#Portuguese legend
bluberimufim · 6 months
Cool and spooky-ish Portuguese legends and mythological creatures because it's nearly Halloween!!
I've been wanting to do this for a while now, because I've felt disconnected from Portuguese culture lately and I'm trying to get into it. So I wanted to share some cool things I found because Portuguese folklore is something no one talks about and I love to share my culture with people! Please be warned that the translations may sound kinda awkward and that this is almost 100% from Wikipedia since Portuguese mythological creatures are a super obscure topic, and the only other big resource I could find was a super expensive book. That being said, the Wikipedia sounds pretty legit because it sounds like it was written by an old person.
Now let's get into some of my favourites!
This is a basic one but I still find it pretty funny. When I visited Cova do Lobisomem (trans.: Werewolf Cave), I learnt that the legend there is that, if you have twelve kids, the eldest son (in the story it was a son, but I don't know what happens if your eldest is a girl) becomes a werewolf and has to go live out in the wilderness. Another closely related legend mentions they have to serve some kind of penitence, but I found nothing on it.
Peeira (or "werewolf fairy")
Known as the "female version of the werewolf" and is able to control wolf packs. Her power seems to be guiding these wolf packs by being a reasonable and more human-like figure in the group, and is described as "lovely and wild" (omg that sounds sooo pretty). Information contradicts in this bit, also saying that she either has feelings for the werewolves or that she lures men into the woods to feed them to her ghost-wolves. A girl becomes a Peeira by being a couple's seventh oldest daughter, or by being called upon by her "predestined/soulmate werewolf".
Ghost of colossal size that can stand over valleys with one foot on each mountain, and sing monotonous tunes in "huge voices" (idk how else to translate it). This mythological creature also shows up in parts of Spain.
Weaving spirits. If you leave out a bunch of linen and a cake, they'll make you a linen cloth as fine as a hair, but if you forget to leave out the cake, they'll burn the linen. Apparently, people used to claim their ancestors had sheets made by the Jãs.
Zorra Berradeira (trans.: "Screaming Fox")
Shows up in Algarve every 7 years and, when it's not there, it's theorized that it visits other countries. It's a fox spirit that screams all the time but can be heard better at midnight or midday and, if you mock it, it will chase you down until your death.
Velha da Égua Branca (trans.: Old Lady on the White Mare)
Appears in Algarve on full moon nights and makes a lot of noise in the fields with pots and pans. She rides a white mare, wears a white cap with red ribbons that look like lightning, and holds a knife in her left hand. She's been called a "personification of the night".
Homem do Chapéu de Ferro (trans.: Man in the Iron Hat)
Another spirit from Algarve, but evil. He appears at midnight on the sides of roads and fountains, or under olive or fig trees. He's always accompanied by an animal, which is the Devil in disguise: either a black pig, a huge black rooster, or a deer with antlers as tall as a church tower. He has a gigantic frame, is "bronze-coloured" (whatever that means) and wears an iron hat. He'll run away when he sees the Old Lady on the White Mare (oooooh Algarvian connected universe).
Hey, people who live in Algarve, blink twice if you need help with all the supernatural shit because this seems disproportionately hardcore
Okay, this next one is gonna be longer because it's a whole legend with a plot, but I still want to tell it because it's kinda spooky and I love it!!
The Golden Lamprey
On full moon nights, on the banks of the Minho River (northern border with Spain), you can see a very beautiful Moorish girl with golden hair caressing a giant golden lamprey. The girl spends the night combing her hair with a golden comb or singing a sad melody, and the lamprey swims close to her.
According to legend, the lamprey had once been a Portuguese knight, and the girl had been engaged to another man. The two had been sentenced to death for their forbidden romance and had both been cursed - he turned into a fish and she can only gain physical form under the full moon.
There were men who set out in boats to search for the girl, either to seduce her or to steal her fine silk dress, but none ever found her.
Until one night, a young man disappeared after being heard in the tavern, clearly drunk, declaring that he was going to search for the golden-haired Moorish girl. His plan was to make her fall in love with him, sell her comb, and then open an inn where he'd let curious travellers take a look at this supernatural river girl in exchange for large sums of money.
The next day, the lantern he'd set out with was found on some rocks near the river by a few fishers, and his body was found in the water, a bit further ahead. On his neck, there were the marks of small, sharp teeth, similar to the shape of a lamprey's mouth. But what startled the fishers more was the satisfied look on the young man's face. (not posting a pic of a lamprey's mouth bc it feels like it would warrant some kind of content warning but pls do look it up if you're curious, it's horrifying)
There was also another legend of another cursed Moorish girl but on a rock this time that I remembered reading in school, but I genuinely cannot find it. If you know anything about a story named "A Moura do Penedo" (not the cursed snake princess one) pls hit me up, I remember loving that one as a kid. "Cursed Moorish girl" is such a common trope in Portuguese legends that it's almost unsearchable.
And if you want to add anything or correct any of the information I presented, please feel free! This is very much "baby's first dive into Portuguese folklore"
That being said, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! There are other less-spooky legends I'd love to share, if you're interested! Happy Halloween/other coinciding spooky holiday!
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absantos123 · 2 years
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🇺🇸"The Wolf and the Peeira (Or Pieira dos lobos)"...
First of all, the characters are Katsuo and Momoka, and yes, they are a couple.
Peeiras are female fairies or spirits who are protectors of wolves. They inhabit European forests, especially Portuguese forests and legends. They say that a girl can become a peeira when summoned by the howl of her "predestined wolf", or that they would be the seventh daughters of a couple. When a Peeira with the change goes into a pack, it can be said that she can heal from any injury or illness. Most likely, a Peeira is simply a young woman who lives with packs, protects, cares for and even controls them. Peeira is the being destined to serve, or guide the angry creatures and disturbed spirits that are werewolves. She would be like a fountain that would bring peace to the werewolves' troubled spirit, calming the beast and making it reason better. A pack that owns a foot is a powerful pack, as in addition to the gift of calm, it communicates with wolves and werewolves, even healing them. They are described as loving, wild and even living in woods or forests, which can be considered as possible nymphs. Some say that they developed a greater affection for werewolves or wolves, so she started to take care of them, while others say that she is a spirit of a young woman who, with her ghost dogs, seduces men and takes them to the terror of your phantom wolves.
‼️ATTENTION‼️ The characters that appear in the drawing were inspired by characters made by other artists, such as @bnha-bitch @utoooooxs, credits to them!!
🇧🇷"O lobo e a Peeira (ou Pieira dos lobos)"...
Antes de tudo, os personagens no desenho são o Katsuo e a Momoka, e sim, eles são um casal.
As Peeiras são fadas ou espíritos do sexo feminino que são protetoras dos lobos. Habitam as florestas europeias, em especial as florestas e lendas portuguesas. Dizem que uma moça pode se tornar uma peeira ao ser convocada pelo uivo de seu "lobo predestinado", ou então que seriam as sétimas filhas dum casal. Quando uma Peeira com a mudança vai para uma alcateia, pode-se dizer que pode se curar de qualquer ferimento ou doença. O mais provável é que uma Peeira seja simplesmente uma jovem que convive com alcateias, as protege, cuida e até mesmo as controla. Peeira é o ser destinado a servir, ou orientar as criaturas raivosas e de espíritos perturbados que são os lobisomens. Ela seria como uma fonte que traria paz ao espírito perturbado dos lobisomens, acalmando a fera e fazendo-a raciocinar melhor. Uma alcateia que possuir uma peeira é uma alcateia poderosa, pois além do dom de calma ela comunica com os lobos e lobisomens, até mesmo de curá-los. São descritas como amáveis, selvagens e que até mesmo morem em bosques ou florestas, o que pode considerá-las como possíveis Ninfas. Uns dizem, que elas desenvolveram um afeto maior por lobisomens ou lobos, assim, passava a cuidar deles, já outros, afirmam que ela é um espírito duma jovem mulher que, com os seus cães-fantasmas, seduz os homens e os leva para o terror dos seus lobos fantasmas.
‼️ATENÇÃO‼️ Os personagens que aparecem no desenho foram inspirados em personagens feitos por outros artistas, como @bnha-bitch e @utoooooxs, créditos a eles!!
🇪🇸 "El lobo y el Peeira (o Pieira dos lobos)"...
En primer lugar, los personajes de la caricatura son Katsuo y Momoka, y sí, son una pareja.
Las peeiras son hadas o espíritus femeninos que son protectores de los lobos. Habitan bosques europeos, especialmente bosques portugueses y leyendas. Dicen que una niña puede convertirse en peeira cuando es convocada por el aullido de su "lobo predestinado", o que serían las séptimas hijas de una pareja. Cuando una Peeira con el cambio entra en una manada, se puede decir que puede curarse de cualquier lesión o enfermedad. Lo más probable es que una Peeira sea simplemente una niña que vive con manadas, las protege, las cuida e incluso las controla. Peeira es el ser destinado a servir o guiar a las criaturas enojadas y los espíritus trastornados que son los hombres lobo. Ella sería como una fuente que traería paz al espíritu atribulado de los hombres lobo, calmando a la bestia y haciéndola razonar mejor. Una manada que posee un pie es una manada poderosa, ya que además del don de la calma, se comunica con lobos y hombres lobo, incluso curándolos. Se las describe como cariñosas, salvajes e incluso viviendo en bosques o selvas, por lo que se las puede considerar como posibles ninfas. Algunos dicen que desarrollaron un mayor cariño por los hombres lobo o lobos, por lo que ella comenzó a cuidarlos, mientras que otros dicen que es un espíritu de una joven que, con sus perros fantasmas, seduce a los hombres y los lleva al terror de tus lobos fantasmas.
‼️ATENCIÓN‼️ Los personajes que aparecen en el dibujo fueron inspirados en personajes hechos por otros artistas, como @bnha-bitch y @utoooooxs, créditos a ellos!!
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analligatorr · 8 months
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next time.. maybe
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Coronation of Inês de Castro (details) by Gillot Saint-Evre
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chapinii · 4 months
did ramon lie and say his only parent was spreen???
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kc-drawns · 11 months
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I do not know the character nor anime, I was asked to drawn this by one of my followers on Instagram so I came to share it! My commissions are open, this one's are quick non paid sketches I do in an ask box.
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Some others!!
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smbhax · 5 months
Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato (Japanese: 天空戦記 シュラト, Hepburn: Tenkū Senki Shurato, lit. “Shurato of the Heaven Wars”, occasionally spelled in the Siddhaṃ script on the logo and related merchandise) is a Japanese manga created, written and illustrated by Hiroshi Kawamoto and later adapted to anime by Tatsunoko Productions. It ran 38 episodes on TV Tokyo from April 6, 1989, to January 18, 1990, and also received a 6-episode OVA followup series named Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato: Dark Genesis (天空戦記 シュラト 創世への暗闘, Tenkū Senki Shurato: Sōsei e no Antō, lit. “Shurato of the Heaven Wars: The Secret Feud of Creation”), that ran from August 16, 1991, to March 16, 1992. Set in a parallel world called “Tenkūkai”, which exists alongside Earth, evil forces known as the Asura Gods threaten to overcome the forces of good, causing the magical leader of this realm to transport warriors from Earth to their world. It’s based on Hindu and Buddhist mythology.
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helladventurers · 1 year
Nintendo once again making accidental trans characters by naming a cool trainer♂️ "bonita"
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tutchando74 · 16 days
O último a chegar é a mulher do padre!
A poem about another legend of my country.
Wattpad (Link's not working for some reason)
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mira0000000-blog · 4 months
Why nobody told me project shadow fan film was made by a Brazilian
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bluberimufim · 2 months
Pedro & Inês (cultural ramblie)
Happy Valentine's Day!! <3<3 When I planned this post, I did not realize Carnaval and Valentine's Day were on consecutive days (catholic calendar calculations continue to kick my ass, just like every year), so you get TWO cultural ramblies for the price of one!!
This one is a bit different from the other ones. I usually talk about legends or holiday traditions but this is actually just history! Still, I felt inclined to share partly because this is a major thing in portuguese culture and partly because this is the most overdramatic historical anecdote I have ever seen and more people need to know about it. Now, let's get into it!
The Tragedy of Pedro and Inês
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(portraits of Pedro and Inês, made centuries after their deaths)
In 1340, Prince Pedro of Portugal, son of King Afonso the 4th, married Constança Manuel of Aragon. When she moved to Portugal, Constança brought along her lady-in-waiting, Inês de Castro. You can already see where this is going.
Pedro and Inês fell madly in love and began a secret relationship (which seems to not have been that secret at all). In 1344, Afonso the 4th exiled Inês to the castle of Albuquerque, near the border, out of fear that this affair would sour diplomatic relationships with Castille.
It just so happens that Constança died in childbirth one year later. Despite his father's requests, Pedro refused to remarry, claiming that he was still too overcome with grief over his wife's death. Instead, he had Inês's exile annulled and began living with her. During this period in which they lived together, they had 4 children.
In 1355, five years later, King Afonso the 4th ordered the assassination of Inês de Castro. She was killed in Coimbra, in Quinta das Lágrimas, where legend says you can still hear her crying at the fountain where she lost her life, later named Fonte das Lágrimas ("Fountain of Tears"). This moment, along with another one further ahead, is the one all the poets go crazy for.
Inês's death triggered a revolt against the king, led by Pedro. However, there was never an actual physical confrontation, since the queen-mother was able to stop it in time.
In 1357, Pedro rose to the throne, becoming King Pedro the 1st. He claimed that he had married Inês in secret around 1354, legitimizing their children and making her possibly the only posthumous queen in history (someone fact-check me on this). For avenging her death, he was dubbed "Pedro, the Just".
He had matching tombs made for him and Inês so she could be buried as queen by his side. They still stand today in the Monastery of Alcobaça, where you can visit them. They were placed on opposite ends of the transept, facing each other, so that they could be face to face when they rose from their graves. The inscription on Pedro's tomb is thought to read "Until the ends of the world". I'll show pics later, don't worry.
You thought I was done? I haven't even gotten to the overdramatic part! (Ok, the tomb thing was pretty dramatic, but this part is extra as hell)
As King Pedro the 1st, he had Inês's two assassins executed. According to a somewhat contemporary chronicle by Fernão Lopes (still Middle Ages but a century later), he had their hearts ripped out, one through the chest and another through the back. Sources seem to disagree on whether this actually happened or not, but Fernão Lopes was a pretty reliable guy in other parts of his chronicle. And, this being strictly myth, it is said that he made those two assassins kiss the hand of Inês's corpse as they would the queen's. For this, he was dubbed "Pedro, the Cruel", on top of his other title. Perfectly balanced and whatnot.
Here's a painting by Pierre-Charles Comte about it:
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The Tombs
I saw them in early November of last year and I cannot overstate how amazing they are in real life. The whole church they're in is beautiful but the tombs are just breathtaking, especially knowing the story behind them.
They're the reason I wanted to make this post. They are considered some of the greatest masterpieces of portuguese gothic sculpture. They are full of intricate carvings and, despite missing a few pieces here and there, are still in amazingly good condition today. You can visit them for free any time.
Here are the pictures I promised. The last 2 are taken by me!
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Some historical notes (cool facts)
This is mostly about the corpse coronation part because I found it in my research and thought it was cool.
The first dynasty of portuguese kings didn't have coronations. They were seen as warrior kings first and foremost, and therefore felt no need to pledge their allegiance to Christianity. If they did swear over something, it was a shield. They did not have the fancy ceremony.
What can we learn from all this, you ask?
Write that overdramatic romance you've been wanting to. You'll never out-drama queen King Pedro the 1st.
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kira-scarllet · 1 year
Toque (One Piece)
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Era noite e uma Ilha do Novo Mundo. Uma mulher caminhava pela rua da pequena vila. Ela possuía olhos dourados e cabelos pretos e curtos; vestimenta escura e membros enfaixados com faixas amareladas e com símbolos esquisitos. Um homem se aproximou com intenção de a roubar e no ato tentou nocauteá-la. O punho atingiu a bochecha nua da mulher. "Não…" Ela sussurrou com os olhos arregalados, observando o homem em sua frente definhar lentamente. Os olhos dele já estavam opacos e sua expressão era de puro desespero, combinando com o da mulher. "De novo não…" Sussurrou com a voz embargada; uma lágrima solitária escorreu pela bochecha esquerda. Quantas vezes aquilo tinha que se repetir? Caiu de joelhos, remoendo o que tinha acontecido, com os punhos fechados com força. Estava com raiva. Não. Estava com ódio dessa maldição. Pôde sentir suas faixas se remexerem e uma aura sombria emanar de seu corpo. "Por quê? Por quê!?" Sua mente gritava enquanto suas mãos se agarravam no chão da rua; terra sujava suas faixas já encardidas com o tempo e sua função era conter aquele poder. Sua vontade naquele momento era sumir. Sumir do mundo, acabar com sua própria existência. O único problema é que era incapaz. Quem a amaldiçoou garantiu que nada a matasse. Ferisse? Sim, mas matar não. E esse era seu castigo: ser obrigada a conviver com seu fardo e depressão pela eternidade.
Oc inspirada em um personagem de League Of Legends. Farei um paralelo entre os dois mundos, como em um crossover.
Capítulo 1.
Capítulo 2 - Em breve
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analligatorr · 11 months
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today is "valentine's day" here in Brasil (pre saint Antonio's day to be exact) so I felt free to draw these pathetic cowboys
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farlydatau · 1 year
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Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal Jersey Grunge Distress Design T-Shirt
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Coronation of Inês de Castro by Gillot Saint-Evre
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kirbyskisses · 1 year
hinata shoyo is probably my favorite basic shonen protagonist because i don’t know how much effort it would take to fly or turn super saiyan or achieve a black flash or a rasengan.
but i can imagine what it takes to leave everyone and everything you know to go from japan to brazil, learn a completely new version of volleyball, be awkward around a new roommate and learn 3 different languages (spanish, english and portuguese)
i can imagine burnout from all that plus breaking and rebuilding you muscles constantly and dealing with sand and wind and sun and rain affecting your plays.
the man works as a delivery boy and teaches kids portuguese (not even his first language) to support himself while becoming an established beach volleyball player famous all around rio de janeiro.
what a legend.
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