#Pollux and Sirius in matching shirts?
lemme-just-oops · 2 years
I have a funny idea
Imagine the boys seeing reader wearing a t shirt wrote with 'I Didnt Pay Enough for this Bullshit'
(ANON! Thanks to you I imagined Alpheratz and Spica in a "get-along shirt. Thank you!)
Alpheratz: "Why would you buy it if you-" Nevermind, he gets it now. Not that he thinks it's funny, but it does suit your personality.
Arcturus: He cannot swear. His eyes censore every swear word, thus he only reads "I didnt Pay enough for this." Thinks it is a funny shirt with a fancy writing!
Pollux: He is in dire need of having something similar. But sadly he cannot buy anything like that without feeling weird. He would do it though! Sometime, when he finally has the confidence.
Sirius: Drops everything he has to get the shirt. Even if he has to shrink himself and fight you for it. He will. He will wear it like a trophy, because as the inofficial king of the world, he earned it.
Spica: "Change right now, you don't pay for anything here." His eyes cannot deal with curse words. And he also wants to prevent SOME other people from getting the shirt. But it is too late, you wore it already. People shared the picture of the shirt. And seeing that Spica gets riled up with it, more people will buy something like that and the "Bullshit Tuesday" will be a yearly offense in the school.
Vega: He compliments your shirt and moves on with it. Does not look too much at the text, and focuses more on your face when you talk. Or your surroundings. But if you ever ask, he mentions owning a similar shirt. It says: "Eat them!" "Them" meaning rich people, according to him, but the plate of vegetables beneath the text says otherwise. Spica gave him thus shirt of shame to make him eat normal food for once. It did not work.
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messr-black · 6 years
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Character’s Name → Sirius Orion Black
Character’s Nickname(s) → Siri, Padfoot, Pads, Black
Age → 18 years old
Birthdate  → 3rd November 1959
Zodiac Sign → Scorpio
Ethnicity  → British
Gender  → Male
Sexual Orientation → Bisexual
Blood Type → AB +
Species  → Pureblood
Hair color  → Black
Eye color → Bright grey
Height → 5′10′’
Weight →  Around 12 stone
Scars → He has a good few scars, from many different things. Most noticeably a long one across his shoulder blades from a particularly nasty argument with his parents.
Tattoos → None yet but he tends to get loads once he graduates.
Birthmarks → One above his right knee.
Piercings → He has one of his ears pierced.
Dress/clothing preferences  → In Hogwarts, usually his uniform without the tie. When he’s not in his uniform he usually opt for muggle band t-shirt and jeans, sometimes with a leather or dragon skin jacket.
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Left handed.
Glasses/contacts → Neither
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts
School House → Gryffindor
War Alliance → Order of The Phoenix
Wand →  9’’, Unyielding, Unicorn tail hair core, Aspen wood
Patronus → Black dog (Those with the dog patronus are very loyal to those they care about, but can vary widely in personality, in extreme ways. Some are the silent type, speaking only to specific individuals and keeping within their comfort zone. They are hesitant in their situations and can seem to be stand-offish or intimidating to some. Others are quite bubbly, speaking to everyone and trying to be friendly and cordial. However when this demeanor is threatened they can become very blunt and harsh, showing aspects of the quieter dogs)
Boggart → Losing everyone he loves in one way or another.
Amortentia → The smell of fire burning (Particularly the one in the gryffindor common room), chocolate cake in the oven, the smell when it’s lashing rain and leather.
Mirror Of Erised → Himself after the war with his friends and Regulus by his side, all happy and safe.
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Orion and Walburga Black
Siblings → Regulus Black.
Grandparents → Arcturus Black III, Melania Black, Pollux Black and Irma Black
Marital Status → Single.
Significant Other → None technically but he’d say James.
Children → None.
Pets → An owl.
Other family members → Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Narcissa Black Alphard Black, Cygnus Black and Druella Black to name just a few. James, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter
Friends → James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Petiigrew. Sirius is friendly with almost everyone, excluding most Slytherins.
Enemies → Most of his family, any blood purists and Severus Snape.
The religion they follow (if any) → None.
Superstitions → He doesn’t have any.
Country of Birth → England.
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → Borough of Islington, London,
First Language → English.
Accents → Sirius still has quite a posh accent from growing up in Pureblood society but he does a good job at covering it up. It does become quite obvious though when he gets mad.
House → Gryffindor
Best Subject in School → Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject in School → Herbology
Additional Classes Taken → Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and Care of Magical creatures. He signed up for Astronomy but never actually goes to the class.
Quidditch  → Doesn’t play on the team but enjoys playing for fun.
Are they a Prefect?  → No.
Extra curricular activities  → The Slug Club.
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Spent the Summer with James, currently loves in Hogwarts and is planning on getting his own place once he graduates.
House, apartment, etc → He would love a loft style apartment.
How Many Bedrooms? → He would like two.
Mode of transportation → Muggle motorcycle.
Picture of bedroom at home → In Grimmauld Place, this was his bedroom.
Address → N/A
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → He’s an unregistered animagus.
Fears → Regulus picking the wrong side in the war, losing his friends to the war. Also wasps.
Worries → He’s afraid that he’ll do something to mess up again and that his friends will leave him.
Eating Habits → Sirius eats far more than he should.
Food preferences → He’ll eat almost anything but he particularly loves anything sweet.
Sleep preferences → Sirius likes to go to bed late and wake up late.
Book preferences → The closest Sirius ever gets to books is motorcycle magazines.
Music preferences → Muggle rock.
Introverted/extroverted → Extroverted.
Optimist/pessimist → Pessimist.
Hobbies → Listening to music, pranking, flirting, generally annoying people, flying, sex, drinking.
Pet peeves → People who chew with their mouth open, anyone who doesn’t fancy him, clocks that tick really loudly.
Prejudices → He instantly dislikes all Slytherins.
Proud of → Whoever invented sugar quills.
Biggest vulnerability  → The fact that he sometimes feels very very alone and reliant on his friends.
Embarrassed by → Sometimes he gets really bad nightmares which really embarrasses him in front of his friends.
Worst memory → When he told Snape to go the Shrieking Shack on a full moon.
Best memory → Being the first Black to be sorted into Gryffindor.
Skilled at → Non-verbal magic, flying, dueling, talking his way out of trouble, showing off.
Unskilled at → Dealing with upset people, staying calm when he’s angry, talking about how he feels, apologising seriously.
Attitude → Arrogant and conceited, but caring underneath it all.
Obsessions → Muggle music and bikes.
Stresses → His family.
Addictions → Cigarettes.
Allergies → He likes to claim that he’s allergic to cats but really he has no allergies.
Medical history → Has broken plenty of bones from general rough + tumble and recklessness growing up.
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → His muggle leather jacket that he bought instead of the dress robes his Mother actually gave him the money for.
Their bedroom → His bed. He loves sleeping.
Their purse/bag → The mirror that James has a matching one to.
Their fridge → Chocolate milk.
Their desk → The Marauders Map. (On the rare occasion they remember to put it away)
Their pockets → An old Black family ring that his uncle Alphard gave to him.
Favorite Animal:  → Dogs.
Favorite Band:  → He couldn’t pick a favourite, he has too many that he loves.
Favorite Book:  → None.
Favorite Color:  → Red.
Favorite Country:  → Spain.
Favorite Drink: → He would never admit it but hot chocolate. Especially with a hint of rum.
Favorite Food: → Cheeseburger.
Favorite Flavor:  → Chocolate.
Favorite Movie: → Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favorite Musical Genre: → Rock.
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Phoenix.
Favorite Number:  → 13.
Favorite Pastime:  → Hanging out with his mates.
Favorite Person:  → James Potter.
Favorite Place:  → Hogwarts.
Favorite Season:  → Autumn.
Favorite Song: → Black Dog - Led Zeppelin, mainly just for the name.
Favorite Spell: → Accio.
Least Favorite Animal:  → Thestrals
Least Favorite Band:  → The Hobgoblins
Least Favorite Book: → Lupine Lawlessness: Why Lycanthropes Don’t Deserve to Live by Professor Emerett Picardy
Least Favorite Color:  → Green.
Least Favorite Country:  →
Least Favorite Drink: → Pumpkin juice
Least Favorite Food:  → Stew.
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Banana.
Least Favorite Movie: → He hasn’t really seen enough movies to have a least favourite.
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → Classical.
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Cornish pixies.
Least Favorite Number:  → 12
Least Favorite Pastime: → Homework/study.
Least Favorite Person:  → It’s a close tie between Voldemort and his Mother.
Least Favorite Place:  → His old house.
Least Favorite Season: → Summer because he has to leave Hogwarts and his friends
Least Favorite Song:  → You’re so vain - Carly Simon
Least Favorite Spell: → Crucio.
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Female
Dominant or Submissive: →  Dom 90% of the time
Fetishes:  → Bondage, public places.
Turnons:  → Battling for control, teasing others, high heels.
Turn-offs:  → Being teased.
Favourite Position: → Doggy style. “Table for two” - Girl lying back on a table with him between her legs, holding onto her hips and her feet on his shoulders.
How Active is Your Sex Life: → Very.
How Did You Loose Your Virginity: → To an older Gryffindor girl a few years ago.
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → No.
First Love: → He hasn’t been in love yet.
Who Do You Find Attractive → Almost everyone.
Marital Status:  → Single.
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → Not really but once again, he would say James.
Personality Classification:
Jung → ENFP - The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.
Enneagram → Type 8 - Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others’ lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.
Moral Alignment → True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.
Four Temperaments → Sanguine - People with sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have a high risk tolerance. Typically, Sanguine people are very poor at tolerating boredom and will seek variety and entertainment. Needless to say, this trait may sometimes negatively affect their romantic relationships. Because this temperament is prone to pleasure-seeking behaviors, many people with sanguine personality are likely to struggle with addictions. Their constant cravings may lead to overeating and weight problems.
Vices → Alcohol, cigarettes, recklessness, self doubt
Virtues → Loyalty, integrity, passion.
Tropes → The Charmer, The Black Sheep, Misery Builds Character, The Casanova, Everybody Smokes, Abusive Parents
Compassion → 6/10
Empathy → 6/10
Creativity → 10/10
Mental Flexibility → 5/10
Passion/Motivation → 9/10 (If it’s something he genuinely cares about)
Intelligence → 10/10
Stamina → 9/10
Physical Strength → 10/10
Battle Skill → 10/10
Initiative → 8/10
Restraint → 4/10
Agility → 8/10
Strategy → 7/10
Teamwork → 9/10  
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lemme-just-oops · 1 year
Arcana Twilight reacting to a partner wearing a crop top:
Alpheratz: His hands will remain on your stomach until he has to do other things. Your stomach has no business being so comfortably warm. If you ever lie down, just know that he will find relaxation when he naps on your exposed skin.
Arcturus: The bravery you have for wearing this! He would never dare, because he feels as though he is too old and feels awkwardly self aware in one. Loves it though! But his eyes tend to concentrate more on your face, so he often does not realize that you wear one. Unless it's winter. If it is winter and you wear anything that is not suited for the season, he will bring you inside for a warm beverage.
Pollux: This man does not know self control. Whenever he sees something he wants, he buys it. Whenever he sees a button, he presses it. Even if he knew the button was gonna destroy the world. And this is no different. He will boop your belly button. Non-stop. There is no escape. Definitely would wear crop tops himself.
Sirius: Matching crop tops. He has yet to buy them, but you get a matching one. Though the only "matching" of it are the complimentary colors. Whenever both of you happen to wear a crop top by sheer coincidence, he winks at you.
Spica: Although he thinks of crop tops as strange, he considers them to be normal clothing and does not say much about it. Unless you try to visit a banquet in one. You not being in a clan does not mean that you get to not dress formally for such events.
Vega: Red as a pie. Help him. And if you even show the smallest hint of being cold, you get his jacket. Also his shirt. And his gloves. EVERYTHING.
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
can i have everyone's reaction to you dating sirius? (including sirius) i would love if mc's personality is sarcastic and snarky, but ultimately kind-hearted and trustworthy type of person. Thanks in advance!!!
Alpheratz: "Oh, okay." He does not really understand why anyone would date him, but he also doed not understand how trees grow, so he does not judge. Please do not get all theatre-romantic-play mode in front of him, because he might get sick though.
Arcturus: When it was revealed that you two date, he is very cheerful about it. Probably remembers your anniversary every year, and will get you presents. Matching socks or matching shirts, he has everything for you. If you ever marry, you are obligated to make him the flowerboy now. That is an unwritten rule, and he will cry if you do not ask him.
Pollux: Why does he feel like the world is about to end? He is cautious when near either of you, but together is even worse. You tease him in friendly terms, and he tried to act strong and confident between you, which ultimately makes him more confident anyways. If he ever becomes successful, it is thanks to the two of you.
Sirius: Brags about you all the time. He knows when/if others are jealous, so when you leave the room, it looks like this gif:
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Spica: Has a relationship counselour on speed dial if either of you ever say something bad about the other. There is no way he will ever deal with a Sirius-Break-Up, so he plans his graduation and flies away without telling anyone. You can text him, but he will not answer any calls or any message regarding relationship advice. Does not want to choose sides between the two of you, because getting one of you as an enemy is bad enough.
Vega: This man has not slept since you got together. Lives in fear that Sirius will turn you bad, that he is a bad ingluence on you. He often ends up third-wheeling you in the beginning, but as soon as he realizes how happy you are, he distances himself more and more and gives you space. If you ever argue, he is the first to kick your door down with your favorite snacks. Sometimes he asks you why you love Sirius just to hear you ramble about him and smiling, though if you ask if he is jealous, he will turn red and say "Nevermind then."
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lemme-just-oops · 1 year
Heyaaaa... How would AT boys react when mc gifted the boys a ring? Thanksss...
Alpheratz: He does not like jewelry, because it is a hassle to put them on and remember where he put them. So, although you will not ever see him wearing it, if you catch a glimpse in his room, he has it put near his bed with a little note to remember that you gave it to him. Of course, he would never forget, but he wants to be cautious.
Arcturus: Happy little man. Really enjoys it! Even more so if it is a cheaper ring, because he thinks they look sweeter and suit him more. Shows it off to his friends! And he will keep it safe. If he ever were to lose it, he would turn every single rock just for a chance to find it.
Pollux: He directly asks if you are proposing. If not, he still celebrates getting a friendship ring, because he will look hood with it. He might get a few more rings to match his newly discovered passion for jewelry. (Will lose it quickly though, and will try to cover that up.)
Sirius: Wears the ring as a necklace. Though he mostly hides it beneath his shirts, so you may never know. And even if you see it, he will still claim that he would never wear something like that. Secretely has a jewelry box in his room, extremely expensive stuff usually.
Spica: It may not be easy to satisfy his rich demands, but a gift is a gift and he will treat it with the respect you showed him. Though he will not always wear it, as he always matches his outfits perfectly. When he is not wearing it, he may keep it on his desk as a lucky charm.
Vega: He says that he does not like jewelry on his hands, as they influence his fighting skills. So, he keeps it on a keychain instead. Does not show it off, and if anyone asks he will directly say that it is none of their business.
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