#Phillip Redd
m1les-s · 10 months
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Another Squirrel entered the ring🐿️🥊💥
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Potc headcanon:
If their in love with you 😍💘
Jack sparrow🍺
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Jack sparrow, can you ever picture the choatic, scoundrel in love with anyone.
Jack sparrow is flirty with women, strumpets, nobles, ladies, you name it. But when he mey you that's when it was different.
Jack sparrow had never been in lover expect the closest thing being angelica (but we don't talk about that).
Jack was quite confident, boisterous in his knowledge of the sea.
You coming in the picture was a whole new chapter to Jack's life.
"The pearl," he thought. "Surely it must've been a bad drunken dream he had with you in it ey".
Jack was, conflicted, confused about you or rather, your being.
His feelings are not one to be taken lightly for, he loved the pearl, he loved the sea but a person. How can this be?
Jack would act rash and odd, like odder then his usual self (and you know how odd he is most of the time.)
He would avoid you and hide away from you. Acting like a highschooler with a huge crush.
For one minute, he would be speaking to someone, and the next he would run from seeing you.
You felt weirded out at first, Jack Sparrow, a confident and adventurous buccaneer, was acting like a coward in front of you.
During the night, Jack would be hiding from you until he calls Master Gibbs.
"Master Gibbs," he whispers.
"J-Jack, is tha' yer, whaddya doin' hiding in tha barrells," Gibbs questioned.
Jack peaked his cattish eyes to see if you were nearby, "gah" he pulled Gibbs into the Barrell with him.
"Jack, what's wron', is tha' kraken after us?" Gibbs asked.
"No, somethin' way worse mate," Jack leaned up once more to see if you were around.
"Then, wha' is it Jack" Gibbs questioned once more.
"Him/them/Her," Jack muttered
"Him?/them?/Her?" Gibbs questioned
"The girl/the boy/the person" Jack admitted.
"The girl?/the boy?/the person?--" Gibbs realised who Jack was speaking about.
"Oh, that girl/boy/person" Gibbs figured out.
"But jack, she/he/they ain't out ta get yer, are they? Gibbs asked.
Jack's upper lip curled into something of disgust. "No, not yet at least, but I've been having these -" Jack's hands jestures toward the word "Feelings."
"Oh~, I see wha' ye mean, I see tha' way ye look at her/him/them" Gibbs nudges Jack in a teasing manner.
"Shhh," Jack hushed Master Gibbs. "Well, why Dontcha go n' tell er', after all, ye do ave' a way wit tha lasses".
Jack turned to Gibbs, widening his eyes. "Wait, it be more than tha' Jack?".
"Ohhh, Jack a-are ye admittin', yer in love wit' her/him/them" Gibbs questioned.
Jack pushed himself out of the barrel. "It ain't good mate, I ain't exactly sure what to do" Jack softly spoke.
He cared for you yet he was conflicted. He loved the sea and the pearl more then anybody (aside from rum).
He couldn't begin to imagine being with anyone. Freedom and the lust of adventure were all he knew yet he would need time to figure out his feelings.
Gibbs would give Jack advice for being in love yet Jack would still continue to act stranger.
Jack would give subtle hints, though. He would protect you and act to save you.
Other then that, Jack is weirder when it comes to love rather then lust.
At least you weren't left on an island, although that was more because he couldn't trust Angelica.
Jack would be conflicted, but he would still protect you only the downside is he would try to take time figuring things out for you.
If he did confess, it would be "I love you mate, I always have and always will" leaning into kiss "as do I Jack, as, do, I" y/n speaks softly.
Hector barbossa 🍏
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Barbossa, a screaming, strong and fearsome captain that no one dares triumphs.
Barbossa is a man who gives no quarter to those that cross him.
When you picture someone being handsome, you're probably thinking, Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, or James Norrington. Definitely not Barbossa though what if there was something too him.
Barbossa is complex. There's no doubt about that. He's a character that is portrayed in the strong setting not the romantic kind.
Hector being in love would be quite extraordinary, though albeit rare.
Barbossa would often catch himself staring at you from the helm, spying on you through his telescope or eyeglass.
His expressions would be softer; his face pouting instead of smiling over the adventurous horizon.
He would watch over you, from above or far.
He would (Childish as this sounds) dream of you, secretly imploring to show you the true meaning of serenity.
His manner wouldn't change, of course. He would put on this facade of ordering you around or challenging you to keep your mind afloat of any ideas.
He would take advice from Jack on how to woo you but ignore most of it.
Jack would flirt with you but end up bewildered you chose Barbossa over him.
He has hidden himself away or has been quite vague in your presence where as, unlike Jack would speak to you if necessary.
He would be quite protective yet passive toward your nature. He doesn't want to give any hints until he was prepared.
Barbossa mended the helm where Jack caught him staring at you, "staring off again, eh Hector, or rather, are you staring at her/him/them?".
"Keep yer business ter yerself sparrah" Barbossa growled, warning Jack.
"You know me, mate, that ain't happening," Jack teased.
"Don't mind me asking, but how can something as fetching as that end up with something as hideous as you?" Jack crossed the line.
Barbossa pulled his cutlass out from his holster, holding it over Jack. "Shut yer trap!" Barbossa demanded whispering.
"No, I don't think I will" Jack was getting on Barbossas nerves.
"I think there's something about her/him/them hm, seems like you're revoltingly intertwined with the poor thing," Jack smiled.
Barbossa clenched his teeth in a growling manner. "She/he/they won't be wantin' anytin' ta do wit me, fer er/is/their admirer is a swine."
Barbossa withdrew his sword and tended back to the helm, ignoring Jack.
Eventually, Barbossa got to know you more and more, he did confess his feelings.
If Barbossa confessed, he would be emotionally sincere, and with only two words, he admitted "yer treasure."
Will turner🌊
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Will Turner was at first a blacksmith, and he often visited Elizabeth.
Will being in love is quite a passionate experience. He would bring the whole world to you.
Will would be around you. He would travel the ocean just to be with you.
Will would team up with Jack to save you from anything.
When the events of Davy Jones took place, he swore his heart to you.
No doubt Will Turner was a strong lad and devoted.
Will was looking out over the horizon, deep in thought.
"Is everything alright, Will?" Elizabeth leaned against the railing.
"Yeah, just, contemplating is all," Will stared off into the distance, looking at you.
"You like her/him/them, don't you?" Elizabeth softly muttered. She had feelings for Will, but it seemed his eyes were on you.
"Aye" will glanced at the broken hearted Elizabeth.
"Least you two have a lot in common," she tried to smile.
Will walked over toward you and held your hand. "Y/n, ever since we first met, I haven't stopped thinking about you, I love you."
The day will confessed was the day he promised to come ashore once every couple of years.
Will Turner was a legend with a heart he held only for you.
Elizabeth Swann 🦢
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Elizabeth was the pirate king. She had finally been elected to phase through with the next plan of killing Cutler Beckett.
She was tough, and you knew that, once a woman who was fantasised pirates now a powerful king destined to sail the seas.
She protected you, cared for you, and loved you.
Elizabeth swore she would keep you alive until the aftermath as to which she would dream of living with you.
Will noticed, he approved but felt broken hearted that it wasn't him.
Jack was walking up to her. "So, you and y/n hm, didn't think you'd fancy her/him/them. Thought you fancied dear William."
Elizabeth looked at Jack and looked away. "I did once," she held a playful smirk on her face, "though, things change, you know it intrigues me, Jack, why you're so curious about who I fancy".
Jack gripped the bottle of rum, and he sipped the bitter liquid. "Hm, just wonderin' love".
"Did you place a bet on me with Master Gibbs?" Elizabeth asked.
"What me, nooo~" Jack wasn't able to pull off the facade. "So, mabey I did."
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "unbelievable". She focused her gaze onto you.
"You love her/him/them, don'tch you" Jack blurted out.
Elizabeth turned back to Jack. "Mabey I do," she confirmed.
Jack in his mind knew he would win the bet, that barrel of rum is his.
If she confessed, it would be during the fight with Davy Jones. "I love you, y/n!" She would scream in the rain.
Henry Turner 🔱
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Henry was the son of Will Turner, a boy that wouldn't give up on trying to release his father's curse.
Henry would be quite inexperienced when it comes to love, the boys like a puppy.
He would interact with you and be by your side.
He would take interest in many of your things.
Henry would get advice from Jack that would make Carina roll her eyes.
"Henry, are you with it" Carina waved her hand in front of Henry's eyes.
"Huh, yeah, uh I think so" Henry smiled innocently.
"Good, if we sail east, we should be able to find the trident," Carina showed henry the diary of Galileo. The Ruby showed a map that Carina had been using.
Henry had been averting his eyes to behind Carina once more seeing you.
"Henry, what's with you?" Carina asked.
"Are you staring at another girl/boy/person?" Carina grew annoyed."For heavens sake, Henry, we must concentrate if we ever wish to free your father".
Henry nodded, getting his mind back into the main goal.
Henry couldn't help himself by being around you though Carina got annoyed with Henry's gushing.
When he confessed, it was after he freed his father. "Y/n, I love you, you've been there when I needed it and I thank you for that" Henry would then lean in to kiss you.
Davy Jones 🐙
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Davy had only ever gave his heart to only one person, a goddess of the sea.
He's cold, cruel and had his heart hardened.
Davy would in love again would be a rarity, he couldn't feel for anyone else.
It was break his grief, he would be able to move on and regain humanity.
It would be possible he may just be able to turn human.
Davy had finally admitted his conflicted feelings for you, seeing calypso before the final battle.
Tia Dalma appeared behind Davy. "You know what fate has woven you back".
"I dah naught need ta' see you" Davy said in anger.
"Your heart still beats, a life spared by your own choosing," Tia stood her ground.
"Ah spar nah one" Davy said in a short fuse.
"A heart that beats but not for my own," Tia admitted.
"You've spared a life, a life not given to cruelty." she caressed his cheek "a woman/a man/a person".
"AH DONT SPAR LIVES-AH!" Davy shouted, slamming his claw hand against the wall next to Tia.
"You broke my love," Davy muttered before calming down.
Tia whispered before Davy left, "Your heart belongs to me but it beats for her"/him/them.
Davy would take time, he would confess during the last maelstrom battle. He would see you wounded and that's when his rage was let out.
"Y/n," he would mutter before roaring and slaughtering the men.
"My heart belongs to you."
Cutler Beckett 🍵
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Beckett is cold-hearted, he is ambitious and an intelligent man.
He wouldn't usually show how soft of a man he would be, but that changed.
Beckett would at first try to manipulate you, for you to give up sparrow.
He would hire you on occasions to spend nights with him as a strumpet.
He would keep these occasions on the down low in private.
He would use you, but he also holds affection for you, attraction.
So when the time came, he had to choose you or the company.
"We got him, sir, we got him, Captain Jack Sparrow" The navy officer said.
Jack was trapped in chains between his hands and feet.
Beckett gave a wry smile of amusement "well, if it isn't captain Jack Sparrow".
Jack glanced up to see the lord.
"After all of this, a filthy scoundrel trapped in chains" Beckett smiled with amusement.
Beckett pulled out his flintlock pistol, aiming it at Jack.
"Send my regards to Jones for me, will you, Mr Sparrow?" Beckett smiled.
You come in the way of the between Jack and Beckett.
"Y/n, move," Beckett ordered.
Since you refused, Beckett aimed the pistol directly in front of you and Sparrow. "I'll give you the final chance to turn away now, girl/boy/y/n".
Beckett was frustrated that you defended Sparrow. For a moment, he lost his composure.
His cold eyes drew into one of regret for a moment, as if he truly treasures you.
Yet his morals kicked in and shot you. Blindly, he didn't know, he couldn't tell where his mind was but his ambitions had gotten in the way.
He looked distraught and shocked, as smoke left the pistols' end point.
Beckett hadn't really meant to kill you, not really, but his ambitions were tremendous.
If he confessed it would be "you make me content, a sweet girl/boy/person in this devastating world betrothing herself/himself/themself to my desire. What a despicably beautiful act."
James Norrington 🎖
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James had his heart broken by the woman he was devoted to.
He was honorable, polite, and a man with high morals.
The admiral has been in love before but could never really express it.
If he were to love another, it would be better for him so he could move on.
James met you when he betrayed Will and Elizabeth when he retrieved the heart of Davy Jones.
Beckett dismissed the admiral as he was set out to be promoted and restored once more.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" James said in concern.
"I had to see you, the chest of Jones, did Will and Elizabeth destroy it?" you asked in a huff.
James looked down in shame, he betrayed the only friend he had.
"So they didn't?, why?" Y/n asked.
"Listen to me y/n, there may not be much time, Beckett's men will hunt you if they find out you're associated with Sparrow" James whispered.
"You need to leave, don't come looking for me anymore, your safety is my highest concern" James looked around the hall outside of Beckett's office.
"You're precious to me, more than any I've known," James suddenly pushed his lips to meet yours, like it's a goodbye kiss.
"Now go," James ordered you.
You listened and left without a word as James breathed a sigh in relief and attended his duties toward Lord Beckett.
If James were to confess, it would be like "y/n, you're a fine woman/man/person, and you would make an even finer wife/husband/partner."
Tia Dalma 🐚
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Tia was a wild woman. She was extraordinary compared to the rest, she likes to explore those she's interested in.
Tia had only loved once, a man from a long time ago but he betrayed her.
Tia being in love would finally heal her wounded heart.
She would be able to move on but not destroy Davy Jones as he was her past.
Tia was greeting Jack Sparrow, an old friend.
"Jack Sparrow," Tia smiled at the captain.
"Tia--" Jack noticed you behind the back "question, who's that" he pointed.
"She/he/y/n is a child with a destiny," Tia said no more than that.
"New friend, congrats, love," Jack smiled.
"She's/he's/their more than just that," Tia implied.
Jack was astonished, although he didn't know the full story.
Tia had guided you from the beginning, she was a goddess you fell for.
When she confronted Davy Jones, you felt Jealous knowing her past.
Davy would kill you for taking his lover.
If Tia confessed, she would do it after her Goddess form "my y/n," she whispered.
Carina smyth ✨
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Carina was a very smart woman, an astrologist curious to know who her father was.
Carina being in love is more likely to involve her being caring toward you.
She would spend time with you and tell you about the stars and her past.
Carina was talking to Henry; Henry respected her decision but felt bad for himself as he had a crush on her.
Carina was watching over you as you were tied with Henry and Jack to lead Barbossa and his men toward the trident.
"I don't believe now's the time to be asking odd questions, henry," Carina whispered.
"You like her/him/them. I understand, but what would happen if the captain killed us? " He whispered back.
"I think you should tell her/him/them, or they'll be no other time," he said.
Carina looked toward you as Captain Barbossa untied her to guide them over the waters.
She quickly demanded a word with you, or she won't tell them. Barbossa impatient said she had 5 minuets.
"Y/n, listen, I should've said something earlier, but I'm glad you're here with me," she admitted. "If I ever did meet my father, he would be proud of us".
If carina confessed, it would be after she found out who her father was. "I love you; I really do."
Armando salazar 👻
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Salazar was sailing the seas, hunting down pirates until he died from the hands of Jack Sparrow.
Armando was human and when he fell in love he showed it through his soft side.
When he turned into the un-dead, he became cruel, cold and merciless.
Salazar kept an eye out for only one thing; revenge on sparrow.
He looked over the deck to reminisce over his past life.
He remembered you, your warmth and soft touch.
It was the only part that made him feel human.
You were probably long gone by now since Salazar had lived on for quite sometime.
That was until Jack had an encounter. After Salazar had become human from the trident breaking.
His flesh and memories were flooding back, ones of love and joy.
"I am back mi amore, I am alive," he muttered.
However, it was short lasted when Barbossa sacrificed himself to the sea killing him in the process.
"I-am-alive" as his last and final vision was you.
If he confessed, it would be when he was human and did it in a shy yet ambitious manner. "Sounds stupid, doesn't it, but te amo y/n."
Phillip swift 📔
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Phillip was captured by the infamous blackbeard.
He was forced to work under his name, as a servant of the pirates.
Phillip had been tortured, physically and mentally by the captains cruel nature.
The only thing that kept him going was his bible.
When Phillip was in love it would've been with you either as a captive or a mermaid/merman/merperson.
Phillip escaped the treacherous crew from the fountain and ran back to find you.
"You came back" you said with your hands tied up to a tree "why".
"God gives love to all, gods creation shall be protected." he used a small dagger to untie you.
"I am his messenger, I will not let you die," he tried hard to uncut you.
"Phillip, I'm not special, I'm not worth your time," you said.
"What, of course you are. You are god's beautiful gift to this world, as you are mine" he finally uncut the bonds holding you.
You fell back into the water as he let you escape.
You had some options to take him with you or leave him on land.
If he confessed, he would say outright, "You are a beautiful creature, made from the heavens above."
Syrena 🧜‍♀️
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Syrena was caught by the crew for her tears.
She didn't know the human world, but she knew cruelty.
You were a boatswain on black beard's ship. Angelica prompted you as she thought you were more tougher.
You kept an eye on everything, the riggings, the crew, and the order.
Syrena became friendlier with you and Phillip. However, you were short lasted as you started to have feelings for syrena.
One night, while Jack was hunting for the chalices. You stuck out.
You brought a small cutlass with you and cut the bindings.
With no word you grabbed syrenas hand and ran.
"Where are we going" she said.
"To freedom" you replied.
Phillip got up and went to check on syrena when she was nowhere to be found.
The crew had no idea where the mermaid or you went but it put angelica and her father in a heap.
They were ordered to hunt you down and kill you.
She looked into the sea yet without a second thought looked back.
"Come, come with me, you save me, I do the same in return," Syerna held your hand.
"I, I can't, you're a mermaid, and I'm a human it wouldn't work," you said sadly.
Syrena looked up and kissed you before diving into the sea. Her tail sparkling in gold.
"I understand, but what's left for you up here?" she pointed toward the way back.
You held your hand out as Syerna dragged you into the sea, never to be found again.
If she confessed, it would be, "I feel it for you, a human feeling for you, I love you."
Angelica tech 👢
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Angelica was under the eyes of her father, she had to play a very strict role in order to survive.
She was no mere lady, she was the first mate of her father.
She was Jack sparrows ex-lass, an old flame, broken woman of the seas.
Angelica trusted no one. She didn't want to be played for a fool ever again.
Angelica in love would be like having a second chance only, be careful not to break it.
One night, you set up a romantic giving that was until Jack ruined it.
"So let me guess this straight, she likes you, you like her, and you hate me," Jack questioned. "And you're just here," he pointed to the bard, who smiled and waved back.
"Aye, Jack, this is none of your business," Angelica spoke.
"You should've known. If you wanted me back, you wouldn't have left, " angelica concluded.
"Nah, but see here, love, she doesnt know who you are" Jack turned to you.
"Jack, she/he/y/n doesn't have to know of my life," angelica persisted.
"Though you proclaim to be the daughter of-" Jack nearly spilt her secret.
"I'll cut your eye out Jack!" Angelica interrupted.
"I got a second chance, a chance that you never gave me, and I'll be damn sure you don't ruin it" Angelica threatened.
"Hang on, don't she/he/they know that's blackbeards daughter" the bard spilled.
"Now that wasn't me," Jack defended.
"You're a pirate," you question.
"Yes, yes I am, at heart like my father" angelica admitted.
"Pirate or not, you're still the heart of my sea," you asked.
If angelica confessed, it would be sweet and passionate. "My y/n, you are always mi amore."
Edward tech🏴‍☠️
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He was one of the most fearsome pirates known to date.
In the fountain of youth, you were captured as a concubine/concubinus/partner.
You weren't exactly treated with care, always expected to somehow pleasure and entertain all the crew and its captain.
You grew to be tough once you were in the fountain of youth you were forced to join.
Phillip and syrena were the closest you had ever gotten to a friendship.
One night, you entered the cabin to confront the captain.
Though it wasn't as planned as you were held back.
It wasn't easy, but as time went on, you had grown soft for his daughter.
On the other hand, it was decided you were to be made as a pirate bride/husband/partner.
You grew to hate the life but slowly developed feelings.
As you got to the fountain of youth, it was surprising he chose to sacrifice his daughter instead of you.
Though in the end, he may have died, but it was revealed he indeed had feelings for you as he muttered out your name before falling to bone.
Joshamee Gibbs 🍻
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Gibbs was Jack's loyal first mate, a member of his crew.
Gibbs was more logical than Jack was and acted like a father figure toward him as a dear friend.
Gibbs was surely never once had been in love as he valued the sea more.
One day, you came on board as Jack's "friend" to see the pearl.
as he set sail, Gibbs had taken more of a liking to you.
Jack would certainly get jealous of all the attention Gibbs is giving you.
Usually falling off the barrels as you walk past from drinking as he was caught off guard.
He would speak to you about the ways of the ship, boasting on about Jack.
Gibbs eventually settled his mind on one thing yet he had to make a hard decision to choose you or the sea.
Gibbs one night decided to take you on a date with the help of "jack".
One day, Gibbs came in to admit something.
"Ah, Master Gibbs, glad you're here, I need yo-" Jack noticed Gibbs's words.
"Jack, it ain't easy, I thought it be the sea, but oh, miss/mr/y/n was certainly a sight." Gibbs reminisced.
"Who, the girl/guy/person, well bloody didnt well know that," Jack furrowed his eyebrows.
"Jack, ye've been intertwined wit lasses before, whaddya do ta reel them in" he asked for advice.
Jack smiled, thinking, "Guess I won the bet, ye owe me a lot of shillings and doubloons Hector".
"Right mate, first you have to set the mood hm, then add some passion t'your evening then--" Jack gave Gibbs a sly look.
"Then wha" Gibbs smiled following along.
"Then you leave the next morning and set your sights on the sea," Jack smiled.
"Jack, I ain't spendin' a crack at jenny's teacup wit her/him/them," Gibbs firmly said.
"Hm, then that's on you, mate," Jack wandered off to find some rum.
If Gibbs confessed, it would be like the old school couple kind "y/n, I ain't usually interested in many bah, ye be one o' a kind, I love ye from the bottom o' the briny deep ta tha top o'tha shining stars".
Ragetti and Pintel 👁💢
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Ragetti and pintel are two of the same, not the smartest but not the worst either.
One day in tortuga, the two spotted the sight of a good looking lass/lad/person.
"Look o'er there, quite a looker ey" pintel winked.
"Yeah, bets they taken though" Ragetti thought.
"Only one's way ta find out," Pintel smiled.
"Wait, we's can't just goes o'er there, i means look at them and looks at us" Ragetti halted pintel.
"Who cares if she/he/they's aint inta us, well plunder er/im/em," pintel replied.
"I wouldn't do tha', I would take em out ta sail unda' tha stars n' then dance wit them under the moonlight, reciting some love words" Ragetti swooned at his idea.
Pintel looked at Ragetti like he was repulsive "I would's bring er/im/em ta tha brigs n' if cap'n don't want er, then I'll take em" pintel smiled at the evil thought.
"Ya's ave' ta be in love ta treat em right, I wouldn't hurt em otherwise" ragetti intervened.
"Love, it's repulsive t'ward pirates, keeps us doin' mushy stuff tha aint them" Pintel cringed.
"N'alright, if ye ain't gonna treat em right, then i's will." ragetti approached you.
Pintel grabbed him by the arm. "Hangs on who's says you's get firsts claim".
"I did" ragetti growled. Then the two grabbed out their cutlasses and started to sword fight over the pettiness of you.
If the two were in love, it would be weird yet funny to watch. Ragetti would be intelligent in his ways of speaking to you while pintel would probably scare you off.
Captain Teague 🎸
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Teague is an old sea salt, the keeper of codes and the first in the Brethren court.
He would be seated in the Brethren courts meeting when Jack greeted his dear old dad.
"Ello' Jackie" Teague greeted his son.
"Dad" Jack greeted back.
"Been a while, hasn't it" Jack admitted.
"Hm, seems so" Teague replied.
A woman/man/person comes around and greets their husband with a smile and curtious look.
"Who's that" Jack asked.
"They be my new mate" teague didn't reply much more then that.
"Does this mean I ave' a new parent now" Jack looked confused.
"How's mum" Jack asked curiously.
Teague pulled out a shrunken head of her as Jack smiled awkwardly. "She looks great."
You on the other hand smiled at Jack's reaction as you wrapped yourself around your husband.
"Sparrow" you muttered.
Teague treated you with respect and sometimes played his guitar to you.
If he confessed, it would be sudden. "Hmm, guess I would say I love you, but be a bit cliche really".
Bootstrap Bill🐚
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Bootstrap was apart of the cursed crew on the Dutchman.
He had no free will and even missed his son.
You were the only bright part of his life, he would protect you from Davys grasp.
Bootstrap Bill in love would bring back memories of his former, dead lover arabella.
You looked after bootstrap as he talked about his son.
One day bootstrap got punished by Davy Jones.
"No, it's not her/him/them it was me" bootstrap defended.
Bootstrap held his end for you and got whipped at the boucan.
Bootstrap would be the most protective man that would stick out for you.
Bootstrap admitted his confession when you were hurt. "I'm sorry y/n, I loved you, I couldn't go through with Davy hurtin' you."
Redd the pirate 👩‍🦰
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Redd was a tough woman. She was previously a wench and now she's a pirate.
Redd would be protective of you and she would defend you in any way she could.
She would hold many adventures with you and let you set sail with her.
"Seem's the ol landlubber knows how ta sail" she smiled to you.
"Seems the ol' lass knows her words" you replied.
Redd would be hanging around Tortuga while having fun.
She was auctioned off originally for being a pirate bride however she sailed with barbossas old crew on the wicked wench.
You showed redd respect compared to the rest of the drunkards.
If she confessed, she would kiss your forehead while saying, "Be not many like ye, a true lady/gent/person ta show this lass a yey ol time. I be willin ta spend e'ry shillings on ye if ye take this lass out on a blissful evenin".
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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wdhmbt · 8 months
I once redd a story where Attila teamed up with Dschinghis Khan to take on Blackbeard
That sounds pretty cool. Was it by Phillip Jose Farmer?
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heavenslittlehellion · 10 months
URL playlist tag game~!
tagged by @dxxtruction! thank u luv <3
make a playlist with each letter of your URL let's goooooooo
H E A V E N S L I T T L E H E L L I O N - 20 songs
H - Hold On : Wilson Phillips
E - Employee's Only : Tall Boy Special
A - At All : Ark Patrol ft. Veronika Redd
V - Valerie : Steve Winwood
E - Empire Ants : Gorillaz
N - Night Moth : Sunsquabi
S - Sunrise Projector : Tycho
L - Like Lovers Do : Hey Violet
I - Itvara : Fractal
T - Temptation : Eli & Fur
T - Tagidi Ma : Hovevey Zion
L - Loca People : Sak Noel
E - Ecstasy : ATB
H - Heaven : I Monster
E - Eco : Axel Thesleff
L - Lalibela : Caribou
L - Light Powered : Deastro
I - I Love Your Music : Tobiah
O - One Perfect Sunrise : Orbital
N - Note Blanche : N'to
whew okay DONE that took forever lol
tagging @hey-there-hunter @niceisa4letterword and @imacowboy3 ! (apollo too but i forgot your URL and you're DOING IT ANYWAY ily)
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princetonsjp · 1 month
A Celebration of America's Pasttime
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By Roanne Lee
On July 28, a Sunday afternoon, the Somerset Patriots and the Portland Sea Dogs, two Minor League teams, played game five in the six-game homestead. Before the game, Portland was leading the series by a score of 3 to 2. 
Ten minutes before the game started, a few mascots came onto the field, some of which included Red Bull’s iconic bull Redd and Princeton University’s orange tiger mascot. The mascots came to the Patriots’ home stadium in Bridgewater, New Jersey, to celebrate their friend Sparkee’s birthday. The mascots came out onto the field one by one as the audience cheered, applauding the loudest for the birthday star. Afterward, they ran a race around the bases, with Sparkee breaking through the finish line as the winner. Minutes after this display of camaraderie and affection, Portland pitcher Hunter Dobbins started the game with a strike. 
At the bottom of the second inning, the scoreboard showed the 1 point Portland had earned. It was time for the Patriots to either tie the score or end the inning a point behind. Starting off the play with one out, #36,Tyler Hardman came up onto the field. On his fourth swing, the audience turned their heads all at once to see the small baseball rocketing across the field. Squinting their eyes, the Patriots’ fans cheered as the ball raced between the two yellow poles, announcing a game tying home run for Hardman.
With Portland leading the game by 3-1, the fifth inning began. Their #11, Phillip Sikes brought his bat up and was ready to hit the ball flying towards him. With a pang! the ball went flying up and past the Patriots’ players on defense. For the second time, but by the opposing team’s player, the ball went in between the yellow poles, marking a homerun and another leading point for the Portland Sea Dogs. 
The sun started to set, and the ninth inning sped along. Portland was still up 4-1. Their players scored no points in the inning, so the Patriots only needed 3 to win. #13 Grant Richardson sauntered onto the field and starts the comeback with a sacrificial fly to left fielder Nick Decker, allwing #5 player Anthony Seigler to run home. 4-2.
The fans rise up in cheer in new-found excitement, but just as quickly fall back to their seats. Not long after, the game ends, leaving the final score at 4-2. After the nearly three-hour game, both team players wipe off their sweats, marking their effortful plays. 
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iexistyippee · 2 months
Heres my intro cuz I didn't put one before :]
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Heres a basic rundown of all the fandoms I'm in:
• Batim
• Fnaf
• Cuphead
• Dhmis
• Murder Drones
• Tadc
• Dsaf
• South Park
• Rainbow Friends
• Doors
• Kinitopet
• Among Us
•Garten of Banban
• Hazbin Hotel
• Helluva Boss
• Warrior Cats (still reading the books no spoilers plz)
• Thsc
And here are my main kins:
• JJ (Fnaf)
• Lolbit (Fnaf)
• Helpy (Fnaf)
• Doi (Dhmis)
• Redd (Dhmis)
• Paige (Dhmis)
• Cyn (Murder Drones)
• Gangle (Tadc)
• Zooble (Tadc)
• Matt (Dsaf)
• Kenny (South Park)
• Butters (South Park)
• Phillip/Pip (South Park)
• Purple (Rainbow Friends)
• Eyes (Doors)
• Halt (Doors)
• Curious Light (Doors)
• Slow Seline (Garten of Banban)
• Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)
• Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
• Loona (Helluva Boss)
• Octavia (Helluva Boss)
• Bee (Helluva Boss)
• Charles Calvin (Thsc)
Yeah and here are my ships:
Toy Fronnie
Toy Changle
Phantom Froxy
Phantom Changle
Nightmare Fronnie
Nightmare Changle
Plushtrap x Nightmare BB
Mad Security
Mendbit (exes)
Adventure Foxica
Adventure Bonnie x Foxy.exe
Froxy Fron (Its poly) (Ft Freddy x Ft Foxy x Bonbon)
Lolbit x Funtime Chica
No 1 Crate x Happy Frog x Rockstar Chica
Orville x Mr. Hippo
Rockstar Fronnie
Glamrock Fronnie
Glamrock Roxica
Padlock (I also kinda like Tony x Finn)
Steve x Frank
Briefcase x Finn
Pomni x Ragatha
Kinger x Queenie
Caine x Moon
Sun x CMR
Red x Trevor
Jack x Hide
Ambush x Depth x A-120
Figure x Silence
Dupe x Timothy
Curious Light x Bob (when he was alive)
Cherri Bomb x Sir Pentious
One sided Radiostatic
(Also Charlie x Emily is cute but Charlie already has a girlfriend :'])
Stolitz (I'm worried for it tho)
Bee x Vortex x Loona
Mammon x Money
And here's some user banners i found on Pinterest cuz I dunno what else to say:
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bamboomusiclist · 5 months
4/24 おはようございます。 Polly Bergen / All Alone By The Telephone CL1300 等更新しました。
Polly Bergen / All Alone By The Telephone CL1300 Teri Thornton / Somewhere in the Night ds6306 June Christy / Fair and Warmer T833 Anne Phillips / Born to Be Blue R25090 Barbra Streisand / Simply Streisand cs9482 First Jazz Piano Quartet / The First Jazz Piano Quartet W1274 Oscar Peterson / Put On A Happy Face v8660 Paul Smith Quartet / Softly Baby t-829 Charlie Parker / April in Paris mgv8004 Freddie Redd Hamp Hawes / Piano East West PRLP7067 Little Beaver / When Was The Last Time lp-2609 Cheryl Lynn / Got To Be Real - Come In From The Rain cbs6967 Hans Gunther Wauer Gunter Baby Sommer / Dedication FMP0900 Chimo / Chimo E30329 Fawzi Al Aiedy / Silence LDX74591 Todos Estrellas / A Traves Del Ciclo LD4386 Steely Dan / Katy Lied abcl5094 Steely Dan / the Royal Scam abcd-931
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~bamboo music~
530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号
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The newest issue of Ample Angelz magazine is now available at: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2457646
Front Cover:
Leticia Alatriz
Back Cover:
Francisca Alatriz
Molly Roxx
Leticia Alatriz
Francisca Alatriz
Redd Bone
Miss Malibu Nikki
Desiree Phillips
Ample Angelz is a Molly Roxx Universe creation.
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salem-project2023 · 2 years
Salem's Victims (Executed or Accused)
Arrested For Witchcraft:
Arthur Abbott
Nehemiah Abbott Jr
John Alden Jr
Abigail Barker
Mary Barker
William Barker, Sr
William Barker, Jr
Sarah Bassett
Sarah Bibber
Bridget Bishop
Sarah Bishop
Mary Black
Mary Bradbury
Mary Bridges, Sr
Mary Bridges, Jr
Sarah Bridges
Hannah Bromage
Sarah Buckley
George Burroughs
Martha Carrier
Richard Carrier
Sarah Carrier
Thomas Carrier Jr
Bethia Carter, Sr
Elizabeth Cary
Sarah Churchill
Mary Clarke
Rachel Clinton
Sarah Cloyce
Sarah Cole (of Lynn)
Sarah Cole (of Salem)
Elizabeth Colson
Giles Corey
Martha Corey
Deliverance Dane
Mary De Rich
Elizabeth Dicer
Ann Dolliver
Lydia Dustin
Sarah Dustin
Daniell Eames
Rebecca Eames
Mary Easty
Esther Elwell
Martha Emerson
Joseph Emons
Phillip English
Thomas Farrer
Edward Farrington
Abigail Faulkner, Sr
Dorothy Faulkner
Elizabeth Fosdick
Ann Foster
Nicholas Frost
Eunice Fry
Dorcas Good
Sarah Good
Mary Green
Elizabeth Hart
Margaret Hawkes
Sarah Hawkes
Dorcas Hoar
Abigail Hobbs
Deliverance Hobbs
William Hobbs
Elizabeth Howe
Elizabeth Hubbard
Frances Hutchins
Mary Ireson
John Jackson, Sr
John Jackson, Jr
George Jacobs, Sr
George Jacobs, Jr
Margaret Jacobs
Rebecca Jacobs
Elizabeth Johnson, Sr
Elizabeth Johnson, Jr
Rebecca Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Mary Lacey, Sr
Mary Lacey, Jr
John Lee
Mercy Lewis
Jane Lilly
Mary Marston
Susannah Martin
Sarah Morey
Rebecca Nurse
Sarah Osborne
Mary Osgood
Alice Parker
Mary Parker
Sarah Pease
Joan Penney
Hannah Post
Mary Post
Susannah Post
Margaret Prince
Benjamin Proctor
Elizabeth Proctor
John Proctor
Sarah Proctor
William Proctor
Ann Pudeator
Wilmot Redd
Sarah Rice
Susannah Roots
Henry Salter
John Sawdy
Margaret Scott
Ann Sears
Susanna Sheldon
Abigail Somes
Martha Sparks
Mary Taylor
Job Tookey
Mary Toothaker
Roger Toothaker
Johanna Tyler
Martha Tyler
Mercy Wardwell
Samuel Wardwell
Sarah Wardwell
Mary Warren
Sarah Wilds
John Willard
Sarah Wilson, Sr.
Mary Witheridge
Bridget Bishop
Sarah Good
Rebecca Nurse 
Elizabeth Howe
Susannah Martin
Sarah Wildes
Rev. George Burroughs 
George Jacobs Sr. 
Martha Carrier 
John Proctor 
John Willard 
Martha Corey 
Mary Eastey 
Mary Parker 
Alice Parker 
Ann Pudeator 
Wilmot Redd 
Margaret Scott 
Samuel Wardwell Sr. 
Giles Corey (Pressed to Death)
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The new issue of Ample Angelz magazine is now available at: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2333427
Front Cover:
Leticia Alatriz
Back Cover:
Miss Pink Tink
Leticia Alatriz
Rio Del Adore
Molly Roxx­­
Redd Bone
Desiree Phillips
Amber Keefe
Rosaa Lovee
Miss Pink Tink
Carly Angeles
Love Bug
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dear-indies · 4 years
If it’s not too much, would you mind suggesting some faceclaims of color that could be in a modern punk/alternative band? Thank you so so much :)
ARROWS / angryarrows (1990) African-American - non-binary - he/they.
Alok Vaid-Menon (1991) Indian - gender-nonconforming, non-binary transfeminine - they.
Quintessa Swindell (1997) Black / White - non-binary - he/they. 
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger, Jewish - deaf - trans genderqueer - he/him.
Ariela Barer (1998) 75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Mexican - non-binary - she/they.
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Chiricahua Apache, Afro Puerto Rican - genderfluid - she/her they/them - pansexual.
Ian Alexander (2001) Vietnamese / White - he/him - enby boy - queer.
Azis (1978) Romani - non-binary - gay.
Nat Ćmiel / Yeule (1997) Chinese-Singaporean - non-binary - she/they.
Grove / theyisgrove (?) Black British - genderqueer - they/them - queer.
Freema Agyeman (1979) Ghanaian / Iranian - Sense8.
Dichen Lachman (1982) Tibetan / German - Supergirl.
Nyla Rose (1982) Oneida / African-American - trans.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - queer. 
Maika Harper (1986) Inuit.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell (1986) African-American, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish - Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey.
Samira Wiley (1987) African-American - lesbian.
Kat Blaque (1990) African-American - trans.
Anh Wisle (1991) Vietnamese. 
Zazie Beetz (1991) African-American / German. 
Kanya Sesser (1992) Thai - born without legs. 
Slick Woods (1993) African-American - bisexual.
Park Gyu-young (1993) Korean - Sweet Home. 
Kawennahere Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - not straight but otherwise unlabelled.
Linnea Berthelsen (1993) Indian - Stranger Things.
Khadijha Red Thunder (1994) Cree, African-American, Spanish - After.
Lyrica Okano (1994) Japanese - The Runaways.
Sasha Lane (1995) African-American, Māori, English, Scottish, Sorbian, French, Cornish, distant German, Italian, Belgian Flemish, Russian, and Northern Irish - lesbian.
Adeline Rudolph (1995) Korean / German - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Mei Pang (1996) Malaysian-Chinese.
Brianna Hildebrand (1996) Mexican / German, English, Irish - not straight, chosen not to label herself otherwise! 
Tati Gabrielle (1996) Korean / African-American - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Andy Blossom (1998) Chinese. 
Anna Lambe (2000) Inuit - bisexual - Trinkets. 
Ayumi Roux (2001) Japanese / French. 
Aaron Philip (2001) Afro-Antiguan - has cerebral palsy - trans.
Minni Jo (?) English, Puerto Rican - NCIS. 
Buffy Sainte-Marie (1941) Cree.
Jada Pinkett-Smith (1971) African-American / African-/Creole-Barbadian, African-/Creole-Jamaican.
Natasha Khan (1979) Pakistani / English.
Ebony Bones (1982) Afro-Jamaican. 
Riz Ahmed (1982) Muhajir Pakistani - Sound of Metal.
Fefe Dobson (1985) Afro-Jamaican / Unspecified First Nations, Irish, English, Dutch, Scottish.
Janelle Monáe (1985) African-American - bisexual and pansexual. 
Juliana Huxtable (1987) African-American - trans.
FKA twigs (1988) African-Jamaican / English, Spanish.
Rina Sawayama (1990) Japanese. 
Sho Madjozi (1992) Tsonga / European.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Portuguese Brazilian / Ashkenazi Jewish, Cheyenne, Ojibwe, Chippewa Cree, Scottish, French, English, Irish.
Nikki Gould (1995) Mi'kmaq, White.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and Welsh, as well as distant Cornish, Irish, Choctaw - lesbian and polyamorous.
Asami Zdrenka (1995) Japanese / English, Danish, Irish.
Jasmine Sokko (1996) Singaporean.
Rico Nasty (1997) African-American / Puerto Rican.
Nakamoto Suzuka (1997) Japanese.
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Swedish, Mexican, Cherokee.
Willow Smith (1998) 75% African-American 25% African-Creole-Barbadian and African-Creole-Jamaican - bisexual and polyamorous. 
Kikuchi Moa (1999) Japanese. 
Jannine Weigel (2000) Thai / German.
Amy Love / Nova Twins (?) Black British.
Georgia South / Nova Twins (?) Black British.
Kayla Phillips / Bleed The Pigs (?) African-American.
Audrey Campbell / Pleasure Venom (?) African-American.
Gabriella “Guitar Gabby” Logan (?) African-American. 
Shikhee D’iordna (?) Bangladeshi. 
Edith Johnson / Meet Me @ the Altar (?) African-American.
Ada Juarez / Meet Me @ the Altar (?) Salvadorian, Dominican - lesbian.
Téa Campbell / Meet Me @ the Altar (?) African-American - lesbian.
Danny Trejo (1944) Mexican.
Zahn McClarnon (1966) Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, Sihasapa Lakota Sioux, Polish, Irish, French, German, English.
Marcus LaVoi (1968) Ojibwe.
Naveen Andrews (1969) Malayali Indian.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican, Filipino.
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican.
Arjun Gupta (1986) Indian.
Rüzgar Erkoçlar (1986) Turkish - trans.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - gay.
Andrew Koji (1987) Japanese / British.
Julio Torres (1987) Mexican - esp his role in Los Espookys.
Chai Hansen (1989) Thai / Unspecified Australian.
Xavier de Guzman (1988) Filipino. 
David Castañeda (1989) Mexican.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, English, Scottish, Danish, Manx.
Adonis Bosso (1990) Ivorian.
Harvey Guillen (1990) Mexican - queer.
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - unsure of sexuality but not straight.
Jake Choi (1992) Korean.
Ryan Potter (1995) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish, Swedish, English, German.
Justice Smith (1995) African-American / Italian, French-Canadian - queer - Generation.
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian.
Luka Sabbat (1997) Afro-Haitian, Irish, English, German.
Nico Hiraga (1997) Japanese / German, English, Scottish, Dutch.
Doug Wimbish (1956) African-American.
Vernon Reid (1958) African-American.
Ice-T (1958) Louisiana Creole [African, French] / African-American.
D. H. Peligro (1959) African-American.
Ernie C (1959) African-American.
Will Calhoun (1964) African-American. 
Corey Glover (1964) African-American.
Lenny Kravitz (1964) Afro-Bahamian, African-American / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Benji Webbe (1967) Afro-Jamaican. 
Serj Tankian (1967) Armenian.
Arnel Pineda (1967) Filipino. 
Derrick Green (1971) African-American. 
Lajon Witherspoon (1972) African-American.
Miyavi (1981) Japanese / Korean-Japanese. 
Tosin Abasi (1983) Nigerian.
Matt Heafy (1986) Japanese / Irish, German.
Jason Aalon Butler (1986) African-American / Scottish.
Kanki Tomoya (1987) Japanese.
Yamashita Tōru (1988) Japanese.
Moriuchi Takahiro (1988) Japanese.
Kohama Ryōta (1989) Japanese.
Marz23 / Lin Zhirong (1991) Taiwanese.
Moses Sumney (1991) Ghanaian - aromatic.
Roshon Fegan (1991) African-American / Filipino. 
Choi Myung-Hwan / Mokyo / Thurxday (1991) Korean.
Scarlxrd (1994) Jamaican, Ghanaian / Jamaican, White.
Remington Leith (1994) Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian, White.
Denzel Curry (1995) Afro-Bahamian.
Do Han-se (1997) Korean.
KennyHoopla (1997) African-American. 
GARZI (1997) African-American.
Jaden Smith (1998) 75% African-American 25% African-Creole-Barbadian and African-Creole-Jamaican.
ZillaKami (1998) African-American.
Iann Dior (1999) Afro-Puerto Rican.
Poorstacy (1999) African-American.
Yoon Jin-young / Ash Island (1999) Korean.
Trippie Redd (1999) Irish, Unspecified Native American, African-American.
Danny Denial (?) African-American.
CX KiDTRONiK (?) African-American. 
Jaxon Rose (?) Black New Zealander.
theOGM (?) African-American. 
Some musicians have acting roles but they’re under the musician category to show they have musician / music related resources! 
I’d also suggest this post for more alternative musicians of colour! 
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jbuenrostro00 · 4 years
Week 10 Blog Post
1. Do people who troll actually know what kind of toll they can take on people across the internet or communities on the internet?
Honestly, I feel that trolls are just people who kind of have nothing better to do in their spare time than to just ‘troll.’ Since it’s the internet, a lot of people have the mindset that “well it’s on the internet so it really can’t hurt anyone physically.” A lot of people just troll to get reactions out of the person they are targeting or fans of that creator they are targeting. Many people do not even realize what they’re doing, “To my - and in fact to their - fascination, few could recall how they described their behaviors before the subcultural definition of trolling took hold. They have since come to use the term retroactively, but at the time did not think of themselves as trolls.” Although they did not understand what they were doing, ‘trolls’ should be told why their actions are wrong and why their actions can inflict harm to others. 
2. Is removing hate comments/censoring what people post wrong?
This is a complicated question to answer because there are different variations of this situation. On one hand, innocent people such as Leslie Jones can be attacked viciously for simply taking part in a role for a movie that was not that good. Although she was apart of a movie that was not well liked among the general public, for her to receive such malicious comments to the point for her to say, “I feel like I’m in a personal hell. I didn’t do anything to deserve this. It’s just too much. It shouldn’t be like this. So hurt right now.” Followed by a later tweet, “I leave Twitter tonight with tears and a very sad heart. All cause I did a movie. You can hate the movie but the shit I got today... wrong.” In these instances, comments should be taken down because she had no reason to be attacked so much over a role she had in a film. As for other hate comments that are directed to those who inflict hate or have racist views, (cyberbullies, white supremacists, racists) I think for me and for many others, the comments should remain up. This creates a “well how come they can spew hate but I can’t?” situation which can become difficult. I feel that that removing hate comments targeted at people, or just hate comments in general, should be looked at on a case by case basis. There are certain kinds of hate comments that are deemed socially acceptable and others that are not. 
3. Is Reddit a good website for individuals and communities?  (page 2, page 3, 
Personally, I have never used Reddit before but from the article I read it seems to be a pretty ‘true-to-self’ website. “Within the Reddit community, there is nothing in particular that compels a user to be truthful and open about their off-line identity, yet many users seem willing disclose details about their lives away from the Internet.” The website seems kind of the opposite of an app like Instagram - which is where a lot of people try to come off as having perfect lives. Reddit seems more relaxed and less serious than other platforms in which you have to provide information, “The ease that one can create a Reddit account has given rise to the phenomenon of what are known among Redditors as ‘novelty accounts’... Yet as we will soon see, there is still and expectation of truthfulness amongst some community members.” The website also seems to maintain control of hate comments that are spread on the platform by having it to where “If enough users downvote a particular comment it is collapsed and hidden from view; users must click to view the collapsed comment (and its resulting thread). I honestly feel that is a very good feature to have because it gives the power of the users to decide what is right and wrong to post rather than the website creators. It also sounds like the comment is still kept up but just hidden from view which doesn’t really take away a user’s right to comment what they please. 
4. Is trolling/having a fake internet persona dangerous today?
Yes, trolling online and also having a fake persona online can lead to drastic outcomes. A prime example of ‘trolling gone wrong’ is none other than rapper 6ix9ine. He started off as a rapper who had more of an underground/yelling style of music. His career took off with his track, Gummo, which he portrayed himself as a cold blooded gangster who had a lot gang affiliates. He eventually became so wrapped up in this persona that he actually felt he was who he pretended to be, a gangster. He eventually got into several altercations with the law including several RICO charges which could’ve put him behind bars for almost the rest of his life. He eventually fessed up and took down his accomplices and confessed that he was only doing a persona for ‘clout.’ As for his trolling, he is notorious for his shenanigans online by consistently calling out other famous artists. He has called out: Chief Keef, Lil Reese, Tory Lanez, 50 Cent, Trippie Redd, etc. His constant outbursts and callouts of other artists has resulted him in becoming one the most, if not the most, hated artist in the music industry. 6ix9ine has shown that even though the internet isn’t real life, being irresponsible and playing with fire will eventually get you burned. 
Bergstrom, K. (2011). “Don’t feed the troll”: Shutting down debate about community expectations on Reddit.com. First Monday, 16(8). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v16i8.3498
Duggan, M. (2014). Online Harassment. Retrieved from https://moodle-2020-2021.fullerton.edu/pluginfile.php/2715046/mod_resource/content/0/httpswww.pewresearch.orginternet20141022online-harassment.pdf
Phillips, W. (2015). Defining terms: The origins and evolution of subculture trolling. 55-87.
Silma, A. (2016, August 24). A timeline of Leslie Jones’s horrific online abuse. The Cut. https://www.thecut.com/2016/08/a-timeline-of-leslie-joness-horrific-online-abuse.html
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jgthirlwell · 5 years
2019 year in review
This year I also invited some friends and colleagues to reflect on 2019
JG Thirlwell
Composer Foetus Xordox Manorexia Steroid Maximus Venture Bros Archer
30 Albums of 2019 (although not all of them came out in 2019) Damon Locks & Black Monument Ensemble Where Future Unfolds (International Anthem) Le Grand Sbam Vaisseau Monde (Dur et Doux Caravaggio Caravaggio 2 & Turn Up (La Buissonne) Swans Leaving Meaning (Young God Records) 13 Million Year Old Ghost (Chaykin) Ben Frost Dark Cycles 1 & 2 (Invada) Sote Parallel Persia / Sacred Horror In Design (Diagonal) 33EMYBW Arthropods (SVBKVLT) Anna Meredith Fibs (Moshi Moshi) Kelly Moran Ultraviolet (Warp) Thom Yorke Anima  (XL) Hildur Guðnadóttir Joker Soundtrack (Water Tower Music) Lingua Ignota Caligula (Profound Lore) Igorr Savage Synusoid (Metal Blade) Oli XL  Rogue intruder Soul Enhancer (Blo-onm) Red Fang Murder The Mountains (Relapse) Michael Kiwanuka Kiwanuka (Polydor) Richard Dawson 2020 (Weird World) Idiot Flesh Fancy / The Nothing Show / Tales Of Instant Knowledge and Sure Death (YouTube) Ikarus Echo / Mosaiasmic (Ronin Rhythm Records) Poil Sus / Mula Poil (Dur et Doux) Orange Goblin A Eulogy For The Damned (Candlelight) Nivhek After its own death / Walking in a spiral towards the house (Yellow Electric) Ni Pantophobie (Due et Doux) Andrew WK You’re Not Alone (Sony) Rustin Man Drift Code (Domino) Kishi Bashi Omoiyari (Joful Noise) Liturgy HAQQ (YLYLCYN) Croatian Amor Isa (Posh Isolation) Schnellertollermeier Rights / X /  Zorn einen ehmer üttert stem!! (Cuneiform) Scandinavian Star Solas (Posh Isolation) Synth Sisters Euphoria (EM records) JPEGMAFIA Veteran + All My Heroes Are Cornballs (EQT)
Notable Concerts I went to dozens of concerts and events in 2019. Here are some of the most notable. All in NYC except where noted.
Jan 8  Matt Marks Tribute at  Protoype Festival. Roulette Jan 19  Lemon Twigs MHOW Jan 26  Julia Wolfe /  NY Philharmonic Fire In My Mouth Lincoln Center Feb 16  Lucretia Dalt Issue Project Room Feb 23  Willliam Basinski  Ambient Church Mar 13  Lou Reed Drones St John The Divine Mar 18  This Heat LPR + July 31 at Elsewhere Mar 20  Oran Ambarchi  Fridman Gallery Mar 28  Fire! at Zurcher April 11  Aphex Twin Avant Gardner May 4  Zombi El Cortez May 11  Lawrence English Knockdown Center May 13  The Who + Orchestra Madison Square Garedn May 15  Alva Noto Metropolitan Museum June 11  Andrew Cyrille Marathon Roulette June 13  Christeene / Nastie Band Brooklyn Bazaar June 26  Simon Hanes National Sawdust July 27  Nick Zinner 41 Strings Rockefeller Center July 30  Flaming Lips / Lennon Claypool Delirium Capitol Theater Portchester Aug 2-4  Bang On  A Can LOUD Festival Mass MOCA Notth Adams Aug 27  Pharmakon St Vitus Sep 5  JD Emmanuel Issue / First Unitarian Church Sep 18  Lingua Ignota St Vitus Set 21  King Crimson  Radio City Oct 10  Melvins Warsaw Oct 19  Helm Cafe Oto Nov 1  Marc Almond Brooklyn Bazaar Nov 6  JPEGMAFIA Bowery Ballroom Nov 23  Caterina Barbieri Unsound Fest, Knockdown Center Nov 30  Knower Bowery Ballroom
Film & TV These films were flawed but resonated with me.
Chernobyl Ozark Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Joker Midsommar The Irishman Uncut Gems
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Matt Johnson
The The https://www.thethe.com/
Looking back on 2019 I decided to list a handful of political / alternative news websites rather than films, albums or books. In the UK the corporate media stooped to shocking new lows during our recent General Election campaign. Such dirty tactics are to be expected of conglomerates owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch and his fellow right wing billionaires but this time around, previously ‘liberal’ outlets such as the BBC and Guardian also fully participated in the outrageous lies, smears and character assassination against the leader of the opposition Labour Party. The British population were now being forced fed the Establishment’s propaganda du jour from every possible direction. Personally I try to gather my information from as many alternative outlets as possible to contrast with the 24 hour corporate brainwashing we’re subjected to these days. I’ve listed just five sites from the dozens I regularly visit and although I certainly don’t agree with everything expressed on these sites I do feel that it essential that in supposed free and democratic societies we are at least exposed to a variety of viewpoints and opinions - rather than being trapped inside social media echo chambers in an Internet that is increasingly controlled and censored by sophisticated algorithms and where politically correct digital lynch mobs accuse anyone with an opinion that contradicts the official narrative of being a Russian agent! Anyway, a Happy New Year to you all and here’s hoping 2020 sets the new decade off in roaring style!
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Tristan Perich
Composer www.tristanperich.com
Here is a rather random selection of 10 of my favorite tracks of 2019, mostly courtesy Spotify recommendations over the year...
Full playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6OUSFLqLsAwhRQRF44yxWN?si=r33XRUuGR_iIOZHg4thuyA
Lechuga Zafiro: Para Abajo feat Matmos & Seba TC https://open.spotify.com/track/2xMnSTIBNZ8AT6w6TdZyU9
Kelpe: A Year and a Day https://open.spotify.com/track/4ANoLzEjtGOBl5qCvEiLov
Shida Shahabi: All In Circles https://open.spotify.com/track/5qMnq88JPMJQ81x5szpN3t
The Vernon Spring: Strength of a Young Man https://open.spotify.com/track/0zQUqR1UcXoPRSrTt0WuPs
Dessert: Thunderbird https://open.spotify.com/track/5rAguSvXxyo5zBq9a5RQWd
Yves V w/ Icona Pop: We Got That Cool (Robert Falcon & Jordan Jay Remix) https://open.spotify.com/track/1lEtudJvZNiibWzXc5m4mh
Selena Gomez: Look At Her Now https://open.spotify.com/track/4yI3HpbSFSgFZtJP2kDe5m
Masahiro Sugaya: Umi No Sunatsubu https://open.spotify.com/track/43egCanD1UNNvoCo2K4veC
Konradsen: Baby Hallelujah https://open.spotify.com/track/6TBnYhxTzSiiVmMBjpZ3gH
Slow Magic: Girls (DJ Clap Remix) https://open.spotify.com/track/31Sdj7aF1h4emCJtkxdy1A
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James Ilgenfritz
Composer https://infrequentseams.com/
James Ilgenfritz's favorite witnessed events, by month:
Hilma af Klint: Paintings for the Future (January, Guggenheim) Anaïs Maviel: who is this ritual for and from? (February, Roulette) Roscoe MItchell, SPACE, Wavefield Ensemble (March, Park Avenue Armory) Blank Forms: Nadah El Shazly (April, Brooklyn Music School) Barre Phillips Solo (May, Zurcher Gallery) Heiner Goebbels: Everything That Happened And Would Happen (June, Park Avenue Armory) Zodiac Saxophone Quartet: Charles Waters, Ras Moshe Burnett, Claire Daly, Lee Odom (July, Scholes St) Tie: Judith Berkson: Partial Memories & Juho Laitinen: Robert Ashley's The Wolfman (August, Ostrava Days, Czech Republic) Zeena Parkins / William Winant / Ikue Mori (September, The Stone) Vinnie Golia / Bobby Bradford Quartet (October, Edgefest in Ann Arbor) LA Philharmonic: Wubbels, Macklay, Sabat, Smith, Perich (Los Angeles, November) Art Ensemble Of Chicago (December, Washington, DC)
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Carl Michael Von Hausswolff
Artist / Composer
10 special artists of 2019 in no specific order: • Hildur Guðnadóttir - her film music • sunn o))) - their Life Metal and Pyroclasts albums • Ilpo Väisänen - his concert in Stockholm • Cindy van Acker - her choreographic work • Jónsi & Alex - their old Riceboy Sleeps album and 2019 tour • Swans - their leaving meaning album • Flowers Must Die - their Där Blommor Dör album • Bigert & Bergström - their climate awareness art • Vanessa Sinclair & Carl Abrahamsson - all their work during 2019 • Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Tim Story - their Lunz 3 album
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Ryan Martin
Label Boss, Dais Records
Richard Youngs & Raül Refree "All Hands Around the Monument" Sarah Davachi "Pale Bloom" James Hoff "HOBO UFO (v. Chernobyl)" Wojciech Rusin ‎"The Funnel" Caterina Barbieri "Ecstatic Computation" Solange "When I Get Home" Kali Malone "The Sacrificial Code" Deathprod "Occulting Disk" Vatican Shadow "Kuwaiti Airforce" Ben Vida "Reducing The Tempo To Zero" JPEGMAFIA "All My Heroes Are Cornballs" Dean Hurley "Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy of Beyond" Sean McCann "Puck" Oren Ambarchi "Simian Angel" Tyler, The Creator "IGOR" Helm "Chemical Flowers" JAB "Erg Herbe" Emptyset "Blossoms" E-Saggila "My World, My Way" Jacob Kirkegaard "Black Metal Square" Boy Harsher "Careful"
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Weasel Walter
Composer/performer / label head https://weaselwalter.bandcamp.com/
2019 was far from my favorite year. Regardless, I managed to release not one, but two new double albums by The Flying Luttenbachers (as well as two European tours with the unit) in addition to the usual slew of improvised music gigs and releases, and co-ordinating and producing an archival release of vintage NYC weirdness (Ozone). I also rocked Mexico City with Lydia Lunch Retrovirus, played a ridiculous gig with Encenathrakh, and disbanded Cellular Chaos (for now, at least).
When I become obsessed (or re-obsessed with something), it usually leads to a ton of proselytizing Facebook status posts. Combing my 2019 posts, it seems that my musical obsessions this year weren't very highbrow. Ha ha ha. Yes, I'm super into Xenakis, Cecil Taylor and whatever else, but dumber music can supply great creature comfort, and I guess I needed that in large amounts, so that's what it was. Sometimes badass modernists have to take time out to stay in bed all day and read comics because it's a hard cold world out there.
Weasel Walter top 10 musical obsessions of 2019 1. Kid Creole and the Coconuts (1980-1985 era) 2. Redd Kross 3. The Saints "I'm Stranded" 4. Jane Aire and the Belvederes 5. Miles Davis 1972-1975 6. Khanate "Things Viral 7. Mandy Zone & Ozone "Live at Max's Kansas City 1981" 8. Mayhem "Grand Declaration of War" 9. Comedy Bang Bang Episode #554 w/ Middleditch, Sanz 10. Weezer "Pinkerton"
Weasel Walter worst thing about 2019
1. Windows 10
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C.Spencer Yeh
Composer / Performer https://twitter.com/cspenceryeh?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Ten live music highlights of 2019 - The Brandon Lopez Trio (Lopez/Steve Baczkowski/Gerald Cleaver) at Fridman Gallery, June 18 - DeForrest Brown Jr., Pennies From Heaven series at CONTROL, January 15 - Charmaine Lee, Nothing Changes at Saint Vitus, January 30 - Bloodyminded at Apartment 202, December 14 - Longmont Potion Castle live QnA, Spectacle Theater, March 23 - Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society, Roulette, July 1 - Helm, Elsewhere, September 21 - Korn, Radiohead, Red Light District, October 26 - Mdou Moctar, Max Fish, September 1 - Mayo Thompson plays "Corky's Debt to His Father," Le Poisson Rouge, December 8
Speed round – five various still on the mind at the end of 2019 - Charlotte Moorman / Nam June Paik long sleeve t-shirt, Boot Boyz - Acacia leaf omelet and shrimp in sour curry, Jitlada, Los Angeles - Lynnée Denise, presentation for Omniaudience (Side Two) presented by Triple Canopy/Nikita Gale/Hammer Museum at Coaxial Arts, May 4 - PARASITE (2019) - ANIARA (2018)
Also, Spectacle Theater turns ten in 2020 and you should really come visit us.
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DJ Food
Artist / composer / DJ / curator
Music / podcasts: Pye Corner Audio - Hollow Earth LP (Ghost Box) Various - Corroded Circuits EP 12" (Downfall Recordings) Chris Moss Acid - Heavy Machine 12" (Balkan Vinyl) King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Fishing For Fishes LP (Flightless) Pictogram - Trace Elements cassette (Miracle Pond) Vanishing Twin - The Age of Immunology LP (Fire Records) Big Mouth podcast (various) (Acast) Beans - Triptych LP (Gamma Proforma) Roisin Murphy - Incapable single (Skint) Ebony Steel Band - Pan Machine LP (Om Swagger) People Like Us - The Mirror LP (Discrepant) Coastal County - Coastal County LP (Lomas) Adam Buxton podcast (various) (Acast) Ghost Funk Orchestra - A Song For Paul LP (Karma Chief) Jon Brooks - Emotional Freedom Techniques LP (Cafe Kaput) King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Organ Farmer (from Infest the Rat's Nest LP) (Flightless) Jane Weaver - Fenella LP (Fire Records) Polypores - Brainflowers cassette (Miracle Pond)
Design / packaging: Pepe Deluxé - The Surrealist Woman lathe cut 7" (Catskills) Various - Science & Technology ERR Rec Library Vol.2 (ERR Records) DJ Pierre presents ACID 88 vol. III LP (Afro Acid) Mark Ayres plays Wendy Carlos - Kubrick 7" (Silva Screen) Tomorrow Syndicate - Citizen Input 10" (Polytechnic Youth) The Utopia Strong - S/T LP (Rocket Recordings) Jarvis - Sunday Service LP (ACE records) Andy Votel - Histoire D'Horreur cassette (Hypocrite?) Sculpture - Projected Music 5" zoetrope picture disc (Psyché Tropes) Lapalux - Amnioverse LP (Brainfeeder) Hieroglyphic Being - Synth Expressionism / Rhythmic Cubism LP (On The Corner Records)
Film / TV: Sculpture - Meeting Our Associates (Plastic Infinite) This Time with Alan Partridge (BBC) Avengers: Endgame (Disney/Marvel) Imaginary Landscapes - Sam Campbell (Vinyl Factory) What We Do In The Shadows (BBC2) The Mandalorian (Disney+)
Books / Comics / Magazines: Beastie Boys Book - Mike Diamond & Adam Horowitz (Spiegel & Grau) Cosmic Comics - A Kevin O'Neill Miscellany (Hibernia Books) Electronic Sound magazine (Pam Com. Ltd) Moebius - 40 Days In The Desert (expanded edition) (Moebius Productions) Rock Graphic Originals  - Peter Golding w. Barry Miles (Thames & Hudson) 2000AD / Judge Dredd Megazine (Rebellion) Silver Surfer Black - Donny Cates/Tradd Moore (Marvel) Help - Simon Amstell (Square Peg) The Scarfolk Annual - Richard Littler (William Collins) Wrappers Delight - Jonny Trunk (Fuel)
Gigs / Events: Vanishing Twin @ Prince of Wales Pub, Brighton Stereolab @ Concorde 2, Brighton People's Vote March 23rd March, London Wobbly Sounds book launch @ Spiritland, London Confidence Man @ The Electric, Brixton, London Mostly Jazz Funk & Soul Festival, Moseley, Birmingham Bluedot Festival, Jodrell Bank, Manchester HaHa Sounds Collective play David Axelrod's Earth Rot @ Tate Exchange, London School of Hypnosis play In C @ Cafe Oto, London Palace Electrics, Antenna Studios, London The Delaware Road, New Zealand Farm, Salisbury Breaking Convention closing party, Greenwich, London Jonny Trunk & Martin Green's Hidden Library @ Spiritland, Southbank, London Negativland / People Like Us @ Cafe Oto, London HaHa Sound Collective plays the David Axelrod songbook @ The Church of Sound, London, Sculpture, Janek Schaefer, Mariam Rezaei + the 26 turntable ensemble @ The Old Baths, Hackney, London Vanishing Twin & Jane Weaver's Fenella @ Studio 9294, Hackney Wick, London
Exhibitions: Sister Corita Kent @ House of Illustration, London, Augustinbe Kofie @ Stolen Space, London, Victor Vasarely @ Pompidou Centre, Paris, Mary Quant @ V&A Museum, London, Stanley Kubrick @ The Design Museum, London, Tim Hunkin's Novelty Automation Museum, London, Keith Haring retrospective @Tate, Liverpool, Nam June Paik, Tate Modern, London, Takis @ Tate Modern, London, Shepard Fairy @ Stolen Space, London, Damien Hirst 'Mandalas' at the White Cube, London, Bridget Riley @ The Hayward, London, Museum of Neo-liberalism, Lewisham, London.
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martyniiii · 4 years
MAG 175 - Epoch
New Magnus episode! MAG 175 - Epoch
Case ########-15
An inventory of what comes after. 
Audio recorded by the Archivisit, in situ.
Content warnings:
Body horror (inc animals)
Description of human remains
Futility / Inconsequence
Environmental disaster / Eco-horror
Water insecurity
Existential & Theological dread
Unpleasant SFX - insects, squelching, sirens 
Thanks to this week's Patrons: Alaina Royse, Shane Kelly, Grackles, anonymous sky, Lainy J, JZimD, OatmealAddiction, Deidre Pitts, Andreas Evans, Disaster, Lovro, Saadia, Megan Linger, Billie, Rowen De Lacy, Gil, Zetallis, Woodspurge, Redd, Erin Sellars, James Curry, TJ Hoffer, KP Wilson, Zoe Schroeder, charliewarl, Shannon McHugh, Taylor Ashmore, lu, Mitch Pavao, sageybug, Josephine Hoare, Azaria Serpens, Bonnie Phillips, DwarvenBeardSpores, Bex quollish, Jax Wells, Twisted Sight, Elizabeth LeGant, Agnieszka Szołucha, Benn Ends, Libby Broome, Elyse Walker, Faith Gillispie, Kathleen Parham, PansyThoughts, e.herself, Tartha Jedril 
If you'd like to join them visit www.patreon.com/rustyquill
Edited this week by Annie Fitch, Elizabeth Moffatt, Brock Winstead & Alexander J Newall
Written by Jonathan Sims and directed by Alexander J Newall
Produced by Lowri Ann Davies
- "Martin Blackwood" - Alexander J. Newall 
- "The Archivist" - Jonathan Sims 
Sound effects this week by josephsardin, 16G_Panska_Sand_Nikolas, StephenSaldanha, lolamadeus, audiojacked, nooly, PhreaKsAccount, vckhaze, PhreaKsAccount, usernamemoe, Tomlija, tim.kahn, jchiledred, dheming, jorickhoofd, Fission9, Rvgerxini, TreasureBoxFilms, kantouth, jorickhoofd, launemax, Alexir, msantoro11, Inspector J, secondbody, Kinoton, supersound23, Peacewaves, Spoxe, Relenzo2, 7h3_lark, kMoon, Dariachic, tatianafeudal, potok_potoczny, jorickhoofd & previously credited artists via freesound.org.
Check out our merchandise at https://www.redbubble.com/people/rustyquill/collections/708982-the-magnus-archives-s1
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aniihera · 5 years
8 people i want to get to know better tag
I was tagged by @tomebreakr !! :))
ONE/ name/ alias: Anika, some ppl call me Nika as a nickname tho
TWO/ birthday: 18th of feb
THREE/ zodiac sign: Aquarius 😔😔 rub a dub dub gimme a glub 😪😪
FOUR/ height: like 5’7, 5’8? I have rlly checked in ages tho so mayb taller? Idk, im like average height :pp
FIVE/ hobbies: Drawing, writing, cosplay, watching weird docos, gaming 😤😤, also watching playthroughs of games, alsooo when i can find the right book, reading. Lately my main hobby has just been playing overwatch tho owo, zenyada mainnnn representt 😤✊✊ (jk i wish, most of the time my teams make me play tank 😔😔👊)
SIX/ favourite colours: Redd and orangeee, also likee any colour of the sunset, theyre rlly pretttyyy. Alll colours are so pretty thooo.
SEVEN/ favourite books: Definitely my top fav is “Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe”!!!! Its so goood. “We are the ants” is also gud, andddd i loveee the spooks series 🥺🥺 i also oughta put the moomins books but i actually havent started them yet sksksksk
EIGHT/ the last song i listened to: i think it was lizzos truth hurts?? Shes a goddess 😤😤
NINE/ last film watched: uhhh i think it was “I love you phillip morris”.
TEN/ inspiration/ muse: honestly prolly just my favourite artists. Like @/icehead98 , their art is so good 🥺🥺 andd music also inspires me n stuff. Los campesinos owns my soulll, and their lyrics have inspired a few of my artworks :pp
ELEVEN/ dream job: uhhhhh i have like no clue. If i actually knew how to code, do stories and art, i would so wanna b an indie game developer 🥺🥺🥺 sadly ik none of those thing tho 😔😔 writing books or comics also seems cool too :00
TWELVE/ meaning behind your url: Lol its litterally just a homestuck reference, aka when dave calls johns “mom” hot (shes actually his grandma but the ectobiology stuff is super weird so idk). Tho, johnshotmom was taken so i put johnshotmum :pp
Hello 8 random mutuals, i tag u!! : @saturniade @peitalo @vanillatears @mintmeggu @sallsie @thelittlemissfortune @poptartthecat @the-great-ducktective
Dont feel obligated to do this if you dont wanna!!
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nsula · 5 years
Spring 2019 Honor List
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand forty-three undergraduates were named to Northwestern State University’s Honor List for the Spring 2019 semester. Students on the Honor List must be enrolled full-time and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49. Students listed by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville – Annemarie Broussard, MaKayla Lewis, Zabrinia Spates;
 Aimwell – Jonathan Poole;
 Alexandria – Markeyla Anderson, Gavin Arabie, Sharenthia Chew, Angel Christophe, Josyf Das Neves, Joshua Dorsey, Alexis Flowers, Kelvina Ford, Zuleika Fountain, Vanity Givens, Kyle Guillory, Khloe Jasper, Whitney Joffrion, Gustov Johnson, Martavius King, Ashley Koestler, Kasey Lacombe, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, Jimmie Magee, Dean Mayeux, Jason McDaniel, Jalyn Mcneal, Ashley Mitchell, John O’Dell, Madison Ogorek, Tiffany Ore, Sadae Polk, Alyssa Rivers, Mart Sampson, Brandy Sayer, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Kiaijah Thomas, Hailey Urena, Jenna Wade, Alysha Walker, Aalyiah Williams;
 Amelia – Renwick McPherson;
 Anacoco – Rachel Fournier, Angela Guy, Andrea Halladay, Tristan Harvey, Madeleine Hensley, Aaron Norris, Jason Ortiz, Ireland Slocum, Amanda Sorg, Tyler Stephens, Emily Williams, Rhonda Perry,
 Arlington, Texas -- Mariah Denson, Devin Gipson, O’Shea Jackson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd, Bailey Dautreuil, Maddison Janice;
 Athens – Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta – Ashley Mitchell, Jackson Teal, Jamie Wagley;
 Aurora, Colorado – William Mccullough;
 Avondale – Mikala Clark;
 Bastrop – Alisha Bolton;
 Baton Rouge – Jordan Hall, Melvin Hudson;
 Belcher – Loriann Long;
 Boyce – Lane Robinson
 Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Angel Chavez, Christopher Constance, Bryan Sayes, Vanessa Toney, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Allenicia Arbet;
 Baton Rouge – Mark Alexander, Chloe Castello, Ricky Chatman, Shelby Christian, Briyonna Collins, Madison Harris, Mckane Kinchen, Griffin Lundin, Cydni Millican, Rachel Monsour, Katie Pham, James Steelman, Jharon Whitfield;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Bedford, Texas – Katina Booker;
 Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Kelly Bass, Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones,
 Benton – Bryanna Cooper, Steven Gardner, Milla Gonzales, Grayson Isom, Colby Ponder, Blaine Reeder, Hannah Schott, Jackson Mathews, Megan Russell;
 Bermuda – Michael Vienne;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Big Spring, Texas – Kristin Wilson;
 Birmingham, Alabama – Emma Wallace;
 Bogalusa – Amanda Crawford, Taylor Johnson;
 Bossier City – Yetunde Adegbovega, Austin Averitt, Abigail Castillo, Kendall Corkern, Cameron Davis, Daniel Dial, Kimberly Eloby, Ri’Kaela England, Khairig Frost, Hannah Gaspard, Margaret Gates, Jacob Guest, Tangy Heilbling, Ashlynn Henderson, Jordan Hunter, Shane Kaiser, Alyssa Kidd, Seth Lowery, Jordan Markle, Rebecca Markle, Jennifer Martinez, Rance Mason, Coby McGee, Alexa Montgomery, Yuridia Olea, Sabri Parks, Shelby Peebles, Brittani Phillips, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Litzy Rivera, Gabriela Rodriguez, Madison Rowland, Rheagan Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Makayla Strother, Trevor Tackett, Kellie Toms, Bobby Trichel, Madalyn Watson, Pamula Whicker, Elizabeth Zanca, Nour Zeidan;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
 Boyce – Savanna Budnik, Timothy Glass, Kaitlyn Miller, Jessie Turner, Julia Watson;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Buffalo, New York – LeTerrance Reed;
 Bunkie – Izola Williams;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine;
 Campti – Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kourtney Horton, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd, Madison McLaren;
 Canton, Texas – Tiffany Cayson, Jack Dyre;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Malik Babin, Chaney Dodge, Harold Williams;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Samantha Arellano Chavz, Edwin Castro Frias, Jalima Dias, Miledys Jiminez Vasquez, Daniel Racero Rocha, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Sadoc Silva Calderon;
 Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Hogan Nealy;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Chalmette – Isaiah Carpenter, Gabriel Ernest, Sara Mendoza;
 Chatham – Jonathan Gill;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer;
 Clarence – Quintarous Coleman, Kimberly Reliford;
 Clinton – Arianna Parrish;
 Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
 Colfax – Camren Bell, Kensey Knight, Paidin Luneau, Kaitlyn Slalyter, Ontavius Williams;
 Colorado Springs, Colorado – Sarah Wagner;
 Columbia – Jackson McCann;
 Columbus, Mississippi – William Taylor;  
 Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Victoria Gasper, Wade Hicks, Jared Jagneaux, Skyler Laroux, Ashley Sims, Delia Smith, Triston Waldon;
 Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
 Cottonport – Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs, Christine Lemoine;  
 Coushatta – Journi Brown, Faith Cason, La’Zaria Clark, Jon Hester, Tawanda Johnson, Amey Sepulvado;
 Covington – Madison Blanks, Sarah Shiflett, Jennifer Vo;
 Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico – Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
 Crowley – Mc’Kayleen Milson;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps;
 Cut Off – Zachary Breaux, Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Dallas – Nadia Carney;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 DeQuincy – Hayden Robertson;
 DeRidder – Carson Brown, Lauren Callis, Maygin Chesson, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, Katherine Goodman, Michelle Green, Alexis Holland, Elliott Jones, Ethel Jones, Jordan Mack-McNair, Presley Phelps, Richard-Jayson Puzon, Morgan Smith, Heather Sorton, Madison Tilley, Tyler Wright, Airiuna Satchell;
 Delhi – KeDiejah Cooper;
 Denham Springs – Samantha Burgess, Joni Burlew, Caleb Callender, Zyneshia Jennings;
 Deville – Emily Bonial, Courtney DeVille, Amy Henderson, Ashtyn Knapp, Karlee Littleton, Morgan McCrory, Caleb Rhodes, Marcia Rogers, Garrett Sellers;
 Dodson – Nolan Griffin, Brendan Thomas;
 Donaldsonville – Jermaine Collier, Natalie Landry;
 Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
 Doyline – Carmesia Russell;
 Dry Prong – Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Oilvia Hancock, Kayla Loyd;
 Dubberly – Audrie Dison;
 Duson – Alexandra Broussard, Desmond Prejean;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Ravon Nero;
 Elizabeth – Hannah LaCaze;
 Elmer – Victoria Coleman
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux, Emily Deshotel;
 Falfurrias, Texas – Marco Arevalo;
 Farmerville – Adrianna Loyd, Jalissa Loyd;
 Fayetteville, Arkansas – Cody Coleman;
 Ferriday – Dalenesha Wimley;
 Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Katelynn Alford, Danielle Anthony, Gabrielle Bryant, Braelyn Calhoun, Magon Lester, Ashton Remedies, Jordan Weldon;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Randall Ruffner;
 Folsom – Monique Basse, Shaylee Laird;
 Forest Hill – Adrianne Dore;
 Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
 Fort Polk – Brittany Chadwick, Mara Eifolla, Jayla Hart, Andrea Marquez, Madison Popp, Amanda. Ridenhour, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Kiara Turner, TeKweena Wilson, Alexie Sarabia;
 Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
 Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
 Franklin – Zachary McEndree;
 Franklinton – Randy Garza, Brittany Sanders;
 Frierson – Mason Barnes;
 Frisco, Texas – Hallie McCarroll;
 Geisman – Rylee Leglue;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Garland, Texas – Joseph Goodson, Kobe Poole, Nia Randall;
 Geismar – Elijah John-Baptiste;
 Georgetown – Kaleb Hudson;
 Glenmora – Reagan Humphries, Abbie Johnson, Kerstyn Johnson;
 Gloster – Caitlyn Burford, Paris Gillum;
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Chaquera Caldwell, Ashlyn Chenevert;
 Grand Cane – Sandra Kimble, Ciana Mcintyre, Emily Miller;
 Grand Isle – Abigail Frazier;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Garrett;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot;
 Greenwood – Leah Evans, Tamera Harris, Trenton Starks;
 Gretna – Braxton Brown, Leroy Holmes, Nadia Johnson, Michael Wilson;
 Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hahnville – Cierra Puryear, Colin Vedros;
 Hammond – Kaylon Wiloughby;
 Harlengen – Frances Knight;
 Harvey – Destiny Johnson;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Shakayla Bell, Katelynn Edwards, Anitra Fayad, Camry Heath, Kylee Jackson, Timothy Newell, Angie Nguyen, Makenezie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Bailee Rattanachai, Kaylee Sanford, Joshua Steele, Megan Tilley, Laura Waldroup, Katherine Weeks, Kacie Wilkinson, Chases Woltz, India Wright;
 Haynesville – Jmarquiez Robinson, Sabrina Sowell, Michael Turner, Allysa Dodds;
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Kyle Smith;
 Henderson – Andrew Blackmon;
 Hessmer – Daren Dauzat;
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll;
 Homer – Francene Ferguson, Keyana Mccoy, Mariah West;
 Hornbeck – Lane Alford, Ariel Rodgers;
 Houma -- Courtney Chancellor, Rhiannon Dean, Venessa McKinley;
 Houston – Rafael Bonilla, Jennifer Hitt, Casey Irvin, Natashia Jackson;
 Humble, Texas – Toiquisha Johnson, Furquan Shorts;
 Independence – Maria Thomas-Alfaro, Chloe Whiddon;
 Iowa – Keiona Guy;
 Jasper, Texas – Linsey Guthrie;
 Jeanerette – David Blakesley;  
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Tiara Brown, Braegan Burlew, Candace Decker, Madison Erwin, Jasmine Furlow, Chelsea Redd, Tyler Thomas;  
 Jennings – Destiny Brown, Anayah Joseph;
 Jonesboro – Ashlyn Gaines, JaVonna Lawrence, Alex Toms;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittnay Cecil, Floyd Turner;
 Keatchie – Sarah Plaisance;  
 Keithville – Germany Jones, Shelby Loftin, Cara Lorenen, Maya Porter;  
 Kenner – Emily Bennett, Willie Soniat, Parul Sharma;
 Kentwood – Iris Travis;
 Kernen – Antonia Blattner;
 Kinder – Teralyn Plumber;
 Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
 Labadieville – Jacellynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
 Lacombe – Amy Schneider;
 Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Ashanti Alfred, LaToya Bellard, Emma Burlet, Jared Dore, Reagan Guillory, Jacob Hawkins, Qualantre Jackson, Michele Kramer, JaKayle Lee, Paul Martin, Skylar Mccoy, Robert Middleton, Sarah Palmintier, Aishwarya Patel, Tylar Senegal, John Touchet, Ireland Williams, China Young;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Charles – Landon Dore, Camren Green, Joel Moreaux, Jordan Mulsow, Destany Washington;
 LaPlace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
 Le Mars, Iowa – Shannon Smith;
 League City, Texas – Lacee Savage, Blake Tessitore;
 Leander – Karissa Boswell;
 Lebeau – Sharissa Tanner;
 Lecompte – Logan Cheek;
 Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Cecilia Alfaya, Kimberly Alwell, Jebediah Barrett, Hailey Brantley, Kaylee Buby, Victoria Butler, Anthony Cantrell, Charlotte Cassin, Joseph Cryer, Cameron Davis, Marlee Dowden, Payton Gordy, Caleb Hillman, Hanna Johnson, Zachary Keeton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, Gerard Lord, Brianna Maricle, Billy McGhee, Amy McKellar, Ashley McKellar, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, Cesar Santos, Dalton Schulte, Erin Schwartz, Megan Trask, Tabitha Vasquez, Marissa Weldon, Lana West, Cheyene Wise, Mikayla Zills;
 Lena – Dillon Guin, Courtnee Hamberlin, Cortland Smith;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Little Elm, Texas – Daniel Larin;
 Little Rock, Arkansas – Whitney Jinks;
 Livingston – Jay Gentry-Pace;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Rebecca Tomlin, Shelby Woods, Kendoyle Cox;
 Loranger – Cambree Bailey;
 Lubbock, Texas – Miranda Stroud;
 Mansfield – Tremeon Allen, Latyeauna Goodwin, Nicolette Hogan, Canessia Johnson, Demetric Preston, Madylin Sullivan, Kyah Wilson,
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Bailey Perrilloux;
 Mandeville -- Mya Holmes, Jalen Willis;
 Many – Jocelyn Cannon, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Sydni Easley, Kyle Elliott, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Moses Gonzales, Jessie Johnson, Clayton Kelley, Lathan Meyers, Darion Miller, Matthew Peace, Andrew Penfield, Tanner Rains, Madison Rutherford, Aubrey Sepulvado, Mallary Veuleman;
 Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Nichole Dauzat, Leah Dupuy, Kayle Gaspard, Olivia Johnson, Victoria Lucas;
 Marrero – Kelsey Brooks, Lius Escobar;
 Marshall, Texas – Alexis Balbuena, Abagale Godrey;
 Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Veronica James, Thomas Lirette;
 Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
 Merryville – Kyleah Franks;
 Mesquite, Texas – Eric Renova, Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Madysen Norra;
 Midland, Texas – Channing Burleson;
 Minden – Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Abby Greene, Karasha Harris, Kiara Jenkins, Donna Law, Asata Sylvas, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
 Monroe – Demonta Brown, Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Kiara Drumgo, Taylor Edwards, Jaronda Griffin, Prettyunje Hunter, Diamond Knox-Jackson, Ashley Murphy, Keldrick Ward;
 Montegut – Stephanie Cohen;
 Monterey – Rebecca Womack;
 Montgomery – Tabatha Bowlin, Payton Carroll, Gerald Chelette, Hailee Skains, Laryn Graves;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mora – Gracy Rowell;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander, Ashley Dunnam;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Cass Arnold, Aaron Averett, Thomas Balthazar, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Kacy Bonds, Matthew Brown, Charles Bouchie, Santaurus Burr,Ladiamond Burrell,  Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Lane Clevenger, Jessica Coleman, Kaia Collins, Christian Cunningham, Sean Day, Moises Florez-Perez, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Abbie Garner, Peyton Graham, Denetria Green, Pamela Gross, Thomas Hadzeriga, Jalen Hall, Jasmine Hall, Samantha Hall, Deshon Hayes, Jett Hayes, Saul Hernandez, David Holmes, Jasmine Howard, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Emily Johnson, Karlee Laurence, Robert Lee, Emily Leone, Christopher Lewis, Helen-Lois Mancil, Wesley Manuel, Savannah Maricle, Brooklyn Martin, Tyler McCain, Lamarr McGaskey, Kristin McQuillin, Joshua Minor, Jair Morelos Castilla, Jakori Morris, Katelyn Murphy, Tori Neitte, Matthew Nelson, Donovan Ohnoutka, Christian Owens, Leilani Padilla, Kenneth Penrod, Eryn Percle, Veronica Pikes, Kenneth Poleman, Katherine Rachal, Michael Raymond, Jeffrey Remo, Devin Reyes, Kayla Rokett, Taylor Rutledge, Shelbi Ryan, Jalon Sangster, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalie Sers, Anna Sibley, Athena Smith, Blake Teekell, Joseph Thibodaux, Margaret Thompson, Lantz Vercher, Elizabeth Vienne, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Laurin Waldrip, Jacob Ware, Brianna Watermolen, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Ellen Wells, Deondra White, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shavon Williams,
 Natchez – Victoria Bradford, James Rougeou, Lauren Seawood;  
 Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
 New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Dainell Ledet, Alex Romero;
 New Llano – Deja Castille, Laura Cowell, Kendra Jones, Earnesta Riggins, Gabriel Vargas, Caden Wheeler;
 New Milford, Connecticut – Lisa Rosenberg;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Nyasha Brown, Damon Carter, Jeron Duplantier, Darlene Fairley, Matthew Gonzales, Omar Hall, RyShaneka Kirsh, Maxwell Martello, Phallon Robinson, Jonae Skinner, Rishard Winford;  
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Shelby Etheridge, Tiffany McMillion, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
 North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
 Oak Ridge – Kelly Futch;
 Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Destani Johnson;
 Olla – Morgan Barbo, Amanda Fenoli, Savannah Kirl;
 Omro, Wisconsin – Jason Kralovetz;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Kayla Pitre, Lashante Richard, Kallie Zeringue;
 Paris, Texas – Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tyler Howard;
 Pensacola, Florida – Mallory McClain;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Melissa Barnhill, April Cain, Erika Carter, Korey Cleveland, Luke Conway, Sydney Duhon, Selena Ferguson, Ameera Ghannam, Ollie Gossett, Leia Graham, Megan Jacks, Trey Joseph, Ethan Lachney, Brooke Leger, Rodney Lonix, Sierra Matney, Sonya McClellan, Autumn McSwain, Abby Nichols, James Perry, Hannah Pusateri, Christina Rachal, Amaria Sapp, Elizabeth Shuler, Laikyn Slusher, Robert Tabor, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes;
 Pitkin – Braydon Doyle, Jayce Doyle, Jessica Jones;
 Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
 Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
 Plaucheville – Alexis Casarez;
 Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrik;  
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Sarah Hunt, Dalton Kopp, Allyssa Zemp;
 Ponchatoula – Keyadda Brim, Kaitlyn Hawkins;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Evan Daigle, Kaleb Gauthier;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Kristen Sonnier;
 Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Kristen Prettelt, Lysia Varisco, Elllise Vice, Brady Wilson, Faith Wilson;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson;
 Princeton – Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
 Quitman – Cindy Crawford;
 Raceland – Emily Adams;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Bishop Breaux;
 Reno, Nevada – Sydney Oren;
 Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis;
 Ridgecrest – Melissa Kelly;
 Ringgold – McKenzie Davidson, Autumn McCoy, Olivia Prado;
 River Ridge – Rachel Chimeno;
 Robeline – Chad Berly, Patricia Goodwin, Hannah Hennigan, Kristal Lachney, Kacy Morae, Ember O’Bannon, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Hannah Schoth;
 Rosepine -- Emilee Johnson;
 Ruston – Paul Bryant, Tekiren Evans, Jalen Garrison, Seth Hartsfield, Christopher Letendre, Aujani Richburg;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot;  
 St. Bernard – Ashlie Kieff, Emily Snyder;
 St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
 St. Martinville – Belinda Alexander, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White, Cassandra Zenon;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Makayla Jackson, Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche, Aaron Savell;
 San Antonio, Texas – Matthew Aguilera, Anthony Renteria;
 Sarepta – Katie Ingle;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Tayla Soileau;
 Shreveport – Aubrey Allen, Katelynn Benge, Frances Boggs, Leta Broome, Makayla Bryant, Shatericka Christor, Kesherion Collins, Naterria Davis, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Miya Douglas, Daja Easter, Deadrian Egans, Meghan Fry, Cassidy Giddens, Savon Gipson, Ellen Grappe, MIzzani Grigsby, Lindsey Hagan, Adrianne Hampton, Katelyn Householder, Shelby Hunter, Jazzmine Jackson, John Jefferson, Drake Johnson, Korynthia Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Alicia King, Lauren Lee, Samantha Lyons, Tiffany Mack, Caitlyn Malloy, Christopher Markham, Andria Mason, Ashley Mason, Tifphany McClinton, Rici McDonald, Claire McMillan, Samantha Metoyer, Najah Mitchell, Brittney Nicleso-Rayfus, Megan Osborn, Tara Pair, Tierry Perry, Christina Peterson, Kalyn Phillips, Hayden Pilcher, Sierra Prelow, Shelby Reddy, Grayson Roberts, Jalisa Roberts, Savonya Robinson, Madelyn Ruiz, Amanda Rushing, Breanna Samuel, Angelica Satcher, Shermaine Shorter, Jackiesha Simmons, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Kendria Smith, Jessica Sowers, Jamie Stewart, Somer Stratton, Lindsey Stroud, Khalil Sumlin, Destini Sweet, Hailey Thomas, Anne Tibbit, Katerina Vargas, Khamaria Vaughn, De’Andra Washington, Lakayla Whitaker, Gaylin White, Jamisa Williams, Lajayda Williams, Tre’Darius Williams, Kristy Wilson, India Wright;  
 Sibley – Madison Mouser;
 Sieper – Emily George;
 Simmesport – Lexi Gremillion, Elise Normand;
 Simpson – Katelynn Martin;
 Slidell – Terran Cole, Noah Glass, Tristan Johnson, Rachel Reed, Maci Walgamotte, Thomas Garner;
 Sondheimer – Anna Marsh;
 Springfield – Tyler Pigott;
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Bessie Cable, Dawson Cranford, Emma Delafield, Emmy Hinds, Robert McAllen, Mackenzie Panther, Maguire Parker, Heather Schiller, Tehya McDonald, Chassidy Sutton;
 Sugar Land, Texas – Jake Gore;
 Sulphur – Andrew Stephens;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Lauren Pope;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Taylor, Texas – Jake English;  
 Texarkana, Texas – Daphne Hammett, Kristin McDuffie, Jasmine Neal;
 Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch
 Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
 Tomball, Texas – Natalee Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Toronto, Ontario – Rhea Verma;
 Trout – Makayla King, Haley Lisenby, Kalee Mcguffee, Andrea Walters;
 Troy, New York – Kasey Whitmore;
 Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
 Ville Platte – Gabrielle Chapman, Nicholas Blood, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Shae Cramer, Toby Stanley, Alayna Zaunbrecher;
 Violet – Callie Maschmeyer;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott, Chase Lewis;
 Vossburg, Mississippi – Chequira Bonner;
 Walker – Madison Arnold;
 Walworth, New York – Devonne Seelig;
 Washington – Kyeishia Evans, Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Blakely Canfield, Zink Kiper, Laken Thompson;
 Welsh – Autumn Hanks;
 West Helena, Arkansas – Brittani Arana;
 West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Austin Dodson, Brianna Fife, Kennedy Ford, Allison Freeman, Aubrey Gamble, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford, Madison Shidiskis, Melissa Taylor, Christopher Wynn;  
 Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
 Wilmington, Delaware – Amy Bourett;
 Winnfield – Annalise Austin, Harli Austin, Rhonda Duff, Kara Grantadams, Rakeen Williams, Caroline Womack;
 Winnsboro – A’Lexus Johnson;
 Woodworth – Lexus Weston;
 Youngsville – Devin Forestier, Devyn Shores, Sophia Toranto;
 Zachary – Laney Davis;
 Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Dayton Craig, Trenton Malmay, Ariana Martinez, Treveon Perry, Autumn Wyatt.
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