mountainbrixta · 2 years
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Peeira. In Portuguese folklore these are women said to connect with wolves and run through the villages and such along with the wolves at night.
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absantos123 · 2 years
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🇺🇸"The Wolf and the Peeira (Or Pieira dos lobos)"...
First of all, the characters are Katsuo and Momoka, and yes, they are a couple.
Peeiras are female fairies or spirits who are protectors of wolves. They inhabit European forests, especially Portuguese forests and legends. They say that a girl can become a peeira when summoned by the howl of her "predestined wolf", or that they would be the seventh daughters of a couple. When a Peeira with the change goes into a pack, it can be said that she can heal from any injury or illness. Most likely, a Peeira is simply a young woman who lives with packs, protects, cares for and even controls them. Peeira is the being destined to serve, or guide the angry creatures and disturbed spirits that are werewolves. She would be like a fountain that would bring peace to the werewolves' troubled spirit, calming the beast and making it reason better. A pack that owns a foot is a powerful pack, as in addition to the gift of calm, it communicates with wolves and werewolves, even healing them. They are described as loving, wild and even living in woods or forests, which can be considered as possible nymphs. Some say that they developed a greater affection for werewolves or wolves, so she started to take care of them, while others say that she is a spirit of a young woman who, with her ghost dogs, seduces men and takes them to the terror of your phantom wolves.
‼️ATTENTION‼️ The characters that appear in the drawing were inspired by characters made by other artists, such as @bnha-bitch @utoooooxs, credits to them!!
🇧🇷"O lobo e a Peeira (ou Pieira dos lobos)"...
Antes de tudo, os personagens no desenho são o Katsuo e a Momoka, e sim, eles são um casal.
As Peeiras são fadas ou espíritos do sexo feminino que são protetoras dos lobos. Habitam as florestas europeias, em especial as florestas e lendas portuguesas. Dizem que uma moça pode se tornar uma peeira ao ser convocada pelo uivo de seu "lobo predestinado", ou então que seriam as sétimas filhas dum casal. Quando uma Peeira com a mudança vai para uma alcateia, pode-se dizer que pode se curar de qualquer ferimento ou doença. O mais provável é que uma Peeira seja simplesmente uma jovem que convive com alcateias, as protege, cuida e até mesmo as controla. Peeira é o ser destinado a servir, ou orientar as criaturas raivosas e de espíritos perturbados que são os lobisomens. Ela seria como uma fonte que traria paz ao espírito perturbado dos lobisomens, acalmando a fera e fazendo-a raciocinar melhor. Uma alcateia que possuir uma peeira é uma alcateia poderosa, pois além do dom de calma ela comunica com os lobos e lobisomens, até mesmo de curá-los. São descritas como amáveis, selvagens e que até mesmo morem em bosques ou florestas, o que pode considerá-las como possíveis Ninfas. Uns dizem, que elas desenvolveram um afeto maior por lobisomens ou lobos, assim, passava a cuidar deles, já outros, afirmam que ela é um espírito duma jovem mulher que, com os seus cães-fantasmas, seduz os homens e os leva para o terror dos seus lobos fantasmas.
‼️ATENÇÃO‼️ Os personagens que aparecem no desenho foram inspirados em personagens feitos por outros artistas, como @bnha-bitch e @utoooooxs, créditos a eles!!
🇪🇸 "El lobo y el Peeira (o Pieira dos lobos)"...
En primer lugar, los personajes de la caricatura son Katsuo y Momoka, y sí, son una pareja.
Las peeiras son hadas o espíritus femeninos que son protectores de los lobos. Habitan bosques europeos, especialmente bosques portugueses y leyendas. Dicen que una niña puede convertirse en peeira cuando es convocada por el aullido de su "lobo predestinado", o que serían las séptimas hijas de una pareja. Cuando una Peeira con el cambio entra en una manada, se puede decir que puede curarse de cualquier lesión o enfermedad. Lo más probable es que una Peeira sea simplemente una niña que vive con manadas, las protege, las cuida e incluso las controla. Peeira es el ser destinado a servir o guiar a las criaturas enojadas y los espíritus trastornados que son los hombres lobo. Ella sería como una fuente que traería paz al espíritu atribulado de los hombres lobo, calmando a la bestia y haciéndola razonar mejor. Una manada que posee un pie es una manada poderosa, ya que además del don de la calma, se comunica con lobos y hombres lobo, incluso curándolos. Se las describe como cariñosas, salvajes e incluso viviendo en bosques o selvas, por lo que se las puede considerar como posibles ninfas. Algunos dicen que desarrollaron un mayor cariño por los hombres lobo o lobos, por lo que ella comenzó a cuidarlos, mientras que otros dicen que es un espíritu de una joven que, con sus perros fantasmas, seduce a los hombres y los lleva al terror de tus lobos fantasmas.
‼️ATENCIÓN‼️ Los personajes que aparecen en el dibujo fueron inspirados en personajes hechos por otros artistas, como @bnha-bitch y @utoooooxs, créditos a ellos!!
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bluberimufim · 6 months
Cool and spooky-ish Portuguese legends and mythological creatures because it's nearly Halloween!!
I've been wanting to do this for a while now, because I've felt disconnected from Portuguese culture lately and I'm trying to get into it. So I wanted to share some cool things I found because Portuguese folklore is something no one talks about and I love to share my culture with people! Please be warned that the translations may sound kinda awkward and that this is almost 100% from Wikipedia since Portuguese mythological creatures are a super obscure topic, and the only other big resource I could find was a super expensive book. That being said, the Wikipedia sounds pretty legit because it sounds like it was written by an old person.
Now let's get into some of my favourites!
This is a basic one but I still find it pretty funny. When I visited Cova do Lobisomem (trans.: Werewolf Cave), I learnt that the legend there is that, if you have twelve kids, the eldest son (in the story it was a son, but I don't know what happens if your eldest is a girl) becomes a werewolf and has to go live out in the wilderness. Another closely related legend mentions they have to serve some kind of penitence, but I found nothing on it.
Peeira (or "werewolf fairy")
Known as the "female version of the werewolf" and is able to control wolf packs. Her power seems to be guiding these wolf packs by being a reasonable and more human-like figure in the group, and is described as "lovely and wild" (omg that sounds sooo pretty). Information contradicts in this bit, also saying that she either has feelings for the werewolves or that she lures men into the woods to feed them to her ghost-wolves. A girl becomes a Peeira by being a couple's seventh oldest daughter, or by being called upon by her "predestined/soulmate werewolf".
Ghost of colossal size that can stand over valleys with one foot on each mountain, and sing monotonous tunes in "huge voices" (idk how else to translate it). This mythological creature also shows up in parts of Spain.
Weaving spirits. If you leave out a bunch of linen and a cake, they'll make you a linen cloth as fine as a hair, but if you forget to leave out the cake, they'll burn the linen. Apparently, people used to claim their ancestors had sheets made by the Jãs.
Zorra Berradeira (trans.: "Screaming Fox")
Shows up in Algarve every 7 years and, when it's not there, it's theorized that it visits other countries. It's a fox spirit that screams all the time but can be heard better at midnight or midday and, if you mock it, it will chase you down until your death.
Velha da Égua Branca (trans.: Old Lady on the White Mare)
Appears in Algarve on full moon nights and makes a lot of noise in the fields with pots and pans. She rides a white mare, wears a white cap with red ribbons that look like lightning, and holds a knife in her left hand. She's been called a "personification of the night".
Homem do Chapéu de Ferro (trans.: Man in the Iron Hat)
Another spirit from Algarve, but evil. He appears at midnight on the sides of roads and fountains, or under olive or fig trees. He's always accompanied by an animal, which is the Devil in disguise: either a black pig, a huge black rooster, or a deer with antlers as tall as a church tower. He has a gigantic frame, is "bronze-coloured" (whatever that means) and wears an iron hat. He'll run away when he sees the Old Lady on the White Mare (oooooh Algarvian connected universe).
Hey, people who live in Algarve, blink twice if you need help with all the supernatural shit because this seems disproportionately hardcore
Okay, this next one is gonna be longer because it's a whole legend with a plot, but I still want to tell it because it's kinda spooky and I love it!!
The Golden Lamprey
On full moon nights, on the banks of the Minho River (northern border with Spain), you can see a very beautiful Moorish girl with golden hair caressing a giant golden lamprey. The girl spends the night combing her hair with a golden comb or singing a sad melody, and the lamprey swims close to her.
According to legend, the lamprey had once been a Portuguese knight, and the girl had been engaged to another man. The two had been sentenced to death for their forbidden romance and had both been cursed - he turned into a fish and she can only gain physical form under the full moon.
There were men who set out in boats to search for the girl, either to seduce her or to steal her fine silk dress, but none ever found her.
Until one night, a young man disappeared after being heard in the tavern, clearly drunk, declaring that he was going to search for the golden-haired Moorish girl. His plan was to make her fall in love with him, sell her comb, and then open an inn where he'd let curious travellers take a look at this supernatural river girl in exchange for large sums of money.
The next day, the lantern he'd set out with was found on some rocks near the river by a few fishers, and his body was found in the water, a bit further ahead. On his neck, there were the marks of small, sharp teeth, similar to the shape of a lamprey's mouth. But what startled the fishers more was the satisfied look on the young man's face. (not posting a pic of a lamprey's mouth bc it feels like it would warrant some kind of content warning but pls do look it up if you're curious, it's horrifying)
There was also another legend of another cursed Moorish girl but on a rock this time that I remembered reading in school, but I genuinely cannot find it. If you know anything about a story named "A Moura do Penedo" (not the cursed snake princess one) pls hit me up, I remember loving that one as a kid. "Cursed Moorish girl" is such a common trope in Portuguese legends that it's almost unsearchable.
And if you want to add anything or correct any of the information I presented, please feel free! This is very much "baby's first dive into Portuguese folklore"
That being said, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! There are other less-spooky legends I'd love to share, if you're interested! Happy Halloween/other coinciding spooky holiday!
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sakuhina · 2 years
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yeah bitch!!!!!!!!!
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antonioceniza · 9 months
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cenizadamortepodcast · 9 months
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
It's a crime no one knows about peeiras
I agree
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phyllitewrites · 4 years
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Escarlate : A Ascensão do Alfa - AVISOS E DREAMCAST (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/qd8wTeyUr5 André era só mais um que fugia de seu passado, procurando se misturar o máximo possível. Contudo, não foi bem assim que aconteceu, pois sua única guardiã estava morrendo e ele se viu em um beco sem saída, mas logo isso mudou e ele não só tinha de fugir como também fazer as pazes com seu passado e proteger aqueles que ele se importa. Nunca imaginou que seu passado seria cobrado e seu amor questionado por um inimigo em comum. E agora com dois companheiros, os três eram um só: Membros de uma força maior, essenciais para a Ascensão do Alfa.
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cryptidscribbler · 7 years
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A variant of the werewolf legend, peeira is a woman "cursed" to spend 7 years with wolves. They keep their human shape.
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dserpentes · 7 years
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finally got her a decent ref rip
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kaimaciel · 2 years
The Portuguese Werewolf
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(Photo: The Iberian Wolf)
Unlike the many legends of the werewolf in other parts of Europe or even Brazil, there are very few legends about this creature in Portuguese folklore and hardly anyone knows about them.
The wolf has always been a source of fear since the early days of Portucale: a wild animal, a predator, who could attack humans if hungry or threatened (very rarely happened) or, the more frequent motive, killed livestock essential for many peoples livelihoods.
The wolf also has benevolent connotations as the term "Lobo do Mar" (Sea Wolf) is used with reverence to refer to older and experienced sailors.
There are very old references to the werewolf in Portugal. Appears in the Rifão by Álvaro de Brito (General Songbook):
you're damned werewolf,
Cousin d'Isac nafu;
You are for whom Jesus said
I appreciate having been made a man.
(Garcia de Resende, Excerpts, by António Feliciano de Castilho, Livraria Garnier, Rio de Janeiro, 1865, p. 24).
It is also mentioned in Rafael Bluteau's Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino (tome V, p. 195) and in Bocage's sonnets:
Profaner of the sanctuary Aonio,
Pindo werewolf, orneia or bellows,
Until your fated life ends in Hell!
(Bocage, Selected Works, first volume, p.122).
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In the 19th century, Alexandre Herculano wrote about the werewolf in the Beira-Baixa region: "The lubis-man are those who have the fate undressing at night in the middle of any path, especially at crossroads, giving five turns, wallowing to be on the ground in a place where some animal was expelled, and as a result, they became the figure of the pre-swamped animal. These poor people do no harm to anyone, and they are just fulfilling their fate, in which they have a very gallant ward because they do not go along a path or street, where there are lights, but howl and whistle to extinguish them, so that it would be the easiest thing in the world to catch a lubis-man in the act, turning on lights everywhere he could leave the place he was sensed. It is true that none of those who tell similar stories have had the experience.” (A. Herculano, Opusculos, Tome IX, Bertrand, Lisbon, 1909, p. 176-177).
In his studies on popular mythology, Portuguese writer and ethnographer Alexandre Parafita recognizes that, although the designation suggests that it is a hybrid of man and wolf, many of the beliefs about this creature identify it in the figure of both wolf and horse, donkey or goat, his fadário consisting of undressing at midnight at a crossroads, wallowing on the ground, where an animal had done the same before, after which he turns into that animal to “run his fate”.
The representation in the hybrid figure of man and wolf is not alien to the unrest that this animal has caused, since time immemorial, in the collective unconscious. The author writes: “The rural communities of Trás-os-Montes still face him today as a cruel animal, implacable with the most defenseless beings, an enemy of shepherds, nightwalkers and a permanent nightmare for children who live in the most isolated villages. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the popular fable, the wolf appears as a symbol of evil and that the concept of the werewolf, as a product of popular fantasy, can be considered as an attempt to present a creature that combines the malevolent ferocity of the wolf with the emotions, sometimes distressing, sometimes equally evil, of man”.
Peeira or fairy of the wolves is the name given to young women who become the guards or companions of wolves. They are the female version of the werewolf and are part of the legends of Portugal and Galicia. The peeira has a gift for communicating and controlling wolf packs.
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An extensive account of the Portuguese female werewolf is found in John Latouche's Travels in Portugal (London, [1875], p. 28-36).
Camilo Castelo Branco wrote in the Mistérios de Lisboa: "The door Father Diniz knocked on communicated to the room where two of the Duchess' maids were, nodding sleepily, after they had had enough of noting the eccentricities of their mistress, who believed her to them, for five years I had been fulfilling fado, a kind of Werewolf, or Were-Women, if there is any, as we sincerely believe." (Vol.I, Porto, 1864, p. 136).
The runner is the person who has to run their fate. The runner is a mutant being, it can take the form of a wolf, dog, or another animal. When one finds one to break fate, one must make blood, that is, make it bleed.
Tardo is a kind of goblin, a mutant being that assumes the forms of animals but can turn into a werewolf if after seven years his fate is not broken.
The runners are the lost souls in the shape of a dog. If a werewolf dies before finishing his fadário, after being dead he ends his days as a trollop.
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mountainbrixta · 2 years
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In Portuguese folklore these are women said to connect with wolves and run through the villages and such along with the wolves at night.
Version 2.
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konako · 2 years
Lembrando q na versão portuguesa do mito do lobisomem, existe a figura da peeira, que a guardiã do lobo, a única pessoa que consegue se comunicar e controlar o lobisomem.
anon, piedade. socorro.
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natade-art · 4 years
jinchuuriki rin nohara fic recs
i’m sure there are many others out there, but these are the most recent/ most favourites i have! here it goes:
precision work by refectory
Nohara Rin survives, kidnaps a child, gains a brother or two, ends the reign of a tyrant, and saves the world a little.
sadly it’s been a while since it updated… :( but still one of my faves! isobu heals rin and after a while she finds her way to haku and basically adopts him
to destroy the darkness that lingers in the earth by chadsuke
When Shimura Danzo approaches Kakashi, he and Rin flee Konoha to someone they know can keep them both safe: Lady Tsunade.
one of my fav naruto writer! badass women + conspiracies + danzo gets whats coming to him + bonus femslash!! not rin related, but you should check out “from the corner of your eye” also by the author!
third time’s the charm by peeira
Rin feels a Tailed-Beast sealed into her and decides to stay behind in order to avoid wreaking havoc in Konoha.
It hurts, but Kakashi lets her go. And it hurts even more when Obito, whom he thought dead, shows up.
Meanwhile, things in Kirigakure are not what they seem, and Mei Terumi is tasked with the mission of retrieving the rogue Jinchiruuki.
[A Jinchuuriki!Rin AU. With world building and badass ladies.]
jinchuuriki rin + meirin enemies to lovers femslash!!! there’s some conspiracy going on in both konoha and kirigakure! it’s still on-going but i like it so far
Regeneration by Hiiraeth (V_eritas)
Rin always knew her life was dangerous, but she still thought she’d live past thirteen. In this world, she does.
Rin struggles with a new identity, Kakashi finds unexpected reasons to live, and Minato chooses his family over everything. Far away, underground, a young boy wakes up with no idea of who he is… Canon-divergent AU. Jinchuuriki!Rin. Slowburn KakaRin.
i like this one too. i read it like last year. technically the kakarin is mostly friendship, there’s no romance at all unless you squint really hard. we get very good rin & kushina moments!
how to not become an insane megalomaniac (by nohara rin) by WDW
Rin is rather unhappy to find herself in an underground cave, her only human company an old man with an odd fixation on her distant ancestry. Still, it was better than dying, and she hadn’t been expecting much else when she had pushed Obito out of the way of the boulder.
Now, to get back to her boys.
[role reversal]
this one is a role-reversal. its been a while since the last update but i think it’s an interesting concept tbh. 
A Different World by WordCubed
It’s a different world. The Three-Tails heals Rin and Obito takes her to Madara. Sakumo never saved his comrades. Sasori never betrayed Sand. Orochimaru’s experiments were never horrifying enough that he had to flee Leaf. Tsunade’s loved ones never died, so she never abandoned her village. But Madara still wants the Ten-Tails, and Pain still wants his revolution. The world is still screwed. AU. A reconstruction of Naruto where female characters and worldbuilding actually matter.
this one is like… really long but really interesting?? a TON of worldbuilding and math went into it. the description says it all honestly. also rin’s personality is very different from what kishimoto gave us, she takes no shit from anyone.
oh my god thank u op… ive only read to destroy the darkness that lingers in the earth (and loved it) out of all of these so i will definitely be checking these out!!! putting it here in case anyone else wants 
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sakuhina · 5 years
add me on pokemon go and cookie run!!!
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nessinborderland · 3 years
That peek at your idea list has me shook. I had to look up what the first idea was, and ooh boy, that looks cool... and now I feel like I need to see devil wears prada (I've been meaning to watch it for aaaaages, but here's a good enough motivation hehe). And... Are you trying to kill your readers? Incubus Niragi? Would any human reasonably survive that encounter? -m
Ehehe glad you liked them! 🤧
I've been wanting to write something with a Peeira for ages (as it's one of my favorite beings of portuguese folklore) so now seemed like a good time lol.
And you totally need to see The Devil Wears Prada! Just watched it earlier today ahaha it's still as good as I remember. I'm definitely writing that one, so many plot ideas already.
And about the Incubus one, well... We're all hoes here so 👀👀 also no, we probably wouldn't survive it, but we would die happy.
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