#Possibly also because I'm exhausted but I think mostly because he isn't entirely certain of Widow yet.]]
angel-dust-addict · 2 years
Powder curled into Widow's side, a little apprehensive. He was learning that Widow would allow more from him than from most people, but it was still a new thing. He reached up to cup one of Widow's cheeks, stroking his thumb along the other spider's cheek. It wasn't so much a show of tenderness as it was one of testing the waters. This new and fragile relationship was something he wasn't yet totally sure of.
When Widow didn't react poorly to that, Powder shifted to settle himself across Widow's lap, one knee on either side of the other spider's hips. That hand stayed where it had been, though. His lower two settled on Widow's waist, and the last one came to rest on his shoulder. In a sweet, inviting tone, he told Widow, "Ya know, you've seemed tense tha past couple'a days. Maybe ya should let me do somethin' about dat. I could help ya relax."
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kunikinnie · 3 years
I'm Old Fashioned
Pairing: Sakaguchi Ango x GN!Reader
Almost Blue Masterlist
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1019 (excluding lyrics)
Warnings: unedited lol
a/n: I did not expect to write something this long (well maybe it's because Ango is my guilty pleasure HAHA), nor did I expect it to have some very minor angst. But hey at least it happy in the end :'D also I did not anticipate how hard it is to write consistently every week. I salute those who post works daily you guys are amazing
Link to the song, if you'd like to listen
I'm old fashioned I love the moonlight I love the old fashioned things
One of Ango's favorite pastimes is window shopping at antique stores. Old things just seem to be a source of comfort for him. Perhaps it's because of the history of these objects, and given his ability it just fits perfectly. But you think that even if he had a different ability, he would still have a fondness for the old world. That's just his personality.
His house is by no surprise filled with that sentiment. Well, to him it's not really near full at all - the minimalist modern architecture of his apartment is still evident after all. But those gaps are slowly being filled with objects containing his own memories: specifically those that remind him of you.
Choosing gifts for your boyfriend isn't difficult at all. He appreciates anything and everything you give to him but if there's one thing you've learned through the years, it's that you need to keep it simple with this man. Otherwise, he'll just be confused more than anything.
The sound of rain Upon a window pane The starry song that April sings
When Lady Luck decides to bless the both of you, you two would manage to go out on a simple date. If there's a certain place you'd like to visit, he'll readily agree to go with you. Activities and other at-home dates were also mostly decided by you as well.
If anything, you were the relatively dominant one. Ango would rather let you take the lead, not because he doesn't want to think about these things but rather because he spends too little time with you that he wants to see you as happy as possible.
This year's fancies Are passing fancies But sighing sighs holding hands These my heart understands
Sometimes he wonders why you still stick around. He's usually buried at work at rarely gets to enjoy the comforts of his own home, moreso your company. But time and time again you've proven that you have no plans of letting that get in the way of your relationship. For that, he is most grateful.
Occasionally you'd come by and drop some essentials for him: food, toiletries, and other basic necessities the exhausted man would definitely overlook.
Other times you'd simply lounge about and enjoy some peace while your boyfriend continues to work. To him, your presence is merely enough to sustain him.
I'm old fashioned But I don't mind it That's how I want to be As long as you agree To stay old fashioned with me
"I'm so sorry, dear. I'll make it up to you next time."
Today was one of those off-days for him. He promised you he'd watch a movie with you that night, but urgent business had robbed him of the one thing he was looking forward to all week.
He practically face planted himself onto his bed, not even having enough energy to eat the food you brought. It was hard to breathe in this position, but the shame he'd feel if he saw your crestfallen face would be much more painful.
Suddenly, he felt your hand stroke through his unkempt hair. The tension and stress that's been piling up inside him this entire day - no, entire week slowly melted away into tears.
Your hand then moved to his back, stroking it gently and slowly. You could feel every sob he choked on and every hitch in his breath. The sight of your distraught lover was too much to bear.
"It's really okay, Ango. I'm more worried about you right now."
You lay down beside him and scooped him into a warm embrace. His head was resting on your shoulder, and you could see his red and wet face.
You took off his glasses and planted a small kiss on his forehead. His breathing seemed to have steadied a bit, and now his arm clutched your waist tightly.
"Looks like I have to stay the night," you chuckled. A small smile grew on his face at your words, more than glad that you'd be with him a bit longer.
This was his favorite of all your activities together: holding each other before going to bed. It was such a rare treat for him, but he hopes he'll have this more often in the future.
"You know, I've been thinking about moving in here soon."
Ango raised his head, surprised at your sudden remark. "W-wait, are you sure-"
"Ah, if you're still uncomfortable with that then it's-"
"It's not like that, (y/n)." His voice was still shaky from crying, but you could definitely hear some shakiness from nervousness.
"I'm worried that I can't make you happy. There's not much I can offer you, both in terms of finances and in time. Just like tonight. I don't want you to feel confined in this sort of lifestyle I live... I want you to be free and happy with the way you spend you time."
You thought he'd say something about how it might be too early for you to live together - the man is a traditionalist after all. This was nothing like what you expected. It broke you heart to see him so sad and vulnerable.
Slowly, you raise his chin in order for your eyes to meet. Your hand then gently cupped and your thumb gently stroked his cheek.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to spend my time like this with you. I knew what was coming when I first dated you, and not once do I regret it."
The worry and guilt that once filled his eyes were replaced by a tinge of gentleness you've rarely seen. You were so fixated on his gaze that you only realized what was happening once your lips finally touched. His lips were still quivering, but you could feel his smile through the kiss.
"I'm so lucky to have you, (y/n)."
You gave him a chaste kiss in return, unable to contain the affection that was building up inside you. "Likewise, even if you act like an old fart sometimes."
The atmosphere felt a hundred times lighter, and your comforting embrace felt like home to him. Slowly, his grip on your shirt loosened as he felt himself drifting away into dreamland, but the last thought would linger in his mind even when he wakes up.
He'll have to formally ask you to be by his side forever sooner than later - the old fashioned way, of course.
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the-last-airblender · 3 years
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Chapter 5: The Siege (part 2)
This is part of the Run series, check out part 1 here and the masterlist with the previous chapters here
Notes: here’s part two!
You whirl around, ready to grab your hidden throwing knives, but then see it's Hal.
He raises his hands and smiles hesitantly. 'It's just me.'
'Sorry.' You let out a sigh of relief and smile back. 'It's not like I can stab you right now, anyway.'
Hal chuckles and walks over to the balustrade, leaning against one of the small columns supporting the domed roof. The corners between the columns and the cupola are adorned with intricate stone wickerwork, just like the balustrade, which you can therefore partly see through. These graceful patterns seem to be almost the only thing not made out of volcanic rock; where the interior walls are mostly plastered white, the rest of the three-storey house has a red-gray tone that blends in nicely with the landscape.
'How are you feeling? People saw you running upstairs as if your life depended on it.'
You look up and silently curse your lack of subtlety.
'I really needed some fresh air', you sigh. 'I think the pastry from earlier didn’t agree with me. But I’m feeling better now.' You give him a warm smile. 'Thank you.'
'We can stay out here for a while', Hal suggests. 'This is my favorite place in the whole building, actually. Or, well, outside the building, I suppose.'
You chuckle and you’re inclined to agree, but then you remember why you’re here in the first place and shake your head.
'As beautiful as this view is, I came here to party', you say.
He gallantly offers you his arm, grinning broadly. 'Very well, m'lady. Let's party.'
'Hurry up, purge the drives', the imperial scientist commands the colleague next to him.
Both are hurriedly pressing all kinds of buttons on the control panel, but a few seconds later the blasterfire sounds too close for his liking and when he looks up, the intruders are rapidly approaching them and he quickly grabs his own weapon.
'Destroy it!', he yells to his buddy, who also takes out his blaster and desperately starts firing at the panel. Then he hears his colleague fall to the ground and he fires a few more shots in the direction of the strangers, but to no avail. A well-aimed shot hits his chest and he falls over the panel like a bag of salt.
An eerie silence falls over the room as Din and his companions slowly walk past the cabins embedded in the wall. The four of them have placed enough explosives to destroy the entire base with Karga's detonator, but their element of surprise is lost. Din has already given you the signal to start a fire in the villa.
Blue light illuminates their confused and horrified faces. The cabins seem to be filled with a certain cloudy liquid and Din can only just make out the faint contours of motionless figures floating in it. He doesn't know what’s in there, but it certainly isn’t human. A chill runs down his spine.
'I thought you said this was a forward operating base', he says.
'I thought it was', Karga mumbles.
Dune stares at one of the cabins, her face dark. 'No, this isn't a military operation.' She looks up to the others. 'This is a lab. We need to get into the system and figure out what's going on.'
Mythrol starts to protest, but Karga interrupts him. 'Do it!'
Din looks from the cabins to the half-destroyed panel. The scientists had been very intent on destroying their data. What kind of research could possibly be so important?
'I don't like this', he announces to no one in particular.
'Pardon me.’ Mythrol gently pushes the scientist's body, which still hangs over the panel, to the side until it slides to the ground with a thud. Then he starts pushing buttons, hoping to get at least something out of the burnt device. For a moment it looks like the scientist succeeded in wrecking it, but then a small hologram pops up and the figure of a man with glasses starts talking. Din immediately recognizes the doctor to whom he initially delivered the child.
‘-replicated the results of the subsequent trials, which also resulted in catastrophic failure’, the doctor says. ‘There were promising effects for an entire fortnight, but then, sadly, the body rejected the blood. I highly doubt we'll find a donor with a higher M-count, though. I recommend that we suspend all experimentation. I fear that the volunteer will meet the same regrettable fate if we proceed with the transfusion. Unfortunately, we have exhausted our initial supply of blood. The Child is small, and I was only able to harvest a limited amount without killing him. If these experiments are to continue as requested, we would again require access to the donor. I will not disappoint you again, Moff Gideon. '
The message ends and an ominous feeling creeps over the Mandalorian. He looks from Dune to Karga.
'This must be an old transmission. Moff Gideon is dead,' he says, partly to reassure himself, but panic is already stirring in his chest.
Mythrol hardly dares to look at him. 'No. This recording is three days old.'
'If Gideon's alive, then...'
He doesn't get to finish his sentence.
'Over there!', a stormtrooper shouts from the hallway.
Blasterfire erupts from both sides and the man falls to the ground, but he didn’t come alone.
'We have them!', shouts another to his colleagues.
'I need to get to the kid', Din says hastily.
'Jet back, you're faster that way', Karga shouts over the sound of the shots. 'We'll head to the speeder and meet you in town!'
The Mandalorian nods and runs down a nearby hallway. Now he just needs to find the way out.
You're in the middle of your second dance with Hal when you get Din's signal. Because of the music, you can only understand half of it, but that’s all you need. Time to set this place ablaze.
On the way here you had worried about making any fire at all, since you didn’t have a lighter on you, but upon entering the mansion, the solution had immediately presented itself: candles had been placed on the balustrade of the second floor, inbetween each column, providing nice mood lighting. They certainly create atmosphere, but also an opportunity: with so many candles in the building, no one would be too surprised about a fire.
'All that twisting makes me sick', you shout in Hal's ear. 'I'm going to get some fresh air again. Be right back.'
'Wait, I'm coming with you', he says.
'I'd really prefer to go alone. Recharge my social battery, you know', you say quickly, planting a kiss on his cheek, hoping that will prevent any further protests. He opens his mouth and closes it again, flustered by the gesture, and you turn to walk away. Immediately, you bump into a person dressed in blue and you start to apologize, but then you see who it is.
'May I steal your friend here from you for a second?', Mayweather asks his son with a smile.
Before Hal can answer, however, the man has already put his arm through yours and is somewhat forcefully leading you away from the loud music.
'I almost didn't recognize you, lady Signas', he says without looking at you, pulling you to the side of the courtyard, towards the shadow of the overhanging balustrade. His body language still radiates the perfect, calm host, but the undertone in his voice is not lost on you and your heart is pounding so loudly that you have to make an effort to understand him. You pray to Dedis that he doesn't feel your trembling.
‘Then again, it has been years since I last saw you and you've certainly grown up a lot. But I'd recognize Duuganise wedding attire anywhere. I was at your father's wedding, remember?'
'No', you mutter as you reach the shadows, unable to stop your voice from shaking.
'Ah, I suppose you were very young at the time', Mayweather continues calmly, as if the two of you are just talking about the weather. 'His wife looked beautiful that day, almost as beautiful as you. What's her name again?'
He still holds your arm in a tight grip, even though you’re standing still now. To the other guests, it must seem as if the host is just having a friendly conversation with his guest.
You swallow and answer: 'Avlin.'
'Avlin, right', he nods. 'Did she do this?' He points to the paint on your arms and the lump growing in your throat prevents you from doing anything more than shake your head. 'No? Must have been your aunt, then. Always liked her. She's a very strong woman. Isn't it her son you married?'
All your instincts scream the same: he knows. Yet you cling to the last glimmer of hope for his ignorance and nod in agreement.
'That's right', you force yourself to add.
Then a guard appears from the corridor near you. He looks around and when he spots Mayweather, he comes up to him and whispers something in his ear. You're too busy panicking to hear him, but deep down you already know what news the guard is bringing. You’d heard shots when Din gave you the signal.
'Is that so?', Mayweather says with an unmistakably icy tone in his voice.
He looks down on you and you avoid his gaze. The grip on your arm tightens even more.
'I was wondering where you left that Mandalorian friend of yours.'
Your heart drops and you don’t fight him when he harshly drags you to the hallway. You’re led through a couple of wooden doors until you arrive in a mostly empty room where the festivities and the music can no longer be heard. The next moment you’re thrown against the wall and you fall to the stone floor with a pained cry.
'So what was your plan here, huh?', Mayweather begins, resting his hands on his knees and looking down at you as if you’re a naughty child. Every trace of kindness has now completely disappeared from his demeanor. 'They infiltrate the base while you stay up here and do… what, exactly?'
You push yourself into a sitting position and stubbornly stare at him, not planning to tell him anything about your intentions. For the time being, he doesn't seem to be aware of your affinity for knives or the ones still strapped to your legs. Whether he never knew or forgot, you can’t be sure, but once again you have to be smart about when to reveal your hidden weapons.
'One of my men did report a missing key, sir', suggests the brown-haired guard standing in the doorway. Mayweather raises an eyebrow and looks from him to you.
'I assume you're responsible for that, then', he concludes. ‘Certainly explains how they got in without the alarm going off. I should have known you were up to no good when I first noticed you, considering what you did back home. I should have put you on a ship and sent you back to Duugan the first chance I got. Guess I could still do that. But first I wanna know this: what are your friends planning on achieving down there, little girl?'
You don't answer and before you can blink, he slaps you across the face hard enough to make stars dance before your eyes. You can't hold back a scream as you lose your balance for a second. Your cheek burns painfully and anger rises in you.
Oh, this asshole is gonna pay.
You’re just about to grab a knife when Mayweather's next words stop you.
'What do we have here?'
He looks at something on the floor next to you and when you follow his gaze, your heart skips a beat.
Your earphone fell out of your ear.
In the silence that falls, a voice can be heard coming out of it, but you can only make out your name.
'Damn, my son sure is a bad judge of character', he sighs.
Before you can stop him, he plants his boot on top of the device and with a pathetic cracking sound your connection with the Mandalorian is severed.
Your scream echoes in Din’s head long after the connection is lost. He rushes through the long metal corridors, but every now and then he gets held up by alarmed stormtroopers. His instincts are screaming for him to fly to the child as quickly as possible. The news of Moff Gideon's survival scares him more than he'd like to admit and he can't wait to get to the Crest and leave this planet. But a little voice tugs on his conscience as he finally sees sunlight in the distance. The plan was that you would be picked up by Mythrol's speeder, but as always, the plan has long fallen apart. The sound of his heavy boots resounds through the hallway as he runs towards the light. He's not gonna leave you behind.
Panting, you run down the hall, as fast as your legs can carry you. Suddenly the road in front of you is blocked and you shoot into a side corridor, which turns out to lead back to the party. However, screams behind you tell you that the guards won't be afraid to just chase you there too. They underestimated you once and it cost them dearly, but they won't do that again.
You keep running under the balustrade while the rest of the guests let out cries of excitement and confusion, and you shoot up the stairs for the third time today. Your bun has come undone and the remnants flutter in the wind when you turn right twice without really knowing why. Once in the narrow hallway you realize what a stupid decision that was, but you can't go back. Wide-eyed, you slam against the balcony balustrade, wildly looking for a way out, but there isn't one. You're trapped.
Running footsteps echo behind you and you turn, half expecting to get shot right away, but much to your surprise it’s Hal who’s the first to reach the balcony, followed closely by the guards. The poor boy struggles to stop the enraged men, his face all confused.
'Wait, wait!', he shouts as you climb the balustrade in a desperate escape attempt. 'What are you doing?! Get down, I'm sure there's been some kind of misunderstanding... '
The Zabrak guard from earlier steps past him, his blaster pointed at you.
'Get back here', he barks.
'Stay there!', you shout, now standing upright, with your face towards them and holding on to the pillar next to you, still not really knowing what the hell you’re doing. You nervously glance down at the pass.
'Please, we can work this out', Hal begs.
The guards are staying where they are for now, no doubt because they want to bring you in alive and make you pay for the death of their commander and the injuring of their boss. You shoot the boy an apologetic look, but your cockyness has returned.
'You know, sometimes it is a good idea to look up a lady's dress', you tell the guards dryly.
And with a smug smile on your face, you let go of the column, salute them and let yourself fall off the balcony.
The sheer drop twists your insides to the point where you can't even scream and as the strong wind blows through your dress while gravity pulls you towards a painful death on the rocky floor meters below you, you immediately regret your decision; out of the corner of your eye, you see the black-and-metal-y blur that is the Mandalorian, who you saw flying in your general direction when you looked down.
And then you plummet right past him.
You finally manage to make a yelping sound as you start frantically flapping your limbs around in a desperate attempt to spontaneously grow wings and fly away from the rocks that are getting bigger and bigger by the second. Your now completely undone hairdo half clouds your vision when the realization hits you: in a few seconds, you're gonna hit the floor. If you're lucky, you'll be dead on impact. If Yris is in a particularly bad mood today, you'll survive but break every bone in your body. A strange calmness suddenly drowns out all your panic and time seems to slow down as you close your eyes and let your now useless body travel the last meters towards the ground.
When a strong force knocks the wind out of your lungs, you prepare yourself for the pain, but it wasn't rocks that hit you. It was beskar and muscles.
You open your eyes and see how Din awkwardly moves one of his arms from your waist to your knees to lift up your legs and thereby switch to a position he can actually hold long enough. You fly up into the sky again and as you rise above the hills, poorly aimed blaster shots fly right past you. Din seems to be too busy keeping both of you in the air to worry about it, rightfully relying on his beskar.
'Are you insane?!', he growls angrily.
With one arm you clamp to him and with the other you grab his blaster from the holster.
'Possibly', you shout back, looking past him and firing a few shots at the balcony, making sure not to aim at Hal. The guards duck and cease fire, and soon you’re too far away to get hit. You put the weapon back and you silently let yourself get flown back to the city. It’s all you can do to not ponder on the fact that the Mandalorian is literally carrying you in his arms like some kind of damsel in distress. Admittedly, you were very much in distress when you were falling from the balcony. You can feel his body heat and the strong muscles of his arms around your waist and legs and for some reason you feel like you’re in the safest place in the universe. Finally able to catch your breath, you let your head rest against his breastplate.
When you’ve almost reached the Razor Crest, the relative silence is rudely disrupted by a series of blasts, and you look over his shoulder at the fireballs rising up from the pass and the mansion. To your relief, you see that the guests are already outside, but that relief disappears as soon as you see thin shapes flying through the sky. Not birds, but Tie Fighters. You recognize them from a book and immediately realize that Karga, Dune and Mythrol are in trouble.
'They're being chased!', you shout. 'Tie Fighters are shooting at them!'
Din lands right next to his ship and hastily puts you down on the ground. He whirls around and sees that you’re right. He goes to move, but you’re one step ahead of him.
'Start the engines', you order. 'I'll get the kid.'
Before he can protest, you run into town.
A wild chase and a lot of shooting later, the Crest is flying safely over the city gate again, where Karga and the others are standing by the speeder and looking up at the ship. Din is just using his cape to wipe away the strange, mint-blue stuff the child spit out after the last looping, when Karga's voice sounds over the comm.
'That was some pretty impressive flying, Mando. Aren't you gonna let me buy you a drink?'
'Sorry', Din replies. 'We gotta hit the road before Gideon catches wise.'
'Well, good luck flying, my friend.'
Karga’s voice fades away and for a moment, a blessed silence falls over the cockpit. When the Crest leaves the atmosphere and Din has entered the coordinates for Qalla-knows-where, he turns to you. By now, the green color has disappeared from your face, but you’re pretty sure that you’d looked a lot like the child just now.
'I don't want to drag you into the whole Gideon business', he says. 'I can drop you off on any planet you like.'
After today's events, you're too tired to ask what that whole Gideon business is.
'Seems like we keep dragging each other into our businesses.' You laugh wearily. 'I don't mind. It's not like I have anywhere to go. So I wouldn't be against sticking around for a bit. You know, if you'll have me.'
You immediately regret your words, realizing that he was probably giving you a subtle hint, and you want to back out, but he answers before you can.
He turns back to the controls and that's that. You blink slowly. That was easy. You decide to think about it later and you make a quarter turn in your chair and pull your knees against you, planning on getting some well-deserved shuteye. It’s not exactly comfortable, but you’re not complaining. Sleep is all that matters right now.
'You can take the bed', Din suddenly says, without looking up. 'It's next to the bathroom.'
You force yourself to protest. 'But that's yours! You should get some sleep as well.'
'I have some things I need to take care of.' When you still don't move, he adds: 'You need it more than I do. Go.'
You lack the energy to protest any further and you get up from your chair. At the sliding doors, you look back at him for a second. You’re no idiot, you’re fully aware that he just lied to you. The question is: why? An ancient instinct deep within you calls the answer, but you refuse to give in to it.
For now, anyway.
You leave the cockpit and climb down the stairs. That bed does sound great right now.
Tag list: @buckysalefty @dark-academics-and-florals
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sunsiac · 5 years
king and queen / jaehyun [2]
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genre: murder mystery, romance, angst
member: jaehyun
word count: 2k
warnings: none
summary: a young prince and a knight's daughter are an unlikely pair, but nonetheless, these two were attached at the hip as children. Without any royal duty or stress, it proved to be an unexpected yet beautiful friendship. even as they grew up together, they only developed to be more inseparable. they proved this when she, hakyeong, turned 16, and he, jaehyun, gave her one of the most precious gifts he could; both of their first kisses. but it was bad timing. their respective responsibilities dawned on them quicker than they would've imagined, forcing them to grow apart. 5 years later, the both of them 21, meet again after jaehyun's older brother who is about to be crowned king is found dead. A string of murders throughout the castle force them to come together and find the one behind it before one of them is next.
There was a certain point, I don't know how long ago, that I couldn't bring myself to face Hakyeong anymore. Though I can't remember my exact reasoning, I remember thinking heavily about the fear of change.
'change isn't always a bad thing,'
I was told this the first time I was denied going out to visit her. And I didn't believe them, because, well, why would I? Back then, change was the only thing standing in the way of me seeing my best friend; my secret lover.
So, for a good time, I resented change.
But, as time went on, I began to fear it. I began to fear the possibility that she had changed. I was afraid to see the girl I fell for a completely different person.
And though I knew change was inevitable in both of us, I couldn't help but be afraid. I didn't want everything we'd been through together to be swept away by all the things we'd gone through separately.
But, soon enough, she stopped trying to reach me too. We cut off all contact, and though I did regret it for a few years, I had no time to myself to act on it.
We never officially separated after that, but with the way we both acted, it obvious that it probably wasn't salvageable.
And eventually, my sadness faded. Change was another normal part of life again, and I condoned it with no extra thought. And after that, it seemed like she had done the same. We went through years of exchanging glances across the room, or small conversations when needed.
Though I could tell there were still a few things hanging in the air every time we spoke, we said nothing about it every time.
But, seeing her now, her hands to her mouth as she stared, I realised that maybe she hadn't changed as much as I thought. Her eyes were glossy as they filled quickly with fat tears. She looked completely wrecked, the sounds of her sobs reaching even where I stood.
That's when her tears began to spill, and, god, I would be lying if I said that didn't make me cry a little more too.
I hated going through the whole next day with the feeling of tears in the back of my eyes, the risk of them spilling over growing every time I spoke. I felt too vulnerable in the unusually empty halls while I was on guard, Hyeonsik missing from the spot he usually occupied next to me.
Because of that, I felt depressingly lonely the entire day, seeing almost no one as I stood on guard constantly. All day, there was only one person that came up to me, or, more fittingly, tried to. Jaehyun was, understandably, surrounded by other guards at all hours of the day. So, when he tried to come up to me, it came as no surprise when someone held him back, telling him he shouldn't talk to someone like me. Someone that he didn't know if he could trust.
I wanted to think that he did trust me, that he knew I would never hurt Hyeonsik, much less him. But, the look in his eyes said nothing. So, I just watched as he nodded.
Though I did wish they wouldn't have stopped him. Because, at this point, I was almost aching for someone familiar, for anything to help lift my mood. But somehow, at least seeing him looking fine after everything, had undeniably lifted my spirits a little bit.
The rest of my day was bland. I had nothing else to do but wait for the sun to set, so that way someone else would come around and take my place for the night. After that, even though I wanted to, at that point I was too burnt out to do much else. So, I decided to just let the entirety of my thoughts encase me and keep me still, ending up in hours spent sitting in the courtyard outside.
It was a strange time to feel homesick, but at that moment, the red roses growing nearby reminded me strangely of the white ones in my mother's garden. God, how much I wanted to go home. Back to my own bed and even Yuta's tricks. I think I would do anything to hear his laugh right now, even if it took a few bruises or bad jokes.
But, I swallowed those thoughts and went back inside, careful to walk quickly through the dimly lit halls before falling asleep in my room in the dorms.
I was on guard for only half the time the next day, but it was still almost dark when I went back to my dorm. And thankfully, besides all the expected things, today was mostly a normal day. Except, there was something I was left to wonder about. Throughout the day, people were being pulled from their posts, returning silently around half an hour later.
It was most likely just questioning about Hyeonsik, so I didn't worry about it much. At least, not until I got a knock on my door.
I was greeted by someone I didn't recognise, a higher-up knight, I guessed. Their uniform was different than a standard knight's; being made a little stronger and a deep red rather than a dark green.
"Lee Hakyeong?"
After my parents had passed away, my adoptive mother had made the choice to let me keep my given surname instead of becoming a Nakamoto. Which, I had probably thanked her for at least one thousand times since then.
I nodded. "Is something wrong?"
His expression was a strange mix of exhaustion and alertness as he spoke, no doubt less than thrilled to say, "Please follow me,"
I should have known he wouldn't have told me.
But, I had no choice but to just follow him. It was an awkward walk, stiff as uncertainty radiated from both of us. But the thing was, I knew why I was nervous, but I didn't know why he was.
We stopped a few minutes later, in front of a door I'd no doubt passed at least a million times before. I'd never thought much about it, but walking in, I realised that maybe I should have.
Though it had the same overall structure of the rest of the castle, it also had a little-personalised flair that really made the room look beautiful. Shelves lined the walls where windows were absent, giving the room an old-fashioned charisma. There were stacks of papers strewn neatly across the desk that veered the left side of the room, and there was even a little glass sculpture of a crown laying near the edge of it.
The rest of the space on the walls was filled with paintings and maps, adding colour to the otherwise brown and gold accented room.
I looked up, expecting to see the person who had brought me here, but it seemed that in the time I had been distracted they'd left. Now, I was left alone with someone that I did recognise
The royal supervisor was a relatively young man, not too young, but definitely younger than you would expect someone of his position to be. Besides a uniform that was unique to him, he wasn't really visually stimulating in any way, only otherwise adorning smooth black hair and eyes of a similar colour.
Despite his simplicity, he was a powerful man. He was in charge of almost everything the king wasn't; events, training schedules, you name it.
He walked over from his previous spot by the window, dropping what looked like a checklist on the desk before he turned to me expectantly.
"Ah," I let out a soft apology as I sat down in the chair in front of his desk.
He gave me a polite smile as he stuck out his hand. "Hello, I don't believe we've met. My name is Hyunjin,"
I took his hand, shaking it. "Hi. I'm Hakyeong, it's nice to meet you,"
He nodded, not bothering to make any other small conversation as he reached for his paper and a pen.
"I'll assume you know what happened to Sir Hyeonsik?" He asked, his eyes flitting up to meet mine.
I just nodded, looking away.
He let out a soft apology. "I'm sorry. I'm told you were close,"
I didn't know what to say to that.
He cleared his throat, seeming to handle the silence badly as he moved on almost immediately. “I only have some questions for you. So, if you would, please answer them as truthfully as possible,"
This just made me more nervous, as he was obviously just trying to ease me into whatever he was going to ask. But, I agreed as I subconsciously shifted around in my seat.
I knew there was no reason to be nervous, seeing as I really had nothing to do with what happened. But, his impending gaze as he looked at me from over the paper made me feel as I did something wrong.
"Hyeonsik has a fiancée, but you two were also close. Did you two have," he paused, giving me enough time to take in what he was saying. "Anything besides that?"
"No, god, no." I sighed out, almost repulsed as I admitted, "He was like a brother to me,"
He just nodded again, marking something down as he moved on.
"Alright. Now I'll move on to simple questions. Where were you the night when it happened?"
"I was sleeping." I answered, being completely truthful as I added, "My roommate is a chamberlain, and she had gotten back a little before then. So, she woke me up when there was noise,”
A few more pen strokes.
"You were also at the scene quickly, someone said. How?" He asked.
"I asked someone what was going on when I went into the hall," I explained. "I was there so quickly because I ran as fast as I could,"
He squinted slightly at my explanation, seeming a little skeptical, but still kept writing.
"Do you know anyone that would want to hurt him?" He asked, looking up at me expectantly.
I shook my head. "Never. He was everyone’s favourite instructor, and got along with just about everybody he came across. Everyone loved him,"
For whatever reason, he seemed to be slightly disappointed at my answer.
"Okay," he leaned back in his seat and let out a breath. "Last question. The younger prince, Jaehyun, are you close with him?"
I hesitated.
"No. We haven't spoken in months."
He rose a brow. "In months? Are you implying that you had talked more before that?"
"We used to, yes, but what does this have to do with Hyeonsik?" I asked, my brows knitting.
He didn't answer me, making what seemed like last adjustments to his paper as he said, "Thank you for your cooperation. Hopefully, with more information, we'll discover who's behind all of this,"
I didn't know what to say to that, but it seemed like at that point, he just wanted me to leave.
After that, my eyes wandered to his windows where the skies had since melted down from a faint blue to a pitch black. I wasn't exactly looking forward to walking to the dining hall alone when it was it was dark, but I was too afraid to ask for anything, just saying,
"I'm happy to help,”
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