#Pia goes to Dublin
So here's what you missed on "Pia goes to Dublin"
- ten minutes away from home. Did I pack my phone charger? It's not in my– no wait, I probably packed in the carry on. I'll check when I stop to buy lunch
- I have forgotten my charger
- Okay, I have time, quick pit stop to buy a charger on the way out to the airport
- What the fuck is this parking?
- What do you mean I can't take my clearly carry on designed bag on the plane? OF COURSE YOU CHANGED THE ALLOWED DIMENSIONS
- We are going through HEL
- If anyone needs running tips, I suggest a mad dash around the Edinburgh terminal
- Screw the leap card, I'll get it tomorrow
- Where is my bag?
- No seriously, where is my bag?
- I'll get it tomorrow? Press X to doubt.
- I have never loved being almost bowled over in the streets as much as I loved being almost bowled over by @loup-malin
- The realization that I have... the clothes on my back and the contents of my purse. But sure, I'll get the luggage tomorrow. Double press X to doubt
- "Yes, hello ma'am, I am calling regarding your delayed luggage, we have still not located it."
- Dublin decided summer is overrated and went straight to fall. I developed a lifelong friendship with a yellow umbrella
- Shoutout to my insurance company who helped me out on a fucking Friday afternoon right before closing so that I could start getting clothes and a replacement bag and a fucking toothbrush
- Shoutout to all of Loup's colleagues for being amazing, the singalong at Reilley's (a.k.a trauma soothing setlist for millennials) will live forever in my memory
- Shoutout to Finn the would be king of Finland at Smyth's who not only helped me find a gift for my nephew but also let me ramble about Finnish history
- "Yes, hello again, ma'am, we have located your luggage. It will be rerouted on Monday. Oh, you will already have left Dublin? Okay, we'll just send it home to you."
- Chester Beatty Library, because nothing is as satisfying as a really nice illuminated manuscript
- Ice cream at Murphy's and a singalong in the swing (thank you, thank you, we'll be here all week only we won't)
- Drury Buildings. Seriously. Amazing cocktails, incredible food. An accidentally broken glass
- Walking to the hotel singing American Pie and Times They Are A-Changing because of course
- Loup. Amazing friend, talented bean, the Bojan to my Käärijä, provider of hotel wine and French chocolate, the sister I never got
Dublin, you were one hell of an adventure.
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martin-duran · 6 years
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In 2000 I made my first trip to Europe. That included visits to London, Dublin, Geneva, Rome, Venice & Paris. I was a recent college grad in my twenties. The experience was beyond exhilarating for me. Of the five cities, Paris intimidated me the most. I suppose I may have bought into the rumors that French people disliked Americans and that they were all rude and arrogant. Sadly, this misperception hampered my ability to really explore and soak in the city of lights. I confined myself to the center of the city and only took in the radius of the Effiel Tower, The Champs D’Ellysse, The Louvre and Notre Dame. I was elated to have seen that much but I was left slightly disappointed, in myself. 
That said, this Paris trip with Tere was one of redemption.
Inspired by some of our favorite travel shows, we left the states armed with a list of shops, restaurants, parks, neighborhoods and suggestions from friends. Our approach to exploring the city was nothing if not strategic.
This time around, the Metro would be utilized. I don’t recall using it 18 years prior. We certainly made the most of our week pass and I can proudly say, navigated around the city with ease by the second day.  We stayed near the Montmatre District at the  Art Hotel Congress.  The neighborhood wasn’t necessarily posh, we’ll class it working class.  But that lent itself to what would become an authentic Parisian experience.
The hotel was cozy, somewhat modern and staffed with a friendly-helpful front desk agent named Catherine. 
Night One:
The Cafe Des Deux Moulins, The cafe from the film “Amelie”
No Reservations & no luck at Chez L’ami Lois
A. Noste Tapas saves the day! 
Day One:
Sacre Couer
Hop on-Hop Off bus
Hello Popular sights! Long time no see. 
Treasure hunting at Marches de Saint Ouen & Dauphine. 
So many great 45s! Tere is in Antiques heaven. Pricey though. 
L’A’s Du Fallafel
Meeting up with Pia & Chantelle (the realization smoking is allowed here)
Day 2:
The quest for the best croissant at Ble Sucre. It did not disappoint.
Hop on- Hop Off Part Deux
Strolling the Champs De Ellysee, Posting up at a cafe for some French Onion Soup, cheese platter, wine and people watching. 
Laudreee, Champagne & Macrons have never been so fancy. 
Les Deux Magots, the Cafe where Hemingway, Fitzgerald & Picasso frequented. 
Day Three:
Buttes Chaumont Park (mini Central Park)
A Taste of Paris Food tour. Guide Steven from Dublin.
We learned about MOF, a unique and prestigious award in France according to category of trades in a contest among professionals. All places we visited were MOF certified. The presentation and preparation of each place was stunning. 
Eric Kayser Boulangerie at 8 rue Monge, 75006 (pain au chocolat aux amandes, pain aux raisins, choquettes, baguette monge)
Patrick Roger chocolate at 108 Bvd Saint Germain, 75006 (hazlenut and almond praline chocolate rocher, lemon and basil ganache) Fromager Laurent Dubois at 47 Bvd Saint Germain , 75006 (cheeses/butter) un Dimanche à Paris 4-8 Cour de Commerce Saint André 75006 ( salted caramel eclair, Paris-New York with peanut praline, salted caramel candy) la cave du senat  at 16 rue  de Vaugirard 75006( different wines) Charcuterie Saint Germain at 47 ter Bvd Saint Germain  75006 (duck rillettes, traditional pork terrine, dried mountain  pork  sausage , andouille )​ Wines: 2016 Les Athlètes du Vin ,Touraine , Loire (100% chenin blanc) 2015 Domaine Labruyère ,Moulin-à-Vent, Beaujolais (100% Gamay ) 2014 Chateau Ricardelle , Coteaux du Languedoc, Languedoc (30% shiraz, 30% carignan, 40% grenache ) ​​
Impromptu purchase of a coat at a men’s clothing store.
It poured! 
Marches De A’Ligre
Marches Des Enfantes Rogues
Paname Brewing Company. 
Day Four:
Versaille! Spectacular Property.
Angeline Chocolate and pastries. 
D’Orsay Museum
The best rotisserie chicken on the planet at Chez L’Amis Louis. It cost 98 euros! The gal at the hotel scored us a 10pm Reservation! 
Day Five:
Le Foodist Cooking Class! 
We had the best time making the following-
Dubarry Coq au Vin Ballotine Poire Belle Hélène Purée Billes de légumes
Luxenbourg Gardens
Per La Chaise Cemetery....in Search of Jim Morrison & Oscar Wilde.
Cafe Flore, the second writers cafe near Le Deux Magots. 
Day Six:
The River Seine Boat Cruise
Saying goodbye to the City. 
The crowd at the Metro singing “Stand By me” with a Street Performer
I had finally experienced Paris like a traveler and not a Tourist.
Confidence goes a long way and that was evident every time I attempted to speak French with a local. Everyone was helpful and receptive.
It’s probably always been like that. 
So what changed most since my last visit 18 years earlier? I’d have to say me. 
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