am sorry too late for me to change my approaches that you could instruct an old canine new tricks good it is getting kind of late very well good I I won’t preserve you Faisal bye goodbye father yes goodbye k that is the opposite factor I so go away the residence really I simply gave it to her wait a minute he’s gonna turn it right into a studio she mentioned we will have all of the recording time we want well no wait now not you game of the condominium wait honey wait a 2d where are we gonna live leave out Connelly omit Costas has been a horrible misunderstanding here look I have to record a duet over the cellphone with Peter Gabriel so hope you do not mind but Nigel Antonio Michelle yeah well i’m sorry however we’re not going anywhere proper i am no longer staying right here to be insulted by you come on dude we’re desiring i would not say this learn how to supply me a million pound wait a minute what did I say there I understood please supply us again the house what did I say why can we outside stated the place are we going to reside God Almighty Dugan i am going away for a few hours and you might have managed to present away the condo I mean take me sewers again what precisely occurred I was just sticking to your room head and quantity one be your self no no no no be your sensitive whatever individuals say never be yourself with ladies not ever never by no means what then well i attempted to make a extra at ease like you mentioned sure so I asked her to take off her bra we come again to that one mr.There would you supply away the house what concerning the Golden Rose head continuously supply them what they need no no that is the silver rule the golden rule is that anybody who’s ever speaking to you again suppose about what you’re announcing and then do not say it and then just run away someplace correct all right this is a lengthy shot however it’s our most effective hope i’ll go away this paper and pencil here and expectantly within the morning God may have written down what we should do ok that could be a lengthy shot their handiest hope Google come on God ah what is it see God correct back no I failed to bollocks anyway correct i am gonna have to manage this myself sincerely the item is the condo it fairly wasn’t Google to present away that sort of be gracious we might provide it again to us I consider it would be intriguing the variety of labor we’re doing right here we’re an extraordinarily progressive parish i hope it’s now not some type of hideaway for pedophile clergymen that housing disgusted me good depart we’re no longer all like that I mean say if there is 200 million clergymen on the planet and and 5 percent of them are pedophiles that’s nonetheless simplest ten million so what we desired to create right here used to be a global freed from intolerance and hypocrisy particularly stable yes yes there’s one factor I hate it is hypocrisy I imply that sexism farling yes sure god it gets my goat we’re very specific right here in craggy Island we do not like all of that sort of them factor ah kid who is that this lovely Carol now Ted you’re only purported to decide on one you understand comeon beautiful girl I’ve offered 20 million documents plus ha ha ha ha Eddie reject what you think this one are this one you realize i love this one well that is a great one title all proper – no but I like the color of this one oh I just have no idea good laughs they are each excellent i am certain whichever one you opt for it’ll be just beautiful thanks Ted see good style of alternative lifestyles catered for you we’re a refuge for clergymen like a father lean the place else would he give a sermon even as dressed like a Joan Crawford sees leave please don’t take her a apartment please don’t stop our excellent work right here you already know I ought to say father I had no suggestion that monks might be worried in such just right work you most often have that historic-usual view of the drunken or Netra scream like the stereotype is lengthy long gone I enjoy each of it goodbye father Billy would be Manohar Maura historic-style priest he likes to pop round for him you recognize good ancient bitch once in a even as he came from upstairs yeah he’s like hiding across the condo so he can spring a subject matter on me however perhaps he’d be hiding within the rest room and i might go to the bathroom and he abruptly jump out and say ladies clergymen and that i just consider very fast and say i am in desire of them anyway the primary factor I wanted to assert needeth we’re enormous gigantic fanatics of yours right here i’d say we have to have every album you ever made would you love me to signal them for you oh that does not be satisfactory might you sure of course you must stay here so there’s a sign the album so provide the keys again what i’m going to simply go and get the report thank you thank you Cheers record can be like mr.Don don’t care father I completed digging that drainage ditch ordinary dimension now i do know you wanted me to wash these rooms late tonight y’all be aware of don’t know hard to could do them tomorrow when there may be much less risk of me falling off and being killed and then sting fell down the steps just right father may also be feeling nature he has to stay house so mrs. Greenback Kumar the one purpose I gave him the residence again one night time off a week from mrs. Dyle might be I should just pour in shechem little bit yeah we’ll come on let’s revel in ourselves sister no man around we are able to do it fairly is that mate pleasure nonetheless have endurance No you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"Rock a Hula Ted" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 7 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/rock-a-hula-ted-father-ted-series-2-episode-7-dead-parrot/
"Rock a Hula Ted" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 7 | Dead Parrot
I am society from ancient India have been ruled via women fairly my guys weren’t allowed around females with out license and have been put in the car and told off for being sexist anyway you are going to do a track from you to me new album for us now God what an agent she’s under no circumstances completely happy until she’s complaining about something oh you are correct there take I believe this new song is in regards to the Catholic Church oh here she goes it is about how the church in eire ordinarily had plenty of potatoes in the course of the famine they usually hit the pendulum the pill and that i fell to my storage as expertise fare holes closed down a variety of the factories that were making the potatoes and turned them into prison for children God on my cheek without doubt this existed was anything sinister certainly I mean wow the main issue with she appears to be taking the entire Catholic King somewhat severely Ted sure I imply it is just a bit of amusing stop talking and it’s simply whole radical feminism lack to quite get my purpose what this proposal that the Catholic Church is a few sort of bad perspective to women k she’s doing a tune Candace what you smash air hole cramps or you love them what what you’re making of all these items you failed to come to the church is somewhat sexist Oh God no father I’ve invariably known the church very aware of my views I imply I don’t forget one time I was having horrible troubles at house and the church manner aid then i do know a different we wish to roam the church down however I acquired a load of house owners extra more lon thanks for asking father but no no I haven’t any complaints at all yeah Oh No sorry goes mad if i’m a 2nd days with this drink drink you know you will have to rather get a haircut he’s constantly got too some distance down that Bob Geldof position oh that is a nasty avenue it is indeed Google i would like you have got long gone down as there isn’t a coming again as Bob himself or Kenya what did you pay for the cabinets Ted Dada i don’t rather take into account him these is not going to last you look at that she might speak that into comment down well there is plenty of first-rate on to know provide us a name Oh God okay i will be able to suppose it we did it kid ah appear at that picture it is falling apart have a bit cup of tea Liam reasonable ample so am what you want to talk to me about oh sure now you were planning i’m going to d’lovely garyun competition this 12 months we’re mature oh yes I I by no means missed the lovely girls that is my absolute favorite time of year well I was once this lovely lady 1995 doing Aragog Ted we had a stripper of her title Oh God why we discovered she’s been in a movie called stallion Sam I heard us was a bit impolite anyway i’m chairman of the organizing committee this yr and i used to be questioning in case you wanted to judge it shudders what cuddly would now not too hot and there’s the dinner afterwards in there oh sure sure you’ve gotten the dignity of taking the winner out for me and that i consider who pays for it is not me did I hear that somewhere oh you suck alternative we introduced that in a couple of years in the past you’ve the glory of taking her off for me and she had been on roti how much fuck stereo this sort of backtest about 100 kilos I would have obtained your grace and probably after carefully anyway you were pronouncing oh sure now whilst you take the lovely lady out to dinner could you ever persuade her to put on considered one of my Mami’s dresses she could use the publicity right how’s the industry going oh satisfactory she bought one last week what number of is that purpose this yr that might be one you see and sincerely factor we inspiration is be a little bit of an ass getting a priest to evaluate it this yr additionally it eliminates any sexual part to the red or and that i mistaken friend i’m hoping you is not going to be tempted through all those beautiful women or there isn’t any danger of that toilet considering we have now had problems with that sort of thing before you no no no Ted we quite have a challenge of that possibility all correct you do not have to worry there limb correct at the off due with the aid of limb how much duplex the door Ted i don’t understand it came with the condo oh hi there they are a bunch of homeboys prime god there she is again now not everywhere the place lift power what does that imply don’t know I knew a father Clint energy penis is having a go at him what is the interview like I failed to quite read so much of its head she’s gone around the nation on the second I feel she needs to purchase a house on an island and reside in it and she had their eye on some godforsaken position off the west coast really did it point out what island she had a Ryan Clady Island in position for me I see it as being a dependable haven for individuals who desire to flee their party on the mainland so god I want to create a world free and affection and devout intolerance no no no no no that terrible information correct sincerely we simply have to stand our ground if she’s on the island and bound upon Peter I simply inform her the people of crayons will not stand ahead freed from sexual and religious intolerance no manner Jose correct whether the room will have to be ok now I who had been the upstairs and i did the Attic prime to backside i have oh yes sure and i washed your car additionally I consider to look at green hearse beside the carriage that we are free today Oh mrs.Toys have any risk of preserve your two favorite trees it’s handiest a letter how do you do no I need to get away early to the beautiful ghosts competition for DES Moine going myself but i do not consider i do not want to say to a beautiful lady god doogal there is no end of things you would speak about you could ask them what their father does for a dwelling you probably have a boyfriend clothes and to do with clothes and fragrance essentially closes simplest for the reason that men have been close however we do not put on perfume get additional larger except for the biggie anyway should you ever meet a lady i’m definite you’ll be able to maintain us simply be yourself viable be yourself make them suppose secure and the golden rule constantly need to have that approach it’s simpler ultimately anyway I higher be off it only keep these beautiful ladies waiting be your self is it cool if I you can be their father oh we get me later bald eagles oh we do not get into any mischief oh you know the spanner I do and that’s the drawback not on impersonations of all opposes all those different line made individuals think Peter Gabriel and Queen and the other bands that went on prior within the day and what about Phil Collins flying all of the solution to Boston Sagi workmanship that’s what it is okay for proper now so will you quit this the camera for stead lovely forever you know sorry college actress judgement song whats up lovely Gyarados and any individual at the door mrs.Doing mrs. Doyle good day there good Imelda you are a beautiful lady even though I hear you had a bit of unhealthy luck dicy your dog was once knocked down with the aid of a auto and killed no no that is that is my father it says here that your 22 19 correct and also you were born in could oh that is a beautiful a part of the sector ten doc and it says right here that you’re a black belt in karate now so so what would you do if I got here I let you know what as you seem to my notes and discontinue on any style of expertise that’s simply genuine Sam instructed me your name yet father in theatres well there doodle McGuire very well this can be a great residence I rather love the crude religious imagery yeah y’all right there hold your breath breath your breath is it comfy if you have a breath it can be no longer too tight is it however that you could loosen it if you need take it off bathe go on Brasilia come T normally i will make the tea and you’re taking your brow oh is not that bob geldof yeah yeah you are aware of it so beautiful bit whoa clearly the last university mullion that quite very thing i am not certain whether it is Bobby sufficient cling on there a 2nd excuse me are you a job all correct now going for walks oh seem at them they are very very have a beautiful Park careful they’re headed that myself into ghettos find it irresistible of path they all have it on absolutely and mrs.Doyle is the one who makes the tea and he or she goes here simply make the tea what mrs. Doyle makes turkey anyway I better just inform you the purpose i’m here i am watching for a house around the discipline and that i fairly particularly like this one your sandwich exceeds the desired six entries and wit and that suggests it’s between a different and Mary in the beautiful lass tiebreak nor right here you’re nothing off i will have to let you know a shaggy dog story so right here we go this is my Robin Williams impression ok right here we go that is the funny story now okay secretary Sir the Invisible Man is in reception that bus tell him I can not see him rapidly I ought to say a Mendes lap is nicer i am sorry Mary that implies Amanda is the winner certificate of loveliness and of direction you have been going to dinner the next day to come in craggy Islands top secret rest on the Thai cottage and who will you be inviting to dinner I do convey my mom just have a different for such one more I can be inviting you quality yeah anything anything show up so thanks the winner of our beautiful girls 1996 it’s a letter there you’re up it how does it on full of life competitors come brilliantly good and as is the tradition I get a free dinner the next day to come night high-quality it’s a quitter oh god yeah Wow you particularly not Michael Hutchence unconscious welcome anyway some thing happened while I was once away no cannot suppose of something anyway oh you are one Nev Connolly known as Nev Connolly what did you say to her do not worry Ted it was pleasant I simply took your recommendation about speaking to garrison of his floor she’s upstairs now she’s still here yeah actually I suppose she’s in the toilet oh good day again and that i was once simply telling Ted you have been in the toilet hiya there father Ted Crilley you ought to be leave out Connelly well feel that sexist be aware of to name a young woman omit i am sorry too late for me to change my approaches that you could instruct an old canine new tricks good it is getting kind of late very well good I I won’t preserve you Faisal bye goodbye father yes goodbye k that is the opposite factor I so go away the residence really I simply gave it to her wait a minute he’s gonna turn it right into a studio she mentioned we will have all of the recording time we want well no wait now not you game of the condominium wait honey wait a 2d where are we gonna live leave out Connelly omit Costas has been a horrible misunderstanding here look I have to record a duet over the cellphone with Peter Gabriel so hope you do not mind but Nigel Antonio Michelle yeah well i’m sorry however we’re not going anywhere proper i am no longer staying right here to be insulted by you come on dude we’re desiring i would not say this learn how to supply me a million pound wait a minute what did I say there I understood please supply us again the house what did I say why can we outside stated the place are we going to reside God Almighty Dugan i am going away for a few hours and you might have managed to present away the condo I mean take me sewers again what precisely occurred I was just sticking to your room head and quantity one be your self no no no no be your sensitive whatever individuals say never be yourself with ladies not ever never by no means what then well i attempted to make a extra at ease like you mentioned sure so I asked her to take off her bra we come again to that one mr.There would you supply away the house what concerning the Golden Rose head continuously supply them what they need no no that is the silver rule the golden rule is that anybody who’s ever speaking to you again suppose about what you’re announcing and then do not say it and then just run away someplace correct all right this is a lengthy shot however it’s our most effective hope i’ll go away this paper and pencil here and expectantly within the morning God may have written down what we should do ok that could be a lengthy shot their handiest hope Google come on God ah what is it see God correct back no I failed to bollocks anyway correct i am gonna have to manage this myself sincerely the item is the condo it fairly wasn’t Google to present away that sort of be gracious we might provide it again to us I consider it would be intriguing the variety of labor we’re doing right here we’re an extraordinarily progressive parish i hope it’s now not some type of hideaway for pedophile clergymen that housing disgusted me good depart we’re no longer all like that I mean say if there is 200 million clergymen on the planet and and 5 percent of them are pedophiles that’s nonetheless simplest ten million so what we desired to create right here used to be a global freed from intolerance and hypocrisy particularly stable yes yes there’s one factor I hate it is hypocrisy I imply that sexism farling yes sure god it gets my goat we’re very specific right here in craggy Island we do not like all of that sort of them factor ah kid who is that this lovely Carol now Ted you’re only purported to decide on one you understand comeon beautiful girl I’ve offered 20 million documents plus ha ha ha ha Eddie reject what you think this one are this one you realize i love this one well that is a great one title all proper – no but I like the color of this one oh I just have no idea good laughs they are each excellent i am certain whichever one you opt for it’ll be just beautiful thanks Ted see good style of alternative lifestyles catered for you we’re a refuge for clergymen like a father lean the place else would he give a sermon even as dressed like a Joan Crawford sees leave please don’t take her a apartment please don’t stop our excellent work right here you already know I ought to say father I had no suggestion that monks might be worried in such just right work you most often have that historic-usual view of the drunken or Netra scream like the stereotype is lengthy long gone I enjoy each of it goodbye father Billy would be Manohar Maura historic-style priest he likes to pop round for him you recognize good ancient bitch once in a even as he came from upstairs yeah he’s like hiding across the condo so he can spring a subject matter on me however perhaps he’d be hiding within the rest room and i might go to the bathroom and he abruptly jump out and say ladies clergymen and that i just consider very fast and say i am in desire of them anyway the primary factor I wanted to assert needeth we’re enormous gigantic fanatics of yours right here i’d say we have to have every album you ever made would you love me to signal them for you oh that does not be satisfactory might you sure of course you must stay here so there’s a sign the album so provide the keys again what i’m going to simply go and get the report thank you thank you Cheers record can be like mr.Don don’t care father I completed digging that drainage ditch ordinary dimension now i do know you wanted me to wash these rooms late tonight y’all be aware of don’t know hard to could do them tomorrow when there may be much less risk of me falling off and being killed and then sting fell down the steps just right father may also be feeling nature he has to stay house so mrs. Greenback Kumar the one purpose I gave him the residence again one night time off a week from mrs. Dyle might be I should just pour in shechem little bit yeah we’ll come on let’s revel in ourselves sister no man around we are able to do it fairly is that mate pleasure nonetheless have endurance No you
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