#Pls follow and also ask stuff on my MC OC Ask Blog Too!!
seedsinmygarden · 1 year
my guidelines and other notes
i call these guidelines bc i might not even fully follow them lmfao. most of these will definitely be followed though so pls stay within them! imma block you if you don’t, please don’t make me resort to that level. that being said, i do reserve the right to adjust and edit these as i please! i'd love it if you checked back every so often lol
in the mailtray
i reserve the right to delete anything i’m not comfortable with answering! this will include racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, pedophilia, teacher-student relationships, extreme nsfw, and more coming the further i go along.
follow tumblr’s own rules and guidelines as well— linked here!
there will be the occasional nsfw/mdni post! so this blog is absolutely not suited towards minors! (you can filter out the “mature community labels” or mute the tag “#peter’s mallowsweet”)
while on the topic of NSFW— i’m not outright uncomfortable, i’m just not entirely sure yet what i am comfortable with. i’m willing to experiment and broaden my range, however! there will be some things i won’t be cool with, there will be some things i will. we’ll see how it goes.
in terms of requests, i will write anything really!! i only reserve the right to delete anything i’m not comfortable with writing/responding to, as i’ve mentioned before.
Scarlet Raven, the owner of the former hogwartslegacyreactions blog, has given me permission to continue the legacys and stories of her OCs. Those include Amoria Dovah, Scarlet Fawkes, Leon Lancaster, and Cassius Briarwood. These characters are solely hers, and any content of mine involving them goes through her for authenticity sake each time I use them. James Smithson is a “shared OC” between the two of us— she’s had a heavy hand in developing him too, so she deserves some credit for that as well.
All other characters are mine and mine only. You may use any of them in your own stories AS LONG AS YOU ASK PERMISSION and I APPROVE. (Not only for the reason that I would LOVE to help you out a bit as well, I also just don’t want my characters wrongfully villainized or used as a pawn of some sort… idk man, just message me and we’ll chat.)
Phillip Hans and Amoria Dovah are MC characters, with non-MC alternates! If one is MC, the other is not. There can only be one in each universe I write. Everyone else is completely non-MC. Ships between these characters are amazing, you’re absolutely free to ship any of them between each other!
i am 22 years old. i’m willing to be friends if you’re 18+, but any younger than that, i’m not comfortable interacting with on the internet. sorry! (dw im not blocking minors, im just not really open to talking to you more in dms or anything like that)
you may know me from scarlet’s hogwartslegacyreactions blog! i did help with some posts there before life took over lol. some of the stuff i worked on for her is posted here!
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samshogwarts · 4 years
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Hey guys! Little information! The following post is a personal post with some personal information about the "creator" of this blog. So if you are not interested in this kind of stuff, ignore this post pls, because it's getting very personal.
Hey Guys, its me, Janina. The one who made this blog. For everyone who didn't know - Janina is my real name. Anyway.
I got a few messages the last weeks that my enthusiasm feels fake and it's too much. No one could be so happy because someone else draw a little Pic of the OC or stuff. This messages make me think. If it would just one person I would say "OK it's his/her personal opinion". But I got this kind of message from different people. So I were thinking and I realize something.
Yes for someone who didn't know me my enthusiasm could be look like a fake. So I want to explain the situation.
First of all, I don't blame this people who think so and I don't want to change someones mind. But maybe the following information could be a little bit helpful....
I think most of the ppl who interact with me in tumblr are younger than me and don't ask me why, but I want you guys to know that there is someone in this world who like you the way you are and that you art/writings and of Ocs are amazing. And I really think that way.
When I was in your age or even younger I was way to shy to show my art or tell the story I were written. There was simply no one in my life who encouraged me. The only person who got my back was my mum. But you know... If the howl world tell you that you are ugly, useless, untalented and hopeless you don't believe one person who tell the opposite. Especially when it's your own mum. I mean, she had to "love" you. It's her job to tell that.
When I want to become an actor and had to change to do that even my grandmother looked at me "honey.. Who should cast you with your look and that body?"
When I want to become a cutter for movies my father looked at me: " sweetie, you know you need talent for that?"
When I change my style, dry my hair and had my emo phase, ppl at my school try to cut my hair, said I am ugly, through things at me try to hurt me with fire and stuff.
I stopped talking about my problems because my teen friends couldn't handle it. My best friend at this time was a hardcore cutter and she cuts herself even when I tell her what happend with my family. So I never tell anything. (she always called me when she cut herself and ask for help)
People were making fun of my art and my story, so I stopped showing them. I created the first vision of my OC.
This OC has a tragedy backstory, but also the courage and the power to escape this. The power I don't have. I started to hate me for being so weak. And then I readied the last harry potter book when I turn 18. Most of the time I cried, because the harry potter books were always there for me and gave me strange. Don't ask me why, but I feel more welcomed in Hogwarts than in the real world at this time.
And don't ask me why, but after I finished the last book I wanted a change in my life so damm much. And I change a lot. I broke up the contact with my grandmother and my father, the friendships of my teens ends because I were not willing anymore to take anymore everything by myself. But I were still to shy to follow my dreams or showing my true self. The only one who know this things were my mother.
Could you even imagine - a stupid ugly girl like me was even able to find a boyfriend!
But my stupidity reached me and because I was eating all my problems and worries, I got a eating disorder, sleep disorder and with 26 a burn out (lot of stuff happend there, but I don't want to write all the details and get on your nerves 😅)
Anyway I were at my limit and at the bottom of my life. And I thought my best friend at this time would help me. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! No. She was angry with me, fight with me and even try to ruined some of my friendships.
So last year I decided that this would stop right now. I stopped shutting up my mouth. I stopped being passive. I still don't have self-confidence, but I want to enjoy my life and do what ever I want!
And that's the reason why I am so enthusiastic when you guys post something. I think it's amazing how talented you guys are. I mean. Look at all the MCs you created! So different, so mixed, so original! 💙❤️💚💛 You are great creator and great person and I want you to know that.
I don't want to use my past as a excursion for anything. Because of my past, I want to enjoy my life as much as possible and I want to encourage you guys to do the same.
Even if I am just a unknown person on the internet for you, feel free to connect me if you had any problems or worries!
Even if I am just a unknown person on the internet, be sure there is someone who will tell you the truth!
I know I am a strange, crazy person with a strange self reflection. But you know... I am happy what I am (a fighter!)
So this is the reason why I have overreacting sometimes. Their are no fake, it's just my personality which I had to hide for year. So be sure I will continue doing crazy stuff. And I will continue loving you and your stuff. Muahahahaha 😈
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Maybe the strangest post I've ever done over and out. Wish you all a great day! 💙❤️💚💛
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(if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I am a open book)
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flamma-nocturna · 4 years
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-to all who find this, hi! name's Vo, short for Violet, and I'll be your host for my lovely little dumpster blog!
-you can also call me C4, Petrichor (Pet for short), or Cell
-all info about me is in the blog bio! (tho i still think i should make a carrd or smthn-
-i post hella inconsistently, but im usually around here from around 10am-1am est, if ya care (unless i say im inactive of course h-)
My Sideblogs
-Just Shapes & Beats- @long-live-the-boss (returning!!)
-Pokémon- shhh.. coming soon!! (..probably)
-Vent blog- @demon-in-my-head. bc i can't keep putting that crap here.
-please read this before following! and if you do follow, drop a like here to let me know you read this, pls!!!
-this will be edited when new stuff is added, so check back here every now and then!
-last edited- 6.10.2021
-all other info (sona ref, blog icons, tags, likes, uncomfies, dni's, etc.) is under the cut!
Sona Refs
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-click the image for better quality, if needed! ^-^
Blog Icons
-current icon and past ones, just so you know if you've seen me before!
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Personal Tags
Some topics may have multiple tags!!
-Art tag- vo's art gallery, my art
-OCs i draw or talk abt will be tagged as original character, along with oc: [name of the OC]
-Me talking/rambling- vo yaps and yaps
-all asks will be tagged as [url of the asker] (or anonymous, if it came from an anon)
-^^^ i pretty much do this to be organized (and out of habit), but if ya don't wanna be tagged, do tell me!!
-Any music pieces or WIPs I post- vo's tunes, original song
-all albums will be tagged album, along with [the album's title]
-all singles will be tagged single, along with [the single's title]
-Reblogs (if at all)- rebloggle
-Things I consider important (or just straight up are important, like huge vital info posts or smthn)- important
-Vents- vent
-all my vents will only stay here for some time before being moved to the vent blog
Likes & Hobbies
-Drawing (duh)
-Music (mainly listening, but ive been dabbling in making!)
-Designing OCs!! Hell yeah!
-srsly i have a lot plz ask id love to show them off-
-also do share your ocs w/me please i love seeing them-
-Games! Hella games!
-Space/astronomy is v nice
-B/ugs are p cool, too
-So are aliens/extraterrestrials
-And robots-
-Secretly a sucker for picrews and those lil quizzes n stuff. likely wouldn't do them publicly tho,,,
Current interests (in no particular order)-
💜Pokémon (ultra beasts especially h- 💜💜💜)
💜Just Shapes & Beats
Drawn to Life
Project Arrhythmia
Hollow Knight
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Portal/Portal 2
probably some other stuff, i can't remember rn...
Things I'm NOT okay with
-NSFW (bruh for the love of all that's holy and not, no horny around here)
-IRL Current Events (news, politics, drama, etc.) (only SOMETIMES it'd be ok)
THOUGH, that DOES NOT mean I won't ever reblog important posts. I absolutely will, if I see it.
-Certain media followings (please don't try to outright send me/show me these i beg you-)
H*zbin H*tel or H*lluva B*ss (pain)
Fr*day N*ght F*nkin (fear)
MC*YT stuff (i.e. Dre*m smp, etc.) (yeesh)
Don't you even look at me if you:
are racist (including and especially wh*te supr*macist)
are any form of lgbtq+ phobic (from homophobic to biphobic, from transphobic to aspecphobic, etc.)
are a n*zi or support them
support tr*mp
are prejudiced against certain religious people(s) (antisemitic, islamophobic, etc.)
are xenophobic
do/fetishize/support (r*pe, p*dophilia, inc*st)
or are, in any way, shape, or form, a huge piece of shit, akin to the aforementioned.
^And if you even dare to cross my path, I will have you blocked/reported on sight.
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