#Pmatga one shot
ell-arts · 11 months
Funnily enough, reading these sorts of fanfics reminds me of the time I tried writing my own based off of my PMATGA-related dreams (which are still very cursed to this day.)
I have 10+ unfinished ones and I still have the urge to make more because this addiction is as strong as my love for The Veil & Call Me Cyli. 🥲
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Anyway, glad to hear that your fic is still in the works, it's really amazing so far! I'll be eagerly awaiting Pac inevitably breaking something within grabbing distance! :) /j
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😭 Thank you so much!!
Fam you should totally get back into writing those fanfics 👀 The fandom can always use some new reading material! (like no joke I'm camping on the PMATGA archive on Ao3 almost daily to see if there are any new fics posted)
I feel you on the urge to make more fanfics-
Aside from The Veil and Call Me Cyli, I have at least 2+ WIP fics and 13+ different ideas for new fics, all for PMATGA. I may or may not have a new one-shot in the works that could be posted within the next few weeks x_x It all just happens on spontaneous motivation xD
I just wish I had more chill time to actually get the ball rolling on ALL of my fics. At this point, I'm writing the next chapters for both The Veil and Call Me Cyli simultaneously to see if I can catch up on progress for both of them that way xD If things go well, then CMC might get updated first because it's a shorter chapter.
Again, thank you for the encouragement!! Pac's not planned on breaking anything within grabbing distance anytime soon, but something could be arranged lol 🤔😌 Heck the boy might even need it after some future events-
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Dissatisfied One shot +14 (Part 1)
This story contains sexual themes, Domestic abuse themes, Toxic relationships, Suicide, cigarettes use, bad words and prostitution references. If you are sensitive or underage please don't read this story.
Dissatisfied.... i don't think it's difficult to found out why do i feel like that..
I wasn't always being the inappropriate whore my grandmother or even my uncle used to call me.. I was supposed to be a innocent child.. tsk yeah.. an innocent child with the shitty luck of having such a shattered family and a stupid child with the shitty luck of having a pedophile as teacher who tried to rape him when the bastard child was just 10.
It's alright.. I guess.. I just woke up in the bed from one of my classmates, let's say he wanted a fun night so I accepted to gave him pleasure.. at least he paid me money so I can leave this room, .. but that didn't satisfied me.. nor even filled me.
I taked my stuff making sure he didn't woke up too but he still..
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Rocky: Hey Bunny~, are you leaving to soon?~.
Bradley: Are you Horny again? we did it for almost 2 hours the last night, if you want to continue you most pay again.
Rocky: I have not enough money
Bradley: *change on his clothes* Then I have nothing to do here
Rocky: Tsk, you lost...
Bradley: Lost what? *Sarcastic Chuckle* Your "Buddy" is just bigger than mine, is not the big thing..
Rocky: *chuckles* As if you were that hot~.
Bradley: *takes his backpack* You didn't said that that night.
I left that room, that guy seemed mad by my comment, I can't help it, they still see me as the bastard son of the fire ghost which mess with their city but they actually desires me to gives them the pleasure that a girl or anyone else can't gave them..
I was walking through the hallways, then suddenly someone touched my hand to catch my attention, it was that big blue guy who uses to play American football, another client more.
Bradley: Unwin? Are you sure about this? You didn't had a girlfriend?
Unwin: Well yes.. i have a girlfriend, she asked me to do it one day but I'm not ready to do it nor even i have no idea about how to do it.
Bradley: so.. your first Time?
Unwin: Yep..
Bradley: alright.. we will do it this night, don't forget you have to pay for the fun night, i will teach you how to do it.
Unwin: Ok.. thanks man, Heheh now I see why people calls you Bunny, and not just for being little~ *leaves quickly while he was laughing at Bradley* Slut~.
Bradley: But Rabbits are cute...
After that I went to the school restrooms to take a quick bath to at least go to classes without any boy smell.
Since when i thought that this shit was a good idea?.. why did i thought that this would make me feel complete or even satisfied? I questioned myself while the shower drops were falling on my face.
I have a lot of missed calls from my uncle who is surely mad instead of worried by not arriving at the round house.
I dried myself quickly to then change my clothing and go to classes in time, at my seat I saw him.. Skeebo, after that day it's not the same being next to him. He used to bully me by the same old shit as the others but he stopped since that day I saved his life and i snapped to that lemon head which calls himself hero for a nonsense reason.
If you are asking why the heck I was selling my body like this if I have a traumatic event related with this?
I will answer your question, hate me or not depends of you, I will explain.
First my uncle is a hypocritical stingy, he will not give me any fucking money not even for a candy, he just gives money to my cousin, understandable, and the stupid lemon for his mediocre work.
The second reason... Everything happened in a normal school day (yes, after I got Skeebo's respect), also a normal day of ghost attack, there was a new ghost around the netherworld, this one has a weird power which makes everyone Who touches him or is slimed by him, that person ends into a lust state, it was easy to recognize when he attacked someone...at least for me, he has peculiar smell to Cherries, Strawberries and... saliva.
I didn't had to hide, the ghosts didn't attacked me as always, that lemon ball was around eating them and burping their eyes. That clumsy Pac crashed against me and suddenly Skeebo which was running away locking us in a locker by accident.
Bradley: shit...
Skeebo: Arghh!.. that lemon head!!...
Bradley: *sighs*....
Skeebo: are we in a girl's locker?.. this place smells good~
Bradley:*sniffs*... Oh.. shit.. we are not in a girl's locker...It's my locker....
Skeebo:*sniffs on Bradley's hair* is it you? You smell so good~
Bradley: Well my perfume used to be from my older sister, and i use Pactene Shampoo because my uncle has lots of them for my cousin and me, so it has sense.
Skeebo: It's still so good~
Bradley: fuck fuck fuck fuck... Skeebo.. you were infected by a lust ghost.. and you will not snap from that state until you....
Skeebo: me what?~
Bradley:... *Sighs* i-i.. I'm still scared for t-this... But.. just do it with me... D-d-dont worry.. you will not remember any of this moments...
Skeebo: you're so cute~ you're so sweet~..
Bradley: Ok i think he lost the control short time ago..damn it..
Then Skeebo slowly was ripping off my virginity.. I thought it would hurt as when that awful man tried to do to me.. but... This time.. I felt different.. I felt.. strange... i was embarrassed.. it hurted but I liked it..I don't know how nor why...He where keep going for 1 hour until he ended inside me.. for me it was difficult to still up but that feeling was too difficult to describe... Did I feel satisfaction?.. is this what am I looking for to feel full, did I feel good for at least one time of my life, he finally snapped out that state he didn't understand what happened and suddenly the locker door opened, I was a little naked so I acted quickly and transformed myself into a rabbit to escape from a already embarrassing moment leaving him with the shame. Because of me everyone saw Skeebo half-naked and stained in with his own fluids.
Ms Globular: Mr Spheros.. Mr Skeebo! Wake up!
Bradley: Huh!?...
Skeebo: What!?
Almost Everyone laugh about that.. specially to Skeebo
Ms Globular: Please focus yourself in the exam.
Bradley:..*sighs* yes Ms Globular..
Rocky: what's wrong Skeebo aren't you playing with your "buddy" again?
Izod: Yeah, please don't splash us~
Skeebo: *blushed and mad* you 2 shut up!
Yep... also that day was even worst for Skeebo than the day became into Heebo-Skeebo, he was even a bigger mock for almost all the students, it was my fault by running away as a coward..
Izod: Or what?
Bradley: Do you have any idea about how pathetic you look making fun with a guy because of an embarrassing moment he clearly wants to forget?
Rocky: You have no rights to speak slut!
Skeebo: Don't call him slut!
Izod: Aww the Sper-Man is defending the Play-Bun?.
Bradley: So sad that the sizes of your "Buddies" are not that good enough to compensate your lack of brain..
Ms Globular: That's enough you 4!! If you don't quit speaking that dirty stuff in the class i will send you to detention!
Izod/Rocky: Fine Ms Globular..
Bradley: Alright Ms...
Skeebo: *sighs*
The School Bell rings
It was now lunch time, i wasn't hungry so i left to the school yard to smoke a cigarette, a cherry one, I'm allergic to the normals.
Bradley: *sighs*
"Can i sit with you?" - a voice sounded..
It was Lexy Soto, one of my classmates and the most popular in the school for being so kind with all and bringing desserts from his Dad's restaurant also one of the most famous restaurants in Pacopolis), for it Lexy is really respected and beloved here, especially for that Lemon Ball.
Lexy always left a single meal for me and comes to me to give me company, it's still incredible that he is my friend without caring about my Dad's actions, did Latins are like this?
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Bradley: Sure Lexy.
Lexy: Good, *sits to him* i noticed that you weren't in the Cafeteria so i left this cupcake for you.
Bradley: Thanks Lexy, you don't had to do it.
Lexy: I have to, Weon
Bradley:*smiles a little and takes the cupcake* Thanks Lexy, *bites it* Hmm~ is so sweet and soft.
Lexy: Chocolate with raspberry cream.
Bradley: Also.. let me guess, did you put ice cream for the cream?
Lexy: You got me.
Bradley: I knew it!
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Lexy: *giggles*... *Starts sniffing Bradley* where selling your body again!?.
Bradley: Oh shit.. you got me
Lexy: Bradley, please you don't have to do it..
Bradley: Lexy, i don't have money to buy any stuff i need, and my uncle doesn't give me a shit.
Lexy: And i thought that presidents in Latin America are awful.. but please... You don't have to do it if you don't like it..
Bradley: That's the problem Lexy.. I think like it..but I hate to do it with that bastards.
Lexy: How you can like that awfull thing?...
Bradley: Because I'm sick Lexy..I know i am sick...but i can't cry for help.. because my uncle will not understand..
Lexy: I could ask my Dad to help you but.. i don't want to bother him...
Bradley: *pets him*... Lexy.. you don't have to do it... Maybe i could be sick.. but i will be okay.
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Lexy: *starts sobbing* You're lying!... You are not okay! You said that you would be okay but that's not true.. i know you are suffering.. and it... It worries me a lot!! *Cries*
Bradley:...it's because that awful neighbor did to you, right?
Lexy: !!..
Bradley:*hugs Lexy* I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you like this.. maybe it would hurt but.. If something happens to me.. i already have a place in the netherworld with my Dad..
Lexy: If Pacopolis were your home too...
Bradley: Even if i live in netherworld, we would still be friends.
Lexy: At least.. please found a solution...
Bradley: I promise I will try.. *dries Lexy's tears* cheer up BerryPie.
Lexy: you most be the one who most smile first Cabro Culiao!..
Bradley: Heh..*smiles* sorry, like this?
Lexy: *cheers* much better~
6:00 pm
The school And clubs activities ended, Lexy have left to his home early to help out his father with his job as always, it was getting late and time to start my job with that moron, so i left the reading club (Club Wich has a single one member, me) to meet up with that guy i just forgot his name and i don't give a care in remember it.
Unwin: Finally..
Bradley: we will do this quickly, i have to go back to the round house.. i have piano practice at 8:00 pm.
Unwin: All you have to do is please me..
Bradley: just if you pay the price, if you don't i will make sure one of my boys to torment you, got it?
Unwin:*sighs* fine!..*pays him 10 Pac Dollars*
Bradley: Good Boy~.
And well i did it with him as i did with the rest of the boys from Maze High (Except by Pac and Spiral, dude i have my limits, i can't leave that stinky lemon to touch me, and Spiral, i know he likes Pacster since long, it's kinda obvious and i prefer them to have that experience by theirselfs) but ..i didn't felt nothing similar to that curious feeling i felt with him.. it wasn't the same.. but it wasn't possible.. even after he ended as a mock because of me.. i would not be able to stand the guilt...
7:00 pm
By finishing, i just put in my clothing to take my stuff and left the dorms, it was almond late for my classes and even worst i was having a lot of walking problems, fortunately or well.. unfortunately my uncle's limousine arrived next to me And taked me to the round house, the bodyguards didn't looked at me in any moment.. it was uncomfortable.. when we arrived to the round house, there was my uncle waiting for me, he seemed completely mad.
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Bradley: *sighs*..
Stratos: Bradley..Where the heck you have been!? Why you didn't come back to home yesterday!? Or not even answered my calls!!??... And ugh!.. what's that awful smell!!??
Bradley: Do you care?.
Stratos: wait.. don't tell me you where sleeping with a guy!!?
Bradley: So what!?, If i was sleeping with someone or i was making out with someone, that's not of your business!!
Stratos: of course it's my business to take care of you!
Bradley: As it was your business to take care of my dad when he needed you more than anything... You cared so much of me that you left me with grandmother!
Stratos: It wasn't that bad!
Bradley: That Bad...It wasn't..That Bad!? I was her fucking Boxing bag and used me to turn off her cigarettes
Stratos: You are exaggerating, she was educating you to be a disciplined and decent man!.
Bradley: So sad, it didn't work..
Stratos: It was for you could not end like your father.
Bradley: Should I'll remember you the boiling water cup she threw me in that Barbecue in the round house by "Accident?
Stratos: Agh just go inside and take a bath right now!.. don't let Cedrick see you!.
Bradley: Whatever...
Yep the same old shit of always... I taked another bath and went to my room, i was so tired, Quartzy was sleeping on my lap to comfort me.. but i still had to play that piano.. so i get up to go to the piano room.. my Uncle wasn't there... that was a good thing, that means he would not bother me.
So i sat in that sit and taked a cherry cigarette from a box i use to hide from my uncle and cousin.
I smoke one of them while I was playing a soft melody in the piano..I was losing myself in my thoughts and the music.. then suddenly someone entered in.
Cedrick: Hey Brad!
Bradley:*throws the cigarette through the window* Oh, hi Cedrick
Cedrick: what where you eating?...
Bradley: oh, it was nothing.
Cedrick: Oke, can I stay with you? I love how you play the piano :D.
Bradley: Alright little bud.
So I played a melodies for my little cousin, I didn't wanted him to see me like this..
I'm at least a little alright if my cousins, my people, my sister, Buttler and my Dad are alright too.. maybe.
Lately when I was close to Skeebo I was feeling something unusual.. like a hungry.. hungry for his virility, hungry for his touch.. I sounded like a monster... I'm sorry..
Suddenly i felt that someone was calling me.
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thegmdfangirl14 · 6 years
The once and future Queen(a PMATGA monologue-ish thing )
(I've had this idea for quite some time now, so bear with me)
One day, several years later, she passed by a mirror-and stopped dead.
Gone was the terrified girl she had been all those years ago, thrust into a strange and terrifying nightmare world,  for was now reflected back was a queen.
The queen looked back at her.
She held herself with pride, something the girl long ago had lacked so badly, but now the queen now held her head up high, her very gaze asking her enemies: Go ahead, give it your best shot.  In those beautiful green eyes was still the kindness of the girl who saw things that few had seen before, now mixed with the wisdom she'd gained over every battle she'd fought, every loss she'd suffered, every scar she'd gained along the way that now decorated the queen like a badge of honor rather than marks of shame.....
She was every inch a queen, powerful and strong, even if there were some things about herself she'd never quite be able to let go....
Then a though came to her, bringing a smile to her face.
Maybe her ancestor that her father had told her about all those years ago, hadn't been a traitor to her family...…
Maybe, just maybe, she'd been a queen. Who had learned that sometimes, one do what's necessary for the grater good, even if history wouldn't always see it that way. Because who was to say what history decided? In her opinion, it was horribly wrong when it came to the true story, as she'd come to learn. Because in actuality, history got it all wrong sometimes, didn't it? And come to think of it, stories could be wrong too.....
The kind and just king, who governed over his people with a "fair" hand, could be hiding more than a few dark secrets, as she knew from experience. The "hero" could still be heroic, but deeply flawed and unsure of where the fit in inside the rapidly changing landscape. The naïve "princess" could have hidden depth. And as for the "wicked king" of the realm? He did indeed have a heart, more than he appeared to have, and probably was one of the most noble people she had the pleasure of knowing, or loving.
He had seen who she was, and loved her for it. Those in the world above hated, and feared them both, though there were those few who recognized what they had done together, while the majority of the population whispered of what monsters the two of them were.
But what was she really?
Who am I, she wondered to herself.
The traveller, the middle daughter, the murderess, the prisoner, the thing of lighting and flame, the victim, the revenger,  the revolutionary, the rescuer, the demoness, the diplomat, the queen?
I am who I wish to be. The world can't chose who I am. Because it is for me to decide what the world shall be.
And with that, her smile still reflected in the mirror, she spoke the words she so clearly remembered from so long ago.
"All will change."
From the other room, the sounds of argument were heard, making her supress another smile. Well, it was clear that her king needed her.
And with that, the queen turned away from the mirror, ready for whatever would come next.....
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ell-arts · 1 year
How do you write your fanfics, whether one-shots or works with multiple parts, so well? The dialogue and narration seem to flow so freely with eachother without much strain to them.
What gives you that motivation to keep going with what you write?
Aw shucks, it's an honour to hear that you think my writing is fluid and believable 🥹 It's what I strive for with every piece I write!
There are a couple of things that help me with my writing, though I guess what it mostly boils down to is this; if there's a certain writing style that you like, then read more stories that use that writing style. So read lots of books! :D
I get inspiration from my favourite books on how to have dialogue and narration flow naturally with each other. Sometimes I'll also imagine the scene as though it was in a movie and try to write it as true to what I imagine in my mind as possible. It helps when you've got a good range of descriptive words in your vocabulary, that way you can mix and match synonyms, adjectives, and verbs in such a way that you won't overuse certain words too much into redundancy ("said" and "then" are culprits of this lol). Sometimes I also like to add a bit of lyrical/poetic flair to my writing, in which gathering inspiration from music really helps. Other than that, the internet has a good range of writing tips, too.
As for motivation, what's helped me is to keep daydreaming about the story I want to tell; ruminate over future scenes, imagine the characters in different scenarios, and most importantly: write every single idea down, no matter how small or silly it may be.
For both The Veil and Call Me Cyli, I have a gigantic Word file where I store all of my ideas and plot into. You could think of it as a Story Manual for the fic.
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Additionally, I've grown to be a bit stubborn...if I start a thing and I'm truly invested in it, then I'm going to try my damnest to stick with it and take it to its finished state, especially if I've already gone knee-deep into it. In the past, I've often abandoned a fic when inspiration and motivation ran out before reaching the 3rd chapter. For both The Veil and Call Me Cyli, it's the first time that I've ever surpassed the 3rd chapter mark, and inspiration is still going. I've spent a lot of time adding ideas to their Plot Manuals, and I've managed to get both fics to a point of having a good foundation, so that motivates me to keep going. And it won't end at these two; there are plenty more stories that I wanna write for PMATGA, but I'm pacing myself to finish what I have currently. That way there's not too much pressure to sustain my motivation.
Of course, I cannot end this without mentioning the important role that you, the fans, play in these fics getting made. Every comment and support I get for these stories adds a massive boost to my motivation to continue them. For that, I cannot thank you all enough 💙
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xeo-kunsatan · 4 years
Silent Pain (Doodle one shot) Part 3
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He didn't do nothing, they attacked First.
He is Tired and Feel so Alone.
Not for long time ahahahahaha!.. sorry
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
MonsterOlympics One Shot (+13) Part 3.
A new morning have been arrived at Monster Maze High.
Sunday 9:47 AM
Room 69
Betrayus was waking up with Muriel and a white haired human woman?
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Betrayus:*Yawns* Morning Sweeties~
Muriel: Good morning Moonlight~
Beryl: Hmm~ Morning~
Betrayus: *takes air* Shit that was a crazy night yesterday... I didn't know that you were that good in this~
Muriel: Yeah dude, you were a beast last night~
Beryl: Tsk what are you talking about? You guys are incredible~
Suddenly that human transformed their body into their original form.
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Beryl Marjorie
Boss of Jewels Mafia
Age: 125
Gender: Non Binary
Species: Shapeshifter/Wereleopard (Hybrid)
Beryl: And tell me~ are you agree with this payment method?
Muriel: Ohh~ it's the best and a big honor~
Betrayus: Oh Yeah~ That human disguise was a good idea, as you know i can't give myself this adventures with humans, because you know.. Ka-Boom!
Muriel: i can give myself freely this adventures with humans but i don't want to do it if I'm not next to my Moonlight~
Beryl: Awww~ it was a pleasure to make business with you too, now you have a new monetary support from my part.
Betrayus: and it's a pleasure to have your support, Thank you so much Ms Beryl.
Muriel: Come here Everytime you want it.
Beryl: See ya guys *puts in their clothing and leaves*
Beryl have left the room, to then go to a limousine waiting for them.
Note: Beryl is the Boss of a Mafia but they mostly prefers to use their money to support places which needs monetary help.
At the School Cafeteria.
The students where still feel a little tense after that fight from yesterday, mostly of them were still feeling the hurtful words from Manny, Specially Skeebo.
Sir C and Roxy went to them to give them at least good news for them.
Sir C: *with a speaker* Uhum Uhum, A-Attention Please Students! *Sneezes* I know you have felt stressed since yesterday butbi have good news for you.
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Blinky: Good News my Balls!..
Roxy: Silence! C'mon Old man put more emotion in this..
Sir C: You're right Rox, The Hot Springs are Finally open for you, so you will have a better Sunday!.
All:......*Runs off to the Hot Springs*
Sir C: Wow, that worked so well..
Roxy: you see~
The students have run away to test the new hot springs
Note: there were 5 Hot Springs Rooms: Girls Room, Boys Room , Man Staff, Woman Staff and for some reason a secret one connected with both Staff rooms (Roxy's idea).
Boys Room
The boys were enyoing their new hot spring room, Skeebo still upset went to a shower next to a really worried Bradley.
Bradley: Foxy.. are you.. alright?..
Skeebo: *sighs*......
Bradley: C'mon you can tell me..
Skeebo: That stupid.. how he dares to make fun of me!!?? just because i have no family doesn't give him the rights to talk shit to me me! Nor even for the school!
Bradley: Don't let that affect you, you have a family here.
Skeebo: But not a biological!
Bradley: !!!!....
Skeebo: My brother left me, he was supposed to take care of me, we were supposed to be family.. and he still left me... For what!? To start a band and create a new family while I was dying of hungry and Cold!!!..
Bradley: Excuse me.. i know what are you feeling but i should remember you that my dad taked you to avoid that....
Skeebo: But what if he wouldn't taked me? Huh?...
Bradley: that's a Good point... *Sighs*.. Skeebo, please family it's not based by blood lines, it's based in the people who loves you and support you as you are..
Skeebo: *turns off*... You said that because you have your own parents and sister who loves you.
Bradley: Skeebo Please... What if he had a reason to left you?
Skeebo: *Hits Bradley* A Reason to Abandon me!!??
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Bradley:!!!!!!..... *Trembling*
Skeebo: *reacts* Oh... No...
Bradley:*steps back*..
Skeebo: I-i-i am s-s-so sorry SugarBun!!.. I-i didn't mean to hurt you....
Bradley:*slaps Skeebo* Don't ever call me SugarBun!..*sightly sobs*... This time you Cross the line.. i thought you already understood about that you already have a family... But im wrong...
Skeebo: No Bradley please.. you are not wrong... I am sorry!...
Bradley: I Know you are really mad and hurted but that doesn't mean you can take avenge of me!
Skeebo: I-i know.. i really so sorry...
Bradley: *sobs* Fuck Off!! *Turns into a Bat and flies off crying*...
Skeebo: Bradley... *Sobs in silence* N-No... What a dumb i am... *Sighs*...
Skeebo was sobbing in the shower while the others would feel his silent lament.
Spiral: Ok Those 2 fighting? That's new
Pacster: Not really, they rarely have fights, and when they have them, they always fix the things and They reconcile with.. you know..
Blinky: I Know but this time it's harder..
Inky: yeah...
Clyde: Are they would be okay?...
Farley: Ok he is really mad...
Farren: And that's a Mad Fox..
Farid: Oww~ they were such a good couple~...
After the shower, Skeebo left to his dorm which he shares with Bradley, discovering that Bradley wasn't there..
Skeebo: *Sighs and jumps to his bed*... Bradley... If i could... Wait.. *takes his phone to make a important call* Thanks to her i got him.. i hope she can help me to bring him back..
Skeebo called an already known number which helped him as many creatures.
C.A Cupid
Daughter of Eros
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Species: Cherub.
(No, it's not my cupid from Pmatga, she is from from MH/EAH)
C.A Cupid: Greetings, anything your heart wants to share?~
Skeebo: Hello Cupid.. i need your advices one more time but this time to bring my love back..
C.A Cupid: Huh, i think i remember your voice, Long time~ What happened?
Skeebo: You see...My Boyfriend and me had a fight but this time i messed up the things in the really awful way, he surely doesn't want me next to him anymore.. i didn't mean to hurt him..
C.A Cupid: Oh dear.. I'm sorry to hear that.. don't worry i know how i help you.
Skeebo: Please..
C.A Cupid: First give him some time to relax, and then Show him that you feel really bad for hurting him and for it, like give him something really special for you 2 since many years, the reason why you are together.
Skeebo: Something Special for us since many years.. alright I got it, thank you Cupid.
C.A Cupid: Always to help, thanks for calling for my advices.
The Call ended, and Skeebo was looking for an special thing to fix the things with Bradley.
Skeebo: Where is it?..
Betrayus: Where is what?~
Skeebo: Eh!?
Betrayus's stare started to hypnotize Skeebo to make him fall sleep and then take him secretly to a unknown place.
Meanwhile in Monster High.
Miss Bloodgood have asked her students to join a reunion.
Ms Bloodgood: Dear Students, I summoned you in this reunion to discuss about what we will do in the MonsterOlympics Event, the first thing is that all of you most behave and respect your opponents.
Lagoona Blue
Daughter of the Sea Monster.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Sea monster (Saltwater)
Lagoona: Ohh~ i really felt bad about them...
Ms Bloodgood: Me too Lagoona *sighs* Mostly of The Monster Maze High students have different and difficult situations at mostly of yours, their school is where they live.
Frankie: You mean, their school is their only home
Ms Bloodgood: That's right.
Deuce Gorgon
Son of Medusa
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Gorgon
Deuce: Even Knowing that i can't believe that Manny said that..
Draculaura: Me either...
Holt: Well in certain part he is right
All: Holt!!!
Holt: ok ok.. sorry
Clawd: Just Great.. Now thanks to Manny they already have a bad image of us as the mean ones...
Gillington Webber
Son of the River monster
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Sea Monster (sweet water)
Gil: *Sighs* Things will get so tense during the competency...
Frankie: This can't be like this, we most show them that as we accept us independent of our differences, we accept them too even if they are from other school.
Ms Bloodgood: Frankie is right, the next week the Event will begin, even if we are competing against them we most show them fellowship and support.
Frankie: All agree with you Headless Mistress!
The Reunion finished and everyone was free to leave to their classes.
Toralei and her gang was walking around the school noticing that almost every monster was watching her and whispering to eachother.
Toralei: Pfff, what did I do this time?~
Cleo: Oh My Ra, I didn't know you were like that Toralei?~
Toralei: Mew?~ What are you talking about?.
Cleo: Didn't you check out your phone? *Leaves mocking*
Spectra Vondeirgeist
Daughter of the ghosts
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Species: Ghost.
Spectra: I Hoope you enjoy this unexpected stooory~ *flying around*
Toralei: Huh!?
Toralei Checked out her phone to visit Spectra's Blog finding the surprised of that Spectra made a blog about her meeting with Farley, pointing them as an unexpected couple between a dog and a cat.
Toralei: Meww! No!!
As well her, Farley found out the gossip in the same Blog.
Farley: Woofy Shit!!
Meanwhile In a dark place, Skeebo waked up to notice that he was tied up.
Skeebo: What The!!??...
Betrayus: You Were a really really bad Fox...
Skeebo: Mr Betrayus!?... I-i didn't mean to hurt your son..
Betrayus: But you did it.. oww~ what a shame I have to do this...
Skeebo: .......*sighs as he sobs In silence*... I'm sorry... I really wanted to fix up the things with him, with effort and heart.. as I promised.. but I guess I most pay for not appreciate what I already had... Go ahead Mr Betrayus..
Betrayus:... Wise decision~
Betrayus hold up a big blade ready to end with the Fox's life to then....
To be Continued.
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ell-arts · 4 years
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‘Withering King’
So this was one of those sketches that was supposed to be nothing more than a warm-up doodle for another drawing that wasn’t even related to Betrayus...but there I went and ended up refining the warm-up doodle into a nice sketch, then I thought hey let’s add some lineart, and before I knew it I was making it a full render... :’) 
So here we have everybody’s favourite ghost villain, with a couple of things I added to the design for fun. I’d imagine that maybe if Betrayus were to live for centuries in the Netherworld, some of his physical traits would start growing to the point of him looking...idk, withered or old? Aged? Ancient? Something like that. I experimented with a brush I’ve never used before and it gave the artwork a very nice paint-like feel, and even though some parts ended up a little messy and looking a bit unfinished, I do quite like the look. 
Also how is it possible that both the sketch and lineart of a Pacworlder alone takes almost a full 20 hours to complete but a bloody ghost in fully shaded render took only 7-8 hours? If I could draw Pacworlders as quick as I drew this then I would’ve had one of my pmatga comics done already sheesh 
As a bonus, here is the version without the glow and overlay effects, cuz I think it also has appeal to it. Have some close-up shots of it as well, cuz Tumblr doesn't let you appreciate the detail of the full pic :’)
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Art © ell-arts       Betrayus © Namco Bandai       You do not have permission to repost/sell/copy/trace/edit or make any other use of this artwork in any way. Reblogs however, are allowed and much appreciated. ^^
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Monster Maze High (Some dank News)
This most sound as a cloying talk, but as you probably know or don't know i have been in the pmatga fandom for 3 or 4 years ago and by the moment i would stay inactive in the fandom for obvious reasons. Well the point is that some time ago i created an experimental stuff called Monster Maze High.
An alternative universe i actually made as a parody and a experiment.
An experiment i didn't knew it would be really supported.
And I'm seriously grateful for it, but unfortunately I most stop developing this universe and use their energy and spark to an original project i have been working on.
You can still be part of that Au as fun, but I'm not going to keep working too much on that Au.
About the ask still on the mail, i will answer them but with time, just keep waiting, and of course the paused one shot is completely cancelled.
Maybe i could be back in this Fandom with a New Pmatga Au (A Serious one):
Pac Legacy (AU) (Héroes/Dark)
I'm still open to any questions about Monster Maze High and why not, about the new universe.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Preview #1 Monster Maze High Sport Uniform's
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A One Shot is maybe coming
But for now here you got a preview of the designs of the sport uniforms
Something i most leave clear Is that the Uniforms are all Unisex so anyone independent from their gender can wear any of this uniforms.
The pallete colors can vary, Just 4 colors.
The rings of the Students uniform are gold, the Staff ones are Platinum.
You can Feel free to draw your Pmatga Ocs with any of this uniforms but i recommend you to wait for the second preview because i would show more variations of the uniforms. (It's just a suggestion, It's not obligatory in case you're okay with the already showed ones)
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