#Phoe Giving Advice
phoenixinthefiles · 7 months
My da just referred to me as his “16-year-old daughter” while on the phone with some business person and…
I don’t know how I feel like the way he said it I sound mature but I literally forgot I was sixteen earlier today😭
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
[1]This isn't really the type of questions you answer from what I've observed, but I really needed someone to confide in and you seem like a good person to talk to. I'm in a less-than desirable "home". My mom is... She's quite the character. She's done things that hurt me, emotionally and physically. She's told me multiple times about how she wished she aborted me when she had the chance. Whenever she says she loves me I just remember all the times she yelled those things.
[2]She has, at one point, tried to murder me. At least, I think she was trying to murder me. She says she wasn't, but with what she did? I doubt it was just a simple argument that got slightly out of hand. Things were thrown and knives were involved. I was dragged by the hair and had my head bashed against a hard, worn-out couch (though there were no fatal injuries despite that). I never attacked her back and only defended myself. The only time I even hit her was when she had the knife.
[3] I was at a bad place even before that, so I didn't necessarily care. I didn't want to feel the pain from what I think she was going to do, but the end result didn't matter to me as much as it should've. She noticed, and decided to threaten me by telling me she was going to kill herself. Despite her hurting me and what she's done to me, it's not like I wanted her to kill herself. Especially when we were the only two people in the house. Things happened. Neither of us died.
[4]She fixed herself up and left the house, probably to get some fresh air. I was left alone and I was destroyed. I didn't know what to think. The only constant parental figure in my life has been hurting me for a while, but the fact she just did that messed me up. My thoughts were in shambles and I didn't know what to do. She took my phone away at the time and put passwords on every other device. I couldn't use the phone. Who would I even call?
[5]Apart from the fact she kind of destroyed the landline when I tried to call my grandmother when she was beginning to hit me. My grandmother didn't pick up anyway, either. I never got this resolved. We act like this day never happened. Sometimes I do forget it happened, but whenever she yells at me, it just comes back and I have a hard time breathing. It still messes me up and I panic whenever I think we're going to fight again.
[6]The reason I'm even typing this out is because she was being irrational again and was being passive-aggressive and sarcastic with me. She was picking a fight and the memories are messing me up in the head. I don't know what to do. I'm still a minor. I can't just up and leave. I have nothing.
This isn’t the type of questions I answer, because it’s not usually the type of questions I get. So don’t worry about it. I’m honored you see me as someone you can talk to.
“Who would I even call?”
Do you have any family left? You said grandmother, so she your only grandma and is she on... your mother’s side? Other randparents, aunts, uncles, your father? Neighbors, or parents of friends that you think are trustworthy?
Also: The police. Or child services. I know that sounds extreme, but you... need to get out of there, before something like that happens again, especially when you say that that’s a pattern with her. You need help, someone who is actually able to be physically there and help you get out of there.
You can up and leave. It may sound really scary, but... if your home isn’t safe, if the person who is supposed to love, shelter and make you feel safe does the opposite of that, you can and should leave.
Don’t just run away. Seek adults who can help you.
Maybe first adults you know you can trust, to then discuss what next steps to take together with them.
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Road Trip
a tdp ficlet
cw/tags: Runaan and Rayla soft time, amputee Runaan, family feels, real assassin talk, role reversal
"Rayla..." Runaan held her gaze for as long as he could stand it, hoping that he'd have the courage to say it to her face, but he couldn't. His eyes sought refuge in the ambling swirls on the nearby door, pale blue on pink. "...I kill people."
His eyes tightened at the inevitable parade of images that flared brightly in his memory. So many last moments. Many of his targets were caught unawares, as he intended. But not all. Some died in rage, some in terror. But they still died.
Rayla's brows bent at his barefaced admission, so unlike the gentle euphemisms he'd trained her with all her life. "Runaan..." she began, in the hesitant tone one used for injured animals who had tucked themselves up in a den out of fear.
His eyes dropped to his fist, clenched tightly atop the blanket tucked over his legs. His missing arm tried to clench its fist, too. Runaan wasn't sure how to feel about its absence yet, but he'd already begun feeling guilty for not knowing how to feel.
Rayla's tone was exactly what he needed. And he felt guilty for that, too.
"My hands have seen so much..." he began, but his voice faltered when he could only show her one hand, open palm up. His eyes kept searching for the other one. It had been there just a couple of days ago. How could he make his point to her without it? His eyes sought hers again, in apology for his imperfect lesson. "I'm... sorry..."
"No, don't you start apologizing to me," Rayla said firmly. She took his remaining hand in hers and held his gaze.
"I tried to protect you," he blurted softly, mentally backpedaling from her attempted parenting. He was the adult, not her. Surely he could still hold onto that connection. "Perhaps I should've been more honest, more... truthful..."
Rayla sighed firmly through her nose. "Runaan, don't--"
"It's dark work, Rayla," he said, squeezing her hand hard. He tried to reach for her with his missing hand, too, to steady her, to make her hear him. Instead, his stumpy arm couldn't even stretch as far as her shoulder. Its shortened length caught his eyes again, and he stared, still confounded at this irreversible change to his person. His voice came out bitterer than he intended as he repeated, "It's dark work."
Rayla settled a hand gently atop his left shoulder, keeping her eyes on his. "Make it up to me, then."
His brows bent softly in confusion.
"Don't give me empty words, Runaan. That was never your way. If you truly feel you've hidden too much truth from me, then show it to me. Not the dark truth of the past." Her eyes flickered to his missing arm. "That's over now. Show me your new truth. I still want to trust you. I still want to learn from you. You were my earliest teacher, and, for better or worse, I learn best from you. So..."
Runaan found himself leaning forward. His heart managed a faint thrum of interest. "So...?" he prompted.
"So," Rayla said, offering him a sassy smile and an eyebrow lift she'd copied from him years ago, "show me what you got."
Runaan's mouth opened softly as he stared at her. His feelings pulled at him like twin moons. Relief at being free from his weighty, sacred duty warred with guilt for feeling that way. What kind of Moonshadow assassin was glad to step aside from his duty? But then, what kind of Moonshadow assassin only had one arm and lived to tell the tale? There was no one like him, whose footsteps he might follow in, whose tenets he might make his own. For the first time in his life, Runaan was pathless.
He met Rayla's intent violet eyes and worked up the courage to say, "Rayla... I don't know what I got."
But Rayla only grinned cheekily and gently nudged his good shoulder with a soft fist. "Then have I got a deal for you, Runaan. Maybe it's time that I taught you a thing or two! And I know just the place to start. Tell me, how do you feel about three-limbed wolves who get love and support from a sassy girl who won't take no for an answer?"
Runaan blinked. "I... Am I the wolf?" he asked.
Rayla laughed, and her soft confidence filled the room. "Funny you should make that connection! She lives just down the mountain from here. Her name is Ava, and her human's named Ellis. And I think you'll find that my good friends know a lot about dealing with unexpected changes. What do you say? Road trip?"
Runaan hesitated at the thought of listening to a human for advice, no matter how Rayla-esque she might be. But Rayla called her and the wolf friends... and she had actually proven that she knew a good human when she saw one...
"Or," Rayla continued, eyes twinkling, "if you're not ready for traveling yet, I can just send her a message to come back to the Moonhenge."
"I think I'm--what do you mean, 'back'?" Runaan blurted. "You brought a human to the Moonhenge? Rayla!"
But she only laughed. "Runaan, don't be silly. I'd never do such a thing! No, Ellis is the one who led us most of the way up the mountain."
"My point still--"
"And then Lujanne brought us all the rest of the way on Phoe-Phoe!" Rayla finished teasingly.
A hunted look crossed Runaan's features, and he closed his eyes and sighed. "Moon save me from illusionists," he muttered. "Very well... if you insist, then I will accompany you down the mountain as soon as I'm cleared for travel."
Rayla squeezed his hand encouragingly. "Thank you, Runaan. You won't regret it."
Runaan's expression turned tiredly sarcastic. "I assure you, I am already doing exactly that."
Undeterred, Rayla crowed, "Road trip!"
Runaan could only cling to her hand and smile in mute wonder at the amazing elf Rayla had become. He had taught her many things, but somehow she'd learned even more along the way. Things that, perhaps, he might enjoy learning from her for a change. Finally, he shook his head and smiled, surrendering once again to his fate.
He squeezed her hand again. "Road trip."
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fiery-assassin-arc · 3 years
꧁༒☬𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 –𝓘𝓻𝓲𝓼’𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥☬༒꧂
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He remains still, not wanting to attack. Hands behind his back. Gentle smile. I am still holding the fire poker in my hands, aimed at him. Part of me wants to attack, but he knows I wouldn’t. I was blinded by rage that day.
 He knows I’m haunted by what he did.
 I wonder if he had time to reflect.
 “Put that down, Phoenix.”
“Why are you in my home?” I accuse, taking a step closer, placing it by his chest. “How are you in my home?”
 “I’m the Grandmaster of lock-picking as well as the Lin Kuei.” He explains, raises his eyebrow ever slightly. I should have known. “As for the why,” He looks at the fire poker, me, then at the improv weapon again. “I would like to talk it over with you, if you’re willing to listen to me.”
 I chew the inside of my cheek. Contemplating my options. I could listen to him, or get him out of the house. I never did listen to him that day. Even at the pyre, I stood far away from the others as they mourned. I was angry, but how I had to force his hand to have Frost be buried along with the others… I don’t know if I can forgive him. But I’ve also grown so much with him, he’s helped me slowly overcome my fear of the dark (managed, not completely eradicated).
 I put the fire poker on the rack, and gesture him to the kitchen. “Hungry? I’m sure you’ve had a long journey.” At his shrug of indifference, I make my way to the kitchen, checking to see if he follows.
 Just because I’m angry at him, doesn’t mean I no longer respect him.
 He sits on the bar stool, looking uncomfortable as I grab ingredients for colcannon. Potatoes, kale, butter, heavy cream. His cold is familiar I clear my throat, hoping it could ease the tension here. “How are things?”
 “The temple has slowly come back to normal. Some new recruits have joined.” He tells me, looks at how I cut the potatoes. Even, use the knife to peel the skin carefully. “Some of the other members miss you, Phoenix. I have missed you.”
 The knife slams down on the cutting board, remembering the name I gave myself.  It was the rebirth from the ashes. But now I am ash, nothing to spark me. “I don’t know if I can come back stronger like last time.” I say to him. I continue cooking. Boiling the potatoes.
 “I have watched you go from a little, barely sparking ember on wood to a forest fire. Destructive, powerful, confident. You have grown in the past five years. Whatever ails you, you will overcome.” There’s pride in his voice, a gentle smile that I haven’t seen in a while.
 “Yeah, but now I’m back to where I started.” I argue, before chopping up the kale. “You never did answer my question on why you’re here.”
 “I know you have taken a leave of absence. Because you are upset with me.” Sub-Zero sighs, and his hands slap his thighs. “On that day, I thought I could possibly disengage her thoughts, put her in temporary rest. But Raiden decided that it was best to eliminate her entirely. And I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him in time, or didn’t say anything to prevent it.”
 I look over at him. His ocean eyes show an amount of regret. I never did look at him that day. All I say was someone who indirectly took something most important from me.
 “You both had such a powerful bond, the same Hanzo and I once had. When she challenged me, I made the choice of exile because I would not, could not kill her; deep down I cared for her like one would a daughter to a father. Same with you.” He sighs, and I pass him the bowl of potatoes, and the masher. He chuckles. “What’s this?”
 “Mashing potatoes is better than hurting yourself. Trust me. Do it.” I offer, leaning on the kitchen counter.  
 “That won’t be left unchecked.” Sub-Zero says, and proceeds to mash the vegetable, continues. “I was angry with her when I found she had allied herself with Sektor. I did not hold her back, she simply needed more guidance, even though she was Chief. And I remember how you were hurt by my choices, yet you remained loyal. Why?”
 Why. That’s what it all boils down to, does it? Everyone has a why, but do I? I sigh, crack my knuckles. “I did what I thought was right that day. I argued with her earlier that it was foolish to do so, but she didn’t push me to join her.” I look into the bowl of potatoes—looks good enough. But he’s still mashing them in a clockwise motion. “I trusted your judgment, in the end. And I believed, maybe, maybe she’d come back to us.” To me.
 “I remember you told me Frost didn’t cyberize you. She set you free.”  
 “She did. But we fought before that. I don’t know what provoked her, but I noticed her movements…” Sub-Zero pushes the bowl to me, and I prepare the rest of the dish. Adding butter, cream. “It was if she held some sort of restraint. Not completely, but enough to overpower, and get a chance to escape. It was before you and Master Hasashi arrived.” I add salt and pepper. “I think then, she still protected me.” Toss in the kale. Get some bowls for us.
 “At least there were still parts of her that were human. Her love for you never left her even when she changed.” He reaches a hand over, hesitant. I slowly take it, embrace the chill. “I hope what I said is enough for closure.”
 I feel a lump in my throat, unable to melt with the heat, and I feel tears burn my eyes. Second time today. It’s nice to hear how he really felt that day.
 “It’s a start, but it doesn’t mean I’ll forgive you right away. I may need time.”  
 “That is something I will accept, Phoe—Iris.” He sends me a crooked smile. It’s a comfort to me.  “And know, you will always have a home at the temple.”
 “And you have a place to stay at the palace,” I offer. “But why do I sense there’s something else…”
 Sub-Zero presses his lips into a thin line. “What you said earlier. About cooking is better than hurting yourself. The way you held the fire poker, I notice a look in your eyes: fear.” When I eat as a distraction, he goes on. “Something happened to you, did it?”
 I swallow, my food suddenly bland in my mouth. “Grandmaster . . .”
 Sub-Zero takes a deep breath, gently pats my shoulder. “I won’t make you tell me, but when you get the chance, you know I’ll be lending an ear.”
 I nod. “I appreciate it. You should eat your colcannon, it’s going to get cold.”
 “I’m sorry—my what?”
 “Colcannon. It’s potatoes with a green vegetable in it. It’s really good.” I gesture to his bowl.  “Try some.”
 “I guess I will indulge.”  Sub-Zero takes a spoonful of the dish, his mouth twisting into a frown. “It’s . . . good.”
 “Do you not like the food or my cooking?”
 “You’re a shit liar, Grandmaster Sub-Zero.” At that, we both chuckle softly, the fireplace our music as we try to reform a bond like a lost father and daughter.
 This is something. Not like therapy. Or maybe it is. Because a slight weight is off of my chest.
  Bend the knee. Lift the leg, Stretch. Repeat until it does something.  My pointe shoes are almost ruined, the dirt under the padding and blood seeping at the toe. But it shows dedication, it shows my determination.
 I landed the role of the Black Swan, and I’m doing my best to make my moveset more . . . seductive. I would have once gone for the White Swan, but shockingly enough I landed a role that was new to me. I’ll take it.
 I walk to the center of the room, and start the dance, Christian screeching words of encouragement with Wren watching. I made one of my rooms a makeshift ballet studio. “Thanks buddy.” I say softly.
 “How does it feel being the Black Swan instead one of the little swans?”
 “It feels great.” I say, doing a pirouette. “It was fun being the cute swan, but now, being kind of like the bad guy, I’m enjoying it.”
 Wren smiles, and lightly coughs into her hand. That’s the second time today.  And earlier this morning at brunch. “Let’s hope you won’t become like that ballerina in that movie. Don’t overwork yourself, and don’t stress.” Wren reassures me, shaking off an invisible feeling.
 “Do you want some tea? You’re acting like you have a cold.” I stop my practice, and lean against the bar. “Please don’t tell me you caught a cold.”
 She scoffs. “What are you worried about? You don’t get sick.”
 “Not often. But it’s annoying when the symptoms pop up. I’ll get chills instead of fevers.” I shudder, before redirecting our conversation back. “But you’ve been warm. Your temperature is higher.”
 “Maybe I am catching a cold.” I take a step back in fear. She scratches her head. “Or the flu. I’ve been a little nauseated.”
 “Have you? For how long?”
 “A few days.” Wren sighs. “I’m pretty sure it’s nothing. Now, you’ve made me your ballet coach. So I say we keep going. Come on, show me . . . something alluring.”
 I laugh,  turn the music back on. I arch my back, my hand floating above my head, spinning on my toes. I make my movements fluid, but sharp. As I look at  Wren, I notice how she almost looked a little tired than usual.
 Ever since the marriage between her and my brother, Wren has been like a big sister to me, making me laugh and giving me advice, especially when it came to dating. Being myself. But how can I, now? When I no longer know myself?
  I spin in a flurry, going at least five times. Stopping once and going once again. Looking at the mirrors. Then I see her.
 Someone who died years ago.
 The vibrant red hair. The ember eyes, red from angry tears. A bruise under her eye. Blood on her lip. The dress she’s wearing is black. Darkened by obvious stains.
 It’s a younger version of me.
I trip my spin and fall on the ground, pain radiating up my leg. My breathing is fast. My heart hurts. What the—why am I seeing a young version of me?
 Christian screeches in worry and flies over to me. His head touches my cheek. “I’m okay, boy.” I tell him. Wren looks at me with concern, helping me up. “No, really I’m fine. Let’s keep going, yeah?”
 “…Are you sure? That was a nasty fall.”
 “I’m sure. And turn up the music louder.” I say, and practice on the other side of the room. Making sure not to look at any mirrors.
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thenamesreader · 5 years
NAME: Jade Belladonna
GENDER: Female
RACE: Faunus
AGE: (V4-V6) 17
(Atlas Arc) 18
(Vacuo Arc) 19
HEIGHT: 5′4″
EYE COLOR: Left: Blue; Right: Green
HAIR: Short and dark blue-green
OCCUPATION: Student at Shade Academy
PERSONALITY: Jade is kind, dorky, mischevious, and witty. She’s also brash and somewhat impulsive.
SEMBLANCE: Boulderdash
It’s basically geokinesis. She’s still learning all she can do with it, but so far she’s been able to cause small earthquakes, make objects out of sand, and throw rocks at people with her mind. She’s also summoned pillars of earth to hit people when she’s annoyed. She can use it for long periods of time but that ultimately drains her and she might pass out if not careful with it.
PARTNER: Sonia Seraph
WEAPON(s): Lapis and Agate- Two twin dust-infused katanas, one blue and the other green, that have retractable blades. The scabbards can be used as pistols.
HISTORY: Jade is the younger cousin to Blake Belladonna and only daughter to Tendua and Bismuth Belladonna. She and Blake practically grew up together. They were always with each other as their family moved from place to place. At the age of 11, after Blake ran off with Adam, her family moved. Her father believed it was the right thing to do since the White Fang was different under Sienna’s rule and he wasn’t too fond about it. She was particularly hurt by Blake’s actions, but she kept her hurt to herself.
After moving to Vacuo, her life seemed to get even worse after discovering that her father had an affair and then her parents getting divorced right after. Her older brother, Sphene, became distant and angry for a while. He claimed he never wanted to see him again. Jade felt betrayed, as well. But despite this, her father was still very involved in her life.
After a few months, her brother applied to Coquina Oscuro Academy to learn how to be a Huntsman. Jade thought it was pretty cool and always asked him to teach her the stuff he learned. After he graduated Coquina, he went off to Shade, while Jade applied for Coquina to follow in his footsteps.
At the age of 16, Jade watched with ever-increasing dread as the Fall of Beacon started while she was watching the Vytal Tournament on live television. First was watching as Mercury Black got his leg broken and then the death of Penny before her mother turned it off. With that, she became even more determined to become a Huntress.
After graduating, Jade went to Shade and passed the entrance exam with flying colors and became leader of Team JSPR. She clicked with her team pretty well, especially Phoenix Soleil and her partner, Sonia Seraph. They soon all became the best of friends, Jade and Phoenix starting a romantic relationship by their second-year.
Jade is currently a third-year at the Academy and works as a teacher’s aid at Coquina during the summer.
Unlike her siblings, Jade still has a pretty strong relationship with her father after their parents' divorce. She knows that he regrets it and wishes he could change it. She was always quite understanding of people and their actions even when they didn’t make sense to others. She gets very excited when he visits and was happy when he told her he was in the dating pool again.
Jade has a stronger relationship with her mother than her father and absolutely adores her. She’s always wanting to help her mother out and always visit home on the weekends to see her since she gets homesick so easily. Her mother has always been a big part of her life and has always been an inspirational figure in her life. Sometimes people can’t tell if the two are mother and daughter or sisters because of how close they are.
Jade loves her older brother with all her heart. She looks up to him so much and followed in his footsteps to become a Huntress. Sphene and Jade might have drastically different personalities- Sphene being stoic and quiet while Jade is loud and brash- they are the best of siblings. Sphene is highly protective, though, and does background checks on everyone she associates with.
Jasper is Jade’s younger sibling. They and Jade get along pretty well. Because they are blind, Jade tends to be gentler with them so they don’t get hurt. While Jas is appreciative, they get annoyed when they feel like Jade goes too far with it. Otherwise, the two have a typical sibling relationship.
Crystal (Crys)
Crys is the youngest of the four siblings and the absolute sweetest. But, he can be just as mischevious as his older siblings. He and Jade love to hang out and he always gets excited when she visits home on her breaks. Because of his deafness, Jade is fairly fluent in sign language and the two use it to talk about people behind their backs if they’re being assholes.
Ghira is another of Jade’s role models. Her mother comments that she gets her stubbornness from him since she and her father are nothing like that. Since she was always around her Uncle Ghira when she was little, she always loved him. When she was younger, she was always trying to wear her uncle’s clothing or imitating his speeches. She sometimes memorized them, too.
Kali is pretty much Jade’s second mom. Jade often thinks that if her aunt hadn’t gotten with Ghira, Tendua would’ve been her perfect match. Kali’s always giving her great advice and is always loving on her. But, unlike her mother, Kali will let her get away with things she would usually never get away with. Like pulling pranks on certain teachers or saying things that she shouldn’t have said.
Jade and Blake are thick as thieves. Jade might’ve been hurt when Blake ran off with Adam, but she still lived her. Once Blake came to Vacuo, she was excited to see her. They act a lot like sisters, too. Blake isn’t afraid to tease her about certain things and the two tend to playfully wrestle with each other, the older of the two coming out on top most of the time.
Significant Other
Phoenix Soleil
Phoe is Jade’s soulmate. These two idiots are always getting themselves in trouble and always have each other’s backs. When one is sad, the other is there to cheer them up. When the other is angry, the other is there to calm them down. They love to be around each other all the time and get somewhat anxious when one has to go on a mission without them.
Sonia Seraph
Sonia is Jade’s best friend and can be highly protective of her because of Sonia’s naïveté. When they had met, they had clicked instantly. Jade was a bit wary at first, considering Sonia was an Atlas elite, but got rid of that wariness when the other girl proved to be quite kind.
Jade really cares about Sonia. An example of that is when Sonia’s older brother died during their first year. Jade had offered to go with her to Atlas, but Sonia had told her that she didn’t want Jade to miss anything. Throughout Sonia’s grieving, Jade was by her side until she felt better.
Sonia’s done the same with Jade whenever she started getting homesick or missing Menagerie, making the two the best of friends.
Rogue Hellion
Rogue was an interesting person to Jade. He’s strange, yes, but he was pretty nice to her. They bonded over their love of animals and Jade introduced him to her dog, Coal, when she went home once.
Domino is Jade’s best friend from Coaquina. Domino didn’t have many friends and was a bit of a recluse. Because of the skunk faunus’ low self-esteem, she was an easy target for bullies. After saving her from said bullies, Jade and Domino became good friends.
Yang Xiao Long
Jade really likes Yang. She thinks she’s pretty nice for Blake. Way better than Sun. Or Adam for that matter.
Ruby Rose
Jade and Ruby get along easily being able to relate to the struggles of being the younger sibling and Jade treats her like her little sister, too.
Weiss Schnee
Jade became quick friends with the Schnee. She was glad that a Schnee was working close with a Belladonna when they met.
Sun Wukong
Jade does not like Sun. She finds him a nuisance and was very upset when learning he followed Blake to Menagerie. She can only tolerate him so much before needing to go somewhere else.
Neptune Vasillas
She doesn’t like him, either. She dislikes him more than Sun because he continuously flirted with her even after she told him he had a boyfriend.
Sage Ayana
Jade seems to get along with him pretty well. They became friends after a patrol mission in the city.
Scarlet David
Jade gets advice about boys and makeup from him. Though, she’s not that into makeup.
Coco Adel
Jade and Coco’s relationship is pretty much that of a fan and a celebrity. Jade loves her fashion sense and is always asking her questions about how she looks that good all the time.
Velvet Scarlantina
After hearing that she was Blake’s upperclassmen, she became interested. Since she hadn’t heard from Blake in years, she wanted to learn everything about their relationship. She was kind of surprised that Blake had left the White Fang and laughed when she heard that her cousin had tied up a whole team of bullies just to help Velvet. Jade is very fond of Velvet and can’t get over how sweet she is.
Jade has dyslexia and dysgraphia. She gets frustrated with it a lot and gets even more frustrated when teachers treat her differently.
Jade might dislike Sun, but she was the one to stop her older brother from killing him.
Jade is not afraid to fight Blake over tuna. She thinks it’s fun to playfully wrestle with Blake.
Jade is terrified of cucumbers
Jade’s glad that Shade doesn’t have gendered uniforms. She always felt uncomfortable in skirts or dresses.
When Jade gets mad, you better run. You do not want to be caught in her sights.
The amount of times Jade’s used her semblance on Neptune are too many to count.
Jade’s favorite colors happen to be orange and purple.
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tthslet · 4 years
Message in a Bottle
For this project, we had to share something from the place that we are/were based, that we think will be of interest or use to someone else. 
Our message could be: 
- something to entertain, distract
- practical / helpful advice
- sharing some kind of information or knowldge 
The methods of communication should be non-internet based. 
We also had to consider:
- what can fit through a letter box;
- how far can we throw something from a window or a door;
- what can we display / exhibit from our windows;
- sound / film screening / public perfomance / demonstration, etc. 
Task 1: 
For the first task, we had to work as a group and brainstorm the following questions: 
- where are you / who can you reach?
- what would you like to say?
- what are the different ways this could be done - considering both form and content.
My group had Phoe and Laya and we basically just talked about our thoughts and how we, as individuals, would do our message in a bottle. We also gave to each other feedbacks and more ideas. 
Task 2:
Since I was living in student accommodation during the project process and I was about to leave to go back to Japan, I had the idea of writing a nice and encouraging message (because of the lockdown, many international students were trapped inside of the accommodation) to the room next to mine and give to the neighbour (a french girl) some essential supplies such as toilet-paper, detergent, pasta, etc. I also decided to record the process in a 'Vine' or 'Tik-Tok' style instead of just taking picture of the message. 
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artfulstar · 5 years
Princess and The Frog Rayllum AU
I wrote this at 12 AM after rewatching Princess and the Frog for the 87323rd time
I took way too much of my time in this and now I'm writing a fanfic. This is great, hopefully I won't just quit in the middle of it like all of my other ones :')
Anyway here's my take on one of my favorite Disney movies mixed with my actual OTP as of today
Rayla is Tiana and Callum is Naveen
Set in a rather modern world, end of the 90s, beginning of the 2000s
Rayla works for a restaurant that Runaan and Ethari (mostly Ethari) run but she's actually saving for her own business (which I don't have the creativity to think about it rn, probably her own restaurant like Tiana but don't really know if it fits)
She saves up money for the place, but like in the original movie, her offer is shadowed by a bigger one and she has to cover it before she loses it
I'm thinking of Charlotte being Claudia, but she's not Rayla/Tiana's BFF, rather Callum's because of their parents, but sometimes she goes to the restaurant and creates a good bond with Rayla
Callum's family travels to visit Lord Vomit due some festivities
Callum has no royal blood, but since his mom married a king, he's considered a prince. In the meantime he just wants to be an artist
Lord Viagra is Harrow's friend since their teenagers years, so they both arranged Callum to marry Claudia when they were both over 18, what they are now (Callum is 18 and Claudia shy of 20)
They expect Claudia and Callum to marry in the last day of the festivities so they set up a ball to announce it to the press and all that jazz
Callum doesn't really wants to marry Claudia, because he always wanted to marry for love, like his mom did both times. He did have a crush on Claudia when he was 12 to 14 but it's over now
Claudia doesn't seem to mind marrying Callum, besides her dad wants to, so she'll do it.
Claudia invites Rayla to the ball because she really considers her as a friend, even though Rayla is not on the same page
Doctor Facilier is Aaravos and he's also Lord Voltron's right hand man
Callum "accidentally" discovers that Aaravos is a master of the legendary 6 primal sources and he makes a deal so he doesn't need to marry Claudia and he can be an artist
Like in the movie the deal backfires and he's transformed to a frog (maybe a dragon but that may be a bit far-fetched)
The ball is a costume party too, so have fun imagining everyone's costumes
Yada-yada-yada Rayla kisses Callum she's transformed into a frog/dragon too
Louis is probably Captain Villads
No idea who Ray could be, shoot at me with ideas
Mama Odie is Lujanne, her snake is Phoe-Phoe
Mama Odie/Lujanne is less wiser and rather crazy lady who can actually give good advice when she's not high on whatever she is
Is revealed that they need Claudia to break the spell, because she's being considered a princess because in the middle of the ball, Harrow granted temporary royalty to Lord Viagra in the form of a joke, but magic is magic. Claudia's royalty is not permanent and they need to hurry
Everyone in the city is worried about Rayla and Callum's disappearence until Aaravos plays one of his cards and makes an illusion of a fake Callum to marry Claudia. Soren and Ezran are the only ones who notice some strange behaviors of Fake Callum
Rayla discovers that Callum is in love with her but falls for the illusion of the marriage between them
The rest plays off like the movie, adapting some scenes to include Ezran and Soren
Callum makes it to Claudia after she discovers the scam of the wedding and says that he will marry her after making a deal that she will help Rayla with everything she needs for her business after
"Because she's my Evangeline" scene plays and Claudia takes a stand for herself, saying that she will not do what she doesn't want to please her father
The time runs out and they both stay as frogs/dragons
Mama Lujanne officiates Rayla and Callum's wedding in the woods
They both go back to their original bodies
They officialize their marriage in front of both their friends and families
Callum helps Rayla to open her business without shortcuts like she always did
Rayla opens her business and Callum can finally be happy without the pressure of the responsibilities on his shoulders
Claudia and Ezran become friends (a more cutesy version of Charlotte and Naveen's little bro scene)
It ends with both Callum and Rayla being happy following their dreams together
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Impressions from TTM
Spoilers, spoilers everywhere. Just a big bulleted list of thoughts as I read through the graphic novel. Not a lot of detail included, so it’ll make a lot more sense if you’ve already read it yourself!
looks like Moonshadow elves cross the arms of the dead... when they have a body to bury
it’s nice to see that Rayla imagines Runaan with all his shirts, the way she last saw him
kinda looks like Rayla changed into her jammies right on her bed and dumped her clothes on that little table. maybe she’s afraid of letting the few things she actually possesses out of her sight
listen we get one little panel of Opeli in here and it’s great
Soren’s cape smacking Callum in the face, 10/10
Lujanne’s appearance out of nowhere, along with Allen’s is just adorable, she’s so sparkly. And also she can apparently just turn totally invisible with an illusion spell? Even at a new moon? Probably because of the Nexus I guess
Lujanne’s “Big strong man with big strong feelings.” She and Runaan have exactly the same type and I support them
Allen’s face when Lujanne says it aches to miss Phoe-Phoe
Callum eating off Rayla’s plate and wondering how Lujanne suspected they were a couple, hmmm
Soren and Allen bonding
Rayla warning Lujanne about hand disguises, as if that was something Runaan made very sure she knew
Rayla’s cute chaos grin when Callum’s Aspiro spell goes off is my favorite pic of her in this whole graphic novel
Lujanne’s “Oh.” afterward is my fave pic of her, too, she does not seem to handle reality well!
Bait’s tongue will never get old
Lujanne’s whole speech during Phoe-Phoe’s rebirth ritual is so touching and beautiful, my heart
Lujanne putting the newborn Moon Phoenix into Ezran’s hands, like she knows he’ll have the best connection with her
Callum’s tears as he reminds Rayla that Runaan killed Harrow, he’s trying to move on, but it hurts
Rayla’s self-soothing behavior when she has her second nightmare in the book--she must have these most every night :((((
the big symbol on the Moon Temple doors looks like a stylized Moon staff, like it’s a building for mages
Lujanne saying Rayla might not want or need the truth right after Callum mentions Runaan’s name to her, he sassily asks about her husbands and she turns it into a compliment
Callum’s big reaction to the moon opals is adorable. The only other one he’s seen was part of a pair of treasured gifts between long-time spouses, so it kinda looks like he’s all “uhh we just started dating”
also Ethari must’ve made cute metal swirly covers for the pair he and Runaan wore, since these two are undecorated--maybe he got his from Lujanne?
listen Lujanne is a hoot and all but she’s both an ally and an antagonist. Her actions are trustworthy but her advice is generally terrible. It’s an interesting parallel to how Runaan says a lot with his actions too, but he talks a lot less than Lujanne
Rayla yeeting herself into a fight just to ask Soren for a talk is 10/10 Moonshadow assassin goals
but her hood is up when she’s lurking in the trees--she might not have known where she’d find Soren and was anticipating something less fun on the feels-o-meter
Rayla in the mud again. Soren keeps making people fall in the mud
Allen’s grumpy squiggle
Callum, I love you, but you have no respect for moon opals. It’s like they wronged you in a previous life or something
that dancing elf has very long hair and shoulder pauldrons, and they start off dancing with six kneeling, watching, hooded elves around them--Moon Druids wore hoods even before they were assassins. Considering what Lujanne said about why the portal was sometimes opened, maybe those six kneeling elves are waiting under their emotion-hiding hoods to farewell a loved one who’s recently died?
can’t tell for sure but maybe the elf is dancing along the lines in the stone like they mark patterns for ritual dances, which would be the bomb
Soren and Rayla’s conversation is pretty wrenching. Seeing Soren have to struggle with what he did because it’s tangled up with Viren is rough because as a Crownguard it should just have been his duty to defend his king and he’d have nothing to feel weird about
Rayla dissociating herself from the term “assassins” and Soren dissociating from calling Viren “my father” in the same conversation is 10/10 excellent growth
Soren must know what happens to prisoners his dad gets a hold of, even if he doesn’t know the details :(((
“we captured him” and “Viren took him” seem to be talking about the Crownguard and Viren, not the brodigies and Viren
Rayla having a wooden sword at the end of the day bc she played swordfighting with Allen and Soren all day long
the panel where Rayla doesn’t say anything at all after telling Callum that she asked Soren about Runaan actually says so much, you can hear it
every time Lujanne’s white lies idea gets repeated, things get worse
Allen’s reading glasses, there must be one optician in the human village and he caters to soft kindly gentlemen of a certain age
in the moon phase montage, baby Phoe-Phoe is flying next to Ezran after one week at the Nexus. Maybe he’s paying her back by helping her learn to fly after she helped him teach Zym how to fly! Did they bond as tightly as Ezran did with Zym? I support Ezran just bonding with the most powerful flying creatures in all the land.
the irony of Callum using Lujanne’s tactics against her is amazing, but really the white lies thing is a giant ball of chaos in this story and it does not play favorites
Bait on the stone pillar during rebuilding
all the noises the Moonhenge makes are 10/10
Rayla dancing with Callum even though there’s almost no chance she’s ever done that dance before
Lujanne’s pupils going white, that is a cool effect, what’s it mean?
the black moon in the pink sky is so spooky! Is it just me or does the color scheme here kinda vibe like the space outside Aaravos’s library?
the smoky assassin squad, 10/10 creep factor, I love it
the lightning being a literal crack of doom with “CRAK-DOOM” as Katolis Castle appears, “echoes of thunder” indeed, very nice
Lujanne being mad but she can’t decide if it’s at Callum or herself
when she says pulling Rayla out now will leave her soul on one side and her body a husk. After the Insta live stream last night where we learned that soulfang serpents are Moon primal creatures, that’s... super interesting
smoky assassins go tssh in the rain like they’re still hot from being cremated, thanks I hate it
Andromeda finds Rayla first and seems closest/most aggressive so I wonder why she might hate Rayla more than the others
the assassins’ wrist bindings have gone red but they’re still attached and seem to trap the souls where they are. But all they need to be free is to perceive that Rayla completed their task, even though we know otherwise. So... would that work for killing any target? If you’re certain that you did it, does your binding fall off even if you’re wrong? eyes Pip
this must not be the actual afterlife since the spirits kind of mist up toward the moon and vanish, it’s more like a lobby, no one stays here unless they get stuck
portaling around just by shouting at villains, excellent
Rayla literally dropping a sword at the sight of the pod Viren’s in, yeah, it’s that creepy, I agree
Viren’s eyes are so black I think they’re Aaravos’s. I got a whole headcanon on Good Viren and Evil Viren for S4 now, wow
Phoe-Phoe pulling out a feather for Callum, awww my heart! This is why Ezran had to come, to bond with her so together they could save Callum and Rayla, it’s so sweet
so these humans are from the Storm Spire battle, bc that’s the Storm Spire behind Rayla and Callum on p108, with the rune-written arch. Did they die hating Rayla and Callum from the battle? Did they even know Rayla was up there? Or is pod Viren/Aaravos actually making them attack out of hatred for Viren’s death? One of these is definitely creepier and more awesome
Rayla’s confidence that Callum can and will boost her at the right moment with his magic, my heart, I love battle couples
that one panel that mirrors the Ghost Feather key art, hhhhhh
Rayla being the better swimmer, such precious irony, thanks Runaan
them holding hands and swimming upward together on the full-page panel is blessed
Lujanne pulling Rayla out of the lake with both arms gives me feels bc my grandma saved my life once
Lujanne being super soft over Rayllum, she is indeed a hopeless romantic
Rayla says “gone” about her parents and Runaan, and that’s the word Ethari used too, and I’m suddenly wondering if Ethari reached right into that pool and has always known that the lotus is half-submerged and if the sword he’s been making is for himself
I’m so glad Rayla told Callum what she saw of Viren
Rayla deceiving Callum and heading into danger alone because his life is more valuable to her than her own is exactly what Runaan did for her the night of the full moon in Katolis. I’m leaning toward her having thought this over and doing it on purpose bc she believes it’s a sign of deepest love--that Runaan’s actions and Lujanne’s words match up in her head, so she thinks it’s the right thing to do bc the mage and the assassin agree. Alas, Callum doesn’t understand the Moon arcanum yet, so he will have a different opinion. That mage and that assassin do not agree!
Rayla’s cloak has that Moon Temple symbol on its back. Is it Lujanne’s cloak? Any Moonshadow who sees it will probably know where she got it and who helped her. That could be fun!
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