#Pool Management Delmarva
erics-meep-morps · 4 years
An Imperfect Christmas Eve
A very cheesy self-ship Christmas fic with Lapis and Peridot. If you manage to read all of it then I hope you enjoy! But even if you just read parts of it I hope you still enjoy it. 
Our plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were planned out, and while both days would be busy we would have relaxation time at home on Christmas Eve night before heading to Beach City in the morning to visit Lapis and Peridot’s friends and family. Technically they didn’t have family, but they considered Steven and the Crystal Gems to be family. 
We had already bought gifts for each other so at least we didn’t have to worry about that. I got Lapis a fancy pool float so she could sit back and relax on the lake that’s next to our house. For Peridot I got a nail gun, which may seem odd but she had talked about wanting to get one for some of her projects.
Lapis and Peridot were still soundly asleep when I woke up on Christmas Eve morning. I carefully got out of bed to start making my breakfast, which was going to be french toast. However, when I opened the bag of bread there were many spots of mold on it. Disappointed that there would be no french toast and I wasted bread, I threw it in the garbage and looked for something else to eat. Everything I found was average instead of something special for a Christmas Eve breakfast, and I settled on cereal. 
“Good morning,” Lapis said as she walked into the kitchen. “Weren’t you planning to have something different for your breakfast?”
“Yeah, french toast, but the bread got moldy,” I said in disappointment.
“Aw, that sucks. Well, I’m sure lunch and dinner will be much better.”
A few minutes later Peridot was awake. “So what’s the plan for today,” Peridot asked as she rubbed her eyes. 
“Take the train into the city in about an hour, and then we’ll spend as much time as we want exploring the holiday market in downtown,” I replied. 
“Sounds good,” Peridot said with a thumbs up.
After my small breakfast and all of us getting ready for the day, we headed to the train station. Lapis and Peridot rarely rode the train since they could fly, but when they did join me on the train it was always nice. While it was slightly chilly outside at least the sun was out. 
Fifteen minutes later we got to the station, and the train would be coming in around five minutes. It was surprisingly quiet, and I realized there were no other people on the platform. Obviously there wouldn’t be any commuters on Christmas Eve, but I figured a decent number of people would also be taking the train to downtown for the festivities. 
We waited for five minutes and there was no train. Ten minutes passed and still no train. After twenty minutes of waiting I knew something wasn’t right. I noticed a small piece of paper taped to a pole and looked at it. Turns out they were running on a different schedule for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and the next train wouldn’t be here for a couple hours. I sighed and told Lapis and Peridot, and there was agreement to just fly to the city instead. Peridot got on Lapis’s back and Lapis cradled me in her arms. 
There was a breeze that made it a lot cooler flying through the air, and I shivered in Lapis’s arms. 
“Doing okay,” Lapis asked with slight concern in her voice.
“Y- yep,” I replied simply with a shiver in my tone. 
“We’re almost there,” Lapis assured me since she knew I was actually freezing.
I made a mental note to wear more layers when we headed to Beach City since Lapis would be carrying me there and the trip takes a few hours.  
When we arrived in the city there was a hustle and bustle of holiday themed activities going on. The holiday market spanned several blocks with many little outdoor shops selling various foods, drinks, and goodies. The three of us each had $40 to get whatever we wanted.
“Try not to spend all your money in one place,” Lapis said to us half jokingly.
“No promises,” I replied with a chuckle. 
We began our journey through the big holiday market and looked around at the various shops. A lot of it was touristy, but since it was only once a year even the locals were partaking in it. As we walked around we held hands with Lapis being in the middle. 
Not long after we started I was getting hungry, and I wanted to go to the shop that sold goulash in a bread bowl. I tried it last year and it was quite good, and it reminded me of my trip to Budapest several years ago. 
I remembered where the shop was located, but when we got there it was a different shop. Instead of making goulash they were selling scented candles. 
“If you’re looking for the goulash, they aren’t doing it this year,” a random person said as they walked by me. 
“Oh, well that’s a shame,” I said in a disappointed tone. 
We continued looking around, and while there were a lot of food shops, none of them got my interest for something I wanted to have as Christmas Eve lunch. Eventually I got to the point where my stomach was growling and I needed to eat something. I settled on a shop selling British food, and bought myself fish and chips. I’ve had fish and chips many times before and always loved it, but this time it wasn’t that good. The fish was already cold and it had a weird taste to it. The chips (fries) weren’t much better, as they were also cold as well as soggy. On the bright side I wasn’t hungry anymore, but it was definitely not worth the $10 I spent on it.
“How’s the food,” Lapis asked. 
“It’s... not the best to be honest,” I replied. 
“Hm, well there’s always dinner. If needed we can pool our money together so you can get something fancy,” Lapis suggested. 
“Well hopefully I won’t need to borrow money from you two, but I appreciate the offer,” I said. 
I followed Lapis and Peridot to a few shops that were selling art stuff, and Lapis bought a small art kit. Meanwhile Peridot inspected the different art and I could tell she considered her and Lapis’s meep morps to be superior. 
Since it was winter it didn’t take long for the sun to begin setting. Besides the fish and chips and the art kit we hadn’t spent any money, but of course we weren’t obligated to spend all of it that day. However, since I had a lot of money left I decided to get something fancy for dinner to make up for the disappointing breakfast and lunch. 
As the sun set it became slightly cooler to the point where I was shivering again, so I didn’t want to spend too much time looking for dinner. I preferred getting something from one of the small shops, but decided on an Italian restaurant since I wanted to be warm as I was enjoying dinner. However, this restaurant ended up being too fancy for us, as the host pointed out there was a dress code. All three of us were wearing winter jackets and our regular clothes underneath, so we awkwardly turned around and left. 
“Clods,” Peridot said. 
“We saved the world and all they care about is a dress code,” Lapis muttered. 
“Well I think I’m ready to head home, if that’s okay with you two,” I said, feeling slightly unsatisfied about the holiday market. 
“Yeah, that’s fine. Are you ready Peridot,” Lapis asked.
Peridot nodded, and Lapis took off for home. This time Lapis held me closer to her to try to keep me warm. I appreciated her trying, and it felt comforting but with no sun and a breeze I couldn’t help but shiver. 
After getting home we turned on the fireplace, settled on the couch cuddled up together, and watched random shows that we were interested in even though they weren’t necessarily holiday themed. My dinner ended up being a sandwich, but I also brought out my favorite wine and had a few glasses. Peridot didn’t drink, or eat for that matter, but Lapis had a glass with me. 
Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating and looked to see who it was. Seeing that it was Steven on FaceTime, I answered and all three of us greeted him. 
“Hey guys! How was your day,” Steven asked.
“It was pretty good,” Lapis responded enthusiastically. 
“That’s good! Were you guys still planning on coming here tomorrow?”
“Uhh, yeah, why,” Lapis asked.
“Well there’s supposed to be a blizzard starting in the early morning and they’re predicting it’ll last all day.” 
“Oh, I thought it was only supposed to be very light flurries,” I pointed out.
“The forecast just changed. The blizzard that was supposed to miss Delmarva is now supposed to head straight for us,” Steven said.
“Hmm, so I’m guessing trying to fly in that would be a bad idea,” Lapis said.
“Yeah, probably. We’ll just have to get together and exchange gifts some other time. I’m sure soon,” Steven said.
“Sounds good buddy. Merry Christmas to you and the gems,” Lapis said with a smile. 
“Merry Christmas to you as well,” Steven said and smiled and waved. 
“Wait Steven! One more thing before you sign off of your communication device,” Peridot said hastily.
Steven chuckled. “Yes Peridot?”
“We love you,” Peridot said with a big smile. 
“Awww, I love you guys too. Catch you later,” Steven replied and hung up. 
Everyone has one of those days where nothing seems to go right, and unfortunately for me that happened to be on Christmas Eve.  
“Well since we can’t go to Beach City tomorrow, want to just open the gifts we gave each other now,” Lapis asked. 
“Sure! It’s not like there’s a law we have to open them on Christmas Day,” Peridot said. 
We didn’t have a lot of Christmas decorations in the house, and that included the tree, which was just a small plastic Christmas tree I’ve had since I was a kid.  
I searched for the gifts we got each other since several of them were supposed to be for Steven and the gems in Beach City. 
“You two can open your presents first,” I said. Each present for Lapis had a blue ribbon while the presents for Peridot had a green ribbon. Lapis opened her gift from Peridot first, which was a hooded sweater.
“You always like taking Eric’s hoodie so now you have your own,” Peridot said with a giggle. 
Lapis snort laughed. “I love it.”
Next Peridot opened her gift from Lapis, which were gardening gloves. “Now your hands won’t get dirty and gross after working in the garden,” Lapis said with a chuckle. 
“Hm, coverings for my touch stumps. I like them! Thank you Lapis.”
Then they opened their gifts from me. For Lapis it was the fancy pool float that she could use on the lake, and for Peridot the nail gun. 
“Ohhh, I love it Eric! But how does it turn into a chair when it’s in this small box,” Lapis asked.
“Oh, you just have to inflate it,” I explained. We opened it from the box and I tried inflating it, though it was a bit of a challenge. After blowing air into it for awhile it seemed like it wasn’t inflating at all.
“Well that’s strange,” I said and inspected it. Something caught my eye on the material and I looked closer. There was a tiny cut in it, so it was never going to inflate. Upon finding that I sighed deeply. “Well, there’s a cut in it, so I need to get a new one,” I said in a disappointed tone. 
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Lapis said with a slight frown. “Well I still really appreciate it, and I’ll definitely use it a lot when we get one that works.”
Upon Peridot opening her gift that was the nail gun she didn’t seem very excited. “Oops, I uhh, should’ve told you I already bought a nail gun. But I still really like it! Now I have a spare just in case,” Peridot said and did her best to show that she appreciated it.
Once again I deeply sighed and facepalmed. “This is... definitely not my day,” I said in a defeated tone and sat on the couch.
Lapis and Peridot sat beside me on the couch and hugged me. “You still haven’t opened your present,” Lapis mentioned with a smile and got up to get it.
“I hope you don’t mind that this present is from both Lapis and me,” Peridot said.
Moments later Lapis came back with a tiny box in her hand and sat down next to Peridot, and both of them faced me. “Peridot and I have known each other for a long time, but we’ve also known you for awhile too. We’ve talked with some of the gems and Steven about relationships, like how they develop and how strong and healthy relationships get through challenges in life. Some days are bad, but the majority of them are good and that definitely applies to our relationship with you, and well... we were thinking...,” Lapis said with a hint of nervousness in her voice. 
“Let’s get married!” Peridot blurted out. 
My jaw dropped and it felt like my heart just did a few flips.
Lapis opened the tiny box and inside were three rings. 
“If you want to get married that is. We don’t fully understand it, but we know it’s a tradition between humans who are very close, and in Garnet’s case two gems who are very close,” Peridot said.
“We were going to wait for tomorrow, but decided now was the best time to ask,” Lapis said with a comforting smile.
I was still in shock, and all the inconveniences of the day disappeared from my mind. When I was able to finally collect myself I gave a deep breath and hugged them tightly. “Yes,” is all I could say and tears started rolling down my cheeks.
“Oh no, are you sad,” Lapis asked with concern. 
I took another deep breath. “I’m okay, I promise these are happy tears. I’m just so overwhelmed with emotions. I love you two so much and I would absolutely love to get married,” I said while still holding them tight. 
Lapis and Peridot started to get teary eyed and returned the tight hug. “We love you too,” they both said at the same time. 
It was a very emotional evening that lasted awhile with us holding each other tight, and then it became a long conversation about how far we’ve come in our relationship. With a day filled with imperfections, it ended up being the best Christmas Eve I ever had. 
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xtruss · 5 years
Clean Water Act Changes Put Wetlands in the Crosshairs
The potential ramifications of the rule changes are far-reaching, affecting wildlife, the environment and humans alike.
— Noel Kirkpatrick | January 24, 2020
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Wetlands like these in the Virginia National Wildlife Refuge perform a vital role in the environment.
The Trump administration has finalized its deconstruction of clean water rules that buffered streams and wetlands from some forms of pollution. As a result, polluters will no longer need a permit to discharge potentially harmful substances into these waters.
It's also one more step in the redefinition of what constitutes "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act.
The new rules, which were written by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, will limit or remove protections for vernal pools — bodies of water that appear only after heavy seasonal rains — and wetlands and streams that are not "physically and meaningfully connected" to larger navigable bodies of water. The connections must also be on the surface; subsurface connections between waterways, connections protected under regulations from the administrations of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, will no longer be recognized.
This move has long been a priority for the Trump administration, which repealed the 2015 rule in September, describing it as an "overreach." The newly finalized rules were unveiled Jan. 23 by EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler at the National Association of Home Builders International Builders' Show in Las Vegas.
Why the rule change?
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This pothole lake in Wisconsin State Natural Area No. 66 relies on rains to stay full and support wildlife.
The new language is seen as a rebuttal to 2015 definitions laid out by the Obama administration. These definitions provided vernal pools and smaller waterways strong protections from development and pollution, like industrial and agricultural runoff. The rules, which were never enacted nationally due to various legal proceedings, were decried by critics as confusing. A coalition of farmers, landowners and real estate developers also considered the move a federal land grab that infringed on rights to use their land how they saw fit.
The Obama administration's definitions were a 2016 campaign talking point for President Trump, who referred to them as "one of the worst examples of federal regulation" and vowed to review and repeal them. In February 2017, Trump issued an executive order calling for that process to begin. By July 2018, the administration was moving forward with the repeal, saying the earlier definitions placed too much emphasis on scientific surveys and not enough on the legal history of the Clean Water Act. In December, the new proposal was spelled out, followed by a 60-day comment period.
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Vernal pools aren't always pretty, but they are pretty important.
The Trump administration bases its rules on the opinion of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in the 2006 Supreme Court case Rapanos v. United States, a case about federal jurisdiction over isolated wetlands. Scalia believed the Clean Water Act only applied to "relatively permanent" bodies of water, with the other bodies falling under state jurisdiction. Scalia's opinion was not adopted by the court itself.
The Clean Water Act was a point of contention long before the Obama administration tackled it. The primary point of focus has been what is considered a navigable body of water, and how those ephemeral pools and streams fit into the rules. NPR offers a good survey of the debate leading up to the 2017 executive order.
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Portions of the Delmarva Peninsula, the largest peninsula on the East Coast, may lose protections under the revised rules. The peninsula lies in Delaware and parts of Maryland and Virginia.
For critics of the 2015 definitions, the rule changes ease what they consider unfair regulatory burdens.
Wheeler described the 2015 rule as a "power grab" at a news conference last year, arguing that the changes would mean "farmers, property owners and businesses will spend less time and money determining whether they need a federal permit and more time building infrastructure."
What the rule change means for wetlands and vernal pools
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The areas in brown are places that will no longer be covered by Clean Water Act protections.
The rules and changing definitions could have significant impacts on wetlands and water bodies that are seasonal rather than permanent. The Center for Biological Diversity noted during the proposal period that the rules "would virtually eliminate the Clean Water Act's protections across the arid West, from West Texas to Southern California, including most of New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada." The map above, created by the nonprofit group, shows areas that will lose protections under the new rules.
The potential ramifications of the rule changes are far-reaching, affecting wildlife, the environment and humans alike, especially in the areas mentioned above. According to a study conducted during the Obama administration, 60% of all U.S. waterways, and 81% in the arid West, are ephemeral or flow seasonally. Current EPA officials dispute these numbers, saying there isn't a way to confirm them. Officials did not offer other numbers.
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This vernal pool is located at the Santa Rosa Plateau in California's Riverside County. It may no longer receive federal water protections.
Wetlands and vernal pools provide vital support for wildlife. Some amphibians, in particular, rely on vernal pools to safely reproduce since, due to the ephemeral nature of the pools, fish aren't there to eat them or their eggs. Additionally, some amphibians must spawn in the same place they were spawned themselves. Migratory birds also rely on them for water and food since plants that are dormant during fall and winter will flourish following the rains, attracting insects (which the amphibians also enjoy eating).
Developing or polluting these areas could destroy these habitats. The Center for Biological Diversity says the proposed rules could accelerate the extinction of more than 75 different species, including the steelhead trout and the California tiger salamander.
"This sickening gift to polluters will result in more dangerous toxic pollution dumped into waterways across a vast stretch of America," said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the center, in 2019. "The Trump administration’s radical proposal would destroy millions of acres of wetlands, pushing imperiled species like steelhead trout closer to extinction."
Polluting these ephemeral bodies of water and wetlands could also have impacts on drinking water. The Los Angeles Times reports that, per another Obama-era EPA study, one in three Americans get at least some of their drinking water from ephemeral streams. Additionally, despite the proposed rules no longer acknowledging subsurface connections from wetlands and seasonal bodies of water to navigable waters, the pollution could still leak into those permanent bodies of water, affecting those habitats as well.
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Vernal pools support wildlife and the environment all over the country, including these pools in Triangle, New York.
"They're trying to sidestep the science," Mark Ryan, a water expert who used to work at the EPA, told The Guardian when the proposal was rolled out. "The science is pretty clear that whatever happens at the top of the watershed affects the bottom of the watershed."
Many states, like California, have their own, more stringent rules in place, or adopted the Obama-era rules as their own. Other states, however, simply aren't prepared to take over or replace regulatory systems established by previous federal guidelines, some of which date back to the George H.W. Bush administration and were expanded by George W. Bush.
"It is hard to overstate the impact of this," Blan Holman, managing attorney at the Southern Environmental Law Center, told the Times. "This would be taking a sledgehammer to the Clean Water Act and rolling things back to a place we haven't been since it was passed [in 1972]. It is a huge threat to water quality across the country."
Editor's note: This story has been updated since it was published in December 2018.
— Mother Nature Network
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Read this daily, weekly and monthly guide for pool maintenance.
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olliejennabn · 7 years
Aquacare set to celebrate 10th anniversary
Coastal Point photos • Tyler Valliant: Aquacare physical therapist Lauren Nuttle demonstrates her skills on fellow employee Elizabeth Kim.After 10 years in its Millville location, the staff at Aquacare Physical Therapy continues to expand its “menu” of services.
“We offer both ‘surf’ and ‘turf,’” said physical therapist Lauren Nuttle — referring to the pool-based aquatherapy available at Aquacare, as well as the “land-based” therapies offered there, too.
While the aquatherapy is obvious from the name, Nuttle said, the office offers more traditional physical therapy techniques, as well as some new ones that have just come into use in the past several years.
Nuttle said she loves the breadth of services offered at Aquacare because “I don’t have to tell someone, ‘Oh, we don’t have that here,’ or ‘We can’t do that here.’” The depth of the services allows staff at Aquacare to accept a wide range of patients, Nuttle said.
She recalled one favorite patient who had suffered several broken bones in a motorcycle accident. Thanks to the availability of the pool for therapy in which his body weight was supported — a person submerged up to his neck in water feels a loss of 90 percent of their body weight — he was able to start therapy there and follow through all the way to his complete recovery. “We can serve every age range and every patient level,” she said, adding that the motorcycle crash patient is now back to his regular routine of hardcore gym workouts.
A technique called “dry needling” (also known as myofascial trigger-point dry needling or intramuscular stimulation) is the use of either solid-core or hollow-core needles for muscle pain treatment. The needles are inserted through the skin into specific areas of the muscle, known as trigger points.
Nuttle herself has been a dry-needling patient and said it helped her when rotator cuff spasms made any arm movement painful, with the therapy restoring her ability to raise her arm straight above her head.
Dry needling has been used in Delaware since 2009; Delaware’s legislature became the 29th state in the nation to regulate its use in physical therapy in 2014.
Aquacare also offers treatment for pelvic issues in both women and men and is the first physical therapy practice on Delmarva to do so. Pelvic-floor issues aren’t talked about much, Nuttle said, and often people suffer in silence because either they don’t know there is treatment or they have concluded that their symptoms are normal.
“You shouldn’t have to plan your vacation around where the restrooms are,” Nuttle said simply.
Aquacare offers high-tech applications for pelvic floor issues that help patients gain better understanding of their own bodies, which ensures that treatment is as effective as possible.
Another recent addition to the services offered at Aquacare extends beyond the human species to canines that need physical therapy. Nuttle, who has received special training in canine physical therapy, said it’s a specialty that requires a certain ability to understand non-verbal cues from patients — either human or canine.
When a dog is in pain or discomfort, Nuttle said, “They can’t tell you. But they do…” — it’s simply a matter of knowing how to read the non-verbal cues. Canine physical therapy also involves quite a bit of owner education, she said. The educational process emphasizes the importance of owners thinking about their pets’ health in terms of their needs for healing, rather than what their pets seem to want to do.
That’s the big difference between human physical therapy and canine physical therapy, Nuttle said. As an example, she said, “When an older dog with a bad hip still wants to go get that ball,” owners need to remember not to throw the ball as far, at least not initially. Another example: Just as people often remove throw rugs to reduce the tripping risk for senior humans, they should do the same for dogs, Nuttle said.
The most common reasons for veterinarians referring pets to Aquacare include weight management and osteoarthritis management, Nuttle said. Referrals are not necessary for dogs to be treated at Aquacare; however, she emphasized that if there has been a traumatic injury, the dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian.
Nuttle said canine physical therapy is not something that every physical therapist can do, or wants to do, but that she has enjoyed the addition of the service to the Aquacare facility for the past three years.
“It’s been very rewarding for me,” she said.
The Millville Aquacare facility is one of 10 Delmarva locations; the others are located in Seaford, Lewes and Millsboro in Delaware and Berlin, Annapolis, Salisbury (two locations), Easton and West Ocean City in Maryland. The first Aquacare facility was opened in Salisbury in 1998.
In the past year, Aquacare has also formed a partnership with Atlantic General Hospital and Berlin gastroenterologist Dr. Gerald Canakis, to offer the pelvic-floor help for both women and men.
The public is being invited to celebrate their 10th anniversary with Aquacare from 2 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, when the staff will welcome visitors with gourmet appetizers and cocktails, complimentary massages by staff members, door prizes and a grand prize of a free 12-month pool membership.
Aquacare staff will also host a series of demonstrations and free sessions during the event. They are:
• 2-3 p.m. — Free water aerobics class (call to register);
• 3-3:30 p.m. — “Bottom Line on Kegels,” a women’s health discussion by physical therapist Malisa Ochotnicky;
• 3:30-4 p.m., “Am I Dizzy or Just Unsteady,” a balance program by physical therapist Donielle Brasure;
• 4-4:30 p.m. — “Physical Therapy for My Dog,” a canine therapy program introduction by physical therapist Lauren Nuttle; and
• 4:30-5 p.m. — “Oww… My Muscles Hurt!” a dry-needling demonstration by Nicole Evans, physical therapist.
At 5 p.m., there will be a ribbon-cutting and “alumni picture,” in which all past patients are invited to participate.
Aquacare Physical Therapy is located at 38069 Town Center Drive, Unit 15, in the Millville Town Center. For more information on services, call the office at (302) 539-7237 or visit their website at www.aquacarephysicaltherapy.com.
from Coastal Point - Dollars & Sense http://www.coastalpoint.com/content/aquacare-set-celebrate-10th-anniversary_03_30_2017-0
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
What is The Important Factor Required to Build an Outdoor Swimming Pool
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You have put resources into a wonderful home. It is the place where you want to spend your quality of time with your friends and family. You want to make a private paradise and outdoor swimming pool which seems to best plan put into motion.  
Construct a swimming pool in your place might be an expensive investment and requires a well thoroughly considered arrangement. This is one reason why finding the correct swimming pool for your family must be a need. Picking the correct style of pool that suits your family way of life will make you speculation advantageous.  
Firstly, set up your financial plan, according to that choose the best from numerous types of an outdoor swimming pool at pool management Washington. You’ll find the plenty of helpful ideas to kick off on your choices.  
Here are a few hints to enable you to get ready for your new open-air swimming pool;  
1) Characteristics of Outdoor Pool:  
What type of outdoor swimming are required to open with your present home design, accessible space, and lifestyle of an individual? You can have different choices to get from in or above ground, concrete, vinyl or fiberglass pools. The construction can be depending upon type, shape, size, and style of swimming pool which relying upon the space accessible to the extent of your expected swimming pool.  
2) Safety issue and Responsibility:  
The swimming pool in your yard, they will dependably on a pool of water that can represent a risk of any individual who inside its edge. Always be ensure that safety types of equipment are made effective and easily available at all times. The important cautioning signs are introduced at the appropriate places despite the fact that it is in your home. Safety and responsibility of the person come first on the basis of priority tasks.  
3) Maintenance Management:  
The outdoor swimming pool for the family, especially in the case of pool management Virginia, it must be clean and chemical free of the pool water required to balance. The unwanted particle such as dirt, leaves etc must be expelled from the swimming pool. All of these depend on water circulation and filtration system of the swimming pool. Pool maintenance and upkeep can be a tedious task to perform. In, this manner a regular maintenance of swimming pool program required to keep away from any pool related issues generated in water and stay healthy.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
USA Pool Management is a professional company in pool management they offer the best pool management and maintenance services all over the USA.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Read here the top 3 reasons to get a swimming pool this summer. Explore more visit  Pool Management Washington.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
See this video to know general swimming pool problems. Get more details at Pool Management Washington.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Learn from Experts at Pool Management Delmarva About Pool Equipment’s Online
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In the past few years the availability of swimming pool equipment at a rock-bottom prices over the internet has sent some shocking waves through the pool industry and pool owners. With so much of variety available online most pool owners are turning millions of dollars towards online retailers to buy equipment at the lowest possible price markup. Professionals from Pool Management Delmarva emphasis on the fact that buying pool equipment’s online can be quite beneficial for every private or public pool owner.
One of the problems with pool equipment being sold online is a top-down problem at multiple levels. While at the top levels giant product manufacturers like Pentair do not sell their equipment’s directly to the public. For pool owners who are willing to buy on pool pump of these giant product manufacturers are then directed to purchase from a local brick and mortar dealer. Now, these manufacturers sell their products to wholesale distributors and these distributors sell their products to pool companies and even smaller retail stores.
Experts at Pool Management Baltimore say that it would be common today for pool equipment to be marked up around 30% over cost through an established brick and mortar retail stores. A pump which is sold for around $400 to $415 is now available at the modest price of around $100 online. Such reduced-margins is quite a difficult pill to swallow for pool equipment manufacturers.
Today with such immense completion in the market there are numerous growing pool equipment manufacturers that sell their equipment’s online and that too at quite an affordable costs. Whereas, the value of having deep pockets is obviously not that exclusive in the pool industry. Installing or buying pool equipment groups exist to leverage the power of multiple companies that will go in together to make some bulk purchases, or to simply have an access of specially negotiated prices.
Whereas in addition to limiting the advertised prices for pool equipment as well as offering some new products many manufacturers keep discouraging online sales as they do not offer full warranty protection to equipment. Typically a Pool equipment has one or three years of warranty coverage however initially the pool equipment which were available online only offer a warranty of around 30 to 90 days but now these online sites offer a good warranty of around a year or so. With pool equipment’s selling online there are numerous range of pool variety available online that too at quite affordable costs. With such variety available it has now become quite easy for pool owners to maintain their pool at its best.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Learn from Experts at Pool Management Delmarva About Pool Equipment’s Online
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In the past few years the availability of swimming pool equipment at a rock-bottom prices over the internet has sent some shocking waves through the pool industry and pool owners. With so much of variety available online most pool owners are turning millions of dollars towards online retailers to buy equipment at the lowest possible price markup. Professionals from Pool Management Delmarva emphasis on the fact that buying pool equipment’s online can be quite beneficial for every private or public pool owner.
One of the problems with pool equipment being sold online is a top-down problem at multiple levels. While at the top levels giant product manufacturers like Pentair do not sell their equipment’s directly to the public. For pool owners who are willing to buy on pool pump of these giant product manufacturers are then directed to purchase from a local brick and mortar dealer. Now, these manufacturers sell their products to wholesale distributors and these distributors sell their products to pool companies and even smaller retail stores.
Experts at Pool Management Baltimore say that it would be common today for pool equipment to be marked up around 30% over cost through an established brick and mortar retail stores. A pump which is sold for around $400 to $415 is now available at the modest price of around $100 online. Such reduced-margins is quite a difficult pill to swallow for pool equipment manufacturers.
Today with such immense completion in the market there are numerous growing pool equipment manufacturers that sell their equipment’s online and that too at quite an affordable costs. Whereas, the value of having deep pockets is obviously not that exclusive in the pool industry. Installing or buying pool equipment groups exist to leverage the power of multiple companies that will go in together to make some bulk purchases, or to simply have an access of specially negotiated prices.
Whereas in addition to limiting the advertised prices for pool equipment as well as offering some new products many manufacturers keep discouraging online sales as they do not offer full warranty protection to equipment. Typically a Pool equipment has one or three years of warranty coverage however initially the pool equipment which were available online only offer a warranty of around 30 to 90 days but now these online sites offer a good warranty of around a year or so. With pool equipment’s selling online there are numerous range of pool variety available online that too at quite affordable costs. With such variety available it has now become quite easy for pool owners to maintain their pool at its best.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Read here are the important factor required to build an outdoor swimming pool.  
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Get here important information about general swimming pool problems.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Here experts at pool management baltimore sharing top 3 tips for pool maintenance. To get more details visit Pool Management Delmarva.
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usapoolsmgmt-blog · 6 years
Experts at Pool Management Baltimore Sharing Top 3 Tips For Pool Maintenance
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Owning a swimming pool offers numerous benefits. Other than offering health benefits having a swimming pool is the best place to relax and bond with the family. Every pool owner wishes their pool to be sparkling like a diamond every time they take a dive. But in order to have a pool of dreams, it is important that a pool is maintained at its best. Experts at Pool Management Baltimore are sharing the top 3 tips that will help you maintain your pool at its best.
One of the topmost factor to keep a check on is to maintain the water circulation of the pool water. Without adequate circulation of pool water, bacteria and algae tend to take place in the pool water. Also lack of proper circulation of pool water, any chemicals added to the water becomes meaningless as it does not work on the pool water. While there is no circulation of water any type of chemical added to the pool water is not circulated which causes the chlorine levels to deplete while the pH levels get elevated. Keeping the water circulation is best even when winterizing your swimming pool. It is important that you run the pool equipment’s for at least 6 hours during the offseason and 8-10 hours during the summer months.
Another most important pool maintenance aspect is of pool filtration. Filtration of pool water is quite essential to remove foreign particles from the pool and fight pathogens if you want your pool to be sparkly clean. Basically, there are three types of pool filtration systems cartridge filters, DE filters and Sand filters. Each of these pool filtration systems has their maintenance needs. Depending on the type of pool filtration systems pool owners should maintain the pool.
The last the most important aspect to care of while maintaining a swimming pool is of balancing the water chemistry. Balancing the chemistry levels of the water is quite essential in order to keep a swimming pool maintained at its best. While any part of the water chemistry is off, it can lead to cause a chain reaction which can worsen with time. Professionals like Pool Management Delmarva emphasis on the fact that balancing of water chemistry is mainly based on three areas of water chemistry which is Total Alkalinity, pH and the chlorine level of the waters. It important that as a pool owner you should maintain the level of pool water according to the weather as any higher or lower level of these chemicals can lead to irritation of skin, buildup of calcium along the water lines leading to damaging of the pool internally.
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