jmdbjk · 5 months
Jungkook's tattoo tour...
This from iHeartRadio.
This was a pleasant unexpected visual treat.
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kanmom51 · 8 months
So vice president of the Jikook fan club at work again.
19 October 2023
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When the president of the fan club is away, I guess the vice president has to step in.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
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Disclaimer: I was admittedly on heavy drugs whatever this day was, probably. WHATEVER IT MADE ME GIGGLE and then it made Kev and X also giggle SO HERE WE ARE anyway THE FOLLOWING WAS WRITTEN IDK AWHILE AGO: Because okay he and Polyc know each other, they travel in similar circles, you didn’t hear it from me. Keep it kosher in the back all right ANYWAY
Well shit. I need a drink and I am a sober girl but there may be legal drugs involved LETS GET IT
Polyc liked a fan art. A very nice innocuous Taekook centric fan art ft. a not bad drawing of himself.
That was fine but then THE TAEKOOKERS HAPPENED.
So our favorite tattoo artist made some calls. To people. I will allow you to use your brains as to the people in question.
And then he went “well shit”
And ... you know your friends are TOO DAMN FAMOUS when you can't even see an adorable cartoon and appreciate it, is all I'm saying. SO I GO "About that Tae tattoo" and HE GOES "Man ain't gonna get one right now," AND I GO "But WAIT I thought it was a 7 not a 6 WHAT THE HELL" and HE GOES: "Listen. You didn't hear it here, but your boy has a girlfriend. He is not out here getting ink that she isn't in the mood for, okay. He's busy. He says he'll consider getting it before Busan but it might not happen, I wouldn't be looking for that right now. It's not like he and Jungkook even hang out except at work."
SO I GO "Well where the hell is Yoongi's then?" AND THIS BITCH GOES PERFECTLY SERIOUS AND SAYS "I'm not gonna tell you until he shows it off his own self" I HATE HIM SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN but hey I guess Jimin has spinal moons plural and yes it's a sun that's all I can say before the meds wear off
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Poly c and Tommy love Jimin more than pjms, jkks and tkkrs combined . Seeing all the things people say about their bond is making me sick and the reaction to their project when it will finally air will be horrendous judging by how disgusting people are already!! Thankfully they are surrounded with good people and close family and don't give a damn about the noise. I hope they are making good memories and enjoy their time as much as possible! they deserve it
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ffjj5 · 2 years
I know what this looks like and I need Polyc to tell me I'm not delusional
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Is that JM for Jimin and JK for Jungkook?
Did they write it themselves and he tattooed them on his arm?
Are the dates when they got their first tattoos with him? Or is it linked to the sun and moon tattoos? ( I don't know if the dates work, I can't work that out right now I am typing this at work and my brain is fried)
So. Many. Questions. I. Need. To. Know. More.
We are just dealing with the Memories stuff and now this.
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lokisasylum · 2 years
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A lot of shippers are hyping this for obvious reasons but like... I don't even know how to feel about it?
This is PolyC by the way, the tattoo artist who did jikook's recent tattoos it seems (the same one that's been posting about them since before Hobi's listening party when jikook were spotted wearing those bracelets that they bought from his shop in support from his work).
And I get JK tattooed his name on his arm...
But like is this normal? Am I missing something that might've stayed lost in translation?
It says 4.22 and 2.25 So 22nd of April (JM) and 25th of February (JK)?
Are these the dates they had their tattoos done? Has he done this for other customers?
Is the guy clout chasing???? 'Cause there is NO way he doesn't know how fans are taking this by now, what with all the jikook fanbases he's shared posts from.
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serpentariumru · 2 years
Full story about the situation with Polyc, the tk_are_merried Instagram account and the author of the ‘harmless’ art you can read in my blog 💜
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I just saw Polyc apparently posted that he didn't have Tae's signature on the wall cause he "forgot" to get his. It seems he got busy with IG notifications after he posted Jungkook's pictures and just forgot to ask Tae for a signature. Sounds disrespectful, don't you think? He got all other 6 signatures.
The thought of it being disrespectful when I heard the story did not even cross my mind. Perhaps it was a genuine mistake. We haven't been there in the same room with him and Tae and we only have his take about what happened.
Now that Yoongi's tattoo is out (or at least that's what everyone thinks, I do see the 7 in the latest IG photos), I think it's time to put to rest the Polyc subject. I think he's a really talented artist with a unique style who as much as he must have enjoyed being part of this BTS decision to have a friendship tattoo, he was also dragged into some mess by people with some social media accounts. What's important is that this seemed to be a fruitful experience, all parties involved probably content, so the chapter can be closed. Hopefully.
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btslense · 2 years
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jmdbjk · 8 months
So I did a thing...
Polyc recreated some of his small tattoos into temporary tattoo sheets, 7 sheets in a set, and offered them for sale.
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[photo: @polyc_sj on Instagram]
I followed the instructions and ordered a set.
I never received them, so since I had to prepay (not inexpensive with shipping) I followed up by emailing him.
And now I'm in a email conversation with Polyc and IT. IS. SURREAL I tell you.
He told me he recalls sending them. I love him. THIS GUY HAS HANDLED JK'S ARM!! HE'S TATTOOED MOONS ON JIMIN'S BACK!!! HE'S TATTOOED LIL 7'S ON ALL OF THEM!! AND HE REMEMBERS SENDING ME MY ORDER!! I was in his brain for five seconds!!! I'M SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!!
It's surreal. And cool.
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Anyway... just wanted to share.
EDIT: He says he's sending them out again.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Polyc interview with Korea now for BTS 10th anniversary
I love just how much love and respect Polyc has for the members.
He is especially close with JM and JK, something we knew already, given their names are tattooed on his body. But it was interesting to hear him talk about the conversations he's had with them.
We had confirmation that JK and JM were the ones to initiate the tattoos... JM said they will be the ones to set things up...
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I mean, we already guessed this was the case, but this is clear confirmation.
And JM comforting the others having their tattoos done for the first time...
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I'm Not Saying It Means Anything
But I'm not saying it doesn't
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Um what?
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Oh. This guy? This guy right here?
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All right. Fair enough. Sure, he probably definitely follows all of BTS for ARMY or business reasons, no big deal. And it's a gorgeous photo of Jiminie, taken by gosh we can't imagine who probably a random bystander, it almost certainly means nothing at all. It’s a gorgeous shot.
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But in my brain the convo went like
"Babe hey babe don't come at me or anything but..." "But what, baby?" "Uh you know how Polyc released my tattoo shots yesterday?" "Yeah, that was cool. Did the internet immolate itself overnight?" "What's... nevermind, anyway, you know that pic I took of you at Inkigayo?" "Which one, baby?" "The one that's my phone wallpaper now DUH babe, so cute--" "With ARMY's roses, that one?" "Yeah, like I said, anyway Polyc hit the heart on it on your insta, which: really happy you posted it but I just didn't want you to see that and panic, like you do." "Baby, 375,000 people liked that pic. I'm sure nobody will notice." "Um okay babe if you're sure, I mean I didn't because you always yell not that it matters that HOBI DID but anyway" "Stop pouting, baby. Hobi has to be loudly homosexual about all of our posts, it would look weird if he didnt." "Well I don't wanna ask Polyc to take his like back before he finishes that new piece." "Which new piece, baby?" "Uh maybe the one I paid for so when you go in next time you can get 전정국은 나를 사랑한다 on your ass"...
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voxyldy · 1 year
[BTS 10]
Secrets of BTS’ friendship tattoo revealed
Source: Korea Now
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), PolyC Re Search Er, 2022
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starfruityyy · 1 month
homophobia (plot twist: theyre all gay)
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serpentariumru · 2 years
But let's go back a couple of days and remember that tkk_is_married hates Polyc for publishing bracelets that are on JM and JK in stories
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But tkkismerried suddenly became angry because Polyc blocked him. Why is Polyc blocking it? Probably because he understands that they are trying to use him for something.
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Let's go back to Katrina. First you squeal because he watched your stories and liked your post, and then you hate him for not going after your shipper shit? You say that there is nothing shipper in this art, but you send a screenshot to the shipper account. You say you're protecting him, but then you get angry because he doesn't want to be a part of it.
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In your blog, you like comments on which your subscribers insult Polyc
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For understanding, Katrina prepared all this in advance. On July 21, she mentioned this in her blog (name: blog: taekook anti)
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This was her task: to draw art, attract the attention of Polyc and make a screenshot of how he likes this art.
Many tkkrs don't understand the problem. It wasn't that she drew art (even if it was a detailed plan). The fact is that she screamed about his protection (Polyc), but when he realized that he was being used by blocking her and tkismrried, she began to pour shit on him. She deliberately sent a screenshot to tkglobal, knowing that he would be attacked. So you were trying to protect him? By sending a screenshot about ‘non-shipping art’ to a shipping profile? We all understand why all this was done.
You can't even imagine the scale of the horror that is happening in the ru fandom. How much they hate Jimin there. How much are they unhappy with Jungkook if he interacts with Jimin.
We're going to show it all if it all goes too far, like in the Polyc situation.
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