#Pisces Lugonis
saintseiyagaypoll · 1 year
2nd Round - 14th Match
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violecov · 3 months
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Pisces with sea dragons!!!
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eternalstarlights · 7 months
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I was thinking about something, the holy war happen during the 16th and 18th century which is during Pope Sage's and Regulus' eras… then you have Ilias who is a saint around the late 17th century or early 18th century but we know the holy war hasn’t started yet. Lol, so like I know Ilias is known as the strongest saint in his generation but like for what? What or who are they fighting? Isn’t Ilias' era a peaceful era? Athena and Hades aren’t even born yet. And the fact that all of them died young too, what are you dying from?!
Pisces Lugonis: Poisoned and died during the Pisces ritual with Albafica so Albafica can be the new Pisces saint.
Scorpio Zaphiri: Tried to betray the Sanctuary and was killed by the other gold saints (or suicide, I don’t remember but he was fighting against Lugonis, Ilias, and Krest)
Aquarius Krest (over 500 years old): Got tired of life, and tried to manipulate Degel in defeating him. He succeeded and Degel killed him or aka sealing him in ice.
Leo Ilias: The strongest (wait does this mean he is stronger than Krest???) and the last in his generation to died. He died at the beginning of the holy war when Hades and Athena hasn’t even come to power yet. He died from his lung illness and getting killed by Rhadamanthys.
So like what happen to the other gold saints? Were there even other gold saints or did they all died already? If there was only 4 of them, lol Ilias isn’t really that strong if we are comparing him to so little saints. If there were others, I wonder what are they even dying from since there is no holy war, Athena or Hades around. Unless another god is causing trouble which I doubt.
On a random note not relating to this, I like how Lost Canvas talks about previous other Holy Wars like the ones during the 13th century, 16th century and late 17th century (or early 18th century before the Lost Canvas events)
The 13th century was probably the hardest, I mean you need to fight against Hades, Poseidon, and Ares, that is too many gods for one century.
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rosavulpes · 6 months
Knight of Beauty : Pisces Albafica " Bloody Rose "
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OOC : Some ideas I've been brainstorming during the day and I wanted to share / get some feedback on before heading off to bed .
Origins :
( A lot of this I'm just spit ballin' but also using some of Albafica's canon from Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas )
As a means of countering The Swarm , and Tayzzyronth . The Knights of Beauty cultivated the idea of creating a botanical poison so powerful that any of the Swarm's legion that came into contact with it would die from it almost instantly .
Following Idrila's philosophy of beauty , a single knight was chosen to carry said poison within them . Specifically within their bloodstream , as a means of ensuring the poison , which ended up being successful could not be used in ways not originally intended since it always resided within just one Knight .
Less of a risk as this would be after the IPC's genocidal test of the Imaginary impulse Bomb .
Due to the nature of the poison , this meant that the Knight in question would also be essentially sacrificing themselves for the good of all others as they needed to totally self isolate to prevent any innocents from falling ill to it .
They needed to be someone whose heart was " pure " in that they'd be willing to make such a " beautiful " sacrifice .
Albafica was found as an infant laying among the fields of poison's roses . Assumed dead at first but mysteriously showing immunity to the roses's deadly scent . Considered to be a divine sign from Idrila that he was to be the next one to carry the mantle of Bloody Rose .
He was adopted, and raised by the former Bloody Rose Knight , Lugonis .
Albafica was brought up on the teachings of Idrila by his master , and underwent the " Red Ribbon Ceremony " in which the poison in Albafica's blood was strengthened by coming into contact with Lugonis's . They each exchange one drop of blood with the other in the form of a small cut , until eventually the poison in Albafica's blood overwhelmed Lugonis's .
Personality & Beliefs :
Albafica follows Idrila's path , but resents that his mentor whom he viewed as his father , had to die in order to see the mantle passed down to him .
( To make the use of icons easier ) Wears his former teacher's set of fully body Golden Armor meant to completely cover his body as a safeguard for anyone around him .
Actively traverses the Universe of Star Rail . Seeking out the Swarm in particular , and may travel with other Knights such as Argenti from time to time .
Hates being called beautiful as he views his roses , and himself by extension general as a weapon of Idrila . Meant to kill , not to be admired . Reluctant to allow anyone to touch him out of fear of accidentally poisoning them through physical contact which his master always stressed to him was crucial .
Abilities :
Can make use of , and summon a variety of plants that all carry his poisonous blood with them to use as living weapons .
If wounded , can convert his blood into an aerosol gas , or converted them into needles that can be directly injected into the opponent .
His poison can have a wide array of effects due to it's potency , but the main aspect is his victim losing all five of their senses , and dying shortly afterwards .
Can conjure a variety of roses that can serve different purposes in combat .
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Lavender Roses
Fandom: Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas Pairing: Pisces Albafica x Aquarius Dégel Rating: G Summary: Dégel falls in love quietly. Words: 737 Notes: Canon Divergence Prompt(s): 25.- “You know I’d do anything” from @fictober-event
Read @ AO3
Dégel falls in love quietly.
In silence.
In that aloof way that marks him as the Aquarious sign.
But falls in love nonetheless.
Love should not be a problem, but it is. Specially since the man he's in love with is none other than the reclusive, equally aloof Pisces Saint. A man who keeps his solitude beyond anything he's ever seen before. Someone who barely ever attends group gatherings, only those that are the most formal of setting. Those settings that Albafica cannot avoid.
But, how did he get here? Well.
It starts during one of said formal meetings. He had approached Albafica, curious about him and while Albafica had been polite, he had been distant. Only until he had brought the topic of books and the Aquarious library was that Albafica had warmed up marginally.
"I could always lend you books, should you wish to," he had told Albafica. "All you have to do is ask. And should I not have it, I know how to procure it."
"You don't have to trouble yourself on my account." Albafica had told him. "Whatever books you have, it should be enough."
He had given the Pisces saint a small smile and said, "I would be no trouble helping a friend."
Albafica had narrowed his eyes and said, "I had no idea we were."
"We are." He had said firmly, what had possessed him to say it, he did not know. But he also sensed that there was a great loneliness to Albafica, and if their friendship were to be only one sided, he would not complain. Better Albafica know that he was someone who could be trusted and not someone who simply shrugged and ignored him. "We would be, should you allow it. We will be, even if you don't."
Albafica had laughed then, "I can see why Kardia gravitates to you, then, Dégel. Very well, just, let us keep a respectful distance, I would not wish to harm you."
He had smiled in victory then. "I can respect that."
And that had been that.
The book exchange had begun with fairy tales, with poetry, and fiction. Then, it had moved to philosophy, medical and history books. All through it all, Albafica was always respectful of the books and of him by keeping a healthy distance between them.
But through it all, with small questions and even smaller replies, their friendship grew until he, who knew himself enough, knew he had fallen for his fellow Saint. He agonized for a while, about what to do. About how to approach the Pisces Saint; because he knew that the very moment that he spoke about his love, Albafica would retreat back into his shell. And he, well, he could not allow nor wanted that.
So, he figured that a letter would be the most adequate method. A letter he spent several nights going over until he felt it was the correct wording, the right way to let Albafica know that he would always respect him and his boundaries. In the end, he wrote, 'You know I'd do anything to lift the pain you feel at the loss of Lugonis, but alas, I am only one man and cannot do that. But I will not let my feelings be unknown, I love you. And I will do so in any way you permit me to love you.'
He slips his confession on Albafica's next book and waits.
He expects the Albafica to come storming down and break their friendship, to give him back his book and his letter. To his utmost surprise, that is not what happens.
Three day after Albafica has taken the book with the letter, he finds on the entrance of his temple, the one who leads to the Pisces temple to be precise, a small bouquet of lavender roses and the smallest of notes in what he knows is Albafica's hand: For you, to figure it out.
And he - who has read hundreds of books, who comes from France - knows. And his heart feels fit to burst. After all, lavender roses do mean, love at first sight after all. He takes one and covers it in ice, an eternal reminder of the man who he loves and who loves him back. The rest of the roses, he places in a vase on the small table next to his bed.
They will bring him sweet dreams, he knows.
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autistictum2 · 1 year
My Imperfectly Odd Self-Ai Anime Piscean Picture Character Story. This Lugonis : Albafica's master and was the Gold Pisces Saint from Saint Seiya Lost Canvas Animeverse. As stated he's the one who has taught Albafica everything when it comes to telling stories about his interdimensional presucessor before him. He is a Autistic Afro-Trini-Greek like his student and successor but gay.
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raymondshields · 1 year
69 & 420
....should've seen this coming.
69: Pisces Atropa
ATROPA IS 69 OMFG LOL. LMAO EVEN. She's a virgin iirc but you know what? Funny as hell. Funny as fucking hell.
Pisces Atropa is the final Pisces Saint we have atm, as she's the same age as Trucy Wright-Edgeworth roughly and we don't have any plans for after her arc chronologically, so she's Babey.
Atropa is the daughter of Pisces Hayliel, a half-naiad science experiment who sort of got her predecessor Pisces Albafica a spouse by accident, and the Pisces Cloth themself, because Hayliel is a clothfucker. She's half-cloth and quarter-naiad because of it, naturally mute due to being half-cloth, uses a talker primarily, and has one hell of an arc.
She was dating Albafica's son Lucius for a while as teenagers, but then decided she couldn't date a bad boy like him after some fun things like Tiresias and Ravi breaking up so she got with Tiashen. Her arc is a lot of commentary on heritage and powers no one expects and the difference between good and evil and if you should be afraid of yourself. She's actually kinda awful. I love her so much.
420: Celestial Drowning Star Nix Macrantha Raubritter, Griffon Division
Because Macrantha is a big ol' slut and I love him, that's why.
Okay anyway. Macrantha is this random German kid in the late 1600s with hemophilia, who was a potential candidate for the Pisces Cloth before twins Luco and Lugonis got scouted for it. They were separately sent on missions by the Judges and the Grand Master to go check on what the hell was happening in his hometown (a lot of mysterious drownings) only to find him, drowning people with the Nix Surplice, mostly just big mad about his parents.
They slept with him, they brought him back to the Meikai, you know how it goes. Macrantha was Luco's apprentice as a healer until she retired, and is currently the main healer of the Spectres. He makes cameos in both Ace Attorney and Heroes Infinity, by virtue of being Diego Edgeworth-Armando's primary care physician.
He's a gay monster twink who likes dressing up as a sexy nurse and I for one love him dearly. Also iirc he fucked Kaden Aeternata and also his dad, so I mean, gold star Macrantha. Diego might be pissed to find out his GP fucked his son, though...?
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saintseiya-zone · 2 years
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Saint Seiya Zone scans
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eeriecrafts · 3 years
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April Sketch Reward|| Pisces Lugonis
Albafica’s master, from Lost Canvas. Specially requested for @kingofthewild! Happy Birthday!!  You can find me @ Twitter||Facebook||Instagram|| Patreon||Ko-fi||
Commissions open
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reestoga · 4 years
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I really wanted to do this drawing, and here it is, I put other clothes on Lugonis, since I thought about it, if I put his classic outfit on him, and in the end I decided to put another one on him. Also for the days of Pisces. XD LOL
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karolinevassalor · 4 years
I smell something fishy or it just Pisces season?! Sorry for the bad pun :3
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Pisces Lugonis, Albafica, Cardinale, Aphrodite and Amor.
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saintseiyagaypoll · 1 year
1st Round - 28th Match
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yuhein2424 · 4 years
Pisces Lugonis :)
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hellocagliostro · 4 years
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raylie18 · 4 years
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Pisces (LC)
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diamondborealis · 4 years
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First up for the Saint Seiya Character meme we have Pisces Lugonis, requested by @kingofthewilds. I'll be honest and admit I haven't read/watched Lost Canvas, but still I appreciate him not having the tm Sts hair.
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