#new home here we goooo
nwjws · 2 months
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; SYNOPSIS - whether it be in the middle of the halls or during his election speech, heeseung's never passed up an opportunity to ask you out on a date. although you've always said no, that hasn't stopped the boy from trying again anyway - at least until senior year, when he suddenly stopped pursuing you, to your (and everyone's) bewilderment.
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; PAIRING - heeseung x fem!reader
; TAGS - one-shot, fluff, slice of life, highschool au, stuco president!heeseung, vice president!reader, one-sided enemies to lovers ; WARNINGS - angst, mild swearing, light mentions of an abusive ex (not hee's or reader's)
; WC - 11.7k (including the bonus at the end)
; PLAYLIST ► blue butterflies (JIHN) ► line without a hook (ricky montgomery) ► making the bed (olivia rodrigo) ► comfort crowd (conan gray) ► love. (wave to earth)
; AUTHOR'S CORNER ! first fic after hiatus omg. also half the things in this fic rlly happened and the other half were google searches guess which ones are which 😝 i planned to post this on the 17th but i finished it just now and my brain is fried so here we goooo
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you hated lee heeseung.
throughout the three years you've known him, he's been always the bane of your existence. the boy was constantly bugging you and pulling a new stunt to show off and get your attention. all of this just to ask you out on a date - something he's been doing practically every week since the age of fourteen.
seriously, after a hundred 'no's you'd think he'd learn to back off. and yet, he was still persistent in pursuing you.
at least, until your final year began.
see, you two had been competing against each other for the position of student council president at the end of last year. unfortunately for you, he was immensely popular; an actual threat. on top of being the captain for boys' volleyball team, he was class rep. and actively helped out teachers after school. students and teachers alike were drawn in by his hardworking yet casual nature and how easily he talked to others. despite the busy campaigns and rivalry, he still managed to somehow find time to ask you out, ending his final speech with, "and aren't all these qualities worthy of at least one date?"
of course he'd still find a way to make such an important event about asking you out. whoops and cheers echoed the hall, with almost everyone looking at you. everyone knew your history, with half the school on his side, cheering him on and urging you to say yes.
thankfully, the other half of the student body understood that no means no, and were more sympathetic towards you. after all, it's not like you were disliked or anything - you were as well known as h*es*ung.
you yourself had led the school to win several math competitions over the years, and tutored over ten students in your highschool career (get that money girl!). in addition, you were already on the council as the treasurer.
yet, it was his last sentence that one the people over and he'd been chosen as the president, with you as vice.
"just say yes. one date won't hurt," ningning had chuckled when you complained again, once she'd come back from her summer camp.
"my pride and reputation of always saying no will be."
"maybe he'll back off if you do?"
"no number of rejections has stopped him, how would a 'yes' do that?"
"maybe he'll realise you're absolutely undateable," she laughed at you, which had you throwing a pillow at her in retaliation.
you scowled at her before pulling out your phone and finding heeseung's instagram.
"thanks for meeting with us today, i'm sure you guys are excited to go home. first days are always tough." and with that, heeseung closed up the first meeting of the year.
conversation and the screeching of chairs filled the room as everyone began to pack up and leave, bidding goodbye to each other. as president and vice president, you and heeseung were left behind to clean up after the others and sort out other documents and such.
you half-heartedly expected another question of a date from him as you threw away the paper cups and teabags, but it never came.
instead, all he said was, "good job today."
you turned to look at him, with his bag slung over one shoulder and a hand stuffed into his pocket. he gave you a tight smile and left the room after that, reminding you to lock up before you left.
a little disconcerted, you continued the last few tasks while mumbling to yourself, "that ass, making me clean up and not..." you didn't finish that thought. it almost sounded like you wanted him to ask you out on another date. you thought he would though - he always did, but the first day of school passed without incident.
well, it's only the first day. he'll definitely ask you out tomorrow, or later this week. he's never missed a chance to do so during first week of school.
he hasn't asked you out at all. not in the first week, nor the second, or the third.
a whole month had gone by, and all you'd heard from heeseung was student council-related stuff. he hadn't even talked to you outside of meetings.
"did you two fight, or something?" ningning asked you curiously.
"i dunno?" you reply truthfully. you really weren't sure if what was going on between you was a fight or just a change in dynamics. it was confusing.
the rest of the school noticed too; the halls whispered when you passed by, wary and concerned looks thrown your way. someone even asked off handedly in conversation: 'are you two secretly dating, then?' everyone was walking on eggshells around you two.
"well, i guess you can rest now."
"you said you wanted him to stop, didn't you?" ningning raised an eyebrow at you. "who knows how many times you've complained about it to me in the past. it's made up like, half of our conversations in all our years of friendship."
"oh, right."
ningning tilted her head curiously at you. "what's with the disappointed tone?"
"what tone?" you rolled your eyes. "this is perfect! i can finally concentrate on my work without having to be afraid that i'll be distracted by heeseung trying to get me to date him again." after a moment, ningning hummed in agreement.
"and! those girls can stop giving me death glares. i mean - i've already seen so many triumphant looks from them, as if they've already got him in the bag."
"uh-huh," she said sceptically.
"they'd definitely say yes if he asked them out. unlike me. he can actually go and date for once, instead of embarrassing himself with me."
"good. that's good! maybe he'll have a girlfriend by next week. and-"
"okay! i get it, i get it," ningning burst out laughing. "i've never seen you overthink about heeseung this much."
"i can't help it! what would you think if some guy who's been obnoxiously pining over you for years consistently suddenly stopped out of nowhere?"
"hmm... i'd hang out with him, break my leg, therefore obliging him to bring me to the hospital, manipulate him to visit me every day as i recover, be overbearing as hell so that he'd realise he doesn't want me anymore, and poof! he's gone."
you stared at your (possibly insane) best friend (how is she your best friend?!) in alarm.
"...i think it's time for another visit to the psych ward."
you two laughed yourself to stitches. she might be crazy, but she definitely got your mind off heeseung, if only for a little bit.
"you guys don't like sports, do you?"
everyone in the council shook their head.
"well, luckily for you, the student council members aren't be required to participate in sports day. we're only expected to volunteer and help the teachers."
you and the others cheered, relieved you wouldn't have to run yourself to death in the cold wind like last year. you might have been gifted in almost any skill and hobby you picked up, but sports was an exception.
"make sure you do help out, as i'll be taking note of who does what." then, heeseung said in a whisper, as if sharing a secret (who in this room he's hiding it from, you don't know), "and we'll hold a little party here. just us members." that definitely got everyone murmuring excitedly.
in the two previous years you've been in the student council, you've never seen one so lively and reactive to their president. you hate to admit it, but you too could feel your mood lighten up with them whenever heeseung was leading another meeting.
not to mention, he listened intently to the others' concerns, always suggested good solutions, and greeted everyone who entered with a cup of tea. he was a lot more considerate than you'd expected.
see, you hadn't really shared that many classes before. and the one or two you ever did, you avoided him at all costs so you never actually noticed him properly until it was forced right in front of your face.
"on another note, we'd like to take in suggestions for places to visit for an upcoming school trip," you started, garnering their attention.
as you began your part of the meeting, you could feel heeseung's intense stare, but every time you looked at him, he'd turn away.
it was a little frustrating, and you didn't know why. you couldn't figure out why you felt a little more upset every time he'd look somewhere else. was he ignoring you? but, this was a totally normal thing to do, right? so it's not like you could just ask him 'hey, why do you always ignore me when i look at you?', you'd look stupid.
when the meeting ended and everyone else had left, the awkward tension between you two was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"make sure to lock up before you go-"
"did i do something wrong?"
heeseung stared at you, mouth frozen from being cut off mid-sentence.
"what? no. why?"
"i just- well, you-" you stuttered, unsure how to answer. "i guess, i'm not used to you not..."
"to me not asking you to be my girlfriend?" he laughed, but there was an odd lack of humour.
you shrunk into yourself. you should have just kept your mouth shut, now you sounded self-centered.
"nevermind," you huffed.
"i'm just doing what you asked. after the date, remember?" he left before you could say anything else.
after he'd gone, you couldn't even hear the silence he left behind - not when your thoughts rang in your ears. shame, embarrassment, rage. you hated him, heeseung.
but most of all, you hated yourself.
you avoided heeseung at all costs after that incident, at least, whenever you could.
previously, with the lack of interactions you two had, you felt like you barely ever saw him. but now that there was this weird air of tension between you, seeing him at three times a week after school for student council activities suddenly felt too often. every time you were alone with him, you were sure you were as red as a tomato; you developed a habit of letting your hair hide your red ears and hide your face.
when sports day inevitably came, you took over his responsibilities, seeing as he was still a part of the volleyball team. that made him the only one in the student council to join any sports activity, whereas the rest of you relaxed. (the privilege was all thanks to heeseung, who advocated for your guys' exemption from activities after everyone had complained, in return for volunteer work.)
"you haven't gone to the volleyball games yet?" soobin, the treasurer, asked.
"no. i planned out a route to visit all the activities, and the courts happened to be last."
he raised a sceptical eyebrow at you.
"really. it's not because you're trying to steer clear of our dear president or something?"
you cringed. "keep your nose out of our business."
"well, if it's affecting student council activities, isn't it our business too?"
"maybe, but i think your priority should be helping out mrs. shin over there," you pointed to the teacher walking across the field, carrying a bunch of equipment by herself. "'looks pretty heavy, it would look bad if our volunteer wasn't doing his work, now would it?"
soobin gave you a dirty look before leaving to help out, but not before bidding you "good luck!"
when you finally made it to the volleyball courts, you spotted him immediately.
he'd done a spike, the slap echoing so loud that it drew the attention of other students passing by. paired with the sound of feet skidding against the ground and the thumps of balls making contact with skin, you decided that you hated the courts. it felt like walking into a battle zone - always fearing you'll get hit by a ball when you're not looking. once, ningning got hit in the face by a baseball and her eye had actually been pushed inwards into her socket. of course, that wasn't on a court, but you weren't taking your chances.
unfortunately, you still had to make sure everything was going smoothly and take note of how many more rounds were left.
"excuse me! students who aren't playing aren't allowed to step into the courts," the teacher yelled at you from the other side.
"sorry, but i have to check on you guys, i'm part of the student council," you explained as you crept closer.
"my bad, mr. jeon. i forgot to tell you to expect our vice president to come around eventually, since she's taking over my duties for the day," heeseung said as came jogging up to you two.
"ah, really? was volleyball taking up your time? you should have told me! i wouldn't want this to get in the way of your work."
"no, it's okay. i wanted to play, and she's very reliable," he gestured to you.
"if you say so."
"right," you started, finally looking at heeseung for the first time that day. you nodded your thanks to him, to which he gave a quick thumbs up to before rejoining the game.
"how many sets are left?" you asked mr. jeon, pulling out your pen to note down on your clipboard.
"two. this is our final game of the day."
"great! who won for the girl's team earlier today? i'm sorry i couldn't come earlier. i thought it might be best to come later in the day so i could get all the results at once."
"don't worry about it. the boys' games are always more interesting anyway - in the sense that it's a little more dramatic, what with all the force they put in their hits."
right at that moment, the resounding boom of the ball hitting a wall interrupted you two. geez, were these guys playing with a ball or setting off canons? why men are so aggressive, you'll never understand.
"perfect timing," mr. jeon chuckled. "well anyway, the U-16 girls won the first game, but the U-19 team won the second-"
you should have minded the ongoing game. it was the number one rule when you were on a court, but you foolishly got distracted with mr. jeon's own clipboard. of course, the moment you let your guard down, the ball flew your way, right when you were shifting your stance and was therefore a little more unstable than usual.
the volleyball hit you right in the chest, and had you falling to the ground. by instinct, you tried to catch yourself - but instead of your palms reaching out backwards to save you, it was your elbows that hit the ground.
"fuck!" you cried at the pain that seared through your arm.
"oh my god, are you alright?" the team suddenly ran up to you, with mr. jeon himself trying to help you up.
"i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to." one of the team members apologised.
"watch it next time," heeseung's stern voice came, but you were more focused on trying to minimise the pain as much as possible.
"where does it hurt? your elbow? can you try moving it for me?"
you did as mr. jeon instructed, but underestimated how much it would hurt.
"oh, that popping sound does not sound normal," heeseung commented.
"heeseung, take her to the infirmary."
he nodded and grabbed your unaffected elbow, asking if it was okay. you nodded and followed him as he started leading the way to the school nurse.
"does it still hurt?"
"if i move it, yeah."
"sorry about that."
"it's fine. it happens." a quick silence followed.
"well, you should go to the doctor later. the nurse probably won't do much, maybe just hand you an ice pack or something else useless," he joked. you laughed.
"yeah. she never really does much, does she? all those years of school just to hand us ice packs for a broken bone or twisted ankle."
"right! even the PE department is better equipped for more serious injuries."
another bout of silence. you were going to go crazy, either from the awkwardness of it all or the immense pain in your right arm. you looked at heeseung's back, and the sweat on his skin, soaking his shirt.
"hey, you can go back if you want to," you told him suddenly. "i can walk myself to the infirmary, it's not like i hurt my leg or anything."
"i know, but i'd feel more at ease if i saw you there myself. you're my vice president, of course i'm concerned."
well, you didn't know how to feel about that. you've been downgraded from his crush to coworker, but he still cares for you. so maybe that was a plus?
"i see."
as expected, you were given a cold pack for your elbow and sent to the local hospital. luckily, it was only a ten minute drive and the nurse accompanied you as a staff member drove you two there. heeseung watched you get in the car and leave, going back to his game.
the next time you went to school (two days later), your right arm was in a sling and you pretended like that wasn’t just the most embarrassing moment of your life.
“you’re ambidextrous?” heeseung whispered to you while everyone else was focused on the movie projected.
the council had waited for you to return before they held their (secret) party, since it just felt wrong to hold one when their vice president was suffering in pain and away. up until now, heeseung had only known you used your right hand from all those meetings.
he'd been paying attention to that?
“i’m a better writer with my right.”
“but you can still write well with your left,” he said, impressed. “you really are amazing”
you stared at him, the look of awe on his face, and the slight smile of his mouth. you really had no idea what to say, flustered by his comment.
then he seemed to realise what he was doing, and quickly turned to back to the movie.
“my mom wanted a left-handed daughter, and would always switch the pencil to my left hand when i was younger,” you told him. you had the sudden urge to spill a bit more of your life to him.
“ah, really?” he replied, still looking the other way.
“yeah, but at that point i was already used to my right. i ended up being able to write with both hands though.”
“oh, you can do that?” soobin joined in the conversation. you nodded at him with wide eyes, not expecting the sudden interruption.
“do what?” hanni asked.
“she can write using both her hands. isn’t she so cool?”
“really?” she gasped, looking at the pen in your left hand. “wow. our vice president is way cooler than the president himself.”
“hey!” heeseung exclaimed as everyone giggled.
“seriously though, she’s the whole package. smart, talented, and pretty?” soobin lowered his voice in a mock-whisper, “i can treat you way better than this guy," he joked, pointing his thumb at heeseung.
“alright, i think we need to get a new treasurer,” heeseung suddenly said. he pointed at the projection and yelled, “look! ernesto's actually the villain!” this successfully put everyone's attention back on the movie, all shocked by the plot twist. (you already knew, because coco was your favourite airplane movie.)
when the party finished up, heeseung actually stayed behind this time, and helped you clean up.
“oh, you really don’t have to,” you told him.
“it’s fine, it’s quicker like this. it’s not fair to make you clean up when you don’t have two working hands.”
you watched as he put away the heavy binders and throw out the trash, feeling a little off-put by the new scene. you thought that maybe you should just go home and leave him to lock up, but he wasn’t saying anything, so you stayed and kept him company. his presence was surprisingly comforting.
“you have the keys?”
“yeah,” you answered, trying to open your backpack.
heeseung made his way over and opened your bag for you. “here, i’ll get it. tell me where it is.”
“oh, uhhh in the pocket there. the left one.”
he found the keys and took them before closing the bag again. he waited for you to put it back on, but noticed you struggling a little with the books in your arm.
“why don’t you just put these in your bag?” he asked, taking them from your good arm and helping you slip your injured one through a strap.
“it’ll be really heavy if i do.” you then thanked him, gesturing for him to give back your textbooks.
instead, he kept them, even holding the door open and waiting for you to pass by first.
“where do you live? i’ll try to help you bring these home.”
“you really-”
“it’s fine, i promise. in fact, i insist.” at your expression, he added, “what kind of president would i be if i didn’t help out my vice?”
right. president. and vice president. not friends, not even classmates. just coworkers.
you rolled your eyes and let him help you. “i usually take the bus home. the one that goes to the museum.”
“ah, i know that one. i usually walk home, but i think there’s a stop that bus goes to that’s near my house. so let’s go.”
heeseung led the way, walking in front of you so you took the chance to observe him from behind.
recently, you noticed that although he always looked put together and clean at the beginning of the day, his hair and clothes felt more loose and casual towards the end of the day - particularly on the longer days where there were council meetings after school. you like this version of him; you feel closer to this heeseung, because it’s a side that only you (and the other members) got to see. it felt a little bit like a secret.
“sorry, looks like my stop is earlier than yours. are you fine with carrying these yourself from here?”
“alright. well then, okay.” when he stood up as the bus stopped, he turned to you and waved lightly. “bye bye!” it was a little endearing - the way he'd said it.
“see you.”
you immediately flopped onto your bed when you reached home (on your back side, of course). it was an… odd day, but you didn’t dislike it.
after a bit of a struggle, you finally fished your phone from your bag, sending ningning a message.
“i think you took my advice too seriously,” ningning chortled during class the next day. “when i said i’d break my leg i didn’t mean actually getting injured!”
you dragged your hand down your face, asking whatever being was listening to your pleas to make your best friend stop teasing you.
“it’s not like i sprained my elbow on purpose??”
“oh girl, you don’t have a single athletic bone do you?”
“you know what, maybe i need to learn to shut up and stop telling you things.”
“i know you won’t. when you’re with me, your attempt at a mysterious persona disappears…”
“are you saying i’m loud?” you ask in mock-offense.
“i’m saying you yap a lot,” she rolls her eyes playfully. “but seriously, who knew getting hit by a volleyball would lead you and The Heeseung finally talk. maybe that guy should’ve thrown one at you when we were fourteen.”
“when did you start rooting for him?” you raised an eyebrow at her.
“i just thought he deserved a chance,” she shrugged nonchalantly, but the way she turned away didn’t sit right with you.
“oh, okay,” was all you came up with.
“so, anyway,” she started again after a moment. “i stalked my ex’s spotify and-”
“oh my god,” you groaned at the mention of her ex. “ningning i told you before, you need to forget about him.”
“i know, i know. but i couldn’t help it! his user was just there on the side, and he was listening to memories!! by conan gray!! i had to see what playlist he was listening to.”
“you need to block his spotify.”
“but that’s so embarrassing. it’s never that deep.”
“if you can’t move on from someone who convinced you that you were nothing without him, then maybe it is that deep.”
ningning sighed. “okay, i’ll block him. but do you want to know what his latest playlist was about?”
“duh,” you laughed as ningning pulled out her phone, promising to block him after.
heeseung continued to help you on the way home every time you guys had a meeting, to your surprise. during those bus rides home, you learned way more about the boy in three weeks than you ever had in your three and a half years of knowing each other. you wondered what had made him like you so much before this if he never even really knew you.
“but i did,” he said. “i did know you.”
“did you really?” you asked, thinking he was joking.
“well, at first, i obviously didn’t. i just thought you were pretty, and fun to annoy. so i kept asking you out just to see your response. after that, i did begin to like you - on a superficial level, of course; i was fifteen!”
you listened intently, finally getting answers to a question you didn’t realise you’d been curious about for so long yourself. heeseung didn’t look at you at all during his monologue, but straight forward instead. so you were able to observe the way the gold light from the sun highlighted his features perfectly. (did he always have such a perfect nose?)
“and then there was a time where i just got tired of it. i wanted to stop, but then everyone would have thought it was out of character. so even though i didn’t even like you anymore - in fact, i hated you, i still kept asking you out. just for show. stupid, right?
“but then, one time, i accidentally ran into you at a shop with ningning. actually, more like i saw you and hid behind one of the aisles. but i heard you say you wanted to get something for your siblings too, and i was like, ‘wow, she actually cares about others?’ back then, i was convinced you only thought about yourself.
“another time, you posted one of your competition wins on your instagram, and i could see from the caption how much you adored your team, even tagging each one of them and thanking them individually. i had never seen someone put that much effort into a simple win before. i kind of felt like i wasn’t thankful enough to my own volleyball team,” he chuckled to himself.
“what really had me falling for you though was when you tutored my sister last year . before that, she'd been going through some sort of mental struggle, what with being bullied at school and coming home to our parents telling her she should be ashamed of her grades. i felt so bad that i couldn’t do anything, you know? her older brother; her protector, but couldn’t do anything against the very people who should have been protecting the both of us. when she’d been signed up with you though, she came home for the first time in a good mood - she was humming! and i asked if something good happened at school, and she told me all about her amazing tutor that assured her she wasn’t the useless being she thought she was. how she was finally beginning to understand school for once, and looked forward to your sessions. when i learned that was you, i wanted so surprised, but so grateful."
you had never felt so touched until now. somehow, heeseung’s words made you feel like you really were worth more than you believed.
“really? wait, who’s your sister?”
“lee haseul. the one with autism, remember?”
“ah yes, of course i do!” you said, the name ringing a bell in your head. “she was definitely a little harder to tutor, but once we found a way to use her fixation on cars and link it to what we were learning, it was smooth sailing from there.”
“i really have no idea how you did that, but you have no idea the impact that had on me and my family. sometimes she asks me what it’s like working with you,” he finally turned to look at you, a pretty smile on his face. your face burned at the adoration on his face, looking away yourself.
“i hope you tell her good things about me.”
“there’s not a bad thing to say.”
when heeseung left the bus that day, a part of him still stayed with you, as words that constantly replayed in your mind.
it made you feel a little self-conscious, knowing that he’d been watching you this closely all this time. you felt like your efforts were appreciated, and that they weren’t for nothing after all. while your admiration of him only begun after really seeing him work on the council, his respect for you had been brewing for way longer.
you went to bed thinking about him way more than you usually did (and you’ve been thinking about him more often since you sprained your elbow). you found yourself a little more excited for the next meeting day, when he’d go home with you again.
what would you guys talk about? will he tell you more of his thoughts? maybe his other interests? should you ask about his team and work? how was he handling all that? or perhaps you should ask about his sister. anything, really. you just wanted to talk. to him.
oh no, you sounded like a typical high school girl with a crush just now, didn’t you? (well, that’s exactly what you are - no shame in that, though!) if your arm wasn’t injured, you would have been punching your pillow and screaming into it right now.
oh, right - the elbow. for the first time, you really didn’t want it to heal. you wanted it to stay sprained for as long as possible, but that would be stupid, and inconvenient. but then, how else would you talk to heeseung outside of council work? it’s not like you two shared any classes, nor did you run in the same circles at school. the bus rides home were really the only times you got to really talk to heeseung, without all the eyes watching you two.
a small part of you began to dread the day your cast came off, because that would mean heeseung would stop talking to you again, right? he wouldn’t have any reason to riding home with you, and it would go back to that awkward thing you two had.
you sigh and turn over, careful with your arm, and finally fall into a fitful sleep.
“you’re staring at him again.”
that sentence had you flinching away and turning back to ningning, looking at you with a knowing glint.
“i can’t help it! his hair just looks so messy, obviously i’m going to notice.”
“his hair looks the same way it always does…”
“well- look at him walking around like he owns the place! he thinks he’s the shit, doesn’t he?”
“to be fair, he’s the student body president and captain of the volleyball team. maybe he is.”
“why are you defending him?!” you cried at all her replies.
“why are you trying to hard to hate him! we both know how much you li-”
“okay, okay, shhhh,” you shut her up by covering her mouth. really, she needed to learn to shut up. it’s not like the whole world needed to know about your massive crush on the boy you previously hated.
ningning pushed your hands away. “why are you more fixated on him today than usual anyway?”
"okay, first of all," you scoffed at her. "you make it sound like i'm always fixated on him."
"you are."
you rolled your eyes, then bit your lip after a moment of thought, knowing that whatever you were about to say would sound stupid(ly in love).
“it’s just that, i finally got my cast off this past weekend, so i can carry my books home perfectly fine again.”
“ah, and so he won’t be escorting you home anymore like he had been these past five weeks,” ningning finished your train of thought.
you buried your face in your arms, flushing bright red. “god, i sound like an idiot. i hate that i even thought that.”
the girl laughed at you, but patted your back consolingly.
“don’t worry about it. i don’t think heeseung’s gonna stop taking the bus with you just because you’re healed now. trust me, he’s one of the caring people i know.” was that a bit of sadness and longing? maybe you were interpreting her tone wrong.
“he probably will! it’s not like he used to take the bus home before i got hurt.” you peeked up at her. “is it wrong to ask you to throw another ball at me?”
when that day’s meeting finally ended, you and heeseung worked in tandem, tidying up the room before locking up, albeit a little more slowly. it was like both of you were waiting for something, but never said it out loud,
as you finally made your way out the school, you and heeseung turned to each other, hoping the other would say something.
“well-” heeseung started at the same time you said, “are you-”
after a brief moment of awkward silence, you guys burst into soft laughter at the silliness of the situation. what were you so afraid of anyway?
“do you still want to ride with me?” you finally asked him.
“if that’s okay with you.”
“of course it is,” you rolled your eyes playfully, falling into step with him.
“honestly, i thought you were going to go back to walking home after i healed up,” you confessed to him on the bus. “it made me kind of sad.”
“you’d miss me?” he teased, but there was excitement in his tone. he was elated.
“well, these rides are kind of fun! i wish i got to know you like this sooner. and then i thought we’d go back to the way we were before after this, but ningning assured me that it’d be fine.”
“ah yeah, ningning’s cool. wish i had a close friend like her by my side.”
it didn’t click until now how they seemed to be familiar with each other. when did heeseung and ningning become friends? in fact, when did they get a chance to even talk to each other?
“are you friends with her?” you tried to ask nonchalantly, like the topic wasn’t bugging you now. if those two were friends, why didn’t ningning mention it to you?
heeseung seemed to notice the shift in your mood though. “we’re just friends, promise. there’s nothing between us.”
that eased you a little, but that wasn’t really your main concern.
“that’s nice to know. but how did you become friends? i thought you two were was close as me and you were before all this.”
“oh! we met up at summer camp. it was purely by coincidence; my parents decided to send me to one last summer, and she happened to be there. i didn’t know anyone else, so i stuck by her for most of the two weeks we were there. we got to know each other then.”
ningning’s summer camp. last summer had been her third year there, so she wasn’t new or anything. the programme usually lasted two weeks, and they’d take away their phones during that time, so you’d have no contact with her until it ended.
but you’re surprised she didn’t tell you about it when she came back. after all, she had said it was ‘just as usual’, but seeing the new face of your best friend’s (previously) most hated person didn’t seem like nothing.
“i swear though, there was nothing between us back then.”
“i see.”
“i hadn’t talked to her much after my date with you-”
the date. ningning had been the one to push you to go. but why? even if her and heeseung became friends during camp, you and her were still closer. so why did she switch sides? you’d thought it was odd how she was suddenly encouraging you to say yes, when she’d spent the last four years sticking her tongue out at heeseung by your side.
the date, which had gone both so bad and yet so good. when everything had gone terribly wrong, but heeseung did everything right.
“i’m so sorry for being late!” heeseung panted as he ran up to your table.
“the one time i give you a chance, and you’re an hour late, lee.”
“i know, i know. it’s just that my sister-”
“i’m not hearing out any excuses,” you huffed.
you’d felt so humiliated waiting for him. you were shaking, your hair was frizzy with stress and your make up probably a little smudged too. the staff had even given you a free cheesecake slice out of pity. a pity cake.
“whatever, you’re here now, so let’s get this over with”
the waitress came over and gave you an encouraging look (which you ignored) and took your orders. when your meals arrived, you stared at the orange slices in the sauce of your orange chicken. although you hated them, you actually loved the sauce and chicken itself, so you ordered them every time you went to a chinese restaurant.
“you don’t like the oranges?” heeseung asked after seeing you pick them out.
“not really, no. i don’t know how to explain it; i love orange chicken, but i hate actually seeing the oranges on the sauce. it’s a little bit jarring for me, fruits and savoury foods together just don’t make sense to me visually, but when i taste them, they’re so good. just like pineapples on pizza, you get me?”
“i guess,” he thinks out loud. he uses his own chopsticks and starts picking them out from your plate, placing them onto his. “mind if i take these then? i love oranges.”
“i’ve literally seen you throw out a whole orange at school before.”
“you were watching?” he smiled sheepishly, a light pink tint to his cheeks.
“n-not particularly.” you look back down at your food, focusing on your task. you need to be more careful with what you say.
after a terrible start to your date, the rest of your lunch went okay. it wasn’t too bad, and you two started discussing your next plan: watching a movie.
“i’m not even a marvel fan,” you told heeseung after he said he’d gotten two tickets for spiderman: no way home.
“don’t worry, i’ll explain everything to you during the movie.”
“really? also, isn’t a movie a terrible date idea? we wouldn’t really talk to each other.”
“well, i will. i tend to talk a lot during movies.” he turned to you with an apologetic look. “i hope you won’t mind.”
“i’ll need it, won’t i?”
turns out you didn’t need his talking during the movie because you two didn't even get to watch it. a kitchen in the food court next to the theatre had gone up in flames, with the fire spreading to it’s surroundings. thankfully, no one died, but the damage was pretty severe, with half the mall having to close down until reparations are finished. and who knows how long that’ll take…
“oh! well, it’s a good thing i was a little late then, right?” heeseung tried to lighten up this messy date as you two passed by the mall which was now in ashes.
“i guess,” you mumbled. “so what now?”
“well, how about a little bowling?” he suggested.
you nodded, and he drove you two to the local bowling alley. you hadn't done it since you were eight, so heeseung showed you how to do it on your first turn.
“swing your arm like this,” he said, holding onto your bicep and holding onto the ball for you.
“you can let go, you know. i can carry the weight, it’s only the small size after all.”
“i know, but it’s just for demonstration. i’m going to let go of the ball now, okay? make sure to hold tightly,” he looked at you intently. geez, how could someone telling you to hold a bowling ball look at you like you hung the stars?
well, you didn’t really need his help anyway. your instincts kicked in and you managed to hit nine pins all together on your first, with similar numbers for the rest of the rounds. you even got a strike twice!
“are you sure you’ve never bowled before?” heeseung chuckled in awe.
“it always surprises me how easily you pick up things.”
and then you hit very few pins every single round after that in the second game.
you hadn’t been able to finish your second game however, because a heavy downpour suddenly came down.
“oh my god, the water is rising so fast,” you called over to heeseung as you looked out the glass doors of the main exit. if the floor hadn’t been lifted, the water would have started flowing in by now.
“crap, should we go home before it gets worse?”
“i suggest you should, kids,” the man behind the counter gruffed. he himself was getting ready to go, with the other customers running outside to their own cars.
heeseung looked outside and then at you.
“you can’t walk outside in those shoes, they’ll get wet.”
you were wearing pointy slip ons that would definitely get wet and soaked if you took a step outside, but it’s not like you had a choice.
“it’s alright, let’s just go-woah!”
heeseung picked you up bridal style and started making his way to his car, going fast but careful not to slip.
“hey! let me down!”
“no way, we’re almost there.”
you tried to fight him off, but he just held tightly until you reached the car, and he gently set you down into the passenger seat before backing out of the parking lot.
“are you crazy?”
“are you?” he retorted. “like hell i’m letting you get all soaked on our first date.”
you wheezed. “this date was so unlucky. who imagined everything that happened could’ve happened.”
“i know! and i wanted to make a good impression so bad. it’s like the world is against me,” he whined.
as you finally reached the front of your apartment complex, heeseung turned to you one last time.
“i’m sorry for everything that went wrong. please let me make it up to you.” he sucked in a breath, and you realised what he was going to say just a moment before he did.
“will you let me take you out on another date?”
yes. absolutely. this was fun. it was terrible, but i had a great time. wait, is this him asking me to be his girlfriend? i should ask. if he says yes, would i say yes? i don’t know, i don’t know him that well. i’ve only really only talked to him today. today’s date. everything went wrong. what if that was a sign? if i say yes, will all our dates just keep going to shit? no way, today was just an anomaly. we’ll be fine. but then when i go back to school, everyone will know. they’ll all look at me like they knew this would happen. they’ll clap him on the back and whoop in the halls, that’ll be so embarrassing. i hate that. maybe i should say no. but he was so sweet. it’s not his fault. but i wouldn’t be able to handle the attention. maybe i should-
“oh… i see.”
you looked up at him in confusion. but he wasn’t looking at you anymore. just straight ahead.
had you said something out loud? your thoughts were running wild, and you really couldn’t make up your mind.
“okay, well. have a good night,” heeseung said. when did he make his way to your door? even through the heartbreak clearly displayed in his voice, he still went out and opened the door for you. or maybe he was kicking you out of his car. was ningning right? had he thought you were undateable?
too much. too much was happening; so much happened today that you couldn’t form an answer. heeseung took your silence as a no (or did you actually say no? out of instinct?), which made your mind even more befuddled. you weren’t sure if you were even forming a coherent thought.
“oh, okay.”
you somehow made it out of the car and to the entrance of the apartment. turning back, you found heeseung’s car still there, with him watching you. you gave a weak wave, one he didn’t return, and punched in your house number.
at the last moment, you wanted to say something. anything, you didn’t know what. but when you around back to him again, he was gone.
you didn’t sleep at all that night. or maybe you did? you couldn’t tell. you’d been so worried over that last moment with heeseung, and had replayed it so many times in your head.
eventually, you convinced yourself that things were fine. that maybe you just imagined it. maybe it wasn’t that bad, and things would go back to normal at school.
definitely. he’ll definitely get back to his shenanigans when school started up again. there wasn’t some sort of finality in his tone - no you just imagined it.
you were wrong.
“why didn’t you tell me you met heeseung at summer camp?”
“how’d you-”
“he told me.” you looked at ningning intently. “but it should have been you.”
“i just- i didn’t think it was worth mentioning! you hated the guy, and it’s not like him being there would have affected you in any way,” she defended herself.
“sure, but i would have appreciated hearing it from you. you knew i’ve had a crush on him for months now, and you could have mentioned it to me?? summer camp was in july; it’s already march for fuck’s sake!”
“i wanted to! i just couldn’t find the right time. you were always busy with student council stuff, and whenever you were free you always talked about heeseung,” he huffed exasperatedly. “how was i supposed to just go, ‘by the way, your crush paid me to set you guys up!’”
your head snapped towards her.
“what do you mean wh-” when ningning saw the look on your face, she slapped her hands over her mouth. “you didn’t know about that part...”
“no. i didn’t,” you seethed. “well, i’m glad i got to hear at least something from you.”
you stormed out, ignoring ningning’s pleas of ‘wait! hear me out!’
a fool, that’s what you were. somehow, ningning’s behaviour was even more clear. your best friend had been paid to convince you to say yes. who would have thought she was easily swayed by a few bucks?
and to think that heeseung was really that desperate to take you on a date, going so far as to pay someone close to you to get you to agree? wow, he really was a grade A asshole. sports day had just been topped by ‘being played by my own best friend and crush’ on your list of most embarrassing moments.
speed walking through the halls, you couldn’t stand to look at the pictures of you and heeseung’s faces on the student council board. it hurt so bad, that your feelings could just be easily bought. that someone you considered as family could sell you out like this. that the guy you’d fallen for would go to this length to ‘get you’.
at the bus stop, you saw the man himself smile brightly at you and wave, like he didn’t pay your best friend to get you to go in a date with him. one thing that never fails to amaze you is the audacity of men.
was it all a lie? was his kind-hearted and caring personality all fake? just another thing he did to get your attention? did you truly know heeseung like you thought? or just the 'heeseung' he wanted you to see?
you pointedly looked away, and decided to go home by foot. it was twenty minutes away by walking, but that was enough time for you to at least calm down a little and think about it more. sort out your mind.
you ended up skipping the rest of the week, convincing your parents you were sick (by putting a hot pack on your face and neck before they checked). otherwise, you might have actually broken down right then at school if you saw either heeseung or ningning.
"is everything okay?" soobin asked one day.
"yeah! everything's fine," you said cheerily. "why do you ask?"
"well, it's just that you've been sitting with us instead of ningning."
looking at soobin and his friends, you finally noticed the slight awkward air in the group because of your presence. to be fair, you weren't really close with them to begin with. or anyone. you spent most of your lunch breaks with ningning, but now that you've refused to talk to her for the last two weeks, you've been floating between different groups. sometimes, you even spent lunch in the toilets or the student council room.
but who else could you spend it with? you weren't ready to face ningning yet, and it was already hard enough tolerating heeseung during meetings. you didn't miss the worried looks from him, and he's tried to talk to you several times (which you always declined).
a sigh escapes you, and you massage your forehead. obviously, you needed to confront them both eventually. but not right now. whatever the answer is, you don't think you'd be able to handle it right now.
"do you want to talk about it?" soobin asked, a low volume only for you to hear.
"maybe later," you admitted. it would be a good idea to tell an outsider all of this, especially to soobin, who's always been a great advice-giver.
"there won't be a meeting this friday; seniors are having a rehearsal for the graduation ceremony then. the school wanted to have one before finals started," heeseung told the council. he looked around and asked, "anything else?" at everyone's silence, he nodded and closed the meeting. everyone bid their goodbyes and left, except soobin.
heeseung stared at you with anticipation and uncertainty. he'd given up on asking you to talk for a while now, but still waited for you to act first. he understood that you'd come to him when you were ready.
you looked up at soobin, looking at you with a similar expression, but one that had more curiousity and less anxiety.
"let's go?" he asked. you nodded and followed him out, leaving heeseung to lock up on his own.
you started doing that ever since The Incident. of course, you didn't leave all the clean up work to him, but you rushed your own responsibilities to minimise as much time you had to spend with him as possible.
you and soobin turned back, finding the voice belonging to heeseung. he was standing outside the student council room, looking at you two, fuming. you could practically see the steam coming out his ears.
"you ignore and shun me away, refusing to talk about this issue between us, but talk to soobin about it instead? why are you dragging him into this??"
you rolled your eyes and turned to him fully, blood boiling. "i'm not 'dragging him into this'. i just wanted to talk to someone, is that so wrong?" you retorted.
"yes! you seriously think getting soobin's opinion is gonna help?"
"am i not allowed to talk to him now? are you going to pay him to stop talking to me too?"
"god, i know it was wrong of me, okay?! i'm sorry, it was shitty of me."
"your apology isn't going to suddenly make everything better. it won't take back what you did."
"i know. but please, talk to me. it's driving me crazy, how you go about acting normal with everyone but me. this whole year, did you not feel anything for me at all? do you really hate me?" he asked, his voice cracking at the end. "if you do, tell me now. so i can finally move on."
you stared at the boy, and the way the late afternoon sunlight hit him from behind. you could barely make out his expression, but maybe that was for the better. you probably wouldn't have been able to turn away and stand your ground if you saw the look on his face.
"you can't say that. not when you were the one who put yourself in this situation. did you think i would never find out? that you bribed my best friend into setting me up with you?" you heard soobin's surprised gasp on the side.
although you had your back to heeseung, you could still imagine what he looked like. the scene broke your heart, but not as much as it did when you found out that ningning had even agreed to such a thing.
after it was clear he wasn't going to reply, you started walking away, with soobin tailing you.
"wow... so that's what happened," was the first thing he said after a few minutes of silence.
"what a dick move."
you sighed, the adrenaline leaving you and now realising how loud you two had been. there weren't many students left at school, but a teacher or two probably heard the commotion. you'll be the hot topic of the staff lounge room for sure.
when you finally explained it all to soobin, he was quiet for a moment, thoughtful.
"i honestly never expected this from heeseung. it just- it doesn't seem like him."
"that's what i thought too. a little part of me wishes it's all some misunderstanding, but i don't know how it could be twisted any other way."
soobin hummed in agreement. "but, i noticed one thing from all of this though: you still call ningning your best friend," he pointed out. "despite everything, you've already forgiven her. or at least, you've begun to."
you bit your lip, realising he was right. you were beginning to accept it. she seemed genuinely sorry, and you could never hate her forever.
"it's just that - after getting to know heeseung, i felt like a terrible person for not giving him a chance. for always turning him down harshly. maybe i drove him to bribe ningning, maybe she got fed up with me too. i couldn't help but feel guilty for causing both of them to act like this.
"and i know this sounds wrong... but somehow, i felt a little relieved that i wasn't the only person in the wrong. that i wasn't the only asshole in this story - isn't that such a twisted thought?"
soobin melted when he saw your face, and pulled you in for a hug.
"of course not. it's alright to feel like this, you know? it's what makes us human, and what are humans without complicated feelings?"
and just like that, a dam was broken. you didn't realise how much you needed to hear those words until he said them.
it wasn't until may that you finally mustered up the courage to finally talk to ningning, and it seemed she had the same idea too.
"please, can we talk?" she asked at the same time you called her name.
"i was just about to ask the same thing."
once you two found an empty classroom, ningning started immediately.
"listen," she called for your attention. "i'm so sorry. you have no idea how many times i want to say it; i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. it was such a light offer, really. i didn't realise the meaning it would have in the moment."
"what do you mean, a 'light offer'?"
"during camp, i had bought heeseung's sister some ice cream because she was being left out by the other kids. it was only like two dollars, but heeseung insisted on repaying. but the smallest bill he had was a five, so obviously i refused. but he kept asking me to take it and i told him that if i took it, i'd be the one in debt to him instead. so he made a light-hearted joke about getting you to go on a date with him, so that there'd be no hard feelings between us." she looked up at you pleadingly. "we'd been joking around, i didn't even realise the reality of his question. but when i got back from camp, i didn't think you'd actually go on one with him."
"you kept bringing it up; i trusted your opinion."
"i did, but i didn't really mean it. i was hoping you'd continue to say no, and i could just tell him something like 'sorry, i tried. here's your three dollars back.'"
"you didn't mean it?" you prodded.
ningning looked down at her hands and sighed. you could tell something was weighing on her.
"the truth is... i ended up catching feelings for heeseung. you know how i'd just broken up with my ex recently."
you thought back to her ex, who had isolated ningning from you and her other friends. how she'd come to school covered up even in the heat. the way she'd lost a worrying amount of weight. in all honesty, you should have tried to pry more; to break her out of this toxic relationship. but instead, you told yourself that there wasn't anything you could do, and left her to deal with the abuse on her own.
the guilt ate you, but you distracted yourself with work (and heeseung). god, you're so self-centred, aren't you?
"oh yeah, i remember very well."
"exactly," she says, hearing the loathing in your voice. "heeseung was the first person to show me genuine kindness after that whole affair. and so i found myself watching him over those two weeks, falling for him. and i thought to myself: if you didn't want him, then could i? i feel like the worst person ever, how could i even think that?"
her voice broke at the end, and you could see her silently crying; tears poured down her face but her sobs were inaudible. you'd noticed it was a habit she formed after getting with her ex. she'd never cried much before him, but she used to cry as loudly as you. you placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"it's okay. you're not the only one with shitty thoughts."
her wide eyes peered up at you, sparkling with tears. she wrapped her arms around you, and you reciprocated the embrace.
the way she'd hiccuped and the wet spot you could feel forming on your shirt yet the silent sobs broke your own heart, and you had to force your own tears down.
"i'm sorry too. i was too absorbed in my own life that i didn't pay enough attention to the way you were breaking. i mean, how did i not notice anything all this time?"
you wondered if her smile had ever wavered when she was with you, if she had to fake a laugh, or even force herself to talk to you this past year. dealing with her own problems on her own, while you vented to her yours. if she had, you didn't notice (someone give you a 'best friend of the year' award right now!).
as much as you wanted to hate her for liking heeseung, you didn't. you understood her feelings, especially after getting to know the boy himself. he brought a sense of safety with him wherever he went - so how could you ever hate your best friend for needing that security when no one else offered it to her?
"wait, can i ask you something?" you asked. ningning slipped from the embrace, nodding.
"if you liked heeseung, then why did you still ask me to accept his date offers? you could have just kept it from me, and told him that i said no. was it really just because of the three dollar 'debt'?"
"ah, right. well, when he'd asked me to get you to go on a date with me, it reminded me just how much he liked you. i don't think he'd ever see me the same way, not when his sights are so fixed on you. and after getting a taste of his hospitality, i felt that you deserved it too. that not only did he deserve a chance, but so did you.
"i realised that you needed someone like him. i couldn't give you the care and support he could, not when i'm too absorbed by my own problems. and i knew you were feeling guilty, and heeseung was the only one who could really understand you."
oh, you really were going to either jump off a cliff or hug her so tight her eyeballs might pop out. even when you neglected, she still thought about you through it all. heeseung was wrong, he made you out to be this caring person who thought of others, but that person was really ningning.
"but, what about you? you need care and support too."
"it wouldn't work out between us, he's not the kind of person i want. he was just the first kind person in a while. i need to heal and learn to be more independent myself."
a quiet moment followed, with the both of you lost in your thoughts and emotions. you hadn't felt this lonely in so long, and a weight had finally been lifted from your shoulders.
"so what are you going to do? have you talked to heeseung yet?"
"no, not yet. but he's waited four years now, he can wait a little longer. i just want to spend time with my best friend right now."
'a little longer' ended up being another month. when finals started, the school let the older years off on study leave to focus on exams. so you didn't end up seeing heeseung until the final graduation rehearsal.
as president and vice president, you two were expected to perform a speech and be next to each other the whole ceremony. so you decided it was the perfect time to confront him then.
"heeseung, wait," you called, grabbing onto his wrist as he walked by.
he immediately paused in his tracks, whipping around to look at you with wide eyes, surprised you'd finally decided to talk to him. you glanced at his friends behind him, all with a mix of curious and knowing looks.
"oh, uh, you guys can go ahead," he told them, and they left you two alone.
"i made up with ningning..." you told him.
"i see! that- that's good. im happy you guys did."
"...and i'm sorry. for making a big deal out of nothing. for making you wait so long. you're seriously one of the sweetest people i've ever met. you didn't deserve that."
heeseung shook his head in protest. "no, don't say that. i'd wait for you as long as you want, even if you never accept me. and it was a big deal. i'm guessing she told you?" you nodded. "it was fucked up of me to even make a joke like that. in fact, it was worse than if it was a genuine deal. and i can't just buy your love with three dollars, you're worth more than that." you tried to say something, but heeseung continued.
"i screwed up, i know. but i never lied to you. if there's one thing i've always been sure of, it was loving you. don't you ever feel like you have to love me back though, it's not something you can force. but i'll always have your back. no matter how many fights, how many fuck-ups, or if i ever lose my feelings for you - which might never happen. you can always fall back on me for support."
your eyes watered at his sincerity, feeling unworthy of his kindness.
"i don't deserve that though. ningning does."
"you both do. listen to me," he said, grabbing onto your shoulders and forcing you to look up at him. "don't you ever dare say that you're undeserving of love and support. every one does, but i know who you are; i know how hard you work and your honesty. and i want to guarantee you a home with me, if you ever need one. because i love you."
wow. you've cried so much these past few months, and you're sure you're about to start again. heeseung wiped your tears with his thumb, and your heart swelled.
a year ago, you would have never even thought of accepting heeseung's feelings. a few months ago, you thought you had just missed him, finally reciprocating his feelings right as he lost them. but now you were finally on the same page, and you didn't want to waste another moment.
"i love you, heeseung."
graduation day was a busy one. you had to start getting ready earlier than other students in order to prepare your speech and arrive before everyone else. it was stressful, yet rewarding, especially as you crossed the stage and finally received your diploma.
when you and heeseung were set to give your pre-written speeches, you almost didn't notice the way everyone looked motivated during his, being captured by his words yourself. you hoped to be able to instil that inspiration in others one day.
towards the end of his speech though, he did something you didn't expect, but shouldn't have been surprised by.
"so toward my fellow graduates and our families who've supported us all this way, let's celebrate our achievements and strive to follow our dreams," then turned to look back at you, pulling a bouquet of flowers from under podium, which he'd blocked from your view this whole time with his body. "as i will be with mine. so i'll ask one last time: would you let me have the honour of being your boyfriend?"
you rolled your eyes, but couldn't hide the smile on your face. with the cheers echoing throughout the hall, you suddenly got a sense of deja vu, remembering his election speech the previous year.
oh, how much things have changed since then.
"if only you'll let me be your girlfriend."
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with exams over and the heatwave taking over the country, you had decided to spend the day at heeseung's house and try to cool off.
"are you and ningning going back to camp this summer?" you asked, hoping he'd say no. having zero contact with your best friends for two weeks sounded like hell. not even a good morning or good night text? shivers went down your spine at the thought.
"i think i'll be busy with college apps. not sure about ningning though."
"really?" you gasped, turning over to look at him. "so basically i get to spend the whole holiday with you."
heeseung grinned at you excitedly, thinking the same. then, his face suddenly lit up, as if remembering something.
"speaking of ningning, i just remembered how she sprained her leg last year. she spent the rest of the week in the infirmary."
"really? she was fine when she came back though."
"it was minor, so it only took one week, in the middle of those two."
suddenly, you remembered something too.
"i'd hang out with him, break my leg, therefore obliging him to bring me to the hospital, manipulate him to visit me every day as i recover, be overbearing as hell so that he'd realise he doesn't want me anymore, and poof! he's gone."
"no way..."
"what?" he questioned.
"did you have to visit her everyday?"
"oh. yeah, to give her her medicine and meals. the other kids had basically made me their makeshift nurse, since i treated them better than the nurse apparently," he laughed at the memory. "i caught the old lady glaring at me several times - maybe she thought i'd stolen her job?"
you laughed with him, but not only because of his story. you couldn't believe ningning's oddly specific solution had actually come out of experience. you were so going to bully her for this later.
"should i glare at you too, then?"
"hm?" he hummed confusedly.
"for stealing my heart."
heeseung blinked at you for a moment, before breaking into a wide smile and suddenly attacking you with tickles (a habit you learned he tended to do when he was flustered, specifically by you).
giggles escaped you, laughing so hard that it began to hurt. if this is how it's going to be with heeseung, you'll grow abs in no time.
"okay! okay, stop-" you cackled.
he obliged, helping you sit back up. then he tucked your hair behind your hear and placed a quick peck on your lips.
suddenly shy, you looked away with a smile facing the fan as it blew air onto your face, pushing your hair back. when you looked back at heeseung over your shoulder, you were surprised to find him beaming at you with awe on his face.
"you're beautiful, you know?"
"only when i'm with you."
"nope. you're always stunning."
"you don't believe me?"
"i do."
"good. i'll keep saying it anyway, to make sure you do."
you stared at him for a moment that felt like hours, just staring into each others eyes. you then went in for a hug, toppling over the other and staying in that position - just you two cuddling on his bed.
sure, it was really hot today, but somehow the warmth from his body was more comfortable than anything else. you couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment.
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; AUTHOR'S CORNER ! is it obvious i've never had a big injury before... anyway i hope u guys enjoyed this! i wrote this really quick and suddenly like it js came out of nowhere lol but for now i'm proud of it :)
; TAGLIST - @naespas @okwonyo @sleepdeprivedline @lcvclywon @llvrhee @hommyy-tommy @sumzysworld @syazzzlisa @jiawji @cjayius @desistay @dimplewonie perm. @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii @haechansbbg @gweoriz @maoyueze @manooffline @yizhoutv @rikibun @wonniversity networks. @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels
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harrysfolklore · 10 months
love and tour - collab post
the amazing @watchmegetobsessed teamed up once again and we came up with this story for you ! READ THIS BLURB FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY
we hope you like this <33
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liked by username1, username2 and 77 others
yourinstagram good luck harry on your x factor audition ! i know you don’t have instagram but i want to say that i’m proud of you and i believe in you <33
view all 18 comments
username1 good luck harry !!
username2 holmes chapel comp believes in harry <3
username3 goooo harry!! :p
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liked by username1, username2 and 209 others
xfactorupdates A new boy group was formed tonight with boys that didn’t make it to the next round. Their names are: Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne
view all 25 comments
username1 cuties ! i’m ready to support them
username2 that harry boy is so adorableee
yourinstagram i’m so proud of you harry !! good luck and congratulations boys <3
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liked by niallhoran, liampayne and 819,876 others
harrystyles Picture of Oberhausen! Thank you for having us Germany. Tschüss!
view all 19,159 comments
onedirectionfan1 MY SHOOOW
onedirectionfan2 my favorite boys ever
niallhoran Yoooo!
onedirectionfan3 ❤️
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 4,826 others
yourinstagram Soon 👑
view all 278 comments
onedirectionupdates Harry liked this post !
annetwist Congratulations darling 👏🏻
yourinstagram Where are this likes coming from 😳
onedirectionupdates From what we gathered, she’s an old friend of Harry’s and they probably went to high school together
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liked by spaceykacey, alexachung and 1,692,065 others
harrystyles LIVE IN LONDON. DEC 19.
Link in Bio for details on ticket access.
view all 46,735 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
alessandro_michele ❤️
harryfan2 I’LL BE THERE
harris_reed london boy
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liked by gemmastyles, yourbestie and 398 others
yourinstagram got a show today 🕺
view all 59 comments
username1 gorgeous ! 💗
gemmastyles Can’t wait to see you ! It’s going to be just like old times ❤️
username2 cutieeee we need to catch up
yourbestie Tell me all the details once it’s done !!
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,937 others
harryupdates “I have really special people with me tonight. My family is here, friends I haven’t seen in so long are here. I’m happy to have them around tonight.” - Harry in London tonight !
view all 996 comments
harryfan1 AWEEEE
harryfan2 lovey boy
harryfan3 he was so happy his family and friends were there 🥺🥺
harryfan4 MY BABYYYY
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,286 others
harryupdates Harry leaving the ONO afterparty tonight !
view all 1,037 comments
harryfan1 HELLO???
harryfan2 WHOOO IS THAT
harryfan3 i have so many questions rn
harryfan4 EXPLAIN
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liked by gemmachan, yourinstagram and 2,682,138 others
DEC 19 2019.
view all 40,062 comments
harryfan1 MY BABYYY
lizzobeeating 💗
harryfan2 best show ever i cried the entire time
yourinstagram ❤️
harryfan3 COME BACK
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 6,722,835 others
harrystyles DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Practice social distancing. Watermelon Sugar Video Out Now.
view all 130,233 comments
harryfan1 BEST VIDEO EVER !!!
yourinstagram SUMMER ANTHEM !! 🧡
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
harryfan2 this deserves to be a #1 hit
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 6,804 others
yourinstagram quarantine diaries 🤍
view all 956 comments
yourbestie i miss youuuuu so much
harryfan1 IS THAT HARRY??
annetwist ❤
harryfan2 yall are clowning that's not harry
↳ harryfan3 i know my man when i see him
↳ harryfan4 well he even liked this
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liked by columbiarecords, hshq and 5,416,825 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Las Vegas, NV.
view all 105,016 comments
gucci ❤️
yourinstagram 🤩
harrystyles liked this comment
↳ harryfan4 huh harry liked this comment
 harryfan2 MY BABYYYY
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liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 8,936 others
yourinstagram and so the adventure begins 🕺 💗on tour
view all 986 comments
yourbestie YAY 🤩
annetwist Have fun !!
harryfan1 is this a crew member ?
pillowpersonpp ❤️❤️
harryfan2 so harry knows how to use instagram
harryfan3 my question about who this girl is remain unanswered
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liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 20,836 others
yourinstagram 💗 ON TOUR, FOREVER.
when this tour started, harry and i were still brand new, this was a new world for me and one thing i was sure about is that i want to be by his side for every minute of it.
now that it’s coming to an end, i can’t help but feel incredible proud of the man that i get to call my fiancé and the one i’m going to spend the rest of my life with.
i love you, harry. i’m in constant awe of you and everything you do, thank you for letting me share every milestone with you.
view all 5,926 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG😭😭😭
jefezoff My babies.
harryfan2 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
harrystyles Some things are just meant to be. I love you x
↳ harryfan4 awe the definition of friends to lovers this is so cute
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 4,927,268 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Reggio Emilia. July, 2023.
view all 76,826 comments
harryfan1 STOOOP😭
alessandro_michele Cheries 💗
harryfan3 of course harry would post her and leave
yourinstagram ily soon to be hubby
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe
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serverusslaype · 9 months
Shameless, pt. 5
snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
HEY YALL!! oh my lordddd this was so fun and emotionally draining to write lowkey, i had o children on repeat at the end and i was in my BAG, that song destroys me.
if you're still here and still following this series, thank you very much, i truly do appreciate your support - that means all the likes, follows, reblogs, comments - everything and anything <33 if you are new, hello, welcome, hi, the beginning chapters will be on my blog, just scroll down, this series is the only thing i have posted, i'll be adding the part links in tomorrow as i want to go to bed hehe
i love u guys so much :) pls make sure you drink enough water today!
this is a very long chapter by the way so pls prepare yourself for potential spelling mistakes!
alright... away we goooo!!!
As you sprinted down the corridor, it felt like it was never-ending. You were almost out of breath as you reached the scene, your hand flying up to cover your mouth as you stared up in horror at the second bloody message. It eerily read: 'Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever'.
"Oh my…" You breathed out shakily; the loudening sound of a crowd of hurried footsteps began to get closer and closer to you. Looking to the right, you spotted the other teachers - McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, Flitwick, Sinistra, Snape and the caretaker, Filch. They all looked as distressed as you did, even Snape who is usually devoid of any emotion.
"The heir of Slytherin has left another message," McGonagall stated apprehensively, gesturing to the defamed wall with an outstretched hand as the other teachers gathered around, all sporting the same worrisome look. "Our worst fear has been realised. A student has been taken by the monster, into the Chamber itself." The Head of Gryffindor's voice was shaky, it sounded like she was about to burst into tears. You glanced at her with sad eyes, and she beckoned you to come to her with her other arm. You padded over to McGonagall as she laid an arm around your shoulders comfortingly, her thumb gently rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
Being the youngest of the teachers, you were taking this rather hard. Most of all, you were worried for the rest of your students. "What do we do Minerva?" You asked quietly after a moment of silence as the group of you stared at the wall in disbelief and what felt like denial. "The students must be sent home… I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts." She announced, her brows knitting together in a dramatic show of despair. You felt your stomach drop. The end of Hogwarts?…
Before you could get another word in, a familiar, cocky face appeared. "So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" Lockhart asked over-enthusiastically with his signature million-dollar grin, bouncing on his heels as he clasped his hands together behind his back. You clenched your jaw in anger at him, your eyes narrowing into an unwelcoming glare as you stared at the man.
"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Snape said bitterly, standing tall.
"My m-moment?" Lockhart replied, stumbling over his words like he'd just seen a ghost.
"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape quipped as the speed of sound, his tongue laced with venom. You glanced at Severus for a quick moment, your stomach doing somersaults. Instantly, Lockhart's grin disappeared. You swallowed thickly as he dared to glance at you, his mouth parting slightly in shock. Your jaw clenched again as you shuffled in your spot, resisting the urge to curse the man. McGonagall's comforting hand tightened around your shoulder.
"That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy." McGonagall said matter-of-factly. "Your skills, after all, are legend." She added, not hiding the smugness in her voice at all. The corner of your lip quirked up the tiniest amount at her words. Lockhart's face was the pure definition of shock for the last few seconds before he quickly returned to his fake, proud grin.
"Very well. Uh, I'll just be in my office getting err… getting ready!" Lockhart announced, feigning excitement. Did he think you were stupid? All of you could see through his brave act and see his true cowardly self. As you all stared at him, he spun on his heel and turned around, almost sprinting back in the direction of his office. You couldn't help but scoff quietly as he turned the corner, rolling your eyes at his pathetic self as you looked back at the message messily scrawled out on the wall. Your stomach twisted at the thought of one of your students being brutally slaughtered at the hands of a beast. It felt as if someone had just pushed you from a great height.
"Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked with inquisitive yet cautious eyes, pulling you from your thoughts. Professor McGonagall looked away for a moment, blinking slowly.
"Ginny Weasley." McGonagall replied gravely, sharing a glance with Madam Pomfrey before walking away, presumably back to her office. You'd been nurturing your Mandrakes with precision, but this whole debacle spurred you on to do as much as you could, even if that meant destroying yourself in the process. The students of Hogwarts' safety meant the world to you. You couldn't imagine the fear that was probably streaming through them all right now.
Ever since you were called by McGonagall to the second-floor corridor to witness the final bloody message scrawled against the wall, you'd been awake almost twenty-four hours a day; sleeping in your greenhouse at your desk to ensure you were there the exact moment your Mandrakes were ready to be stewed and made into juice for the Mandrake Restoration potion. Dark purple rings had appeared around your eyes as you worked day and night, fertilising, feeding and watering the Mandrakes, guaranteeing that the they were at their best when the time came. The threat of more students being attacked or snatched kept you awake most of the time.
Nothing of the sort had ever happened at Hogwarts before, and deep down, you were a little terrified. Though you refused to show it, it would only scare the students more. You had also heard through the grapevine that Hagrid had been arrested on suspicion of opening the Chamber of Secrets, which broke your heart. That man would never do such a thing, and you were positive he was being set up for it. It was a blistery, cold and frosty winter night and you had nodded off again whilst caring for the Mandrakes; your head drooped in the cradle of your arms on top of the table with your hair falling over your arms like a waterfall. You stirred awake, and it was a brutal war to open your eyes as the chilling air bit at your bare arms like a rabid dog. Shivering, you quickly blinked, rubbing your sore eyes with tired fingers, a gasp leaving your lips as you laid your eyes upon the scene in front of you. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Before you had fallen asleep, the Mandrakes were in their own pots. Now, they had moved into each others. They'd finally matured! All those early morning and late nights you'd slaved away had paid off. Your chest was bursting with pride as you grinned to yourself. It was a bittersweet moment for sure.
"Yes!" You exclaimed, the rush of excitement fuelling you to stand up from your chair. You clasped your hands together eagerly, staring at the nesting Mandrakes like a baby who just took their first steps. You were so proud.
Humming to yourself, you stood there blankly. If you were being honest, you had to wrack your brain for a moment as the lack of sleep was starting to get to you - your brain was a little foggy. Yet, you pushed through it, retrieving your wand from your robes, but to your surprise it wasn't there. Your brows furrowed as you looked down at your empty pockets. It must have fallen out when you nodded off. You bent down quickly, scanning underneath the table with tired eyes, and sure enough, there was your wand. Sitting all by it's lonesome. You retrieved it with nimble fingers and stood back up with a whoosh, aiming your wand at the root of a Mandrake in front of you. "Diffindo." You spoke clearly, flicking your wand in a up-and-down motion, watching carefully as a thin white light severed off a thick piece of Mandrake root. It fell and landed on the table with a muffled thud. Quickly retrieving it, you placed it into a dark brown woven bag to the left of you, sealing it closed with the ivory-coloured drawstrings. Now, it was time to pay the Bat a visit. Hopefully he didn't cause you much… stress.
You sighed quietly, turning around with a whirl to have a quick look in a old, dusty mirror that had been overgrown by some vines of ivy. Merlin, you had really been neglecting yourself. You grimaced as you stared at your unrecognisable reflection, noticing the purple circles around your eyes. "Yeesh," you grit your teeth, fingers coming up to trace the lines forming at the end of your eyes.
It's not like you were there to impress Snape anyway, you were going there to drop off the Mandrake extracts and help him with the potion. That was it. Nothing else. Your chest tightened slightly at the thought, of course you wished it was different, but this was Professor Severus Snape you were talking about. The man was emotionless, he had no time for such childish things. A soft, strained groan slipped from your lips as you shut your eyes for a moment, just imagining what it'd be like if did feel the same way you did. Perhaps he'd make you tea in the mornings, visit you during your breaks, maybe even bring you small, meaningful gifts. Sighing defeatedly, you shook away your fantasy from your mind, slipping back into gloomy reality.
You made your way out of the greenhouse, but not before readjusting your dress and brushing through your hair with your fingers messily, a quiet 'ouch' falling from your lips as you reached a knot. Feelings or not, you wanted to at least look presentable. Falling asleep on your worktable didn't really do you any justice.
The obsidian night-sky had taken over from the blue one earlier, and you couldn't help but notice how beautiful the stars looked twinkling in the sky tonight. You stopped for a moment and admired it, quickly spotting your favourite constellation, Aquila. It took you back in time for a moment, remembering the fond times you had teaching students in Astronomy. You still loved Astronomy, but Herbology is where you truly belonged.
As you bid the night a silent farewell, you carried yourself into the castle, ensuring to be as quiet as possible considering it was around eleven o'clock at night, perhaps even midnight. You hurried to the spiral staircases leading down to the dungeons, that familiar, vile damp smell hitting your nose once again. Your nose scrunched up in disgust. As you continued down the path towards Snape's classroom, you spotted it; a warm amber light flooding out from underneath the door. It wasn't exactly a surprise that he was still awake, you knew he was usually out patrolling each night to catch students out of bed past curfew. You rolled your eyes at the thought and proceeded to rap on his door with your knuckles, awaiting his response, bag in hand.
"Come in." Came an agitated voice. You cringed slightly at yourself and opened his door and wandered in. As your eyes glanced around his classroom, you were instantly transported back to the times you'd served detention in here, scribbling rather inappropriate things on scraps of parchment. Looking back to Snape, you noticed he was sat at his desk, nose deep in what you assumed to be assignments. Your stomach suddenly felt rather light.
"Hello," you said sheepishly, stopping in front of his door as you shut it behind you, "You're up late." You commented, offering him a polite smile. Severus looked up confusedly from behind his desk, his brows furrowing as he noticed it was you and not a student. As his eyes connected with yours, they sent an anxious, shivery rush through your body.
"Y/N," Severus greeted you, his face still adorned with his infamous scowl as he looked at you directly for several seconds, scrutinising you as he tried to comprehend what you were doing at his office at such an ungodly hour. "What are you doing here?"
"The Mandrakes matured," you said excitedly, holding up the bag in your hand. Snape's gaze fell to your hands, eyeing the bag with an ounce of curiosity. "We can start the potion now to cure the students." You added happily.
Severus leaned back in his chair, looking back down at the assignments in front of him. You were a little bummed that he didn't look happier. "Brilliant, you may put them here." He said blankly, patting the empty space on his desk next to his pile of assignments. After several seconds, he spoke again with a curious tone. "…You said 'we', Y/N?" He stared at you. The way he said your name made your face redden.
"Erm, yes, well, I don't want you to over-stew the Mandrake root," You said with a cheeky smile. You were trying to lighten to glum mood. It was risky but worth it. High risk, high reward, you thought. "I thought it would be best if I did for you, since I was the one that raised them." You explained, shrugging sheepishly. Severus could sense the swelling pride in your voice, but he didn't mention anything, he wasn't sure if he'd say something awful and hurt you. It was rather pleasant to see you smiling in his presence instead of the usual upset and angry side of you.
Severus sat for a moment and pondered before speaking once more. "Very well." He said, that cold tone still very present in his voice. You bit down a little too harshly on your bottom lip out of nervousness, padding forwards to set the Mandrake roots down on a desk in the middle of the classroom. As you glanced around the classroom once more, fond memories of you and your friends whispering and sneaking notes to each other in class began to flood your mind, a nostalgic smile tugging at your lips.
"Are the cauldrons still in the same place?" You asked Severus, turning your head over your shoulder to look at him.
"Yes." Was all he said, nose still buried deep in his work. You rolled your eyes softly at his ridiculous work ethic. Every time you came in this room, he was always working hard. Of course, you admired his industrious nature, but you thought he would at least give himself some leeway and put the assignments down, maybe read a book or do something a little less work-related. Though, you weren't one to judge, perhaps he enjoyed it.
"Nothing changes around here." You chuckled quietly to yourself, a small smile spreading across your face as you wandered in the direction of Snape's storage cupboards, your fingers wrapping around the handle. Pulling it open with a exhausted squeak of the old and worn hinges, you let your eyes roam over the equipment, searching for a spare cauldron. As you had your back turned, Severus sneaked a glance at you over his assignments, his eyes narrowing vaguely as he stared at you for a short moment. Before you turned back around with the cauldron in your hand, he'd already returned his gaze to his desk.
Walking back to the desk you'd chosen to stew your Mandrake root, you let your eyes flick over at Severus for a quick moment, indulging in his appearance. Your eyes lingered, and you realised you loved the way his hair fell around his pale face like a pair of old curtains, a single strand curling onto his prominent nose. A tiny, bashful smile fell on your lips as you looked back to the cauldron in your hands, stopping at the desk to place the cauldron down. Whilst you were setting it up, you kept sneaking cautious glances in the direction of the broody Potions Master, your heart beat speeding up each time your curious eyes landed on him.
You retrieved your wand from your robes and cast a spell on the cauldron, watching as water suddenly filled it three quarters of the way up. After that, you cast another spell to boil the water, your face relaxing a tad as you reached for the bag of Mandrake root to your right, opening it and retrieving said ingredient. You dropped it in the cauldron with a satisfying plop, observing it carefully. Now, you had to wait fifteen minutes for it to stew, keeping an eye out for when it turned bright green.
You looked up at Severus, who was still scratching away at assignments with his quill. "It'll be around fifteen minutes." You announced, not really expecting a reply. He merely grunted as a weak sign of acknowledgment. That was the best you were going to get currently. You sighed quietly to yourself and decided to take a stroll around his classroom to kill some time.
Heading towards the shelves of jars and containers of rather vile looking ingredients, you clasped your hands together behind your back, stopping to have a look at a jar of rat tails. You grimaced at the sight, quickly moving on to another row of less disgusting looking jarred items. A content hum left your lips as you spotted your powdered asphodel root, placed neatly in a small glass container to the right of a phial of Phoenix tears.
"I see you have a surplus of powdered asphodel root," You commented, turning around to glance at Severus, who to your surprise, was already staring at you. A flash of butterflies shot through you. "You won't need anymore for a while, then?" You cleared your throat, chewing on your bottom lip out of nervousness.
"Not until I brew another Draught of Living Death." Severus replied slowly and coldly, his eyes scrutinising you. You turned around, nodding, tearing your gaze from him, continuing to walk slowly and peek at each jar nosily.
"Do you ever miss certain students?" You asked, catching Snape off-guard. His brows furrowed at you slightly, partially confused at your question.
"Not particularly," He replied slowly again, his mind racing through countless ideas as to why you'd ask such a question. "If that's your way of asking if I miss having you as a student, my answer may hurt your feelings, Y/N." Severus's lips quirked up at the corners into a small, reluctant smirk. In lieu of the familiar rush of irritation surging through you at his comment, you instead found yourself smiling. You were a little surprised at yourself, you half-heartedly expected to take offense at his dig. Severus was surprised at your reaction too, but he did not show it.
"Understandable," You laughed quietly; the butterflies fluttering like a storm in your stomach. "I wasn't the best student for you, if my memory serves me right." Another soft laugh left you. Severus felt himself almost smile at the pretty sound that slipped from your lips. It was a little jarring to see such a change in character in you. He'd prepared himself for you to yell at him again, or at least insult him back.
"No." He agreed, still staring at you. "However, you weren't the worst."
"Who was?" You looked at him this time, genuinely curious. Severus grunted at your question.
"I believe you know. Or, perhaps, can guess at best."
A cheeky smirk perked up on your face. "Benjamin Bluewater?" You stared at Snape, waiting for his answer. He only tilted his head at you, raising his brows a tad. You took that as a yes from him. "Yeah, he was a menace." You hummed amusedly, thinking back to the times Bluewater had caused Snape grief. One time, the boy had set off a rather foul-smelling prank in Snape's classroom, rendering it useless for that period. Snape almost had the boy's head that day for that mischievous mishap. Bluewater was insanely lucky to have another teacher walk by, diffusing the situation.
"Yes," Snape sighed exasperatedly, leaning back in his desk chair. For the first time, you felt comfortable in his presence. It wasn't tense, nor uncomfortable, and you weren't on edge, waiting for an insult. "I don't think I've ever met someone so… distasteful." You frowned at him, obviously in disagreement.
"Lockhart, surely?" You offered. Severus cocked his brow and tilted his head, nodding frankly at you, as if to say 'Yes, that's true'. You laughed and turned around, starting to head back towards your cauldron as it was starting to hiss. "Yeah, he's insufferable." You said as you reached your cauldron and retrieved your wand, using it to stir the stew.
There was a few seconds of silence between you two, only the hissing and bubbling of the cauldron echoing in the classroom. "I'll be sad to see him go." Snape said finally. Your head whipped up at him, a look of shock and confusion on your face. "I won't have the honour of coming across you threatening him in a corridor late at night anymore." He added, his lips quirking up slightly again. A dry laugh left your lips as you turned back to your Mandrake stew. "It was always a thrilling experience each time I neared a corner in a corridor when patrolling at night."
"Funny." You scrunched your nose up, trying to hide the amused smile that was painted on your face. With your attention on something else, Severus couldn't help but let his eyes linger on you for a few more seconds, silently admiring the way your hair fell over your shoulders. "I think it's done, Severus."
"You think or you know it's done?" He quipped, standing slowly to walk over to you, his majestic cloak billowing out behind him. He halted himself beside you, peering into the cauldron.
"I know it's done." You rolled your eyes at him, earning an eyebrow raise from the Potions Master. You had to bite back a smile. "Would you like me to do the potion as well?" You asked jokingly, daring to glance up into his dark, almost black eyes. That was a mistake, your cheeks flared up immediately. You quickly averted your gaze back to the cauldron, hoping he didn't notice.
"I believe I am the Potion Master of this school," Severus glared at you like he was offended you'd even offer that. You tried to hold back your laugh. He was so demanding at times. "Considering your… messy history with potions, I think it would be best if I handled this part." He added with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"You make a great point, Severus." You rolled your eyes and stepped back, awaiting instructions. "Can I at least get the ingredients?" You asked eagerly, sounding like a child. You cringed a little at yourself. "Very well." Severus sighed, his eyes still glued to the cauldron. As he finished speaking, you spun on your heel and headed to where you were strolling earlier. You paused for a moment, realising that you had no idea what the ingredients were. Before you could ask, Severus was already on the case. "Dandelion root, Phoenix tears and purified water." He listed, almost tiredly. You blushed furiously at the fact you'd embarrassed yourself yet again in front of Snape.
"Okay…" You trailed off, eyes frantically searching the shelves. My asphodel root was next the Phoenix tears, you thought, shuffling to the right slightly to reach for the phial of Phoenix tears. Dandelion root must be placed with the other Herbology based ingredients, surely? you wondered. Sure enough, you were right, your eyes landed on the jar of dandelion roots; hand reaching out to grab it. Erm, purified water, purified water… you thought, eyes scanning the shelves, quickly stopping as you spotted it pushed behind a container of fish eyes. "Ew…" You muttered, pushing the fish eyes aside to grab the purified water. Severus had the tiniest amused smile on his face as he watched you search the shelves for the Mandrake Restorative Draught ingredients, he was thoroughly entertained.
As you turned around to look back at Snape, ingredients in hand, your eyes caught his, and you noticed the smile on his lips. It almost made your knees buckle, you'd never seen him smile like that before, let alone at you. Immediately, the smile was wiped from his lips as your eyes connected. It made you a little sad that he felt he had to hide his true emotions from you.
"You are an expert at dawdling, Y/N." Severus commented, his eyes returning to their usual cold and harsh nature.
"Well, not that it's obvious to you, but I don't tend to come in here very much anymore." You quipped back, arching your brow at his words. It was intriguing to you to see just how fast he could just switch expressions. Snape offered you a condescending gaze as he brushed off your sassy reply. "Here, I've got everything you need." You said, placing the jars and vials on the desk in front of the two of you. "Brilliant." Was all Severus said as he barely acknowledged you, his shoulder-length mop of raven-black hair acting like a shield to his face. He was much taller than you, so you couldn't see past it whilst standing beside him.
"Can I watch?" You asked sheepishly, making Snape turn around to look at you. His brows knitted together, observing you silently. With a soft sigh, he turned back around to the cauldron and proceeded to pick up the jar of dandelion roots.
"If you must." Severus replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. A small, appreciative smile fell on your lips. He glanced at you once more from beside you, sending butterflies soaring through you. You focused your attention onto his hands, watching how his quick and skilful fingers opened each jar gracefully, preparing them for each step. You watched as Severus took a pinch of the dandelion root, gently adding it into the cauldron, careful not to disturb the Mandrake root. After that, he grasped the vial of Phoenix tears with a cautious hand and poured it into the mixture, his eyes lighting up at the bubbles that started to form on top of the potion. Severus reached for the final ingredient of purified water. Dropping it in slowly, the mixture quickly shifted to a muted tone of green.
"Now, let it simmer for a minute or so, then stir it once clockwise, and then twice anticlockwise." Severus instructed sternly, picking up the empty jars and containers.
"Right," You nodded, a little nervous. You couldn't screw it up, right? Stepping forwards, you watched Severus stalk away to the shelves, glass jars and containers in hand. You looked back to the potion and waited for a minute and a bit, before using your wand to stir the green mixture once clockwise, and then twice anti-clockwise. A soft blow of air left your lips as a sign of relief.
"Well done. If only you could have been this competent when you were a student." Snape said sarcastically, peering into the cauldron, his brows raising in approval as he threw a side-ways glance at you. You rolled your eyes at him, fighting the urge to say something back. "Keep rolling your eyes, perhaps you'll find a brain back there." Snape quipped, obviously growing tired of your eye-rolls. It was impossibly hard not to roll your eyes at him right then and there, it was so fitting to do so. "I believe it's ready." He said, nodding once. A happy, proud and prideful grin broke out on your face as your stared at the draught, a sense of accomplishment washing over your small form. As Severus glanced down at you again, he couldn't help but stare at your happy little face, an odd and unusual sensation stirring in his chest. He swiftly turned away from you without saying anything else and headed back to his desk, leaving you alone, hiding his face as the smallest of smiles picked at the corners of his lips.
You had brought the draught to Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary at once. She was ever so grateful and thankful towards you, however, you were rather adamant that it was Severus she should be thanking. "Thank you so much, Professor L/N!" Madam Pomfrey cried with the Mandrake Restorative Draught in her hands, a gasp of relief leaving her lips as she lead you around the corner of a curtain, your body freezing as your eyes fell on a Petrified student. It was Hermione Granger.
"You should really be thanking Severus," You chuckled awkwardly, clasping your hands in front of your hips. "It wouldn't have been made without him, considering he is the Potions Master after all." You said, a hint of a laugh at the end of your sentence. "I only grew the Mandrakes." You added.
"Of course, but the Mandrake is the most important ingredient, do you not agree?" She said, turning to glance at you as she administered the potion to the skin of a Petrified Hermione. It stinged you a little to see a student of yours frozen and paralysed, almost lifeless. So you looked away, your eyes finding an interest in the floor.
"I suppose, but I wouldn't have been able to brew it myself, even Severus himself said I shouldn't." You hummed. Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes softly at you. You pursed your lips.
"Don't believe anything that gloomy bat says, Professor L/N, you're more than capable of anything if you put your mind to it." She said sternly, her long dress gliding across the floor elegantly as she moved away from Hermione and to the next student behind the next curtain to your left. She left you alone to your thoughts, and perhaps she was right. Maybe you were capable of brewing the potion, but even if you were, you would still rather have Severus do it, especially since it was an urgent requirement. It had to be perfect.
A few days had passed since you had distributed the antidote to Madam Pomfrey and today was Friday, the last day of term for the students before they left Hogwarts to return home to their families for Christmas. Mixed emotions stirred within you as you sat at the table with the other professors, your eyes glazing over the House tables sat in front of you. This term had been full of unusual and unexpected moments, and you were hoping it would simmer down the next term. You weren't too sure whether you'd survive anything like that again. In fact, you were almost positive.
"Hello, and good evening to all," Dumbledore announced, wandering up to his beloved golden Owl Lecturn, his long and worn fingers latching around the wings. "Before we begin to indulge in this excellent feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor L/N," The Headmaster said, almost making you snap your neck from the speed you looked up. You were not expecting Dumbledore to publicly thank you. "Madam Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified." He finished, and your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. You didn't do well being in the spotlight, let alone being thanked by the entire school for something so miniscule in your eyes. You smiled sheepishly and gave a gracious nod at everyone who suddenly erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause. Looking to your right, you caught the eyes of Severus, who, to your surprise, was gazing at you proudly, a small, hesitant smile on his face. You smiled back at him and nodded once, resisting the grin that was itching to break out.
"Also, in light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled." Dumbledore added, which encouraged an even louder round of applause and further cheers. You allowed yourself to grin this time, relishing in the happiness of the students and teachers surrounding you. It was such a pleasant atmosphere, and all you could feel spreading through you was a homely-like warmth. Hogwarts had always been your home at heart, but this seemed to cement it.
Suddenly, the cheering and clapping ceased as the doors creaked open, revealing a very tall, very large bearded man with long, frizzy chocolate hair. He sported some raggedy matching brown clothes, and from this you could easily guess it was Hagrid. Mainly from his sheer height, but the beard and hair was also a dead giveaway. "Sorry I'm late," he announced, glancing around awkwardly, "the owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." He said, widening his eyes in a tired, yet joking manner. You couldn't help but smile at his comment, and a few quiet giggles fell from some first and second year students.
You leaned to Flitwick who was seated beside you. "Do you know who's owl that is?" You whispered curiously, glancing between the shorter Charms Master and Hagrid. Flitwick looked at you with an amused smile.
"Ron Weasley's owl, of course." He chuckled softly, returning his attention to the scene unfolding in front of him. You hummed. Of course it was, the bird matched his owner very well, you thought, another joyous smile gracing your lips.
"Without further ado," Dumbledore's raspy, wise voice boomed through the Great Hall, capturing everyone's attention. "Let us begin!" He cheered, a wide grin spreading across his bearded cheeks.
Instantaneously, plates upon plates of delicious, mouth-watering food materialised right in front of your eyes. Glorious and juicy roast turkey adorned with all the helpings sat temptingly in front of your placemat, a bowl of golden and crisp roasties to the right of it. Steaming hot green veggies sat to the left of the turkey, and you just couldn't wait to dig in, your stomach was growling like a chained up wolf. You let out a soft gasp at the beautiful sight, your eyes twinkling with delight. After all this chaos in just a few months time, you were all well-deserving of such gorgeous food.
"The food looks absolutely delicious, Dumbledore, thank you." You poked your head past Flitwick, looking at the older wizard with a grin, who had settled himself down in the Head seat. He casted his wrinkled, yet sparkling and wise eyes to you, and nodded graciously. "You are most welcome, Professor L/N." He smiled politely. You returned his smile without a beat and turned back to your plate, using the supplied silverware and utensils to serve yourself some of the rich and brilliant food in front of you.
Conversations and cheerful laughter surrounded you, and you couldn't have felt happier than right now. Whilst chewing on a piece of asparagus, you sneaked a glance at where Severus was sat, however, you found he was not there anymore. A sad frown pulled your brows together, and you swiftly glanced around the hall for a tall, black figure, but nothing caught your eye. You swallowed your mouthful and placed your utensils down on the plate with a soft clink. You turned to Flitwick again.
"Did Severus leave?" You asked quietly, careful to keep your voice down.
Flitwick turned to you, munching away happily on a hot roastie. He nodded before swallowing. "Yes, he tends to avoid these sorts of things. Each year he never fails to leave right before the big feast." The Charms professor explained. A sad knot twisted in your stomach at the thought of him being alone on a such a happy occasion. Though, it wasn't all too surprising. He does seem like the type to prefer to be alone instead of spending it with people he… works with. You pondered on your thoughts for a moment, before deciding to stand up.
"Excuse me." You smiled at the shorter professor beside you, grabbing your plate and loading it with some extra turkey meat, potatoes and some vegetables. Flitwick looked up at you with another mouthful, a little curious as he chewed and watched you get extra helpings with inquisitive eyes. With a full plate in hand, you quickly downed your goblet of wine. Flitwick didn't press you for answers to the nosy questions that were circulating inside his brilliant mind as he watched you head towards the door to the right of the dinner table. You gave him a small, coy smile and bid him a silent goodbye, wandering to the dungeons.
As you were walking in the direction of where Snape lurked, you got those same doubts again, wondering whether he would actually appreciate this act, or be appalled by it. You hoped it'd be the former, but you weren't very confident in that. Swallowing the bubbling anxiety in the back of your throat, you pressed on down the corridors, finding that familiar spiral staircase. You cautiously walked down it, a little wobbly from balancing the plate of hot food and also from drinking that goblet of wine in one go - you weren't a common drinker so in hindsight you probably should have thought that silly idea through a little more. As you reached the bottom of the staircase, you saw that same warm, amber hue of candlelight flooding out from underneath the door of Snape's office. Your heart began to pound in your ears as you neared his door; knees trembling a little bit.
You knocked on his door with your free hand and waited patiently for a reply.
"Come in." Severus said, sighing. You could sense the muted irritation in his tone, your fingers reaching reluctantly for his doorknob. You grasped it and turned it and opened the door. As you sauntered in, Severus didn't bother to look up, his eyes and nose still buried in what looked to be more… assignments. Does the man never give himself time to relax?
"Hi." You squeaked out awkwardly, leaning back against his door, the plate of food still held carefully in your hands. Severus's head shot up almost instantly at the sound of your voice, his brows furrowing together in what you hoped to be confusion rather than annoyance. "Erm, I brought you some food."
"I'm not hungry." Severus protested with a grunt, looking back down to the assignment in his hand. He must be lying, since you don't recall seeing him at breakfast, nor lunch.
"When did you last eat, Severus?" You asked, shuffling in your spot, attempting to hide the caring tone that accidentally slipped from your lips with a pathetic cough. Snape's brows furrowed deeper, a dark crease forming between them.
"What do you want, Y/N?" Severus groaned, his eyes glued to his desk still. You cleared your throat, demanding his full attention. A deep, exasperated sigh left his lips as he reluctantly tore his eyes away from his work, meeting your concerned ones. "Why does it matter when I last ate?"
"Because human beings need to eat." You arched a brow at him. He didn't seem to appreciate the tone you took with him. "I'm not a normal human being, Y/N." He blinked at you.
"Normal or not, you still need some sort of sustenance." You said matter-of-factly, tilting your head at him, silently ending the debate between you two. You padded towards his desk, pulling up a chair from the side of the room at the same time. You were definitely sure that the wine was encouraging your boldness, you even noticed the slight surprise in Snape's eyes as he continued to stare at you. "Will you eat, please?" You asked with a soft sigh, plopping yourself down in the wooden chair with a muted thud. You held the plate of food out in front of you, almost shoving it in Severus's face. His lips twisted for a quick moment, thinking.
"If it means you leave faster, then yes." His eyes narrowed at you like blunt daggers. The hostility was there, but it wasn't intended to be hurtful. Severus hesitantly took the plate from your hands, and slid the assignments out of the way on his desk, sitting the plate down in the middle.
"Oh!" You exclaimed softly, glancing at your dirty cutlery. "I almost forgot. Scourgify." You pulled out your wand and flicked it at the silverware, watching happily as the muck and grime dissipated from it like ice melting under the sun. Severus looked at you with suspicious eyes, scrutinising you, attempting to comprehend why you had paid him of all people a visit. "How come you left so early?" You queried, sitting back in your chair with your hands in your lap.
"Dinner parties aren't my forte." He replied, spiking a piece of turkey breast with the fork. A small smile painted your lips as you watched him place it in his mouth, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly at the divine taste that painted his tongue. "Perhaps I was mistaken…" He mumbled, glancing down at the plate of turkey, potatoes and green veggies, looking rather awestruck due to the glorious taste that was exploding in his mouth as of right now.
A proud smile slipped onto your lips as you looked away from Severus for a moment, letting your eyes wander around his dimly lit, and rather glum looking office. The bricks were a dark, worn black, with a beige cement sitting between them. He had shelves upon shelves of books, about everything you could ever imagine. Name it, and it's most likely there. So, he was a book nerd, you thought, smiling to yourself. Then, your eyes fell on the most beautiful record player you'd ever seen. Obviously, it was all black to match the whole aesthetic of Snape's office. It sat prettily upon a table in the corner, a small collection of well-kept records were leant up against it.
"You listen to music?" You questioned, a dry laugh escaping your lips as you stood up, drawn to the beautiful object.
"Why is that a surprise?" Snape asked, a little offended that you were shocked by such a revelation.
"Well, you don't exactly give me a music enthusiast vibe," You chuckled softly, glancing at Severus with glossy eyes. The wine had gone to your head slightly. "I can't imagine you listening to music." You added, allowing your chuckle to burst into a soft, hushed laugh. Severus rolled his eyes at you and turned back to his desk, shovelling another mouthful of turkey into his mouth, picking up an assignment with his other hand.
You turned your attention back to the record player and let your fingers trace the beautiful grains and grooves of the wood, the pads of your index and middle finger ending up on his record collection. You let your nosiness kick in as you flicked through them, spotting some seventies rock bands, classical compilations, and… Frank Sinatra?
"Frank Sinatra?" You queried with a curious, amused smile, glancing at Severus over your shoulder. Butterflies exploded like storm in your stomach when you found him already staring at you, though the look on his face wasn't what you wanted. He looked a little miffed. "I like Frank Sinatra." You quickly added, wanting to avoid any sort of conflict. You glanced back to where your fingers where dipping into his record collection, a furious pink blush tinting your pale cheeks. As you slipped your hand away, the end of your finger caught the play button, and suddenly the room was filled with a dark, melancholic and slow rock song. Your eyes widened in panic as you tried frantically to turn it off, however, nothing was working.
"Leave it, I… like it." Came a voice from behind you, immediately halting you in your desperate, albeit poor attempts to pause it. Severus was still sat at his desk, but he was sat back now, a little more relaxed.
"It's nice," you commented quietly, after a beat of silence, braving a look at Severus. His eyes were glued to his desk, the plate of turkey and vegetables pushed messily to the side. He seemed to be battling something. You swallowed thickly and sauntered over to him, your heels clacking against the brick floor. You stopped in front of him and held out your hand. "…Dance with me?" You asked, voice still quiet. The Potions Master looked up at you for several seconds, his harsh, dark eyes flicking to your open palm. Your heart was thumping so loud in your ears you were worried you wouldn't hear his answer.
Luckily for you, he didn't give you one. He just plainly accepted your hand, standing slowly, almost reluctantly. You backed away from his desk, one step at a time, his large, calloused and cold hand still in yours. You stopped in the middle of the room, gently pulling Severus closer to you. A smile tugged at your lips as you looked up to meet his cold gaze, placing his other hand on your hip. You began to sway side to side to the slow beat of the song, his fingers flinching slightly as you moved. Severus found himself lost in your eyes as you stared up at him. He wondered why someone like you had offered to dance with someone like him; it felt wrong almost, a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin, good and bad. As the chorus got going, a bright grin broke out on your face as Severus lifted his arm up to twirl you around, the skirt of your dress blooming outwards like a flower. His chest tightened as you stumbled slightly, your hand slipping onto his chest to steady yourself.
"Sorry." you muttered almost inaudibly, looking up at Snape through your lashes bashfully. He didn't reply, he only danced with you more, and you saw his the corner of his lips quirk up in a small, almost miniscule smile. Your heart fluttered at the sight and your smile was back on your face.
The two of you continued to dance carelessly to the song playing in the background, and any worries and anxieties had been long forgotten ever since the two of you touched palms. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes as Severus twirled you around again, a loud laugh leaving your lips as he brought you back towards him, his eyes half-lidded with admiration. You lifted your hand up this time and attempted to twirl Snape around. He almost fought against it, but the sad pout on your lips ultimately broke him, and so he let you twirl him around.
Severus didn't know what he was feeling as his hands found your waist, his stomach was in knots and his chest was tingly, it wasn't normal, and it worried him slightly. But his buzzing, worrisome thoughts were soon calmed the moment his dark, troubled eyes met with your bright, carefree ones. The sound of your laugh made him feel things he hadn't felt in years, and your beaming, gleeful grin sent shivers down his cruel spine. It felt so wrong, but it felt so right having you in his arms; having you this close to him. A few months ago, he wouldn't have dared to dream of feeling so… vulnerable. And with a Hufflepuff no less. Snape had always despised them, he'd believed them to be the weakest house, but your utter resilient yet soft nature had totally swayed him. He'd be lying if he said your beauty hadn't completely captured his attention too, though he would never ever admit that.
You reminded him slightly of Lily, and that's what frightened him. He let himself fall in love once, and he wasn't sure he was going to let himself do it again. Actually, he was adamant. He couldn't bear to deal with that pain again, it almost killed him. He wouldn't be able to stomach seeing you lifeless on the floor, your eyes dead and lifeless. Your life was not worth risking for his sake of happiness. Suddenly, Severus switched emotions like the speed of sound. He immediately released you from his grasp, you grin and laughter silencing immediately. It felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart the second your laughter ceased.
"Get out." He said coldly, pushing you backwards. Your brows furrowed at his words, confusion painting your face.
"…What?" You blinked at him, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
"I said get out." Snape seethed. His tone was angry, relentless, cruel, uncaring. Before, it felt like you'd just opened another door with him, inviting you into his world, and then you'd been kicked out and sent to a different one.
"But… Severus…" You swallowed thickly, your throat tightening as tears began to burn your eyes. Was it something you said? Something you did?
Little did you know, it was something you did. You'd made him happy, you'd made him feel human again. After so long of shutting off his feelings and building a fortress around his emotions, encasing them in metres and metres of thick, impenetrable concrete, you'd broken through so easily, and it terrified him. His mind instantly shut off, almost like a defence mechanism the moment it felt anything other than hatred or resentment for another person.
Gods, it fucking hurt to see you cry because of him, but he couldn't show it, he refused to let you get hurt, or worse, killed because of his own selfish thoughts. And so he turned his back on you, his black cloak acting like a shield as he leant against his desk with white knuckles.
It felt like everything you'd done to get to know Severus had just been broken down a million times and thrown back in your face. It felt like… betrayal, almost, but you weren't sure why.
Hot tears were streaming down your face now as you stared at his back. He's shut you out. That's it, all those days, months you spent trying to get to know him went to waste. You sucked in a shaky breath and turned around, rushing to the door. You hesitated for moment, glancing over your shoulder. You'd hoped he might've changed his mind, but Snape still had his back turned to you, his head dropped in front of him. A strangled cry left your throat uncontrollably as you stomped angrily out of his office, wiping away your tears with harsh fingers as you stormed back to your quarters. Thank Merlin it was Christmas break now. Perhaps it was for the best.
part 6
ok pls dont hate me for the end lmaooo i just couldnt help myself LOL </3
let me know if you enjoyed this chapter, the next movie i'll focus on is prisoner of azkaban aka my favourite hehe, however that wont be for another few chapters i think. another update wont be due until tuesday or wednesday <3
thank you for all your support i honestly dont deserve it :') <33
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bitterpotionn · 5 months
Johnny Slaughter - Forbidden
For this fic I experimented with a different characterization of Johnny. He’s more lovesick than anything. He's not the typical scummy Johnny I usually write (though, that might change in future parts), but it was a nice change of pace for me!
Let me know if you all would want a part 2. I wasn't sure quite yet so I wanted to get this out there and test the waters!
As always any comments or constructive criticism is welcome!
Warnings: angst, unsafe sex, some fluff, overprotective brother, light neck grabbing
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"Go up to your room," her brother's voice broke her out of her focus as she looked up from her book. "What?" her head shot up as she stared at him standing by the window. "I said, go to your room c'mon," he tipped his head back to look at her, his arms crossed.
"Michael, what's your deal?" she snapped at him, shooting him an icy glare. He let out a loud sigh as he glanced out the window again, "Johnny is comin' over to drop stuff off and I don't want you around him, now goooo," he walked toward her and grabbed her book.
"Really?" her tone was irritated as she stood up, snatching her book from his hands. "I don't understand why it's such a big deal, I don't even talk to the guy!" she argued.
"Exactly and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not friends with him either, I just buy from him him." he pushed her toward her room with a grunt. "Yeah yeah, just tell me when he's gone, loser," she stomped upstairs to her room and shut the door. She huffed as she sat at her desk. Michael had always been the stereotypical protective older brother. Always keeping her out of trouble and keeping trouble away from her. He was more careful because he dealt with shady groups of people because of his habits. He tried to keep her far away from that world.
She was looking out her window when she heard the sound of a loud truck coming down the driveway. She saw Johnny step out of the old and rusted white truck. She was always curious about him. Sure, she's never actually had a conversation with the older man but she always admired him from afar. What was not to love? He was tall, muscular, and a bad boy. Like the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden, he was so tempting but wrong to pursue.
She watched as he made his way inside of the house. She quickly hurried to her door and cracked it open so she could hear what the two were saying.
"Here's this weeks..." she heard Johnny's deep southern drawl from down the stairs, it made her weak in the knees. "Alright, thanks. I'll probably stop over tomorrow with Rob. He got a new shipment in." she heard her brother's voice. He wasn't much for small talk and she could tell by his tone that he was eager for him to leave. "Say, we could run some deals out of your place here. No one suspects a house in the suburbs." Johnny joked, she could hear the slight chuckle in his voice. "You just live here with your sister right? By the way, how's she doin'?" her stomach dropped at Johnny's mention of her.
She heard her brother grumble in response. "We run out of your place, don't be gettin' any dumb ideas," she noted how he ignored Johnny's comment about her. Johnny just let out a dry chuckle as she heard his footsteps head back to the door. They both said their short goodbyes. She ran back to the window and peeked out. She saw Johnny get back in his car and take off.
The following day, she was relaxing in the living room, watching TV while eating a bag of chips. All of a sudden she heard a knock on the door. She shot up and looked toward the noise. Her brother wasn't home, he was working and she didn't invite anyone over. She hesitated before setting down the chip bowl. Normally, her brother handled any visitors; they were always there for him anyway. She slowly approached the door and looked through the peephole; her heart sank. It was Johnny.
She quickly backed away from the door with her eyes blown wide. Should she answer? No, she couldn't, if her brother found out he would be pissed. Then again, she didn't want Johnny to think her brother was ignoring him. She nervously bit down on her lip as she tried to think about what to do, another knock interrupted her thoughts. She bit down on her lip once more before slowly turning the knob, slightly opening the door. She was sure to keep the chain on as she peeked up at Johnny.
"U-um...Michael is not home right now" she said, she cringed at the nervousness in her voice. She looked up at Johnny's wide smirk. "Oh, I thought he would be my bad, darlin'," the pet name made her stomach flutter. "Would you tell him I stopped by?" he asked leaning against the doorframe, his eyes flicking up to the chain on the door. "Oh c'mon, don't gotta be nervous around me," his smirk was wide and calculated. His tone was sickly sweet.
She let out a nervous laugh as she averted her gaze away. "Michael is real protective, ya know..." her words drifted off as she swayed back in forth. Johnny nodded knowingly and grinned at her. "Well, I gotta get goin', nice seeing you, darlin'," without another word he turned and got back into his truck, driving off. She quickly closed the door and let out a squeal as she buried her face in her hands. Just being that close to him drove her insane.
Not too long after her brother arrived home. He entered the house with a loud sigh as he set his gear down on the dining room table. He worked construction and always came home exhausted. She greeted him with a smile and a plate of food. Michael gave her a smile back as he sat down at the kitchen island, devouring the food. She watched him as she nervously fumbled with her hands, she knew she needed to tell him she just wasn't sure how to.
"Johnny, uh, stopped over today was looking for you..." she said her eyes zoned in on his face, awaiting his reaction. Michael suddenly stopped eating and looked up at her with narrowed eyes. "You talked to him?"
"Well, yeah, I mean I just told him you weren't here. That's all," she explained, still nervously fidgeting. He let out a sigh as he leaned back in the chair, staring at her. "What did I tell you about talkin' to him, Y/N" he shot her a glare as he continued to eat. "C'mon Michael, I'm an adult and it was barely a conversation. Relax," she grumbled, grabbing her own plate of food. He sighed and looked over at her. "I know, I just don't want you getting caught up in the shit I do alright? I love you, kid." he gave her a reassuring smile as he continued to eat. "Love you too, loser" she replied nudging his side with a small giggle.
Some time passed without much incident. She didn't see Johnny for a while. That all changed when she was walking home from her university classes in the rain.
The rain poured down on her as she tucked her chin into her jacket, borderline running home. She, once again, forgot her umbrella and she was forced to take the 20-minute walk home in the rain.
As she made her way down the wet sidewalk she heard the roar of a truck approach her from behind. She peeked through her jacket, being faced with Johnny's white truck. He rolled down his window and leaned toward the passenger seat. "You need a ride, darlin'?" he said loudly, trying to make his voice clear through the loud rain. Her eyes shifted nervously as she quickly nodded. She knew she shouldn't but, she didn't think she could take walking in the rain any longer and after all, her house was only down the road.
She quickly opened the passenger side door and hopped in, panting as she shivered from the cold. Johnny watched as she set her things down at her feet shooting him a thankful smile. "Thank you, I really appreciate this," she said shyly as she avoided his gaze. Johnny grinned and smiled at her "Don't want you gettin' a cold now do we?" he chuckled and started back down the road.
Then it hit her, Michael would be furious if he saw her exiting Johnny's truck. She quickly turned to Johnny, "I know this is going to sound weird, but could you drop me off maybe a couple houses before mine...I don't want Michael to be upset," she chewed on her lip nervously as she explained to him
Johnny raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. "Why would he have a problem?" he asked. She let out a nervous laugh as she fidgeted with the strap of her bookbag. "Well, he doesn't like me around all the stuff you guys do and-" he interrupted her before she could finish "He doesn't want you around me?" a wide grin appeared on his lips as he finished her sentence for her. She just gave him a sheepish nod in return.
Just like she asked, Johnny stopped a couple houses down the street. She was gathering up her things when he laid a hand on her arm, making her snap her head towards him. "I don't want you gettin' the wrong idea about me from your brother, I'm actually not as bad as he says," his voice was smooth and his tone was unusually sweet. "If you would like, I could take you out on a little date, hm?" his grin was wide as he looked into her eyes. She didn't know how to react, she barely knows Johnny and from what she did know from her brother, he does this thing a lot. She didn't even know he knew she existed until a few days ago.
"Johnny, that's real sweet but I don't think Michael would like that," she frowned as she looked at him. "You're a big girl, besides what he don't know won't hurt em'," Johnny gave her a handsome smile as he leaned toward her. She felt her face heat up as she stared at the older man. She thought about it, she's never even acted out of line once with her brother, so this one thing wouldn't be too bad. Right?
"Oh...alright. One little date," she gave him a genuine smile as she gathered up the rest of her belongings. He chuckled and nodded. "Alright, I'll stop by sometime tomorrow when your brother is at work, how does that sound?"
Johnny did stop by and take her out on a date. She swore to herself that it was a one-time thing only. But eventually, she found herself sneaking around to meet up with Johnny right under her brother's nose. Something about it felt dangerous and forbidden and she loved it. Her entire life she listened to what her brother said, no matter what. This act of rebellion was like a breath of fresh air to her.
This went on for some time, Johnny would come over during her brother's shifts and they would hang out at their place. It all felt like a fantasy to her.
Johnny sat her in his lap as they kissed on the couch. Their lips moved together in perfect sync. Johnny's hands found their way to her hips, pulling her even closer to him as she straddled his waist. She pulled away from his lips with a small pant as she smiled at him. "You're killin' me, doll," Johnny rested his head against the back of the couch as he shot her a sleazy grin. She could feel his hardening bulge against her thigh. She slowly moved her hips against him, biting down on her lip as she studied his expression.
Johnny hissed as he groaned, moving his hips along with her movement. "Fuck," he looked up at her with hooded eyelids, lust swirling in his eyes depths. "Quit teasin'," he gave her a fake pout as he played with the end of her shirt, tugging at it.
"Mm'not teasin'," her voice trailed off into a giggle as she continued her movements, her lips finding their way to his neck, peppering kisses along his Adam's apple. "Brat," he said, his calloused hand softly gripping her neck as he pulled her into a hungry kiss.
"Take this off," he tugged on her shirt, shooting her a lustful glance. She quickly obliged as she slid her shirt off, tossing it to the side. Once she was fully exposed to him, he went in on her. His mouth latched onto her nipple, and he sucked and nibbled on the sensitive flesh. Earning a surprised moan from her. "J-Johnny..." her hands gripped his thick brown hair as she tugged on the strands.
Johnny's hungry eyes flicked up to hers as he continued sucking on her breasts. He pulled away with a wet popping noise, kissing back up her neck. “Why don’t you take these off, too," his hands tugged at her jean shorts.
She quickly unbuttoned her shorts, tossing them aside as she continued to kiss him hungrily. Her hands gripped his shirt, tugging on it as she shot him a pouty frown. He snickered and stroked her cheek with his rough hand. "You want something, pretty?" he cooed, nibbling on her earlobe.
She gave a sheepish nod, tugging on his gray muscle shirt. Johnny quickly tugged his shirt off and kissed her again. HIs hands didn't stop wandering all over his body, squeezing at any piece of flesh he could.
After some time of foreplay, she was dripping and he knew it too. He made it a point to unbuckle his belt slowly, all while staring at her intently. She chewed on her lip nervously, her hips slowly grinding against his flexed thigh.
He released his aching cock with a hiss, stroking his length as he stared at her through hooded eyes. Her eyes shifted down to his cock, her hands lightly stroking against it. Johnny moved his hands to her hips, pulling her gently toward him. "C'mon...don't be a tease, darlin'," his voice was almost whiny as he tried to resist just thrusting up into her.
She wrapped her arms around Johnny's neck as she slowly sank down on his member, wincing as she did so. His eyes stayed locked on hers, watching her reaction with a grin. His hands squeezed her hips, and he let her lean against his chest as she adjusted to his length.
She let out a breathy moan as she began slowly moving up and down, still holding onto Johnny for dear life. Johnny's hand snaked up to gently wrap around her neck, angling her face up to his. "Look at me while I fuck you, doll," his voice was breathy, he was holding back small moans as she bounced on his cock.
She stared at him intently as he thrust up into her, earning loud moans from her. His pace continued, his eyes wouldn't leave hers. He loved watching her reactions, loved watching how he made her feel, it drove him crazy.
She could feel herself coming close to the edge, he was filling her up so nicely and she almost couldn't handle it. She moaned as she pulled him closer, squeezing her eyes shut as she came undone on top of him. He couldn't help but let out a deep, guttural moan as she came on his cock. He wasn't that far behind her, with one last thrust he released deep inside her, and he threw his head back, his grip tightening around her neck.
They sat there, panting, holding each other close. Johnny's hand was resting against the back of her head, cradling her close to his chest. She leaned back and looked at him, giving him a small smile and kissing him sweetly. He returned the kiss and grinned at her. "Such a good girl," he mumbled, his hands rubbing up and down her sides.
She let out a small laugh and reached down for her shirt. "As much as I would love to cuddle more, you need to get goin'. Michael will be home soon," Johnny pouted and pulled her close again. "Nooo, why don't you come over to my place tonight, tell'em you're stayin' at a friends,"
She gave him a sympathetic smile, shaking her head. "You know I can't, Johnny," She kissed up his neck, nuzzling into him. He gave her a dramatic groan as he threw his head back on the couch. "Don't be a baby," she giggled, pulling on her pants.
As she was sliding back on her shirt she heard the familiar sound of keys jingling in the front door. It felt like someone just dumped cold water on her as she snapped her heard toward the door. Before she had time to react, Michael walked into the house.
Michael's eyes widened as he was faced with the scene in front of him. Johnny, shirtless, had his baby sister sitting in his lap. While she was completely clothed he could smell the sex in the air. His eyes went wide with fury as he stomped toward the two. He grabbed her and pushed her aside. Johnny was met with a hard punch to the face as Michael threw him to the ground.
"You're fucking my sister?!" Michael screamed as he continued throwing punches toward Johnny. Johnny has little time to react as he tried to retaliate, shoving Michael off of him and throwing punches right back at him.
She was speechless as she scrambled to her feet and tried to break the two men up. However, her efforts proved useless and Johnny was now on top of Michael, an ugly scowl adorning his face as he punched him. "Johnny stop!" she tried to pull him off, eventually Johnny stumbled backward, his lip bleeding.
Michael didn't come out unscathed, his nose also leaking the crimson liquid. She quickly rushed to Michaels's side as she examined his nose, a look of worry painted her features as tears welled up in her eyes. "Michael I'm sorr-" Michael wasn't looking at her though, he was glaring daggers into Johnny. "Get the fuck out!" he barked standing up again, looking like he was about to lunge at Johnny again. She quickly stood up as well and blocked him, getting in front of him.
Johnny chuckled as he grabbed his shirt, blood still leaking from his busted lip. He was pissed, at Michael and her. The way she immediately ran to Michael's side instead of his, infuriated him. "A shame you interrupted us, I was just gettin' ready for round two," Johnny didn't help the situation as he teased Michael, a shit-eating grin still on his face. She looked at Johnny with a look of shock as she approached him. "Johnny please just leave," she begged, looking up at his looming figure.
Johnny's eyes flicked down to glare at her, then back to Michael who was still fuming with rage. "How long has this been going on?" Michael chimed in, his fists clenched tightly. She stayed silent, quickly rushing back to Michael's side. "A while, you think she tells you everything?" Johnny glared at him as he put his boots back on. "And I ain't staying away from her either,"
With that Michael growled, trying to charge back at Johnny but she stood in his way again. "Johnny leave!" she yelled, looking back at him with disgust and anger. Johnny looked at her and scoffed before stomping out the front door, slamming it shut behind him.
The only sounds left in the house were Michael's angry panting and her tearful sniffling. She looked up at Michael, "Michael please-" he cut her off immediately. "Go up to your room, now," his tone was deathly serious, she knew better than to question him. She quickly turned and made her way back up to her room.
She stayed in her room for a while, she didn’t know what to do. It’s not like she could talk to Johnny and she could tell that he was pissed at her too. She just cried for hours, alone and cold in her childhood bedroom.
After a while of just laying in her bed, she heard the squeaky turn of the doorknob. Michaels figure slowly entered the now dark room. She didn’t move though, she stayed curled up facing the wall.
She heard him sigh as he turned on her bedside lamp, illuminating her figure. Michael sat on her bed and patted her leg. “C’mon, kid. Talk to me,” his tone was soft and careful, a stark difference from just a few hours ago. She slowly turned her head and looked at him with glassy, tired eyes.
“Michael I’m so sorry” suddenly she erupted into ugly sobs as she sat up and leaned into his shoulder. Michael hugged her close as she sobbed. “I know, I know you are,” he stroked her hair, his eyebrows furrowed, he felt his own eyes become glossy upon hearing her desperate sobs.
She eventually pulled away from her spot on his shoulder, looking at him with puffy cheeks. “Johnny drove me home once when it was raining and I-“ she let out a sigh “And I said yes to a date with him. I knew you didn’t want me to but I did it anyway and I’m sorry,”
Michael just listened with a deep frown set on his face. “Johnny isn’t good for you, kid. He’s not a good guy. I understand why you did it but you can’t see him again,” Michaels hand found it’s way to her shoulder as he tried to comfort her. “He’s been so sweet to me Michael and-and I think he really likes me,” her pleas were desperate as she tried to convince him of Johnnys innocence in all of this.
“You don’t know the things he’s done. For your sake please just stay away from him okay? And if he gives you any trouble just tell me,” Michaels worried eyes scanned hers, trying to discern her emotions. She stayed silent as her eyes flicked down to stare into her lap. Maybe Michael was right. She didn’t really know Johnny. She knew the version of him that he presented to her. Michael knew what was best for her, he has never led her astray before.
Without another word she simply just nodded and leaned back into his side, she would fear the hot tears stream down her face again. She could’ve swore she heard Michael let out s sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a comforting hug. “Why don’t we get take-out tonight? We can watch a movie too,” Michael was clearly trying to make her feel better, and it worked. She gave him a smile and nod as she snuggled into him more, desperate for the comfort her big brother always provided.
Michael kept her relatively out of the loop on what happened next. After the incident, Johnny wasn't working with Michael anymore. That was after he sent some of his friends to threaten Johnny. He figured the problem was taken care of. However, he didn’t know that once Johnny has his sights set on something he won’t stop until it’s completely his.
Michael was hesitant for a while about leaving her home alone. Sometimes he’d go as far as to make her sit in his car or force her to stay at the public library while he was working. Eventually, his protective treatment lessened. This was the first day he actually let her stay home alone since that day.
She hasn’t spoken or even seen Johnny since that day. She figured that he had moved onto his next target and decided she was too much trouble. She had to admit though, it did hurt. She did like Johnny. She loved the way he made her feel and she had spent some sleepless nights crying over what could’ve been.
She was doing her daily chores of cleaning up when she heard a vehicle coming down her driveway. Glancing at the clock, her eyebrows furrowed. Michael hasn’t gotten off of work yet. She walked over to the window and looked out. Her eyes widened when she saw Johnny making his way to the door. With a small gasp and got out of the windows view and ran to the door. Soon enough, Johnny was knocking.
She quickly opened the door and stared at him, completely dumbfounded. “Johnny you cannot be here!” She quickly looked around, half expecting to see Michael watching from afar. Johnny leaned against the door frame with one forearm, practically towering over her. “I missed you,” he said, a grin appearing on his face. “You think your brother is gonna keep me away from my girl?” His free hand found it’s way to her waist, still leaning over her.
She stepped aside, letting his hand fall from her waist. “Johnny…We can’t. Michael will literally kill you,” she frowned as she looked around nervously again. Johnny scowled as he stood straight up. “Well that’s a risk I’m willin’ to take for you, darlin’,” without much warning, Johnny pushed inside the house, shutting and locking the door behind him.
She gasped a bit and looked outside the window again, chewing on her lip nervously. She felt Johnnys hands grab her waist as he pulled her against his chest. “C’mon…we just gotta be more careful, doll,” he was almost begging as he peppered kisses down her neck. She whined as she pushed against Johnnys chest, her eyes flicking up to meet his hard gaze. “We can’t, Johnny please just leave,” her voice was a stranded whisper as she felt tears start to fall. This was almost too much to handle. Of course she wanted Johnny but she couldn’t do that to Michael, not after all he does for her.
Johnny cooed as he cupped her face with his hands, using his thumb to wipe away her falling tears. “Don’t be like that. We can make this work,” his tone resembled that of a concerned lover. He kissed her pouting lips lightly. “You gonna let your brother keep you away from someone you care about?”
She whimpered and shrugged, looking down at her feet. “We can’t…” her words were interrupted by her coarse sobs as she leaned into Johnny's chest. He wrapped his arms around her figure, hugging her tightly to his broad chest. Swaying her back and forth as she cried. “You’re my girl, right?” He asked grabbing her chin and forcing her to look him in the eye. After a slight pause, she slowly nodded. “I’m your girl, Johnny,”
"That's what I like to hear, doll," Johnny gave her a deep kiss as he leaned his body further into her. Her head was spinning, she wanted Johnny, but she couldn't shake the horrible shame that came with it. Michael had warned her about him, about the horrible things he's done. He never went into detail, even when she asked him to. How well did she really know Johnny Slaughter?
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milf-murdock · 6 months
Baby, Please Come Home 
Simon “Ghost” Riley x female Reader
(Alternatively titled: Not the Good Bourbon!)
🎄 @glitterypirateduck’s December challenge
The snow’s coming down I’m watching it fall  Lots of people around Baby please come home  They're singing Deck The Halls But it's not like Christmas at all 'Cause I remember when you were here And all the fun we had last year pretty lights on the tree I'm watching them shine you should be here with me baby, please come home
A/N: I love this song and it was giving such pining energy and this entered my head and I just couldn't... let it goooo ❄️
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It was Christmas Eve and from your spot on the sofa you could see the snowflakes falling just outside the window. The gentle blaze from the fireplace kept you nice and warm as you watched the steady stream pour from the sky. The fire warms your toes. The mug of hot cider spiced with rum warms your hands and your belly. The warm glow of the Christmas tree washes your shared flat in its soft hues, like a comforting embrace. 
It was perfect. With one glaring exception. 
Simon’s mission had run long. Again. 
You both knew it was a possibility. He had warned you that it was a complex mission—target on the move, long stakeouts, tricky extraction, the usual—though there was only so much he could say due to the confidential nature. But he had promised to be home from the holidays, his firm grip on your chin forcing you to look up at him as he made the vow. 
You thought back to that bittersweet goodbye. The familiar caress of Simon’s hand on your cheek. The sensation of his lips pressed against yours, as if he could kiss you hard enough to last through the next several weeks. The longing in your heart as you watched his body walk out the door. As a habit, Simon made sure to never look back; he knew that a final glance would make it damn near impossible to keep his feet moving. 
A crack of the fireplace brought you back to the present, and you took another sip of the spiked cider, the burn feeling good, grounding. It took the edge off the pain, just a tad. Just enough. 
Untangling yourself from the heavy knitted blanket, you made your way to the large window to get a better look at the falling snow. It never ceased to amaze you. Simon hated the snow, always complaining. You'd tease him endlessly about his Grinch-y behavior—he had to be the only man in the world who would complain about snow on Christmas Eve. 
You couldn’t help your smile, tinged with sadness. From your new vantage point you could spot a few kids playing in the snow down below. If you really focused, you could hear the distant familiar tune of Deck the Hells playing from a few doors down. And yet, despite the picturesque nature of the whole scene, it just didn’t feel like Christmas. Not really. 
“You should be here with me, Si,” you sighed into your mug, taking another sip.
“Please come home, baby.” You muttered out a solemn prayer to whoever may be listening, a plea to bring your man home safe. 
Simon growled in frustration as he sat in the London traffic. The honks of the surrounding cars only added to his growing frustration. “For fucks sake, doesn’t anybody in this goddamn city know how to drive?” He pounded the dashboard in irritation. “It’s the bloody snow,” he grumbled, cursing the white flurries that flew all around the still cars. 
In the back of his mind, Simon knows how happy his love must be at the snow. You lived for this kind of thing, a Christmas Eve snow that most certainly ensured a white Christmas. As much as he hated the damn weather, it warmed his heart the way you would smile up at the sky and exclaim with all the excitement you could muster, “It’s snowing,  Si!” You could barely contain yourself. No matter how many years the two of you spent together in Britain’s chilly winter, you never seemed to grow tired of the phenomenon. Your childlike wonder of the world around you was just one of the many things Simon loved about you. 
Simon absently wondered if you were watching the same snow from the warmth and comfort of their shared home. He could see it so clearly: the wonder in your eyes, the curve of your lips, the way you practically glowed in the soft light. It warmed him from the inside out.
He just needed to get home to you. It had been a grueling and physically demanding mission, but his main motivation was being home, with you, for Christmas. He would do anything to make it happen. 
The cars started a snail like pace on the road again. “Fuckin’ finally,” he muttered, shifting into gear and beginning the steady route to his home, his love. 
With a sigh that could rattle the ornaments on the tree, you slammed the power button on the remote, shutting off the telly. You loved a cheesy holiday movie as much as the next gal, but you just couldn’t take it—every love confession just grating on the raw nerves of your frayed heart. 
In an effort to keep yourself busy,  you reheated some more cider on the stovetop, popping by the bar cart to top off the glass. You eyed Simon’s good bourbon, silently debating. “Oh he’ll be livid if he finds out I mixed this with the cider,” you think to yourself. “Though,  s’pose he won’t be here to complain about it, will he?” With a shrug, you gave a healthy pour into your mug, before bringing the bottle to your lips and taking a swig. And another, for good measure. “That one’s for you, Si,” you muttered, trying not to sputter as the liquid burned its way to your belly, warming you from the inside out. You weren't usually this morose when Simon was gone, but something about the holiday season had you extra bitter. 
There was a thump outside the door, and you nearly dropped the bottle as you jumped. You didn’t dare let yourself hope as you started stalking your way to the door, heartbeat racing. The click of the lock echoed in the silent flat, and you stood there, waiting, heart in your throat, unable to move as the door opened towards you. 
Simon’s hulking frame filled the doorway, his blonde hair pointing every which way, a clear sign his mask was freshly pulled off. 
“Happy Christmas, love,” his low voice sounded like honey, and on instinct you felt the familiar pickling sensation of tears fill your eyes. 
You blinked. And then you were in motion, sprinting to close the gap before throwing your arms around Simon’s neck, trusting him to catch your racing form. 
Two strong arms folded around you, lifting you up off the ground, and Simon held you as close to his body as he could. Your familiar weight in his arms, his nostrils flooded with the smell of your perfume, and he could only think of one word, blaring in his mind like a neon sign: home. This was home. You were his home. 
“You’re home,” you muttered, pressing your face deeper into his neck, squeezing him closer. 
“Course I am. I promised ya, didn’t I?”  Simon quipped. 
Carefully setting you down on your own two feet, Simon did his best to steady you as you leaned up on your tip toes and finally brought your lips to his. 
Simon swore internally.
If you were home, then your lips were heaven. 
Simon wound one hand in your hair, pressing you even closer to him, the other hand trailing down to your supple hip. His tongue traced the edge of your lips, begging for access, which you were never one to deny. He drank in your kiss like a man dying of thirst, a familiar taste on his tongue. When the two of you finally came up for air, Simon couldn’t hold back his cheeky grin. 
“Babe, is that my good bourbon I taste?”
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alltoomaples · 1 year
love.jpg - LN
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pairing: fem!uni student x lando norris
synopsis: lando gets invested in working with cameras after you talk about your day in photography class and you two discover a new language of love <;33
type: writing + instagram au
a/n: finally writing up the very first writing for my new series until i found you. and ik i have been super super lacked in writing. you guys have no idea how much and many ideas ive got but procastination takes the most of it! im trying my best to work upon it and now that my finals are nearing, i may try to write as a stress breaker soo fingers crossed.
until next one, happy reading <;33
part 2 is out now!! check it out :))
. . . .
You came home from your last class of the semester from uni. As much as you love photography and graphic design, its definitely tiresome when being pursued as a Masters degree. But you won't complain much about it cause at the end of the day, you love what you do. And so does your boyfriend.
"Congrats on completing another semester, bubba!" Lando greets as he speed walks to you and engulfs you in a hug.
You drop your bags carefully and hug him back tight as you mourn in exhaustion. Your whole body gives up that Lando was quick to pick you up and let the both of you fall on the couch. Chuckles leave from your mouth as he leans in and kissed your forehead.
"I'm so so proud of you, Y/N/N" He says, looking into your eye, pinning your hair behind the ear as he rests his hand on your cheek.
"I haven't completed my course, Lan"
"Yet. And soon you will be my personal photographer and designer for Quadrant" Lando says very proudly.
"Well in that case, be ready to say goodbye to your bank accounts" you say, smirking at him as you squish his cheeks.
"I'll be happy to make our joint accounts"
"It's a deal then!"
. . . .
"So tell me about your project?" Lando asks as we clean dishes after dinner.
"Well, basically, we have to make a portfolio for photography class. We need to select a theme and shoot pictures showcasing that theme" you say, as you dried the final plate.
"That sounds so much fun and creative!"
"It is actually! till you finalize the theme cause that's the main brainers" you say as you place the dishes back to the shelves and lando keeps the leftovers in fridge.
"And that's what i'm here for! Let me help you with the picture and theme and stuff" Lando says, being very supportive and super excited like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Bubba, i appreciate you and your help but you'll be busy with race weekends, PR promos and Quadrant stuff. Do you really wanna squish mine on top of this busy business??" you ask, being concerned about him.
He walks over to you, grabbing your face in his and leans in.
"Let me be a part of your project. Think of me as your project buddy who also happens to be your boyfriend" Lando says, making puppy eyes which makes harder to say no to him.
"Alrighty love. You're in!"
"Wooohoooo!!! Let's goooo babyyyy!!" He does his small victory dance as he sung to HSM: we're all in this together
You laughed silently as you walked into your work room and picked up a camera. Lando eventually followed you and found you holding the camera.
"Wait- we are already starting with the work??"
"We haven't even chosen a theme, you dum dums" you say, ruffling his head which messes the small curls a bit.
"Ohh yeah. I'd suggest you to do some trial run shots, like you know, play around capturing day to day events. Maybe something will spark and voila, you'll have a theme ready!" Lando says, as he fixed his hair while looking in the mirror.
"That's actually a great idea bubs!!! I'm gonna do that now. You really do love this subject of mine, don't you??" You ask, as you really loved his input he just gave and you're quite impressed with it.
His level of creativity is something you've always loved and appreciated his talents. And isn't it just lovely to see people talk about their passions!
And this just made you think it's time to finally give him one of your passions.
"This camera is yours from today. I've been wanting to give you this as I've seen you've been very much interested in photography and something you can take along with you and remind you of me" you say, whispering at the end as you felt your cheeks heat up due to the cliché that you just happen to say which isn't a very you thing to do.
Lando stood there with the camera in his hands, in complete awe at the gesture of yours.
"Y/N! you have no idea how much this means to me!! This isn't just any camera, this is one you truly used for your good works" He says, pulling you closer to his. He makes you look up to him, leaning in close as he kisses you softly yet lovingly. Your hands make their way behind his neck, pulling him close to you.
"I love you, so much y/n/n" Lando says, almost as a whisper as he rests his nose with yours.
"and i love you, much more lan" you whisper back with a smile as you do the eskimos kiss.
. . . .
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liked by carlossainz55, charlesleclerc, y/n.clicks and 3,566,962 others
landonorris: your fellow neighborhood cameraman📸
the best gift from the best <;33 y/n.clicks
view 41,06,765 comments
username1: wait Y/N gave her VERY OWN CAMERA TO LANDO!?!?
y/n.clicks: not bad for a beginner! have fun bubby🫶🏼
lando.jpg: learnt from the best ;)) will do!❤️
username2: he learnt with her?! talk about couple goals💗💖💞
charlesleclerc_: well i guess we'll say goodbye to this camera eventually. have you thought this through y/n.clicks 🤔🤔
y/n.clicks: i had a really good run with it soo if it breaks its alright, I'll get a new one 😙
lando.jpg: you two know that i can read your comments right?? hah RUDE😡
username3: i cant- 🤣🤣🤣🤣
username4: we're gonna be seeing what lando wants people to see. I LOVE IT!!!
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liked by charlesleclerc_, maxfewtrell, landonorris and 1,609,992 others
y/n_l/n: handing over ceremony📷
lando 🤝 lando.jpg
tagged: landonorris
view 105,020 comments
lanndonorris: key moment of my life and career❤️
y/n.clicks: landonorris bubbaaa🥺💗
username1: i want what they have😭😭💛
carlossainz55: wow, he is growing up🥹🥹
y/n.clicks: ikr!!!🤧🤧
landonorris: you two ughhhhh🙄🙄
username2: this is sooo adorable ahhh!!
username3: thanks to y/n now we're gonna embark the cameraman lando era!
y/n.clicks: this is just the beginning of the era!!
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liked by ciscanorris, y/n.clicks and 2,954,755 others
landonorris: day at the bay with my bae
tagged: y/n.clicks
view 957,542 comments
username1: oh my. oH mY! OhOh MymY!!😍🤩
y/n.clicks: caption might be chessy af but the pictures, mamma mia🥵😍
liked by lando.jpg
maxfewtrell: now i get it why you ditched for golfing, you simp!
y/n.clicks: wait what!?! lando did that??
lando.jpg: 😳😳😳😳 busted?
ciscanorris: lando ditching golf?? he's soo into his cameraman era!!!🫡💗
username3: everyone say thank you y/n for getting lando a camera
username4: seriously! THANK YOU QUEEN Y/N
lando.jpg: FACTS!! thank you y/n.clicks 🫂🫶🏼
liked by y/n.clicks
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liked by ciscanorris, pierregasly, olivernorris and 10,954,755 others
y/n_l/n: my favourite kind of cheese🧀 landonorris
tagged: lando.jpg
view 45,998,972 comments
username1: the caption🥹😭💖💞💗✨️
username2: them>>>>>>
riabish: LOVE IS IN THE AIR🫶🏼✨️
danielricciardo: you guys are so disgustingly adorable🫡💖
landonorris: now who's the chessier one??😏😏
y/n.clicks: landonorris still YOU🫣
landonorris: 😂😂😂
. . . .
also I'm thinking for a part 2 for this, lemme know if you're interested too :))
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check out my works: until i found you masterlist | other works
part 2 is out now!! check it out :))
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luveline · 1 year
wait hear me out.. bodyguard!sirius au 🫣
for you my love (new au let’s goooo) | fem!reader ♥︎ 1.2k
Sirius Black is possibly the worst person in the world they could've chosen to assign as your bodyguard. He's an excellent bodyguard, has proven this swiftly and with finesse on two separate occasions, and still, you struggle to settle under his watch. 
He's terrifying. Not because he's a bodyguard, though the lean muscle of his naked arms is intimidating, and he's very tall, but because he's beautiful. Silken black hair that he keeps tied up in a small half-bun behind his neck frames an angular face. He has dark, sweet eyelashes that point straight, and similarly dark brows that seem permanently arched in bemusement. 
You feel on pins under his gaze at all times, desperate for him to think the same. Desperate to be beautiful in that same effortless manner. 
"Relax," he chides, a hand curled firmly over your bare shoulder. 
You don't deny you're tense. He should know by now that you're more often than not in a panic, like your body's made up of frayed nerves. 
"Can't we go home?" you ask. 
"Afraid not, sweetness." 
You watch your mother move across the stage where she's hosting and sigh. "I hate politics." 
He laughs. "No, you hate your mother. Politics are important." 
"My mother's politics have never once been important," you say. "She should campaign against things that are actually important. Like rising austerity, or the mistreatment of homeless people." 
"Now, don't say that," he drawls, his breath warm against your ear. "Think of all those poor pigeons she's saving tonight." 
"It's absurd." 
Sirius hums. "While I don't think your mother's on the wrong side of things, I agree that her campaign is ridiculous. Every new ordinance puts you at risk." 
Your mother's political career is a drop in the ocean, but a couple of months ago she'd managed to draw the attention of one alt-right group in particular. A letter threatening your life had arrived in the mail, and Sirius has been by your side pretty much ever since. You do wish, selfishly, that she would stop this. You're an adult, and you've less privacy than a child now that you're constantly supervised. 
"Sometimes, I think she loves pigeons more than me," you mumble. 
Sirius laughs, delighted by your joke, and pats your shoulder. His hand burns your skin, you swear. You're gonna look down and see his handprint branded into you. 
"You're much prettier than a pigeon, doll. I'd choose you." 
Why is his hand on your shoulder? You can't remember. He'd been moving you out of the way, maybe, and forgotten to take it back. You hate that he's touching you, worried he can feel the capering beat of your heart, but you prefer him behind you than in front. He can't see your face, you can't see his. 
Like he can read your mind and he hates you, he turns you to face him. 
"Shall we go outside for a bit?" he asks. 
You blink. Sirius doesn't usually ask you if you want to do things. He may work for your mother but you're still the boss (kind of). He tries to let you do whatever it is you want to do. 
"Okay," you say. 
He leads you out to the patio with a hand just barely touching your back. Outside, the summer night air is warm, and the sky is a wash of pinks and yellow. It's oddly quiet.
You creep curiously to the stone railing and look down over a perfectly manicured garden, hedges shaped like flamingos and a mosaic veranda surrounding the centrepiece, a marble fountain in the shape of a baby. Rich people spend their money on the damndest things.
"I was hoping you'd feel more comfortable out here." 
You sigh as he comes to stand beside you. No hopes of that when he's near.
"But you're tense everywhere we go," he adds. 
"'M just tired," you say. 
"Are you?" He leans against the railing on his elbows and doesn't look at you. Sirius takes such big gaps between speaking that sometimes you assume he's done. "I have a theory." 
You stretch your hands out over the railing, more than enough space between you both. The stone is like pumice, gritty and pocked full of holes. It scratches your palms. 
"I think," —he turns his face to yours, expression disarmingly impassive— "I make you nervous." 
You think? 
You catch your own smile too late. Sirius sees it too, and his eyes crease as he squints at you mildly. His eyelashes, those dark thickets, meet in the corners. You stare at them, your gaze skipping over his light irises, his unusually large pupils. 
He looks rather cat-like. 
"I do," he says. 
"I– Yeah. Yeah, you make me nervous. Your presence is a reminder, you know, that I'm not safe." 
"Ah, but that's not true. You're very safe with me, pretty girl. Haven't I proved that already?" He smirks at you. "No, you're nervous, and it isn't because of my job." 
Sirius moves almost lazily. His head tips to one side, a short curl fluttering against his cheek. 
"So what is it?" 
How do you explain it? He's gorgeous, and his good looks paired with his smooth demeanour leaves you off kilter. You don't mean to be so weird, but your lips move of their own accord. 
"Do you think I'm pretty?" you ask him, insecurity much too obvious in your tone. 
The smugness he'd been entertaining drains. He stands a little straighter. 
"Sorry," you say, cringing. "You don't have to answer, I know it's a loaded question. Uh, I think that's why you make me so nervous, is all. You're really handsome, and I've never been anything special, mum always says it’s a shame they haven’t found a more natural alternative to plastic surgery–“
You snap out of your tangent, flushed with heat. “Sorry.”
“Your mum thinks you need plastic surgery?”
“No, but. You know, we’re on TV sometimes, she wants us to look perfect.”
“You are perfect.”
You shrink at his sharp tone, but you realise that it isn’t you he’s directing his anger at. It takes a moment for his statement to sink in, and when it does, you can’t not smile. You cover your mouth to hide it unconsciously. 
Sirius doesn’t back down from his declaration, though the anger melts from his expression, leaving behind a chest-pounding earnestness. 
“Yes, I think you’re pretty. If that’s what you’re worried about, please. Don’t be.”
Speechless, you nod jerkily, as if a puppeteer controls your movements. Applause sounds loudly from the open patio doors, and Sirius straightens up fully. 
“Best go back in, angel. She’ll want pictures.”
Again, you can’t find the words to answer him. His anger at the idea that someone might find you unattractive sloshes around in your head. You're surprised you don’t tip over. Luckily, you have a guiding hand on your shoulder to lead you back inside. 
“Perfect pictures,” he says quietly. 
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My Favorite Quotes from the “Bride of ReAnimator” Commentary (Not Included in the “Gay” Compilation):
Herbert: “Go. Home.”
Bruce: “Oh yeah, lot waiting for me there. How ‘bout that front room? Pet the dog! Find the finger eye puppet. Have some leftover spaghetti!”
Jeffrey: (about the Bride) “So she’s Meg. She’s Gloria-“
Bruce: “She’s the virgin-hooker with the twinkle toes.”
(Herbert and Francesca are barricading the lab door.)
Bruce: “Why is she helping you?”
Jeffrey: “Because she knows there are creatures out there (laughs) puking Cream of Wheat!”
Herbert: “You’re better off without her.”
Bruce: “Thanks for the advice, Dear Abby!”
(Herbert is talking about the feet of the ballet dancer.)
Bruce: “Y’know, Herbert’s parents made him take ballet for five years…”
(Over the course of the film commentary, they make several jokes about how Chapham is always seen with food.)
Herbert: (at Chapham) “What are you doing in here?”
Bruce: “Eating!”
(Dan gets stabbed in Peru.)
Jeffrey: “Your kidney’s been lacerated, but you’ll be alright!”
Bruce: (sees his own name in the credits) “Who’s that?”
Bruce: “How did they get down there (Peru)?”
Jeffrey: (dryly) “By a plane, Bruce.”
Jeffrey: (singing to credits music) “Oh MEEEEG, my loooove, where did you goooo my deaaaar?”
(Movie cuts from Peru to Miskatonic.)
Bruce: “Oh yeah, like those two would be let back in the States!”
Bruce: “(Bride) is the ‘Frankenstein’ of the series. If the second is ‘Frankenstein,’ what’s the first?”
Jeffrey: “…Re-Animator.”
Bruce: “What is with my HAIR?”
Jeffrey: “Well, that was your choice!”
Dan: “Herbert, I have something to tell you.”
Bruce: “I’ve found a new hairdresser.”
Dr. Graves: “Who’d want to steal body parts?”
Jeffrey: “Ohhhhh, I think we knoooow.”
(Herbert is stealing Meg’s heart.)
Bruce: “Like Dan wouldn’t have enshrined that already.”
Herbert: (at Hill’s head in the morgue) “How did you get in here?”
Jeffrey: (mumbling) “…I hate this scene.”
(They both laugh at the puns anyway.)
Jeffrey: “Nice wheels, Dan.”
Bruce: “You bet. All in eight months. Got through customs. Now I’m driving a Dodge Swinger.”
Bruce: “I can’t get over my BeeGees haircut.”
Jeffrey: “Barry Gibb lives!”
(Later in the movie.)
Jeffrey: (singing) “Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Stayin’ alive! Stayin’ alive!”
Bruce: “Of course this house has a basement.”
Jeffrey: “It was one of our requirements.”
Bruce: “One of your requirements.”
Jeffrey: “Well…”
Herbert: “Security.”
Dan: “From what?”
Herbert: …
Jeffrey: “From what?!”
Bruce: “Do I merit an answer?!”
(Herbert is showing Dan the reagent.)
Jeffrey: “DRINK IT! DRINK IT!”
Bruce: “Y’know, Herbert has this nasty habit of shoving things in Dan’s face. Iguanas, reagent, amniotic fluid-“
Jeffrey: “Dead cats.”
Dan: “I’m moving out!”
Jeffrey: “Why?”
Bruce: “Because, I like this heart patient in the hospital MUCH more than you!”
Jeffrey: (laughs) “What, you gonna move in with HER?”
Bruce: “No one will ever get rich overestimating Dan’s bad taste.”
(Herbert is trying to convince Dan to reanimate Chapham, next to the boiling pot.)
Bruce: “Sure…why not?”
Jeffrey: “Lemme have some tea first!”
(Cuts from the basement to Francesca, in Dan’s bed.)
Francesca: “Daniel?”
Bruce: “Why am I down there? WHY? What am I thinking about?”
Jeffrey: “You needed to get another prophylactic from the lab.”
Dan: “Herbert!”
Bruce: “I’d like to have a nickel for every time I’ve said ‘Herbert’ in these two movies.”
Dan: “It helps me to think of you as Meg.”
Bruce: “Betcha that makes her feel good. No wonder she dies!”
(Gloria flatlines.)
Jeffrey: “And that made her die.”
(Herbert and Dan are reanimating the Bride.)
Bruce: “Don’t try this at home.”
(Herbert puts on the gun holster.)
Bruce: “Wild, wild West. Herbie, get your gun.”
Herbert: “There is my creation!”
Jeffrey: “So put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!”
Bruce: (singing Rick Springfield) “I wish I was Herbie’s girl!”
(The Bride is trying to seduce Dan.)
Bruce: “Oh boy. I certainly wasn’t paid enough for this.”
Bride: (to Dan) “You made me?”
Herbert: “I made you!”
Jeffrey: “Yeah! Get that straight, babe!”
Dan: “You’re not Meg. Meg’s dead.”
Bruce: (flatly) “Wow. What a revelation. How edifying.”
Herbert: “Make a note of it, Dan! Tissue rejection!”
Bruce: “You write it down, ya little squirt! I’m tired of taking your notes!”
Dan: “You’re alive.”
(Falls to his knees.)
Jeffrey: “And I worship you!”
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
What would Nubbins be like with a best friend? She tells him that she considers him special and that she likes spending time with him... and she may come to feel something more for Nubbins
I’ll answer this in headcanons/drabble! Im also referring to the reader as “you” cause it’s easier that way but reader is a female. Tried my best with this one
Here we goooo:
The Sawyers and your family were close as the farms were close in proximity.
Your family had known it was Drayton by himself raising his siblings for the most part, so sometimes they took the load off of his hands when he needed a break.
This is how your relationship with Nubbins started.
You were both very young, about five years old, and when you first met, you were extremely shy.
The young boy was excited, acting out wildly as he could not control himself.
It made you nervous.
But after some adjustment, you began to enjoy his presence.
You first discovered roadkill together and you both became fascinated with dead critters.
Sometimes you both would poke at their bodies with sticks out of pure curiosity.
Eventually, you started going to school but you noticed that Nubbins did not go.
But everyday, he waited at the bus stop for you to get off and so you both could play.
It was your favorite part of the day and you could barely contain your excitement at school because of how much you wanted to be with Nubbins.
You had a hard time making friends at school because they were nothing like your little roadkill obsessed friend at home.
So Nubbins ended up being your only friend.
Chop Top teased him and said that you were his girlfriend, but Nubbins always tackled him and told him to shut his mouth.
You both were inseparable. Drayton always smiled when he saw the both of you running around together.
He found both of you asleep in the pasture one time and couldn’t help but chuckle.
It was cute to see you two together.
As time went on, you both began to grow up. Grow into your bodies. Adjust to hormones.
Going from being shorter than you, to towering over you in a quick amount of time.
Your body began to change too, curves forming and your womanly features coming in.
Your style had changed as well, going from wearing frilly, cute clothes to dark, gothic-like clothing to match your interests.
You both had stayed very close, absolute best friends.
But there was some feelings between you two that neither of you addressed.
The way he wrapped his arms around your waist to lift you up to the birds nest in the tree.
The way he held your hand to look at the new animal bone ring you made.
The way he smiled when you brushed his hair out after washing it for him.
The way he kept his body close to yours when pulling you in for a hug.
He noticed how flush your body was to his when he was showing you how to throw a knife at a haystack.
Sometimes you both stole glances at each other but tried to make sure the other person did not notice.
There were many things between you two that you did but did not talk about.
It was almost taboo to bring it up.
So neither of you spoke about it, continuing your friendship as if there wasn’t something more to you both.
Drayton always scolded him to make sure he did not get you pregnant, which would have horrified Nubbins if he was not in love with you.
One day, Johnny joked that he was going to “steal that fine piece of ass from Roadkill Boy” and it set Nubbins off bad.
He hurled insults and physical objects at Johnny, screaming to stay the fuck away from you and if he didn’t, he would slit his throat.
Johnny knew he struck a nerve and just chuckled, only wanting to get underneath Nubbins’ skin.
You asked Nubbins if he would like to have a picnic with you in the sunflower fields and he quickly agreed.
The next afternoon, you skipped down to the Sawyer house in a black, lacy dress with a black cropped bell sleeve cardigan cover up (long ass description I am so sorry).
You wore bone jewelry Nubbins had gifted you and you curled your hair to perfection.
When he answered the door, he felt his heart skip.
You were absolutely beautiful.
Chop Top yelled that Nubbins had a hard on which embarrassed him a lot and Johnny just about died from laughter.
But he did not have a hard on, to your dismay.
You gently grabbed his hand and pulled him outside to go to the sunflower field together.
He seemed a bit off, he was not his usual, wiry self.
He seemed nervous and a bit out of it. Not usual Nubbins behavior.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” you asked as you both made your way into the sunflower field.
“Y-yeah.” he stuttered.
You frowned. This was not your usual Nubbins. You wondered what was wrong with him, but you didn’t want to push it any further.
“Well, I made us some sandwiches and got chips. I made your favorite dessert too!” you chirped as you pulled him quicker. “Come on, I’m starvin’.”
He giggled as you pulled on his hand softly to speed up his pace. Your hand fit perfectly into his.
Setting up the quilt and giving Nubbins a show with how your dress started to ride up your thighs, you both sat down on the quilt with a small sigh. You took out the lunch you had prepared and you both began to eat, talking about the latest roadkill you had seen and the latest victim the Sawyers had mutilated. You knew what went on, but it did not bother you. You were twisted in your own ways. But Nubbins loved that you didn’t seem to mind their bloodthirsty tendencies and their cannibalism.
However, he did enjoy the sandwiches you made even if it wasn’t made of human flesh or organs. Sometimes he had a craving for something other than human. And you filled that craving. After the main course, you took out dessert. A double chocolate cake that you decorated carefully with chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles. Nubbins had a sweet tooth as well, and chocolate was a huge weakness of his.
“Y-you’re the best, ya’ know that?” he said as he munched on a slice of cake. “This is amazing.”
You smiled. “Aww, well I had to make it. Ya’ are my special boy, ya’ know.”
A slight blush covered his cheeks as he giggled. “Am I your s-special boy?”
“Of course you are, you are my best friend in the whole world.” you replied with a blush tinging your cheeks as well. You opened your mouth to say something else, but you closed it.
He tilted his head. Some things did not go unseen with Nubbins. “What else were y-ya’ going to say?”
You swallowed and shook your head. “Nothin’.”
“I thought we d-didn’t keep secrets from each other.” he pouted.
You felt your hands begin to sweat nervously. You fumbled with the trim of your dress. “Well, I really enjoy spending time with you. It’s what I look forward to a lot. Just being with you.” You avoided his gaze.
“I-I-I feel the same way too.” He replied. “I really l-like spending time with ya’ too, Y/N.”
An awkward silence filled the air as the birds chirped quietly in the background. You both looked away from each other, not sure what else to say.
“I’m in love with ya’.” Nubbins said softly, the only sentence he said without stuttering.
Your head snapped up. “Seriously?”
Nubbins slightly flinched at your tone, immediately recoiling back. “I-it’s okay if ya’ don’t feel the same way-”
Gaining some courage, you leaned forward and cradled his face between your hands. “Nubs, I’m in love with ya’ too.”
He blinked at you in bewilderment. “Y-ya’ are?”
“Always have been.” you said quietly as you looked down. “Ya’ are my whole world.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “Oh, I knew ya’ was gonna’ come around!”
You giggled as he began to get hyper. “My special boy, I always have been around.”
You kissed him gently. He was not very sure what to do, as he only had watched a lot of television that only showed a few kissing scenes, but he just went with his instincts. After what felt like forever, you pulled away and grinned at your Nubbins. He grinned back.
“So w-we’re a thing?”
“Yes we are!”
You both spent the rest of the evening together in the sunflower fields, watching the stars in the sky and talking. He held you close to him as you snuggled into him. This felt like home to him.
After some time, he noticed how frequently you were yawning and figured it was time to let you get back home to rest. He walked you to your house, which was not very far but he wanted to make sure you made it safe. He was not going to let his lady walk by herself in the dark. You kissed him goodbye once more and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. He didn’t want to let go of you either
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Nubs.” You said sleepily.
“Y-yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He replied as he ruffled your hair. You smiled at him as you went inside.
Trekking back to his home, he could barely contain his excitement. You were finally his and he was so proud of it. When he walked inside his home, Sissy hounded him immediately.
“Why are ya’ so smiley about?” she teased. “Someone got a little girlfriend?”
He nodded and smiled more.
Sissy gasped. “Ya’ finally got Y/N?!”
Chop Top peeked his head around the corner of the door frame. “Nubbins got a girlfriend?!” He started to dance around and tease his twin. “Nubbins got a girlfriend! Nubbins got a girlfriend!” he sang.
The hitchhiker could not help the string of giggles that came out of him. His cheeks hurt from the amount of smiling he was doing.
Bubba was freaking out with Sissy as they both squealed with happiness.
Johnny clasped his shoulder. “Ya’ shifty sum-bitch, I knew ya’ had it in ya’!”
With all the clamor and excitement, they did not hear the phone ringing except for Drayton who answered it and relayed the message.
“Nubbins!” he yelled as he came into the living room. “Ya’ little girlfriend called and said to come back to her house, she forgot to give ya’ somethin’.”
“Yeah, forgot to give him some ass!” Johnny and Chop Top howled with laughter as Sissy punched Johnny in the shoulder. “Oww, Sissy what the fuck?!”
Nubbins had a faint blush and nodded. “A-alright.”
Drayton eyed his brother. “And ya’ better make sure there ain’t no hanky panky goin’ on! Don’t need no love child of yours to be runnin’ about!”
“Lighten up old man, let Nubbins have this one!” Johnny said. “Go on, get to ya’ girlfriend now!”
Nubbins exited the house and made his way back to your house quickly. He was a little confused as to what you wanted to give to him, but he didn’t mind walking to your house this late. In fact, he didn’t mind doing anything for you at all.
He noticed that it was empty. Your parents must have been gone and he didn’t take notice of it earlier when he walked you home. He was too busy thinking about how you loved him. Knocking on your door, he glanced around and shifted onto his other leg. He was still a bit hyper from the commotion of his family.
When you answered the door, he felt his blood rush. You were wearing panties and a plain t shirt that outlined your curves. He tried not to stare too much.
“Wh-what is it that ya’ wanted to give to me?” he asked.
You chuckled. “Actually, I just wanted to see if ya’ wanted to have a sleepover. My parents are gone.”
He smiled. “I would l-l-love that.”
You both cuddled together and watched a movie, dozing off as you two soaked in each other’s presence. He was yours, and you were his. Forever.
“Where in the hell is that boy?!” Drayton complained. “It’s 12 in the goddamn morning!”
“Like I said old man, he’s gettin’ some ass right about now.” Johnny replied as he and Chop Top watched a horror movie and ate popcorn. “It’s best to leave them be. Ain’t hurtin’ anyone.”
“Y-yeah, he ain’t had a girlfriend ever.” Chop Top said while shoving popcorn into his mouth. “It’s g-good to see him happy.”
“Fuckin’ A.” Johnny said as he nodded his head.
Drayton sighed. “I’ll let it be this time, but I swear to God if she ends up pregnant I am beating the shit out of both of ya’.”
“They are gonna’ fuck like rabbits.” said the Slaughter boy with a chuckle.
“What was that, boy?” His mother asked in a warning-like tone.
“Nothin’ mama.”
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daydreamingmia · 4 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 8
A/n: The time lines is gonna be a little off in some of these stories. Like Marvel's release dates etc.
You and Walker have been dating for about a month. You've never been so happy.💜
You were sound asleep when you heard your phone buzz. You rolled over and looked at it.
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You roll out of bed onto the floor. You stand up and get changed.
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You get in an Uber and drive to where you were going to film the video.
                      🔱PETER JOHNSON GC⚡️
Walker: Let's goooo
Aryan: So excited
Charlie: 🥳🥳
                                           Y/n: Yayyy!! I'm so happy!
Dior: me too!!
                                                            Y/n: I can't wait!
Walker: I'll have a
girlfriend this season😉
                                                           Y/n: and I'll have
                                                             a boyfriend🥰
Aryan: gross
Charlie: After you guys
finish that video you wanna
come over to my house and
we can celebrate?
Charlie: Leave the romance
at home🤨
Dior: yesss
Walker: sounds great
                                          Y/n: that sounds awesome
Aryan: I can't. It's
my friend's birthday
Dior: How dare they be
born on the day of the
Dior: Wish them a
happy birthday 💙
Charlie: Wish them a
happy birthday for us!
Wish you could come
                                         Y/n: that sounds fun! Wish
                                               them a happy birthday!
                                               We will miss you🤍
Walker: no we won't
                                                                  Y/n: Walker!
Walker: Fine we will 😁
You look up to see you were here. You get out and go inside.
"Season 2 baby!!" You throw your hands in the air and everyone cheers
"Hey" Walker comes up to you and kisses you
"Hey" you reply after the kiss
"So what's the plan?" You ask hanging on Walker
"Basically you'll just hold this cake and blow in these noisemakers"
"K" You reply
You let go of Walker because they hand him the cake. You stand on his left Aryan on his right.
"Action!" They yell
The noisemakers sound filled the room. Walker was blowing it in your and Aryan's ears so it was even louder. He was having too much fun.  "Payback" you thought
You grabbed a chunk of the cake and looked at Walker. He knew what you were doing. Aryan copied you. He backed into the wall and blocked the cake with his hands. Everyone was laughing.
"Hey that's a good idea. Y/n would you be okay with it if Aryan and Walker push your face in the cake. Walker looked at you with a mischievous smile. You glared at him then smile.
"I'm fine with that" you laugh
"Cool. 3. 2. 1." She pointed at you
You bent over and Walker and Aryan put their hands on the back of your head. They pushed your head down gently but also hard at the same time. It was hard to explain. Your face went into the cake and everyone erupted in laughter including you. You picked your face up out of the cake and you couldn't see anything. You were covered and it was thick.
"Can you breathe?" You heard Walker ask as you were still laughing
"Y/n can you breathe?" Wake asked again and you shake your head
You wiped your face with your hands and wiped them on Walker's face. You did the same to Aryan.
Everyone was dying in laughter
"Hey can you guys kiss in front of the crushed cake?"
"Yeah! But should we get the cake if our faces first? " You ask
"No need. I think its cute and funny"
"Okay" You giggle
Walker dips you and you kiss as you wrap your arms around him.
"Perfect" They say as Walker lifts you back up
You get the cake off of your face and get into an Uber with Walker.
The drive was a little long but you knew it would be worth it.
You get out of the car and wake runs the doorbell and Dior answered.
"New season!" You hug her
"I know! I'm so excited!!" She hugged you back
"How long ago did you get here?" Walker asked
"About 20 minutes ago" She replied
"I'm sorry we kept you waiting!" You apologized
"Don't worry about it" she said very sweetly
"Hey Charlie!" You walk into the living room where he is on his phone
"Hey" He gets up and hugs you
"Do you guys wanna ride around the neighborhood on a golf cart? My mom has one." He asked
"Yess!" Dior exclaimed
"Awesome!" Walker replied
"Cool!" Aryan said
"Oooo! Can I drive?! PLEEEAAAASSSSEEE" You asked
"Sure" He chuckled
You got into the cart and put the key in
"Okay so this is the the gas, that is the brake, that is the shift." Charlie explained
Then Walker turned you around really quickly and kissed you
"What was that?" You asked blushing when he pulled away
"I just wanna kiss you one last time before we all die" Walker said getting into the back of the cart
"We aren't gonna die you idiot" You roll you eye
Everyone got in and you pushed the gas.
"Oops" You said slaming on the brake and everyone grunted
"I can see the headlines...Y/n kills the cast of Percy Jackson...Annabeth killing everyone was not the show ending we expected" Walker said sarcastically
"Shut up!" You replied and pushed the gas as it went foward this time
You were driving for a few minutes and winked at Dior. You slammed in the gas and Walker went flying off of the cart with a scream. You were laughing so hard. Walker was running by the side of the cart and you went faster. As Dior took a video of him fighting to get back on.
"Why didn't you slow down?" He asked out of breath when he finally jumped on
"Oops. Wrong petal." You said sarcastically
"You tried to leave me behind on purpose!" Walker gasped
"Maybe" you mischievously grinned
"If you weren't driving I'd push you off too but we don't need you to crash this thing any sooner than you already are" He said with fake attitude
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." You brush it off
"I want evidence of your bad driving" Walker said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket
When he turned it on you had to be the best driver ever
"Oh so now she's a good driver. Maybe if leave this video on you wont actually kill us" Walker snickers
Charlie pulls out his phone and takes a video too. Walker turns around and flips off the camera.
"Walker" Charlie said turning it off before they could see it
"What?" Walker said innocently
As Charlie rolled his eyes and turned the video to you and Dior.
"Dior Dior" Walker said in a really funny voice
"Y/n" Charlie said so you turned around
"Hey eyes on the road" He said pointing
"Hey look lights!" Walker said looking down under his seat
Then suddenly you turn around and shove him off of the cart
"She's trying to get rid of me" Walker accused
Everyone was just dying laughing
When he got back on we were about to make a sharp turn
"Ok-okay slow down...push the brakes...slow down y/n...SLOW DOWN!" Walker said very very nervously
"Shut up! You're messing up my concentration you said lightly pushing the brakes
"Oh she's getting better" Dior said excitedly as Walker sighed in relief
"He is such a baby" you roll your eyes
You get off the cart and go back inside.
"We survived!" Walker said with his fists in the air
You glared at him
"I always knew we would make it" He says not wanting to make you mad
"Ha! Then why were you crying?" You mock
"I wasn't crying!" He defended himself
"You were very close" you laugh holding his hand and going inside
You got back from driving the golf cart about 30 minutes ago. Everyone decided to go on insatgram and like the fan's posts that you saw in honor of season 2.
"Hey you wanna play table tennis?" Walker asked
"Yeah!" Everyone replies
We walk over and start thinking about how we can play.
"Okay Walker you and Charlie play. Then Dior and I will play. Whoever wins from each team will go against the other winner." You boss them around
"You really are perfect for Annabeth" Walker chuckled and picks up the paddle
"You can do it Walker!" You cheer
"Destroy him" You say very jokingly creepy
"Yikes" Dior giggled sitting next to you
"You cheated!" Walker accused
"I cheated you cheated!" Charlie yelled back
"How did I cheat?!" Walker questioned
"They are so childish" You roll your eyes to Dior as they were still yelling at eachother in the backround
"I know it's like they are 4" Dior replied
"Y/n! Who won this round me or Charlie?" Walker asked you
"YOU CAN'T ASK HER SHE'S BIASED!" Charlie yelled at Walker
"Rude" You glare
"Fine. Dior who won?" Walker asked Dior
"OH NO! I'm not getting into this" Dior shook her head
"FINE. I won" Walker put his paddle down
"What?! Why do you get to decide?!" Charlie asked
"Just...because" Walker said quietly
"You know what...that's fine. I've seen how y/n plays and she'll probably beat Dior. Then you'll have to go up against you girlfriend." Charlie said pointing to you
"I'm not afraid of her." Walker shrugged
"Ha. You should be" Dior chuckled
"On second thought... you won." Walker said with a sudden smile
"Ohhh no. You got yourself into this mess" Charlie snickered
"Ugh" Walker whined
You and Dior played and of course you won. And unlike the boys there was no screaming. More laughing.
"Well Walker I just want you to know whatever happens...I still love you" You say putting your hands on his shoulders
"Love you too?" Walker looked weirded out
"You make it sound like he's gonna win" Dior laughed
"Of course he's not gonna win. I just wanted the...drama effect" You pause and look into the air very seriously then start laughing
The score was 9-5. You had the 9.
"Come on Y/n! Don't go easy on him! Crush him!" Dior said putting her fist in her palm (sorry I hope you know what I mean I don't know how to describe it)
"I'm trying to! He's really good!" You say hitting the ball and Walker misses
"Point y/n!" Charlie announced
"One more point and she will win the game" Charlie said in a very serious voice
"Point Walker!"
"Point Walker!"
"Point Walker!"
"Hold on... how is Walker suddenly getting these points?" Charlie said looking at you suspiciously
"Luck?" You shrug
"Ahuh" Charlie said skeptically
"Walker is very lucky. I mean he's dating me right?" You said said with a giggle
"Y/n don't go easy on me. Play like you would if I weren't me" Walker asked
"I'm am" You defend yourself
"Are you?" He gave you a look
"100 percent" You said trying not to make it look like you were lying"
"Okay" Walker shrugged
"Point Walker! Okay they're tied. Miraculously Charlie looked at you but you ignored him
You actually almost missed the ball but you didn't.
"Y/n wins!" Charlie held your hand up in victory
"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" Dior and Walker cheered
"Do you still love me?" You go up to Walker and kiss him
"No I don't. I've been the happiest I've ever been in my entire life for the past month but I don't think it can work out. You're too good at table tennis." He said sarcastically still hugging you
"You let him have every point he got didn't you?" Dior asked as everyone was walking out to the firepit
"Yeah" you shrugged
You got outside and sat down in the circularchairs around the fire. Walker on your right, Dior on your left, Charlie between Dior and Charlie. Walker moves his chair a little closer to yours and holds your hand.
"I'm so excited for next season!" You say
"Camp Halfblood is back!" Dior exclaims
You sit for a while and talk.
"Hey you guys want some pizza?" You ask
"Yes I'm starving!" Dior exclaims
"I'm so hungry" Walker said
"Yess" Charlie chimed in
You order 2 large cheese pizzas.
"I'm getting cold. I'm gonna go get my jacket." You say standing up
"I'll get it" Walker says gently pushing it back down
"There's a blanket on the couch if you want it" Charlie points
Walker comes back and picks you up bridal style and sits you on his lap then lays the blanket on you. He kisses you and you lay your head on his shoulder.
"Gross" Charlie complains
"Shut up" Walker retorts
There you were with the boy that you loved and your best friends (-Aryan) sitting by the campfire. Everyone was so happy. Then your phone rang.
"I've gotta take this" you say standing up
"noooo don't leave" Walker whines holding onto your hand
"Walker let go of me" You laugh as you fight your hand out of his
You walk to the side of the house and answer it.
                        Brother of mischief💚
                                                                   hey brother! 
Hey sis! Did you hear the news?!
                             About season 2 of Percy Jackson?
                                                   I know I'm so excited
oh! Congratulations!
                                                                     Thank you
But I'm talking about Thor
We were got the OK for another movie!
                                      omg! That's awesome!...wait
                                            when does filming start?
Umm I don't know probably in
like England or Australia like before...why?
                         um...no reason. Do you know when
                                    we are going to start filming?
They said in a week
                                                                      A WEEK?!
yeah. Is everything okay?
                                   yeah...yeah everything is fine.
                                                        That's just so soon
They wanted to start filming
as soon as possible because
they said you have to film Percy Jackson
I'm sorry if you're upset about this.
I thought you would be happy
(his voice was very sympathetic)
                    no. no. It's not your fault. Its amazing!
             I'm so happy to be filming with you again
Me too
                                          I'm sorry I have to go now
Okay. I'm sorry
                                      don't be this is a good thing!
                                 --END CALL--
You hang up the phone and just sit there for a minute. How are you going to tell Walker. You won't. At least not right now. He's so happy with the second season you can't ruin it right now.
You were having conflicted emotions. You loved filming Thor. You loved Tom and Chris. They were like your real brothers. You felt bad that you made Tom sad when he should be happy. But you didn't want to leave Walker.
You take a deep breathe and walk to where everyone was.
"Who was that?" Walker asks moving the blanket so you can sit back down
"Umm. Nobody. Well my mom. She was asking if I'd be home for dinner." You say kinda weird
"O-okay" Walker replied as you sat down
"Pizza is here!" Charlie said coming from inside the house
The two pizzas were almost gone. Everyone was full.
"Is everything okay?" Walker asks you his beautiful blue eyes looking at you
"Yes! Everything is fine! Why do you ask?" You try to play it off
"I don't know. You've been acting kinda weird." Walker shrugs
"I'm fine" you smile
You fell asleep in Walker's arms. So warm. So nice.
"We should get going" Dior says so you can have an actual bed to sleep in
"Yeah" Walker yawns
"I'll drive you two home" Dior said standing up
Walker picks you up and carries you to Dior's car.
Next thing you knew you were at your house.
"hey. wake up" Walker whispers in your ear
"I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you" You mumble in your sleep
"I know y/n. But we are here" He strokes your hair
"what?" You start sitting up
"We are at your house" Walker looks at you sweetly
"Oh. Okay. was I saying something a minute ago?" You ask
"Yeah you said you don't want to leave me but you have to...I mean I think Dior will probably mind if you d sleep in her car all night" Walker chuckled
"Yeah that's what I meant" You say with worry in your eyes (you almost slipped about Thor)
"what?" Walker asked confused
"nothing" you reply and get out of the car
Walker walks you to the door and quickly kiss him
"What was that for?" He asks looking in your eyes
"I just love you" You smile
"Are you sure everything is okay?" He asks you
"Yeah" you nodded
"Okay. Goodnight" he respond knowing something was up
"Goodnight" You kiss him one more time and go inside
You changed into your pajamas and sat on your bed. Your face in your hands. You decide to ask Taylor what you should do.
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It had been around an hour since you got home. After you talked to Tayloe you were just sitting there quietly...thinking.
You look at your phone to see Dior texted.
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A/n: I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you so much for reading! Sorry it took a little while to write. The movie is Ragnarock. The timing is off on this and a few other things in the future. Sorry💙
P.S. This is Y/n's Resume😁👇
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's - dad Mark lee scenario
hi! this one is a request and honestly I missed dad Mark too so here you goooo. hope you like it!! 💛😊
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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It's a bit earlier than the usual time Mark drives back home. It was less hectic at the office today so he decided to call it a day and come back home to his wife and kids, surely his favorite part of the day.
When he enters your home, he can already smell something cooking in the kitchen. Probably a new batch of cookies since he knows you love baking.
Walking towards the delicious scent, he sees you standing in the middle of the kitchen with your cute red apron with hearts all over it and all over his eyes. This right here is the life he has always dreamed of, he thinks quietly to himself how he's the luckiest guy on the Earth to have married a woman like you. He must've done something so right in his past life.
Sensing another presence in the kitchen, you look over the doorway to see your husband with this animated look in his eyes. A look you've memorized through the years.
"You're home early" you tell him, he walks towards you giving you a hug from behind. Molding himself behind you, with two kids running around Mark makes sure to savor these rare moments when it's just the two of you.
"Missed you too much" he mumbles, burying his head on the crook of your neck. He then pepper kisses all over the side of your face, the shell of your ears, stopping to rest his lips against your head while he still holds you in his arms.
"Where's the kids?" he asks, the living room was empty when he entered and he knows the two kids are already done with school.
"In their playroom, I should check on them in a bit it's too quiet" you joke
"I'll do it, you finish up here. I'll go check on the kids and change" he gives you another kiss on the cheek before breaking away.
He then makes his way down the hall to where the playroom is, just when he was about to open the door he heard a scream from the inside.
In an instant, his protective instincts kick in. Throwing the door open, ready to fight whatever or whoever dared to scare his children but he only saw his two little humans in there.
"Daddy!" Minjee says the moment her eyes land on her dad, running towards him to hug his legs.
"What is going on in here?" he looks around the room, checking to see if everything's alright then looking at his oldest for an explanation.
"We were just coloring" Minjung mumbles, Mark knew that wasn't the end of the story so he asks his daughter
"Oppa broke my glitter pen" she cries
"I didn't! I wanted to use it for my drawing but she wouldn't let me use it!" the 8 year old retorts. In the middle of the commotion, Mark didn't notice you approaching.
"What's happening here?" you ask, standing behind Mark before entering the room. This time Mark leans down to pick Minjee up while Minjung turns to you,
"Minjee didn't want to share" he frowns while he tells on his sister, "Did you ask nicely before you took it?" you asked calmly
"Yes" the young boy replies, you then turn to the little girl in your husbands arm. She knew it was the only place no one would ever dare to harm her, even you. Mark is Minjee's protector.
"Minjee? Did you not want to share with your brother?" you ask
"But I wanted to use it" she grumbles
"Yes, love. I know but were you using it when Minjung asked if he could use it? He did ask you first before taking it"
"No" again the little girl mumbles, looking down on her fingers currently playing with her father's buttons
You share a look with your husband before signaling for him to put Minjee down, at first Mark was hesitant but he followed your command anyways. His kids might have him wrapped around their fingers but at the end of the day he's most scared of you.
"Minjee, come here baby. Will you say sorry to your brother? It's not nice. Minjung you apologize also for taking the pen, next time you wait until she finishes then you ask again nicely. I don't like it when you two fight" you tell the two kids, both of them looking at you with glassy eyes.
"Sorry" Minjee mumbles, looking over at her brother
"Me too, I'm sorry" the older one says, holding out the pen to her which she gladly takes. "Good, thank you to the both of you for listening to mom. Now why don't you clean up before we eat dinner? I made cookies" you smile at the two, giving them each a kiss on the head.
The youngest one already running out the room to clean, nothing gets her going more than the promise of dessert.
Meanwhile, the oldest Lee sibling stays behind catching your attention.
"Mommy, is it okay if I get glitter pens too? Dad got it for Minjee last time. I wanted some too to color my drawings" he asks you, immediately you felt bad. You didn't mean to make your son feel left out, and you're sure that wasn't Mark's intention either.
"Of course, love. We can get you some" you tell him, ruffling his hair
"And I'm sorry for being a bad brother, you always tell me to be nice to Minjee because she's my sister" he says, looking over at you then at his dad still standing by the door. This made Mark walk towards the two of you, crouching down until he was eye to eye with his son
"You're not a bad brother, siblings fight sometimes but that doesn't make you a bad one. We know you didn't mean it. And I'm sorry too, how about we go to the craft store this weekend to get you some supplies?" Mark asks him with a small smile, feeling bad and trying to make it up to his son
"Really? Can Minjee come too? She loves it there" that made the two of you smile, Minjung always taking care of his sister.
"Sure buddy, whatever you want. Now, before you go can dad have a hug?" Minjung grins before running straight to his father's arms, looking at your two boys you're sure your heart is about to burst
"Hey, don't leave me out" you tell them, the two boys turn to you before embracing you.
Once dinner was done and the two kids are tucked away in bed, Mark waits for you in the bedroom while you finish you nighttime routine. When you slide on the mattress next to him, immediately he pulls you to his side.
"Long day?" you ask him, a lazy smile on your face while you brush the few strands of hair falling on his eyes
"Kinda, and to think you do this everyday. God, you are amazing" he tells you before giving you a kiss. When the two of you broke apart, he just stares at you,
"You think Minjung's okay?" he asks
"What do you mean?"
"The thing with the pens? I really didn't think about it, I just thought Minjee would love it. I don't want him to think we have favorites" he tells your worries, nights like this are his favorites. When he gets to talk about his day with you, to say every worry every thought to his other half.
"No, he doesn't think that way. We love them both just as much"
"Mhm, it's okay for our kids to have favorites but we can't" he jokes, "What are you talking about?"
"Clearly Minjung likes you now more than me, I'm starting to get jealous. We used to spend more time together"
"Silly, he loves you just as much"
"Na uh, he likes you more. He told me so when I jokingly asked him, believe me I was silent the way home" he tells you, making you laugh.
"If I'm Minjung's favorite then you're Minjee's, but what's new. She's always been a daddy's girl"
And Mark wears that badge with honor. Minjee will always be his little princess. Of course he loves both of his children equally.
"Okay then one's a mommy's boy and the other one is a daddy's girl" he says
"Yea apparently, but we love them both" you mumble, burying your head on the crook of his neck.
"Yea" he breaths out
"Years later it's still unfair how I carried them for nine months only for them to look like you, down the habits" you tell your husband.
The kids are old enough for Mark to finally stop denying it and say otherwise, his two kids are his carbon copies without a doubt. But you love it.
"You love us" he tells you, hugging you even closer until you're completely laying on top of him
"You know how we can solve that?" Mark asks with this new twinkle is his eyes, a cheeky smile on his lips
"And what do you suggest, Mr. Lee?"
You feel his arms snake around your waist before he flips the two of you over, this time he's the on top.
"What if we make another one?" he whisper, dipping his head down to kiss the shell of your ear then down the hollow of your neck. Already, you're putty under him. Like he knows just how to put you under his spell and make you do his bidding.
"And have another version of you?" you asks, voice sounding more breathy. He smirks against your skin, his mind already imagining you pregnant with his child again. This was enough to lit a fire in him.
You continued before pulling him for a kiss "Sounds like a dream to me"
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12pt-times-new-roman · 8 months
god, the SET, the COSTUMES, travis in full half-orc makeup — fucking gorgeous. but I do have the sneaking feeling that Matt is dressed as young Ludinus.......
The time: seven years after the peace treaty that ended the War of Ash and Light, immediately after the ignition of the Malleus Key. The level: 20. The setting: the Encanter's Rest, Blightshore, where Caleb and Beauregard have landed.
In the midst of this, Caleb has a terrifying realization: if his own collar has been disenchanted, what others have been, too? But Beau's priority is to get to Yasha, who was with Caduceus, and Caleb teleports them there with a chipped piece of gravestone.
The Blooming Grove is healthier than they've ever seen it, and the curse of the Savalirwood has been driven away slightly. Caduceus' hair is a vibrant pink again.
"We made it to the Malleus Key like we planned, but nothing ended as we planned. Da'leth brought down a champion of the Matron, into the heart of the dig site, and he did something — our vision went white, we woke up in a different part of the world —" "Long story short, everything's fucked. I think we need to rally the troupe."
Next stop: the deck of the Nein Heroez, docked in Nicodranas.
Fjord update: his level 20 multiclass is warlock 14/paladin 6, and holy fuck his new art—
Stone's Throw has acquired multiple new ships, including the Rumblecusp Express and the Sapphire of the Sea.
As they travel through Nicodranas toward Veth, they catch wind of something having spooked sea-beasts into the streets.
"I'm sorry, the place is a mess, the world has been turned upside down—" "Wait, something happened here too? What's wrong?" "I have a teenager!"
They sit down to have a conversation, alongside Yeza.
"Uh... Cerberus Assembly, global fuckery, the moon is not where it's supposed to be, Trent may not be imprisoned anymore — and we're getting the Nein back together to deal with it."
Jester update: she took flash recall as her 19th level feat.
Jester attempts to scry on Trent and it doesn't work. They immediately assume that he's broken out and has an amulet, but it could still be that the entire prison is warded against scrying.
"Caleb, do you need an amulet so he can't look in on you?" "Let him come." that's what we call character development!
The Nein, in true Nein fashion, decide to tackle the immediate problem first, rather than trying to push the moon back into space when they don't really know anything about it. Trent joined with Ludinus is far more dangerous than Ludinus on his own, so they'll take down Trent first and play whack-a-mole with the rest of the Assembly later.
Veth isn't sure if she should go with them, but Luc slams his door open — "mom, don't be a coward! You do this every time! You have to be an adventurer for everyone, that's our calling! You can ground me all you want, but I learned it from you!"
Caleb cuts in. "Young man, you do not take your mother's love for granted. Do you understand me?"
They start to leave, but Veth doesn't want to. Caleb draws the circle to the Cobalt Soul archive in Rexxentrum, he steps through, the last to go — and Luc, rogue 5/wizard 3, dashes through at the last second!!
The way the entirety of the Mighty Nein turns on Luc the second they realize he's there and are so protective of him is fucking adorable. Beau challenges him to hit her with a spell, but ol' uncle Caleb counters it and puts him in a wall of force. "We are dealing with people who could kill you with a blink. You are not ready. You are talented, and I'm proud of you, but you're not ready." Luc is out here using Sam's 22 charisma to convince everyone — including Caduecus — to let him stay. Caleb agrees, too, on one condition: that Luc will stay under his eye at every moment, and that he reserves the right to teleport Luc back home the second it becomes too dangerous.
On the upside, it appears that the teleportation circles in the Cobalt Soul are still working.
Since the solstice, the Cobalt Soul has closed its archive doors. They discovered that the master vault has had its wards interfered with and has actually been infiltrated and trapped from within — with Yudala Fon meeting with the king, they ask the Nein to investigate.
Caleb update: Fortune's Favor is his second-level spell mastery choice.
The hallway to the vault leads to a massive adamantine door covered in runes — though it would usually glow blue upon approach, the runes are cold and lifeless. It creaks open without issue.
Inside is a storage room filled with various chained crates, tomes, display cases, and other such things.
In the middle of the floor is a toothy mouth. "Welcome, Bren. You are nothing if not reliable. It feels good to be free — have had so much time to ponder. I can now see how solitude forged you, I now know the greatness that can come from endless quiet and conjecture. At the edges of my mind, many seek me in silence. I wonder If any partnership would meet my standards. I have much to thank you for, my exemplary pupil. It is only fitting you have now taught me, and I return renewed. I must confirm my theories, for they keep many secrets beneath this library. You are welcome to learn what I have, Bren." The magic mouth spell vanishes.
At the far end of the room is a figure, crouched — Aggy, a dwarvish monk (way of the drunken fist, presumably), level 5, played by Wembly Arena's announcer Daniel! The monk was sent into the archive ahead of them, but got caught in some kind of explosion. "Without being too rude, who the living fuck are you?"
Beau update: She got promoted to High Monk!
Fjord uses see invisibility, revealing a handle on the wall that was previously hidden. Aggy goes and headbutts it, inadvertently turning the lever and opening a secret door in the wall.
Through this new door, another mouth appears. "We have all done terrible things, Bren, and we all must be punished for them. I still pay the price, and so too shall he. The Shadowhand must step into his own might. I will tell the Bright Queen of his betrayal, and in this, he shall be made free to follow your path of pain. Only in suffering are we made paragon, and I will make you better; you will be my proudest achievement."
The passage leads to a series of terraced platforms that then lead to a room covered in lockboxes. Each is hidden with invisibility, and protected by various wards.
Aggy, brazenly running down the passageway and sticking his hand on one of the lockboxes, gets instantly killed by a disintegrate.
One of the lockboxes is slightly ajar, and no longer has a trap on it; the inside is empty except for a piece of paper, and another magic mouth appears. "To bleed is to scab, to break is to mend stronger, to hurt is to learn; but recklessness will only leave you dead and forgotten. I was called here to take of its blessing and release one of its forgotten nightmares; arrogance thinks it can use me, but I am the master here. I am he who feeds on ambition, he who drinks of promise and leaves nothing unearned." He tells Caleb to meet him at the ruins of his childhood home — "dinner will be waiting."
Beau comforts Caleb in the way that she does. "You've worked really hard to overcome this. You are above this." "You are right. I don't care that he taunts me. But he doesn't need to be breathing anymore."
With at nat20 plus true seeing, Beau can see the name of what each lockbox contains. The two that were ajar read "adrenus sap," a rare unholy ichor distilled for use in abyssal rituals to bind servants of the abyss or undeath to their domains, or to ensnare such creatures; and "afterimentahl," an arcane binding stone used to capture powerful beings for study, syphoning, or experimentation. The ones known typically contain an entity from the Calamity or before, but the process of creating them has been lost.
back from break and so ready to watch them finally kill this motherfucker—
They put up the tower to sleep for the night, and cast a heroes' feast preemptively.
Caleb uses wish to cast simulacrum on himself to create a copy. He then gives Luc his luck stone, re-attunes his ring of evasion, and casts mind blank on himself before going to bed.
And with a night's rest, Caleb can prepare another 9th level spell or can keep wish — he didn't even have to roll for it because he duplicated a spell! 20th level wizards are a hell of a thing.
With potions drank, fog clouds created, and a heroes' feast had, the Nein plus Luc teleport to Blumenthal.
As they approach, Caleb feels the ghost of his grief, but he has come to terms with it. The house that stands here looks exactly like his childhood home. "I have done what I have needed to do in this world. If I don't walk from this, I need you to get that boy to safety."
Inside, there is laughter — Una's, followed by Leofric's, mingled with Trent's. Caleb walks in, followed by Jester and Fjord. With divine sense, Fjord reads both Una and Leofric as undead. Caleb's simulacrum is polymorphed into a sabertooth to protect Luc. The rest flank the house and watch through the windows.
Breakfast is set at the table. There are seven empty chairs.
"Mother, don't you think it's strange, you haven't changed one iota?" "Not at all. He has given us a second chance." With an insight check, Caleb sees them for what they are: just bodies, reanimated.
Jester leans, says "I'm sorry" to Caleb — and casts turn undead. Both parents fail their saves, fall back. Trent's face falls. "Wery well, then. Perhaps the lesson should start with me." The entire house explodes, but their preparation reduces the damage significantly, and before them is Trent Ikithon, floating up in the air — and where Una and Leofric were are two ghoulish corpses.
time for initiative and combat updates!
Trent's spell save DC is 22. That's just about on-par for a 20th-level wizard with money; a 22 INT plus a robe of the archmagi gets him there, and an arcane grimoire can compensate for no robe or a 20 INT.
Trent can use 2 legendary actions to cast a spell.
Caleb Prime: *downed* Caleb 2: immediately turns into a fucking t-rex
Luc casts see invisibility and reveals that Trent's avatar is an illusory duplicate, and the real Trent is crouched behind a tree like a little fucking creep.
After a chain lightning, a meteor swarm that did higher-than-average damage, and a massive house explosion, everyone's back to full with a mass heal! So with two clerics in the party with a 9th level each, plus a guaranteed divine intervention that can duplicate a mass heal, these fuckers have a latent health pool of 2800 hit points.
Beau update: Her 19th level feat is mobile.
In an antimagic field, Trent is cowering — "but this is why the intelligent prepare. Omentis, be unleashed." The field doesn't suppress artifacts, and he breaks the afterimentahl against his chest. From where he stands, an orb of pitch darkness grows, and a 40-foot entity made of purplish and black shadow, with four arms and glowing purple orbs begins to stalk toward Blumenthal itself.
Seeing that, Caleb plants one palm, two palms on the ground — and uses shapechange to transform into Gelidon, the Nightmare in Ivory.
and then, just to top it all off, Luc casts enlarge on the fucking t-rex!
"Arty, if there's ever a time we needed you—" Jester uses gate to pull Artagan out of the feywild and right into this fucking kaiju fight. "Don't worry, Jester, I've got y—oh, what have you brought me into?! Really?!"
An archfey, an ancient dragon, a giant t-rex, and the avatar of an abyssal archfiend tethered to the soul of a 20th-level archmage walk into a bar...
With holy weapon active, Yasha does 168 damage in a turn without a crit.
Its full name is Omentis, Scion of Ruin. Everyone within 60 feet gets hit with its "void hunger," automatically takes necrotic damage at the top of its turn. It also has "aura of oblivion," a beam that emits from its face and deals massive (as in, 150 points on a failed save) force damage. Its AC is 24, and it is considered undead.
With his passive perception, Caleb notices that the crystal that Trent shattered is still visible in its chest.
Luc notices and targets the artifact, which causes the shadow holding the creature together to flicker.
Caduceus uses divine intervention (which automatically succeeds) to cause the creature's shadow to become translucent, so that they can see the artifact clearly within it. In the center, with the crystal at his heart, is the shadowy echo of Trent, hanging like a puppet.
what is it with live shows and nat20s at crucial story moments???
With a nat20 strength check, Beau rips the heart from the creature. All the shadows swirl around it and get pulled back into the egg, and as it reforms, Trent himself gets pulled, screaming, into it — Beau tosses it up, Gelidon catches it and smashes it into the ground.
As the dust settles, the people of Blumenthal gather, and the sun begins to rise.
The heart remains intact, but sealed forever with Trent inside it.
Caleb uses demiplane — which opens into a familiar nine-sided tower — to seal the heart away for..... future use.
They decide that after all this, Luc deserves a party — not least of all to celebrate Fjord and Jester's engagement!
At the end of it all, Caleb uses the tower to cook a feast for all of Blumenthal.
"While this was a singular victory, it is still the beginning of much work to be done."
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my-soupy-brain · 7 months
possessive ted 😫🤭
Love it. Maybe a new player starts at the club and is getting a little too chatty? Makes him uncomfortable? Or better yet, maybe a trainer on an opposing team chats you up? Oh, here we goooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: ANGST + some smut
You'd been with the club as a club photographer for about a year. And six months into that job, you got to know a certain Ted Lasso.
The amicable, happy-go-lucky coach of AFC Richmond, where you worked.
Divorced, father of a little boy, and spreading his American charm through this small community in England, you took to him immediately. You had a lot in common, after all.
He was charming and witty, and while you were there for some hard times for him, he was equally there for hard times for you.
And one night after a club trip to the local pub, he kissed you.
You kissed him.
It happened all at once, really. You just felt right. Snowflakes gently fell from the sky, you marveled at their beauty, and when you looked at him, he was closer. Waiting, his eyes wide. And you kissed.
Which brings you here. Three months into a comfortable, beautiful, glorious, pleasurable relationship with a man you never thought existed: A good guy.
It was nice working with Ted, because even though you both worked at the club, you didn't cross paths all the time.
You were usually in the marketing suite with Keeley and the team there. Or getting photos uploaded to social media and the website.
But on game days, you rode with the team on the bus.
Ted always sat with Beard on the way to the match, but you always sat with Ted on the way home. It was comforting, being next to Ted. Softly speaking, smiling, holding hands, sometimes falling asleep on one another's shoulder.
But tensions are high on the way to West Ham.
Nate the Great is the manager there now, under Rupert Manion's watchful, evil eye. Ted held no ill will for Nate; the opposite, in fact. He wished him the best. But the team was out for blood.
Ted never wished harm on anyone. That's what mad Ted so special.
Until the West Ham trainer. That made him see a little more red than he was used to.
"Hey, what's your name?"
You jump a little, not used to a voice after hearing the shutter of your camera for the last five minutes.
"Oh, sorry. Hi, I'm y/n," you answer, offering a free hand and holding your camera in the other. You're crouching and this new stranger, a man, is crouching next to you.
"Duncan. Nice to meet you y/n."
You nod and smile, and return to your work, snapping away.
"It's really sexy, watching a photographer do their thing," he says. "How long have you been doing this for?"
You try to hide your annoyance at his questions and smile.
"I majored in photography and film in college, and I've been a professional photographer for 12 years," you reply, pulling the camera back to your eye.
You stand up for another angle, and your pen falls out of your pocket. Duncan picks it up and slides it back into your front pocket.
It was uncomfortable. Likely meant no harm, but you froze immediately. And from the sidelines, Ted is watching with a pointed glare behind his aviators.
You move down the pitch for more photos, Duncan walks with you. He's talking a little boastfully about his job in physical therapy and his work at West Ham.
"That's nice, sounds like you like what you do," you reply numbly, still clicking your shutter.
"Yeah, I am really good at what I do. I appreciate other people who are good at what they do, too," he says, leaning a little close.
Too close.
Way too close.
Ted starts to move down the pitch, closer to you both.
He doesn't wanna be one of those boyfriends. He already had a hard enough getting over Michelle and Dr. Jacob (which was now over, and she was onto someone new, who didn't coach his marriage).
But with you, he trusted you. You two fit together like peas in a pod. It wasn't you he was worried about though.
It was him.
The weather is getting warmer and the jacket you wore is making it uncomfortable as you change positions for more photos. You shake off your coat and Duncan helps pull it off your arms.
"Thanks," you murmur, going back to work.
"It's too bad you're behind the camera instead of in front of it," Duncan says, and you stop what you're doing.
"Listen, Duncan. I appreciate getting to know other sideline folks, I do. But I have a boyfriend."
Duncan smiles with a shit-eating grin.
"Yeah, I heard about that. The gaffer, right? You really wanna stick around with that slog?"
You shake your head and don't say a word.
"I really care about Ted, so..."
Duncan laughs before walking up behind you and putting his hands on your hips. Before you can flinch away...
Duncan turns and sees Ted marching toward him, his biceps flexing as he pushes up his sleeves. It's not Ted on the way, it's damn near Led Tasso about to intervene.
"You wanna keep your hands to yourself, pal?" Ted says, putting a hand between you and Duncan to move him away.
You move away, glaring at Duncan.
"Yeah, excuse you!" you shout.
Duncan put his hands up in innocence.
"I mean, it's not like you weren't flirting with me," he tries to play it off with a smile. "Asking me about my job and stuff."
You scoff. "So...having a conversation is sending a signal to be touched?"
Duncan looks at Ted, and then at you. "You really think you can please y/n, old man?"
You clench your fist.
"Just...leave y/n alone, OK? That's all I'm askin'," Ted asks, trying to smile and stay jovial while out on the pitch. Duncan nods and steps away.
"You OK, darlin'?" Ted asks with concern, taking his aviators off.
You nod. "Yeah. I just...the nerve." Ted hugs you close to his chest.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that."
You shake your head, not wanting Ted to take responsibility for Duncan's inappropriate behavior.
The game goes without a hitch, you take more photos and stay clear of Duncan. Ted watches you every so often and smiles, proud of you and that you're his.
At the pub, celebrating the win, you're at the bar waiting for a cocktail when you hear a familiar voice. And one you'd rather not hear again.
"Hey there lovely," Duncan says with a little slur. "Sorry about earlier, but really, you shouldn't have been flirtin' with me if you didn't want me comin' on to ya."
You ignore him and wait for the bartender to notice you.
Duncan moves closer and you move over to show him he's not welcome. But he tries again. When his hand makes contact with your ass, you shove his arm off, bumping into someone and spilling their drink. The commotion causes Beard and Ted's eyes to shoot over your direction, seeing Duncan leaning into your space, trying to kiss you.
Now Ted sees red.
A strong arm shoots out to push him back, and before you can say another word, Ted has Duncan's shirt in his fist, and the other poised to strike.
Beard tries to calm Ted down, the optics not good for the team or for him.
Duncan stands wobbly on his legs and smirks with another stupid grin. "Aye, gaffer. Whatcha gonna do this time, eh?"
Ted steps closer with a smile on his face.
"You're gonna walk out that damn door, and you're gonna go home. And you're not going to lay another hand or breath on y/n. That's what you're gonna do."
Ted's stoic stance and Beard standing behind him with his arms crossed make Duncan's eyes dart between them like a ping-pong ball.
"Oi! Mate! Get outta here!" the bartender says to Duncan, who's clearly too far gone to be in public. Duncan sloppily turns around and heads toward the door angrily, stomping down the sidewalk and out of view.
"Aw, hon, you OK--" but before Ted can finish you've jumped against his chest and kissed him, passionately. He returns the kiss, holding his arms around you. When you pull away, breathless, you gaze at him.
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen."
Ted smirks, blushes, and looks back at you. "Really?"
Ted shrugs and smiles. "Well, I'm awfully good at white knighting when I need to," he murmurs into your ear with a low voice, his hands on your hips.
"Well, good. Because I belong to you," you answer, kissing his neck gently, making Ted grasp you tighter.
"Damn, you gotta watch sayin' stuff like that in public, sugar," Ted says quietly, and when you look down you see his cock straining his pants.
You smile at him, your body alight with desire.
"Should we go home, Coach? Maybe I can pay you back for my gratitude for saving my honor," you whisper to him, your hand coasting down his broad chest to the front of his pants. Ted bites his lower lip and nods.
"Yeah, I think this knight would be happy with that."
That was longer than I expected but fun to write! I don't know if I hit the possessive angle perfectly so if not, please let me know how to improve it. I love feedback! Thanks for this prompt, friend!
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgment Chapter 11: A Passing and Some Legos (Poly Judgment Day)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10.
Nessa opens the hotel room door, her hand on the handle of her bag, and steps out into the hallway where the men are already waiting for her and Rhea. "Finally, love, lets goooo!" Finn gestures to the elevator while Damien reaches out to grab her bag. Nessa rolls it behind her.
"This is one of those times I need to carry my own bag please at least to the car. You can carry it into the venue." She offers, just wanting to feel a little more independent than she has in the past few days. Damien surrenders and grabs her available hand while Dominik grabs Rhea's bag. Rhea kisses Nessa's cheek as she walks ahead and grabs Finn's free hand as they load into the elevator. "So what's the plan for in between?" Nessa asks, squeezing Damien's hand.
"Would you like us to come to San Diego with you? I know you need to get your place taken care of." Rhea leans forward, wrapping her arms around Nessa's waist.
"Uh if you want? I don't have a lot of space at my place. It was my Covid crash pad, you know? Most of the time I stayed at Dominik's until he came home." Nessa explains, leaning into the embrace.
"Well, we can stay at Dom's again." Rhea puts it out for them to vote on.
Everyone lets out a noise of agreement.
"What about Barry and Luna, hasn't it been a while since you've seen them? I know you miss them?" Nessa asks, feeling guilty, knowing Rhea misses her dogs and she is a reason why she hasn't been home recently.
Rhea smiles sadly, "Don't blame yourself, I wish there was a way to bring them on the road with us." Rhea bemoans as they approach the car.
"Maybe someday, why don't you all go back to Florida for a few days break and I'll get my stuff in order and next time I go down with you guys. You don't have to revolve around me you know." Nessa offers as she hands her bag to Damien who packs it in the back while she gets in the middle seat, Rhea next to her and Dom on her other side. Damien takes the passenger seat as Finn is driving. Damien picks the playlist and no surprise Metallica starts blasting through the car. Nessa smiles and leans on Rhea's shoulder just content. They pull up to the venue to some fans already waiting outside the gate they just drove through. Nessa stares in wonder at the dedication of the fans, some of them having signs for Rhea.
"Wow, they are dedicated. The show isn't for hours and they are here to watch yall get here?" Nessa lets out a breath of air, impressed at the dedication.
"Yeah you get used to it, I feel bad for them when the weather is shit though," Rhea answers the others nodding in agreement. Dominik gets out of the car and helps Nessa out as Damien does the same for Rhea. Dominik kisses Nessa's hand before jogging over to the trunk and opening it, grabbing his and Rhea's bags. Damien grabs his own and Nessa's. Nessa just smiles and walks over to him, placing her hand on top of his holding her bag, and they make their way in the venue to the fans' cheering.
The group is hanging out in their locker room, Nessa splayed out across Damien and Rhea's laps, her head in Rhea's lap, Rhea running her fingers through Nessa's hair. Their peace is broken by Rhea's cell phone ringing. She answers, her fingers pausing partway through Nessa's hair. The conversations stop when they see Rhea's expression. Nessa sits up and grabs Rhea's free hand seeing the pain on her face. Rhea says goodbye and hangs up the phone, her hands shaking, her breathing going shallow.
"Hey, Dems what's wrong?" Nessa asks, trying to rub soothing circles on the back of Rhea's hand.
"It's my Nonna... They say she isn't doing good and we need to come say goodbye..." Her voice breaks and she starts crying. Everyone converges to help comfort her, Nessa in the middle just holding her as she sobs, smoothing down her hair.
"Oh baby, go ahead and cry, we are here for you whatever you need." Nessa sniffles trying to hold back her own tears for Rhea. "Dom book her a ticket for as soon as possible, Finn go get Paul. Luis, when we have a flight booked will you make sure she gets to the airport ok?" Nessa takes charge of the situation knowing what needs to be done. The three of them nod and get to work doing as Nessa said, Damien staying to help soothe Rhea whose sobs have simmered down to quiet whimpers and sniffles. "This next part will be hard love, one of the hardest things and if you want any of us there we will be there." Nessa offers, squeezing her arms tighter around Rhea, Damien doing the same on the opposite side.
"Yeah, whatever you need Rhea." Damien parrots and kisses her head.
"Thank you..." Rhea sniffles and wipes her nose on her sleeve and continues "I think I need to do this alone, they don't know about this yet." Rhea gestures to them before just burying her face in Nessa's neck while Damien scoots closer and rubs Rhea's back.
"Ticket is booked and it leaves when the show is supposed to start in 2 hours," Dom announces and sits next to Nessa on the couch and pulls Nessa onto his lap and wraps his arms around the both of them. Finn then comes back in with Triple H who kneels in front of where they are on the couch.
"Rhea I am sorry to hear about what is going on, take all the time you need, just keep us updated and let me know personally if you need anything." Hunter pats Rhea's knee and glances up to Nessa.
"She is flying out in a few hours, Damien is driving her to the airport," Nessa explains to him and he nods.
"Are any of you going with her?" He asks, not unkindly. Just wanting to know what plans have to change.
"No, Damien will come right back after she boards the plane, and Dom, Finn and I will stay and do our part for the show," Nessa speaks for the group and nudges her head for Hunter to back up and he does.
"Mami you should head to the airport soon." Nessa softly says to Rhea gently nudging her off her lap and into a standing position. Once on her feet too Nessa throws her arms around Rhea's waist, the rest of them joining, creating one big hug to comfort their hurting partner. Hunter stands awkwardly to the side waiting for the right moment to speak again. It isn't until they usher Rhea out the door with Damien.
"I don't pretend to know your dynamic, but if she or you need anything please let me know. I'll send someone to tell you the time to be at Gorilla. I am happy with the results from the signing and it is something we can explore more once Rhea gets back. Please keep me updated about her situation?" He informs and asks them before leaving the remaining three, closing the door behind him.
Nessa sighs and jumps up and down shaking her hands before pacing about the room. Dominik watches closely as she does that, clearly trying to calm down. Finn watches closely as well, wondering why Dominik isn't trying to calm Nessa down who is clearly wound up. He realizes as she stops jumping and just shakes her hands out one last time before going to Dominik's bag and taking out a bag of chips and taking a deep breath before opening them.
"Ok Nes I know enough about you to know you are stressed. There is not much we can do but be available for her if she needs us." Finn tries to gently grab the chips out of Nessa's hands only for her to snatch her hand back, placing her empty hand on his chest.
"Don't touch her snacks if you wish to keep living..." Dominik warns Finn as Nessa glares at Finn for trying to take her snacks from her.
"I see that!" Finn smiles, holding his hands up and backing up slowly. "I'm sorry Nes just don't want you to get sick from worrying and eating junk," He apologizes trying to reason with her. Nessa plops down on the couch and continues to eat the bag of chips.
"I'll be fine Finny, just need to focus tonight and hopefully Demi will call us when she lands so we know she is safe because we know she is not ok." Nessa hopes out loud continuing to eat the chips. Finn and Dominik sit down next to her, one on each side, Finn constantly glancing at her, the mood in the room somber.
Nessa, Finn, and Dominik are at Gorilla now that the show has started, Hunter having timed it so they don't have to interact with Rey backstage beforehand. Rey enters the ring and grabs a mic to start talking. Nessa groans and rolls her eyes as Rey starts talking about Dom and her. "But instead I ended up beating my own son in front of someone we thought was going to become my daughter and mother of my grandchildren. I wanted it to be different, Dom, I really did"
Dom clenches his jaw and grabs Nessa's hand pulling her out to the ramp with him, a microphone in his other hand, his entrance music blasting overhead. At the top of the ramp he raises the mic to his mouth, the crowd booing, "Keep your name out of my... Out of your mouth." He fumbles and Nessa squeezes his hand in encouragement so he continues, Nessa glaring down at the ring where Rey is. "I'm sick and tired about hearing about what you want. That's what you do, you make things about yourself!" Dom starts to take a few steps down the ramp, pulling Nessa along, flinging their joined hands about as he talks Nessa just letting it happen.
"You never cared about me, that's why I'm better off with my real family, The Judgement Day, with Nessa back with me, with us. They wouldn't have convinced me to leave Nessa, there is more than enough Mami to love. I shouldn't have listened to you and Mom, we could have been complete these last few months. I have a plan and you will pay!" Dominic gestures towards the ramp with their conjoined hands, Nessa stumbling a bit with the force of the gesture but smirking down at the ramp. Rey raises the mic to respond.
"So you say The Judgement Day is your real family, that I made you break up with Nessa. The Judgement Day are selfish idiots who are just using you Dom. And I didn't make you leave her, I told you to protect her and do better than me. Protect her from the repercussions of this job. You are the one who decided to break up with her. Man up and own it." Dominik tries to let go of Nessa's hand but she grips him tighter knowing he needs to be grounded and takes the mic from him.
"He has manned up, like I said, he has put in the work for forgiveness unlike you who expects it because of your position of authority. I am glad to have forgiven him, we are happy again in our family and you aren't a part of it and that just burns your ass." Nessa hands the mic back to Dominik and stands on her toes to place a kiss on his cheek, the crowd cheering for the act of affection.
"Oh, they are using me? You are the only one using me, you are the selfish one around here because nothing else matters unless Rey Mysterio gets what he wants. Just like with Nessa, you got her fired from her job at the hospital to make her come work here. So you can manipulate her, to try and manipulate me. Who knows where I would be with Nessa if you didn't get involved!" He flings their arms about again and continues, "And as for Bad Bunny, I would have beaten you if he hadn't put his nose in my business and screwed me over to help you. You are using him just like you used me, and you know what, guess what happened, somebody roll the footage!" He finishes at the bottom of the ramp, his hand still securely in Nessa's until the video finishes. She kisses his hand and lets it go but stays next to him, crossing her arms and smirking at Rey. The crowd boos Dom as he tries to speak again and he lowers the mic, Nessa pouts and wraps one arm around his waist making the crowd both cheer and boo the sounds mixing.
"You know, Bad Bunny makes a lot of good songs, but when Damien put him through that table...That was music to my ears man I'll tell you that." The crowd boos and Dom continues, "I hope Bad Bunny learns his lesson and sticks his nose out of The Judgment Day's business." He wraps his arm around Nessa who is still hugged up against him.
Rey raises the mic to his lips to respond, shaking his head, "As a matter of fact Dom, I spoke to Bunny last night, and he said he'll be back." Nessa rolls her eyes and mockingly acts scared and Dom rolls his eyes. Rey disapprovingly shakes his head and continues, "You and the rest of The Judgement Day are going to regret putting your hands on him."
"Oh nooo!" Nessa continues the mock fear stepping out from Dom's arm as he stares down his dad before raising the mic to his lips to retort, "More empty words from a deadbeat dad," He gestures towards the ring and Nessa jumps and giggles, nodding in agreement. "Instead of worrying about Bad Bunny, you should be worrying about what The Judgement Day is going to do to you." Dominik threatens and Nessa shouts out "That's right!" and claps.
She sees Rey sigh in disappointment, "You know what son, cut the crap. You talk a big game about what The Judgement Day is going to do to me, when are you going to man up and take care of things on your own?" Rey snaps back and Nessa quirks an eyebrow before trying to run up the stairs to the ring only to be held back by Dom. Rey continues, eyeing the interaction before him. "You know what son, I know you don't believe me but I didn't want to fight you at WrestleMania. But you definitely seem like a lost cause, and you are dragging Nessa down with you. So why don't you step in the ring, have a WrestleMania rematch right here, aqui, in Seattle!" Rey demands, gesturing to the ring, Dominik still holding Nessa back with one arm.
Nessa spouts off a series of curses in what Dominik notices is yiddish and he can't help but smirk. "Woah, woah, woah, woah." Dom starts and stops to whisper in Nessa's ear. "It's taken care of mamita, tranquillo". He then goes back to addressing his dad in the ring, "I don't want to fight my own father, but I know who will!" He smirks and Nessa laughs as Finn's music starts and she claps while yelling out, "Get wrecked Jefe!"
Finn comes out rubbing his hands, smoke billowing out by his feet, clearly excited to defend his partners. Nessa and Dom clap as Finn makes his way to the ring, stopping before Dom and Nessa, patting Dom's shoulder and tapping Nessa's nose making her face scrunch up before entering the ring. Nessa stays by Dominik for the match, as who dominates the match switches back and forth, yelling out encouragement at Finn and heckling Rey when he gets control.
At one point Finn has Rey at the ropes in front of Dominik and Nessa and says, "This one is for your son Dominik!" As he jumps up, stopping on Rey, Nessa clapping and cheering along with Dominik. Nessa slaps the mat as Rey flips Finn out of the ring before following Dominik to where Finn is laying on the floor, narrowly missing Rey diving out of the ring landing on Finn. Dominik scuttles back and gets to his feet as Rey approaches, Nessa jumping in front of Dominik and squaring her shoulders, glaring at Rey who shakes his head in disappointment heading back into the ring that Finn has already crawled back into.
Nessa uses her body to shield Dominik the best she can as he grabs the chain he had hidden in his pants and wraps it around his hand and tries to sneak up the steps onto the apron, only for Rey to block the punch, instead landing his own knocking Dom off the apron. Nessa immediately goes to help Dom up, Rey throwing Finn out of the ring by them before jumping out of the ring aiming for Finn and Dominik not thinking Nessa was going to get in the way until he was already in the air and landing on them, Nessa's back slamming into the announce table, Dominik laid out on the floor and Finn laying across the top of the announce table.
Rey shakes his head and focuses on Finn instead of checking on Nessa who is writhing in pain grasping her back. He instead slams Finn's head onto the announce table multiple times before throwing him back in the ring. Dominik rolls onto his knees ignoring his pain and checks on Nessa helping her to her feet before jumping back onto the apron and punching Rey, the chain still wrapped around his hand putting more force in it to avenge Nessa.
Finn capitalizes on Rey being dazed and pulls him towards the corner and hits the Coup De Gras and pins him for the win, Nessa leaning on the apron still clutching her back. Dominik hides the chain back in his pants and helps Nessa to the bottom of the ramp where Finn has exited the ring and the three of them make their way back up the ramp, Dominik holding Finn's hand up while Nessa rubs her lower back. Dom and Finn turn their attention to Nessa and get her backstage and to medical. Once past the gorilla Finn and Dominik start truly fussing over Nessa.
"Mi corazon are you ok?" Dom frets, going to pull up her shirt and look at her back.
"Fuck, yeah let's get you to medical love." Finn gently grabs Dominik's wrist to have him release her shirt, glancing around at the wrestlers who are looking at Nessa with sympathy.
"I'm going to fucking kill him!" Dominik almost growls, sounding similar to the angry Damien from a few days before.
"No Dom, that was my fault, I missed my mark and got in the way, we know I wasn't supposed to be that close. As much as it pains me he did the right thing continuing the match. We have a story to sell." Nessa tries to stop Dom as they enter medical, Dominik and Finn following right behind her wanting to make sure she is ok. "I think it is just bruised and scraped up Doc, I still have full range of motion, it is just tender and no shortness of breath" She immediately greets the doctor who rolls his eyes and gestures to the table in the room.
"You nurses are the worst patients, sit let me be the judge of that." He orders and Nessa grumbles as Dominik and Finn help her onto the table.
"Dom we've worked on your skills before you... and you have improved so much but babe we still have work to do," Nessa winces as the doctor pokes and prods her back. Dom averts his eyes embarrassed.
"Dom, don't be like that, it wasn't bad and you kept going. That is so good." Nessa praises and grunts swatting the doctor's hand who pressed too hard on her back. Finn crosses his arms and glares menacingly at the Doctor who rolls his eyes.
"Nessa you are a natural on the mic." Finn praises watching the doctor like a hawk.
"It's the acting classes from high school." Nessa shrugs off the compliment and bites her cheek to try to control herself as the doctor continues to prod her back before announcing.
"Just a severe bruise I believe. If you feel like you are starting to lock up go get an x-ray."
"Finally, like I said. Thank you Doc, I'll see you at Smackdown," Nessa gingerly gets off the table, Finn and Dom leading her out of the room, Dom's hand on her lower back. ___________________________________________________________________________
The three of them head back to their locker room Damien waiting, pacing back and forth. Nessa immediately walks over to him and grabs him in a hug which he returns glad for the tactile comfort himself, being careful not to hold her too tight after seeing what happened during the match. "How is she?" Nessa asks into his chest.
"Rough, she is going to need us when she gets back. She will meet us at Raw next week and would like to go to her home for the small break and I agreed. I know it's not how we normally decide but it is something she needs." Damien announces and the rest of them quickly agree, even Nessa.
"Can I come too? I want to try and help her as much as possible." Nessa asks meekly before going to the couch and sitting on Damien's lap, Dominik sitting next to them pulling Nessa's legs onto his lap.
"Of course you can come, Mariposa, she is going to need all of us. You are a calming presence just being you and she is going to need that more than anything. Now what happened out there, are you ok?" Damien nuzzles into her neck while Finn goes around and makes sure everyone's bags are ready to go when the show is over.
Nessa tosses and turns in her bed, whimpering when the bruises on her back get irritated, not liking not having Rhea in the room. Nessa tries to cuddle into the sweater she stole from Dominik, bringing her sweater paws to her neck trying to find some comfort but can't because of the worry. She flings her arms out flopping them on the mattress before rolling to the edge and getting up, grabbing her keycard and phone and a pillow, hugging the pillow to her chest as she exits the room and gently knocks on the door, her eyes wide and biting her lower lip. The door opens to reveal Finn in only his boxers. Nessa rubs the back of her neck with one hand and continues hugging the pillow with the other.
"I can't sleep, I keep thinking about Demi and worrying about her and wanted to know if I could come and cuddle with Dom Dom." Nessa asks, her voice soft almost a whisper, squeezing the pillow closer.
"Well, Dom and Luis are asleep together. My bed is available Luv if you don't want to wake them," Finn offers and Nessa shakes her head.
"I don't want to kick you out of your bed Finn, I'll just go back to my room and try to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you..." Nessa's lip trembles as she turns to return to her room only for Finn to gently grab her arm.
"Nessa, Luv, it's ok, I'll sleep on the couch." FInn offers to try to make her feel better only for Nessa to shake her head again.
"No Finn, it's your bed you need to sleep comfortably, you had a match tonight." Nessa tries to leave again but Finn still has a hold of her arm, sliding his grip down to her hand.
"Then we can share Nes. It's ok, you need comfort, honestly so do we. You also had an injury tonight. Just share the bed." Finn rubs his eyes with his free hand and Nessa stands there and bites her lip before responding.
"I don't want to invade your personal space, I'll just go back to my room. I'm sorry for waking you." Nessa apologizes.
"Nes you didn't wake me, I was having issues sleeping too. Just come in and share the bed, please." He asks, keeping his voice low so as to not wake the others in the room.
"Yeah, ...ok" Nessa gives in and enters the room, Finn keeping hold of her hand and leading her to the bed he recently vacated. He lets go of her hand as she gets into the bed and he gets in on the other side.
"Do you need me to hold you Nes?" Finn offers.
"Are you ok with that?" Nessa asks, needing cuddles but not wanting to make FInn uncomfortable.
"That's not what I asked, I wouldn't ask if I wasn't ok with it Luv. Now let me ask again, do you need me to hold you?" He asks and Nessa nods and rolls over to face him wincing as her back rubs against the bed. Finn reaches out and pulls her close to his chest and she mumbles thanks and lets out a shaky breath, Finn gently stroking her shoulder until they both fall asleep.
Nessa wakes up the next morning, Finn's arm still draped around her waist. She opens her eyes to see Doominik looking at her sadly from the other bed. "Are you ok?" He mouths not wanting to wake up Damien and Nessa nods her head.
"I couldn't sleep and we didn't want to wake you." Nessa whispers and Finn tightens his arm around her waist pulling her so her back is flush with his chest. Dominik tries and fails to hide the sound that came out of him at Nessa's shocked face which wakes Damien up.
Damien sits up and glances around the room to see Nessa in bed with Finn. He cocks his head to the side and stares at her curiously. "Why didn't you wake us Mariposa?" Damien asks as he stretches and Dom gets into a sitting position.
"You looked so peaceful and I felt bad because it's the second time this week I've done something like that." She answers softly hoping Finn is still asleep so she doesn't have to face the embarrassment yet.
"We don't care if it is every night love if you need something you come to us." Finn grumbles into her hair, Damien and Dominik make noises of agreement and Nessa hides her face in her pillow whining.
"What time is it anyway?" Damien groans as he gets out of the bed, Dominik glances at the alarm clock on the table between the beds,
"8 a.m." Dom answers with relief in his voice, their plane doesn't leave until noon so they have time to get ready and eat before the flight.
Finn releases the grip he has on Nessa allowing her to get out of the bed. "Let's start getting ready so we have more time to eat?" Finn groans out as he stretches.
"Yeah, I'll just go shower and make sure I have everything." Nessa tries to make her way to the door, Dominik blocking her way, placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Nes, don't be afraid to wake me, to wake us up if you need us. We want you to come to us if you need anything just like you expect of us." Dom kisses her forehead and pulls her into a hug.
"Ok Dom, go shower you stink and you are getting your stink on me." Nessa wiggles out of his hug scrunching up her nose and sticking out her tongue as she leaves the room. Once back in her room she starts chewing on her nails. Her phone notification chimes and she checks it seeing a text from Dom.
"Stop biting your nails Princesa. I know you are trying to act like you are ok for our sake and you don't have to. Get ready then come right back over. I don't want you to be alone." Nessa chews on her lower lip, touched at his concern and a little annoyed at him hovering.
Nessa takes a deep breath and finds the contact in her phone and sends a message. "Hey Dems, I hope you got there ok. I'll be in Florida with the boys when you get back. I know you are not ok but I am here for whatever you need liebling." Nessa tosses her phone on the bed as she gets her change of clothes and showers. Once she is done and changed she grabs her phone and checks it seeing a missed call from Rhea and a message in response to what she sent.
"My Bunny, thank you for your concern. I am glad you are coming to Florida for me. Call me when you get a moment. I'd like to hear your voice." Nessa blushes reading that and presses Dial, pacing around the room as it rings making sure Rhea didn't leave anything and that she isn't going to leave anything either. Nessa sighs in relief when Rhea answers. "Hey Bunny" comes Rheas voice, tinged with sadness
"Hi Dems." Nessa responds unsure what to say.
"Thank you, Nes. I don't know how to do this..." Rhea sniffles and Nessas heart breaks for her.
"Just take it one breath at a time. When do you go see her?" Nessa asks, placing her bags by the door and taking a seat on her bed.
"I will see her tomorrow and I don't know if I can handle it." Rhea takes a shaky breath and whimpers.
"You can because you are stronger than you know. You would never forgive yourself if you didn't get to say goodbye. It's not going to be easy. I am here for you, we are here for you whatever you need." Nessa assures Rhea, bringing her thumb to her mouth again and biting off the hangnail she created earlier.
"Thank you Bunny it means so much to me, coming from you. You have been so open and kind and caring and even if you decide to not join our dynamic I would very much like to keep you in my life even as just a friend."
"Of course Dems. Look I'll have an answer soon, I care for you all, deeply and faster than I thought possible. I need to wrap my head around it. You don't have to worry about me not being in your life, you are stuck with me no matter what I choose." Nessa smiles hoping she made Rhea smile.
Nessa is shocked as her phone starts vibrating and she looks at the screen seeing Rhea is trying to facetime instead of voice call. Nessa hits accept and smiles seeing Rhea appear on her screen. "Bunny are you hinting that you made your decision?" Rhea smiles, trying to mask her sadness and fear.
Nessa nods her head, "I don't want it to seem disingenuine so I'm not going to tell you now. Like I said I need to wrap my head around it for a little while longer. But don't worry Dems. You just need to focus on you and your family." Nessa blushes suddenly wishing she wasn't on video chat and Rhea coos at her.
"Ohh sweetness, you are pure sweetness. Thank you Bunny, I'm going to go to bed it's 1 am here..." Rhea starts and Nessa's face drops and guilt fills her. She forgot about timezones. "No No, Hey, I told you to call me, don't do that. Tell the boys I'm ok and will call them when I wake up. Goodnight or Good morning Bunny be safe" Rhea tells Nessa who parrots back be safe, unsure of how else to end the call.
Nessa then grabs her bag and pulls it behind her as she exits the room and knocks on the door across the hall. Finn answers again, clearly being recently out of the shower, his hair still dripping even though he has his clothes on.
"Finn you chaotic man dry your hair or you'll catch your death." Nessa fusses, throwing his recently discarded towel at him as Dominik laughs, his hair slicked back from his shower. Dominik holds his arms out for Nessa and she goes right over to him and sits on his lap, Dom wrapping both arms around her. "I just got off the phone with Rhea, she said she is ok and will call you guys when she wakes back up. She is going to see her grandmother tomorrow. Hopefully she makes it." Nessa says as she lays her head on Dom's shoulder.
"Thank you Luv, did she say anything else." Finn asks, flopping on his bed.
"No just that she is ok with me going to her house in Florida." Nessa admits stretching out her legs and wrapping her arms around Dominik's waist knowing he is also worried about Rhea. Nessa's eyes flick to the bathroom door which just flings open and Damien struts out in only a bath towel. Nessa immediately looks away and buries her face in Dominik's neck. Damien notices and looks at the pair sadly before grabbing his clothes and returning to the bathroom to change knowing she doesn't mean anything by her reaction. ____________________________________________________________________________
The four of them leave the airport in San Diego, Finn with the keys to the rental car and Nessa stops and clears her throat holding out her hand. "What do you need, Luv?" Finn asks as the rest of them stop and turn to look at her.
"The keys Finn, you don't know where I live and I know quicker ways to get there." Nessa adjusts her weight and rests one hand on her hip the other still held out.
"No can do princess, Dom gave me your address. Would you like us to drop you off so you can be alone for a while or would you like us to grab food on the way and eat at your place since you didn't eat breakfast." Finn responds by twirling the keys around his finger.
"We are grabbing some food on the way even if we don't stay. You need to eat something Mamita, at least something small" Damien announces, placing his hand on the small of her back and ushering her towards the car and opens the back door for her and gets in after her leaving his bag for Dominik to load in the trunk. Nessa waits until they are all in the car, and is shocked when Dom gets in on her other side leaving Finn alone up front.
"Uh... you guys can come over for a bit, don't mind the mess and I have to clean out the fridge. But I don't have anywhere for you guys to sleep except the floor." Nessa tells them, leaning against Damien but reaching out her hand for Dominik to grab.
"That's fine Mariposa, you can come to Dominik's to sleep. He has a few spare bedrooms if you want." Damien runs his fingers up and down Nessa's arm.
"I miss my bed" Nessa whines quietly pulling the sleeves of her jacket down to her palms.
"That's fine then Nes, you can sleep in your own bed, it is just an offer if you need it!" Dominik squeezes Nessa's hand and she smiles in relief.
"I might need to though, if last night was anything to go by..." Nessa admits.
Finn chuckles in the front seat. "Whatever you need dear, you can come over at three am again, but this time bring snacks." Finn winks pulling into a restaurant drive thru. "What would you like?" Finn asks.
Nessa shrugs, "I'm not really hungry." She answers and Damien's chest rumbles with trying to hold back growling.
"You need to eat something Mariposa, you didn't eat at breakfast." Damien tightens his arm around her, Dominik hums in agreement.
"I don't care, just something small please." Nessa gives in just letting Finn decide. He glances at her in the mirror sadly before placing the order and moving to the window to pay and get it. Once he has the bag of food he passes it back and hands it to Nessa who sits up straight.
"It's just a chicken sandwich, protein and good for you to eat at least half for us once we get to your place. We will help you clean up and Dom will give you the number to the cleaning company he uses." Finn tells her.
After a moment, Damien adds, "We will help you clean as well." Nessa starts to shake her head but Dom speaking stops her,
"Don't try to stop us, also I'm adding you to my contract so you can save money if you don't renew your contract please. I know you want to pay for your own stuff and you can. But I want you to be secure if you don't join us and leave the company after your contract expires."
Nessa frowns for a moment, thinking over what Dom had said, "Ok, for now, but if things change I get to go back to paying for it, myself." Dominik agrees and Damien squeezes Nessa's thigh.
Finn pulls into the parking lot of Nessas apartment building and Damien gets out of the car helping Nessa out as Dominik grabs her bag. "Do you want to switch out some clothes or do laundry?" He asks rolling it behind him as he leads the group to the front door.oor and up the stairs stopping in front of Nessa's door. He gets out his key and opens the door letting Nessa walk through first, her hand still in Damiens who follows after her. They look around the room analyzing what they see, Dominik just walking to Nessa's room to toss her bag on her bed.
"What mess, Mamita, this is nice and cozy and clean, almost too clean." He glances down at her as she releases their hands and heads over to the kitchen and starts pulling out stuff to clean.
"I clean when I am stressed too, there is always something to clean and it is better than eating my feelings..."
"Are you sure you aren't Latina?" Damien asks under his breath as Dominik returns to his side with a smirk on his face.
"You'll find her culture is similar to ours as well as people who married into her family and the neighbors she grew up with were so it is what she knows. She has the temper to match." Dominik explains wiggling his eyebrows at Damien. Finn plops down on her couch and puts his feet on her coffee table. Until a roll of paper towels is lobbed at his head.
"Bro do you have any sense, don't put your feet on a woman's coffee table" Damien laughs at Finn as Nessa starts to spray and wipe down the counters in her kitchen.
"Sorry Luv, Come sit down and eat first before you get too into cleaning" Finn pats the middle cushion next to him.
"Just put it in the fridge. I'll eat it when I'm done with the kitchen." Nessa absentmindedly keeps wiping down counters. Dom walks over to her and wraps his arms around her, picking her up and walking her over to the couch and drops her on it and hands her the sandwich.
"Eat, then we will go grab some more clothes for you and then we are going to my place. I'll call the cleaning company and have them come down here. You need to eat then rest. You are going to worry yourself sick." Dominik sits down next to her grabbing the remote and Damien on the arm of the couch next to him. Finn glances at Nessa and a plan forms in his head of his own way to help her. Together they watch tv while she slowly eats the sandwich giving weak glares to the men around her.
"Oye Mamita stop glaring it is for your own good..." Damien rolls his eyes and Finn throws his feet over Nessa's lap.
"Yeah Luv, it's for your own good. It's extremes for you, either you stress eat or don't eat at all. We are just trying to look out for you a mhuirnín " Finn explains and Nessa looks at him inquisitively. "Means sarling." Finn explains.
Damien sits up straight excitedly, "Oh yeah what does what you called me the other day mean Mariposa?" He asks, leaning over Dominik, his chest almost on Dominiks face.
"It means impish or mischievous person." Nessa sets down the last quarter of the sandwich feeling full and Finn nods approvingly at her almost finishing the food and the nickname for Damien.
"I think that fits Fergalicious more than me..." Damien leans back away and crosses his arms pouting. Nessa snorts at the nickname and can't help but laugh out loud, fully.
"Fergalicious...What..." She gets out between bouts of laughter, the men smiling at her boosted mood.
"Yeah it's a play on my actual name which I am not so fond of but it brings them joy so I allow it." Finn shrugs and Nessa leans up against him.
"I love that, I might use it some time" She states but it sounds more like a question.
"That's fine Luv, let's throw this out, You and Dom go pack some more clothes and we can do laundry at his place. Then when we get to Dom's there is something I want to show you." Finn gets up grabbing the discarded sandwich as Nessa and Dominik goes to her bedroom to pack some more like Finn suggested.
A short time later they pull up to Dom's house and the memories hit Nessa, She is filled with a mix of emotions, the strongest being contentment. Seeing the house she helped him pick out has solidified her decision. She just wants to wait until Rhea is back to tell them. They file in the house and Nessa flitters about like she was home, running her fingers along the wall as she follows Dom to one of the spare rooms.
"What is the sleeping arrangement tonight?" Nessa asks as Dom opens the spare room door and goes to put her bags in there.
"This room is normally Rhea's when she wants space and now for you if you want it, but you can sleep with us in my room if you need." Dominik offers and Nessa nods along, not answering the unspoken question.
"Luv, come to the other spare room so I can show you something," Finn stands in front of the other spare room and opens the door, standing aside to let Nessa walk through first. He follows her in closing the door behind them leaving out Dominik and Damien.
"Is everything alright Finn? Have I done something?" Nessa asks and begins wringing her hands. Finn steps forward and grabs them trying to stop her wreaking havoc on them.
"Yes everything is alright, no you haven't. This is the storage room/crafty room" Finn gestures around and Nessa follows where he is pointing, seeing boxes with their names on it and a table with a half built lego that looks like a batmobile. "I'd like your help with it for a while if you would." Finn grabs her hand and walks with her over to the table and Nessa looks between him and the table in shock.
"Are you sure? I...I don't want to mess it up. I know how much you love doing these." Nessa asks, unsure and nervous.
"Lets not do that again Luv I wouldn't offer it if I wasn't ok or didn't mean it so come on let's do this for a little while and talk." Finn starts to put some pieces together and pauses waiting for Nessa to do the same. Nessa smiles nervously and does the same. Nessa doesn't know how long they are there and talking about their favorite animes and movies and characters until Damien gently opens the door announcing that he ordered dinner and it is already there and that Rhea is on the phone.
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gaydiation-poisoning · 4 months
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THIS IS AMP ^ (art by @for-a-new-life)
Age: 14
Height: 4'8
Full name: Amphitrite Takowasa
°She was born a little less than a year after the events of Splatoon 2 (we have a slightly altered timeline)
°She will BITE you if you call her Amphitrite
°Amp's mother Ashta disappeared when she was about 7 years old, ever since she's been growing up on the streets of Inkopolis alongside her best friend/little brother Sammy.
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(pictured here, by @redginaldusrooiakker)
°She does not know her own full name
°She has faint memories of Off The Hook playing on the television when she was little, this inspired her dream of becoming a big time DJ. (cus there's not enough of these Octo DJ bastards running about)
°She made her way to Splatsville at age 13 looking to make it big, although having no money and no home took to crashing on the couch in the Lobby.
°Despite practically living in the Lobby, Amp does not play much Turf War or any other sport. She tends to find them limiting and aggravating, as she's not much of a team player and tends to prefer an aggressive solo charge over working with others. As a result she turns to working at Grizzco for cash.
°She is very reckless on the job, with a tendency to charge in headfirst with a seeming lack of self preservation, most coworkers dislike her for her behavior and think she's a liability. She is, however, effective, and thus Grizz keeps her on and assigns her 'mentors' to keep her focused. (At least until they burn out and she's passed to someone else)
°Mains Octobrush
°After about four months of working for Grizzco, she had a falling out with her favourite mentor and wound up meeting Craig Cuttlefish and joining the Squidbeak Splatoon
°She just wants to feel useful
°Amp has a very casual way of speaking, very rarely using honorifics. Some find this rude, but it's typically a sign that she likes someone a great deal and feels comfortable. She doesn't typically gel well with Authority figures for this reason. (Albeit this is not intentional on her end.)
°She takes to calling Cuttlefish 'Uncle' not long after meeting him.
°Also has very little in the way of a filter with profanity, and tends to cuss a lot when the urge strikes her.
°Very fidgety, tends to chew on wasabi sprouts or tug on her tentacles to keep her mind occupied. Hates sitting still.
°Has very little sense of aim, her method with a splattershot essentially comes down to 'Can't hurt me if you're atomized'
°Almost shoots Octavio after he fell out of the Octobot, Craig had to knock the gun upwards to deflect the shot.
°Prefers baggy clothes
°Will eat anything. Not picky at all.
°Has a love for spicy food, the hotter the better.
°Sometimes eats things with her hands that really should not be eaten with one's hands
°VERY loud for someone her size
°Has no concept of an 'inside voice'
°If you do so much as give her a sandwich she'd probably be willing to die for you.
°Runs very warm
°Very heavy sleeper, can sleep in almost any position.
°The notch in her ear is from a Grizzco Charger by her mentor turned nemesis turned best friend Mono
°The scar on her forehead comes from accidentally bashing her forehead against the Octobot's control console during the fight with Grizz
(on that note)
°If you have talked to me about her or simply read her name, you'd probably have figured out that Amp is the granddaughter of DJ Octavio
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(This charming fella. Art once again provided by @for-a-new-life)
°Neither of them are aware of this connection until post Splatoon 3's story (although there are a couple AUs where that's not the case)
°Her mother is named Ashta, she is Agent 8 and a Clone of Octavio (if you're wondering why she came out female well the answer is 🏳️‍⚧️)
°Amp's lack of knowledge of or contact with her grandfather comes from her mother's distaste for her father (to put it lightly)
°She looks up to her grandpa a lot, she definitely sees him through rose tinted glasses in her younger years. (Honestly the Takowasa family drama will probably get a reblog dedicated to breaking it down)
°She wouldn't have even been accepted by him if Craig hadn't basically reverse psychology-ed Octavio into actually being a grandpa to her
°Amp is close with Octavio but the relationship is...complicated to say the least
°Despite this she is very determined to upkeep a relationship with him
°When she eventually starts her DJing career, she does so under the stage name of DJ ANG3LFISH, a mix of her title as Agent 3, and of Octavio's occasional nickname for her, Angelfish.
°She keeps up this stage performance until one particularly traumatic performance scares her into silence for a time
°She later comes back onto the music scene in a somewhat fishing themed band called The Reel Deal, with her once again as the DJ, and her friends Mono and now much more grownup Sammy as vocalists.
°Amp would not start singing in their songs until some of their later albums.
°She has a lot of vocal fry which can be very good for their harsher tracks
And finally (for now)
°Amp is a Virgo
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(doodle by @redginaldusrooiakker)
(Second part breaking down the Takowasa Family Issues will be out soon!)
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[PT: 1000!!!]
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[ID Five pixel hearts of various flags in order being FallingUnderPalettic, Sanspalettic, Decidueyepalettic, Waterfallpalettic and Minecraftum. End ID]
We did it! We've reached a 1000 pixels as of this post and we don't plan on stopping anytime soon! These five are important to me because they are actually terms we coined and flags we made over on @spadescrewcoining and the first of our terms for us to make into pixels. I've just always been embarrassed to do ones we made and we hadn't done any wiggly lines before and wow was it painful thankfully at least for palletic flags with 3-7 wiggles we'll always have the file for! We honestly don't coin as much as we want to because we are usually mobile bound but since we're spending more time at home we're hoping to pick it up a bit :) We have a lot of objectum terms and an attraction type we wanna make! No matter what though thank yall for being here! I've learned of so many new cool terms and have enjoyed trying to make shit tiny for yall! ♡◇♤♧ Let's fucking goooo!!!!
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