oddsconvert · 1 year
what would you say is the greatest weakness of each of your whumpers?
and what's the greatest strength of each of your whumpees?
Oh, this is such a FUN question! 👀 Thank!
Greatest Weakness of Whumpers:
Felix: Rejection and being alone is Felix's big weakness, and also he has a sore spot about his family and upbringing. If Josh were to bring it up...🫣
Ronan: Greed and impulsiveness..Always with the knee-jerk reactions. He doesn't think things through and just runs with ideas and doesn't consider the consequences or dangers 👀
Izaak: Loss of control and quick to anger (hehee like now ;) ) - he's a control freak. He likes to have control over every minute detail in his life so what he's going through now totally throws him off. (Also, he is really sensitive over his mother who left when he was young)
Vince: His weakness is his reputation. It's everything to him. Everyone knows who he is, what he's capable of - vampires want to be him and humans fear him. If ever that were to be tarnished, he'd fall apart.
Greatest strength of Whumpee's:
Josh: He's a calculated, clever bean - and a fighter through and through. Even when you think he's done for, and completely broken - he's not. He's playing the long game, he's still fighting in his own way.
Declan: His perseverance and bravery. He's been through hell and back, he was living dead - and right now he's scared and confused but deep down he's tryna map out in his head how he navigates and survives this.
Henley: His empathetic and selfless nature. I mean come on, he helps his former kidnapper/master. Hands down, his biggest strength is his kindness. I think its what has got him this far in surviving.
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Question for Josh- What’s your favorite thing about Felix?
"I really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for this one," Josh scoffs a cheap laugh, dry and humourless, picking anxiously at his nails, "If ...If I really have to pick one thing. It would be one of the things I hate the most about him, too."
Josh prays Felix isn't in earshot. He can imagine Felix's stupid ecstatic face over what he's about to say.
"I like..that at least there is a gentler side to him. The one that attempts care and affection but doesn't fucking understand. I mean, ...it could be worse, right? All pain. No relief. At least, sometimes I can get through to him. He feels sorry for me every blue moon.
But I hate that part too. I despise every touch from him - and...it's confusing."
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Would Felix be considered conventionally good looking? Would Josh have actually given Felix a chance if he approached him normally?
I’m so excited for new chapters! You’re so good at writing dialogue
Yeppity and yep! 🥰
In fact - Josh made the first move on Felix when they first met! Josh was working at a café and Felix was a customer, Josh found him attractive and scribbled his phone number on the bottom of his receipt for a bit of harmless flirting and fun.
Not really thinking much would come of it. (How wrong was he, right? Worst mistake.) Then the obsession kicked in.
If Felix had just called him back and arranged a date, Josh probably would have given him a chance. Instead he never heard back, never saw him again and Josh just totally forgot about the interaction and never thought about the customer again. Blissfully unaware that Felix went on to stalk him relentlessly for a year-
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oddsconvert · 2 years
Felix burns josh and is like
man. why isn’t this working. what the hell is wrong with you josh.
kurtis: yeah man can’t imagine why /s
😂 lmao
Kurtis is honestly forever fed up with Felix's buffoonery, goonery and tomfoolery. Very much: "Dude, I'll do anything for you - ride or die. But you're a fucking moron. No wonder the poor guy is shit scared of you."
Meanwhile Felix is standing there with a knife to Josh's throat, staring back at Kurtis like this: 🤨🧍🔪 "He's the problem, not me 😤"
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oddsconvert · 2 years
🔨 💉 ❤️‍🩹 for play pretend bc now josh is pet
I like you anon... I like you alot ❤️ the way to my heart is asks about play pretend lmfao
From this ask game!
🔨 Proper punishment is a mark of a good owner, is there a punishment your pet responds to best? Is there one you prefer?
"The way he loses his shit and freaks out whenever I mark, brand or scar him... especially with my own name - I know that's what works best on him, keeps him in check. I've kept an eye on his reactions when I've done that or even simply threatened it and he instantly crumbles and begs, promising to behave.
I prefer punishments that let me get close to him. Skin on skin. Kissing him to shut him the hell up, or pouncing on him and wrapping my hands around his throat... and he grabs back on to mine. I live for those moments."
💉What would you do if your pet was ever hurt bad enough to go to the vet?
"It'd be my worst fear come true if Josh was ever that ill...that hurt that he needed to go to hospital. I can't stomach the thought.
I couldn't take him to a hospital. One wrong word slipping out and they'd take him away from me, they'd seperate us. I can't leave him, he'd be lost without me.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't help him. I'd do anything, give anything to make sure he's okay...so long as it doesn't involve sacrificing our love. I probably would have to go to some backstreet vet that would keep it on the downlow.
But it would strike the fear of god into me."
❤️‍🩹 Is there anything you wish your owner did more of?
"It's such a stupid, little thing...but I'd love it.
I wish Felix would leave me uncuffed more often overnight. Not even to escape just... I miss sleeping comfortably. It's not a lot to ask, is it?
Being able to roll around, shuffle into a cosy position, bundle the duvet up, spread out across the mattress! Instead of forced into a pencil straight position. When it's cold, I can't even curl into myself.
I hate waking up with muscle cramps from my arms forcibly stretched up to the headboards, and my calves burning from being tied to the posts. And sometimes the cuffs rub into my wrists and make them bleed. Like, even in my sleep there's no break from it all."
OC ask tags: @whatwasmyprevioususername
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Whose bracelet was it? Aaron my baby 👀 And how would Josh react if he ever figured out that Felix's first lover died in the basement?
It was indeed Aaron's bracelet 🥺💔 Josh just unfortunately happened to find it before Felix ever did.
Josh would be (will be 😉) inconsolable to find out that not only were there others before him - but one died in the basement. He'd be a WRECK - I think he'd want to fight back and lash out of survival instinct but just falls into terrified subservience instead.
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oddsconvert · 2 years
Felix, if you actually loved Josh you’d be okay with letting him go and live the life he wants to live. You’re not in love, you’re obsessed
Felix has never heard such bullshit in his life. A light-hearted breath huffs from his nostrils, and he continues to ruffle Josh's hair as he sleeps, lookng almost peaceful across his lap and dead to the world.
He hadn't slept a wink in days, and it had taken hours to soothe and settle him down. Shushing his protests and massaging the tenseness from his muscles as he dozed off.
Felix's lips twitch into an amused smile, but internally he's seething at your comment.
"What's funny is... he had no life before me. He had nothing and no-one. It's heartbreaking to watch someone you love-" Felix sneers, "-suffer like that.
He didn't realise what he could have, what I could offer him. Now he's getting a taster, and he's finally opening his eyes. This isn't only the life he wants... it's the one he needs and deserves."
Josh stirs in his sleep, softly murmuring and shuffling. Felix instantly stills, not wanting him to fully awake. Seconds pass and Felix hears the wheezy, whistles of sleeping breaths again, finally relaxing.
"Goddamn, I love him. And there's not a thing that you, or anyone else can say that will ever change that."
OC ask taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername
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oddsconvert · 2 years
did someone say horrible bastard man 👀👀👀👀
☹️ and 🤫 for josh from play pretend <3
☹️ - Is there anything you wish your owner did differently?
"Apart from every single thing he has ever done?
I can't expect much logical thinking from the man. But... he wants me to trust him, to love him? He acts like I've spat in his face and ran over his family if I even dare wince from him after he's beaten me.
I wish he just didn't resort to violence from every small thing. Dragging me down to the basement if ever I look at him the wrong way.
Just that one change would make this hell so much more bearable."
🤫- If you could say anything to your owner with a guarantee of zero consequences, what would it be?
"He's incapable of love. Giving love or being loved.
I'd tell him that no matter what he does, I will never love him. No-one ever will. It's impossible. Who could?! Who in their right mind could love that monster?
And I don't think he even understands what it is to 'love'. All he ever does is make me hurt, and make me hate him more than I thought I ever could. I want to tell him that he will die alone and unloved. That's what he deserves."
OC asks taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Hmmm🤔....what is your favorite color?
Same question for all of your boys
Yellow! 🌼💛☀️ Thank you for asking! What's yours?
Josh: Blue! 🐋💙📘
Declan: Green 🍏💚🌱
Izaak: Purple 🌂💜🌌
Henley: Yellow 🌼💛☀️ (hehe, he just like me fr)
Felix: Red 🍒❤️‍🔥🩸 (colour of love, obviously)
Vince: Black 🐈‍⬛🖤🏴
Ronan: Green 🍏💚🌱
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oddsconvert · 1 year
I've been having a really difficult week (today especially) and I was wondering on your whumpee's once they get out of their captive situations. Do any of them get partners? If they do, who are they?
Oh no! 😢 I'm so sorry to hear that! Sending you all the love and hugs and hope that your week gets better, friend! 💓🫂
Thank you for this ask! I think all my Whumpee's get partners at the end of their ordeal! I like a happy ever after 🙈
Josh gets married to his best friend, Alec! Who plays a ginormous part in the story, both in and out of captivity🥰 I can't wait to write them!
Izaak, many many many years down the line (after a lotttt of wallowing in regret and shame), ends up with a high school sweetheart he reunites with! Who is pivotal in his growth, and reform.
Henley, he might potentially go to one of my friends OC in a lil collab we're working on, who is another whumpee! Or I can see him adopting a little baby girl with a boyfriend!
And I haven't fully developed this yet, but I know Declan will have a wife! I'm thinking maybe they meet through helping and saving bloodbags, or working to close the rift between vampires and humans. He has to have a kid. Uncle August!!! Imagine!!!
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oddsconvert · 2 years
⚰️🍬🕸️(also the 'do you have any lines you won't cross question' the emoji isn't available on my phone D':) for Felix!
From this ask game!
*also if there's any repeat ones I've answered before I've just copied the answers through! ❤️*
⚰️- If whumpee died, how would you react?
"How would I react if I lost my soulmate?
It would be like watching everything crash and burn around me. I don't know how I'll go on... living in a world without Josh in it. It doesn't feel right, it sounds like a fate worse than death. I'd be an incosolable wreck. I can't lose him.
How could I ever be whole again when I've lost my other half?"
🍬- What’s whumpee’s cutest feature?
"Those damn eyes. Have you seen them?! Big, baby blue eyes - I've never seen anything quite like it. I just melt into a puddle whenever I look into them."
🕸- What do you dislike most about them?
"His trust issues. His inability to accept affection or even compliments. His unconditional love and undying devotion to people who couldn't give a shit about him.
I want him to blush and stutter when I call him beautiful, instead he cries. He screams his love for his family and friends off the rooftops but for me? It's an impossibility. It looks like it fucking physically pains him."
🩻- Do you have lines you won’t cross?
"I'm prepared to do anything for my boy. Ride or die. Whatever he needs of me, I'll do it. No questions asked. That's true love right there. I'm willing to do anything for him, cross any lines and ignore my morals.
All for him. I'd lie, kill and steal for him."
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oddsconvert · 2 years
For the truth serum ask: Felix, how many people have you 'brought home' and what happened to them?
From this ask game!
"...Two. I've been in two relationships before Josh. But hey, third time's the charm. I know he's the one, it's different with him. He won't end up like them.
Aaron was the first. It - it wasn't supposed to go how it did...it was my fault. I wasn't careful enough, I should've watched him more. That's why Josh has the cameras down in the basement now. And I won't let him self medicate... I do it for him if he needs it.
We got into a fight one day when I caught him trying to leave me and he sported a nasty whack to the head. I put him on some pretty intense painkillers to keep him subdued whilst they fixed him up. I didn't know he'd been stockpiling them, sticking them under his tongue and then stashing them under his mattress when I left. I found him unresponsive... I couldn't wake him up. I was distraught. I won't make that mistake again.
And then there was Jaime. Nasty little shit. Attractive guy I'll give him that but if I hadn't gave him away, I would have had no qualms in killing the bastard. Always so aggressive, foul mouth on him. Couldn't get along with him. When my friend took a liking to him and asked if I'd consider selling him - I practically leapt at the opportunity.
I hear he's doing well, still about and kicking. That he's settled down a bit and doesn't fight back as much. I should pop in and see him sometime, sure he'd love to see my face."
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oddsconvert · 2 years
issak with his lil mumuring while asleep when ronan slipped the sleeping pills was so adorable,,,
it totally seems like something that would happen to josh and felix. ooh + josh gets sick easily,, felix would find it adorableeeee,
except for the sick part he'd call kurtis be like
in conclusion: murmuring in sleep, out-of-it whumpee fluff is best
I COULDN'T AGREE MORE - MURMURING AND SLEEPY WHUMPEES, MY BELOVED ❤️❤️❤️ (especially if drugged like Izaak)
Josh's temperature being like one degree higher than usual and Felix calling Kurtis up in a panic like "JOSH IS FEVERISH, HE'S BURNING UP! COME QUICK, KUNTRI-"
...In reality tho, Felix really would love if Josh was super sick - he really would find it adorable and enjoy how helpless and entirely reliant he would be on him 😖
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Ooooo Play Pretend and ATOYOM should totally be in the same universe. Felix can get tips on how to beat people into submission from Ronan or vice versa
It would be such a fun little detail! I'm really thinking maybe they could be!
I've always wanted to do my own series collab/appearances or crack fic where my characters meet! My Whumpers all in one room and Whumpee's all in one room 😌😌😌
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oddsconvert · 1 year
So are ATOYOM and Play Pretend in the universe?
I've never actually considered this before and this ask has got this question playing on my mind SO MUCH!!!
I'm so torn! Should it be.... that would be fun. Felix's friends have almost like...pets but not pets. So it could work
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Josh: “love and care and stability would be nice”
Shannon: “Felix. Take it or leave it”
Josh: “…Leaving-“
Shannon: “wrong answer”
.... after Felix is done with him of course 😇
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