#Pluto's Pumpkin Pursuit
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WALL-E and Eve Pumpkins
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Prepare Your Palates – EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival Presented by CORKCICLE Begins July 27
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Calling all foodies: The EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presented by CORKCICLE will begin dishing up delights at Walt Disney World Resort starting July 27 and continuing through November 18, 2023.
Get ready to sip and savor at more than 25 Global Marketplaces throughout EPCOT including returning favorites such as The Fry Basket, Flavors from Fire, Canada, India, and Spain. Several new Global Marketplaces will open later during the festival as summer turns to fall.
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The fun doesn’t stop with the food, however. It extends to exciting activities for the whole family to enjoy!
Fans of fromage can take part in Emile’s Fromage Montage, a fun way to try tasty cheese dishes from around the world. Grab your Festival Passport and purchase any five cheese dishes listed in the back of the Festival Passport to collect a stamp. Once you’ve collected five stamps, head to Shimmering Sips hosted by CORKCICLE to redeem a sweet treat unique to the festival.
Families can embark on Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak – a Ratatouille-inspired adventure that’s très magnifique! Guests of all ages can search for Remy throughout World Showcase and the Global Marketplaces.
And to celebrate the Halloween season grab your gourd-eous group and partake in Pluto’s Pumpkin Pursuit, a special pumpkin scavenger hunt from September 29 through October 31.
The festival will also welcome back the popular Eat to the Beat Concert Series presented by Florida Blue Medicare at America Gardens Theatre. Stay tuned to the Disney Parks Blog for more details about this year’s lineup.
And don’t forget to commemorate your EPCOT visit by bringing festival magic home with official event merchandise including apparel, home décor, trading pins and more.
Hopefully, this update satisfies your craving for now, and keep an eye out for more news here or on TasteEPCOT.com. Can’t wait to see all of your clients there!
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mayamaslov · 2 years
A Car Locator and a MISSING Treat — All the BIG Disney World Updates You Missed This Week
A Car Locator and a MISSING Treat — All the BIG Disney World Updates You Missed This Week
Another week brings more surprises to Disney World! Cinderella Castle This week we learned surprising Halloween news, a new feature that will solve a major problem, and several new character meet-and-greets have returned! Let’s jump right in! Halloween Scavenger Hunt Disney announced this week that guests will be able to celebrate Halloween in EPCOT with Pluto’s Pumpkin Pursuit! We’ve seen a…
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amieravenson · 5 years
Magickal Month- October 2019
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Magickal Month- October 2019 Welcome to October, now affectionately known as WHY IS IT STILL SO HOT?? Also known as the month of Halloween. I’m drinking my Pumpkin Cream Nitro Cold Brew from Starbucks in leiu of a typical Pumpkin Spice Latte because it’s still in the mid 90s here in Georgia. Anyone who still thinks that global warming is a myth is clearly an idiot. OK, rant aside, October is named after the Latin word for eight as it was originally the 8th month of the year, before January and February were added. It’s still really hot here, but the leaves are starting to act like they might want to change color some day. We’ve had a drought for the past month or so, so it might be that they’re just drying out and dying off. The wildlife has changed a bit, however. We’re seeing a lot of cardinals coming back for the Winter, and the geese are coming back here and there. I haven’t seen a lot of snakes or toads lately, though I did see a huge anole yesterday on the shed. I think we did mow our lawn for the last time this season, however, as it’s browning nicely now. Sweet! Birthstones: Opal and tourmaline Lunations: October 13- Full Moon in Aries, 5:07pm EDT October 27- New Moon in Scorpio, 11:38pm EDT Astronomy: October 3- Pluto goes direct October 3- Capricornids meteor shower begins October 6- Camelopardalids meteor shower begins October 9- Draconids meteor shower begins October 22- Orionids meteor shower begins October 31- Mercury goes retrograde Celtic Tree Month: Ivy (Sept 30- October 27): End of the harvest, looking back at our successes and losses, strengthening our resolve to face the future, taking the long-term view, fidelity and fertility, protection, healing, good luck for women and brides, guards against negativity and disaster, reaches around and through obstacles to find light and nourishment, reaching out, expansion. Reed (October 28- November 24): Introverting, withdrawing, connecting with the past and with spirit, ancestors, messages from the spirit world, culling that which doesn’t serve us, dreaming- but not planning. Seeking basic truth, finding direction, giving meaning and purpose to your journey, skill and direction, secret strength and secret motivations, seeing beneath the surface. Holidays (non-Pagan): October 4: Feast of St Francis of Assisi (Christian) October 7: Dussehra (Hindu) October 9: Leif Erikson Day October 9: Yom Kippur (Jewish) October 14: First Day of Sukkot (Jewish) October 14: Indigenous People’s Day (fka Columbus Day) October 20: Last Day of Sukkot (Jewish) October 21: Shmini Atzeret (Jewish) October 22: Simchat Torah (Jewish) October 27: Diwali (Hindu) Holidays (Pagan): October 1: Feast of the Charities (Greek) October 2: Feast of Aphrodite (Greek) October 4: Proerosia- feast offering fruits of the season to Demeter (Greek) October 9-12: Thesmophoria- Greek festival honoring the transformation of Kore to Persephone as she goes back to the underworld with Hades. October 14-28: Icelandic Old Winter Nights Feast honoring The Gods and ancestors. October 17-20: Apatura- Greek festival welcoming babies and newcomers into the community October 26: Khalkeia- honoring Athena and Hephestos and their gifts of craftsmanship October 27: Festival of Hekate October 28: Maimakterion Noumenia- Greek festival honoring all the gods and goddesses October 28- November 3: Isia- Romano Egyptian festival honoring the murder, mourning, search for, and reassembly of Osiris by Isis. October 31: Greek festival honoring Aphrodite and Eros October 31: SAMHAIN!/Celtic New Year/Hallowmass/Feast of Ceridwen/last harvest Themes for the month: Halloween, contacting the ancestors, going within, being ‘witchy’, the last harvest, apples, corn mazes, pumpkin spice, enjoying the longer nights and the more internal focus if you happen to be introverted like me. General activities for the month: Parties, visiting haunts, Pagan Pride Days around the country, making cider or apple butter, scrying and other forms of divination, ritual work, shadow work, reconnecting with our deities, preparing for NaNoWriMo if you’re a writer nerd like me. Herbs I’m using: Mugwort. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what herbs I really respond to and which I have a special relationship with, and mugwort tops that list every time. I’m trying to work with it more, in various forms like dried, essential oil, and as incense or tea. Also, spices that you would use in making apple butter, like cloves and cinnamon. Anything warm and spicy really brings the season home for me. Stones I’m using: Rutilated quartz- helps with pathworking and finding clarity. Petrified wood- grounding and stabilizing. Keeps me from getting too stuck in my head and ignoring everything around me. Fire agate- keeps me ‘fired up’ and motivated while I try to finish some projects and continue others. Goddess of the Month: I’ve changed the way I choose my Goddess of the Month. I’m going to start drawing a card from Collette Baron Reid’s Goddess Power Oracle, which my sister gave me a few weeks ago. And this month’s Goddess is…. drumroll…. Skuld (the future). She calls us to look to the future, but not to ignore the present and the seeds that we’re planting right now. We create our future every single day with the choices we make, and we can’t ignore the present in pursuit of the future we’re hoping from.
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October 2019 reading 3 card reading: First, we start with The Hermit reversed. So this is usually a good time to go within and start doing the inner work we need to do to prepare for Winter, but not this year. This year, we’re going to continue to be outwardly focused. This is a different October from most, in that there’s still a lot of warm weather ahead, and there’s still a lot of the work of Summer to do, even well into Autumn. There may be a delay in the final harvest. Next, we see The Empress. So while the harvest is delayed, it’s going to be amazing. There’s so much fertility and lushness in this harvest that it will be worth the wait. Finally, we have the Ten of Imps reversed. In the upright position, this is the card that shows that we’ve just had enough. We’re exhausted and done. But with it reversed, we’re getting a second wind. So even though everything is delayed this month, we have the energy to handle it. We can make it through to the end! Our special guidance card is Summon. This card is telling us that it’s time to gather our magick and connect with our spirituality. This is a great time for meditation, ritual, and anything that makes us feel ‘connected’. So while this isn’t a time to slow down on our more external goals and projects, it’s still a great time to carve out quiet time to realign with our spiritual life. Gathering Leaves By Robert Frost Spades take up leaves No better than spoons, And bags full of leaves Are light as balloons. I make a great noise Of rustling all day Like rabbit and deer Running away. But the mountains I raise Elude my embrace, Flowing over my arms And into my face. I may load and unload Again and again Till I fill the whole shed, And what have I then? Next to nothing for weight, And since they grew duller From contact with earth, Next to nothing for color. Next to nothing for use, But a crop is a crop, And who’s to say where The harvest shall stop? My personal tides: I’m about to publish a book on journaling with tarot, and I’m really excited. It’s the not the first book I’ve written, but it’s the first that I’ve stuck with this far. I even have a cover. :-) I’m also going to spend October working with poppet magick, and I’ve bought the supplies to make a poppet for myself and for husbear. I’m looking foward to this new mode of magick. As always, communing with the ancestors and with Hecate are biggies for this time of year. My personal goals: Continue leveling up my tarot reading (and my tarot earnings), publish my book, start my new book, finish my D10 divination system. Honestly, this is a big month for me, and I’m not quite ready to slow down for the Autumn. Read the full article
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Chip and Dale Pumpkins
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Dory Pumpkin
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