#Pieira dos lobos
absantos123 · 2 years
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🇺🇸"The Wolf and the Peeira (Or Pieira dos lobos)"...
First of all, the characters are Katsuo and Momoka, and yes, they are a couple.
Peeiras are female fairies or spirits who are protectors of wolves. They inhabit European forests, especially Portuguese forests and legends. They say that a girl can become a peeira when summoned by the howl of her "predestined wolf", or that they would be the seventh daughters of a couple. When a Peeira with the change goes into a pack, it can be said that she can heal from any injury or illness. Most likely, a Peeira is simply a young woman who lives with packs, protects, cares for and even controls them. Peeira is the being destined to serve, or guide the angry creatures and disturbed spirits that are werewolves. She would be like a fountain that would bring peace to the werewolves' troubled spirit, calming the beast and making it reason better. A pack that owns a foot is a powerful pack, as in addition to the gift of calm, it communicates with wolves and werewolves, even healing them. They are described as loving, wild and even living in woods or forests, which can be considered as possible nymphs. Some say that they developed a greater affection for werewolves or wolves, so she started to take care of them, while others say that she is a spirit of a young woman who, with her ghost dogs, seduces men and takes them to the terror of your phantom wolves.
‼️ATTENTION‼️ The characters that appear in the drawing were inspired by characters made by other artists, such as @bnha-bitch @utoooooxs, credits to them!!
🇧🇷"O lobo e a Peeira (ou Pieira dos lobos)"...
Antes de tudo, os personagens no desenho são o Katsuo e a Momoka, e sim, eles são um casal.
As Peeiras são fadas ou espíritos do sexo feminino que são protetoras dos lobos. Habitam as florestas europeias, em especial as florestas e lendas portuguesas. Dizem que uma moça pode se tornar uma peeira ao ser convocada pelo uivo de seu "lobo predestinado", ou então que seriam as sétimas filhas dum casal. Quando uma Peeira com a mudança vai para uma alcateia, pode-se dizer que pode se curar de qualquer ferimento ou doença. O mais provável é que uma Peeira seja simplesmente uma jovem que convive com alcateias, as protege, cuida e até mesmo as controla. Peeira é o ser destinado a servir, ou orientar as criaturas raivosas e de espíritos perturbados que são os lobisomens. Ela seria como uma fonte que traria paz ao espírito perturbado dos lobisomens, acalmando a fera e fazendo-a raciocinar melhor. Uma alcateia que possuir uma peeira é uma alcateia poderosa, pois além do dom de calma ela comunica com os lobos e lobisomens, até mesmo de curá-los. São descritas como amáveis, selvagens e que até mesmo morem em bosques ou florestas, o que pode considerá-las como possíveis Ninfas. Uns dizem, que elas desenvolveram um afeto maior por lobisomens ou lobos, assim, passava a cuidar deles, já outros, afirmam que ela é um espírito duma jovem mulher que, com os seus cães-fantasmas, seduz os homens e os leva para o terror dos seus lobos fantasmas.
‼️ATENÇÃO‼️ Os personagens que aparecem no desenho foram inspirados em personagens feitos por outros artistas, como @bnha-bitch e @utoooooxs, créditos a eles!!
🇪🇸 "El lobo y el Peeira (o Pieira dos lobos)"...
En primer lugar, los personajes de la caricatura son Katsuo y Momoka, y sí, son una pareja.
Las peeiras son hadas o espíritus femeninos que son protectores de los lobos. Habitan bosques europeos, especialmente bosques portugueses y leyendas. Dicen que una niña puede convertirse en peeira cuando es convocada por el aullido de su "lobo predestinado", o que serían las séptimas hijas de una pareja. Cuando una Peeira con el cambio entra en una manada, se puede decir que puede curarse de cualquier lesión o enfermedad. Lo más probable es que una Peeira sea simplemente una niña que vive con manadas, las protege, las cuida e incluso las controla. Peeira es el ser destinado a servir o guiar a las criaturas enojadas y los espíritus trastornados que son los hombres lobo. Ella sería como una fuente que traería paz al espíritu atribulado de los hombres lobo, calmando a la bestia y haciéndola razonar mejor. Una manada que posee un pie es una manada poderosa, ya que además del don de la calma, se comunica con lobos y hombres lobo, incluso curándolos. Se las describe como cariñosas, salvajes e incluso viviendo en bosques o selvas, por lo que se las puede considerar como posibles ninfas. Algunos dicen que desarrollaron un mayor cariño por los hombres lobo o lobos, por lo que ella comenzó a cuidarlos, mientras que otros dicen que es un espíritu de una joven que, con sus perros fantasmas, seduce a los hombres y los lleva al terror de tus lobos fantasmas.
‼️ATENCIÓN‼️ Los personajes que aparecen en el dibujo fueron inspirados en personajes hechos por otros artistas, como @bnha-bitch y @utoooooxs, créditos a ellos!!
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Wolf-herder, pieira/peeira, witch, wolf-keeper, corrilário, wolf fairy.
If you are the north or south of Portugal, in Brazil or other Portuguese speaking countries, you may hear these names.
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Born from an uninterrupted line of six girls before her, turned by a faulty baptism ceremony or just by hearing the howl of a wolf who wants her, these girls and women protect the wolf pack they belong to until someone breaks their enchantment or maybe until seven years pass. Sources vary.
Like many others who turn into something not human, there is a rift between them and the society they live in. They don't belong in the human world, as they travel between several. In legends, this rift can be more subtle, with the girl getting up in the middle of the night to go do her wolf-herder thing, or it could be literal, with her living in a forest with the wolves.
Either way, far from society, maybe forever.
Sounds great! Where can I sign up? Such tragedies are these sad tales. Being an outcast in a small community, where people can’t mind their own business.
(I guess not sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong is a very Portuguese thing to do)
If you see them, they will either be turned into a full-on wolf to run with the pack or just do the fado in human form. In only one story I’ve seen one of these turn into a half-woman, half-wolf creature. Less animalistic than werewolves, lobeiras have some sort of control over their actions but don’t underestimate them, if you are a human and attempt mess with one, you’ll get hurt. Animals seem to be the only ones to witness the more caring side of them.
Still, they can be very kind, healing sicknesses and werewolf curses. They can be independent wild beings, servants to their packs, a werewolf or an evil spirit, or maybe incredibly clever leaders of their wolf packs. In some tales, a lobeira can even be a seductress that preys on wandering men to feed them to her wolves.
(Man, I want to be a lobeira)
Her wolves don't even need to be actual wolves, they can spirits or metaphors, and that fact, combined with the fact that they sometimes live in forests, makes some wonder if their mythological roots don't lie with classical nymphs. Who knows? These legends are too spread and old to identify their mythological origins, but we know that maybe tales of these creatures originated in Galicia.
In the end, stories about them are diverse but the formula is a tad repetitive:
A girl is found by a random villager who is very weirded out by seeing a woman who is apparently completely on her own (maybe even having strange fashion choices such as strange clothing and short hair) and shenanigans ensue. Things don’t not end well for one of the parties. 
Either way, someone dies because these legends are supposed to be horror. Not enchanting fantasy or mysterious tales that fill your head with wonder. Horror. Some people may wonder why I'm choosing to write about wolf-fairies on Halloween week and this is why. These creatures have very grey morals, can be quite ruthless and selfish to humans, and are overall very associated with bloodshed. Don’t mess with a pieira, because if you don’t kill her, the last thing you’ll see is her and her wolves.
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Sources: ‘‘Seres Mágicos em Portugal’‘ by Vanessa Fidalgo
''O lobo no imaginário popular'' by F. Álvares.
''Extraordinary children, werewolves, and witches in Portuguese folk tradition'' by Francisco Vaz da Silva
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