#Phillip Morrison RKZ
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Do you think Arthur heard about the Roadkillerz before going to jail? it is the oldest origination after all.
Greetings Anon
The rabbit knows about the Roadkillerz existence, he knows that quiet a few people from the army joined them, for example Sergeant Phillip Morrison (@northerngrail).
Arthur has no problems with them, and does not judge anyone of the army personnel who joins them, on the contrary, he actually, admires them and the work they do, and is happy that people from the army find a new purpose and goal working for the Roadkillerz.
However Art himself, does at first not consider joining the Roadkillerz, because he believes it's his duty, to be a general for the army and to take over what Sam had left behind.
Which changes after he got arrested for disobeying/refusing orders and, having been stripped from everything that the Army has given him, he no longer saw a reason to be affiliated with them and joined the Roadkillerz himself.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Did anybody find out about what Arthur did to his superior?
Greetings Anon
Sam knew, but not by Arthur himself, rather he was told, even in army, such incidents are talked about, I think Sam was told this, when he got notified that a Lieutenant General would be transferred to his army, but Sam were not told the details about why Art struck his CO.
However General Cottontail didn't mention it, until he and Arthur had one of their verbal arguments, were Sam let it slip, causing the mountain hare to yell something something like this.
Arthur: "That's what you are expecting and counting for,aren't you General Cottontail? But don't think I will...make it that easy for you to get rid of me. I will continue being a thorn in your side, and either way you pull that thorn out, or you better start living with it!"
Having said that, Art stomped out angrily of the tent.
The Lieutenant General also told Phillip and Flint Morrison (@northerngrail) once confidential, telling both of them the whole story and why he did it.
Later, in the present, when Sam and Arthur make things up, the mountain hare also tells the rabbit the whole story, given that it was similar, to what caused Arthur to be stripped from all his ranks, medals and him getting put into a high security prison.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Imagine Lukas sleeps while sitting. and when he wakes up, he sees Phil laying down on his lap. (@northerngrail)
Greetings Anon ^^
Awww hehe, that is of course possible, I could see Lukas at one point after an exhausting day, having fallen asleep while sitting on a chair, in his astronaut suit, and when he awakens sees Phil (@northerngrailrail), asleep on his lap.
He would be surprised, maybe also at first a bit startled because he didn't notice the dog and wonders how he managed to do that, but, there is something comforting with him being here, so, he would just, allow Phil to sleep for a little bit more.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Since Phil is nervous around Lukas. is there any way for Lukas to get Phil to warm up to him? (@northerngrail)
Greetings Anon ^^
I think Lukas would just, one day tell him to sit down next to him and have a talk, for the astronaut has noticed that Phil is nervous around him.
And he would genuinely tell the doberman that there is no reason for that, he thinks that Phil is a great guy, and appreciates all the things he has done and continues to do.
Phil may be a Sergeant and he, the astronaut an Air force Captain, but, he sees them both as equal, and honestly, he does not really care about his rank Lukas would say.
He likes Phil for the person he is, and tells him that he is doing a good job, I could imagine both of them, perhaps starting to cook together one day.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Now I wonder how Tonic met Phil and Blitz?
Greetings Anon ^^
Well given that the general store was not, really a secret, I can imagine they noticed eventually the building that stood in the middle of the desert, with both approaching it, very likely out of curiosity.
Both of them entered the store with curiosity, and given that Phil and Blitz as well, were polite customers, Tonic was more than happy to help them in getting what they needed, or just having a nice conversation with them.
Although Tonic was, mainly friends with Sam, they of course also fondly remember both, Blitz and Phil.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I like to think that Tonic at one point called Phil a "Good boy" once. (@northerngrail)
Greetings Anon ^^
I can imagine it having happened at one point, when Phil and Tonic knew each other better after they have seen each other for some time, with the doberman shopping in the small yet cozy general store.
Tonic said it more accidentally than intentionally, letting it slip or thinking out loud, with them apologizing profoundly and probably wanting to make it up for Phil.
However when the wolf saw how happy Phil looked, they were relieved to see, that he was not mad or uncomfortable.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
It is pretty funny to imagine that Blaise sometimes plays with Phil by throwing a Frisbee for him catch.
Greetings Anon ^^
It really is an funny thought, however I like to imagine that Blaise threw the Frisbee, not intentional, or at least, was not expecting for Phil (@northerngrail) to catch it.
They found one while going through the desert, on their way to the Roadkillerz base, assuming that some tourists have lost it, and they encountered Phil, and Blaise just, said to Phil they want to try if they still have a good aim, and threw the Frisbee.
Before the old war journalist could take another, look, the doberman was already running the moment they threw that Frisbee, returning it to a surprised Blaise.
When they collected themself again, Blaise would ask Phil if he wants that to catch the Frisbee again.
@northerngrail, would that be in-character for Phil?
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How did Arthur join the Roadkillerz?
Greetings Anon
In the beginning, Arthur had not joined the Roadkillerz, the hare knew about the organization and also that some army veterans had joined them, which he did not mind, he actually thought it was good but, his loyalty remained with the army because he believed that was his duty.
That was, until at one point General Bellum refused an order from his superiors, and it was justified that he refused it because a lot of innocent lives could have been seriously hurt...or died.
Despite the fact that Art was loyal to the army, and had a good enough track record, that was enough for him to get arrested on the spot for treason, put on a trial that felt more like a show, and then placed into a high-security prison to ensure he would be never seen again.
The hare was stripped from all his honours, medals, ranks and titles he had gotten over the years, and left to rot in a cell.
Well, that was until Phillip Morrison (@northerngrail) OC found out, and he, together with Sam and a few others decided to free Arthur in which they succeeded.
Morrison gave Bellum the scolding of a lifetime, which was justified because the hare usually did things "his own way" and often put himself in dangerous situation, due to his lack of self-preservation and because he did not want that others got hurt, however Art would also tell Phillip that he had not much choice, he either way would have accepted his orders, or like any other reasonable person, denied them.
After he gets freed, Arthur of course, breaks away from the army and instead, joins the Roadkillerz as well, providing them with the military information he had gathered over the many years he was in the army
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does Arthur know what became Jude valentine?
Greetings Anon
In the past no, he was convinced that Jude died on that day he vanished and blamed Sam for it.
He only found out when Phillip Morrison (@northerngrail OC) told him when Art was freed from the high security prison. He was shocked, glad and then cried tears of relieve, when he heard that Jude was still alive.
Arthur hopes that one day, Jude gets the control of his body back and that Carlos Rojas will be finally dealt with.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Who is Arthur P. Bellum?
Greetings Anon ^^
Arthur P. Bellum is a mountain hare and a few years younger than Sam, they both met when Art, a Lieutenant General (three stars) was assigned to the army General Cottontail commanded.
Given that he was one rank below, that made Sam his superior and commanding officer, however, they both did not see eye to eye.
While Sam in the past wanted to win the war against the Wrath no cost too great and probably breaking a few conventions as well in the process, Arthur saw in each soldier a valuable asset, and not cannon fodder. He cared deeply for them, and him receiving the numbers of fallen soldiers each day, deeply affected him, vowing to ensure the safety of the troops as good as that was possible to him, and giving them moral boosts. He cared a lot for the privates, for example Jude Valentine and Phillip Morrison (@northerngrail OC)
This caused of course friction between the two, with both Sam and Arthur himself wishing to get redeployed somewhere else, but, that did not happen. Internally Art also hoped that at one point he would get promoted to an "four-star" as well, so he wouldn't have to take orders from Sam anymore.
He got his wish granted, but that was after Sam defected to the Wrath and Art sustained an war related injury on his right leg (on the same day Jude Valentine...vanished). When Arthur got the news, about Sam having joined the enemy forces, his resentment towards him grew even more, and, the respect and understanding he had for "General" Cottontail got walled up.
The next time they saw each other, General Arthur P. Bellum did not hide the anger he felt towards Sam and that was the last time they probably saw each other, with Art having become, one of Sam's "successors" in the government army.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Who does Chadli get along with?
Greetings Anon ^^
Because Chadli does seclude himself from, well everyone as much as possible, not many I would assume, they just, aren't interested to socialize with people.
However I like to think that he does get along well with Jack Hopps, the badger has his deepest respect for the kangaroo, who not only is working for the Roadkillerz, but also taking care of his son at the same time.
I can also see Chadli, getting along with Phillip Morrison (@northerngrail's OC) , who I think is one of the few people, the badger feels comfortable to talk about the pain of having lost so many friends and how especially, the death of Claire had deeply affected him.
While I don't know if Chadli Spox will be still with the Roadkillerz, when Sam joins them, I also like to think that he gets along with the general. He is honestly, very glad that Sam has joined the Roadkillerz.
Yours sincerely
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