#Pinup Salon
lilly-onthevalley · 2 years
hi Lilly,
it's hair anon again. I would love to know your hair routines! I actually found a wig that i'm going to wear for the fall and would love style inspo.
Here are all the links I have in my *personal* hair styling playlist <3
Some of these may not be quite your style but they are very fun to try especially if you're into vintage beauty!
Pin Curling Natural Hair
90's Inspired Super model hair
Cutting Layers on Long hair
Round brush blowdry Natural hair + Straightening and Curl
Curling long hair
Dominican Doobie Wrap tut
Dominican Roller Set -> Dominican Roller Set Results and Blow Out
Wrapping Relaxed or Straightened Hair for Nighttime
Salon Blow Out + Hair Colour, Hair Cut and Styling Tips
How to Relax your Hair
Nighttime Silk Press Routine
How to maintain Straight Hair while Working Out
1930-40's Braided Vintage Natural Hairstyles
1940's Vintage Curled Bumper Bangs tut
Milkmaid Braided Hairstyle Natural Hair
'Junior Prom' 1946 Recreated Hairstyle Natural Hair
Summer Vintage Hairstyles for Natural Hair
1950's Vintage waves on a Horseshoe Haircut
1940/1950s Page Boy Hairstyle
Maintaining Silk Press 1 month
Pin Curl Bun
Pamela Anderson Up-Do
No-heat Old Hollywood Waves for Natural Hair
No-heat Natural Hair Pinup Styles: Old Hollywood Pageboy Tutorial
Betty Page Hair Waves
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drrubinspomade · 2 months
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We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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summersnow82 · 11 months
Somethin Bad - Part 19
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Author's Note: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this chapter up. I will be finishing this story. Life just keeps getting in the way. Thanks for sticking with me. @durorholmes - this chapter is for you!
Part 19
Patience had never been one of Annabelle’s virtues. Frank and Darlene had her convinced Travis only needed a night or two to think things over before he’d come back for her. It had been three days, and Travis hadn’t so much as called.
She was starting to get pissed off.
Thankfully, her accommodations were better than normal. Darlene’s home had been in the family since the Civil War, consistently updated and well cared for while still maintaining the historical charm. The home was a lavish two-story build with columns, tons of windows, and a charming wrap-around porch. Inside, the original flooring had been carefully maintained, and small details like the sconces reminded the owners of their rich heritage. Darlene had carefully decorated with a flurry of antiques and heirlooms, while updating the kitchen and bathrooms to a more modern taste.
Annabelle loved it. She currently lay on the four poster solid chestnut bed trying not to worry or feel sorry for herself. Darlene and Frank had gone above and beyond to make Annabelle feel at home, and they’d been kind enough to keep the personal questions to a minimum. Darlene had taken full advantage of having a female companion with time on her hands, and had dragged Annabelle to North Kill’s beauty parlor and salon for a “day of lady luxury,” as she called it. It was hard to feel bad for yourself when your nails were polished like gems, your makeup was flawless, and your hair was styled like a 1940s pinup model. Darlene had insisted on shopping afterwards, and now Annabelle had half a dozen bags in her room with new clothes and accessories.
“I can’t take it with me, sweetheart,” Darlene had said, grinning like a Cheshire cat as she handed her credit card over to the store clerk. “Besides, you need something more than Travis’ flannel shirts and stretch pants to wear. I take it this was an unplanned visit?”
“Very much so,” Annabelle admitted, ducking her head to hide her shame – her pride was currently at war with her gratitude, which was another common problem thanks to her time traveling.
She sighed, swinging her feet off the side of the bed now. She couldn’t lie in her room all day; maybe she could help cook dinner or do something to show her gratitude. If she could find something to do, something to preoccupy her thoughts perhaps it would be easier to figure out how to deal with the coming full moon and Constance Hackett’s clear insanity. Anything was better than thinking about why Sean hadn’t reached out yet, and how Travis could so easily pretend she didn’t exist.
“You can’t stay here anymore.”
That’s what Travis had said the night of his confession to Sean; the same night he’d cast Annabelle out of his home. He knew he couldn’t go home that night, either. He blamed it on the alcohol, but he knew it was because he couldn’t face the place now that he’d sent Annabelle away. Despite his reasoning, he still felt guilty for how he’d left her. The least he could do for her now was keep Sean safe from his parent’s murderous intent.
The alcohol had loosened his tongue as he paced his office floor. Sharing his story had ignited a determination in him to fix something, anything within his control, and this he could control. Sean watched him pace back and forth, working through options before he spoke again. “I know a place,” he finally said, grabbing his keys and his jacket.
Sean didn’t move. “You’ve been drinking.”
Travis arched an eyebrow at him. “Are you serious?” Sean’s expression said he was. Travis sighed. “Look, you can risk the car with me, or you can risk my family coming back here later tonight.”
Sean pursed his lips, exhaling deeply. “Fine,” he reluctantly announced. His body language and tone told Travis it was anything but fine, but this was the lesser of two evils.
Sean wasn’t sure where he was expecting Travis to take him – maybe a cabin deeply hidden in the woods, or a seedy motel, but a historic Catholic church was not on his list. Saint Christopher’s Blessed Trinity of North Kill had fallen into some disarray over the years, but it was still stunning with intricate detail.
“Saint Christopher’s the patron saint of travelers,” Travis replied, killing the ignition. “Thought you’d appreciate the irony.”
A small chuckle left Sean before he said, “I always preferred Saint Jude.” He cast his eyes to the Sheriff. “Patron saint of lost causes.”
The two men were silent as they approached the church. Travis took the lead, heading towards the back of the building. The back door of the church was unlocked, a testament to either the trust of the priest or his faith in the citizens of North Kill. Travis ushered Sean in, leading him to a back room in the darkened halls.
“You know your way around,” Sean said softly.
Travis made a small noise in the affirmative, closing yet another door behind him before he pulled out his flashlight. “I spent quite a lot of time here growing up. Thought about joining the priesthood at one point, too, but Ma wasn’t very supportive of that idea.” He grimaced at the thought. “This church dates back to the Civil War era. It’s been used to hide, protect, and offer sanctuary for countless people – a fact the former priest shared after Evie…,” he trailed off, casting the glow of his flashlight in the direction of the bookshelves lining the wall. “Now let’s see,” he murmured to himself, moving forward to run his hand along the wooden shelves. “Frank said it was even used in the Underground Railroad.” Travis paused for a moment, then turned back to Sean. “Is that a thing where you come from?”
Sean nodded, his silence heavy. “So your folks don’t know about this?”
Travis went back to searching. “Not a bit. I think the only reason Frank ever told me was in case Evie or I needed to run.” He shrugged. “At least it’s helping someone now. Ah!” The excitement in Travis’ voice and a small, but firm click told Sean he’d found the release mechanism, and the bookshelf pushed forward. “There we go. C’mon.”
The enthusiasm in Travis’ voice died the second the lights flicked on. Both men whirled to see an older man glowering at them, his hat clutched firmly between his hands.
“Frank,” Travis gasped.
“You two wanna tell me what you’re doing in my church at this hour?” The scowl on Frank’s face read as disappointment and frustration more than proper anger, but Sean remained silent, waiting on Travis to take the lead. “Dagnabbit, Travis, I showed you this in confidence. What’re you doing skulking around here in the dark like a common thief?”
Sean blinked. “You thought we were thieves?”
Frank gave him a withering stare. “Of course. Figured they could take what little I had instead of risking the defilement of the Lord’s House. And you are, son?”
“Ummm,” Sean said dumbly, not missing the sudden smug look on Travis’ face. Sean wasn’t used to feeling dumb; he was used to Annabelle doing most of the talking when they were in sticky situations. She was good at it. Travis, despite his earlier surprise, seemed to be enjoying this off moment for the younger man.
“Frank,” Travis began, and the older man turned his withering gaze to the Sheriff.
“You’ll remember where you are before you answer that question, son.”
Travis sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Frank.”
“My name is Sean, sir. Sean Landers.”
Frank arched a brow. “You a new officer?” He asked, motioning towards the uniform Sean still wore.
“Not… exactly, sir.”
“Frank, I can’t explain, but I need you to trust me,” Travis said, holstering his flashlight. “He needs a safe place.”
Frank cast a look between the two men, crossing his arms over his chest as he debated Travis’ words. Finally he said, “This have anything to do with your folks?”
Travis nodded, his thin lips pulled in a tight grimace. “Yes, sir.”
“What about Alice?” He cast his eyes over to Sean when he said the name, studying him carefully.
Travis sighed. “Yes, sir.”
Frank pursed his lips, nodding his head just a touch. “Her name really Alice?”
Sean couldn’t tell if Travis was ashamed or forlorn, so he spoke up. “Her name is Annabelle Harris, sir. She’s my sister, and we’re in a bit of tight spot.”
Frank took the new information with stride, carefully studying both men. “I’ll say you are. Constance Hackett’s got her eye on that girl. Maybe she should be the one hiding in here instead of you.” He was silent for a moment before slowly asking, “Does this have anything to do with the fire six years ago?” Travis’ head snapped up, and Frank nodded, clucking his tongue. “What about the upcoming full moon?” It was Sean’s turn to look surprised.
“How… ?”
“I may be old, boys, but I’m not dumb. I’ve lived in North Kill most of my life; the town’s not that big. People talk. Some listen. Fewer observe.” He paused, his gaze softening at he looked back over at Travis. “You haven’t been the same since, son. Been… off. Tired – no, exhausted. Constantly. Every full moon you get on edge, and the day after you’re plum worn out. But mainly,” he paused, releasing a heavy sigh. “Mostly, I just see the hope and faith slip further and further away in you and your kin. That’s no way to live.”
Travis cast his gaze to the ground. “So you’ll help us?” Sean asked quietly, and Frank nodded, still watching the Sheriff.
“I will. Just tell me what you need.” He paused for a moment, as if he’d just had a brilliant idea. “And you c’mon over tomorrow night for supper, Travis. You owe your lady friend a proper apology.”
Annabelle should’ve known something was up with the way Darlene and Frank flitted around the house the next day, fusing over her, insisting she wear the lovely yellow blouse with the frilled collar, and the emerald green skirt that twirled around Annabelle’s calves. Darlene was taking extra pains to make the house smell warm and inviting, while giving Frank hushed instructions anytime Annabelle came into view.
So when the doorbell rang it shouldn’t have surprised Annabelle how Frank called from the kitchen, asking her to get the door for them.
It shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. So did seeing Travis standing there in a clean pair of dress slacks, a stiff white button-down shirt, and a charcoal gray suit jacket. The look on his face when he saw her was one of pure surprise, and she might have relished it more if her anger hadn’t gotten the better of her. Her lips twisted in a defiant purse, and with a flick of her wrist she was slamming the front door in the Sheriff’s face.
Annabelle spun on her heel, her green skirt flowing around her, and began marching away from the door when Darlene popped her head out of the dining room. “Darling, don’t slam the door the poor fellow,” she said, examining two different stems of glassware. “You can’t see him grovel through the wood.” Annabelle froze, blinking at the older woman. She’d already come to admire and adore Darlene over the past few days, but a new respect was growing within her. The older woman looked up, flashing Annabelle a dazzling grin before nodding in the direction of the front door. Annabelle sighed reluctantly, and spun back around, swinging the door open with a flourish.
Travis was still standing on the porch, an eyebrow arched so high she could hear the sass before he opened his mouth.
...so she slammed the door in his face again. Just for good measure.
She caught a glimpse of herself in the entryway mirror. Her hair was still curled and coiffed, her makeup still pristine, and she looked better than she’d seen herself look in a long time. If she was going to deal with Travis better to do it looking like this.
She swung the door open again, thrusting a hand against the door jamb, ultimately blocking his path. She arched a brow, tilted her chin up a touch, and said, “You made me ruin a perfectly good roast.”
Annabelle didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but clearly it wasn’t a reference to food. His brow furrowed in confusion, and she stepped over the threshold, surprising him further as she advanced into his personal space. His eyes widened a touch, and he took a step back. She reached out, grabbing his jacket lapels and pulled him back to her. “Where is Sean?”
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captaincolossal · 1 year
Hey, hi, my mom was here this week and we actually got a lot of work done and had some fun while she was here. I did make her watch Puss in Boots: the Last Wish (2022), because that is what I do now. But we actually didn't watch many movies while she was here, and I think the break was good.
Oh, anyway, she helped me organize my art and frames, and we framed several things (and now I actually have a list of frames I need, in my wallet, so I can actually do the thing and get my shit framed), and today I hung up a bunch of stuff. See, I've been doing art fairs for almost a decade and I have bought and traded for many cool things, and at last I have realized my dream of having a salon-style maximalist art wall above my desk. Currently 15 things on the wall, the theme is "things I like", which includes a signed WTNV tour poster, a bee themed pinup girl, a woodblock print of a dandelion, a Twin Peaks plush moth (her plush art moths go around tumblr every now and then and I'm like, oh, hey, that's my sort-of colleague Molly's work"), a drawing of an eyeball, lesbian mermaids, and not one, not two, but three items of my own making.
Hagazussa (2017)
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Also, we'll see if this is a Double Feature Sunday. Undecided at the moment.
Oh, German winter folk horror.
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andrep11 · 7 months
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Museum talk 2024
Www.muskegonMuseum.org/ PostCard-Pinup/ salon. Featured paintings/ small works by. Andre pace.. invitation exhibition phone-in for details.. 231-720-2570...
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appendixarchive · 2 years
「機動戦艦ナデシコ セイバーマリオネットJ リバーシブルBOOK 機動戦艦ナデシコ 航海日記」
裏面は、「セイバーマリオネットJ ジャポネス大江戸かわら版 最終回」
(「アニメディア」 1997年4月号付録、表紙欠品)
② 「ナデシコキャラ ビジュアルデータファイル」
③ 「ナデシコ作戦行動ファイル」 (各話あらすじ)
④ 「Salon de Nadesico 最終回 ~ナデシコ用語集&名(迷)言集~」
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sterlingpiner · 2 years
Pinupgirls destin
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Pinupgirls destin free#
VIP Party tickets are available for $5 at the door and in advance online. You'll find us in the storefront between Bose and North Face near Saks Off 5th. pin - ups Animated Films June ) and Angers ( young around the world. All proceeds from Purses with a Purpose go to Shelter House to support critical services such as our 24/7 hotline, confidential emergency shelter and child therapy.Ĭome out and have some fun while helping women and children in our community. as early as 1902 the of Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amlie Poulain prolific. Purses with a Purpose is a two-day sale and auction of new and gently used designer handbags. Pin Up Girls Hair Studio & Spa - Destin - (850) 460-2010 - 1209 Airport Rd. And in addition to all the fabulous purses, this year's event will also offer shoppers an array of scarves donated by Ella Madison Boutique and sunglasses from Lynn Roberts International. To celebrate the tenth Purses with a Purpose, we've added a fabulous purse fashion show on Friday night emceed by Jami Ray of 30A Street Style and featuring hair and makeup by Pin Up Girls Hair Studio and music from DJ Shane of Rock the House.
Pinupgirls destin free#
We'll open back up at 10am on Saturday with free admission, deep discounts, muffins and mimosas. The first 80 guests through the door will receive a special gift! From 6pm to 8pm, a $5 donation grants you first look at all the purses, delicious food compliments of Carrabba's and wine. Kick the weekend off in style with our VIP party on Friday night. Arrives by Mon, Sep 19 Buy Pin Up Girls Tin Sign Welcome to Las Vegas Nevada Playing Cards Vintage Metal Tin Signs for Men Women Wall Art Decor for Home. Click the square icon at the lower left of the map if you would rather see a regular looking road map instead of a satellite view.Are you ready to snag your bag? Shelter House's much-anticipated annual purse extravaganza is back! Join us March 21 and 22 for the tenth Purses with a Purpose at Silver Sands Premium Outlets. They seamlessly design and execute intimate events and elopements in Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Okaloosa Island, and. Specializing in coordinating destination weddings, this business organizes romantic celebrations on beaches across Florida’s Emerald Coast. If you think you aren't viewing Pinup Girls Hair Studio on the map, move around a bit, perhaps what you're looking for is a little North, East, West, or South Barefoot Weddings is a wedding planning service based in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Addressing is normally perfectly accurate but sometimes Services for Pin-Up Girls Hair Studio & Spa, Hours Known For. You're looking for, you can navigate around these maps by clicking and dragging the map around anywhere you want. Phone number, Photo, Opening hour, Payment method and Map. Read reviews, view photos, see special offers, and contact Pin Up Girls Hair Studio directly on The Knot. If you're not sure of the accuracy of the location on the map for the hair salon or beauty shop/hair supply store Pin Up Girls Hair Studio is a Beauty salon located in 1209 Airport Rd, Destin, Florida, US. Pin Up Girls Hair Studio is a Beauty Salon in Destin, FL. "+" and "-" signs at the lower right of each map. You can easily change to a different zoom level by clicking on the In most areas, two maps are available, the bottom oneīeing a more zoomed out view of the location than the top one which will often show nearby points of interest. Suite 3 Destin Florida 32541, Located next to the Zoo Gallery. These maps should accurately pinpoint the location of Pinup Girls Hair Studio in Destin, Florida.
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pinupsalon · 4 years
DIY At-Home Spa Tips
Who said you need to leave your house in order to give yourself a little pampering? With easy-to-find ingredients and a creative mindset (plus some helpful online tutorials), setting up a luxurious spa in the comfort of your own home is simple. So grab your robe, light some candles, and treat yourself.
Epsom Salt or Bubble Bath
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Ok girls.. S E L F C A R E has never been so vital for our wellbeing, and although we are restricted somewhat during quarantine, there are many things we can be doing to feel revitalised at home. One thing we love is a good bath. . To begin with focus on finding calming and meditative elements to create a bathroom that feels like a tranquil oasis for Y O U.. this could be diffusing some essential oils, adding epsom salts, playing some meditative music, a candle.. whatever will give you that zen space. . The benefits of a bath go beyond just some 'me time'.. they provide: 1. Stress relief 2. Detoxification 3. Muscle soothing & recovery 4. Supports fat loss efforts 5. Supports good sleep . . So go on girls lock that bathroom door and focus on yourself for 30mins. You deserve it!! Tag your goddesses to remind them to focus on some self care today
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#inspiringwellnesstogether Namaste
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. . . . . #sup #yoga #detox #epsomsaltbath #move #breathe #meditate #retreat #retreatyourself #taketimeout #youcantpourfromanemptycup #recharge #recalibrate #rejuvenate #inspire #inspirewellness #inspireyoursisters #vitamind #nature #swim #hike #yoga #nourish #freshair #goodforthesoul #soulsisters #wellness #wellnessbrand #consciousbrand #bekind
A post shared by S I S T E R S~B Y~T H E~ S E A (@sisters_bythesea) on Apr 14, 2020 at 12:56pm PDT
Nothing feels better than a good soak. Epsom salt helps with stress relief, encourages quality sleep, and reduces pain and swelling, making it one of the most soothing things you can put in your bath. You can also experiment with a few drops of essential oils under the running hot water, or draw yourself a homemade bubble bath using castile soap.
Hair Mask
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We have a new post on our blog for a #DIYhairmask and treatment using natural ingredients you probably have in your kitchen right now! We wouldn’t want to let that crown suffer during lockdown because you can’t go to the hairdresser or can’t order Atara hair products
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we plan on doing a series of these for you! X . . . #atarabeauty #haircaretips #homehaircare #allnaturalhairmask #allnaturalhairtreatment #homehairtreatment #quarantinehaircare #diyhairmask #diyhairtreatment #diyblogger #naturalhairmaskrecipe #naturalhairmask #naturalhairmaskhomemade
A post shared by A Selfcare Lifetsyle Brand (@_atarabeauty) on Apr 19, 2020 at 9:55am PDT
Hair masks are deep conditioning treatments meant to restore moisture and natural oils to your hair and provide complete nourishment, leaving your hair shiny, bouncy, and healthy-looking afterward. You can make your own hair mask at home using a multitude of ingredients, such as honey, eggs, and apple cider vinegar, for example.
[Related: How to Bounce Back From Damaged Hair]
Face Mask
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DIY spirulina clay mask
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae
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that grows in both fresh and salt water. I have been experimenting with all the ways I can use this deep green powder other than making smoothies. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1/2 tsp bentonite clay 1/2 tsp spirulina powder 1/2 tsp honey Add enough water to make a spreadable paste, 1 tablespoon give or take. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wear for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water – then GLOW
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Very important as metal will react with the clay and cause it to be less effective. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Bentonite clay absorbs the dirt and toxins from your skin. Think of it like a magnet, cleaning out those pores! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Spirulina contains so many AMAZING properties. Vitamin E, antioxidants, and chlorophyll to name a just few. This helps to retain moisture in the skin and detoxifies by increasing skins cell turnover. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Honey is antibacterial, which can help to fight acne while also enhancing skins moisture. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Oh and everything is edible! Let me know if you try this out! You can mix this up with whatever you have on hand. Each ingredient on its own is so great for the skin!
A post shared by Tricia | Paleo Lifestyle (@healthyhappyhippie) on Apr 20, 2020 at 7:55am PDT
Face masks are one of the main things people think about when they contemplate spa days and self-care, and making them at home is easy if you have the ingredients. Search the internet for just a few minutes (Pinterest is a great place to start) and you’ll find more DIY face mask recipes than you know what to do with. Make sure you choose one that does the most for your skin type.
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We are obsessed with at-home manicures right now, especially spring vibes ones! How are you keeping your self entertained at home?
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You can also check out some of our story templates up in our highlights, we will be adding more soon! #TheAdorned #stayhome
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: @laurencrowe88
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A post shared by Your Fashion Rental Platform (@theadorned.co) on Apr 16, 2020 at 11:46am PDT
At-home manicures are a great way to try new styles and shapes without having to spend all that cash at the nail salon. Shape your nails with a file, soak your hands, moisturize with lotion, and you’re halfway there. Press-on and glue-on nails have come a long way since the ‘90s, with natural-looking shapes, surprising durability, and a plethora of trendy designs. If you want to go the more natural route, you can find practically any color of polish under the sun, and certain top coats or gel polishes will keep your nails Instagram-worthy (avoiding quick chipping).
Foot Scrub
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Homemade Foot Scrub
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This is my own personal foot scrub for my type of foot care. Everyone has different skin types and needs. Can you guess what's this mix? #footscrub #footcream #bodyscrub #bodycare #pamper #homemadefootscrub #homemade #instabeauty #instacare #instadaily #instagram #making #mixing #skinaddict #skincare #skinlover #Loveyourskin #selfcare #Diy #diyfootscrub #hydrating #refreshing #cooling #coolfootscrub #decemberchallenge #challenge
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(@shahnazislam_) on Dec 6, 2018 at 9:48am PST
Don’t forget your feet during your spa days! Foot scrubs exfoliate and moisturize the skin of the foot, while at the same time soothing any irritation or aches. Ingredients such as tea tree oil, milk, baking soda, honey, and coffee grounds are all things you can find around your kitchen for a luxurious DIY foot scrub.
Have your own favorite DIY spa tips? We’d love to hear them! Or let us know if you’d like to make a future appointment when our salons are back open. Contact us today
The post DIY At-Home Spa Tips appeared first on Pinup Salon.
from Pinup Salon https://ift.tt/2XVCCJO
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Ruttu_Ruttu on Instagram
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melivillosa · 7 years
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Nos vemos mañana en la expo #LeemosCómics
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drrubinspomade · 4 months
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We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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kxngkhaosx · 4 years
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#Repost @art.of.orlando.orengo • • • • • • Providence, Rhode Island My piece for #blackhistorymonth which one is your favorite? Kente, Salone, or diamond? ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 #melaninpoppin #melanin #salone #africanancestry #sierraleone #drip . #practice #perfection #progress #pinup #sexy #beauty #tattoo #wip #blackartist #artist #ink #illustration #sketchbook #digitalart #artsy #instaart #instagood #photooftheday #instaartist #graphic #artoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CBs1IlwDTFxwEXKodq-pwivRQgXb4zyyk6HafA0/?igshid=1el026v966743
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suavecitapomade · 7 years
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This brush-out is fantastic. @stevierosalie_ Used Suavecita Pomade, Grooming Spray, Dry Shampoo, and Hairspray!
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hellopandaphoto · 7 years
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pinupsalon · 5 years
Five Red Hair Shades We’re Feeling Fiery About
You might not be blessed with naturally red hair, but why not pop into the salon and try on the bold, head-turning color? From warm strawberry blonde to shocking neon orange, here are the red shades we’re feeling fiery about in 2020.
Natural Ginger
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Giving the mane a much needed day off!!! #redhair #redhead #redheads_of_insta #redhairdontcare #gingerhair #merida
A post shared by Melissa Cook (@lilaandmel) on Feb 25, 2020 at 11:44am PST
This perfect, natural-looking shade will make people wonder if you weren’t really born with it. Opt for a brow tint to match and go full Lucille Ball — no one will be able to guess this isn’t your natural shade!
Strawberry Blonde
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SIMPLICITY | The older I’m getting, the more I’m realising that I continuously want to simplify my life – get rid of unnecessary materialistic items, bad relationships, unhealthy foods, stressful work, and everything that doesn’t add a light to my life. We have a limited amount of time on this planet. Why waste it on things and people that bring neither sunshine nor joy? . . .
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A post shared by Benike Palfi | Actress (@benikepalfi) on Sep 14, 2019 at 3:35am PDT
Strawberry blonde is a perfect hybrid of light blonde and rosy red, and has been seen on celebrities such as Emma Roberts, Elizabeth Moss, and Rachel McAdams.
Deep Ruby
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⁣ #longtimenoselfie #darkredhair #redcoat #overkill? #probably
A post shared by Lindsay Liem (@lindsayliem) on Feb 11, 2020 at 11:59am PST
A deep ruby red is great for natural brunettes and those with olive skin tones. This shade looks gorgeous as an all-over color and also as a pretty blended-out balayage.
Electric Red
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𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓲𝓽’𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮
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. . . . #latina #drip #eyes #closeup #glowing #lifesgood #vibrant #redhair #colorful #pink #sunkissed
A post shared by 𝒢𝒾𝓏𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒.𝒮
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(@giivib3z) on Feb 25, 2020 at 11:31am PST
Feeling adventurous? Try a bright, electric red! Channel “Little Mermaid” or Uma Thurman’s Poison Ivy vibes with this not-to-be-ignored shade.
Neon Orange
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Love yourself, witches. Feeling myself more and more while just wearing natural makeup. Don’t get me wrong. I love going full out with lashes and black lipstick for an event. But now, on just my job, errands and kids days (which is basically everyday!) natural is my go-to! Btw, it took me a long time to get to the point where I was comfortable with this kind of makeup… and it took me awhile to love myself.
A post shared by Kayla Chavez (@metalmom_makeup) on Feb 25, 2020 at 11:20am PST
If you’re looking to add a little edge to your look, a neon orange shade is the way to go. This vivid color gives off a confident attitude and will definitely make a stylish statement. Curious about changing your hair color and becoming the redhead you always knew you could be? Contact us at Pinup Salon to schedule a consultation and we can help you see red — in the best way!
The post Five Red Hair Shades We’re Feeling Fiery About appeared first on Pinup Salon.
from Pinup Salon https://ift.tt/39fmvcE
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alexapearl-blog · 7 years
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Buckleup buttercup ✨
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