#Pool Management Richmond
hacash · 2 years
doing a Ted Lasso recap binge-watch and going straight from season 1 to 2 does really drive in fast how much Nate is not a villain, but a deeply struggling character.
he goes from being at the bottom of the food chain, bullied and overlooked and disparaged, to being treated like a kid brother by the team (but never apologised to). he’s then briefly pranked to think he’s been fired with no warning (and reacts in a way I think we all would if we were led to believe our boss was illegally firing us), promoted to a position of incredible authority (though apparently without any training on how to be a manager or handle that authority) but is still affectionately teased by the team (seemingly disparaged by his former bullies who will not recognise his authority), receives none of the privileges of his work that he’s repeatedly seen other members of Richmond enjoy and misuse (furniture in the pool anyone? lamborghinis that are too much car for you, anyone?) is somewhat dismissed by those who he brings his concerns to (with respect, Ms Welton, it’s different for me. you command every room you walk into) and then sees Ted seemingly believe he can’t even do the job he’s been promoted to do (Isaac needs to talk to a Big Dog) and bring in Roy Kent, his former hero, to do the job of talking to the players instead. and I’m only onto episode five!
anyway, I don’t know what show the people who say Nate is ‘just an egotistical villain’ are watching, but I don’t think it’s this one.
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Please pardon me if I already sent you this fic idea!
Roy/Jaime: Jaime takes a boot to the chest but assures everyone he’s ok and they go on to win the match. It’s only later that Jaime reveals he’s not that fine, the metal on the bottom of the boot tore him up good, his chest a bruised and bloody mess. Roy is pissed as he takes Jaime home with him and cares for him. As Roy's tending to Jaime's wounded chest, the air grows charged between them and things happen.
A/N: A bit shorter than most of my stories recently. If you find a typo that changes the meaning of something, please let me know. I didn't do a re-read because it is late. But I promised I would post it tonight.
Ted Lasso Masterlist
Word Count: 3k+
Paring: Roy x Jamie (Romantic), Roy x Will (Platonic), Jamie x Will (Platonic), Jamie x Isaac (platonic), Coach Beard x Jamie (Platonic) Jamie x AFC Richmond Himbos (platonic)
Content Warning: Blood, Injury, PTSD, Mentions of abuse, mentions of violence, pain, bruising, mentions of head injury, anger, cussing/swearing/cursing.
You clearly can't be trusted to look after yourself
Roy felt dread pool in his gut as he watched Jamie Tartt take what seemed initially to be a well-executed but poorly landed shot. The ball found its target in the back of the net, but Jamie’s boot slipped, and he ended flat on the pitch. The defender that had been attempting to stop him didn’t have time to adjust his path, and his boot connected with Jamie’s chest. Jamie had the wind knocked out of him when he first hit the pitch. The boot connecting sent searing pain through his already screaming lungs. But the look in the defender’s eyes as moved to try and help Jamie sent a pang of guilt through him as he managed to catch his breath. The guy hadn’t done it on purpose. And Jamie’s dazed brain didn’t want him to feel bad. That feeling, in addition to the tiny voice in the back of his head that always sounded suspiciously like his dad, telling him not to be a weak pussy, had him getting up. Accepting the player’s hand and waving off his apologies as he did. The crowd cheered as he got back to his feet. He went to the sideline and insisted he just needed to catch his breath and get a drink. The game went on without him for a few minutes. He accepted the bottle Will gave him and checked the clock on the scoreboard. 7 minutes til half.
“Sit the fuck down,” Roy had told him. And he did. He bunched up his hands in his kit. It stung as the chilled air hit a sticky mix of blood on his chest that was clinging to his undershirt. He’d have to change it during the half.
When the team headed to the locker room, he grabbed his bag and headed to the loo. He waved off the concerns of a few of his teammates. Saying he was going to try and clean up his kit. He was glad he habitually kept a first aid kit hidden deep in his bag. A holdover from the days his old man had taken his frustrations out physically on Jamie, and he didn’t want to have to go to the treatment room and get asked a million questions. It had always been easier this way. The team didn’t need to know then, and they didn’t need to know now. Jamie could handle it. He always did. When he was in the solitude of the toilet, he removed his kit and made quick work of peeling off the long sleeve undershirt he had on under his kit. It was a fucking lost cause. He’d toss it. He was on the clock. If he took too long, someone would come looking, and then he’d have to explain everything. He didn’t want that. He wanted to get back out there and finish the match. So he rushed through bandaging and covering the bloody boot print that caught the edge of his left peck and obliques. He huffed a laugh at himself, thinking at least his abs were fine. He put on his new undershirt and tried to get as much off his kit as he could. On his way out, he tossed his undershirt in the bin. Hoping no one would see it. 
“You good?” Isaac asks when he rejoins the team. 
“Did fuck all to clean it, don’t envy Will’s job,” Jamie joked as if anyone would give a fuck about his actual kit if they knew he was actually hurt. Isaac studied him. And for a second Jamie thought he might not be playing it off as well as he thought he was. 
But Isaac just shrugged. “He’ll manage. Paid to deal with it,” Isaac says. “Not like it was intentional, bruv.” 
“Arse on the pitch was not what I intended, but still a beautiful fucking goal, yeah?” Jamie says. 
Isaac laughs and claps him on the back. And Jamie has to bite his cheek to keep from shouting. But Isaac must not notice his change because he is off with the team as they all head back out. 
“You good to stay in the game?” Beard asks.
“Course,” Jamie says. Beard looks unsure. “I’m good, coach. Let’s win this, yeah?” And Beard must trust his judgment, probably shouldn’t, but he does. So Jamie gets back out on the pitch for the second half.  
Roy knows something is very wrong when Jamie winces slightly as Jeff hugs him after the game. Jamie is good at hiding pain. He has years of practice at it. Roy does too. That's why he can see it. He doesn't hug Jamie as aggressively as he normally does. But if Jamie notices, he doesn't act like it. But Roy watches his every move now. The way Jamie is holding himself and avoiding certain movements. The way Jamie is drawing to the back of the team as they head inside. Slow, calculated movements. He sees Jamie actually sidestepping some of the celebration, and that has the final alarm going off in Roy's head. And Roy takes action because he knows Jamie is dragging his feet and avoiding the showers. 
But he can’t sit back and do nothing after Will pulls him aside. 
“Coach, you need to see this,” Will had told him and waved Roy into the boot room. 
“What?” Roy demands. He was annoyed at the distraction. 
“Pretty sure this is Jamie’s,” Will holds up the blood-stained undershirt. “Was half in the bin.”
Roy lets out a litany of curses. This just confirms Jamie’s injured and hiding it. 
“What should I do?” Will asks. 
“Bin it,” he says, since Tartt clearly intended to. “I’ll deal with Jamie fucking Tartt.” 
Will just nods and Roy leaves. He goes straight to Jamie. 
"Let me see," Roy says as gets Jamie’s attention.
"See what?" Jamie says. 
"Don't play fucking dumb," Roy says. 
"Roy, behave, don't make me report you to-" Jamie tries to joke, but Roy is not fucking having it because he knows Jamie well enough to know humor is often a defense mechanism. He knows Jamie. So even if Jamie might get angry at Roy, Roy doesn't care. Roy reaches over and raises the hem of Jamie's kit and lets out a string of curses before dragging Jamie to the treatment room. Jamie knows he is caught now. No getting away now that Roy knows. 
"You weren't going to say a fucking word, were you," Roy posits, and Jamie doesn't answer. "You were going to go home and patch yourself up and ignore the fact you could already be halfway to an infection by not getting this treated, and then I find your ass half dead or worse when I show up for training tomorrow morning. What the fuck, Tartt?" 
"Let me explain. I-"
"Don't fucking lie to me," Roy cautions as moves around the treatment room, gathering everything he thinks he might need. He washes his hand and finds gloves. "Fucking off with it," he gestures to the top half of Jamie's kit and undershirt. "Will showed me your fucking shirt.” Roy glares. And Jamie feels like a kid that has been caught stealing sweets. “You won't let the actual med team help, but you aren't fucking getting out of this room until I am sure you're not going to fuck your whole career with staph or sepsis or fucking tetanus from a dirty fucking boot."
"Kit didn't even rip. And the league wouldn't let me play if I didn't-"
"Off." Roy glares. "Now." Jamie winces as he takes it off. "Jamie...fucking hell." Roy actually sounds pained, and that catches Jamie off guard. "How did you finish the match like this?" Roy didn't even know where to start with helping Jamie. So he starts by trying to clean him up the mess of slapdash bandaging, partially dried blood, and swelling bruises. "This is going to fucking sting."
An hour later, Jamie is as patched up as he could be with just Roy's help. Jamie goes to change out of the rest of his kit. Apologizing to Will as he does that he took so long.
"It's fine, Jamie," Will tells him. "Glad you're okay, was a nasty hit." Roy grunts and disappears into the office. 
"Be fine in a few days," Jamie shrugs off as he finishes changing and tosses his kit in the cart. "And we won. That's what matters."
Will just nods because he just knows Roy Kent is listening. He doesn't want to say the wrong thing.
"Ready?" Roy says, and Jamie looks confused as he looks away from the kitman to his coach.
"For what?" Jamie asks. 
"To fucking leave," Roy says. Annoyance is clear in his tone. 
"Sure," Jamie says, but it sounds almost like a question. He is still very confused about why Roy is asking. 
"Going to celebrate with the team?" Will asks.
"Fuck no," Roy says. "You either." He looks at Jamie. 
"Wasn't exactly going to," Jamie says as he grabs his stuff. "Too fucking sore." 
"Don't Fucking doubt it," Roy says. Jamie is shocked when Roy takes Jamie's stuff and ushers him out the door.
"I can carry my shit," Jamie says. 
"So can I," Roy says. 
"Roy," Jamie goes to take it when he goes to pass Roy's G Wagon to his own car. And Roy just tosses it in the boot, and Jamie has no idea what is happening. "What are you doing?"
"You're fucking coming with me because you can't be trusted to ask for help when you fucking need it, and I have a fully stocked first aid kit assembled by an actual medical professional. Someone has to keep your arse alive."
Jamie is too stunned to say anything. Roy hadn't just insisted on patching Jamie up, but now he was insisting Jamie go to his home so Roy could look after him.
"You fucking hit your head and not fucking say anything?" Roy says as he moves closer to Jamie, concern clear on his face. 
"I'm wondering the same thing because this is very weird for me," Jamie admits. 
"Fuck off," Roy says. "Get in the fucking car before I make you."
And Jamie does because he has zero doubt Roy will do it. He has a very low opinion of Jamie's ability to take care of himself at times. And Jamie knows that. 
At his flat, Roy makes Jamie shower and insists on redoing the bandages. Jamie already feels like he's intruding, so he does not put up as big of a fight as he might normally. 
"Here," Roy hands him a cup of tea once Jamie sits on Roy's sofa. 
"You really don't have to do all this," Jamie says.
"And?" Roy says as he sits at the other end of the sofa. And Jamie doesn't know how to answer that. "Just fucking accept that some people actually care about you and fucking drink your tea." Roy turns on the TV to see what the press is saying about the match. The kick that resulted in Jamie on his sofa was brought up before they even finished their tea. Now that Roy sees the close-ups, he looks over at Jamie.
"The fuck were you thinking, not telling anyone you were fucking bleeding?" Roy asks.
 Jamie sighs. "That it wasn’t an underhanded play. Shit happens. The lad felt shitty enough already. And we really needed this win, and any more stoppage in play might fuck up the momentum of the team."
"And your suffering didn't matter? And what? You did fucking bandages in the fucking toilet?"
"I managed," Jamie says.
"You shouldn't have had to," Roy growls. "You could have worsened your injury playing like that. Tore something. So close to your fucking heart, Jamie.” A pained look crosses Roy’s face before he schools his features. “I am your coach, you can’t fucking-” Roy stops and takes a breath. “Listen to me, Jamie. You cannot do this again. Fucking ever."
Jamie does not respond.
"Jamie," Roy shifts closer. "How would you feel if it was one of the other? Like Sam or Dani."
"They wouldn't-"
"Fucking right! Because that is insane, and you could have really gotten injured."
"Says the guy that-"
"And I fucking paid the price!" Roy was now on his feet, looking down at Jamie. "I won't let you make the same fucking mistakes. What kind of fucking coach would I be if I didn't aim to make you a better fucking player than I was. Fucking teach you what not to fucking do. And this." Roy tugs Jamie's shirt up to show the bandages. "This is not fucking okay. A win is not worth your fucking future or your fucking life. Now fucking swear to me this will not happen again. If you don't, I'm going to insist the medical team checks you over after every fucking slip, every foul. I will not let you kill yourself for a fucking game. We’d be better off losing a fucking match than you. No, we’d be better off losing every fucking match this season than losing you fucking permanently. The lads would probably prefer relegation again."
“Doubt that,” Jamie says.
“I fucking don’t!” Roy shouts.
"Fuck," Jamie says. "You're serious, aren't you?"
"Like a fucking car wreck," Roy says. 
"Okay," Jamie says. "I'll fucking tell someone if I'm injured again. Will you sit down and fucking relax now?"
"Fucking good," Roy says, and the tension leaves his shoulders. "Contrary to popular belief, I fucking care if you live or die, you fucking prick."
"That's the nicest thing you have ever said," Jamie says. 
Jamie must move wrong in his sleep because he is gasping in pain as he wakes up. The room is dark, and he looks at his phone. 2:26 a.m. Fuck, he hurts. He gets up to try and find a way to make it hurt less. To get some painkillers. He looks around and remembers he is at Roy's. He didn't know where Roy kept anything. He headed to Roy's kitchen to at least get a glass of water. He had just sat down at Roy's table for a breather when Roy entered the kitchen. And Jamie thinks he might swallow his tongue because he has seen Roy without a shirt. He had seen it often when they were teammates. But this was a half-asleep Roy, in just pants, hair a mess from sleep. And fuck, Jamie had not expected to feel the urge to kiss Roy fucking Kent at 2:30 in the morning. 
"Here," Roy hands him a pack of paracetamol. He then goes to his freezer and gets one of the ice packs he usually uses on his knee.
"Thanks," Jamie says as he takes the pills and accepts the ice pack. "Sorry if I woke you."
"It's fine," Roy says as he sits down at the table. 
"I know but-"
"Jamie, I brought you here so I could help you with this shit. So it's fine."
"I know but-"
"No fucking buts, Tartt," Roy says firmly. "Just like with training, I want to help you."
"Okay, but-"
"Fucking hell," Roy says before he stands up. He pushes Jamie's chair and holds out his hand to help Jamie up. Jamie takes it. To his surprise, Roy doesn't step back but stays in Jamie's face. Roy continues. "I don't actually enjoy the idea of you suffering alone. Fucking lose sleep over it."
"You lose sleep over me?" Jamie says with shock.
"I lose a lot of fucking sleep over you, Tartt," Roy admits. He glances down at Jamie's lips. 
"Why?" Jamie asks. Roy is so close Jamie wonders if Roy can hear how Jamie's heart beats insanely fast. Roy's face is so close Jamie could just lean forward and kiss him.
"For fuck sake," Roy mutters before closing the distance a bit. "Because you drive me fucking insane." Jamie can now feel Roy's words against his lips, and Jamie's brain must reboot because, without thinking, he pushes forward and closes the small gap, and presses his lips against Roy's. And Roy responds in kind. Jamie doesn't want this moment to end because Roy Kent is kissing him back, and his life could not be better. He never thought Roy could have feelings for him. Jamie had thought his feelings were one-sided, but clearly, he was wrong because Roy was pulling Jamie closer. Jamie goes willingly. At least until he shifts wrong, and it pulls at the healing cuts on his chest, and pain hits him. He must make a noise because Roy recoils like he was burned and puts enough room between them so he can see if Jamie's bleeding again. Jamie tries to brush it off and goes back to making out in Roy's kitchen at almost 3 a.m. Roy curses Jamie's lack of self-preservation and ends up dragging Jamie into his own bed.
"You clearly can't be trusted to look after yourself," Roy grumbles as he gets into bed beside Jamie. 
"You up for the task then?" Jamie asks.
With a growl, Roy gently pulls Jamie against him. Jamie takes advantage of the situation and snuggles right into Roy's side. 
"I'll take that as a yes," Jamie chuckles. 
"Get some fucking sleep," Roy says. Jamie hums and falls asleep fast. 
Jamie hurts like hell the next morning. Angry bruises now take up most of his chest now that the wounds have closed for the most part. Roy does not let him leave the bed most of the day. Insisting he will reopen them if he does. And Jamie thinks he'll be bored out of his mind, but Roy stays with him for most of it. He leaves for a few hours to go over match tapes with the other coaches, but he comes back with takeaway, and Jamie thinks he might be the luckiest man alive because he is in Roy fucking Kent's bed, being taken care of by Roy. After they eat, they end up making out like fucking teenagers. Jamie is annoyed that Roy won't take it any further because Jamie is now filled with bad ideas, and Roy refuses. Not because he doesn't want to but because he doesn't want to hurt Jamie or delay his healing process. No matter how much Jamie begs or pouts, Roy doesn't cave. 
"Not fucking risking your health, Tartt. Get fucking used to it."
Jamie gets looked over by the med team and is not allowed to train with the rest of the team for almost two weeks, and Jamie hates it. Roy doesn't care because Jamie's health is too important to him. And that is the only reason Jamie hasn't lost his mind. Roy cares about him. A lot. Roy fucking Kent has spent most of his time keeping Jamie busy. Cuddling and kissing. It's been beautifully frustrating. Frustrating because he wants more. Really wants to show Roy he cares just as much but has no way to do it because Roy is holding Jamie back. It might be for Jamie's own good, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
The first match Jamie gets to play after the injury, the Richmond fans lose their shit. They scream for him, and he takes that feeling and uses it. And Roy is so fucking proud of him that it hurts. They win, and it's so different from his last match. Jamie is right there with the team celebrating. And it's not until Roy pulls him aside and kisses him that Jamie draws away from the team. And Jamie cannot remember ever feeling this happy. Roy promises that when they get out home, they can celebrate their own way, and Jamie trips over his own feet in a rush to get changed so he and Roy can leave. And Roy, of course, thinks that's the most amusing fucking thing he has ever seen. It becomes the second most amusing thing later that day because watching Jamie goes to fucking pieces at Roy's fingertips is fucking amazing, and Roy thinks there's no going back now. He is lost on Jamie Tartt. And Jamie realizes Roy's attention is something he is absolutely addicted to and never wants to live without. It won't be an easy journey having a real relationship between them, but neither of them has ever shied away from a challenge, and they agree it's worth trying.
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kansasball · 3 months
2024 Xfinity Series - Kansasball Version (Daytona 1 to Talladega 1)
At Daytona, Cole Custer managed to hold off Daniel Suarez to take the win, starting the quest for a 2nd title really well.
Atlanta saw a bit of chaos, as Ryan Truex held off the field to take the win.
Las Vegas saw the same, as Sam Mayer won the race.
John Hunter Nemechek dominated Phoenix as everyone behind him had issues.
AJ Allmendinger managed to save enough fuel after a late race yellow caused many drivers to run out before the end.
Justin Allgaier managed to escape the madness at Richmond and win the race.
Parker Retzlaff's luck changed for the best as he won at Martinsville, which was more than needed cause he had not finished top 30 once before this race. Austin Hill would win the Dash 4 Cash.
AJ Allmendinger made a last lap pass for the win at Texas, beating out the Dash 4 Cash winner of the race Ryan Truex, after more madness occured.
At Talladega, after most of the contenders were eliminated, it would be Sammy Smith holding off the Stewart-Haas teammates of Riley Herbst and Cole Custer. Ryan Truex would win the Dash 4 Cash.
Playoff Standings (Top 14 make it in, no eliminations)
AJ Allmendinger - 2 wins + 13 playoff points
Cole Custer - 1 win + 7 playoff points
Ryan Truex - 1 win + 7 playoff points
Sammy Smith - 1 win + 6 playoff points
Sam Mayer - 1 win + 6 playoff points
Justin Allgaier - 1 win + 8 playoff points
Riley Herbst - 222 points
Austin Hill - 203 points
Jesse Love - 199 points
Josh Williams - 184 points
Ty Roland *R* - 166 points
Chandler Smith - 166 points
Brandon Jones - 164 points
Jeb Burton - 158 points
Parker Retzlaff - 1 win + 5 playoff points *NEEDS TO BE TOP 25, CURRENTLY 30TH*
Below the cutoff line: Jeremy Clements, Sheldon Creed, Parker Kligerman, Brennan Poole, Shane Van Gisbergen
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Coming home from travel, just in time for Christmas, and ted has decorated your apartment, baked cookies, and all the other lovely Ted things -- just for you.
you wanted to let out a sob as the taxi pulled in front of the cobblestone side street, a mere hundred feet or so from your flat, from ted, from home. you weren't supposed to have been away for so long. what was supposed to be three day trip to the states to deal with a family emergency turned into a weeklong stay in kansas thanks to the many storms across the nation and shitty airlines.
going to your shared home state, ted was determined to come with you, he could see his family, see henry, and not have to be away with you. but with booking a ticket the day before a flight, you were lucky to even find a seat for yourself, plus he had important end-of-year meetings with the team's entire management team, you couldn't let him miss those for you.
you dreaded spending three days away from ted, so when that separation was extended by four days, including you missing out on christmas, your heart absolutely broke. your absence, even though out of your control, added to the dread you know ted was already feeling from henry not coming for the holidays. sure he would see henry in five months, and he was staying for the whole summer! but it wasn't the same. transcontinental parenting sucked sometimes, and this was one of those times, and you weren't even there to help it feel a little less sucky.
after a three-hour flight from KC to new york, a seven-hour flight from JFK to heathrow, and the thirty-minute drive from london to richmond, you were absolutely beat. you paid the taxi driver, wishing them a happy holidays before trudging to way to your flat, checking your phone to make sure you hadn't missed a text from ted. he still hadn't answered from when you let him know you had landed, not that you were surprised. it was 2:30 in the morning on boxing day, you begged ted not to wait up for you, insisting that he needed sleep after a day of celebrating with the team at the higgins' household per the tradition formed two years ago.
you carry your suitcase up the stairs, thankful that you only took a carry-on and not a checked bag, knowing the larger (and heavier) option likely would have resulted in waking up at least one neighbor. a small smile rests on your face when you notice a faint light coming from the crack under the door, ted left the entryway light on for you, of course he did, he was always thinking of you. but when you opened the door after undoing the lock, a small gasp leaves your lips when you take in the apartment. the entire living room was covered in lights, christmas lights strung along every wall and emitting a soft glow.
a vinyl of christmas classics played softly from the record player on your bookshelf, a barely-heard humming to the music made its way through the apartment. leaving your backpack and suitcase in the entryway and softly toeing off your shoes after hanging up your coat, you tiptoe to the kitchen, tears pooling in your eyes from what you see. there he is, the love of your life, in flannel pajama bottoms and a chiefs tee, his side profile on display as he stands at the counter next to the over, spooning cookie dough onto a baking sheet.
sensing your presence, ted looks up and turns to you, a smile growing on your face when he sees you, a glimmer in your eyes, "well hey there, darling." you look around the kitchen, seeing some decorated sugar cookies on the table next to some bare cookies and bowls of frosting, seemingly so you can decorate the rest together. apple and cinnamon fill the air, drawing your eyes to the stove where a pot of apple cider, your favorite, is cooking, homemade you presume. you turn your gaze back to ted, who has been looking at you this whole time, a loving look in his eyes, "wh-what is this?"
ted wipes cookie dough crumbs onto his apron before eliminating the space between the two of you. it is only when he places his hand on your cheek, wiping away a tear, that you realize you're crying, "merry christmas, sweetheart." you shake your head slightly, still a bit confused but also in denial that someone would ever want to do something like this for you, "but it's the 26th." ted swipes away one more tear before pointing at the wall you're standing next to, pointing at the daily rip-away calendar hanging there, the paper reading 25, "nope, you're normally always right honey, but not this time. see, right there, it says it's december 25th. christmas, not the 26th."
you turn your head to look over your shoulder, showing a tight smile as tears continue to run down your face as while you turn back to ted, "ted, you didn't need to do this, i'm late, you already celebrated..." ted shakes his head, holding your head in between his hands as he takes a step closer, placing his face right in front of yours so you are forced to look into your eyes, "i was around people celebrating the holidays, not even all of them were celebrating. but that was them, and i was happy to be with them. but my girl wasn't there, you weren't there, so no, i haven't already celebrated. nothing important happens without you."
ted's lips meet yours in a sweet kiss, both of you tasting some salt from the tears that had run down to your lips. though neither of you are bothered, you are simply happy to be reunited after a week apart. you concede, too enamored with ted and in awe of his loving act to argue with him anymore. you pull away slightly, running your tongue across your lips to capture your tears as ted rests his forehead against yours. "merry christmas, teddy," you whisper, a soft smile on ted's face in response, "merry christmas, sweetheart."
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boleynqueenes · 2 years
NT Timeline: Fitzroy in 1534-1535:
H. Duke of Richmond to Cromwell.
Since I came into this country I and Sir Giles Strangwais have viewed a breach in my town of Poole called Northavyn Point. It will receive great prejudice from the sea, unless some remedy be shortly provided. Give credence to Will. Byttilcome, M.P. for the said town. Canford, 13 June. Signed. (1534)
The duke of Norfolk being the high treasurer of England and well experienced in war, especially in Ireland, nevertheless left the Court to go home a little before the said meeting, and returned immediately after the other lords had left; so that it is thought he only left the Court to be away when the affairs of Ireland were discussed, — and this out of disdain that the King despised his advice, and at the suggestion of Cromwell and Skeffington had illtreated the earl of Kildare and ruined the affairs of Ireland. On this subject the Duke and Cromwell had reproached each other with many things before the said meeting, which shows the illwill they have borne each other a long time, however much they have dissembled it. Among other things Cromwell told the Duke that he was more the cause of the said ruin than any other, because he wished to keep the duke of Richmond near himself and his daughter, Richmond's wife, and that if he had let him go into Ireland eight months ago, these things would not have happened.
(Chapuys, September 1534)
All business passes through the hands of people who depend on the new Queen, and must therefore be settled according to her purpose. This was the case in the negociations with the Admiral, which were broken off on account of his refusal to allow the duke of Angoulême to go to England until the girl was old enough to be married, and because he would not declare in any way against the Church, or in favour of the King's second wife
The duke of Norfolk, according to the Admiral, affirms that he would sooner die than see any change as regards the King or the new Queen; which is not unlike what the writer has heard in other ways of Norfolk, viz., that this breaking off might reasonably have been expected, matters depending very much on his dexterity, and the affairs of England being commonly managed more than barbarously. For he, being one of the greatest men in the kingdom, and having sons, and the duke of Richmond for his son-in-law, might hope one day to have that daughter for one of his sons, or, if disorders ensued, to get the rule into his own hands.
Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio. (June 1535)
H. Duke of Richmond to Cromwell. In these parts I have neither park nor game for my friends, and send you the names of the King's grounds in these parts, desiring you to move the King in this behalf. (July 1535)
H. Duke of Richmond to Cromwell.
I have granted to my servant Anth. Driland the keepership of the park of Coliweston in reversion. But as the King desires that the Queen should have it, Driland is in doubt whether he shall enjoy the same. As he has heretofore received no other recompense, I request your favour in his behalf. Windsor, 6 Nov. Signed.
“When Henry VIII decided to grant Collyweston to Anne Boleyn, Richmond turned to Cromwell to ensure that the grant he made to his gentleman usher [...] would be honoured.”
“Whether in 1535 Anne Boleyn requested the keepership of the park of Collyweston is not known [...] although he intended to present the keepership of his principal home of 1531 to 1536 to his servant [...] the king had intervened to favor his consort’s wishes. Henry might have already planned to give the house to Anne, which she obtained in 1536 in exchange for Baynard’s Castle and Durhan House to the Duke.”
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Pool Safety Inspections Richmond QLD and the Importance of Compliance
Pool Safety Inspections Richmond QLD Pool Safety Inspections Richmond QLD are a vital process for every pool owner. Whether you have a private residential pool or manage a public facility, ensuring that your pool meets all safety standards is crucial. In QLD, regulations are strict, and non-compliance can result in serious fines or even accidents. … Continue reading “Pool Safety Inspections…
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muskokafarm · 6 months
Muskoka Farm Pre Training
Muskoka Farm is a world class pre-training facility near Wisemans Ferry in NSW. This 280-acre equine establishment offers breaking, spelling and agistment. It is surrounded by national parks and natural bushland.
The farm employs a world-class horse breaker, Toby Pracey, who uses violence-free methods. He has worked with a number of Golden Slipper winners and is known for preparing race horses quickly. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
Horse Training NSW offers a range of services, including riding and horse management courses. Their instructors are trained and certified and their facilities are top-notch. They also offer equine veterinary care and other essential services. The best part is that their services are affordable and convenient.
Georgie moved to Australia on a working holiday visa and has since developed her Australian stock riding skills and Natural Horsemanship techniques. Her background includes riding classically, managing a polocrosse training and breeding stud, mustering cattle on horses and working in the local veterinary industry.
TAFE NSW Richmond College offers a number of horse course qualifications, including a farriery apprenticeship and an Advanced Certificate in Horse Training. These courses give students the skills and knowledge to work across a variety of sectors within the equine industry, and are nationally standardised so that you can move between states without having to upgrade your qualification. The program provides a unique blend of theoretical and practical learning, from horse-breaking clinics to polo grooming.
Located near Gunderman in NSW, Muskoka Farm is a world class horse spelling facility. It offers breaking, pre-training and agistment services. The 280-acre property features 58 stables, 27 day yards, and 10 large fully fenced paddocks. It also includes a two-bedroom guest house, four-bedroom homestead and facilities manager’s cottage. Its specialized care program ensures that horses are fit for racing. Its 2.4-kilometer crusher dust track and two-kilometre grass track are ideal for pace work. The property also has a 16-horse walker and lap pool.
Many local restaurants have embraced the farm-to-table movement in Muskoka. They offer delicious, locally-sourced food to visitors and residents alike. These establishments are a welcome addition to the community, and their cozy ambiance and commitment to sustainability adds to the overall appeal of this picturesque region. Living close to these restaurants makes it easy for you to enjoy fresh, locally-sourced meals.
Mars Australia produces pet care products, chocolate, gum and frozen foods. It is a family-owned business with a 100 year history in Australia. Mars also operates a global network of retail stores and wholesale distributors. Its brands include Pedigree and Whiskas. Mars has a presence in more than 50 countries around the world.
Muskoka Farm is a world class horse breeding and training facility located on the Hawkesbury River in Gunderman, New South Wales. The 280 acre property is surrounded by natural bushland and includes five stable barns and 58 stables. It also has a two-bedroom guest house and a large outdoor pool.
The facility offers a variety of services, including breaking, pre-training and spelling. It is staffed by experienced trainers and has a strong client base that includes international and Sydney-based clients. It is an ideal place to fine-tune the conditioning of a race horse. It also boasts a 2.4-kilometre crusher dust track and a specialized training program.
Located near Gunderman in NSW, Muskoka Farm is one of the world’s most advanced pre-training facilities. The 280-acre property offers breaking, spelling, and agistment services, and is constantly refining its methods to best suit the physiology of race horses. The farm is surrounded by national parks and natural bushland, which allows it to fine-tune its care approach with the science of horse racing in mind.
Tony Newing is a world-class trainer who uses violence-free methods to break and prepare racehorses for the track. He has many clients, including Golden Slipper winners. Recently, his gallopers such as Social Pirate and Charging Clear have been successful at the Grafton Carnival. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
The farm can accommodate up to 200 horses, and includes five stable barns with 58 stables, 27 day yards for training, 10 large spelling yards, and a four-bedroom homestead with helipad, private jetty/pontoon, and swimming pool. The facility is currently for sale, and anyone interested can contact Inglis Rural Property.
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
It's springtime in Metro Vancouver when thickets of selfie sticks and tourists sprout beneath canopies of the region's famous cherry blossoms; Sussex Avenue in Burnaby, east of Vancouver, a group of five fashionably dressed women set up an iPhone on a tripod under the blooms.
One accessorizes with a green scarf, then pauses to give instructions to her friends, adjusting their angles just so; for the perfect shot. They're too busy to talk as they strike a series of poses, hands on hips.
Such scenes are familiar to Linda Poole, founder and creative director of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, which runs from April 1 to 23 and recalls the sight of tourists getting out of a tour bus at Queen Elizabeth Park, one of Vancouver's most popular locations for blossom viewing.
"And they are dancing under the blossoms, singing, modelling and posing. It's cute. I see that all the time," said Poole; Cherry blossoms have become a domestic and international tourist draw, with Chinese tour companies offering flower viewing packages for thousands of dollars, competing with more traditional locations such as Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan.
Edward Xie, manager of Richmond, B.C., travel agency First Express Travel, said his company advertises Vancouver flower viewing in international markets said guides pick up travellers from China and the U.S. at the airport and drive them around the city's best cherry blossom locations.
An eight-day, seven-night trip from China to Vancouver and Victoria promoted by First Express is dubbed the "two cities flower viewing" tour and costs 33,603 yuan, or $6,580, into a colourful world to enjoy flowers, watch whales and roam freely outdoors. Experience the romance brought by pink cherry blossoms and feel the vibe of April on Canada's West Coast," reads the advertisement.
Vancouver's blossoms have become renowned in East Asia, where the city's trees are through the Kitsilano neighbourhood in Mandarin. Like the English-language tours, it's fully booked that in the 1930s, the mayors of the Japanese cities of Yokohama and Kobe gave 500 cherry trees to the Vancouver Park Board to honour Japanese Canadians who served in the First World War.
Charlene Liu, president and CEO of Panasia Holidays, a Calgary-based tourism company, said cherry blossom viewing is among Chinese-speaking domestic tourists, many of them from Edmonton and Calgary, like a perfect combination to gaze upon the cherry blossoms while exploring the local culinary scene since Vancouver is also famous for food," said Liu in an interview conducted in Mandarin.
Cities like Kyoto and Washington, D.C., might have said many blossom tourists to Vancouver also have family in the city photos under the cherry trees is a universal thing loves it," said Xie.
It's not just tourists drawn to the blossoms that drift like pink snow when caught by a breeze resident Emmanuel S.T. Yu, enjoying a stroll under Burnaby's cherry blossoms with his wife Connie, said the flowers reminded him it was "a blessing" to live in B.C.
"It's my family's annual tradition to walk around to see the cherry blossom trees doing this for 11 years straight. We never get tired of it," said Yu in Mandarin flowers always easily cheer us up, reminding us how lucky we are to live here."
Jordan Liu, B.C.-based director of the tour guide training program with the Canadian Inbound Tourism Association of Asia Pacific, said there were more than 2,700 cherry blossom locations across Metro Vancouver has some favourites — Graveley Street on Vancouver's Eastside, West 22nd Avenue in Arbutus Ridge, Nelson Street in the downtown core, Yukon Street and outside Vancouver City Hall.
On West 22nd Avenue, Sophie Chan said she travelled on multiple buses to get to the neighbourhood from her home in Surrey. The slight rise and fall of the street make it possible to see a corridor of blooming trees stretching into the distance, a favourite location on Instagram said the secret to a good cherry blossom photo is patience — you need to wait for the right moment, with the right light, and the right wind to bring the petals fluttering down.
Retired mechanical engineer Kenneth Kwan, 84, was standing outside his home on Sussex Avenue in Burnaby, wearing a straw hat as he greeted people taking photos of the blossoms said the flowers made him feel alive after an illness confined him to hospital for more than six weeks last year.
"My friends from San Francisco will soon come to Vancouver to visit me. I will show them around the city, including the cherry blossoms in my neighbourhood," said Kwan laughter is the best."
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smsfgoldcoast · 2 years
All About Lamington National Park in Gold Coast
If you're looking for a getaway on the Gold Coast that is a little more off the beaten path, you may be interested in Lamington National Park. This park is located in the southeast of Queensland, and boasts a range of attractions and activities.
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Lamington National Park is an ideal destination for the outdoor enthusiast. Located in the Gold Coast Hinterland, this park protects Eastern Australian temperate rainforests. It is also home to 180 species of plants and animals.
The Lamington Park area is one of the best places to go for bird watching, bush walking, camping and picnicking. With many waterfalls, lush green views and an abundance of hiking trails, this is an excellent location for any outdoor adventurer.
The park is home to a number of endangered species. Among them, the rare Albert's Lyrebird and the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly. Another endangered species is the large-eared pied bat.
In addition to these rare species, Lamington Park is also home to prehistoric reptiles. These reptiles can be found in the deeper rock pools. For more information, visit the Lamington National Park Management Plan.
There are 120km of trails to enjoy in Lamington National Park. Walks pass ferny waterfalls and follow mountain ridges. If you wish to view the park's spectacular scenery, you should bring a torch. You should also take along a first aid kit and plenty of water.
The park is protected by the Australian Government under the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. This area is home to most of the world's warm temperate rainforests.
The Lamington National Park is part of a larger region known as the Scenic Rim. This area is located between Springbrook National Park and Mount Tamborine National Park.
A walk in Lamington Park will give you breathtaking views of the Gold Coast. You can also take in the sights of Mount Hobwee, Mount Toolona and Mount Widgee. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Koalas are one of Australia's most popular tourist attractions. These adorable creatures live throughout Queensland and the surrounding areas, including the Gold Coast. They have long, soft fur and sharp, long claws.
If you're interested in viewing koalas up close, there are several ways to do so. You can visit the Koala Centre in Logan City or the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast.
The Koala Centre offers daily talks and an interactive media centre. Visitors can also take a guided tour. Guests can also participate in an animal feeding session.
Koalas are considered to be vulnerable in Queensland and New South Wales. Their population is largely dependent on large woodlands and eucalypt forests. This delicate nature is threatened by land clearing and pollution.
Lamington National Park is located west of Nerang on the Gold Coast. It features extensive walking tracks along the McPherson Range.
Lamington National Park is managed by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Several species of birds and rare orchids are found here. In addition, there are over 500 waterfalls.
Visitors can also hike on the Tree Top Walk. The walk is an elevated track that's 15 metres above the rainforest floor. There are nine suspension bridges.
Koalas are mainly nocturnal. The best time to view them is at dusk or dawn. During these times, visitors can feed kangaroos and lorikeets.
The park is part of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Site. As such, it's protected and monitored under the World Heritage Convention.
Another popular Gold Coast tourist attraction is the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. Established in 1927, the sanctuary is home to koalas and other Australian wildlife. The sanctuary is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Elebana Falls
Elabana Falls is one of the more popular waterfalls in the Gold Coast Hinterland. The falls are located in Lamington National Park, a short drive from Surfers Paradise. Visiting the falls is a great way to explore nature.
The waterfall is part of a larger landscape with the Toolona Creek circuit and Green Mountains section of the park. This part of the park features multiple waterways and wildlife displays. There are many walking tracks in this area, including the Elabana Falls track.
This waterfall is a beautiful cascade that drops about 25 metres into a narrow gully. It also features an impressive lower cascade and a pool beneath. Visitors can also swim up to the natural swimming hole.
The main trail is moderate and can be walked in counterclockwise direction. This is a good walk for bushwalkers with some experience. However, it can be difficult to navigate a creek that has been washed by heavy rain. Luckily, the rainforest is lush after a rainy season.
The shortest route from the car park to the waterfall is a 3.2 km walk. It takes about a hour. When you get to the falls, the track turns right. The views are incredible. You may want to bring a picnic.
Aside from the waterfall, the park has several other attractions to see, including the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. Also, there is a boardwalk that is aptly named the Tree Top Walk.
For a closer look at the falls, there is a shorter walk to the bottom of the waterfall. The lower waterfall consists of a series of flowing streams that flow into a large pool. Eels can be found in the shallow water.
Tree Top Walk
O'Reillys Tree Top Walk is an award winning family friendly day out. This rainforest walk is located within Lamington National Park.
The park is home to over 320 km of walking tracks and is an ideal destination for hiking, bushwalking and nature exploring. It is also a great location to see a range of wildlife including rare species such as Albert's Lyrebird, Platypus and Coxen's Fig Parrot.
Located within the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia, Lamington Park is a unique and beautiful wilderness area that features lush rainforest, majestic waterfalls, unique plants, and rich wildlife. You can enjoy an exciting day of exploring the area with the help of a guided full-day tour, which includes return transfers from your hotel.
You can visit Lamington National Park anytime of the year, but the best time to visit is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Temperatures are often cooler than in Brisbane, and visitors can also expect to find a range of birds and other wildlife.
Visiting the park is a great way to experience the Gold Coast Hinterland. However, you should be prepared for some changeable weather conditions.
Located in the World Heritage-listed Lamington National Park, the Tree Top Walk offers a one-of-a-kind attraction. This unique walkway provides a panoramic view of the surrounding mountain ranges.
The walkway consists of nine suspension bridges that provide spectacular views of the forest. A viewing deck at the top of the path reaches 30 meters above ground level. Visitors can also observe the canopy of flowering and fruiting trees, epiphytic orchids, and ferns.
Aside from the Tree Top Walk, visitors can also enjoy other outdoor activities, such as a visit to O'Reillys Rainforest Retreat. This family owned retreat is surrounded by a variety of forest creatures, including Wedge Tailed Eagles and Bowerbirds.
Places to stay
Located in Gold Coast Hinterland, Lamington National Park is an ideal destination for hiking. The subtropical rainforest is home to a variety of plants and animals. In addition, it contains raging waterfalls and a range of other attractions.
There are a number of places to stay in Lamington National Park. O'Reilly's guesthouse offers a three-room villa with a view of the park and sunset. Guests can also enjoy tea walks, a glow worm experience, and a Segway safari.
Another option is the Binna Burra Sky Lodge. The glamping retreat is located near Christmas Creek, within Lamington National Park. It has free Wi-Fi and a spa. These lodges are family friendly and ideal for a romantic getaway.
Other accommodation options include the Ridge Cottage. Built in stone, this cottage provides a cozy home away from home. This lodge is a great choice for a minimum two-day stay.
If you're looking for a more affordable option, try Wildlife Retreat Mudgeeraba. Located on a rural 8.5 acre block, this accommodation features panoramic coastal views. Guests can barbecue, sunbathe, and take in the scenery.
There are also Binna Burra Sky Lodges, which offer a range of activities. You can go for a golf game, take a walk through the rainforest, or play a round of golf.
During your stay, don't forget to see the Birds of Prey Show. Featuring barn owls, wedge-tailed eagles, and kites, this show is sure to entertain.
You'll also want to check out the Quest Robina. Located 10 minutes from the Gold Coast Hinterland, this hotel has an indoor spa, heated swimming pool, and garden. They even have pet-friendly apartments and rooms.
As you explore the area, keep in mind that the delicate nature is threatened by over-development and litter. Visitors need to follow safety signs and never feed the wildlife.
Lamington National Park Location
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tonkiortho · 2 years
Nottingham green apartments
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This statement was issued on Augby Entrata, Inc. We will do our best to respond to your feedback within five business days. Contact (804) 655-0592 Language: English Open Friday By Appointment View More Hours Professionally managed by Havens Properties. Green and professionally landscaped lawns. This apartment community was built in 1964 and has 2 stories with 516 units. Visit our Amenities page to learn more about the perks of living at Nottingham Manor.
Feedback:Įntrata welcomes feedback in relation to the accessibility of this website. Nottingham Green Apartments is located in Richmond, Virginia in the 23229 zip code. Entrata is proud of the efforts that we have completed and that are in-progress to ensure that our website is accessible to everyone. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has established Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for website designers and developers to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and this website strives to be conformant to WCAG 2.1 level AA. We are continually applying relevant accessibility standards to improve user experience for everyone who visits this website. You'll be delighted with a wide selection of amenities and features. We invite you to enjoy a lifestyle of comfort and convenience in our quiet neighborhood. Village Green became one of the nations premier apartment companies by continually innovating to serve the evolving needs of residents and focusing on. Beautifully landscaped and nestled under mature trees, Nottingham is conveniently located near shopping, dining and entertainment. (“Entrata”) is dedicated to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Find out how great living in Monroe can be at Nottingham. Nottingham Green Apartments - 9302 Gallant Dr, Richmond, VA 23229 Virginia Henrico County Richmond 9302 Gallant Dr Listing provided by For Rent Get Moving Quotes 850 - 1,050 /mo 1.
Get to Short Pump, Downtown Richmond, and Chesterfield in just a short drive at just the right price you can afford.Entrata, Inc. Fully carpeted garden style apartments with eat-in kitchen, washer & dryer in the units, and one full bathroom located in the West End, Henrico Schools district. Just minutes from interstates I-95, I-64, and I-295 and within walking distance of the bus line, shopping, banking and dining, Nottingham Green is a perfect central location. Outdoors enjoy some warm weather fun in the Olympic size swimming pool with separate tot pool, tennis & volleyball, and playground. VA reviews and ratings Falls Green Apartments is located in Falls Church. This apartment lists for 850/mo, and includes 1 beds, 1 baths, and 679 Sq. We also offer washer/dryer connections and lots of closet space. See all available apartments for rent at 8103 Jaala Ln in Falls Church. Learn more about Nottingham Green Apartments located at 9302 Gallant Dr, Richmond, VA 23229. Global News Hamilton councillors have given the green light for city. All apartment homes are fully carpeted with eat-in kitchen and one full bathroom and are cable ready. Bowling Green Apartments - West Bridgford Nottingham - Bowling Green Apartments - West Bridgford is situated within 2.5 km of the large Organ loft at St. Hamilton Hamilton Apartments, Condos and Houses for Rent 471 Rentals found. The Best Value in the West End! Nottingham Green, located in the West End of Richmond in Henrico County, offers 1,2, & 3 bedroom garden apartment homes at affordable rates.
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veirtyel · 3 years
I remember the headcanon circulating that Colin used to do gymnastics and is freakishly flexible (at least in the perspective of a team of football playing himbos) and can do cool gymnastic type things, and it’s got me thinking about other headcanons for possible secrete talents the other Richmond players have.
I love to think that Isaac can bake in secret. Headcanon he used to be embarrassed about this because it’s not a mAnLy SkIiL but eventually he became more comfortable with it. Now he bakes cakes for the team when they’re birthdays come up.
Jan can play the guitar. And the piano, and the drums, and can even make a harmonica sound good. He just is very musically talented and has somehow managed to pick up whatever instrument he’s tried, and he’s also very nonchalant about it. Heres the thing though. If you show him a piano he will play the Wii theme song and only the Wii theme song.
Dani actually speaks five languages. English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and even German. He’s always liked languages and just wants to be able to communicate with as many people as possible. After meeting the team, he also tried to get Jan, Colin, Sam and anyone else who speaks other languages to teach him words and phrases, the first one always being “football is life”
Zoreaux is an absolute BEAST at any type of bar game. Poole, darts, even foosball, he can beat you. He has incredible aim and has hustled new members of the team on multiple occasions. The only person he can’t beat at darts is Ted, who he has vowed to beat one day.
Sam is double jointed. He can also moves his ears, invert his eyelids, touch his thumb to his wrist, and a bunch of other weird body functions that he likes to freak people out with. Half the team in particular hate the eyelid thing, especially Richard, so during practice Sam will do the eyelid thing and chase him around while he screams at him in angry French. The team thinks it’s hilarious.
That’s all I got for now and I went overboard oops.
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eminems-skittles · 3 years
cosplays and crushes [penelope garcia x reader]
penelope garcia x fem!reader warnings: none word count: 2.3k
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
     The hot San Diego sun had started to set on the line full of costume-clad convention goers. Penelope and Spencer, decked out in their Doctor Who and Rose Tyler cosplays, had been camped out since 4 in the afternoon. They just so happened to be in San Diego for a case when Rossi surprised the two nerds with tickets to Comic Con. Hotch had already agreed to giving them the weekend off in order to attend the event, saying they deserved the break and to be around people who understand what they're talking about. After some pushback from Spencer and Penelope, not because they didn't want to go but because they didn't want to be out of state if there was an emergency, they gladly accepted the tickets. The rest of the team, having been aware of the surprise, had already booked hotel rooms at a fancy hotel in San Diego as well. They had all decided that it was time for a well deserved break from their demanding jobs.
   Currently, Spencer and Penelope were in line for the Doctor Who panel. They were surrounded by people who shared their love of the show. While everyone there were all dressed in cosplays and costumes, one specific person caught Penelope's eye. Well, technically, she noticed the girl as soon as they arrived in line. This particular girl had (Y/H/C) and was dressed as (Y/F/C). She was there, apparently by herself. After two hours of constant chatting with Spencer about what they are looking forward too, their theories of previous cases, and Penelope's not so secretive constant checking to see if maybe the beautiful stranger's friends had finally showed up, Penelope had finally gathered the courage to introduce herself to the lonely girl. Spencer, being the expert profiler he is, had already picked up on Garcia's growing curiosity about the lonesome girl.
   Spencer leaned close to Penelope, to ensure that the girl wouldn't hear him, and whispered, "Just talk to her Pen. She won't bite."
   "Aw but I like it when they bite," Penelope whined jokingly, winking at the now blushing Spencer. She pinched his cheek, "Oh ease up, kiddo. I'm kidding. I would talk to her but what if she shoots me down? She is way out of my league. Besides, what am I supposed to say?"
   "Pen, believe me, she is not out of your league. She's here isn't she? You two are in the same league. Just talk to her." Spencer tried to convince her. If the girl they were talking about wasn't so close, Spencer might have also mentioned that he noticed the girl looking at Penelope also. But for now, he'd keep that too himself.
   Penelope took a deep breath, making eye contact with Spencer, who gave her a small reassuring small, before turning around to face the girl. She waved before introducing herself, "Uh, hi! My name is Penelope and this is my friend Spencer! I really like your costume! (Y/F/C) is one of my favorites!"
   "Oh hi!" she waved at spencer slightly before directing her attention back to Penelope. "My name is Y/N! Thank you so much! It took forever to make. I like yours too! Where are you from?"
   "We're from Virginia, we were out here for work and one of our co-workers surprised us with tickets. How about you? Where are you from?"
   "Oh that's awesome! I'm actually from Virginia also! How funny! I live in Richmond for work but when I'm not working I live in (Y/H/T)." Y/N said, her eyes lighting up when she heard that the pretty girl in front of her lived in the same state as her. "If it's not too much to ask, where do you guys live? I'm not a stalker I swear." She added quickly.
   Spencer and Penelope shared an amused look, before laughing slightly.
   "We live in Quantico. Spence and I work for the FBI." Penelope hoped it was okay that she told this stranger that she was an FBI agent. However, Spencer didn't stop her so she assumed it was okay. "What do you do for work?"
    "Oh well I am an elementary school teacher so when school is session, I live in Richmond but during summer I go back home to help out my family. It's not the best situation but I make it work," She laughed slightly. Penelope decided then and there that she loved Y/N's laugh. "Anyway, what do y'all do for the FBI, that is if you're allowed to say."
   "Well I am a tech analyst for the Behavioral Analyst Unit, or the BAU as we call it. So I basically research suspects, victims, open cases, stuff like that and send it to the team." Penelope explains, being careful not to spill too much about her job.
   "And I'm a profiler for the BAU. So while Penelope is at the office, the other agents and I are in the field, examining crime scenes and catching serial killers and bad guys," Spencer explained.
   "Wow, you guys have such cool and important jobs." Y/N said.
   "Yeah, I guess we do," Penelope said, smiling brightly at Y/N. "So are you here by yourself?"
   "Unfortunately. My girlfriend was supposed to come but uh she broke up with me two weeks ago and it was too late to refund the tickets. I needed time away from there anyway" Y/N looked sad as she explained. Penelope looked at Spencer, her eyes silently pleading with him. Spencer looked at Y/N, then at Penelope, before slightly nodding his head.
   "Oh no! I'm so sorry, hon! If you'd like, you can stick with Spencer and I. We're staying at the main hotel with our coworkers. You are more than welcome to join us!" Penelope said, silently cursing herself for sounding so eager. How she already managed to have feelings for this girl so fast was beyond her. Normally, it took her a few days before developing feelings for someone. Yet here she was, having the most mundane conversation with this random girl.
    Thoughts started zooming around in Penelope's brain. Surely it has to be fate that they were both here. Penelope never planned on going to Comic Con until a few days ago. She didn't even plan on going to this panel because she had thought they missed it. And yet, here she was, talking with the prettiest girl she had ever seen. She almost couldn't form proper sentences. Y/N's smile seemed to cause her brain to short-circuit.
    "Are you sure? I don't want to impose. This is your guys vacation." Y/N hesitantly said.
     "It's fine, really, Y/N. It would be fun. Comic Con isn't a place to be alone at." Spencer cut in, a small smile stretching across his face. This was the first time he had seen Penelope act like this in front of a girl, and with everything that Penelope did for him and the team, he figured it was time he did something for her.
    Y/N contemplated for a second. A very small part of her was saying no, because she had just met these people. But then she reasoned that they are FBI agents so they wouldn't hurt her. She also already had started developing a small crush on Penelope. She knew she shouldn't of been catching feelings so quickly. It had only been two weeks since her ex had broken up with up her. However, in this moment, Y/N could care less. If her ex didn't want to be with her anymore, that was no longer her problem. She couldn't spend the rest of her life being sad about someone who did not care about her anymore.
     "If you're sure about this, then of course! You guys seem really fun and I'd love to hangout!" Y/N agreed.
    Penelope and Y/N shared a smile, getting momentarily lost in each others eyes. They stayed like that until Spencer nudged Penelope with his elbow. Once they were broken out of their trance, Penelope and Y/N had realized that the line had finally started moving. Once they got into the panel, Y/N, Penelope, and Spencer sat down as close to the front as possible. Throughout the panel, Y/N and Penelope silently fangirled as Spencer watched intently, no doubt trying to memorize everything that everyone said. Not that he had to try.
     At the end of the panel, around 9:00 at night, the trio was trying to figure out where to go for dinner. Spencer, who was eager to tell Derek about Penelope's new love interest, excused himself to the hotel for the night, saying he was too tired and to go out without him.
    "Let's go change into normal clothes and meet up in 15 minutes? We can go to the hotel bar or go to a restaurant in town?" Y/N asked, secretly hoping this dinner would turn into a date. The day she had spent with Penelope was one of the best days she had had in a long time. Even when she was with her ex-girlfriend. Penelope agreed before they headed to their respective rooms to change into clothes for the evening.
   After they got ready, they met in the hotel lobby and decided on staying at the hotel restaurant and bar. Penelope decided against going into town because of what she sees everyday in her line of work. Y/N did not mind, she just wanted to spend time with Penelope.
   The two had ended up getting kicked out of the hotel bar, having stayed until 2 in the morning. They had decided to make their way to the pool to just sit and talk.
   "Thank you for the wonderful night, Penny," Y/N said, smiling at the slightly taller girl. Y/N was slightly tipsy, leaning her head against Penelope's shoulder.
   "You know, I think you're one of the first people to call me Penny, doll face," She said giggling a bit harder than she should have. "You're welcome, sweetcheeks. I had an amazing time tonight also."
   Little did the two girls know, the BAU team (with the exception of Hotch, who insisted that he had better things to do than spy on Penelope's first date) were hiding along the row of chairs behind them to get a good look at the scene unfolding in front of them.
  Y/N and Penelope stared at each other for a second before a voice shouted, "JUST KISS ALREADY!" The two of them jumped about five feet in the air before looking back to see JJ and Emily pulling Spencer back to the ground to hide him from the two.
  "Might as well give the people what they want," Penelope said, wiggling her eyebrows. Y/N smiled for what felt like the millionth time that day, before nodding her head.
  The two leaned forward, pausing for a second to look each other in the eyes, before leaning in all the way. Penelope brought her hands up to Y/N's face, one on her cheek, the other on the back of her neck. Y/N put both of her hands on Penelope's cheeks. They stayed like that for a few moments, the soft kiss seemingly having lasted longer than a few seconds. They pulled apart, catching their breaths.
   "Wow," Y/N breathed out. A smile and blush had forced their way onto her face, as she looked at Penelope.
   "Wow," Penelope repeated, staring into Y/N's eyes.
   "I SHIP!" Spencer shouted from where he, Derek, Emily, JJ, and Rossi were supposed to be hiding. Penelope broke her stare from Y/N, turning to face her not so secretive friends.
   "Ok, who let him drink tonight?" Penelope shout back to her friends.
   "You know, for FBI agents, your friends aren't all that sneaky." Y/N said, smiling slightly before kissing Penelope again. The group of FBI agents all hooted and hollered jokingly at Penelope and Y/N.
    "Alright you idiots, lets all get to bed before we anger Garcia enough to make her hack all of our records," Rossi said to the team, trying to get them to leave. He was met with a few groans and 'okay dad's, but everyone got up and followed him out of the pool area. As soon as they were sure they were by themselves, they pulled apart from the kiss.
   "I know we just met and you're fresh out of a relationship, but Y/N, I uh I really like you. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you. I can wait as long as you-" she was interrupted by yet another small kiss.
   "Penny, I like you a lot too. And I want to be with you too. But it's going to take a bit of time before I get into another relationship." Y/N explained.
   "Of course, take all the time you need, sweetie," Penelope said. The two girls cuddled up next to each other for a few minutes before deciding to call it a night. Penelope walked Y/N to her hotel room with promises of an early breakfast the next day.
  "Goodnight Y/N," Penelope said, before kissing Y/N's cheek.
  "Goodnight Penny," Y/N said, kissing Penelope's cheek as well. She unlocked her door and stepped instead, saying goodnight one final time before watching Penelope walk back down the hall to the elevator. Before she got into the elevator, Penelope waved back at Y/N before dramatically blowing a kiss down the hall. Y/N playfully got the kiss and placed her hand on her cheek, waiting for the elevator doors to close, before making her way into her own room. She was unable to stop smiling the whole time she got ready for bed. This was the best day ever.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 2 years
blessed are those who mourn
by asawyer98
“Ted, I’m so sorry,” Beard repeated. Ted’s eyes flickered up towards Beard’s face, searching, but his expression remained unreadable.
“Oh God,”  Rebecca whispered from his left, and Ted’s head pivoted to look at her, a look of abject horror on her face, her hand covering her mouth. His eyes widened as tears pooled in her eyes promptly spilled over leaving tracks on her cheeks. There’s a whooshing noise in his ears now and everything feels wrong; his brain is fighting to keep up – he feels like he’s missing something. 
He’s finally able to tear his eyes from hers, his eyes blurring a little at the movement, the room tilting just a bit, his hands numb as they grasped the cover page of The Sun. The headline stands out in stark white letters, the title unmistakable:
Shocking Small-Town Suicide - Ted Lasso, Manager of AFC Richmond, reportedly found father dead in childhood home from self-inflicted gunshot wound in 1991.
The ground all but fell out from beneath his feet.
Words: 1343, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton, Keeley Jones, Roy Kent, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Leslie Higgins, Henry Lasso, Michelle Lasso, Rupert Mannion, Nathan Shelley, Ted Lasso's Mother
Relationships: Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Julie Higgins/Leslie Higgins
Additional Tags: Canon-typical discussions on suicide, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Panic Attacks, Press and Tabloids, Kansas, Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Catholicism, religious trauma, Everyone is protective of Ted Lasso, Character Study
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40014987
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whump-town · 4 years
“Reid.” He can feel his shoulder being lightly shaken. His name is repeated over and over, with frequency the tone becomes more stressed. The panicked, softly broken voice breaks through Reid’s consciousness. He feels hard fingers brushing by his cheek before a warm palm cups his cheek. “Spencer, please, wake up.”
Spencer. No calls him- Hotch. Reid flinches away, hand coming up between them. The sun, low in the sky, is peeking out over Hotch’s shoulder and directly into his eyes. Which is not helping the man with the jackhammer inside his skull. His own moan of pain comes out muddled to his ears.
Hotch can’t remember what happened. He remembers that morning- 
As soon as he’d walked out on the catwalk, his team had gone silent at their desks. All of their attention on him before he could even clear his throat or draw the attention there himself. “Reid,” his eyes are on Prentiss as he gives the order. Making it clear to not only himself but to everyone else in the room that while he’s saying the name of his youngest subordinate, he’d rather be saying her name. “You’re with me. We’re going to Richmond.” 
He’d made the decision to take Reid instead of Prentiss right then and there. Normally, he would take Prentiss. By the time he got out on the catwalk, though, and laid eyes on his team guilt creeped into his stomach. A twist not caused by the fact that he’s eaten nothing today aside from three cups of coffee. 
Given the crowd of reactions he’s getting, all surprised, they weren’t expecting him to take Reid. He can’t say he was expecting it either. Considering the look Reid had smacked across his face he wasn’t too enthusiastic about being stuck in a car with his boss for several hours.
And, well, if this is how their trip turned out… Hotch can’t really blame him.
“Your ears are bleeding,” Reid reaches up and touches a trail of the blood. Frowning when he pulls his finger back at a drop of blood has stained his skin. He squints his brown eyes, pupils unevenly dilated, at Hotch in a confused little pout. “That’s not good.” His own voice sounds wrong like he’s speaking through another person.
Or maybe he’s not speaking at all. 
Hotch’s eyes have fallen to Reid’s lips, his dark eyebrows drawn together as he concentrates. Hotch swallows thickly, adam’s apple bobbing as he shakes his head and refocuses his attention. “The car-” Hotch moves, looking behind him to the car he’d pulled Reid from. “The car is-- uhm-- I think I wrecked it.” 
There’s an unusual amount of emotion in Hotch’s voice. Not desperation but guilt and fear. Reid knows he doesn’t like it but Hotch isn’t himself. Everything about the way he moves, the way he’s talking somethings wrong. Maybe Hotch doesn’t know exactly what yet but it unsettles Reid. It shakes him, more than the adrenaline coursing through his blood so strong that his hands tremble. 
More harrowing than the blatant fear in Hotch’s eyes… Reid can’t remember. He has no memory of getting in the car or the road trip thus far. He can’t remember the accident or even-- He can’t remember.
“I need…” Hotch has moved away from Reid. He’s shaking out his left hand as he thinks, so lost in thought Reid doesn’t even think he realizes he’s doing. “We have to stay here,” Hotch informs him with a grimace, pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead.
Reid nods his understanding. He thinks he can do that… he’s not so sure he can go anywhere else.
Hotch nods back and falls into his characteristically silent self, pacing as he works through something by himself. 
Reid gets tired of the pacing rather quickly. It’s making him dizzy. “Hey, Hotch?” He rubs at his temples, thinking about how much shit the two of them are going to be in when the team finds them. Garcia told him when they left to be careful. That he and Hotch are constantly getting into trouble and she was worried they’d manage to get themselves into some kind of trouble together. 
Garcia’s going to kill them.
If the elements don’t first.
The sun is setting and even with the blanket Reid keeps in his go bag, it will be a long cold night. Exacerbated by their injuries… Hotch isn’t sure they’ll make it through the night.
He doesn’t… he’s not even sure what their injuries are.
“Hotch!” Another thing to be worried about. Not only has Reid forgotten how they wrecked, but he also forgot Hotch’s hearing had been worsened in the crash. Despite how loudly he has to call out of Hotch, it sounds rather soft to Hotch. “Can you sit down, you’re making me dizzy?”
Sit down. Hotch nods, sitting down might help. 
He’s got a concussion. At least, he’s pretty certain. There’s blood that keeps falling into his eyes, sometimes he can feel it trickle down his forehead. His chest hurts pretty bad but he can breathe so it can’t be that bad.
Between nausea brought on the moment he sits down and the fog of the pain in his head, he realizes he doesn’t think he’s going to be okay. “Reid?” He knows things are coming to an end. He’s not even cold when the wind sweeps through and leaves Reid shivering.
“I--” funny how dying doesn’t stifle the fear of vulnerability. “I-- I’m sorry.” Where does he begin? He’s sorry for everything. Reid should have never been kidnapped by Hankel. He shouldn’t have had to hide his drug addiction or get sober on his own. Hotch should have been a better leader. A better friend. 
A better agent.
“We should have never lost Maeve,” he settles, his head leaned back as he looks at the slowly falling sun. “I…” He should have known better. Should have seen it coming. “I’m so sorry,” his voice breaks and he’s too tired and close to giving up to care that there are tears pooling in his eyes.
Losing Maeve hurt. It was the worse loss he’d ever experience. Gideon… Elle… He misses them but there are moments over the course of years that he has to draw on. They’re alive, anyhow. Reachable. He had a year with Maeve. He saw her once. Now she’s gone.
He’d been stuck in his own head, though. Wallowing in his pain and he’d never considered that the accident might stir up feelings for his teammates. Dave lost Caroline not that long ago. Haley’s death haunts Hotch every day and, as Reid’s thinking about it, the similarities between Haley and Maeve’s death are… they’re alarmingly similar.
Reid looks over at his boss, his friend. Hotch is looking off to the side, lost in thought about failure.
How many people has he failed?
“It wasn’t your fault,” Reid finally says. “It wasn’t my fault either.” He pulls his knees to his chest, wrapping wire-thin arms around himself to warm his body. “None of it,” Reid adds after a moment. “Not Gideon, not Emily, or JJ, or…” he looks up to Hotch. Licking his lips he finds the courage to add, “not Haley.”
Hotch nods but there’s something painful stirring in his chest. He clears his throat and fights to stand. “I’ll--” the position forces the blood everywhere but his head and he tips to the side. For a moment, he struggles to see through the black dots dancing across his vision and the pins and needles down his limbs. “I’m going to get the blanket out of the car.”
He slips his suit jacket off of his arms and hands it down to Reid, grateful that the cold has made Reid compliant enough that the genius doesn’t argue.
“I’ll be right back.”
It’s comforting, wrapped up in Hotch’s jacket. At least, for the first five minutes. 
Reid wraps the jacket around his body and buries his face in the fabric. Warmer and surrounded by the scent of someone who makes him feel safe and comfortable, Reid loses time. 
When he looks back up, the sun is gone. 
Hotch isn’t back yet. 
He listens for the sound of the older man moving around the car or around him. 
Silence… then the sound of breathing. Human breathing. It’s labored but it’s Hotch. At least, Reid thinks it is.
Reid pulls his lanky knees to his chest, shivering. Hotch’s jacket is pulled under his chin, his fist twisted into the fabric to keep it pulled close. He squints into the darkness, trying to follow the sound of Hotch’s labored breathing. “H-Hotch?” He really doesn’t want to be alone right now but his reply is just another wheezing inhale. “Hotch, please.” 
He feels pathetic. He’s exhausted and weak and tired and more than anything he wants to crawl into his bed and go to sleep. But he can’t. So he pushes himself up and crawls. He crawls until his outstretched hands hit something-- warm and fleshy. 
Hotch. Alive. 
For now.
Reid pulls himself as close as he can to Hotch, his head laying on Hotch’s chest. 
He can hear his Hotch’s heart beating in his chest.
Weak. Slow.
It won’t be much longer now. 
Reid looks up at the stars and imagines what it will be like. Will he see Maeve again? Will Hotch see Haley?
He hopes Gideon was right about the afterlife. He thinks, at the very least, he and Hotch have deserved that.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
“A GIRL, A GUY, AND A GOB” ~ February 11, 1945
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The Old Gold Comedy Theatre (aka Harold Lloyd Comedy Theatre) was NBC Radio’s attempt to replicate the success of CBS’ Lux Radio Theatre. It debuted on October 29th, 1944. Silent film star and producer (and Lucille Ball’s mentor) Harold Lloyd introduced condensations of movie comedies. This film happened to be one of his own. NBC programmed the series Sunday nights at 10:30PM for east coast audiences. The series was cancelled on June 10th, 1945. 
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Lucille Ball had done the second episode of the series, starring in Ball of Fire on November 5, 1944. Ball took the role originated in the 1941 film by Barbara Stanwyck while Cary Grant reprised his role for radio. 
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A Girl, a Guy and a Gob is a 1941 RKO film produced by Harold Lloyd and starring Lucille Ball, George Murphy, and Edmond O'Brien. Ball and Murphy reprise their film roles for radio. 
The film had previously been dramatized for radio on “The Screen Guild Radio Theatre” on October 9, 1944, also starring Ball and Murphy. 
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Synopsis ~ A shy, quiet executive for a shipping firm who finds himself with a dilemma: he's become smitten with his young temporary secretary but she's the girlfriend of his Navy buddy - and the buddy is scheduled to be discharged in only a few days.
Note: “Gob” is a slang word for a sailor. This term first showed up in regard to sailors around 1909 and may have come from the word gobble. Reportedly, some people thought that sailors gobbled their food. The term also may come from the word gob, which means to spit, something sailors also reportedly do often.
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Lucille Ball as Dorothy (Dotty) Duncan aka ‘The Girl’
George Murphy as Claudius (Coffee) Cup aka ‘The Gob’ ~ was in four films with Lucille Ball between 1934 and 1941. In 1959, Murphy served as guest host of “The Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse” when Desi Arnaz took a role in his own anthology series. He was also a performer in “The Desilu Revue” aired in December 1959. As the host of “MGM Parade”, he interviewed Lucy and Desi in February 1956. 
Will Wright as Pop Duncan ~ would appear with Lucille Ball in the 1949 film Miss Grant Takes Richmond, and played the locksmith in “The Handcuffs” (ILL  S2;E4) in 1952, and the Bent Fork Sheriff in “Tennessee Bound” (ILL S4;E14) in 1955.  The role was played on screen by George Cleveland. 
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The announcer introduces the evening’s play and its stars as well as the director, Harold Lloyd. Lloyd states that he has recruited the original stars of the film version. Murphy and Ball take the microphone. Lucille’s next film, MGM’s Without Love, is briefly mentioned.  Llloyd sets the story,
Executive Stephen Herrick is taking his date to a piano concert at Carnegie Hall when he discovers people are already sitting in his usual box seats. It is Dotty (Lucille Ball) and Coffee Cup (Murphy). Lucy whacks Mr. Herrick in the head with her handbag when he threatens to call the manager. Coffee Cup admits that he did not exactly purchase the tickets legally and they decide to make a hasty departure.   
COFFEE CUP: “For my money, Count Basie’s got it all over this guy Josie Iturbe.”  
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José Iturbi Báguena (1895-1980) was a Spanish conductor, pianist and harpsichordist. He appeared in several Hollywood films of the 1940s, playing himself in the 1943 musical Thousands Cheer, which also featured Lucille Ball.  Lucille Ball mentions Iturbi again on an October 7, 1949 episode of her radio show “My Favorite Husband.”  William James "Count" Basie (1904-84) was an American jazz pianist, organist, bandleader, and composer.
Next day, at Mr. Herrick’s office, his new secretary arrives - it is Dotty!  Herrick threatens to throw her out if she won’t leave and Dotty quickly explains that she gave him the money for the tickets but he lost it on a horse. Herrick reluctantly agrees to hire her anyway.
Sailors Coffee Cup and Eddie meet Dotty for lunch. He begs Dotty to allow him to get a tattoo like Eddie. She is adamant - no tattoos.  Eddie claims he can grow four inches right in front of them - with his heels flat on the ground. Mr. Herrick comes by and sees the growing crowd watching this. A bet is wagered if Eddie can truly do it. Dotty borrows five bucks from Mr. Herrick so that Coffee Cup can make the bet.  
When Eddie succeeds, the assembled crowd soon turns into a mob and there is a fist fight and a broken store window. Mr. Herrick gets knocked out by a big lug, who in turn is knocked out by Dotty’s lethal purse. 
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A live Old Gold Cigarette commercial touts that the tobacco blend includes apple honey, to prevent dryness. 
Earlier in her career, Lucille Ball was a spokes model for Chesterfield Cigarettes. Later, she would be associated with Philip Morris when they agreed to sponsor “I Love Lucy.”  Despite this, Lucille Ball herself remained a Chesterfield smoker for most of her life. 
“And remember, when the gremlins gang up on you, why be irritated? Light up an Old Gold.”
ACT TWO Eddie and Coffee Cup have taken Herrick back to Dot’s busy brownstone to calm his nerves, giving him a sleeping powder. There he is watched over by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Dot’s parents. Her father is listening to “The Lone Stranger” on the radio while Mrs. Liebowitz (an upstairs neighbor) is about to have a baby! 
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“The Lone Stranger” is a comical reference to “The Lone Ranger.” The masked cowboy first appeared on radio in 1933 and proved to be a hit. It spawned a series of books and later an equally popular television show that ran from 1949 to 1957.
Coffee Cup comes by to check on Mr. Herrick, who is only concerned with finding his pants. Dotty comes in to help him find them. They are about to set the table for dinner - corned beef and cabbage - when Liebowitz number 9 comes in to the world. Mr. Herrick wins the baby weight pool. He agrees to go out on the town and celebrate with them. 
A few days later, Dotty is late back from lunch, showing off her new engagement ring. She tells Mr. Herrick that Coffee Cup has a wrestling match that night. If he wins, the prize money will pay for their wedding. Mr. Herrick confesses that he hopes Coffee Cup loses.  
At the wedding chapel, Eddie wonders why he asked Mr. Herrick to be their best man when he is obviously in love with Dotty. Mr. Higgenbottom, photographer, interrupts to get a photo, mistaking Mr. Herrick for the groom. The sailors need to get back to the ship, so Coffee Cup allows them to give Dotty a farewell kiss before the wedding. Mr. Herrick gets in line. Dotty suddenly feels awkward and runs out. 
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Coffee Cup follows her to talk privately. She has been crying. He wonders if she has feelings for Mr. Herrick. While she fixes her face, Coffee Cup steps out and tells Mr. Herrick he should go in and console her. Coffee Cup tells Eddie to inform Dot’s mother that he went to get cigarettes. 
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Another live commercial for Old Gold Cigarettes.  The announcer reminds listeners that the men in uniform get first consideration in the distribution of Old Gold Cigarettes. 
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Harold Lloyd sets the scene. The bride and the best man are at the alter, but the groom is nowhere to be found. Mr. Herrick realizes what has happened and rushes out to follow Coffee Cup, who has driven away on motorcycle. Mr. Herrick yells at him from a taxi cab. 
Suddenly, Coffee Cup crashes, but is unharmed. When Herrick threatens to bring him back to the alter, Coffee Club slugs him and tells the cabbie to take them back to the chapel. He writes a note on the unconscious Herrick’s shirt front and with a loud honk of the taxi horn, speeds away toward the ship yard. Dotty and the wedding party find Herrick on the street and she reads the note: 
“Dot, this guy loves you and I know now you love him. It’s a good thing I found out before it was too late. See you next time I’m on leave. ~ Coffee Cup. PS: The wedding’s all paid for, why don’t you use it and you and him get married.”
At the shipyard, Eddie catches up with Coffee Cup, who reports that Dot did indeed marry Mr. Herrick. As they board the ship, they discuss plans for Coffee Cup’s new tattoo. 
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Harold Llloyd, George Murphy, and Lucille Ball bid audiences goodnight. He reminds them to tune in next week for Jack Haley, Jimmy Gleason, and Eve Arden in The Milky Way.
The Announcer thanks RKO, producers of Experiment Perilous.
George Murphy appeared courtesy of MGM, producers of National Velvet.
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portlandnet · 3 years
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National CERT Volunteer of the Year: NET Amanda Westervelt!
Congratulations, Amanda! At the July CERT 2021 National Conference ‘Vision for the Future’ in Springfield, Missouri, one of Richmond NET’s own was named the National CERT Volunteer of the Year from a pool of nominees from across the country. True to the spirit of the award, she gave us her best Rosie the Riveter pose.
Amanda will be the first person to point out that all of these efforts require a team, and that this award reflects the combined work of the NETs and other volunteers with whom she has collaborated. Please join PBEM in raising a resounding HUZZAH!
Starting in April 2020, Amanda led work of the Portland Mask Project (PMP). While responding to COVID-19, the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) recognized a significant need for supplies of durable face coverings for historically underserved communities. Under Amanda's volunteer leadership, PMP mobilized 62 volunteers to cut, sew, and package 11,731 cloth face coverings over the course of 6,648 volunteer hours (and counting). Amanda and the volunteers worked together to design the mask, sewing them for both adults and children. Amanda worked in concert with Portland ECC Logistics to distribute the masks through 19 community-based organizations serving communities of color, immigrants, elders, and persons with disabilities.
While leading the mask project, Amanda also partnered with Meals on Wheels and NET to connect homebound elders and persons with disabilities to COVID-19 vaccine appointments and arranging transportation to and from appointments as needed. Facing intensely complicated logistics, Amanda took charge of 58 NET volunteers and organized five partner service providers to get vaccinations for 249 homebound persons.
Finally, in August 2019, Amanda drew on her experience as a Girl Scouts troop leader to organize the first ever NETcamp. 102 CERT volunteers attended this three-day event of training (with 23 presentations) and community in the Oregon wilderness. Amanda arranged all the logistics to produce an event we’re excited to make an annual event after the COVID pandemic resolves.
Amanda’s initiative, hard work, and imagination serve as an example to CERT volunteers everywhere, embodying the spirit of what volunteers can do to save lives and create communities. The programs Amanda has led will also provide blueprints for how Portland trains and deploys volunteers; and, how Portland Emergency Management can best serve the most vulnerable persons in our city.
Watch the KATU Everyday Heroes segment featuring Amanda.
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