#Plus they've put the Revolution on hold for like 3 years
goddessofroyalty · 2 years
During Silco' pregnancy with Mylo how do you think Vander coped trying to take care of two pups, a grumpy pregnant omega and trying to run a bar. This poor man is so overworked 😭
I feel like 'is so overworked' is just the vibe of this au.
He's not just running a bar on top of the family responsibilities at that point, he's also still actively leading a revolt against Piltover (with Silco but they're not sending the pregnant person to go get into punch ups with Enforcers).
It's why I kind of have it in my head that in the span of Claggor and Mylo's pregnancies the Violent Revolts side of their work took a bit of a back seat and they instead more focused on consolidating control and power of the Lanes and Zaun generally (only to return to the Violent Revolting with probably more power behind them after Mylo's born up to finding the girls). Because something has to give or else everything is going to come crashing down around them and they are at a point where Solidifying Control And Assets is a useful move.
And like I've mentioned before, Silco is working up until he drops the pup and Viktor is starting to be an age where he can somewhat look after himself. So while the responsibility of it all isn't sitting on Vander's shoulders the whole time he's definitively feeling more and more like he's responsible for it all each day of the pregnancy that passes.
On the flipside of course Claggor is still under 1 years old when Mylo is conceived and isn't quite yet 2 years old when he's born. So still needs a lot of care and is still pretty dependent on his parents. And while Silco is certainly not avoiding lifting him because he's pregnant when he gets further along it gets hard to do so partially because Claggor's generally on the bigger side. And Viktor can only help so much so... Vander has to help.
Vander's honestly likely not getting much sleep for most of the pregnancy (I feel like Silco gets pregnancy insomnia a bit so when he is asleep Vander is doing everything in his power to let him keep sleeping and when Silco is awake he will sometimes wake Vander because he wants to talk something through). And, gods, he looks so rough by the end of it. Although he does get sympathy from everyone who comes through the bar regularly because they all figure Silco is running him into the ground.
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