#Phone Repair Shop London
ham1lton · 2 months
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masterlist ♡
any requested works have a ♥︎ besides them and any works containing sexual content have a 18+ mark besides them <3
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one shots/smau ♡
wrong number - charles leclerc smau. ↴
-> the one where y/n gets a new phone and tries to text her auntie… only her auntie is not the other one at the end of the phone.
her silly rabbit - lando norris smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> just lando being the most supportive wag ever to his gymnast gf. bare minimum fr.
manifest it! - logan sargeant smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> logan manifesting a relationship with the girl of his dreams. the incredibly gorgeous, talented and famous you. at least you can’t say he doesn’t aim high.
i fell for you - lando norris smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> after being injured in a hit and run in a grocery store with a trolley, lando swears he’s found the one. oscar thinks it’s just the concussion talking.
mysterious girl. - lewis hamilton smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> lewis has just released that he’s just gotten married and the whole world is scrambling to find out who his secret wife is. spoiler alert! it’s you.
i’m with the band - lando norris smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> pop band CHANGE! has just released their anticipated third album; however, fans notice that the songs seem to tell an unsavoury story….
hungry eyes - carlos sainz jr smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> carlos’ post-race interview goes viral and not necessarily for the reasons one would think….
glue song - oscar piastri smau. ↴
-> after looking at some old photo albums, you stumble across an old photograph of your first love. you post it online and internet sleuths attempt to track him down.
good old fashioned lover boy! - lando norris smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> lando is in love. his girlfriend is the perfect girl in every way possible, except for one thing: she’s a pescatarian, and lando hates fish.
semi charmed kinda life! - jenson button smau. 18+. ♥︎ ↴
-> simple story. girl meets boy. boy is her older brother’s best friend. boy is off limits. then boy sees her all sweaty post race. you know the rest.
just a normal girl - charles leclerc smau. ♥︎ ↴
-> just a normal girl is a stand-up netflix comedy special performed by actress and comedienne y/n l/n in which she discusses her childhood, her horrible first meeting with her boyfriend and being a twenty something in london.
don’t trust the bitch in apt 33! - max verstappen smau ♥︎ ↴
-> your new apartment in monaco is amazing. it’s close to your friends, family and work, it has incredible amenities and your neighbours for the most part seem kind. the only issue is your upstairs neighbour, who games all night and sleeps all day, and is insufferably loud while doing it.
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multi posts ♡
— random boyfriend texts w/ charles/oscar/lando/carlos.
— drunk texts ♥︎ w/ charles/oscar/carlos/lewis/mick/max.
— texting him ‘she’s busy bro’ w/ max/carlos/charles/daniel/oscar/logan/lewis/lando.
— wet dreamz w/ seb/lewis/fernando/jenson/nico. 18+.
— morning/night texts ♥︎ w/ oscar/logan/mick.
— vroom vroom! ♥︎ w/ lando/carlos/charles.
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series ♡
diva anthems - hiatus. ↴
-> a list of short smau/one shots based on some of my favourite songs.
nepo sister universe - ongoing. - lando norris smau. ↴
-> two time f1 world champion. face of multiple different famous companies. part-time bassist, part-time model, and full time older sister to you. your older sister breaks barriers every time she breathes and you’re coming along for the ride.
— featuring. charles leclerc x fellow driver’s bff!reader.
summer lovin’ - ongoing - interactive logan sargeant x oscar piastri smau. ↴
-> after their rookie season, in a bid to repair their friendship, the two drivers decide to take their new paycheques and go explore the sun, sea and sands of greece. what they didn’t anticipate was to bump into you.
maneater - ongoing - f1!female driver x grid (platonic) ↴
-> what if you were the first female driver in formula one?
raceway retail - collab project - ongoing - multi ↴
-> an alternate universe where instead of the guys being formula one drivers, they work in a shopping centre/mall. one in which which you frequent often.
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500 follower’s celebration - ongoing/on hiatus - multi ♥︎ ↴
-> a bunch of smaus requested by my followers as a celebration for hitting 500! — masterlist.
drabble masterlist - complete - multi ♥︎ ↴
-> random prompts that were requested!
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papaver-decervicatus · 11 months
Headcanons- Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Birthday, June 23, 1996
Can you tell that gaz is my favorite of the mainline boys BY FAR???
Early Life
Born and Raised in London.
His mother (Daniella) was 20 when he was born, his father was 22 (Solomon).
His Dad died when he was 5, afterward, he was raised mainly by his paternal grandparents and mother.
Not raised religiously at all, not religious in adulthood.
Was one of about 50 kids named Kyle in school, so the progression of his name was “Kyle Garrick” to “Garrick” to “Garry” to “Garz” to “Gaz”
Top Marks all throughout school, had no delinquency records, he participated in and won medals in triathlon. 
Also was part of a local thespian society for a while but would die if any of the 141 found out about it.
His favorite Role ever was Merlin in a comedy play about King Arthur
Incredibly musical even to this day, loves to show off whenever he finds an unattended piano in a mall or similar
When he was 13 his mother remarried (Oliver), then when he was 15 his little sister, Amelia was born.
His mother was a hairstylist throughout his childhood. She met his father at a club. She went to college shortly after Gaz joined the military and now works in IT. Oliver works some corporate jobs.
His mother taught him how to braid hair when he was very little because he wanted to help her, has maintained the skill to this day. 
Doesn’t really have a relationship with his stepfather, good or bad. Also isn’t particularly close with Amelia because of their age difference, but still cares immensely for her. He is more like a close uncle than a brother. 
His union jack ball-cap was a Christmas gift from her
Fucking adores that hat.
Subsequently a very good babysitter because he was stuck looking after Amelia so often. He is definitely the only person in the 141 who can stand to be around babies and who can change a diaper.
He has a small flat in London a few blocks from the old police station he used to work at.
He keeps in decent contact with a lot of his old mates from his Bobby days, as such he tends to have a lot of the latest gossip and rumor of what’s happening in London
Generally puts a lot of effort into his appearance.
10-step skincare routine
Has a schedule for hair washing that he sticks to religiously
Gets all his suits custom tailored
Has 4 pairs of shoes he wears regularly but frequently gets them repaired.
Firmly believe he had a minimum wage job as a teenager just for some extra spending cash, is the sweetest most understanding customer possible.
Does not buy new things if he can help it, if he likes something he will get it repaired until the shop straight up refuses him. 
Had his ears pierced when he was younger, but they have since closed up. Also has no real plans to get them repierced.
Is the sort of guy that does best when given orders, he is a bit too conservative in risk-taking to ever be a Captain like Price but still respects him immensely.
Hates the smell of cigarette smoke, and never has and never will smoke.
Not big into clubs, but does enjoy going pubbing with the SAS or 141
Gets hit on so badly when out. 
Soap is very jealous that Gaz has to practically tear men and women off of him when they go out
The only member of the 141 who has never gotten blackout drunk in front of the others
Low alcohol tolerance but high self-control to stop drinking
Takes his tea without sugar but with milk, and loves novelty teas like the ones that are supposed to taste like biscuits or pumpkin spice.
He had a K-9 companion when he was in the London police force because he was on the narcotics task force for a while.
When the dog, Barley, had to retire, she was adopted by Daniella and Amelia. 
His phone background is a picture of Amelia and Barley asleep in a silly position on the family couch
He is still convincing Price to get a bomb-sniffing dog for the 141 because he misses being a dog handler
Soap, who is known to have a fear of dogs despite being a golden retriever of a man, is vehemently against this idea
Gaz is working on this fear with him
Ghost has grunted out assent to the idea, which is basically high praise
Gaz knows Ghost loves dogs, Ghost has met Barely once and Gaz had never seen Ghost so happy (Ghost called Barley "Sweetheart," "Lovey," "Darling," "Sunshine," and "Madam Bark-ley" and Gaz could scarcely believe it, he of course swore not to tell anyone else)
Is Price’s favorite, not his protege. Price is significantly harder on Soap than he is on Gaz and Gaz absolutely exploits this by getting away with pranks by pinning the blame on Soap.
Very dry sense of humor, he tends to gravitate towards jokes where the punchline is unspoken. He has mastered the "idgaf" face for Soap specifically.
He is more of a protege to Laswell, since they both specialize in intelligence and information. He has also met Mrs. Laswell and got along very well with her.
Kind of like Alex's "stepbrother" when it comes to Laswell's mentoring.
If he ever had to retire, he would go back into the police force, probably go into detective work with Scotland Yard.
He doesn't not want a family, but he doesn't want one either. Gaz is primarily work focused, once he felt comfortable enough in his career he would reconsider that call but as of now, no plans on marriage/family.
Despite all odds, he does not have a fear of heights and would chose to take a helicopter over a boat any day of the week. His cheek scar was from he slipped off of a boat as a teen and he almost drowned. He's a great swimmer, but he does not like boats.
Gaz's most toxic trait is that he has to know. He does not deal with unknowns, he does not leave things left undone or unsaid. He needs to do it and he needs confirmation from the outside that he did the right thing, he gets paralyzed when he faces things he doesn't know how to deal with (such as the bomb hostage situation.) The greatest honor he can give someone is to leave parts of them untouched and unknown at their request and as it stands, only Ghost really gets that treatment.
Talents, special bonds ETC.
Secret and Gossip Keeper of the 141 and therefore the best gift giver, some of his best include
The only person who knows his birthday on the team
Soap has been trying to get the secret out of him ever since Gaz let it slip that he knows it. Out of respect for Ghost, he swears he will never tell and hasn’t
Gifted him an expensive razor set and holiday-themed tea biscuits because he knows that Ghost has a terrible sweet tooth and for the longest time didn’t know that disposable razors are supposed to be disposed of.
Knows that Ghost is afraid of snakes after a particularly tropical and outdoorsy mission
Is vaguely aware of the Riley Massacre, and despite his curiosity, has made a conscious effort not to look into it.
Knows really embarrassing stories of young John from Nikolai which include but are not limited to
The time drunk Price lost a distance pissing contest to a woman on his team (US sniper friend)
The time Price gave himself a scar on his left asscheek by walking into a hooked fishing pole
The time Price had to get stitches and broke an arm from falling off of Laswell’s motorcycle while Rick Astley was playing
Fucking hates Rick Astley now
The time in Pripyat that Price dove into a running stream, while there was snow on the ground, fully clothed, and came out with a massive Wel's Catfish in his hands.
He got hypothermia from this event but wears the nickname “Dumb Bear” that Nik gave him after the event as a badge of honor.
Nik, to this day, smiles whenever he eats catfish.
Usually keeps Price gifts simple and limited to expensive cigars, but Gaz is the only person with the foresight to buy the man lighter fluid and a cigar cutter.
Knew about the juvenile arrest record thing
Also knows that Soap cheats at card games, but hasn’t told the others because Soap still can’t beat him
Knows that Ghost’s sketchbook is the most filled out
Has told Ghost that secret and Ghost just looked sort of vacant for a moment and said something to the effect of “I don’t believe you.”
Has made several half-hearted attempts to get the two to bone, but really would rather not know if he’s ever been successful. 
Started Soap’s Bodice Ripper collection and deeply regrets it. Gifts him the most ridiculous, outlandish, awful romance novels he can find (think monsterfucking and other taboo romances.)  Also gifts Soap stuff like art supplies sleeves, kneaded erasers, and nice paper or other art supplies he can’t just make himself.
Has a supernatural sense for reading people, the 141 like to say that he can taste a lie on the wind.
He is by and far the best at ‘reading’ Ghost. He is the first to jump to his defense when he is feeling overwhelmed, he is the first to know when he’s been missing meals or sleep, and he is the last person to give him shit about an outburst.
Soap and Ghost might banter more, but Gaz knows Ghost better.
Ghost feels a lot of ease with Gaz because he reminds him a lot of Roach, as such he is really protective of Gaz in an almost “older brother” type way
The two are close in an unspoken way, whereas Ghost and Soap are close in a very loud way.
Gaz/Ghost besties for realsies and I am sick of pretending that they're not.
Gaz has a terrible habit of being places when he shouldn’t, like having a camera recording pointing at Soap the second before he eats shit on a treadmill. 
No one knows how he does it, but he’s always in the right place at the right time for an embarrassing photo or video
The most photogenic man alive, there is not a singular bad picture of Kyle Gaz Garrick anywhere.
Soap and some recruits have a bet going to see who can snap a bad photo of him, but no one can. They have even resorted to asking his mother for baby Gaz photos hoping to find something but he looked like a model back then, too.
The unluckiest, luckiest man alive. Will fall out of a helicopter one hour and win 3k off a scratch-off ticket the next
He and Ghost have created a secret bond over having chronic nightmares, it’s not uncommon for the two to just sort of quietly exist around each other in the breakroom at 3 AM after a rough night.
He sort of regrets following Price into the force because Price's convictions to his cause are that strong. Gaz knows that if it came down to it, Price would leave him for dead and not turn backwards. As magnetic as the two are to each other, Gaz can't help but worry that the loyalty he gives to Price won't be extended back. Deep down, he knows that Price wouldn't mourn him, but he would mourn Price.
Definitely the closest interest-wise with Soap, their chemistry was immediate. Within twenty minutes of meeting the two were thick as thieves, even though Gaz was faking it for about a month before he really started to like Soap. Partners in crime, Gaz is actually probably the worse trouble maker of the two but he can get away with it unlike Soap.
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talentforlying · 9 months
re: constantine and technology, he's so bad at it that it's comical.
he didn't have a whole lot of exposure to its evolution outside of his friendship with quantum magic computer nerd ritchie simpson, and now he's old and it's everywhere and he doesn't fucking get it. he's awful with computers, the only washing machines that haven't broken on him are the ones at the laundromat, he got a smartphone once to look important but put a demon inside it to do shit For him (rip the vestibulian), he set up a website once and never looked at it again. makes him very cranky when everyone tells him to update his arsenal because he's tried, man, and it's hard.
on top of your basic old guy stuff, technology doesn't seem to like him, either. (certainly doesn't help that he has a habit of throwing, kicking, smacking, or smashing tech that doesn't work when he needs it to.) vending machines habitually break down around him, chip-and-pin machines at the shops throw up errors, and he has set off more than a few metal detectors just by being in proximity.
there's some argument that can be made about magic interfering with technology, two matrices that should never have intersected etc., but ritchie simpson is Right There combining the two with ease, and even if he's just a quantum theoretical genius, i do think that maguses in the modern age would have figured out ways to let the two meet/marry by now. so what it just comes down to is, either constantine is so bad at it that he breaks everything he touches, or technodemon ritchie is taking sweet, sweet revenge on him from hell. either is equally funny to me.
the majority of his begrudging flirtation with technology comes down to:
chunky dell laptop computer. he uses the same password for almost everything, and the few different ones are all written on a post-it note in a desk drawer. the one thing he's got going for him here is that ever since ritchie hacked his bank account, he's added a couple entangling magic firewalls that will set fire to a hard drive if you try to get in without the authentication invocation to disarm them.
cardboard box full of flip phones, busted smartphones, and sim cards. he breaks/loses so many phones that it's just easier to stock up ahead of time. the flip phones are easy, he buys them off ebay; the smartphones are more of a hunt-and-gather situation. he's not above rinsing out the odd phone repair store/apple store in times of great need, sorry to everyone who needed those things, though he does try to stick to high-end ones so there's a better chance that he's just temporarily denting some rich prick's wallet instead of actually inconveniencing people. he's got free and unlimited network coverage in london, thanks to his friendship with map, but that's highly dependent on whether or not map is pissed at him at the time.
walkman. they were invented while he was in ravenscar and he couldn't really stand listening to the tapes he had for a while after that (reminded him of the band and what happened), but cheryl got him the tenth anniversary model later for christmas and it was well-loved. he gave that one to gemma in 1991 when he was dying, and when he was healed, chas hunted down another one for his birthday.
5gb iPod that holds a hell of a lot more than that, thank you magic. lifted off an ex that was trying to kill him while he was in america, right when it had just come out.
unused e-reader. he was trying to be savvy and up-to-date, but the physical stuff just works for him better. he keeps meaning to give it to chas, but keeps forgetting it exists.
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This day in history
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Tonight (May 31) at 6:30PM, I’m at the MANCHESTER Waterstones with my novel Red Team Blues, hosted by Ian Forrester.
Tomorrow (Jun 1), I’m giving the Peter Kirstein Lecture for UCL Computer Science in LONDON.
Then it’s Edinburgh, London, and Berlin!
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#20yrsago Theme park of the chariots of the Gods https://web.archive.org/web/20060207043240/http://www.swissinfo.org/sen/swissinfo.html?siteSect=105&sid=1918331
#20yrsago How is an IRC channel like a Caribbean street-corner? https://web.archive.org/web/20030605122526/http://www.healthhacker.com/biella/rope.txt
#10yrsago Northern Ireland builds a Potemkin Village for the G8 https://www.irishtimes.com/news/recession-out-of-the-picture-as-fermanagh-puts-on-a-brave-face-for-g8-leaders-1.1409112
#10yrsago Usury in the UK https://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/may/31/oft-criticised-ineffectual-payday-loans-policing
#10yrsago Linda Stone on attention, computers, and education https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/05/linda-stone-on-maintaining-focus-in-a-maddeningly-distractive-world/276201/
#5yrsago Congresswoman Diane Black [R-TN] blames school shootings on “pornography” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/diane-black-porn-school-gun-violence_n_5b0d6634e4b0568a880ede65
#5yrsago My science fiction story about EFF’s proposed jailbreaking exemption https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/eff-presents-cory-doctorows-science-fiction-story-about-our-jailbreaking-petition
#5yrsago Tell your parents: Trump is lying to them about Medicare https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/making-sense/senior-advocates-say-new-draft-guide-to-medicare-distorts-facts-heres-what-you-need-to-know
#5yrsago Leaked memos reveal the deep divisions within Google over Pentagon contract https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/30/technology/google-project-maven-pentagon.html
#5yrsago Governments all over the world buy spy products that let them track and eavesdrop on global cellphones, especially US phones https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/how-spies-can-use-your-cellphone-to-find-you--and-eavesdrop-on-your-calls-and-texts-too/2018/05/30/246bb794-5ec2-11e8-a4a4-c070ef53f315_story.html
#5yrsago Amazon bars Australians from shopping on its non-Aussie sites to put pressure on the government to rescind tax rule https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/amazon-to-block-its-us-website-for-aussie-shoppers-over-new-gst-rules-20180531-p4zikr.html
#5yrsago Telegram: ever since Russia’s blocking demand, Apple has prevented us from updating our app https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/31/17412396/telegram-apple-app-store-app-updates-russia
#5yrsago Elon’s Basilisk: why exploitative, egomaniacal rich dudes think AI will destroy humanity https://www.documentjournal.com/2018/04/the-existential-paranoia-fueling-elon-musks-fear-of-ai/
#5yrsago Uganda enacts unenforceable, ridiculous anti-“gossip” internet tax https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/31/17412960/uganda-law-tax-gossip-social-media
#5yrsago Count your bees with a Raspberry Pi and machine learning https://matpalm.com/blog/counting_bees/
#5yrsago No, seriously, THIS is the mission patch for Google’s drone warfare AI contract with the Pentagon https://www.jwz.org/blog/2018/05/happy-fun-algorithmic-warfare-cross-functional-team/
#5yrsago Sweden’s notorious copyright troll said they’d sue, but if you ignore them, they just go away https://torrentfreak.com/legal-blackmail-zero-cases-brought-against-alleged-pirates-in-sweden-180525/
#1yrago How John Deere leverages repair-blocking into gag orders https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/31/dealers-choice/#be-a-shame-if-something-were-to-happen-to-it
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Manchester, Edinburgh, London, and Berlin!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
What is this Place?
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Cute
Concept shopping
I stood in the kitchen finishing up with the dishes from breakfast and finished drying off my hands just as I heard his steps down the wooden stairs and soon enough he arrived in the kitchen for a second I was slightly taken aback given the last I saw him he was in his boxers and small robe from bed and now he was dressed for the day ahead, I didn't think we were doing anything or going anywhere but he wore, his lace-up brown leather boots, his blue slightly washed out skinny jeans the knees almost completely white a few small holes in need of repair, his dark blue shirt with the triumph branding on it even if the shirt was a little washed out too, and his blue plaid button down even if it wasn't buttoned at all. He ran his hand through his hair as always fixing it to its usual place even if he was in need of a trim sooner rather than later and he would likely need a shave in a few days as there was obvious little stubble starting to form on the edges of his lips and his chin. he came into the kitchen grabbing his wallet from the kitchen table forcing it into his pocket a hard job given the tightness of the jeans and the thickness of his leather wallet, then again not like he had any money in it just a mess of the various cards needed to get around London. 
"Hi hun," He says giving my cheek a kiss
"Hello, Aren't you all nice and dressed up today?"
"This is dressed up to you?" he asks slightly confused 
"I'm simply saying you look very handsome" I smiled giving his nose and kiss and heading to the living room with my tea 
"Really?" he smirked coming and leaning on the kitchen and living room doorway "My little lady like me dressed up like this?"
"Ummm humm" I nodded
"Noted" he smirked 
"Where are you off to anyway?" I asked "I assume given you're wearing shoes... and pants. you're going somewhere" 
"On an adventure" he answered 
"to where?"
".... yes" I nodded even if my mind was utterly blank 
"I need a new helmet" 
"Oh, why? what's wrong with the one you have?"
"its getting on a bit. I've had the damn thing nearly four years and it does get used an awful lot. plus some of the padding on  the insides starting to come out so its time for a new one" he explained 
"I see." I nodded "Can I come?" I asked
"You wanna come to the motorbike store with me?"
"If I'm allowed?"
"You're allowed your more than welcome to come with me hun, I just don't think it'll be particularly interesting for you." 
"Well, would you like me to come with you?"
"I would like you to come with me, it's very sweet" he cooes "Come on then we'll go to the motorbike shop and we can get ice cream on the way home," he says grabbing his leather jacket and slipping it on, I grabbed some shoes and my bag and followed him out to the car.
We grabbed a coffee each on the way and we headed through the busy streets until finally arriving at this large glass and black building, we got out and headed inside and immediately I lost him and I was overwhelmed by motorbikes littered around the store, a whole wall of motorbike helmets, a wall of boots and a large wall of racks of jackets and other such gear, as well as displays of various equipment, tools, and such items. it was like an insane labyrinth of madness the second we were inside I lost him to the madness. I walked around looking at various things for what honestly felt like hours, for a while I was convinced I had entered some kind of mechanical Narnia. 
"what is this place?" I complained as I found yet another wall. 
I grabbed my phone from my handbag and  called him up "Hello?" He asks
"where are you?" I asked 
"What do you mean where am I?"
"I lost you the moment we got in here and I think I'm lost"
"Ground floor, back wall just follow the wall from the door okay?" He laughs before handing up, eventully I found the door again and I followed the wall back until I was deep in the wall of helmets where finaly I found a wild thomas. with way more then just a helmet.
"What happened?" I asked noticng his pile with a box for new boots, a new jacket, two new shirts, some random tools in boxes, a pair of gloves, and he was trying various helmets on as he stood around them 
".... in my defence. I was left without supervison" 
"do you really need all this?" I asked 
"fine" I sighed "Pick your new helmet and lets go" 
"Okay" He says going back to his deciding "May I also go and look at the new KTm coming out in june?"
"Please?" He whines 
"Look. no touching. and if you buy another motorbike I get to dye your hair."
"we have a deal." 
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phonerepairlondon · 1 year
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
Alright shit you caught me monologuing.
Between their occupations, Lena and Emily are both very busy. Lena usually spends most of her time with the Recalled Overwatch team, training the newcomers and doing double duty as maintenance and repair on their crafts. While she has a small flat in London, she's rarely there.
Emily's work as an investigative journalist means that she can be anywhere across the planet at any time. Often times, Lena will just get a text before Emily boards the plane like "Headed to Egypt, be home in 3-4 weeks." Communication from there will vary.
It's a balance that's difficult to maintain, but they do it. Rarely do their 'time off' schedules line up, so when they do, Lena will be absolutely no contact. Short of another Null Sector attack, she does everything in her power to not answer her phone. Sometimes this works, sometimes she's called away. Sometimes Emily is.
Time spent together during these brief periods are in near constant company, 24/7. They cook together, dance in the living room, watch movies, go shopping, shower, sleep, eat together. Emily finally brings some peace to Lena's hyperactive state, and Lena brings the reassurance of life and love. Their shared love language is time spent together, due to the times that they're separated.
Leaving each other at the end of these periods is always painful, and Lena's usually out of sorts for at least a few days. It's not hard to tell what's going on, and she's usually just more withdrawn and quiet. More time spent in the gym is usually enough to pull her out of her own head.
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ssshopfrontshutter · 17 hours
Aluminium Shopfronts London-SS Shopfrontshutter
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Welcome to SS Shopfront Shutter, your premier destination for high-quality aluminium shopfronts in London. We specialize in designing, manufacturing, and installing bespoke shopfront solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our commitment to excellence and attention to detail ensures that your shopfront not only looks stunning but also provides robust security and durability.
Why Choose Aluminium Shopfronts? Aluminium shopfronts offer a range of benefits that make them the ideal choice for businesses in London:
Durability and Strength: Aluminium is known for its exceptional strength and resilience, providing a long-lasting solution that can withstand harsh weather conditions and daily wear and tear.
Aesthetic Appeal: With sleek lines and a modern appearance, aluminium shopfronts enhance the visual appeal of your business, attracting customers and creating a professional image.
Versatility: Aluminium can be easily customized to fit any design, offering a wide variety of finishes and colors to match your brand identity.
Low Maintenance: Unlike other materials, aluminium requires minimal maintenance, saving you time and money in the long run.
Sustainability: Aluminium is a recyclable material, making it an environmentally friendly choice for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
Our Services : At SS Shopfront Shutter, we provide comprehensive services to ensure your shopfront is perfectly suited to your needs:
Custom Design: Our team of expert designers works closely with you to create a shopfront that reflects your brand and meets your specific requirements. We take into consideration your business type, location, and target audience to deliver a design that stands out.
Manufacturing: Using state-of-the-art technology and high-quality materials, we manufacture your shopfront to the highest standards. Our skilled craftsmen ensure precision and attention to detail in every aspect of the production process.
Installation : Our professional installation team ensures that your shopfront is fitted securely and efficiently, minimizing disruption to your business. We adhere to all safety standards and regulations, providing you with peace of mind.
Maintenance and Repairs : We offer ongoing maintenance and repair services to keep your shopfront in pristine condition. Whether you need routine maintenance or emergency repairs, our team is ready to assist you.
Contact Us : Ready to upgrade your business with a premium aluminium shopfront london ? Contact SS Shopfront Shutter today to discuss your project and receive a free quote. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help you every step of the way.
Phone: +44 7440 207127 Email: [email protected] Address: 13A Castleton Road, Ilford, 1G3 9QW website: https://ssshopfrontshutter.co.uk/aluminum-shop-fronts/
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thebedesrp · 9 months
Amas Veritas
@Lily_Bede & @Joseph_Bede
London - 5 May 2011
LN - Lily sat on the leather sofa with Joseph, the evening news on the telly and they each had a glass of white wine. The curtains were closed against the late afternoon light outside. 
She held his hand as he slumped against the sofa, exhausted from a day at work. 
Her thoughts wandered across time, thinking of Gallifrey - long since lost in a brutal, seemingly unending war. When she first arrived here she was frightened, though she looked human she wasn’t actually human. 
While she had briefly met humans before, she had never lived alongside them. She did everything she could to blend in - she got a job as a waitress at a restaurant across from an auto shop, she dressed as human women did, she learned how to drive a car. 
When she met Joseph she felt lost, alone in the dark. Human blokes occasionally creeped her out as much as Gallifreyan blokes. 
He was different, he was a gentleman. Whenever he came to the restaurant he was always polite and left a decent tip. The coffee was horrid but he would sit there for his entire hour break before he would walk back across the street to the auto shop. 
She developed a crush on him, eagerly anticipating the time when she would see him walk out of the auto shop and cross the street. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and ice blue eyes. He had manners and was very polite and kind. When she would see him her mind would turn to mush and she would smile ear to ear like a fool. Her coworkers occasionally would tease her about this, though if anyone would say his name she couldn’t help but smile.
She loved cars, and had an ancient rusty Ford Cortina. It was nearly beyond repair, but she kept getting it fixed as she thought she couldn’t afford a car off a dealership lot. Joseph took a look at the car for her a few times, replacing the faulty ignition wiring and told her to attempt to trade in the death trap she was driving. 
Over the summer she had finally listened to reason and traded the ancient Ford Cortina for a new Toyota Corolla. She had been surprised when they approved her for the car loan, and that she could afford the payments.
At night she would look up at the stars, wishing for love. She didn’t realise it at the time but she had been wishing for him. Things progressed between them quickly and within two years of dating he’d proposed.
JB - Now he no longer worked as an accountant for the insurance firm but for a bloke named Harvey Wratten. He was Harvey’s personal accountant, he cleaned Harvey’s money through the flower shop he had opened in London with £1.5 million pounds sterling of his own money. They had to endure Harvey’s unhinged nephew, Jay, who would harass and menace them both - all the while Joseph was unable to do anything about this as Harvey protected Jay from everyone, though Jay desperately needed to get his arse beat. 
LN - She returned from her thoughts, looking at the telly as Joseph sat up straighter. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. 
“Why is Harvey Wratten on the telly?” She asked him. She remembered when he and Jay had been arrested for drugs trafficking, and now he was being granted a very rare Royal Pardon. It simply didn’t make any sense, and that meant they would be seeing Jay soon. 
Suddenly she felt very frightened of humans again, and she jumped when she heard the phone ringing. She looked at Joseph as he stood up, “You’ll be coming back?” She asked him. 
Joseph had been threatened before, and she worried that he would taken from her. He was the brightest star in her sky, without him there was no light - only the inky blackness of unending darkness.
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arbvehiclerecovery · 4 months
Road Assistance London
Are you in need of Road Assistance London? Look no further than ARB Vehicle Recovery! With years of experience and a team of expert professionals, we are here to provide you with fast and reliable assistance for all your roadside needs.
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Why Choose ARB Vehicle Recovery for Road Assistance in London?
When it comes to road assistance in London, ARB Vehicle Recovery stands out from the rest. Here's why:
24/7 Emergency Service: We understand that emergencies can happen at any time, which is why we offer round-the-clock assistance. Whether you're stuck on the side of the Roadside Assistance Greenwich in the middle of the night or during rush hour traffic, we'll be there to help.
Fast Response Time: Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and vehicles to ensure a quick response to your call. We know that time is of the essence when you're stranded on the road, so we make it a priority to get to you as soon as possible.
Professional and Reliable Technicians: Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in handling all types of roadside assistance situations. From jump-starts and tire changes to fuel delivery and lockout services, we have the expertise to get you back on the road safely.
Affordable Rates: We believe that quality road assistance shouldn't break the bank. That's why we offer competitive and transparent pricing for all our services. You can trust us to provide excellent service without emptying your wallet.
Services Offered by ARB Vehicle Recovery
At ARB Vehicle Recovery, we offer a wide range of road assistance services to meet your needs, including:
Towing: Whether your car has broken down or been involved in an accident, we can safely tow it to a nearby repair shop or your preferred location.
Jump-Starts: Dead battery? No problem! Our technicians can quickly jump-start your vehicle so you can get back on the road.
Tire Changes: Flat tire? We can help! Our team will replace your flat tire with your spare so you can continue your journey without any delays.
Fuel Delivery: Run out of gas? Don't worry! We can deliver fuel to your location so you can refuel and get back on your way.
Lockout Services: Locked out of your car? Our technicians can quickly and safely unlock your vehicle so you can retrieve your keys and get back behind the wheel.
Contact ARB Vehicle Recovery for Road Assistance in London
Don't let a roadside emergency ruin your day. Contact ARB Vehicle Recovery for fast and reliable road assistance in London. Our team is ready to assist you 24/7, so you can have peace of mind knowing help is just a phone call away. For more information or to request assistance, give us a call or visit our website. Let ARB Vehicle Recovery take the stress out of roadside emergencies and get you back on the road in no time!
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seodon · 8 months
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At VK Recovery Breakdown, we understand that the unexpected can happen at any moment while you're on the road. Whether it's a flat tire, a dead battery, or an unforeseen mechanical breakdown, you don't have to be caught off guard. That's where our Vehicle Recovery Coventry and Jump Start Service come into play, ensuring that you're back on the road in no time, hassle-free. In this article, we'll delve into the details of these essential services and how they can save you from the inconvenience and stress of vehicle-related emergencies.
 The Importance of Prompt Vehicle Recovery
Imagine you're on your way to an important meeting or a long-awaited vacation, and your vehicle suddenly breaks down in the middle of nowhere. The situation can be stressful and overwhelming, leaving you stranded and unsure about your next steps. This is where our Vehicle Recovery Coventry service comes to your rescue.
 Swift Response to Your Distress Call
At VK Recovery Breakdown, we prioritize your safety and convenience. Our dedicated team of professionals is just a phone call away. Once you contact us for assistance, we dispatch a skilled and experienced recovery team to your location promptly. Our experts are well-equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to handle various vehicle recovery situations.
 Comprehensive Vehicle Recovery Solutions
Our Vehicle Recovery Coventry service is not limited to a particular type of vehicle. Whether you drive a compact car, a heavy-duty truck, or a motorcycle, we have the expertise to assist you. We offer a wide range of recovery solutions, including:
 1. Accident Recovery
In the unfortunate event of an accident, our team can safely and efficiently recover your vehicle while ensuring minimal damage.
 2. Breakdown Recovery
If your vehicle experiences a mechanical breakdown, our experts will diagnose the issue and provide on-the-spot solutions or transport your vehicle to a nearby repair shop.
 3. Off-Road Recovery
For those unexpected off-road adventures gone wrong, we have the tools and skills to recover your vehicle from challenging terrains.
 4. Motorcycle Recovery
We understand the unique needs of motorcycle enthusiasts and provide specialized recovery services for two-wheelers.
 The Convenience of Jump Start Service
A dead battery can be a frustrating situation, especially when you're running late or stranded in an unfamiliar location. Our Jump Start Service is designed to provide you with a quick and reliable solution when your vehicle's battery decides to give up on you.
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fixlosophy · 1 year
Fixlosophy has become a well know Bicycle Repair Shop in London. What started out as a hobby turned into a full-fledged business offering the highest quality repairs at affordable prices. Our passion for fixing what’s broken has brought us to the forefront of the repair industry, and our impeccable results have kept us there.
Website: https://www.fixlosophy.com
Address: Blue house yard, 5 River Park Rd, London, N22 7TB
Phone Number: +447874004100
Business Hours: Monday: Closed Tue - Fri 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
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meanderful · 1 year
Singapore Stint
City Life
It turned out that Singapore was an excellent transition point between Indonesia and the UK—upon taking a taxi from the airport to our hotel, Sam and I marvelled at the clean, modern cars driving along in an orderly fashion on the smooth, wide roads; but though Singapore lacked the chaos of Indonesia, it was still warm and humid.
Sam had found us a hotel within a mall, which gave us quite the Singapore experience. our room was on the 8th floor and overlooked a park and a large highrise, but the hotel entrance was inside the mall itself, so we made our way through a maze of escalators and past flashing billboards and glassy shops to get to our room. There was even several vast climbing walls stretching up through the middle of the mall.
Upon arriving, Sam headed out to meet Seth, our longtime friend from uni who moved out to Singapore a few months ago with his wife, Helen. The two of them went out for dinner with Seth’s colleagues to a hawker’s market. Singapore, with its love of being neat and ordered, has done away with the typical Asian street food vendors. They’re now all regulated and so ply their trade in what can only be described as something resembling an old London market full of food stalls that host cuisines from all the different nationalities that call Singapore home. The food was apparently both very tasty and cheap!
Our last few days away zipped past. We spent a couple of days exploring the city either via foot or using the MRT (Singapore’s metro system). Athough I’m not a massive fan of cities and I missed the chaos and energy of Indonesia, Singapore turned out to be really interesting. It was a glassy modern place, loaded with interestingly shaped highrises. We walked along the waterfront to see the famous lion statue spouting water and the iconic Marina Bay Sands, a hotel that consisted of three highrises with a vast boat-shaped structure balanced across them, covered in trees to make a kind of floating sky garden.
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Photos Above: an example of a highrise with Singapore's signature sky gardens; the two of us in front of the Singapore lion; the Marina Bay Sands hotel
The city state is home to 5.4 million people, of whom 4 million are permanent residents. Though the official instructional language is English, the permanent residents are majoratively ethnically Chinese, Malay, and Indian and this multiculturalism was really evident—besides people speaking “Singlish” (a lovely, merged version of English), it also has distinct cultural hubs, so we made sure to visit Little India, Arab Street, and Chinatown.
Little India had some of the chaotic feeling that we missed from Indonesia, consisting of a maze of roadside shops touting everything from clothes through to phone repairs and a sumptuous array of Indian food. We wandered through the streets and sampled fantastic South Indian food, then drifted down Ara street to walk around the walls of the Sultan’s Mosque, with its vast golden dome.
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Photo Above: the Sultan's Mosque near Arab Street
We found that Chinatown was extra decorated as we were visiting so soon after the Lunar New Year. We visited the Buddhist Temple, which welcomed tourists in besides worshippers. It spanned across several floors, with amazing golden statues and statuettes on each floor. On the top floor, the entire ceiling was hung with beautiful golden lanterns, making for a spectacular view for meditators to take in.
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Photos Above: Chinatown decorations; inside the Buddhist temple; its roofs from the outside
We also visited a Chinese tea house with Helen and Seth, sharing a pot of jasmine tea the traditional way (which involves a complicated process of pouring tea from one teapot to another, then into one tiny vessel for sniffing, until finally it is poured into a miniscule teacup, from which you can take about three sips before starting the whole process again). Especially considering I’m not a fan of tea, it was absolutely delicious.
It was wonderful to spend time with Seth and Helen. Besides spending the majority of Sunday together, moving from Chinese tearoom to restaurant to coffee shop, we also visited them in their flat for a takeaway evening. And then while Sam and Seth went out for drinks another night, the Helens hung out (and honestly, we chatted nonstop for a solid four hours about all manner of things, but especially our love of BOOKS and reading and fiction and generally everything that’s amazing about stories).
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Photos Above: Seth and Sam out for drinks; the four of us in a beautiful and far too fancy coffee shop
A Tropical Respite
As I struggle being in cities, Sam had very graciously let me plan a long day out to the Gardens by the Bay, a large garden park right on the water. The gardens felt very reflective of Singapore—a merging of traditional park and modern technology. We began amid the Supertrees, 12 iconic structures that harvest solar energy for the park and are covered in literally hundreds of thousands of plants. We took a lift up the inside “trunk” of the tallest of them (which is apparently the height of a 16-storey building) to an observation deck to look out at the view across the city. I noticed several workers held in place with climbing harnesses on the spindly “branch” structures to do some painting work and felt a swoop of vertigo.
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Photos Above: me gazing up at the largest of the Supertrees; the view from the observation deck at the Marina bay Sands hotel with its boat structure and the workmen tethered to the "branches"
We also wandered along a kind of boardwalk curved between several of the Supertrees to get a wider view across the city and the Supertree themselves.
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Photos Above: peeking through the "branches"; across the grove of Supertrees; wandering along the walkway
The park has three conservatory-domes. The Cloud Forest dome was the largest of the three, a huge, curved structure containing a “mountain” inside it. This mountain had a long waterfall cascading down its side and was covered in plants. We took a lift up the middle of the mountain and then slowly climbed down it via a walkway and found that the plants at the top were from cooler climes while those at the bottom mirrored the flora of a tropical rainforest. There was also an Avatar experience within the conservatory, which meant that there were several sculptures depicting creatures from the blockbuster film dotted amid the borders and a couple of gimmicky technological games to take part in—we weren’t so fussed by this aspect of it. This aside, I especially loved this dome, given my fascination with tropical plants. Sam captured my childlike wonder in a series of photos that I have artistically and not at all tongue-in-cheeked named: “Helen Gazes at Plants”.
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Photos Above: the cloud forest waterfall; a view from the other side of the cloud forest "mountain"; walking along the dome's boardwalk with a view of the city through the glass; together at the top of the "mountain"; inside the waterfall
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Photos Above: Helen Gazes at Plants (Part I: Cloud Forest)
The second conservatory was called the Flower Dome. We were less impressed with this one—though the succulent, Mediterranean, and Baobab sections were really cool, it was less spectacular and the piece de resistance was an incredible tacky, plasticky display set up for the Lunar New Year that seemed to be the draw for most other visitors.
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Photos Above: Helen Gazes at Plants (Part II: Flower Dome)
Finally, we wandered through Floral Fantasy. This conservatory was almost like an art installation, with creative displays made of both living plants and dried flowers making for an explosion of colour. There was also a large glassy display case, which we realised, when we peered closer, housed a number of Poison Dart Frogs from the Amazon, coloured black with vivid blots of either bright blue, yellow, or green.
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Photos Above: Helen Gazes at Plants (and Frogs) (Part III: Floral Fantasy)
Home Sweet Home
All too soon, our visit rolled by. Before my brain had really grasped what was going on, we were packing up, moving through the airport, boarding the plane home. Fourteen hours later, and exactly four months and one day after we left British soil, we landed in London to be greeted with a hug from my dad.
Of course, it was bloody freezing, but impressively the sun was out to help make the transition back just that little bit easier.
Thank you for coming along on this journey with us—the last few months have been such incredible, transformative experience for us and though we’re sure it’ll take some adjusting being back in the UK, we’re also really excited to begin setting up our new home together in Bristol.
And so with that, it’s time to say, for this trip at least… that’s all folks!
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newshopfronts · 1 year
Tips for choosing Quality Glass for the Shop Front.
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The front entrance is the prime factor to change everything. When it is managed properly and well kept is loved by the customers or clients both are delighted. While choosing the Glass Shopfronts in London, few things we should keep in mind like trusting the specialist, considering the requirement of the glass, and keeping the width in your mind. Contact New ShopFronts Limited for Glass Shopfronts.
Other services we offer
Curtain Walling
Automatic Doors
Aluminium Door
shop front Repair
Toughened Glass Shopfront
For New Shopfronts in London, contact New ShopFronts Limited. We aim to provide you with the most durable product for your place. 
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New Shopfronts London | Glass Shopfronts in London
Address: 51-55 Kingsland Road Shoreditch, London E2 8AG
Phone: 07584289090
Website: https://newshopfronts.co.uk/
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phonerepairlondon · 10 months
Mobile Phone Repair and Laptop Repair in London – All Solutions at Single Platform
In today's fast-paced digital age, mobile phone repair and MacBook repair have become indispensable tools that help us stay connected, productive, and entertained. However, these devices are not immune to technical issues and malfunctions that can disrupt our daily lives. When faced with a cracked screen, battery problems, or software glitches, it's essential to have a reliable solution that offers efficient and comprehensive repair services. That's where the concept of a single platform for mobile phone and laptop repair comes into play, providing convenience and peace of mind to users in London.Phone Heroes London
The Growing Dependence on Mobile Phones and Laptops
Mobile phones and laptops have evolved from mere communication devices and productivity tools to essential companions that assist us in almost every aspect of our lives. From staying connected with loved ones and managing work emails to online shopping and entertainment, these devices have woven themselves into the fabric of modern society. The reliance on mobile phones and laptops has led to an increased demand for repair services that can swiftly resolve any issues that arise.
The Challenges of Device Repairs
While mobile phones and laptops offer unparalleled convenience, they are also prone to a wide range of problems. Common issues include:
Physical Damage: Accidental drops can result in cracked screens, damaged buttons, and more.
Battery Degradation: Over time, batteries can lose their capacity, leading to shorter usage times.
Software Glitches: Updates and installations can sometimes cause software malfunctions.
Hardware Failures: Components like charging ports, speakers, and cameras can experience failures.
Liquid Damage: Accidental spills can lead to severe internal damage.
Addressing these issues requires expertise, specialized tools, and high-quality replacement parts. In the bustling city of London, having a reliable and accessible solution for device repair is crucial.
The All-in-One Solution
Enter the concept of a single platform for mobile phone and laptop repair. This innovative approach brings together a range of repair services under one roof, offering users a streamlined and convenient experience. Here's how such a platform benefits users in London:
Comprehensive Services: A single platform offers a wide array of services, covering everything from cracked screen replacements and battery upgrades to software troubleshooting and hardware repairs. This eliminates the need to search for different repair shops for various problems.
Expert Technicians: Reputable repair platforms employ skilled and experienced technicians who are well-versed in diagnosing and fixing a variety of issues. These experts can provide accurate assessments and efficient repairs, ensuring that devices are restored to optimal functioning.
High-Quality Parts: Reliable platforms source and use only genuine replacement parts, ensuring that repairs are long-lasting and maintain the device's original performance. This is crucial for maintaining the value of expensive devices.
Convenience: With a single platform, users don't have to navigate the city searching for different repair shops. They can visit a centralized location or even utilize pickup and delivery services, saving time and effort.
Transparency: Established repair platforms often provide transparent pricing and detailed explanations of the repair process. This helps users make informed decisions about the repairs they need.
Warranty: Reputable repair platforms typically offer warranties on their services and replacement parts. This gives users additional peace of mind knowing that they are covered in case any issues arise after the repair.
In a technology-driven city like London, where mobile phones and laptops are integral to daily life, having a one-stop solution for repair needs is a game-changer. A single platform for mobile phone and laptop repair offers comprehensive services, expert technicians, convenience, transparency, and quality assurance. This concept not only simplifies the repair process but also ensures that users can continue to enjoy the benefits of their devices without prolonged disruptions. As our reliance on technology deepens, such platforms prove to be an essential bridge between users and the seamless functioning of their devices. 
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iPhone screen repairs
iPhone 8 battery replacement Uk
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Samsung s21 ultra screen repair in London
MacBook Repair London
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shutterrepairr · 1 year
When a Roller Shutter needs Maintenance?
A roller shutter has the responsibility of protecting a shop, so it needs to be maintained from time to time.
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In case you haven't repaired your roller shutter for a long time, consider having a shutter repair service. And you can also have service for your Industrial Shutters In London if your shutter has the following issues :  
Difficult to roll
Any damage on the front
Too much rusted
Structural Damage
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All these issues can be repaired if you consider contacting Shutter Repair. The best thing is you can have this service anytime as they provide 24-hour shutter repair service.
Shutter Repair
Address - 51-55 Kingsland Road Shoreditch London, E2 8AG United Kingdom
Phone No - 07584289090
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