casualcloudchaos · 3 years
Spiritual enoughness
I can only control myself
I can only do what I can
What I can do feels impossibly small
Feels objectively ineffectual
Feels like I’m the only one who will ever know
That I did what I did at all
And everyone says
-whatever you do or do not do is enough-
And I’m like yeah, I hear you,
But also, is it?
Like, from a spiritual perspective, sure, I’m enough, it’s enough,
from a practical, logistical perspective,
is what I do,
is what I’m able to do
is it enough?
And the natural question to that, of course
-enough for what? for who? for whom?(?)
And I’m like, for me! to survive! To keep living! To thrive!(?)
There must be something I’m missing
I want there to be something I’m missing,
so I can find it and I can do it
I want there to be more things that I can do because
I can only control myself and
I can only do what I can
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